All Episodes

February 1, 2021 110 mins


Everybody knew Trump-Russia collusion was a hoax. ChiComs assure citizens they won't waddle like penguins after COVID anal swab. Biden gives Peter Strzok's wife a job. Capitol rioter planted pipe bombs the night before Trump's speech. LA bans TVs in bars. Harris says fired coal miners can get jobs "reclaiming abandoned land mines". #BidenLied trends on Twitter because he promised $2,000 checks, never delivered. Kudlow: There is no economic crisis outside of NY, CA shut downs. Lincoln Project founder John Weaver exposed as sexual predator toward young men, excommunicated from Never Trump movement. What was Kamala Harris trying to say?


Weaver was very close to McCain. MSNBC never asked Lincoln Project guests about Weaver until today, even though the story has been out there for weeks. The Never Trumpers aren't successful in the marketplace, they're taken care of by the establishment. They couldn't make it in the private sector. Caller wants to know why Trump didn't shut down the Russia investigation, when everyone knew it was a hoax. Trump on advice of his lawyers, cooperated with the Mueller probe in the beginning. Mueller's two goals: Target Trump, cover up for investigators who had broken the law. Everyone in Washington knew Mueller's real purpose. There was never any evidence of Trump-Russia collusion. Media, establishment protected Hillary. Deep State still trying to destroy Trump. Left has no coalesced power and is trying to erase our past, renaming schools, opening borders, destroying lives for free expression. Caller says Rush epitomizes one of her dad's favorite sayings. Corruption in Washington is deeper than we ever knew. Nobody was able to stop it. Kinzinger wants to take back GOP from Trump.


Never Trump Rep. Adam Kinzinger wants to take back the GOP, hand it back to the establishment. Dozens of George W. Bush staffers reportedly plan to leave GOP over Capitol Hill riot, Trump, conspiracy theories. Why must everyone swear to the legitimacy of the election? The establishment is scared to death of Trump rising from ashes. There is still hope of informing people about what is going on. Many Keystone Pipeline workers probably didn't know Biden would kill their jobs. Stephanopoulos insisted Rand Paul say Biden's election was legitimate. Abandoned mine land reclamation and re-forestation. NASA's Mars Perseverance rover to make complicated and dangerous landing on Mars.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Rush Limboughs Show podcast. Well,
right here it is, folks. Right here's an example of
one of the things that I have been attempting to convince, persuade,
bludgeon people with for a number of years, right here,

right in the existing proof. And not that any of
you need the proof, don't misunderstand. I think all of
you in this the most educated, erudite audience in all
of media. And I mean that, I don't think there's
a more informed or educated audience in all of media
than you. Who is the most ill informed? I say,
the NPR crowd, probably the most ill the New York Times,

It's probably the most ill informed media audience out there,
I really do. I mean, look at look at four
years of abject lies on Trump Russia closion. And you
know something, Conservative Treehouse today, which is a bright, bright
relatively new and it's not new, but compared to some
of the other conservative blogs out there, it is. And

they have a piece today that's that's right on the money.
It's by the writer, their name Sundance. Everybody involved and
it knew they knew it was a hoax, They knew
it was fraudulent. They knew that they were participating in
an illegal attempt to overturn the election results of twenty sixteen.

They knew, for example, that Robert Muller had two objectives.
To continue the investigation fraudulent though it was in order
to accomplish the second objective, and that is to cover
up the illegality of what everybody was doing. Now, I
know you've you've well, Rush, you've said that, Yes, I

have said that. That's fine. I'm just telling you the
way this guy wrote the piece today, it's persuasive. Everybody knew,
but Rush, you've I know, I've said it, But I'm
telling you it's just as it's the direct way of pointing.
Everybody involved in it knew it, including John Durham, including
Bill Barr. They all knew what was going on here.

They all knew that Muller didn't have a case. They
all knew there wasn't any collusion. But the fact is,
for four years, people that read The New York Times
or what CNN believed the exact opposite. They literally believe
the exact opposite. Remember how depressed and disjointed they were

when the Muller report came out and said nothing to
see here, And you noticed that Barr jumped in real
quickly to make sure that was the take because he knew,
he knew, they all knew what this was. That makes
this even worse than it was. But just for the
context of informed and ill informed media audiences, the people

that paid attention to that story alone, you would have
to say are the most uninformed ill formed media audiences
in the country compared to you, who are the most informed.
By the way you remember the story of I guess
it was. It was on Friday that we shared with
you the new COVID testing technique that had been employed

by the chi coms. And the chi com technique involves
anal swabbing. Very many people very upset over the nasal
swab because it goes way way up there in the
nasal cavity. I've had a bunch of those, and it's

not pleasant. It doesn't last long. You just have to
close your eyes and to just say it's just a
couple of seconds and that's it. Five seconds at most,
unless they're toying with you. You got to make sure
you have an examiner doesn't hate you. I have to
always keep out sharp eye for those kinds of things.
They get an examiner to keep that swab up there
for twenty seconds. That could be bad. It hasn't happened,

but I have to be vigilant on things like that.
Most of them love me, but you never know. There's
gonna be the odd ball case. Well, imagine you are
a citizen of China and you're told, hey, there's a
new way here of testing for COVID nineteen and it
involves anal swabs. So many of you are complaining about

the nasal that we thought you'd prefer the anus. Well,
there's an update on the story and it's from the
UK Daily Mail. Let me just read it to you.
Chinese authorities have labeled a viral video fake a fake

pardon me viral video after it purportedly showed Chinese citizens
walking like penguins following their anal swabs to test for
COVID nineteen. Chi Com officials assured CHACOM citizens they would
not waddle like penguins after undergoing the procedure, which is

being used in China to screen COVID nineteen cases. No
official explanation was given as to why if people were
filmed walking in this awkward manner. But they're the Chinese,
just like the American left. They could lie however they
want it. There's nobody to call them on it. So
if the Chacom governorcy you don't know what you're seeing,

you are not seeing what you're seeing. You're not seeing
people waddle around like penguins, it isn't going to happen.
China's quarantine centers have started to use anal swabs to
test key people. Well, so that's how they're doing it.
They're telling people getting the anal swab that they're important

rather than a bunch of stooges for crying out. That's
how they're doing it. I wondered how in the world.
I mean, if you had the choice, what would you do.
Would you choose the rectum? Would you choose the nasal capua? Yeah,
you'd go nasal every time, not because you might think
you might walk like a penguin, but just because what
the hell, you know, that's not supposed to happen, and

you don't believe this even if your Chikom citizen, though,
you never know what they think. So they've told people
getting the angel swab that they are important, that they
are key to the country future. Some experts believe that

the method is here we go much more accurate than
a nasal or throat swab and can raise the chances
of well, so, not only are you gonna get this
if you are important, but it's a better test to boot.
So there you have it. Okay, Now, what is this

big story that proves something I've been telling you. Let's
first recount what it is that I've been telling you.
I've been telling you as a means of explaining the
Washington establishment, the structure of elites, the deep state, whatever
term you use to describe this collection of people. One

of the things I've pointed out is that once you
have membership that you're taken care of. Your kids are
taken care of. Your kids' futures are for the most part,
unless you really screw up, guaranteed. Your kid's economic future
is pretty much guaranteed. And you will be protected if

you break the law, if you go outside the contour
the confrontations of the law, you will be protected as
long as you are doing the work of the club,
as long as you're doing the work of the deep state.
And these kinds of perks make the club of elites
much more preferable to is going it on your own

with the rest of the middle class out there in
this massively gigantic competition that most Americans think they're engaged in.
But when you come to the deep state talk about
the elite, there is no competition with the middle class. Figause,
guess what the middle class is? Who is under assault
in all of this? The middle classes? Who's taking it

on the chin and college campuses? Why the denial of
free speech, the denial of in the woke and cancel culture.
Who is it's the It's the middle class that is
being attacked and dwindling. Well, here's the headline. Remember Peter

struck struck smirk. He had the affair out there with
Lisa Page. She were there, both FBI lawyers, and please
text messages about Please tell me I'm gonna win. Please
tell me Joe, I'm not gonna be there. Don't worry, Lisa,
not gonna happen. We're gonna have a backup plan. We're
gonna have what did he call it, He said his

name for his backup plan. But we're gonna have a plan.
Don't worry. It isn't gonna happen. The guy not gonna win.
Trump won headline, Biden just made Peter Struck Strunk Smirk's
wife a top security official at the SEC. Insurance plan insurance. Yeah,

we gotta have an insurance plan. Don't don't worry, Lisa.
Trump isn't gonna win if he does. We have an
insurance plan, and we've now seen the insurance plan. The
Biden administration just announced that the well the Security and
Exchange Commission. The Securities and Exchange Commission just announced it
had hired Melissa Hodgman, who is the wife of Peter

Struck Struke Smirk, to lead the agency as it's acting
director of the Division of Enforcement last week. Hodgeman, according
to the agency press release, has been with the SEC
since two thousand and eight as a bureaucrat engaging in
a wide range of litigation. And you'd go to the

end of the story. Hodgeman is married to Peter Struck
stroke Smirk, made famous for his role in the FBI's
Deep State Crossfire Hurricane operation, which featured a witch hunt
investigation that sought to incriminate President Trump. But that story
is from a federalist. In case you're wondering why it's
written fairly so. Struck Strokesmirk is paid off on two things.

