All Episodes

August 29, 2022 36 mins
Sportsbooks have DeSantis as the 2024 nominee. Biden doesn't want you know that nearly 5 million illegal immigrants crossed border during the Biden Administration. Aaron Rodgers and Joe Rogan understand the cause of covid madness. Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn joins Clay and Buck to discuss her recent trip to Taiwan, the importance of checking communist China and why the GOP needs to retake congress. Woke liberals on social media push the term "chestfeeding" instead of breastfeeding. Joe Rogan tells Americans to "vote Republican."

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to today's edition of the Clay Travis and Buck
Sexton Show podcast. Third hour of Clay and Buck gets
going right now. Thanks for jumping in here, Thanks for
listening to us. Appreciate all of you across the country.
Quick update here, the Department of Justice has announced that
they have already looked at the information they seize from

our lago before they even have a coin to a
court appointed special master to go through the documents, and
there is some attorney client privilege material in there. This
will be ongoing. We will update you on this story,
and we stand ready to annihilate the ridiculous lib arguments

about charge Trump with this bionash, but we don't want
to spend too much time on it because we think
it is a Democrat distraction at this point from the
failures of governance and making this all about Trump and
keeping us on the back foot. If that change is
obviously we will dive into this one. But yeah, oh,

they also have the Director of National Intelligence, Democrat appointed,
saying that they're doing a review, a review of the damage,
a damage assessment. I've actually been around when they've done
these before, when I was in the CIA for information
that has been exposed to the public. Clay you ever thought,
I mean, because I can help them the damages. There's

no damage because unless somebody snuck into marrow Lago went
through thousands of pages at their leisure to find a
couple of dozen that might theoretically have actually really hurt
us national security. I doubt it, but possible. Nothing happened here, folks.
I shared with you, Buck, and I hope I'm not
going to turn you into a deviant. Here the link

to all the gambling news on the gambling odds on
elections over the weekend that I kind of monitor on
a regular basis because it's one thing to hear people say, oh,
this poll came out or that poll came out, But
I like to see where people are actually putting their
money down. And I will say this, and I haven't
seen it written about very much since the mar Lago raid.

The most substantial gambling impact these are people who put
their money down market wise on what they think is
going to happen. Ron De Santis is twenty twenty four.
Presidential election odds have really improved dramatically. Trumps have not
really fallen, but a lot of people I think are
looking at the mar Lago cloud and saying, hey, this

could be the opening for Ron de Santis to be
able to run and beat Trump in a primary. DeSantis
has come out and ripped the FBI all of those decisions,
and certainly DeSantis has got to win an election in November.
But buck I found that to be a little bit
intriguing in terms of kind of spinning this story forward,

is that while there's been an initial rush to Trump
for support, the dollars have actually suggested that gamblers think
it makes Ron de Santis now the presumptive favorite to
be elected president in twenty twenty four. Because if they
don't prosecute Trump, as we said in the first hour,
if they don't bring charges, where does this story go.

The answer is kind of just is something that the
CNN audience will be told about, you know, along with
jan You don't see a lot about January sixth Anymoreish
vanish all the insurrection that it didn't work. It didn't work.
You're right, So if they went to this, I don't
know if this works either for them. It looks like

it hasn't so far. Again, we could end up. I'm
one thing I always say, I mean Clay looks at
the betting odds to get a sense of we're sentiment
and where people are thinking things will go. Nobody can
predict the future. I don't pretend that I can predict
the future. We can analyze, we can look at trends.
But in two weeks, could we come in and you know,
all hell's breaking loose because they prosecute Trump. Yes, I
think it's highly unlikely, and we play the probabilities here

and try to assess where things are likely to go.
But it's possible absent that I think this goes away.
And so with that in mind, here's something that I
want everybody thinking about a lot more. We often hear
from Republicans far from the border, whether it's governor, senators, congressmen, congresswomen,
that every state is a border state. Well, that's clearly

true in a number of ways, given the wide open
southern border we have under the bind administration, the flooding
of communities across the country with the lethal and highly
illegal fentanyl that has we reached all time high fentyel
drug overdoses as a result of this. I mean, Clay,
here's a number that we certainly don't see reported a lot,

