All Episodes

July 8, 2024 84 mins

Good morning and welcome to the ride!  We got watermelon talk with Big Dog.  Virginia Beach has a you're not the father situation and it's more than black or white just for The Chief Love Officer.  Bitterman gives us the insulting things you say to your neighbors under your breath.  Reincarnations, mountain climbing and hearing are covered in Would You Rather.  Have ever had a small brain malfunction in public?  Fool #2 got a song for them old time players.  What do you tell your girl when the phone rings at 2am?  When it comes to the heat and A/C, what is the perfect temperature?  Today in Closing Remarks, Steve simply puts it.  You just gotta hang in there.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Today show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all
don't know y'all at all at all, So.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
Don't given them.

Speaker 3 (00:15):
Black the million bus busby.

Speaker 2 (00:24):
Listening to me, I don't Joy, yeah, Joy, they have set.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
You gotta do that.

Speaker 4 (01:24):
You gotta turn'd to turn the mouth the turn you
probably got to turn the mouth out.

Speaker 1 (01:46):
The word of the money come come out, you think
I sure will. Good morning everybody you are listening to
the voice, come on, dig me down one and only.

Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o, man o, man,
I just I have to tell you this. How good
is the God I serve? How amazing is he? That's
that's all I you know. And you know what, really, man,

when I try to explain how I feel about what
he does for me, really, the words that I come
up with, that they just they they inadequate. Man, They
don't they don't cut it. They really don't. You know,
I can say amazing. At one time, I even just
got that. I tried something real ignorant. One time, I
just said, you know, God is just super captual, fragilistic

as be all adocious. I just tried that. See how
that felt. That's that's all to change he is with me.
I just try to because see how that felt. But
then I I ain't feel right saying that's the fact
that he's amazing and awesome and he's an awesome God.
You hear people say that is It's bigger than that too, man.
So you know, as hard as I try, no matter

what I do every day, I'm gonna come up short
with trying to explain to you exactly how he works
and how he is for me. So I just thank
him that every day, every chance I get.

Speaker 5 (03:24):

Speaker 6 (03:24):
It is.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
It is your determination and your effort. Listen to me carefully.
It is your determination and your effort. I think that
the average person, and I'm not knocking you, I just
want you to hear me out. I think what stops
the average person from becoming successful is that we don't

realize the effort that it takes. And that's just truth.
I found that to be so true in my life
and my talking to people and meeting people, and people
are asking me questions about it and me trying to
figure out the way myself. I don't think that you
really can comprehend the effort that it takes to become successful.

This is the thing that you have to wrap your
mind around very quickly if you want to be successful
on any level in any area. The dream is the beginning.
Good Lord, let me tell you something. The determination and
effort is massive. You cannot be overly concerned with sleep.

If you are a person who is always concerned about sleep,
gets success out your mind. Ain't fin to happen, Partner,
It's not fin to happen. You cannot be that concerned
about sleep. Now, listen to me. You have to get
your rest. But this was my philosophy. I'm just sharing
you with what how I did it. My philosophy was

I stopped being concerned about sleep. I got my rest,
but I got just enough to get back to it,
and I got back on the grind to hop in
the hustle. I got just enough rest so I could
go and put forth some more effort. But listen to me.

You cannot sleep a third of your life away and
expect to become successful. If you're not already successful. If
you are asleep for eight hours, that is a third
of your day. You cannot be asleep a third of
your life and expect to get successful. Now, after you
get successful, you know you learn as you go to

work smarter, not harder. So as you get successful, you
may have eight hours available to you. But on the
way up there, I don't see how you can do it,
I promise you. I don't. Now, maybe somebody can come
for it.

Speaker 7 (05:58):
I did it.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
Hey, yeah, probably lying. But okay, tell your story. Because
everybody I know that's successful that I've sat down and
had real talks with they wasn't concerned with sleeping. You
cannot be concerned with sleeping if you want to be successful.
How can this happen for you? Listen to me. The

effort that it requires is massive. It's an all out
of salt on your dream. Now you got to making assault.
It requires an all out of salt on it. And
you can't be sleeping. Fight at the same time. You
can't fight when you sleep.

Speaker 8 (06:37):

Speaker 1 (06:37):
I wish I could get y'all understand this right here.
Understand that the effort that is required to be successful
will take everything you have, and when you think you've
given your all, it's gonna require some more. The quality
of your chield is amazing. See okay, listen, what is

sitting around having a bill every day? Fault?

Speaker 8 (07:01):

Speaker 1 (07:02):
But they's sitting around smoking weed for every day. Pa,
Come on, man, for real, But if you took that beer,
drinking weeds, smoking chill time and applied it to progressing
yourself towards your dream. When you do carve out of vacation,
guess where you be able to go. Guess what part

of the world you can go see. Guess how you
can chill out now instead of you just driving. Every
year your family to the family union, sit at the
same picnic table. Everybody pull they money in two and
ten families don't never pool they money in. They down
there eating like y'all eating. You got attitude cause because
the day or day side don't have a chip in
or not. They down there eating the extra potatoes at

and making places. You're not huguing about this every year
for real, man, They ain't got the T shirt money,
you know, they got the same T shirt on. They
ain't put in that really, man, so so so so
so you want that to be it every year? Or
do you want this year? I'm taking my family to
New Orleans. Oh, I'm taking my family see the Grand Canyon.

I'm taking my family down to the beach this year.
Me and me and my family gonna go sight See,
we're gonna go ride a couple of river on Chicago.
Me and my family gonna go skiing this year. Me
and me and my family going out to La Man
we go. We're gonna go out there for a weekend.
You know, you know it can happen like that. But
if you ain't working, listen to me. Average effort gets

average results. That's that's all it is to it. See,
ordinary effort gets ordinary results. But if you put forth
an extra effort. See, the only difference between extraordinary and
ordinary is one word, that's extra. If you do extra,

you can take ordinary right on over to extraordinary. Do
you understand you have to have a massive assault on
your dreams? Quit sitting up in here, man, trying to
chill all the time. I'm sorry, man, I wish I
could tell you another way, but it ain't one. Here's
what I did. I wasn't concerned about how much sleep
I got. I just had to get my rest. And

once I got enough rest to get up and get
the task done, I got up. Somebody sent me a
tweet the other day, a partner of mine. He said,
to see if I can pull it up. While I'm
talking to you. But he just sent me a little
sign just what nothing, just a little something to say,
Hey man, I ran across this, I thought about you,

and I sent it to you. It said no alarm
clock needed, My passion wakes me. It's in block print.
He said, no alarm clock needed, My passion wakes me.
That's what you got to be about.

Speaker 9 (09:58):
Listening Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (10:03):
Ladies and gentlemen, let me have your divided attention. Please,
this is the beginning of a new day. This at
the start of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let us
begin three two one. What's up?

Speaker 8 (10:16):

Speaker 10 (10:17):
Hey, what's up?

Speaker 1 (10:18):

Speaker 8 (10:19):

Speaker 1 (10:21):
What's going on?

Speaker 8 (10:22):

Speaker 10 (10:24):

Speaker 11 (10:24):
They don't.

Speaker 1 (10:27):
And then going on the porch, Doggy Doge.

Speaker 9 (10:34):
You sound like you're on the porch and we're passing by.

Speaker 1 (10:42):
Drive that drive a third boy. Oh you act like
you don't know no about it. Oh wait, you look
cute then, girl, I don't want a holiday you think

you hold now.

Speaker 8 (11:09):
Like I love it.

Speaker 1 (11:12):
If you think you know you know, I think I'm
gonna go down store. Give me a watermelon. Let me
when you all got to tell you the watermelon. When
you thump of watermelon? What you're listening for. No, I
don't think watermelons. Well, I know how to pick watermelons.
I thought you're supposed to thump them. No, dog, what
you're gonna tell you about the thumb? This is how
you pick a sweet watermelon. What is stem comes out

the bottom where it has to stem on it or
what it still used to be. If you see a
lot of you know those veins, Yeah, a little veins
on the outside, that sugar content, so that means it's
a sweet that's right, that's right.

Speaker 8 (11:54):

Speaker 1 (11:54):
You can pick a sweet one that don't have it
because like them dark green was don't oftentimes a lot
of veins. But when you pick them light green with
them long ones, huh yeah, you sah got that right
now when it got a lot of brown veins coming
around off that stalk, that stem, that sugar content. Oh boy,

now they thump them down south. I didn't Well, you know,
you don't. You don't know how to do that because
you don't buy enough of them. You don't grow them.
If you grow watermelon, you can thump them, but you
don't know what you're even looking Okay, when it thought
what you're looking for, I don't know I don't know
what I'm listening. So now you're just thumping you didn't
take this ragged ass watermelon right onto the house.

Speaker 12 (12:41):
And are we are we doing seeds or seedless? Because
I like seeds?

Speaker 1 (12:46):
No, see, there's no watermelon that don't have seeds in it.
Watermelons got seed.

