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May 2, 2024 30 mins
Host Eric Allen is joined in the Audi Performance Studio by Jets General Manager Joe Douglas 1:20 - How the names fell off the draft board 3:15 - Reshaping of the OL in free agency and the draft  4:20 - Why Olu Fashanu was the selection at No. 11 5:15 - The chase to draft Western Kentucky wideout Malachi Corley 9:25 - How Braelon Allen and Isaiah Davis add competition to the RB room   10:50 - Jets didn't want to wait for QB Jordan Travis 13:35 - End of the draft had a defensive flavor with Qwan'tez Stiggers and Mr. Irrelevant in Jaylen Key 20:10 - Joe D.'s trade philosophy on draft weekend  23:15 -  Thought behind the move of John Franklin-Myers to Denver 26:50 - UDFAs to watch

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Welcome into the Official Jets Podcast.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
Eric Ellen here at one Jets Drive, joined by Jets
GM Joe Douglas. Thanks so much for joining us inside
the studio. I know your favorite spot will be the desk,
but this is going to have to suffice.

Speaker 3 (00:17):
Yeah, next time we have to do the desk.

Speaker 1 (00:19):
All right. Cool?

Speaker 2 (00:20):
So what's it like for you now that the draft
is over and also that you guys have gotten some
free agents in here as well on the eve basically
of rookie Mini Camp.

Speaker 4 (00:33):
Yeah, you know, we're excited to get these guys in
for rookie Mini Camp and just get them, get them
part of our process. And so now it's getting with
our pro staff and going over some veterans that could
be good value additions if the opportunity presents itself. And
you know, back to being dad and going catching up

on baseball games and lacrosse games and track meets. So
that's probably the best part about it.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
I love it. Olufesh, you know from Penn State.

Speaker 2 (01:01):
Yeah, your thoughts, uh, the way the board was unfolding
before you guys were scheduled to pick at ten.

Speaker 4 (01:11):
Yeah, so it was a very unique group of offensive
linemen and offensive playmakers in general. And so as we
are going through the night, the early stages of around one,
it was pretty apparent, you know, everyone everyone was there
wasn't a lot of movement going on. There were there
was predicted to be a lot of trades. Yes, it

didn't happen. You know, everyone made a decision to stick
and make their pick. And so you know, when when
it got to us at ten, you know, we we
even before that eight nine, the phone was just ringing
off the hook, and so a lot of different opportunities
were throwing our way, and you know, we we knew,

we knew the direction we were going to go in.
And then we decided to make that one move back,
uh to the one spot, moved back with Minnesota pick
up some extra draft capital, and you know, we we
had we had good intel that it was it was
not gonna be our guy. Most likely quarterbacks, right, so
they end up you know.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
You're prepared for every scenario, but people externally were not
thinking Atlanta's taking a quarterback after signing Kirk Cousins in
free agency. Yeah, what's going on there with you guys?

Speaker 3 (02:27):
When that happens?

Speaker 4 (02:29):
Yeah, you know, it didn't, It didn't affect our board.
But at the same time, it was it was just
was an interesting moment in the draft because you know,
in discussions with them leading up to the pick, there's
they they had made the decision. They're they're staying, and
they're they're picking their player. And so I was just
excited to see who this player is going to because

everybody had mocked out a defensive linem you know, so obviously,
you know, quarterback, like I said, like we all say,
is the most important position in all sports. And so
they locked into their guy and got him.

Speaker 2 (03:03):
If I told you before the offseason began that you
guys would acquire John Simpson, Morgan, Moses, Tyron Smith and fashion,
what would your thought elated?

Speaker 4 (03:17):
You know that wash We we had we had the
goal in mind, number one goal, Number one priority is
we've got to fix this offensive line. We've got to
get this offensive line in a good place and with
the with the good young core pieces we have add
to it really really fortify the group. And the way

things fell uh in free agency in the offseason and
then with Olu, that's a little bit of a dream
come true.

