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May 9, 2023 • 50 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Hell up Steelers Nation at Steelers ChuckTalk with Tank and Jared the water Boy.
It's been a few months since thewho won the Super Bowl game.
I don't remember Dolphins, the KansasCity Chiefs. Never heard of them.
That was a hell of a footballgame that it was. It really was.
I haven't seen you since, Sham. I I don't think you have.

I don't think you have, andI don't think I've had the opportunity
to brag on just how accurate myprediction was well July when we met at
Steelers training camp all the way throughFebruary. I don't do math for a
well or spell real well. Butthat was too long to spend with you,
and I needed two months off.So wheeling we're back Steelers Chalk Talk
every well, actually just this Saturdaymorning at ten am to eleven am,

because next week we trans ocean overa transitioning and over see. It's been
two months since I've been on theradio. Into the Golfing Around Radio hour.
Can't wait for Golfing Around. Firstepisode is gonna focus on Scotland.
I just got back from Saint Andrews. Had a great trip over there.
Golf season is about to go readyfor this boomlood them and a full swing.

Water Boy, I like, Isee what you did there? You
did not like you didn't even thinkit was funny. That won't even try
to playcate me. All right,you're listening to stealers chalk talk on fuck
Sports Wheeling, Pittsburgh. I'm TankTaylor or your host. He is Jared
the water Boy. We're gonna getinto some free agency talk. We're gonna

get into some draft talk. ButI told the water Boy said, and
he come in here with all thesenotes. How many pages of notes do
you got? You more on enough? If it's like twenty pages of notes
you did your research that I did. Wow. If you're gonna be this
uh what's the word verbo so broadcast, it's gonna be an ell of a

show, just me ranting at you. I've got plenty. I'm gonna get
in myself. All right, goodenough, Look before we even go,
I told the Waterboy, right,I got your notes and you're all excited.
Listen, Princess, don't get yourpanties all on an uproar. Okay,
I know you're excited. How oldare you? Three? See you

still have that youthful, like youknow, like a dough that's just born.
Everything's new to you, everything's excitingat twenty three years of a listeners
hit. Jared just built, wellrenovated his first home. He's on his
way to adulthood. He's got hisown house now and got the little missus

living with him now. He's fullydomestic. How many dogs too? Yeah
you're domesticated. You got a broadliving with you in a house. So
all right, so you are alittle bit more mature than most twenty three
year olds. I'm comfortable. Yeah, yeah, but you still got those
rosy glasses on where you know,you're like a puppy that sees I'm excited.
This is an exciting period of timefor the Steelers. It really really

is. I couldn't be more excited. Why are you excited? Because I
feel like we have really effective managementand I feel like we filled a lot
of the holes that were glaring,and I'm excited to see what can be
done and can you pick it?Second year in the NFL? All right,
Well, let's get back to realityfor a second, all right,
before before we do anything. Allright, So hopefully I'm not coming off

like an old Kirk Mudgeon. Allright, but I do you know,
I've been through enough drafts and evenme recently until three four years ago,
was still Oh, I'm so excited. Kendrick Greene. He's a mean,
nasty he kind of take over forme. Markis the wildcat pouncy? How
did that work out? And Idon't mean to damper your excitement, okay,

but I want to start and gothrough a couple previous drafts, and
I know what everybody's out there isgonna say, well, you know that
was Kevin Colbert's drafts. Maybe whatever, Let's go back to two and eighteen.
Terrell, I don't like to hitanybody, Edmonds, He's gone.
Now. Have you ever seen asafety that doesn't like to hit people?

That wasn't his role on the team? Man? Yeah, well he wasn't
Sean Taylor. It is football,Okay. I never saw a safety.
Ronnie Luck cut his finger off toplay in a Super Bowl. That's a
safety. All right? Goodbye,Terrell Edmonds. I never liked your personality.
I met him a couple times offthe field. He's just something about

the kid I didn't like. AndI'm trying to be a better Christian these
days. But I just didn't likehim. There was something about him,
and I certainly didn't like the wayhe played the position. So I want
to see somebody back there that cancompliment Minca, not just be there.
Oh, by the way, Fredbullet Nikoff Award winner, James Washington,

where's he these days? Don't care? Mason red nosed ling, Dear Rudolph.
We'll get to that later. That'sa poker chip. I think the
Steelers are holding their back for theworst right tackle on the leg. Why
is a left tackle was the worstone? They said, well, we

might as well make him the worstright tackle on the league. Chokes RCA
for Marcus Allen. It's not hisfault. It's not his fault Marcus Allen.
Mike Camlin has no idea what thehell to do with him? And
it start Marcus Allen's fault that he'snot on the field. More. It's
Mike Tomlins, Jalen Samuels, Joshyour Frasier. That's your two thousand and

eighteen draft class. How did thatall work out? Seriously? I mean
outside of Terrell Edmonds there, Imean you got nothing. I mean Washington
was an outright bust. A belt, the coff winner. How's it was?
I that year? Plus, he'scoming went to read Noos ring Gay
Rudolph plus and meets from the OklahomaMistate Cowboys. When I was doing West

Virginia Sports in pregame, I sawthem coming to Mountaineer Field, DAA nothing
bust, nothing nothing. Let's goon to two thousand and nineteen and look
at that draft class. Water Boy. Oh, he's a good one.

