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June 27, 2023 13 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
The legendary funk group Cool and the Gang returns to
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Harvey FM dot com sponsored by Westgate Resorts. J Yeah hope,
so yeah, so he can sing the hads. Yes, yes, Yes,

that's gonna be a fun time had by all. You
know what.

Speaker 2 (00:52):
Happens in Vegas.

Speaker 1 (00:55):
All right, it is time now for today's Strawberry Letter.
And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting,
and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to STEVEHARBFM dot
com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading
your letter live on the air, just like we're going
to read this one right here, right now, and you
never know, it could be yours.

Speaker 3 (01:17):
It could be yours. Buckle up, and hold on tight.
We got it for you. Here it is strawberry letters.

Speaker 2 (01:23):
All right, thank you for you subject.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
He still sleeps on his wife's pillow case. Dear Stephen Shirley,
I met a man online recently. I had a very
bad divorce and he went through losing his wife. She
died from complications of COVID three years ago, and he
was ready to get back out there and date. We
connected on many levels, and I was nice enough to

help him clean out his wife's things. He said that
I could take anything of hers that I wanted, from
her jewelry to any of her clothes, because she didn't
have any sisters to give the stuff too. I told
him thanks, but no thanks, because I was creeped out
by it all. We moved out everything except the bed
that he shared with his wife. I did not know

it was the same bed and same mattress till he
attempted to have sex with me for the first time.
He tried to get things started on the couch and
make love there. I told him that I imagined our
first time being a little more special, like in a
bed for example. He said that he's not ready to
be intimate with another woman in his marital bed. I

stopped everything and put my blouse back on. I asked
him why the bed was so special, and he said
it's where his beloved wife took her last breath. I'll
be there, he said, he can't bring himself to change
her pillowcase when he washes the sheets. He told me
I was welcome to spend the night with him, but

if I did, he would sleep on his wife's side
and I would sleep on his side. Now, listen, I'm
not feeling this man at all after this. I was
hoping he's the one, but this set us back so far.
I've recently talked to him and asked, if we got serious,
when you get rid of that.

Speaker 2 (03:07):
Bed sheets and pillowcase.

Speaker 1 (03:09):
He said it would be hard, but if we fell
in love, it might it might be possible. Would you
guys be okay with sleeping in that bed? Or is
it creepy to you too? Should I put this relationship
on pause? Girl, you know the answer to these questions.

Speaker 2 (03:28):
Yes, this is creepy to us too, Yes it is.
Should you put this relationship on pause? Yes you should.
This is not what we're doing.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
We are not sleeping on the bed where your wife
took her last breath.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
Okay, we're not doing that. He can live and you know.

Speaker 1 (03:47):
Honor his wife and her memory as much as he
wants to to himself. But this is a lot to
ask any person, especially a black person, anybody on the
face of the earth. Okay, that's black. We don't get
down like this. It's not what we do. We don't
mess with dead people. We don't do the dead stuff,
the spirits, the seances, the Luigi boards, we don't do ghosts.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
We don't do any of that.

Speaker 1 (04:13):
And after he told you that, not only were you
turned off immediately, but you were scared, I'm sure, and
looking for your car keys in the door, I'm sure.
Give me my blouse, my car keys, and my purse.
I'm out of here. Life is about moving forward, it's
not about dwelling on the paths. Of course, it's painful,
and we empathize with him and anyone when a loved

one dies, But you've got to find the strength to
move on, as hurtful as that is. And he's not
quite ready to do that, and he cannot drag you
into this situation. I suggest for him some grief counseling immediately,
and maybe you can go with him on his first
meeting as support. That's my suggestion to you, Tommy.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
Your ass out this house. I don't care if your
blouse ain't on, Get your car with your bra on,
get your keys, and get the hell up out of here.
Why are you hanging around after you don't find out
that Once you found out that that's why that woman died,
that you should have got your butther about that in
your out of wall, right out of there, in my
bra and got in my car and rolled out.

