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July 8, 2024 • 53 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Wake up, Wake up, Oh, wake up. I know it's lay
now. In a world of dull, mediocre radio, in a time of
regulations and rules, under the scrutinyof bosses and management, one show breaks

all the rules to deliver entertaining,compelling and educated radio and stand above all
the rest. And this show isn'tit? Hey man? What's that happened?

What's going on with you? Well, we talked off the area yesterday
about uh, how I get herenow? From Brigantine, I could either
do Atlantic City or I could doPleasantville. Yeah, so I go Pleasantville
again, right, Yeah, Iwant to go Atlantic City, the main
strip of Atlantic City because always tolook at the nonsense that going on over
there, it's a little dangerous.Yeah, So I go to Pleasantville.
But in Pleasantville it's a two laneroad going through the center city of Pleasantville

there, so it's like they're closerto my car, these guys, so,
uh, they can get a littleyeah. I mean the crackheads are
out at night. So you gotWest Atlantic City, got Pleasantville, you
got Atlantic City. And they arethey like vampires, man, they they
like zombie vampires. So guess whereI saw crackhead this morning? Well,
where Brigotine my wawah, I'm Brigatinestanding man. It's just standing in the

in the middle of the street yelling. It's something I've always heard about,
that wah wah, especially during theoff season when people do seasonal runnings.
Yeah, Brigantine can kind of geta little dicey when it comes to Yeah,
that wahwah can get a little crazy. Yeah. And about about two
minutes before I hit the wall,while where the crackhead is, Yeah,
I see this hot broad jogging downthe main strip. I'm like, you

roll the window down and say watchout for the crack ad In one minute,
I saw a hot chick running atfour o'clock in the morning and I
saw cracket right there. Maybe shewas running from the crack That's Brigantine was
always a weird town because you youyou did have these homes on the beach
and it was awesome, but youdid get that that that Atlantic city vibe
that would come over and uh andit it always was just a weird group

of people. That's because it wasaffordable, like you know, you could
actually you could be a crackhead andalmost ford Rent and Brigantine. That's what
it is. And that's the thing. You're not going to Stone Harbor.
Well, the thing is and andBrigantine was very big about off season renting.
So people would rent from September toApril. Yeah, casino workers mostly.

Yeah, But then where do theygo during the summer? You know
what? You know? Now youjust have to soup them away like they
did in Kensington where they peer too. During the summer do they do they
travel to another crackhead city. See, I'd love to do that. I'd
love to rent my house out inthe off season. But then it would
come May like the guys gonna belike, I'm not leaving. I'm like,
well, now I'm screwed. NowI got a squad, I'm gonna
do all this. And that's whathappens a lot, man. And that

was always the thing with Brigantine.Yeah, it was just this weird dichotomy
of people. You got these reallynice houses, but then you got these
real crackheads that will come in.It's the Star Wars canteen that basically you
got. You got hammer Head.Are you telling me that you live in
Tatoweine? Exactly? It that's whythere's so much sand. We got three
moons. Hey everybody, it isWednesday, before the big holiday. We're

gonna wrap this work week up rightnow, and then we're gonna find out
ZXL work for some boy of theday today. Yeah, tickets from midget
Wrestling. We'll hook you up withcoming up in just a little bit,
lunch point seven ZXL South Jerseys Rockstation and the z XL Morning Show.
Good morning, everybody, gonna doit live. I can go all right
it and we'll do it a lot. And thanks sucks. I'm Scotty.

Good morning. Here's some news foryus. The judge who presided over Donald
Trump's criminal trial in New York agreedyesterday to postpone Trump's sentencing hearing until September
as he considers a challenge stemming fromthe Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity.
Justice Juan Marchon informed Trump's lawyers andthe Manhattan prosecutors of his decision to delay

the July eleventh sentencing in response toa pair of letters from the two sides
following the Supreme Court's ruling on Monday. I think his parents named the one
because his last name was bon Marchonand it rhymes Swan March I would do
that. I'd be like, it'sa pretty cool name. Like Bob Rachon
doesn't make any sense, but WanBrachon certainly does. A body of a

man that was found on a NewJersey beach around daybreak on Tuesday. He
was found dead. First responders calledthe Wildwood Crest Beach called to the Wildwood
Crest Beach at Myrtle Road, wherethey tried to revive the man whose body
was found around six twenty in themorning. The man's identity was not released
pending the contact with relatives and autopswho was underway yesterday, but police said

foul play is not suspected. Aperson who called nine to one one also
performed CPR and the man until firstresponders arrived. Nearly a half dozen pets
were found dead in Galloway, includingthree in a kitchen freezer, while police
investigated in animal neglect tip if youranimal is in a kitchen freezer, it's
going to be found dead. ThatI don't get what people do this man.

The home's resident, identified as NancySantos, was arrested and taken to
Atlanta County Jail. She is chargedwith forty three counts of animal neglect.
Two adult dogs and one cat werediscovered dead in a freezer, but police
did not say where the appliance waskept on the property. Four kittens were
also found dead at the home.Like I've tried to chill a can of
beer and I've left it in afreezer. Pay it explodes. I hate

it. Never an animal. Yeah, so the pet dots. Okay,
so this woman there's thinking, thiswoman's unhinge, there's something wrong. But
a pet dies. She just thinks, like what, okay, we'll bury
it later. So we're gonna putit in the freezer. But it doesn't
smell. I guess maybe is thatwhat it is? Well, they did
that with Walt Disney. They cuthis head off and then are gonna try

and bring him back, right,yeah, yeah, yea yea. He's
frozen under the cast like Ted Williams. Yeah, that's news. What about
sports? Brought to you by anIce Cold La Bat Blue and the Bat
Blue Light. Phil's beat the Cubsix' four. They do it again
tonight aight oh five. Start listeningto the game right here at ZXL.
We are your official Philadelphia Phillies orratio station. Rookie Sensation, Caitlin Clark

and the Indiana Fever of the IndianaFever, and Angel Reese of the Chicago
Sky I'm talking w NBA. Yeah, will headline the twelve player team that
will face the US women's national teamin Phoenix on July twentieth, part of
the w NBA All Star Game.I'm watching it. I'm following it w
NBA. I'll even bet it occasionally. Yeah. How Areskin, a longtime