He's paid off on having the affair. It was worth
it to his wife to stick with him. Look what
she got. She got a big promotion to SEC. And
it's worth it to struct Strokes Mark because his wife
was taken care of. He maintained his loyalty. He never
once caved, and the deep state has moved in and

taken care of him. Here is a companion story, Devin nounas,
looks like Peter struck Stroke Smirk is going to get
reimbursed for all of his troubles. Devin Neunas on Sunday
Morning Futures with Maria Bartcheromo criticized the appointment of struck

Stroke Smirk's wife, Melissa Hodgman, to a key government position
the SEC. He said, quote looks like Peter struck Stroke
Smirk is actually gonna get reimbursed for all of his troubles.
That's how Devin Nounas sees that sees it. The guy
lost his job, but nothing's happened to him at this point.

He's still an occasional on air commentator for Cable News.
Nunas said, the guy's wife Hodgeman, Melissa hodgs you could
be a great public servant for all I know. But
if you look at the larger picture, the Russia hoaxers,
the people who were pushing this out from the very

beginning and lying about it after the fact, they're all
at top echelons of the Biden administration. And this we
also predicted was one of the reasons why the Democrats
had to win the twenty twenty presidential election, which was
to protect all of these people who had behaved illegally, knowingly,

willingly behaved illegally. They were going to be taken care of,
and they are being taken care of, just like we
had the story last week of Klinsmith Klinsmith no jail
time for forging an email to the FISA court about

Carter Page, literally changed an email and made it up,
ying about cartered Page and a supposed engagement in illegal
activities as a Russian agent. And nobody can figure out
where is the Fiscort? Why is the fiscort not upset
that this was done? Folks? Who are we talking about here?

There's not sad to say. I mean, the idea that
there's an independent judiciary out there is a bit of
a stretch. It's it's more understandable to understand that the
people involved in this knew everything. They knew everything was

it was a hoax. They knew everything was made up,
they knew everything was not true as it was being
disseminated to the American public, and yet they continued the
spread and dissemination of the story regardless. So struck Stroke
Smirk's wife could very well be responsible for investigating those

little smelly Reddit people, those those those normalish Reddit people
who decided to sell short on games, shape, game show,
game whatever it is, game, what game stop? Right? I
had four voices shouting me at the same time. One
voice is all I need game stop yep. So she

could end up being the agent in charge of or
in an ancillary way involved in it. Peter struck Stroke
Smirk also got a book deal. I remember when that happened. WHOA,
but it all just it just makes total sense. We
also have news ladies and jealous from the New York Posts.

Suspect planted pipe bombs the night before the Capitol protest.
Did Trump give a speech to night before the Capitol
protest to suggesting people play at pipe bombs? Yeah, I
missed that. If that happened, the would be pipe bomber
of the Democrat Republican National Committee headquarters planted the devices

at the Washington buildings the night before the January sixth
Capital of riot, the FBI said on Friday. In a
wanted flyer, the FBI said it obtained new information about
the bomber, writing that the agency now believes the would
be terrorist planted the bombs between seven thirty pm and

eight thirty pm on January fifth. So that happened because
Trump did what? So they explained that to me. You
know that they just unlocked, LA. Do you aware of this?
Restaurants bars? Not so fast. Los Angeles County has just

banned TVs at bars just in time for the Super Bowl.
I kid you not. They just unlocked after over well
about a year, almost a year of shutting down the
US economy. California and New York purposely shut down their
economies to make bad statistics happen to react negatively for Trump.

Now they've they've announced over the weekend of reopening, except
today they've announced that no TVs will be allowed in bars.
So why show up at a bar to watch Super Bowl? Folks?
Hi Mary, You're welcome back. It's rush Land Bothie excellence
and broadcasting that work and the brand new week of

broadcast excellence here. All right, let's see, I'm looking at
how much time I got left here, and I may
not have enough time to get started. Let's take Let's
start with audio SoundBite number one. We've got some great
stuff coming up on the Lincoln Project, the Never Trumpers.
It's you don't want to miss. It's not all that

big a deal, but it's still funny as it can be.
There just isn't enough time to get to it before
now they and the segment ends. But there is time
for this. This is Kammy Harris. Kammy Harris last Thursday
in Huntington, West Bridgesia's vice president. She's on WSAZTV news

and this is what she said about work for coal
workers who are going to lose their jobs due to
the Biden Administration's climate plan, job creation around for example,
all of those skilled workers who are in the coal
industry and transferring those skills to what we need to
do in terms of dealing with reclaiming abandoned land mines. Really,

so you people working in the coal mines are now
going to be sent somewhere to disarm abandoned land mines.
That's the great few ture you have. Here's Joe Mansion,
senator from West Virginia, reacting to this. I saw it.
I couldn't believe it. No one called me. We're going
to try to find a bipartisan pathway for it. I

think we need to. But we need to work together.
That's not a way of working together. What was done. Oh,
he's not happy with this. We got to be very careful.
You don't go against the Biden regime if you're in it.
That's another thing about running the establishment or the deep state,
and when you're president, you're considered to be among the
people in top echelon. So he got to be very careful.

Every but Biden sends a vice president, she doesn't know
enough to say, wait a minute, we're going to send
people from the coal mines over to wherever there are.
That was a Princess die issue. But you remember this
Princess Diana. That was one of her big deals to
getting rid of abandoned the landmines because they blow up
and they and they severely injured and wound people. So

that's what if you're working a coal mine, West Virginia.
That's what the Biden ministry says. Your great future is
here there in their climate change plan. You get to
disarm abandoned land mines. A household name in all four
corners of the world, or Rush Limbaugh behind the golden
EIB microphone. All right, it's not it's not just Joe

Mansion that's upset out there, ladies and gentlemen to find
out that his constituents are gonna be sent over wherever
to to disarm abandoned land mines. According to Kami Harris,
and now we have trending on Twitter the hashtag Biden

Wide bidenlide. See what happened is Biden promised everybody they
were going to get two thousand dollars checks as soon
as he was sworn in. That was going to be
his COVID policy. And of course there have not been
any two thousand dollar checks cut nor distributed. Here's what

Biden said January fourth, twenty twenty one in Atlanta. This
is not an exaggeration, Georgia. The whole nation is looking
to you. If you, Saint John and the Reverend of Washington,
those two thousand jet dollar checks will go out the door,
restoring hope and decency in honor for so many people

are struggling. Right now, you have it, except the checks
haven't materialized, and so there now is a hashtag trending
on Twitter Biden wide that. You know, Jack Dorset, you
have to shut that down. You can't have that out there.
You realize they're going to be They're gonna be struggling
in terms of coming out how to deal with this

because they're not set up for people to be angry
at Democrats or angry at the American left. They don't
have a program for that. So Rasp you and Jack,
it's going to have to come up with something here
to protect Biden is that that's going to have to happen.
They can't let this thing continue to expand they can't

let this continue to trend. Larry Cudlow was on Varney
and Company today the Fox Business Network. I just want
to play a quick bite because it is right on
the money. True. Everyone tells me there's an economic crisis.
There is not an economic crisis. What there is was
a lockdown in California and New York. The rest of
the economy basically is a V shape recovery. But California

New York are huge parts of the economy, and Cudlow
is right, there is not an economic crisis. There is
a lockdown or was in California and in New York.
The rest of the economy is basically a v shape recovery.
They kept California New York shutdown lockdown on purpose to

negatively impact economic statistics, so that growth would be seen
as far slower and less than it actually is or
would be if these two states were open. So California
has decided to open up, but now ban televisions and bars.
If you're a bar owner, can you imagine the first

thing you hear is, oh, I can reopen a ride
A ride my goal. This is a wonderful and then
two days later you're told that you cannot turn your
TV sets on in the bar starting this week and
continuing through at least this next Sunday for the Super Bowl.
Imagine if you're a bar owner and that's what you're

hit with from California. Okay, we move on now to
the never trumpers. The never trumpers, folks, I have to
tell you what these are. The so called conservatives who
hated Trump on the basis of his morality. That's what

they said, that Trump's morality is just it's just unacceptable.
It's so far beneath what we would tolerate. It's just you,
we can't stand to be in the same room with Donald.
He's a pig. It's an ogre. They just went on
and on and on with it, and what has happened.