Hello, Hello, the next JackLambert, he's gonna be He's good,
plays with edge. That's not whatyou're looking for. Never he's played in
it For the next Jack Lambert.You're looking for role players, and there
were a couple of them in thetwo and eighteen draft. I had a
couple more right now, Okay,you're number one draft choice Devin Bush Junior,

the Smurf playing inside linebacker. Okay, well, I like Devin again.
Another situation where Mike Tomlin doesn't knowwhat the hell he's doing. He
thinks these high bred linebackers the sizeof circus midgets are gonna get the job
done against Travis Kelsey at six footfive, right, and it can run

down the seam of the field.Goodbye, Devin Bush. I wish you
well. He should go to theCanadian Football League and play strong safe,
not a whole lot of six fivetwo. Don't want to hear it.
I don't want to hear him movelike Travis Kelsey. Don't want to hear
it. Goodbye, Devin Bush.All right, not so bad. He's
still in the lineup. His handsare questionable. Deonte Johnson out of Toledo.

I'm gonna give you a pass,but I better see something big out
of him this year. Justin lane, cornerback Michigan State, Benny, I
can't hold onto a football Snell andI have no cut. Move your fourth
pick now? This guy still andI think he's a solid tight end.

Zach the gazelle Gentry, I meangalloping moosey looks like you ever seen a
moose run? No? Well,I'll google when we take our commercial breaker.
I'm gonna get a video of amoose galloping and that's Zach Gentry.
Look. Does he have great hands? No? Can he pass block?
No? Can he run block?No? But somehow you have hopes that

Gentry still might turn into If ZachGentry becomes a half of what a Travis
Kelsey is. This season. Yougot the best out of Sack Gentry.
Not gonna happen. Is if anyif half the tight ends in the league
become half of what Travis Kelsey is, then they're one of the top tens
in the league. The position isa commodity. It's not easy to just

draft one of those, and I'mof the belief that we just did in
Darniell Washington, who started drafting.I don't want to talk about this draft
this year until him done this ratingthe last five years. Moving on,
Sutton Smith, defensive end out ofNorthern Hill, Illinois, number six pick
in two nineteen crickets. Anybody Bueller, Bueller nothing. Isaiah Bugs. I'm

kind of shocked that he didn't dobetter. I saw some glimpses out of
him at nosecard at times, reallyquick and explosive off the line, was
able to man handle a few centersalong the way. You should be very
familiar with him out of Alabama.I don't know with Isaiah Bugs. Here's

another one that has done nothing andshould have because he had a chance with
Devin Bush fallen on his face.Ulysses Gilbert, Okay, great, He's
a good solid special teams player.That's a great thing to get in the
sixth round of a draft. Ijust can't. I can't do this.
You're taking flyers in the sixth Ifyou're gonna pick a sixth round, this

is two thousand and nineteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty one, twenty two.
This will be his fifth year inthe league. Okay, You're not
drafting a guy in a sixth roundlike Ulysses Gilbert to say great, he's
a solid special teams player that I'mgonna have on my team for twelve.
Other than that, you'd have tobe paying him more than he's making.

These guys are role player. You'rewrong. You want maturation out of this
sixth round player that in his fifthyear. You're going you know what,
we wasted time on effort on DevinBush, Ulysses Gilbert. It's time to
step up and become a starter ina league, and it ain't gonna happen.

Hey, if I'm running a team, this is high called I don't
even know what that. I don'teven remember this guy. If any of
you listen to Fox Sports Radio Wheeling, Pitsburg this morning, you're listening to
a tack in the water boy hereon Steelers chalk talk breaking down before we
get to this year's draft. Becausethe Waterboy came in here all excited and
you know, full of glimmer andhope for a better future and a better

tomorrow, singing Doris Days songs.Bet and Puppies came in with tolips like
the lollypops, like everything's gonna begreat. Darwin Gray tackle out of Maryland
again, crickets. Anybody out thereremember Durwin Gray and I don't want to
hear he was a seventh round draftpick. Then don't even draft anybody if

you have no expectations, say something. It's not that they have no expectations.
It's that the expectation and the resultit falls to the player more so
than the team. Whenever you're notinvested in like that, the team isn't
guaranteeing you anything. You need togo out there and you need to earn

it. So I agree with youthat they have done. So I begs
to take a look at who theKansas City Chiefs. Do you know what
d did in their twenty nineteen seventhround pick? Oh, it's not somebody
that you know, it's not becauseninety nine percent of the time. Those
guys don't work out when you comeacross a gem and the rough, like
Jalen Warny. What about Devin's reasonthat you speak on him, Well,

