All Episodes

January 9, 2024 67 mins

In a room full pf heroes - Dan Hanzus, Gregg Rosenthal, and Marc Sessler get you caught up on news from around the league including the Falcons' search for a new coach (04:20), Bill Belichick's future with the Patriots (06:55), the Commanders moving on from Ron Rivera (11:50), Mike Vrabel's future (20:37), the Giants (25:50) and Jets organizational directions (29:00), and the fallout from the Saints' late touchdown against the Falcons (33:07). After the break, the heroes look back at their over/under predictions for the 2023 season (44:05), discuss their 2023 running back draft (52:20), and tell you who owes who a sandwich based on the their go get my lunch bets for the season (56:25). 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
They around the NFL podcast wants you to show some
damn respect this Black Monday. I mean, these are people, man, exactly.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
From the Chris Wesley podcast studio. It's around the NFL.
Dan hansis heroes, Greg Rosenthal, Mark Sessler, and people don't
understand that. And it's not even Black Monday. How many
times do we have to come on the air the
day after the regular season and remind you that Black

Monday is defunct.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
This is New Horizons Monday.

Speaker 4 (00:43):
It's good sometimes when the host of your show gets it,
like this guy gets it.

Speaker 3 (00:49):
He really does. Like Dan, let's start here.

Speaker 5 (00:52):
Dan is a bastion of respect towards elders, towards people
of authority and NFL coach types.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
So I think it starts with you and I have a.

Speaker 6 (01:02):
Take, and I just want to say, because it is
this is all kind of.

Speaker 3 (01:06):
An ongoing bit.

Speaker 6 (01:09):
Because and Greg likes to align himself with these people too,
where like this is one of the hardest days. These
are people and the stabs and all this. I totally
agree with that. Like people losing their jobs, no matter
what the job is, is bad news. This is different
in the sense that the coaching life you sign up

for this. Unfortunately, it's a transient type business where you
never stay one place for too long. Look at Bill Beljake,
you how long was he in New England? Greg twenty
four years and counting? Perhaps, who knows, We'll get to
that in a bit. How many guys have been with
them the whole time? Even the most stable position in
the history of the head coaching in in this century,

that staff has been constantly churning. It just that's the
great question. You're just moving and everything's moving, and I.

Speaker 4 (01:56):
Believe I believe his assistant has been there. And then
the other ones are the ones that came out of
his ex wife's body.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
I would believe those are the.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
Only way to say it, the only the only people
who have remained. Now they weren't working for the Patriots
the whole time, but technically technically been there.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
Yeah, just say that again, just so we have it.

Speaker 4 (02:16):
Ever, I had a different way of saying it, that
would have been Yeah.

Speaker 6 (02:23):
Anyway, All I'm saying is it is by its nature,
it's you're always moving around and hopefully, uh, these men
and women.

Speaker 3 (02:33):
Like my new positions for next year.

Speaker 6 (02:35):
It is kind of a you kind of just rotate
around typically and hopefully you don't fall.

Speaker 5 (02:40):
It's also like high level executive transactional business, where like
if someone is working at like rite aid and they
get canned, we'll go find your go find a new
job and see if you can pay rent. These guys
are getting paid lavishly by that, most of them.

Speaker 4 (02:58):
That is why I think people push back that vast
man I'm saying, the head coaches, the head coaches and.

Speaker 3 (03:02):
General managers, and I understand.

Speaker 5 (03:05):
I get that into my my heart goes out all
out that that I get that sometimes, like have you
ever lost a job, Like, sometimes losing the job can
like it can like refocus make you think about what
you should go do with your life. So it's like
not always the worst thing on the planet. So maybe
it's a great thing. Maybe we should celebrate.

Speaker 6 (03:25):
Well that's why we call it, yeah, not black Monday.

Speaker 3 (03:35):
And we're gonna get into it all.

Speaker 6 (03:39):
And then we're gonna check in before we say goodbye
here And by the way, if you haven't gotten caught up,
we just dropped the week eighteen recap banger two hours
of just the Mastery of the Craft, so you.

Speaker 3 (03:51):
Check that out.

Speaker 6 (03:52):
We're now we're gonna get you caught up where everything
stands in terms of personnel, and also everybody cleaning out.

Speaker 3 (03:57):
Their lockers that didn't make the playoffs.

Speaker 6 (03:59):
So you have a bunch of pressers going on today,
a lot going on, and we will close the door
on our preseason predictions. In the regular season, check in
on our over unders, checked back see where we ended
up with a running back draft. Remember that that was fun,
and also our sandwich props. But let's start with the news.
And we learned late last night when we were recording

aforementioned the aforementioned week eighteen recap, that Arthur Blank had
indeed decided to part ways with Arthur Smith, and they
have started their search.

Speaker 3 (04:31):
Let's hear a little bit from the owner Blank.

Speaker 6 (04:34):
This is not from PBS and public radios coverage, just
as from w XIA. They have started their search, but
they do not have a timetable yet.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
Blank says, I.

Speaker 7 (04:44):
Said, initially, we've kind of begun the process, if you will,
doesn't take long to get going, So we're moving. But
I also want to be clear on this is that
there is no timetable. The only timetable is to do
this correctly, take our time, be thoughtful, do all the
interviews be respectful, make sure we have a full, diverse

slight of candidates that we're considering.

Speaker 4 (05:10):
The most interesting part of the Falcons day, I think
was number one Terry Fontineau wasn't part of that press conference.

Speaker 3 (05:18):
They said he.

Speaker 4 (05:21):
Will be involved in the head coach search, but his
role could depend on what the head coach wants to do,
So that to me sounds like heard that before. It's
his tenuous It'll depend on if any plan for him
to work together, but again it could depend on the
head coach. And thinking, well, who could it be? Deanna

Rassini among others, have reported that they're interested in Bill Belichick,
which just gets me thinking, like who is putting that
out there and what is the purpose of that?

Speaker 3 (05:52):
Is it Belichick's agent?

Speaker 4 (05:54):
Is it the Falcons letting Bill Belichick know that?

Speaker 3 (05:58):
I don't know.

Speaker 4 (05:59):
It is curious to me our our network hasn't quite
gotten that hard there yet, But that is a very
interesting commination.

Speaker 6 (06:07):
Just why does it have to be potentially Machavelli and
how why isn't the team just interested in him?

Speaker 3 (06:12):
And it's kind of just being for it, But you
have to find out that way. You have to find out.

Speaker 4 (06:17):
So it's probably from the team, but maybe it's Rich
McKay who's heavily involved in this. I'm just curious, like why,
why is that necessary? And maybe they're just trying to
let him know put a little bit dance around the.

Speaker 3 (06:26):
Yeah, it's I mean, this is the ancient dance.

Speaker 5 (06:28):
I think also like if they're talking about patients Belichick
may take some patience, that whole process will well. And
if you talk about Belichick, if you're not going to
go in with a powerful GM who was going to
run the ship. It's like, we want to find out
what Belichick's role in all that is. And I think
Arthur blank is probably wanting to make this one work.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
It's been it's been tenuous.

Speaker 6 (06:47):
Arthur Blake is not getting any younger and and he
wants to find somebody that can write the ship. And
speaking of Bill Belichick, he called an early press conference
this morning. Uh, And I was wondering late last night, hmm,
this early press conference. Is he looking at hit the
ground running and announced that he's leaving. This is the
guy that once wrote on a napkin and he's resigning
his HC of the.

Speaker 3 (07:07):
N y J.

Speaker 6 (07:07):
Maybe be dramatic, not that not quite that dramatic. And
in his presser, Bill underline that he can't really do
anything right now because he is contractually obligated to be
the head coach of New England Patriots.

Speaker 8 (07:20):
As far as any you know, decisions or direction or
anything like that for next year, it's you know, way
too early for that end of the year processes. You know,
I don't think will be fundamentally any different from a
you know, the standpoint of how it's done. The decisions,

that's all another conversation.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
But how it's.

Speaker 8 (07:43):
Done, you know, meet with Robert like I always do,
meet with the staff, personnel department, recap the season, looked
the big picture, and then look at some of the
individual situations that are yeah, you know, looming one way
or another. Okay, So, but that's you know, obviously a

long long way off, very long from where we are
right now.

Speaker 6 (08:10):
Okay, So, but it is he's saying that. But this
I would imagine could potentially move pretty quickly here, because
you know, we're in the business now hiring new coaches,
and if the Patriots need a new head coach and
then people want Bill Belichick, this thing has to move.

Speaker 5 (08:29):
I mean, so he's been there for twenty four years,
you know, rough out of the gate, rough first season,
but in general he's never had to answer questions like
this before in New England, anything like this. It's it's
completely a new territory. And I think that there's a
couple of things happening. It's like if your craft in Belichick,
I thought the most shocking thing that could have happened

was him coming out and given you a note on
a napkin, because too much has happened here a story.

Speaker 3 (08:54):
Cool. Yeah, I would have been cool.

