All Episodes

January 10, 2024 81 mins

In a room full of heroes - Dan Hanzus, Gregg Rosenthal, Marc Sessler, and Patrick Claybon get you caught up on news from around the league including Pete Carroll no longer being the head coach of the Seahawks (01:55), the Titans firing Mike Vrabel (12:38), the Bears sticking with Matt Eberflus (27:49), and turmoil in the Giants front office (36:15). After the break, the heroes announce the winners of the 2023 ATN Awards, starting with MVP (56:10) followed by Offensive Player of the Year (01:00:05), Defensive Player of the Year (01:03:05), Offensive Rookie of the Year (01:09:48), Defensive Rookie of the Year (01:12:50), and Coach of the Year (01:16:50).

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
They around the NFL podcast release that takes cractly from
the Chris Westley podcast studio. Everybody wants it. Why won't
you just get the people what they won't don't have it?
It's around the NFL. I am Dan Hansa, Scott Heroes here,

Greg rosehal Mark Sessler, and back in the fourth chair
the dude, Patrick Clayban. What's up, Bud? What's up? Guys?
Good to be here. That good to be here with you.
It's great have you. Connie was supposed to be back
this week, but she got pulled into a type of
nefarious park Avenue event.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
I mean, what did she She's hosting some sort of
mysterious event in the big up.

Speaker 1 (00:45):
If it's if it's costing our show at Connie Fox Wednesday,
it's farious to me it's not costing it.

Speaker 3 (00:51):
What Well, sure, we've got a whole different show Clay
on Wednesday.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
Well let me transition to that. So, mister contrarian, Yes
we don't have Connie, but the fact that we can
have Patrick here is even got a blessing. Not that
you were a backup, but we announced previously Collin would
be here, so it'd be weird. Just all of a sudden,
Patrick is here instead.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
We've got an incredible stable and we're just reversatile and Patrick.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
We keep it pretty tight in terms of who's in
the regular fourth chair. It's a it's a hollowed spot.
It's clay today is Patrick's.

Speaker 4 (01:25):
Patrick theme song. I think it's time.

Speaker 1 (01:28):
Do we have any? Have any been sent in? Do
we have any? Patrick?

Speaker 5 (01:31):
Patrick put out a formal request.

Speaker 1 (01:34):
Here's a formal request our vibrant Gmail account. Ye, what
is the Gmail account? Is it?

Speaker 5 (01:39):
Is it the ATM? It's the ATM podcast. Let me
you know what I should probably know.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
There's literally like an abbey road of patri just being
sent to the wrong email. All right, Well, while our
producer Eric works on that, we have some breaking news
that landed just as we're about to start. And that's
the way I like it, because too many times we
got banged the other way. We finished recording and then oh,
Pete Carroll got fired. Well not this time. The Seattle

Seahawks are moving on from Pete Carroll as they're head coach,
reported by the Pell Raiser and elsewhere. He as of
right now, the way it's being spun and there's a
press conference coming up later today. Carol will remain in
the organization, but not as the head coach. So Pete Carroll,

who has had an incredible run in Seattle fourteen years,
which you know in the NFL you might as well
say one hundred years, one hundred and thirty seven and
eighty nine and one record. That's an over a six
hundred winning percentage. I coached nineteen playoff GAMESO went to
the Super Bowl back to back years, very nearly, we
don't need to litigate this, but very nearly went back

to back Super Bowl championships. But that was one of
the most memorable teams of this century, the legion of
Boom Seahawks with Russell Wilson and that incredible defense. He
is now seventy two years old. Greg Rosenthal and you
had been kind of poking around on this one for
a week or so. Cecler and I were trying to
figure out who's texting with with those thumbs.

Speaker 2 (03:12):
I mean, it's a short list of candidates, right, We
didn't know probably Ian.

Speaker 1 (03:15):
But Greg, you say, because I had mentioned it again
this before we start taping to you was common sense
there was. It was more about putting a puzzle together
on that was that I had no information.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
I was trying to find out what people would say
behind the scenes.

Speaker 1 (03:29):
What do you think Ian? By the way, when he
gets a greg text, what is Ian's first.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
Reaction, He's absolutely overjoyed because it's it's the connection is
very rich, it's very story.

Speaker 3 (03:43):
I think he has no feelings whatsoever, just like all
of his others correction.

Speaker 4 (03:49):
And I love him for it.

Speaker 3 (03:51):
He's a defensive coach in the defense has been bad
for seven years. They're stuck in this middle ground where
you could argue, well, their floor is very high with
Pete Carrible. Maybe they're ceilings very low with Pete Carroll,
and that the things he said he's gonna solve year
after year like aren't getting solved. He's been cycling through
defensive coordinators. He's putting a lot of resources in that,
and who knows. I love that they are announcing it

as an amical agreement that his role will quote evolve
to remain with the organization as an advisor. We maybe
aren't going to get the full story on that or no,
And I don't really care. Like they're both grown ups
here and he is walking away with class. He's going
to have a press conference afterwards, which is not always

the case, certainly with a coach they'll let go and
he's a legend there and he deserves to be treated,
and maybe he really is just wanting to walk away.
There was some whispers about that too. I'm curious, like,
who is making this decision exactly. Obviously it's Jody Allen
to start with, but I think if John Schneider, the
GM who has been there as long as Pete Carroll

and also as a Super Bowl title, is still there
to help hire the next head coach, and if that
the next head coach is Dan Quinn, which about seventeen
different NFL insiders have already put out there is the
prime candidate, and that maybe this is part of it,
is that they feel like they're in a window here
where the coach that they want is going to be available.

Speaker 4 (05:18):
We want to take them before he goes anywhere else.

Speaker 3 (05:20):
If Schneider's still there, that will tell me maybe it
is a little bit more of a pushout situation. But
either way, one of the best head coaches I've.

Speaker 2 (05:27):
Seen in the NFL, and I guess, like you know,
if it came down to some version of a power struggle,
a soft power struggle. I mean Pete Carroll won the
power struggle essentially over Russell Wilson, and that was the
last big sort of battle there. You know, if you're
working coach in GM for this long as long as
they did, and they made it work, it's natural that

a relationship's going to start to wear down some point professionally.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
And so I mean it was.

Speaker 2 (05:53):
Pete Carroll that just a couple of days ago said
pretty clearly I want to come back and coach this team.
So something changed over the PA last couple of days.
But he's not a young guy, although he seems his
energy's very young, Like you know, maybe this or natural
part of Pete Carroll that's open to this next step.
But he's also very good with the media, and I
don't interview to coach that I liked better honestly.

Speaker 1 (06:15):
Oh yeah, I love Carrol too. He's incredible. I remember
being on the rooftop in downtown LA for a charity
event the year they drafted Russell Wilson, and I'll never
forget like he was very nice dude and open about
how much he loved Wilson. And and my mom obviously
is a big fan of Pete Carroll right Gampac to
his jet's days. But he said it. He thinks he's hot.
She thought he was extremely He's okay with that. He's

very secure. My father is very secure about yeah, the marriage.
But Pete is, yeah, it's good. They don't exist in
the number one competition, right, Let's just hope my dad
doesn't want Pete coming east. Put it that way. But
when Pete says Patrick the other day is like, oh, yeah,
I'm not worried about anything. Like Pete knew what was

going on behind the scenes, and he was that was
just the answer he gave.

Speaker 6 (07:01):
Well, And I also think it's it's one of those
situations where he's telling you before everybody else tells you
that if something changes regarding my coaching status with the
Seattle Seahawks, it was not a decision of mine. Right
when he says like, I love my job, I love
his team, he did acknowledge that he needed he said
he needed to do some things better. I get it's
a similar question with a lot of these coaching changes
that the Chicago Bears are better on third down, on

offense and defense on Sunday, are the Seahawks still making
a change with the head coaching position at the end
of the season. Well not this week, right, But is
this like a scenario where it's like, ah, you know
this has to be it with Pete Carroll, the direction doesn't.

Speaker 3 (07:37):
Right If they don't lose the tie break, they literally
have the same records as the Packers.

Speaker 6 (07:41):
So again, it's it's one of those things like is
this a is this a real long term decision? But
as Greg pointed out, there have been long term problems
in trying to get solutions to them, and Pete hasn't
made able to find them.

Speaker 1 (07:54):
So like, what's what's changing and get those Here's what
I'm fascinated by the idea of, Okay, if he's going
upstairs and into some type of nebulous role or an
active role, I don't know what it would be. But
if it's more like a Bruce arians with the Bucks
type situation, is Pete ready to go into the sunset?
Now he's seventy two and he's the oldest coach in
the league, and obviously you don't see many coaches go

this far. But you know, listen to the President of
the United States is eighty one. Does I wonder what
his market would be if indeed this went in a
different direction. Are there teams that want Pete Carroll? Would
he be a hot in demand name, whether it was
this year or maybe a year from now. That is interesting.

Speaker 2 (08:35):
I mean you can pull like an al Pacino end
of any given Sunday and wind up somewhere else because
his age, to me, has nothing to do with the
Pete Carroll that we know.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
Like, I don't care that he's seventy two. I mean,
check out that. What was that dramatic win they had
what week sixteen in primetime? The guy looks like he's
forty eight years old. He's so chipper and said by
and he loves what he's doing. I just something that
that doesn't compute about this, that he's going upstairs.

Speaker 3 (09:00):
Yeah, I'm with you, because, yeah, if that Cowboys game
had gone a little differently, if that Rams game, which
I really feel like was the turning point for both
those teams. Not a memorable game, but a game that
the Seahawks really outplayed the Rams and kind of stepped
stubbed their toe at the very end coming out of
the Rams by I think they got the Rams to
like four and six, five and six, and the Seahawks

that started their tailspin because their schedule got so much harder,
they could have made the playoffs. He's still a very
good head coach. It's interesting to look back on his
at his run. He doesn't get the pub Mike Tomlin
does because he did have that seven to ten season
in Russell Wilson's last year. But otherwise they've had a
winning record every year since twenty and twelve. And you think,
while they never got back to those heights when they

made those back to back Super Bowls, but they did
win ten games, ten games, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, they
sneaky underperformed in the playoffs, which is very frustrated when
you're a very good team. And like Mike McCarthy's Packers
know this too. Ten playoff appearances, seven divisional round appearances,

but they actually never made it back even to a
conference championship after that lost Super Bowl to the Patriots,
So it was a lot of one and done or
win a wild card and lose. And I think where
he strikes me as young, you know, emotionally, but maybe
not as young in terms of, like schematically, is he
keeping up with what you needed to do defensively and

offensively to stay at the top.

