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January 10, 2025 19 mins
It's Friday and today, Toby and Chilli explore the amazing names for Arlington's snow plows, none of which have made it to Chill's house. Plus, from today's headlines... what priceless heirloom would you take with you if you only had hours to evacuate your house? We discuss and you join in. And a story which just feels good on a Friday... from the Cap's farm team, the Hershey Bears, who just broke a record for the kids! We're joined by our friend, iHeartRadio's Bob Hauer who also moonlights as a Bears announcer who shares all the details of a story which you just have to feel good about! With Toby Knapp and Chilli Amar. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
Now that the snow is all gone, just in time
for some more snow later on tonight. There's got to
be a reason you're feeling good this morning. There's always
a reason in life, no matter how crazy things might be,
getting to find a bit of joy in the morning.
And here at ninety seven point one WASHEFM with Toby
and Chilly in the morning. Today would be no exception.

I think I'm finding some joy in the fact that
we've got a bit of a respite from some of
the heavier snow and shoveling and whatever this week, because
this has been just a crazy week.

Speaker 2 (00:31):
For that.

Speaker 3 (00:31):
Yeah, it's not going to be maybe an inch a
dusting when you get up tomorrow morning. I'm I'm feeling
good because we're not going to get a lot of
snow that I get to celebrate a family member's baby.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
Shower this weekend.

Speaker 3 (00:43):
Oh yeah, I haven't seen these a group of gals
in a very long time, so we were worried that
we were going to have to scrap our plans, but
in a group text, we said, we're sticking to the plant.

Speaker 1 (00:53):
There you go, you have to and by the way,
if you're into skiing, it's going to be a good
weekend for that too, because even with a little more
fresh powder that could fall in some of the higher elevations,
with everything you've had this week, it's probably going to
be great on the slope. So not that I ski
I'm built more like a tank or mac truck as
it were.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Yeah, but you could still go skiing and have a
hot toddy and look at the mountains and enjoy the scenery.

Speaker 1 (01:17):
No, I gave up drinking too October's ago, Okay, so
you could have a hot toddy for me. You could
have a mocktiz. Yes, that's right. Sobriety is the thing.
It's stilly and chilly in the morning. Wire, are you
feeling some joy this morning? Feel free to call us.
We love hearing from you. At eight sixty six nine
two seven forty three sixty one And yesterday we were
talking about my daughter and plans post college, because she's

supposed to graduate this spring with her creative writing degree
from Emerson in Boston.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
And you were kind of stressed about having that conversation
with her because she keeps blowing you off or saying,
oh yeah, don't worry about it, I got a plan. Well,
someone heard us talking about it yesterday, and she says
she's got some advice for.

Speaker 1 (01:58):
You, and you'll get to hear what that advice is.
What is next with Toby and Chilly in the Morning
on a Friday, the tenth of January, DC, Buenos dis
eight sixty six nine two seven forty three sixty one
Toby and Chilly in the Morning here at ninety seven
point one watch FM. Love it when you grabbed the
phone or you hit to talk back microphone and you
ask us anything that's on your mind or you have

something maybe you want to say. We're open to that
around here.

Speaker 3 (02:22):
So Julie in a fair Fax, you heard us talking
about something yesterday.

Speaker 2 (02:26):
Well, Toby, I'm calling to talk to you about your
your angst over your daughter's education. I will tell you
that Emerson, first of all, is a very good school.
I'm from New England and I'm also a teacher at
a master's degree in education. I understand your concerns, but
a degree in creative writing means she can communicate and
she can write, and those are marketable skills, and I

would just focus on supporting her desire to get a degree.
I wouldn't worry too much because I think she's going
to find something if she's got a good personality like
her father. You've got a college degree where she learned
how to write perfect you know, well and creatively. Since
the meaning, I think she's going to be just fine.

Speaker 3 (03:04):
How much time do you give your child to come
up with some sort of plan and start executing the plan.