Philly sports broadcaster. Uh, he'sstill on a wyp up in Philly,
has been suspended from Citizens Bank Parkfor the rest of the season after he
made an unwanted advance towards an Aramarkemployee. Wow, apparently he gave her
a kiss that was unwanted. Now, it wasn't the Phillies that banned them,
it was the company that he worksfor. Odyssey is just an old

guy being like an old creepy grandpopguy. I'm sure he's just being a
little old guy being creepy. AndI don't do that anymore. Now you
can't do it anymore. This isnot his first time being caught up in
some drama too. Uh, thereyou go. That's news that sports brought
to you by Ice Cold La BatBlue and the bat Blue Light. Hey
Yeah, sunny today, high eightyone, Clowns tonight over sixty eight tomorrow

for your fourth of July. SunClouds Tomorrow's the fourth. Yeah yeah,
Sun and Clowns fireworks illegally in Virginia. They're everywhere. Now, I got
a home depot, dude, myWalmart parking lot. A guy has set
up a tent. Yeah, andthat sells it. He sells it out
of the tent at the park.He's not on the up a Sun and
Clouds to market. Also buy loosecigarettes seventy outside right now one hundred point

seven ZXL South Jerseys Rock Station zXL Morning Show seven CXL South Jerseys Rock
Station z XL Morning Show. Ihit my wife yesterday, now hold horses
all right, Not in a badway. It's a reaction. And she
does this a lot, and Ireact to it in a certain way.

Now I have a thing where Igrope my wife alive. We're in the
kitchen, YOSEL spank on the ances. What' you're supposed to be it?
Make them do exactly? You mean? Yeah, it's you know, it's
not as far as Trump went,but it's like, you know what,
you make them feel like they're loved. And my way knows that I'm going
to be cheating. If I stopdoing that, my wife will think that
I'm cheating on her. Yeah.Absolutely, So I give her attention,
the attention she wants. Well,she turn she'll return that attention. Not

with a grope. Yea. Shepinches my nipples. It's weird with girls
do that. Dude. She didit yesterday and it was a reaction where
I want whatever that is, whatever'sgoing on, I needed to stop.
So my reaction is is I swingmy arm. You swat. It's like
swatting away a bug exactly, that'swhat you're talking. I didn't have any
there was no harm intention there.I was like, whatever it is,

I need to get your your fingersoff of my nipples. Yeah, dude,
I gave her a nice little whackyesterday. Yeah, I punch her
in the arm, bite her.I was like, I was like,
this is what like, you causedthis? I'm sorry my reaction to you
pinching my nipples, that's not okay. That's not something you do when you
it's that's not showing attention. Likemy my I'll sometimes bite my wife,

okay, just to just to justto get her attention. I'll do it
a little too hard and and she'llbe like wow. And I was like,
is like, is that considered abuse? It's and I is that a
domestic call right there? Like I'lldo it like I'll snuggle up in the
morning. If I don't get theattention I want, I will like,
I don't know, I've done itbefore. I bit her shoulder, not
in a hard way, but yes, that she took a little bit of

a crack. And I'm sorry,but you know what I said, you
have to stop doing that. That'sthat's way different than me roping you or
rubbing on you or something like that. That's not fun or hot or sexy.
No. No, And she'll she'llpitch my skin too, where I'll
get like a bruise mark on myarm. I'm like, we're not,
we're not making hickeys here, Ohmy favorite thing to do. And I
guess I guess I think if heconsidered abuse is uh, it's not abuse,

it's your wife. But go ahead. My wife she bruises easy,
right, so she get like abruise on her leg or something, and
uh, and so I'll be like, oh, yeah, let me massage
that out. And what I dois I massage it real hard so it
gets even bigger, right, Andso she gets so mad at that,
and I'm like, I think aboutit. I'm like, I guess that's

unwanted, Like she didn't want meto do that, but it's just it's
fun. But to me, it'syour wife. You're allowed to do those
things you're supposed to do like that, like love tap things like I'm not
yeah, I'm not knocking her out, like groping, like you know why
she's slap but I could grow justa little bit. It's just just a
little bit of a group because that'smy one thing. Like we work with

a lot of women. I wouldn'twalk up to them and smack them on
the ass, but my wife Iwill absolutely do that too. But if
somebody worked here grabbed my nipples andpinch them hard, and it's not even
like it's not even a rub man, it's like, are you trying to
call me? Because that hurts,but you want to hear pinch my nipples.
I'm sorry, you're gonna get awhack in the head, which is
weird because I think I've smacked someof the guys here on the ass.

That's that's that's that was probably unwanted. It was probably un once. Yeah,
I probably need to talk to anHR person. Yes, so I
got it pretty good yesterday. Butyou know what, that's I'm sorry.
You have to stop. Stop withthe pinching in the nipple, stop with
the attacking and the nipples exactly.Yeah, some guys are into that,
though not mean either. Yeah.I don't want any of that. Yeah,

yeah, I don't know, evenwhile we're making love, like even
in the heat of the moment,Like to me, my nipples don't need
to be touched, you know,leave me alone, exactly. Look we
get back. She didn't bruise,by the way, that's just the swatting
away. He goes. Then Igot to take the oh, well that
happened once the one of my kidshad whacked her in the eye by a
mistake of Oh. I was like, you better jump on Facebook real quick,

yeah, and explain the story,explain exactly which everyone's now judging your
No one's believing her story. Yeah, cr chin, Well she pinched my
nipples. Look we get back.We'll do some rock news. I guess
this is why you don't book aguy who's in his nineties to go out
on tour. Willie Nelson has pulledout of his schedule Tuesday last night's performance

the Outlaw Music Festival. This onewas in Massachusetts. Now he has not
performed. They started last week andhe has not performed yet with the Outlaw
Music Festival tour. His son hasbeen filling in for him. But you
go, you go to it,and you're like, I want to see
Willie. I don't want to seeWillie's son. He's supposed to be rejoining
the tour in Camden on July fourth. Like I said, his son,

Lucas Nelson has performed in his place. The quote is Willie Nelson is looking
forward to seeing everyone in Camden onJuly fourth. He will not be performing
in Mansfield, Massachusetts today. BobDylan, Robert Plant, and Alison Krause
will perform his scheduled In addition,Lucas Nelson and family, along with some
special guests, will once again playhis own set that will include Willie's classics

and other songs. So yeah,they've done a couple shows and he has
not been on any of them yet, Well, how's Lucas seventy eight?
I was gonna say, to seethat guy if Willie's ninety right, right?
Yeah, Well, here's a spryseventy five year old. It's gonna
come fill in for Die on stagetwo. Heart, This is sad man.

