All Episodes

February 17, 2024 • 50 mins
At the Greater South Florida Chamber of Commerce, we are dedicated to providing the best business expos in South Florida.

1. Salma Impact Windows.
2. Palm Beach Research.
3. Dr. Shipe - Women's Traditional Chinese Healing.
4. Rapid Recovery Team.

5. Salma Impact Windows.
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Welcome to the Greater South Florida ChamberRadio program with your host to board President
John Kroll of Kroll Realty. Goodmorning, Welcome back to the Greater South
Florida Chamber of Commerce Radio program onSaturday, February seventeenth, twenty twenty four.

We're privileged to be here in WestPalm Beach, Florida this morning,
where we're now streaming on the iHeartapp, have with US corporate Trustee Ambassadors.
They're new members SAMA Impact Windows andDoors and they're located in Boynton Beach,
Florida. What I'd like to dois introduce Lisa Rodriguez, who's one
of their directors of operations. Lisa, go ahead and give you a pertinent
contact information. Your name, yourphone number, the web address for the

company. Go ahead, name isSEMA Impact Windows and Doors, the phone
numbers five six, one two,five, five eight oh sixty seven,
and you are located in Boyton Beach, Florida. Okay, perfect. Now,
I know that you have a numberof years of experience within the industry,
and obviously one of the great thingsabout using some Impact Windows and Doors

is that all of the products thatyou use are made in the United States
of America. Correct, yes,the majority, Yes, and with your
product line, I assume it's thestandard eight to ten year guarantee. Is
that right that you get with themwhen you purchase the windows and doors.
Yes, yes, you get aone year guarantee after installation and you get
eight to ten years warranty. Okay. Now, Youth service the Track County

area, obviously you probably go fromthe keys all the way up to West
Palm Beach and then you go upinto the Treasure Coast as far as Port
Saint Lucy and Port Paris. Iassume will we start from Brower County,
Palm Beach County, Martin County,and St. Lucie County. Okay,
anything that you've got going on rightnow? Are there any promotions or specials
that you're running that you want toshare with the listening audience right now?

Through February since it was Valentine's Day, we're going through do a fifteen percent
discount. Okay? So is thatfifteen percent off everything from purchased installation correct?
Yes, sir, that is awesome. Now. I know that you
yourself, you've been in this industryfor a number of years, and I
know that Mario has been in theindustry for a number of years. Obviously,

one of the great things about whatyou're doing is that you're reputable.
I know you're a newer company,but you follow the letter of the law.
You got all the i's, youcross all the t's. Unfortunately,
like with every industry, there's beena number of people within the industry who
have you know, I don't liketo use the terminology bad actors, but
there's a number of people out therewho had made some mistakes and they had

done things, you know, duringthe hurricanes or post hurricane. But I
know that from meeting you and yourteam and doing a little you know,
background on you, you folks arevery reputable. That was one of the
key things that we were interested inbecause we know that we're going to be
sending a lot of referrals your wayand with the promotion that you're running.
Touch on the fact of how you'redoing the real ten to fifteen percent versus

how other people do it. Ifyou would we just give the straight fifteen
percent. We don't buff anything up, just fifteen percent right out. Okay,
No, that's important. You don'twant to buff anything up. The
fact that you're giving it straight acrossthe board. That's awesome. And as
far as the service locations that youhandle, you handle Browards, you handle
Palm Beach, you handle Dade County. You will go up in. You

don't go into day, but wedo the Broward, Palm Beach, Martin
County, and St. Lucy County. Okay, I don't blame you.
No one wants to drive in Miami. I'm including me, so I wouldn't
want to go down there either.Now with everything going on right now,
as we're getting ready to get intoquote unquote hurricane season, what do you

be some of the pearls of wisdomyou would want to share with people?
I mean, what should they bedoing. Should they be making sure that
they have the proper windows, theproper doors. Should they what type of
security measure should they be taking?Yes, they should be checking to see
what kind of windows and doors theywant. There's plenty of selections to shoes
from to see that accommodates them.There's you know, standard size, there's

a pre order if we have to. But the main thing is to have
the impact and protect their home.That's the main thing is to have protection
on their home. So that way, if we are hit with the hurricane,
they're already set. I know.And it's so ironic that I saw
a statistic that there were a numberof people during the last storm who weren't
equipped with hurricane impact windows and doors. And obviously that could be a significant

difference as far as you know,your insurance company being able to protect you
and give you a quality premium.Right. The conception that the audience has
is that they feel that, youknow, you try to see if you
can get them to protect their homesbefore the actual hurricane hits. They're under

the assumption that once the hurricane iscoming that you know, oh my gosh,
I have to call and get thosewindows, and unfortunately it does don't
happen overnight. You still have towait that long period of time because there's
process to be done, you know, between choosing and then getting the permitting
and all that. It's still timeconsuming and getting the merchandise. You're you

