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November 11, 2021 21 mins

It's 11/11 and we are all wishing Paris nothing but good luck and love on her wedding day.

Paris is revealing, only for you, how she is feeling on the big day. She shares her emotions, nerves, excitement and why she's getting married on a Thursday.

Carter even gets in on the action and joins in to talk vows and first kiss as a married couple.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Paris. Yes, I'm so in love with all
the Bridesney dresses and my maid of honor dress for
Nikki that I told Tacy, I literally need those dresses
in every single color, like they're just so so elegant

and cheep and beautiful and everything. And I was so
happy just walking in and just seeing just how it
looked inside all of the flowers and roses. Mark's Garden
did the most incredible job, just so beautiful. Um, I'm
not going to tell you the color scheme yet. You
have to watch Paris and Love and you will see

it all. But it is just a dream fairy tale,
the chandeliers, I just saw everything. Mindy Weiss and my
mom together just really did just a phenomenal job. And
it's really just put all of my mood boards and
all the visions I had for it to life. Honey,

what did you think? It was amazing? It is definitely
going to be your fairy toe wedding. Starting with I
can't imagine how gorgeous you here to look at that
wedding dress. But just thinking about that moment when Reverend
Clint just gonna say I now pronounce you husband and wife,
and that first kiss and that first hug, and as

we always say, the electric bolts that are going to
shoot between us. I'm going to think about all those memories,
going back to the first time you kiss me at Thanksgiving.
I just love you so, so so much. I love
you so much. Speaking of the kiss, we really need
to practice that right now when we get home, because
I'm going to have lip gloss on and I just

don't want to like getting everywhere and like then you're
gonna have lip gloss on, and then it's going to
bring my makeup. So I feel like we should just
instead of doing the one. When I kissed you for
the first time, it was like, you know, like a
French kiss, we should just do it like really like
a little peck or what do you think first? Want
a bigger kiss? First you have to go home and

finish writing your vows, and then we will practice the kiss.
I am happy to practice the kiss with you all night,
but I definitely need a good, deep French kiss for
our first kiss. Well, we're not going to stay up
all night kissing because I do need to go to
bed early tonight since the bride and I have to
wake up at like eight in the morning. It's going
to be such a busy day, but everything is just perfect.

I am just so so excited and nervous and happy
and just lots of emotions right now. I just can't
wait to see all of my friends tomorrow and just
celebrate this amazing day. And to do it on eleven
eleven is so special to me. For those of you

who follow me on Twitter and social media, I always
say eleven eleven make a wish every time I see it.
I see it on the clock every single day, and
it's a very special number to me. So that's why
we're getting married on a Thursday, which I know is different.
Most brides, you know, get married on Saturday and um

or Sunday. But for me, I'm not a traditional bride,
so I wanted to do it my own way, and
I'm actually glad it worked out this way because eleven
eleven I get to get married. So I do the
part where you get you know, the most nerve racking.
I think, you know, the ceremony and kind of doing
it backwards because usually you would do like a welcoming

dinner and celebration party or I don't really know the order.
I haven't been too many weddings except for my sister
and my brother and my cousin's wedding. Um, because I've
always been busy traveling the world working, so this is
all very new to me. You know what I love
about eleven eleven. It means that angels are with us

in this fact I get an angel, I get to
marry an angel, and it means it's a new beginning.
So it's the perfect day to get married. And I
love the fact that we get to have this small,
intimated ceremony with family. You have such a big family,
as do I, so it's only mainly family and a
few friends, and then we get to spend two days
of amazing celebrations. But we can't tell everybody about that yet.

