All Episodes

October 8, 2020 47 mins

Judge Ken Jeong joins host Bow Wow (aka The Frog) to give listeners an exclusive peek inside The Masked Singer world. They're sharing all the inside scoop on what really happens behind the scenes and getting an in-depth interview with this week's Unmasked Singer. Who will it be?! Plus, EXCLUSIVELY for podcast listeners - the Clue Czar will be giving us a NEW CLUE - so listen up!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Official Mass Singer Podcast, a production of
Our Heart Radio and Fox Executive produced by Katie Studio.
We are the one the only official podcast for the
Mass Singer Times Man, America's number one show in the

biggest best mystery game on TV. Big words right there, weow.
I'm your host, your boy ba wow man a k A. Well,
I mean you guys know me as the Frog from
season three and I mean they give you the low
down on everything happening behind the scenes of your favorite
show season up to that's gonna go down. Each week,

I'll be giving you guys an exclusive interview with the
latest performer who has been on masked but litting the
curtel on what happens backstages. Uh, gotta talk blacked out.
I mean it really is. You know, the men and
women that work on the show go to extreme measures
to keep everything in secrecy. And when I say everything,

listen to me everything. Being a panelist on The Mass Singer,
it is like being parted to see you gotta keep
everything secret. I basically lived in a costume for like
two months straight, all right. It was a pleasure to
go home and be able to see my face in
a mirror. So getting backstage is it's it's like top
secret security clearance at the Pentagon of something. It's literally

that insane. We've lost you, But I will be here
with you guys all season talking with all the insiders
that make Mass Singer the biggest mystery game show in
the world, not just the city, not just the state,
but the world. Okay, so we'll see when we get

up covered the clues for me give Me life a
getting life, give me comedy. As a special bonus, I'm
gonna check in with my main man. The clues are
who will reveal the clue that's only available to our
podcast list. I gotta watch you clues are ready for
the club? Please hey listen man. Tonight's episode was epic. Okay,

there was a bigger word than epic. I would use it,
uh giant. It was enormous. It was Okay, I think
you guys get the point. But before we get to that,
it's been went down the first two episodes of season four,
just in case you didn't watch What should Never ever
Happen again? I mean never. Episode one had amazing performances
and the first ever due on Mass Singer. That's crazy, right, Yeah,

there's snow out, but not everyone could have been the
first one to be a mask dragon and I couldn't
believe who it was. Go on it only what's the rock?
Moving on the episode to this one right here was insane.
We had a whole new group of six secret celebrities

with only five moving to the next round. One had
to go and uh as promm send the lead up
to the show, we were gonna see a truly iconic
moment in mass singer history. Back, it's not that part
of the show yet, Read it black, I need it out.
What he's happy? Oh my god, Nicky rod To Night's

episode kept that unpredictable energy up. And if you miss
tonight's unmasking, you better stick around because I'm gonna have
the first exclusive interview with that performing later in this show.
Oh look, you don't want to miss this one. My man.
You guys, we're all soul pross. But so far now
that were all caught up, Let's get this started. Part

of what makes Mass Singers so fun as our amazing
celebrity panel. I mean, you guys know it will be
no show without the panel. Now, this week I got
to talk with the dude that is perhaps the funniest
and most outragees of them all. It's my bro, this
is my guy, my main man. Ken junk Kim went up,
can you hear me? Baby? Yeah? Yo? What's our dog?

What's up? What's up? Hey? Guys, they hear the voice
they knows in the house bag Ken was going all
with you, man, how you're doing. I haven't seen you
since I don't even man, it's been some months. Yes,
I haven't seen you since the finale. I haven't of
season three, which you just crushed, by the way, insanely amazing,

just so good. I think it was. It was the
toughest finale we had to judge because it wasn't any
any given Sunday kind of mentality. You know. You just
never had a bad set, never had a bad set.
It was incredible. I mean, that's that's a major coming
from you, man, because you guys see in so many

strong vocalists on the show, and you know what I mean.
So I have my doubts, but you guys definitely made
me feel right at home every single time I hit
to stay so um And speaking of the show, can
I say, going back to a little bit, how did
you actually even get approached to do Mass Singer. Yeah,
that's a great question. It turned out Mass Singer is
the number one show in Korea. That's where the Mass