Devin Bush is a miss. Everybodyis allowed a miss, you know,
and you know he in large partwas not a lack of talent. It
was he was a head case.He was at gasing, he was a
problem in the locker room, andhe was a coaching issue. And there
were a whole slew of things thatwent into our not receiving the investment that

we made in him. Okay,well it wasn't just because he was bad
at football. Look, I'm gonnatell you something I disagree with you with
this. Okay, coaching, coaching, coaching. Find me that sixth round
guy. Find him to me.Give me those basic skills. One that

he's got a brain in his cabana. Number two, he's got the will
to win in his heart, andnumber three, he has physical tangible abilities.
A coach coaches. A coach getsthe best out of you. Okay,
So when you got the likes ofMike Tomlin, when you got the

likes of Hayley Fechner, Now there'sMoron Matt Canada. You ain't gonna get
coached up Son, And when yougot two years ago the offensive line coach
a team for the Steelers getting firedthree quarters of the season and the only
place they can find to send himis the Oregon quack Quack Ducks. And

now you've got a guy in therewho supposedly has a great resume for the
offensive line coach. He should havebeen able to take Dan Moore last year,
right and Dotson and coach them up. No, Instead, they're still
stepping up on pass blocking into linebackersand defensive line. And you got Kenny,

as I famously said last year,Kenny Pickett getting the hell beat out
of them, and Tomlin didn't likethe fact that somebody mentioned the obvious to
them. Lost all respect for Tomlinafter last season. I'm done with them.
I'm not going any more press conferenceseither, because I don't want to
sit in there and listening to hisbs. Yeah. Truth, I'm not

renewing my press credentials this year.I don't need to stand on the sidelines
in Latrobe with a bunch of moronicsportswriters that don't know what the hell they're
talking about. I don't need toget dismissed by a head football coach that
has been given the keys to amarzer Rotti and year after year drives it
into a wall. Okay, thenI'll make sure I have my press credentials.

Great, well, if you workwith me, they may not give
them to you. Kid, allright, twenty class Chase Claypool. Nobody
says coaching more than Claypole. Thiskid ship for the fact that our first

round pick this year turned into MincaFitzpatrick. That's different. He was already
proving commodity with the Dolphins. Yes, Chase Claypole, all right, should
have been brought here out of NotreDame with all the skills this kid has
right and again to coaching. Atwhat point don't you say when he started

his annex sit down, We're gonnahave a talk. When you walk in
this building, the cell phone getsput in a basket and you're here to
focus instead. Talent gone lost becausea lack of coaching to make him more
mature. Going down the list,where are we now this one? I'm

not hey, great pick, AlexHighsmith, a great, great pick.
Not kind of dis on that all. I'm trying to say Waterboys this,
Oh well, maybe twenty twenty draftKevin Dotson. I'm just dismissed. Dotson
is a mystery to me at thispoint. He's got skills, He's got

unbelievable um block punch power. Okay, some guys can hit a guy like
that and you don't feel it.Some guys can do the same motion and
it's like you got hit by sevenmac trucks. That's Dotson. But that
arcs back to me. Like Ijust said about the offensive line, coach
is sucking for the Steelers for thelast two years. And anybody that thinks

that you're gonna draft yours way whenwe finally get to this draft this year,
that you're just gonna draft her wayout of the problem with this offensive
line doesn't know Didley squat about football. To get to the next level in
the NFL, you've got to takeraw talent like this. You can take

an Outland. There's plenty of guysthat have won the Outland Trophy and the
Remington Trophy that were bust. Theyweren't coached up. I don't know what's
gonna happen with thoughtson nose guard.I guess here's here's one that baffles me.
You remember this guy out of Maryland, Anton Brooks. He wasn't even

on the roster last year. Movingon another bus, Carlos Davis done with
that one? All right, kid? What am I up to? Twenty
I haven't even died twenty twenty.It's where I'm gonna leave it off at
the twenty twenty one draft. Twentyone. All right, now this well,

hold on Nagy, love Nagy,potential Hall of Famer easily. This
is his Your potential depends on thatoffensive line. This is his year.
Now. Look a lot of peoplelast year came out of the gates four
games and he ain't no good.He ain't no good to look at him.

He don't know what he doing.He's overrated at Nagy Harris. I
heard the guys down on the southside talk just like that, Hey stinks
he's bombed. They way. Thenthey found out, oh he was playing
with a still plate in his shoe. That might have had salting to do
at it. Then as the seasonwent on and the offensive line really sucked,

you realized it wasn't on Naugy.Hey, that's the first segment.
I'm not even done with my rant. I am tanked, and he is
Jared the latter Boy. This isSteeler's chalk Talk. Your powders still dry.
Didn't even allow you to. Yougot ten seconds say something. I
mean, I'm coming back next nextsegment. It's my turn, all right,

whatever, all right, here's afew commercial messages. All right,

welcome back to Steelers chalk Talk.Here in Fox Sports, Wheeling, Pittsburgh.
I'm Tank Taylorer. He is Jaredthe water Boy, Chuck and Steelers
free agents and drafted kid doesn't likethat I went down memory lane with all
our busts. In a first segment, he sees it completely futile. And
I don't because you're gonna get yourhopes hide on all these draft choices and