I'm not a huge fan of Heart, but you hate to hear this
has postponed the remaining dates of theirtwenty twenty four North American tour Following Ann
Wilson's ongoing health issues. The bandcanceled European tour dates in May. But
yesterday it turns out that she hascancer, so she said she the quote

is, I underwent an operation toremove something and it turns out to be
cancerous. The operation was successful andI'm feeling great, but my doctors are
now advising me to undergo a courseof preventive chemotherapy, and I've decided to
do it, and so my doctorsare instructing me to take the rest of
the year away from the stage.So, unfortunately, if The Heart will
not be on tour this summer orfor the rest of the year, this

is gonna be a big tour forthem, because they haven't toured together.
I think in a while as bothsisters were having some beef and they finally
put it all behind them. Thatsucks, man, But hopefully they got
it early and Ann Wilson be backout doing it. We had more heart
or she had a more behaved kid, wouldn't we? Then they getting a
big fall out and Anne is theone who has the cancer diagnosis. I

think it was her kid. Theycaused some real chaos and it caused a
real risk. We lost heart.We lost heart, years and years of
heart because some kid's true. IfI say blue suede shoes, who am
I talking about? That is adamant Elvis Presley? All right, they're
being sold at auction. They actuallywere sold at auction. How much you

think they went for? A milliondollars one hundred and fifty two thousand,
Not as much as I thought theywould go. Whoa one hundred and fifty
two thousand. It's his blue sweightshoes. The shoes were expected to command
about what it got, so theythought about one hundred and twenty six thousand,
ended up doing about one hundred andfifty thousand. Presley received the shoes

not long after his version of SunRecords label mate Carl Perkins Bluseweight shoes appeared
as the opening track on Presley's selftitled album release in March of fifty six.
Yeah we see now that I'm older, man, I need real support,
Like I can't just wear a pairof blue suit. They had shoes
they had to be I mean,I had need real goods sold. You
need to orthopedic. Yeah, ofcourse, Man, hows my back's gonna

kill me. Elvis wore these iconicblue sweight shoes during the nineteen fifties,
on and off stage. In nineteenfifty eight, then night before Elvis left
for the army, he gave thoseshoes to a close friend in entourage.
Remember, the heel of each shoehas stamped none bush and inside of each
shoe is stamped ten and a halfstating the shoe side. There's a lot
of history wrapped up in these wellworn blue suede shoes, which are synonymous

with the name Elvis Presley. Thereyou go some rock ZXL Morning Show or
one hundred point seven ZXL, SouthJersey's rock station. Dude, I don't
like community tables at you know,like a restaurant setting. I think it's
kind of annoying. I don't wantto meet new people. I don't want

to have to sit next to someoneI don't know. But a wife and
I were on a little mini vacationright last weekend, and we go to
this really cool beer garden spot.Right, I sent you a picture.
The DJ was DJing from the roof. Yeah, I saw that, man,
it was legit of the venue.Yeah. And so it was really
cool beer garden. Man. Itwas like food trucks and cool bars and
everything, but everything was kind ofcommunity seats, so you had you had

some tables that it were just foryou, but then everything else. We're
like real big high tops that werelike ten feet long. Right, So
like two people like a jam alot of people. Well, that's what
it is. And it's just notfor two people. It's for you know,
it's for a bunch of people,and sometimes it's people you don't know.
Hey, real quick, do youdo you sit across from your wife
or side by side? Across?Side by side? Is weird? Yeah?

I do side by side too.We have a place by us we
like to go to. No,no, no, no, you do
side by side or I go across? No, I do across. Yeah,
yeah, side by side is weird. I need to be looking at
my way. We had a coupleon vacation. They were sitting side by
side, and I think I toldyou this yesterday. They were like my
age making out. Yeah, Likedude, it was at a bar.
Like it's like, what are youdoing. You're forty five and you're sitting

next to each other and you're makingout. I guess that, Hey,
look you're into each other. That'scool because to me, if you're sitting
across from somebody staring at them,that's the person that you're Yeah. Yeah,
yeah, yeah. So were there. My wife and I were lucky
enough to grab a table that werejust was just us. But across from
us is a really nice young couple. Man, dude look like a young
Matthew McConaughey. Real cute girls withhim. And they're just sitting there.

Dude. It was a beautiful night, right, There's a nice breeze.
They're having some drinks, nothing crazy, but they're sitting at one of those
community tables that are like ten feetlong. So they're just sitting there and
so they're just having a good timeand they're kind of in the middle.
Bad move on their part, right, they're just kind of in the middle
of this table. So a guycomes over and kind of talks to him,

and he I can kind of makeout what's happening, and he must
have asked, Hey, do youmind if me and my wife come over
and sit at the table, Andthe nice young couple are like, yeah,
we'll move down, go ahead,Absolutely, that's what this is for.
It's supposed to be communal right.So the guy dude, dude,
and this is I don't people haveno couth anymore. Guy comes over with

his wife, five kids, see, and another couple. So now it's
they're all just smushed into this table. This young couple that was sitting there,
they're now at the very end.They're now like shoulder to shoulder with
these people that they want nothing todo with. Right, And now you

got kids? Why you bring kidsto a beer garden? I don't even
know they were the only kids there. It was like what are you doing?
Man? Just a bad parenting andthen just just the trashiness of like,
dude, like these people were sittingthere enjoying their night and you just
really kind of uprooted them. Yes, it's not what they signed up for.
We had one. Not my faultthat you brought seven kids with you.