Speaker 5 (08:56):
But it's not the Jets, and he didn't decide didn't
want the job twenty four hours after taking it or
being haven't shoved on him, Like if you're craft, like
you want to if there's gonna be an exit, it's
not just I don't I don't think it would just
be craft flat out firing Bill Belichick. It's gonna have
to be some sort of it's gonna have to look
a different way to the public. At least it's gonna
look a different way, I think. But secondly, like if

your craft and Belichick is getting interest from other clubs,
like do you just fire him or do you keep
Bill Belichick, who's under contracts, so that if he's going
to go somewhere else, you can trade the greatest coach
in NFL history for assets versus nothing. It's like, what
approach do you take? Is it respectful? Is that we're
gonna do this so it looks good for everyone and
put a fine bookend on the story, or do we

get assets as the New England Patriots a team in
need of a lot for giving away the greatest coach.

Speaker 6 (09:42):
Ever always stated reported yesterday that Belichick essentially has the
power or they can't make that happen to trade.

Speaker 3 (09:51):
They can't. He would have to go agree to it.

Speaker 5 (09:54):
I mean, if it was a place that he wanted
to go, kind of like a but it was the Falcons.

Speaker 4 (09:59):
So I do think you can take some interesting things
from Belichick's press conference. Number one, he mentioned his contract voluntarily.
He never says that, so right there, He's never had
to before now, Dave, he's never taught Conra. That was
very pointed. It was saying I'm under contract. I always

look to our our friend Tom Kurrn to interpret these.

Speaker 3 (10:22):
He knows it.

Speaker 4 (10:22):
And he also says, as we tape this Monday afternoon,
on the East Coast. Don't expect anything today. He thought
it was very much Bill Belichick saying, if you wanna
fire me, you're gonna have to come do it. Like
the whole trade thing, why would he help them take
assets away from the team. He's gotta go. That's it's

not it's not gonna happen. I don't think there's any
chance the whole Let's make this warm and professional. If
we want you to step down, we'll see. He might
not be willing to do that either. He might be like,
you want to come fire me, fire me. He did
express a little bit of flexibility when they asked him
about would you take on a GM, would you listen

to having a lesser role, and he said, look, I
would listen to whatever they think is in the best
interest of the team.

Speaker 3 (11:14):
Again, Tom Current thought like he's only going to bend
so far.

Speaker 4 (11:17):
He's not going to change and become like a different
person and start like answering to some GM who has
final say. He says, there's always going to be someone
that has final say. I don't expect him to be there,
But this does seem like he's telling Craft, if you
want to fire me, it's like you got to fire me.
I'm not going to just walk away and make this easy.
And I think there is some discomfort from Craft of

being the guy who got rid of Brady and got
rid of Belichick, which is natural.

Speaker 6 (11:43):
In other news, this was expected obviously, and it went
down and became official on Monday morning, New Horizons Monday,
Josh Harris and the Commanders have said goodbye to Ron.

Speaker 3 (11:55):
Rivera, who.

Speaker 6 (12:00):
Is moving on after what was this his third season
with the team, fourth four seasons at the Helm. He
went twenty six to forty and one in his four seasons.
They won the NFC East with a nine and seven
record his first year, but it's been uphill mostly with
Rivera and then their eternal search for an answer quarterback
is a big part of that new ownership, a new

head coach, new brain trust. Also reported on Monday is
that Harris has hired two prominent executives, former Golden State
Warriors John Interested to get your thoughts on this, SASTOG
Warriors general manager Bob Meyers and former Minnesota Vikings Jim
Rick Spielman to assist his ownership group with searches for

the new head of football operations and head coach that
according to ESPN, this is a NFL the rare for
those of you that follow the NBA an NFL story
with a byeline Adrian Rojanowski, quoj and Adasafterbam in the NFL,
mark your thoughts on a Warriors executive entering the NFL

fray here.

Speaker 3 (13:06):
Well, football is completely different than basketball.

Speaker 6 (13:08):
Your thoughts on that knew that was coming go ahead?

Speaker 3 (13:12):
Greg, No, that was the bit go ahead?

Speaker 9 (13:14):
Okay, So I it's just's just helping with the search,
Like I have no problem with this actually, and I've
seen a lot of like outrage over it, and it's
I yeah, a little bit just listening to some stuff
and we're like, why are they I think it was
specific he was outrage, there's it's it's just some feedback
I heard heard in general where it's just like radio

stuff where it's like how could you possibly do this?

Speaker 3 (13:37):
It's like, well, because.

Speaker 5 (13:41):
But you're Josh Harris and like you're doing what I
think someone like David Tepper and other owners should do.
Is like I don't know how to do this, Like
I want help, Like I'm not gonna be some sort
of like heavy swinging guy that just does what I
want out of pocket.

Speaker 3 (13:54):
Like I thought it was instructive how much.

Speaker 5 (13:59):
Anger, irritate and mockery there was when the Browns hired
Paul de Podesta out of MLB, because like he was
going to be coming from a completely different sport, different thinking,
And he's actually done a lot of good work for
them behind the scenes. And this is not someone who's
sticking around for years and years Bob Myers. Maybe he
has good ideas. It's like they're looking for the right
person to lead them. I don't know what the critique is,

like why it's a big problem show.

Speaker 4 (14:21):
I don't know if there is a great radio. Guys
just need angles and they.

Speaker 6 (14:26):
Here's Josh Oris on the path toward new leadership.

Speaker 10 (14:30):
Even though this season was hard for me and hard
for us. It's hard to win four games from my
point of view, we are coming out of this with
poised for a great future, a lot of draft capital,
a lot of cap space.

Speaker 11 (14:49):

Speaker 10 (14:50):
And I'm lucky enough to be supported by an amazing
ownership group, and obviously we think we're an attractive destination
for for for the next generation of leadership.

Speaker 6 (15:01):
So there you go. I think the best thing you
could say if you're a commander's fan. First of all,
you got the number two overall picks, so you're gonna
most like that helps bring in a quarterback. And this
is not Daniel Snyder leading the charge. We don't know,
I mean Panthers fans. We're gonna get to the Panthers
in a second. Sometimes change doesn't necessarily equate to helping
an organization, but it absolutely helps to get Snyder out

of the building as they begin their latest rebuild here
on the twenty first.

Speaker 5 (15:27):
And they have requested to talk to an absolute flood
of people already for both coach and GM right.

Speaker 4 (15:33):
The thing that was interesting though, is they said they
were looking for the head of football operations first, so
they're just looking for someone to hire the other guys,
but they're already starting the coaching interview, so that is
a little confusing to me. Supposedly Raheem Morris, Ben Johnson,
Aaron Glenn, possibly Jim Harbaugh, some people have said possibly Belichick.

So those are some of the assistants, and then a
bunch of GM candidates. A guy who went to the
same high school I believe as one of the executives there,
Adam Peters, who's with the forty nine ers, Alec Halliby
with the Eagles, different assistant gms from around the league,
so they're getting after it fast. Rick Spielman working at

the thirty third team. I mean the thirty third team
could have a little coaching tree here the website.

Speaker 3 (16:24):
There you go, and other news.

Speaker 6 (16:26):
So I mentioned the Panthers and it's been obviously a
rocky year, really a dreadful year all the way around,
with David Tepper at the front leading things, coming off
a fine for throwing a drink on Jaguars fans and
firing the head coach, and Bryce Young struggling through his

rookie year and getting shut out again in week eighteen.
So they got their starting from rubble right now. And
it will not be Scott Fitterer involved with this as well.
The man standing next to mister Tepper when that drink
went flying was let go on Monday, So Scott fitter
is out and they are just casting a wide net

trying to get this thing going.

Speaker 4 (17:09):
It never makes sense to keep the GM, and that's
part of what I'm wondering with this Washington thing.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
It's like your art.

Speaker 4 (17:15):
Maybe it's just they're sending the request, but I do
think you want to time this all off. You're going
to have a football ops guy, like you got to
get that person in the building first, and then the GM,
and sometimes you just pair the GM and coach and
that's worked out too, Like less Need and Sean McVay
had no previous history that worked out. Less Need was
already in the building there. But Tepper does not give

me much confidence. Josh Harris has already owned a sports team.
And I know some Sixers fans would like disagree, but ultimately,
you know they're a successful team. I mean the process
was painful, but they worked out. They're one of the
best teams in the league. And like, I don't I
don't think people think he's a terrible owner.

Speaker 5 (17:55):
I think it's gonna be like the most interesting coaching
pathway here because like there's te Tepper has been talking.
We know that and it's not the day and well,
it's like you like coaches that are smart, and like
the Belichick really like literally wrote the book on this.
I'm like, you don't go pair up with an owner

that you don't feel partnered with empowered by. And it's
like who's who's like putting the Panthers on the top
of their list.

Speaker 3 (18:23):
They've got your saddle with Bryce Young.

Speaker 5 (18:25):
You don't know what's gonna go on there, like you're
you don't know what's happening with the general manager, and
like the owner feels about is hot and cold and
all over the place.

Speaker 3 (18:33):
Is anyone in the entire league.

Speaker 5 (18:34):
I just think it's going to be very interesting to see,
like who even decides to interview and who would get
farther enough in the.

Speaker 3 (18:39):
Process to say yes.