Dick hit one of them might beon a team five years from now.
Okay, well, you have effectivelyvoiced your distaste for previous decisions made.
But all we can do is distaste. Oh, you know that we can
do is look forward and we canimprove from here. You know, this
is a new generation for are theSteelers nation. You know we have an

entire because we don't have any ofthose staple guys anymore. We don't have
the dominant offensive line. We don'thave Big Ben, we don't have the
killer Bees. This is a newgeneration starting now. It's a generation being
headed by Omar Khan. So whatI thought that we could do here is
take a look and effectively analyze howhe spent his first off season in order

to understand the direction that we wentwith this draft class. I think it's
important to take a look at freeagency. Some of the biggest holes that
we had on this team were inlosing Cameron Sutton at quarterback, Miles Jack
and Devin Bush at linebacker, TerrellEdmonds at strong safety, Chris Wormley,
and Tyson A. Lalo at insidedefensive line. Those are guys that played

meaningful minutes for us that we nolonger have. In free agency, we
addressed each of those problems by puttingbodies in holes, not necessarily signing these
multi million dollars studs that are supposedto change the game for us. But
we filled our corner, our cornerbackhole with by resigning Pierre adding Patrick Peters,

Patrick Peterson and Shandon Sullivan at thelinebacker position. We picked up whole
hole come and a Landon Roberts twoguys that are not the small hybrid linebacker
that you can't stand Terrell Edmonds.We resigned Demonte Kyzy. We have keanu'neil
now, Chris Wormley and Tyson Lalu. We resigned Larry Ogan, Jowelby,
I'm gonna butcher this name, butBraden Fijoco and armand Watts. We put

bodies in holes so that play lastyear so that we could maintain flexibility in
this draft, and I think thatthat translated to a lot of the value
that we received in this draft becausewe had holes and we weren't backed into
a corner feeling like we had tospend seventeen on a quarter spend thirty two

on a linebacker. What do youthink about keeping CAZy like him? I
love Case. He's a little nutty, Yeah, yeah he is. I
feel like you have to be tosuccessful to be successful in that position.
People are running at you at thirtyfive miles an hour. Yeah, you
gotta be a little roofy, right. Another the holes that we had,
we just needed depth. That widereceiver. We got Alan Robinson and we're
paying him thirty five percent of whathis salary would have been this year.

He's someone that can come in,has experience in the contested catch game,
can help George Pickens develop his IsaacSomalu and Nate Herban, two guys that
will create competition at those guard spotsand give a reason for our younger guys
that haven't panned out just yet towork their ass off. You know what
I like about both of them.You call it elmar Kahn's draft. I'm

calling it Andy Widel's draft. Cohnis a numbers guy. He knows how
to put flights together. Andy Widelknows football. So I trust the fact
that I Andy Wiele's now on thisstaff, and I like the fact that
he's bringing these to Monster guards withthem olver from the Eagles. It's a

commitment to the run game. They'vethey've found their identity and they're going after
That's what you do to be successfulin the NFL. You lean into your
strengths. You don't constantly try tofix every single one of your weaknesses.
So taking a look at this draftclass, we traded up from seventeen to
fourteen, just with one fourth roundpick with the New England Patriots. We

drafted Broderick Jones, a incredible offensivetackle, out of Georgia. Clearly we
felt good about the interior of ourline. With those new guys that we
brought on with Mason Cole, JamesDaniels and Kevin Dotson, we've created competition
and we've created competent inside offensive linementhat we can use as rotational pieces.

The only tackles we had was DanMoore Junior and Chukesoka for two guys that
have unimpressed. This guy, BroderickJones six four, three hundred and eleven
pounds with a wingspan of eighty threeinches. He moves really well. The
quickness of his feet is what caughtme whenever I was doing some tape review

on this guy. You don't seebig guys that can move this well.
He ran a sub five second fortyso we can use him in screen games.
He's got a very smooth slide kickand knee bend that makes him very
capable of staying in front of passrushers on the edge. Blindside protection for
Kenny Pickett as we build this pickat fence trying to protect the guy.

You know, I love the pickand I love the trade up because if
we didn't do so, the Jetswere going to take him. I promise
you. That's one of the bigreasons I think that Bill Belichick was willing
to make this trade for nothing toknow that than a fourth round pick,
is because he wanted to stick itto the Jets. He didn't let him
getting there. Guys, great,great first round pick, and then I

feel as though we got a secondthird round pick. It was our first
round pick. It was thirty secondoverall due to the tampering that occurred in
Miami, and we got our guy. We got Joey Porter Junior. You
know, he's a little different thanthe corners that we have now. The
corners that we have now can't covera guy, but they can make a
play. You know, they're they'resolid with the ball in the air.