Speaker 9 (12:52):
But but yeah, but you know they have seedless watermelons.

Speaker 1 (12:55):
That's genetic, you modified.

Speaker 9 (12:57):
Surely I can read well a store like yeah, no.

Speaker 1 (13:02):
But that then, but that ain't the real real watermelons
have seeds.

Speaker 12 (13:08):
Oh that's what I think.

Speaker 1 (13:09):
Let me tell you something. Go to Africa and you
be trying to find seedless watermelon whole time you over there.

Speaker 12 (13:15):
Okay, seeds, I want the seeds.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
Yeah, okay, just a little country lesson on how to
pick a watermelon because we buy we approaching watermelon season.
What is it exactly July to September? Your death watermelon
time come on.

Speaker 7 (13:34):
Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, William
from the nephew, is he runs that frank back right after.

Speaker 9 (13:42):
This you're listening morning show.

Speaker 12 (13:46):
It is time now for the nephew to run that
prank back.

Speaker 13 (13:49):
What you got for his neph This is three minute remarks. Shirley,
it's three minute remarks. These are for the people that
just don't know how to just get up there, say
words and get on down. They just I just don't
understand that they want to tell the whole life story
how this person was a part of their life.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
So this is three minute remarks. Let's go get down.

Speaker 8 (14:11):
Well, yes, I'm trying to reach a brother, Keith, please, Yeah,
this is Keith, Keith. How you doing? This is Lawrence's overhead,
your funeral home. Okay, we are the ones that have
the doing the funeral for sister Dolores. And that is

your aunt. Am I am I understanding? Right? Yeah, that's
Monti okay, And yes, you know the funeral is this
coming Thursday. Yes, I'll be that Thursday. I'm giving you
a call because it's been brought to my attention that
you were going to be giving remarks for the funeral.

Is that correct? Yes? Absolutely, Okay. I wanted to call
on you because we're getting ready to print the programs
for the funeral and let you know that they have
taken you off for the remarks because they say that you're.

Speaker 5 (15:12):
Not going to be Oh, hold on, what do you
mean taking me off.

Speaker 8 (15:18):
Well, what I'm saying is they say that you're not
going to abide by the two three minute rule that
they have for remarks, and they wanted they've they've taken
you off.

Speaker 14 (15:29):
And uh, who's they come come out?

Speaker 8 (15:34):
Who? Who? What's the name again, Lawrence? I'm launch, I'm
the actual funeral director.

Speaker 14 (15:41):
Lord, and who told you to take me off?

Speaker 8 (15:45):
One of the one of the family members I'm assuming
is who who made the adjustment?

Speaker 14 (15:50):
And an adjustment that ain't no adjustment, that's that's changing
the whole program.

Speaker 8 (15:55):
Who else is on the list? I mean there's quite
a few family members doing differ and things throughout the funeral. Okay,
so how did you get to my name?

Speaker 14 (16:06):
Is what I'm trying to figure out.

Speaker 8 (16:07):
That they said that listen to me.

Speaker 5 (16:10):
Listen, listen to me.

Speaker 8 (16:11):
Listen to me, brother, keep listen to me. What they
said is that you weren't going to abide by the time,
you weren't going to do your remarks in three minutes
or less.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Listen, listen, listen, listen.

Speaker 14 (16:26):
Miki raised me, he put me through college. And you
think I'm finna, I'm Finla goes down her funeral and
be under two minutes.

Speaker 8 (16:35):
Well and well, listen, listen, brother Keith, Brother Keith, listen
to me. Normally, when we have these funerals, people who
give remarks, we have them three minutes or less. Okay, okay,
I'll tell you what.

Speaker 1 (16:49):
I'll tell you what. Mister lost the list.

Speaker 8 (16:55):
We have a seala, Yes, there's a seala that's singing
him off the list.

Speaker 14 (17:01):
Take her off the list and put me where she's
supposed to be with my current and.

Speaker 8 (17:04):
Her time is Bobby Bobby now, yes, Bobby Jr. Is
given remarks. That's that's that's Delorous. That's miss Delorus's son, right, Yes.

Speaker 14 (17:20):
Their son, the one that get locked up.

Speaker 8 (17:22):
He just got out of jail. The truth he told.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
He's the one down there.

Speaker 14 (17:25):
Put her in the coat. You needn't take him off
the list too. Give me all that time, because I mean,
if I ain't gonna take nothing that.

Speaker 8 (17:32):
My brother Keith, let me let me let me just
say this to you. I cannot take Sheila or Bobby Jr. Off.
I can't make any alterations to this program unless they
say that.

Speaker 14 (17:45):
Actually, sir, you already you already taking you already taking
people name off. You're taking my name off.

Speaker 8 (17:53):
But but they they orchestrated this though his.

Speaker 14 (17:57):
Day, who is days for having problems. They try to
take me off my Hotey program.

Speaker 8 (18:03):
Who'll say, sir, I'm not gonna get into a family matter.
But until they say that you can do in a
family matter, sure, I'm not gonna. I don't wanna. I
don't want to have this. This turned out to be bad,
and we want to have a great homegoing for sister Delord. Okay,
damn right.

Speaker 14 (18:22):
And if I don't get to say nothing, I guarantee you,
I guarantee you it's gonna be a tooth for one
in there. Somebody else is gonna get the in the
car for tooth. I guarantee you that if I don't
get to say nothing in my Auntie, if you know,
minst you didn't pay for them college. I didn't put
six thousand dollars.

Speaker 8 (18:40):
I bet you.

Speaker 14 (18:41):
I'll tell you this. I tell you this, mister Laws,
I bet you whether I'm on the program I'm not.
I bet you, I say with so I want to.

Speaker 8 (18:49):
I bet you that much.

Speaker 14 (18:51):
You tell Day that I didn't you see then put
me through college? Put money on the funeral? A call
sewa't putting your money on the feudal tell them they
can't be on the program.

Speaker 8 (19:04):
Man, uh keith they when they decide who who who's
on it? If they changed the format, that I will
call you back.

Speaker 14 (19:16):
Who who is they?

Speaker 5 (19:18):
That's what I'm trying to get.

Speaker 14 (19:19):
Get you understand who is they?

Speaker 8 (19:21):
Can I can? I tell you something and I don't
want you to get to our rape. Okay, go ahead,
go ahead, man. I just want to say this, keep
with them. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey
Morning Show. You just got breaked. You just got breaked
by your cousin, Bobby Jr.

Speaker 14 (19:42):
You bo, I'm Bobby Jr.

Speaker 8 (19:47):

Speaker 14 (19:49):
I'm kicking Bobby.

Speaker 8 (19:50):
I know that my mother pressure is all up.

Speaker 14 (19:55):
I ain't got time to be playing man taking me
off program.

Speaker 8 (20:03):
Oh Mama said, y'all grew up like brothers man, and
you was. You was basically another son of mister Lord's.
That's right, Yes, yes, I was. Man. Oh my, hey,
let me ask you this, man, what is the baddest
and I mean the baddest radio show in the land,
Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 1 (20:30):
Now for y'all, I ain't even finn talk that into
a funeral. There's nothing better than bad funeral humor. Somebody
sitting up there looking at you like I can't. I'm
not gonna even saying all right, thank you?

Speaker 7 (20:51):
You coming up next to ask the CLO with our
Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this,
you're listening Harvey Morning Show. Okay, it is time for CLR.
We're going to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve
Harvey in the building. Taylor in Virginia, Beach Rights. I'm

in my late twenties and I got married when I
was nineteen years old. Because I got pregnant. My husband's white.
I'm black and Asian. When my son was born, he
was very brown skinned, so my in laws wanted a
DNA test. Turns out my husband is not the father,
but he's never said a word about it to me
or our son. My son is eight now, and his

biological father has been asking to meet him for a
very long time. My husband freaks out whenever I bring
this subject up. Is it wrong to keep my son
from his father?

Speaker 1 (21:47):
Absolutely? Absolutely?

Speaker 6 (21:50):
Is it?

Speaker 1 (21:52):

Speaker 5 (21:53):

Speaker 1 (21:56):
Absolutely is the fact that you told you Look, I
don't know if you told your son that he has
a different biological father. But is it wrong to keep
your son from this man? It absolutely one, and there's nothing,
no debate or question about it. It is wrong and

there is no justification to it. None. Well, so I
admire your husband for standing up and and and taking
it and standing up and being that stand up guy,
because he is one hell of a dude. Your husband is.
And I understand him not wanting to ruffle a boat

and all this here. I understand that. But this boy
should know his father, and his father should know his
son period. All Right, Taylor, It's going to be difficult
and challenging, but those that's the rule of life.

Speaker 9 (22:55):
Yeah, yeah, all right.

Speaker 7 (22:56):
Moving on to Chevelle in Montgomery, Belle says, my husband
and my mother are thick as thieves, and I think she's.

Speaker 9 (23:03):
Allowing my husband to cheat on me.