about five million people. About five million people, according to
an immigration watchdog. This was reported on just a couple
of days ago, have entered the US illegally. If you
add in all the goataways. This is under the Biden administration.
If you add it all together, they say it's about

five million. Now we don't know what the you know,
the official number is more. It's more like two million
a year have been entering. But you've definitely got millions
of people who've entered the US illegally, underbid millions and
millions of them, that's for sure. The exact number. Nobody
will ever really know. This is affecting wages, This affects

public services clearly. It affects the ability of local services
to function in places like New York and DC because
they're complaining about it, and I think that's fascinating to watch.
The CNN reporting on this over the weekend was that
asylum seekers arriving in New York are now being transferred

to homeless shelters, which is boxing out now people that
are the homeless populations that already exist in these cities.
Democrats have no interest in stopping this problem. In fact,
I think you could are you very convincingly. They want
the illegality to continue, and this affects the poorous border

and the dysfunction, the lawlessness affects wages, crime, sovereignty. The
list just goes on and on and on. You don't
hear Democrats talking about this at all, because Biden is
the worst president on the border we have ever seen,
to be fair, far worse than Barack Obama actually was
his immediate Democrat predecessor. Biden still hasn't been to the border.

He's been to the Ukraine border, but he hasn't made
it to our southern border. And Buck you mentioned New
York City and Eric Adams, the Murial Bowser, the Democrat
mayor of Washington, DC, asked for the Biden administration to
call out the National Guard so that they could handle
this massive influx for them of migrants arriving in Washington,

d C. And the Biden administration refused to do that
because they were worried about the political optics that might
occur if the National Guard was called out to deal
with this. This is and I believe Doug Doocey now
has also joined the Governor of Arizona has joined the
Governor of Texas Greg Abbott in making this choice. Abbott

is going to win comfortably in the state of Texas,
and one reason is certainly the border issues register in
a massive way there. Whoever gave him the advice to
do this, because initially, I think Buck, much like you,
I thought, oh, this feels a little bit like a stunt.
There's no way it's actually going to have any kind

of substantial impact. It didn't even take that many people
getting on those buses and going to New York and Washington,
d C. To throw those cities asunder in terms of
their ability to handle this influx such that we're now
talking about it and there is coverage of the border

issues in New York and in DC because they can't
avoid it, they can't hide from it. And what is
the Democrat plan for this? Just so everyone knows, this
is going to be very similar to what it was
under the Obama administration, which did do some There was
a time where there was left wing pushback on Obama
for being the quote deporter in chief because they did

continue some level of interior enforcement. Yeah. So we talk
a lot about the border, but if you speak to
anybody who has an understanding of what's going on with
immigration and customs enforcement. People aren't being deported. So not
only is it it's easy to get here illegally, it's
easier than ever to stay here illegally. And that is

likely to that is going to continue under the Biden administration.
We're going to get back into a discussion, depending on
how this goes with the Congress in the midterms, about
amnesty once again, and you're going to have them saying, oh,
there are eleven point eight million people in the country illegally.
They're going to tell you that even though we've had
about five five million enter the country illegally in the

last two years, they're going to continue with the arts
about eleven million people. Because the real number, if you
speak to anybody in border patrol, anybody who's been working
on this issue day in and day out for many
years now, I mean anywhere from fifteen to twenty five million,
tends to be the number that people who know the
issue will tell you. And they're gonna say, this is

where we have to talk about comprehensive immigration form, a
pathway to citizenship. We think we've got electoral challenges right now,
just wait until the Democrats try to ram through if
they can, if they're in a position to the biggest
amnesty we've seen in this country since nineteen eighty six,
which was actually a Reagan amnesty, which he later regretted

because they didn't keep up their end of the bargain
with enforcement, which was no surprise. Well, and this is
what's going to win the election for Abbot. And I'm
curious with Carrie Lake in Arizona trying to succeed Do
Doucy out there, and also what is going to happen
with Blake Masters whether this is going to register with
Mark Kelly. I'll say this, buck, Mark Kelly is running

for reelection in Arizona as a US Senator. Have you
ever heard Mark Kelly say or do anything? Nothing? Nothing?
He might be the most empty suit senator at there.
I mean, just doing an interview arguing in favor or
against anything. It's amazing to me how many people go
into politics and then try and just hide against the