Singer initially began. And my mom, I'm of Korean descent
and even though my my parents, my Korean parents live
in America, they have a satellite and they and they
watch all the Korean shows and they love the Mass Singer.
And my mom told me all about it. She sent
me YouTube links of the Korean show and she said,

you got to do this shows. She actually said this
show could change your career and no joke, and uh,
because initially I was skeptical. I was like, oh, I
don't know, you know, I don't know if I if
I could do this or or you know, if I
have an aptitude for this and um, and it was
really my mom um. My mom told me to do it.
So if anyone listening out there America, if you do

what your mom tells you to do, everything will be
all right. I'm trying to tell you, mom is no best.
That's something that I didn't even know and it's kind
of similar to what I did Mas Singer. You know,
I had my doubts at first, I was a little skeptical.
I was like, man, listen, I can wrap and move
and before, but if I have to really sing like
Beyonce stuff, I'm listening, I'm going home before I even

walk on the lot, it's over. But my daughter, my
daughter was the one who put the battery in my pack,
like in my back and say, your dad, this is
my favorite show that you gotta do it. You gotta
be the frog, Dad, do it for me, please, Dad.
I just want to be the cool kid. And I'm like,
I can't let her down. So I'm definitely doing it.

I mean, we can't. Look when I was on season three,
you had me in the frog suit. Listen. I was
sweating like crazy standing there right so you know, I
got the big one head on top of my already
big head, and I'm like this is I'm like, yo,
this is this is crazy. So they throw it to
you and Ken is just so comming. I'm telling you

right now, that frog and I'm like, I'm like, look,
I said, I appreciate the compliment. You know, listen, listen,
if I was built like I would have busted out
that frog too, you know. And I said, your kid,
it's crazy. I'm like, this is my boy or he

really guess I was l l and then to throw
him off. You mentioned he was like, yo, I think
that's I think that's a I think that's called to
my friend's plans. And I said, okay, now we're okay,
Now we're going to the hype thing. Now, okay, I
got that was a good guess. And I say, I

tell myself, I'm like, I'm like, yo, I have to
throw a curveball at him, man, because Rob is too hot,
like he's too close. And remember I started doing the
Carlton dance, and even even Jenny got like and just
to throw everybody off, but oh my gods like me
and you're back and forth man. On season three were
almost jumping over the table. We had this thing going

on and with the look of the frog mask, because
the frog mask, you know, the actual mask, it was
my favorite outfit. It's actually one of my favorite outfits
of the entire series because of that look on the
frog mask face. It's so adorable yet it's so but
it's got that little bit of swag at the same
time in the suit and everything like that. And when

we had that run um where I was joking a
little bit too much and I got annoying, and then
there was that moment and I forget. And I don't
know how much they if it was in the edit,
but there was this. But in the if they ever
showed like an uncut version of it, there's like that
long cut. Remember, Like basically it was like we're playing
on different basketball teams and us challenging each other. Hey,
let's just meet at the parking lot. If you really

think on that personally, you know, it's like you really
think I'm little Fiz. Well, let's just let's get what
you want to go somewhere else and talk about this.
It was because the Frog couldn't say much except through
the modulated voice. But there was that moment I was,
even though I was having fun, uh comedically doing that,
and you and I remember that it was that little

bit like we It was that little moment of massing
or universe kind of squaring off. And then um I
went home. I was like, that may have been my
favorite moment on the series, just because that right there
is where the panelists, the dynamic of the panelists and
the contestant, and I felt like you and I had
the best time you know, it was like a dance partner, man,

you without even obviously we couldn't work that out but
ahead of time because we can't see you or talk
to each other. So I felt like you and I
had an amazing chemistry, you know, um while we're while
we were doing that, while while we're doing that kind
of run, and it was really I got a charge
out of that, to be honest. That just shows like
the power of the show and and and being there

at the live tapings. You're just unstoppable every single time.
You just you connected and it's like, um, the highest
compliment I can give any performer. You're incredibly almost almost
impossible to follow those words right there, man, I'd take
that with it. It reminds me of the remember the finale,

the season three finale, I felt like was the most
competitive finale you know, you know at that time it
was it was really just I felt like everything was
just um uh to me, a toss up. And it
feels like that, Um, it feels like that again this season.
There there's so many um to follow up from anyone
from just thinking of the contestants we've seen so far,

from the Popcorn to the sea Horse, was outstanding who
performed last week? Um, you know I watched it with
my family as well at home and just blown away
just just watching it. And and I just want to say,
you know something that maybe the Messinger audiences here may
may not know. Like I actually did a exhibition, like

a one off where I performed on the Korean mass
singer show in costume, just for one episode. It was
a Year of the Pig. It was like two thousand nineteen,
you know, that's the lunar new year, uh sign, And
so I dressed up as a pig and uh and
I saying a song and uh. The only thing is
when you're not a musician like me, it's it's so

nerve wracking because as liberating as it is, you're also
in a in a costume that could be constraining and prohibitive,
you know, in terms of expressing movements. So it is,
you know, there's that there's that one challenge that did
for you. Did you find that, you know, especially with
you know, with the frog outfit, you know, with the head,

you know, did you find that challenging? What's crazy is
is actually kidding, I was so close to picking the
astronaut like that was my pick. I was sticking with it. Wow,
and that was my And I know it blows me
away when I tell them, but I said, listen, I
have to be the first person to move walk in
the moon suit on that singer. It just makes sense,
it right, And all my friends were like, yo, bro,

you have to be the frog. You gotta be the frog.
You know that the suit. I can move in it,
I can run, I can dance, I can slide, And
it just felt very organic to me. If you know,
I didn't really have much like my costume. I put
it on. It took me less than a minute. You know.
It was putting on a suit, sliding on, throwing my
shoes on, and I'm ready to go. So at first

