All Episodes

January 4, 2018 122 mins

Jason and Mike react to Josh Rosen and Sam Darnold declaring for the NFL Draft at roughly the same time and debate which quarterback will be taken first overall. Jason makes a bold prediction that the first four picks will all be quarterbacks. The guys react to UCF planning a parade to crown themselves as the champions of college football, the Ball family settling in Lithuania and Isaiah Thomas sitting out of a major rivalry game against his former team. They are joined by Kenny Roda to discuss where the Browns will lean with the first pick in the NFL Draft and Isaiah Thomas' return to the court.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
You're listening to Fox Sports Radio. Greetings and welcome inside
the Jason Smiths Show with Michael Harmon Happy Wednesday, We're
live from the Geico Studios where hey, suddenly, now everybody
wants to go to the NFL Draft and play quarterback
for the Jets. Well they've all been upstage though, by
the greatest sporting event on this Wednesday night, Syracuse Wake

Forrest no Cluver. Lane just pounded Rocky Balboa. Yeah, you
know what of all the sporting events we have on
I mean that was next level right there. We have
Rocky three on one of our television's right about the
time now where Apollo says, hey, come to the streets
of Los Angeles, come on and I'll train You know.
That's four four. You're a movie ahead, you need This

was eighty three. The other was eighty five. Come on
here we're wait wait wait, wait, if we talk about
Rocky four, we can't. We can't talk about Rocky three. No,
you can't go back in time and ruin it. But
it happens the same way. I mean, Mickey dies, Oh,
Mickey does. Oh. By the way, how does plepper Lag
not face charges for killing Mickey and Rocky. He he

knows the freaks. Micky has a heart attack. Does first
of all, Rocky fights when his trainer could be dying.
I can't believe that actually happened. But how he was
responsible to his audience. Okay, a lot of people complaining
today that Isaiah Thomas was not the same. Rocky still
went out in there and did his job. Now, Mickey
gold Mill, look it up. I just want to make

sure I get it right. Gold Mill, Yes, you want
to go win bar bats lord, because by that point
in the series, Rocky realized how much money, uh, this
whole thing had made. So let's get cheeky with yeah, exactly.
But I don't think Mickey was a litigious man. No,
but something it really didn't matter because I mean you
saw how sparsely intended his funeral was just that's it.

There was nobody else Adrian and and the guy was
like nine five years old. I'm sure he outlived all.
He had a good run, did have a good but
he would have almost boxers that he that he helped.
Clever Lang starts a fight in the locker room. Mickey
has an art attack as he doesn't face charges. Come on,
that's ridiculous. I think they looked at him and he said,
you had a good run. You had a good run.

I'm not dead yet. No, now you are, I know
you are. Can you imagine if Rocky played on the Jets,
Rocky would find a way to get hurt. Well, flash, Gordon,
did you want to switch? Movie quarterback New York Jets. No,
if Rocky played, then he would be with Rocky. He
would be the field good story, who made the team,
would start at quarterback and the first week he throw

four picks. That would be what would happen if Rocky
and then they make a movie about it. Yeah, no,
that's what would happen if Rocky changed his name the
Christian Hackenburg. No, no, no, Rocky would actually play. We're
still waiting for He will take as many snaps as
the Jets quarterback as Hackenburg. So that's just a loan,
you know what. They already deep it all and he

get paid for two years already, didn't have to do anything.
He's one, you know, Yeah, he's the new clipboard Jesus
for sure. You know, I think if you like ran
a square in a fulting, you know, maybe you know
that guy could get the ball to you. But you know,
I don't know. I just just my finger. But we

start tonight with two brand new names in the hat
for the National Football League Draft. Tim, I wish they
could draft you again. I know you are and we
are talking about quarterbacks, but we now know the best
of the best are in the NFL draft. Josh Rosen
out of U c l A Declared for the NFL

Draft earlier today, and then one hour later, and his
name is John one hour later, John Cena, one hour
after that, declaring for the NFL Draft. Hi, I'm a
well once again. Was Christian Hacking declaring for the draft,

after Judge Rosen declaring via email in which he was
Hacked declaring for the draft, and Phil going back to sleep, empering,
emptying all the chambers. And now we're like a minute
into the show. It's what I got it declaring for
the draft and out easy, chewy easy. Sam Donald headed

to the National Football League, making his announcement on Instagram
earlier tonight. Enjoy the announcement and the light jazz in
the background. Hey, Trojan fans, this is Sam Donald. After
talking to my immediate family, very close friends, and many
people who have helped me throughout my life. I have
made the decision to declare for the two thousand eighteen
NFL Draft. I've been blessed that my life has been

full of memorable moments and wonderful people. The people who
have been involved in making me the man I in
today have prepared me to the life and decisions that
I have to make in the future. After finding out
that Josh Rosen does not want to go to the
Cleveland Browns, I will be the number one overall pick
in the draft. So I am declaring for the draft. No,

I think it was just a matter of one upsmanship. Yeah,
well that's the first before before we get to that,
how does Sam darn Because that's that's a bit of
a that's a bit of a crappy move by Donald.
You have until the fifteen to declare for the NFL Draft.
Josh Rosen declares. He's a guy that you you know,
shared the city with him and everything, okay, great, and
you do it an hour after you don't even let

him get the news. And that's why I love it,
because has been written and said about Rosen and how
he goes about his life and all of these things.
He's brash, and he's outspoken and a bit of a
wild card. All these things that get thrown about Rosen,
Darald says, you know what, this nice guy image, Screw
that guy. I'm coming over the top. I'm stealing the
thunder like it's a w w E move. Now he's

in the middle of his pro often that nice Twitter
post with that great picture of himself, that really artsy
looking kind of profile opportunity, and Donald drops the elbow
on it. I like you, I'm unpredictable. Sometimes I like gangsmanship.
Sometimes I think stuff like that is cool. But I mean, really,
you're in the same city. Yeah, I mean you're You're

in the same city and here's a guy that you're
not gonna give it. Now, if if we find out
that Sam Donald hates Josh Rosen and they had a
big thing, like maybe they got in a fight in
Rosen's hot tub in his room freshman year, but by
all accounts they get along well enough. Uh, that's that's
a load of crap. Really, you can't. You can't give
another guy in your city a day and then you

will own it for the rest of the time. You
waited days. Okay, you know what, guess what I'm coming
out for the draft to really an hour after. I
like that. He also doubled down in his video with
the Jazz and Company. Yeah right, Twitter, he goes, not
only am I gonna steal any thunder, I'm also gonna
be in video for him. Yeah, well, I like them.
I like the video for him. That's fine. Reading that

prepared statement high Trojan fans Hey the prompter a little
faster than that Football League Jets yo did. Here was
he trying to operate with his own foot pedal moving
the problem by himself. I couldn't get the rhythm down.
That's it's it's it's it's scrappy. He was a little
jumpy because he's used to play behind a bad offensive

foot started moving a little differently. That's that's crappy. Wait
a day, Wait a day and do it. You know,
if if Josh out, like say Josh Allen had to
announce or Baker Mayfield had to announce, said they had
and you wait an hour later, Okay, well you know what,
O I had this planned out, you guys are it's
it's the same time he might have had its scheduled
on social media. Really, I mean, you could schedule hours

in advance. Maybe he went went on buffer or something
and he was scheduled yees no, no, no, yesterday. It
was we don't know Darnald's leaning to. Maybe it was misdirection,
maybe it was all calculated, and it was all these sources,
the anonymous sources. He's gonna stay. He doesn't want any
part of that, because that was the thing that was
starting to be said, right if Sam doesn't want to
go play for the Browns or or maybe the Jets

or one of these teams at the top of the draft,
that was the rumor that was being fostered around by
these anonymous sources. And again it's always the plants of teams,
uh saying I want no part of us. Please let
him fall to us, Please let him fall to us.
So for Sam Donald, twenty four hours later, here we are,
we've got an announcement. We've got that across the commedia platform.

Now you gotta wait. If you'll let's say you were
going you don't remember remember this. What if he'd gone
and bought one of those new robes that you could
buy at Target us hearkening back to the eighties wrestlers,
there's a whole lot of w W E robes. You
could buy the Rick Flair or the Randy match Like,
if he did that with all the pageant treat would
it be that much cooler? Would you accept it? Then

swearing the Rick Flair roade and maybe he wooed a
couple of times. No, I look at it. This remember
Marking Brian, the longtime radio joe, you know, famous in
Los Angeles, famous throughout the country. One I forget it
was like Mark was long time announcing his retirement from
radio right and Brian was going to keep on doing
the show or vice versa. I forget, but I remember

this story is that one of them was long time
announcing they were retired, long time counting down, counting down,
counting down to his final show, this big send off everything,
and he announced and on the same day that was
his send off, Brian announced, Yeah, I'm I'm retiring to
oh oh great that you couldn't wait a day Really,
all this countdown, I couldn't know that. You gotta take
my moment. Now that's crappy. It's it's it's crappy. It's

something that could have easily been avoided. And here's Sam Donald,
who's a guy that's always very calculated. What is don't
tank for me all these things? Yeah, screw you, Josh Rosen. Yeah,
you've had your hour on Twitter, and now I'm doing
it because you can't tell me that's a coincidence that
an hour after Josh Rosen says I'm going to the NFL,
Sam Donald says it unless they say this was our

plan all along? But then why not make a joint announcement? Really,
I that's it's crap. If you had a great opportunity, right,
let's just say, let's say the Bears called you to
be their offensive coordinator, right, and we were counting down
to your final show here the Dolphins. We're dealing here.

I'm say we're dealing in reality because it could actually
what happened. So and you're gonna the Bears, you were
they were calling you, We counted down to your store,
your play for my interview. That's okay though, that that's
all right, And I just want to see it work
in the NFL. And then we're counting down your final show.
It's great, Mike Harmon's leaving to go be off coordinator
to the Bears. All this stuff great, great, and on
your final show, I reveal, Hey, uh, I'm going to

play shortstop for the Mets. You would not be happy
with me because it was your moment. You would not
be happy with me saying, oh, you know all this
countdown I'm leaving. You couldn't wait a day to announce
I'm gonna play shortstop for the matter. I'm just gonna
say this. You know, headline one isn't now here's the
here's the thing. Right, So Mark Thompson was leaving his

partner and ounce that he was leaving Kalos here in
Los Angeles. He's working on a podcast that was the
latest of the the Wikipedia world. But let's call it
what it is. Very rarely in radio do you get
a chance to say boo after you you've decided you're
leaving for someone. There's no way in hell. Scott Sapiro
has let me on a microphone if I've got another job.
But if you don't, well, no, no, if you're going

to the offensive coordinator or the Bears that let you stay,
they will. You've met me, right, yeah, no, but would
be a little nervous. No, you'd be fine because you
don't want to ruin You don't want to ruin your
next job. Whatever you want to ruin your next job,
you don't want to do that. In fact, I'll tell
you this much. It really depends. Usually in radio, that's
what happens, right Usually when a guy says, hey, I'm

leaving for that's it. He's gone. And you never microphone.
They literally never name the scrub from the website. It's
right away quickly as you can. But it really is
about the reputation you have when you're leaving, because sometimes
if the company trusts you, they'll let you stay. And
I one of the things I was always very proud

of an ESPN was when I told them I was
leaving for NFL Network to go there. They said, okay,
what do you want to do And I said, well,
I'd like to have a couple of days, but you know,
whatever you want me to do. And they said, no, no no, no,
if you want to spend the next you know, take
the next three shows, do it, talk about leaving if
you want, We're okay with it. I was like really,
and and my manager said, yes, you know, thanks you

for everything the last six years, all this stuff is
a great opportunity for you and all this stuff. And
I was like, okay, and I was very happy with that.
I was, you know, I was. I was. I was
very proud. Okay, they trusted me enough to say, okay,
I can go on and say I'm going to a
competitor where I'm gonna go do things now granted you
know if I you know, and and lit the world
on fire, and I can't wait to get out of ESPN.

ESPN stinks all this stuff. And then they want to say, well,
you're done, but you're saying this is gonna be clipped
off and rope back. No. I like I. I like
that they trusted me and said, you know, yeah, go
on talk about it. That's fine because they knew. They
knew that the kind of show I was that I did,
and and that's how I acted. And I always is
very I will always be very thankful that. Now. Look,
there's many other things that I've taught you. I gotta

I gotta list, But that's one thing. It depends on
how you're If you're leaving to b O C of
the Bears, they will trust you that you're not gonna
screw up your next job by saying things you shouldn't
and then you'd be, you know, an asset to the organization.
I like that. It's like the organization you've got no range,
and that arm is a pop gun at this point. Anyway,
Sam Donald, I applaud you steal that fund or making

about you, and you added audio to it. Josh Rosen
is working in a studio right now doing voiceovers to
try to know to read his statement because he's screwed up.
We'll have more on this coming up next. He's had
a big bold prediction for the NFL Draft. Now that
Rosen and Donald have declared for the draft. I got
a big bold prediction that I'm gonna hit you with

right between the odds. It's coming up next to Jason
Smith show. Right here Fox Sports Radio. It's Jazz Night apparently.
Oh yeah, d over baby all night. So that's why
you're wearing your short shorts tonight. Yes it's me. It's
John Stockton appreciation night here on the show. Jazz uh.
Sam Donald making his announcement for the NFL Draft with

a light little jazz background to it on Instagram. So
we'll play some jazz tonight. The only thing that would
have been better about his announcement is if there had
been a green screen behind him and it just random
images floating up here. Let's play the Sam Donald announcement again.
Josh Rosen announcing he's added to the NFL as well.