know, sometimes looking at anywhere betweeneight to twelve weeks, so it won't
even be ready by the time youknow, hurricane comes. So this is
why it's more feasible for them toget prepared now. So when the time
comes, they don't have to worryin their family secure. That was one
of the things I saw that youand your team were doing. Kudos and
hats off to you and your team. I know that you started running your

promotion around February first, and ifmemory shoves me correct, you're running it
through either May first or June first, which is hurricane season. I know
you'll be with us out at allthe upcoming events that we're doing March eighth
up and Stewart at the Cane Center. You'll be with us at all the
different home shows we're doing in Pointand Beach and throughout all the different Simon
properties and the hurricane Preparedness an awarenessshow we're doing on the first and second

of June at the Point and BeachMall. We're really happy to have you
there with us. But that wasironic when you touched on that, because
you're helping people to prepare in advance. You know that old adage you've only
failed if you've failed to prepare.Obviously, you want to prepare for a
hurricane season because we live in Floridaand that could be drastic if you haven't.
And we're really really excited about workingwith you and your team. We

want to help you get the messageout to people. Obviously, what you
can do is you can contact Lisaor Mario directly. I want you to
give your phone number and web addressagain before we sign off. Go ahead,
It's five six one two five fiveeight zero six seven and it's www
dot Salma Impact Windows dot com.Or you can contact us at nine five
four five eight zero eight eight zerotwo or go to www dot Greater South

Florida Chamber dot com. Put inSama Impact Windows indoors fit Real fifteen percent
and I will broke her a meetingfor you with Lisa and Mario and their
team so we can have them comeout, do an estimate and start the
process for you. Really looking forwardto working with you and your team.
Lisa, I'm very very happy thatyou were with us this morning. Once

again, we're here in West PalmBeach, Florida iHeartRadio. What we're streaming
on the iHeart app on Saturday,the seventeenth of February. It's Lisa Rodriguez
and Mario Massias from Sama Impact Windowsand Doors. You'll be able to see
them at all the upcoming events,including the Spring home show and May eleventh
and twelfth at the Boyton Beach Mall, the Hurricane Preparedness Home Show on June

first and second at the Boytan BeachMall, and all of the other events
that we're doing throughout the course ofthe twenty twenty four calendar year. I
want to thank you for being withus and you have a wonderful weekend.
You back very much. I appreciateyour time. We're now streaming on the
iHeart app. Hey, I'm Rob, the director at the Greater South Florida

Chamber of Commerce www dot Greater SouthFlorida Chamber dot com. Nine five four
five eight zero eight zero two.You're listening to one of our weekly radio
programs here at iHeart. If you'reinterested in becoming a guest on the show,
or advertising with daily and weekly commercials, or participating in any of our
upcoming expos and events, please reachout to us at nine five four five

eight zero eight eight zero two.Good morning, Welcome back to the show.
On the seventeenth of February twenty twentyfour, we're privileged to be here
at iHeartRadio in West Palm Beach,Florida, where we're now streaming on the
iHeart app have with us longtime corporatetrust the Ambassador Palm Beach Research Center which
is located at twenty two seventy sevenPalm Beach Lakes Boulevard and West Point Beach,
Florida five six one six eight ninezero six zero six With us this

morning is Desiree Muffson and Lynn Nelsonfrom Palmbach Research Center. You can go
to www dot Palmbeachresearch dot com Desireewho is Palmbach Research Center? Touch on
that for anybody who may be afirst time listening, Sure We're Palm Beach
Research Center has been performing clinical researchtrials on behalf of the world's leading pharmaceutical
organization since nineteen ninety four, andthese clinical trials offer hope for many people

to find better treatments for many differentdiseases. What is a research trial?
A research trial is all medicines mustbe tested in a clinical research study before
they can be approved by doctors togive them to patients. So a clinical
research study is a medical study thathelps to answer important questions about investigational medicines

such as is it safe, doesit work? Or are there any side
effects? And clinical trials are researchstudies involving people that help to find new
ways to learn about many diseases andto improve healthcare for people in the future.
And what does a clinical trial study, Well, they study so many

different things. They study new drugsor combination of drugs, new medical devices,
new ways to use existing treatment,and new ways to change behaviavior and
even new ways to improve the qualityof a life for people with acute or
chronic illness. Who participates in clinicaltrials? Different types of people participate in

a clinical trial. Trials can enrollhealthy volunteers, which is a person who
does not have a known significant healthproblem, or a patient volunteer, which
is a person who has a knownhealth problem, usually a disease. Whether
or not some can participate in aclinical trial will also depend on the protocol

that each clinical trial has who qualifies. Why is diversity so important in clinical
trials? People may experience the samedisease differently, so it is essential that
the clinical trials include people with avariety of experiences and living conditions, as
well as characteristics like age, sex, and so on, and also so

that all communities benefit from the scientificadvances. We like to call our medical
participants heroes. As that is whatthey truly are, people that volunteer their
time and effort to improve medical carefor generations to come. Our heroes.
Well, there are many multiple benefitsto becoming a medical hero. Making a