Speaker 6 (10:26):
I think the place Pete can add value the most
might not be in Seattle anymore. Like they've already told
him that, hey, we would like you to do less right,
And I think we just saw Bob Myers go over
to the commanders, like if you can bring in Pete
Carroll in a situation to say, hey, how do we
go about this process? How do we construct the team?

How do we align the general manager and the head coach.
I think Pete Carroll could do that somewhere else better
than he can in Seattle.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
Also, it should be stayed he was fantastically successful in
college as well. Is that a world he would like
to go back to, Although that's even kind of more
work with the recruiting and all that you mentioned the
other thing, Greg, except for the last Wilson year, also
doing it in the NFC West, There's been some juggernauts
in that division through the years, and to be able
to continually be in the mix, you know, it's gonna

another guy that's gonna be hard to replace.

Speaker 3 (11:21):
I totally agree, But I also think that was part
of the reason they were started to probably think about
this because McVeigh and Shanahan have owned this bocks offensively
for five years, so it's like, why are we going
to expect this to change?

Speaker 1 (11:36):
That's pretty tough though, because I get two best minds
in the sport.

Speaker 4 (11:40):
I get it.

Speaker 1 (11:41):
It's just that probably led to it that we're like stuck.

Speaker 6 (11:44):
In well third, there is another team in so far
that is currently looking for a head ouch.

Speaker 1 (11:49):
If oh, Pete.

Speaker 3 (11:50):
Would love it down here, I would hire him as
just like a guy to be around the team. Because
one thing, Mark Sanchez was really good talking about this,
But then I started listening to Seahawks players talk about
this too, like no one made you feel better and
gave you more confidence that you could do any that
you could be your best self, essentially than Pete Carroll

like he Sanchez and Gino's talked about this too. Makes
you feel like I'm gonna do it, like and you
want to play for him.

Speaker 4 (12:17):
And I think this is a.

Speaker 3 (12:20):
Bad news for Gino, their starting quarterback, and makes me
think it's more likely that they That was Gino's biggest
support everything. I think he really loved Gino. I think
that it went both ways. He believed in Gino in
a way that who knows if the next coach is
going to be, so there could be a lot of changes, all.

Speaker 1 (12:39):
Right, So Carol, there's a bombshell right there. Another bombshell
on Tuesday, when the Tennessee Titans fired Mike Vrabel, rap
sheet reported it, and then it was confirmed in a
statement from Amy Adams Strunk that Vrabel, the coach of
the Titans for the past six seasons, leading the team

to a fifty four and forty five record and two
playoff victories, including an AFC title Game appearance, is out.
And a lot of questions about why this happened, why
it wasn't a trade, why the Titans would disconnect from,
you know, one of the more successful coaches of the

past decade. And it's only fitting, gentlemen, if we're gonna
be talking a little titoons in a big spot, that
we bring in a Hall of Famer, Hall of Fame producer.
He's on Mount Rushmore. Do I need to say his name?
How about I just play the drop buddy. Justin Graver

joins us from Parts Unknown. Well it's actually his office,
and there it is my favorite, the rotating Titans helmet
that's going just a little too fast, what's up, buddy?

Speaker 7 (13:53):
Have you been I've been great, guys. How are y'all doing.
I'm over at Fox Sports producing the NFL on Fox
podcast nowadays, but I miss you guys every day.

Speaker 1 (14:02):
Wait, the NFL on Fox podcast. That's right.

Speaker 3 (14:06):
We didn't know your Yes, we thought you were just
doing baseball, all right, and it.

Speaker 1 (14:11):
Was nice having justin on the show until next time,
all right. Great for Tacre, that's great because you are
obviously wonderfully suited for anything evolving NFL coverage. You have
your Titans podcast which is called What the Music City Audible,
so make sure you check that out. And I am
sure you had an emergency episode to break this down.
What were your initial thoughts when the news went down

the vrabel was out. How surprised were you and what
do you think about the state of the organization in general?

Speaker 7 (14:40):
Yeah, I think it was a bit surprising. I would
give my I would put it at like a seven
out of ten surprise rating because there's been a lot
of smoke surrounding what verbel possibly being traded to the Patriots,
I think, dating back to him being inducted into the
Patriots Hall of Fame, we've seen a lot of reports
that the Patriots would want to go after him. Would
might Verbel want to force his way out? The Titans

don't want to move on from Mike Brabel, but would
he want to force his way out and move on himself?
And it seems like maybe some of that was overblown,
And we've heard a lot of about stuff about a
rift between Rabel and general manager Ran Carthon. Ran Carthon
dismissed all of that in his press conference yesterday's. Naturally,
rabele were on great terms, of course, right, what else
is he going to say? He's going to help Rabel

land the next job and not kick his buddy while
he's down. But I did find it very interesting that
it seems this all has come more from a rift
between he and ownership, between he and Amy Adams Strunk.
We have Nashville media members citing blow ups between Rabel
and ownership that are very interesting, and I think all
of this is more about what's happening behind the scenes

than anything Vrabel did on the field. And granted six
and eighteen in his last twenty four games, one in
five in the division this year. Those are things that
can get a head coach fired. But I think that
Mike Brabel proved himself to be a great coach to
always sort of play above the level of talent that
he was working with, especially the injury ravaged twenty twenty
one season. So for those reasons, it is a surprise

because we thought Rabel was a good coach for the Titans,
but Amy Adams Strunk cited a wanting an innovative, fresh
approach at the head coaching position, and there's been a
lot of talk that Rabel didn't align with the vision
of the future of this team. And I don't really
know what that means because ran Carson was asked multiple
times what is the vision, and he said, we'll tell
you when it's time to tell you, And Amy Adams

Strunk said, we're not going to define that vision right now,
but we do have one, and it all feels a
little bit messy for sure, But I do think, you know,
on the positive bias side, this could play out well
for the Titans. If you look at some of the
quicker rebuilds in the NFL over the last two years.
You know Sean McVay turning the Rams around quickly, Dan
Campbell in Detroit, Mike McDaniel in Miami. But then there's

a flip side the Brandon Staleys that you're really excited
to hire when it happens, and three years later everyone's
calling for his head. So I think this could go
okay or it could be a major disaster. And if
it proves to be a major disaster, I think you
have to point to ownership making a rash decision here.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
Yeah, I'm a little worried about Strunk here.

Speaker 3 (17:09):
You know, there was that whole season where Malarkey made
it to the playoffs. They said they were going to
keep him, and then they met. They they literally said,
we talked contract with him, and then they met, and
then they fired him. And then they gave Robinson and
Rabel an extension after twenty one, and then they fired
Robinson ten months later, which led to Carthon being thrown

in here. And I did wonder all season, like why
are these reports coming out? And sometimes it's hard not
to connect the dods. Rabel has more friends in the
media than any coach I feel like since Jeff Fisher,
and it felt like maybe that was coming from his side,
that maybe he wanted to get out, and from her
side of it, you can't look at it like he
seemed to have some issues with two gms, and that's

part of the job, is like.

Speaker 4 (17:55):
Being on the same page.

Speaker 3 (17:56):
And he clearly wasn't happy about the aj Brown trade
and that was the old GM and now the new GM.
So maybe maybe even though he is a good coach,
and I think he is a good coach, you'll get
a job, Like maybe it was time because it wasn't happening.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
There a lot of drama. Yeah, there's some of that.
And there's a connection here cestag between of Rabel and Belichick,
and Belichick is connected to Parcels. And I bring this
up because when Parcels left the Patriots, it was if
you want me to cook the dinner, you got to
let me shop for the groceries. I think Rabel feels
like at this point in time that he should be
the guy running the operation, and clearly Strunk was going

in a different different direction. The fact that you had
a GM and an arranged marriage that clearly they didn't
hit it off, and ownership seems decided with this GM,
who hasn't succeeded at all, hasn't had much of a
chance yet, whereas Brabel has. That's where I would get
a little noivous as a Titans fan about the decision making.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
Yeah, in Graver, I mean, I'll never forget the night
when we were in Las Vegas during the draft and
the bombshell came down as Greg mentioned that A. J.
Brown was traded and you immediately started to do a
live feed about the whole thing. But you you were
shell shocked by that move, and I think cresfallen and
that dates. That's to me, the origin of the offense

falling apart. They never found and to the point of
getting groceries and helping for Abel succeed. The offense has
been a disaster for two seasons. They aren't dynamic the
way that other teams are in the AFC. And it's
like he I feel like the frustration that he showed
that night and the frustration he's felt since that makes
sense that he's behind the scenes blowing up and.

Speaker 1 (19:30):
Not getting his way.

Speaker 2 (19:31):
And I think a parting makes is less surprising when
you start to put all those pieces together.

Speaker 1 (19:36):
Grave Degy, I just want to thank you again. You've
you always kept us young on our show. A very
zoomer move to go into a live stream during the
middle of art I'll never forget that.

Speaker 7 (19:45):
Yeah, well, just to you know, clarify what happened there,
Ricky started the live stream and shove the phone in
front of my face and said, talk checks out. Well,
but yes, that was a fun, fun night for Titans fans.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
No, it's crazy.

Speaker 7 (19:58):
You look at the Titans offenses that didn't have Aj
Brown under Mike Vrabel, they all finish twenty seventh best
or worse in terms of like scoring offense. So is
Aj Brown.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
That big of a piece of the puzzle.