It's kind of funny, but at the same time, it's
a little sad, puzzling. It's all of it's predictable. About
half of the never Trumpers that are speaking up claim
to be shocked that Biden is going so hard left. Now. This, folks,
is one of the many reasons why never respected these people.

They're not this dumb, But then maybe they are, you know.
That's that's the that's the over writing possibility. They could
be this unaware, they could be this ignorant. They really are.
Some of them are saying they are stunned at how

rapidly Biden is going hard left, and they're saying there's
no stopping him now, so you may as well just
get used to it. The other half, or a close
percentage of half of the never Trumpers are admitting that
they're leftists, and they have been forever. They were originally

Democrats and then it became conservatives because they Reagan and
then that didn't work out. So but they admit to
loving left wing money. See that's the key. They loved
big time left wing donors to their phantom not in
existent yet magazines or blog sites or wherever it is

that they want to put down stakes and grow some
supposed media or prize. They can't do it without money
that they don't have, and so they have turned into
people that love left wing money. They absolutely love it.
And so that's what we are dealing with. And then

in terms of who these people are now, there is
a story in the New York Times Lincoln Project that's
the never Trumper's Lincoln Project co founder accused of grooming
young men for sex. Who could this be? Does the

name John Weaver? Ring a Bell political consultant. John Weaver
is accused of soliciting young men for sex in exchange
for jobs. This is according to author Ryan Gurdusky. The
anti Trump group the Lincoln Project issued a scathing statement

on Sunday distancing itself from Weaver and is deplorable and predatory, deplorable.
They're calling one of their own a deplorable new Way.
Yet it is right there, they're calling one of their
own a deplorable in the New York's Old Wall Man.
This is what an insult for Weaver, deplorable and predatory behavior.

After a New York Times report detailed a history of
alleged predatory behavior, the Lincoln Project disavowed its co founder
after a Times report featured interviews with twenty one men
who accused Weaver of sending unsolicited and sexually provocative messages

online to young men, often while suggesting he could help
them get work in politics. One alleged victim was only
fourteen years old. And I remember John Weaver, co founder,
one of the head Grand Pooba's, running around for the
last four years telling everybody what a reprobate Donald Trump is.

Donald Trump doesn't have any business being president. Horrible morality.
We can't have somebody like this representing. These people in
the never Trump crowd were hell bent on disqualifying Trump
because of his lack of morality, his lack of decency.
They said, we can't have something like this undermining the

constitutional requirements for the chief executive. In its statement, the
Lincoln Project wrote, John Weaver led a secret life that
was built on a foundation of deception. At every life.
He's a predator, he's a liar, he's an abuser. The

Lincoln Project wrote, we extend our deepest sympathies to those
who were targeted by John Weavers deplorable. There it is
again and predatory behavior. We are disgusted. We're outraged that
somebody in a position of power and trust would use
it for these means grabs soundbites number five and six.

Here's Weaver first March seventh, twenty seventeen, Brown University, Province,
Rhode Island, during a panel discussion on the future the
Republican Party. To continue to try to divide us based
on some false narrative is morally long. He's degrading the lighthouse.
He's not telling the truth. That's not conduct that anybody

around here. What's used? You don't accept it with your
five girls. I don't accept it with my two kids.
Why do we want to accept that? As president? There
is John Weaver who has just been excommunicated from the
Never Trumpers because of his deplorable predatory behavior towards young men.
October eleventh, twenty twenty sixty minutes, Leslie Stall said to

John Weaver, you you feel the Republican Party has betrayed you.
We've gone from caring about character, rule of law, defending
the constitution. Imagine if you travel the country for thirty
years fighting for Republican principles and you learned he was
all a lie. Isn't that just juicy? Speak of juicy

you've got I can't find it. I had it right here.
You've got the George Conway sound bite right just arrived. Okay,
standby on it because George Conway. You all know who
George Conway is. He's the husband of Kelly An Conway.
He's out there ripping Trump for his immorality and is
he indecency and he's embarrassing. Oh my god, just exactly

the kind of stuff that Weaver's been saying. Here. George
Conway headline this line, by the way, from the Hill
dot Com. George Conway on John weaver obligation. I didn't
really know John very well. Am I that this is
all kind of a bit of a surprise to me.
I didn't know John that well. Isn't this convenient? Conservative

attorney George Conwell distanced himself from the predatory and deplorable
Lincoln Project founder John Weaver, following a new report alleging
at Weaver sent unwanted messages maybe unwanted massages dude to
young men, some of which were sexual in nature. Here's Conway,
here's the sound bite. Yeah, it's it's terrible and awful

and appalling and unfathomable. I I didn't know John very well.
I frankly only spoke to him a couple of times
on the phone early on in the Lincoln Project. Oh
I just it's almost I don't know even know what
to say. It's just it's just terrible. What do you mean?
Don't know what to say. It leaves me speechless. Rankly,

you don't know what to say. What have you been
saying for four years about Trump? And this is the
founder of this organization that you were a proud member
of it. You claim you didn't know this about the guy,
and when you find out about it, you don't know
what to say other than it's oh man, anyway, these

are the people. Half of them, these people now decided
they can't believe how fast Biden's gone left. The other
half say, you know, I don't care. I don't care.
Because I love left wing money. We couldn't get by
without it, which they have been demonstrating the past four years. Okay,
we'll get to the phones coming up right after this
time out. I didn't know John very well. I didn't

know the guy was out there hitting on young guys.
I certainly would have objected if I had known about it.
But we got to get back to Trump. And what
a rotten s ob Donald Trump was. Donald Trump was
ruining America about John Weaver. John Weavers and nobody stink bomb.
We don't need people like that. This is just incredible.
They all knew, and every one of the some of

these little sycophants out there sucking up what little they
can to maintain their warped status in a corrupt organization.
Everybody calls the deep state or the establishment or what happened?
All right, it's time to get started on the phone
somewhere in West Virginia. This is ed great to have

you on the program ed Hello, Hello, Rush. I'm a
longtime listener and I'm honored to be on the phone
with you today for the first time. And I just
I can't believe it, to be honest with you, I
caught you as I'm driving down the highway and I
heard you say something. I'm also disappointed because I have
to now say that I'm part of that one percent

that makes up that you're always always right the ninety
nine percent of the time. And I heard you say
something about Kamala Harris and the West Virginia land mines
and then allude to the fact that it's a land
mine has something that would blow up. And I think
what she was saying, although I don't have the transcript
in front of me, was that she was going to

take miners who are out of work and teach them
how to reclaim the land in which the mines, the
coal mines were being closed. Oh. I mean, she's not
going to go out and teach them how to disarm
land mine. She's going to teach them how to go
out and reclaim the land so that you can bring
back a live land mine to West Virginia. Yeah. I

think I think your sarcasm is on point again. Yes,
is that really what you think she said? Yeah? I do,
And you don't. You don't think that she was saying
that out of work coal miners are gonna are gonna
disarm land mines. Which she said, I get the transcript
to the bottom of the stack. Hang, I just, I

just We're going to reclaim abandoned land mines. Nothing about
the land that the land mines are in. We're going
to reclaim abandoned land mines and abandoned land mines gotta
be you know, you know how well? Let me tell you.
I'll tell you this very briefly. When I was growing up,
early one morning, I got up and my mother had
a package of meat setting on the counter beside the stove,

and on it it said ground hog sausage, and groundhog
was on the same line, sausage underneath it, and there
was no space between ground and hag. And I said,
I'm not a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute,
I just figured out what you mean. It has taken me.
You're saying that she meant to say abandoned mine lands, correct,

and instead she set abandoned land mines. And here I've
been feeling sorry for abandoned land mines exactly. And the
West Virginia call workers are going to have to disarm
abandoned Look what you know I mean. We have abandoned
illegal alien kids in cages at the border. We have
abandoned people here with abandoned women at homeless centers in