different in people lives is number one. You will receive continuous medical assessment in
health text by our expert medical teamthroughout the study, which can last for
years. You will receive compensation foryour inconvenience travel or mileage, plus in
certain cases, you can even obtaina new experimental invention or a disease state

that you may be experiencing. Andhow safe is the process when participating in
a study? It's very safe.We follow a specific set of strict standards
and are closely regulated to ensure participantsafety. And all trials and investigational vaccines
have potential risks and discomforts such asside effects, but we are conducting the

research to determine what those side effectsare. The sixty four million dollar question
how do I get started as aparticipant in a study? Well, you
could check out our website at infoat www dot pombsresearch dot com. All
of our studies are listed on ourwebsite. You can fill out an easy
online form. You can give usa call at five six one six eight

nine zero six zero six, orwe could and we are open Monday through
Friday eight am to five pm,and you could just simply give us a
call or go on the website.Our website is continuously updated with upcoming and
current studies that we are enrolling patientsinto. And how do I get started

as a participant in the study?Hey, check out our new website and
all the studies are on the website. Just give us a call again five
six one six eight nine O sixO six and we look forward to seeing
you. And what do I expectat my screening appointment? Well, you
would expect to bring a photo ID, you can bring a list of medications,

medical history, a measurement of heighth, weight, temperature, and blood
pressure is taken as well. Allowat least two to four hours for your
first appointment and your other appointments willdefinitely be shorter and depending on the study,
you do require electrocardiogram. Again,it just depends on each study and
what it is that you're trying toenroll into. That'll determine what are the

different steps that we take to getyou processed. To participate in one of
our studies. What if I donot qualify for that particular trial. Well,
the first step is the screening process, and that's where we evaluate your
health and abilities to meet the sponsor'scriteria to participate in the study. So
if you don't qualify, we'll keepyour name and information. We'll reach out

to you if there's another study youmight qualify for, or you can continue
to check our website for any newstudies that interest you. Hey, bottom
line, call us and how longwill I need to participate in the study.
Some trial requires participants for a fewmonths, some last for a few
years. Each one is different.It just all depends on the study.
Also, know that your participation iscompletely voluntarily and you can leave the trial

at any time for any reason.And what trials are coming up? And
also I want to talk about therefer A front program. Sure right now.
We do have a COVID study forpatients that are COVID positive. We
have a sleep apnea study for patientswho are experiencing obstructive sleep apnea. We
also have a menopause sleep study forwomen who are into their menopausal stage.

And also we have a bird fluthat's coming up that with vaccines. We
have a COVID boost of vaccine thatshould be coming up. And we also
have another sleep apnea. If youdon't qualify for the one we have now,
you may qualify for the one thatwe about to get in a couple
of weeks. To all physicians orhealth institutions that want to be an investigator

in research, explain to them howthey can help you get your research.
Sure, just give us a call. We'll help you with your research and
you can be compensated your your practicewill be compensated for any participation that you
help us with our research as well. And talk about the job opportunities place.
Sure, we do have patient recruiterswe're looking for. We are looking

for some patient coordinators receptionists. Justgive us a call and we can give
you a list of job opportunities that'sworking at Palm Beach Research Center. It's
a great place to work, familyoriented, it's an excellent organization. We're
proud to have them as corporate trustthe ambassadors, and it's an excellent way
to subsidize your income. So whatyou want to do is go to Palm

Beach Research Center at twenty two seventyseven Pound Beach Lakes Boulevard, West,
pomp Beach, Florida. Before youdo, call five six one six eight
nine zero six zero six, askfor either Lynn Nelson or Desiree Mufson,
or go to their website www dotPalmbachresearch dot com. Let him know you
heard about it on the Greater SouthFlorida Chamber of Commerce radio program on IHEARTRA

on Saturday, February seventeenth, andyou may win a prize you'd never know.
I want to thank you ladies forbeing with us this morning. Have
a wonderful weekend in God bless thanks. Take care. Are you searching for
a healthcare study for you or aloved one. At Palm Beach Research,
we perform clinical trials to further advancementof medications and medical devices. Patient participants

volunteer to assist research doctors in thetesting process and making a difference in the
lives of others. Most research trialswill pay for your time and your travel
too. Call us today at fivesix one six eight nine zero six zero
six to find out which study worksfor you or your loved one. That's
five six one six eight nine zerosix zero six. Good morning. Welcome

back to the Greater South Florida Chamberof Commerce radio program on Saturday, February
seventeenth, twenty twenty four. We'reprivileged to be here at iHeartRadio and we
want want to I'm your houset Robfrom the Greater South Florida Chamber and today
we have a fascinating topic to explorehealth through the lens of Eastern medicine.
We'll be delving into the realms ofholistic well being using acupuncture, nutrition,

herbal medicine and queen. Joining ustoday is doctor Stuart Shipe, an expert
in integrative medicine with the background ofboth traditional Chinese medicine and Western practices.
Welcome to the show, doctor Shipe. Hey, thank you for having me.
It's great to be here, pleasureto be here, and let me
discuss the holistic approach of Chinese medicinewith you in promoting women's health, Doctor
Shape. To start off, canyou give us a brief overview of what