So now we got Rosen and Donald in the draft.
I'll be honest. Originally, the first couple of notes of this,
I thought it was gonna be the jazz version of
the Star Wars theme. I thought it was gonna be
like white Christmas and tight shirt was, you know, going
back in time. It's the only jazz highlight we have
in the last ten years. Here, No, no, don't we
don't we have the yas flute. Don't we have anything
by Gordon Hayward from like a year ago or two

years ago? And then and then it broke See in
my head, in my head, bro, if you could read
Ma'm and t J and the Wreck of the Larry
Fitzgerald d j uh. Here's Sam Donald a little bit

of jazz in the background, announcing he's headed to the
National Football League. Hey, Trojan fans, this is Sam Donald.
After talking to my immediate family, very close friends, and
many people who have helped me throughout my life, I
have made the decision to declare for the two thousand
eighteen NFL draft. I've been blessed that my life has
been full of memorable moments and wonderful people. The people
who have been involved in making me the man I

and today have prepared me to the life and decisions
that I have to make in the future. See, that's
like progressive jazz. Though that's not like old jazz where
you know, my my the micro the read of my
saxophone is split in half and I'm just making real
soft notes. I mean no, that's like progressive jazz. Either way,
it's gotta boost the audio on, man, come on, we
need a little bit more. How does he not thank

Karl Malone there? I would I you gotta fank Karmel
Jerry Sloan as well, gotta make sure. But as you know,
his friends and his family, and now that Josh Rosen
has declared I'm headed to the NFL as well, I
like it. I like the pettiness that I don't really
think there's anything to it. Hell, let's fire it out there.
There's no way Donald didn't do that on purpose. An

hour after Rosen's headed to the NFL, he puts on
an Instagram video saying I'm going Really, that's dirty you
could have given Rosen, you know, a day and and
then taking the spotlight for yourself. At least at least
we know now they will forever be linked. Will it
will be you know Peyton Manning Ryan Leaf conversation, Not
that one of them is gonna be Ryan Leaf. Still,

which guy are you predicting? Crying and yelling at people
in the locker room, Oh, Josh Rosen, Yeah, uh no,
But you know how quarterbacks are linked. Whenever guys go
one to West and Mariota are gonna be linked. But
Donald and Rosen simply because number one, same draft, same year,
they'll go one two overall, same city. Within the same hour,

they declare, We've been comparing them for their entire careers,
and now here there are so that they will be
inexorably blinked, inexorably linked. Look at you, and you know
it was great about all your examples. What's that? At
no point did you do that Philadelphia thing to do?
Carson Wentz? But no, I wasn't prompting you. Let me.
Let let me give you a big, bold prediction for

what will happen with the NFL Draft. Let's go. The
first four picks will be quarterbacks. The first four picks
will be quarterbacks. The Browns pick number one, the Giants
pick number two, the Cults pick number three, and the
Browns pick number four. Hey, happy birthday, Eli Manning. Yes,
Eli Manning returned sixty three years old. How dumb one

of the Jets to win five days plenty of quarter
The Broncos pick fiveth and the Jets pick six. Here's
why there's gonna be four quarterbacks taken, because the Browns
will take two. No, your theory instead of the back
end of the draft going to all quarterback right off

the jump, We're gonna come back for Josh Allen worked
up for the Redskins, and we're gonna trade up they
get bigger. We're gonna pay them all and trade them. Hey,
if they're both on rookie deals, I mean, you're okay,
But think about Look, there's other guys. Obviously, Look, Barkley
is gonna be a mix to go in the top five.

But everybody needs a quarterback. Everybody at the top needs
a quarterback. So Browns and Giants go one too. You
can say what you all want about Sam Donald he's
the sixth, but you know, look, I I respect the
hell to what guys like melk khyper Todd mcshanne. They
all do. And when they evaluate talent, they're evaluating best
players on the board. When they say Josh Rosen is

the fifth player or Sam Donald more likely is the
sixth best player. As you see, those guys ranked them.
But they're ranking them for talent when it comes they're
not saying, this is my mock draft. Because when you
get to the draft, the quarterback level of importance goes
through the roof. Everybody needs a quarterback. There's no way
the Browns are not taking Sam Donald first. Overall, they

don't have to worry about the Josh Rosen smoke screen.
About Josh Rosen, letting it be known. Yeah, I really
don't want to go to the Browns. I'll say, fine,
whatever you want, Giants take him. They'll take Sam Donald
number one, al right, So Donald will go number one.
Rosen goes to the Giants number two. Overall. Now you've
got the Colt sitting at number three. Now do they
need a quarterback? No, they have Andrew Luck. As I've
said many times, they should trade Andrew Luck and start over.

This is your time to do it. You are picking third.
You could get Josh Allen. If you like Baker Mayfield,
you can get one of these guys. You can start over.
Because Andrew Luck has just been Okay, he's not he's
not a Jag quarterback, but he's had a lot of
injuries and he's only had a couple of elite seasons.
You can start over, get out from his contract, and

trade Andrew Luck. Many teams would take Andrew Luck thinking, okay,
we can still turn him into something great. The image
of Andrew Luck is greater than the actual production of
Andrew Luck. But let's say the Colts stay at three.
All right, Let's say they stay at three. Somebody wants
to move up for a quarterback. Nobody wants to be
the team left out. Someone will move up. The Jets
will move up from six to three. The Broncos might

move up from five to three. You could see anybody say, hey,
you know what, we want to make this move and
get up from where we are. You can you can
even see a team is let's say the Redskins, you know,
part ways with Kirk Cousins, will move up from thirteen.
There's j Gruden had to say about Cousins. It's a

final There right, talk about Kirk all you want we're
still seven and nine. When you look at the Colts,
I want to see what Andrew Luck could be if
you actually had a competent front office. So whether ballards
that guy, I don't know yet, but sure as hell
Grigson wasn't. So you had on a horrible offensive line.
You had one good player and Kelly he couldn't stay healthy.
You're running backs, you're guessing. I mean, if you try

to resurrect Frank Gore, who's just solid, Yeoman like performed,
but he's not a game breaker. He's not a guy.
Not only will Frank Gore outlive you and I, he
will still be playing in the end of years old.
And you're going, do I start Frank Gore in my
FLEXEA end number two again? Get based on volume, could

have gained fifty yards of the test. That's it every week.
But beyond that, what do you got in that offense? Right?
T Y Hilton, He's not he's not a true dominant
number one guy and everybody else Jack Doyle, Okay, fine,
but certainly you're you're not saying the cupboards full around Andrew. Look,
it hasn't been the defense suspected best. So when when

you look at number three, you go and you find
the people that have a pile of picks, and you
go pull off one of those Kevin Coster deals where
I got like six guy showing up. I got draft
picks flying all over the board. I'm having fun. So
we've taken the first two picks, right, we've taken the
first bit. Now we haven't traded three seconds to Jacksonville.
Come on, be a hero. Take these picks first, Donald

and Rosen. And now we have the dilemma of the
cults at number three. If they do what I say
and trade Andrew Luck, which they should, alright, fine, then
they're taking but with seeing in Europe and they'll give
him all kinds of they'll let doctor see him and

talk to him, and they'll they'll they'll they'll get a
clean bill of elf to trade him. But they're probably
not gonna do it. Only if he grows a beard
equal to that that is in the all but if
you can still grow a beard. But somebody will trade
up to three because they don't want to be the
team that doesn't get a quarterback. All right, So now
you're talking about the top three picks this will get.

This will be something that will be cemented before the
draft where the cults okay, because we'll give you it'll
be probably another team's first round pick next year, a
second round pick this year. It costs a lot to
but but it's not overwhelmingly so because you're not moving
up for Donald or Rosen. You're moving up for Josh
Allen or Baker Mayfield. So it's not quite it's not
quite the treasure trove. Hey, you're moving up for a
guy that lights out is going to be one of

the you know, a franchise changing guy, so you have
that sitting at number three. Still, the top four picks
will be quarterbacks. They'll tell you why coming up in
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early with the music. But that's okay if you want
to match an award winning update. When an award winning
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who will wear boxing T shirts, thank you every single day.
Some of the great boxing matchup with the two thousands,
like day Lahoia Vargas, Tom Looney, it's your man. Yeah.

I always have to throwbacks to champion them all. Two
top college quarterbacks are coming out. They're both l A guys.
Coming out in l A means a whole different things,
so maybe I should rephrase them to top quarterbacks have
announced that they're leaving college and making themselves available for
the NFL Draft. How's that you see l A's Josh

Rosen and quarterback over at USC as well, tro fans.
This is Sam Donald. After talking to my immediate family,
very close friends, and many people who have helped me
throughout my life, I have made the decision to declare
for the two thousand eighteen NFL Draft. Oklahoma offensive tackle
Big Huge Orlando Brown's gonna leave school earlier too and

enter the NFL Draft. Oh. John Gruden was on the
radio this morning. He was asked if he'll take the
Raider coaching job if it's off. Okay, the National semi
Final and if you don't like your politics mixed with sports,
you're out of luck. When Georgia plays Alabama and the
National Championship game Monday night, Trump's gonna be there. Celtics

Cavaliers showdown tonight wasn't even close. Boston gave Cleveland some
cavalier attitude. One O two and now two guys who
would never give you cavalier attitude. Some would say they're
non chalant, but I would say they're both very chalant.
Jason Smith and Michael Harmon on Fox Sports Radio, thank you,

Mr Luneys, appreciate it. There. We'rely from the Geico studios
where fifteen minutes we'll save you fift more in car
insurance more info CA nine four seven Auto. So when
we last left you, we had quarterbacks going in the
top three. It doesn't matter that Josh Allen had a
down season. Does don't matter. People teams still think he's

the next Carson Wentz. He's the next star in new Draft.
Well trade up with the Indianapolis Colts at number three
to get him. Now, one thing, just back on the
on the Browns real quick for their first pick for
the idea of the does Rosen want to go there
or not? It's been rumored for a month or so

now at Dorsey, the new GM in Cleveland was not
exactly a fan of Rosen's off field and and certainly
his his attitude. I guess, to use some phrase phraseology
from Tom Looney, that it's not the type of guy
he wants there, and again it could just be a
smoke screen overall. But until Josh Rosen gets in front

of a microphone right now, I'm just getting Twitter accounts,
right I'm just getting nice Twitter pictures of him. He
didn't even give me a video and an audio of
him declaring, now he's gotta come back over the top
with a ska band or or a rock kind of overture.
But until he gets in front of a microphone and
says to help with this, I'm not playing there. I'll
jury's out on that one. No, it's not. He's not

going Josh right now that Sam Donald has declared it,
screw you, we don't need you. You can go to
the Giants. You want to go there. Fine, congratulations, So
Donald one rose in two to the Giants. Then you
got Josh Allen three, Baker Mayfield sitting out there now,
and just beak before you think, well, Baker Mayfield, people
say he's like a mid first round prospect all this stuff,
maybe a top ten prospect. Just think about what's going

on right now NFL draftwise. You're seeing the first three
pickspe quarterbacks. Mayfield is the next best thing that you
can get. And now you've seen, you're gonna see the
first three picks go quarterback. Somebody is gonna trade up
with the Browns to get to number four to get
that quarterback. Remember the Browns pick first and fourth. Possibly

the Browns could take sequon Barkley. But here's the thing.
You have the Broncos and the Jets picking fifth and six.
So if you're the Browns, if you're smart, you can say, okay,
if someone trade, let somebody else trade up with the
culture number three. You sit there at number four and
go all right, Broncos, alright, Jets, what are you gonna

give me to move up here? Because somebody's moving up
and then you're stuck. If you're the Broncos of the Jets.
You have to move up, and now what's it gonna
cost to move up? It will be the least to
move up one or two spots. Because you're only moving
up one or two spots. Then it's gonna be your
first round pick next to your third round pick here,
whatever it is. And then the Browns can slide back

one pick or two at the most and still wind
up with Sequon Barkley. Now the Jets could stout. The
Jets could wind up moving up in front of the Broncos,
and the Broncos could take Barkley at at two, but
they still, you know, they still need a quarterback. They
still have a lot of other needs out there. So yes,
conceive could they take Barkley? They could, But the Broncos
could take that chance in sliding back. But somebody's gonna say,

I have to get Baker mad If I don't get
Acre Mayfield, I'm stuck with hoping that Lamar Jackson is
going to be a star. And look, Lamar jack he's exciting.
I'll tell you, if the jetstreat to Lamar Jackson, I'd
be so excited from April until September, I'd be so
because he's so absolutely electric he throws the football, well,
you see what you can do with his feet to

be electric. Is he an NFL quarterback? I don't know,
but I wouldn't be. I couldn't wait to see when
September came. I'd still be nervous with Okay, Lamar Jackson's
gonna be the quarterback and all right, I mean if
he's not good, oh boy, I would still be nervous.
Nobody wants to be nervous with their quarterback. So that's

why I'll give you that Big Bowl prediction. Quarterbacks go
one through four, with teams trading up with Indianapolis and
the Browns at four in order to get those quarterbacks.
I mean, there's never a guarantee in any of these guys, right,
Whenever we place them together, it's usually one stars or
at least hangs around a long time and the other
flames out. So I don't think we have necessarily that.

