All Episodes

November 12, 2024 36 mins
Today, Doug Pike discusses movie remakes, Michelin Stars, and going to parties.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Remember when it was impossible to misplace the TV remote
because you were the TV remote. Remember when music sounded
like this, Remember when social media was truly social?

Speaker 2 (00:17):
Hey John, how's it going today?

Speaker 3 (00:20):

Speaker 1 (00:20):
This show is all about you, only the good die.
This is fifty plus with Doug Pike. Helpful information on
your finances, good health, and what to do for fun.
Fifty plus brought to you by the UT Health Houston
Institute on Aging, Informed Decisions for a healthier, happier life

and Bronze Roofing repair or replacement. Bronze Roofing has you covered?
And now fifty plus with Doug Pike. All Right, Tuesday
edition to the program starts right now. He's will I'm Doug,
and we are going to get through this hour, what's
left of it, four minutes.

Speaker 4 (01:01):
Specifically and exactly. Thanks for listening, of course. And I
mean that sincerely. I say it a lot, and every
time I say it, I truly do mean it. There's
no reason to worry about the weather for several days
to come. If you like today, and you would prefer
a little cooler weather, you are gonna love the rest
of this week. There's a little thing bubbling down in

the Caribbean. But hopefully the cool front that's gonna roll
through here over the next few days will help steer
that thing, whatever it becomes, steer it away from us.
At least I looked at one kind of a very
preliminary thing that a site that I look at that
kind of gives a little preview, a little farther look

into the future, and it looks like this thing if
there's a pretty good chance it's gonna become something in
about five or six days maybe, and if it does,
hopefully it will do as it's supposed to do based
on granted, it's a long ways out right now, but
if it does what it's supposed to do, it should
not affect us. And I hope I'm not. I hope

I'm not jinxing anything, but I don't think so. It's
pretty late in the season. It's still hey, all the
way through November before we can really breathe a sigh
of relief. But hopefully we won't have to deal with
anything time. Now for today's high's and low's in Haiku,
as always from Texas into air quality Specialists. Because cleaner
air is healthier air. I'll pound two to fifty, say

healthy air and then wait for somebody to answer the
phone and explain what they can do for the air
in your home to clean it all up. Ready, Well, yes,
seemed like we were clear. Then up pops an orange
X settle down tropics.

Speaker 3 (02:45):
All right, that one's all right, mm hmm, I'll give
that one. Well, I think we kind of have to
talk about the weather yesterday.

Speaker 4 (02:56):
What about it?

Speaker 3 (02:57):
Well, I went, I.

Speaker 4 (03:00):
Didn't say it was going to be in the seventies yesterday,
I said the rest of the week, Oh, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.

Speaker 3 (03:06):
Oh okay, interesting, and you're giving yourself today?

Speaker 4 (03:09):
Yeah, wow, yeah, I was.

Speaker 3 (03:12):
On the fly. All right, Well, look I guess we'll
see tomorrow. Yeah, but for right now, that's uh, that's
six point eight.

Speaker 4 (03:22):
Look what I wrote down? Wow, six point seven? What
is that noise?

Speaker 3 (03:27):
Well, I think you're here the bathroom. No, yes, No,
we're a long ways from there, actually, aren't we. I'm
telling you maybe not. Maybe I think it.

Speaker 4 (03:37):
You know, it might be right behind the printer actually
where the bathroom comes all the way to our wall.
I don't know. I couldn't tell. I have headphones on,
so I wasn't exactly sure. You don't have headphones on.
You had a better listen than me. I'll take your
word for it. Off to market we go. Curtesy of
Houston gooldexchange dot com opened somewhat encouragingly actually, but taking

a bit of a tumble sense. Then all four markers
in the red, as we heard just a few minutes
ago on the box report some more than others. Oil
down a few cents of barrel, which is better than
it was in the in the beginning of the day.
It's a little below sixty eight dollars a barrel last
time I looked. And gold also down about ten bucks
an ounce, holding just a little north of twenty six

hundred dollars per ounce. First order of business today, and
I hope somebody in city or county or state law
enforcements listening. I really do, either enforce the hov lane
laws minimum to occupants or just paint over that solid
white line and let those of us who obey the

law use it like everybody else appears.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
To be doing.