Eastern and Western medicine and tail please? Yeah, certainly. You know a
lot of us are involved in Westernmedicine or referred to as conventional or allopathic
medicine, and it's deeply rooted inscientific evidence. You know, a lot
of mds doos are focused on treatingspecific symptoms or diseases, and you know,
we have a merimd of different therapieslike medication, surgeries, and other

inventions. On the flip side,traditional Chorinese medicine takes more of a holistic
approach, looking at the whole bodyand then considering that this body is just
one ball of energy or life forcewithin the body. Within the body,
any kind of disruption in that balanceor life force causes disease. Can you
elaborate on the key principles that differentiatethese two approaches? Well, Western,

I've always thought Western medicine, evenas a pharmacist. You know, for
many, many years, Western medicinereally excels in acute and emergency situations.
I aways kind of laugh and say, listen, if I was God forbid,
if I was in a really badcar accident and I was laying in
an emergency room, the very firstthing that I want to see when I
open my eyes is maybe a goodthoracic surgeon, not an acupuncturist with a

bunch of needles. So the emphasison Western medicine is really great in acute
emergency situations where immediate intervention is required, highly skill effective for conditions that are
well understood physiological mechanisms, you know, like illness and bacteria viruses, But
the real emphasis is really on thebody as an interconnected system. Them in

Chinese medicine, where we have balanceand harmony, those are really crucial elements,
and it really shines in chronic conditions. That's if you're looking for instead
of having treating an infection, preventingthe infection and looking at maintenance care so
that the body is nice and strongin and not opportunistic to developing you know,

health imbalance. You know, itsounds like there's a significant difference in
the overall approach. That brings usto our next question. Can these two
approaches coexist as it possible? Yeah, oh certainly. You know, when
I did my residencies in Beijing,in Shanghai, China, they really do
use In China, they use anintegrative approach already. They combine the strengths
of both Eastern and Western practices,and that gives you a really nice,

comprehensive and patient centered approach. It'skind of like taking the best from each
system. To tailor treatment plans thatthat individual needs. That's what it's all
about. Medicine shouldn't be about howto treat the simp high blood pressure,
diabetes. It should be how totreat the individual so that communication between healthcare
providers and kind of a willingness toexplore more complementary methods can really lead to

improved healthcare outcomes in the United States. Sure. Now, thank you,
doctor Schifer shedding light on the differencesbetween Eastern and Western medicine. It's a
complex but crucial topic, and weappreciate your insights. Yeah, my pleasure.
It's essential for people to know thatthere's a well rounded understanding of healthcare
options that we just don't have tolook at hospitals and doctors and medication and

surgery. There's a whole plathoram ofgreat natural complementary health care options available for
us. Now, doctor turning ourattention specifically to women's health, could you
explain how Eastern medicine, with itsvarious components, contributes to women's well being.
Yeah. Absolutely. You know alot of people have had probably acupuncture

and think that ah acupuncture and Chinesemedicine is just about sticking needles and individuals.
Actually, in China, there's fivemain foundations traditional Chinese medicine, all
encompassing. They include acupuncture, nutrition, therapy. We feel that food is
medicine and it actually has an energy. We practice herbal medicine traditional Chinese herbal

medicine. We do Chinese body workthat's called twain na, and we also
practice kind of an exercise therapy calledchigong. Now, chigong is kind of
the five thousand year old traditional Chinesepractice where tai chi has evolved to martial
art Eastern medicine. Like I saidbefore, views of body as this harmonious

system, and all of these modalitieswork together to restore a balance kind of
like synergy. You know, theacupuncture helps with nutrition. Nutrition helps the
urbal medicines work better. And thenof course as we're moving and integrating mind
body exercises. Oh, it's agreat balance for all of these these energy
systems. This medicine is root inthe belief that the body's energy they call

it she to i, flows throughcertain pathways meridians or energy highways, so
to speak, in the body.And then when miss chi, which is
also pulling blood, is obstructed orstagnated, you have disease or pain.
But when that energy is balanced andfree flowing, the body is healthy.
For women's health, we focus onmaintaining this balance and then addressing specific symptoms

that are unique to women. Yeah, that's fascinating, doctor. Now let's
delve into these different therapies you mentioned. How does acupuncture, herbal medicine,
nutrition, between it, and kanoncontribute to women's health. So acupuncture what
we do? A lot of peopleare afraid, and rightly so. When
I was a kid and a pediatricianaddressed me with a hypodermic needle, I