Speaker 2 (03:10):
My daughter, who's just graduated from college last year, just
six months.

Speaker 1 (03:14):
So you're saying six months, and then did you have
that talk with your daughter and say I'm going to
boot you out of the nest?

Speaker 2 (03:19):
I did not, because my daughter got a degree in
a Bachelor's of Science of Nursing, which is a registered nurse,
and so she's got a marketable degree. But her brother,
on the other hand, is studying at a state U
Werner State University here in Virginia and getting a degree
in history and in his king whose father and I
are just a static that he's killing it in college

and getting a degree because he was a COVID kid
and we thought he was just going to drop out
of high school and get a ged. But I also
will tell you, as being an educator for thirty years,
I think a lot of parents are taking the hands
off approach. I teach middle school and for some kids
that's not the way to go. Depends on what your
daughter's personality is.

Speaker 1 (04:01):
Like your lips to God's ears.

Speaker 2 (04:03):
Well, I love you guys, Toby, good luck, and she'll
probably turn out just fine. Don't worry too much.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
Easier said than done. But thank you for your thoughts
this morning. If you are listening to us, we're Toby
and Chilly in the Morning in ninety seven point one
was CHEFM, and you feel like you're embracing some worry,
some uncertainty today. Maybe we can help with your morning
mindset a quote that could turn things around for you,
just in time for this day to begin. Next traffic,
You are the most important thing. You are always first

with Toby and Chilly in the Morning here at ninety
seven point one was CHEFM, And that's why it's important
for us to pause and talk about you and your headspace,
with your morning mindset every weekday morning right around this
time at ninety seven point one was CHEFM.

Speaker 3 (04:44):
So when we find a quote and we share it
with you so that you can think about it as
you go on your day.

Speaker 1 (04:49):
And when this popped up in front of me, I
thought about you. It's from Albert Hubbard, who is a writer, philosopher,
and entrepreneur back in the day, and he writes, the
greatest mistake you can make in life is to be
continually fearing you will make one. The greatest mistake you
can make in life is to continually be fearing that
you will make one. And here's why this resonates, because

maybe you're stuck in a paralysis where you're not willing
to try new things, or you're afraid of making mistakes.
I know I have been, as recently as the last month,
as recently as the past week. I let it really
stunt the way I operate to a point where I
didn't recognize who I was anymore. Then I realized, you
know what mistakes are where you find success. The greatest

mistake you can make in life is to be continually
fearing you will make one. So if you're fearing making
a mistake today, embrace it. It's going to happen. And
by the way, anyone who wants to judge you, I
don't think they walk on water. Keep that in mind,
and thanks Albert Hubbard. If you want to read it again,
you can. You'll find it on the Toby and Chilly
page at washefm dot com. That is your morning mindset

for this Friday, the tenth of January, with ninety seven
point one WASHFM coming up entertained news. We call it
showbiz buzz. Chile, what's going on?

Speaker 3 (06:03):
Alec Baldwin is now suing New Mexico officials involved in
his manslaughter case. We've got all the details in minutes when.

Speaker 1 (06:13):
It comes enterting the news here at ninety seven point
one WATCHFM with Toby and Chilly in the morning. We
call it show biz buzz and it happens every weekday
morning right around this time, Chili, what's up well?

Speaker 3 (06:23):
Alec Baldwin is now suing New Mexico officials that were
involved in his rust man's laughter case, alleging wrongful prosecution.
Alex is claiming that they conspire to secure a conviction
by eliciting false testimony and also withholding crucial evidence. A
group that includes billionaire entrepreneur and Shark Tank famous investor

Kevin O'Leary is reportedly looking into buying TikTok. His group
made a formal offer yesterday. This just the day before
the Supreme Court is set to hear arguments today.

Speaker 1 (06:57):
Over upholding a law that would.