wall and hope no one notices them there. It feels
as if that is his entire campaign strategy. Are you
enough of a nerd that you are you familiar with
Star Trek, the Borg? You familiar with the Borg. I know,
star Trek. The borg is taken it into the is
taken it into the NERDDM. No, I'm not. Is there
somebody who does basically this? So so the borg is

there's cybernetic organisms. Get a little nerdy here. Yeah, that's
very linked in the in the hive mind, okay, meaning
this so that they're all controlled sort of by one.
The Democrat Party is effectively the boork. They just want
people like the different functionaries within it, whether it's Biden
at the very top or someone like Mark Kelly, as

long as they have a D next to their name,
and they will do what the hive mind of the
left demands. That's all. This is why I keep saying Biden.
Of course he's running for reelection because they think that
the Biden brand will get enough votes to win. And
the fact that he's a buffoon who knows nothing, shakes
the hand of empty air, and looks like he's in

early stages of real dementia doesn't matter to them because
it's about the hive mind. It's not actually about individual
leadership or thought. And so with someone like Senator Mark Kelly,
all they care about is is it a Democrat seat?
If it is a Democrat seat, they get Democrat votes.
The rest of it is unimportant to them. Se Biden

in the empty handshakes. You know, it's been over two
hundred days now since Joe Biden has set for one
on one interview. The one lesson we should have play
is the hiding in the basement thing worked well enough
that he's sitting in the Oval office now. We can
we can complain and we have about about the the
shenanigans and underhandedness in the malarkey and the cheating and

all that, but he still ended up being the president
after hiding in the basement. Democrats have a massive media
apparatus that will carry their propaganda water for them, which
means that they can It's a great point you make
about Mark Kelly. I've never even seen a SoundBite of
him in the last year. I mean, he is running
for reelection. Like you could agree or disagree with Warnock,

He's out there talking a lot. I've seen him everywhere
that there are a lot of senators who you can
agree or disagree with, who are very public in their beliefs.
I haven't seen Mark Kelly doing anything. And so we
got a big audience out there in Arizona a shade
all of you listening right now. I know a lot
of you are deciding how exactly aggressive you're going to

be during the campaign season. What has Mark Kelly actually
done other than say, you know, I'm an astronaut and
sort of run his biographical arguments out there. I think
it's worth considering. Look, and speaking of Joe Biden said
he hadn't done an interview in two hundred days. I
think that's probably because Joe Biden, like much of the

Biden White House, has an incredible deficit of testosterone. There
are a lot of beta mails in this White House
right now. They can't even get Joe Biden to stay awake,
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Welcome back in Clay Travis buck Sexton show we talked earlier,
and by the way, we're going to be joined by
Marsha Blackburn. Center just got back from Taiwan. I'm actually
fascinated to hear what she thought of that trip and
how she would assess the overall geopolitical terrain in between
Taiwan and China. But I want to encourage all of

you out there go subscribe to the podcast. We have
been deluged in so many of your five star reviews.
We've actually put Dub to work for a change. He's
having to check them all out. And we've been asking
you to get us over ten thousand reviews, and we
are I'm checking right now, Buck. We are basically at

almost at ten thousand. Yet we need ninety more of
you to go review the show and get us to
ten thousand reviews, which I don't think very many podcasts
out there have ten thousand reviews, and obviously this is
a radio show on podcast, but you guys are killing
it there. You can go search us out on iTunes,

pop us over the ten thousand mark. Just ninety more
people out there needed. Almost a thousand of you, I
think have given reviews in the space of the last
couple of days. So thank all of you out there.
We've been talking about this Joe Rogan Aaron Rodgers podcast interview,
which is so great, and I've been frustrated along Buck
as well with the fact that people who are furious

about our response to COVID are not holding Democrats accountable.
They actually talked about this. Listen to Joe Rogan and
Aaron Rodgers. No one who is alive today had ever
experienced a true pandemic and I'm hoping that now that
this is over, people are going to, you know, recognize
that some serious errors were made and not repeat those.