Speaker 2 (03:46):
Really, you're a guy who played the position. What are
his most outstanding traits.

Speaker 4 (03:53):
I love his consistency. He's he is a he is
a consistent player. He is a ultra active past protector.
He uh you know, in a lot of ways, you
know Sauce. Sauce was a guy who never got beat,
ever got beat. And Ohler is a guy that never

if ever gets gets beat. You know, low pressure rates,
uh no, sacks giving up like just a very plug
and play pass protector and just wired the right way.
Just a quiet, competitive, consistent young man. Loves ball, raised

the right way. I loved spending time with with his
parents when they came up here. You know, you could
you could tell he's he's made of the right stuff.

Speaker 2 (04:47):
How long was that wait for you on night too?
Because I know you had circle mel Kai Corley.

Speaker 3 (04:52):
Yeah, that was a long one. You know.

Speaker 4 (04:55):
We we started getting active there in the middle of
the forties, around pick forty five and started making calls
seeing if we could maybe jump up the board a
little bit. But you know, ultimately, you know, kind of
like where we were at ten, we didn't feel comfortable
moving back to a certain spot. Most teams, we were
getting that answer from them. Not many teams were comfortable

moving back to seventy two where we're at. So it
was a long wait and you're just constantly smiling and dialing.
You know, you're just trying to you're trying to get
someone to move back to seventy two and you know,
try to entice him to do it. And so ultimately
we were able to get that done with Carolina at
sixty five and get our guy.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
How does he compliment the guys you have in house
starting with Garrett and of course you added Mike Williams earlier.

Speaker 3 (05:42):
Yeah, this off season.

Speaker 4 (05:43):
Yeah, you know, I feel like in our room we
have a kind of a different flavor, you know, almost
a pick your poison type type room, because we all
know Garrett's an elite competitor, an elite route runner, can
separate on anybody really dangerous after the cat, which uh
brings a vertical threat like he's a he's a true dude.

And then Mike Williams coming in from the chargers. He's
an ultra productive can run by people vertically, but also
is gonna get a big boy guys outside, go up
and get the ball. As Tyrod says, I think he
calls him seventy thirty balls instead of fifty to fifty
maybe eighty twenty. Like he's he's a big, strong, physical

outside presence. And you've got that a little bit with
Alan Lazar two. And then we have inside. We have
an inside presence with Gibson. He brings a vertical, inside
slat presence. He can run by anybody. You know Brownie,
you know, everybody loves Jason Browne, and he's a developing
young player and he has route skill, ball skills and

he really developed well throughout his rookie season. And now
adding a guy like Malachi who really excels with the
ball in his hands, you know, with him, it's interesting
because it's not always the case, but when guys are
really good run after catch guys in college, it usually

transit translates really well in the pros because if if
a guy has the ability to make people miss with
the ball, it's usually because he's really elusive. He's a
high level athlete and he has a really strong element
of play strength to his game. And so if they're
wired the right way and they they love football, they're
wired to compete like we're going to make our coaches

are going to turn them. They're going to use that
innate physical skill that they've been given and turn that
into an elite route runner. And I think you've seen
that play out across the league with some of these
good run after catch guys that have come out the
recent recent years. And you know, Malachi has that in spades.
He can he can make people miss. And the thing,

the thing that really jumps off the tape, and it
was said a few times by everyone who talked to him,
is how angry he runs with the ball right like
he's he he runs with a vengeance. You know, he's
not looking to run out of bounds, you know. But
he also can make you miss with his feet and
he can run by you with the speed. So he
brings a pretty cool element to the room.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
Does it go on to your decision making on draft weekend?
That I know I got a good tackle class. I
know I got a good receiver class, but most people
thought that wide receiver class more depth extended. Is as
far as the way you're looking at.

Speaker 4 (08:29):
It, yeah, it was a you know, the the top
clump of tackles was an elite clump of tackles. Yeah,
but then the wide out group, you know, you had
those those first three guys and every that everyone had
high in the draft, but really it was a it

was a big group of wide receivers after that that
that I'm sure most teams felt could come in and
help their team. And again it was whatever flavor you want.
If you want a big, physical guy, there was one
of there's a few of those. If you want somebody
that brought a vertical element, and then a guy like
Malachai that could run after the catch.