Speaker 7 (23:05):
My mother's house is the gambling spot in our community
and all of the drunks hang out there. I saw
on Facebook that one of my husband's exes was at
my mom's recently and posted a picture with my husband
in the background. I cursed my husband out, and he
said it was innocent. My mother told me I overreacted,
did I?

Speaker 1 (23:25):
Well, if it's your mama's gambling spot, your mama making money,
chafe and run. I'm just gonna keep it one hundred
with you, mature. Yeah, it's bigger than that picture there
in that gambling and vine looking you know how it
is in the hood, as speaks as after I joined

everything closed, they go over there kind of like a
like a low budget basement tavern, and it's a gambling house.
Ain't nowhere you can go gamble sect casinos, So no,
I think it's absolutely I don't you know your mama.
I don't think your mama is allowing him to cheat.
I don't even know if cheating is involved in this

at all. But your mama got a gambling house.

Speaker 12 (24:11):
What are his exes doing over there?

Speaker 1 (24:13):
Though they both well you know, I mean she over
there gambling buying dreams. Yeah, mama trying to make money.

Speaker 4 (24:23):
Weird about this?

Speaker 1 (24:24):

Speaker 6 (24:26):

Speaker 1 (24:27):
All him?

Speaker 7 (24:32):
My husband's over there with his ex all right, Sophia
and Albuquerque says.

Speaker 9 (24:40):
My husband is twenty nine. I'm twenty seven.

Speaker 7 (24:42):
He works as a retail manager and I work from
home with my own sex video chat room. I make
a lot of money and my husband doesn't mind it
since it's all online. I've been able to help buy
us a new house on my earnings, and I wanted
to work more hours so I could pay off my
student loans and build up our sale. Then I plan
to get a decent job. My husband won't allow me

to take on more hours. We're still young. So am
I wrong for trying to stack money?

Speaker 2 (25:11):
Good question.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
Well, you're not wrong for trying to stack money. You
just have to ask you a question. Is stacking money?
Is at what expense? I don't see how he's okay
with it up to this point. Yeah, but and now
you want to do more hours. He don't want you
to do more hours. I think you've accomplished a lot
with it right now. You know, kind of like a

drug dealer that finally gets a wrap record deal.

Speaker 9 (25:39):
You know, goes legit.

Speaker 1 (25:40):
Yeah, yeah, you know, you just got to quit selling
dope at one point in time while you're gonna get busted. Now.
I'm not saying that what you're doing is illegal. I
don't know nothing about it. I ain't never been on one.
But what is you saying where you can buy a house.

Speaker 9 (25:52):
Though she made enough money that she could buy a house.

Speaker 1 (25:57):
No, no, no, that's not the question.

Speaker 12 (25:59):
He's saying, what is what is she doing on this show?

Speaker 1 (26:01):
What is you talking about? Okay, what did you say?
I'm trying to figure out what you could say to
me to help make you buy a house on line
makes a lot of money?

Speaker 6 (26:15):

Speaker 9 (26:16):
Who are you talking to the student loans? Yeah, well
she's saying a lot. What she's saying a lot?

Speaker 1 (26:24):
She's looking.

Speaker 7 (26:25):
Yeah, she's saying a lot. It's a video, a video,
sex video, chat room.

Speaker 9 (26:33):
A lot going on? All right, we're moving on.

Speaker 7 (26:38):
Money in Tampa, says or Amony in Tampa says I'm
forty eight and I've been married eleven years.

Speaker 9 (26:45):
But my wife and I live in separate houses.

Speaker 7 (26:47):
She never sold her house, and in the beginning of
our marriage, we argued more than we made love, so
she basically decided we'd live in separate houses.

Speaker 9 (26:56):
It has worked out fine, but our family and friends
think we're nuts.

Speaker 6 (27:00):

Speaker 7 (27:00):
My wife has been going to bed really early in
changing the locks in her house. I think the distance
has made her forget about me. Should I tell her
it's time to end this arrangement?

Speaker 1 (27:11):
Yeah? I think she didn't changed the lots. She's going
to bed. Y'all ain't married, No damn one. I just
y'all just know each other on paper, going to bed early,
changing locks. Don't even come over here, not because now
she don't want you creeping in in that night.

Speaker 9 (27:32):
Yeah, in her space.

Speaker 1 (27:37):
So what should he do? What should he do?

Speaker 8 (27:40):
Go fu?

Speaker 1 (27:42):
She gon sign him? What y'all together for. Y'all ain't
got to worry about who get the house. Y'all both
keep your own house. That's the biggest cut, is that house.
If somebody lost her foe, yeah, just gold, don't even
worry about that. She gonna keep her house. You keep
your house. Irreconcilable differences, y'all get divorced with seven to fifty.

Y'all ain't got no ass.

Speaker 12 (28:09):
Yes, all right, thank you, Cello. You're listening.

Speaker 9 (28:13):
Morning show.

Speaker 7 (28:16):
It's time for something funny and Jay. This is about
stuff you say to your neighbors under your breath. Please explain.

Speaker 11 (28:23):
This has to do with we see our neighbors all
the time.

Speaker 6 (28:25):
We're not that fond of them sometimes so we speak,
but under our breath we're saying little things, little little
insulting things, like, hey, how doing clell.

Speaker 12 (28:43):
Keep one hundred jacket?

Speaker 11 (28:45):
Keep keeping it?

Speaker 1 (28:47):
One ja ja I? Just want earl, how you doing?

Speaker 6 (28:54):
You the earl?

Speaker 8 (28:55):
My man?

Speaker 1 (28:57):
You need some curtains?

Speaker 15 (29:05):
How you doing?

Speaker 1 (29:05):
Franklin's good to see you. Hope that boy stay.

Speaker 6 (29:08):
Home this time.

Speaker 9 (29:15):
It takes vacations, see fifth time.

Speaker 12 (29:22):
Come on, nephew, step.

Speaker 1 (29:26):
Perkins, How are you good?

Speaker 8 (29:28):

Speaker 1 (29:29):
If you do something with that damn boat, you don't
even worry?

Speaker 9 (29:36):
Indeed I do, Miss Kennedy, Hey, I done that.

Speaker 6 (29:43):
We will in.

Speaker 9 (29:53):
Across the street.

Speaker 8 (29:56):
Dale, Dale, Kim.

Speaker 1 (29:58):
How you guys doing the day with? For the ass.

Speaker 6 (30:06):

Speaker 4 (30:08):

Speaker 12 (30:12):
The stuff we say to our neighbors under it's gotta
be sitting.

Speaker 3 (30:18):
Come on, Smith's good to see you all right now,
I wouldn't be pushing my mom at that long.

Speaker 8 (30:29):

Speaker 1 (30:29):
She got to do something. Three people, Hey Bob, are
you good good? You can stop your fair wife from
swimming naked? All them broly scaring the hell out of
my dog.

Speaker 10 (30:52):

Speaker 11 (30:53):
And yeah, how you got folk claws on the block,
and don't none of them?

Speaker 10 (31:01):
Four cards?

Speaker 7 (31:03):
He yard is a mess. Stuff we say to our
neighbors under our breath.

Speaker 1 (31:09):
Come on, will us, I'm spot old boy, I see
I have a going to day shore glady or whatever,
and that roughly he.

Speaker 8 (31:24):

Speaker 1 (31:26):
He killed my flowers. He spoke to me and cut
my grass. Put his breath.

Speaker 11 (31:32):
Wow, that's bad.

Speaker 12 (31:36):
That's dragging right.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
Hey, hey Johnson's it's good to see y'all. All right now, man,
now now we good? Good? I say right now, I
know a baby when to eat paper. You know, I
know that baby eat paper. You gotta tell me no more.

Speaker 12 (31:55):
I know that baby eats pipe.

Speaker 1 (31:57):
Baby, he's smart. All now you gotta bring.

Speaker 10 (31:59):
My no we good.

Speaker 12 (32:04):
Birthday s?

Speaker 7 (32:05):
We say to our neighbors under our breath. Tommy go Leonard, Hey.

Speaker 1 (32:12):
Nice day to day? Good good? Wasn't good last night?
Damn police? No, you said you called them?

Speaker 12 (32:28):
Stuff? We say to our neighbors under our breath.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
Herman, how y'all doing? Tell me y'all put your mommy
in a hole?

Speaker 8 (32:42):
Say that?

Speaker 12 (32:51):
Ye, Black people don't do that.

Speaker 11 (32:57):
Hey, mister Mitchell, what's going on? You don't see that
dog doing your yard? You just don't.

Speaker 9 (33:04):
Sun leave it?

Speaker 7 (33:11):
Stuff, we say to our neighbors under our breath.

Speaker 10 (33:15):
Curtis, Hey, jas going on?

Speaker 8 (33:19):
All right? Now?

Speaker 9 (33:20):
Ain't the wind the world no better than that?

Speaker 1 (33:22):
Damn line?

