All Episodes

May 26, 2024 30 mins

Two-time Emmy and Three-time NAACP Image Award-winning, television Executive Producer Rushion McDonald, interviewed Dominique Easley.   His company, Shedd Construction LLC, started in 2018.  The provide the following services electrical, plumbing, roofing, HVAC, flooring, custom carpentry work, and drywall. When he moved to Atlanta in 2022 he got his real estate license. He then became inspired to start fixing and flipping homes, so he asked around to meet different contractors. An associate introduced him to Hunter, which sparked his interest in potentially having ownership in a construction company.  So after working with Hunter for six months, Easley invested in the company, and now, since January 2024, they have created the company Loud 27 House LLC.  This is where they fix and flip homes to create a forever home or a dream for the next homeowner.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
If you're about to make a change in your life
and you feel uncomfortable, that's the best feeling you can
have because for the first time in your life, you're
making a decision that's going to be best for you
and not what somebody told you to get. And that's
when all bets are off. Welcome to Money Making Conversation
Master Class. I'm your host, Rashan McDonald. Our theme is

there's no perfect time to start following your dreams. I
recognize that we all have different definitions of success. For
you and maybe the side of your hil it's time
to stop reading other people's success stories to start living
your own. Keep wedding, Wow, thank you, it's another day.
I won't say another dollar of sound corny. It's Money

Making Conversation Master Class. We're talking about a lot of
dollars I have. Rashan McDonald I hosts the weekly Money
Making Conversation Master Class show. The interviews and information that
this show provides off for everyone. It's time to stop
reading other people's success stories and start living your own.
This week, I want to kick my show off with announcement. Basically,
if you want to be a guest on the show,

our website is Moneymaking Conversation dot com. Our website is
Moneymaking Conversation dot com. Be a guest is the link
if you would like to be a guest on Money
Making Conversation Masterclass. But I have a couple of emails
I want to read from past guests, people who have
been on the show. I thought that let people know
what people think of the show when they come on
the show. DearS Rushawan MacDonald to say I'm forever grateful

is an understatement. I am so appreciative of how you
always think of me when an opportunity to present itself.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom over the years and
being a great mentor. I pray I continue to make
you proud. As from a Laura Foods, she's out in
the Washington, DC area. She's an incredible accountant out there.
There's a lot of tax services been known over the

years and she's been on Money Making Conversations several times
as a guest. Here's another one from doctor Sherry Collier.
She has a company called Personality Matters. I want to
take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for having
me on your show. Money Making Conversations Podcasts discussing success, coaching,
and organizational psychology, which you was not only a pleasure,

but also a truly enriching experience. Your insightful questions and
engaging conversation style made it easy to dive into the
nuances of personal and organizational growth. It's clear you have
a genuine passion for empowering others and that energy is
incredibly contagious. Thank you for the opportunity to share your
perspective and connect with your audience. I'm hopeful that our

discussion will inspire and motivate many to pursue their paths
to success with confidence and determination. One regards. Thanks so
much for the opportunity to connect with you. You're amazing,
so authentic, You're making a difference, and I'm so thankful
to have met you. That's from doctor Sherrick Collier, who
has a company down in the Atlanta area called Personality Margands.

She's the CEO. She was on the show, and these
are people who come on the show and I thought
I'd read something or get them all the time and
send them something. Let me just start sharing it with
my audience and let them get a clear understanding. You
know what's going on and We'll be there for a
long inter short run because what we do with Money
Making Conversation master Class is present a platform, and the
platform is you as an individual who listens. I said,

phone calls. Some people don't call, some people do call.
People do call. We answer the calls live on the
air with the guests, and we try to provide information.
But I've learned that I have a show where people
just listen and drive, or listening to the Holls cooking,
or just listening at the house sipping on their coffee,
just listening at the house eating because they just enjoy

the information that we are pouring into them, the information
of success, the information of being able to know that
you can pursue your dreams. All you need is just
a plan, a plan of action, and you can win.
How can you win? Rashan? I always tell people that quote.
I mean it, stopped reading other people's success stories and

start playing your own. I've been doing that since I
was eighteen years old. Somebody poured into me the rashon
you can be different. Rashan, you can believe in your dreams.
Hear me clearing that, Rashan, you can believe in your dreams.
They poured that into me, and when they did, it

made the difference in my life. And that's why I'm
on the show today. I'm just telling you about the
difference that people can make in your life, and I
want to be that difference maker. That's all doctor Dr
Cherry Collier was saying. She was saying, Rashan, you brought
me on the show and I've never met her before,
or that I went to an event and I met
her and she came on the show. And when she
came on the show, her general purpose was to talk