There's a nice restaurant by Sometimes youcan't get a table, but we
enjoy like we enjoy the communal table. And again, if it's it is
what you want it to be.If I want to talk to somebody next
to me, I will Usually weend up chatting, we have a good
time, or I could just talkto my wife directly, but that's how
we get in there. But theyhave a note there's a no kid rule
in the bar here at that table. There should be no kids. And

they're fat. That was the otherthing. There was just fat kids and
they're fat people. And then dude, so this poor young couple sitting there
right, so now they're pushed downto the their end, like to the
point where they're not even on thetable anymore. They're at the end of
the table. And uh so thenyou know it's outside. So they have
these fans set up and everything thatthat that the couple that that just barricaded

themselves into the table, right,just it just just threw themselves and they're
their fat family into the table.They started adjusting the fans, right,
so now everyone's uncomfortable because they're movingstuff around. See, that's not what
that couple signed up to it.And so now that couple finally just after
dude, they gave it five minutes, and I wouldn't have even gave it

five minutes. They get up andleave, and I'm like, that couple
knew what they were doing. Theyknew that they were going to push that
couple out and make it so uncomfortableand make it so uncomfortable. And within
earshot of the fat family, theguy walks by me. You know that
the Matthew McConaughey looking guy and hisuh, his cute girlfriend. And I
said to him, I said,dude, ridiculous, I said, I

watched that all unfold. I said, that's ridiculous. And he's like,
dude, you win some, youlose some. I was like, you
got a good attitude about it,But I man, I would have said
something because it was it was solike I said, there's no couth and
it was just so disgusting to watchthis, this horrific fat family just try
and take over a table that somebodyis already sitting at, enjoying their night.

When I yell at my kids,and and I did it. Like
the other day, we're on thebeach and they're they're callsing like noise and
everything else, not even like kidplaying noise, this nonsense noise. I
said, listen, we're not goingto ruin this experience for somebody else.
So that would happened that person theyruined somebody else's night, I would not
the guilt. I would live withthat I ruined somebody's night. That's too
much. Man. I even whenmy kids were little, if they started

acting up or crying in a restaurantout the door, yeah, I would
sacrifice my meal because I didn't wantto ruin everyone else's meal around me.
And so like now, like youknow me, dude, I have a
I have a black heart, right, there's just it's it's it's black and
cold, dark is empty heart.And I feel so bad for what I
watched this fat family do, right, uh, the fat disgusting family.

What they did that I my wifeand I were getting ready to leave and
there was another young couple that waskind of you could tell they were kind
of hunting for a table. Yeah, and I and I called them over
and I said, look, we'rejust signing our bill. I said,
sit down with us, and Isaid, table's yours because it was I
mean, it was hard to finda table. So I was like,
at least I gave. I feellike I gave back a little bit,
right, But dude, I'm lookingat this family and I'm like, why

do you first? You got inthe beer garden just like class, no
class, like no class. Andit's funny because we were down in Virginia
Beach and everyone was so polite andso nice. This was the first time
I saw somebody with like zero classfrom South Jersey. I bet I bet
you. I bet you here fromSouth Jersey. They had wild wood t
shirts off, you know, Violineighty one. I got a pay of

tickets to go see midget wrestling.You want to go see midget wrestling in
Atlantic City at the Tucktown Tavern.Uh knee high knuckle Buster the midget wrestling
if you want to see it.Six zero nine six seven seven one hundred
seven six zero nine six seven sevenone hundred and seven We get back.
I got some headlines one hundred pointseven's the XL South Jerseys rock stations,

the XL Morning Show. My kidssaw someone get jumped yesterday. Oh all
right, listen on the streets ofBrigantine. Well, I brought it up
earlier in the show, like Isaw Crackhead this morning in Brigantine, because
I talk about my trip here fromBrigateine. We're staying at the house,
so I gotta go through Atlantic Cityor Pleasantville. Yeah, it's dicey either

way, right right, Like Ialmost want to take I'm gonna see,
how like which is worse. Iwanted to do a C this I voted
AC You're more. Yeah, there'smore of a chance of you getting killed
or robed going through a C thanPleasville. Yeah. Yeah, So this
morning I saw the crackheads screaming outsideof a wah wah. Yeah. And
that was Indy, that was Brigandine. Yeah, I can't even I'm not
going to ride on Atlantic City.Didn't you didn't even beat Glass, Joe.

You weren't even you weren't even outof the first rounds. I brought
it up to over the weekend,you know, we went to Atlantic City
and it was you know, somesome some uh suspicious characters. I guess
walking to the casino where I thinkpeople that are just Atlantic Citi ins.
The guy had bandages around his eyes. I can't even explain that to my
the boardwalk and and supposedly they havean initiative now that they're gonna clean the

borderwalk up, please, but it'ssuch a disgrace. The smell of urine,
the homeless panhandling is just it's outof control. In Atlantic City.
Listen, we're not ragging on AtlanticCity, but Atlantic City. Atlantic City
is awful. We're playing dodge,you know, dodge the crackheads. We
gotta go jump one side of thestreet to the other side of the street.
So anyway, it's like the gamewe're playing an arcade where you have
the big hammer and you gotta bunkthe mole that comes up through the hole.

So, uh listen. And ifyou want honesty, because I'm driving
again, I'm coming back from uhSam's Club yesterday with the kids and we
will come off the Black Horse Pike, so I go to Atlantic City.
If you want honesty, take akid to Atlantic mister mayor, you want
honesty, take a kid through AtlanticCity. They're gonna point and tell you
exactly what is wrong. Because we'rehonest. They don't know they I don't

know they're saying anything right, exactly, it's not your friends, it's not
people and your council to say,you know what, it's not so bad.
No, a kid will be honest. And I look like that,
daddy, that's what I got.Yeah. My kids are looking around.
They're like, he even actually saidthe word zombie at a human being.
My kid had to say that lookslike their video games. It looks like
Fallout. So yesterday were driving,No, I didn't see it, and

my seven year old he looks atthe window. He says, Dad,
I just saw a bully, right, I'm like a bully. He's like,
yeah, bully. I'm like,well, how do you know it
was a bully? In said itwas a guy on a bike getting beat
up by five other guys. It'sa bully. So that is a bully
criminal. Yeah, I have noexplanation for that. And what you saw