was straight out of my pins thatacupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles
into specific points in the body.And what this does. It actually stimulates,
or the Chinese say, regulates theflow of this energy chi and this
promotes overall wellness in women's health.Acupuncture has been shown to be effective in
helping regulate hormonal balance. Women area beautiful interplay of all these hormones that

are in a delicate balance and promotingoverall whelness. Now, nutrition and nermal
medicine are providing the essential nutrients innatural remedies, Twain, I utilize the
specific technique such you might have heardof acupressure or stretching to target areas and
balance in the body and restore harmony, while the Chief Gong is really a

mind body exercise in which we're clearingthe mental monkey voices in our head,
we're moving, and we're breathing allin one doctor. Many listeners might be
curious about the role of nutrition inEastern medicine. How does it differ from
conventional nutritional approaches and what are somekey principles. So Eastern medicine really places

a strong emphasis on the concept offood as medicine. You probably have heard
that from Hippocrates two thousand years ago, but even further back in time,
the Chinese knew that food wasn't justabout carbohydrate, protein, and set.
It was really about energy cold foodsand warm foods and cheat tonifying foods and
blood tonifying foods. They looked atthe energetic property of food and how it

affected the body's balance. For example, if you have warming foods like ginger
or cinmin, that might be recommendedfor someone with cold related issues like cold
hands cold feet constantly feel chilled.Additionally, paying attention to the individual's constitution,
Like what's their internal landscape like,and how does the environment affect them?

How does emotions affect this landscape.Seasonal changes are crucial in Eastern medicine
as well. The right foods andthe right seasons are very very important.
That's a very interesting perspective. Nowfor our listeners who might be new to
this concept, doctor, how canthey incorporate Eastern medicine principles into their daily
lif particularly regarding the nutrition. Youknow, it's really not that difficult.

It's just a little bit of understanding. It's about being mindful of the qualities
of foods you consume and then incorporatinga variety of colorful and seasonal and whole
foods into the diet to contribute tothis balance. Like, for instance,
you're very very hot, you're thirstyat summertime, and you really want something
to cool the body to balance thatheat. Oh, there's nothing like reaching

for some watermelon, right. Thatred color in Chinese medicine goes to the
heart, the black seeds go tothe kidney, and Chinese the white and
green rhymes. They all have theirbalance in contributing to bodies overall wellness.
Foods, certain foods make you feelgreat, and certain foods you know,
don't make you feel so great.So consulting with an Eastern medicine practitioner can

provide personalized balance. What's good foryou might not be good for me.
Doctor. Let's delve into the contemporaryfactors that impact women's health. We often
hear about harmful environmental toxins. Howdo these factors affect women? In?
What role does Eastern medicine play inaddressing these issues? Can you elaborate on
that blisting audience this morning? Ohit's huge, you know. And traditional

Chinese messine practiced over two thousand,five hundred years ago is a lot different
than how it's kind of practiced today. And you're like, no, how
can that really be? Way backthen, it was like the Chinese say,
in the old days, and theywere talking two thousand, five hundred
years ago, and the old days, all that we had to do was
use elixirs or wines to heal thehuman body. But two five hundred years

ago, which they're saying today,we have to use strong herbs and acupuncture.
Now back to today, we havetoxins. Environmental toxins like heavy metals
and contaminated water and glycostate you know, and cosmetics, food additives infectioned by
some really really wicked viruses as youwell know in the past couple of years,

and bacteria. These all disrupt thisdelicate balance of war and women can
lead to a variety of health issues. I have never seen as much disorders
as I have, like autoimmune disordersand women. Eastern medicine really recognizes that
this interconnectedness of the body, themind, and the environment in which we

live in is critical. So acupuncture, for example, can stimulate the body's
natural detoxification processes, whether that's kidney, liver, long skin helps to eliminate
heavy metals and other talks, andso herbal medicine is often employed to support
these detox organs and chief wrong.A practice of gentle movements and breath work

really complements these approaches by providing overallvitality, energy, and really a great
life force reboot. That's intriguing.Could you elaborate on how Eastern medicine views
the connection between these environmental factors andspecific health conditions affecting women, such as
thyroid imbalances, autoimmune diseases, menstrualand post menstrual issues PMS, and fertility,

digestion problems, weight gain, andmental and emotional health stress. Well,
wow, that's a lot to imback. Certainly the Eastern medicine takes
if I'm looking at kind of themall for just a chance. Eastern medicine
takes a personalized approach to each disorder. Again, I'm not treating the disease,
I'm treating the pattern or the syndromethat develops. We take every single

symptom that you might have and putit into kind of like a common denominator
when you're using algebra or arithmetic.For thyroid imbalances, we use acupuncture and
herbal medicines that can regulate the thyroidfunction. Autoimmune diseases are often linked to
imbalances in the immune system. Weknow the Chinese have known for twenty five
hundred years. The immune system isthe digestice system. They're one in the