Speaker 4 (18:40):
And they've already started asking people, not like, well, you know,
chiefs VP of Operation, Brent Tillis, Buck's assistant.

Speaker 3 (18:47):
GM, Mike Greenberg, you're in.

Speaker 4 (18:49):
We're not going to necessarily know these names that well,
but it sounds like they're starting with the GM and
then moving on from After.

Speaker 6 (18:55):
That, Tepper released a statement, but we did not hear
from him on Monday. Fitter had been the GM since
twenty twenty one. He was part of the search committee
that last offseason hired coach Frank Reich, who was let
go after a one and ten start. So, yes, you
could not be in a more rocky situation and money talks. Obviously,
it's not the most fertile ground for someone to come

out of the come out of the woodwork. But the
one thing, Federer, the one thing that Tepper does have
is more money than just about any owner in the NFL.
So he's going to be throwing a lot at whatever
candidates they decide they want to be, you know, rebooting with.

Speaker 4 (19:32):
That coaching staff under Frank Greg they love to brag,
was the highest paid coaching staff in the history of
the league. Like all the assistants were doing really well,
and they only made it through one year. So those
assistants that are still under contract, hopefully they get other
jobs and then it's like.

Speaker 3 (19:48):
Do they get to double up or is it all?
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (19:50):
I think that's a real new rise that could be
Like talked into the contract. I thought that you don't
get paid, you don't double dip. Like if you're Frank
Reich and you took another hot head coaching job.

Speaker 3 (19:59):
Well, Josh mccownt to find out he was the quarterback.

Speaker 5 (20:02):
So Frank Reik right now is like could be he
could sit in the Bahamas for the next four years.

Speaker 4 (20:06):
Frank's double dipping, he indicated. I think he's he's had enough.

Speaker 3 (20:09):
I only goal.

Speaker 5 (20:10):
I'm just saying he's making enough money for the next
five plus years. Matt Ruled a network in he can
signed like an eight year contract under Tepper Right.

Speaker 6 (20:17):
And Matt Rule then signed like a seven billion dollar
contract in Nebraska. Because that's what with these college guys.
They go back to college. Yeah, they find great success
and get paid like crazy. So again, see a lot
of these coaches, they land on their feet, they bring
their guys with them. Hopefully that's what happens with all
these Panthers people just kind of fired off upon the hillside,
all right. In other news, Mike Frable a lot of

intrigue around Rabel, longtime Titans head coach. His he met
with the Titans on Monday, and the reporting out there
right now is that his future is uncertain. Greg give
me a percentage chance that Rabel's back with Tennessee.

Speaker 4 (20:56):
Oh well, I don't know has he met with the
Titans yet? I think Ian Rapport said that that meeting
is coming. And just the fact that enough insiders are
floating this out there, and Ian did it in a
very professional way that made it sound like, you know,

Mike Rabel likes Ran Karth on their GM, but you know,
changes could.

Speaker 3 (21:21):
I don't know we're for a percentage. Oh, okay, that's good.

Speaker 4 (21:25):
Did you give me the percentage? No, I'll give it.
I'm going to give it high because I think this
is like a power play. This sounds like a power
play move where Rabel is just trying to take as
much control as possible.

Speaker 3 (21:35):
And I think they want to keep Rabel.

Speaker 4 (21:38):
But there was a report, uh again from I believe
Diana Orsini, that said he'd be interested in the Patriots
job if that but that this feels out of the
power play handbook, which is like, we're going to make
the Titans bend to my will if I'm Mike Rabel
and get what I want, and he might want a
little different structure in terms of the front office.

Speaker 5 (21:58):
He seemed agitated dating back to the AJ Brown trade.

Speaker 3 (22:02):
I mean, he was very like you could see him
visually like.

Speaker 5 (22:06):
Annoyed in that during that draft process when they traded
him away. And I would whenever I hear like coach
and GM have some issues, it's just like I kind
of automatically just buy that as that's absolutely true.

Speaker 3 (22:18):
And Rabel seems to.

Speaker 5 (22:20):
Like be slightly annoyed with the way that things have
gone with the Titans behind the scenes for a while,
and so I had put it at like sixty five percent.
He stays, I think if the Patriots job came open,
there's gonna be pursuit of him from Craft.

Speaker 4 (22:33):
I could see that potentially. Here's that My hot take
is Mike Rabel someone to be excited about if you're
a Patriots fan. We're five years in. I'm just thinking offense, offense, offense, offense.
He's never found And it's the same reason why I
don't think Belichick is the right guy to keep right now,
because like he just hasn't had answers on offense. It's

just been this old school sort of thinking and Rabel
cycled through all these coordinators in Tennessee's never really hit
on one. It's I just that's not what I want
as a fan.

Speaker 3 (23:05):
Well quite frankly, That's why.

Speaker 6 (23:08):
I've been pushing back a little bit on the Antonio
Pierce thing in general. And I have it with my
own coach, a defensive coordinator, and sala like, if you
don't have an offensive mind a place they can count on,
Like I feel like a defensive coach only goes yeah,
but so far.

Speaker 5 (23:23):
Like Frank Reich, Josh McDaniels. Sure, like Arthur Smith or
three of the coaches that just completely fired and failed.

Speaker 3 (23:31):
Rabol's a good head coach. Those total disasters that head
coach though in terms.

Speaker 5 (23:36):
Of but Rabel is a good like Yes, he's defensive minded,
but Rabel is a good head coach. And I'd push
back a little bit that when they had Derrick Henry,
Tannelhill and AJ Brown, like they had something going on there.

Speaker 3 (23:48):
It's just they kind of aged out of it.

Speaker 6 (23:49):
Doesn't if he doesn't stay with the Titans, I'd be
shocked if he didn't get another.

Speaker 4 (23:52):
Oh yeah, he I think he would be the bell
of the ball and I think the Patriots would be interested.
I'm just saying, like, man, that offensive line was bad
for four or five year and that I do want
someone that is able to problem solve or like.

Speaker 5 (24:05):
A well, hence's annoyment with the previous GM and maybe
the current one too though.

Speaker 4 (24:09):
Yeah, that's only been there for one year too, so
I think that feels a little more personal or maybe
just that very able doesn't.

Speaker 3 (24:15):
Like that's been reported juice.

Speaker 6 (24:17):
Yeah, and an arranged marriage that hasn't taken and that's been
part of the drama. There in other news the Colts
they missed out on the playoffs and heartbreaking fashion on
Saturday night. But coach Shane Steiken is not planning to
make any major changes to his coaching staff, and that
includes defensive coordinator. There's been speculation around DC Gus Bradley,

but Stiken said on Monday, I believe in continuity, I'll
say that.

Speaker 3 (24:45):
He inherited Gus Bradley.

Speaker 5 (24:47):
Yeah, and I would say that like for some of
the defenses around the league where it's like we need
to make a coordinator switch Green Bay other places, like
I wouldn't point to the Cults in my top five
of that list, like their defense was act even like
an asset at times.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
I mean, Gus Bradley wasn't a big problem there.

Speaker 4 (25:05):
No, they've been fine. And then they worked together in
San Diego too. That was San Diego right where Gus
Bradley and Steichen were both there at the same time.
He's a likable guy, Gus Bradley. He's always surviving, high energy.

Speaker 6 (25:17):
Don't don't look at his head coaching record in Jacksonville.
I think it might be the worst percentage wise, but
he is a good DC and has been for a
long time now. In other news, a DC opening is
open in the Meadowlands because the Giants have parted ways
with Wink Martinel. It's being called a issue where Martinell

resigned as the d C. But it is no secret
that Wink and Brian Dabele, their relationship is the center
of this.

Speaker 3 (25:46):
How this all went down.

Speaker 6 (25:47):
It was reported during the season that the two were
in a quote bad place, and now Wink after, you know,
he was really he was really celebrated as was Dable
last year forget the Giants back to respectability. But the
team sank to twenty seventh overall defense this year, even
though they tied for the NFL lead and takeaways with

thirty one.

Speaker 3 (26:09):
So Wink is a lifer.

Speaker 6 (26:10):
Wink will find a job as well, but he's done
with Dable and company.

Speaker 3 (26:14):
These things change fast.

Speaker 4 (26:17):
Reports early this morning from our network from ESPN across
the board sources saying the expectation is Don Wing Martindale
will return. Hour two later, Brian Dabele gets on the
podium is asked about it, says, yeah, I expect both
Don Wink Martindale and Mike Kafka, my offensive coordinator, to return,

and by the afternoon, the word is out they fired
his assistance and he's resigned. They might have done the
thing where they fired the rest of his staff, and
then it was like, we'll keep you if you want,
but they knew that he wouldn't do that, and he
goes out a winner with a nice game plan stuffing
the Eagles. Who knows, maybe the Eagles would want Wing

Martindale next year or next week, like an upgrade from
what they currently have.

Speaker 3 (27:04):
I like vic I think he could do the job.

Speaker 6 (27:07):
In other Giants news, by the way, Saquon Barkley skipped
his exit interview telling reporters they know.

Speaker 3 (27:14):
How to reach me.

