All Episodes

June 13, 2024 54 mins
Top 4 at 4 includes Yankees comeback and loss
Dan Hurley commenting on why he stayed at UConn
The guys don't have a mailbox and Play of the Day 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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At four with Levac and Guz forthe four Big Stories and the World of
Sports. It's the top four tofour thanks to our friends at Melahaw Connor
where the Ali's got other way toplease you, guys, what's the fourth
biggest store. We've got a lotgoing on in this Thursday, June thirteenth,
twenty twenty four. Let's start withthis. We've got to say the
thirteenth. I'm better know so it'sa curveball. I don't know. I've

never heard you say that before.It all right, seven o'clock tonight,
Mets Marlins. That's a game that'shappening. Several Reno on the mound for
the Mets tonight. I'm gonna askthis odd question, Levak. We think
the answer is Pete a lonzo.But if Several Reno continues to pitch well
in that contract that he's on,is he actually the most valuable piece for
the Mets to potentially trade later thissummer? He's up there. I mean,

he's definitely part of it. Andwhat you paid to get him,
it's the only the only thing I'mI would be I would think would drop
the price would be if people think, okay, well, he's pitching really
well for the Mets because it's it'slow pressure. They're not having a competitive
year as far as postseason goes.We saw him in the same state buckle

when the heat was on with theYankees now in the very beginning of his
career, but as his career wenton. So I guess I would be
reluctant to give him, give youa ton of stuff for him, but
a you know, a prospect ortoo, he could definitely be worth it.
Yeah, everyone's always looking for arms, everyone's always looking for a pitching
staff to get extended. They wantto see what can be the next part
of it. Can he help inthe postseason? Severino's track record doesn't match

a lot of the things I justsaid there. He's been a little bit
too amped for postseason game. Yankeefan knows that in particular, what hasn't
been Severno what the hope would beof Severino. But you continue to pitch
well and you're a team that wantsto trade. This is kind of what
you're stuck with. This is whatyou're gonna have to deal with. Oh
no, you've given me be apotential prospect too. At one point was

considered maybe a top four arm inthe American League. You're willing to trade
for that as of right now,where the deadline might have a lot of
contenders in the mix for potentially playoffspots, You've got to outbid those teams
and figure out what they're gonna offer. So if he pitches, well,
if he continues to go this way, I actually find him more valuable for

a contender than Peter Alonzo. Also, because you don't know how long Peter
alons is gonna be on your team, there's a chance you trade for Severino
and you get him a contract moreaffordable than what a Lonzo would ask for.
I was thinking about this this morningon my drive in. If I'm
the Mets, I think I doa really deep dive in who I believe
Pete Alonzo really is. And ifI think this is an anomaly year,

I try to sign it because you'regonna get a discount. And if he
bounces back, so be it.Maybe make it incentive laden you know whatever.
But I think he's become appealing tome. If I believe that this
year is the anomaly, not thelast few years, not that he's falling
off, we move on to storynumber three. It's the New York Yankees
taking on the Kansas City Royals.Royals lead right now to one, top

of the eighth inning. After anaction on a Thursday, we led the
show talking about the Yankees, howgood they've been. Even warfig made an
appearance. If you missed it out, well, I almost tried it out
here. I had to get adehumidifier, Apple Spotify, the iHeart app.
Don't forget to turn on those automaticdownloads, and if you listen on
our podcast side, you're listening rightnow. Don't forget give us a little

review. Drop that hit that buttonright there, turn on automatic download,
share the link with your friends,and everything else. Levacots to see who
the one run was. I didnot Anthony Rizzo hit a home run.
Take that, haters, Take that, Haters to to one right now?
After the dominanto of what else ishappening? I'm just trying to do my
best small ball small ball happening rightnow. But I was going to ask,

was that after the dominance of thefirst three games, are you surprised
that the Yankees have had a littlebit more trouble with the Royals? Uh?
No, I was I was actuallykind of This is another thing to
cross my mind this morning. Afour game series is a really tough sweep,
you know what I mean, Likeit's like at some point your manhood's
gotta gotta buckle up and go loost. We gotta get out of here with

one, you know, we gottaget one. We can't. We can't
let him, let him come toour house beat the daylights out of us
for four games. If we believewe are a postseason caliber team. But
you know, if if this inningkeeps going the way it's going, maybe,
just maybe it will be the fullfour game sweep. I will.