Speaker 4 (04:44):
On the way in this morning, I had to meet
a guy for coffee out in Sugarland this morning, and
on the way in afterward, at about I don't know,
eight thirty eight forty somewhere in there. There was just
this steady procession of driver only vehicles in that lane,
enough of them clogging it up that the HOV Lane

wasn't moving much faster than the main lanes of the freeway,
and they were pretty jammed up. I don't know why.
It's been months, maybe a year now since I've seen
any law enforcement working the HOV Lane like they used
to out there in Sugarland, and I really wish they

would start again. Traffic laws overall seem to have just
been lifted abandoned, Maybe because we don't have enough officers
out there. Maybe because speeding and crossing four lanes of
traffic at twenty miles an hour on the freeway to
get off where you want to get off, and to
hell with everybody else, Maybe that doesn't matter anymore either,

at least not until two cars collide, no harm, no fouls.
Find in basketball, no contact, no foul. But on city
streets and freeway, in cars and trucks, the lack of
law enforcement, it's serving no benefit whatsoever, no benefit. It's
got to be contributing to an increase in collisions. I

haven't counted lately, but it sure seems like there's one
or two every every morning on the way into work.
It's very frustrating. Only place I see officers set up
and to give them credit, set up to catch speeders anymore,
is on the toll roads county vehicles. I'm not sure
what it would take to slow folks down on major freeways, honestly,
but seeing somebody come up behind me at one hundred

plus miles an hour and then cut across two or
three lanes to get past the next guy ahead of
me is pretty frightening. And the margin for error at
that speed is far less than what some of these
people driving seem to think it is. We're not driving
race cars, Okay, we're not. We're not getting to work safely.

Isn't a race If you are so late that you
need to drive at one hundred miles an hour, then
you need to get up earlier. And if you're just
doing it because you think it's cool and because you
and a couple of friends. I see that on the
freeway now too. Will you ever see cars, two cars,
three cars go by, all of them doing ninety plus.

Speaker 3 (07:17):
I don't see ninety plus as much during the day
when I'm driving and when I'm going home, mainly because
traffic that I go home is well, there's traffic, but also.

Speaker 4 (07:30):
So you're on flat streets though you're not on freeways,
are you.

Speaker 3 (07:34):
And I will say in the mornings when I have
to come in for garden lines, occasionally at like three forty.

Speaker 2 (07:45):
Five, I'll see people speeding.

Speaker 4 (07:48):
Down, oh yeah, on the way in on Saturday and Sunday.
It's just it's it's like Indianapolis Motor Speedway, and I
just I'm not really a big fan of that. And
I had a little bit of a heavy foot when
I was young too. I understand a little bit, But
you don't do it weaven in and out of traffic.

That's the problem. If there's a clear, clear road in
front of you and you want to see how fast
your car will go, and the only person you're gonna
kill is yourself, then that's on you, and more power
to you. But when you're doing it in traffic, even
if there's three or four cars on the road, you're
putting everybody's life at danger because at that speed, if

you mess up at all, you're gonna take somebody with you.
Christmas and Alpine we talked about it yesterday. With Chris
Ruzia from Alpine. He's sitting out there at his desk.
We're right there in downtown Alpine talking to us. They
want you to come out and celebrate kind on early
Christmas December fifth through the seventh, couple of weeks from now,

and on the Thursday of that we could be the
week after Thanksgiving, actually, I believe, and on that Thursday,
a week after Thanksgiving exactly, and enjoy a nice stroll
through the shops on Murphy Street and Holland Avenue. And
there's a lot of local artistry, a lot of local
talent and crafts and beautiful things that you can bring
back that would make really unique gifts for your friends

and family. Been on Friday, they've got a concert setup,
They've got all kinds of other activities out there on Friday,
and then you can cap that long weekend on Saturday
with a tour of beautiful historic Adobe homes. This is
some of the oldest architecture in North America, and it's
I think I'm pretty sure Alpine has the greatest number

and the greatest variants in Adobe homes in Texas certainly,
and I think maybe second only to Santa Fe is
where you would find that. But all of these homes
are going to be decorated for the holidays, and that
they're on Alpine's Adobe trail free stargazing every night some
of the best you'll ever find. It's one of the

most beautiful sky They're at forty four forty five hundred
feet already, and Alpine deliberately kind of keeps itself as
dark as it can, so that night Skuy really really
lights up for you. Get out there and check out
Christmas season in the big bend right there in Alpine.
Go to Historicalpine dot org. Historicalpine dot org. Once that

site load, just click on that big box in the
middle of the page and you'll get all the details
you need.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
What's life without a net?