Los Angeles. Um, so I'm sure it doesn't make much
difference which way you look at it. They're not going
to do it anyway. Well, that's you know, that's a
bottom that that that is so true. You do not
know how right. They're not going to do any of
this garbage anyway. All this is just a bunch of words.
But you're she meant to say abandoned mine lands. So

what she's how do you do that? So you have
you have land in which there are coal mines and
which there's coal, and they're going to shut all that
down to save the planet. So she said, what do
you do if you're a coal worker and you're hired,
uh to go reclaim abandoned mine land? What are you
gonna do? What's what's the job? In other words, yeah, exactly,

that's the point. She's clueless, And I agree with you wholeheartedly. Yeah,
is but I thought maybe as a West Virginia resident
for years, you might have known. I don't mean to
put pressure, I don't misunderstand, but she meant abandoned mine
like she misspoke. Because she's a leftist in Linemangan. What

the hell, I gotta take a break. Okay, fastest three
hours in media, one of them already over with. It's
in the ether on the way to the Limball Broadcast Museum,
the Virtual Broadcast Museum at Rush Limball dot com. So
we'll have we'll have more on coal, white coal workers,

coal mine workers, reclaiming abandoned land mine lands and how
that happens, and lots of other stuff that don't go anywhere.
It is so great to be with you each and
every day here behind the golden eib microphone, Rush Lindball
and Broadcast Excellence for the next two hours, and we

got a full board. We'll be getting back to the
phones as quickly as possible, maybe even in this the
first segment of the hour. You know, we don't normally
take phone calls in the first segment of the hour,
but we have been lately. And there's a great question
from somebody in Tucson, Arizona coming up that I don't

know that I've got the answer to. It is the
thing that's what I consider to be a good question,
because you've got to really apply yourself yet to really
think about it. It's not a new question. It's not
something I haven't been asking myself, but I'll have the
added pressure, the added pressure of having to come up
with some kind of acceptable answer in front of millions

of you. Let's clean up a little bit, or wrap
up a little bit on the never trumpers. We we
just played an audio sound bite of the estimable George Conway,
who So I didn't know this Weaver guy very well
at all. I I'm just I didn't know him. I

know no, and I've not no, I've not I've not
had that new Chai Conway of chessaper COVID. No, I
don't mean that never knew the guy. I mean, Weaver
might know about that that thing that the Chinese are doing.
I don't know a hying about it. I don't I
don't know about that. I don't know about it. I
don't know about Conway. I don't know Conway very well
at all. I really don't know the guy that really, Oh,

it's just horrible. The guy only wrote an op ed
with Weaver a few weeks ago, a few days ago.
But it's worse than that. The leaders of this munch
are not just John Weaver, they are George Conway Steve Schmidt,

who ran McCain's camp. But that's another thing. The McCain
family loves them some Weaver. They have loved this guy.
McCain loved Weaver. Weaver worked for McCain. Weaver was at
the top of the flow chart on the Steele dossier
finding its way into the American news media. John Weaver was,

and he worked for McCain. The McCain family loves them
some John Weaver. I don't know if they still do,
but they did. And there's another one in their name,
Rick Wilson. Now, these guys, Rick Wilson, Steve Schmidt, George Conway,
and John Weaver have appeared on MSNBC seventeen times in

the three weeks since the Weaver story broke, and they
were not asked about the allegations one time, and they
were on the MSNBC seventeen times. Ms here's the headlines
of Daily Caller. MSNBC did not ask Lincoln Project founders

about John Weaver, despite booking them seventeen times after the
story first broke. Weaver of the Lincoln Project has been
accused by multiple men, including a minor, of sexual harassment.
Lincoln Project co founders Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, George Conway

appeared at MSNBC seventeen times since the story first broke
on January eleventh. They were not asked about the allegations
once during any of these interviews. Now, Ryan Gurdusky, who
we share with you a tweet earlier, said that they

did know. The members did know young men approached them
about the accusations. Members knew I was writing the story
and warned John Weaver about it. So the New York
Times writers said they knew about it, even though MSNBC
didn't ask him. So now what's next, Well, they got
to change names. They can't they can't run around with

a Lincoln Project because that's going to be tied to
Weaver now, So they can't have You can't a bunch
of people thinking that the Lincoln Project features a bunch
of pedophiles. So you have to change the name one.
And here's what they're doing. The headline Lincoln Project co
founders starting new podcast company Ron Stesslo and I don't

know that that's how you pronounce it. It's st e
s l Ow. He might pronounce it stislow. He might
pronounce it stilow. He might pronounce it stilow. He could
pronounce it still slow. I have no idea, so I
have to go all these various pronunciations to get it right,
because I'm not trying to be wrong. He's a political
strategist who hosted the Lincoln Projects podcast. He now launching

a new pod cast company called Politicology, promising politics without
the blinders. Blinders, blinders. What do blinders have to do
with anything? I mean, Weaver was wearing blinders. See now
you got to do a new podcast without the blinders.

Why it matters? This is an axio story, so you
get these encapsulating paragraphs of Wyatt matters. His venture could
capture large audiences seeking to understand America's troubled political undercurrents.
B s. Anybody wants to understand America's troubled political undercurrents,
They're already listening to this show. You don't need a

podcast from a bunch of people that have already been
corrupted by the deep state, the establishment. What have you?
The big picture? Well, it comes amid transition and crisis
for the Lincoln Project, a hugely successful anti Trump advocacy group.

They are successful because they got a bunch of rich
left wingers to give them money. They are not richly
successful in the marketplace. And see this is folks, this
is such an important distinction. In the marketplace, they are
not successful. They are successful within the boundaries of the

deep state or the establishment, whatever term you like. The
wealthy and accomplished within the deep state are taken care
of people like these guys. But they couldn't they couldn't
put together ten times if they had to in the
private sector or what we've always known as the private sector.

And that's really the competitive battle of existing America. Now
you have the traditional middle class trying to claw its
way up to the upper middle class, which is the
way the rules of this country's eco you have always
been played by. You work hard, you try your best,
you try to play better rules as much as you can.
You're rewarded for it. You innovate, you're an entrepreneur. Whatever. Well,

that's now a separate market. The people in the establishment,
the elites, they want no part of that. They are
attacking that. That's who they are. That's what the Game
Stop story was really all about. A bunch of normali
Ish people found a way to become billionaires inside of
a week. We can't have that. We can't have people

earning enough money in one day to put their kids
through college for four years. That's what we offer. So
they're out there attacking They literally are attacking the middle class.
The middle class is who being aimed at in this
battle taking place in the United States. And I'm just

here to tell you that these clowns at the Lincoln Project,
if they were restricted, why do you think they abandoned
the middle Why do you think they did what they did?
Why do you think they threw in with the establishment
because they knew once Trump was elected they were out.
Seventy five million Americans worked or voted rather for Donald Trump.

That's a signal to them that they don't have a
place in that group of people. So they made tracks
out of it, and they pulled up stakes, put down
stakes with people in the establishment, in the deep state again,
whatever you want to call it. I'm not wedded at
deep state. Just so you know, that's why I keep
giving myself options here. I mean John Weaver. John Weaver

worked for Democrats. People forget that. Between running McCain's two
campaigns in two thousand and two thousand and eight, Weaver
worked for the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee that's in the House.
This guy has not been a Republican except for his
name only status for McCain anyway. So here's the current

status of the of the Lincoln Project. One Lincoln Project
co founder is out amid scandal. That'd be John Weaver.
Two others have quit to pursue other things. That'd be
this Ron Stislow guy and Mike Madrid. Another has taken
a leave of absence. That's George Conway, who's whose daughter
the poor girl constant meltdown on social media. And now

they're changing a name. They're getting rid of Lincoln and
instead of a Lincoln Project, the new company is named Politicology.
So that's what these guys are doing, and that's what
they're up to. Okay, let me grab, let me grab
Paul here in Tucson, Arizona. Welcome sir, great to have
you with us. High Hey Rush, thanks for taking the call,

Mega prayers and appreciation for everything you do. Last week,
you were talking about Republicans not being able to or
not knowing how to use power when they've got it,
and now we see the Democrats taking care of all
these law breakers that were participating in the coup. One
thing I've been frustrated for four years about, and I
know you have to basic question, why did Trump allow

the Trump FBI and the Trump Justice Department to go
after Trump people and put Trump people in jail and
therefore be on the defensive his entire administration in the media.
I've tried to explain the details of the coup that
you brought out other conservative talk show people who brought

out all the emails everything. My Democrat friends and relatives
even respond by saying, well, if it's the Democrats that
are so corrupt, why are the Republicans the ones going
to jail. I don't understand why Trump allowed this to happen.
The presidency, You'll control the administration. Okay, I'm going to

tell you something. Let me answer your question. You may
not believe the answer. Trump may have been the only
one who didn't know. And the reason that Trump didn't
know is because he just couldn't accept it. It is
your president of the United States. You've offered administration jobs

to a number of people. You can't you don't believe
that every damn one of them is corrupt and is
working against you. But I'm telling you that he. I
think they mishandled this thing from the get go. I
think it was illegitimate from the get go, but they

didn't treat it that way. They treated it as a
legitimate investigation. They allowed the premise of this to be
set by Muller and Comey and Obama and Biden and
Brennan and Clapper and all that. And the premise was
a Trump was illegitimate, that he had stolen the election
to work for this. So that's become what everybody discusses.
Trump should never have allowed that to become the premise.

But once that happened, then the whole thing that everybody's
arguing about is a gigantic hole in the wall. There's
nothing there, and yet everybody's talking about it and trying
to win points and persuade people based on that. Right,
But the answer, It was never Trump's FBI. It was

the other FBI that was doing what they were doing.
And Trump didn't didn't think that such a thing was possible.
He didn't think that such an opposition could be so
massive in scale, right, the whole Yeah, the whole time
I watched, I thought he could have turned it around.