thing. So if you can helpthe digestice system recover no gas, no
bloating, no, no constipation,no diarrhea, no IDs, no,
we can cut syndrome on and onnone, you're going to help the immune
system recover. Acupuncture it really helpsmodulate these immune system responses. So many
women with menstrual and postmenopausal issues thatare addressed to a combination of acupuncture,

herbal medicines, even mind body exerciselike taichi and g gung PMS great alleviated
with acupuncture and dietary changes in theseyounger women. We're out of control as
far as blood sugar levels and themismanagement of blood sugar and nutrition in this
country. Infertility is huge that canbenefit greatly from acupuncture and herbal support enhancing

the overall reproductive health and digestive issues. Like I said, not only in
regard to the immune system, butthey really respond well floating, the reflux,
the constipation, the diarrhea with acupunctureand herbal medicines. Even weight when
it comes down to that weight canreally be managed to a holistic approach often
includes destressing the body and nutrition.We also deal with mental and emotional health.

Those are addressed through a lot ofvarious modalities chigong acupuncture which can reduce
the stress and promote well being.Here that's great advice. Moving on to
a broader perspective, how does Easternmedicine view the connection between physical health and
emotional wellbeing, particularly in the contextof women's health. I hear that music
in the background. We have acouple of minutes left. Go ahead,
doctor shipe. Yeah. Eastern medicinerecognizes this really profound connection between the body

and the mind, and so emotionalstresses and imbalances kind of where we begin,
because we say that first of all, all emotion and disease, I
mean, all disease comes from ahigher level, spiritual level of imbalance down
to an emotional and finally a physicalhealth impact, especially for women. So
practices like acupuncture can help relieve tension, promote emotional wellbeing, and contribute to

a holistic approach to women's health.And it's incredible how Eastern medicine can offer
holistic solutions to such a wide arrayof health issues. Before we wrap up,
any advice for our listeners on incorporatingEastern medicine to their daily lives,
Sir, Yeah, absolutely, Iwould encourage listeners to explore Eastern medicine as
an integrated approach to the conventional healthcare. Don't be afraid of it, step

outside the box and start learning thatthere are other great incorporated practices like acupuncture,
herbal medicine, mindfulness nutrition, taichichigong all contributing to well balanced It's
about nurturing the body, the mind, and the spirit, all three to
achieve a balanced and vibrant data health. It's also essential to the consult with

a board certified Eastern Medicine practitioner.If you want acupuncture, go to a
Forard certified acupuncture position and get traditionalChinese medical advice. Doctor Sipe, I
want to thank you for being withus this morning here at iHeartRadio on the
seventeenth of February twenty twenty four.Before we sign off, please give your
pertinent contact information for any listeners whomay want to reach out to you to
utilize your services. Go ahead,please surely the organization is a Florida State

Oriental Medical Association and THAT'SPASOMA dot org. And you can also reach me with
my practice at www dot Traditional ChineseHealing dot com. Doctor Shipe, thank
you so much. Have a pleasantweekend. It's been a pleasure and thank
you sir. Thank you for theinvite. It's the pleasure buying or selling

your home. Contact Crollrealty at Crollrealtydot com for the best deal. A
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Good morning, Welcome back to theGreater Florida Chamber of Commerce radio program.
On Saturday of the seventeenth of Februarytwenty twenty four. We are privileged
to be here this morning at iHeartRadioWestpoonebach, flore We're now streaming on the
iHeart app. Have with us instudio. Co host of our weekly radio

programs, Elias Menace. He iswith Rapid Recovery Team. Folks. They
are one of the if not thelargest restoration companies down here in South Florida
and they cover everything from Miami allthe way to the top of the state.
I know that you folks were overon the other side of the state
back in September of twenty twenty two, in early October when that storm hit,

and these folks do it all folks. It's not just the mold and
restoration. It's not just what theycome out and see after the fire or
the electrical fire because someone left theelectric car plug dinner, the golf cart
plug dinner. They don't just comesee you because someone forgot to turn the
water off before they went on vacationfor the weekend or for the month and
their pipes burst. But it's aone stop shop. They kind of do

it all. And you see theirvehicles, they're everywhere. And the great
thing about it is usually when youhave a company that does hybrid things,
they'll do one thing better than thenext. The great thing about working with
Elias and Eric and Cricket and theNick and the whole team is the fact
that from top to bottom they doeverything stellar. And I mean that from
the bottom of my heart. I'vegot a chance to watch you work.

