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March 8, 2023 39 mins
Liz Wheeler is an American conservative political commentator, author, and podcast host.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hey, everybody, welcome to another episode of the Buck Sexton Show.

We have a fantastic guest for you on this one,
very exciting. Liz Wheeler, the host of the Liz Wheeler Show,
is with us now and we've got a lot of
things to talk about. Liz. The country needs our help.
I think we got to save America. How are you doing, Hi, Bog,
Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. Jay six, Let's

start with that, because, as you and I both saw,
there's this footage that Tucker and his team over Fox
are releasing in pieces. For me, my top line on
this was I thought, I mean, I wrote an op
ed a couple of what was it now a couple
of years ago, saying that anyone who says January six
was an insurrection is an idiot. And that's coming from

somebody who kind of studied insurrections and coups in the
intelligence world, so I have some sense of what an
insurrection looks like. That was the actual title. Anyone who
calls it an insurrection as an idiot, and people are like, yeah,
that's right. So it didn't There was nothing that changed
my mind about it. I just felt like we're seeing
even more that they called this an attempt to overthrow
the United States government. And there's all these people who

are just walking around like calmly, chatting with cops and
being friendly and respectful. Apart from the vandals and the people,
there were some people who were doing the bad stuff.
But this is not how a coup happens. No, I mean,
I would take it even one step further. Now, maybe
the second installment of your op ed says that anybody who,
anybody who perpetuated the myth, the falsehood that this was

an insurrection, should should be banished from at least public commentary,
because it's not just idiotic. You're not just stupid if
you fell for this. This was an outright lie. I mean,
this was information warfare that bureaucrats and elected officials in
the United States government, people who are supposed to represent us,

waged against us. They told us deliberate lies, knowing information
that contradicted their lives, but knowing that we didn't have
the information to directly contradict. I mean, the the Brian
Sicknick video that Tucker played is probably the best example
of this. The whole narrative that this was a deadly
insurrection that people died, that these Trump supporters murdered police

officers was false, and they knew it was false. They
knew that the man Brian, this police officer who died
a couple of days later of natural causes, was not
murdered by Trump supporters who broke into the Capitol. They
had accessed that tape. That was the jaw dropping moment
for me, Buck when I was watching this Tucker investigation,
is they can see on the Capitol computers who else

has viewed particular moments on this tape? And other people
had already viewed this meeting. The January sixth committee knew
they were lying and lied anyway because you and I
didn't have this video footage to disprove them. And there's
also this part of me that as this all comes out,
they lied and were completely unrepentant about it. With the

Russia collusion stuff too. I mean, at this point you
have to wonder, why would anyone believe any major allegation
of Democrats like Saint Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and
Schumer and all the rest. They still go about their
days acting like they didn't fabricate that. Really, what was
a crazy story. I mean, it wasn't just false, which

it obviously was about Tromp working with the Kremlin and
stealing the election and all this stuff. In twenty sixteen,
it was an insane story. It didn't make any sense
from the beginning. And yet now we see those people
have created a narrative of oh, well, you guys tried
to overthrow the government. No honest person can look at
those videos and think this was an attempt to overthrow

the United States government, Like that's just that's a crazy
thing to say, Well, it's it's of course cars And
it's like the psychological experiment, the thought experiment of people
who lie. Do they know that they're lying after they've
told the lie the first, the second, and the third time,
or do they actually start believing their lie and thus
just become peddlers of delusion. I have no idea. When
it comes to Adam Schiff, he seems both dishonest and dogmatic.

Maybe he believes the lies that he has invented, just
like maybe Liz Cheney believes the lies that she's invented.
When it comes to the January sixth Committee and the
narrative that they tried to paint in prime time produced
by a former what was it, an NBC producer telling
the American people that this was an attempt to overthrow
the government. It clearly was not. These people were looking

for a constitutional remedy. But that's the part that always
gets me about this when the left says, oh, Trump
was talking to his lawyers, was reading briefs from different people,
trying to figure out if there was a way that
he could stop the certification of the Electoral College. You
can argue that there was something he could do, or
you can argue in good faith that there wasn't anything
that he can do. But the fact of the matter
is is he was trying to wiggle around within the

bounds of the constitution to find a way to delay
the certification until he could investigate what more thoroughly what
happened in the twenty twenty election. And it's funny to
me that's the same thing with January sixth. It's funny
to me when these people say, oh, they were trying
to violence overthrow the government. No, they weren't. They were
trying to work within the bounds except for, you know,
the few hooligans that committed vandalism, and that was wrong.