Speaker 4 (10:30):
I suggest to go to bed and sleep it off.

Speaker 2 (10:32):
Just wait until the show's over. Sleepy. Back to Doug
Pike as fifty plus continues.

Speaker 4 (10:49):
All right, welcome back to fifty plus. Thanks for listen,
Thanks for sharing your lunch hour, even though still will
nobody's willing to share their lunch with us, not that
I can find. That's okay, It's okay. We'll just keep
eating our Vienna sausage and crackers.

Speaker 3 (11:04):
Did you hear about the Michelin rated restaurants in Houston?

Speaker 1 (11:10):

Speaker 4 (11:10):
I didn't.

Speaker 3 (11:11):
Will we got six Michelin star restaurants in Houston. Now,
why is it Michelin. Don't they make tires? They do
make tires, but it was originally started by the Michelin
tire company because it was they were the road trips.
They would travel around and sell their tires, and so
they started needing to gram exactly where they would rate

hotels and restaurants, so that way salespeople would know where
they could go and get a good meal and a
good night's sleep.

Speaker 4 (11:42):
Sounds to me like the tire business pays pretty well
if they're eating at all these five star restaurants.

Speaker 3 (11:47):
I guess it was.

Speaker 4 (11:48):
You know, col what kind of gold studded tires are these?
I don't know? So what six restaurants made? Is this
part of your new contribution to the show.

Speaker 3 (11:57):
No, but I just thought about it because I was
reading about it yesterday and you brought up lunch.

Speaker 4 (12:05):
So let me ask you this, how many of those
five star rated Michelin five star rated restaurants have you visited?

Speaker 3 (12:12):
I have visited. I have visited zero of the ones
that were awarded stars. Okay, but they also made a
list of places that were good value meals for that
were also delicious, So Cracker Barrel may be made that one.

I don't know if the Cracker Barrel made it. But
have you ever been to Blood Brothers Barbecue? No, that
made it onto their good value less Okay, and that
is very crazy. C it's I believe it's in bel air.

Speaker 4 (12:47):
Okay, well that's pretty far.

Speaker 3 (12:49):
But are the six Houston restaurants that were awarded missions
Stars were BCN Taste and Tradition, which is Spanish food,
Corkscrew Barbecue, and Spring Okay, le Hardinier Houston, which is French,
March which is Mediterranean, Moosafar, which is Indian.

Speaker 4 (13:13):
And sure it's easy for you to say tamole, which
is tamo tatimo which is Mexican. How do they spell that.

Speaker 3 (13:29):
M o with the little accent over what the etimomo?

Speaker 4 (13:36):
There we go, it's got to be it. I was
tongue twisted, yeah, I would say so, okay, So I'm
oo for five or however many you named. There. The
problem for us out in sugar Land, it's not that
I wouldn't want to go to some of these restaurants
if I were in the in the area. But I can't.

I can't justify driving fifteen twenty thirty forty miles for dinner.
It just I don't know, that's just not not me.
I'm not a food a food junkie and my taste buds.
I appreciate fine food, I really do. And I've had

the good pleasure of eating at a lot of very
fine restaurants over the years. But for every day, it's
kind of like, let's want to eat and go take
a nap.

Speaker 3 (14:32):
I get it. But you know, now it's something to maybe,
you know, if you're gonna go out, yeah, playing a
little nice date night, maybe you got an anniversary coming up,
and you're in the Houston area. We were right behind Austin,
which was awarded seven of the fifteen stars handed out

real seriously, and then Houston got six, and then Dallas
and sand And received one.

Speaker 4 (15:02):
One for Dallas, yeah, I bet they've got the the
I bet they're not happy. They're not happy. I bet
I bet you so. San Antonio and Dallas tied with
one with one with one each.

Speaker 3 (15:17):
Tatsu and Dallas, which is Japanese, well, thank you will
and mixed tilly, which is Mexican in San Antonio.