I was a little nervous, a little skeptical. But once
you get in it, you get the flow of it,
you start becoming the character and then it just comes alive.
After that, you know, it just comes to life. Man.
What I loved about your performances, that just performances, was
it just your moves were just so you know, actually,
remember you in the clue package you had said that

you were self taught right with with so it was
I mean because we were like, this is and Nicole,
she wasn't one dancing with the stars, just like, okay,
this is could you know? There was like, oh, there's
a professional dancer. You know, this is someone who's he
was trained. And then one of my favorite moments um
comedically on The Mass Singer. It involved the frog and
I said it was definitely a little Fiz and Nick

and I are going back, are going back and forth.
I was like, you know, you know, we car pulled together,
car pulled together. You don't even tell me it's not
a little you know, yeah, yeah, exactly. Nick goes, well,
if you car pulled together, why how would you you know?
You know? Yeah, and then and you and the camera

cuts to me and I'm speechless for the first time
ever on the show. I'm a very talkative guy, and
I say nothing, and then I sit down and like
Nick Cole and it's really it was one of my
favorite moments just comedically on The show Man. And it
was so when you just get excited and you just

get hyped up and you're talking about all the clues
and then you justu that's all because of the clues.
You know that the clue for me, give me life again.
Life gives me comedy. So it's that equation and uh
and for me, you know, like I'm saying, it's it's
the best escape ever. Right now. I really believe that

America needs a massing or more than ever, because we
need if we can get away for an hour or
two a week and just um, see what the frog
is up to. See you know, what the popcorn is
up to at the watch mccallad, or the thing in
the jig. You know what could be better than that?
You know, it's just so much fun. I always knew

how to groove. You know, Grooving is not dancing. Grooving
is being cool. Dancing is dancing. So when I got
some mass singer, you know, I get on set and
you know, I I go through vocal. I'm okay, vocal.
Oh this is gonna be lit cool. Time to go home.
They're like, no, they're gonna go over to that building
and you're gonna go do some cooreography rehearsals. I'm like, choreography.

I don't dance. I'm a rapper. I don't And for
one second I had to talk to myself and say,
you know what, this is not a bow out thing.
You have to snap out of trying to be cool,
trying to be you know, the cool rapper, Like you're
not bow out on this show, you are the frog,
which means this is probably the only time that you

can cut up and be who you are as if
you are at home, because the people can't see your face, right,
and that played a big part of you know, my
my confidence level. You couldn't see my facial expressions, me
hitting these moves because we all know when you're dancing,
we you know, dancing day can hit some faces you've
never seen before. And for me, man, it was different.

But I loved the challenge. Like in there, I remember
I don't know what performance is, what it was, and
when I looked at it, I said, there's no way
like you guys are playing. I know I'm winning, but
now you guys are really thinking, I listen, I'm not
usher with the dance moves. Okay, we gotta we gotta
pipe it down just a little bit. This is take
it down a little bit. Yeah, I know how the
hard them ship. I know how to groove. I can

do the popular dances, I can do the name I
can win, I can do all of that stuff. But
this was like next level, justin timber Lake meets Ushure,
Raymond meets Michael like, this was next level choreography, and
I wanted it. I wanted the challenge. I wanted to
learn it. I learned, you know this particular routine. I

learned this routine, I promise you in the thirty minutes.
I stayed doing it was late to vocals because I
just wanted to know it. I wanted to look back
at this show in my performance and be happy with
myself knowing that I did something out of the box.
I did something different and the people loved it for it,
and I didn't lose none of Michael points. So I

know that. I said that was the last question, but
you brought up something important before I let you go.
You said, clues. Is there anything that you can give
our Mass Singer podcast listeners, any clues and deets on
the snow Owls and the Sun, any small clue. Being
a panelist on The Mask Singer, it is like being

part of the CIA. You gotta keep everything secret, and
you gotta we're all sworn to secrecy on so many things,
and it's tough. It's tough, but that is that it's
not even the secret sauce, it's just the sauce of
the mass singer is really not knowing who is behind
the mask until the mask is off. Now look, I
told you guys all show long, I got big things