Speaker 1 (09:09):
Let's speaking of flavors. So about the running back position.

Speaker 2 (09:11):
You pick up pair of big physical guys, guys who
aren't afraid of contact, and Alan from Wisconsin of course,
Isaiah Davis from South Dakota State.

Speaker 3 (09:21):
Yeah, Addam, Brailan and Isaiah.

Speaker 4 (09:24):
It just brings legit competition to that room. And now
we have four running backs. Breese I don't think Breee
has even turned twenty three yet. So the four running
backs between the age of twenty twenty three and twenty
and really with Brailan and Isaiah, the unbelievable production from

those guys. Yes, multiple twelve hundred plus yard seasons for
both of them. I think I think Isaiah has fifty
rushing touchdowns and Brailan has thirty five rushing touchdowns in
three years. So you've got we're bringing and eighty five
combined rushing touchdowns. So you're getting big, physical backs that

have a nose for the end zone and again are
made of the right stuff. They can help you on
third down. They can block, they can catch, they can
play special teams. So it just adds to the competition
of the room.

Speaker 1 (10:17):
Did Davis play special teams?

Speaker 2 (10:18):
That's that's a coda state because he's getting a ball
so much offensively.

Speaker 4 (10:21):
His first two years, yeah, he didn't have quite as
many carries, but his last two years, I mean he
was He's he's the offense.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
Yeah, that's the dude.

Speaker 1 (10:30):
Yeah, those numbers were off the charge.

Speaker 3 (10:32):

Speaker 2 (10:32):
Okay, So worst Cup secret in the NFL is you
were going to add a developmental quarterback on Day three, right,
because you talked about emphasizing, hey, we want this to
be a quarterback factory. You have a very good quarterback
room of future Hall of famers, your starting quarterback and Aeron.
Then you pick up Tyrod Teller. What attracted you guys
to Jordan Travis?

Speaker 4 (10:53):
Yeah, I think we got to Day three and they
were there was a good group of quarterbacks, you know,
we were concerned that there'd be another quarterback run there
in the third round. So we get the day to
day three and we have we have a group of
quarterbacks that we're excited about. But really the guy that
you know, we just didn't want to miss out on

was Jordan and thought it was a real opportunity to
get someone a dynamic weapon, an unbelievable leader, somebody that's
a He came out as a dual threat quarterback. You
you watch the table jumps out is he can get
out of trouble, no doubt.

Speaker 3 (11:35):
He's a very athletic quarterback.

Speaker 4 (11:37):
But to see him operate within the structure of the offense,
like he's not a guy that's just going to run
around and just hold the ball like he he trusts
his eyes, he gets the ball out quick. He has
a really quick compact delivery. You get around him, He's
extremely smart, he cares, he loves the game. He's a
great teammate. He's a natural leader. He has a passion

for this game. And you see that, you feel that
come through after you spend some time with him. So
after after being around him, you just you get to
the point in the draft where it's like you know
what we're not. We want to come out of this
with Jordan's so you know, we we we ultimately made
a deal with with UH. After moving back a few

times in the fourth, you know, we decided to move
up from the bottom of the fifth and and really
lock in Jordan.

Speaker 2 (12:30):
I can't imagine a better situation for a young quarterback,
especially a guy coming off at injury from Afar. Everybody
felt bad for Travis last year because he didn't have
a chance to ultimately compete in the national semifinals. But
he comes in here and Rogers is in the room.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
What a great situation. I mean, it's a lot like
you know what OLU is gonna come into in terms
of being being with two guys like Tyron and and
UH and Morgan. Jordan can come in here and you know,
there's a Hall of Fame quarterback UH and then one
of the one of the best people on the planet

in Tyra Taylor, and so you with over thirty years
of NFL experience, and so you can just be a sponge,
you know, you can just be both. You can be
a shadow to both of them and just take in,
you know, taking everything that they're that they're willing to
give and it's it's gonna be a really good situation
for him.