Speaker 6 (27:16):
So that sounds like, essentially there's a lot of speculation
that Saquon's ready for a fresh start, and perhaps he
is after playing that one year deal where a lot
of drama around his contract, played through injury and had
a nice season and he's probably looking for a fresh start,
but you never know. Money talks us.

Speaker 4 (27:34):
He did all these good byes in the locker room
and everything, and skipping the exit interview at samee they
know how to reach me. Yeah, pretty strong stick that
he was numb to them, possibly using the franchise tag
and again, which actually, isn't that nat idea numb to it?

Speaker 3 (27:50):
Like he would deal with it.

Speaker 4 (27:51):
It's a lot of money, But excuse me, I don't
think he's expecting a long term deal.

Speaker 3 (27:57):
Sounded like he wants out.

Speaker 5 (27:58):
It shows you how fast the regular season shot by,
because I feel like we were just dealing with this
like offseason draw in Saquon about.

Speaker 3 (28:04):
Four hours ago. The rosehal one oh one free agents.

Speaker 6 (28:07):
If Barkley ends up on that list, is he a
top eight, top five?

Speaker 4 (28:12):
It's a really well right now because no tag has
been issued. No, because it's a really good list right now.
But he would be in the top fifteen, and that's
where he was last year. And I think he looks
even better than he did a year ago. Had a
nice year.

Speaker 3 (28:27):
Put him on the Chiefs or something. Let's go, let's fly.

Speaker 6 (28:29):
Uh well maybe not the Chiefs. I would like to
see him on it.

Speaker 3 (28:33):
Why not?

Speaker 5 (28:34):
The Chiefs are now in old Patriots mode whenever a
player becomes available, that's kind of spacey.

Speaker 6 (28:39):
Then I got a check on He's like, like, who's
a who's a contender that really could use.

Speaker 3 (28:44):
A Saquon Barkley. Put him on one of those teams
and let's see what happens.

Speaker 6 (28:48):
I like some Texans Bronx native all right, Texans, yeah
they yeah.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
They could use the running back. Okay.

Speaker 6 (28:56):
In other Metal Lands news, the Jets had their end
of season press conferences. Everybody spoke, including Aaron Rodgers, who
told the reporters the number one thing the Jets need
to do heading into next year is quote, flush the bulls,
which I find interesting because Rogers is kind of at
the center of so much of the bulls round this team.

I mean, we were just coming off Jimmy kimmelgate and
and the and all the every week and part of
this is about the way our league is covered.

Speaker 3 (29:28):
But like every time he does.

Speaker 6 (29:30):
The McAfee interview, it's a storyline, and some of these
storylines don't have traction, but then some do, like when
he says that Jimmy Kimmel might be on the Epstein
list that gets released and it becomes kind of an
embarrassing situation, which, by the way, I didn't hear from
the Jets on that. I heard Disney and ESPN spoke
out and and McAfee did damage control on that, but

I didn't hear anything from the Jets, which again reminds
you the reason you didn't is because Aaron Rodgers runs
the Jets. So the Jets aren't going apologize for Aaron
Rodgers saying anything because Aaron Rodgers doesn't want them to anyway.
Robert Saw Robert sala is the head coach, kind of
Aaron Rodgers kind of the head coach too. But here
he is when asked about man he's entering year four

without ever making the playoffs. Robert saw, they gave everybody
a mulligan is next year kind of.

Speaker 3 (30:21):
All or nothing. You see next year as a playoffs
or else rich some meaning.

Speaker 12 (30:29):
I always feel that way. I always feel like we
need to win.

Speaker 13 (30:33):
You know.

Speaker 12 (30:33):
It's, uh, this profession, it's a results oriented. No one
really cares about process or progress. It's it's about winning
and so so for me personally, I always expect to win.

Speaker 3 (30:47):
I mean, it's just shifted completely into coach speak at
this point. Yeah, he's agays.

Speaker 6 (30:51):
There's been times this year where he just didn't have
answers and he would just like stare back the reporters
with nothing to say. I thought Sol was exposed a
little bit this year. But we'll see what happens with
the quarterback.

Speaker 4 (31:01):
Given their setup, I think it's the right move to
stay the course.

Speaker 5 (31:07):
Do you think it's the right move with Nathaniel Hackett,
like I would say specifically. And that's the one thing
where it feels toxic because.

Speaker 3 (31:13):
Nathaniel Hackett thinks it's nice to see you out here.
It's obviously Aaron's boy.

Speaker 5 (31:17):
But it's like that, can't we look at the evidence
to suggest that we need to make an upgrader.

Speaker 3 (31:23):
Change, but we're not going to. And that's what where
it starts to feel ridiculous.

Speaker 4 (31:27):
And also, you know, Salla says, you know, in this business,
you know it, the only thing that people care about
is results, not progress, YadA YadA. He's eighteen and thirty three.
Joe Douglas is twenty seven and fifty six. So they
are getting a long leaf, yes, kind of an unprecedented leash.
And I just I cringe with so many of Sola's
press conferences now because you know, he also said yesterday,

I think that they exercised a lot.

Speaker 6 (31:52):
Of demons this year. It's like, bro, what are you
talking about? Because he beat Bill Belichick in Week eighteen.
The worst Patriots teams of all time, like what other
If you want to count that, I'll even give it.
I'll be nice to you because the quarterback got hurt
and play for. But tell me what other demons were
exercised in your tenure since week one.

Speaker 5 (32:12):
I feel like we opened the door and in came
a dude, I uh talking about.

Speaker 4 (32:19):
I got to give my old boss Florio some credit.
I love his headline talking about Rogers. Here the headline,
Aaron Rodgers urges Jets to shed bs uh, teases Tuesday
ESPN appearance to talk Jimmy Kimmel.

Speaker 3 (32:34):
There you go, because yeah, Rogers said, I'm not going to.

Speaker 4 (32:37):
Talk to you guys about it to rich Semini, but
watch on Tuesday.

Speaker 3 (32:40):
I will address it. Then.

Speaker 6 (32:42):
That's what That's part of what you signed up for.
And I was willing and still am willing to live
with it. But the what you were supposed to get
is also Aaron Rodgers on the on the field. Yeah,
it's it still blows my mind that I get all this,
but not the I'd never got to see him play
on the field yet.

Speaker 3 (32:59):
And and here we are yet hard knock. That was
an awesome, awesome run. It was a great summer all.

Speaker 6 (33:05):
Right in other news, Dennis Allen not a very popular
man in New Orleans. Even after a strong close finish.
The Saints finished nine and eight second in the NFC
South did not make the playoffs though for the third
straight year. However, Dennis Allen said at his end ofca's
news conference that when asked if he expects to remain

head coach, that is my expectation. Yes, So Dennis Allen,
as of right now, he's feeling pretty safe. And since
we're talking Saints, I'm really just I can't I can't
get enough of Jameis Winston, who was the quarterback on
the field when they are in a victory formation and

then pivot into a handoff to get Jamal Williams's first
touchdown of the year because he's been such a warrior
for them. By the way, one take about that all right,
like if you really feel Jamal deserves it, and he
then line up in the I formation and run it
to then also do the trick play though to Pearl
Harvard on top that one, that's a bridge too far.

But listen, Jameis Winston was at the controls, so what
do you expect. Here's a little bit of Jamis after
the game because he was holding court and he was
enjoying himself, and I just I love listening.

Speaker 3 (34:19):
To him talk. Well.

Speaker 14 (34:20):
I apologize to Day because the play was was victory.

Speaker 3 (34:25):
But I also explained to d A it was a
team decision.

Speaker 14 (34:28):
Yet and I think when you're at the team around
and I actually got say, guys, like, what do you
what do you want to do? We know how much
ja mom means to this team, and I understood from
DA's perspective, So I give him that, but didn't condone
it at all.

Speaker 13 (34:41):
You know he didn't. However, Uh we decided as a.

Speaker 14 (34:45):
Team to do it, and we got an interception to
the one yard linee you know, like so if if
we were scored, what would have been disrespected?

Speaker 5 (34:55):
I I think it's the most enjoyable thing that's happened
in months.

Speaker 3 (34:59):
I love he with all due respect.

Speaker 6 (35:02):
It's like the fool that doesn't realize really what he's
saying is he's speaking that it's actually makes it worse
for your coach after you already sold.

Speaker 3 (35:09):
Him out on the field.

Speaker 6 (35:10):
Then to be like to explain it to the media
in a way that actually made does Ald come off worse?
Like we decided as a team what we were going
to do with no disrespect to DA. It's like, I
don't know, man. And then to top it off, here
is I just you want to talk about comedy? It
got better, Mark, Because then there's some other journal who
comes in. I don't know what his deal is. I

don't know if he's a Satan beat writer or a
Falcon's beat writer, or who he is.

Speaker 3 (35:35):
A Saints guy. I'll try to find the name.

Speaker 6 (35:36):
He starts to pontificate about his opinions and his feelings respectfully?

Speaker 13 (35:42):
Do you think we were great that? Well? You do
have to play these guys twice a year, that's all.
I'm saying. Music in the back, I know what I'm
talking about. You know, somebody's got to fight these guys.

Speaker 11 (35:54):
Try to see here, that's all.