And everybody wants to keep throwing Johnny Manzel's name, Throw
that on top of Rosen, throw that on top of Mayfield.
Have a little bit fun with Alan. I'm not sure
what he is playing in that conference. It's got all
the measurables and all those other things, but certainly the
competition on a week to week basis, we'll we'll raise
an eyebrow or two as we go. And Baker Mayfield,

we were covering the game the other night right Rose Bowl.
You got a throat slash, you got jawing with teammate,
with the opponent and everything else. To where is that
a turn off for folks? Is that one of those
where yet you like the fiery competitor and the win
at all cost and and what he is? Or is

that anti quarterback demeanor? Right? If you're gonna have concerns
over Josh Rosen, then how do you look at Baker
Mayfield and not have at least the same level of concern? Plus,
Josh Rosen hasn't been chased down by a police officer.
Bake Mayfield likes to grab his crotch. He likes to
trash talk a little bit. That's that's something that you

con curb. I mean that that that that's not that's
not inherently horrible behavior. As you look, the guy likes
to get into it. He likes to go back and forth.
He's not gonna let you sit there and and said,
that's okay as long as it doesn't affect his game.
But again, that's not normal quarterback procedure. If we're going
through what historically in the NFL is do you fit
the suit? Right? Do you do? You looked and act

the part? And Baker Mayfield right now, he's coloring outside
the lines quite a bit for people. So there we go.
There's your top four NFL Draft bold prediction. Quarterbacks go
one through four with teams trading up with and look,
part of me would love that the Browns took two
quarterbacks at one and four. I mean, that would be

not since the Cowboys took Troy Aikman and then took
Steve Walsh. Have we seen something like that? I'd like
to That would be very Brown's. Would be very Brown's
to do that. And then we'll put him on hard
knocks and away we go. Hey, Hugh Jackson, not only
is the world watching and wondering why you're still there
after one and thirty one, Now you have two quarterbacks
battling twitter at, how about a fresco? Twitter At? How

about a fresco? The Jason Smith Show with my best
friend Mike Carmon Live from the getic studios. Will I
get the latest on Lithuania coming up in twenty minutes,
but coming up next, but coming up next? Get ready
for a national championship parade even before Alabama plays Georgia.

What Yes, We'll tell you all about it next on five.
I hate that song. Hey Trojan fans, this is Sam
Donald Fox Sports Radio. By it's some nice small how
about some nice tall smooth I can't wonder on the
cold forty five line, and I can't say it about
a nice tall smooth called for. So you're just mesmerized

because you've been watching the sham Donald announcement on a
loop and you're mesmerized by his hair. It is the
Jason Smith Show with Michael Harmon, live from the Geico Studios.
Great news. You want to save money, go to Geico
dot com and in fifteen minutes you could be saving
cent or more on car insurance. So Sam Donald and
Josh Rosen are headed to the National Football League. They'll

be the number one, number two overall picks in the draft.
Sam Donald will go to the Browns, Josh Rosen will
go to the Giants, and Tim Tebow will be announcing
them on Monday Night Football when he takes Jon Gruden's place.
I like, you have to put him in there. I mean,
you gotta put you gotta put Tebow on Monday Night Football. Well, well,
I mean you might have to put somebody else with him.

I have to be another person in the booth because
it it would be a lot of Tebow. You need
somebody else with Tebow. Miller, Johnny Manzel, Oh, that would wow.
You talk about Angel and the devil, you know you
made him a devil. The guy's got a problem. I'm
just saying, how dare you I say devil? Like you know,

he's a guy that likes to party and drink and
do those things. And Tim Tebow likes to you know,
save lives and perform circumcisions in third world. Doesn't like
to party and drink on it saying I've never seen
I've never seen any pictures of Tim Tebow, you know,
passed out on a couch. You wouldn't know a party.
If it hit you in the face, the face, you

know who what Geno Smith? Gen Smith? Oh, if it
hit him in the face, you would know it. But
we are going to have a parade in college football
champions Yes, we're gonna have a parade. But you're saying,

wait a minute, don't Georgia and Alabama have to play? Yes,
it doesn't matter because Central Florida will claim a national
championship and place a championship banner inside Spectrum Stadium to
recognize it's undefeated season and the Peach Bowl by beat Auburn,

finishing as the only undefeated team in college football. I
this is not a lie. This is just like when
the Cold put up a banner, Hey, AFC title. U
c F put out a tweet today saying they're national
champions and they are going to have a parade like

positive thinking their national championship. So when you think about, hey,
what's the final call of the national championship game this year? No, no,
it's not gonna be Alabama Georgia. It's gonna be this
Anddi goes down and the final frost will end in perfection,
the u c F Knights will do something no one
else think college football can claim. Play them all, win

them all, unbeaten, thirty four seven, the u c F
Night to the Chick fil A Peach Four champions and
no one else in college football, no matter who plays
today or next week, can say they were undefeated. Central

Florida Radio Network on the call. You know what, listen,
when are they ever going to get a chance to
say something as ridiculous as this? Ever? Again, they never are.
So I'm fine, you go find those that have been
living in under a rock. He saying we won a
national title. You want us to yours a little bit more.
I hear they're gonna hang their banner at Lucas Oil Stadium.

Oh yeah, right up there, right up there next to
the NFC South banner. Look, go ahead and do it,
but be real about it. When you say no one
else has done this, When you say no one else
has read through the schedule, give me the schedule, Give
me all the teams you beat this year. Because the
Maryland yes, marilynd was four and eight. They participated in

the Big Ten. Yes they participated. You can't really say
they played in the Big Ten. Here's what we've talked
about this Central Florida. This is Look, it's they're having fun,
that's fine, but the rest of the world knows. It's embarrassing.
It's ridiculous because they clearly not only do they not
deserve the national champion, you don't deserve to be in
the top four because if they played a Power five schedule,

if they played an SEC schedule, they would win four games,
maybe five, which is great, right because Central fun. But
you're talking about if you play teams that are really good,
you're winning four or five games. I want to say, hey,
look at the team. We're undefeated. Florida International, Maryland, Cincinnati,

East Carolina, Austin p Connecticut, Memphis. I mean, okay, Memphis
is not bad, but you're ending. And they tell but
we beat Auburn. Okay, yes, because you beat Auburn, who
beat Alabama. You can do that for anything. Clemson who
lost the Syracuse who lost Middle Tennessee Stage, you could

do that game. It's a ridiculous game. It's like I
feel like they did beat South Florida. So I mean
that's yeah, Okay, Central beats South Florida. Okay, that's fine,
but realize you played a crappy schedule. You didn't play anybody.
All right. This is like me saying, you know what,
I just beat my little brother in video games. He's

never played Madden before and he's only four, and I
beat him, and I beat him sixty two to seven.
I am the champion of my house. Uh well, okay,
I mean that's a central floor. That victory. I'd hang
a band away your bedroom. It comes down you coloring

book and your crayons out. Maybe you brought out a
protractor a little so you have a little straight edge.
If Alabama wins Monday night, somebody's got to bring this
up to save and right after the game, you know
you're not really the champs, right? Yeah? You nick? Hey,
do you think anytime any old would you mean? You
guys do that? I mean that this is let's just

let's let's not get too carried away. Central Florida is
a nice story. Okay, they want all their games and
that's awesome story. Scott Frost was a great story because
he stayed with the team. He showed you there is
a right way to do it. If I'm leaving for
a bigger job, I can stay and finish what I
promised all these kids. We would start with what's you're

all things you can do when you are playing in
a low level college program. Because everybody's just excited as
hell that Scott Frost decided to stay. It's a jumping
It's a nice story. Central floor is a nice story.
They had a good season, but stop claiming that you're
one of the big boys of college football. Bowl games
are a crapshoot. Auburn had nothing to show up for.

What are they gonna do to play Central Florida? Central
Florida had everything to show up for. If you're not
playing in a playoff game in the bowl season, if
you're not one of the top four teams, who know
was who shows up? Some teams show up, some teams don't.
Some teams that you know what, I'm done with the season,
and some teams say no, we want to players. You're
doing all sorts of Central Florida wanted to finish strong

with You had much more to play for than Auburn,
who's coming off of boy, we were just number two
in the country and now look at us. Now we're
we're out of everything, and now we gotta go play
a team that that doesn't even deserve to be on
the same field as Okay, fine, and they went and
they lost. But here's the one thing for all those assistants,
three thousand dollars and bonuses for winning a national title.
Twitter at how about a Fresca coming up next? We'll

check in with Lithuania. This is Fox Sports Radio. Welcome
inside the Jason Smith Showing with my bass friend Mike Harmon,
live from the Geico Studios, where fifteen minutes can save
you fifteen percent and more in car insurance. More info,
visit Geiko dot com and don't forget. As always, if
you miss any of the show. If you missed the
first hour, we talked a lot about the NFL Draft.

Josh Rosen, Sam Donald now headed to the draft. We
talked about who was going one through for where the
quarterbacks are going, what could happen? And Central Florida is ridiculous. Hey,
I'm gonna raise it. Banner iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Fox
Sports Radio dot Com, the I Heart Radio app. You
can download the entirety of the show or the best

of it goes up right after we get done here
again iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Fox Sports Radio dot Com,
the I Heart Radio App. Listen to it, rate us,
give us five stars. We'll love you forever and ever
and ever. I made it back. I was up putting
up the banner for us made doing two straight shows together.
Very good dad. They'll go right next to you, cef

s Banner. Yeah, let's be perfect. Look, I'm all about
celebrating your wins, find your wins wherever you can in
your life, and as you start a new year, the
resolutions and everybody trying to put their best foot forward.
If putting a banner up is gonna fill the coffers
from the alumni base and get everybody fired up, if
it eventually gets a larger conversation about the college football

playoff going, then it's all finding good. Just remember they're
putting on a TV event. They didn't invite you to
the TV event. They'd like you to watch it, not participate.
Central Florida announcing they're gonna hang a banner for then
winning the quote national championship because they won all their games.

It's like me saying I'm hanging a banner because I
went on a date with Beyonce. But but Jason, you
didn't go on a date with Beyonce. Doesn't matter. I'm
gonna hang a banner you didn't win the national championship.
It's a nice little thing for your school. It's a
nice little pr thing. But let's just realize that's what
it is, all right. Let's just stop right there. Because
you play any power five schedule. You're lucky if you're

five hundred, and that's not anywhere near a national chair.
You're replacing Austin p with all miss or U C
l A or Wisconsin or any of these teams, and
you're gonna go five hundred. Maybe in the SEC you'll
win four games. In the A SEC, you might win
four games. In the Big Ten, you might win two

games if you play Maryland all all the time. I
mean that that's really the reality. But let's because you're
you're talking about we're gonna celebrate a national championship that
doesn't happen. We're crowning ourselves the national champions. If we
think about that, not a bad way to be. If
you can go through live crowning yourself champion in random situations.
You in your car right now, wherever you're driving, we

thank you for listening to us, to Jason Smith Show
with me My Garment here on Fox Sports Radio. Give
yourself a banner, raise the glass, raise the glass to
national championship. Look, here's their a D saying yeah, we're
gonna do it. We feel strongly that our football team
is a national champion. In looking at research and what's

happened across college football through the years. There's tons of examples,
whether there's a dispute on one or two or three teams,
even four teams in some years that feel like they
have claim to a national championship. But I don't know
how you don't call this team national champions when they
went out defeated in the last game of the year.
They beat the team that beat both teams competing in
the CFT Championship. They beat the teams that beat the

teams who also beat other teams who beat other teams.
Oh that's u c F A d Danny White, making
that Danny White from the cow not not the Arizona
Rattlers coach Danny White. Right now, quick check in, uh
A Frostburg. How is the luring Paul George to the
Lakers game going right now against Oklahoma City? Oh, they're

mid tampering? Okay, alright, another five thousand are anybody invited
them to go fishing or anything. It's not tampering. When
he wants to come, how's that tampering. I'm just saying,
the guy wants to be here, how's that tampering? I mean,
is is I think Jack Nicholson sitting next to him,
when when he sits out on the bench right now,
he's actually been traded. Oh okay, all right, well good,

oh it's worked out. Anybody do a late night talk
show appearance when they started talking about his arrival. Even
with Paul George, they're getting blown out by seventy Oklahoma
City leads the Lakers right now, seventies seven fifty six.
The Lakers playing once again without Lonzo Ball. They have
in just circling the drain the last three weeks. Oh boy,