He even used the phrase dirty cops, in which Hunt
the only way he a narrative around was to have
his people investigate the other side. And actually, but even
that investigator Durham, Yeah, Durham knows. Everybody involved in this
new from the beginning that it was for lack of

a better word, a hulks, it was all made up.
Everybody involved knew it. Look, I've got I appreciate the call.
There are two answers here. The first one is the
answer I just gave you about the competition in American
day is the elites versus the middle class. Everybody has
suspected for the life of American that the elites welcome

the middle class. That the elites they might have made
fun of them, and they might have scorned them, but
everybody understood that in the American economic system you need
a middle class. That's where the majority of the money
is in total. And the fact that everybody in the
middle class is starting small businesses and hiring people, that's
good for the country. That's not the case anymore. The

middle class is the target. And look at what Look
at what the deep state has secured. They own the media,
they own Hollywood, they own big Tech, they own education,
they own popular culture. In their view, they've won. In

their view, they own every There's no reason now to
need the middle class. There's no reason to put on
airs or to act like you care about people in
the middle class. Because they think that they've essentially succeeded
in controlling everybody in the middle class. They think they've won.

That's why they're going to do everything they can to
make sure future elections are irrelevant. So the second answer
to this is that everybody involved in this whole thing
knew it was bogus and made up from the beginning.

Everybody knew that Muller wasn't investigating Jack because everybody knew
there was nothing to find. Everybody involved knew that Mueller's
purpose was to make it look like there was a
legitimate investigation in order to cover up the fact that

everybody knew this thing was a total scam, the design
of which was to get rid of Donald Trump. Let
me let me try to be even more detailed when
we come back. So I mentioned earlier in the Program
of Peace Today at the Conservative tree House, by Sundance

is one of the writers there. It's how he goes
by Sundance, the last refuge, and the point of his
piece here is to explain just how deep the corruption
is in our government. Whatever you want to call it again,
what do you want to call it? The deep state,
you want to call it the elites, the establishment, It

is near complete. This corruption start from the position that
everybody knew the purpose and intense of Robert Muller, including
people very close to President Trump, and then you start
to realize just how brutally corrupt the DC system is.

President Trump was satiated by people who knew that Robert
Muller was protecting all of those who tried and failed
to keep him out of office and then to hamstring
him once he entered the system. In other words, Trump
was served by satiated sets, fed by people who knew

that Muller was protecting all the people that tried, with Crossfire, Hurricane,
or any other operation to get rid of Trump. Everybody knew,
everybody knew the purpose of Robert Muller, everybody knew why
he was named, and it wasn't to find anything. There
was nothing to find. Trump had not colluded with the Russians,

not once, not ever, not in his mind, not in
his dreams. It never happened. It wasn't to find that.
It was to create the illusion of looking for that.
While the real purpose protecting those who tried to run
this coup from being found out. Not one did not know.

The only difference is some were active participants and some,
out of fear, just sat silent on the operation. That
reality is why the FISA Court did not react to
Kevin Kleinsmith aggressively lying. Everybody knew that this was not

an investigate. But I'm gonna tell you something. I alluded
to this moment ago. Every time I talked to the
President about this, it was within the confines that he
thought it was a legitimate investigation. I have to look,
I can't betray these confidences, but I'll just tell you
I talked that I was blue in the face trying

to convince him there was no legitimate investigation here. You
didn't do it right, You didn't know There's no okay,
they know this. Everybody knows you didn't do this. You
remember hearing him talk about it at press conferences. He
was talking about it within the context of it's a
bogus investigation, there's nothing to it. But he legitimized it

by accepting the premise that it was a gentimate investigation.
It never was. Mueller had two goals. Goal number one
to continue the fraudulent Stop Trump operation initiated by Comy
and McCabe and the crossfire Hurricane gang. Goal number two
was to bury the illegal action, which was pretty much

all of this, to create the cover up needed for
everything that took place in the Stop Trump operation. It's
the second objective that most people never came to grips with.
Hang on, well, what's the alternative. I have some people
saying I checked the email during the break rush. There's
no way Trump didn't know. Okay, So Trump also knew

that Mueller was bogus. Trump knew there was nothing. I mean,
he knew it, Yes, don't miss. He was the guy
about whom they were lying. There was the guy about
whom they were accusing all these things. He knows he
didn't do it, but I guarantee you, how can I
say this, I gotta he knows he didn't do it,

but nevertheless, he still didn't oppose them from the standpoint
that they were the ones who were illegitimate, not him.
There was nothing defined, there was no evidence. But he's
got his lawyers telling him that the fastest way to
make this goalways to cooperate. Remember John Dowd, somebody's got

the fastest way to make it go away is to cooperate,
mister Press, Remember everybody knew. I maintained to you that
everybody knew, but Trump, and I can make the case
that it's understandable that he wouldn't. I mean, he knew
that he didn't do it, but I don't think, especially

at the outset. After a while, of course he knew,
but I don't. I don't think at the outset. And
for the first months of this he thought it was
anything but legitimate, and he tried to defeat it on
the basis it was illegitimate, if you recall. And what

we were up against was that Trump was left with
the antithesis of the American judicial system's premise, which is
that the accused never have to prove they didn't do it,
because it isn't possible. In many cases, it is always
up to the accused to prove you did it. The
prosecutors has to prove you did it. You do not

have to prove your innocence. That's sometimes it's a great
way of being acquitted, but it's not a bedrock principle
of our system. Yet Trump went about attempting to prove
he didn't do it. It was the equivalent of oj
looking for the real killers. There weren't any real killers,

and there there weren't any defined Trump did not collude.
There was no collusion to find. And yet think back,
every new story about this investigation was how there's new
evidence that's been undercont found, a new leak, a new
statement from an anonymous source. They just kept adding one

lie on top of another one, and that lie was
reacted to by Trump and his inner circle. But there
was never anything there. Muller had two goals, to continue

the quasi investigation and to create the cover up needed
for everything that took place in the investigation. And it's
that second goal that most people never reconciled. It's also
the second goal that is the most important, because everybody
in DC, everybody in Washington knew Muller's objective. Every person

in every branch of government, ever, every federal agency knew
what Mueller's real purpose was. It was to protect the
behavior of the people who were breaking the law, the investigators.
When you when you accept what Muller's objective was, I

mean really accepted. Then and only then can you move
to the second part of the awakening. This is Treehouse writing,
the Sundance writing at the Conservative Treehouse. Everyone else knew
exactly what the purpose was, including bar including the Inspector

General Harwitz. They all knew it was to protect the
behavior of the people who were literally breaking the law
in this quasi phony investigation. Now, in a general sense,
people accept that Mueller ink was in place to target Trump.

And let's look at the American people, folks. The vast
majority of American people think that that investigation was legit.
They think it was legitimate premise. Yeah, Trump might have
stalled an election, Yeah, let's look into it. Trump might
have colluded with a Russian Yeah, let's look into it.
There was never any evidence of the kind. Never, They

never had a stinking bit of evidence. Yet everybody thought
the investigation was legit. That was Muller's purpose. People accept
that Muller was in place to target Trump. However, the
lesser admitted reality is that Muller was in place to

cover up for the branches, the agencies, the institutions that
were part of the originating targeting. All the leaks to
the media by anybody, including the Special Council, were purposeful
with this golden mind. All information released was done purposefully

with this golden mind. All action taken by those in
support of the Muller Unit were taken with full knowledge
or what the second goal was, protect the behavior of
the investigators. No one in Washington was ever unaware of
the purpose of Robert Muller. But now you have to ask,

was Trump aware or did Trump think that it was
a legitimate investigation? But bogus because he knew he didn't
do it. But he's got these people investigating him. He's
got to do what he can to show them that
they're wrong. If there's just even a tinge of that,

then he's accepted the premise, which I think happened. This
list of everyone, by the way, let's put some names
to it. Bill Barr, Rosenstein, Komey McCabe, Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson,

Charles Grassley, Peter Struck, Stroke Smirk and Lisa Page, Susan Rice,
Sally Yates, Lauretta Lynch, Mitch McConnell, every member of the
Senate Intelligence Committee, every damn one of them, Every member
of the House Intelligence Committee, and yes, John Durham, every
member of the Department of Justice office, everywhere, the legislaty

branch knew, the judicial branch knew, the executive branch knew,
The FISA Court knew. All of the insiders knew that
the Muller investigation was one big vacuum to suck up
all of the evidence that would have exposed a corrupt
system to we the people. That's what everybody knew. That

means the corruption is that everybody in the media knew.
This is this is in fact, this is the part
of the story that I had the biggest problem with
when I would talk to anybody about it and start
down my road of folks, this thing is totally illegitimate.
There's not a shred of evidence. There never has been.