Speaker 13 (35:57):
How do you feel about it? To me? How you
feel about it? Don't you feel good about it? Because
you got to these guys twice a year?

Speaker 14 (36:05):
But what about it makes you not feel good about it?

Speaker 13 (36:07):
To kneeling up, we're asking my opinion, Yes, I think
you should have kneeled it up. Okay, Well, I'm just
telling you as respectfully is I can't you answered my
question as respectfully as you and I not agree as.

Speaker 8 (36:21):
Respectfully as I can respects you just a meal.

Speaker 13 (36:26):
The entire team made that decision, Okay, so you disagree
with that entire team, so thank you. No, I'm just
thinking I'm being honest and respectful.

Speaker 3 (36:37):
And that's what I am doing, and that's what I
am doing.

Speaker 6 (36:40):
And the siren and the club music going off in
the background.

Speaker 3 (36:43):
I just can't make it up there.

Speaker 4 (36:45):
There was one part that was that part of that clip,
and I recommend anyone find the whole three minutes. It's
great where he was like, where he did kind of
let the mask fall out a little bit, where he's like,
so the you know, the first forty one points that
didn't that make you upset? It was the last seven
that did it. It was just like, I love it,
but you know what I did think it was kind

of telling. Many many Saints players have been tweeting out today,
from Jamal williams Uh to your old friend mark ingram
My dog Mark with a C to Jimmy Graham just
how much they love Jamis Winston and and and that
he's one of the best teammates ever. Here'sjoy Graham, This
man is the best teammate ever had get off his back,

loves the city, this game, and bodies everything you can ask.
Was a rare situation. We all take responsibility. No one
thought it would get out blown out of a portion.
Also the Falcons, Yeah, that's what a lot of it is.

Speaker 6 (37:38):
The I think the robbery Listen, I would love to
be friends with Jameis Winston. Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna
win a playoff game before Jameis Winston does. Though, like there,
I'm sure he's a great guy and a great teammate,
but he is a goober man.

Speaker 3 (37:50):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (37:51):
I kind of like, like, I know, I really enjoyed
he's like goobery answered.

Speaker 3 (37:54):
He went through that conversation that respect.

Speaker 5 (37:57):
He's like Dennis Allen does not condone it. However, well,
like doubling back into his own logic, it.

Speaker 4 (38:04):
Was over the second he goes, yeah, I apologize, but
it was a team decision, which is so funny because
like Tennis, Allen's the coach of the team and he's like, no,
this is our team.

Speaker 6 (38:15):
But I don't does he realize does he realize in
his in what he's saying that he is essentially selling out.

Speaker 3 (38:23):
Yes, I think they know he knows.

Speaker 4 (38:26):
I think he knows and this was I'm taking this
from some of the writers that he knows he's not
going to be back there, he knows he might not
be a favorite at Dentis. I don't think any of
these things are made in a vacuum. So when people
saying like, then his.

Speaker 3 (38:39):
Alnd's lost a little bit of the control, I think
that's true.

Speaker 4 (38:41):
I think, Oh, I mean, I think like Jamis is
just saying, like, I'm out of here.

Speaker 6 (38:46):
We're gonna do whatever the hell we want, right, you
know you could. I know everything's awesome. So I'm just
saying that was kind of a messed up thing to do.
That's all I hear that. I mean, I think the
interview was awesome. Yeah, it makes I'm just saying I
know that everything is always like, oh, it's so amazing.

Speaker 3 (39:04):
Everything is amazing.

Speaker 6 (39:06):
That was a tough, tough situation for Arthur Smith, a
tough situation for the Falcons there at.

Speaker 3 (39:11):
The end of his tenure. And then, yes, you know.

Speaker 6 (39:13):
That there are elements of it that I would I'd
be if it was your team, you'd be furious, but
that way, but that's the rivalry. Also, the Falcons and
the Saints, and it makes next to even more exciting.

Speaker 4 (39:24):
I think Falcons fans are so mad at that team.
They were like, we deserve it, and I think we
as fans, we would keep it all in perspective, which
is part of what I enjoyed about Jamis as Yes,
in the context of what went on, I guess it's
a serious conversation, but it's not the most serious saying
that has ever happened in the world.

Speaker 3 (39:41):
And you could almost see he was having a little
fun with it.

Speaker 6 (39:44):
The wild eyes he has too. I love wild eyes.
Jes says, all right, let's take a break and then
we'll close the door on some regular season predictions and
then get out of here.

Speaker 3 (39:58):
Yes, the familiar chimes chimes' is a harp. Those that
seem more like a harp, what would you call that? Then?

Speaker 5 (40:07):
I've never played a harp, though, so that I'm not
coming from a place of authority.

Speaker 3 (40:11):
A plucking and.

Speaker 6 (40:12):
That's a plucking of the strings of the harp, which
means it could only mean one thing. It's new Horizons Monday. Greg,
you were in a band. It was an acid, prog rock,
emo outfit. Did you ever play the harp with Delaware.

Speaker 4 (40:27):
No, there were a variety of instruments. We had some
talented musicians, Andy Moody, Kristin Hinkley, Jeff lash I was
not a talented musician.

Speaker 3 (40:37):
What was your role?

Speaker 4 (40:38):
My sister in law, Karen, though, can play the cello.
That's I don't know. Is that a harp, that's a cello.
Your brother is a gifted guitarist.

Speaker 3 (40:45):
Oh, yeah, he is. He's a what do you call
when you play a bunch of stuff? He is a
in every man's instrument. But yes, guitar and piano certainly.

Speaker 6 (40:54):
Uh do you Perhaps you should have recruited him to
Delaware and maybe you'd be touring the world right now.

Speaker 3 (40:59):
But his music is a little more refined below now.

Speaker 4 (41:03):
Back then, though, he was playing clubs and stuff with like,
you know, white sneak type music. But yes, he did
end up kind of conducting, writing classical music.

Speaker 6 (41:12):
He ended your brother an actual musician. What did he
how old?

Speaker 3 (41:15):
He's older? Right? Five years older? Yeah? What was his
first reaction when he told him that you were in
a band.

Speaker 4 (41:20):
He was in college and couldn't have cared less and
probably didn't ask me any questions for about a six year.

Speaker 3 (41:27):
Well, I mean he was off in Montreal doing it,
but you were. You were like the lead singer, lead vocals. Yeah,
he was on totally. There was other people would sing,
but yes I was the most were the principal songwriter
of Delaware as well. No, Andy Moody was, but I
was number two. We were kind of like Lennon McCartney.

Speaker 4 (41:43):
Sure, I would say Andy Moody quietly was the key
behind the whole operation.

Speaker 3 (41:47):
But yes, I wrote some songs as well, such age
give us a title.

Speaker 4 (41:52):
Nordic track. I remember that good one Nordic track.

Speaker 3 (41:56):
You closed the show with Nordick track. That's a big hit. Yeah,
when will you release the tapes? Finally where we move on?
I don't have the tapes, not aware of any tapes.

Speaker 5 (42:05):
Why did you write a song about a treadmill a society?

Speaker 3 (42:09):
Was this feeling like you're ocular tread and you can't
get all.

Speaker 5 (42:12):
No, that's a good I'm wondering if that's you felt
that way at that age that you were already on
a treadmill despite being in an emo band.

Speaker 3 (42:19):
Was you're.

Speaker 4 (42:21):
You're just big fans of Nordichic. I think it was
about it was a great piece of equipment.

Speaker 6 (42:25):
Was like, despite all my rage, I'm still just a
rat in the cage. I think that was Greg's interpretation
of that thematically. How do you know I'm a big
fan of Delaware? You've never heard like a bar of it?

Speaker 3 (42:37):
Not yet. I will find some other song titles I'll
go look for.

Speaker 6 (42:41):
All right, and again word the word is out on
the streets. If you have any connection to the Bandelaware,
which came out of Worcester, Mass in the late nineties
early two thousands, and you have access to a tape,
any type of.

Speaker 3 (42:56):
Dem Wibraham Mass, not Worcester close, we gotta find this.
We gotta find this.

Speaker 5 (43:01):
Andrew Moody guy like it sounds like we've got a
name Andrew Moody.

Speaker 6 (43:04):
Anybody connected to this band Delaware? Greg's brother Maybe Greg
in a moment as a teenager, he looked to his
big brother and said, hey, Dean, this is what I've
been working on. And maybe he handed the tape over.
The brother has a tape possible, Hayden Row he checked

this out.

Speaker 3 (43:26):
Let me know what you think. It's it's our debut album,
which was called how do You Want To Cooked? How
do you want to cooked, I believe, fresh off the presses.
Let us know what you think. Maybe that tape sitting somewhere. No,
Dean had no injury.

Speaker 4 (43:41):
I mean, I don't know, but you had any older siblings,
but five years older. He was not too involved in
what his high school brother doing Back then.

Speaker 5 (43:50):
He was like, I bet there's like a grainy VHS
tape of someone who taped one of their concerts, like
a backyard type of situation sitting out there, like.