Speaker 7 (20:09):
There is there some I think part of this whole
new direction that Amy Adam Struck wants to go. And
this vision is sort of to get away maybe from
the bullie ball style of football that Mike Vrabel preached,
and you know, we're gonna outphysical you as opposed to
out scheme you. Is maybe a little bit old school
mindset and looking at some of the most successful offensive
coordinators in today's scheme today's football, yeah, they're running schemes

from the late nineties, the Shanahan scheme, but they're doing
so in a way that sort of attacks their opponent's weaknesses.
And I always felt like the Titans under Mike Vrabel
shied away from that. It was more about we're gonna
play our style of ball, like we don't care that
the team we're playing against has a top ranked run
defense and a bottom ranked pass defense. We're going to
establish the run so we can run play action off
of it, and sort of ignoring the more new school

ideas of like you don't necessarily need to be successful
on the ground to have a strong play action game,
like you ate that action in the backfield. Linebackers are
going to flow downfield whether or not you've been gashing them.
And I think that's where some of this is going again,
not necessarily like him as a coach, as a developer,
as a person who can connect to players, because I
think he is all of those things, but when it
comes to being more innovative and fresh minded and not

trying to get a lead at halftime and then sit
on it, but put your foot on the throat of
your opponent, keep scoring points the way that the teams
like the forty nine ers and the Dolphins do when
they're having success. I think that's where this all sort
of stemmed from. Was did Verybole want more control. There's
conflicting reports that he did other people are saying that
he actually asked Amy Adams Strunk to hire someone a general,

a football like a football operations president type of person
that will be above him and ran karthon that they
would both answer to one person as opposed to answering
to the owner. So I don't know if he necessarily
did want more control. He might have and that, you know,
that could be a false report out there, But I
really think this is about Adam Strunk felt Mike Grabel
wasn't gonna win a Super Bowl. She wants something young

and innovative. She looks around the league and sees these
exciting offenses. The Titans haven't scored thirty points in a
football game since late in the twenty twenty one season.
They went over two full calendar years, and it's going
to be, you know, two and a half by the
time we get to September without scoring thirty points in
a game. So I think they just wanted a fresh
approach and it could end up being a mistake. You know,
if Mike Rabel goes to New England gets to draft

a quarterback at number three and has instant success, it's
going to look really bad on what the Titans have
done here. But on the other hand, if they get
their guy and they have success next year, you know,
with Will Levis and a lot of draft capital and
a lot of salary cap space this offseason. I think
that was another part of it. If the vision wasn't aligned,
if Mike Rabel wasn't on the same page, are you

going to let him have a big say and how
you're going to spend that cap space this offseason on
what you're gonna do with the seventh overall pick this year,
and then turn around if it doesn't work, fire him
next year, and you sort of waste this important offseason.
I think that all played a role in this.

Speaker 1 (23:01):
Justin Graver, you've said it all, by the way, ironic
that if you added a czar in there, you would
go from Vrabel saying I want to cook and I
want the ingredients. Then you have too many chefs. Potentially
you don't have too many cooks either, So a lot,
a lot of stuff to figure out with the Titans.
We know you got a lot to do over there
at Fox and uh, let's hit him with another grave digger.

Has he missed that job? I missed that man, And
you look healthy and happy and uh, you know we
miss you, Bud.

Speaker 7 (23:30):
Thanks, I miss you guys too. Great to see you.
Thanks for having me on.

Speaker 1 (23:33):
All right, good to see you.

Speaker 4 (23:34):
Love your Graver, see it up, Love you guys.

Speaker 1 (23:36):
Iconic Hall of Famer Patrick, your thoughts on the situation.

Speaker 6 (23:41):
Well, and the one thing that I really want to
try to figure out from not just Graver, but from
the Tennessee Titans, because the earlier in the week it was, well,
we're not going to do the end of the year
news conference until later this week, until after coach has
this conversation with ownership and management. It's like, oh, okay,
what's what's going on there? And I just wonder, is
there where the conversation ends and Mike Rabel is still

the head coach, Because if that's the case, then that
signals a major problem to me that you're just making
these decisions in the spur of the moment based on
a conversation right at the end.

Speaker 1 (24:12):
Of the flight.

Speaker 4 (24:13):
The malarkey thing too, which I know.

Speaker 6 (24:14):
Which is which sets up, but it's still a pattern,
right if you if you go from these coaching decision
and it's like if these higher fire decisions are coming
down to one conversation, then what are we really deciding?

Speaker 3 (24:28):
Right And there was also a report literally six weeks
ago that said Mike Rabel is going to be safe
in twenty twenty four and beyond that was from Diana
Rossini of The Athletic and that felt like it came
straight and beyond that, you know, something like that doesn't
come from like an assistant coach, that comes from the top.
And you can almost see you can connect the dots

because the Titans put it out there or we found
out from Diana on Monday as well that they didn't
want to do the trade potentially for Mike Rabel because
it could take a long time and they just didn't
want to get stuck in that process and they wanted
to get going with possibly hiring the new coaches.

Speaker 4 (25:08):
And then I watched this video.

Speaker 3 (25:10):
This is I'm not going to say it's like Kremlin like,
but it did remind me of a very strange situation.
It was a five minute video from the Titans with
Strunk and a reporter I guess from the team.

Speaker 1 (25:22):
Had a bit of a PBS like public television vive
to it.

Speaker 3 (25:25):
Actually, but I know and I'm not speaking for this one.
In particular, but I've heard of ones like this. Those
those she knows what questions is coming. That's basically like
a press conference without being a press compan She's going
to hit the button she wants to hit to get
the voice out there to the fans.

Speaker 4 (25:39):
Which is fine, that's her right. I don't think it's crazy.

Speaker 3 (25:41):
But one of the things she stressed in that one
was that exact same point that she didn't want to
go through the whole trade thing. She basically went through
everything Justin was saying there and.

Speaker 1 (25:52):
I don't want to go through the trade thing like
that that it would take bring value to it, It
would take too much.

Speaker 4 (25:57):
I don't think that to be fair.

Speaker 3 (25:59):
I don't think the trade would have happened anyways, because
like Mike Rabel has to go along with that and
it could be a big process. I don't know if
he's gonna They would drama. It just was all very all,
very interesting. This is not a team that people thought
of having great ownership with her father or was it
her father in law. I forget Bud Adams, but either

I think it's her father.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
It was a fun window. Though I liked that Titans team.
I like the window is kind of kind of ending
the Brady Pats era. Was it who had to pick six?
So Logan Ryan, Logan Ryan to getting to the AFC
title game like that. That team was kind of fun
to watch, even though they weren't the traditional type of

aired out attack. You had Derrek Henry as the lead
and Ryan Tannehill is a really good veteran quarterback. And
that window closed and now they're into the great without
Rabel as well.

Speaker 2 (26:53):
Yeah, changes were already coming to the roster, especially on offense,
but I can't really think of an AFC team that
is set for a bigger tone shift than the Titans
because they were very much Mike Rabels creation.

Speaker 4 (27:05):
Yes, and the players love him.

Speaker 3 (27:07):
They played hard like He's a tough one to figure
because I don't think he's ever shown he provides any
particular schematic advantage, Like the year he was a defensive
coordinator in the Texans, they were kind of a terrible
defense in one of the worst defensive league.

Speaker 4 (27:19):
Like even in Tennessee.

Speaker 3 (27:20):
Like the numbers didn't say it, and yet you can
see it on the field that they're greater than some
of their parts.

Speaker 4 (27:25):
They're tough, they they play hard.

Speaker 3 (27:26):
There I think that the moment they'll look back on
is that Bengals loss forty one seed AFC Championship.

Speaker 4 (27:32):
For the next year they follow it up with the
one seed.

Speaker 3 (27:34):
That game was very winnable and they just couldn't get
any pass protection and that essentially continued for the next
three seasons.

Speaker 1 (27:41):
That was that special Cincinnati season. All right, let's move
on more to get to some head coaches who are
safe but their assistant okmark no, Yes, some of the
coaches that are okay, but they are changes beneath them.
The bye, the Buyers, the Bears fire offensive coordinator Luke Getsy,

as well as four other offensive assistants. So there was
a I mean so much Claybahn of intrigue around the
Bears right now, palace intrigue. And the idea is Matt
Eberflu's going to get a third season. Well, it certainly
looks like he'll get year three, but they're gonna do
it with a whole new staff. Of course, remember defensive

coordinator Alan Williams resigned from his role earlier this season.
Very murky scenario there. So, while Rappaport reported that Iberflus
is likely to remain the team's defensive play caller. He's
expected to hire a true defensive coordinator, per source, and
this is all set against the backdrop of the biggest
quarterback decision in the history of the organization.

Speaker 6 (28:48):
Yeah, there's a lot of different places that the Bears
could go at this point, and I guess the Getsy
thing seemed like it was somewhat inevitable. Is the question
was was Eberflus going to join him? And now if
somebody else is coming in to bring over the defensive
play calling, and then somebody else is going to be,
of course calling the offense. It's one of those things
where we're watching league wide, it's, oh, you got to

get the play caller. The play caller has to be
the head coach. Otherwise, how are you going to get
this guys? How does that match with the idea that
we're going to have either a quarterback or this is
justin fields and in a must make it situation.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
I just don't think.

Speaker 6 (29:25):
It sounds great for the current head coach of the
Bears as of right now, considering the position he's in.

Speaker 2 (29:31):
Yeah, I think he's he's he goes into next year
because there's hope in Chicago that there's pressure on him,
and I guess like you when you go and look
around at the available play callers out there, it is
a bit of a like what are you telling that
oc Like behind the scenes, look at we're sticking with
Justin Fields and we need someone who can design an
offense around Justin Fields and make him special, or we

might be going and drafting Caleb Williams or Drake May
and we need someone to con flexibly go to line
offense around that because if you go and gets like
a Greg Roman type person to make Justin feels the
center of the universe, that guy can't go do.