Speaker 4 (15:26):
Mixed tilly? Is that another one you're butchering in pronunciation?
Or I don't think so. M I X T L
I mixed le, mixed le mix lee. I would I
would bet you the tea is silent, just mixley mix,
because you can't just drop a tea in the middle
between an XI and L. Don't tell me what to do.
I'm not I'm just saying it can't be done properly.

I don't think it can. In case you missed it,
Speaking of foods, the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration,
has made cost Co oh recall eighty thousand pounds of butter.
Have you been following this will I have not forty
tons of butter? You know why because Costco failed to

post on the labels on that butter that the cream
listed as an ingredient is a form of milk. Who
doesn't know that butter is made from milk? How can
you become an adult and drive a car and sign

a contract and vote, for goodness sakes and not know
that butter comes from milk? And even goofyer are some
articles that have appeared recently on how if you've got
this product in your fridge. There are articles out there
online on how to properly dispose of your butter that

contains milk. You want to know my way of disposing
of that butterwhell. I'm gonna spread it on some toast.
I'm gonna put it on corn on the cob, as
long as the corn on the cob is still hot
baked potato. I can think of a dozen more places
on a one of those delicious rolls you get at

at what is it?

Speaker 3 (17:19):

Speaker 4 (17:19):
What's the name of that dog? On place?

Speaker 2 (17:21):

Speaker 4 (17:22):
Have you ever had those those croissants they bring out? No, Oh,
they're just they're slathered in honey, butter, will and it's
on it's it could be a dessert. You could put
a candle in it and celebrate your birthday eating one
of those things.

Speaker 3 (17:37):
You know what I had this morning?

Speaker 4 (17:39):
I have absolutely no IDEA.

Speaker 3 (17:42):
Croquet monsieur, which is a just a muster croquet buttered bread,
ham and Swiss.

Speaker 4 (17:52):
That's a mighty fancy name for a COLATCHI with ham
and swiss.

Speaker 3 (17:58):
A delicious sandwich.

Speaker 4 (18:00):
What takes you? Why do you have to twist your
mouth all around to say it. Then, well, it's French.
I went to Where did you eat that? I went
to a French bakery this morning? La Colachi factory.

Speaker 3 (18:13):
No, it would be Le Colotchi factory.

Speaker 4 (18:16):
How do you know that?

Speaker 2 (18:17):
Because I know French? You know, I know. I know.

Speaker 4 (18:21):
What I'm saying is your guarante leaf tailed'll plud diaz
dumb elik. Hold on, what did I say? You said
we got to go to break now, Well, it's not
what I said. I'll tell them when we get back.
A lot of them already know. Bronze Roofing's been around
for thirty plus years taking care of people's roofs and
making sure that that roof on the house does its job,

which is keeping water out of your house. Basically, I've
been using Bronze Roofing for the better part of at
least twenty years now, I think, and have had them
help out with my family, with friends, with neighbors. Every
time they've come to my house, somebody they stopped and say, hey,
I need you to come look at something at my house,
and down the street they go. After they take care

of me, they'll come to your house, usually within a
single day, usually within twenty four hours and inspect your roof.
And if they find nothing, they'll tell you nothing. If
they find something, they'll show you pictures. They'll explain what's
going on up there. They'll talk about how they can
fix it, how long it'll take, how much it'll cost.
And at that point your best bet is just to
go ahead and say get started. A lot of times

they'll have what they need to fix it right there
on the truck, because they do this all day, every day,
and they know what the most common problems are and
how to fix them. They'll get up there, they'll take
care of it, they'll thank you for paying them, thank
you for your business, and then they'll go on to
the next one, and the next one, and one by
one they're gonna just keep working on every roof that

needs to repair around here. Free inspection anytime, free inspection anytime,
usually within a day. Bronze roofing dot com two eight
one four eight zero.

Speaker 3 (19:59):
Ninety nine hundred.

Speaker 4 (20:00):
Skeeter Brown started this with one simple plan in mind,
quality work at a fair price. That's what he's done
for thirty plus years, and he's going.

Speaker 2 (20:08):
To keep doing it.

Speaker 4 (20:09):
Two eight one four eight zero ninety nine hundred.

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Yeah, they sure don't make them like they used to.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
That's why every few months we wash him, check his fluids,
and spring on a fresh Codo wax.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
This is fifty plus with Doug Pike.