Most people were peacefully protesting, exercising their rights peaceable assembly
in order to redress grievances with the federal government, which
is codified into our founding documents. I don't ever like
to engage in exaggeration, because when I say something that's
really forceful, I want everyone who hears it, who listens

to me, to know that I really mean it right,
And I try to keep that in mind doing radio
or you know, even doing a podcast like I am now.
But to me, certainly, for any of the January six
defendants who did not engage in violence against the cops,

and let's be clear, the violence was not it was
not lethal violence. They did not beat sick Nick to
death with a fire extinguisher, which was reported at nauseum
in the very beginning of this. It was constantly, oh
they beat sixty three death, which was a horrible thing.
And I remember when I heard that report, thought, oh,
my gosh, what what are these guys doing. Of course,
total lie, as we find out, But any of the

non violent January sixth defendants, to me, they're political prisoners.
I mean, when you hold somebody for months at a
time in solitary confinement in special administrative segregation or whatever
they're calling in in the DC gulog, that they're operating
and they haven't actually hurt anyone, you have to wonder,

what can we call this other than political prisoners. I mean,
I think that is the accurate term. It certainly is
the accurate term. One of the things that I was
thinking when Tucker was airing the part about the qan
On shaman Jacob Chanzley, who became kind of the face
of the whole thing, at least in the mainstream media's
narrative that they were perpetuating, is when they were showing
this video of him just like basically powling around with

these Campital police officers. They were trying to open doors
for him, they were walking next to him. They weren't
doing anything. They even try to verbally tell him, hey, hey, dude,
you can't be in here, let alone restraining him or
being more forceful. They were very casual. Their demeanor was
very unthreatened. I thought to myself, was this video footage
used during his trial because he's in prison right now.
He was sentenced to four years in prison. He has

currently incarcerated, and this is in my opinion, exculpatory evidence
to the extreme. I'm not sure how he could have
been convicted given this evidence, especially when he said he said, listen,
I didn't realize that I wasn't supposed to be in
there because police officers were opening doors for me. How
can you sentence a man to four years in prison
make him the face of this so called deadly insurrection

that wasn't deadly and wasn't an insurrection when this video
footage exists. Yeah, there are people, you know MSNBC host
or analysts or I guess analysts, you know, commentators. Steve Schmidt,
as you may recall, said we should shoot people like Changley,
and I mean, not only is that horrific, but also

when you think about how as Ashley Babbitt was, I mean,
that woman was murdered, and they made it they made
it go away effectively from illegal from the legal side
of things, the system made it go away. Because if
people realize that they just that someone opened fire on
these protesters, you would say, really, this is the protest
that they opened fire on. They just start shooting people. Yeah.

I find it really strange that one of the only
places on the Capitol that doesn't have multiple angles of
camera surveillance as outside the speakers lounge. That seems really
shady to me. And I don't know if this is
just another level of security that we're not supposed to
know about, that it's a different camera system, or why
would there be a blind spot outside of the speakers lounge?
That's where the shooting of Ashley Babbitt happened, and that's

why we didn't have video footage. Why Tugger couldn't air
any footage of it because he doesn't have it, because
that's a blind spot in the Capitol And that seems
really suspect to me. I everything else that we've seen
makes me one hundred percent sure that the narrative coming
from the mainstream media in the January sixth Committee about
what happened to her, that she was threatening someone's life

and that the police officer essentially acted justly in his
use of lethal force, makes me sure that that's incorrect.
But how are we ever supposed to prove this if
there's a blind spot in front of the speaker's lounge?
Is that? Am I wrong? Here? Is that strange? It's
only strange if you think that the two cameras outside
of Epstein cell malfunctioning when he was supposed to be
under twenty four seven surveillance and captain you know that

they just had and the guards were asleep and the
cameras malfunctioned, you know, and the first person to ever
commit suicide in the Manhattan correction of Federal Correctional Facility
just happened to be a guy with a rolodex full
of names of people. Yeah. I don't know if you
think one is strange, Liz, I think you can think.
I think the other one looks a little strange, sho.