Speaker 2 (13:27):
So you go defense with your final two picks, Quantes
Stiggers and also Jalen Key. What can you say about
both of those guys and their individual stories. It's interesting
Now Key's going to be mister irrelevant the rest of
his life. And wow, Stiggers from Afar you learn about him, Yeah,
you can't help but say we're rooting fro him.

Speaker 4 (13:49):
Those are two two cool stories, and they're they're each
their own story, but I think combined to the Morals story,
his persistence pays off and so in their own way,
you know, with with Quantes and you know, having having
the opportunity to go to Lane and then losing his

father in a tragic accident, having to support the family,
but never but never giving up hope right, never never
doubting himself and having the persistence to keep going through it,
keep doing what you love to do even though the
odds are stacked against you.

Speaker 3 (14:26):
And just what a.

Speaker 4 (14:27):
Crazy route to get here, you know, going from Lane
to you know, working to support his family, to fan
controlled football to Toronto Argonauts winning defensive rookie year, having
having four interceptions and now drafted into the National Football League.
I mean, it's it's a really cool story and another
young man that had an opportunity to come up here

and obviously made left left a strong impression with everybody.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
How did it work for him?

Speaker 2 (14:55):
Specifically for you guys, your perspective, a scouting perspective because
of the roll guys looking at him during the year
because he's playing in the CFL, and then I think
in January, the league says that he's going to be
draft eligible.

Speaker 4 (15:08):
Yeah, so our pro guys, our pro guys are watching
him and they're they're taking note of like, here's a
here's a very young player that's producing and was just
voted Defensive Rookie of the Year. And then we get
the memo from the league that hey, this is a
draft eligible player. And so then it transitions into our

college scouts and really he goes to the East West
All Star Game in Dallas and Frisco this year, and
that's when it really started coming to life. And when
he when he came down and he was amongst the
pool of the other All Star players you got, and
then you spent time in your the initial time with
him and then taking him through the processes. He wasn't

invited to the Combine, so going to his pro day,
having him come here, spending time with our trainers, our
our media team, are our our docs and QUIP guys,
and so I think he left a pretty cool impression
with everyone.

Speaker 1 (16:03):
Yeah, he had no doubt about it. What was it
like that moment in the room when you guys made
the call.

Speaker 3 (16:09):
I got emotional.

Speaker 4 (16:10):
I mean, uh yeah, I mean Brick started off and
he was, you know, he was so fired up to
Adam and you know, we got Mastrodie involved in that one,
you know, because you know, everyone has their guys that
they're excited about, right that that had left the mark,
and so it's like Bobby was really reluctant to jump
in there.

Speaker 3 (16:30):
I had you.

Speaker 4 (16:31):
Gotta do it like this is this is one of
the guys you're excited about. So reluctantly he jumped in
there and that was that was a pretty cool moment.

Speaker 2 (16:39):
So real quickly about East West, I mean the CFO,
that's a different game. Now you got twelve players, you
got three downs, and you got I think four players
that can be in motion either laterally or coming at you.

Speaker 1 (16:55):
So he had to show that he could play some
press there.

Speaker 4 (16:58):
Absolutely, You've got there's a lot of moving targets and
they're they're all moving in different directions and there's a
lot of space to cover, and I mean the end
zone is huge, you know, so he's coming to it
may be a little bit easier for him, you know,
in terms of the space he has to cover, and
there's gonna be more stationary targets for him to lock onto.

Speaker 3 (17:20):
Before the Paul snapped.

Speaker 1 (17:22):
How about Key, he was in his garage.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
I think while his family was taken in the draft,
maybe he was getting nervous, Yeah, thinking that free agency.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
Was on the way. But you guys made him the
last pick of the draft.