Speaker 1 (30:07):
The thing you'd want if you had Kayleb Williams.

Speaker 2 (30:08):
So it's like it's a very intriguing selection on who
you pick here.

Speaker 3 (30:12):
You probably keep your cards so close to the vest
because you don't trust anyone yet even if you have
a feeling and they probably don't have a final answer,
although you would think Ryan Poles, in his heart of hearts,
kind of knows which way he's leaning. But yeah, I
think you pick a coordinator based on the expectation that
you're going to have a rookie. The thing that has

to be so frustrating for Bears fans is like, this
is the exact same setup that has failed them multiple
times before with this ownership in a row. So you
kept John Fox one extra year after he was absolutely
terrible three and thirteen, they draft Mitch Trubisky, You fire
John Fox. Then it's like a coach in Matt Maggie

that didn't have blah blah blah. You were thinking about
maybe firing Naggy with Trubisky, you keep them one extra year,
you draft justin Fields, it doesn't go that well, you
fire Matt Naggy, and then it's field starting over again
with a coach that didn't happen and the most likely
outcome here because Matt Eberflus hasn't shown to be a
huge difference maker. It is a good roster and maybe

they will win. But if they don't, Matt Eberfluss will
not be here next year, and it'll be a coach
who didn't draft. It's just like they're never synd up
and it's always the same thing.

Speaker 1 (31:29):
In other news, the Jaguars melted down down the stretch
of a regular season, missing out on the playoffs. Usually
when something like that happens, heads roll and I it's
not the head coach, it's the people right below. That's
what happened here. The Jaguars fired defensive coordinator Mike Caldwell
and multiple assistants on Monday. The team announced Doug Peterson

had said earlier Monday that he was still quote processing
the disappointment, disappointing end of the season. It was going
to take some time before making changes. Well he didn't
need much time. In addition to they also fired d
line coach brentston Buckner, passing game coordinator and cornerbacks coach
Deshea Townsend, insound linebackers coach Tony Gilbert, safety's coach Cody
grimm Grim, senior defensive assistant Bob Sutton, and defensive quality

control coaches Te Mitchell's and Sean Kalina. So they kind
of clean out a lot of the staff and not
a surprise.

Speaker 3 (32:23):
Not a surprise, but they had different options. It was
interesting listening to some of the local covered John Shipley
does a great Jaguars podcast that I've listened to, and
like they were like, are they going to change the
offensive coordinator because the offense got a lot worse and
was more disappointing, whereas this season the defense which is mediocre,
did improve from where it was a year ago? Or

could the GM Trent balk be in trouble Because I
think if you were like doing a blame pie, he
might have.

Speaker 4 (32:51):
The biggest one.

Speaker 3 (32:53):
But Doug Peterson's an offensive coach ultimately, and it's sort
of the cleanest, easiest thing to dis blame it on
the defense. And their defense certainly struggled in that Week
eighteen game, and it was kind of sloppy with mistackles
throughout the season.

Speaker 2 (33:06):
It was a total team implosion. It was on both
sides of the ball, but the defense certainly. I mean,
it's interesting as Doug Peterson, one of the reasons that
he ended up, you know, breaking up with the Eagles
was in that final offseason they asked him to do
this exact same thing, which was make major coaching changes,
and he showed extreme loyalty and wound up leaving the

Eagles for that reason. But in this case, you're right,
it's not his side of the ball, and there was
there was clear evidence the change needed to come.

Speaker 6 (33:35):
Yeah, especially well down the stretch they go through that run.
There's the Jake Browning game. The Bengals scored thirty four points,
and they lose to the new look Flacco Browns, which
everybody did. And they lose to the Ravens, which everybody did.
But that the twenty eight points against the Titans were
a few weeks ago. They blew out the Titans. It
was thirty four to fourteen. It just looked like a

functionally different situation. And like Christian kirk Hertz, but it
was tough to defend the Jack's defense, like the way
that they played the entire season. They made some key
turnovers in some spots, but you go back when you're
examining the schedule, it really just wasn't.

Speaker 1 (34:11):
A good defense.

Speaker 4 (34:12):
Offense seemed really poorly coach though, too, But that's you.

Speaker 3 (34:15):
What are you gonna do? You could switch coordinators, but
it's ultimately Peters. They just got to button that up.
All these interceptions where the receivers don't know where they are,
they can't get a short yardage play.

Speaker 4 (34:25):
They it stuck out more too to me, the offensive code.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
Think about that Chiefs loss where there were like multiple
drops in the end zone and it seemed to plague
them all year. And I mean, I think the whole
thing about Doug Peterson. It's Trevor Lawrence, and it like
he took a step back. I know he's banged up,
he played through a lot of injuries, but it's like,
there was this incredible promise that Trevor Lawrence was becoming
the top five quarterback and we saw a lot of
the old mistakes.

Speaker 1 (34:45):
Stop up the reel that popped up this week on
Twitter of near touchdowns from Trevor Lawrence. It's like, I mean,
we're talking what ten, yeah, twelve touchdowns that are plays
that could be or should be made. And you know,
that's why not be surprised if with some tweaks to
what they're doing and it has a healthy year that
he's a monster next year. I'm not. I'm not out

on Lawrence as a monster.

Speaker 6 (35:07):
Everybody's gonna overreact, like Dak has some picks at the
end of last season. It's like, oh God, it's it's
over for Duk, Like I think Trevor will be fine.
My question because for folks who didn't watch the game,
of course, if you look at the highlights, it's Trevor
Lawrence pulling the ball back on fourth and goal where
he almost had a chance to score, but on third
down they lined up with three guys in a row

and ran this like spin out pass that had no
hope and it's just like.

Speaker 1 (35:33):
What what was the what's the plan?

Speaker 2 (35:35):
But on that, on that one like failed sneak by Lawrence,
like they there was other tapes showing that linemen were,
you know, because he changed the call he changed into
that play call that it didn't go deep enough where
line were doing.

Speaker 3 (35:48):
It on his own right, he's done that before, but
doing it that was on him from.

Speaker 2 (35:52):
The and he took accountability for it too. And I'm
with you, Dan, like there's no reason to not believe
in him at this point.

Speaker 1 (35:56):
But it was just like.

Speaker 3 (36:00):
Luck, And this is true of all these firings, like
luck is an uncomfortable portion of why any of this happened.

Speaker 4 (36:06):
Just like that, you had some bad breaks.

Speaker 6 (36:08):
If I had to call and execute that third downplay,
I would have tried to yellow it myself too.

Speaker 1 (36:13):
Hell yeah, by the way, nice some nice melodrama. Speaking
of palace intrigue with the Giants defensive coordinator Wink Martindale.
And this bummed me out when I heard this right
before we started. They've mutually agreed to part ways, the
team announced Wednesday earlier today. The story was that and
the background was Brian Dabele, I believe, came out and

said early Monday, I expect Wink to be back. Then
they have a meeting that same day that they had
a conversation. And that's a nice way to call it,
Wink and Brian Dabele, And it ended with Martindale cursing

out his coach, and it was all about the Giant's
decision to move on and Dabele's decision to move on
from outside linebackers coach Drew Wilkins and defensive assistant Kevin
Wilkins both had come over with Wink from Baltimore, and
Drew was like Wink's right hand man, and the Post
reported that Dabel was adamant about getting rid of Drew

and by associal association, Kevin because there was quote a
feeling in the building that Martindale and Drew Wilkins were
creating their own fight them ffeed them one of my
favorite words within the coaching staff at times, bypassing Dable
and believing they had to answer only to each other
and ultimately ownership. So Dable like sniffs this out or

he perceives us, whether it's true or not and says
hell no, And it ends with Dabel cursing out Dable,
excuse me, Wink cursing out Dable storming out of the facility.
And then Mike Jeez were on the Insider Show on
NFL Plus today and he's saying the Giants are in
a weird spot because he just stormed off and went
to far and never technically resigned, and they also didn't

fire him, so they were kind of handcuffed.

Speaker 4 (38:08):
A look him three million dollars and.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
It was going to cause a problem for the Giants.
So my disappointment is that as a man who loves
mellow drama, but I can't talk right now that's all
over because they mutually agree, and Wink, you're upset that
it's been resolved. I like it's fun and I wanted
I want him more, the more dysfunction. But Wink's gonna
get a job somewhere. But also like the head coach
that hires him is like, damn, do I want these

Wilkins boys with me?

Speaker 2 (38:32):
Oh, It's it's so funny because like got reminded me
of that book Collision Low Crossers that we all read,
where a big part of the drama between the Jets
was that the offensive staff.

Speaker 1 (38:43):
Oh I drank. Every time Mark still brings up cli costs.

Speaker 2 (38:46):
I literally actually like had a long talk with Collision
Low Crossers with Pete Carroll way back in the day.

Speaker 1 (38:51):
I mean he and he drank, I'll have to say.
But anyways, like that.

Speaker 4 (38:54):
People should check it out. There are not enough to
check out what collision look around.

Speaker 1 (38:58):
Aren't enough books like this.

Speaker 5 (38:59):
I did order and I have that book on my
coffee table and it does mark Collision Low Crossing.

Speaker 1 (39:04):
Because Marcus referenced so much. I literally bought it two
weeks ago.

Speaker 2 (39:08):
There's more books like this, Greg because they the author,
they embedded someone with the Jets for like a year
plus and like you learn number one, everything that happens
to a football team the minute the off season starts,
and what the coaches do.

Speaker 1 (39:20):
But it got so soiled because.

Speaker 2 (39:22):
The offensive staff and you had Sanchez and things were
up and down obviously, and the defensive staff were they
weren't even speaking to each other and they were openly
at odds and I think, like bad teams, this is
what starts to happen. And it's like this year's Jets
and this Year's Giants, where you've got defunked quarterback play
and you've got a defense trying to hold down the
fort and wing Martin Dale's no, Wilton Flower.

Speaker 4 (39:42):
I love it.