We know that Hillary Clinton did this. You know's how
that fell on a bunch of deaf ears. All those
all those years, all those months, the fact that Hillary's
involvement fell on deaf ears. Nobody was interested. Hillary Clinton
was one of those designed to be protected, and Comey
signaled that by exonerating her on her email crimes. Anyway,

the reason why this remains important is because It's why
now we have a president in exile who now the
deep State is doing everything they can to ensure he
will never be able to run for office again on
the basis of an abject hoax, an illegitimate coup, if

there is such a thing as a legitimate coup. I mean,
it's just and you put on top of this that
everybody knew. And so now the deep State to left whatever,
they are coalescing their power now, folks, they're putting it

all together. They've got the media, they've got big tech,
they've got the search engines, they've got popular culture, they've
got practically every tentacle that reaches into the general population.

They control it. And what are they doing with it.
They are obliterating America's passed. Among other things they are
literally attempting to wipe out are past all of these
statues from the Civil War era, and beyond all of

these supposedly offensive weekend caring that they are simply literally
attempting to rewrite or expunge the history of one of
the most legitimate nations in the in the history of humanity.
They are attempting to wipe it out so that future
Americans will never know the real truth of their country.

What are they going to be taught? How racist and
bigoted America was, how unfair America was, how bigoted were
the founders, how they were racist? An entirely different, totally
made up history of America is being prepared, and we

don't have much time for the pushback. And the big
question is when and how big will be the pushback,
because I'm gonna tell you, no country on Earth can
survive obliterating its past like we're doing. Do you hear
what happened to San Francisco? Recently? Forty forty four zero

San Francisco schools were renamed if they had a name
of one of the founders. Franklin School gone, Washington School gone,
Jefferson School gone, forty different schools. Next, you call up
for opening the border to anybody that wants to get

in while you nullify federal immigration law, or you are
allowed to destroy people's lives for free expression not are
words your Black lives matter, or you're Antifa. You're allowed
to destroy Portland, You're allowed to destroy Seattle or Minneapolis

because you're engaging in legitimate protest. So there's going to
be a reaction to this. We just don't know if
the country's changed enough. We don't know if the reaction
to it will be big, if it'll be in it.
We just don't know. Anyway, Gotta take him the break.

We'll do that. Be back with more phones right after this,
and we return to the phones here on the Russia
Limbaugh program Salt Lake City. This is Margine. Welcome. Great
to have you here. Oh my gosh, I feel like
it's my birthday. How are you. I'm great, Thank you
for calling. Hey, I just wanted to tell you about

my dad and what my dad used to say about people. Um,
he said people were born with two things that were there.
They had their name, and they had their integrity, and
once one one way, the other shortly followed, and that
they were awfully hard to get back. I think my
dad would have seen you as the type of person

he was referring to in those statements, that you just
have so much integrity and you're such a good person.
And I just feel very blessed every day that I
had to listen to you and have you be a
part of my life. Well, I uh, that's that's uh,

that's that's mind blowing. And I remember things that my
dad told me like that too related, not exactly that,
but one of my favorites is that you can always
you can always tell the character of somebody by watching
how they treat people and can't do anything for him. Um,
but that's really uh flattering. I'm very much appreciate that.

What do you say, you're born with your integrity in
your name? Yeah? The two things that two things that
are yours and and then what the only only you
can destroy? Yeah, you know, and and once you destroy one,
the other goes with it. If you've destroyed your name,
then you destroyed your integrity and vice versa. Yeah, and

they're awfully hard to recover once you lost. And you're
you're you're putting me in the in the high integrity category.
I guess that's that's what I'm yes, Yeah, I'm yes,
you would be the type of person Dad was thinking about. Well,
as I say, I'm very flattered by that. Thank you,
thank you so much. Secret Well, I appreciate that too.

I um, I just do. I I've never developed a
good way of of saying thank you to people who
have these kinds of compliments other than just to say
thank you. And I feel like it's sometimes woefully insufficient,
but I nevertheless appreciate it. Margine, thank you very much.

Talk Connecticut. Jim your next welcome to the program, high
how are you? Thanks for taking my cause, mega prayers rush,
your voice of reason in a time of seems like
mega darkness here. Thank you sir very much. Is there
anybody in DC that is law and order? And can
these people need to be indicted? It's amazing to me.

I think the end justifies the means with this Biden thing.
Oh Biden as a president. I just think that no
matter what, this guy has to get in and I
don't believe he's our real president. Nobody goes to jail
on this side. Nobody gets in there where Lizzy grand
turned out to be a phony. And you gotta be
real careful on us. My job here is to protect

all of you. You have been warned about this, not
going down this road. It's disgusting to me. But for
four years though, we went down the road on lies
and made up section and forty million dollars of our
tax dollars, and but we can't. It's it's discussing where
are the decent politicians fighting for America and fighting for

law and order. People need to be invited. The clappers
that called me, yeah, but it's not going to happen,
we've learned it. We look at we've this is when
we saw how nothing is going to happen a Klin
Smith and that really wasn't the first one. When we
saw that nothing is going to happen to the Cabe,
nothing's going to happen to struct the Mueller investigation succeeded.

Its purpose was to protect the behavior of those who
engaged in this investigation. This was it was not an investigation.
There was no investigation necessary. There was no collusion, there
was no evidence, there was no not a shred of it.
And you asked how deeply it's It's deep. The corruption

is deep. Everybody knew. That's sad, and we realized that
it's deeper than we knew. It's deeper than we were
prepared to accept. We agree. Russian. Thank god for you
for a voice of reason. Well, I didn't stop it,
did I? I didn't know. There's nobody that stopped it.

Not a single person was able to stop it. Even
though there were a bunch of people that knew exactly
what was going on. It was right in front of
our faces, that we knew it, and I for one
accused them of the same things I'm saying today. Didn't
stop them, not that a voice on the radio would.

Don't misunderstand the way they look at things. There's nobody
that can stop them. I mean, they run everything. So
in the midst of all of this trivis headline today
a House Republican launches campaign to take back our Party.
This is Adam Kinsinger Illinois wants to take back the

Republican Party from Trump and take it to where take
it right to the establishment. That's what he wants, right on,
right on right. Welcome back, folks, say, it's great to
have you here. Rush Limbaugh pushing forward yet another day
broadcast excellence on the Rush Limball Program. Telephone number eight

hundred to eight two eight eight two. Okay, there's two
different things going on, if we go by the headlines.
First up as a story about the Illinois Republican congressman.
His name is Adam Kinsinger and he has been anti
Trump for practically as long as Trump has been. And

the headline this story, a House Publican launches campaign to
take back our parties. And that would imply well, Let's
read a little more before we get the implication. As
the Republican Party wrestles with its identity and awake a
former President Trump, an Illinois Republican, is out to prove

there is a GOP voter base that wants to give
up the division and the conspiracy theories that he says
have come to define the party is that, is that
what the Trump cult is is that it's not even
a cult yet they say it is. Is that what
seventy five million people think, seventy five million people voted

for Trump, they're just a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Is
that all? It doesn't seem to me that they are
the story. The story is what's happening on the other side.
The story here is essentially how everything we thought was

legitimate is rigged. We've been playing the game as though
everything's legitimate and it isn't and it's rigged against us,
and it's and that's not a conspiracy theory. But anyway,
the point, mister Kinsinger says, the biggest danger right now
is that we become a party that dabbles, and not

just dabbles, we traffic in conspiracies, We traffic in lies,
Trump's rolled in the January sixth insurrection was a wake
up call. I don't think this is this is like
the Trump Russia collusion story, folks. There's nothing here, and
yet they're creating a whole brand new narrative out of this.

They've already done it. Actually, and just as they convince
people that Trump colluded with Russia, so they have convinced
people that Trump gave marching orders to the people that
did what they did on January six when we're going
to come to find out that it was not Trump
supporters that did it. That pipe bombs are planted the
night before, before Trump even made a speech about this.