Joey Porter Junior is going to adda whole new element to our game.
He's a press corner. He lovesdoing it. It's someone to put on
our opposition's number one threat. Physical, strong, He's huge, six two
one ninety three, but a fourfour six forty. You don't see that.
The only concern that people have aroundhim is the fact that he only
had one interception in college, right, But he's really good at keeping players

in front of him. And abig piece of that is that he wasn't
nobody threw his direction because he wasclamping right. I allowed fifteen receptions on
only thirty targets two full year.Last year, they only threw at him
thirty times. I've heard this overand over. He's only had one pick.
Like you said, well, yeah, because you don't go at him,
you go at the other corner.Because he's not six three running a

four four. So that might verywell be why that is. No one
had him dropping to the second round. You can call that a value.
Yeah, I guess he was prettyupset about that, to say the least.
I mean, at forty nine KeanuBenton, defensive tackle out of Wisconsin,
six three, three hundred nine pounds, you take a look at the

guy and you say, that's arun plugging defensive tackle. But he's got
the ability to do more. Inthe NFL. We saw a little bit
of a last year. You willfind a couple of those pass rush moves,
and I think you'll see more ofit on the Steelers this coming year
and in the future. You know, he had an early second round grade
on him. That's another value thatwe got because we weren't backed into picking

a specific position at forty nine.And one thing I forgot to mention that
I loved is the fact that wedid our due diligence with those two second
round picks. We were looking attrades. I know that for a fact,
because we wanted Joey Porter Junior andthe pick wasn't in until a minute
left on the clock. They weretaking offers. They were looking for someone
that outweighed the addition of Joey PorterJunior, and there wasn't one there,

So we got our guy. Ilove it. I absolutely love it.
And then Omar Kahn, with somewizardry, he reads it's not con it's
why don't he realized the arval schedules? All right, Omar Khan does travel
schedule and budgets. I know he'syour body what he was doing. I

know he's your buddy. Okay,this is Andy Wattle's draft. Okay,
as much as you want to sitthere and think this is Omar Kahn,
Omark Kahn's a good manage, here'sa combination of the two of them.
I'm sure that that is the case. I think it's discrediting Omar Khan and
the Taheim to say that they're payinghim to be the GM and he's not
acting as the GM. He's bookingflights. I'm telling you that's the truth.

Just like Tomlin isn't a good headcoach, all right, I will
agree to disagree on a couple.Omar Kahn never played it down of football
in his life. Okay, Soto me, that's much like Todd Hayley
never coached played it down a goddam football in his life. Okay.
It doesn't translate, all right.So you can say Tomata and I'll say
Tomato. That's not an arc againstOmar. I like him. I think

he's a class act and I totallyrespect that he the kid is living his
dream. He's living his dream hewanted to be at GM. But all
I'm saying is this, This hasAndy Whitel footprints all over two stud Hogs
coming in at free agency. Hebolsters the defensive line. He bolsters what

needed to be bolstered. Now we'regonna one of these draft picks. I'm
gonna totally see what your take ison because I think it's a complete waste
of a draft choice. But gofor it. You're talking about the tight
end out of Georgia now Washington.Back to Betton for a second. I
do like this kid, and there'san upside to him, I really do.

And I like this condolence we're gettingout of Wisconsin these days. Obviously
with T. J. Watt,I did watch some tape on this kid,
and I do like him. He'squick and he's fast. He's not
sluggish by any means, which remindsme a lot, not even saying he's
in his class yet, but atno point would you ever say of Cam
Hayward he's sluggish. He's always quickto attack the offensive lineman. He's got

great quick feet, which is youknow, that's why he's got a Hall
of Fame career in front of him. I think that's one of the biggest
reasons that we drafted him now whenwe did, and this is one of
the biggest reasons we brought in PatrickPeterson is because they were planning on having
a guy I'm having a young cornerand having a young nose, and they
wanted these guys to be around stillto pass the torch and to mentor.

And Patrick Peterson has always been renownedas that guy. He helps out the
young guys. He's very involved,incredible locker m guy, you just have
to I mean, you know theold days of nineteen fifty three of guys
coming into a Baltimore Colts locker roomand them not talking to the rookies,
making as hard as possible in therookies because the guys feared they would lose

their jobs. I mean there's believeme, that still goes on. I
mean, you can't never take thatcompetitive nature out of the animal, but
the fact that it has become moreof a nurturing tutoring. I'm down to
my last two to three years,so I'm going to help this kid come
along, you know, and westill have another year or two of elite
Cam Hayward, so well maybe two. It makes a lot of sight of

his game. It's up to camMan. I mean, now he could
be playing four year. I wouldeven take a fifty percent Cam Hayward over
somebody a guy that's one hundred percentbust. But all right, now,
for some reason, you think Idon't like Darnell Washington out of Georgia,
Well, I was confused that mytone of voice in the National Day was

just rounded. Yeah, because he'sprobably the biggest value in the whole damn
drafty. He was falling because ofa knee injury that ended up later on.
He said it was simple knee inflammation, which you can hope can be
the case. But it appeared asthough a lot of teams around the NFL
decided, Hey, here's a hugeguy with a knee problem. I just
don't want to deal with it.I think that that's what Omar and Whitel

recognized and why they said, Hey, you know what, let's move back
thirteen picks in the third round.Still get our guy and recoup that fourth
round pick that we gave up tomove forward in the first. He's an
incredible blocker, massive, massive frameat six seven, two hundred and seventy
pounds, mismatches linebackers at the pointof attack. He's going to be a

huge advantage on the goal line,and if he can develop into a pass
catcher, he and muth are goingto be lethal. Right We're going to
see a lot of twelve personnel set, a lot of play action that revolves
around our tight ends crossing the field, and I am very, very excited
for it. Yeah, you're missingthat blocking tight end right now. I

mean it's sure to Hellye and ZachGentry by any means. So I do
like the tight end pick out ofGeorgia. I absolutely do. Kind of
stunned on this next one, thekid out of Wisconsin. You tell me
what the upside about this kid is. Well, that's the thing is.
I don't think that they drafted himwith some overly intense ceiling on the guy.