Speaker 3 (39:43):
I'm with you, Dan. I'm sad this having other I
don't like dables move here. It just seems cowardly. Well,
you you have a press conference, you say Martin Dale's
gonna back. Obviously there's some issues here. Glazer reported on
it three weeks ago or whatever it was a month

ago that the two of them weren't getting along. You
say he's going to be back, then you fire his
two closest assistants without having a conversation with at a time.

Speaker 1 (40:15):
So that's odd.

Speaker 4 (40:17):
That to me is you're firing with Martindale because you
know what's gonna happen to just fire with.

Speaker 1 (40:24):
I heard this through my reporting. Wink went into the office,
He's like, where's Drew Joe? He did not keV Drew
and keV Wilkins boys, no, no answer. They were gone.

Speaker 3 (40:36):
And then yeah, Brian actually Bride Dabell goes in just
from the hallway.

Speaker 1 (40:41):
Big gone.

Speaker 2 (40:42):
Hey God, you're right though, Greg, Like it was a
roundabout move that like this was the Coach of the
Year a year ago.

Speaker 3 (40:48):
Well, and there are some reporting too, like the Kafka
is unhappy with how Dabel has minimized him. He's the
offensive coordinator. So then you do I like I like Dabel,
but there just seems.

Speaker 1 (40:58):
To be just like, wow is strong by the way,
Isn't that part of this? This stuff happens all the time,
doesn't it. We hear about this all the time, and
firing assistance that are connected to people. And then I
only have so many resigns. I only have so many principles.

Speaker 3 (41:11):
But I do feel like within the most important principle
is just be forthright in important matters with people around you.
So that just seems like you're you're kind of taking
the easy way out.

Speaker 6 (41:22):
Don't have a loud, passionate screaming match on national television
with somebody and then come out and be like, hey,
you know, everything's fine. You know, we hang out, we
have tea in the afternoon. Like no, like we had
a disagreement. We're not necessarily seeing eye on on on
a certain issue.

Speaker 1 (41:36):
But the market Patrick like he's trying to put that
out because anything you say is going to be sure.

Speaker 4 (41:45):
To not just like handle it with Martin Dale, you know,
person in person, are.

Speaker 1 (41:50):
They gonna Are they gonna get rid of the defensive
meeting rooms? Sure?

Speaker 6 (41:53):
It seems like Drue as a fiefdom, right because I
had to look it up. It's an area over which
someone exercizes control in the manner of a feudal lord.
So are we gonna say, like anytime the defense is meeting? Like, wait,
what are you guys talking about? I don't necessarily trust you.
Table's like, hey, wait, you want to have a conversation

real quick? He's like no, I'm actually just about to
grab jew and get so.

Speaker 1 (42:18):
Much it was like, nah, now you know you will
not be having lunch with Yeah, he won't be finding Drew.
You're just gonna find out the office, all right. And
finally in the news, all quiet in New England for
the time being. So Vrabel's out held, Carol's out, Carol
coach the Pats once upon a time. Putting that together, bo,

I'm just saying, that's that's history. But a couple of
days now, after Bill's end of season press conference and
him mentioning that he was under contract to the Patriots
and all the speculation connecting him to multiple teams, including
the Atlanta Falcons. No updates. I do have the atn

Media insider. I did get a quote from Bill. I
know this is going to be surprising, very surprising, because
you know what what Robert Kraft wants. Craft wants Bill
to quit and and then he he looks good and
then they start over. But Bill wants to He's putting

the heat on Craft to make the move. Uh, here's
what Bill told me exclusively, if you want to stop me,
you're gonna have to kill so emotional. So he's starting
to open up a little bit, and that's good. I
think that's good that Bill is being honest with the media,
just like Dable. We don't want to be cowardly. Yeah,

so cathartic. Yeah, was it easy to get him to
go on record one on one week? I got him
very drunk.

Speaker 4 (43:49):
You do you do wonder? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (43:50):
Is is Robert Kraft making Jonathan Kraft be the bad
guy here?

Speaker 4 (43:54):
They did?

Speaker 3 (43:55):
They did, by the way, not enjoy that Pete Carroll
experience the first time around. That was their welcome to
NFL ownership, was that it.

Speaker 1 (44:01):
Was like forty two e ons ago. Yeah, that Pete
Carroll is a different person.

Speaker 4 (44:04):
Carroll thing.

Speaker 3 (44:04):
I fully expect Bill Belichick to not be the head
coach of the Patriots in a week or whenever. It's
going to be Tom Curran, who I really trust more
than anyone there. Has said repeatedly, do you trust more
Tom Kerrn or your own father?

Speaker 1 (44:19):

Speaker 4 (44:20):
Quick, quite quick about the Patriot No?

Speaker 1 (44:21):
No, no, no answer my father.

Speaker 3 (44:25):
But I just he's been operating like they made this decision.
The decision is made, and it does make sense to
me that there would be some I think they want
to have it be as kumbaya as Siaks have with
Pete Carroll. Now I don't think that's it's not going
to be that cool, but I think they're trying to
to just manage it, and that change is coming, it's
just not hasn't come in the forty eight hours after.

Speaker 1 (44:47):
This and the and you look at Tennessee with Rabel
and they decided not to pursue the trade route. And
it does make sense when you kind of break it
down that obviously that Craft would love to turn this
into a trade, but Bill has no reason to make
it a trade. And if Bill puts it back on crime,
it's like I'm not agreeing to anything like that, You're

gonna have to fire me. You can't keep me, like
you if you if you don't trade me and you
don't fire me, then you got to keep me. And
meanwhile the Patriots are trying to start over, and it's like,
what is this gonna wrap up? Is the question?

Speaker 3 (45:22):
Tom also believes it. Bill wholeheartedly really with lot wants
to stay in New England. That is his like, he
loves it there, he's been there forever. He believes he
can turn it around, and so yeah, he's got to
go out kicking and screaming. He is not assuming that
this is a FATA company and you never know. Maybe
he could be persuasive, but I don't think so. I

also don't think any team is waiting around for Bill
Belichick or Mike Rabel for that matter, around these trades.
It's like Rabel was six and eighteen, like, yes, they
would give up something potentially, but it's not Mike Rabel
three years ago off winning the Coach of the Year,
And it's not Bill Belichick ten years ago or anything.

Speaker 1 (45:58):
Can you're saying and that's somebody who Weiser was the
same thing. I think Belichick is tremendous like, I think
he's gonna have a big market.

Speaker 4 (46:06):
I do too.

Speaker 3 (46:07):
I just don't think teams are gonna wait around to
send like a valuable draft pick for him. And if
it's their wady around to get like a fifth round pick,
It's like, what are we doing?

Speaker 1 (46:18):
It'd be embarrassing to be trade rounded for a fifth round.

Speaker 3 (46:20):
I'm just saying like, I don't think anyone's giving up
a first for Bill right now.

Speaker 4 (46:24):
We're like going through the hassle of it.

Speaker 1 (46:25):
And who do you call? Like, how do you make
a trade for Bill Belichick? I guess the other Bill
you have to.

Speaker 2 (46:33):
Well, true, yeah, you've called got a circle circle around
Bill Belichick.

Speaker 1 (46:37):
But crafts, Yeah, that's yeah, you're gonna have to kill me.
That's interesting. All right, that's what's happening in the news.
Eric circling back to the Claybon theme song.

Speaker 5 (46:48):
Yes, any Claybond theme songs or anybody theme songs for
that matter. We got that Mark Sessler one just got
dropped in our lap. Didn't really ask word.

Speaker 1 (46:55):
It's a banger. The ATM podcast at Gmail. You have that,
you have that if you're gonna mention it, will play
it just to give you an idea of the creativity
that we expect. If you're going to if you're gonna submit,
don't waste our time. I want actual musicians. I want
real production values, because anything less than that is a
slap in the face of Patrick Clayban, which is fine,

like you could and we're not gonna go the dable
route with with Drew, where we want to treat the
man with the respect he deserves.

Speaker 6 (47:25):
You know.

Speaker 1 (47:25):
So the themes that we've had for Colleen and who
else has base Wish has a ton by the way,
Whish before we did here's the Mark theme by the way,
and Bar Curtis sent everybody can't get enough? Can't you

just picture Mark in a club in Berlin with Pierre Nipples,
just dancing every one of those all aspects of that story.

Speaker 6 (47:55):
I could see him at the DJ table spinning this
track like with the crowd going rolling out of his mind.

Speaker 4 (48:01):
Now I'm going to the dance for the Pierce nipples.

Speaker 3 (48:04):
Paisley open shirt not not a like a button down
but not no buttons, just nobody's touching.

Speaker 1 (48:11):
A lot of slow motion. Here's so anyway, before the
wife submissions came in, we we actually spoke with wises
like what do you want? And he talked about his
wife uh D's background Jamaican background, I believe it is,
and we get like kind of something with a little
dancey calypso vibe Caribbean, like what what would a clayband song? Oh,

are you gonna hate my answer?

Speaker 6 (48:34):
No, because if somebody's taking the time to make make
a track about me, just just feel it whatever I
have never said that means something to you or any no.

Speaker 4 (48:43):
Boundaries, just just make you don't need a particular style.

Speaker 1 (48:46):
I'm not going to put anybody in a box. So
you're saying, lyrically, go wherever you want. But musically, is
there a genre that perhaps you would I would prefer
I would prefer control over the lyrics more than the music.
We can't offer you that we can't off you that
we can't let you shop for the groceries. Okay, someone's
shopping for the groceries and making the meal here. Yeah,
but you'll have multiple to pick from it, because no,

I didn't. I got one. But that's fine. I really
enjoyed it. I mean that's one out of one. Yeah,
if you.

Speaker 6 (49:14):
Want to, if you want a rolling sweaty glowstick track
like marks like that's fine or you could.