Speaker 11 (33:23):
She ain't chilling that.

Speaker 1 (33:27):
Way too much?

Speaker 8 (33:27):

Speaker 1 (33:29):
I don't even know how they touched both they stumped.

Speaker 10 (33:32):
All right, man, I'm good man, Come.

Speaker 12 (33:37):
On, nephew, stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath.

Speaker 13 (33:40):
Kindly, kindley, y'all's looking good, looking, real good. You come
over with this line, though, you come over with this
more turn with that damn I'm telling you that you
know what damn line.

Speaker 8 (33:52):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (33:53):
You know my side, you know your damn sign. That
probably mean something, but it means something.

Speaker 8 (34:05):
You know what?

Speaker 11 (34:05):
There lying man, that's my line.

Speaker 7 (34:10):
All right, I think we have time for two more
Jaye and then Steve closed it out stuff.

Speaker 12 (34:14):
We say to our neighbors under our breath, let's go.

Speaker 11 (34:17):
Hey, Hey, what's going. Yeah, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good.

Speaker 10 (34:23):
Who she was good that night when he got into
a fight. Yeah, okay, yeah.

Speaker 12 (34:36):
Come on, Steve closed it out stuff.

Speaker 1 (34:38):
We stayed right right out Sidney. Hey, it invited me
over to Little stink As barbecue and everything. I know,
I know you ran out of room over all, gud,
Thank you. That was good.

Speaker 9 (34:59):
You're listening.

Speaker 7 (35:01):
Morning show, and it's time now for a round of
would you rather? Would you rather be reincarnated as an
animal as a human again?

Speaker 1 (35:13):
Coming back as no damn animal.

Speaker 9 (35:16):
But if you came back as an animal, oh.

Speaker 1 (35:19):
Just I signed. I don't know. Time, got to find
something to eat. I ain't got no money, I ain't
coming down in here, ain't got no money. I've done
that before the first part of your life. Yeah, I
will already been an animal. Yeah, we ain't doing that.
No damn well, not with no money, no law. I

don't want no parts of that. I want to be
involved in currency exchange at some point. I hope somebody
set a bowl of milk out man.

Speaker 12 (35:49):
Hell all right, okay, moving on?

Speaker 7 (35:54):
Would you rather not speak for an entire year or
would you rather not hear for an entire year?

Speaker 1 (36:02):
If I can't hear, then am I speaking? I don't
get it, and I'm gonna tell you right now. If
you can't hear, you sure gone sounds to it when
you used to hear. You know, I have trouble pronouncing
words and I can hear them. Boy, if I can't hear,
you can hear? What is his ass talking? I think

I want to hear. Okay, so you can type, right,
But if you can't hear, no, man, I can't. But
not talking for a year a lot of writing, though
I can't tell you a lot of writing, A lot
of writing. I can't tear you the money I'm gonna
be missing out on. I can't talk. Yeah, yeah, right,

these sets and hold them up a lot of text custods,
a lot of texts. All right, guys.

Speaker 7 (37:02):
Would you rather climb the highest mountain or swim the
deepest sea?

Speaker 8 (37:07):

Speaker 1 (37:08):
Man, why back upon that mountain? I'm gonna die in
that water. That's for day. I can't get in that water, man,
But but I can't handle heights because of I get
out to too sickness. Yeah, what you gonna do? So
we're gonna down the way up or down the way down?
Like like, yeah, I'm not I'm not finna do that though, Okay,

that don't make no sense. I don't even want up there.
I don't even know. It would mean nothing for me
to stick a flag in the top of every nothing.

Speaker 12 (37:42):
So then you're going to the deepest seas.

Speaker 1 (37:45):
Yeah, but I can't swim, So hell I swim, but
I ain't going way down now.

Speaker 12 (37:51):
All right, that's today's round. Would you rather come in?

Speaker 1 (37:55):
We didn't like today?

Speaker 9 (38:00):
You're listening Harty Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (38:04):
Have you ever had a small brain malfunction on the
snide inappropriate remark you meant to say to yourself actually
came out of your mouth, you know, like we always
say inside.

Speaker 9 (38:17):
Voice, outside voice? Did I say that aloud?

Speaker 1 (38:21):
Stuff like that?

Speaker 12 (38:22):
So, Steve, I know you have but we're in start
would Yeah, we'll get to you last.

Speaker 7 (38:28):
So what have you blurted out in public that you
thought was just one of your inner thought monologues?

Speaker 6 (38:34):
Jay, I'll go first. I was having a party this
one time, which I don't like parties at mouse, but
I let the person I was dating to have a
party at the house for me. A party shit in
at nine thirty and the party.

Speaker 11 (38:49):
Should be old. Yeah, nine damn thirty? You've eaten? You've
heard music?

Speaker 10 (38:56):
What time?

Speaker 8 (38:57):
Yeah? Right?

Speaker 11 (38:59):
So I thought I was talking to her and I
yelled out when they taking their ass home.

Speaker 6 (39:05):
Not everybody everybody had the party heard me, and that
ended the party. The party did ended. Well, that's what
you wanted, which is what I wanted. So anyway, that's
I blurted.

Speaker 11 (39:23):
When the hell it going home?

Speaker 1 (39:29):
All right?

Speaker 12 (39:29):
Nephew, come on, I knew you have a few.

Speaker 1 (39:32):
Oh, I got born and I canna you got heels
a little cool party. I said it. I said it,
I thought, said, wife, Your wife is flying as hell.

Speaker 15 (39:54):
God you live to tell that story, right, all right?
Come on, Steve, I know you have one.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
I got a bunch of them. I was about since
I was about sixteen. That was about sixteen, and we
was all in the backyard barbecue and uh, you know,
it was time to eat. So you know, they had
the little table set up in the back and you
just kind of went around and you know, pulled a

little Surrey wrap off and took a dip, you know,
put put food on your plate. And I'm walking around
and put your food on the plate. And I just said, man,
I can't stand these damn pats. My aunt was standing
back there and said, that's cause there ain't no damn
baked beans. That's chili. The hell mixed chili them summer time.

Them baked beans was so trifling. I said, I can't
stand here. Baked beans can stay back.

Speaker 9 (41:05):
All basically about inside outside boys. Just something you said aloud.

Speaker 12 (41:12):
But you really thought you were saying it to yourself.

Speaker 11 (41:15):
Come on, Jay, you got another one.

Speaker 8 (41:17):

Speaker 6 (41:17):
So this other time we were having a party. I
let another party at the house and so the wine
was really cheap wine, you know. So I yelled out,
who the hell about this cheap ass wine?

Speaker 5 (41:32):
You know.

Speaker 6 (41:33):
I thought I was saying it to my inside boys.
And the lady who was at.

Speaker 11 (41:39):
The party said, how bought that cheap ass wine?

Speaker 1 (41:42):
And I'm gona just take it home?

Speaker 11 (41:43):
And okay, I apologize. It's not that cheap.

Speaker 1 (41:53):
I said it. I said it.

Speaker 13 (41:55):
I said some things, yeah, yeah, at my mama house. Family,
big family gathering. And I don't know, I'm like, who's
the last woman in the kitchen.

Speaker 1 (42:07):
Who said that out loud? Out loud. I was a
little boy, just for the first time. I was probably
about eight, maybe nine, yeah, eight or nine. I had
just got a whipping, and I was in my room,

roob and my legs, and I was going, I hate you,
I hate I hate you. And I thought I was
saying it soft enough. My daddy walked in that room
and said, you hate who. I just started crying hard.

Speaker 12 (42:46):
I don't hate albody. Coming up next to up you
with Today's Frank phone call. Right after this, You're listening.

Speaker 7 (42:58):
Morning show coming up at the top of the hour,
right about four minutes after it's my Strawberry letter for today,
the subject I don't mind working over time, but up next,
nephew Tommy right here with today's prank phone call.

Speaker 1 (43:12):
What you got math Media Ministry Media minished. Hello, Hello, time.
I'm trying to reach Dre. Andre.

Speaker 8 (43:25):
Yeah, this is Andre.

Speaker 1 (43:26):
Hey, Dre.

Speaker 13 (43:27):
You the person that runs the media at the church.
You over the sound system and everything and all the
screens and all that stuff.

Speaker 5 (43:35):
Yeah, yeah, I work with the church.

Speaker 1 (43:36):
Okay, how long you been at the church, man.

Speaker 5 (43:39):
I've probably been at the church for like five years.

Speaker 1 (43:41):
Now, about five years.

Speaker 13 (43:42):
Okay, okay, listen, my name Doug Man, Dougson, and I
haven't I haven't joined the church yet, but I've been
coming because my cousin, you know, my cousin them go there.
They've been going there for quite a bit. My cousin
got I got one cousin that's in the choir theatres.
You know who theatrece is, right, Yeah.

Speaker 8 (44:02):
Yeah, I know who the trees. Doug.

Speaker 5 (44:04):
You ain't a member of the church yet.

