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April 26, 2024 29 mins
Host Eric Allen is joined by NFL Media's Brian Baldinger for instant reaction to the Jets selecting Penn State OT Olu Fashanu with the 11th overall selection in the 2024 NFL Draft.

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Speaker 1 (00:18):
Rodrick Godell.

Speaker 2 (00:22):
With the eleventh pick in the twenty twenty four NFL Draft,
the New York Jets' select Oulu Fashaws tacko Penn State.

Speaker 1 (00:36):
Those Jets fans should be happier than they look.

Speaker 3 (00:39):

Speaker 4 (00:41):
Welcome to Jets Overtime.

Speaker 5 (00:43):
Our draft special is presented by Doncan, Eric Allen, and
Brian Baldinger.

Speaker 4 (00:47):
Here at one Jets drive Well.

Speaker 5 (00:49):
The New York Jets get their twenty twenty four NFL
Draft under way with Olu Fashionu out of Penn State.

Speaker 4 (00:57):
It comes after a trade as savvy move from my eyes.

Speaker 5 (01:01):
Joe Douglas moving back one spot and taking the big
tackle out of Penn State.

Speaker 6 (01:06):
And look, I mean, Olu is a guy that we
had talked about in all the pre draft specials. He
has been an exceptional left tackle at Penn State. He
comes with a strong resume. He could have come out
last year, he stayed, He got another year under his belt.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
He got better.

Speaker 6 (01:20):
This is a pick that isn't the sexiest pick for
Jet fans, but it's a great insurance policy, especially with
the injuries they've had on the offensive line over the
last few years. With a forty year old quarterback the
long term health of this team is better with Olu
being an anchor on this offensive line, and at some
point he's going to play, whether he starts right away

or not. They've got a guy that can anchor the
way he did at Penn State the last few years.
And I think it's a smart pick and I think
it makes his team better because the depth just got
a lot better.

Speaker 5 (01:52):
Baldy, You've been saying it for a long time. The
pro comparison you had for Olu was tied Ron Smith.
Now he enters a building here where Tyron Smith joined
the Jets, and offseason as well.

Speaker 1 (02:06):
I couldn't help it.

Speaker 6 (02:07):
I remember studying Tyron Smith when he came out of USC,
and I remember just how strong he was, how he anchored,
and then I watched him develop in Dallas and so
I've seen his whole career. He's been a two time
first team All Pro in this business.

Speaker 5 (02:22):

Speaker 1 (02:22):
And then when I watched Ola, I'm like, this is
how Olu plays.

Speaker 6 (02:26):
Like Olu plays the way Tyron played at USC coming
out and then at Dallas, and so I think, you know,
you look, he gave up no sacks.

Speaker 1 (02:35):
Allowed, like he's just a rock. And he dropped.

Speaker 6 (02:38):
He knows how to drop an anchor, he knows how
to get physical with you, like he's he's got what
you need at this position.

Speaker 1 (02:47):
We said it was gonna be a great.

Speaker 6 (02:48):
Draft for offensive tackles, and Olu was right up there
amongst the best, and they got one of the best.

Speaker 5 (02:54):
What did you think about the options available to Joe
Douglas at the time the Jets initially went on the
clock at number ten overall.

Speaker 1 (03:03):
Well, I thought Faga was certainly in play.

Speaker 6 (03:06):
He's been a right tackle at Oregon State, and I
think he has the ability to play some guard if
you wanted to get value for him, you know. But
the Olu I thought was just you know, he's they're
harder to find a left tackle. He's been the left
tackle Penn State. We knew he was an elite player
coming into this college football season, and all I did

was see him. The thing that is difficult to understand
sometimes is how consistent he's been just and that's what
you're looking for. You look for a guy who set
is the same week in week out, drive in, drive out,
fourth quarter, first quarter. You're looking at a consistency of
how he plays the game and it's a very high

level of play right here.

Speaker 5 (03:51):
The bottom line is Joe Douglas's emphasized the offensive line
since he stepped into his role last year. Unfortunately, this
team was decimate made by injuries up front. Ball, you're
talking about thirteen different starting combinations. Now you go out
this offseason, not only ad Tyron Smith, you trade for
Morgan Moses, and then you bring one of the top

offensive line prospects in this draft. He becomes a second
tackle off the board this weekend, Thursday night as Joe
Alt goes to.