Speaker 6 (43:58):
Play Boston Garden or something. It's got to be something
out there. We've spent a lot of time on this. Well,
it's the most important thing we've talked about today. All right,
let's get into our over unders. Okay, So before the
season started, we did ap with Barnwell, which is a
tradition where we each picked I believe, four teams and

based the over unders off draft kings before the season started.
So let's go through each of ours. We'll start with
the Zazzer. Let's see how I did this year, and
you can check this out on YouTube. I went two
and two, all right, so I hit the over on
the Browns. Look at your Brown's optimism. I am always
in on the brown nine and a half All throughout

the summer. I was in on the Browns, I thought,
and a lot of that is I liked Nick Chubb
and Deshaun Watson bouncing back. Obviously they had a big
year without either of those two men for the most part.
But I hit the over there. This one I had
to sweat out a little bit the last couple of weeks.
But the Titans, I hit the under, which was seven
and five, and I'm looking back and remembering that that

that was the one I was the least confident about.
In fact, I really wished I would have taken the over.
But as it worked out, where did they go?

Speaker 3 (45:08):
They got six and eleven by a game and a half.

Speaker 6 (45:11):
And the Browns went eleven and six, So I hit
that easily. I lost my last two, so I went
two and two. The Buccaneers, I hit the under. I
was not high on Baker and the Bucks this year.
They end up getting to nine wins and winning their division.
And then the Jets. I'm you know, that's not fair.
It was nothing fair about the Jets, but Rogers gets hurt.

So I hit the I wanted to hit the over
at nine and a half, but didn't come close. To
Jets finished seven and ten, so two and two.

Speaker 3 (45:38):
It's interesting.

Speaker 4 (45:39):
I think the Bucks under they were predicted to come
and last behind the Panthers. Panthers were seven and a half.
They were at six and a half.

Speaker 5 (45:45):
Well, they showed kind of promise last year and then
added a first round pick.

Speaker 6 (45:49):
All right, let's move to Greg, who's had a big
year with all sorts of predictions this year. Oh stop it, Greg,
Greg won four and oh says dog. I got to
say something Greg. First of all, before we get into this.

Speaker 3 (46:07):
I'm happy for Greg.

Speaker 6 (46:08):
I'm impressed I and you know, I've always been very
complimentary of your great knowledge of the game.

Speaker 3 (46:14):
And your passion for it.

Speaker 6 (46:17):
But I've also been doing this with you for a
decade and I want, I just want you to appreciate this, okay,
because you've never been like this year, with whether it's
the game picks or what we're back. You were on
a heater this year, and I just I just hope
do you appreciate I am appreciated.

Speaker 4 (46:37):
That's why I was honking so much last night and
teasing my potential timer because I know it will not continue.

Speaker 3 (46:44):
It will be like this is amazing. It's dark days,
what is your record?

Speaker 4 (46:47):
I will say, of all the of any of the predictions,
game debut or the locks or whatever, I think the
over unders. Still luck is maybe the most important factor,
but I think it's the it's the one, it's the
least amount of life. I think these are the ones
I would care about the most.

Speaker 6 (47:02):
Because I think you went sixteen and two or seventeen
and two in the locks, and you went four and oh,
so let's go through them. You took the Panthers under,
which was a home run seven and a half, and
they end up, of course two and fifteen, the worst
team in football. You always down on the Giants, so
you bang the under at seven and a half and
the Giants almost come and get you with it.

Speaker 3 (47:24):
Only got sex.

Speaker 6 (47:25):
But yes, but I think they were one and seven
and one point. They had a nice second half all
things considered.

Speaker 3 (47:30):
Those two were good. The other two were more lucky.

Speaker 6 (47:33):
You bang that one and you hit it well. The
Bears you had seven and a half on the man,
you really are you stilling it this year?

Speaker 3 (47:41):

Speaker 6 (47:41):
They were seven and nine going into Week eighteen, and
then everybody was optimistic about that Packers game. But they
get beat so they stay at seven wins. So you
hit that at seven and a half and the Bill,
you son of a god. The Bills down in the
fourth quarter on Sunday Night football, sitting at staring at
ten and seven.

Speaker 4 (47:59):
At six and six, they needed to win five streets
to get that.

Speaker 6 (48:02):
Over, and you hit the ten and a half over
behind a five game winning streak to get to eleven
and six.

Speaker 3 (48:08):
Bravo, sir, well done, Greg. I mean, I what can
you say, Mark, I.

Speaker 5 (48:12):
Don't have anything else to say. It's I'm very I said,
I'm excited for Greg.

Speaker 6 (48:16):
I mean, if I honestly and you guys know this,
if I ever had the season Greg had, that would
be it. I'm gone. I am, I am going. I'm
taking a radio about somewhere in Long Island.

Speaker 3 (48:26):
How is this naked? I?

Speaker 5 (48:27):
Why do I feel like I probably went oh and
four to balance this out?

Speaker 13 (48:31):

Speaker 3 (48:31):
I went to and too.

Speaker 4 (48:32):
He was mentally tracking throughout the year. I have to
admit they didn't matter to me.

Speaker 3 (48:37):
I was by the way I had all this.

Speaker 6 (48:40):
Greg's children advanced the finals against each other in their
fantasy football league.

Speaker 5 (48:46):
It's nothing if not impressed of opulence.

Speaker 4 (48:50):
Unbelievable game, deviut Curious finished off the regular season title
there too, part over a centur some very difficult Greg.

Speaker 6 (48:58):
I am impressed and just filled with rage to be
this close to greatness but not have it myself.

Speaker 3 (49:05):
Good for you, sir.

Speaker 6 (49:06):
So you say two and two for Zeuser four and
oh for Greg, you're saying that naturally you would have
to go.

Speaker 3 (49:12):
Zero and four. I mean, I'm just suggesting that's the
narrative of this show. So probably that in that. But
he can't make up what you went? No narrative? All right? No,
I mean my own narrative that I created. All right,
Sess what'd you do? Oh?

Speaker 5 (49:25):

Speaker 3 (49:26):
Are you? He went on and four? Oh? Everyone check
us out on YouTube.

Speaker 4 (49:33):
We've got fancy graphics and most important, you could have
Mark's facial reaction to this. And I've heard from some
people last week they didn't even know we were on YouTube.

Speaker 5 (49:41):
A also go think all right, so sess, dog Craig
gets the pitching for the show too.

Speaker 3 (49:45):
I look at I let's go through it. Okay. Yeah?

Speaker 6 (49:49):
So you h Bangley under on the Ravens, who obviously
the a best team in football, finished thirteen and four.
You saw them as going under ten and a half.

Speaker 5 (50:01):
I thought they'd be like a playoff team maybe, but
and then you went under ten and a half.

Speaker 6 (50:05):
That and I remember this having this conversation because I
took the Browns over. You took the Rounds under nine
and a half. And of course they win eleven and
they're going to the playoffs. So maybe that was kind
of protecting yourself a little bit. But you lost that.
You have the Chiefs over. Oh, this one's annoying.

Speaker 3 (50:22):
I mean, I don't hate that I did that back then.

Speaker 6 (50:24):
The Chiefs they've been almost they almost always hit the over.

Speaker 3 (50:27):
Greg right, eleven. I believe they had hit it for
the last like six straight years. Right. This was the
different market picked him.

Speaker 6 (50:34):
Yes, And just like I took Mahomes I think third
in my fantasy draft before Christian McCaffrey. This was the
year everything changed. The Chiefs over eleven and a half.
They have the worst eleven win season that I can
remember for any team. Uh so you get ding done
that and then I mean, the the optimism around the
Falcons was real. You had the over eight and a

half and they finished what.

Speaker 3 (50:59):
Seven and ten? That's for the third year in a row.

Speaker 5 (51:01):
I got pulled into Falcons Land, you know, plus these
other lands.

Speaker 4 (51:05):
Yeah, how about that with Arthur Smith? Three straight, seven
and tens. That's so we finished five hundred as a group.
If you look at it that way. I like that.
How about that mark? You're only as good as your
weakest link.

Speaker 3 (51:15):
So Greg unbelievable. I'm uncomfortable with Dan saying these things.

Speaker 6 (51:22):
I'm uncomfortable. I just I've never been around someone that's
been this hot. I think you missed one rain maker
all year.

Speaker 4 (51:28):
I think that was four and one, Yeah, that I
lost track of. But yeah, something like that.

Speaker 5 (51:34):
How can we monetize, Greggs, I'd say, leave the NFL
and move to Las Vegas.

Speaker 4 (51:38):
Well, we're not allowed to do any of this stuff.
We're not allowed.

Speaker 3 (51:42):
I didn't say beat. We monetize. That's how I would monetize.

Speaker 4 (51:45):
But before I came here, you know, I did some
of that, and you you you would have. You know,
you want to have some big years. You're not gonna
have a big year every year. You want to like
survive in the years that aren't big years and then
have some big years.

Speaker 3 (51:58):
And this is a big year. There. You got advice
for me to take.

Speaker 6 (52:01):
Let's check now, let's check in on our running back draft,
which was obviously a source of major consternation. Now this
is one place where Greg somehow comes out on top.

Speaker 3 (52:14):

Speaker 6 (52:15):
I'm walking out of here because Greg famously butchered the
draft back in June.