coming in and I'm telling you right now it gets
no bigger than this at Oh, I'm telling you when
I say big, this is big because this person right
here is the first unmasked singer to come onto the show.
And how let us and it's my boy, Brian Austin Green.
What's going on? I'm talking about actor, musician, producer. Oh,

we got a lot of common Brian, what's going on? Man?
What's going on? Man? Here? Hey? How are you hilarious?
Are you doing? You know? I guess you're right? All right,
You're welcome. I got you right, you did absolutely. I
nailed it, oh man, Yeah, just you know, it's just

the where I am. You know, I'm like the James
Harden of the show. I just I just nailed that
three pointer just from my distance. I just I just knew.
I just knew it was Yeah. Yeah. It was either
between myself, Michael Felts or Lufer Rigno. I figured you
would get one good good work man. Sorry for very long.

Guess sorry I got carried away. I got it wasn't
It wasn't so much the length of it. I mean
it was you talk, you talk a lot. But the
costumes are really hot. I don't know if you've ever
worn one. I know, Bowa, you did you work. They're
really hot and stuff. Yo, look look I weett It's

so I've never sweated so much in my life. Never.
It's like it's even in rehearsals. It's intense in rehear
I would tell myself, don't go too hard, it's just rehearsal,
and I followed myself, Yes, yeah, it's Remember doing a
wardrobe fitting for it and the first time, like they
put all the stuff on and I was sitting there

in the in the room doing it and I was thinking, Man,
I don't know if I'm gonna be able to handle.
Like I'm not claustrophobic at all, but it's a whole
different level hot. Man. It's like you're it's there's no
air circulation at all inside. It's really stale air and
really hot air because it's your breath hitting you in
the face every time you breathe. And then you have

to dance and and sing and it's it's uh. And
then Ken talking for an hour and a half, you
know about I talked, I talk for an hour and
a half of of a wrong guess and and to
and to Brian, what was the I give I give
you that you you're absolutely committed. I stuck the landing, Yeah,

he thought, so I want to I want to hear
you gotta take I want to guys like get nervous.
I panic, okay, guys, guys, I get anxious the cameras
on me. I'm not a musician, I'm not a recording artist.
And I get a little bit anxiety. And then I
and then I read now one knows, like you start
trying to figure out, like, okay, what little things can

I do to like they make the guesses further away
from myself, like certain ways of walking or certain ways
of like I started, I started thinking, like I'm gonna
start singing more like with a with a bit more
of like a Jamaican accent and all of like I
was really saying, I'll promise you, I'll said. I did

the same thing. I said, Now this sounds I'm gonna
sing it a little high I'm gonna try to get
instead of like doing it like Bob Marley, like Bob
Marley's like you know, long lost cousin that he doesn't
ever want to know. He had ban How did you
go about in the songs? Where do you picking records
that you were comfortable with? Literally we had the first

zoom call about songs, and it quickly strayed from what
what I imagine. The first song I was going to
come out to was funny enough, was Robin's song when
I Get You Alone, And then I recorded it with
with Tim working on vocals, and all of a sudden
they were like, okay, well how about this song? I text,

I text, I text Robin after afterwards, and I was like, man,
I was gonna come out to him when I Get
You Alone. That's a that's a hard song to sing,
and he was like, man, I have trouble singing that song.
I was like, feel better, Like yeah, it seemed like
a great idea, like in theory. And then all of

a sudden it was like, okay, we were looking at
Jamir Kuai. We were going on like virtual insanity in
that direction. And then I couldn't sing that either, So
I was like man, So we went with the Peas
because they were on my album in before they had
their solo de uh, like Will Will came up with

the name black Eyed Peas in my kitchen, I think
at my at my old house like he I've known
him an app forever and then taboo like when he
used to just dance with him. They used to come
to my clubs that I would promote and all of that,
so I've known them forever. So I mean lyrically, it
was a lot because they have a lot of energy
and they're they're they're a bit more up tempo but

still fun. Man and and and Miguel the music supervisor
and creator on the show. He did a great job
with the whole opening and it was it was fun.
It was it was a really good time. And then
you crushed that black eyed piece on Yeah thanks man
like that was he telling you hold your head down.
Did you ever tell you that, don't hold it up,
hold it down? He did, He did a little bit,

but you know, it was it was challenging this year
because we had to do everything by zoom. We never
talk about that talk with him a couple of times
in the in like a different studio space to sort
of go over stuff and try stuff. But it ended
up being way more useful over Zoom because when we
would be in the studio, it was like he had

to be in a different room. We had to you know,
we either had to have mass on or he had
to be on the other side of the glass. It
was like this whole I was in a vocal booth
by myself, and I was like, Man, this isn't this
isn't really helping me. Like you know, I'm I feel
like I'm just in a studio recording vocals and that's
not I need more than that. So he ended up
doing most of everything on Zoom. I had. I had