Speaker 3 (06:58):
Ban TikTok here in the US just over a week
if it isn't sold. CBS has postponed the scheduled premiere
of Hollywood Squar's reboot because of the LA fires. It
was supposed to air last night. It has now been
rescheduled for next Thursday. The networks thought that, you know,
because it's such a lighthearted show, that that tone would

be inappropriate at this time. And the mother of the
late choreographer DJ Stephen Twitch Boss is now refuting claims.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
Made by his widow.

Speaker 3 (07:29):
Connie Alexander, posted on Instagram yesterday that Twitch's wife, Alison
Holker has been spreading untruths and dreadful claims about her
son while she's out there promoting her upcoming book this far.
Allison told People magazine recently that she found numerous drugs
in Bosses shoe boxes after his suicide in late twenty

twenty two. And that is your showbiz buzz good.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
Stuff And for even Warner Timmt News on demand stand
real time with your iHeart app and by freshingwa WASHFM
dot com through the day, need some more news, we
got you covered in this news driven town top stories
at the top of the hour that's on the way
in minutes. Don't go anywhere this Friday morning. It's always
fun to learn something new and to win something in

the process. So be here around six twenty city you
don't miss another round of your nearly impossible question Here
in ninety seven point one wastch that fan with us
Toby and Chilly in the morning.

Speaker 3 (08:25):
And what you could win tickets to go see Mary J.
Blige Capital One Arena.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
In March on night out if you know you need one.
Toby and Chilly in the morning at six twenty o'cive
on this Friday, January tenth. Then to another news in Virginia.
Over in Arlington, the community joined the rest of the
communities around the country and giving their snowplows fun names

because in case you missed it, there with some snow
this week in chilling. Some of the names that came
up in Arlington are hilarious. Tell us the backstory how
people can get involved real quick.

Speaker 3 (09:00):
Okay, So the Department of Environmental Services in Arlington asked
the public before we even had any snow, hey, help
us name some of these plows because they've got this
really cool online dashboard sure where if you live in Arlington,
you can see where the snowplows are and what neighborhoods
they're visiting. And here are some of the ones that
the board shows. Alrighty, Alex, snow Vechkin, Okay, snow brah Winfrey,

can you.

Speaker 1 (09:23):
Went back to snow Vechkin, Little SNOWVI is on the moon.
That's right, Avenue.

Speaker 3 (09:29):
I mean, I'd love it if Taylor Drift would make
a stop at our street like nobody, you know, like
these are just some gimmicky silver nuts funnies. And then
they continue to add more because they realize, okay, we
need to keep accepting suggestions.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
Ice Force one, Ice Force one en route to the
Clarendon Ballroom. Virginia is for shovelers. Oh, Virginia is so shovelers. Yes, okay.

Speaker 3 (09:53):
So this begs the question if you and I or
anybody listening were to add to the punny list of names,
what would you suggest?

Speaker 1 (10:03):
I thought its some that were related to movies, like
the Big you know, the Big la Plowski you know,
or the Big Snowplowski Snowplowski. Yes, yes, But then I
came to this one, and I stole this straight up
from Minnesota. They've got a plow named scoop Dog that
won scoop Dog. Like snoop dogg scoop Doggy dog Dog

is in the house that won the name of a
snowplow naming contest, so scoop Dog would be mine. What
about you, I'm gonna go with clearopathra Oh yes.

Speaker 3 (10:34):
But I'm bump exactly. But this just is too much fun,
like I would wish. I hope every jurisdiction adopts this
fun way of doing it.

Speaker 1 (10:43):
If you're a fan of the Transformers Optimist Plow, or
if you have a kid that likes to learn things
flurious George the flurious little snowplow, will you please come
over to Chili's culd a sac where they have not
plowed him they I know, I.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
Hope the snow just just removes itself at this point.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
But at least this lets you have a little bit
of fun with it and helps to lighten the mood
because it can be quite stressful. Toby and Chili's nearly
impossible question. And you know, life can be quite stressful.
That's why it's fun to learn something new. And today
we will do just that. The question is.