about her brand, but I could tell she was feeling
her way through the whole conversation. But in the second
half she got comfortable and she started dropping them nuggets,
them nuggets on everybody and start going Wow, the wisdom
of what she can bring to the table. And that's
what I try to do. I try to bring people
and ask them to share their lives, and when they
share their lives, then able to be able to communicate

with people in general. On my show, Money Making Conversations Masterclass,
a show I started in twenty seventeen, A show I
started in twenty seventheen. I didn't know where it was
going to go I didn't know why I was doing it.
I just knew I had to do it because over
the years, so many people that have always asked me
for my opinion have always asked me for advice about

why are you doing this show? Money Making Conversations Rashwan,
you're successful. First of all, you have to define what
success is and you have to also define money. What
is your pool of money? A million dollars maybe a
lot of money to some people. A million dollars may
not be no money for some people, and so you
have to gauge what is your goal for success. When

you listen to my show, when you have goals, then
you can win. And when you can win big, I'm
talking about ruin big. It means you surrounded yourself with
a pool of people who have the same like minded goal.
That's key. Do not surround yourself with people who don't

have your goals, or your beliefs or your dreams as
being possible. You've been around these people telling you has
a bad idea, telling you you was or wasting your time.
These are the people that tell you and they complain

all the time. I call these people just angry people
for no reason at all. Just angry, just jump out
there and when they don't have when it doesn't work
for them, then they want to hold everybody else. Oh
I've done that. I went out there. Girl. You don't
want to do that. Boy, you don't understand what's waiting
on you out there, No you don't. But you better

have a plan to have mentors, You better have relationships.
You better understand that it may not start as quickly
as you think it will start. So how do you
how do you get past these people? Sean you ignore them,
ignore ignorance. I'm afraid staying ahead of the ignorance. And

that's all I want to do. I want anybody listen
to me. When people talk stupid to you, go death,
act like you and had a moment in life that
you can't understand nothing they're saying, and just start dancing away.
Just start dancing away, and they'll leave you alone because
they thank you. Something wrong with you, because there's something

wrong with you because you're not listening to them. No
more their stupidity, no more. But we're gonna get this
show rollerm because the fact that but I have to
drop them nuggative on. You have to share some information.
These two emails because sometimes you got to hear how
I think why I'm doing this show, but also why
I'm not doing this show because I have a lot
of great guests come on this show. And I'm about
to introduce my next guest. He is a Super Bowl

champion and former first round draft pick of the New
England Patriots. He's retired now and flipping and renovating homes.
I need this brother in my life. Please work with
the money making conversation masterclass, Dominique easily. How you doing, sir?

Speaker 2 (08:21):
Hey, how you doing? Man?

Speaker 3 (08:22):
How's everything pretty good?

Speaker 1 (08:23):
Dominique? You know, a first round draft pick? Man?

Speaker 2 (08:28):
Yeah, yeah, I appreciate that. It was a blessing. It
was a blessing.

Speaker 1 (08:31):
No, Dominique. You know, we just came off the big draft. Okay,
you walked across one of them stages like that.

Speaker 2 (08:38):
Man, Nah, I didn't. So I'm from New York, so
I decided not to go, yeah and just enjoy it
with my family.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
Okay. Now, years later, do you regret not doing walking
across that stage?

Speaker 2 (08:53):

Speaker 3 (08:54):

Speaker 2 (08:54):
Because it was kind of it was better hanging out
with my family. Okay, because I come from a small town,
not the where. Yes, a lot of us don't go nowhere. Yes, sir,
good to be with him.

Speaker 1 (09:04):
Awesome. Well, congratulations man, the congratulations being the Super Bowl champ.
Congratulations on being the first round draft pick. But let's
talk about you before we get into what you're doing. Now.
You know what college did you go to? University of Florida,
University down there?

Speaker 2 (09:19):
There was it, Gators, right, Yep, yep, that was a Gator.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
Okay. Any any famous players that you played with that
I would know about when you.

Speaker 2 (09:26):
Was in school, I don't know. I don't know if
you know Sharif Floyd, Uh, Malcolm I'm uh.

Speaker 3 (09:34):
Matt Elam, Yes, sir, yes, Sir Jenkins, Oh, absolutely, John
John Bostic, Mac Brown, Matt Jones play with a couple.

Speaker 1 (09:46):
Of you down that doing your thing.