Speaker 1 (44:06):
No, No, I'm not a member of the church yet,
but you know I've been in there.

Speaker 13 (44:09):
You know, I'm liking the service and everything, so you know,
it's just a matter of time, you know, uh, uh
when I feel like I'm ready to actually join.

Speaker 1 (44:17):
But I ain't gonna lie.

Speaker 8 (44:18):

Speaker 13 (44:19):
I'm calling you because I got a bit of an
issue about, uh, about something I've been noticing for the
last three weeks that's been going on in the church,
and I wanted to uh, you know, I had to
ask around who was over the media. Uh, ministry, Yeah,
that's that's you. Okay, So uh, man, I don't know
what's happening. Uh, And I ain't gonna lie. I gotta

be real with you. It pissed me off. But uh,
for the last three weeks, you know, Uh, when my
cousin get ready to sing, you know, I don't know
why when she get up to sing that the mic
just go out, you know what I mean, The mic
just go completely out when she getting ready to sing.

Speaker 1 (44:56):
And I'm like, what, this don't make no sense, you know.

Speaker 5 (44:59):
So, man, I ain't been It's not like I'm timing it.

Speaker 6 (45:02):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (45:02):
I mean, we don't have the best equipment at the church.
You know, we just got to work for what we got.
I mean, it's not like I'm sitting there trying to
sing about your cousin. Sometimes the MIC's get a glitch, man,
But see.

Speaker 1 (45:13):
But see that. But see that's my problem.

Speaker 8 (45:15):

Speaker 13 (45:15):
The problem I'm having is the glitch happening every single
time my cousin get the mic. You know, that's the
problem I'm having. Like, Okay, so every time the trees
get up there the same then you know, the mic
go out. I didn't came three weeks straight. I ain't
hear my cousins saying nothing yet. So I'm calling you
brouh on you know, on some real man the man stuff,
Just letting you know, brouh I'm coming to church again

this Sunday. I'm coming now. If the trees might go
out again, hey dog, somebody gonna get.

Speaker 5 (45:48):
You gonna bring that energy to church?

Speaker 8 (45:50):
Say what or not you're gonna bring that energy to church?

Speaker 5 (45:53):
I told you, man, it's just the glitch. Ain't nothing
I could do about it.

Speaker 1 (45:56):
Okay. What I'm saying though, bro, what I'm saying is
just right here, and I'm being as real as I can.

Speaker 13 (46:01):
Which if if LaTrece might go out on Sunday, immediately
after that service is over with somebody getting.

Speaker 5 (46:11):
I don't know why you calling threatening a member of
the church, man like I said, I ain't got nothing
to do with it. I try to keep everything running cool,
you know, I try to keep the running smooth. I
can't tell you when the glitch is gonna happen. It's electronics, man,
it's holy quitmen. I'd love for you to be a
member of the church with us, but I can't. I mean,
why are you calling up here threatening me?

Speaker 13 (46:30):
Hey, bro, because because I done came up there three times,
three times I came up to see my cousin saying.
You know, my cousin is saying, since we was kids,
we all love to hear hers sing. We love her voice,
you know we you know, we grew up listening to
Latree saying. So what I'm saying. I'm gonna say this
here though, and I I don't say it twice already.

I'm coming up there Sunday if if LaTrece might go out.

Speaker 5 (46:56):
Bro, let me just cut you off real quick.

Speaker 8 (46:57):
Ain't no way that you're.

Speaker 5 (46:59):
Gonna come up here and whooped nobody, man, that just
ain't gonna happen. Like I told you, it's a glitch,
But you ain't coming up to the church talking all
this and then you're gonna whoop somebody.

Speaker 13 (47:08):
Okay, So I see where we at now. So so
let me just going on directed this way. So let
me say this, from Doug to Andre, from me to you,
I'm letting you know right now, come Sunday, if Latrice
might go out not know somebody, I'm whooping yos, Drake,
I'm whooping yos.

Speaker 5 (47:29):
If the damn might go Okay, first off, I ain't
nobody whooping my especially no punk dude named Doug. He
ain't gonna come to the church. What my that's gonna happen?

Speaker 1 (47:39):

Speaker 8 (47:40):

Speaker 1 (47:40):
What what makes you think you can't get your ass?

Speaker 5 (47:42):
And what makes me you over here threatening somebody.

Speaker 8 (47:44):
Over here with the media.

Speaker 5 (47:45):
You want to come test these hands and come test
the hands?

Speaker 4 (47:48):

Speaker 8 (47:48):
You know what?

Speaker 1 (47:49):
Matter of fact, when y'all next rehearsal, I just come
on over that end.

Speaker 5 (47:53):
You come on over there, man, Why don't you come
over right now? I'm over at the church right now.

Speaker 1 (47:57):
Oh so you at the church right now.

Speaker 5 (47:59):
I'm at the church rying now right now. If you
want to catch it the parking lot school, you're gonna
need the church after you don't get this as.

Speaker 1 (48:06):
Okay, Hey, hey boy, tell DJ.

Speaker 13 (48:09):
Then we're finna go to the church down, No, no,
tell him, we're going to roll up there to this
damn church.

Speaker 1 (48:13):
Okay, come on, call all up, call all up. Now
you're finna get yours whipped up so you don't push
it up on the wrong one.

Speaker 13 (48:19):
Now you're to push up on the wrong one. So
all this little cool, You're finna have eight dudes right.

Speaker 8 (48:26):
Now talking on that.

Speaker 5 (48:27):
So Dougie, you could bring Johnny, you could bring Billy,
you can bring whoever you want.

Speaker 8 (48:32):
But it ain't gonna happen.

Speaker 5 (48:33):
Okay, Okay, cool and real talk, doug you don't call
me talking to all this. But how you about to
come up here and whoop my? And now you need
like seven eight other guys back in the day, we
should just handle this one on one. And now you
want to come up here talking all that, you're gonna
bring it becausein you've got your house. If you want
to do this, man, come up here. Let's do it
one on one.

Speaker 1 (48:53):
O o oh, oh you scared or something.

Speaker 5 (48:56):
Ain't nobody scared, but you're talking that you whooping mine?
Now you want bring up every disciple you know, man,
you know what brings whoever you want. Just don't bring
nobody you want bad because I put you all down.

Speaker 13 (49:07):
Okay, Well, I'm gonna tell you this here. I'm gonna
bring Tommy with me, and Tommy gonna be the one's
gonna act a damn fool with you. I'm telling you
that right now.

Speaker 5 (49:14):
Who is Tommy?

Speaker 1 (49:16):
So you don't know Tommy?

Speaker 5 (49:17):
Nah? I don't know Tommy.

Speaker 1 (49:18):
Okay, do you know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey
Moore in the show.

Speaker 8 (49:26):
Are you kidding this number?

Speaker 10 (49:29):
Hey man?

Speaker 13 (49:29):
Latrice got me the prank phone call you matter fact,
the whole choir is in on this and they know
that I am pranking you, Drake.

Speaker 5 (49:38):
Man, Now you got me done?

Speaker 8 (49:40):
Turn it up on the radio.

Speaker 5 (49:41):
Man, Now, I gotta go ask for forgiveness. That smack
out I'm talking now comes Sunday. I'm turning to everybody's
mic off.

Speaker 13 (49:53):
Okay, man, I gotta ask you this, Drake, what is
the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in
the land.

Speaker 5 (49:58):
You know it's the Steve Harvey Moore in the show.
And you're telling me if I could turn your mic up.

Speaker 1 (50:02):
I turned that, amen of that? You know what what
I like about?

Speaker 8 (50:11):
He was?

Speaker 1 (50:11):
Hey, bro, you don't want you to come up to
the church and everything being mind well you kept. Oh
that's the energy you're gonna bring up here. I tell
you right now, Hey, ain't nobody come up here with
my ass name dun It.

Speaker 6 (50:26):
Didn't name.

Speaker 11 (50:27):
You didn't have a name that he was scared of. Man,
I was not afraid of that name.

Speaker 1 (50:32):
All Hey, baby, get get here, get time to get
get get get clean, get all over. Now you got
to bring some people with you. I tell you what,
don't bring nobody. You won't back, you don't want back.
I love that lad.

Speaker 12 (50:53):
Yeah, he was really food with it at first.

Speaker 8 (50:55):
He was.

Speaker 1 (50:58):
All left foot at the church. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (51:01):
Yeah, you'll never have of the call on Sunday though,
when he do go to church, he's gonna have to
go up in as to forget.

Speaker 11 (51:08):
It all that time.

Speaker 5 (51:09):

Speaker 13 (51:11):
July twenty sixth, twenty seven to twenty eight, I will
already be in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It's the Helium Comedy Club.
The Nephew is coming to town. Tickets are on sale
right now, right now, right now. What I got landing
the cut, I got some stuff, man. Let me see Buffalo,
New York, laying in the cook got some stuff landing
in the cut. Okay, okay, y'all be get ready board
and if you come Tallahasset flood, I believe that's laying

in the cut.