I still can't believe Luke Wall I said over under
was Christmas Day a Lukewall and ain't making it much firm.
He's gonna make it at least three more years. At
least he's not gonna make it three more years. Were
really Paul George legitimately was gonna do a Tropics move
housing going and changing his jersey in the middle of

a game. I just like how when when ESPN asked him, Hey,
you know, what's it gonna take for you to to
stay in Oklahoma City? Because when they asked Russell Westbrook
that today, he said, you know, winning a championship, that's
my recruiting pitch winning a title, that's a pretty good pitch.
But for that when they asked Paul George, Paul, what's
it gonna take, you know, for you to think about
staying in Oklahoma City, he said, like nine things that

we're gonna have to Well, we have to make sure
we're going in the right direction. I have to make
sure I'm happy here. I have to make sure that
we're on on pace to contending for a championship. I
gotta make sure that we're I mean, everything gotta be
about it at all. I got to make sure that
you know the WiFi works, you know, and that doesn't
get interrupted at all. I got to make sure that
you know the paper gets there every morning at seven o'clock.
I don't wanta have to walk out and get the

paper after the sprinkler goes on at seven fifteen. I mean,
you have like a laundry list of things that I know.
If all this happens, yeah, and then I'll talk about
staying at Oklahoma City. Definitely add some element of excitement,
especially for Laker fans who, let's face it, after some
early success so early well just like last year, right

where you're after twenty games you're right about five. So
people start saying, all right, young nucleus and and certainly
you can still push the Kusma narrative, but you've still
you've got huge decisions to make on Clarkson, Julius Randall,
who's played pretty well in the minutes that he's been given.
But you've got a number of guys that are playing
the same position. So do you make a deal? Now?
What do you do with their contracts? They'll be restricted

free agents. So there's there's a lot of movement with
the young quote unquote nucleus that everybody tries to get
excited about and tries to make that the selling pitch.
It's truly just in the end for one of these
big prize free agents, are they going to make a
move just because they want to come to Los Angeles?
They want to be part of the Laker brand. Whether

Luke Walton stays or goes, he's in no man's land
right now. It's funny how after at the end of
last season we talked about the possibility of the Lakers
getting the number one overall pick and getting Paul George.
We're gonna fast forward. It's gonna be another year, is
gonna go by, and we're gonna say the Lakers could
have the number one pick overall and Paul George, I
mean it's gonna happen again, and three straight years where

they had the number two pick. Lonzo Ball is still
in a suit. I mean, Kuzma is better than porzingis. Hey, hey, hey, hey,
hey hey, you know there might be some data Dale.
What do you say too soon to me? Okay, I'll
explain this. While the Lakers continue to suck, all eyes

turned to Lithuania. It by welcome to a welcome to it,
away your beautiful basket the fault. The only thing to
go right for the Lakers in the last three weeks
is now LaVar Ball is in Lithuania with LaMelo and
lie Angelo as they get set to start what will
wind up being a very brief career as Lithuanian basketball.

Did you like the crowd assembled the flight was delayed? Well,
you're flying into Lithuania. I don't think you can fly
direct from anywhere. Well, but you're the Ball family. Yeah,
I think you probably had to make a couple of
couple of jumps. Cameras were ready. You had to do
l A to London and London to someplace else and
then to Stutgard and then like I thought that you

could go direct. No, it's like flying to Jacksonville. You
can't fly direct. You gotta drive and drive past Gator
Alley and fly to Dallas. And I changed planes there
to Atlanta. Then I flet Atlanta. I gotta fly the
opposite direct to get on a plane to get to Jacksonville.
But the Balls showed up in Lithuania and it was

a pretty big media event. The airport was mobbed with people.
And here's audio of Lithuanians very excited seeing them finally
landing and singing the official non official song of the country.

You can hear LaVar Ball yelling in the background. Yeah
he's at a sublime concert. That's not Lithuania. I want
to bring these guys in. They can they can open
for us. Damn me want It's like le So there's
a lot of excitement for the Balls hit Lithuania. I
want one of those limited edition jerseys. The Lakers are

extremely happy because now LaVar Balls in Lithuania for however
long he's gonna be there. Now, at least they get
a rest bite or they get a break because it's like,
oh my god, we got you know, we gotta have
a break. We gotta have a break. Um. I think
of this all the time because I made crazy segue
in my head. One time I went to um San
Diego and for my birthday, uh pam got me a

tour like they do specialized tours of the zoo, you know,
paying some money for your birthday. So I went and
we we went into they have this really big open
enclosure where they have a bunch of animals from Africa,
different countries, and we've got no no horses aren't no
no no. And um they had rhinoceros that was by
itself in a paddock and I well, we asked the

person to give it says, hey, why is that rhinoceros
by myself? I said, well, that's the mail rhinoceros is okay.
And we had to give the female rhinoceros as a
break because he kept trying to mate with them all
the time and they were just we they were stressing
them out and so we had to separate. That is
not far boy. So so they had to move the
mail rhinoceros by himself until he you know, until that

passed to give the female right, Nazros is a break.
That's how I feel right now with the Lakers, and
you know Lavon they had They need a break. The
Lakers need a break in now. LaVar balls in Lithuania.
But this won't make it a month. They will not
make it a month because something is going to happen.
Why because something always happens with one of the ball

kids are not being treated right, They're not doing the
right thing. Look, he pulled the Mellow out of high school,
pulled Jello out of U c. L A. He'll pull
Alonzo out of the Lakers if he feels that Alonzo
is not getting playing time, which he's already multiple times
criticized Luke Walton and his coaching decisions for how he
is dealing with Alonzo Ball's career. So you really think

in Lithuania it's gonna go well enough where they're gonna
stay and play the whole season. Forget it. They'll play
maybe four or five games. Something's gonna happen. LaVar is
gonna be upset about playing time or something else, and
he's gonna say, no, we're done, we're gone, and we're leaving.
They will leave. They entered to a huge heroes welcome.
They will leave in a taxi cab in the middle

of the night. Wow. I still hope for some chaos
along the way. And by the way, for the Lakers,
it's not drama right now because Lazo was in plane.
So what's LaVar got to say? That's why he's on
a plane going overseas. Uh, we could get there if
we leave this weekend. Guys, we can't get a hotel,
a flight, all taxes and fees for under eighteen hundred

bucks a person round trip. What do we need? Why
don't we just crash at LaVar's mansion and stay in
his bathhouse like in towels in the steam room talking
about the Ball family. That's how they roll out there.
Trust me, this won't make it a month, not even

a month, and they'll be back. You'll be back. Twitter
at Home out of Fresco. The Jason Spread Show with
my best friend Mike Harmon coming up next, we check
in on the marquee game of the night in the
NBA lebron and the Celtics, and also we go inside.
What are the Cleveland Browns thinking now that Sam Donald

and Josh Rosen have declared for the NFL Draft. Only
one man is qualified enough to talk about both of
those things with us, and he does so next on Fox.
Hey Trojan fans, this is Sam Donald. Sam Donald announcing
he's headed to the NFL with the lighte little jazz
background to his Instagram announcement, Hey Trojan fans, this is

Sam Donald. And one hour after Josh Rosen announced he
was headed to the NFL, Sam Donald said he is
going as well. So now the Cleveland Browns have a
couple of players to choose from at number one. They
could take quarterbacks at one and four. I love it,
but getting set to join us on the hotline right now,

a man uniquely qualified to talk to us about what
exactly the Browns could be thinking at number one and
what the Cavaliers are thinking after dropping they're just acsion
to the Boston Celtics. You can find him on Twitter
at the Kenny Rhoda. That's at the Kenny Rhoda. He
is Mr Cleveland three to seven pm Monday through Friday.

Fortune a w h PC in Ohio and Lebron's favorite
guy to ask questions in his most game press conferences.
K are What's happening? Buddy? Happy New year, my friend
Howard things happy. Well, look, look, we're losing Darnald and
Rosen here in l A, you're gaining one of them.
So I think advantage you tonight. Yeah, it can't be

any worse than what they had this year at quarterback
with Hogan's heroes, Uh, Deshaun Keiser and who is the
oh yeah Kessler, another USC quarterback there. So I don't
know if we want to go back to that well again.
But well, we'll see what John Dorsey has in store
for the Browns. A let's throw in, you know, Baker
Mayfield and Mason Rudolph in there, and we'll see if

any of those guys are there at one and four
that the Browns want to take, or maybe they go
in free agency and offer the moon, the stars, the
solar system to Kirk Cousins and an avoid those quarters backs. Kenny,
what's the local buzz about Hugh Jackson, Let's forget about
let's forget about hope in the future, well in the
Lake Erie, I mean, when's that happening. It's gonna happen,

you know what. My suggestion on that, I don't know
if you guys have heard. Uh, some fans are throwing
a parade as they went, oh in sixteen right. My
suggestion was you make you the grand marshal of the parade.
He's riding on a float in a dump truck, and
then as the parade circle's first energy stadium, you just
take him right down to Lake Erie and you tip
the dump truck and he slides right out into Lake Erie.

What do you think? Oh, I see you had a
patent that idea. Someone from you, we can get some animating.
I cannot believe he is still the coach of the
Cleveland when Jimmy has Them with a straight face said
after the game, they were delighted to have Hugh Jackson.
He was coming back as their coach. He hasn't lost
his magic. And these were all quotes. These are all

quotes from Jimmy Hass. He said he was going to
be the fans hero when they turned this thing around.
I fell off my chair, couldn't believe what I was
hearing from Jimmy has Him. Now, this is a guy
that has repeatedly lied obviously in you know, recent years
with Pilot Flying Jay and to us before with the Browns.
So I'm not surprised by those comments. But when when
he said all four of those blew my mind. And somehow,

some way, Hugh Jackson was able to sell himself to
Jimmy has him enough to give him one more year,
at least half a season, to try and save his job.
So kudos to who you for you know, being able
to do that. Sunny Weaver would have never fallen for that. No, no,
it never happened. Now listen, before we get to the
Cavaliers tonight, we are there are rumblings that maybe Rosen

not the fan favorite in Cleveland. Certainly we've heard the
stories that Rosen has made it known that hey, I
really don't want to go to Cleveland. I mean to me,
doesn't make this very simple. Donald's the guy you don't
want to miss on. So if he's coming out, don't
you just take him? And okay, we don't have to
worry about the whole Josh rowe something and let him
go to the Giants. Number one. Let me say this,

I don't blame Josh Rosen. I I've watched they starting
quarterbacks in n He's done his homework. He's a smart kid. Okay, Um,
so I don't blame him for saying that. I'd rather
go to the New York Giants as well. If I
had my you know my choice. But if you're the Browns,
if you think Rosen is the better quarterback, I don't
care what he said, you still take him. You take

Rosen if you think he's the better quarterback. If you
think Donald is the better quarterback, then you take Donald.
Or maybe you like Baker Mayfield based on what he
was able to do there at Oklahoma despite his his side.
So whoever you think is the best quarterback, you have
to take that quarterback and to worry about the consequences afterwards.
So right now, we don't know who the front runner is.

John Dorsey did hint that he saw I think Baker
Mayfield play six times this past season when he wasn't
working for the Browns. He was, you know, looking for
a job, so he has a lot of background on
Baker Mayfield. So not sure who the leader in the
clubhouse is right now with John Dorsey. But you take
regardless of what I think, you think for anybody else thinks,
you take the guy you think gives you the best

chance you get a franchise quarterback. Box Sports Radio Jason
Smith Show with Me Mike Carmen Company Alive from the
Geico Studios. I'm the Hotline with us now co host
of the Kenny and j T Show, w h B
c our Man Mr Ohio. Find him on Twitter at
the Kenny Rooda. It's Kenny Rooda. So let's switch to
the NBA Marquee Game of the night, Lebron James and Company.

No Isaiah Thomas tonight gets the tribute, gets all the adulation,
many of us raising our hand and just saying I'd
get it. No back to back nights, but why not
this night instead of yesterday? Because they wanted to introduce
him to the Cavs fans. He's no longer a Celtic.
That's in the past from the Cavalier's front office perspective,

and I applaud them for that. You allow him to
play for the team he's with this year, and that's
the Cavaliers in front of their fans. They brought him
out last night, nineteen minutes, seventeen points. He helped them
get a victory, snap a losing shriek. You're not going
to play him back to backs, not because it was Boston,
because it was a back to back. He's not gonna
play at Indiana later next week after the game the

night before in Toronto, So this was predetermined as part
of the rehab and the way they're bringing him back.
So I thought they did the right thing and giving
the home fans the opportunity to see the guy that
they traded for in the Kyrie Irving trade, and he
did not disappoint in his debut last night. Yeah, could
they have used him tonight, Absolutely, they were out of gas.