That's the best he can get out of it. So
what do you tell those people vote Republican? I mean,
he's right, he's right. That's just that that is a
rational response that Libs the Democrats got it wrong. They
got it wrong on COVID top to bottom. They were
wrong about everything. The Fauci worshippers were wrong. Biden with

his winner of death and pandemic of the unvaccinated and
fire people who don't get the COVID juice wrong, wrong, wrong,
wrong about mass wrong about lockdown's, wrong about school closures,
wrong about social distancing, wrong about handwashing. Wrong. Does it
matter to people or not? They destroyed people's lives, They

destroyed businesses. They've lit trillions of dollars of wealth and
productivity on fire for what If there are no consequences, Buck,
They'll do it again at the next possible opportunity. In
the back of their mind after all of the failures
over the last two and a half years, we need

them to be thinking in the years ahead, there will
be electoral consequences for this. And frankly, if making the
worst American public policy decision of any of our lives,
as Democrats did with COVID doesn't lead to electoral oblivion,
what are we doing as a democracy. There needs to
be a new term, a new phrase to describe how

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here and as promised, joined by Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn,
who is just back from a visit to Taiwan. Senator Blackburn,

appreciate you making the time for us. I'm so happy
to join you all. Thank you so much. So why'd
you go to Taiwan and what'd you find when you
were there? Well, I went to Taiwan. It wasn't my
first visit. It was a return visit, and I did
it because it is so important that we stand with

Taiwan as they seek to preserve their freedom and push
back on the Chinese Communist Party. And of course we've
seen the Communist Chinese really become so aggressive globally, yes,
but specifically in that Indo Pacific region with those Pacific

island nations. So for Taiwan to know that we stand
with them, we support them, that we are doing our
part to make certain that they have what they need
to defend themselves, it is important. It's an important step
for us. And you know, the more we support Taiwan

and encourage our allies to support Taiwan, the harder it
makes it for the Chinese Communist Party to say, oh no,
they're part of us. We are going to go in
and we're going to overtake them and no one should care.
Senator Blackburn, thanks for coming on. Do you think that
China is going to try and invade Taiwan based on

your knowledge obviously as a senator, and also the trip
that you just made, do you think they will do that?
Certainly they want to do it. Do you think they will, Well,
they want to do at Clay. They want to be
globally dominant by the time we get to twenty fifty.
But the more we push you back on them and

encourage our allies to push back on them, to support
Taiwan and Papua New Guinea the other islands where I
visited during this strip, the harder it makes it for
China to do that. Now, we do know that China, Russia, Iran,

and North Korea they comprise what I call the new
Axis of Evils. They're intent on taking down the US.
So it is something that we should keep our eye on,
that we should push back and make it very very
difficult for China to take these moves and for those

moves to be accepted by freedom loving nations. Centator Blackburn,
do you think that there should be an official shift
away from what has been the US policy with regard
to Taiwana of strategic ambiguity. Essentially, should we have a
more ironclad promise to them or do you think the
current situation, the status quo is the better option. I

think it is certainly something that we should discuss, and
I would encourage people to recognize Taiwan as separate. You
have to look at the fact they have a founding father,
they have an independent say, they have a constitution, they
have a president, they have a military, and all of
this we recognize. Think about it like this, the USSR

breaks up, so countries declare their independence. To do we
recognize those countries? Absolutely we do, and we applaud those countries.
And in Taiwan, they would like for us to recognize
them and applaud them. And it's appropriate to go back
and look at the steps that Richard Nixon took, that

President Carter took and bring this back up for review. Senator,
We're in a fifty fifty Senate right now. We're a
little bit over two months out from the mid terms.
There's a lot of battleground states out there. There are
many people listening to us right now in those battleground states.
As a senator, how much different is there for you

if it's a fifty one forty nine Republican majority versus
the Democrats having any kind of majority at all. We
know Kamala breaks the tie fifty fifty, but in terms
of what you guys are capable of, what does that
majority mean? Oh, that majority means so much because who
never has a majority in the Senate. That's the agenda.

