Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, the Harris for President campaign raised over eighty one
million dollars in its first twenty one out twenty four hours,
adding to the two hundred and forty million dollars existing
war chest already that was raised this election cycle. This
reflects the money raised across the campaign, the Democratic National
Committee and joint fundraising committees. Within less than a few
hours of Harris's big announcement to run for president, black
women mobilized as Win with Black Women and created a
massive conference call of over forty six thousand women black
women to raise one point six million dollars in contributions.
Last night, Roland Martin moderated the Win with Black Men's
massive call mirror what the women did. So you know,
we're serious about this. We want to get her in,
we want to beat Trump. We are serious. That's right,
our serious, raised money, registered to vote and then vote please,
that's it.
Speaker 2 (00:55):
We see the memes all on social media where black
women black men are posting I was on the call.
So people have pride. They are proud to have participated
and donated to her campaign. So, you know, what is
the moral of the story. Don't underestimate black women and
black men. Don't do it. You're gonna get your feelings her.
We are here, we have showed up. This is not
a drill to us.
Speaker 1 (01:21):
This is love the quote. I love the quote. I'm
with her that yes, yeah, yes yeah.
Speaker 2 (01:27):
Hashtag I'm with her hashtag her story VP Kamala Harris
is making history, her story once again, her right. Once again.
She is making history. So we are watching it in
real time and we will go to the polls. All
this is great, but we still have had to vote.
We have to register to vote and get out of
the vote.
Speaker 1 (01:51):
Yeah, just a little over one hundred days to do
all this work. A little over one hundred days. There
are a lot of volunteers, you know, springing into action
to work for her, to help her with her campaign.
She made a smooth transition with Joe Biden's campaign headquarters,
his people, the same people that ran his campaign will
be running her. So there's no you know, confusion and
all of that. That was a smooth transition. So just
as long as we stay motivated, mobilized, we can get
this work done. Yeah, Billie, Detroit, Milwaukee, come on.
Speaker 2 (02:25):
I can't wait for the debates, man, I cannot wait
for them. And I'm getting also energized from her speech
her first speech in Delaware at campaign headquarters. Her speech,
I was so energized again, and she talked about women's rights.
I am so glad she is a champion for women's rights,
women's reproductive rights.
Speaker 1 (02:49):
Talking to the prosecutor in her came back. You heard
that the prosecutor in her came out. She is a
Jade Evans. You're wondering what she's been doing for the
last twenty years. Uh, she's been VP, she's been Attorney general,
she's been a prosecutor, she's been working. Okay, coming up
at thirty four minutes after the hour, with it almost
being back to school time, we'll find out what kind
of students we were when we were in school. Right
after this, you're listening hard Morning Show