Speaker 3 (52:19):
But now we could use insights now even evaluate.

Speaker 6 (52:24):
Let's start. Let's do the same thing. Let's go Dan first.
Let's see what I got. All right, so I had
Nick Chubb wolf But you know, what are you gonna do?
Austin Eckler?

Speaker 3 (52:33):
Hold on? He can't?

Speaker 5 (52:34):
We can we view Nick Chubb as who he really
is versus the season he had.

Speaker 6 (52:37):
Well, let's just look at it through the prism of
the season for now. But because I yeah, obviously Chubb
is an all.

Speaker 3 (52:42):
Time seventy yards, didn't score a touch and.

Speaker 6 (52:45):
Then blew out his knee in hideous fashion on a
Thursday night in October, I believe was Austin Eckler.

Speaker 3 (52:52):
I don't know what happened to Eckler. That's a miss.
He totally fell off the map.

Speaker 6 (52:58):
Josh Jacobs another guy I started very slowly and then
started to find himself, had some big games and then
got hurt at the end of the year and then
Breis Hall. Of the four, this is the one I
was least comfortable with. He ends up going over fifteen
hundred yards of total offense for the Jets, a very
bad offense pick if this is bad, so yeah, so

obviously hit on Haul and then Chubb.

Speaker 3 (53:23):
What are you gonna do? But Eckler and Jacobs I
missed on.

Speaker 6 (53:26):
They just didn't have great years, all right, So not
that not that hot for Zuzzer. Okay, let's go to
Greg Rosenthal, all right, Bijon Robinson who very frustrating year
for Bijon did have moments, including a long touchdown reception
in week eighteen, but not the guy we all thought
he was going to be. Alvin fourteen a miss touchdowns though,

did he have fourteen hundred from scrimmage?

Speaker 3 (53:49):
Not a total, not a miss or anything.

Speaker 6 (53:50):
Not a miss, I think, but not a big we
were expecting him to be, you know, a seismic lanb
not his fault though, not his fault.

Speaker 3 (53:57):
I think he has huge years ahead of him.

Speaker 6 (53:58):
Alvin Kamara, suspended to start the year, had a steady year,
but he's not the same guy anymore.

Speaker 3 (54:05):
He's he was okay, he was.

Speaker 4 (54:06):
Fine eleven and sixty yards and six touchdowns, again from scrimmage,
not rushing right.

Speaker 6 (54:11):
In fact, he is three straight years. I read this,
He's been under four yards of carry for three straight years,
which you don't.

Speaker 3 (54:16):
See a lot. So Kamara has fallen off a little bit.

Speaker 6 (54:19):
Jonathan Taylor a guy who obviously started with a contract
hold out and everything the injury about that.

Speaker 3 (54:28):
He warmed up as the season went along.

Speaker 6 (54:30):
So Taylor and then Aaron Jones, who did nothing for
the first two and a half months of the season
but finished strong with three hundred yard games.

Speaker 3 (54:37):
Pretty good, pretty good.

Speaker 5 (54:38):
Group that looks better than it looks a lot better
than it did at other times during the season though,
because Taylor became I.

Speaker 4 (54:44):
Was very negative afterwards and people came at me, and
in the end they were fine.

Speaker 6 (54:50):
This solid job mark coming off the four, right, let's
win this running back draft.

Speaker 3 (54:56):
You can't I know, I know one of them is right.
Let's see, let's check out marks four.

Speaker 6 (55:00):
And he had the first pick I remember, and he
had Christian McCaffrey, so that's a big win.

Speaker 3 (55:04):
And Saquon Barkley.

Speaker 6 (55:05):
So McCaffrey had maybe his best year, which is saying
something incredible and might be the offensive Player of the
year as a result, Saquon Barkley slowed down, banged up
down the stretch. But I really thought Barkley had a
good season overall, bad team, you know, bad team.

Speaker 4 (55:21):
Two hundred yards from scrimmage, ten touchdowns, so like a
better Camara, but he just looked better if you just
watched it. Like the numbers are similar, but he was better.

Speaker 6 (55:31):
Derrick Henry, like Alvin Kamaros, it's pretty clear that he's
not the same dude, but you saw even in Week
eighteen that he still has juice in the tank.

Speaker 3 (55:39):
And then he'll get a job next year.

Speaker 6 (55:41):
And I think he's a Hall of Famer, so a
nice guy to have there.

Speaker 3 (55:44):
And then Ramadre.

Speaker 6 (55:45):
Stevenson, who quietly because I had him on my fantasy team,
I remember tracking him. He was like all the bad
stuff going around the Patriots. He was the one guy
that was steadily just going about his business and I
thought he was having a pretty good year until.

Speaker 3 (55:57):
Got a high ankle sprain. Yeah, ended his year. Mark.
If you won the around the NFL running back strap,
give it to you, Mark, Yeah, I think I think,
so give it up. Thank you, this is your life.

Speaker 5 (56:08):
I wish I could feel as much in the victory
that I know Greg feels in winning the things.

Speaker 3 (56:14):
They got to take a shot, but no, I'm not
taking a shot at all. I really not. It's just
like it's I don't know where it's supposed to carry me. Unbelievable,
emotionally unbelievable.

Speaker 6 (56:25):
Finally, before we say goodbye, let's go through the go
get my lunch props. Ready, sest dog, we none of
us really had a very good year. Yeah with this one,
So sess dog, here were your predictions. A kicker breaks
the record for longest field goal that's more than sixty
six yards during a Titans Ravens game in London. Nope,
lost two sandwiches there, Rams Trade Matthew Stafford.

Speaker 3 (56:47):
You were very hot, I was.

Speaker 6 (56:49):
You were very down on the Rams Yep, very hot
on Stafford being moved. He obviously didn't move and then
had a huge year. He lost three sandwiches there, including
till Lakeisha Dak Prescott his bench for perform Orman's reasons.

Speaker 3 (57:00):
I mean, yeah, these are huge. Whoa, that's a bit
I was.

Speaker 5 (57:04):
You have to remember, like like when I create these,
like the Stafford one, not so much, but like I'm
doing this for the show like I like Showman.

Speaker 3 (57:11):
I mean this Shamo. You're believing that Dak Preslett's going
to be bad. I think there is a world where
he was great.

Speaker 5 (57:17):
I think things could have gone real south for the
Cowboys maybe and Dak gets caught in like the crosshairs
of it all, and that did not happen on there's
probably around.

Speaker 6 (57:25):
The time of the Trey Lance trade. So in your
mind you're like, oh, then they'll play Trey Lance or something. Yeah,
weird stuff happens. And then finally a Star QB loses
at least one start to see now this is the
cesstog ones. The other ones are just predictions gone awry.
A Star QB loses at least one start due to
an off field incident involving a problematic individual dressed in
a costume anything it looks like. According to Nick Fortier,

who runs Go get my Lunch dot Orgon does an
incredible job at it.

Speaker 3 (57:51):
Thank you Nick. That cost you three sandwiches as well,
is it?

Speaker 5 (57:55):
So that ends with that ended with yesterday's Bill's Dolphins game.

Speaker 3 (57:59):
We'll give you the playoffs about that. Less acts over
here and.

Speaker 5 (58:02):
It has to be a can it be a player
who's not you know, not currently anything like.

Speaker 6 (58:06):
The loosest calibration of this. We'll give it to you,
Greg Rosenthal. Justin Herbert finishes higher in MVP voting than
Patrick Mahomes.

Speaker 4 (58:14):
We don't know yet, but I will lose two on
that because they neither will get a vote zero.

Speaker 6 (58:19):
Yeah, so that's a loss. The Lions win the NFC North.
You got that, very good guy. You guys took me
up on that, took you.

Speaker 3 (58:26):
Up on it. Mac Jones finished. This is when I
teased on the Sunday Show.

Speaker 6 (58:29):
Mac Jones finishes ahead of Daniel Jones in the QB Index,
which Dan and Mark took you up on. And apparently
when Shook puts together the final version will have every quarterback.
And I do not imagine even though Daniel Jones didn't
do squat this year, that Jones would be ahead of him.

Speaker 3 (58:43):
So that might be at the very bottom.

Speaker 4 (58:46):
I'm gonna lose that, which is you know, right, Church wrong, Pew.
Daniel Jones, out of sixty eight starters, will probably not
be in the top forty, but he will be ahead
of Mac Jones.

Speaker 3 (58:55):
There's no way.

Speaker 5 (58:56):
Let's see how far apart the ar because it shouldn't
be too too far, all right, So like you were
down on the rams, I just had this like weird
feeling about the Lions flopping, which was obviously wrong because
I have the Lions never claim sole possession of first
place in the NFC North and they win on Thursday
night against the.

Speaker 6 (59:12):
Chiefs historically bad Darius drops all those balls and they
get beat by one point. So they won the North.
So let alone one day. They were there every day
pretty much, or was it every day? Did they ever
fall out of first place on that division?

Speaker 3 (59:27):
No? I don't think they did. No wire to wire
the Big Old.

Speaker 6 (59:30):
If you to Daddy Rich, DeVante Adams or Mike Evans
will be traded prior to the twenty twenty three trade deadline.