Speaker 4 (04:22):
The Ali Charger with that number five overall selection.

Speaker 6 (04:25):
Yeah, no, look, this is a smart move. It's just
a smart move for this team, not just for this year.
And they can still be all in this year. But
this is a player that when if you get like
I'm not saying that he can't even win a job.
You know, if they allow him to compete, he might
win the job. You want your best five out there,
but he doesn't have to. They don't have to throw
him out there. They can just develop and work with them.

Get him used to the system right here, get him
used to the NFL. Just think about who he's going
up against every day in practice. Yes, you just think
he's going up against Jermaine, He's going against Hassan. He's
going to get tested in practice as much as he
is in any scrimmage, any game early on right now,
So I think what he's going to see in practice
on this Jets team is going to only sharpen him

very quickly when you start training camp.

Speaker 5 (05:11):
All right, this guy's excited. You were watching Jets overtime.
Our draft special was presented by Duncan. Now speaking of
the newest Jet, Here's Caroline Huntershot with a special guest.

Speaker 4 (05:24):
Here with the.

Speaker 3 (05:24):
Newest New York Jet Olu fashionu Olu taken at number eleven.

Speaker 7 (05:29):
How does it feel to be a New York Jet.

Speaker 4 (05:33):

Speaker 8 (05:33):
The failing is just indescribable during this, During this entire process,
I wanted to keep it quiet about the team I
want to go to the most. But honestly, it's always
been the Jets from day one, especially after the combine.
Getting an opportunity to visit with the entire staff, mister Douglas,
coach Salad, coach Carter. Although it was a great visit,

and after that visit, I knew this this was the
place I wanted to be and you know, thanks for
this is the place.

Speaker 3 (06:01):
What were some of those pre draft conversations, Like what
did the Jet staff tell you why they wanted you?

Speaker 8 (06:09):
Yeah, I mean obviously, you know, I like to say
I'm a great player on the field, but I think
it was also off the field characteristic just the great
locker room guy, A guy that's gonna be the same
person day in and day out, guy that's gonna come
into the facilities, work their tail off and try to
get not only themselves but the entire team better every day.

Speaker 3 (06:27):
You're going to be learning from another left tackle on
the Jets roster and Tyron Smith.

Speaker 7 (06:32):
What does that mean to you? And how do you
think he can enhance your game?

Speaker 8 (06:36):
It's perfect. I mean, honestly, it feels like I'm in
a fairy tale. You know, Tyron Smith, He's he's my
first football inspiration, you know, just from the days I
started playing on line. He was the first person I
started really watching film on as a tackle and a
left tackle. And for me to have the opportunity to
really learn from him, you know, ask him many tips, questions, advice.

Speaker 3 (06:59):
You know me as the world Not only are you
going to be learning from that legend. You're going to
be protecting another legend with Aaron Rodgers.

Speaker 7 (07:07):
What does that mean to you?

Speaker 8 (07:10):
It's it's an honor. I mean, to protect someone a
future Hall of Famer like like Aaron Rodgers, it means everything.
And you know, I was already gonna go pretty hard,
you know, working working my tail off to any team
I go to. But now I'm on the same team
as him. I mean, you got to go even harder.

Speaker 3 (07:26):
Now, now you've had such a journey to get here
and to this moment, what does it mean to you
to finally make all of that hard work and put
it into action and you're becoming an NFL player?

Speaker 8 (07:40):
I mean, it's it's all. So, I mean, this moment
I've been I've been dreaming about it for so long.
You know, it took a lot of hard work, dedication,
love and support from my circle and for me to
you know, get to this point. It means everything. But
you know, this isn't this isn't the destination. This is
all just to stop a part of the journey. So
I can't wait to get.

Speaker 5 (08:00):
Back to work.

Speaker 3 (08:01):
And what did Joe Douglas and Robert Sala tell you
when they called you.

Speaker 8 (08:05):
And they're just telling me that they're excited to have
me on the team, talking about how they love me
as a player and a person, and especially from mister
Douglas told me to give him give a big head
of one of my coaches at Penn State that he
knows very well.