Speaker 3 (09:49):
Because Matt Jones was the quarterback, right, No, no, Matt Jones,
he was the running back.

Speaker 2 (09:54):
I know what you talking about.

Speaker 1 (09:56):
Not that one, okay, cool, I apologize for that mistake.
Now we talked about a football career. Okay, your first
round draft pick in the NFL. They're gonna throw a
big contract on you, which is great. But when you
got in the league, what was your thought process? Were
you thinking about playing five years, ten years, or were

you thinking about just playing? And what even thinking about
what you're gonna do with your money. Let's talk about
that because that's a lot of time because I read
a lot of articles how athletes in general get the
money and they kind of mess up with the money.
And so how to tell us your journey when you
got into the league?

Speaker 2 (10:38):
Yeah, it was it was ain't a lot.

Speaker 1 (10:40):
It was.

Speaker 2 (10:41):
It was different. It was it was new. You know,
I was, what twenty one coming some money? I didn't.
I didn't really know what I wanted to do outside
of playing football. So it was all a new experience
for me. But my first purchase. I always told myself
I was gonna buy either a house or call for
my mom, and I was fortunate enough to do both.

Speaker 1 (11:01):
And when you were fortunately do both? How many years
did you play in the league?

Speaker 2 (11:05):

Speaker 1 (11:06):
Five years? Was it an injury that took you out
or you just decided to retire? What? Who it took
you out of the league.

Speaker 2 (11:15):
I could say it was injuries, but it was also
I got five kids, three boys, two girls. Uh huh,
So I wanted to be at the age of forty,
I wanted to be able to run around with them,
you know, still be able to play football, to still
be able to play basketball, and take them through the
type of trainings that I went through, you know what
I mean, to be able to give them that type
of energy, in that type of heart, to be able

to play with their opponents.

Speaker 1 (11:38):
But you know, just is an example, like I see
Joel and Bee's like he plays for the seventy six ers.
You know he's still out there playing. He got this
giant ice pack on his knee. I have to believe
that he's going to pay a price for that when
he gets older. Am I correctness saying that based on
the fact that you said, Rashan, I wanted to be
able to play with my kids when I was forty.

I want to run around. Would I want to get
on the ground to be able to get up. I
want to be able to kneel down and not have
to lean on a piece of furniture to get back up.
That's what you're talking.

Speaker 2 (12:07):
About, right, Yeah, what I did because I was I
had sixteen surgeries in three acls.

Speaker 1 (12:12):
Mm hm.

Speaker 2 (12:14):
You know, so I know I'm gonna be feeling the
pain a little bit sooner. Than I'm supposed to write.
So I wanted to be able to, you know, get
my health back right right, you know, hopefully hopefully with
what I'm doing, how I'm taking care of myself, I
won't feel that pain because I'm not beating up my
body no more.

Speaker 1 (12:30):
Because you understand your body now, because that's that's the key. Now,
just talking I have on this show also have a
fitness person coming on and interviewing them later. What do
you do? You know, you you play it at a
high level athletic level, when you lead the game, what
do you do physically and mentally? Do you just like
just let your body go? You tied up there the routine?

How do you and then how do you how do you?
I guess transition, it's I.

Speaker 2 (12:59):
Ain't a lot. It's hard, Like when I first got out.
You know, you stay working out because you just want to.
You want to you want to be able to stay
in shape. But it's not the same environment that you
used to working out and you know, like we're used
to working out at not at regular gyms. So it's
it's hard, you know. So it's right now, I say

I lost a bunch of weight, So I lost about
forty pounds after I started playing because I ate, I
started eating differently. I became a prescotarian. But I'm back
eating regularly. But it's it's definitely much harder to stay
as active as you was. I gotta still play basketball,
you know from New York.

Speaker 1 (13:37):
I just because you're New York man, that don't mean
you can play basketball. Come on, now, you're talking like
Steven A. Smith.

Speaker 2 (13:46):
Yeah, you you're right about that, don't mean that, but
look I can't do that.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
Well good, good, Well, you know, I just wanted to
like get started on you. Let everybody know because when
we come back, we're going to talk about what you're
doing now. Because if i'm if I'm correctly your contractor,
you're out there doing remodeling. You're flipping homes and you're
changing people's lives, putting smiles on their face with your
new skill, not your football skill, but your contracting skills.

Speaker 2 (14:11):
Is that correctly, yes, sir? Yeah, I've been blessed to
get into something that I love to do.