Speaker 3 (17:32):

Speaker 4 (17:32):
That that was another one where you know, him transferring
from UA B to Alabama and you know, really accepting
that challenge because when he transferred, Coach Shaban promised him nothing.
You know, he had to earn everything, and he did.
He earned a starting spot and you know, for for
someone to come in and earn that role in coach

Saban's secondary, which Coach Shaven's notoriously tough on them, guys,
you know, they have to have a certain mindset, mental
horsepower mentality for him to come in and a year
and take that take that job, that's that says a lot.
And so again it speaks to his persistence as well.

And so just you know, you're getting a smart guy,
You're getting a highly competitive guy and another guy that
Markwan was excited to add throughout the process.

Speaker 2 (18:25):
And he played a lot of positions at two different schools.
But you guys are starting him at safety's safety, okay,
and then also with Stiggers, he figures to get in
a mix, probably backing up Michael Carter the second in
the Nickels spot.

Speaker 4 (18:39):
Yeah, you know, I think I think for him, he
brings a lot of versatility as well. He can play outside,
he can play inside, and so I'm sure if you
ask him, he'd be on to play any spot on
the defense. So we're excited to get him on the
on the grass this weekend.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
All right, Big picture thoughts, What does it say about
the National Football League that fourteen offensive players went consecutively
to start the draft?

Speaker 4 (19:03):
Yeah, I just think it's I think it varies year
to year, like I think our draft to where we
took where we took Sauce and Garrett. I think the
first four picks were defense that year. But yeah, this
was a record for offensive players, and you know, it's
a it's an offensive league, you know, and so everyone's

trying to either protect the quarterback or give the quarterback
weapons to uh to use. But on the flip side,
it's also important to find guys that can get the
quarterback down and take the take the ball away from.

Speaker 3 (19:37):
The quarterback as well.

Speaker 4 (19:38):
So uh, I think it's part of it's just kind
of how the how the draft fell and what was
the strength of the draft and the strength of the draft.
The real strength of the draft this year was playmakers
and no line.

Speaker 1 (19:50):
What's up with the trade?

Speaker 2 (19:51):
Six and all Draft weekend from Joe Douglas. Two up,
four down?

Speaker 1 (19:58):
You like playing poker?

Speaker 3 (19:59):
I guess.

Speaker 1 (19:59):
I guess we can't because we're in the national foot
but uh uh it.

Speaker 2 (20:04):
First off, when you move back four times, that means
what that you have targeted a number of players. They
are probably going to be in that range, right.

Speaker 3 (20:13):
I think.

Speaker 4 (20:14):
I think if we would have gotten to I think
if we would have gotten to Saturday and there was
a very small group of players that we were excited about,
you would have seen a stay at those three picks
of four and pick. But I think when we when
we had the group together before the draft started off Saturday,
and we highlighted a pretty big pool of players that

we thought could come in. Here are our type of person,
our type of player. And so when we got to
our pick, they were all still there, and so we
decided to start moving around the board and so but then,
but then eventually we got to the point where it's like, Okay, uh,
we don't want to we don't want to run the

risk of missing out on guys like Jordan, guys like Brailyn, Like,
let's it's time to stick and pick.

Speaker 2 (21:03):
But you got a lot of guys that you guys
liked and targeted beforehand. And can you talk about the
value of bringing back a third round pick and that
deal that you guys had with the Lions.

Speaker 4 (21:13):
Yeah, that was Uh, that was unique because just a
few minutes before Miami, Miami had done a trade with
Philadelphia whereas a fourth round pick for next year's three
and a few minutes past, I looked over at Nick
Sabella and Dave Sosi on our Football Haven't team, I

was like, man, I wish someone would call and offer
us something like that and lo and behold. About five
minutes later, Detroit calls and they they made a similar offer.

Speaker 3 (21:44):
And you know, again, if if.