Speaker 1 (49:19):
Doesn't feel right though, I don't know what it is,
like Patrick, there's something. Uh, people are gonna get the essence.
They're gonna you know, you know, I don't want to
they know they know him through the I was gonna
offer my opinion on it, but I'm just gonna let
the people feel it out. Yeah, well, musical people have
patrick beautiful face. Just stare at it and what does

it bring to you? Like and creatively? How does that
get the juices flowing? It could be a sultry song.
We don't try to control yourself. Look at it PA's photo.

Speaker 4 (49:49):
I don't know if Patrick is like a huge music guy.

Speaker 3 (49:53):
Yeah, but he's the other people making the song, That's
what I'm saying. That informs why he doesn't need a
specific genre.

Speaker 6 (49:59):
He I also don't know enough to like because musical
genres kind of getting the weeds a little bit.

Speaker 3 (50:06):
I just remember having a conversation with you one yeah,
with about me and You're like, I don't know that
much about music, and I was like, Okay, that's interesting.

Speaker 1 (50:13):
What about something with a bit of like a hoopa
stank vibe, like more of the reason or crawling like
dark the reason whoa. Okay, you're trying to project onto
him what he had to share it for some reason,
like the reason I'm the reason I'm more crawling in
the dark than I am the rest. Okay, there you go.
There's just one direction you can go. And I mentioned

looking at the pictures of Patrick. Be respectful, that's all. Yeah,
it's hard. Be respectful. All right, let's take a break.
Oh did we do we say the name of the email? Yeah,
that's the ATN podcast at gmail dot com. Send him in,
don't disappoint us. We believe in you, and uh we
will send you a signed autograph photo of Mark Sessler

in the Levi jacket. Uh for the anyone that submits
a song that we use on the show. How about that?
That means we got to send Mark back for another
photo engagement.

Speaker 2 (51:06):
No, no, I'll take it out in the wild and
I'll take it. I'm not taking in the corporate office.

Speaker 1 (51:12):
Yes, we're gonna get you. Yes, it's gonna be like
one of those yearbook photos where they take you outside
and put you up against the oak church. That photographer
was brought here for that window of time. She does not.
She's not just downstairs. She's part of the photo team. Bud,
you gotta plug in on this office. No, they we
outsource that team. Plug in into the office. We're gonna

have you come in on an off day too, get
your makeup done. I will literally drive to Canada before
any of that happens. Let's take a break and we'll
be right back. Bloody dumdeed dumb Awards season has calm everyone. Awards.

Why the can't we have them too? So vustly it
is time for the Aten Awards not to be confused
with the Avian Awards. Certainly not. I mean one's more
fun than the other. Yeah, and it's not this one

all right now? You see it everywhere. I weirdly, we've
never done this, and that's kind of something we had
to rectify. We have never gotcha. That one got a
Joe Koi over here. Pat's been too many an A
Vien Awards, that's why he's co hosted them. You had
a memorable pattern with a Brianna Banks back in O two.

I remember, Yeah, who can forget? All? Right? Now, let's
get into it. It is time to share our picks
and what we did we did is a collective a
voting system that mirrors what the Associate depressed us with
the MVP Award, which is a voting that breaks it down.

You get five votes and a first place vote is
ten points. Second place vote is what five points? Was it? Yeah?
And three to two one? And for the NFL the
official awards which are announced at the honors and all
that stuff. That is just for the MVP, but we
did it for the other major awards as well, So
let's go through them all. And we had a nice

voting body this year. It was the three of us.
Claybond was with us as well, Nick Shook, who's another
member of the ATN Hall of Fame, the Sunday Night Man,
and beyond the Pipe you have Colleen Wolfe also turned
in her ballot. Also behind the Glass, Big Funk and

Eric Roberts.

Speaker 3 (53:52):
Wow, that is streets are talking like, should the producers
combine to have one producer vote?

Speaker 1 (53:59):
You know?

Speaker 3 (53:59):
Have they they earned a totally separate, separate and equal vote.
I would have just bullied Randy into taking my votes.

Speaker 1 (54:07):
Okay, okay, I know you're gonna stand up for yourself,
and honest they deserve it. But of course we do, okay,
But if it would have been one vote, I just
would have tooken the vote. That's fine, okay, I got
developing news.

Speaker 3 (54:19):
By the way, I'm glad we learned more about your
dynamics between the two of you.

Speaker 4 (54:22):
That was fascinating.

Speaker 1 (54:25):
On ha ha. My mom has made a statement on
the changing of the guard in Seattle. Oh okay, mom
says forward statement, but incredibly powerful. Football just got uglier. Wow,

this crush has been decades decades old, right it started
in the Pete was one and done with the Jets. Yeah,
in ninety four, so thirty years. And yeah, she's been
married almost fifteen five fifty years.

Speaker 3 (55:08):
A fair amount of Maybe that was a sneaky key
to his college success, you know, going in those I
don't know how sneaky recruiting and pressing the moms. Okay, unbelievable.
That's salt and pepper hair will take you far. All right,
let's get to it now, MVP. And it isn't wait.

My dad also has now replied to his statements. I
put Keith and Deb on the thread. Any phone call
home is also they're always both on the phone.

Speaker 1 (55:38):
Oh absolutely, same with my parents always together Keith has
chimed in directly after my mom, another jet coach that failed.
Hey man, it's a little competition there, sounds like to me,
he doesn't seem too concerned. No, all right, let's get

to it, MVP. It is a runaway. My only concern
with this, and I shared this with producer Eric, was
that we're gonna be a little too chalky as a
group to what everyone else is gonna say. But you know,
we can do it right way.

Speaker 4 (56:13):
We can get into how we disagree if we want.

Speaker 1 (56:15):
Sure of it. I hope we disagree, because that makes
for good podcasting, all right. The MVP of the league
in a landslide, Lamar Jackson, who got first place votes
from everyone except for Shookie Nick Schook, gave his first

place vote to Christian McCaffrey. Lamar got seventy five what
do they call points? I don't even know how they
do it votes. Seems like a point points whatever, you
can call him whatever you want. Second place a little
bit of surprise, I thought, but narrowly edging out Dak.
Christian McCaffrey got twenty seven points, Dak twenty six, fourth
place Rock Purty and then fifth place Tyreek Hill so

pretty it's sixteen points Tyreek, Cattleven and Mark. I really
do think I think I think Party might do or
I'm almost certain Party will do better in the AP voting.
But I think it just goes to show you there
was that lingering idea of where Purdy's talents stack up
to everything else that's going on around him. But also

I think that stage on Christmas Night flopping essentially and
his change.

Speaker 2 (57:26):
Yeah, I went Lamar number one and Party number two.
Colleen also had Party number two. I think it was
like a really unique year for MVP, where like they
all seem to square off and duel against each other
down the stretch. And I think that you know, Lamar
passed every test, he passed every test and did stump
he you know's there was no real second place to me.

Speaker 3 (57:46):
Well, also, there's another forty nine er that outvoted you know,
Party in this voting, And I think that that's part
of it is that reasonable minds can look at that
team and think McCaffrey is the most important guy on it,
especially this year, and I think reasonable minds could go
purty one.

Speaker 4 (58:03):
My big takeaway from.

Speaker 3 (58:04):
Doing all these awards is there are no awards, maybe
the exception of Offensive Rookie of the Year, but we
could even get into that with the season Pooka had
that that seemed like there's bad choices, Like I don't
think Dak or Purty are bad choices here, Like it's
not it's completely reasonable to vote for them first over Laura,
I voted Lamar first, CMC second, So I ended up

chalk with what we ended up with.

Speaker 4 (58:28):
But like even Josh Allen's like not that crazy.

Speaker 3 (58:30):
He ended up six then ours like I wouldn't be
surprised if he gets in the top five in the
In the final voting.

Speaker 1 (58:35):
I had Dak. I gave him my second place vote
and Party my third place vote. But I could have
easily went the other way on that, but it was
a very clear Luay Lamar closed that he deserved it,
and the Ravens are sitting on a buy right now
as a result, in large part because of Jackson's incredible.

Speaker 3 (58:53):
You didn't mention the votes at the very end Stafford.
I gave Stafford a fourth place vote.

Speaker 1 (58:58):
I like that. Somebody like it's usual a local beat
guy and yeah, we're in Los Angeles.

Speaker 4 (59:02):
I like Miles Garrett got a fourth place vote. I
don't know who that was.

Speaker 3 (59:07):
And TJ Star got a fifth place vote. And then,
in a total stunner, Colleen voted your mom.

Speaker 1 (59:14):
Yeah, she got whose mom is? She pointed to your mom.
I guess it's just it applies to anyone, anyone, and
you know what, moms don't get enough credit. So I
think that was a great one.

Speaker 2 (59:28):
That's a great voter. She's sort of quietly voted for
millions of people. Yeah, that was at least probably more
than millions.

Speaker 3 (59:37):
Eric not only voted Josh Allen third, which I think
is very reasonable, he made Randy put him on the
ballot too, so that was where those votes came from.

Speaker 1 (59:44):
Twisted his arm violently. All right, let's move to offense,
Jordan love Guys, it's like a fifth place Offensive Player
of the Year now, this one it made me think, if, if,
how did the voters do with this, because hypothetically, if
you vote, you know, quarterbacks and the MVP rankings, do

you just eliminate them from this entirely or do you
put them? But I did. I took them out.

Speaker 2 (01:00:10):
I had the same questions like, why wouldn't I take
like the second best quarterback that I voted for an
MVP and just make them offensive play of the Year,
but I went zero quarterback strategy.

Speaker 4 (01:00:20):
Sometimes quarterbacks have won both.

Speaker 3 (01:00:22):
I remember Peyton Manning did it, for instance, and that's
why I've always been annoyed by this award.

Speaker 4 (01:00:28):
That then your two nebula and if.

Speaker 3 (01:00:30):
You vote, well, it's also like if you voted them second,
then I'll vote for the quarterback first. I'd say it's
most valuable non quarterback.