Speaker 4 (05:21):
I don't need that damn blouse.

Speaker 3 (05:23):
I don't need my purse.

Speaker 4 (05:24):
All I need is.

Speaker 3 (05:25):
My keys and I'm out. This is the damn shame.
What is the last question on the letter? What is
she asking us?

Speaker 1 (05:32):
Yes, you guys be okay with sleeping in that bed?
Or is it creeping to you too? Should I put
this relationship on pause?

Speaker 3 (05:39):
This relationship needs to stop right here, right now.

Speaker 2 (05:42):
We done, We out, We don't.

Speaker 3 (05:44):
Want a while because guess what now, I don't know
what linen he got on the bed. I don't know.
I don't know if he gonna ever change it. I
don't I don't want to lend. I don't care what
pillar cases is in there. I'm through, I'm rolling time out.
I am in my bra. Can y'all picture me in
my braw rote leap at the light in mind?

Speaker 2 (06:02):
I don't want that. I don't want that visual time.

Speaker 3 (06:04):
I don't want that. Right, I'm in my bra. Tommy
had to make a make a left on Florence. Tommy Rowling,
Now you need you need to get your butt out
of this. This is not because guess what he is not.
He is not moved on. He's not done. He's still mourning.
He's still he's still mourning that his wife has passed.
He passed in his bed. You know, you would think

he would have gotten a new bed for himself this period.
You know what I'm saying. He just you know, so
he's a he's still attached baby. So you gotta let
this man go. But uh, but but but getting your
getting your bra and roll.

Speaker 2 (06:38):
Baby, hang on, we'll have part too.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
We'll hear from Junior coming up in twenty three minutes
after the hour, Today's Strawberry letter subject he still sleeps
on his wife's pillow case.

Speaker 2 (06:50):
We'll get back into it right after this.

Speaker 1 (06:53):
You're listening Morning Show, all right, We're gonna recap today's
Strawberry Letter. The subject He's still sleeps on his wife's pillowcase.

Speaker 2 (07:01):
A woman wrote this letter.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
She met a man online, and you know, they kind
of got together because they had she had a bad divorce,
and then he was getting through losing his wife. His
wife had died three years ago from complications of COVID.
And you know, she said he went through losing his wife,
but actually he's not done with it. He's still going

through it. He's still mourning her. And it's been three years.
He has not completely cleaned out everything from his uh,
his late wife, especially the bed, the marital bed. This
marital bed that's in his house is the same bed
where his wife died. And that's the kind of scary part.

And and that's what this letter is all about. This
woman is creeped out by this. You know, the man
still he doesn't he washes the linen, but he doesn't
wash his wife's pillowcase. He wants to bring his new
woman into this marital bed where his wife died.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
Who does that? And she's creeped out about it.

Speaker 1 (08:08):
She asked us, would we be okay with sleeping in
this bed? And the answer to that is no. Is
this creepy to us as well? The answer to that
is yes. And should she put this relationship on pause? Yes,
she should, especially until he can get some sort of
grief counseling to work through this, because he's not over this.
He's definitely not over this. Now, we heard from Tommy Junior.

Tommy said, run leave the situation alone.

Speaker 2 (08:34):
Junior Bra, Yeah, yo, Bra, roll out what you guess.

Speaker 4 (08:39):
I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm embracing my whole
culture right now. I'm black. I don't do spirit.

Speaker 5 (08:43):
I don't do that, especially if I've already seen the
spirit before I know what to see you.

Speaker 4 (08:49):
No, no, let me tell you something.

Speaker 5 (08:51):
Margaret's spirit in here in his whole bedroom, Black people,
I don't do this here.

Speaker 4 (08:56):
Margaret's spirit is in it.

Speaker 5 (08:58):
Margaret watching us, Mark, Margaret is in here.

Speaker 4 (09:05):
It's hard to kiss and something go behind you.

Speaker 5 (09:08):
I can't see that. Did she just come across the room.
It's Margaret hitting the color with all folding watching.