They couldn't score the basketball. Lebron and Kyle Korver were
the only two that showed up tonight, So yeah, they
could have used him. But this game and the grand
scheme of things really doesn't mean that much. It's getting
him healthy, not overdoing it, and having him ready for
when these two teams play, which a lot of people
think they will in the Eastern Conference Finals. Now, the
backdrop to tonight's game was the Jackie McMullen story of

the ESPN earlier today, going back to before Kyrie Irving
was traded. The potentially the Cavaliers were looking int trading
him before they actually dealt into the Celtics, and this
is what really partly soured Kyrie Irving on the Cavaliers.
He felt Lebron was pushing to deal him because he
wanted to get a couple of guys that he's close
with their never really forgave Lebron for that. Also didn't

like the fact that Lebron would always refer to him
as my guy. Kind of felt like the little brother.
How accurate is all of that? As far as I mean,
you look, you cover the team, You're there all the time.
I mean, did was it really that bid? Did Kyrie
Irving had that much of a distaste for Lebron James
Kyrie was a unique dude, Okay, he really was. Um.
He marches to the beat of his own drum. And

when I read the story today, like you guys, eight pages,
I printed it out ready at work today, the whole thing.
We had heard some of those rumblings, and then with
Jackie's story, I thought she did a great job in
laying out a lot of facts, uh and backing up
some of the rumors that that we had heard. So
it doesn't surprise me that Kyrie felt slighted, not only
by Lebron calling him the kid and uh, you know,

treating him like a younger brother in that. But I
think you know when the Cavaliers tried to trade him
in that deal that involved who was at Phoenix and
Indiana to bring in bled So who was a clutch
sports you know client with a rich Paul Lebronze agent,
and then bringing in Paul George as well. I think
that really pushed Kyrie over the edge. And I remember

David Griffin after he was let go by the Cavaliers,
he actually stood up for Kyrie irving and saying, look,
uh he did it like a man. He went into
the office, told him what he was thinking. Um, and uh,
you know they they hammered it out and decided to
make the deal. So UM, I found it interesting to
read everything how it came out. We had heard the rumors,

but we weren't sure when or who they came from
or how they came out. I think Jackie did a
great job and so it doesn't surprise me covering Kyrie
for a number of years that this would, you know,
push him maybe in a different direction. And then Mike
Chefski's comments in there about how you know he wants
a new challenger, needs to be challenged every so many years,
so he got the opportunity. Um, he pushed forth, the

Cavaliers granted him that wish. It sounds like Dan Gilbert
was the guy who brought the Celtics in as the
trade partner and got that Brooklyn Nets pick, which doesn't
look as great as it did before. UM and now
Kyrie and the Celtics are the top team in the East,
does it right now? So do we get to have
a Lebron vacation anytime soon with Isaiah back in the
mix here, even if it's you know, working him back

in healthy, because I mean, it's it's time for at
least a little bit of chicanery with nights off, isn't it.
Maybe in a back to back situation. I don't think
we'll see an extended period of time like the two
weeks that happened a couple of years ago to give
his back some rest. Lebron wants to play. He's playing
right now at a very high level. He ran out
of gas tonight in the second half three points in
the second half after starting very aggressive and very strong

with sixteen in the first half. But he's been carrying
the load. He will gladly welcome back Isaiah Thomas. Isaiah's
gonna start Saturday, let me see. Yeah, Saturday in Orlando,
so he's gonna start against the Magic, and I expect
him to start then at Minnesota and at Toronto. So
the next three games, if his hip clears and he's okay,
I expect him to start and they'll start to get

a better feel for Lebron. And I t back at
the you know or I shouldn't say back, but in
the starting lineup at the same time for the first time,
So that should help Lebron. Maybe it's not arrest of
nights off, but less minutes in games is the way
Tylu goes about doing that. He's on Twitter at the
Kenny Rooda that's at the Kenny Roota Mr. Cleveland Monday

through Friday, four w h PC drive time in Ohio.
Kenny has always appreciated and they enjoy the parade. Yeah,
you know what, I I don't know if I'll be
able to make it. Got a stock drawer I gotta rearrange,
and also a bird cage I gotta clean out. But
for the fans that go down there, I'm sure they'll
have plenty too, I don't know, celebrate or protests or

whatever it is down there. On Saturday, Kenny quick response,
which is more absurd be parade for the Rounds or
Central Florida's. Oh boy, I still take the come on
the Browns. We are the pit of misery, aren't we.
That's what I'll say. Hey, you know what, I got

another idea. You combine those parades. Right, we have one
parade that's the Browns o. N sixteen with Central Florida's
parade being the national champions, and it leads into the
Syracuse parade for beating Clemson. Because if he wondered, if
somebody dancing back and forth in the with the banner

saying we all want nothing as teams, what's next Matt's
parade for winning forty games? Hey, what's sixty eight? Yeah,
you were the only one county. No, he lost track
in September and you can see his brain and almost
breaks trying to think of the win that I have
the most awesome idea to completely troll the Central Florida parade. Also,

we'll get back into Rosen and Donald headed to the
nat Still Football League in one minute. But first, a
guy not going anywhere because he's been right here since
turning pro right out of junior high school. Than you
in Elmira, New York, when he just had a tin
can and a piece of string, Tom Loon. Two top
quarterbacks have announced that they're leaving college and make themselves

available to the NFL draft U C l A S
Josh Rosen and that quarterback at USC To the Trojan fans,
this is Sam Donald. After talking to my immediate family,
very close friends, and many people who have helped me
throughout my life, I have made the decision to declare
for the two thousand eighteen NFL Draft. That was Donald's
declaration on Instagram. Oklahoma offensive tackle Big Orlando Brown's gonna

leave school school early two and edited the NFL Draft.
John Brood was on the regular this morning. I asked
if he'd take the Raiders coaching job if it was awful? Okay.
NBA Game of the Night tonight, Celtics, Cavaliers and bean Town.
You could not get a ticket get into this building tonight.
It was that kind of height, that's sort of excitement.

But the smoke cleared and the Calves with nobody helping
Lebron were no match for what the Celtics had for
them tonight, playing the Celtics winning the final score. Boston
one O two with the word pictures not eight five
of him the Sports hubbing Boston one NBA game remaining
tonight beneath the shadow of the Hollywood Sign and La

La Land Thunder and Lakers Oklahoma City in front one
oh six eight one seven minutes exactly left in the
fourth quarter. Now more great sports talk with Jason Smith
and Michael Harmon on Fox Sports Radio. Hey, Mr Ludiah
Golik and Wingle are on the line. He didn't give
him credit for the John Gruden? Uh that was this?

This here? There's a good chance, there's a good line.
There's an SCC rule. If I play less than four seconds,
I don't have to give credit. Is that really true?
But I set it with authority park around the street.
We're live from the Geico Studio. Is called four seven

Auto find out how much you can save on auto insurance.
Great way to troll Central Florida. Who wants to have
this ridiculous, stupid ass parade Disney World. Here's how they did.
Here's you about that. Central Florida has their parade, right.
And then if you think it's over, but no, no,
here comes Syracuse with there we beat Clemson parade and
they come Dino Babers is waving to the crowd. They're

showing highlights on the float, and then you think, okay,
it's over there. No, no, Then here comes Middle Tennessee
State with their parade going we beat Syracuse, showing highlights
and Scott Shaefer smoking a cigar in the carrier del
the mall. Middle Tennessee State wins. You think, okay, that's funny,
it's over. No no, no, no no. Then here comes
Florida International. They come in because they go the we
beat Middle Tennessee State parade. We're showing all the highlights

up like that's gonna be awesome. Oh yeah, And the
parade goes on and on and it can be endless.
And that's why this makes it's such a great thing
because then here comes Florida International and they're like, okay,
we're great. And then you think, okay, it's over. Bwait,
here comes Old Dominion because Old Dominion beat Florida International,
So now Old Dominions the real national champion. This is

the ridiculous, stupid ass logic that Central Florida is using
to say we're the national champion. We won all our
games and we beat a team that beat two of
the playoff teams. You played a candy ass schedule. Okay,
because of your conference you went there. You're a great
story down theory. Yes, we mentioned Old Dominion for the

first time since Nancy Lieberman played They're back in the
late seventies. This is the ridiculous logic that Central Florida
is using to say we should be the national champions.
Number one, you're not invited. You didn't get invited. You
didn't finish rank number three overall, but you're on probation.
You didn't play an SEC schedule, you didn't play a
Power five schedule, you didn't do any of these things.
All right, just stop you're you're trying for notoriety for

your school. That's great, but realize how ridiculous you sound
when you're celebrating the natural championship that number one you
didn't get and number two you wouldn't be in it
if you played the schedule that all these other schools
have played, would be there well, and part of it.
In the celebration of Central Florida, you talk about Scott Frost,
you talk about going from winless to undefeated in such

a short amount of time. Oh and the largest part
of it was the you beat an SEC school, because
a lot of people who didn't really care or give
a rip about any other portion of that game was
there's a defeat of an SEC team, So put one
in the column over there, so that that's also part
of it, is getting people excited, doesn't start a larger

discussion because here we are a couple of days later,
still with Central Florida on the brain. It's great work
by Danny White, great work by Scott Frost with his
comments of the they consciously left us out and everything
else that would be the conscious effort to leave them
out of the playoffs and everything that came down. It's
good branding, it's good marketing. It's good salesmanship of you know,

we've got something here now. Granted, all of those coaches
are taking their percentage of whatever Scott Frost decides to
give them, of the bonuses some thres they're all leading
and going to Nebraska. But either way, short term, it's
a fantastic story. Fox Sports Radio The Jason Smith Show,
Jason and my bas friend Mike Harmon live from the
Geico Studios. So we found out today that the NFL

draft just got a lot more interesting. Sam Donald Josh
Rosen have both declared for the draft. Josh Rosen declaring
on Twitter leaving u c l A after his junior year,
and then an hour later, Sam Donald, after his red
shirt sophomore season, said he's going to the NFL as well.
And we'll break this down and talk about what this
means for the top of the NFL Draft in a

few minutes. But just really quick, kind of dirty pool,
kind of a low class move by Sam Donald. Low class.
You know, sometimes I like gamesmanship and sometimes I feel like,
you know what, that's kind of low class. Josh Rose.
You're in the same city as the guy. Okay, he
announces on Twitter he's going to the NFL. You could
have waited a day to announce, but no, no, no,

an hour later, I'm gonna announce on social media on
Instagram that I'm going to the NFL too. I mean really,
I mean that unless we find out something that, you know,
Josh Rosen was dating Sam Donald's girlfriend or they hate
each other, so I mean, really, I don't understand why
Donald had to do it. Now, you could have waited
a day. I mean, do you want to say, oh,
it's usc over U c l A Pride and all

that fake crap. Okay, okay, but I still don't buy
it because you're talking about this is another guy going
to the NFL. This is you going to the NFL.
And you can't wait a day for the guy for
it to go buy can't wait a day? Come on,
you can wait a day. I like him coming over
the top, especially with the video Element team soothing jazz underneath. Yeah,

if anything, he waited too long. What he should have
wait like like five minutes boom beat it. Well, the
other thing is, oh wait, wait Donald send. Now. Last
night it was anonymous sources that Donald didn't want to
come out. We've heard of the things rose and doesn't
want to go play for the Browns, and he heard
Kenny Rhoda said, I don't blame him given the way

they've run things, even though Sashy Brown set him up
nicely with draft picks. And it will be an interesting
draft and free agency period for John Dorsey leading the charge,
who's got a great resume. Let's say nothing of his
effort in Kansas City and everything else. But when we
look at this move and Josh Rosen played games for

a couple of weeks on not even playing in the
bowl game right, and the hiding in the protocol and
then warming up and all sorts of things like that,
couldn't name any teammates and and give them the shoutouts
they needed. And so Sam Donald comes back over the top.
I think he gives a little bit of spice to

this otherwise, because we presume all of them were coming
out even with as we're still presumed they were coming out.
So the fact that it now becomes a talking point
that there we we fight him this way and that
he won ups and by going video and audio instead
of a note that someone else probably wrote for Josh Rosen.
It's pretty good. Sometimes I like spice. Sometimes it just didn't.

It just hit me wrong. He needs to work on
the teleprompter. Bad bad job by him. You'll hear from
Sam Donald coming up in a few minutes, you know,
you get his announcement, the smooth jazz. Like I said,
I just it just didn't hit me right. Something's hit
me right. Other things like if Baker Mayfield announced, he
like if he had to announce, he was gonna go

like say you hurt Baker Mayfield, And then Sam Donald,
I might go oh, that's pretty funny, because you know
Mayfield likes to get after people and likes to get
into it and do kinds of crazy stuff. And here
comes running out with a flag and he puts out there,
I'm gonna be number one. See that that I might
have felt differently about, but this just didn't hit me right.
There's there's the same city. It's a celebration. This is
a celebration of a guy's career. When you can say

I'm headed to the NFL. I'm excited for what's next.
All this stuff looks quad, Barkley declares, and suddenly it's
all everywhere today the nationwhere oh my god, rock Nation,
Rock Nation. And then here's Rosen doing it, and there's like, Nope, Nope,
you don't get it. I'm announcing an hour later. I'm
just gonna say this on the sixty six birthday of
good old j R. Jim Ross. It's a good w

W E move by Sam Donald Twitter at how about
a fresco The Jason Smith Show with Michael Harmon Live
from the Geico Studios coming up next. Now that we
know the top quarterbacks, we'll tell you what's gonna happen.
One through four in the NFL Draft, and some of
it is gonna shock you. It's next on Fox. Hate
that song. Hey Trojan fans, this is Sam Donald, Fox

Sports Radio. Great news, Great news. You want to save money,
go to Geico dot com and in fifteen minutes you
could say fifteen per cent or more on car insurance. Uh.
Coming up in a few minutes, we'll get into well
the fact that Terence Ferguson making his first career start,
the rookie for Oklahoma's the first name of Ferguson, Terence

fergus I just heard the te t Ferguson. Terence Ferguson
making his first career start tonight, just rolled up the
Lakers twenty four points, six out of nine three pointers
and to breakaway rim rattling dunks. Tonight he had more
highlights and Staples Center than Lonzo Balls had all years.