And having that majority means that we can stop that
are judges that are not appropriate for the bench, that
do not have the background or the expertise. We can
put a halt to some of those nominations that are
just not appropriate. We can also begin to work to

get inflation under controle because we would be able to
control the budget with a Republican held House and Senate.
That would help to curtel some of this federal spending.
I think we should put a high freeze on hiring
new federal employees, a freeze on federal salaries. We should

began to work to reign in this bureaucracy, keep them
from hiring eighty seven thousand IRS agents to go after
small and mid sized businesses in this country, Center blackber
Is it a little bit of a shock to you
when you see the current president, Joe Biden going around

referring to Trump voters as semi fascists and openly stating
that he has no respect for Maga Republicans. They're so
disappointing to hear someone that's the president of the United
States use that language. And I know he feels like

it is political free speech and he can do it.
It is just inappropriate. The President of the United States
is there for everyone. When your intellective office, you represent everyone,
Democrat and Republican, independent, Green, Party of whatever. And for

him to hold that disdain when he said his step
was going to be to seek to reunite people in
the country makes you wonder if the speech was platitudes
written for him that he did not mean, or if
he has changed his opinion. Senator, do you think that

the Biden Justice Department is going to charge Donald Trump
with a crime based on their Morilago rate? And if so,
what do you think would happen. I have no idea
what they're going to do. If this is just political posturing.
What I do know is this is unprecedented This has
never happened to a former president. I do know that

they seemed very unconcerned about Hillary Clinton's laptop with thirty
thousand emails, or her staff members with their devices that
also contained those confidential top secrets emails and transmissions. I
know that they were not that concerned about her using

bleach bit or about staff members taking a hammer to
their devices. They weren't concerned about Hunter Biden. We even
find out now the FBI went to Facebook and I
would say probably likely others, and said, hey, beware about this.
We're not sure about this. You might not want to
put this up, might not want to get that out there.

And we do know that had affected the way people
viewed a Biden family and the way they ultimately voted YEA.
So we have to be aware of those things. Senator
Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee always appreciate you joining us. Thanks
so much, you got it. Take you At the beginning
of August, folks, you know we ask you to send
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Enjoy those my pillow pet fucks. Welcome back in Clay
Travis Buck Sexton show in the Cots The Quest to
Redefine Words. We're gonna take a couple of your calls

here in a moment close out the show. But I
thought you guys would appreciate this. The left wing in
this country has gone to war with the term breastfeeding. Now, Buck,
we have to call it chest feeding. This is not
made up. Listen to being more inclusive. I'm working on
saying chest feeding instead of breastfeeding, chess feeding, chess feeding,

chess feeding, chest feeding, est feeding chess feeding. Chest feeding
is just inclusive. There are non binary people. There are
trans men who lactate. There are those who go by
he him, different pronouns. There are also a lot of
trans men who have fed a baby with their because
they were still attached. Not everyone that chess feeds are
body feeds and then fights. As a woman, I try

to be respectful and inclusive of everybody's identities in preferences.
I will go back and forth between saying breastfeeding mother
or lactating parent, or chest feeding. I call it chess
feeding because I know that not everybody who feeds from
their body has breast. Hold on, hold on, I need

to understay this. I'm pretty sure that men can't lactate,
despite what we may see. Do we have to meet
the parents line? Can you milk me? Do you remember?
Can you milk me? Great? Yeah, of course? Um right.
I mean, isn't this Am I missing something? I mean,
if you are feeding from your chest, it must be
from a breast. Even if you are I'm sure someone's

gonna say, oh, but there was you know, one time
in history or something. I mean, but am I missing something?
I'm no. I don't understand how men can lactate, even
if they have their own show or whatever at CNN.
I don't think it's possible. I think I think this
is the same people who would say, men can get pregnant.