Speaker 4 (09:16):
Yeah. No, no, no, no, no no, we got to
burn this whole bed. Everything got to go. No, black
people don't even play this type of game. I can't
do this.

Speaker 5 (09:26):
You can't us yeah, timon, I can't see this, man,
I promise.

Speaker 4 (09:33):
The minute I see something white float.

Speaker 5 (09:35):
Across the room, everything, I'm putting clothes on the mediate
because your spirit is in here.

Speaker 4 (09:44):
She's in here. Wait a minute, What is that I smell?
Is that her sense? Is that her perfume just came
in here. It's not doing it.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
I hate to say this, y'all. What that body might
be in a house. I'm just trying to right here.

Speaker 2 (10:00):
Play too much.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
Don't tell you the body might be in at house now.
I'm just telling you might be. You need looking at
it in the basement. That body might be in that house.
I'm telling you.

Speaker 5 (10:07):
Let me just tell y'all this, y'all, I've never known
this by me. But again, I don't do this. I'm
gonna tell you right now. I was at my great
grandmother's funeral. We went back to that house. I saw
standing in that window. I've seen the spirit be Folks,
I'm not lone. Don't play with me. Your grandmama was
in the window, my great grandmother spell. I just went
to the funeral that day. That night, her spirital in

that house and look at that window.

Speaker 4 (10:29):
I'm not doing this. Went nine don't ask me.

Speaker 5 (10:34):
And you saw your and you saw your great grandma
and Freddie May Rodgers in the window. I'm telling y'all,
don't play with me.

Speaker 4 (10:40):
I don't do this. I just know what I do.

Speaker 5 (10:42):
Don't do this to me, asked me about no?

Speaker 1 (10:47):
You know, I think the crazy part about this letter
is that his wife died in this bed. I wants
to bring this other woman and and and make love
to her and try to have a relationship. That's the
crazy part. You're supposed to.

Speaker 2 (11:04):
Get rid of this bed. Now. How long was James Brown?

Speaker 3 (11:15):
And that? How James Brown did I how about sick money? Yeah?

Speaker 4 (11:21):
They put in at I had to. I'm telling you,
I'm with time.

Speaker 3 (11:25):
James Bear, I know James Beard around the singing his
ass run it.

Speaker 4 (11:34):
Don't play. I don't play about this. I'll play with
y'all all day long, but not about these spirits.

Speaker 2 (11:38):
I don't know. Bro Okay, all right, let me ask
you this.

Speaker 1 (11:47):
When he was giving trying to give her some of
his wife's things, like the jewelry and stuff, which you
have taken the jewelry, it was value.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
Taking that and that's and that's crazy to him to
have given to be trying to get out of way too.

Speaker 2 (12:02):
That's why she didn't have it. He didn't have anyone
else to give it to. That's what That's what she said.
What we're talking, Yeah, Prole Dimond, come on, okay, let
me ask you this. Would you would you want her
wedding ring?

Speaker 4 (12:17):
That's about to say. I said, would you put that
wedding ring on? I would?

Speaker 2 (12:21):
We would get it, Yeah, we would get it redone. Yeah,
we get it redowne. We know what to do if
it's off the chain. I'm saying, I don't.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
Yeah, I'm telling you now, I'm scared.

Speaker 4 (12:37):
What's your grandmama name again?

Speaker 5 (12:39):
Rogers my great grandma in the window when she used
to always look.

Speaker 4 (12:43):
Don't play with me. I'll wait.

Speaker 1 (12:47):
Your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter Steve Harvey Steve Barby
FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry
Letter podcast on the free iHeart Radio app. You can
download it today. Come up at forty six minutes after
the hour.

Speaker 2 (13:01):
Isn't sports Talks Junior? What we're talking about? I don't know.

Speaker 5 (13:04):
Well, I'm taking this through juniors.

Speaker 1 (13:09):
Coming up next right after this, you're listening to The
Hardy Morning Show.
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