Speaker 3 (08:21):
Perfect, and last, but not least, Olu, what are you
most looking forward to about playing in New York Man?

Speaker 8 (08:28):
Just everything about it. I mean, that's the that's that's
the hotspot in the United States. I mean, that's the
media capital of the United States. So to have that
opportunity to be exposed to that type of market and
also to play for an organization that has as passionate
fans as the Jets, I mean, what more can you
ask for as a player?

Speaker 7 (08:48):
Ola, We appreciate the time and congratulations on the draft.

Speaker 8 (08:52):
Thank you, I appreciate it all right.

Speaker 5 (08:54):
That's the newest jet Olu fashion BALI. Let me read
this description from Dane Brugler in The Beast. His takes
a look at every prospect coming out. He says, as
far as Olu is concerned as a pass blocker, Fashionu
moves with athletic body control and is technically diverse with

his ambidextrous hands to mix up his timing and sit down.

Speaker 4 (09:22):
Versus pass rushers.

Speaker 5 (09:24):
He finished his career with zero sacks allowed on seven
hundred and thirty three pass blocking snaps over twenty nine games.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Not bad, No, no, it's good.

Speaker 6 (09:34):
I mean he's what I talked about was his consistency
and what's going on with these hands in the league
now is like it used to be everybody just two
handed punch, but now you got a guide hand. You
got to kill hand. You carry your hands low so
defenders can't knock him down. There's a real cat and
mouse gain to your hands and how you use him.
And when I watch Olu, he's a real technician and

how he does that because eventually he gets his hands
on you, and he gets them on you can't get
them off you.

Speaker 4 (10:01):
We talked about the match with Tyrone Smith.

Speaker 5 (10:03):
I really liked what he said to Caroline right there
that he is one of my football inspirations.

Speaker 1 (10:10):
Yeah, well he's already reached out to him.

Speaker 4 (10:12):

Speaker 6 (10:12):
And so you know these young guys like they're always
looking up, they're always looking at somebody that they can emulate, somebody,
you know, from a size standpoint, all right, six foot six,
three hundred and twelve pounds, like very similar in size
to Tyron, you know, And so you're looking at somebody
that sort of matches.

Speaker 1 (10:29):
Your game and how they play and how you want
to play.

Speaker 6 (10:33):
So these kids, I've been down to ol Masterminds and
Frisco with Duke Manweather and a bunch of guys. These
kids are coming down in college now and they're studying
from some elite players in the NFL and guys that
are in the Hall of Fame. So they they want
to learn the techniques that are going to allow them
to win on Sundays.

Speaker 5 (10:50):
Now, let's take a look at how this historic draft unfolded.
How about the offensive flavor early where we're expecting it,
the run of quarterbacks one, two, three, Marvin Harrison goes
four to Arizona. Where I thought things got really interesting
was the Giants go my leak neighbors out of LSU

Tennessee comes back with the big tackle themselves, JC Latham
so fashonew of course the third tackle take and not
the second I'm correcting myself, but the biggest surprise in
the top ten. Michael Pennix goes to Atlanta after the
Falcons signed Kirk Cousins in free agency, and then finally
a lot of Jets.

Speaker 4 (11:29):
Fans had targeted a pass catcher for this team.

Speaker 5 (11:33):
Neighbors goes to the Giants, Harrison as expected, I think,
goes four to the Cardinals, and then Roma Dounza pairing
a him up with Caleb Williams.

Speaker 6 (11:45):
Yeah, well, I mean, look, we knew that this was
an elite group of wide receivers. They all went prior
to the Jets. We knew it was an elite group
of tackles. Three tackles, first eleven. We knew the quarterbacks
were going to get pushed. We've seen six and the
first twelve picks no defensive player. Like it's an offensive league.
That's what teams are trying to do. They're trying to
build their offensive power. They're trying to score more touchdowns.

Offensive linemen help you do that. They do that by
winning in the trenches. And so that's where the Jets
are at right now. I think Roman Dunes they would
have been a terrific star in this building. But look,
Chicago could have easily gone defense, they could have gone
offensive tackle.