three wardrobe fittings. I had costume meetings and producer meetings
and and everything on Zoom. And and we did about
i'd say fifteen meetings before we started dating. And I
had no idea what I was walking into the first
day when I got to the stage, because I hadn't
been anywhere. I mean, I was getting tested up until

that point, probably once a week just in case. We
would do in person stuff, and then once we were
with the stage shooting, then we would do tests like
every two or three days, and it was with with COVID,
it was really it was really challenging to do for sure,
and then doing doing the wardrobe fitting with a mask

on that kind of stuff. Oh my gosh. I couldn't imagine.
And Ken just hearing his process of this season what
he had to go through. It's credit to because COVID
hit like right as we were done, maybe like a
month later, so we got a chance to get in
and get out. But Ken, I couldn't even imagine learning
songs and then the vocal thing, like trying to get

to Tim through and by the way, guys thought our podcast,
there's Tim is the vocal coach on the mask thing
who works with a lot pretty much all of us,
And I just couldn't imagine man just trying to sing
and hit notes through you know, app or on zoom
and that that had to be tough. My hat is
definitely saluted, and I salute to to you and everyone
because to not have that direct connection with your vocal

coach and it's got to be even more challenging. But
another thing I was challenging as well is the secrecy,
the privacy aspect, the fact that we cannot tell our children,
we kept wives girl, No one can KNOWE Like, was
that hard for you? Yeah, it sucks when you're working
on something and like I have the kids here and

you know you you get excited, like you want to
tell everybody, and and the idea of like I just
had to go into everything going you know, yeah, I'm
working next week. You know I can't talk about it
sign an nda and people were like, okay, well we'll
let you off the hook this time. It's not until
you get there that you really realize the gravity of it.

Like everyone was calling me draft and all of that,
which I know, I know about what you were experiencing
the same thing. Everyone they get right in their heads
like okay, you know, I'm gonna call you Giraffe And
I was like, wait, but you know who I am,
Like we're on zoom, you see me. You know you
know that's not my name, and it didn't. And that
was that was the hardest thing to get used to.

It's weird. It's like, you know, can imagine if you
grew up being can and all of a sudden people
were like, yeah, so we're gonna call you Mike on
this job, and you're like, wait a minute, but you know,
my name is Ken, and literally everybody steaks, and all
of a sudden, everyone's like, hey, so Mike, not for real, Like,
you know, can you do a can you do a
ward drofe for EA tomorrow? And you're like, sure, Stacy,

that's not your name and Mike isn't my name, but
you know whatever. So so I've been getting I've gotten
a few texts since the show, and I've specifically said
to people like listen, don't call me giraffe anymore like that.
That's just the sale. Man, I'm done. I do you
know who I am, and I respect you and I

can sit rest friends, but we're not We're not truly
friends unless you call me by my name. I hear that.
I put your SmackDown on that real fast, man. I
put the kebash on the whole draft draft was done
outter episode two. Oh my gosh, I couldn't imagine. Oh yeah,

that costume is crazy, man. The costume itself, aside from
the head, was like four layers stick because you have
an outfit underneath with a hood that's just for sweating,
so it cats so the sweat doesn't run down your
body catches the sweat. Then you have the outfit that
goes over it. But I had like steps that I
had to put everything on in Like I had to

put on the pants first, and then the shirt had
things that held the shirt down on my pants, so
I had to step through those, and then the shirt
zipped up the bat Like. I had this whole intricate
outfit and if I didn't put it on or take
it off in the right order, I couldn't do it.
It was like a Rubi's cue, but it was. It
was crazy, man. It was definitely a bucket list experience

and I'm glad it's been. Like I'll check that off
and go, Okay, done, did that. I need to go.
I need to go cage diving with great white sharks
and I need to I've done skydiving. I did the
Mass singer. I had Ken talk for an hour and
a half like I'm good. I can't get him, can come?

You know what I mean? If I had to. If
if I was a DJ and and I had a name,
it would be DJ read the Room, because I I
was definitely I feel everybody's paying right now and it
definitely I read it and I feel it, and it
is just seeing your outfit, Brian, it was like when
I mean, I'm just thinking about how that first time

we saw you perform. I just remember me and Nicole
We're looking at like this is a recording artist. This
like you just crushed you know, let's get it started.
So for you to say you don't consider your off
a recording artist and I was like, oh you are.
I mean you are a musician and and you show
that the show. I honestly am not for real. One

of the things I walked away from that experience thinking
was you can have a really good ability of connecting
with people. And I felt like I had a lot
of fun with you, even though we didn't say two
words to each other. I felt like he's doing something
and then I'll respond to it, and then he knows