I do think that that's a fair thing to point out.
I want to ask you about a story that you've
been shedding at a lot of light on out of
Ohio and elementary school and students there who well we'll
get to this as a students who were made to
pledge allegiance to Black Lives Matter. Why don't you tell

everybody about that story? So, ladies, tell everybody about this
story out of the elementary school in Ohio. Tell everybody
what happened. Yeah, So this happened about an hour and
a half north of where I grew up. I grew
up in the suburbs of Cincinnati, Ohio, and at an
elementary school in Springfield, Ohio. This elementary school is called
Kenwood Elementary School. People in Ohio are probably gonna be

familiar with this. There was video footage that was requested
based on based on anecdotal reporting, video footage that was
requested by the local affiliate that showed several black students
at this school. Keep in mind the background of the
story is it is an elementary school, meaning this is
not seventeen and eighteen year old thugs who are still

in high school. These are small children. Several black students
at this elementary school were caught on camera taking white
students on the playground outside physically assault them, throwing them
to the ground and punching them in the head, making
them kneel, and then pledge allegiance to Black Lives Matter,
saying those words black lives matter. The videos of this

are obviously horrible. There is not audio, but you can
plainly see what's going on here. Thankfully, police are pressing
charges here. And when I saw this, I thought, probably
the same as everyone else thought. I thought, well, this
is truly horrendous. It's so despicable to think of this
happening to children. But my first thought was, it's shocking
to me that this kind of violence happens in an

elementary school. It seems to me that, you know, I'm
not to date myself, not to sound too old here,
but it seems to me that when we would hurt
hear stories back from my day about violence in school,
it usually was in schools in the inner city, It
was usually in lower income areas where there was a
higher crime rate, and it was usually sixteen, seventeen, eighteen
year old men who were committing the violence in this school.

And I thought, why is this happening out of an
elementary school? So I ponder this. I watched this video
about one hundred times, and I think to myself, you
know what the conservative movement, including myself, may occult here,
has missed, as we've missed the manifestation of critical race
theory when it comes to black students. Right, So we
constantly talk about critical race theory in our schools and country.
How it's this poisonous ideology that tells white children that

they're inherently racist based on the color of their skin,
not based on their thoughts or their actions, but just
based on the fact that they're whites, and therefore they're
enjoying privileges that have been built on the shoulders of
white supremacy before them. This ridiculous notion. And we tell
black children through critical race theory that they are fundamentally
oppressed and victimized. But buck so often we focus on

the false accusation that's levied against the white children. That
they're told that they're racist, they're told they're evil, they're
told they're irredeemable, there's nothing they can do about this.
But we forget the impact that this has on black children.
That black children are being told through schools by teachers
as if it's truth that they're less, they're being told
that they're victims. They're being told that they're being demeaned

on this cultural level based on the color of their skin.
And this is the outgrowth of that. The outgrowth of
that is a almost racial revolution where black children assault
white children in the name of Black Lives Matter, which
as we know, is an organization built on critical race theory.
If we as conservatives don't recognize this, we're going to

start seeing this pop up not just in schools, but
in our culture all across the country. What do you
think can be done in response to this, I mean,
is this an all of the above effort from parents,
to teachers, to administrators rethinking the obviously getting rid of

CRT in schools, But you know, how do we address this?
I just feel like for so many parents out there,
I mean, I'm not a parent yet, but there's this
sense of Okay, so these things are happening. Kids are
being told this. White kids are being told this, Black
kids are being told this. You know, they're different, different
narratives about how they're supposed to think about each other
and about race relations in America. And it's poisonous stuff.