Speaker 1 (12:24):
They took the wide receiver for.

Speaker 5 (12:26):
Jets fans looking for a playmaker. The other person that
we talked a lot about during the pre draft process
was Brock Bauers. He was still on the board after
the Jets moved back because they knew Minnesota was going
to take JJ McCarthy.

Speaker 4 (12:41):
Why OLU better fit right now for this Jets.

Speaker 6 (12:44):
I think the Jets like their tight end room right now.
I mean, I think they like Tyler Conklin, and they
like Jeremy Rutger, and you know, so I think they've
got a deep room there right now. I think Brock
would have been a luxury pick, But I think the
insurance that OLU gives you in case anything happens upfront
the way we've seen the last couple of years, when

the offense just really couldn't function, Like it doesn't matter
how many weapons you have, if they can't if you
can't get five really good players upfront playing together, you
have to get that first. And so I don't look
as much as Brock might have helped this offense, and
he's a good blocker too, and an excellent receiver, and
after the catch, I think you've got to keep the

wall as strong as possible in the trenches upfront they've
addressed it on the defensive front, yep, I think as
talented as anybody in the league right now. The offensive
line is now catching up. And that's how Joe Douglas
won a championship in Baltimore, It's how he won a
championship in Philadelphia, and how he hopes to win a
championship here with the Jets.

Speaker 5 (13:46):
And Tyrone Smith is going to be thirty three during
the twenty twenty four season, and the Cowboys were happy
what they got out of him last season.

Speaker 4 (13:54):
He missed four games, he played thirteen games. Thirteen games.

Speaker 5 (13:58):
So with that being said, I know a lot of
people are looking at this and saying, well, red shirt year.

Speaker 4 (14:05):
Not necessarily the case.

Speaker 6 (14:07):
Look, I mean, if Tyron can start seventeen games and
get to the postseason, unbelievable. Yes, But if he does
miss a couple games, you can hopefully step in with
Olu and your blind side is still going to get protected.
You're going to get a guy that's capable of handling
the duties. We see rookie tackles that come into this
league right now and start and hold their own from

their first year, and I expect that from Olu and
so they don't have to do an offensive line shuffle
right now. If something would happen to Tyron, something would
happen to Morgan, Like, I think they've got a guy
in place right now that can step in and maintain
the level of play that they.

Speaker 1 (14:45):
Want to establish.

Speaker 5 (14:46):
Man, how about this draft though, six quarterbacks selected in
the top twelve picks.

Speaker 6 (14:51):
Yeah, well, we knew it was going to be it
was going to be quarterback heavy. But what it says
right now is if you a quarterback, you gotta go
get it. And the fact is, if you've missed, you've
missed in the past, you go get the next guy.
Like Denver needs a quarterback, they got a quarterback. Yeah,
Atlanta wants an insurance policy if something happens to Kirk

Cousins and he wants somebody for the long term to
fill up Mercedes Benz Stadium. And so I think when
you look at Pennix and bo Nicks, they're like with
teams right now where they might not have to start
right away, but eventually they can become that guy.

Speaker 5 (15:26):
Well, the countdown is on for the twenty twenty four
NFL Draft, presented by bud Light Watch all seven rounds
across three days live from tonight April twenty fifth through
the twenty seventh, with NFL Network Draft coverage presented by Verizon,
Additional coverage on ABC, ESPN and ESPN deport Days and

streaming on NFL Plus.

Speaker 1 (15:49):

Speaker 4 (15:50):
We got a special treat for you. Let's go out
to met Life Stadium right now and bring in Bart
Scott Matt Becker.

Speaker 5 (15:59):
What when you think about the Jets moving back one
spot in the first round of taking Penn State tackle
Oulu FASHIONU We well.

Speaker 9 (16:08):
First, first of all, when you talk about it, it
is funny because I've been saying for Shanu and Fashion.
We just discovered that's how you pronounced it a couple
of days ago. I'll tell you what, Jet fans better
get used to it, because this guy's here to stay
and I think he's going to be a great left
tackle for the next fifteen years. You know, people talk
about maybe he's not the best run passing you know,
run blocking alignement, but he is for sure the best

gifted footwork wise, uh, pass protecting tackle in this draft,
and that includes Joe Joe At does it with you know,
massiveness and length. He does it with footwork and he's
still young, still learning the game. You know, if he
would came out last year, he had been the first
tackle off the board.