is exactly what it is. Son. You saw a bully, and you
saw most likely a guy getting beatup in Atlantic This is Son. That's
a Tuesday here in Atlantic City.It's two thirty three o'clock on a Tuesday.
Man, he saw a guy getbeat up off his bike by five
other guys in the no what Ican't even explain it. And my kid
was right, He's like, canwe just get out of this town?
I was like, yes, son, we can. Can't get to that
bridge fast enough, you're gonna getout of Atlantic Sea. I can't explain

that. You're right. I remembergoing and take my son to get tubes
in his ears, and we're drivingthat we at that time you had to
go. The only chop was inPhilly, so you had to go through
West Philly right like some bad parts. And and my son looking out the
window and he's like, do peoplelive here? And I was like yeah,

man, like yeah, this iswhy you did. This is why
you want to work hard. Youdon't want to end up here. Listen,
my kids aren't entitled, they're notspoiled, but they see what they
see. That's that's a person rightnow. All I can say is they
made band's decisions in their life.That's all it is. I don't know,
do you know there was so muchThere was some weird road closed off.
I would have circled back to seeit. I was so I'm looking

at my rear view mirror. I'mlike, I gotta see this go down.
I've never seen somebody get mugged likethat before. Yeah, it's pretty
awesome city, baby, in AtlanticCity. I love chicken dinner, Atlantic
City, love the gambling. Butboy, that said the safety of the
casinos, and then after that you'reon your own. Well, I remember
my wife can't. When my wife'sjust from Colorado, so she came into

town like years ago. We're lookingat the places to live and everything before
we move home. So we goto Atlantic City and we're all live No,
no, we're looking at houses inAtlantic City, Stanley host. Yeah.
So we're on that walk where theyhave by Caesars where you can look
at the road, and this ismy wife's first we're walking and we could
see that there's like a woman onthe corner and there's like a bunch of

look looked like frat guys, likecollege kids around her. And I said,
see that right there, I said, that's a prostitute. This is
my wife's first protest. She neversaw before. I said, they're soliciting
that woman to go back to theirroom to have sex with us. Yes,
just have a guys, Well youget a better deal bachelor parties.
Look, we we get back.We knock out some trash. Oh why

love trash? Anything thirty y yanything racket rock or roughing? Yet love
crash. There's some trash for you. Bradley Cooper, one of his ex
girlfriends, is opening up about theirsplit. All the way back in twenty

fifteen is ten years ago. Whatare you talking about? It's over at
Bradley. It's not him, it'sthis Suki Waterhouse. Suck it. So.
She was talking to the British versionof Vogue. She revealed that dealing
with her breakup took a heavy tollon her. It took a lot of
work to get over. Suky sharesthat when something very public happens, it

can be very isolating and disorienting,especially when you can't explain to yourself,
when you can't explain yourself to theworld. Sukie and Cooper got together back
in twenty thirteen and split two yearslater in twenty fifteen. Is that when
he was at his height? Wasthat hangover? Oh? That's good,
that's post. I mean that's likehangover three year when the hangover come two
thousand and eight nine, Wow,something like that, Yeah, two thousand

and eight, two thousand nine moviesstill fantastic command Nikki Glazer. She's a
very funny comedian. Really, youknow, caught fire after that Tom Brady
roast because she had already been avery successful comedian. Her mom, Julie,
issued an apology to Julia Roberts aftercalling her gross forgetting, according to
them, a little too close toTravis Kelsey during a recent Taylor Swift concert.

Yeah, there was some drama.There was some pictures that Julia was
at a a I think it wasthe London show. So Julia Roberts was
at the London show for Taylor Swiftand Travis was backstage, you know,
hanging out, and it shows Juliakind of up in Travis's face. Wow,
like maybe Julia wants some of that. How about this guy, man?
Dude, yeah, dude, hehas a three You got a three

way with Taylor Swift and Julia Roberts. That guy's got wack. You know
what, man, You get yourfifteen minutes? The hawk to a girl?
Right, she now has a talentagent. Does this happened a week
ago? The Hot Twoey Girl,which, if you don't know, she

was on online. She's now ininternet sensation because she said that you gotta
put some hot towey on that thingand knock the cob website. It came
up last night driving in the car, man my wife and I. She
said something and I said, HOWKto that thing? And she understood exactly
what I meant. So the firmis called the Penthouse. They said,
the world's going crazy for Haley.Her real name is Haley Welch. I'm

glad our team can help a guidethis rocket ship. So I think they're
gonna try and do the podcasting,you know, the book hero on a
bunch of podcasts and then maybe tryand get her own podcasts. It's she
has that accent, man, She'scute. She has the accent. I
would sit there. I don't carewhat she's saying. I would listen to
that girl talks people. It's it'sthat deep South accent. Man. Yeah.
Man. So the Pat Tilman Award. Pat Tilman was a NFL football

player who took time off to UHto go over to Iraq. He was
a military guy, UH and unfortunatelyhe lost his life of it. So
the the ESPN SPS every year theyhave the Pat Tilman Award, and this
year they want to give it toPrince Harry. A lot of people are
coming out being like, why,yeah, right now, Prince Harry did

serve and uh so I think hewas in the English Air Force, so
so he I mean he is aveteran. But even Pat Tilman's mom came
out and said, yeah, Ithink Prince Harry is an odd choice.
It's a sports award though, rightwell, it's I think supposed to be
an athlete. Yeah, you know, maybe an athlete with military ties or

something like that. Yeah, that'sa terrible. A lot of people are
like, yeah, I don't knowif I like this one, I'd give
it to o j uh this.Do you know the the guy who plays
the sheriff in Stranger Things? Yes, he was. He was also in
a hell Boy. He's dating apop singer named Lily Allen. She she

was, she was big about tenyears ago. You know he's doing okay
right, like he has he hasStranger Things money. She's doing okay.
She's pretty big over in Europe.She started an OnlyFans page. How bad?
What is it? It's only herfeet, dude, I'm telling you
I would let my wife do thisin a heartbeat. It's money. They
don't even see your face. Idon't know if it's a joke or not,

but she's she legit joined OnlyFans.Yeah, and it's just her feet.
She was paying for that, dude. People will for that. People.
People are weird, fat man,Come on, Melissa Ethrich, she
said, you know, she famouslyused David Crosby. She she wanted to
have a baby and she used hissperm. And seems like she wasn't the

only one that wanted to use DavidCrosby's sperm. Crosby is the donor biofather
of two other of Ethridge's kids,Bailey and beck It, but he also
helped other families. She said,we're still finding kids from David Crosby out
in the world. My daughter's like, I have another half sister. How
many half siblings unlessa etherage? Heeither doesn't know or is it saying?