Speaker 4 (20:33):
All right, welcome back. Segment three starts now and we'll
go till the forty three mark. According to my little
cheat sheet, I have in here to know when to
shut up. Yeah, we talked about butter. It's just I
recognize the importance of the FDA, I do, but I
also think that that administration and others in federal government

sometimes get, as we say in the South, little too
big for their breches. You know what bridges are, will Yes,
you've heard that. You've heard the saying before. Well you're
from down here, right, yes, yeah, of course, yeah, you're
born and raised around here. Anyway, this is one of
those times when the FDA is just kind of overstepping

its bounds, I think, and and just flexing its little
federal government muscles. And maybe some of that can be
addressed in the next administration. Who knows in what could
and likely will become a trend across our country, I
think now. The Houston Chronicle Online this morning reported that
the sy Fair Independent School District has adopted a policy

that puts boys in boys bathrooms and girls and girls
bathrooms according to biological sex. Only one board member opposed
the motion. Spring Branch IICTY actually passed a similar policy
a year ago December, and that policy does allow case
by case, or the SCY Fair when allows exception case

by case, and I don't know what that case might be,
but whatever it is, at least it leaves some option
for someone who can show just cause. In case you
missed it, Texas A and M University's Board of Regents
slashed fifty two minors recently minor areas of study, including
LGBTQ plus studies, and didn't apparently wait around for much

input from teaching staff. They did consult faculty. This story
said in part, the move was said to be in
response to the school becoming increasingly liberal, which rubbed some
people the wrong way. And also the programs that were
eliminated just weren't drawn enough interest from the student body
to warrant their continuation. And I think that would have

to be something that a large, a large university like
Texas A and M would have to consider. You can't
just have random study options, random minor options, and things
that only draw two or three students. You've got to
pay for faculty to teach it, and that that has
to be a part of their consideration. Well, let's go

to a couple of little things for you and then
I'll get back to some of this stuff.

Speaker 3 (23:17):
I don't care.

Speaker 4 (23:19):
Party time or can you hear me?

Speaker 2 (23:21):

Speaker 3 (23:23):
Party time?

Speaker 4 (23:24):
I knew it are Americans over holiday gatherings? Will do
you think? How many parties do you think you'll go
to for the between now and New Year's Day? I
mean especially now, I mean this is this is the
time for it. I'm asking I always have my you know, Thanksgiving,

we have Christmas. I'm not talking about family, I'm talking
about parties. Will social events?

Speaker 3 (23:56):
Oh, I know, I can't. I can't even begin to decide.

Speaker 4 (24:02):
It says in a new survey the average person is
planning to attend three big social events this year, which
is down from five last year. Now, this just came out.
I wonder if they're talking about this year as in
twenty twenty four or I don't know. It's really a
little consequence. I think I'm kind of with you. Family gatherings, Yes,

I think there may be and this just may be
a byproduct of my age, my seniority, But I just
don't go to that many parties anymore. Does your generation
still throw you're invited come to my party?

Speaker 1 (24:43):

Speaker 4 (24:43):
Evites? I don't know if it's evites. I mean, well,
when was the last time you got an invitation to
a party in the mail? Seriously?

Speaker 3 (24:51):
Oh well, I mean to weddings?

Speaker 4 (24:53):
No, No, that's not a party. It's a wedding.

Speaker 2 (24:55):
Yeah, but it's a party.

Speaker 4 (24:56):
It's a social event. That's true.

Speaker 3 (24:59):
But I mean no, nobody's like, oh, my Halloween party,
I'll send an evite.

Speaker 4 (25:05):
It's more it's word of mouth, isn't it. Yeah, it's text.
It's called texting. Oh that Yeah, that's replaced even the
the the drudgery and monotony of an evite, Boy's is
too formal for you guys.

Speaker 3 (25:21):
Huh you got a problem with us? Huh?

Speaker 4 (25:26):
Oh, no, not at all. I just find it interesting.
It's not a problem. It truly is not. Will It's
just something I find interesting that in this age of
instant gratification, it would be it would just be too
much to create and send to a create a master list,

then create an invitation and then send that invitation to
all the people on your master list, and then watch
closely your your phone or other electronic device to see
who responds and win that that's just you'd rather just
send a text.

Speaker 3 (26:03):
Hey, it sounds like a lot of work a group text.

Speaker 4 (26:06):
Or one at a time.