So how do we change that? Like, what is what
is changing that actually look like? Well, I think there's
a cultural change and then there's political change, right, cultural changes.
If you possibly can homeschool your kids, get them out
of these institutions, don't let them on TikTok, don't send
them to public school where this is firmly embedded into
if not the curriculum, then the counselors and the administrators

in the idea of right and wrong injustice, don't send
your kid. It's it's too toxic, it's it's not possible
for them to go to public school right now and
escape this kind of this kind of poison. So homeschool them,
pull them out of school, and they will be much
better for it. That's sort of the cultural side of things.
The political side is we should ban this. I mean,
this is racial superiority and racial inferiority ideology. This is

something states can ban from public schools. This isn't even
controversial to think that it can be banned because critical
race there is not being taught as some abstract idea
in public schools. Teachers aren't saying, Okay, this is critical
race theory, and critical race theory teaches A, B and C.
They're teaching it as if it's true. They're teaching it
the same that they would teach one plus one equals two.

And they don't have any kind of right, any kind
of any kind of protected privilege that allows them to
teach falsehood as truth. We should absolutely ban this. Have
you noticed the trend where we keep at different at
different moments when we find what the teaching the teaching

curriculum may be at a certain school with regard to
CRT or you know, diversity, equity and inclusion stuff in
the workplace, we find these manuals, we find these these lectures,
and so often we hear from the left is, well,
that's not really happening, or this isn't really a thing,
And then it reaches this critical mass where we've had

enough of them over let's say like a three month
period or a six week period, and they say, yeah,
that's right, we're teaching this stuff because this is the truth.
And it just like it goes through this cycle because
they don't really want to defend it, but they want
to keep doing it. So when we find enough of
where this indoctrination is happening, for a moment in time,

they'll actually have to say, yeah, that's right, this is justice,
this is truth, this is social justice. But then as
time passes, they go back to the what are you
talking about, we're not really. Basically, it's like a cycle
of gaslighting that the left engages in. Yes, that's the
exact phrase that I was going to use. It's a
cycle of gaslighting. They go from gaslighting to digging their

heels in. But you can tell a buck that it's
a farce because whenever there is a state that bands
critical race theory from the school curriculum in public schools
in the state like Florida did. You'll hear the left
simultaneously claim that they don't teach critical race theory in school,
in which case it shouldn't be a problem if it's banned, right,
And at the same time they'll say, but these bands

mean we won't be able to teach the reality of
slavery in our nation. So they're contradicting themselves right there.
They're hoping just to dract people and confuse people as
they continue to indoctrinate our children. Fortunately, I think the
last two years with COVID, as brutal and as tyrannical
and as damaging as they were, I mean, they really
did open parents eyes to what's going on in the

school system, and parents on the left and the right,
it's not just a purely partisan divide, don't like what's
been going on and are motivated to change it because
they don't want their children turned into racists or having
their gender mutilated behind their back. Well yeah, on that point,
by the way, the other that same cycle I see
happening a little bit of a variation on it with

the transgender agenda for kids stuff or adolescence, where there's
this you know, why are you so focused on it?
Why do you care so much? This isn't happening that much.
You're exaggerating. It's not happening everywhere. Why are you saying it?
And they act like we're the ones who were obsessed
with it, when meanwhile they're doing it all over the place.

I mean they actually this is happening in states all
across the country and institutions all over. They're pushing this
in different hospital systems, they're pushing this in different school systems,
and of course there's the hairy middle aged men dressing
up like women and putting fishnets and thongs on and
are shaking their behinds in front of small children. And
somehow we're supposed to be okay with this, which of
course is completely insane, and we're not okay with this.