How many are really out there?Wow? Yeah, I guess when you
think about that, I mean,I guess it's your half brother and half
sister, but like, is ityeah, is it really family? Yeah?
At that point, like this dude'sjust spreading his ether, right,
do you? I guess you getI mean you you you're banking on the
fact that you get some musical talentout of that spurt, right, that's
but also on top of the musicaltalent, which great if they get it,

that's awesome. The man had acrippling drug addiction, which a lot
of people say is hereditary. Right, so that addiction, that that addiction
personality is hereditary. So you're reallyyou're really gambling there. There you go
to Trash one hundred point seven theXLS out Jerseys Rock station z x L.

By the way, my wife whenwe do the talkbacks, she said,
it's a favorite part of the show. Uh, we got it.
Get ready. It's super easy.You go to the iHeartRadio app, you
type in wz XL and there's alittle red microphone. You hit it,
send us a message and honestly we'llplay it. Like right now, if
you send us a message about whatband you want to see, def Leppard,

Journey, Steve Miller the most,we're giving away front row tickets to
that show up at Citizens Bank Park, or how you lost a limb too?
Well, like yeah, so aside, yeah, like a side.
A footnote to that is, ifyou tell us how you lost the
limb, we'll put you in therunning. Also like my my father in
law, he's missing a finger.Okay, it's like it's half off.
I've never asked him about it,but this whole hand is jacked up.

And I don't know if we gotcrushed or something, but you should see
my my buddy, he is fromthe knee down. He he has a
fake leg. He should be inthe running now. And he's like you
you've met him. He's like bionicright, this leg is like incredible,
And like we're sitting there at acornhold ornament and me and Hi, we
are sitting there and we're bs andand he's like spinning it like a fan.

Yeah, it's pretty fun. Andthen and then remember he was at
midget wrestling last year and he wantedto take it off and throw it in
the ring. Yeah, my buddyhas a great move. Man came to
one of my parties and took itoff and put it on the bar.
It's like that's awesome. And alsotoo, man, we went and visited
another buddy and he was the onethat had the car, so we'd hand
it to me in the back.So he's like, hey, hold this.
It would be as like all thosegetting your running so here's some talk

facts which I'm in too. Now, Okay, my name is Kelly k
e l l Y because you're KellyKelly, Kelly Kelly. Now you did
that last week. That's from that'sfrom Cheers. Cheers. Yeah, Yeah,
Yeah. I love def Leppard somuch. They are my all time
favorite band. I've loved them sinceI was a teenager. I would think

I died and gone to heaven ifI was able to watch them from the
front row. That would be amazing. Love you guys, listen to you
every day. Thank you make awish. I just want to give her
the tickets. Kisses, Kelly.I don't know the fact that she sang
a song from Cheers. She's nowin the running. She he's pretty high
up there. Hey guys, Elizabethhere for my carporate township. Who do

I love the most? I wouldsay that would be deaf lepper my all
time favorite, all through My Child, the Other tour, the Other tour
cool, but really really love deafleppert can't wait to see the concert and
maybe I'll get to meet them.Yeah, you're definitely not going to meet
them. No, that's I meanunless you you hop on stage, which

I'm not telling you to do.If you do win the tickets, you
catch them in the parking lot.Yeah, oh yeah. If you aerodromes
are deaf Leppard with two arms,you're an ass. He's right, that
is, I mean, the guy'sgot one arm. We would like the
Journey def Leppert tickets. That'd beawesome. We both work in the hospital,

my wife and I should say throughCOVID, and my wife's back in
school at Trexels. She's going forher master's story. Well, so she
would definitely deserve the tickets, okay, and of course I would shot throw
Okay, yeah, well I needto see her honor roll certificate the ticket?
Is it dreful online? Is shegoing to University of Phoenix? Yeah,

I'm calling for the Journey Steve Millerdef Leopard tickets. This is John
for May's landing. I want towin the front Road tickets. Thank you.
Right to the point that guy,I just want to win. I
should win tickets to the Journey concertbecause I'm old and I haven't seen all
the great bands, and I needto see this way. There you go.

That's how you get in the running. It's honesty right there. Hey,
h talking about concerts. I gota pair of tickets, actually a
four pack of tickets to go seeTrain and Ario Speedwagon up in Camden.
Do you want to go? Sixzero nine six seven seven one hundred seven
six zero nine six seven seven onehundred and seven six zero nine six seven
seven one hundred and seven Train andAreo Speedwagon up in Camden. Six zero

nine six seven seven one hundred andseven. Hey, we get back,
and I got some headlines why hundredpoint seven to the XL South Jerseys rock
station ZXL Morning Show. I guessthis is something you got to teach kids
now, because I no one taughtme. You just kind of knew what

to do. But now no oneever does this thing, So now kids
don't know how to do it whenthey need to do it. And I'm
noticing now we're giving my little guymore responsibility, right he last year we
started letting him stay by himself.He's eleven years old, right, so
you know you can stay. Youcan stay for a couple hours by himself
at the house, like a wholeweekend, or we'll just leave for a

vacation for a week. Just givehim twenty dollars. They have fun.
I can't wait till my kids cando that. So, dude, no,
you don't, because everything you givethem, they don't do. You
come home to you come home todead flowers, you come home to muddy
carpets. Yeah, you come.It's just you don't want to leave your

children home. I've learned that,Believe me, I've learned that. So
the little guy man, just Ilike giving him responsibility. He's he's growing
up, right, He's gonna betwelve in August. So now we're giving
him a responsibility about babysitting a littlebit, right, So I make sure,
hey, man, if you're babysitting, you got your phone has to

be on. You have to youknow, there's a responsibility there, like
make sure that your phone's on.And so I never no one ever calls
anymore. Everyone texts, right,So, like, my little guy's had
a phone for a couple of yearsnow, but I always just text them.
I never picked unless it's an emergency, have to really call them.
Well, now I'm calling them moreright, to check in on them.