Oh hot, take on so hot the mic. It's melt tank.
Oh it's melt tank. You're really proud of yourself with
that one too. And see the excitement I mean, I
mean Chris Paul and and uh I'm Chris Paul, Paul
George and Russell Westbrooker on the bench going crazy watching this.
I Duncan did threes. Should be able to get through

your whole therapy and rehab after your effort on the court,
when you win my three seven, he could give me
so George, every open shot is that considered tampering? No, no, no,
that's that you can't tell. Not with this Laker team
one thirty three nineties six is the final. And you
think that the handshake line went, Hey, thanks policy, next season,

Hey thanks policy. Next they put him on the shoulders
and carry them off. Here's your locker. We've got LaVar
and bald live from this. We'll give you a Kobe spot.
I mean, we haven't given out Kobe spot in a
couple of years, but we'll give you Kobe spot. There's
a DVD copy of the next four episodes of the

Muse Cage that are being released. That's only a few
signs a four year deal. No okay, And here's box
seats of the Dodgers. Here's the guy that's gonna build
your statue. We've already vetted seven of the finest statue makers. Yeah,
when sculptors in the area. We're taking down the spot
for Kareem's down and we're gonna put yours up instead.

That's what we're gonna because it would be funny if
it was Kareem. It's actually funnier if any other statue
he beat me, the guy that were the most piste off,
if they took his statue down. They can take Gretzky
statue down to people and go oh yeah, alright, fine Gretzy.
We go oh yeah, well whatever. Now you take be

really upset. You have to drag him out, like drag
him out of the cockpit in airplane. Hees whearing his
Lakers church. Spoiler alert. Now, dating can be fun, but
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match dot com. Match dot com, Match dot com, m
A T c H dot Com match Terrence Ferguson when
Alonzo ball, well you have to match Ferguson greater than
Alonzo ball. But I guess you could do this make
your dreams come true. That's right. We found out earlier tonight.
Both Josh Rosen and Sam Donala headed to the NFL

Draft Josh Rosen making his announcement on Twitter, and an
hour later Sam Donald going on Instagram making his announcement
with a little bit of light jazz in the background.
Hey Trojan fans, this is Sam Donald. After talking to
my immediate family, very close friends, and many people who
have helped me throughout my life, I have made the

decision to declare for the two thousand eighteen NFL draft.
I've been blessed that my life has been full of
memorable moments and wonderful people. The people who have been
involved in making me the man I and today have
prepared me to the life and decisions that I have
to make in the future. And Jets, please don't draft
me now I know. Will Farrell was busy doing all
the promotion as Cord Hosenbeck for the Amazon thing to

do for the Rose Bowl. He and Molly Shannon had
to fund people all confused because they had no idea
what was going on. Uh. But if you dressed him
up as Ron Burgundy, given his USC affiliation, and had
him play a little jazz flute, he just kind of
strolls in the background. Or maybe that's what you put
on the green screen as you do your to you.
I like the one upsmanship. It's progressive jazz. It's like

Explosions in the Sky, the band that does all the
Friday night lights music. It's kind of was kind of
progressive a little bit. I mean, not the old time.
I can sit in the club and I can smell
the smoke because I hear the saxophone. Just play some
soft notes. No, no, no, it was more progressive than that. Alright,
well it's still a little low. He's gotta boost the
audio there. But I will say this, all right, one

and two, it's pretty simple. All the rumblings you've heard
about Josh Rosen not being a big fan of Cleveland,
Cleveland and their front office not being the biggest fans
of Josh Rosen's off the field antics, now this is
this is perfect because now the Browns don't have to
worry about it because you will take Sam Donald over

Josh Rosen every day. Because you could be wrong about
Sam Donald. But the worst thing would be is if
you take Rosen instead of Donald, and Donald turns out
to play better. If you take Darnald over Rosen and
Rosen turns out better, well, everything still pointed. Are you
taking Donald? Number one? Overall, but now you have to
worry about the headache that Josh Rosen doesn't want to

go there. And if you're Cleveland, it's okay, yeah, done,
we're done. We're not gonna worry about this. We're not
let you embarrass us on draft day and say all
of these things. You're done and you can go to
the Giants have a nice time. Will take Sam Donald
Donald who said anybody who wants to draft me, that's
where I'm gonna go. So now, because the Jets are
picking six, he thinks there's no way they're gonna draft
up together. But Sam Donald, now that's the guy. You

take it, and you don't have to get worried and
get involved in the in the Josh Rosen circus at all.
Donald projects, well, it projects that's the guy you go get. Yeah,
I think part of the projection as it looks as
you look at Josh Rosen has been to this point,
he's been pretty willing to give you honest answers. Nobody
wants that in their quarterback. They want Latitude's coach speak,

et cetera. So when you've got a guy like Rosen,
who during his college career has been gone against the
n C Double A has had some choice words along
the way that if if things continued to be a
struggling ship in Cleveland, He's lighting a flame to all
the people in the front office. No jam Twitter about

a fresco The Jason Smith Show. We'll have more on
Donald Rosen Top four in the Draft next on Fox.
Final hour of the show. It is The Jason Smith
Show with my bass friend Mike Rmen lots on the
Giko Studios where fifteen minutes can save you fifteen per
cent or more in car in shirts. More information visit
geico dot com and as always, if you miss any

of the show tonight, you can download our best of
Listen to the whole show, listen to parts of it.
It goes up right after the show is over. iTunes,
Google Play, Stitcher, Fox Sports Radio dot Com, the I
Heart Radio app, iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, Fox Sports Radio
dot Com, i Heart Radio app. Listen to it. Give

us five stars. Ratus. We will love you forever and
ever and ever and ever. So we're gonna get into
Lithuania coming up in a few minutess we can get
there this weekend, but I will say just really quick

coming off tonight. I want to I want to just
say this one of the more interesting debates that we
will have as the college basketball season goes on, is
is your number one pick? Now Bagley or Trey Young?
Who's your number one pick? He made a pass tonight
that in a half court offense set he was he

dribbled over the mid court line and he stopped about
three ft behind the three point line, and he just
dribbled once and with his left hand he fired a
bullet pass into the lane for a layup between two defenders.
Where I went, Holy smokes, I have never seen anything
quite like that in college basketball. It looked like something
that it was like a c g I Special effects

that after you visited the the Hollywood Tours. Here. I mean,
this wasn't on the run, this wasn't down. I mean said,
this was half crawd offense, dribble and just bounced and
he threw it with his left hand, and it was
a bullet into the lane. And and and the thing
is it didn't really surprise the two defenders that you know,
they just weren't fast enough to get to the ball.

It was incredible, It was absolutely incredible. And now you're
gonna see, Hey, you know where is the you know
where's the line drawing here? You know who's going is?
Are you gonna take Tim Duncan or guy could be
even better than folks and a Lonzo Ball combined. I mean,
this is this is where you're at. Oklahoma beats Oklahoma
State tonight one, nine nine. It was a huge game tonight.

Young had twenty seven points for Oklahoma and the wind
also go along with tennis sis. You don't see many
double doubles in college basketball. He had one tonight. Look
at you getting all just so you know Alonzo Ball
like seven of those passes last I don't know that
he had seven. I don't know he had that many
when when they were in a half car offense set up.
I mean, a Lonzo's at He's gonna make a Lonzo's

at his best on the break and his court vision
is it's it's amazing. But he's he's not the the
full throttle, full service guy that Young is. Because Young
here's how you win. You say he can shoot Young,
Yeah he could. He could. Young can get to the rack,
he can he can put the ball in the who
I don't think you know he's gonna struggle with that
at the next level. Yet, so you're saying this guy

has a future in Lithuania. He know he would play
Lithuania right now. I mean they would kick LaMelo Ball
off the team to get Trey Young, they would kick
him off. No, no, no, this is all a tourist thing.
It's a trap because you can now have lav arm
Ball there. He may be there for a long time.
They may keep him there. He can't get out, and

he needs Donald Trump's help to get out of Lithuania.
Could already be in jail for all. No, it's a
good point. Remember the tourist video we did play a
clip of where the guy makes the joke of I
don't know what you steal there. Yeah, well, well it's
the way I'm sure they have Louis Bhutan in Lithuania,
don't they know. Remember we know we determined that he

would have to go to Poland. Oh that's right, Poland
for Louis Bhutan. So so so what then the gap
they have in Lithuania, Tommy Hill figure, is that where
you have to go have the horse meet Sami American Eagle.
We did determine that last weeknight. Thank you to all
our listeners. Who are they eat horse in Lithuania? Remember yeah, yeah, yeah,

postmates it or whatever the heck it's called. Goes on
the fire, the fire from Italy to Lithuania. TI shirt,
we need, you need just that drop of the loser
goes in the fire? Are we to make a drop
of that just just to have that so we'll have
more from the balls awry in Lithuania. Maybe they maybe

they were met at the airport with a horse meat
sandwich to meet this. You know, the loser goes on
the fire. Yeah, there you go, that's what Maybe that's
what happened. Just keep waiting for some evil cackle. And
you're really looking at Gap store locations. I'm looking for
global Gap store. I'm so excited. Oh my god, we'll

get to it, all right, you really are looking for
gap stuff in Lithen All right, very nice. But Josh
Rosen and Sam Donald headed to the NFL draft and
they both make their announcements tonight. And you're not a
fan of Donald. Look, I'm not a fan of Donald

simply because he could have waited more than an hour
after Josh Rosen said, Hey, I'm headed to the NFL
to make his own announcement. I feel like that's dirty pool.
That's I'm gonna steal the headlines and attention away from
another player who plays in my city, and I'm gonna
take it, and you can't give me a crap usc

u c l A rivalry. This is This is about
a guy accomplishing something and moving on to the next level.
You could have waited, that's dirty pool by Sam darn
Unless we find out some crazy as stuff that you know, Hey,
I was at a party and Josh Rosen tried to
give his phone number to my girlfriend. I wasn't all
about that. Unless we find out something like that, that's
dirty pool. How about this is something that lights the

proverbial fire in the media. I'm saying, oh, now, these
guys have beef and they'll be I mean, they're inextricably
linked for the rest of their lives, right they come out.
I said inexorably, You said inextricably. Very nice, very good. Okay,
this isn't Zoolander guys, not models or anything. No, but
you know, it would be awesome if the Jets traded
up to number one for Darnlin Rose and went number

two to the Giants. Now that would be linked. Not
only Hey, in college and at usc U c l A.
They go one two in the draft to go to
the Jets and the Giants. He doesn't get better, You
don't get better theater than that. No, but that's the
thing is. Now we've got the three months, well three
and a half months at this point, because it's early
in the month of January that we get to battle

this and this gets to be part of the backstory.
Now Rosen had actually done a dramatic reading Morgan Freeman
style of his statement instead of just putting it up
on Twitter. Right, if Morgan Freeman had done the voice over,
he found somebody to do that forward, done it himself,
there would be value. Instead, we just get a written word.

We don't know who wrote that. That might have been
his cousin, Hey, you still hold my break? Can you
write me a couple of paragraphs on how I was
pleased to be part of the Bruins. The Bruins, right, yeah, yeah,
make sure that that's right. When I saw Josh Rosen declare,
I had to realize that from a hot tub and
a freshman dormitory room, the bright lights of the National

Football League never looked further away, but now here they
are right in front of me, like it's the odd
ramp to the four oh five. He's a modern day gladiator,
the man who doesn't know the meaning of the word quit.
But let's take a look at what the draft. Lets
give you a bold prediction for the NF. Let's go

right here. Number one, the Chargers take a kicker. Number one.
Number one, the tae up. They trade up to take
a kicker. Uh, and the Browns say, no, screw, We're
gonna take that kicker and then transform him. What to
you be? He could probably throw farther than Philip Rivers.
I don't mean more accurately, but I mean just farther. No,

are you trying to get him to come in here
and assault you, because if so, let me just just
drop a no. Like the Phil Jackson was pretty good.
Choke you out with a ball of tie there and
see that I was waiting on. I was gonna grab
my phone and start a video just he was gonna
come flying over that desk, choke you. I know. He
took a big tour of the new stadium today. He

did did a huge He was wearing a hard hat.
Looks like it's gonna be a huge mean that's gonna
he was our representatives that thing's gonna suck for Jerry
Jones when it opens. Let me tell you well, because
it combines his world. Plus it's Uh. I'm gonna hire
some people to pour bleach into some of the uh

joists and make sure that land is uninhabitable. I'm gonna
start a rumor that it was built on an eighteenth
century graveyard and uh that people come back from the
dead up through the stadium to kind of kind of
push that by every full moon. You have to watch
out for the attack of the undead and uh termites

in the stadium to gonna gonna have to gonna have
to tent the stadium. So I don't think you're gonna
stared scared away into bidders want to have Super Bowls
in Dallas, not in Not in that new fangled stadium
they got there in Los Angeles. Yeah, got skunks and
uh uh it's built too near in AKA. Well, now

you got the coyotes. Coyotes eat the chickens. They come
down and it's gotta it's very be The off ramp
is uh not conducive to parking and Uh, that's a
good A lot of problems with that stadium. So we'll
have the Olympics in Dallas as well. We're gonna have
all the events on our field. Uh, some in the
stands and a couple are gonna hang from the big