Speaker 1 (01:00:38):
All right. With that said, here is the Offensive Player
of the Year, and it's deserved. It is the running
back of the forty nine ers. Christian McCaffrey was sixty
five votes. If you're watching it on YouTube, we got
some really nice graphics. Was that big funk on the graphics? No,

that was me, guys. Not only it was funk, but
Roberts twisted taking votes from funking now taking credit to
CMC got first place votes from let's see everybody except
for Claybon who went with Tyreek Hill, and I gave
CD Lamb some love. You know, I'm in a love

affair with CD right now. But it was CMC finishing first,
Tyreek Hill distant second thirty eight points, CD third twenty
eight points, Josh Allen fifteen points, Dac with six points,
which tells you, yeah, the quarterbacks are kind of floating
in another world. Why Tyreek over CMC Patrick.

Speaker 6 (01:01:43):
I was just looking at who stood out the most
among their peers, and I don't think you could say
anybody came even close to what Tyrek did as a
wide receiver this year and especially those past cuple when
Tyreek was not one and he was still dominating in
many aspects of the game, like he hobbles back on
the field to make a game winning play.

Speaker 1 (01:02:02):
Uh. That just that just kind of sent me over
the edge.

Speaker 6 (01:02:05):
Not necessarily that, and I knew Christian was going to
get some votes and maybe there was some vote chachinery.
Uh with leaving Christian off of my Offensive Player of
the Year.

Speaker 4 (01:02:12):
It took them off entirely. Wow, it didn't. It didn't help.

Speaker 1 (01:02:15):
It did not ultimately matter. And that's a strategy though.

Speaker 6 (01:02:19):
Yeah, it's it's one of you know, weird people do
it all the time and never acknowledge it. I will
acknowledge it as trash. But I tried and I failed.

Speaker 1 (01:02:26):
Oh that's interesting. Does that actually happen? Oh? Yes, yeah,
especially ridiculous all right, let's move to unless anybody knows
something out there.

Speaker 3 (01:02:38):
I like that we both me and you gave Kira
and Williams some love as a fourth place pop.

Speaker 1 (01:02:42):
What what a year? What a difference maker for that
offense in Los Angeles? All right, Defensive player of the year.
And now this is a wide open year because I
thought Miles Garrett obviously was a leader early on, and
then he gets banged up and production the production dip,
so that opened the door? Could anyone walk in that door?

Here is the winner with sixty eight votes. I don't
like same points for some reason, it doesn't have the
same votes.

Speaker 4 (01:03:10):
Make sense.

Speaker 1 (01:03:11):
Rave toss sixty eight votes. Miles Garrett wins it. Mark
congratulations TJ. Watt, even though he picked up a couple
of sacks there before going down with the injury. In
Week seventeen thirty eight thirty eight votes. Maker Parsons thirty

three votes. Max Crosby got seven who I forgot about Max? Sorry?
But and Doron Bland with seven, who had all those
pick sixes. You know that happens too, it does. I
mentioned I missed the I missed Zay Flowers too.

Speaker 2 (01:03:48):
Eric knows that I was working on this toiling right
up to the final minutes, and there were were there edits.

Speaker 1 (01:03:53):
I don't. I don't know how much he wants me
to pull out what happened, how many edits, what it called.

Speaker 2 (01:04:00):
I didn't understand the assignment out of the gate in
terms of going five deep with everyone.

Speaker 1 (01:04:05):
So he gave me the winner, and then he gave
me the top three, and then he gave me the
top five. It was like a reveal.

Speaker 2 (01:04:13):
Yeah, but yeah, I wanted to make it at an
element of showmanship. Brahma to it and they see it.

Speaker 1 (01:04:18):
That's an next level showmanship when it's just you and
the producer, privor he wasn't asking for that. How did
Colleen do with the assignment?

Speaker 5 (01:04:24):
By the way, great want Yeah, one email and an
extra your mom in there.

Speaker 1 (01:04:29):
So she was let's see the way this broke down.
Miles got first place votes from Sestog, Connie Shook, Claybahn, Randy,
and Eric. I gave Greg. You gave him a second
place vote, and I gave him a third place vote.

Speaker 3 (01:04:47):
You went TJ Wyt, I went Michael Parsons again. I
don't I think those three are all really strong. I
tend to think Miles Garrett will win, but wouldn't I
think TJ. Watt as a as a real chance.

Speaker 1 (01:05:01):
I think it will be closer. Yeah, I think it'll
be closer than they actually know because they don't do
the MVP style voting for anything other than MVP, so
this is just one pick and doe.

Speaker 3 (01:05:10):
But even then it could. I believe when TJ won
it before, I could be wrong. That was one of
those years, like he had less than twenty votes, but
he had the most votes, and something similar could happen.
Parsons passes just my I think he's the best, and
then there is some good numbers for it, like he
does have way more pressures than anyone in the league.

His pass rush win rate is significantly better than anyone.
Miles Garrett is a strong number two there, and then
it's a pretty big drop to number three. Parsons faces
the most amount of double teams in the league. He's
beaten double teams the most, and so just trying, I
think TJ. Watt would be a good vote. I think Garrett,
who was my second place, would be a great vote too.
But just like pulling them apart. Once I saw those

sort of news things, I was like that was enough
for me to just back what my gut tells me.

Speaker 1 (01:05:57):
Which is, by the way, why I threw Aaron Donald
a vote, because his pop the hood metrics are all
still dominant. He's always commanding all those double and triple
teams and still uh you know he sat he was
setting the table for your boy young Kobe this season.
You think he's been better than Miles Garrett this season.

Speaker 4 (01:06:15):
He voted the bottom of the part place, but I
gave him a vote.

Speaker 1 (01:06:19):
Okay, I had Garrett third. I think I think they
really any of those three.

Speaker 2 (01:06:23):
It does come down I think also just like the
experience of watching football and the player itself, because it's
like I completely hear your argument for for Michael and
also for TJ. But if I think like Garrett has
been at a defensive player of the year level throughout
his throughout the last couple of seasons, and this was
just a little bit more of a special performance on
a special defense.

Speaker 3 (01:06:42):
I like, I do actually like rewarding him like it
was one reason why I had him second versus third
versus It's like what's already won one. I do think
that's okay to take into account, Like James Harrison won one,
and he was very deserving a couple of times, and
I and he kind of won it. It was like
Pacino winning for Sense of a Woman order. He won

it in the year that I didn't think he should
have won it, but I was like, it was good
that he won it.

Speaker 4 (01:07:06):
I thought it was good. So I think that's okay
for Miles Garrett.

Speaker 1 (01:07:10):
Well, in terms of my ethics, I give it to
the best man. Yeah, outright.

Speaker 6 (01:07:14):
It's kind of like a makeup call in with Jenson's
you have two bat calls instead of one.

Speaker 4 (01:07:18):
Yeah, but if they're all like if you're just like
breaking ties or whatever.

Speaker 1 (01:07:21):
You were talking about your personal level of integrity when
it comes to being forthright with people. Earlier, I wrote
that down for myself. By the way, I want to
tell you best man for the job. That's my credo.
That's where I stand. Mark your next Later in the show,
I believe Myles Garrett was the best player. No, I

want something more like a personal stance. Yeah, on integrity,
that trying to cook one up.

Speaker 3 (01:07:47):
I'm saying with big life decisions like firing a man, Yes,
I was saying that an important decision.

Speaker 1 (01:07:53):
I'm not questioning with you. Let's go. I'm just saying
I was sharing. Yeah, some ethics, best man, we've all
we're all the better for it. Dan, all right, let's
move to where are we at now? Offensive Rookie of
the Year. This one was surprising. Hit it hit the
uh what is that called again? It's a drum roll? Now,
It's timpany, That's what it is. It's the timpany Timpani.

By the way, someone sorry, somebody on Twitter gave me
something really something to chew on that. I loved it. Oh,
here it is from Hugh Robertson. People were wondering, those
people being me, what do you call it when you're
strumming the harp? I would say strumming, But that's what

I thought too well. Hugh Robertson tells us that this
Hugh Robertson tells us that flourish on the harp, leading
into new horizons money is called a glissando. That's a word,
a cascade of notes rippling into each other, not unlike

the woe is currently befallowing the Philadelphia Eagles. What a
beautiful tweet, heed the call, great tweet. Let me hear
that again. This year a Glissando. That was multiple. That
was Glissando, Glissandos. When there's two, it's Glissandos. All right,

now give me the timpany because it's time to announce
the offensive Rookie the Year. This one was closer than
I thought it was going to be. But with sixty
five votes, you know it's the quarterback of the Houston Texans.
He's getting ready to knock out Marks Brown. CJ. Stroud
the Offensive Rookie of the Year for Around the NFL,

just narrowly edging out Puka Nakua by ten votes, sixty
five to fifty five. First place votes for CJ from Zuzzar, Greg, Mark,
Colleen and Shook, second plays votes from claybon Funk and
Eric first plays votes to Puka For those last three names, Mark,

it's Stroud, though Stroud wins it. Yeah, I got a
landslide for us. It was Pukah has been incredible. He
broke a record dating back to nineteen sixty and from
wire to wire he was a fascination. I mean, for me,
it's a degree of difficulty, like c J.

Speaker 2 (01:10:23):
Stroud coming in and right away doing things that you'd
expect a quarterback to do in year three and four
and looking like a potential, like I thought at times
a possible MVP CABET candidate, and like Shook gave him
an MVP vote, and it's like Stroud has completely changed
the organization. And I just think I gave that a

little bit more value than wide receiver.

Speaker 3 (01:10:46):
I Yeah, I struggle with that because I would want
to give it to a receiver if he was that
exceptional as a receiver, he has a case to be made.
Maybe not All Pro because the only but second team
All Pro the top four wide receivers in the league.

Speaker 1 (01:11:02):
But Stroud, to me, was a top six quarterback in
the league.

Speaker 3 (01:11:06):
So like, if Stroud wasn't this exceptional, then I would
have gone Puka. Like you look at some of the
previous winners, Pooka would have won it over Garrett Wilson,
Jamar Chase is close, Herbert would have been close.