Speaker 10 (16:47):
You know.

Speaker 9 (16:47):
So sometimes we try and find things to pick at
these kids and push them down. But this guy is
a guy that you talk about in this draft. It's
a lot of right tackles. In my opinion, it was
only two for sure, you know, left tackles, and the
Jets moved back, got more draft capital, try and move
back and maybe move into the second round. And you know,

you have to tip your hat off to Joe Douglas.
You know, Dooz wasn't there. I think it was natural
that you go for protection for aa run.

Speaker 6 (17:18):
You know, Bart, just watching Olu play the last two
years of Penn State, I thought he stayed another year
to work in his run blocking. His run blocking got better.
But my cop form Bart all along has been Tyron Smith.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
Who's here. That's whom we remind when Tyron came out
of USC. That's what I was thinking when I.

Speaker 6 (17:36):
Was watching Olu study him, like he's your classic blind
side protector, and lord knows he might be insurance right now, Bart,
but I just let him go up there and compete,
like he's fresh, he's young, he's big, like you're gonna
get value for him. It's not the sexy pick that
a lot of Jet fans may.

Speaker 1 (17:56):
Have wanted, but it's a good pick for the long term.

Speaker 9 (18:00):
I remember, you know, from the other side, watching it
as a member of another team. I remember watching the
breaker sharp Ferguson pick and a Nick Mango pick that
wasn't sexy picks. They became the bedrock, the foundation of
all the success that the Jets were having in the future.
So sometimes you have to understand that you know you're
in it for the long haul, and this guy is

a guy that could be around for a long time.
And listen, I'm not worried about him being able to
run block. He'll get better at that. He'll learn how
to anchor as he matures as a man. But I
do know that I had a great pulling left tackle.
I have a great pulling center and tipman that if
he needs a little help, you know, he can always
phone the front.

Speaker 4 (18:38):
What do you think of the landscape right now?

Speaker 5 (18:41):
Bart as we look ahead, because Joe Douglas making that
savvy move going back just one spot, picking up more
draft assets in the process. The Jets right now have
three fourth round picks on the horizon, so a lot
of options ahead.

Speaker 9 (18:58):
Yeah, I mean, listen, is a lot of talent still
out there. I mean hell, I mean the Jets can
go out and figure out how to move into the
second round. You know, they have a third round pick.
They can move up, you know they can. They can
sell it off future picks. I mean the futures. Now
whenever you have a a ron a forty year old quarterback.
You know who cares about those future picks. You know,
if you can use them. They use one for Hassan Reddick.

You know they can use some more to move up
and get some talent. I think, you know, this team
still could use a big receiver, who knows. I would
love to see them get Jordan Travis maybe in the
fourth round when he's sitting there, A guy who wouldn't
be standing around and wouldn't be here if this team
was in the National championship, if you wouldn't have got hurt.
So that's a great person that's going to have to
have a red shirt year, that's going to stay here.

But you talk about being able to move in the
second round, there's so many you know, skilled guys. When
you think you can go back to Florida State and
think about you know, the big tight end Coleman that
they have out there. You know, the Jets have options
because they have the draft kept with capital and equity
and Joe.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
Just getting started.

Speaker 9 (19:58):
But they had to make sure that Aaron Rodgers just upright.
They can sustained if you know, the worst case scenario
happened like happened last year, if Morgan Moses goes down
or if Tyron Smith goes down, they have insurance. And
you know that Tyron Smith's not going to play it
practice a lot. He's going to be on a certain
type of regiment, and this young kid is going to
be able to pick the ear of a future Hall
of Famer and eventually become his replacement.

Speaker 5 (20:21):
Hey, fifteen seconds or last what was the atmosphere like
at MetLife Stadium tonight?

Speaker 4 (20:26):
And then people remember you Bart.

Speaker 9 (20:28):
Scott briefly, I think, because I've kept my face in
the camera and my voice in the radios, they remember
a little bit, just a little bit, you know, you know,
But now I'm one of these guys that the kids
nowadays say that I was born in the nineteen hundreds,
like I'm a waring trail or something.