Speaker 3 (14:15):
Again, well good, When we.

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Would come back, we're gonna talk to mus Dominic easily
and his contracting skills. The Super Bowl champion. See, we
have a super Bowl champion out there changing people's lives,
rebuilding homes. Now he will knocking people overnight, knocking out walls.

Speaker 4 (14:29):
Please don't go anywhere. We'll be right back with more
money Making Conversations Masterclass. Welcome back to the Money Making
Conversations Masterclass hosted by Rashaan McDonald. Money Making Conversations Masterclass
continues online at Moneymakingconversations dot com and follow money Making

Conversations Masterclass on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Speaker 1 (14:58):
He's a former first round draft of the New England Patriots.
He's a Super Bowl champion. If you are watching that
game where Russell Wilson threw that touchdown and in his
own when they should have gave it the ball to
the beast he was playing in that game, he went

from like holy macro to we are champions all in
one play. That that was a feeling. I'm sure it was.
You still live to this day. That's a moment in
your life. You will never forget, right, Dominique.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
Yeah, because we all in the world never expected that
to happen.

Speaker 1 (15:33):
Tell the truth, to tell the truth now absolutely. Now
let's talk about you, my friend transitioning. Okay, first round
draft pick, played five years is Rashwan. Sixteen surgeries, three
a cl injuries. Is enough? Is enough? I want to
have a life with my kids, you know, I want
to You know, this star power, I can probably get

back out there one more time. But well, what does
the future look like? When did that who and your
life started to get into your head making you believe
it was time to transition.

Speaker 2 (16:06):
I mean, it was just my body for I wouldn't
even say it was somebody. It was just a feeling
in my body. After that last injury, I just knew
it was gonna be that time for me to, you know,
put them up and really start focusing on finding myself
and who I wanted to be after this life.

Speaker 1 (16:24):
How did you find yourself.

Speaker 2 (16:27):
Just really trying everything. I'm not gonna lie like I tried.
I was fortunate enough to try a bunch of different things.
I went into fintech, edguitech, created a financial literacy with
the mother of my kids. I started flying planes. I
got thirteen hours in the air. I tried to play guitar.
I also have I recently won my cannabis license, my

cannabis cultivation license up in New Jersey, so simpler than that,
And then got married came to Georgia and I always
love real estate, always heard about it, but never really
you know, had the the trust in myself to do it,
I want to say in other people, but in myself
as far as the knowledge to be able to do it.

So came to Georgia, got my real estate license, and
now hooked up with somebody who was doing real good
as far as the contractor invested into that. And now
we got a construction company and doing flick fix and flip.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
Now you see, you make that sound so smooth. You
see that sounds so smooth. That sounds so easy, Dominique.
You know, I did a little fintech, you know, we shine.
I got me a cannabis license up there in the
New Jersey area. Then I got me a real estate
license and that brother, look at I'm knocking down walls.
I'm doing it. But it's not that easy. If there's

some there are some setbacks emotionally for you along the
way that make you believe that this is not the path.
That's why I was talking to people about paths, because,
like you said, you did the fintech you did, the
cannabis is still an option, because that's a that's a
money making venture. Word. First of all, getting the license loan,
it's a tough task. Now that you have it, that's

a I always tell people about multiple streams of income,
that's what that is. But the real estate license, when
did that get into your head? Real estate?

Speaker 2 (18:12):
Really? I mean, like I said, real estate has always
been a love of mine. But I love like so me.
I loved the game of monopolies. I always loved real estate,
but just never really trusted my knowledge to actually get
into real estate. So that's why when I came to Georgia,
I had to I had to build my knowledge. That's
when I decided to get my real estate license. I

took a ten week class. It took every day for
the next ten days, and just study study, took the
class and took the test, passed it once, and then
took the state testing and passed it and then really
just dove all into it.

Speaker 1 (18:47):
Now, Now, what is what's what? What's what's your measurement?
So you like it was six what and how many powers?

Speaker 2 (18:54):
I was six to one about we're talking about right now?

Speaker 1 (18:58):
No that when you were taking the real estate liights,
cause I want I won't to see everybody takes much.
Why are you are you selling homes?

Speaker 2 (19:06):
No? I was, yeah, no, everybody everybody was really was
really surprised, right right.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
Right because you know, because you know what, I love
that because everybody stereotypes what somebody should look like. So
you six, one, two, fifty people looking at you, going
you selling homes to who? And that's and so you
had to break through that. Now you did that. But
when did the like you said, the love you found

your love, man, football was a love. Then this whole
contract and became a love. Talk about how you win?
Did it went it to that lane?