Speaker 1 (51:35):
We'll talk about that later.

Speaker 7 (51:36):
But all right, all right, we'll be back with more
of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening
Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time now for today's
Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, sex, work, parenting,
and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey

FM dot com and click.

Speaker 1 (52:00):
Mit Strawberry a letter.

Speaker 7 (52:02):
All right, we could be reading your letter live on
the air, just like we're gonna read this one.

Speaker 12 (52:06):
Right here, right now.

Speaker 1 (52:08):
Yeah, buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for
you here.

Speaker 7 (52:11):
It is the Strawberry letna subject I don't mind working
over time. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty nine
year old single woman with a great job, but I
have an issue with a co worker. I went to
a local bar a couple of weeks ago and had
a few drinks.

Speaker 12 (52:28):
I noticed a.

Speaker 7 (52:29):
Man and a woman in the corner cuddling, and I
didn't think anything of it at all At first. Later on,
I went to the bathroom and passed a couple and
realized it was two of my coworkers in the corner.

Speaker 12 (52:40):
Bowed up.

Speaker 7 (52:41):
Both of them are married, and when they saw me,
they instantly took their arms off each other and separated.
They spoke, and when I left out of the bathroom,
they were gone. I was a little surprised that they
didn't at least ask how my night was going, or
asked me to join them for a drink. That let
me know that they were clearly up to something. I

suppose it could have been platonic, since they weren't kissing,
but why were they out alone late at night in
the corner of this bar. So now I obviously need
your advice. No, I don't plan to tell anybody what
I saw. I'd much rather keep their secret to myself
because I want a chance to be.

Speaker 1 (53:23):
With the guy too.

Speaker 7 (53:25):
I've had a crush on him for years, and now
that I know he's a cheater, I want to see
what he's working with. I think I should have a turn.
I have spent many nights fantasizing about all the nasty
things i'd do to him if I ever got a
chance I've lost count of all the sexual dreams I've
had about him over the years, and.

Speaker 1 (53:44):
I think, thank you, I knew it.

Speaker 7 (53:48):
Over the years, and I think it's time to get
my man. He is already having an affair, So how
should I let him know that he can have me too?
I don't mind putting in a little overtime with this man.

Speaker 12 (54:00):
So there you go.

Speaker 1 (54:03):
One question for you.

Speaker 12 (54:05):
Are you crazy?

Speaker 1 (54:06):
Are you crazy? I think you are.

Speaker 7 (54:09):
Didn't you say this man was married? Didn't you say
you've been working here for years? I mean that means
he's got a wife.

Speaker 1 (54:16):
He's cheating on his wife.

Speaker 12 (54:18):
You don't get that or care about that. Why would
you put yourself through that?

Speaker 1 (54:23):
Why would you do this? Plus you guys all work together.

Speaker 12 (54:26):
That could be so messy.

Speaker 7 (54:27):
He's already working with another coworker. Usually that sort of
thing is prohibited on the job. The funny thing is
that you said they didn't ask you to join them
for a drink, and that let you know that when
you saw them, they were clearly up to something.

Speaker 1 (54:46):
Yes they were. They were.

Speaker 7 (54:47):
They separated when they saw you, and then they left
after that. I got to ask you where's your self esteem?
Because you said since he's already having an affair, you
want to let him know that he can have you too.

Speaker 12 (54:58):
Really, what's yourself worth?

Speaker 15 (55:00):
You should know that, you know you could do better.

Speaker 7 (55:04):
You could do a lot better than this somebody else's husband.
I don't even mind you having fun. You say, why
shouldn't you have a little fun too. You can have fun,
but get your own man to have fun with That's
the moral of the story.

Speaker 9 (55:17):
Get your own man to have fun with this with here,
at this job.

Speaker 12 (55:22):
This is craziness right here.

Speaker 7 (55:24):
This man is married, this woman is married, and now
here you are are trying to get something started. No,
you're not gonna say anything because you want them for yourself.
But how do you think that's really gonna work out?

Speaker 1 (55:34):
Really, Steve Well, let me just start by saying, this
letter took one hell of a twist. Yes it did.
It's spurn on me so damn quick I had to
quit writing my reply. I was all sitting ready. First
of all, twenty nine great job. Got an issue with

a coworker, went to this ball, saw people in the couple,
couple in the corner all cuddle up. Later on, you
go to the bathroom and then you realize that the
couple with some coworkers. They all booed up and both
of them made When they saw me, they instantly took
their arms off each other and separated. You know, they spoke,

and when I came out the bathroom, they were gone.
I was a little surprised. They didn't asked how my
night was going on, asked me to join for a drink.
Now right now, I'm thinking, how stupid is shit? And
then you know, she went on that let me know
that they was clearly up to something. You think, So

I'm reading this letter that I'm going this letter is
actually written by a stupid person. So I said that
this letter gonna be easy to answer. I got this
right here. You know, some stuff like this ain't your
damn business. You know, don't nobody want to have you
in the corner drinking with them and telling they business.

Speaker 8 (56:59):
But then.

Speaker 1 (57:02):
It started turning. And the next thing I noticed then
it got a little more stupid for a turn. You know,
I guess they could be platanic since they wasn't kissing.
But then here when it's stupid it he came in.
But why were they out alone late at night in.

Speaker 8 (57:23):
The corner of this bar?

Speaker 1 (57:26):
Then she said, so I obviously need your adikes that
right there. That's where I was, Finn, go mind your
damn busins, go on bout your business, shut your damn mouth,
all that stuff right there. Then she's talking about I
don't plan to tell anybody for what I saw, So
I said, okay, I ain't got to tell of them.
Mind her damn bus to shut your damn mouth. Then

she said I'd rather keep their secret to myself, and
then the letter just clicked. Because I want a chance
with the guy too. I've had a crush on him
for years, and now that I know he'll Cheatah, I
want to see what he's working with.

Speaker 8 (58:06):
What the.

Speaker 1 (58:09):
Hell happened here? Well? Are you going with this letter?
Me and Shanny don't feel like getting our minds and
things twisted up and wrapped up in some ignorant ass
letter like this. Hang, and I will attempt to do
so right after the break.

Speaker 8 (58:29):
All right?

Speaker 7 (58:30):
Part two Steve's response coming up in twenty three after
the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry Letter.

Speaker 12 (58:35):
I don't mind working over time. We'll get back into
it right after this.

Speaker 9 (58:39):
You're listening Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (58:42):
All right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter, subject I
don't mind working over time.

Speaker 1 (58:47):
You know well, the subject of the letter is I
don't mind working over time. After reading this letter, I
think to let title of this letter should be I'm
a nutty helfer? What you think? One more time, I'm

a nutty helfer? What you think? Woman twenty nine years old,
got a good job, go to the bar one night
to have a drink. She noticed this couple in the corner,
all bowed up, cuddle up. She don't pay no attention
to it. She walked to the bathroom. She looks in
the corner. She realized that the couple.

Speaker 6 (59:23):
Is booed up.

Speaker 1 (59:24):
Is a couple of coworkers from her job, and they
in the corner in the dark. Why are they in
the corner, be WHI because both of them is married.
And then when you spoke to him, but when you
came out the bathroom, they was gone. She was a
little surprised that they didn't speak to her and ask
her did she want a drink? They just left, So

I was gonna tell her they ain't your business. Then
she said, I don't keep the secret to myself and everything.
I'm not gonna tell nobody, but you know, since he
married I found out here Cheetah, I want a chance
at him too. Wow, I love it, which goes back
to the title of my letter. I'm a nutty helper.

What do you think? Well, Nutty, let's go and get
into it, she said, So obviously I need your advice.
I don't plan to tell anybody what I saw. I
much rather keep a secret to myself because I want
a chance with the guy too. I've had a crush
on him for years, and now that I know he's
a Cheaterah, I want to see what he's working with.

I think I should have a turn. What I spent
many nights fantasizing about all the nasty things I do
to him if I ever got a chance. I've lost
count of all the sexual dreams I've had about him
over the years. That I think it's time to get
my man. He already having an affair, So how should

I let him know that he can have me too?
I don't mind putting it in a little over time
with this man. Well, let's just gonna get down to
this letter. Since you've known this man for years and
he has not said anything to you, and he is
a Cheatah, come on, let's wonder why has he not

said nothing to you? Well, let's think about this. If
you a man that's a known serial cheater and you
are in the cheap business, do you not look for
opportunities to cheat?

Speaker 8 (01:01:37):

Speaker 1 (01:01:37):
Why after these years of on the job, has he
overlooked you? Well, now we must face the truth, break
it down. Maybe when he looked over there, has it
crossed your mind that he don't want to cheat?

Speaker 8 (01:01:59):

Speaker 1 (01:02:03):
Maybe, Oh, here we go. You ain't Cheatoh material lord?
You you already single? Ain't nobody asked you to marry?
But now ain't nobody asked you to cheat with them?
On the side? What do you look like?