Speaker 4 (21:47):
You have a guy that you're excited to get, be
aggressive and go get them like and so that's what
Detroit did. They they highlight their guy, they made an
aggressive offer, and they went up and got their guy.
And we feel like that third round pick has a
legitimate value for us next year. And you'd like to

think with that pick, you can you can you can
locate a starter to help your team.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
You're setting yourself up for more flexibility in twenty five
already because you have two threes and two six.

Speaker 3 (22:19):
That's right.

Speaker 2 (22:20):
And people were asking me about the Reddick deal. That's
a conditional three in twenty six.

Speaker 4 (22:26):
That's a conditional three and twenty six that goes up
based on production last year.

Speaker 3 (22:31):

Speaker 1 (22:31):
Yeah, and Reddick.

Speaker 2 (22:34):
Once he came in on the John Franklin Myers front.
As far as financially, it's hard to keep everybody in house,
but also can you speak to the fact that, hey,
there's some other guys here, like the Will McDonald's of
the world too. You guys are gonna get more rops.
He's gonna be on the field a.

Speaker 3 (22:54):
Little bit more.

Speaker 4 (22:56):
I think the thinking with that is because we didn't
have Hassan, we didn't think that was ever going to
come to.

Speaker 3 (23:05):
Fruition, right, but when.

Speaker 4 (23:08):
It did materialize, and it was a real opportunity to say, hey,
now we've got we have a son Rattick, who's one
of the most productive pass rushers over the last five
years I think fifty sacks. So adding a guy that's
one of the best pass rushers in the nash Football
League next to Jermaine Johnson and someone we feel is

going to take that next step similar to Jermaine last
year with Will McDonald. So now we could have three
just elite blazers off the edge, guys that can really
really disrupt the edges. And again, you can't. It's it's
an unfortunate part of the business when you can't, you
can't take care of everybody.

Speaker 3 (23:50):
And so it was a really.

Speaker 4 (23:53):
Great process, a difficult process for many reasons, but it
was great in the fact that there's a lot of
communication with JFM leading up to the trade and Cliff Brady,
his agent, and just open dialogue in terms of getting
something that made sense for us, but also.

Speaker 3 (24:14):
Makes sense for JFM. And this is a.

Speaker 2 (24:17):
Hell of a story though, if you really think about it.
You grabbed him off of waivers in twenty nineteen.

Speaker 4 (24:22):
Yeah, so picking him up off the waivers in twenty nineteen.
We picked up him and our two big acquisitions at
the cutdown in nineteen were him and Brax and Barrios
and JFM. You know, just to watch him come in
And I said it in the presser, like the only
thing we knew about JFM was he's a talented, talented guy.

That he had a sack. And see he sacked Tom
Brady in the Super Bowl when the Rams played the
Patriots the year before, So all right, this guy's been
in a big moment.

Speaker 3 (24:53):
He had a sack.

Speaker 4 (24:54):
And so just watching him, watching him develop as a professional,
watching getting to know him as a man, watching him
develop as a father, yeah, you know, and watching his
family grow. And you know, he really was a truly
great addition, not only not only on the field, but.

Speaker 3 (25:16):
But off the field. Just a great man.

Speaker 4 (25:18):
So you know, when when you have to make a
decision like that, it's really hard. It's tough, you know,
because you hate to lose good people. But this is
this is something that we just felt was was the
right thing to do for the team, and you know,
we we had to do it. And you know, we're
we're excited about excited about the rushers that we have,

and you know we have we feel like we have
some some young guys that can step up, you know,
and kind of take that that ambassador of violence role
that at JFM had for a few years here. And
you know, talk about a guy like Michael Clements, you
know who's who. This is year three for Mike and
you know, he's he's developed, that he's gotten better his
first two years here, and it's a great opportunity for

him to kind of take take that baton from JFM
and and really really really be the enforcer on our defense.

Speaker 1 (26:08):
It's interesting what you just said about Reddick. We all
know he's a great finisher.

Speaker 2 (26:13):
You didn't think there was any chance, like if somebody
told you in January you're gonna get Redick next year.

Speaker 1 (26:19):
Yeah, yeah, that's probably extremely unlikely.