I've got to see you in action. I've got to watch you interact with
your clients. I've watched people walkup to you at events. Sagraz Mall
last October and the lady had justhad a major problem with one of her
rental properties, and you were outthere within a matter of hours helping her
and she called us and thanked us, saying that you did an excellent job.
What I want to do? Youknow, here it is, We're

in February. Before you know it, we're going to be into hurricane season.
But so many times, it seemslike every other night, if you
watch the news, you see ahouse fire, you see a catastrophe where
something was happened that could have beenprevented had people been a little bit safer
and been a little bit more precautiousabout what they were doing. So what
I kind of want to do thismorning. You know, it's Saturday morning,

February seventeenth. There's a lot ofpeople driving this morning, they're listening.
I want to get out of theway and give you a chance to
talk a little bit about your company. I know you're one of the people
in upper management there, about whatyou do, you're one of the partners,
why you do it and how youdo it, and talk about the
different tasks from a day to daybasis that you perform because you do so

many different things. Let's get intoit. We got about eight to ten
minutes. Go ahead. Absolutely,thank you, I thank you for the
opportunity to speak to your audience.But anyway, Rapid Recovery Team. We're
a water damage, mold damage,fire damage restoration company. You know,

we serve our clients twenty four hoursa day, seven days a week.
A lot of emergencies do happen inthe middle of the night, and we're
here to serve to you and comeout and assist you in any way that
we can. We have a sisterreconstruction company, so we are a will

help you with any referrals that youneed in reference to a plumber, you
know, to do the repairs,anything of that nature. We can help.
But what I want to take advantageof this opportunity and maybe save someone
from a disaster, and we cantalk about a few things. One of
the things is does everybody have afire extinguisher available and working near the kitchen

in the house where everybody in thehome knows where it is. You know,
that could be the difference between avery small fire or a total disaster,
total loss in the home. Sothat's very critical. And it's amazing
that a lot of times I wouldask clients that I visit through, you
know, disasters, did you havea No, they didn't have one.

They didn't know where it was.There's one in the garage somewhere. They
have no idea where it is orif it works. So that's one crucial,
you know item that I think it'sabout twenty thirty dollars. You can
buy it a home depot, youcan order an online on Amazon that you
should have at least probably two ofthem, one in the garage, one

in the kitchen. So in referenceto fire damage, let's talk a little
bit about the electronic vehicles that areall over the place with a lithium batteries,
the toys, you know, theyall have lithium batteries. People leave
them charging, they overcharge, batteriesget hot and next thing you know,

there's a fire and the garage andit extends throughout the house. And those
fires are extremely explosive. Fast spreadingone of the one of the biggest challenges
for the firemen. You know,typically when they come out, they say
these fires they spread so fast thatit's very challenging for them to stop it.

And it's going. So let's talkabout water damage. Do you does
everybody know where the main shut offvalve to the house is in case of
a water disaster, All of asudden you see water coming out of a
pipe in the wall, and andyou're running around and you you don't know
how to shut the water off,and you have no idea whether the main

water valve is so you're down nineone one and you got to wait ten
minutes to the fireman get there toshut the water off. So that could
be a big difference between a minorwater damage incident versus a major water damage
incident. So there's a lot ofthings that we can do to avoid,
uh, these desas will minimize them. Let's say, and uh, you

know, never never leave an electronicvehicle charging the gorter town. That's that's
like, uh, you know,that's like a major major mistake. You
know, I've seen homes completely destroyedbecause someone left the gulf cart on the
charger in the garage. So youknow, those are some of the things

that come to mind most immediately.Does that make sense? It certainly does.
And as we go into hurricane season, As we're getting into hurricane season,
what is it that you're seeing outthere? What do you what would
you want to share with the listeningaudience. Well, I would say that
you know, take the normal precautionsthat you know sometimes there's not you know,

that much that we can do toavoid uh, you know, a
hurricane from hitting our areas. Butwhen a hurricane hits, you know,
you got to be prepared. Yougot to you gotta be prepared to get
those shutters up, and you gotto get them up on time. Sometimes
people wait till the last minute andand then you know, the wind's blowing
and and you're trying to get thoseshutters up and and uh, it's it.

It becomes very dangerous. So youknow, be prepared, be prepared
that you you're probably not going tohave powerful for a minute or two.
So you know, some people youknow have generators, but there's not you
know, there's not a lot thatyou can do to avoid, uh,
you know, a hurricane. Butjust preparedness, I think is the is

the big thing. You know,the water, you know, having water
and uh and having you know,some some food supplies and gas all your
vehicles, gas stuff because you knowgas stations did you know they run out
of gas and the lines are youknow, three four blocks away. So
you know, early preparedness I thinkis very critical when these hurricanes are announced

that's coming to the area. Definitelywant to thank you for being with us
this morning. Alions looking forward tohaving you on again next segment. I
know you're going to be out ofall the upcoming home shows real quickly before
we sign off, give you apart of contact information so people know how
to get ahold of you. Okay, So, Rapid Recovery Team dot com
is our website and uh my personalcell phone number which I can be reached

twenty four hours a day is Myname is Elias Mena five six one four
oh five two four to two andour emergency line at the office is eight
four four for zero zero seven twoseven four. And yet we are available

twenty four hours a day, seventeas a week, and we do provide
free mold and water damage inspections ifyou if you need one, some things
you can prepare for for everything else, there's Rapid Recovery Team. Rapid Recovery
Team offers prompt, reliable service forhomes damaged by flood rains and hurricanes,