Speaker 2 (19:44):
So really really it became a love once. I once
I actually went through a full I guess term property,
meaning from the beginning to the end, and then seeing
somebody go inside and actually keep it functional because you
also do commercial as well. So being able to see
those immediate results and then see the longevity of the

results really just like made me love it, just like football,
because that's the same thing with football. When we practice,
we see immedia results and we see media failures, so
we're able to correct those results. That's in the same
thing when it comes to construction, the actual I guess
process of construction. You know you can see other people's work,
you can see how good you are. So those are

to me, those are those are great ways to you know,
I guess, value yourself and see how you're doing.

Speaker 1 (20:36):
You know, that's really great that you're saying that. And
I want to bring that back up because I always
tell people by goals and short term goals and long
term goals, and like I would tell people get frustrated
by college education because that can be a long term goal.
You know, four years. You can't see the end, you know.
And so but what I like about you is that
you said, Rashan, look football practice, play a game on

the weekend. You find out want to lose the results.
Then you got into construction, the same principles came in
the way. It might be a week, it might be
two weeks, it might be a month, but you saw
the results. When you start seeing the results, the consistency
is what made you realize this is delay that I

could be happy in correct.

Speaker 2 (21:26):
Yep, exactly exactly. And that's and I would say the
results in the failure because me, I'm more of like
a failure kind of guy. I love motivation off of
failing because now I'm able to see where I can
be and then after I complete that failure. Now, now
you're gonna hear me. You're gonna hear me based on

my hard work, to give us.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
An example of that. Can you share an example of that, Dominic,
you said failure motivates me. You're not saying, You're not
trying to put you on the spot, But I want
to show an example because I believe that. I believe
that failure is important.

Speaker 2 (22:02):
Yeah, so I'll give you an example. Right. So, when
I first got into the league, I had opportunities, specifically
when I played for the Patriots, the conflict that I
moved into. I knew the I knew the developer. The
developer wanted to work with me. But I was one young.
I wasn't I didn't have the mindset that I do now,

So I wasn't able to see the opportunities that I
was that I had in front of me. Right, So,
for me, that's failing at being open minded, that's feeling
that trying new things, that are feeling that not being
able to capture that opportunity when it was given to you.
So now now that opportunity has come back in my
face a different way with the partner that I'm working

with in the construction. Now I'm able to see that
and you know, just go for it. And now that
has worked out to the point where now we own
a construction company, you know, So that that's more of
like long term failure when you're talking about immediate failure.
Me just I talk you about just the other week, right,
I was taking out quarter arounds doing something, and the

construction was taking out quart around but I forgot to
cut the quarter around.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
So I pulled off what's the quarter around? What is that?

Speaker 2 (23:11):
What is that quarter arounds? That piece of it can
either be wood or plastic at the end, at the
end of your baseball, at the bottom of your baseboard.
So when I was pulling it off, I pulled off
a bunch of tape. I pulled off a bunch of pink.
The customer complained, realized I did it wrong. Now I
seem completely fail I've seen my failure right then and there. Right,
I was able to face that. And then next week

I had to do the same thing. Now I knew
not to do that. I made sure I cut every
single piece, you know, So I like that type of stuff.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
Now when the customer Caup complained, how did you handle that?
Because it's important people need to understand that, you know
those values, the customer is always right. How did you
handle that situation?

Speaker 4 (23:50):

Speaker 2 (23:51):
Yeah, with that, I mean the next day, because it
was at the end of the day. Next day, I
was there at eight o'clock in the morning and she
told us to be that eight. I was there at
seven forty. Made sure she understood that. You know, I'm
taking the I'm taking my mistake. I'm taking accountability for
who are for what I've done. And I like that
because I, like I said, I like to correct myself
and just let her know it was my fault, you know,

and I make sure it will never happen again. But
it's not going to be a problem because there's other
steps behind that that's going to make.

Speaker 1 (24:18):
Sure that's fixed. Cool. Now, your company, you have an
electrical you have a plumbing, roofing, HVAC, flooring, custom carpentry
work and drywall.

Speaker 2 (24:32):

Speaker 1 (24:33):
So tell us how you're television structure of your company.
Do you do you have employees or do you bringing
people contracting for certain certain jobs that you have? No?