Speaker 3 (59:38):
Oh I like that one, but it just because I
was thinking.

Speaker 6 (59:41):
You're the Bucks crash Raiders, bad Bucks, bad Davante.

Speaker 3 (59:46):
Yeah, Sovante was like talking a lot back then. Things seen.

Speaker 6 (59:50):
I think one or both of those guys aren't a
new team next year.

Speaker 3 (59:53):
But that was not the wager.

Speaker 6 (59:54):
So it cost me to JJ Watt plays in twenty
twenty three.

Speaker 3 (59:58):
Who I took you up on that?

Speaker 6 (01:00:00):
Only Greg though took me up at the mark you
stayed away. I love when the stayaways happened.

Speaker 3 (01:00:03):
Because I think that made like some interesting sense.

Speaker 6 (01:00:06):
I don't know, but by the way, there's still a
few weeks left and TJ watches got hurt.

Speaker 3 (01:00:11):
Maybe the Steelers pick up the phone. JJ did break
that news that he's out for these two games, and
he's such a Steelers what if?

Speaker 6 (01:00:18):
What if JJ filled in for Nick for two weeks
until he came back or TJ.

Speaker 3 (01:00:22):
I mean, it's such a Steelers thing to do. How
about naming your kids JJ and TJ. How about that? Well?

Speaker 5 (01:00:29):
Or you or you name them what they're, what they
stand for. And then they decided they weren't into those names,
and you know, condensed all right.

Speaker 6 (01:00:35):
So I wasn't in on the Falcons, but I did
believe in Bijon enough to say Nick Chubb or Bjeon
Robinson lead the NFL and rushing Chubb. We discussed blow
out his knee Bejeon was trapped in.

Speaker 3 (01:00:46):
I didn't take you up on that, which was stupid.
I was. I was all in on Bijon. Uh, this
one is right.

Speaker 6 (01:00:52):
Nick has this listed as a loss, but I don't
know why Tom Brady is commenting commentating games for five
by twenty twenty four. There's a report just came out
that he's working on it, and it's.

Speaker 3 (01:01:05):
By twenty twenty four.

Speaker 6 (01:01:07):
Right this season, he needs to do it this upcoming
season twenty twenty four.

Speaker 3 (01:01:13):
I no longer would have taken that.

Speaker 4 (01:01:16):
I'm hoping we are right, Mark, But it starts the
signs are looking poor, and then this is.

Speaker 6 (01:01:22):
This is kind of a cess dog one which I
like the birds. Remember the birds falling out of the
sky in Mexico.

Speaker 3 (01:01:28):
Yeah, well, sory. It happened during super Bowl Week.

Speaker 6 (01:01:31):
I said that will be the first of several unexplained
phenomenon over the next two years. So I have until
next February on that one. So that one, I guess
is just sitting out there.

Speaker 3 (01:01:42):
Still. Did that get created like at some other time
that was created?

Speaker 6 (01:01:46):
I think super Bowl Week because it happened like a
couple days before the game, and my cousin Mike I
brought to the Super Bowl, who's a big UFO and
conspiracy guy, And remember going down a wormhole with him
in the hotel room in Arizona that I was pretty
hot to trot about more stuff happening.

Speaker 3 (01:02:04):
But you know, maybe it does. Maybe it has.

Speaker 6 (01:02:06):
Any other conspiracy tinfoil people out there, let me know
if I've missed anything in the past.

Speaker 4 (01:02:10):
Long I'm sure people can come up with them several
unexplained phenomenon if they just want to.

Speaker 6 (01:02:15):
And Mark, you did not true to form, take me
up on that. But Greg, of course, Dad, He's like, Ah,
there is no such thing as I'll expin for a
something like that.

Speaker 5 (01:02:23):
I don't like the two year part of it. I
think that's why I didn't get attached to that.

Speaker 3 (01:02:26):

Speaker 6 (01:02:26):
Eric Roberts. Now, the producers have a famously messy reputation
when it comes They never win a sandwich prop However,
the Bills outsack and out intercept the Jets.

Speaker 3 (01:02:44):
I like this one, And where do we come down
on it? Oh? You got it?

Speaker 11 (01:02:49):
No it Bills eighteen interceptions, Jets seventeen ten this season.
Oh stop it. So it was the I on the
wrapt the wrap one not only locked up the East Division?

Speaker 3 (01:02:59):
What I so of them?

Speaker 11 (01:03:02):
We were going back and forth actually about the Jets
defense kind of balling out in that game against the
Patriots and the Bills outsacked the Jets fifty four to
forty eight.

Speaker 4 (01:03:10):
So wait, as it says you lost it here.

Speaker 3 (01:03:14):
I think it was mistaken. I don't know.

Speaker 6 (01:03:16):
He has some data points there that don't appear to
be accurate.

Speaker 3 (01:03:19):
Yep, So they were close. It was close. I think
you hit it.

Speaker 11 (01:03:22):
I think the Bills went into Week eighteen like plus
thirteen in sacks, but the Jets and play that week
and then yeah, there was a two interception swing in
the Jets game, so they actually went into the final
game of season down one, but then that wrap one. Yeah,
so big win for me. Guys, Let's give some of
everything coming up. Everything's coming up, and I have a kid.

Speaker 6 (01:03:46):
Three sangwiches he gets, and that is honestly, that is
a big deal because.

Speaker 3 (01:03:50):
The producers never win.

Speaker 5 (01:03:53):
Yeah, but the producers are each different individual people, so
it's not going to predict how Eric would do.

Speaker 11 (01:03:58):
I'm just saying historically, they's this was coming out of
hard knock seasons, so we spent a lot of time
watching the Jets, me and you getting pumped up in defense.
So I thought something okay, good, you know, something tracked
throughout the year and actually came down to the wires
and they were.

Speaker 6 (01:04:10):
Two good defenses. And the Bills statistically in those categories.

Speaker 4 (01:04:13):
When that interception, Eric, were you aware that that was winning?
You saying yes, Wow, I wish we knew that.

Speaker 11 (01:04:20):
That is what a moment because me and Dan we're
talking about it and I don't think yeah. And then
I knew there was a swing because of the two
in the morning game, and then that was good.

Speaker 3 (01:04:27):
There was the one in two.

Speaker 6 (01:04:28):
I'm a little surprised that the Bills outsacked the Jets.
Jets had a lot of guys that were like around six, seven,
eight sacks. I didn't realize Buffalo's pass rush with no
Von Miller was that fierce. But good for you. Were
they top five?

Speaker 11 (01:04:42):
Let's see here the sacks where they would be one, two, three, four,
fifty four behind Dolphins with fifty six, Chiefs with fifty seven,
and Rams with sixty and then the Jets were somewhere
down towards the middle.

Speaker 3 (01:04:55):
Interesting. Okay, and one more.

Speaker 6 (01:04:58):
This one's not official, but we got a major hit
from Lakeisha. Speaking of Alakeisha, we did a NFL Plus
that's coming up a little bit later this month where
we're going through all the Super Bowls in recent years,
and we talked about the incredibly difficult super Bowl around
Chris's passing. But we talk about Chris and the that

Bucks Chief super Bowl and then a great video that
Lakeisha made a letter she wrote to Chris, you got
to check out NFL Plus when that drops, and also
on daz own if that's how you get it overseas
out in international territories. But Lakeisha had a wager when
she was on the show to this one. Lamar Jackson
finishes top three in MVP voting and guess what, all

three of us took her up on it.

Speaker 3 (01:05:47):
A little surprising, Greggy. I think, just in the spirit of.

Speaker 6 (01:05:53):
Forget about top three, he might win it unanimously.

Speaker 5 (01:05:56):
And Lakeisha's mom one of the bigger Lamar Jackson around,
And I think Lamar Jackson kind of brought Lakeisha's mom
into football.

Speaker 6 (01:06:05):
That's absolutely right. She loves Lamar. She loves Lamar. Oh,
we got a clay bound one too. Jalen Rager had
over forty.

Speaker 11 (01:06:12):
Catches in twenty twenty when was this If you recall
that was that was come down.

Speaker 4 (01:06:17):
If I had known that, I would have enjoyed the
bizarre Jets Patriots game on Sunday where Jalen Rager was
suddenly the Patriots number one receiver. Regretted that out he
did not come close to forty It's seven, okay.

Speaker 6 (01:06:33):
Seven catches for Jalen Rager. Getting behind the Pats offense
is always a tricky proposition, all right. So there you go.
There are sandwich props. Maybe we'll do a couple Super
Bowl week we tend to do that. We make one
Super Bowl prediction and that's it. So here's the rest
of the week. On Wednesday, we're gonna have Connie Fox
back with us, how about that? And we're going to

give out our awards for the twenty twenty three season
and then start looking ahead to Super wild Card weekend
on Thursday when we preview all the games on Saturday,
Sunday and Monday.

Speaker 3 (01:07:09):
Anything else, boys, I think we covered it. This is
a big week.

Speaker 6 (01:07:12):
Good job, good job everybody. Thank you everybody for listening.
And remember

Speaker 3 (01:07:22):
When all else is lost, it's a new Horizon Heat
the car
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