So I'm guessing that chest feeding is because these men,
sorry women who have decided to identify as men and
are still having base babies are saying, oh, I'm feeding
from my chest, not my breast because I'm a man. Now. Wow,
that's the only way that I can think about how
it can make sense. So it's a biological female that

is breastfeeding, but is telling us all to say that
it is chest chest feeding because the trans ideology as
such that it is no longer actually a female breast
that is lactating, but a male breast because or male
chest because they say, so that's where this is. Because

I was legitimately confused for I was like, wait, how
is this supposed to work? I think that's the only
way that it could possibly work. I think it's the
the girl who now considers herself to be a boy
but has had a baby and is now feeding from
the chest. This is also wild to even think about

that we are even having conversations on this level. If
you can feed a baby from your nipple, you are
a woman? Can we is there? Like? Is that not
a pretty definitive statement? Like if you can birthday child
you are a woman. If you can feed a woman
from a baby from your nipple, you are a You're

a woman. I'm assuming they don't have like lactation, gland
transfer or anything like that. That's not a thing, right.
Remember we had doctor McCarry on. He said that at
some point in the future they may be able to
insert female parts into a male to have a baby.
So i'm i'm i'm even if you get a breast removal,
I would guess buck, you still have the same pipes,

for lack of a better way of describing it, that
would allow you to lactate. I guess right. I am
not a lactation expert. That's the only way I can
even think of that. Chess feeding could make sense. Maybe,
Ed and Prescott Arizona, are you a breastfeeding expert? Ed?
Not even going to go there. It's probably a good

probably a good move on your part. What have you
got for us? You're out in Arizona and you say
that Mark Kelly, who has not managed me a senator
for several years, and nobody's ever heard of him saying
or doing anything. What's his what's his campaign pledge? Now? Well,
now you're hearing, uh he sends out these uh, these
ads he runs on TV, and all he's talking about
is how inflation is not the Biden administration's fault, and

whose fault isn't from whose fault is it? By the way,
if it's not the Biden administrations exactly, Yeah, I'm just
curious who they're blaming. Well, they're blaming you know, the
Warren in the Ukraine. So and then he runs these
ads about gas prices and he's saying that it's the
retailer's fault because they're price gouging the customers, and he's
going to do something about it. That we've made this

clear for thanks for the call. The average gas station
makes around two or three cents per gallon of gas
that they sell. They make their money based on you
going inside and buying something in the convenience store, so
they cannot gas gouge. And anybody who's ever driven down
the street, do you think that they're colluding with every

other gas station to charge roughly the same price as No,
it's because they're paying a wholesale pretty much the same
prices no matter what in geographic regions. So Clay, I
just now Wikipedia is overrunbund I can't. I can't believe
you were even willing to look up what I think
you were willing to look up. Yeah, I just want
to make sure. Yeah, there's a Wikipedia here, so check

the source. Male lactation is possible. It was of some
interest to Alexander von Humboldt, who reports in a whole
bunch of it's a whole bunch of French words that
a guy nurtured his son when his wife was ill.
Who and then also Charles Darwin. Apparently they're saying that

there is male lactation. I don't. I had never, I
had never heard of this before. I don't want to
call out Darwin rest in peace, but I think you know,
he had some good had some good theories out there.
But I think the Darwin may have jumped the proverbial shark.
It is also fascinating that libs will always they'll always
go back to Darwin, who didn't know what microbiology or

DNA or mitochondria or any of those things was. But
he has all the answers. Darwin has all the answers.
I just I've lived my whole life and I've never
seen a man breastfeeding. Maybe it happens all the time
and I just missed it. I you know, yes, I
think I think that that is a that is a
true thing. I mean it also generally we think that

a human being has one heart per human but I
think also there are like one in a billion conjoined twins,
for example, which used to be called something else. But
we can't say that anymore. Sime's twins is offensive. I'll
say it is that really offensive? Now? I mean, if
I'm gonna get you play on the radio show, I

say that the thing that is like supposed to be
sitting now and clays like, oh the other thing, I'll
say I didn't even know Simey's twins. I found out
Eskimo you can't say anymore. Yeah, there are Eskimos. There's
also Inuit, though, an Alude and these other tribes. So
that's just feeding. Evidently, I'm not gonna be able to
say breastfeeding anymore. I can't people keep up with all that.
We need a fact check though. Is mail actation really

a thing? I'm gonna have to talk to some hashtag
science about this because I think it's very getting Maybe
Faucci will come on and talk to us about chess
feeding let me tell you, sometimes, when Mother Nature decides
it is necessary for chest feeding, we could see it. Right.
I think I think Faucci could breastfeed. I mean, if
I had to pick a guy right now who was

most likely to breastfeed, might be Fauci. Be honest that

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