Speaker 3 (26:09):
I mean, I'm not parties, but yeah.

Speaker 4 (26:12):
Would you if you were going to throw a party
this weekend?

Speaker 3 (26:15):
I just yeah, I'd send that text message.

Speaker 4 (26:17):
Did you invite me?

Speaker 1 (26:19):

Speaker 4 (26:23):
Be a fish out of water, wouldn't I Well, here
comes the life of the party. Right now, there's old
Geezer just walked through the door. That's exactly what I
would say. Man, Yeah, it's fair because I think I'm
older than both your parents. Well, I mean slightly. I
bet by two years. I just had a I just
had a birthday, So now I know my parents. Maybe

maybe I'm three years older than them.

Speaker 2 (26:47):
Now I don't think so.

Speaker 4 (26:48):
I think you're two years older. We'll figure it out
off the air. I'm a million so yeah, either way, whatever,
All right, In case you were keeping score at home
and lost count, oh I don't have time, do I know? Well,
in case you were keeping home and lost count, I'll
tell you what I'm talking about when we get back,
and it's a pretty interesting list that I'm gonna give you.

Kirk Holmes. If you are interested in seeing your dream
home come true, and you are happy with the way
things are going around here, and now's the time, I
strongly recommend a phone call or an email, or not
an email, but a website. Visit to Kirkholmes dot com.

Speaker 2 (27:30):
Check with them.

Speaker 4 (27:31):
They've been in business thirty plus years, okay, thirty plus
years building exquisite homes all the way from Northwest Houston
out through the entirety of the Hill Country. If, as
I've said before, if that whole area was a baseball diamond,
and Northwest Houston is home plate, Austin is first base,

College College station, second base, San Antonio third base. Anywhere
on the infield, they'll build you that home. They might
even go into the outfield a little bit if you
really want something special. They have an industry leading twenty
year structural warranty. It's twice the standard. Actually, they use
two by six exterior walls for superior insulation, and Kirkcolmmes

continues to be right up through the end of the year.
The twenty twenty four Southern Living Builder of the Year.
It's a really big deal in that industry. It means
a lot, and you can find out what it means
when you go sit down and talk with them and
let them help you make your dream home become reality.

Kirkholmes dot com is a website that's k r K
because at kirk Hoolmes it's all about you.

Speaker 1 (28:42):
Old guys rule, and of course women never get old.
If you want to avoid sleeping on the.

Speaker 4 (28:49):
Couch, Okay, I think that sounds like a good plan.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
Fifty plus continues. Here's more with Doug.

Speaker 4 (28:58):
All right, well, the final segment starts right now. Let
me see what I want to tell you about here.
Oh yeah, where I left off. In case you were
keeping score at home and lost count the current number
of celebrities who said they would leave the United States
if Donald Trump became president again, which he did a
week ago. The current count of celebrities who've packed their

bags and headed on out zero. Same as yesterday, Same
as it will be tomorrow and the next day and
next year. They're not going anywhere. They're they're all talk.
It's all talk. Yack at e yak yak yak. Boohoo
for you. I'm sorry, but you know, dog On, well,

if you're on this list, I'm about to give you up.

Speaker 2 (29:45):
Who was gonna go?

Speaker 4 (29:47):
You know, dog On well, that you can't go anywhere
else and get paid what you get paid, which is
more than your worth. Here's a list of the people
who were on that list. Are you ready? Will U share?
George Lopez, Sharon Stone, Barbara Strei said, would be Goldberg,

Amy Schumer, Miley Cyrus. That's enough. They're all still here.
They're not going anywhere. They're not going anywhere so anyway,
and these are all people who live in a world
of their own. Anyway, believing that people in this country
actually care whether they live here or somewhere else, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't even notice, and nobody would notice. Really if

any of them left and never came back, the United
States wouldn't skip a beat. And our nation pretty much
showed that on November fifth. No, we really don't care.
You can go. It's okay. The thread of them leaving,
it's almost incentive into some of us. For some of
those people, I could, I wouldn't care. I'm not. I

don't wish them ill at all. But if they leave,
I'm not gonna lose any sleep. On a View this week,
woman named Sarah Hay, she's one of the people who
is on that show, explain to the rest of the
panel why immigration was such a big deal to voters
all over the country. You got millions of people here
unlawfully who are getting treated far better than even more

millions of people who were born in this country and
who have been struggling every day for the last four
years to make ends meet, to put food on the table.
Just recently, Minnesota Governor Tim Wells he signed a bill
that provided free in state college tuition to undocumented immigrants.