I'm responding, and then he'll play. And so we played.
It was like a tennis match without a tennis ball,
like it was really it was really fun because that
was such a unique situation and that's that that just
takes a lot of listening on your part to do.
So I commend you for sure on that because that
was I mean, when you had when you had people
bring out like I think something for you to rest

on while I was doing my insane guests and then
I mean literally out he he was lying down, taking
a nap and doing these things, you know, and I
was just going on and on and on and just
annoying everybody. And I'm just going and I'm just like reaching, reaching, reaching.
That became the fun part of it, like the you know,

the stuff with you, Like I remember when I didn't
get eliminated the first night after Let's Get It started,
but you talked forever. I remember thinking, like I came,
I came, I came set the next day and I
was like, I was like, okay, so there's I saw
a bedazzled stool somewhere. I was like, could could the

many black just have that offset? So was you yeah,
oh my wow, you're again the creativity that you bring,
and you're right. Bow and I were talking about the
connection we have, like the Frog and I had a
connection lastie. There was similar dynamic. We didn't know who
was behind the mask, but just the fact that both
of us, you know, like we're engaged in in that

dynamic of the show that it's almost like you're in
this this massing or universe, you know. And then we're
all just kind of playing in this in this sandbox.
For me when they would give me my schedule and
it happened to me, and I want to know if
it happened to you when you go last of the
day and you have to sit in the trailer and

you have to wait with the day, yo, if you're
going on last, Like did you get that yet? I mean,
like did you go on? I mean I didn't have
to go on last, but you know, the first you
have five performances, so ken you don't know they see
you when you're trailer with a live feed, so you

the only thing you can watch is mass singing. You
can't watch I asked him. I was like, hey, so
you know the director, I see a direct TV Like
do I get any sort of channels? And they were
like no, no, it's just there for looks like you know,
you don't get it because I wanted to watch like
CNN or something. I felt like I was missing. So
so I'm watching mask singer literally all day. And what

they do then is they they they rehearse dance like
you know, musical numbers, and then they do they they
replay the rehearsals back like five or six times, and
they do you know, they do sort of a camera
call like okay, camera five camera one camera too, like

they and you're sitting in the trailer and that's literally
all you're listening to. So I would turn that down.
And then it was like, man, I have to learn lyrics.
And I remember when I got there and I said
to him, I was like, are they gonna be teleprompters
or something for lyrics because I'm not gonna remember all
these and they were like, oh, yeah, there's three of them.
I was like, oh, there's two of them, three of

them the size of like my laptop, like and you know,
fifty ft away. I was like, man, those don't I
know what you're talking about. I know what you're talking about.
And yeah, and and they don't you know, doing doing
let's and it started there's enough lyrics And now I
was like, man, you can't unless you're putting one word
at a time on that sing like that's I just

have to memorize this because those teleprompters, I don't get it.
You can go to Costco and you can get you know,
TV is pretty cheap, Like why do you guys need
some bigger telephones? Man, these are great notes I got.
I'll bring it up. I'll bring yeah the trailers. So

so you're stuck in the trailer all day watching, you know,
watching them rehearse uh Mass singer. And so finally it's
Tate night and you do your performance and you go
back to your trailer and you see the other performances
and you're like, oh man, it was, you know, good performance. Son,
Like you don't know who anybody is. And then and
then all of a sudden they get to like, you know,
you get up on stage and you know, and the

person going home tonight is you know, Dragon, and you're
like you wave the dragon and go away. You go
back the trailer and you're like, man, I just I
just want to see his unmasking. And and so you're
sitting in the trailer and I'm taking off all the
clothes and I'm getting ready for his unmask and you know,
they get up to the point where they're where Nick
is twisting his head and I'm thinking, oh, man, you know,

I can't wait to see who it is. And and
I get a knock on the door from a p
a like you know, the car is ready, And I
said it was like Hey, five minutes, I just want
to see this unveil and the screen goes black, but
they don't. They don't show the unveil in the live
feed because they don't want anyone to give away who
was on the show. So I was like, man, I've

watched this whole damn thing, like they went black on
this UNBAILI feed, you know, live feed all day long.
I know all of his moves. You get, you get
like associate producer credit because you gave what to do
with the jib and the crane and you know, you're
sitting there, you have a walkie talking. You're like camera three,

camera four, camera too. Brian, Man, we appreciate you for
checking in. I promise we will never call you the
giraffe again when you man and at some point that
allow you and I on me and uh and definitely
on the show. Definitely, And this was special because Ken

was actually you know, he ended up co hosted with
me today, which I definitely appreciate. So big set out
the kid. I appreciate you for hanging out with me
and uh the same family. No, yeah, we're here. Uh
Season four is here. Matt Singer makes you guys tune
in Brian. Thank you so much, my brother for tuning
in as well for checking in with us. And like

you said, man, and uh, we'll be calling Ken for
that dinner invite too, don't forget absolutely dinner. Yeah, nothing
else alright, fellas. Appreciate you guys, man always, Yes, sir,