including mold remediation and fire cleanup.For a reliable response, call Rapid Recovery
Team today at seven eighty six threethree three zero three nine zero ask about
manager and association discounts. Online atRapid Recovery Team dot com. That's Rapid
Recovery Team dot com. Rapid RecoveryTeam always ready. Good morning, Welcome

back to the show. It isthe seventeenth of February twenty twenty four.
We're privileged to be here this morningat iHeartRadio in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Have with us new corporate trustee members, some Impact Windows and Doors.
I have Mario Massias and I haveLisa Rodriguez with us this morning. And
the great thing about some Impact Windowsand Doors is that everything that they're using

is built in America, which everybodylikes. But more importantly, there's a
lot of window and door companies outthere. And you know, Lisa,
we're coming into hurricane season here,it is February seventeenth. You're going to
be with us out at that homeshow on May eleventh and twelfth, some
one day shows prior to that,and then we're at the Hurricane Preparedness home
Show the first and second of Juneat the Boy and Beach Mall. And

the great thing about what you andMario and your team are doing that I
like so much is the fact thateverybody offers up to ten percent off and
then they mark it up an additionalthree four hundred dollars so they don't lose
their ten percent, but you're givingaway what we like to call that true
ten to fifteen percent. And Ithink that that's ironic that you're doing that.
You know, talk a little bitabout yourself. I know you've been

in this field for a number ofyears. You have to go what ten
twenty years experience in this industry?Correct? Yes, I do, And
what is it one of the biggestmisconceptions that you see within this industry that
you would like to share with thelistening audience that people would want to be
aware of. If someone comes totheir home and they're talking to them about
putting impact windows and doors in,what should they be aware of? THO

most important is the warranty. Thewarranty is about ten years, right,
it's not lifetime, and we alsowarranty one year after installation. That's really
important for the customer to know.And it's ironically touched on that because so
many people, for lack of bettergrammar, faul for that banana and the

tailpipe. There is no such thingas a lifetime warranty. That's that you
know, my mom gave my dada lifetime warranty. He made it seventy
one years. But I think that'sabout the closest I've seen. And as
ironic you said that, because herewe are, it's twenty twenty four.
You know, a lot of peopleout there are doing desperate things. The
desperate times call for desperate things.But I love the fact that you folks

are dotting all the i's, crossingall the t's, following the letter of
the law, and that you're givingpeople the ability to get that initial ten
to fifteen percent off, and you'reproviding them with integrity, integrity first and
foremost. That's what's very important aboutus, and that's our model that we
want honesty and integrity for sell myImpact windows and doors to give out to

the customers. It's very very importantthat we let the customers know the truth
of how this industry works. Andall of your you know, I know
your salespeople and your installers, theyall abide by those guidelines. That's an
awesome you know, it's an awesomevirtue to have, and I know it's
one of your slogans, So repeatthat again. What's one of the key
things that you've tried to follow ona day to day basis, from top

to bottom, from your owner allthe way down to your last employee.
Go ahead, it's on and integrity. We make sure that when we go
out there, the installer knows youknow how to be able to present themselves
to the customer, to let themknow who they're from from the beginning to
the end the cleaning process, walkingthrough with the customers, showing them how

to open the windows the doors totheir satisfaction. Make sure everything is up
part Now, we're going to bedoing a series of interviews with you know,
a few more questions this morning.But what I'd like for you to
do right now, give out thephone number, web address how people can
get a hold of you if youwould. It's five six one two five
five eight zero sixty seven and it'ssome impact windows dot com. Okay,

And I know that you're offering thatreal ten to fifteen percent. And as
you know we're coming into hurricane season, obviously, I'm sure you would give
people advice. Activate stuff now,set up appointments now, because you only
fail if you fail to prepare.But obviously people want to prepare now rather
than in May. The first hurricanehits. Correct. Yes, of course,
it's very important for the customer tobe able to get themselves prepared now

because they're under the misconception that ifthey wait till actually they know that the
hurricane's coming, then they want thewindows like tomorrow, and unfortunately that cannot
happen. It needs time to processall the information, the permitting, the
merchandise, and that takes time stillthe same ten to twelve weeks. So

it's better for them to get preparednow so when the time comes, should
it come, they will be safein their home. Once again. It's
been corporate trusting. Ambassador Lisa Rodriguezfrom Salma Impact Windows and Doors and Boydon
Beach, Florida, what I'd likefor you to do again before we sign
off real quickly this morning, giveout your phone number and web address until
we have you on the next segmentfive six one two five five eight zero

sixty seven Salma Impact Windows dot Com. Thank you so much, Lisa.
I want to thank you and Marioand your entire team have a wonderful weekend
and God blessed. Thank you somuch. Robert. Hey, I'm Rob
the director at the Greater SUF FloridaChamber of Commerce www dot Greater Self Florida
Chamber dot com nine five four fiveeight zero eight eight zero two. You're

listening to one of our weekly radioprograms here at iHeart. If you're interested
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