Speaker 4 (20:46):
Thanks buddy, But talk to you, sir bart Oh, he's
a pleasure our guy, bart Scott.

Speaker 5 (20:52):
Hey, we have to congratulate somebody here because on our
pre draft special it's overtime.

Speaker 4 (21:01):
Brian Baldion gave us his mock draft and with the tenth.

Speaker 5 (21:06):
Overall selections, you took Penn State tackle Olu Fashiona. Well,
it didn't actually come to fruition as far as where
the Jets got Olu fashion U, but they did get
Olo fashion number eleven overall, not bad, Baldy.

Speaker 6 (21:21):
Listen, EA want to win championships. You win in the trenches,
all right. It's good if your quarterback can play at
a you know, a Hall of Fame level. Uh, but
you win in the trenches. So they have upgraded their
defensive front, they have upgraded their offensive line. Now you
start building the team. You've got a lot of other
picks here coming in. I'm I'm just not about toot

my horn here, Like, I just know that Joe Douglas
knows how you have to what you need to do
to win championships.

Speaker 1 (21:50):
And that's what the season is all about right now.

Speaker 6 (21:52):
It's about winning a championship, and it starts upfront every
day in practice, iron sharpening, iron, all that kind of stuff.
And you need depth to get through a season of
seventeen games and get into the postseason.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
And they just added a good piece.

Speaker 5 (22:05):
All right, Let's get the thoughts of the man coaching
this team, and that's Robert Salah.

Speaker 4 (22:11):
Here's Ethan Greenberg.

Speaker 10 (22:13):
Coach Olufashana, the pick for at number eleven for the
New York Chests.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
Why was he the right pick for you?

Speaker 11 (22:18):
Elite pass protector, left tackle. Unbelievable human being and great character,
great work ethic.

Speaker 10 (22:27):
He checks every box for a guy like him coming
into a lineup with Tyron Smith. Morgan moses, how beneficial
of that? Or is that for a guy like him
who's so young.

Speaker 11 (22:36):
I think it's really beneficial. Usually when a young guy,
at least the smart ones walk into a locker room,
they try to find the veteran that does it the
right way. And he's going into a room where you've
got all the way across the board, not only veterans
who do it the right way, but you got AVT
and tipman who do it the right way. John Simpsons
grinded through the being drafted fourth, getting cut out in

the fourth round, getting cut and working his way back
a starting lineup and earning himself a good payday and
free agency, and then all the guys who are there,
the depth of the roster, a lot of guys who
have started a lot of football games for us. It's
turned into a really good room.

Speaker 10 (23:12):
How important is it after what happened last year thirteen
different combinations to have depth with a guy like now
Olu fashion, Yeah.

Speaker 11 (23:20):
We depth is always. Depth is great. You want depth
the old line and it's not just the Jets problem.
Just across the league. It seems like the old line
has been getting hit. But to be able to add depth,
quality depth on top of the guys that we have,
and it's exciting, feel really good about that group.

Speaker 10 (23:38):
I think a lot of people who watched the drafts
C eleventh overall pick say, how do we get this
guy on the field. This is a unique situation, But
just how important is it overall to incorporate a guy
early but also making sure to take the time that
he needs to make sure he's the best one he
touches the field.

Speaker 11 (23:54):
Yeah, he's going to get his reps, don't confuse that,
but at the same time, you know, giving him the
time to work at his pace and to be the
player that we think he can be for the next
ten to fifteen years. He's only twenty one years old.
He's going to be a player in this league for
a long time, and he's walking into a really, really
good situation.

Speaker 10 (24:13):
Throughout the process. How much time do you spend with
prospects and did you spend any time with Olu and
if so, what did you learn about him as a person.

Speaker 11 (24:19):
Yeah, we get our thirty visits. I think our scouts
do an unbelievable job kind of giving us the rundown
on who these individuals are. And like I said, he's
an elite character, a great work ethics. We know exactly
what we're getting.

Speaker 1 (24:34):

Speaker 10 (24:34):
Coach appreciates the time.

Speaker 1 (24:35):
Thank you, Thank you.