Speaker 12 (01:02:29):
You gotta break it down?

Speaker 1 (01:02:30):
Step? What do you wear to work? You have to
break it downs? What when you owe your mouth? What
come out? Because it's nutting? This in this letter and
you type this with it was spelling correct on it
and everything. I can't imagine what you then said on

your job? Why would not have confessed cheato? Serial cheato
asked you to cheat with him? Not ask you the
cheat one?

Speaker 9 (01:03:04):
What is wrong with you?

Speaker 5 (01:03:10):

Speaker 1 (01:03:10):
In this letter? She said? How can I make it
known to him? That he can have me too. Well,
you might mess around and find out that he don't
want you. Many years he ain't said a damn thing
to you. You don't flirt with you. You that had

a lot of nasty, fantasisical dreams about him. But has
he dreamed about you?

Speaker 15 (01:03:38):
What kind of nasty?

Speaker 8 (01:03:39):
What dream?

Speaker 1 (01:03:39):
Nasty fantasizical. See, that's fanticizical. Sure, those are dreams that
you fantasized with a physicality aspect attached to it. Fantasizical dream.

Speaker 12 (01:03:54):
I wanted to be clear.

Speaker 11 (01:03:55):
I'm clear.

Speaker 1 (01:03:59):
That's an advert slash adjective. Yes, yes, yeah, it's a
description an action. At the same time, he don't want you, nuddie,
I think Monday morning yaard to just walk in there
and just say, hey, I saw you at the bar
with her. How about me too? Just get your face

cracked all it was?

Speaker 7 (01:04:22):
All right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. You
can email us through Instagram. I'm your thoughts on today.

Speaker 1 (01:04:31):
Check out the Scrauwberry Letter.

Speaker 12 (01:04:32):
Podcast under Man too.

Speaker 9 (01:04:34):
You're listening.

Speaker 7 (01:04:36):
Morning show, all right, Steve, introduce your buzzer back, buddy.

Speaker 1 (01:04:41):
Ladies and gentlemen.

Speaker 6 (01:04:42):
Jay Anthony the Brown This song is came from talking
to a friend who was stood up by a younger woman.
It happens to a lot of old players. So I
wrote him a song to send her the next time.
She said she's coming.

Speaker 11 (01:04:58):
Over and she don't show.

Speaker 6 (01:05:00):
Girl. Don't make me waste these pills. You know these
pills is expensive. Don't make me waste these pills.

Speaker 11 (01:05:13):
And if you're not come to mind it, least you
to go have on these pills you said, use coming bye?
Ooh girl, what's the deal?

Speaker 6 (01:05:23):
Damn girl, don't make me waste these pills.

Speaker 13 (01:05:31):

Speaker 6 (01:05:33):
Don't make me wast wie, I mean, I got it all,
spread it out. Don't make me waste don't know why?
How kok sauce and I take a salad of you
said you was coming bye.

Speaker 11 (01:05:50):
It looks like you line under. Don't make me waste
as wid.

Speaker 6 (01:06:00):
Getting out of my shoulders running a girl to made
me wats eighteen piece o chicken? Or to made me
waisters eighteen piece?

Speaker 11 (01:06:16):
Chicken said you was coming backs?

Speaker 6 (01:06:21):
What I got things licking? Girl to make me eat
this eighteen piece? Well, you don't mean you kidding me?
I make that girl. Don't make me waiste these rubbers.
You've seen the price of rubbers. Oh, I'm sorry, don't

make me wasty rubbles.

Speaker 11 (01:06:45):
And you only get three in the bag.

Speaker 6 (01:06:48):
If you're not coming back, I can use them own another.

Speaker 11 (01:06:55):
But girl, don't make me wassty drums?

Speaker 8 (01:07:02):

Speaker 11 (01:07:03):
Hey, then what's going on on your way?

Speaker 1 (01:07:05):
Be damn?

Speaker 11 (01:07:06):
Let me blow these candles out?

Speaker 1 (01:07:08):
There's something wrong with him?

Speaker 12 (01:07:12):
Really is something wrong with him?

Speaker 1 (01:07:17):
Then you ought to go and get married. And yeah,
man cold out some morning man, No, man, let me stay.
I'm good.

Speaker 11 (01:07:28):
You ain't doing good until j just come fine.

Speaker 1 (01:07:31):
I'm all right writing souls. You can't. You ain't doing
good out there.

Speaker 11 (01:07:37):
J just come fine.

Speaker 1 (01:07:39):
I'm all right writing souls.

Speaker 12 (01:07:43):
You're listening.

Speaker 9 (01:07:45):
Morning show.

Speaker 7 (01:07:48):
All right, guys, here we go with comedy roulette. These
are your choices, these are your subjects. Things should tell
your girl if your phone rings at two thirty in
the morning. Then his white kids say to their parents
that black kids won't. And here's the last one. Things
the coach says when he's lost all his games. All right,

you got it, love it, let's spend it, let's spind
the wheel. Oh oh, all right, guys, I can't wait
to hear these Uh, it's stopped. Things you tell your

girl if your phone rings at two thirty in the morning.

Speaker 12 (01:08:33):
Let's go Jay.

Speaker 6 (01:08:35):
Then you tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty one. I told Mama I was gonna take
her to the doctor when I wake up. Damn, he
got a call hit his time tonight.

Speaker 1 (01:08:46):
Let's play it off, playing one all right.

Speaker 7 (01:08:49):
Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty in the morning, Junior.

Speaker 3 (01:08:53):
I can't believe Amazon trying to find me to deliver
a package tonight.

Speaker 1 (01:08:59):
What I'd like to.

Speaker 6 (01:09:02):

Speaker 7 (01:09:03):
Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty in the morning.

Speaker 1 (01:09:08):
Yeah, man, I saw the game. I know I owe
you the money. I'm calling on your phone.

Speaker 12 (01:09:17):
We're playing comedy roulette.

Speaker 7 (01:09:19):
Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty in the morning.

Speaker 12 (01:09:23):
Let's Coachay.

Speaker 11 (01:09:24):
You should have my phone. Get your phone.

Speaker 1 (01:09:32):

Speaker 12 (01:09:33):
Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty in.

Speaker 1 (01:09:36):
The morning, bade listen. I told them I'm moving in
the morning. I ain't moving tonight. I'm calling him.

Speaker 12 (01:09:47):
Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty in the morning.

Speaker 1 (01:09:52):
Tell me what are your drunk ass?

Speaker 7 (01:09:54):

Speaker 1 (01:09:55):
Now dawn, poor yourself together. Damn man, I just talk
to him about that, all right, you're.

Speaker 6 (01:10:14):

Speaker 7 (01:10:15):
Things should tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty in the morning.

Speaker 6 (01:10:21):
See, sometimes when you make a phone call early in
the day, the phone will call you back to let
you know that you're trying to call that person.

Speaker 1 (01:10:28):
That's what's happening. What I hope she's confused, that's all.

Speaker 7 (01:10:37):
All right. Things you tell your girl if your phone
rings at two thirty in the morning.

Speaker 3 (01:10:41):
Baby, I'm finna change churches, so I'm not doing this
midnight prayer call all the time. Yeah, I'm not doing this,
that's nate.

Speaker 12 (01:10:56):
Things you tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty in the morning.

Speaker 1 (01:10:59):
See, yes, yes, bring the pizza right up? Thank you?
Oh really crazy pizza going down here and get this pizzas.

Speaker 8 (01:11:15):
All right.

Speaker 7 (01:11:16):
Things should tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty in the morning.

Speaker 11 (01:11:21):
He must have found my wallet, that's what that is.

Speaker 12 (01:11:24):
He Oh you lost your waladay? Really they couldn't wait
till the food.

Speaker 8 (01:11:32):

Speaker 7 (01:11:34):
Things should tell your girl if your phone rings at
two thirty eight?

Speaker 10 (01:11:37):
M who is that?

Speaker 1 (01:11:41):
We all shot? Just as shotgun?

Speaker 8 (01:11:48):
Am I? All right?

Speaker 10 (01:11:49):
Here we go.

Speaker 7 (01:11:51):
Things should tell your girl, Steve, come on and close
it out. If your phone rings at two thirty in
the morning.

Speaker 1 (01:11:56):
Oh baby, I always put my phone out the window
like that. Full the hell out of me brought the
full phone out throughout their word.

Speaker 11 (01:12:13):
Of lud sir.

Speaker 7 (01:12:16):
All right, That, ladies and gentlemen, is comedy roulette for today.
Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at
twenty minutes.

Speaker 12 (01:12:24):
After the hour right after this.

Speaker 11 (01:12:27):
Out a part.

Speaker 9 (01:12:31):
You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (01:12:35):
All right, So, oh Carla, it looks like the air
conditioning war just got more ammunition.

