Episode Transcript
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iHeartMedia Present CEOs you should know inthe studio. Chris Holmes, President and
CEO of First Bank, tell usabout yourself. So came to Nashville in
twenty ten. Have a wonderful family, a wife of thirty five years and
three daughters, Haley, Hannah andHope. And we love family time.
We love traveling, we love fitness, outdoors things. Work takes some time
and some commitment, but try tostrike a good balance. How long has
your business been in this area.Well, our business actually was founded in
nineteen oh six. As we've expandedthroughout the Southeast, we've been here doing
business since about two thousand, butit's been world headquarters since twenty fourteen.
Describe what your business is about.We're the banking business, and if you
think about what a bank does,we protect people's money and help facilitate commerce
for people with their funds, andthen we provide capital to people to help
them achieve their dreams, whether that'sbuying a home or buying an automobile,
or starting a new business or buildingone of the office buildings downtown. We
provide the capital behind that. Sowe're in the business of helping people achieve
their dreams, and so our missionis helping people build a better future.
We do that throughout Nashville and throughoutMiddle Tennessee, but we do that also
more broadly in the Southeast. We'reSoutheastern in our scope. In our presence,
we have about fifteen hundred employees,and about eleven hundred and fifty of
those are in Tennessee. Chris Holmesof First Bank. Where can people find
out more? First Bank online dotcom. This has been iHeartMedia's CEOs you should know