I think that they drafted him becausehe's a competent edge rusher. He's
got sound technique already, and heis going to be able to come in
And couldn't you find me a hole? Couldn't you find me a running back
for somebody to compliment Naji Jalen Warren? Yeah, yeah, yeah, Okay,
couldn't you find me an inside linebacker? Well, I mean I don't

think that they had one high enoughon their board. I think that's what
this pick was is it's filling aposition of need. Look, and you
heard me talking about this during theoff season, because the banter started.
The banners started, Oh we needan outside edge rusher to give TJ a
break and Highsmith a break. Inever saw it as a draft choice position.

I saw it as going to afree agent that was maybe at the
end of his career. Who's thekiddiecat that we brought in a couple of
years ago, Number eight that leftfor the Titans and was really upset because
Tomlin told him he was going toplay and he turned up to be a
beast that year. Joe Schobert,No, that bum. Craig pe can't

even get a job at the Fordfactory in Cleveland. Face all right,
Hey, this is Tank and thewater Boy breaking down the draft selection.
I don't know where sure of itis. Maybe he's I don't know,
and maybe he's a physical fitness GOOVEROor someplace he's sure to how I A'm
playing midside linebacker for anybody in theNFL this year. Hey, you're listening
to the Tank and the Waterboy.You're listening to Steelers Chalk Talk here on

Fox Worts Wheeling, Pittsburgh doing ourdraft free agent analysis. Like I said,
next week, I'll be going intogolfing around for the summer season.
And guess what. Tune in nextweek and you'll find out how you can
win a trip to Scotland. Yeah, Scotland. Okay, welcome back to

Insanity Saturday. I'm your host,Larry. I'm off my medications this morning
and I'm talking football. Wait,what's your name? The water Boy?
The water Boy? You hate thatnickname. I'm not a fan. I
know you said that last year.When will I quit being the water Boy?
I'll graduate. I will let eventually. I mean, you know,

I will let you know when you'renot the water Boy anymore. I mean,
this is only your one seventh radioshow something like that water Boy,
water Blood water Boy. Hey,I'm Ted danli Or. You're listening to
Steelers chock talk here on Fox Sports, Wheeling, Pittsburgh. Do a little
you know, free agency talk,Steelers draft talk. Don't forget next week

they're golfing around radio all hours.Starts great episode to start the season.
I was just over in the Homeof Golf. See that bought all of
Scotch there. Yeah, bring thatback right from Saint Andrew's I did.
I did it. Almost got lostto my luggage though, So that's a
long story in a long flight home. But golfing around will start next week.

And you, my friends, youamateur golfers, you could be like
our friend Chris Gerrard, who playedat the Wheeling Country Club in a qualifying
golf tournament to get to Scotland.Then he went to Latrob he won,
and he was in Scotland. Andhe's a wheeling guy. I know you're
right now, you golfers are saying, what what what what? That's why
you got to tune into the shownext week at ten am and all summer

long to listening to golfing around radioor here I'm Fox Sports Net Net Radio
Wheeling, Pittsburgh. Right back tothat draft, All right, water body,
We've got two more picks to discuss. A couple of seventh round flyers
that you're hoping will grab their opportunityand prove that they can be something in

this league. You've got Corey Trice, six three guy, two hundred and
six pounds, just another lanky dudeto have on the outside trying. He's
got decent speed, not superb,but he's a physical flyer and and it
was probably the best, the bestthat we should be realistically hoping for.

Is another special teams guy. Andfor the first two years, yeah,
yeah, he was watching. Hewas effective and runs support. Watch this
kid in year three if he getsif he gets coached up. I'm just
telling you He's my sleeper in thisdraft, and little research I did and
what I've seen on this kid,trust me, in year three, if
he's coached up and keeps his headon straight, this guy's going to be

a solid performer for the Steelers.How about that Steeler's Nation? A little
bit of optimism at a Randy.I'm always optimistic. I just started the
show by going through the you know, the draft classes in the last couple
of years, and I love beingoptimistic. I don't want to be the
old ker mudgeon, but you know, the older you get, you know,

you're like, okay, all right, you know, as I always
tell you, you can tell mewhatever you want. You can pretend to
be whatever you want. Time andactions are gonna tell me everything about you.
That's applicable to a girlfriend, that'sapplicable to a job, it's certainly
applicable to an NFL draft. Onlytime will tell you. If boviations were