They're going to have to listen to your other pod posts.
You go to Parashulton dot com so they can get
all the details of your fairy tale. We can. Yes,
I will be posting on paras Hulton dot com. We
are relaunching the site on eleven eleven on the day
of the wedding. And my new media company is called
eleven eleven Media. So eleven eleven is just so special

to me in every single way. I can't wait for
my special day and to share my love story with you. Guys.
Make sure to tune into Peacock for my new docuseries,
Paris in Love. I'll be doing some pod posts throughout
the weekend, so make sure to tune in and listen
to this as Paris, and make sure to go to
Paris Hilton dot com. I'll be posting photos, videos, and

a little blog post about what is happening. Can't wait
to share with you, guys. I love you. So I
just got home. It's been a super long day. Today.
We did the hair and makeup tests for the wedding.
I know most brides probably do that, you know, like

months in advance. That's what I heard, But as I said,
I'm not a traditional bride, So um yeah, we did
it today and I wanted to do a light makeup
and then an up to. Um you're thinking. I always
thought I would have my hair down for my wedding,
but this gown is just so elegant that I just

felt that I needed to have it up. So we're
gonna do a beautiful up to with the bun and
the veil is is so stunning and it's so long
it's so heavy. So um, we had to practice that
a lot today. So it took a lot of practice
with the veil. Um, I'm hoping that everything runs smoothly tomorrow.

I was wearing it and then my dad was saying
by to me, and it's such a long veil. He
like stepped on it. And then Carter came over to
give me a hug, and he stepped on it. And
so I'm hoping no one steps on my veil because
that would be a nightmare. Um, I would ruin my
up to with my hair, and it's just such a
gorgeous veil. I don't want it getting ruined. But I

did need to bring it down for the dress rehearsal,
because I'm happy I did. Because we also had to
practice when my dad pulled up the veil, which we
practiced like literally ten times, because I've never worn a
veil before so and I think my dad obviously he's
only done it once when he lifted my sister's veil.

So it takes a lot of practice because it was
like almost bumping against my lipstick and then it kind
of like I was ruining my hair when he pulled
it up. So yeah, it took a lot of times.
I was asking, like everyone, like do I have to
actually have the veil down? So um, yeah, that part
is a little nerve racking. I'm still worried about that.

I know when I'm walking down the aisle tomorrow I'm
going to literally be like thinking about that part. But
it just it looks so so perfect. I'm so happy
and yeah this' the whole room looks gorgeous and we
have surprised performances tomorrow, and I'm so grateful to my

friends for singing and my wedding. I'm not going to
say who yet, but when you watch, you will see
iconic songs or singing. So I'm just so so so happy.
I cannot wait. And oh yeah, the thing that I'm
very nervous about is the first dance. My schedule has

been so out of control. I've literally not at a
free second, like I've been wedding planning the whole time.
Every day, I'm working, I'm doing meetings, photo shoots, my podcast.
It's just NonStop every day. For the past six months,
I've been having to wake up at six or seven
in the morning and then working up until midnight. So

my schedule has just been so out of control. I
did dancing lessons twice. It's just hard, Like I'm not
used to this, like ballroom dancing, it's just not my thing. Um,
I'm used to going to music festivals and raves and clubs,
and it's obviously a very different type of dance, so

I still don't know the dance. I'm very very nervous
about this part. And plus I'm going to be in
this huge gown that has a long train, so I'm
praying that I'm not going to like other because I
to dance obviously with my new husband, and then I'm
going to dance with my dad for the father daughter

dance and this dress is so long because it's a
wedding gown. So I'm just so nervous that they're going
to step on it and one of us is going
to trip over. So everybody please pray for me because
I am super nervous. Um. Another thing I'm nervous about
is my vows. I've had zero times, so I haven't

even written them yet. Carter has been writing them for
the past couple of months, so he has his already.
But um, yeah, like me, I'm always last minute and
not the most responsible. So hopefully I'm not up all
night writing these vows, but I have to do it tonight.
So again, I wish me luck on that. Wish me

luck with my veil, with my first dance, and with
my vows. But I think the vows are going to
be so easy because I'm just going to speak in
my heart and it's just so much I want to say.
But I do get super shy. I always, I don't know,
in public speaking. A lot of people wouldn't think that
I'm shy because I am very good at pretending to

not be shy, just like I'm very good at pretending
to be a dumb blonde, but I'm actually not. Um,
so yeah, I get super shy just speaking and doing
public speaking. And I've nervous about that part, um, but
so so excited and um I oh yeah, I need

to practice the first kid. Is it called the first
kiss to kiss the bride? I don't know what it's called.
I guess no, it's not the first kiss because we've
kissed like a billion times. Whatever that kiss is called
the wedding kiss. I need to practice that because I
don't want my makeup to get ruined. The makeup looks
so gorgeous, and yeah, maybe I won't wear lip gloss.