Speaker 3 (11:18):
According to a survey, we're doing this thirty percent less.

Speaker 1 (11:22):
Than we were two years ago. What is it? Mary J.
Blige Capitol Wan Arena. We got tickets for her show
in marsh Thank you, Live Nation. Here's the question again.

Speaker 3 (11:32):
According to a survey, we're doing this thirty percent less
than we were two years ago.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
What is it? If you know the answer, why don't
you holler back? Eight sixty six nine two seven forty
three sixty one. That means call now tell us the answer.
Get it right, We'll I'll learn something together and you
could be off to see Mary J. Blige thinks to
Live Nation. It's your nearly impossible question on for this
Friday with ninety seven point one WATCHFM. Don't Go Anywhere.
The answer is coming. Toby and Chili's Nearly Impossible Question show.

Where's Home for you? Martinsburg, West Virginia, Take me Home
Country Roads. Welcome and thank you for being a part
of Toby and Chilly in the Morning on this Friday,
the tenth of January, where you're playing for some Mary J.
Blige tickets if you can answer this question.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
According to a survey, we're doing this thirty percent less
now than we were two years ago.

Speaker 1 (12:23):
What do you think it is?

Speaker 2 (12:25):
Dating and going out to Jenna?

Speaker 1 (12:27):
Why do you think that is? Are we skittish because
of dating apps? We don't trust what could be catfish?
Or do you think it has something to do with COVID?
Still I think it has to do it sounds and
all that. Yeah, yeah, I can't trust these people with
this technology these days, you could be falling in love
with an AI generated bot.

Speaker 2 (12:45):

Speaker 3 (12:45):
My married friends and I always say we are so
glad we don't have to worry about dating anymore.

Speaker 1 (12:50):
I think you're right. I'm glad too. Well, you're right right,
and that is the answer. And now you're going to
go see Mary J. Blige. Congratulations, Yes, thank you, don't mind.
You are so welcome, and thank you for playing, and
congrats on the win with what station this morning? Of course,
ninety seven point one Rock. That's that where next week

when you listen to Toby and Chilly in the morning
ride around this time, we've got for.

Speaker 3 (13:13):
You tickets to go see Kylie Minou Capital One Arena
in April.

Speaker 1 (13:17):
And hang out right there because Chili is gonna get
us the headline Stop stories at the top of the hour,
right around seven o'clock. D see Gaborta. Don't go too
far unless it's to get coffee or you need to, like,
you know, maybe brush your teeth. I were your favorite
Scrubs in the morning, Toby and Chilly in the morning
at ninety seven point one watch FM seven forty in
the Nation's capital on this Friday, January tenth. The headlines

speak for themselves. You've You've probably watched something on TV
this morning. Maybe you still read the Washington Post, you
get it delivered at home. People are faced with life
now in Los Angeles, having lost everything. And when I
say everything, I'm not just talking about homes and cars.
I'm talking about priceless family mementos, keepsakes, proof that you

had this relationship with that memories like Billy Crystal, the
house that he and his wife have called home for
for years since nineteen seventy nine up in flames and
everything inside of it gone.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
And a lot of people are sort of even though
they're prepared out in California for the possibility of wildfires
and you know, knowing what you're gonna grab on the
way out, it's still very surreal having to do it,
and knowing that the last time you walk out might
be the last time you ever see your home made me.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
Let me ask you this chili. So say we have
like some God forbid, some sort of fire situation that
happens in you know, Vienna for you or Rockville for me,
and we have hours, just hours before we have to
get out, and everything we have could be gone and
up and smoke and flames. What are you grabbing?

Speaker 3 (14:46):
Taking the obvious pets and people out of it? Okay,
my purse, my wallet, whatever. I would grab important document
like passports for us. I would also try to grab
important mementos like my mother's jewelry or something, because that
can that can't be replaced. I mean that's a sentimental thing.
And then maybe pack some clothes and then that's that's it.

I did have to look back and just kind of
see that I may not see this place ever again,
and in peace with it.