He has no phone etiquette, Buthow would he know what phone etiquette is
because no one talks on the phoneanymore. Is he not answering the phone.
So so I call him. Rightyesterday, I'm calling from the car
and I noticed this a couple oftimes. I thought maybe it was me,
but no, it's definitely him.I call, he just picks up
the phone. Yeah, they don'tsay hello. He doesn't know how to

say. He doesn't say hello.My kid does the same thing. I'm
like, are you there? That'swhy hello? Are you? Is someone
there? And then he's like,yeah, I'm here. And then also
he has no etiquette when it comesto just conversating on the phone. Yeah.
So it's like, uh, Iwas like, everything all right?
Yeah, okay it do you doyou need anything? No? Yeah,

it's not a conversation. Yeah,Like like so what so are you are
you mad at me? No?They're talking like they would be texting,
because you're right, is everything okay? Yes, I'm fine. But yeah,
there's no convertion, dude, theanswer to the phone. I don't
know what he thinks. He justpicked the phone up and there's silence.
I gotta tell him, man,when you pick up the phone, you've
got to say hello, so Iknow you're there, and you have to

say bye too, like man,no bye, so so I'm like,
all right, buddy, love you, and then that's it. I'll just
hear a dial zone he's it gameover. Like I don't know, maybe
because I heard my parents. Idon't know when you were talking hello,
I just said hello. We grewup with a culture that was on the
phone. Mom was on the phoneyapping with the neighbors about gossip, Dad

was on the phone with work.We saw it, man, like,
you picked up the phone Hello,you know you you hung up? He
said, all right, bye,and and that was it. There there
was. But as a kid,you would watch that. That doesn't happen.
Now everyone just text. It's likeeverything is so fast, like you
just got to get into the conversationso quick that you pass Hello. And
do you feel like when you whenyou call your kid, he it's the

last thing he feels like doing istalking to you. Dude. I know
when he plays video games, hewon't pick up the phone. I'm like,
bro, I need no matter whatit is, when the phone rings,
this is why you have the phone, and you have to pick up
Yeah. So this is the reasonthat it's not playing games on your phone,
it's not texting, it's not hanging. It's not talking to your friends.
It's it's for emergencies like this.So the other day where he's home

alone, babysitting, right, Icall him, no answer. Call him
again, no answer. I callmy wife. You're bothering. Call my
wife. She calls him, noanswer. She okay, she calls him
again, no answer. I go, okay, what I'm like a half
hour away from home. I'm like, what the hell? So my wife's
smart enough, she's like she dropsin on him on the alexa. Oh

yeah, and she's screaming yep rightand so uh he finally easily, he's
like, he's like what right?Like she's like, why are you answering
the phone? He's like, oh, I have it on silent bothered.
Man, Oh, that's not thepoint that needs you need to have your
phone on and ready. Yeah.I'll do that with my wife sometimes too.

I will scream through that camera manthat we have set up in the
kitchen, like where where is everybody? I don't know what the kids too?
So man, no own etiquette atall. At least it's not my
kid. All right, good,he's he's not He's not the weirdest kid.
I just got my kid, youknow, the flip phone for ninety
nine dollars seven dollars a month,and he told me that he's cooling over
so embarrassed. Oh, the sevenyear old was crying because, yeah,

because he didn't get one. I'mlike, listen, man. But yeah,
before that, when they would gohome from school, we're not there
is uh if we don't get ahold of them when they hit the ring
doorbell. Hey man, hey,by the way, we're not there.
Yeah, it's it's it's radio silence. We have no way of getting all
them. Yeah, no, thismy kid could care less. Ye say
hello man. Right, and here'sthe thing, like, I know he's
on his stupid phone. Hey,I know he sees the call coming through.

My guess is it? My Mywife calls it the j O button.
You know what JO stands for.Yeah, that's when someone hits the
button and it just hangs up rightaway. Yeah, and you know they
do it to you, so shecalls it the j O But uh,
look, we we get back,we'll do a thing called do you think
you o bay? You think you'vegot in bed? All right, we'll

talk about her again. The hottwo girls two? All right, Haley
Welch, which is Hawk two.We realized growing up it was always Hok
two. But I think she isnow the Hawk two girl. So she
he was doing interviews, right,I told you yesterday she was on with
uh Brianna Chicken Fingers or Brianna chchicken Fry chicken fingers. She's Brianna Chicken

Fry from Barstool Sports. She didbring up that someone offered her six hundred
dollars to spit in a jar.Do it? Yeah? Why not?
Now? Uh? So she saidthat she'd be up for it, and

it was disgusting. But cash iscash, right, So apparently someone went
to the guy. So she's designinghats and T shirts right that she's signing
for then you buy for like fortybucks apiece. Somebody reached out to the
guy doing the T shirts and said, yeah, I will give her six
hundred cash if the Hot two girl, Haley Welch spits in a jar,
seals it and gives it to me. I guess man, you put it

up on your shelf. It's kindof cool. This is dusting, but
it's kind of cool. Terms there'san outbreak of EMPOS, the illness formerly
known as monkey pocks growing in Ireland, and one man appears the major part
of it. One of the twohundred and twenty nine people diagnosed with MPOs,
one man has been found to bea major contributor by having sex with
seventy five people in a window oftwenty one days. That dude's busy.

Wow. A case review has alsofound that ninety six percent of the confirmed
mpox infections have been sexually transmitted.Dude, that dude was is seventy five
people in twenty one days. Dude, he must be tired. Yeah,
give that guy a break. It'salmost for a day now. This is
guys, gals, when you're outthere tomorrow setting off them fireworks. Just

remember people like your New York Giantfriend what was his name, Uh,
Pierre Paul. Yeah, yeah,don't be him or no, he's shot
himself. Who's the guy who blewhis hand up? Now it was Jason,
Pierre Paul was the guy. Yeah, you're thinking of so many New
York giants that heard themselves. PierrePaul's one that blew his hand his hand
up. Yeah, and then theother guy shot shot in Plexico burst.