Jerry Vision scoreboard. We'll have some people have a horse
meat buffet at half time, and uh, of course that
will be uh part of everybody. In fact, that will
be an event, the horse meat eating contest where you
have to actually catch the horse running first and then
uh we're bringing back and then we uh cut it
up and throw it in the fire. It's like picking

your own lobster. The loser goes on the fire. Like
it's like picking your own lobster. Uh. So here's a
big bold prediction. I'll tell you this. Quarterbacks go one
through four. They go one through four in the NFL
draftnes easy enough for the Browns. We talked about this

a few minutes ago. It's easy enough for the Browns
to turn the page and say, listen, there's problems with
Josh Rosen. We don't like him. He said, he doesn't
want to come here. We don't have to worry about it.
We'll take Sam Donald. I know that there's reports the
Browns like Josh Allen. No way that's gonna happen. That
would be such a Browns thing to do when you
have two guys who are the top two picks. Nope,
we're gonna go in the number three quarterback on the list. Now,

the Browns could take two quarterbacks at one and four.
They could take Donald at one and then come back
and say, no, then we'll take Josh Allen at four.
That would be a very Brown cotton. But what will
wind up happening? And just think about the strategy and
how things go as you get closer to the NFL Draft.
The Browns will draft first, They'll take Sam Donald, the
Giants pick second, they'll take Josh Rosen number three. Or

the Colts. In a perfect world, what the Colts should do.
I said it many times. Trade Andrew Luck and draft
your quarterback here. Take Allen, take Baker Mayfield. Get your
guy here, because is the image of Andrew Luck is
better than the reality of Andrew Luck. He's only had
two elite type years and now he's injury prone and
he's do a lot of money. Another team will take
him because they'll think Okay, we'll get a clean bill

of health on his shoulder. It's great. We'll take Andrew Luck.
We love him. You're gonna get a treasure trove of
draft picks for him. Take your quarterback in the future
here at number three. But let's say the Colts decide no, no, no,
we want to keep Andrew Luck. Someone is doesn't want
to be left out. Because now the top two guys
are off the board and you have to get a
quarterback in the next. Two guys are Josh Allen and

Baker Mayfield. So someone's gonna move up and they're gonna
move up to number three to take one of those two,
most likely Josh Allen, because Allen will become the next
Carson Wentz. This time goes on as we get close
to the draft, because you know how things go. As
we get closer to the NFL draft, quarterbacks rise, so
Allen will rise. Now you get the brown sitting at
number four, and in theory they could take Sequwon Barkley

and suddenly, hey we got Donald Barkley. We're all set
to go. But at five and six of the Broncos
and the Jets, they absolutely need quarterbacks. Somebody will move
up to four ahead of one of the others to
take that quarterback. The Jets will move up ahead of
the Broncos, or the Broncos will swap up with the
Browns because it won't be as expensive. It's only one spot.

Maybe it's a first next year and then a third
this year. It's not gonna be the whole ransom of
I need two first rounders, to second rounders, two third rounders,
because you're talking about one or two spots, and you're
also not talking about one of the elite, elite prospects
in Rosen or Donald. You're talking about the next two guys.
But nobody wants to miss out on that quarterback. So
now you're talking about Baker Mayfield being the only one there.

Then there's a drop off. Then you're hoping Lamar Jackson
is good, and you're Mason Rudolph, I hope you're hoping.
You're hoping Baker Mayfield will keep rising, somebody will move
up to number four with the Browns, and the Browns
will slide down one or two draft picks and they'll
hopefully try to get Barkley there, but they'll also wind
up getting another first round pick. Something else. You know
the Browns, they love that moneyball. That's what's gonna happen.

The first four picks will end up being quarterbacks. I'm
excited to see it happened, in the fact that we
have so many quarterback prospects that have people's gums flapping.
That with Donald and Roseen officially entering the Fray today,
now now we can start the silly season of bock drafts.
One point nine, one fifteen. I mean, we're gonna do

one every day. We're gonna be doing a lot of those.
We're gonna age rapidly over the next three and a
half months, predicting the order Twitter and how about a
fresco The Jason Smith Show with Michael Harmon live from
the Geico Studios. Coming up next, we got a huge
battle of who hates who more end We'll go to Lithuania.

Welcome to Lithuani Fox, Hey Trojan Fans, this is Sam
Donald Fox Sports Radio. It is The Jason Smith Show
with Michael Harmon, live from the Geico Studios. I hate
that song. Sam Darnald announcing tonight he's headed to the
National Football League is shooting the rest of his career

at usc announcing so in an Instagram video the nice
Little Jazz bed behind it, Donald and Josh Rosen are
both headed to the NFL, making their announcement one hour
after the other. It's a good move. It's a good
battle that sets up WrestleMania thirty five. I did a

better battle in WrestleMania thirty five. Better battle tonight. Cavaliers
lose to the Celtics second night of back to backs.
That Cavaliers didn't have any energy playing without Isaiah Thomas
who sat out tonight. Nice little tribute. He buries the
hatchet with Danny Ainge before the game as they texted
in hug, all right, you traded me. Everything is fine.

The backdrop to this story today was just how much
Kyrie Irving hates Lebron James. Every day, I feel like
we find out more how much Kyrie hates Lebron. Jackie
McMullan of ESPN had a piece that came out today
that talked about how Kyrie was disenfranchised with the Kas
and Lebron James before he was traded to the Celtics,

when it looked like they were going to trade him
someplace else and he thought Lebron James was behind it.
That's where all the hate of Lebron began. He never
liked being the number two guy to Lebron, never liked
being looked at, referred to as the little brother as
you know, oh, here's Lebron's little buddy. Didn't like it,
didn't like Lebron James running things and as we saw

over the course of the last few months, mocking Lebron
James and videos and I'm coming home and making fun
of Lebron and Steph Curry when they were at a
wedding together, and you find out just how much Kyrie
hates Lebron James. Who has the better feud? Right now,
Kyrie Irving, Lebron On James, President Trump, and Steve Bannon,

because it's very similar, right, Trump and Bannon, we're close.
Bannon leaves the White House just like Kyrie Irving left.
Bannon writes a book, He's quoted in a book. President
Trump is not happy he ripped Steve Bennon. Tonight Bannon
rips Trump. Now you've got Kyrie and Lebron. These are
two pretty good feuds right here. See a lot of
the Kyrie and Lebron is not going to be out

in front it's gonna be whispers like Lebron is not
gonna come out and take a flamethrower to him. Kyrie
Irving's not gonna be out there, and just you know,
suddenly he's on Instagram and he's got the jazz underneath
or maybe something a bit angrier and going out with
Bannon and and President Trump and the Trump kids and

everybody else. You have no idea where the hell this
is gonna go. Act. You gotta cease and desist being
sent down tonight saying stop disparaging me, or bad things
are gonna like there's all the word treason has been
used to. I mean trees. You've got this all out
in front, I mean the Kyrie and Lebron might be
simmering in it, and it may be it may be
worse behind the seat, but you're never gonna know it.

Between Kyrie and Lebron, Who's button is bigger? Oh well,
Lebron's got the championships, He's got more championships. I'd say
he's got the bigger button than than Kyrie does. For now,
there you go. Yeah, I didn't think about that would
be much these days, but bigger. I didn't think about
that it's it's that Sometimes it's that simple. You know,
we go through all kinds of philosophies and strategies breaking

stuff down. Sometimes it's a simple as the bigger button,
bigger button, and how is it gonna play out? Everything
about Trump and Ben And before it's all said and done,
we may have live video chats where they just decided
to pay per view. I don't they know they're gonna
have flamethrowers at each other. I mean literal, you're talking
to Jim Brown running man flamethrower. It's gonna be okay.

One of them is going to have the Jim Brown flamethrowerk.
The other one's gonna have that Terry CRUs gun from
the the the uh, the expendables like they're just blow
That was actually just his chest. I want to have
a gun blow hot dogs into the stands now. I mean,
in the history of movies, there's never been a better

gun than with Terry Crews had the expendable. He's just
walking through walls, just blow with that gun. That was
the greatest gunn't I don't even know what that gun
would cost on on the streets. It was made in Lithuania. Ah,
of the beautiful basketball. If you can get proof of
the tags, I mean you just don't know. I mean
that's all been sought off. Yeah, now you're I wanted

to do his check Twitter every few hours, you'll find
out more about Trump advantage. Yeah. I think that's where
we get more outward fireworks for our sports purposes because
Lebron is never going to quote lower himself. But he doesn't, right,
He's always got the side eye and comments that are meant.

But it's all in a matter of interpretation. Eventually, the
master key's gonna come out once he's retired. Here's my
five everything, Yeah, and page, tell him of everything that
I meant in all these cryptic tweets and Instagram post
or whatever else. You'd be keeping a journal this entire time.
Oh I I like that. I like that philosophy that

we're going to get that. Tell here's what everything meant
my entire career and your rookie, your answer key and
everything else. Here's what you know driving the toy Hummer
when I was a senior at St. Vincent St. Mary's
met Here's an all of the Oh I like that.
I like finding all that stuff out, decoding Lebron. It's
the best seller. Whoa, there's your title decoding Lebron patent ending. Wow,

maybe that's the book all right about Lebron. Maybe I'll
just come up with theories out of everything he's posted.
You're at the Mike Harmon book on Lebron James. It's awesome, Kyrie,
just patent it. Oh yeah, you just lost that, sorry buddy,
team of lawyers. While I'm on the air talking, he's
got people clickingy clack, clickingty clack, just like that. It's
it's it's like when it's like when you see new

when someone's injured in in the NFL and you go, oh,
I got a race of the computer to pick up
their backup and fantasy Oh I gotta get there too.
Fat if like you're driving your car, you're like, oh,
I'm screwed. I'm never gonna go get who I I'm
never gonna get Shark Andrick west Um done. Yeah, you
were already done if you need Shark Andrick quest And
then he was out sick so it didn't matter. Hey,

you know this just oh, by the way, this iss
we put this fantasy season in the rear viewer. Look,
get to lithuanin Uh. I'll tell you this, doing fantasy
as long as I have now NFL Network, now Direct TV,
doing fantasy's own for the last three years. You've been
doing fantasy for the majority of your career, continuing my life,
has there ever been a better year on the waiver

wire then this year? This was active and torturous at times,
and a lot of gambles made by people with their
free agent acquisition budget. If you're not playing with a
free agent quisition budget, your league sucks. And go on
down the line that every week we had activity and
for us yapping about it, and you players, you didn't.

You didn't just have all this guy had a big
week and I picked him up and I'm chasing fantasy points.
You had guys who had a big week and turned
into a star. Alvin Kamara, you know come, I mean
he's gonna be in PPR leagues. He's gonna be a
top two pick next year. Yeah, I mean, that's a
big Kareem hunt. You got him on the waiver wire
after Week one. You got him, but you got you shouldn't.
If you'd listen to a certain Fox Football Fantasy well,

I just go by but I just go by this
the averages, and I'm telling the facts is that we
were weeks ahead of the facts. I have altered it facts,
the alternate facts. We talked about him a long time.
I know that, but but the reality is the fast
in over seventy percent of leagues. You got Kareem Hunt
after week one because he was on the waiver wire.

His most leagues are ten team leagues, and you know
you don't have enough room for that. But you got
guys all year long. You picked up guys like, oh,
Marquis Lee was a number one wide out for about
five or six weeks. You got guys with staying power,
and you went down that entire roster right especially down
now on the stretch where the offense really took advantage
of what the Jacksonville defense afforded. So all of a sudden,

de d Westbrook had some value. You go down the
roster as well. So it was a fun year, very active.
We did all right in terms of our predictive powers.
You had a lot of fun yelling at Michael Rappaport.
So I can't wait to see what's on on tape.
I'm already righting content and don't forget week six when
Antonio Brown was out there. Yeah, I mean Antonio Gates

came up big for man maybe one more time in
a fantasy title week right week sixteen, and you know
Justin went over and gave him a big hug, tried
to steal his uniform right off this. Yeah, I would
kiss his big toe if it meant he was coming back.
It might heal it if he could play against the Jets.
Sure enough he would. You have magic powers where you
can heal his toe against the Jets. This is true.