But anyway, mister Kensinger says that he's launching a movement
to take back the party. Now. The next story has
a different headline, Former Bush officials leave GOP over failure
to disown Trump. I get two stories on this, one

from the Hill dot Com, the other from US News
and World Report. Dozens of members of former President George W.
Bush's administration are reportedly planning to leave the Republican Party
following the deadly January sixth riot, citing the party's ongoing
embrace of Donald Trump. Sources told Reuters that as many

as sixty former George W. Bush officials would leave the
party in the coming days, with at least one of
them also citing Representative Marjorie Taylor Green's promotion of conspiracy
theories as a reason for their exit. Rosario Marin, former

US Treasury official, told the news service, if it continues
to be the Party of Trump, many of us are
not going to go back. Unless the Senate convicts him
and Ridge themselves of the Trump cancer, many of us
will not be going back to vote for Republican leaders. Oh,
so they're gonna leave the party. Adam Kensinger's group is

going to try to take it back. Jimmy Gurule, former
Treasury undersecretary, added, the Republican Party as he knew it
no longer exists. He says, I'd call it the cult
of Trump. Christopher Purcell Bush White House communications staff said
the number of defections is growing every day. So that's

the Hill dot com story in this unless the Senate
conviction hasn't it been learned that they don't have the
votes to convict, there will not be a conviction. They're
gonna go ahead with this anyway, but there will not
be a conviction. Right, So these guys are saying, unless
the Senate convicts him and ridge themselves of the Trump cancer,
many of us are not going to go back. So there,

if there's no conviction, they're going to go back. They're not,
They're not going to go back. The Republican Party will
never see them again. Uh. You know, there's there is
a Democrat sponsored legislation right now, it's pending that would
prevent any public building or artifact, even a bench from

being named after the forty fifth president, even a bench.
You know, I just put a bench in my back yard.
I'm gonna go out there to put a plaque on it.
Donald J. Trump Memorial bench. See if somebody comes after me. Actually,
Catherine put it out there. I would love to claim
it's a beautiful bench that they're sit over there to

look at the ocean. But listen, this is folks. Every
one of these people knew you. You keep coming back
to this fact that everybody knew about this contrived effort

to cover up the behavior of the people who were
attempting to get rid of Donald Trump. The more this
goes on, the more of the American people learn, They're
going to learn your people will rush. I mean, if
everything's corrupt, how long is this going to go? You've
got to understand something, folks, and don't don't argue with me.

We're at a point to hear where it's still safe
to say the majority, a majority of the American people
still don't quite know the truth of everything. And the
reason I say that is important is because we haven't
reached the threshold yet of public awareness and knowledge which
would create the pushback to this. I guarantee you you

just do a random man on the street interview, grab
anybody you want to start talking to him about Mueller investigation,
and you'll find very few who will be able to
tell you that it was bogus, that it was never legitimate.
You'll find people to this day who still think that

it was a worthwhile thing to do, that if the
President of the United States had indeed stole an election,
we needed to get to the bottom of it. That's
what you'll hear most people say. You will not yet
hear most people say that was bogus. There was never
any but this thing was a total fraudulent investigation. We're
not there yet. You got to remember that the whatever

percentage of American people that only get their news from ABCCBSNBCC,
and n Washington Post, New York Times don't know anything.
People that get their news here know the truth. People
that get their news and Fox News, they know a
lot of the truth. But we're not anywhere near the

threshold of a significant percentage of the American population yet realizing, well, Rush,
what about the seventy five million of ventry I know,
but I'm even in that seventy five million, you have
a large number who think Trump beat the investigation. You're

not going to find a majority of people who think
the investigation was totally made up, bogus and irre You're
not going to find that yet. That knowledge has not
yet been disseminated widely enough in the American population. So
if you're wondering, why hasn't there been pushedback, the fact

that everything's rigged, most people don't yet know the extent
of it, is the answer to that question. The other
version of this story for US News exclusive dozens of
former Bush officials leave Republican Party, calling it a Trump cult.
So it's basically a rehash of the Hill dot Com

story quoting different Bush administration officials, but they're all leaving
the party rather than trying to recapture the party. It
doesn't say where they're gonna go. They hope that a
Trump defeat would lead party leaders to move on from

Trump and denounce his claims that November election. Can I
ask you the question, what has so hell been about that?
What if? So what Trump thinks the election was stolen?
So what? Why is this something that everybody has to
swear to as though it is a religious requirement that

you can't worship unless you acknowledge this. And the Democrats
have put this out, the Biden is the media. They're
all saying, you have got to admit you cannot say,
you cannot admit, you cannot speculate that the twenty twenty
election was not legitimate. You must swear that it was. Why, Well,

who does these kinds of things? Communist organizations demand this.
Socialist organizations demand fealty in terms of mind thought. It
communists that tell you how you must think, in addition

to how you must live and behave. But they don't
stop at that, how you must think. You are committing
a crime against the state if you even allege or
allude to the fact that this election was not legitimate.
So here come these former Bush officials. They hoped that

a Trump defeat would lead Republican Party leaders to move
on from Trump and denounce his claims that the November
presidential election was stolen. But with many Republican lawmakers sticking
to Trump, these officials say they no longer recognize the

party they served. Some have ended their membership, others are
letting it lapse, while a few are newly registered as independence.
This according to a dozen former Bush officials who spoke
with Reuters. And here's Jimmy Goodooley quoted again. The Republican

Party as I knew it no longer exists. I'd call
it the cult of Trump. So what if Trump wants
to think, why is it mandatory that Trump come out
and say that he thinks Biden legitimately? Well? Why because

it's necessary for the peaceful transition of power. No, it isn't,
because we've got that. We had a peaceful transition of power.
Who's in the White House? Biden? Did anybody try to
stop him? No? What about January sixth? As far as
I know, Biden's in the White House. Who gave your
inauguration speech? Biden? Who prevented people from showing up and

hearing it. Biden, the Washington Established made sure that there
was no crowd at the Biden inauguration. Trump had nothing
to do with any of that. Trump can't determine who
shows up and who doesn't. It's not his show, it's
Biden's show. When did Hillary Clinton swear that Trump's election

was legit? When was she said to have to do this?
Hillary Clinton was allowed for four years to claim that
Trump's election was illegitimate? Stacy Abrams. Stacy Abrams for four
years has run around calling her the governor self, the
governor of Georgia. What is more cult like than making

somebody swear to something it isn't true. Hillary Clinton was
not elected president, and yet she's out there for four
years maintaining she was, and her supporters believe that she was.
I'm telling you, folks, there's no cultlike behavior here from
Donald Trump. This is eerie stuff. This is really strange

and eerie stuff. Joe Biden was inaugurated, he gave his speech,
he's issuing executive orders, He's doing his best to wipe
out every bit of evidence that Trump was ever president.
What do you mean that's a cult like Trump people
preventing the peaceful transfer of power. There's no such thing.

We had a peaceful transfer of power, as evidence by
the fact that Biden's in there and nobody tried to
stop him. And yet these people continue to claim that
until Trump comes out and claims that Biden is the

legitimate winner, that we're not going to have a complete
peaceful transfer of power. What a croc an absolute crock,
mind control, thought control, you name it. The stuff never
stops with these people. I have to take a break.
We'll be back and continue before you know it. Truly

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Hillsdale dot com. Okay, Margaret, San Jose, California. I'm glad
you waited. You are next time? Hi, Hi rush Hey, right,
pleasure and honor to speak with you. I want to

let you know, first of all, day I sent your
name to Lord France with order of Malta for your healing.
I wanted to say to you, you're you're scaring me
and you're confusing me, because last week and several people
have called in and said that we've lost our republic.
And then you answer, well, I hope you have it lost, hope,
But you continually say every day, can they drill into

our heads that everything is rigged, that they're going to
make certain Democrats are going to make certain that they
never lose again. They're going to pack the courts, they're
going to give statehood. I said they're gonna try. We haven't.
I just I just said, and I'm glad you called.
I just said, we haven't reached anywhere near the threshold
of public opinion being informed on this most Americans simply

would you say that half the American people access the
news via ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, Washington
Post answers, yes, if they. If they do, it means
they don't listen to this program. It means they do
not know the extent to which the game is rigged
against them. They're gonna find out at some point. They

don't know yet. We haven't reached the threshold. But what
kind of power do we have. We they have media,
They have to corrupt federal agencies. They have to corrupt
Republicans and weak Republicans. Why are they so afraid of
Donald Trump being born again from the ashes? Why are

they so they don't think they've won this yet? But
they cheated him the first time? How that what's they're
going to do it again? He hasn't got a prayer
to try and run again twenty twenty four? They well,
I don't think. I don't I don't well, I don't
know what they're going to succeed in doing with Trump.
But I refuse to these people's days of losing are over.

That's not true. They're gonna lose it. They're gonna lose
big down the road. This is not what the American
people want and they're gonna find out. So you think
we have the people have power to do something, even
though yes it's called informing everybody. I do think that
power exists absolutely. Okay, Well I needed hope. I need
some hope here because I'm feeling like there is no hope. Well,

you also need truth, you need reality, which is what
we deal with here now, Ladies and gentlemen, stick with
me on this. We had news today about how thousands
of Americans who work at the Keystone Pipeline had no
idea what was coming. They had no idea Biden was

going to shut it down. Yet we had all this
talk of the Green New Deal during the campaign, and
all this talk of the Green New Deal mentioned what
was going to happen to oil and gas, It mentioned proudly,
happily what was going to happen to cole And yet
the Democrat Party still voted for these people. Unionized workers
still voted for these people. What did it tell you?

Tell you they don't know what the hell they're voting
for They're voting for somebody with its D next to
their name. That's all that mattered. They had been convinced
that Trump was a bad guy, that Trump was this
and that he had to go. Well, guess what they're
gonna find out. They're gonna find out Trump was protecting him.
They're going to find out Trump was the reason they
had a job the Keystone Extel. They're gonna find out that,

just like in West Virginia other places, that Trump is
the reason they had jobs in the coal industries. Most
of them already know. In fact, Keystone Excel is a
different thing. They're gonna find out in Portland and in
Seattle that it was the Democrat governors there that perpetuated
that mess, not Trump. The media blamed Trump for nine
months for all the civil unrest in Democrats cities and states.