Speaker 1 (15:14):
What about you, Well, it's it's kind of the same thing.
But again, assuming we had hours, that would give me
some time, and I would grab this we have. I
have like one of those lock box safes that fits
under the bed, that's got backups of my IDs, Kyla's
id's are birth certificates, so that way, at least if
we had to start over, we could. There's maybe a
little bit of currency in there just in case we

needed something to get by with. And aside from that,
I now need now need now in thinking about it,
I need to go home and probably make a full
blown bag out of that thing with clothing in it
and whatnot, because I don't know where I would go.
I don't know where I'm going to stay. You know,
some of these people are trying to find hotels. There's
Airbnb that's running all these specials. But if we were

faced with that, what would it be that you would grab?
And that's something that's really it's tough to think about
because you you know, it's very there's a sense of
finality that just is looming.

Speaker 3 (16:08):
Oh yeah, it's it's it's crazy because there's a back
of your mind you're like, oh, ah, I'm sure I'll
be back, so you may not.

Speaker 1 (16:14):
Yeah, So what would you take with you if you're
listening to us right now and you had to think
about this eight sixty six nine two seven forty three
sixty one. It's the most valuable of the valuable and
you only have hours to decide. Why don't you give
us a call tell us your thoughts. We always love
hearing from you, especially when it's ripped from the headlines
like today. Call now, we'll talk in just a few
and we've got the news on the way top stories

at the top of the hour coming up. Stay right there.
Over the last three days, the news has been all
about people losing their homes items that have been so
important to different people in life. When it comes to

the fires in Los Angeles, Toby and Chilly in the
Morning ninety seven point one wash Up, Mark Hamill, who
plays Luke Skywalker, Mandy Moore and so many more have
had to deal with the fact that priceless keepsakes are
gone forever. So if your house were to be threatened
by fire and you had to evacuate, like the people
in LA what would you grab on the way out?

Speaker 3 (17:17):
Could you even think about what to be grabbing on
the way out? I think that what it boils down
to is because in that state of shock, you don't
know what to get first.

Speaker 1 (17:26):
Well, there are different people with different thoughts. This morning
at eight sixty six nine two seven forty three sixty
one they've also had to talk back microphone listening on
the iHeart app or Toby and Chilly in the morning,
Mike will start with you. Good morning in Germantown. What
would you grab on your way out?

Speaker 3 (17:41):
I would probably grab my laptop.

Speaker 2 (17:44):
I have all of my work stuff on there, and
plus a lot of my personal documents. That's the thing
I wouldn't really be able to replace if I needed
to evacuate.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
Thanks for jumping in. That assumes that you have the
time to grab those things, you know.

Speaker 3 (17:57):
But it's easier to grab a laptop if all your
stuff is on there versus stacks and stacks of paper
in a cabinet, you.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
Know what I mean.

Speaker 3 (18:05):
So the digital age has helped in that sense.

Speaker 1 (18:08):
Let me go back and get the lock box. Wait,
I've got to get the other files and the filing cabinet. Yeah,
that could be a problem, Leslie. How are things over
in Fort Mead this morning? Go ahead? What would you
grab on the way out in the event that you
had to evacuate.

Speaker 2 (18:22):
I would grab my phone.

Speaker 3 (18:24):
It's got all my important info and photos and connections
in one place.

Speaker 1 (18:28):
You can't go wrong with that. That's a good point.

Speaker 3 (18:31):
But the phone is easy because you naturally take that
with you anyway. It's harder to think about the things
you normally don't leave the house with.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
That's right. And the phone. I mean, we're all addicted
to them anyway. Yeah, so you know, hey, that's that's
why we don't go anywhere without it. But respect your points,
thank you, and let's help. We never have to find
ourselves in a situation like our friends and colleagues and
different people we know in Los Angeles are going through.
And when you think about it today, send some good thoughts, prayers,

karma in the direction of Los Angeles because God knows
they need it.
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