I think I might just change it to lipstick, because
in the lip gloss, this gets sticky, and then if
it gets stuck to the veil, that's gonna be a nightmare.
So I'm gonna have like a big pink lip mark
on my white veil. And then when my dad lifts
off the veil when he hands me over to Carter,
I just that would be such a nightmare if the
lip gloss got stuck to it, and then I just

would feel beyond the whole time. And then when we
do our kiss at the end of the ceremony, then
it's just gonna like be sticky on his lips. So
I think I might go with like a Matt pink.
I think that's a good idea. I'm actually happy I'm
doing this. Podo was talking to you, that is, because
then I thought of this just now, genius. Um. So yeah,

I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow. I'm
getting up very early, getting hair and makeup done, and
then the whole family is getting there early because we
are going to do the wedding photos first. I decided
that we should do the wedding photos before the ceremony,
because I just know that I'm going to cry. But

his carter told me that he's gonna cry. It's to
me as he sees me walking down the aisle, He's
gonna cry and during the vows and then I'm gonna
start crying. So my makeup is probably gonna get ruined
either way because I'm gonna That's another good idea. Water
proof mascara definitely, and very strong eyelash glue for the eyelashes.

Oh man, I'm going to try not to cry, which
is going to be so hard because this is going
to be one of the most or the most special
day of my life and it's going to be so
emotional and as soon as I see him crying on it,
it's going to be so hard. So yeah, that is

the big reason I want to do the pictures and
get those out of the way first, because otherwise everyone
is probably going to be crying. I don't know if everyone.
Maybe Nikki won't cry, um, but I think everyone we'll
be crying. So I'd rather not have crying photos where
everyone looks sad, because they're not going to sad or

any growing up happiness, but you know what I mean.
So that I think is another good point for any
brides and grooms listening. I think that you guys should
do the pictures before the ceremony. It kind of does
ruin that whole moment when the groom sees the bride
for their first time in the dress, but I feel
like it's worth it because then you get beautiful, fresh

photos that are not after you've been crying during a ceremony.
So yeah, just a piece of advice. I'll give you
guys more advice throughout the weekend because I'm a first
time bride, so first and last, so um, I'm going
to learn a lot of things about weddings. And yeah,

I just I feel like I'm your sister and I
could give you all very good at ice on this.
You know, before Carter, I honestly thought I was just
going to be alone forever because I didn't trust anyone.
I didn't want to let anyone into my heart. I

was not ready for love. And I think that all
just stems back to everything I went through a pro
vocanian school, and I was just so traumatized just from
being there and that and so a lot of things
I went through my life was really uh really closed
me off from trusting anyone. But as soon as Carter

came into my life, I just knew right away. I
knew there was something special. And I'm so happy that
I listened to my heart and not my head, because
I feel that sometimes I don't know, I get too
in my head and then I think about it in
that way. And with him, I just I just knew
right away. I feel like in life that everything happens

for a reason, and everything happens at the perfect time,
and timing is everything. And Carter and I got together
right after I finished shooting my documentary This Is Paris,
this is before it came out, so I was going
through the healing process of you know, actually speaking about
everything I went through and really working through things, and

I just was ready for love. And I've been single
for a year before that. I wasn't planning, I wasn't looking.
I never really believe that it's like you'll find love
when you're not looking, but it actually did happen. Like
I was not looking for a relationship and it just
happened so naturally, And it's just I really believe that
it was fate. I'm just so excited for this next

phase in my life. I know deep in my heart
that Carter is just going to be the most incredible husband.
He's so loyal and kind and loving and patient and
generous and sweet and fun and funny, and he is
just everything that I've always wanted and always dreamed of.
And he reminds me so much of my father, and

that was something I was always looking for, because I
just saw with my parents. My mom and dad have
been together since my mom was fifteen, so they are
like high school lovers, and he is just such an
amazing husband. They are best friends, they are the best parents.
They love each other so much. They've been together since