Plexico Burg shot himself in the footsweatpants. Yeah boy, okay, so
don't be like Pierre Paul. Right, it might be time for me to
root for a new team. Soremember, to a family member that has
nothing going on in their life,you don't give it to the star athlete
to just pay for the whole barbecue. So. An eleven year old Michigan
girl has suffered significant injuries after anillegal device exploded in her home. While

her twin sister, Caitlyn, lita device that she mistakenly thought was a
firework, she soon realized it wasdynamite. Old boy, it blew up
in her hand and Caitlyn had tohave her right hand and forum amputated.
Caitlyn is now said to be inhigh spirits and the family is doing the
best thing can. Investigators currently believethe device was the property of Caitlin's grandfather,

who left it in playing view andunsupervised. Growing up, man,
we would do it. We wouldget half sticks of dynamite or quarters and
dynamite and they would go a mailboxthe table to stop sign and they would
do that. Dude. We weremad, yeah, dude. And they
were waterproof, so you can flushthem down toilets and stuff. But it
was crazy. It was nuts.Yeah, that's why we survived, covid
man, we survived quarter sticks ofdynamite. Just just and always take in

the consideration. Remember never to closeyour Like, if you have a firework
or an MD in your hand,if it blows up, at least if
your hands open, you got abetter shot of your fingers not blowing off
armageddon. Yeah. If you toldyou that, if you close it,
you hate, You're gone. Yeah, your wife's gonna be open your ketchup
bottles. Yeah, So just becareful tomorrow. Yeah, because I know

you're gonna be drinking. Kids.I wouldn't even just do it with an
open hand. I would just letmom and dad deal with all that.
But then dad's drunk, Like,find the crazy neighbor that wants to do
it. He's just just lighting stuff. All that's gonna be me a Brigantina
mar there's no real light. There'sno real like firework displays in Brigantine.
It's just illegal people just all overthe place, in the streets on the
beach. So I just bark hercar and I just look up. Well,

and then he gotta And then youalways have the neighbor it's like my
dogs, my dogs. There yougo. Those people, they haven't bet
you not so much. One hundredpoint seven ZXL, South Jersey's rock station
ZXL Morning Show. This stupid dogman. Listen, I have family coming
in for the holiday, and Ilove it. I do enjoy the family
coming. The cousin's playing everything else. Sure, and it's mom and brother.

So now I got old mom.She's gonna be hanging out on the
couch. She gotta sleep on thecast. We went out enough room for
us, so she'll be on thecast. I gotta get up her,
put her on the deck on acot, you know, just cover her
up. My brother brings a stupiddog. And here's the problem, man,
he's he's never been away from thisdumb dog. It's not even like
you can leave it with somebody,so he has to bring it. So

as much as I love my brother, I gotta deal with the stupid dog.
Now, I got my dog.Now my dog. It's his house,
like he should be able to heshould have the run of the house.
No, he's the one who hasto get put up in the cage
bait for my dog. Oh,because they don't get along. You know
what, they get along, butmine's young and his soul like it's it's
like nineteen years old. Like I'mnot kidding, it's nineteen years old.
You gotta put the dog. It'stime to put the dog down. It's

not having a good quality of life. But my dog wants to play.
So my dog's jumping all over thedog. It's gonna hurt the other dog.
And then there is dog peas onthe deck. Like now I understand
he could do that. Is thatyour brother's laziness not to take it for
a walk. Is he just like, oh, just let him go on
the deck. No, because it'llpiss a couple of times, like three
or four times, like in anhour. It'll just keep paying, like

it'll take it out and it'll comeback. Now he claims it's marking,
it's territory. I'm like, it'snot marking because my dog doesn't peel on
the deck, so it's not justmarking the deck. And I get it.
Like he has the anxiety. Hegets up, he's like he apologizes.
I'm like, yeah, but it'sstill peeing on the deck. The
whole disaster is the dog man,Yeah, dog to somebody else's I told
you when you got that dog.It's a lot of responsibility. My dog

is fine. It's when you bringyour dog. Your dog's not fine.
Your dog mulled your mom. Yeah, oh, poor mom's down with the
with your dog. Oh what awfulthe vacation she's gonna have at the beach.
The dog just wants to attack herall the time. It's nonsense,
man' perfew barking back and forth andeverything else, and just my god,
man, dude, it sucks.Man. I look this weekend, I

went away and we stayed at adog friendly hotel, and I'm watching these
people. Man. Not only dothey slept around their ugly kids, but
they got there now they got dogs, and it's it's like these people can't
even get a nice vacation because they'restuck with these stupid animals and stupid kids,
unless that your dog. Nobody wantsto be bothered with a dog.
Dogs and kids are the same thing. Look, I'm stuck with mine.

I get it. I don't wantto deal with yours. You mean,
your kids, your dog both.Hey, listen, everybody be careful this
weekend. By the way, don'tblow any fingers off. It is fourth
of July. Weekends. Let theprofessionals or at least the drunk neighbors deal
with all that. You just sitthere and just watch it. Yeah,
I have fun, but just yetto come on? Man, don't I
don't want to. You want tokeep all your fingers, you want to

keep all your toes? Yeah,let's not. Let's not blow blow each
other out. That's a young man'sscheme, especially if if popper or older
uncle had a drink or two.Don't let them near the fireworks. Let
the young kids do all that,and don't try and be funny and shoot
people with Roman candles. It neverends. Well. Yeah, the bottle
rockets was a big one. Ohyeah, yeah, yeah, everybody,
thanks for you calls this week.Always welcomed on the show. We are

back Monday, so enjoy your weekend. It's one hunch point seven z XL
South Jerseys Rock Station z x hellmorning smiling. When you're smiling, SMI
smiles with you. And when you'reeleven, when the sun comes shining through

where you're crying, you're bringing longthey're in stop where you smiling, Keep
on smiling. I don't know smartdropping out, man, I know you
guys are all my love looking atme guys on my way to work.

Room shot at yeah warming up Chipand I'm like, I'm a down.
Hey we're rocking. Hey, thankyou? You got to the back.
How do yeah? Keep me laughing? Man, you guys are great.
Good morning guys, Hilario, letme take it. Oh God, is
it my radio or are you onlybroadcasting in MANA? This is the readings

in DJL, Like if you're onit, I listened to this man getting
up in the morning doesn't suck anymore. Show was brought to you by the
Letters W, D and F ShowJoe and Scottie M Dumb Dump
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