But they do the same thing. They push and when
we notice what they're pushing, it's why, why are you
so obsessed with it? Why do you notice that? Yeah, Well,
let's be very clear about one thing. The Left, with
their LGBTQ plus agenda, never wanted a quality. They never
wanted tolerance. They never wanted to simply be included in
polite society and otherwise mind their own business. That was

always just a camouflage to trick well meaning but naive
conservatives into shrugging their shoulders and being like, okay, sure,
we'll allow gay marriage. But that was never the true
intention of the lobby. The true intention of the lobby.
I mean, it's an ideology, right, It's not just a
sexual orientation, as they would have you believe. The LGBTQ
plus lobby is an ideology that wants to force you

and I not just to tolerate it, not just to
celebrate equality under the law, but to celebrate the ideology.
And the ideology is queer theory. It's no coincidence that
critical race theory and the transgender stuff surfaced at just
about the same time. The racial superiority or inferiority stuff
that's taught to kids in school. The foundation, the underpinning
of that, the ideological underpinning is critical race theory, just

like the transgender stuff that's taught in school. The ideological
underpinning of that is queer theory. It's intentional because critical
race theory first comes in and destroys the sort of
inherent identity of a child saying hey, you should hate
your parents, you should hate your grandparents. Everything of who
you are based on the color of your skin is
wrong and evil, and you can't redeem yourself, and so

it creates this identity crisis quite literally in children, and
then in swoops queer theory saying, actually, your identity doesn't
have to be tied to an immutable characteristic. You can
redeem yourself if you separate your identity from your essence.
If you choose a neo Marxist transgender ideology, then you
become a victim instead of being the oppressor in this

whole system. So it's so messed up. But it's not
a coincidence that they surface at the same time, because
one without the other wouldn't truly both destroy children and
simultaneously transform them into Marxist revolutionaries. So you are a woman,
I am not. What do you think when somebody who

is as not a woman as I am, decides maybe
a couple of months ago, that he is in fact
now is she and a woman and wants to lecture
the world. I mean, I'm not even talking about people
who just do this privately but want to go out
on TikTok and interviews, say the President of the United

States and explain their womanhood to people like you who
are an actual woman. What's that like, Yeah, it's insulting,
it's demeaning. You're talking about Dylan mulvaney, the TikTok star.
What does he have? Like? Ten million? Ten million followers
on TikTok went so viral with his Days of Girlhood

series that President Biden invited him to the White House,
and Dylan Mulvaney got President Biden to say that he
doesn't think that that states should have the right or
parents should have the right to decline bodily mutilation surgery
in the name of gender ideology and identity. It's truly awful.
It really does a race. It really does a race women.

There's sort of a funny thing going around on Twitter
in uh since International Women's Month started in March, whenever
that is supposed to be, and the spokespeople for a
couple of these organizations are actually transgender, meaning born male,
now dressed as women and called themselves by women's names,
but still men of course. And it's funny because International

Women's Month has become Women Plus Month, like LGBTQ added
a plus for all the other, all the other identities
and ideologies. The idea of being a woman has become
woman plus. So my friend James Lindsay likes to say,
the future is not female, the future is female plus,
where biological men who dress as women have taken over,

taken over the roles and the achievements and the spaces
of actual, actual women. It's funny that the left, who
claims to be a champion of women, latches onto this. Yeah,
I just I know that if I were to say,
want to give a public lecture, if I said I
self identify as a as a Hispanic American, I mean
I am not, and I do not. But if I

were to say that and say on a day, you know,
and Sanco de Mayo is not really that big of
a day for the Latino community in this country. But
if I were to pick a day and say, well,
let's say it's Latino Appreciation Month, we'll just which might
even be a thing I don't even know. And I
went around saying, speaking as a Latino, here's what I
think people would rightly both be. They would think it

was bizarre and they would be like offended. That's just
really weird, right Why? But in this case, it's supposed
to be wonderful. That's somebody who's been a woman for
never mind that they're not actually that Dylan Mulvaanny is
not actually a woman been a woman for a couple
of months, Like maybe maybe learned, you know, a woman
in quotes, maybe learn a few things before you're going
around telling everybody about womanhood. But even you know that's

obviously piling crazy at top crazy. The stereotypes that Dylan
Mulvny traffics in are actually really insulting, Like that you
prance around in a sports braw on high heels in
the middle of a field, doing your blush in a
high falsetto voice, and that you cried sending an email.
All of these different things are actually like sexist, negative
stereotypes that that have been trotted out against women, and