And now what we've all been waiting for, exclusive to
our heart listeners and of course our super fans, here's
the only place you'll get an extra clue. This is
our clues are now. Look, I'm not gonna give you
his name, of course, because you know, secrecy is a
big thing around here with the mass singer. He is
the brains behind every clue package. He comes up with

all those riddles, all those subfluents, and all the stuff
that could throw you completely all. Trust me, I tried
to guess, and I'm wasting my own time. I'm telling
you that right now, clues are what up? Maybe you're there.
I'm here, man, excited to do this with you Frog.
I know, man, I'm excited to have you on this show.
You know what I mean. They got me. They called

me to come down here and do the dirty work.
I said, I'm available. Let's make it happen. I'm here
with you. I just I only know you as the Frog.
I can't I can't use your real name. We're just
so conditioned against using celebrity names. So and because yeah,
because when I left said they told me you're Frog. Famly,
just know that anybody associated with the show, we're calling
you Frog. And I've already accepted that already. Yeah. That's

the thing people don't know is we don't even in private.
We don't say this cele every name. We don't put
it in an email, we don't put it in a document.
It's literally nowhere, it's just Frog. It's weird to say, yeah,
we're just say you couldn't even say it. But question
of cools are just just real quick man, How long

have you been on the show? I got in season one,
started out in a different role and eventually kind of
became the Clues are How did how did you end
up having like one of the coolest names in Hollywood
like that? How did that come about? Clues our is
kind of new. It just I think basically I I
did Clues in season two and then kind of took

over in season three. My partner and Clues we call
the clue queen and uh, and we have a couple
other people on our team, but it's it's the clues
are and the clue Queen. That's crazy. That's crazy, and
even just speaking of things that are crazy, UM, tell
all of our like all of our podcast listeners about,

you know, how tough it is to put together these
clue packages because there's a lot that goes, you know,
into these packages, and in these packages are are a
big deal because they actually help us get closer to
who we think, um, you know that person is under them. Yeah,
I mean, there's there's a lot of layers that go
into these and we're trying to accomplish a lot in

like forty five seconds. We're trying to a tell a
story about each celebrity and really help viewers connect with
them because this is like their chance to really talk
and tell their story. But obviously we're also trying to
have a wide range of verbal and visual clues and
some are kind of on the nose, Some are for
casual fans, Some we hope the panel will pick up

on and sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. And then
we have some that we call deep cut clues that
are just for like the hardcore viewers who uh you
know are on Reddit and Twitter and pause the screen
and find these little gems that we put in there. Um.
And then of course we sometimes try to throw in
clues that could lead to other celebrities that are have
similar voices, uh, that are also real clues, Like for you,

for example, I think we did a toy soldier and
that made the panel think it was a soldier you
were a soldier boy, but actually, you know, you worked
with Soldier boy and you're in a soldier video at
Destiny's Child, So it's a real clue to you, but
it kind of pushed the panel in a different direction.
So we try to balance all of these things in
forty five seconds and tell a story that will hopefully

help the audience connect and care about you and want
to root for you. Man, this is crazy listening to
you how you come up with these clue packages because
they don't understand how in death you get. Even when
I would watch mind back, I'm like, okay, yeah, I
was even stumped. Y'all got me, and I'm me you know,
I'm sitting like align the boat, what what does that

happen to do? And then one of my boys actually
got in, said bro, Mike, Mike, you got struck by lighting?
Remember what the shoot? I'm like, oh my god, s
that's too deep. I wouldn't I wouldn't even have thought, um,
you know, even past that. But now I was just
like with you, they were just I loved all the
clues with like the movies you did, Like there were
so many like my clues and lottery ticket clues and

the clue with when t Pain was on and you
gave him the friendship bracelet and it was because he
was the clerk and lottery ticket that gave you the
winning ticket. Like it's those finding those connections are just
awesome when you can find them. And then obviously it
was like a misdirect that people thought it was someone
else you're saying that song, So is it a terrific
job at putting it like right in front of us

without giving us too much. But it felt that we
had just enough to guess it like to guess. And
that's the whole the the that's what keeps us watching,
that's what keeps us tuned in. Is I got it,
I got it? And what that what is the curve?
And I love it in the Draffe, like, how you

know we had Brian Old earlier? How did you come
away his school package? Yeah, so his first package was
actually all about his rap career. So again you look
at the theme of the package. It was a carnival
because his rap album that he released was called One
Stop Carnival, So right off the bat, there's a big
clue with that um and that whole first kind of
package was about the album because it didn't do so well.