So these Keystone Excel pipeline workers, now John carries out
telling them, well, you're gonna have even more ops you
go out and sell solar panels. Do you think that's
what they want? They are acting exactly is what you
would expect people who didn't know what was coming to act.
And I'll guarantee you a bunch of people that work

at the Keystone Pipeline voted for Biden. Just guarantee you
a lotomer union people you vote for the Democrat, guarantee
you they're not going to be happy with this, and
there will be pushback. The more John Carey and these
guys keep talking about their future is selling solar panels,

There's going to be a pushback at some point. We're
just not there yet. You think we are because you
listen to this program. I think everybody listens to this program,
but everybody doesn't. Vast majority of Americans still watch ABC, CBS,
NBC and read the New York Times and the Washington Post,

and that's the competition. And we know that they lie.
We know that they're fake news, we know they're making
it up, and we know that people read them and
watch them treat them as gospel. They're the Bible. You
remember last weekend we had the audio sound by this
George Stephanopolis tried two or three times to force Rand Paul,

Senator from Kentucky, to admit on TV the election was legitimate.
Come on, just say it, Senator, Just say it like
it was the most important thing in the world that
he had to say Stephanopolis was screaming at Senator Paul
say it. Why can't you say it? The election of

Biden was totally legitimate. I said, this is weird. What
does it matter, Georgia. Guys in the White House, what
the hell does it matter what Senator Paul thinks. Senator Paul,
by the way, never said it. He refused to give

Stephanopolis what he wanted. But this is a thing when
the left cannot win an argument and they know that
they're wrong, they scream at you to just agree with him.
And that's what That's what was happening on the Sunday Show.
I think was a good yeah, he good morning? Now?
Is that whatever the sun this week? George Stephanopolus, just

say it? Why can't you say it? What difference it make? George?
But it mattered. It mattered that Ran Paul say it
because Stephanopolis knows it isn't the fact that he thinks
it is. And this is how you win it by
forcing your opposition to admit it. Forcing thankfully he didn't.

Here is Steve and Gillette wyoming. Great to have you, sir,
Glad you waited. You're next on the EIB Network. High Hey, Russ.
I just want to say what an honor it is
to speak to you Maga prayers and make it to
this to you and Kathleen. My comment is on the
commy Harris Tom Emmett about reclaiming the mind lands. Yes,

she's just assuming that we just go out here and
we just tear up the land and leave it. That
reclamation is a part of the business. You could go
out to any of these minds in Wyoming, drive up
to them. You wouldn't know where they admired unless you before.
What you're saying is that she's the one that doesn't
know about reclamation of land, acting like she does, whereas

you people do know, and yet she's treating you like
a bunch of closet don't. Yes, exactly that she's just
so far out in her old world. They're so far
out in their own world they just think that, hey,
they just go out and rape the land, take the cold,
just leave the ground open, just leave it. And that's
just not the case. I don't know what it's like
in West Virginia, but I'm assuming it's the same way

because it's such a highly regulation. It's exactly what they
think about anything environmental that the middle class and the
people that make any money off of it are destroying
the land and destroying the environment, destroying the planet. It's
an article of faith in their religion. She just assumes
that everybody is doing this, that she and her group

want to protect the planet from predators like you. Right, Well,
she wouldn't. I mean, the last thing I'd have to
say is this land, when we put it back, it's
it's almost better than it was when it was stripped,
basically because we run strip mines in Wyoming, right, But

it's basically it's no different than the timber industry. The
timber industry plants something like three to four trees for
everyone they chop down. And I've I've mentioned that statistic
to a lot of people whoall, right, you know what
you're talking. We got we got much less forest land
to date, No, we don't. We have as much, if
not more at the founding of the country. That statistic

blows them away because they think we're down to practically nothing.
And the founding of the country, we didn't have motorized
sawser and we just you know, it was the frozen
tundra out there. But the timber industry warehouse. Are all
these people they plant For every tree they cut down,
they plant four to five more. And you know what,

there are forests whose only purpose is to create trees
for wood. Yeah, that's right. They're in the business of
growing wood. Wood is a very powerful commodity. It's very strong.
It has so many uses. You can make a beautiful
piano out of a tree trunk. You can make a

gorgeous Stravinsky violin out of wood. You can also build
homes out of wood. They are a commonly used American commodity,
and the people in that business need to make sure
they're not going to run out of it, and so
for every tree they cut down, they plant four to

five more, just to ensure that they're going to at
least be at replacement levels. How business, How stupid of
them would it be to start raping the land and
eventually get to the point where there are no trees
left there, there's no wood business, there's no timber in this.
Why would they do this? They wouldn't. They would want

to continue an ongoing supply of trees because trees equal
wood equal their business. You try telling that to environmental's Whackley,
you'll lose them ten minutes ten seconds in the conversation,
because they believe that the timber industry is a bunch

of predators and rapists and they're raping the wind and
they're destroying it, just like every other environmental's wacko has
been lied to about whatever part of the environment they
care about. Anyway, let's take a quick time out and
be back and continue after this. You know, television crime
shows they don't display cyber crimes that happen every day.

They'll get around to it, but right now they don't.
Maybe it's because the ad guys involved don't look anywhere
near as dangerous as somebody wielding a weapon could be
any number thing. Cyber hackers sit behind their computers. There's
not much action. They're just typing away on their keyboards,
doing what they do, and there is likely to be
sitting near by you at a coffee shop just waiting

for you to access free Wi Fi while you wait
for an order to be filled, and they're busy trying
to steal everything they can about your account. It's hard
to put into action on a crime show, but literally,
they don't need any more time than what this takes
in a minute's time. They've spotted you online. They have

deposited malware on your computer or your iPhone or your
pipe at whatever you're using, and all that's left is
for you to innocently click on a link. That's all
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Again Norton dot com slash Rush. Okay, folks, you know me.
I'm a person fascinated with tech such as what your
phone can do, your eye devices, your computer, what have you.
But there's something coming up that literally amazes me. And
it's it's a it's a thing that just boggles my

mind that we as human beings have the power to
do this. NASA is about the land. Another rover on Mars.
It's called perseverance. It's schedule the land on November the eighteenth.
I believe the landing sequence is automated, so NASA engineers

can't do anything but sit back and hope for the best. Well,
what are the obstacles. Well, the spacecraft has about twenty
five million miles to go and it's two hundred ninety
two million mile trip. It's currently closing the distance at

one point six miles per second. Now, once at the
top of the Martian atmosphere, an action packed seven minutes begin.
That is the time of the descent through the Martian
atmosphere to the surface of the planet. In addition or

as part of this, the temperatures that will reach the
surface of the spacecraft will be equivalent to the temperatures
on the surface of the Sun, and it will not melt.
If all goes well, it will not evaporate, it will
not vaporize, it will not be destroyed. It will be

able to withstand temperatures equivalent to the surface of the Sun.
Then the first supersonic parachute inflation happens. All of this
has to happen on a sequence that controllers will have
no control over because of the distance between Mars and Earth,

controlling the spacecraft in real time is out of the question.
It takes minutes for a command from NASA on Earth
to reach the Perseverance rover, So it's up to the
spacecraft and the software that's been written to execute numerous

tasks at split second timing, and it also has to
account for any variables that could threaten the descent and land.
It has to recognize something out of whack and make
an adjustment, make an adaption because unlike landing on the Moon,

the Moon's close enough quote UNO quote, where we could
send alternate landing instructions, but Mars is so far away
that all we can do is sit there and watch
for seven minutes as this spacecraft spacecraft plummets the Martian
atmosphere reaches temperatures equivalent to the surface of the Sun.

Parachutes have to deploy. It has to land at the
exact speed. If it doesn't, damage could happen. The rover
could be destroyed at any phase of this landing, and
nobody can stop it if something goes wrong. Because of
how long it takes a command instruction sent from Earth

to reach the rover, which at the point in time
will be an orbit around Mars. Now this just fascinates me,
and I understand these controllers are going to be bitinger
nails and going nuts during these seven minutes, being unable
to correct anything, and for much of the seven minutes
because of the heat generated by re entry, they won't

be able to have any communication with the rover at all.
But even so whatever communication they get would be delayed
because of how far Mars is. Anyway, I gotta take
a break. I just noticed the clock. The time be
back in just second. Well, my friends, that's it, yet
another excursion into broadcast excellence in the can enjoyed being

with you today, always do and look forward to the
next time. Thanks to Mark Stein, who has been in
standby mode all day. Wasn't sure I was going to
be able to go today, and then each hour I
had to assess, but we made it. Thank you mister Stein.
See you all next time.

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