what it was all about, elevenBush would be a two time All Pro
at this point and he'd be captainto your defense going into Steelers training camp
in Lake Trobe in two months fromnow. That ain't the cat case.
They took him to the Greyhound station. They said, thanks, nice to
meet you. Get the hell outof town. Anyway, back to Corey
Trice out of Purdue. In caseyou guys don't know this, you got

to be kind of smart to goto Purdue. You gotta have a brain
in your head. Plus the levelof competition Purdue faces. I really think
Corey Trice is the sleeper of thisdraft. But Waterboy, we'll know down
the road. Welled me to thisin three years from now. I go,
hey, well, I'm keeping allto get the audio and go,

hey man, you said this Tracedude, who's gonna be good. You
know he's working in virg King Now. So last guy on our list here
Spencer Anderson and another offensive tackle outof Maryland. He's listed at offensive tackle,
but he actually played guard, heplayed tackle, and he played center
at Maryland. You know he's he'sjust a versatile guy. When you can

play three different positions, that speaksto some level of talent. He'll he'll
add to the offensive line competition attraining camp this year. We're looking at
him now. Some video up onthe Steelers. He's playing right Guarden,
got some good feet. I likehow he moved his hips. There,
he moved his hips. Ry.Oh, he's a big kid, isn't

he. He's a big kid.Jared talked about his ability to move from
center garden tackle. That's not easilydone, especially the collegiate level. Definitely
not at a pro level. Whatthat translates into, he's got good feet,
He's good, good lateral movement allright. Now, Right now,

you would not say that about DanMoore. Would you know that he's got
good feet and good lateral Definitely not. So that's the up side of the
kid out of Maryland is that hehas been a multitasker at the collegiate level.
You can eventually find a home forthis kid, you know, like
Chuck Suker for they had him atleft, at right guard, they had

him at left blind side tackle.Now he's at right tackle because it's where
he could do the least damage.In fact, Chucks, probably the only
position Chucks should have ever been atwas right guard. It's all you gotta
who's come off the ball and blocked. You can do the least damage at
the guard position, all right.That is the uh the draft class.
Roderick Jones I liked this kid.Look at that tape on him. Right

now. I'm excited. He isa mean, nasty oh serious blindside protection.
We haven't invested in the first roundon an offensive line since twenty twelve.
When he likes at David de Castro. He likes to hit people,
doesn't he that he does. He'san animal, he really is. And
Tomlin always says that he would rathertell a guy like Wholoa wo slow it
down than try to inspire an aggressionpreviously exists. Yeah, you can't look.

You can fake being aggressive for alittle bit, but give me a
true animal. Joey Porter out ofPenn State. He's got the enthusiasm,
he's got the size, he's gotthe skills, and I'll be real honest
about it, I hope the fruitfell farther from the tree. Okay,

Joey Porter was great teammate. JoeyPorter was great on the field, but
his off the field antics, bothas a coach and as a player,
we're unacceptable. So I'm really hopingthat JP two does not bring the same
kind of off field antics that hisdad did, because if that's the case,

then you've got you just drafted aprima donna. I don't think that
he will. He looks like he'sgot his head screwed on straight and and
I'm excited for him. He's thepress corner that we have needed for years
now. With any luck, he'sgoing to be the guy that prevents aj
Brown from dropping one sixty and threetouchdowns? Was it? You know?
We've we've needed a guy like JoeyPorter Jr. And I'm excited to watch

them get to work. We're gonnafind out. We're absolutely gonna find out.
So that is your twenty three draftclass. As I said before,
we're gonna find out in three orfour and five years when I'm sitting here
complaining about them. Then all right, Jared, what is the state of
the Steelers nation as we head intoOTA's and rookie mini camp and late trobe

looms large in just a couple months. They've told us a lot throughout the
execution of this offseason, and morespecifically, in the draft. You see
that short of a tight end thathas been described as a sixth offensive lineman,
we didn't take any skill position players, which would suggest that we're happy

with what we've got. We've gotDeonte Johnson, the route runner in the
eating intermediate portion of the field.We got George Pickens to take with on
a play action pass. We've gotNaji and Warren in our backfield. We've
got muth Like. They feel goodabout their skill position players. There's heavy
offensive line investments in a blocking tightend, which suggests a ground and pound

team that's going to beat you inthe trenches and they're going to win their
games on the defensive side of theball. Can I ask you a question?
I mean, the two free agentsfrom the Eagles and the kid out
of Georgia, they're all starting Gameone, aren't they. Oh? Yeah,
they absolutely should be. If theygo into training camp and they display

what it is that I believe themto be capable of, I think all
three of them will be on thatstarting line. Which still leaves you,
though, hurting on the right sidewith Oka four and I mean, are
the Steelers just happy to have aC average right tackle? Are we going
to see something in camp that wedon't expect? I think that people are

a little more encouraged with what they'veseen out of Chokes than you are.
Okay, fine, but he's stilla C plus. I mean, it's
very possible that that's the case rightnow. But there are a lot of
times when you think about back towhenever our offensive line was as dominant as
it was, it's not because wehad five studs. It's because we had
three of them and the other twoguys were able to fill the hole.