Twitter At, how about a fresco? Twitter At? How about
a fresco? Know, everybody's got it to do. List, drop
off the dry cleaning, pick up some milk. Here's an idea.
Let's add save hundreds of dollars on car insurance. And
the good thing is you don't have to drop off
or pick up anything. All you have to do is
go to Geico dot com and in fifteen minutes you
could be saving fift more in car insurance, extra money
in your pocket. It just may be the most rewarding

to do you do today. We'll go to Lithuania coming
up in a minute. But first, a man who has
ever been to Lithuania in his life. I have not
always been to Iceland seven times, many continents. Tom Loony
not unlike the two girls who purposely were the same
dress to the prom, the two top quarterbacks in college football,
both at almost the same time, announced that they were

going pro. Today. You see l as Josh Rosen sent
at a press release, and minutes later, the quarterback at
Cross Town Rival USC posted on Instagram fans, this is
Sam Donald. After talking to my immediate family, very close friends,
and many people who have helped me throughout my life,
I have made the decision to declare for the two
thousand eighteen NFL Draft. Hole offensive tackle Orlando Brown six

ft eight three forty five pounds gonna leave school early
in the uder the NFL Draft as well. Oh. John
Bruden was on the radio Wednesday morning. What was that, Jason,
Bob and Tom Show? What did you say that? Why?
I would see the the go looking wingo garlic and
could you call him garlic? He said, garlic and wings

or whatever. On the show, Gruden was asked if he'd
take the Raider coaching job if he was off. Okay.
NBA Game of the Night tonight Celtics Cavaliers and beaten town.
You could not get a ticket get into this building tonight.
It was that kind of height, that sort of excitement.
But the smoke cleared and the calves with nobody helping
Lebron were no match for what the Celtics had for

them tonight. When the Celtics winning the final score Bloston
one O two, n Granti painting the word pictures on
FM the Sports Hub in Boston. If you need more
NBA scores, check out w W dot Fox Sports dot com.
And we now forged fourth end of the night on
White Wine Wednesday. Jason Smith and Michael Harmon. I'm Fox

Sports Radio. Is that really a thing? White Wine Wednesday Show? Hey,
Mrs rum Pour another glass man? Oh, Fox Sports Radio.
It is the Jason Smith Show. Jason Mike Harmon live
from the Geico Studios. Call seven Auto find out how

much you can save on auto insurance. So tonight the uh, hey,
let's make sure we don't tamper, but kind of tamper
with Paul George. Game goes very well for the Lakers.
Oklahoma City comes in and wins it going away. The
final score one four to six, A right one thirty
three to ninety six uh getting his first start of

his NBA career. Rookie Terence Ferguson goes for twenty four points,
six out of nine from three point range. Two rim
rattling slam dunk contest like dunks already, more highlights of
Staples Center in one night. Then a Lonzo Balls at
All season take. But we've been talking about. I mean,

he was a guy that skipped college hoops, yes, and
went and played overseas, So this actually is topical. He
could go to Lithuania right now and and they would
have to wave both of the ball brothers to get
him on right. He was hanging out with the Adelaide
thirty sixers. Is that a real thing? Yeah? Okay, he

went to Australian he played with the Adelaide thirty sixers. Adelaide,
what what Adelaide is like? A woman who's like Adelaide
was one of the most keepers on different strokes. You
and I were both thinking the same thing right there.
But what you talking about? We got different strokes through

the world. For every week the balls arrived in Lithuania. Today,
LaMelo and Jello and LaVar are all there as they
will begin there Lithuanian stint in a couple of days
for the Lakers. They are very happy because now LaVar
Ball is in Lithuania forever how long, and they at

least don't have to worry about him saying how bad
things are and questioning the Lakers as the Lakers continue
to circle the drain this season in the NBA. But
the young players are all so good. They're all untouchable,
Brandon Ingram and Julius Randa, they're all so good. Oh
my god, have they completely mismanaged the potential and what
they think the reality of the talent level of this

Laker team is. You have guys right now, and Lonzo
Ball has been injured, but it's not like they're winning
when he was there. It's not like he's been great either,
but Ball and Ingram and Randall. Randall was unbleep and
touchable and they didn't want to trade him for Paul George.
But now he's coming off the bench and the Lakers
have turned the page and him, so now he's done.
Brandon Ingram, you can prop up always great. He's great,

scoring sixteen points a game. You know who is He's
lamar Odom. He's in every other game. Guy that's brandon Ingram.
Brandon Ingram at best is on a team that makes
the playoffs. Is your third best player, and Lonzo Ball
clearly is a complimentary guy. The Lakers are right where
back where they said, oh, we have young players who
are a nice couple of pieces. But so let me

just get that out of the world. It was a
star for ten years in the NBA. Lamar was in
every other or everything, sixth Man of the Year. He
was a star for ten years in the league. He
was a guy that had top three overall talent but
couldn't put it together on a nightly basis. Played in
many NBA finals. He did because he was the third
or fourth best player on the Lakers. You can you
can do that when you're the third or fourth If

Lamar was your best player, you weren't winning anything. If
Lamar is your second best player, you're not winning anything.
Still a hell of he's your third and fourth best player, okay,
because you can deal with your third or fourth best
player being a really good six man or playing well
every other game, which was what Lamar Odom was celebrating.
The crazy world of Lamar uh Luke Walton after this
loss tonight. Now people are finally starting to turn on,

turn on the stove, uh and going after him a
bit here quote seemed like we felt sorry for ourselves
a little bit when I have to check the tape
and see why we stopped competing out there a bunch
of others quotes in eighth straight loss and nine of
ten saying, well, we we didn't look ourselves, we didn't

play like we'd been given the same effort. And now
talking about competing, and Laker fans are starting to get salty.
Right Earlier this season, it was all right, it's a
growing year, it's a recruiting year, be competitive. And then
you go out and get boat raced tonight and guys
are sitting around laughing and joking on the bench. All
the stars that you came to see. They didn't even

have to participate in the fourth. That's got so out
of hand. Just save the damn time and burn the table.
There's that no reason to ever look at that. But
the ball did arrive in Lithuania tonight, yes, and it
was a hero's welcome. The airport was jammed and there
were fans. They're singing that crazy ass Lithuania song. That

is the unofficial official song of Lithuania. Look, here's some
audio of them in the airport as the Ball plane
landed earlier today. Where's the whole land of the beautiful basketball?

They were seeing the original Boo, who we need a
new lyrics? Bo you gave me the original classic? Come on,
it's all good. I'll tell you this. I feel even
better about my Ball Family prediction than I did three

weeks ago. I said they wouldn't make it a month.
Now I feel like that's gonna be easy, because something's
gonna happen. Something's gonna happen if the coaches at U C.
L A and Chino Hills are not good enough for
LaMelo and Jello, and already you know that Luke Walton
is not good enough for Alonzo, because LaVar Ball has

already questioned Luke Walton many times this year. You're telling
me their head coach in Lithuania is gonna be somebody
who's gonna get the Ball Family right. Forget it. Oh,
he's not even I don't even think he's gonna attempt
to coach a bad team in a bad league looking
for some pr They were looking for a place to
go play basketball or not have to be subject to

the n C Double A or high school basketball rules
while they built their brand. So this is basically, here's
the ball, you do what you want. LaVar Ball is
going to find some way to be upset with the
team in two weeks, I feel like a month now,
that's not even a bold prediction anymore. They play like

four or five games at home, that's gonna be it.
Do something crazy on Super Bowl Sunday some way where
it's going to be bad playing time or not being
treated right, whatever it was, and the Ball family is
gonna leave. There's no way they make it. This is
like gonna be. This is gonna be like a two
week thing for the reality show. I guarantee you that's

what this. We're going to Lithuania and here's a two
week thing, and then we're gonna be backing onto something else.
So if I'm booking tickets for us, I need to
do that now, yes, because we can leave that. We
can leave Saturday and stay for about a week. Uh
and we're looking at under that's what they pay us, right, Yeah, yeah,
they'll do a up a the remote and we can

eat horse meat sandwich is over you can eat meat. Well,
we we've been found out our listeners doing the research
for us. You did a great job telling us about
the horse meat trade, and we watch people eat herring
on television tonight. It's good times, Twitter at How about
a fresco bitcoin, aren't you? Smith? Oh? I use bitcoin

to get us all uh first rate accommodations over there.
You gotta cash in detected horse meat, Sandy? How can
I cash in a bitcoin? Did anybody know the loser
goes on the fire? I'm sure lamar Odom knows. Coming
up next, the Plan of the Night and the most
ridiculous parade you'll ever want to hear. Fox, I got

a horse to talks. They don't believe me. I hate
that song. Fox Hors Radio The Jason Smith Show with
Michael Harmon Live from the Geico Studios. Great news, great news.
You want to save money, go to Geico dot Common.
In fifteen minutes you could be saving fift cent or
more on car insurance. This is Sam Donald, play the night,

come in your way in a minute. And now it's
not gonna be Sam Donald declaring for the NFL draft
where he's gonna go number one to the Browns because
at the end of the day. That's what's going to happen. No,
something much more impressive done in Los Angeles tonight than that,
Believe it or not, But with the announcement today that
Central Florida is going to have a full parade because

they've declared themselves national champions because they went thirteen and
o and they beat Auburn, who beat two of the
teams in the top four in the College Football Playoff,
and they've decided we're gonna celebrate ourselves as the true
national champions. Let's just let's just realize what this is
just for a second. It's the stupidest parade possible. If

you're gonna have it, have it right alongside the Browns
and sixteen parade, because that's how dumb of an idea
this is. You CF is a nice story. Overachieved, they
won all their games. Scott Frost showed you can get
a job at another school and still stay and promise
what you promised all the kids you recruited. That's awesome,

But let's not confuse that they're one of the top
teams in the country. Okay, they played nobody. They don't
play a Power five conference schedule, yes, they beat Auburn.
Auburn also lost four games this season. If they played
in the SEC or the Big Ten, they would win
four games, maybe three. That's how tough it is to
win in the SEC, in the Big Ten, in the

a c C, in the Pack twelve, in the Big twelve.
That's how hard it is. All Right, you want to
talk about beating Auburn. Auburn's coming off being number two
in the country and a chance of playing for the
National championship, and they have to now go play a
bowl game against Central Florida. How do you motivate yourself
for that. Meanwhile, Central Florida as a little engine that
could program, Hey we have one more time. Let's go

and let's focus and get ready. You don't know how
teams are gonna show up for bowl games. It's a crapshoot.
If you're not in the national championship game or in
the playoff, it's a crapshoot. A great team could show
up and lay a complete egg and stink. Another team
can show up and play well. Central Florida clearly had
much more to play for than Auburn. But the bottom
line is you want to crown yourself champions. Hey, go ahead,

that's great. You're doing it for pr for your school.
We're talking about you. That's awesome. But don't for a
second think that you're one of the top schools in
the country. You're not. But it's fun. You get to
go celebrate a parade. I'm I'm not gonna agree with it.
We went through the schedule and you can tell me
how many of those teams were winning teams. Again, look
at the level of competition, the way it's I'm not
saying it's always fair. I'm not saying you don't have

a right to be a little bit salty that you
don't at least get an invite to the dance. Back
to the matter is it's a TV show and they
decided there were four other people they'd rather put up
there in a bachelor's style, you get a rose, you
get a rose, You get a rose. Now fight those
four teams so you CEF doesn't get to play now.
According to a spokesman, the assistance we're given up two

a total of six d nine thousand dollars in bonuses,
three hundred thousand of which is this fictional national championship
thing that they came up with, but that gets divided
amongst the assistants at the discretion of Scott Frost. He
had already exceeded his bonus cap of two dollars by
going to the conference title game, winning and then defeating

Auburn and the Peach Bowl. But nice pay day. I
think the assistance you can go whatever you want. Just
make sure my check clears if you want to crown
him crowned? Yeah, where was that? I as soon as
I said crown him, I was waiting for Dennis Green
for like forever. It's been like maybe a minute, I know,
but I mean, like that's something that you normally have
right away minus minus See, now I get the crickets.

Just how it quickly turns on you realize if you
want to shout out and say, well we be at
Auburn who beat two teams in the college football playoff,
that's the most ridiculous scause. And I could say, well,
Syracuse beat Clemson. Why not Syracuse? But then Middle Tennessee
State would say, but we beat Syracuse, And then Florida
International would say yeah, but we beat Middle Tennessee State,

and Old Domini would say yeah, but then we beat
Florida International. So we beat the team that beat the
team that beat the team that beat the team that
beat Clemson that played for the nationals. Mean you realize
how ridiculous that that logic says. It sounds like Central
Florida is brand new to anything. And oh yeah, we're
gonna use this stupid logic to tell you why this
is why we deserve to play for the national title.

If you could pile it up and decide that this
is a good marketing tool and it's gonna end up
breaking in a bunch of money and admissions fees and
you know, applicants to your school, that's great, and and
run with it as far as you can enjoy the
party at Disney World. Time. Now for the Play of
the Night, brought to you by Geico. We had a
night where Josh Rosen and Sam Donald both declared for

the NFL Draft in Los Angeles. However, when you have
a better night than both of them, you get to
be the play of the night. Ferguson out front the
flexi pass cross court at tednor for brewis Terri's will
wind up a double pump a right hand within mill
dunk homb as he plays to the crowd, Russell West
for going crazy twenty for fergus and the three rookie

Terence Ferguson first NBA Star twenty four points, six threes,
two rim rattling slam dunk contest type dunks weapon. He
was better tonight than the Lakers have been all season.
A lot more highlights rim tonight than the Lakers of
that on. Okay got excited about him? Thingis okay? Look

at that more highlights tonight. Terrence Ferguson had a staples
than non Kyle Kuzma players have had for the Lakers
and all of the Clippers, all of them in rage.
Ben Mallory as he comes into just that's how it
goes now that you have your point guard back. I mean,

come on Twitter at how about afresca from Mike Carman.
I'm Jason Smith, my buddy Ben Mallor coming up next.
This is Fox
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