Speaker 4 (26:22):
That sounds good now, I probably Honestly, it goes back
to your earlier question if someone said, hey, you're gonna
have an opportunity to get Mike Williams Tyra and Morgan
trade for Morgan Moses and get Hassan before the draft starts.
I would probably told you you're crazy. Yeah, yeah, I
probably would have.

Speaker 2 (26:42):
So, Okay, so I got two final ones for you.
Rookie Minnie camp this weekend. Give me some quick thoughts
on Michigan Edge Braydon McGregor.

Speaker 3 (26:52):

Speaker 4 (26:53):
So, he obviously national champion and he's a big, physical
enforcer d end. You know, similar to the JFM Big
Mike Clemmens. You know, big Man powerful was one of
the top players left when we started free agency, and
so you know, we're excited to add that and you can,

hopefully you can bring that championship mindset to our team.

Speaker 1 (27:17):
Miami defensive tackle Leonard Tayler.

Speaker 4 (27:20):
Yeah, he is a supremely talented guy. Big man, really athletic,
can jump off the ball, he can penetrate gaps. He's
going to be a really good fit scheme wise for
what Brick and Aaron want to do up front. And uh,
he's got a unique opportunity to join a really good
room with with some some great dudes and just be

their shadow.

Speaker 1 (27:44):
How about West Points Jimmy Charlow, Yeah.

Speaker 4 (27:49):
My guy, So Jimmy Jimmy came to are our local
pro day, you know, and he was It was take
long watching watching the guys go through linebacker drills, like Okay,
look at this guy. Really good feet, sudden, all motor,
all yeah, just just all motor, you know, run around

the field, just flying around.

Speaker 3 (28:15):
Can run. He can run.

Speaker 4 (28:17):
And so you watch a little tape and like, okay,
this guy can play, you know, undersized linebacker, you know,
kind of.

Speaker 3 (28:22):
What we like got.

Speaker 4 (28:25):
He plays fast, he plays, he plays furious, like his feet,
he's got some ability in space. He can help out
on special teams. So and he's an army guy, you know.
And so anytime, anytime we can get a good player
that's made of the right stuff, you know, that's that's Jimmy,
and you know, getting them in the getting them in

my office and spending some time with them. And I
told him, like they got a new nickname for you.
But Jimmy Chuchu train Jimmy, Jimmy chuch So I'm excited
to Jimmy chouch Uh.

Speaker 2 (28:59):
Not only have you added a lot of guys who
are productive on the football field, they kill it in
the weight room, Like this is the guy Jimmy thirty
four reps to twenty five, we go back to Melchi,
I think he's twenty seven reps to twenty five, and
then how about the deadlifts of volu like seven hundred
pounds three times. Yeah, yeah, those guys. Those guys like working, don't.

Speaker 3 (29:22):
They and adding a little muscle.

Speaker 4 (29:24):
Yeah yeah, to the to the group, and I mean, geez,
like Brailan Allen. You see some pictures of him, Yeah, yeah,
he's a he's a freak. I'd never wear a shirt
if I if I was cut like him. He's like
cut out a granite, like he's a He's an impressive,
impressive specimen.

Speaker 2 (29:41):
You're funny, appreciate your time as always, this was fun
and you got to be excited just for what's ahead.
As far as roster construction, you'll tell me you never
put a period at the end of the sentence, so
you're always looking. But you guys have definitely done some further.

Speaker 3 (30:00):
You're moving here the Saw season.

Speaker 4 (30:01):
Yeah, well, you know, we had a plan and with
the help of some great teammates, pro the pro Scouts,
college scouts, salary, cap analytics, I mean everybody, video equipment,
training room doctors, like, we were able to keep the

main thing the main thing. We've avoided some distractions, left
ourselves open for some opportunities as they presented themselves. But
you know, a lot of hard work from a lot
of great teammates went into an off season where again
I feel like we were able to just keep it
simple and stay on track.

Speaker 3 (30:39):
Thanks E.
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