When you have someone that you canrely on to hold this edge rusher,
you can focus on the guy that'sbarreling down the middle, and I think
that that is likely going to endup being whoever ends up on that right
tackles rule. We're gonna find out. We're gonna find out. But I

think that what you'll see out ofthe Steelers this year is largely what the
Eagles were trying to do. Butprior to knowing that Jalen Hurts was going
to be an MVP candidate, theybuilt their team with the intention of stifling
you on defense and winning in therun game. That's what we're going to
be doing as well. I don'tknow if I've got any sports betters out
there, but my favorite bet ofthe year, my favorite bet of the

year is going to be Nagi hereis to lead the league in rushing yards.
Sounds ridiculous, No, no,no, no, I see it,
I see it. Here's I agreewith that. But here here's the
one thing that concerns me greatly aswe head into Lake trouw. You have
no inside linebackers. Yes, Iknow, there's guys on the roster.

Yeah, I know. You're justhad some very agents. You have no
inside linebacker. Yep, none,yep none, no proven quantity. That
makes scary that is it is goingup against a guy that is super capable
from the slot position. We're gonnasee dinkin Dunk's, We're gonna see chipping

away seven yards by ten yards bythose little passes that end up being bigger
than they should, right, becausewe don't have a guy that can close
out in the middle of the fieldlike that. Do you remember the video
I broke down last year when theyplayed Marvin dl at inside linebacker. It
was ridiculous, It was insanity.What the hell was that? Hey,

you're listening to Steelers Chalk Talk hereon Fox Sports, Wheeling, Pittsburgh.
I'm Tankkey is the Waterboy. We'reclosing out the third segment this week on
Steelers Chalk Talk, talking free agency, draft and of course the state of
the Nation. Steerers Nation. Don'tthink I'm not fired up, kid,
I get fired when camp really startsrolling around and I smell that green green

grass at home in Lake Trobe,Pennsylvania. Man, you know, I'll
start getting fired up, especially watchingthis offensive line good so I do that.
What else are we? And Iagree with you. They loaded up
on the hogs. They loaded up. We didn't need skill positions. So
and then on the defensive side ofthe ball, it's clear that they were

trying to share up that secondary,which makes sense given the fact that our
defensive front is strong and a lotof the time whenever they weren't able to
get to the quarterback, it's becausethey were hitting us with a lot of
quick dinkin dunk passes and our defensiveline just didn't have time to get there.
You know, we saw some improvementsto the safety position, we saw

some improvements to the cornerback position,and I feel as though the goal was
just simply to buy those guys upfront in additional second and a half to
get to the quarterback. True,very true. You know, it really
a shame. And I want tosay this because he is gone now.
Tyson Alla Walla. The season beforehe hurt his ankle was he was literally

throwing centers out of the way,unbelievable, maybe his best season at all,
and just that ankle injury just youknow, destroyed his career. But
I really want to thank him.He was one of those special guys that
came along. Was I'm a Steelerfor long, but he was. It
seemed like he always should agree.He fit in immediately totally. But you

know, we're talking about some ofthe defensive line play. Montavious Adams.
I like this kid. He's inhis seventh year out of Auburn. Hopefully
he steps up this year. He'sseen times he's had some sparkle about him
too. I don't know how youreplace Chris Wormley, even though he wasn't

an A plus player, a Bminus at best sometimes, but a steady
player. So in regards to thatoffense defensive line, I think there's a
huge question mark there. And likeI said before, with that inside linebacker,
Um, we don't forget what thedrafted to Marvin Leal last year too,
the guy ultimately that they were hopingwould be playing that role I mean

inside linebacker. Yeah, folks,if you've not seen the tape, go
to YouTube Stealer's Chalk Talk. Iliterally broke the game down. I think
it was against the Bills. Theyhad him playing inside linebacker. Everybody does
goofy stuff. Everyone swallowed doel isHekuel Eliott played his last snap for the

Dallas Cowboys at center. I don'tever think I saw Ray Guy playing inside
linebacker. You know, Ray Guywas punter for the Raiders. Yeah,
I don't think I ever saw himplaying the inside linebacker. That would have
been crazy, definitely, But well, that's it. That's the show that
went quick. Steelers Nation. I'mTank Danler. He is Jared Cantner.

How I say that, right?Cantner Cantor, Now you gotta say it
like Pittsburgh can't here He Jared cantonhere from the north side at Jared from
the north side. I'm Tanked fromLatrobe. And it's the Steeler's chalk thought.
It's it's been fun getting ready forthis season, breaking down free agency,
breaking down the draft again. Kidlike like like a woman you won't

known until three years from now ifshe's stole around or not. With these
draft picks, um, you justdon't know. Even the kid out of
Georgia High helps for him though.He he's like an angry Rottweiler that he
does. That is a way toplay. All right, Wheeling Pittsburgh.
Tune in next week ten am forgolfing around. We're going to Scotland.
Until then, God bless and goodluck. And if you want to play

linebacker for the Steelers, let Omarcon No. Bye.
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