yet he's embracing them, pretending that that's what makes him
a woman. Listen, I'm actually not trying to personally demonize
Dylan Mulvanny. I feel very sorry for him. I think
that criticism against him is certainly warranted, and even harsh criticism,
because he's merged his personal psychiatric disorder, his personal mental
health struggle with political activism, and therefore political activism is

always okay to criticize, but on a personal level, like
these people need help. These people are suffering from serious
mental disorders, and we as a society are harming them
further by indulging them. Yeah, well, at some point you
either speak the truth about who Dylan mulvaney is and
to the mental health issues that are clearly on display,

or you have very little argument to deploy in defense
of why a fourteen year old shouldn't get puberty blockers.
That this is where we actually have to understand that
the battle goes next. It's not just like, oh, this
is somebody who's an adult, that it's fine and they're
doing their thing. No, the same ideology and the same
agenda is used to convince, as you know now that

the thing that I want to talk about the medical community,
scientific community, world health organization. In a second, it's just
before we get to the WHO pandemic treaty, which I
know you've been diving deep into the fact that you
have doctors going along with the assigned at birth gender thing. Right, Like,
the most basic thing in the world when a baby

is born is you know, the doctor holds the baby
up or whatever it looks at the parts and says,
it's you know, it's these parts or it's those parts
assigned gender at birth. And they have people with MDS
now that go along with this stuff, and they should
be ashamed of themselves. I want to ask you with
the who in a second, but first the award from
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t twot dot org. That's t the number two t
dot org. All right, Liz, let it rip the World
Health Organization, pandemic treaty. A lot of these things. I
hear any of these things and I think, hmmm, I
don't know you put them together. I'm worried. What's going on? Yeah,
those are three words you never want to hear together,

World Health Organization, pandemic and treaty. It's a recipe for disaster.
So negotiators from the Biden administration last week traveled to
Switzerland to negotiate what is called the zero draft of
a Pandemic Accord. That's what the World Health organizations calling it,
because they're trying to avoid using the word treaty because
if it were a legitimate treaty, it would need to

be ratified by the US Senate. There's nothing the Biden
administration wants less than to put this in front of
a vote in the United States Senate. So the World
Health Organization is calling it a Pandemic Accord. The Biden
administration sent negotiators to Switzerland and along with other member
states of the World Health Organization, they approved this zero draft.
It's the rough draft of this Pandemic Accord. What this

Pandemic Accord does is it centralizes a response to future
pandemics and before a pandemic even happens. It gives the
World Health Organization the unilateral power to declare a global
pandemic emergency. So, say we have another virus that leaks
from the Wuhuan Institute of Virology. Say we have another
virus that was funded by FAUCI, Say we have another

virus that was tinkered with with gain a function experiment
or directed evolution experiments, if you want to use the
words of Fiser, and that it becomes unleashed on the
world somehow, the World Health Organization and not the US government,
The World Health Organization and not the CDC, the World
Health Organization and not state governors would have the power
to declare over the United States a pandemic emergency. Once

they have done that, once they have declared unilaterally this
emergency in our sovereign territory, then they get to decide
the political response, not just the medical response that too,
but the political response. They get control over lockdowns, over
force masking, potentially over vaccine mandates. They get the first

an authoritative stance on what kind of therapeutics are used,
what kind of supplements are recommended, whether a vaccine is
developed in order to combat this particular virus that the
World Health Organization has declared constitutes a global pandemic emergency.
This Pandemic Accord, which is not a legitimate treaty because
Biden refuses to have the Senate ratify it, we actually

takes control of our country in this event. It usurps
our sovereignty, our representative republic, and gives it to a
World Health organization that right now is controlled by a
man named doctor Tedros who himself is controlled by the
Chinese Communist Party. Buck. There has rarely been anything that
the Biden administration has done, and they've done a lot
of bad things that's as dangerous as this. Do you