Can I do my play to daynow? No? Because when they were
down to nothing early in the game, I did the penstroke parlay. I
mean, if you've already done it, I guess you have to release it.
I did Yankees over five and ahalf and a hit from Judge.
Judge has a hit U. Imean, I've been watching the game.
I just because I'm working a showhere. Gots yeah, some must pay

attention to Sadly, that's the onlyplace watching it on the Yes Network that
you can consume Yankee content in theCatholic to reach it, so no,
hitch you up for judge. Ineed that. That's what I need.
You're feeling good though about the fiveand a half. Though five and a
half and Yankees' money line is notlooking terrible. Now that it's two to
two, let's move on to storynumber two. Then is the US Open
that is underway? It is roundone of US Open coverage at Pinehurst.

We'll find out who will be thenext winner of a major in golf.
This was a little sad today.I watched this happen in real time.
I got a text at nine tothirty in the morning that said, really
cool to see Tiger Wood's atop theleaderboard. And at that point, Tiger
was atop the leaderboard at nine tothirty in the morning. Then after I
saw that text, over the nextsix holes, Tiger shot seven over.

Oh. And then I saw oneof the tickers, I believe it was
ESPN's ticker that said US Open underway, Tiger Wood's on course. Oh gosh,
the guy was just leading like sixhours ago. And it went from
not Tiger collapsing, not Tiger justearly on being one of the first guys
who teed off, and it wascool set on lider War two. He's

at least walking around. You know, he's out there, he's on the
Course's gosh, man, Yeah,the leaderboard looks like this. Patrick Can'tley
at five or by himself in firstplace. All their names of note,
Tony Fena just three shots back.He's tied with Rory McElroy, Bryce and
d Chambeau all to under as well. Sergio Garcia, a Masters champion,

one back, Jordan Speith one under. I should say four back for Sergio
one under at that spot. LevacPinehurst, the US Open, Any action
flowing, any storylines you're looking forwardto? Did I already give you the
one that compelled you the most inround one with the Tiger collapse? No,
because I picked in to potentially whenbryceon Deschambeau because zal Torus is doing

nothing for me. So I'm I'mon the Bryson kick right now, Hagar.
Yeah, I mean it's what whatdo you expect from Tiger at this
point? I think there's there's alwaysa chance that he could catch lightning in
a bottle and go off on atournament. But I didn't. I don't
think it's going to be Pinehurst inthe in the us open. I'm sorry,
like at this point, you're uh, yeah, you're you're you're grass

Met Straws. If you think that'sthe real, the real possibility. By
the way, Tiger finished it fourover for his round. He's tied for
one and nineteen three two. Whoatwo years? Right? For two years?
We want to store number one.It's the Stanley Cup, Panthers Oilers,

Panthers up two games to none.Game has shifted back to Edmonton,
Oh, Canada, our home inNative Land. With those opening lyrics to
Canada, I think Canada stand downguard for thee that I don't you you
would don't. I don't want totalk about national anthwers with you because you
get me upset. I love America, I got it right, Oh Canada,

our home in Native Lant. Iknow that. Yeah, but you
you can't sit there and say that'sthe better anthem and not know the words.
I just hit the words. Youdidn't know, though, you got
lucky. No, no, no, I knew the words. That's not
knowing. I knew the words andthen got a little little nervous those weren't
the words, and then its doublechecked myself. I think we should deport

you for this. The issue isthat I've told Levac before that Canada has
the greatest national anthem. You Ilove America, but Canada's national anthem is
great. It's it's the second greatest. It's explained so much. The second
best team in the American League East, probably the second or third best team
in the NFC South. You uh, maybe if you get lucky one day,