they were teenagers, and they are just so deeply in
love and make such an incredible couple. And I was
always looking for someone like that, just someone that I
could really love and trust and share my life with.
And I'm so happy that I was patient and I
was smart and I found my perfect perfect match and

we were perfect together in every way, and I really
really believe that we were meant to be. And I
know that he's going to be the most amazing father.
It's just so cute to watch him with my little nieces, Lily, Grace,
Teddy and Milu. He's so cute with them, and they
love their uncle Carter so much. Oh yeah, and they're

going to be in the wedding too. Milu is so cute.
She looks exactly like me when I was a baby,
and I love hearing her say my name. She's her mother,
Tessa speaks fluent French, so she's been teaching her French
and English since she was born, so she has this

little French accent, so when she says my name, she's petty.
She literally says my name like of the French accent.
And she's one and a half and it is the
cutest thing in the world. And she's going to be
one of my flower girls. And Nikki's daughters, Lily, Grace
and Teddy are so adorable and they are going to
be in the wedding two as flower girls. And the

flower girls and I are wearing the same designer. We
all have coutour dresses and they just look so so cute.
They're actually gonna be wearing white. They're the only ones
who are allowed to wear white because the weddings it's
very bad etiquette to wear a white dress. So if
anyone hasn't been to wedding it, make sure not to

do that because I saw someone do that at a
wedding once. It's not nice to do. But we'll see. Uh,
sweet kind off, anyone tries to pull that with me,
the better not. But they're my flower girls, so it's okay.
And then the bridesmaids are and the most beautiful pink.
I didn't realize there were so many shades of pink,
but um, I picked the perfect pink with Stacy, and

the girls just look so beautiful. I can't wait to
see us all lined up there together and all these
gorgeous dresses. I'm exhausted. I am going to go write
my vows right now. I'm going to practice our wedding
kiss and then practice the dance. I don't even have

the gown here, so I don't even know how we're
going to practice. I'm gonna be like wearing a sweatsuit
and socks dancing, so it's going to feel completely different.
But whatever. I'm not a professional dancer, so at least
my dress is gorgeous and I can just like spin
around and look cute. Um, but yeah, I cannot wait

and I can't wait to share my love story with
you all. Make sure to tune in to my new
DOCI series, Paris and Love. It is streaming on Peacock
and new episodes will come out every single Thursday. I'm
so happy that I get to share my love story
with you all. I'm so proud of my new docuseries,

Paris and Love. It is such a beautiful love story.
It's funny, it's fun, it's emotional. It's my real life.
It was so much fun just to do this with
my mom and my sister and my family. And I'm
so grateful to Carter for being in it because he
very camera shy. At the beginning of shooting, we had

only done like one red carpet photo together. Like He's
the type that is always shied away from the cameras
and always says to me, I want you to be
the star, and I will always be watching, even the shadows.
So it's very nice to have someone who loves me
for me and not for all the attention that comes

with it, because yeah, there's a lot of other hungry
tigers out there who only care about that. So it's
such a nice feeling to have someone who doesn't need
anything from me but my love. Al Right, guys, I
have a busy night a how to me and I'm
getting up early, but I'm gonna be doing more pod posts,
so make sure to tune in and subscribe to This
is Paris and I will be doing another one of

these tomorrow. And also make sure to go to my
new website. We are relaunching on eleven eleven, so check
it out Paris Hilton dot com. I'm many posting photos,
video blog posts, so that's where you guys can get
all the wedding intel and also of course with Paris

and Loves streaming on peacock. I love you all, me luck.
I will be a MSS tomorrow. Um um yeah. I
just can't wait for this next chapter of my life
and to start a family and just our beautiful life together.
I can't wait and I can't wait to share it
with you all. I love you all. Thanks for listening

to This is Paris. We love hearing from you, so
leave us a review, send an email to Paris at
my heart radio dot com, leave a voicemail at eight
three three eighty seven Paris, and follow us at This
is Paris Podcast by days. Follow Paris at Paris Hilton
and follow Hunter March, host of e's Nightly Pop at
Hunter March
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