think that the Fauci's ted Drows go down the list?
Rachelle Wilenski board members of Fizer, Right, I mean, throw
anybody you want in the mix here that was involved
at a high level with the COVID policies and response
that were really it was really globalized, as we know, right,
there was a reason why you had similar things going

on here and in Australia, and in Europe and in
South America, and you go all over the place. Do
you think they think they did a good job or
do you think they don't care because they should be
in charge no matter what, so results don't matter. I
don't think they were measuring on the same standards that
we are. They weren't looking for a balance between protecting

public health and using government resources to respond to an
emergency and balancing that or marrying that with civil rights
of Americans and the limited power of our government as
codified in our Constitution and in state constitutions. They're not
judging themselves by the same standard. They're technocrats. They think
that our representative Republic is bad. They don't like our

form of government. They think that we should be ruled
by the Fiat of the so called experts. I'm putting
that in quotation marks. They think that they know better
than we do. They think they should control our lives.
I think they're delighted with how the pandemic response went.
They successfully coerced the federal government to issue vaccine mandates
on a vaccine that they rushed through that had no efficacy,

that had a harmful side effect profile against a virus
that wasn't equally harmful for every single person in our country.
In fact, wasn't harmful to the vast majority of people,
had a very high survival rate. Really just harmed vulnerable
populations like overweight people and extremely elderly people, are immunocompromise people.
They're delighted that they were able to squash free speech

and shutter people's businesses, take whole of the economy in
the name of an emergency that they instilled fear in us,
and that in our fear, we willingly surrendered our freedom,
our individual sovereignty, our state sovereignty. This is exactly what
they've been trying to do, slowly, inch by inch, grain
by grain for decades, and yet here we have this pandemic,

this COVID nineteen virus unleashed around the world, and they
were able to do it in a matter of months.
That's how they are grading themselves. That's why they are
unashamed of all of our concerns like our businesses being
closed down and our children being masked at school and
all of the rest of it. They're delighted because they
finally got what they want, which is all the power.
I want to ask Liz Wheeler about how Liz Wheeler

got into this whole game of trying to save America
and the Liz Wheeler Show and all the other things
are up to. So I want to finish up with
that in just a moment. But for all the Team
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you've got to twenty five percent discount. Liz Wheeler, So
where'd you come from? Howd all this happen? How do
you get? You know, a massive Twitter following, digital show,
TV podcasts following? How did the masses come to learn of?
Liz Wheeler? Tell me the story? Oh my goodness, Well,

it seems like it's been a long time in the making.
But I really wasn't that interested in politics until very
late in high school. I started following the presidential primary
in two thousand and seven. This is right before Barack
Obama was elected, and I remember this, this newcomer Obama
to the national stage. Sure he was a senator, but
he was a newbie. I remember watching him compared to
Hillary Clinton. Everyone thought Hillary Clinton was the shoe in

for the nominee, and she, of course was not. And
the moment that he won that primary, the moment he
became the nominee, I remember sitting there and thinking, Wow,
all of the things that are important to me are
at risk if this man becomes president. I'm going to
do what I can to fight for our country. And
when I say that, it's it's a little bit ironic

because when I said do what I can to fight
for our country. In high school, I was diagnosed with
a really serious autoimmune disorder, autoimmune disease. And the reason
that I was able, the reason I'm able to do
what I do today, is because of the free market economy.
Because we had my family, my parents, specifically my mom
and dad, had the freedom to My dad operates a

small business. He was able to save and invest his
money how he saw fit versus the government telling him
what he needed or not. And when insurance companies didn't
cover the treatments that I needed to manage my autoimmune disease.
He was able to use his money in the free
market to get me the alternative treatments that weren't are
offered by big pharma that enable me to live the

life that I live today. And I was sitting there
watching this primary, watching them talk about socialized medicine, watching
them talk about high taxes, watching them talk about Barack
Obama and the Democrats about all of these big government policies,
that I realized it. It was kind of like that
aha moment for me that Wow, the Democrats aren't just
immoral when it comes to abortion, They're not just immral

when it comes to gay marriage. They actually threaten the
life that I have been able to enjoy. So from there,
I just started reading everything I could get my hands
on from the left and from the right, educating myself.
I wrote a book in college with a group of
young conservatives from around the country about why we are
Young Conservatives. I served in local government in college as well.