Speaker 5 (24:37):
Key point there from Robert Sala that Ola fashion New
is definitely to get his reps. As far as the
Jets draft right now, it started here Thursday night with
the fashion New selection number eleven overall. But what stands
out they still have that third round selection, but the
three fours now after the trade with Minnesota, that really

provides a lot of flexibility for Joe Douglas moving forward.
Do you anticipate, Baldy that the Jets are going to
get into the second round by Friday?

Speaker 6 (25:11):
Absolutely? Yeah, absolutely. I don't think they're sitting the second
round out. I think they've got a lot of ammunition
there to go after a marquee player that could possibly
be a starter or a real contributor right away. I
think receiver makes a lot of sense, Linebacker makes a
lot of sense, Safety makes a lot of sense. So
I don't think they're gonna sit idle and wait for

the thirty two picks in the second round to pass
it by. I think they're going to get into the
second round and target a particular group of players, probably
two or three players that if they see them coming
down the board, I think Joe Doug is going up together.

Speaker 5 (25:46):
I'm thinking receiver here because we've been talking for months
about how deep this class is. Yes, the three potential
stars at the top, but again, a lot of value
down the line. That's the prevalent thought process here, And
if the Jets are able to get in the second round,
there's gonna be a lot of guys out there who

can come in and help your team.

Speaker 4 (26:07):
Immediately twenty twenty four.

Speaker 6 (26:09):
I don't think there's any question, and you know they
got to they still have to kind of wait and
see what happens with Mike Williams and if when he's
gonna be ready, you know, to really let it fly
and let it rip. And so there's gonna be an
opportunity for a young kid to come in here and
really compete and just make that ace even a more
dangerous cores. And so I can certainly see a receiver

still coming via.

Speaker 5 (26:32):
This draft unprecedented and run a here of offensive players
fourteen straight.

Speaker 4 (26:39):
It looks like the start the twenty twenty four draft.

Speaker 5 (26:43):
A lot too goes to the Colts at fifteen overall,
Byron Murphy goes to Seattle sixteen, Dallas Turner goes to
a Viking seventeen. The actually moved up to make that move.
Cincinnati gets into the tackle business themselves, and Marius member yep,
and then the Rams just take a pass rusher, a
very physical rusher from Florida State and verse verse. So

your thoughts on where we stand right now, Well, I mean.

Speaker 6 (27:10):
Look, it's kind of folding exactly the way we thought,
except that Michael Pennix junior and bo Nicks meant went
much higher than anybody thought. But we thought quarterbacks would
get pushed up, and they did. And so the teams
that really coveted a quarterback, they said, we're not waiting.
They didn't wait till late in the first round. They
took them as they fell and they didn't pass on them.

And so now we're seeing a run on tackles. We're
seeing a run right now on pass rushers. A lot
to Turner verse that we thought those were three really
good players. The top three receivers are gone. Now we're
getting to the second tier of receivers and to the cornerbacks. Okay,
the cornerbacks are coming. Probably next lookout for Philadelphia and
Dallas probably will continue that run of offensive tackles.

Speaker 5 (27:55):
But as we close here on Thursday night, we're circling
those three fours and wondering what Joe Douggs's next move
is going to be. Because this was his tenth trade
involving draft picks, seventh trade down in all, he's moved
up three times.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
Now we're int to what would you do tonight? Ea,
tonight you go reset your board? Yeah? Okay, now you're
saying Okay, these guys are off the board. Now who's next?
And so now you trust your board.

Speaker 6 (28:25):
Now you're in the second round and you're like, okay, boy,
he's still there. He's still there. He's like, Okay, what's
it gonna take. Pick up the phone, Let's make a call.
Let's just see what it would take to go get
in one of these targeted players that's still high on
the board.

Speaker 5 (28:38):
Olu Fashionu is a New York Jet and this man
predicted it weeks ago on Jets over time. We're gonna
have to sign off for now, but we will be
back tomorrow night, seven o'clock before round two. And just
because the Jets don't have a second round selection right

now doesn't mean they won't don't have one by the
time we get going on Friday for Baldy, Caroline Hunter,
shot in Ethan Greenberg, and everybody here at one JD
were signed off.
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