Speaker 4 (01:11:19):

Speaker 3 (01:11:20):
I would have said he would have won it over
Saquon Camara, maybe not Dak. That was an incredible rookie year,
Like it had to be a really special rookie year
to beat up Pooka, But I think Stroud had that year.

Speaker 1 (01:11:30):
Yeah, I think you're right. This is one of those
you look back and wow, quarterback who hit the ground
running as a star, and then you can understand why
people are tossing drinks in Charlotte because you had a
chance and passed on that man. By the way, I
threw Bijon a vote, and I was surprised to see that.
You know what, Greg, you had mentioned that. I think
he finished over fourteen hundred total yards and it was

a lot of incompetence around him.

Speaker 4 (01:11:52):
You had a fifth place vote.

Speaker 1 (01:11:53):
Yeah, in the play calling, and I just almost a
nod of appreciation that I still see you as a
potential super stars, So thank you for doing your best
and trying circumstances.

Speaker 4 (01:12:03):
At the bottom of the list was more mixed up.

Speaker 3 (01:12:05):
Sam Laporto was a strong third, and yeah, he would
have been a good candidate in a lot of years.
Jayden Reid and Jamiir Gibbs were tied for fifth.

Speaker 4 (01:12:15):
Tank. I assume that's not Tank Bigsby.

Speaker 3 (01:12:17):
I don't think so. That's Del Tank Del. Yes, I
don't know why I had Tanks Biggs beyond their brain.
Jordan Addison gets a little vote, eight, Chen gets a vote.
Z Flowers gets four.

Speaker 1 (01:12:27):
There we go, all right, let's move to this Defensive
Rookie of the Year. This one I struggled with, but
here we go, Defensive Rookie of the Year. The winner
is just like the Jets last year, the Texans sweep

the category. Will Anderson, the defensive end winsor was sixty
three votes. We have Jalen Carter, the Eagles defensive tackle,
thirty eight votes, and then Witherspoon of Seattle gets twenty five.
That's the top three. Young Kobe just misses out on
a medal twenty four points twenty four votes. Excuse me,

I struggled with this one. Guys. For instance, I gave
Will Anderson a third place vote, and Greg, I say,
you gave him a second place vote, and then everyone
else gave him first place vote except for excuse me, Shook,
who gave his second place vote as well. Mark, what
was your thinking on this one?

Speaker 2 (01:13:33):
I think Will Anderson is the kind of player that
helped the Texans in every aspect of what his position is.
He was good against the run, he's a good pass rusher.
He hit the ground running looking like the guy from
the start. And for me, I thought Jalen Carter and
the whole Eagles experience probably tinge my thinking there a
little bit.

Speaker 1 (01:13:53):
But I think the Houston Texans best draft class around.

Speaker 6 (01:13:57):
If there was a more cohesive and consistent defensive not
just planned but effort from Philadelphia might have changed things.
But to watch Will Anderson playing hurt towards the end
of the year and like still impact the games, whereas
the Eagles defenses.

Speaker 1 (01:14:10):
Yeah, I see. I was the only one that gave
Carter first place vote because I was kind of looking
at some of the production and then the analytics.

Speaker 4 (01:14:19):
And his past fresh win rate and everything like that.

Speaker 1 (01:14:21):
His ranking is not amongst rookies. He is already one
of the very best defensive tackles in the league in
terms of all the generating pressure and just being a
cog in the middle of that defense. He's already a star.
And I think I didn't want to penalize him because
the rest of the defense has completely fallen off of.

Speaker 3 (01:14:39):
Yeah, I thought those three players and I would put
Kobe Turner in there were so close that I actually,
you know, I put some I tried to figure out
there is almost nothing separating these three guys. You could
make different arguments. I think for all of them. I
think I voted Kobe Turner first. The producers didn't give

me in a fifth place vote. Once again, I just
wonder about handing them this much.

Speaker 1 (01:15:06):
Oh that's why he was.

Speaker 4 (01:15:07):
I mean, I didn't know.

Speaker 3 (01:15:09):
I even Pace gets third place and we we can't
get Kobe Turner. And uh, Kobe Turner plays interior defensive line,
so he only had eight or nine less pressures than
Will Anderson. He was in the top ten of all
defensive tackles in terms of interior pressures. Now, Jalen Carter
actually was like slightly ahead of him even too, And

I thought, okay, is Aaron Donald setting him up? And
then you think, like, has Aaron Donald ever have a
defensive tackle literally, have any stats next to him? No,
So that didn't seem like it's a really strong argument.
There wasn't much separating all these guys. They all were
very good in terms of their past rush win we
Will Anderson was probably the best run stopper.

Speaker 4 (01:15:48):
But I gave it to.

Speaker 3 (01:15:49):
Turner, give him a little extra love. Clayon didn't give
him anything either. Yeah, Yahdabi gets a fourth Why.

Speaker 4 (01:15:58):
I thought, No, I like that one.

Speaker 1 (01:16:00):
I like that. That's fine. That Yeah, Yeah, disappointed Greg Yeah,
it's Jevin Witherspoon that Greg hates. No.

Speaker 4 (01:16:05):
I put him fifth.

Speaker 1 (01:16:06):
He came, well, it's Brian Branch.

Speaker 4 (01:16:08):
I put Branch okay, So then leave me alone.

Speaker 1 (01:16:12):
All right. Finally we gotta let's bring this thing in
for a landing. The Coach of the Year. It's the
Coach of the Year. Very competitive this season. Demiko Demiko
Ryans wins it surprising do we have the voting grid

on that one? With sixty eight votes? Stefanski, who is
my first place pick, comes in a kind of a
deep second. Only you and I voted Stefanski first, and
then Kyle Shanahan gets twelve points, Shane Steike in eleven,
Dan Campbell's seven. That's the top five. Okay, Clay Bound,

who did you have first? I had Tomko first?

Speaker 6 (01:16:56):
Tell us and we don't have to go back too
far where there's like a Prosperity Gospels slash comedian guy
like surreptitiously recording meetings in Houston. They fire back to
back coaches. There's all sorts of stuff happening, and then
Demiko comes in. They have a candidate for Offensive Rookie
of the Year, Defensive Rookie of the year, they're in
the playoffs in a division that we did not think
the Texans would win.

Speaker 1 (01:17:17):
I think considering all of that, Dimiko was the coach
of the Year.

Speaker 2 (01:17:21):
I really struggle with this one because it's my second one.
I think he fits, he checks every box. I think
the thing about Stefanski that outweighed everything else for me
was if you knew any team going into the year
would have five quarterbacks. It's an obvious argument, but like,
to survive all that and like, really have bad quarterback

play through eighty five percent of the season and stay
afloat that's good coaching. Like, and I think that he
also is someone his demeanor after so many years of
wreckage in Cleveland, Like he's just got this calm, cool
demeanor and he's now won it twice and he's been
the same guy the entire time.

Speaker 4 (01:17:58):
Well, we'll see if he wins. This makes me think
maybe Tamiko ryans.

Speaker 1 (01:18:01):
Well, if he's wanted here, it's a dope. Yeah. Uh,
that was why we went over over unders the other
day there. The Watson thing was so overpowering that I
thought that got in the way of like looking at
the roster and that there was talent on both sides
of the ball, and they got the coaching. The defensive

coordinator was looked like an upgrade, and but what ended
up happening was you lose Watson even even though he
wasn't playing at a high level. You lose Chubb and
for them to somehow not only the offensive line, the line,
you know, for them not only to survive. It's it's
not like they snuck into the playoff at nine and eight.

They had eleven wins going into the last week of
the season and then rested their starters. And I just
think Stefanski deserves so much credit for that. And you know,
with the Flacco magic, like Flacco deserves obviously the most credit,
but Flacco was for the Jets and anyone else the
last five years a very hit or miss proposition, usually
a miss. And now he's playing like an All Pro

and Stefanski is an offensive dude, and I just I
think he does. I think this is his award. I'd
be very surprised if Demiko actually gets it.

Speaker 3 (01:19:12):
I think Tomiko has a chance just because you know,
they won six games in the last two years and
that's that's a big deal. Yeah, And I think it
goes into what a what are you rewarding for the
whole job of coaching. I think Stefanski did that exceptionally
as well, because you're not judging him on his offensive
production that was that's one little ding against him. Is
as well as he's done making them competitive, especially late

in the season. They have your twenty seven to twenty
eighth and like Epaver playing, he's an offensive coach, but
he was good at hiring Jim Schwartz and getting everything together.
But I think Demiko Ryan's there is something that's that
you can't even calculate. And I think Kyle Shanahan that's
why I had him so high too. I think I
had him second or third, and I can't remember who
I had between Stefanski ands Shanahan.

Speaker 4 (01:19:56):
But uh, like the everything that.

Speaker 3 (01:19:58):
Goes into it, not just calling the play, is hiring
the coaches, like helping to bring in the players. Everything
in Ryan's changed that culture, but Stefanski has to, and
so the either one would beget Yeah.

Speaker 6 (01:20:08):
I feel like this award has been relative to the
expectations for a very long time.

Speaker 3 (01:20:12):
Mike Smith won it multiple times. Come on, It's like
the expectations were low because Mike Smith was the coach.

Speaker 1 (01:20:19):
And Tinnis Allen's gonna win next year. Baby, all right,
good stuff, those are our awards. You'll get the actual well,
these are the actual awards in my mind, but the
ones that are seeing as gospel you have to wait
till NFL honors a few days before the Super Bowl.
We're gonna be back on Thursday with the preview of

Super wild Card weekend. I think it's gonna be one
of the most competitive and compelling ones ever. So thank
you for listening so far this week and more to come.
And Patrick, you've said it all. Anything to add, Yes,
if the Saints started Jamis Winston next year and he
lost every single game and had one tie, he and
Dennis Allen would have the same win loss record percentage wise.

So there it is. Okay, that's good.

Speaker 4 (01:21:08):
That's a fact.

Speaker 1 (01:21:09):
Wind, that's a fact. Jack, all Right, till Thursday. Heed
the call.
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