I was a commissioner on the board of zoning Appeals,
which was just as just as funny and quirky as
it sounds. After college, I worked actually for a veteran
advocacy company, not in politics at all, But I was
always itching to get back in politics. Kind of wanted
to be a speech writer, but came to the conclusion
that if I wanted what I wrote to be read

in the way that I wrote it, then I would
need to be the one that presented it myself, because
you know how speech writers they make these beautiful documents
and then politicians rip them up and tear them up.
So I ended up getting into media. If anyone's listening
in there a young young man or woman college age,
or maybe just in their twenties, and they were to
ask you, how do I get into this game? Should

I get into this game? What would you say? I
would say, yes, if you have the fire in your
belly to actually fight the fight, and if you are
well equipped to do it. Don't get into this game
for fame and fortune. Get into it because you want
to be a public servant, because you know this book,
of course, but it's not always pretty. You know, you
get threats against your family, your reputation gets unfairly smeared.

It's a grind to work to work in media and
to work in politics. So all the fame and all
the glory and all the money does not take that away.
If you want to get into this business, especially media,
first educate yourself. I'm not talking about going to college.
I'm talking about study, read everything every book that you
can get your hands on. Because what we don't need

in the conservative movement tour in politics in general, it's
just another person bloviating another another bit of hot air.
We need people who not only understand what they stand for,
but they understand why they believe what they believe, and
are unflappable in their principles. If you feel like that
is you to a t then please come and join us.
We can always use more young people in the conservative

movement in media who are committed truly to what makes
our nation great. But think very carefully about what you're
getting yourself and your family into, because it's not always
a better roses. I usually ask, especially if it's people
from former intelligence community and I was never in the military,
about a fair number of people from the military side,
because it's some similarities in the transition of being military

going civilian to being a former CIA person and civilian,
you know, just working for the federal government in that
kind of realm and capacity. And I would just tell
them I'm like, do you have a wife, do you
have a mortgage? Do you have debts? Think about all
those questions first before you start a media career, and
then do you love this? Do you love the work,

meaning the research, the writing that do you love it
so much that you're willing to do it a lot
of the time for free? Do it a lot of
the time for very few people watching or caring and
being told the whole time while you're not making much
money and not a lot of people are seeing you,
that you're probably not that good at this and maybe
you should do something else. And if the answer all
those questions and it is I love it anyway, I

don't care. Great, come join the circus. That's what I
usually tell people, because the first few years usually suck,
not suck in terms of like it's not amazing and
important and cool and great, you know, for the work.
But I think people see, like in everything, people see
the end product and they think, oh, that would be awesome.
Like I want to have a show, and as you know,

from having a show for years at One America and
now a show on your own, it's like having a show.
I think when I started radio, I'm not I'm not
actually guessing. I had, like, well, it was less than
twenty people listening to my first radio show three hours.
Look at that, you know what I mean. But I
was like, because I knew that number. By the way,

because it was streaming, it was digital so we could
actually see it on a website. It was in a
terresta radio show. So that's what I always tell people.
But I mean, I love it, and you love it too,
and here we are, so you know there is I'm like,
I agree with you the more than marrier as long
as people know what the merriment actually looks like, especially
in the early stages. Liz Wheeler, everybody check out her show. Um,
where's the best place people to go to see the
Liz Wheeler Show. You're gonna go to Liz wheelershow dot com.

But it's everywhere you find your podcast. You can go
to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, YouTube, Rumble, look me up Liz
Wheeler Show. Subscribe. Let me know what you think. If
you're If you're new, I can't wait to meet you.
If you're a If you're an old follower, then you
know we've been We've been together for years. Let's keep
up fighting the good fight, Liz, thanks so much for
being here hanging out. Appreciate it. Thanks Buck, appreciate it.

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