Speaker 2 (24:44):
So, so we have we have on I guess salary guards.
We have about eleven eleven employees that work every day,
but we also have seventy five selbs. We do like
I said, we do full and model full renovation. We
have actually three three companies, which is UH Renovation Construction company,
also mold Water Remediation Company, and then also a glass

company where we do showers, mirrors, glass mirror, glass showers
and stuff like that. So we do like I said,
we do everything from we do new construction, new builds,
also commercial.

Speaker 1 (25:19):
Now let me ask you this. Now we talk about marketing.
How do you get the word out about who you are?
Do you do social media? Word of moll from your quality,
the work that you do with other clients. How do
you grow your brand? How do you grow your company?

Speaker 2 (25:32):
It's honestly been marked word of mouth, like for the
last for the last couple of years, he's he's been
straight word of mouth. I mean, we went to a
home show this last year for the first time, but
there's been nothing but word of mouth. You know, we
got investors, we're more so investigates, but we also do retail.

Speaker 1 (25:49):
Right right right now, let's go to the other level.
Being a Super Bowl champion, does it help you can
you repeat that one talking being a super Bowl champion?
Does that help you in your line of business? Doubt?

Speaker 2 (26:08):
I definitely, I definitely market that.

Speaker 1 (26:10):
You know, uh huh, Well, you know when you got
the number one sports on TV and you are Super
Bowl champion, the most watched game in television history, and
you participated in it, I think that'll be an asset
to that. But the number one thing that I wanted
to bring you on the show to discuss was really

that transition and and you being honest about you know,
the injuries, because I remember you, because I remember when
you retired. I went, wow, he didn't have a long career.
But I didn't know. But I don't know you. All
I know is you retired, and I know you was
the first round draft pick. So did it did it
lead to any disappointment for you? Or did you feel

that you needed to you? Did you did you feel
that you failed people when you had to retire? So
so y'all no, No.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
Honestly, I mean I feel like I felt myself. I'm
not gonna lie like I knew, I knew my talent,
I knew where I could have been in the NFL.
I know what I could have done yes, but you know,
injuries got the whole got the best of me. And
you know that is what I gotta live with. And
that's not I'm not going to say it, say like
I'm upset it with myself that I knew. I fought through.
I fought through everything that I could, but it was just,

you know, I just had to live with what it was.

Speaker 1 (27:24):
For Dominique.

Speaker 2 (27:25):
I can't use my body, but now I can use
my mind.

Speaker 1 (27:27):
For Dominique on my show, here's an opportunity to tell
people how they can reach out to you or your
website or your social media so we can continue to
grow this company and get you more than eleven full
time which is the seventy five subs. You got three companies.
I don't know if you need my help, but guess
what you don't money, make compensations, masterclass. Tell everybody how
they can get in touch with you.

Speaker 2 (27:47):
Thank you man, I appreciate it. So my social media
handle on Instagrams at easy ninety one. You can look
up Shed Construction LLC one located in Cartersville, White, Georgia alone.
What you know you can honestly, you can give out
my number six zero nine three five four two four
five zero. If you need any type of remodeling, reconstruction,

you want to make your house look add more value
to it, give me a call.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
Well that's six zero or nine. That's a Philadelphia area
and thew But I know that I know that he
ain't lying about that that New Jersey, New York arey. Hey, Dominique, man,
next time, man, I want to get the full interview.
I know some things happen and you couldn't get on
the call up front, but man, you're a great interview man.
You're inspiring and you're honest. And that's what I love
about my interview is share honest stories. So when people

get on the show, people hear the show, they can
realize that it's authentic and wishing you much success. And again,
I want to bring you and your partner all next
time together so we can invite you in studio to
chop it up that way too, if you don't mind, no.

Speaker 2 (28:48):
I appreciate it. Yeah. My partner is Thomas Hunter and
you'll you'll be finding him as well. And I appreciate you,
you know working with.

Speaker 1 (28:55):
Me, My man, Stay strong and we talk soon. That's
dominic easily former first round draft pick of the New
England Patriots. When you come back, if you in shape,
I'm about to talk to a man that will make
you feel you not in shape, because that's how it
makes me feel every time I interview him. Oba DT
will be on my show. Don't Go Nowhere you listen
to Money Making Conversation Masterclass.

Speaker 4 (29:20):
Thank you for joining us for this edition of Money
Making Conversations Masterclass. Money Making Conversations Masterclass with rough Shan
McDonald is produced by thirty eight to fifteen Media Inc.
More information about thirty eight to fifteen Media Inc. Is
available at thirty eight to fifteen media dot com. And
always remember to lead with your gifts

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