Speaker 9 (01:12:42):
All right, Steve, Tommy Junior, check this out.

Speaker 7 (01:12:44):
If you are the type of person who is freezing
in the office or in your home because of air conditioning,
you won't be happy with this news.

Speaker 9 (01:12:53):
You're not gonna like this. According to a.

Speaker 7 (01:12:54):
New survey, the perfect temperature to keep the AC on
during the summer months is sixty four degree What four degree?

Speaker 1 (01:13:04):
Hell no, Carlo, I know you like a cold right
tell my wife that boy. You guys already living talk
over here. I don't know what when do y'all get
past these hot flashes?

Speaker 8 (01:13:18):

Speaker 1 (01:13:19):
So we can start a living You've never had a baby.

Speaker 8 (01:13:22):
You don't know what we're.

Speaker 1 (01:13:23):
Going right there? Man, I got I got to come
outside to warm up, put in my condition on sixty
four with my sick ass. Do you know what I
be the end of the day?

Speaker 10 (01:13:35):
Hell no, I can't.

Speaker 1 (01:13:37):
You ain't from run sixty four, Junior.

Speaker 12 (01:13:42):
You don't have to move precious yet, you.

Speaker 1 (01:13:46):
Got to get you. I have woke up and Jackie
got it on sixty two. Man, I'm like, are you serious?
Are you serious? Hey?

Speaker 5 (01:13:53):

Speaker 8 (01:13:53):
What is it?

Speaker 1 (01:13:54):
When they cut it on and then you just say low?
It's probably below sixty? You don't cut then now you're
just yellow low, ain't no more?

Speaker 8 (01:14:07):
All right?

Speaker 7 (01:14:08):
Coming up at thirty three minutes after, we'll do a
round it. Would you rather right after this?

Speaker 1 (01:14:13):
Alexa? Fixed up? Put it out sixty Alexa? Right there?

Speaker 7 (01:14:19):
You're listening hard Morning show. It's time now for a
round of would you rather? Would you rather be reincarnated
as an animal or as a human again?

Speaker 1 (01:14:33):
Be coming back? No damn animal.

Speaker 9 (01:14:36):
But if you came back as an animal, oh guess
I signed.

Speaker 1 (01:14:40):
I don't know. Gott to find something to eat. I
ain't got no money, I ain't coming down in here.
Ain't got no money. I've done that before.

Speaker 12 (01:14:50):
The first part of your life.

Speaker 1 (01:14:52):
Yeah, I will already been an animal. Yeah, we ain't
doing that. No, damn well, not with no money, No, lord,
I don't want no parts of that. I want to
be involved in currency exchange at some point. I hope
somebody set a bowl of milk out man.

Speaker 9 (01:15:10):
Hell all right, okay, moving on.

Speaker 7 (01:15:15):
Would you rather not speak for an entire year or
would you rather not hear for an entire year?

Speaker 1 (01:15:22):
If I can't hear, then am I speaking? I don't
get it. I'm gonna tell you right now. If you
can't hear you sugarn sound stupid when you used to hear.
You know, I have trouble pronouncing words, and I can
hear them. Boy, if I can't hear, you can hear?

What is his ass talking? I think i'd want to hear. Okay,
so you can type, right, But if you can't hear, no, man,
I can't. But not talking for a year, I'm not
a writing though I can't writing lot of writing. I

can't hear you. The money I'm gonna be missing out
though I can't talk. Yeah, living yeah right, He sat
and told him a lot of text cussing, a lot
of text cussing.

Speaker 7 (01:16:22):
All right, guys, would you rather climb the highest mountain
or swim the deepest sea?

Speaker 8 (01:16:28):

Speaker 1 (01:16:29):
Man, why back up on that mountain. I'm gonna die
in that water. That's for day. I can't get in
that water, man, But but I can't handle heights because
of I get out to two sickness.

Speaker 8 (01:16:41):
Yeah, what you gonna do?

Speaker 1 (01:16:42):
So we're gonna down the way up or down the
way down like like different. Yeah, I'm not I'm not
finna do that though. Okay, that doesn't make no sense.
I don't even want up there. I don't even know.
It would mean nothing for me to stick a flag
in the top of everything. Nothing.

Speaker 12 (01:17:03):
So then you're going to the deepest seas?

Speaker 1 (01:17:07):
Yeah, but I can't swim. So hell I swim, but
I ain't going wait down now.

Speaker 8 (01:17:11):
You know?

Speaker 12 (01:17:12):
All right? That's today's round. Would you rather come in?

Speaker 1 (01:17:16):
We didn't like today? I know we didn't like today?

Speaker 8 (01:17:22):
All right?

Speaker 7 (01:17:22):
Coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour, last
break of the day, and Steve Harvey will close out
the show right after that.

Speaker 9 (01:17:29):
You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show.

Speaker 7 (01:17:33):
Here we go last break of the day with the
man of the hour, the last four hours to be exact,
the one and only Steve Harvey.

Speaker 9 (01:17:40):
Step on up to the mic for you're closing.

Speaker 1 (01:17:43):
You know what, I just want to talk to you
all about something about other people as well as yourself.
I want you to realize something that you got to
just hang in that, folks. You just gotta hang in
that because where you are is so very temporary. It

matters not where you are, It only matters where you headed.
You're going somewhere. Remember that everything you're going through is
God preparing you for what you ask for. But you're
in the process. You are in the midst of being processed.
All of us are. If you are trying to get
to the next level, you have to be processed into

that next level. You can't just go to the next level.
You can't go to the tenth grade without finishing the
ninth grade. You can't go to college without being there
with a high school diploma. You can't. You just you
gotta go through the process, you know. So what I'm
getting at is this, don't get down on yourself because

you're going through a period in your life, and this
period is kind of challenging for you like it is
right now. There are a lot of people right now
going through some challenging moments in their life, and it's
getting to be a little bit daunting at times. And
you're starting to feel a little bit overwhelmed by it
all because you're sitting there and you're thinking, Man, I
done had enough of this. Lord where you at? I

don't got to learn this lesson? No, mom, if you
could just come on, I got it, fix me, rescue me,
deliver me, give me the blessing that I've been praying for.
You keep asking and then you start to get a
little defeated because it ain't happening in your time. That
happens to you. Well, it happens to other people too,

and you gotta be careful how you treat other people
because they may not always be in that position for long.
Do you know how many people I know who just
did me wrong when I was on the way coming up?
You have any idea The number of people who were
discouraging to me on my way up. They had no idea,

you know, I mean, any people bad mouth for me,
bad mouth you on your way up, They don't have
any idea. Who you really are. Do you know how
many people throwing dirt on you thinking they bringing you harm?
They don't even realize what they do, And they don't know,
because you know what they do. It they judging you.

They judging you based on a season. They judging you
based on a period that you're in. Now, you gotta
be careful when you're judging people because of a period
they're going through, because that period is just the season.

This down moment that you have is just the season.
And just like the seasons change, this too shall change.
Just like seasons past, this too shall pass. Somebody sent
me something one day that said, never judge somebody based
on a season, and I started thinking about it and

they went on. So I kept reading what they said
and they were just talking about it. Man, it was
so true. They said one season David was a shepherd,
but the next season he was a king. But you
know how they played David on the way up? Oh,
they wouldn't they. They wouldn't volunteer David for nothing, They

wouldn't suggest David for nothing. He was just a little
shepherd boy. David can't be the one to go down
there and get that giant. We ain't gonna bring David up.
David went from a shepherd to a king. One season,
Ruth was working in the field. The next season she
was owning the same field. It's just where a guy sitting.

It's just biblical, you know stories that's out there that
really if you're a person of faith, it matters to you.
If you're not a person of faith, this is not
for you, but it's okay. I didn't know you was listening.
One season, Mordechaia was sitting outside the king's palace. The
next season he was inside the palace.

Speaker 5 (01:22:15):
We serve a.

Speaker 1 (01:22:16):
God that turns things around, and he is the god
of unmerited favor. We are all privy to his unmerited
favor because he passes it out to no particular person.

Speaker 8 (01:22:36):
We have all.

Speaker 1 (01:22:39):
Been privy to this unmerited favor. You know, how many
of us can tell you something that happened to us
that we just can't explain. That was favor. You know,
when it looked like the verdict was going one way
and it turned around and went another way, that was favor.
When it looked like you wasn't gonna make it, but
here you are now. That fable when they wrote you

off and said you was never gonna be nothing, But
you turned out to be something anyhow. That was fable.
When they laughed at you with your decision, and now
they're looking at you at that same decision they laughed
at and they shaking their head. That will favor. When
they tried to destroy you, when your enemies came for
you and they couldn't do nothing with you all about you,

that was favor God's unmerited faith. Quit tripping about the
season you in because you never know. Your season could
turn around tomorrow. But if you quit, you'll never find
it hanging. Everybody.

Speaker 7 (01:23:52):
For all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void We're prohibited.
Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old,
unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey
FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.

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