So I don't know what he told you in the interview,
but the package was kind of about how he got
ready killed for it. So we saw the crowd throwing
apples and tomatoes at him. The apples, of course, we're
green apples for his name green. Uh. He said he
was in knots because he was literally in knots landing
the TV show. There were a bunch of car references,

so that kind of misdirected the panel to think he
might have been a racer, a race car driver, but
he actually loves racing. He won the Celebrity Grand Prix
in two thousand ten, so that was kind of is packaging.
At the end, he said, that's a wrap so rap
album right there, These clues are hard. But it amazed
me because these fans they give them, sometimes they get them.

They do Yeah, no, I look, I read everything online
and the fun thing is when fans find clues that
we didn't even know that we're in there, because you know,
everything can be a clue. Like my fav One example
from last year was one of my favorite clues was
for for white Tiger Gronkowski. We had a four score
and seven years ago poster with like Abraham Lincoln on

it and George Washington, so it is for Patriots and
then four score and seven years ago is seven, which
is his number. But someone on read it said also
he scored four touchdowns seven years ago, which is true,
which I had no idea about. But it was like
this amazing connection that sometimes apps on the show. So
it was like a double clue that wasn't even intended.

Sometimes we do like recurring clues where there's a clue
in each package and when you add them all up
at the end, they kind of make make something else,
So you gotta look for those two. Finally, I'm dying
to know with everybody else, who is popcorn? And can
you please give us a little clue and give us

some clues about Group A. You know anything? Can I can?
I can? I can? I get a popcorn? You want to?
You want to colonel? You want a colonel for popcorn?
Uh see that might be a hint right there. I
gotta watch you. Clues are frog. I'm gonna bow wow.
I've never I'm gonna say bow wow even for this.

You Okay, you may actually have a connection to popcorn,
but I'm drawing a blank that may or may not
mean anything to you. That's the clue. See, this is
why we have the clues on for a reason, because
he just stumped me. That's how good he is. That's

why he's on the Mask Singer. You're not going any where.
Clues are man. Look, I appreciate you for calling in
and checking in what is right here on the Mass
Singer podcast. I appreciate you. I'm gonna let you go
ahead and get back to works. You can come up
with some more clues because all right, thanks, And when
and when you find out who Popcorner is, you're gonna
be like, oh, man, I shouldn't know. You know, we

got to talk about I can see your voice. Man,
it's only right man, tell us about the new show. Uh,
just just just talk to us about him, and I
know you're excited. Man, what what can we expect? Yeah,
it's a lot. It really is a lot of fun.
And it's called I Can See Your Voice and it
airs um right after the mass Singer and it's uh,

some of the same producers of the mass Singers, some
of the same crew behind the scenes are involved. So
it really is an honor to be a part of it.
And again it's an adaptation of South Korean show by
the same name, and it's one of the top shows.
I think that they've had like eight seasons in Korea.
And again I asked my mom when I got offered

to be the host no joke last year, I asked
my mom maybe heard if I could see her voice?
And she was like on it and just sent me
some YouTube blades and I saw it and where that's
exactly how it went down. And and again my mom
told me show so exactly. My mom doesn't even like

me saying it. She's like, stop stop saying it, Stop
saying that. You know. I was like, that's true. You know,
it's it's like you know, you know, you know, the
narratives too convenient, you know, my mom was like, Okay,
you know what do you kids show business? Why are
you talking like that? And it really is UM. But
it was fun to develop the show from the ground
up because UM, we had a pilot. I got UM,

I got to be behind the scenes and kind of
UM at least go to developmental meetings with UM the
show runner, James McKinley and Craig Plastics who also exact
produces a mass singer and UM shout out to dance
when I who's a great uh really a great producer
and Michael Connor one of my one of my dearest friends,

and Melinda See we're all like behind the scenes, and
you know I was. I was able to have the
best see in the house. Behind the scenes is kind
of like like learning how to develop an unscripted show.
This is a great this is gonna be, this is
this is amazing. So I'm happy. I'm happy to be
And it's always good talking to you, sir. It's always good.
So much love, always much love, much love your fan.

So let's do it. It's a rap. I want to
shout out everybody for tuning in. We really do appreciate it.
Join me next Wednesday with the next unmasked singer. Who
will it be? Mean? Who will it be? I'm not
telling you you gotta tune in and find the help.
I'm always bringing you all the inside scoop and another
exclusive clue. The Official Mass Singer Podcast, a production of

our Heart Radio and Fox executive produced by Katie Studio
every Wednesday on the Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or
wherever you get your podcasts, and don't forget to tune
into The Mass Singer on Fox every Wednesday night
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