Free college tuition, while we've got millions of students in
this country of ours who are struggling to repay their
college debt. Now President Biden managed to scoop some of
that stuff off their plates. But the bottom line, it's
just nuts. It's a clear attempt to just throw free
stuff at people in order to get their votes, which

if Harris had won, by the way, wouldn't have taken
along to put it place. I think that was that
was kind of what was next up. Back to the
fun stuff. Will there's enough of that can you hear
me now at least that many or old is new,
old is new Nestle. I usually don't do food company

products whatever, but they're not pitching any particular products, so
this was kind of interesting. Nestlie's trying to guess the
food trends for next year. And have you ever heard
of the term not new stalgia, new stalgia. No, Well
that's a blend of old and new, which is kind
of that's just messed up. I don't I don't understand

why that's a big deal. Little treats, that's a trend
for next year and what that means just down something.
It's just downsizing. You ever look at the size of
hamburgers now that you get at all the fast food places,
look at the size of muffins and the size of
just about anything. There's a place that I like to

get seafood enchiladas, and when I started ordering them many
years ago, they come into a styrofoam container like you
get maybe a full size hot dog a ballpark not
a ballpark dog, not the cheap ones, but a full
size hot dog. And those those seafood enchiladas filled that
plant or that starfoam container. Now you could probably sit

three of them in there, and maybe four. They're this
that much shorter and that much narrower, and probably costs
more than the originals. I was buying one more. Will
can you hear me?

Speaker 1 (33:41):

Speaker 3 (33:42):
I don't care?

Speaker 4 (33:43):
Or where'd you get those peepers? I don't care that's
the one you want? Or you just saying you've thrown
in the towel.

Speaker 3 (33:51):
Let's just say it's a happy accident. No care.

Speaker 4 (33:55):
What's popular right now that you have zero entry? Will
not don't say me, don't say the show? Well, it'd
have to be popular for that time happened. Well yeah, there, well,
there you go. The things that kind of made the list,
the endless cycle of reboots and remakes, which is what

about half of entertainment is right now. Oh, they're just
variations on themes, or they're dragging out the old stuff
and putting new actors in there.

Speaker 3 (34:25):
You hear that they're remaking American Psycho.

Speaker 4 (34:28):
No, yes, do you care? I am not going to
see it.

Speaker 3 (34:34):
But I think that it's only been I think it's
it's been a little over twenty four years.

Speaker 4 (34:44):
I think since maybe it came out. Yeah, I would
think so.

Speaker 3 (34:46):
I don't think that it don't. I don't think it
deserves a reboot. I think the movie was good. I
think the book is really good as well. So I
think you have two great a media. I think you
should leave it alone.

Speaker 4 (35:03):
Yeah, they don't think that it needs to be like
a remake of the Titanic. Yeah, you know, and Rose
before the Titanic. Whatever. Nobody cares. AI generated influencer content
made the list, and that's for sure something I don't
care about. And interestingly enough, based on what I see

around the office around here all the time, sports betting
that this is a poll of everybody, not who knows
how many people it was, but they were just average,
random people. And sports betting is very popular, but apparently
a lot of people don't really care. I don't. I'm
not gonna bet on sports. I'm not smart enough to
bet on sport. Well, maybe I'm smart enough to not

bet on sports. That's sports. That's a better way to
put it. I think. I think. So, okay, on the
way out, which we got what less than a minute
now forty five hmm, that's not a big deal. The
average American checks their phone about how many times per
episode while watching TV? Will, I'm gonna say thirteen times. No,

not that many, five though, and maybe they just they
aren't watching long enough to check it thirteen times. Guess
how many minutes we can go before we get bored
and want a multitask when we're watching a TV show.

Speaker 3 (36:25):
I don't know how many.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
Fifteen minutes that's.

Speaker 3 (36:29):
All you get.

Speaker 4 (36:30):
I can No, I probably get it. Yeah, I'm gonna
get bored and do something else. That's what I have
to go do right now. I'm not bored, but I
gotta go do something else. We'll be back tomorrow. Thanks
for listening. That's Will. I'm Doug Audios
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