the second best team in the ACC, like you Liberty League art Football,
you like second best that You're likeyou like you just want to be
on You just want to be onthe stand. You just want to be
on the metal stand. You don'tyou don't want to be nonumber one when
we talk. You know, Iknow I've been able to push this conversation
off. But as I hear youtalk about best coaching jobs, it always

sounds like longevity's a huge thing foryou. Like you just you just want
to be present. You don't needto be the best. Terrible advice.
Look, you don't have to sayhis advice. It's a critique. But
anybody who thinks the Canadian national anthemis better, nothing is better than the
American national anthem. There's just nothingbetter than it. And if you don't

like that. If that's too patrioticfor you, you can get out,
Okay, you love it or leaveit? Is that how my career is
gonna end. At some point,when I'm all old and gray, someone's
gonna write, guys, he wasthere, good guys, guys present from
this to this chance is taken zero. A silver medal for you, the

hall of very good guys. Yeah, the hall of like there's honor.
Oh, look at this one,honor roll. So this one God's perfect
attendance? Really when was he hereall the time? I didn't notice?
No one did. Sorry you didn'tgive you an award. I feel so
bad for my buddy, Casey.I actually thought about that the other day.
Where he was that kid at ourschool he went from kindergarten to senior

year? Did it miss a day? I remember him puking in seventh grade.
I don't want to go home.What do you want to make sure
he got that in? And thengraduation day came and nobody said anything about
See, perfect attendance is special,but it's not nearly as good as salting
crackers and gingerrail on the couch watchingWheel of Fortune with mom. You know
what I'm saying, is it Isit worth it? If they don't acknowledge

you at the end, it's definitelynot worth It's not. Well you got
you gotta do that for you.You gotta do that for you. I
guess that's your Stanley Cup breakdown.By the Waymber one story President. Yeah,
they were president. We talked wherewe talked, let's do that hockey.
We did it. I'm probably proudof us. Yes, I hope
Mohawk cond is as well. Thatsponsorship happens on that segment right there,

top four to four. Thank youto Mohawkan. I'm opping in the CRV
by the way for a road tripto Syracuse this upcoming weekend. Are you
am? I excellent question, Levacor are we taking? The Odyssey?
Honesty is even named after, likean epic journey? I mean, come
on, I remember that in school. Yeah, Casey was probably there and
miss a day. What was thefirst book? Uh, hang out?
Hang on? Homer wrote it,big man? Oh well no, no,

no Odyssey? Oh like Homer inthe Odyssey first, the Ilien in
the Iliad? Yes, right,you're correct, the Honesty second best?
What was he up to out there? Is right before he married March.
Mohawk Kan is your place to go. I will take the Iliad and the

Odyssey and the CRV and Homer allback to Syracuse for a wedding this weekend.
If you're looking for a ride inJoe those summer road trip weekends,
whatever it might be, head overto Mohawk Kan. Make sure you get
the ride that fits your lifestyle,your budget more. We were there Tuesday,
stopped in at a great time asthough away. Shout to everybody from
the Canna family who helped me.Lindsay Heridan was there. She was busy,
so busy. I went said hito her and she's like, I'm

sorry, we're doing that and everything. You don't there's so many vehicles getting
sold. I was like, listen, don't be sorry. It's just you
got a nice tan, you lookgood, you're working hard. Good for
you, Handiva, go get them. There's a reason they're busy because the
service across the capital region of UpstateNew York. People continue to stop into
Mohawk Conda and they know what's goingon and hopefully you've done it as well.
When you stopped and say hey,Lavac and goz oh. Yeah,
Mohawk Conda. Guys is talking aboutthe Iliad and got confused and kept saying

the author's name over and over again. Who was the guy? Wait,
Wait, Iliad, Odyssey, Homer. What was the name of the main
character, Odysseus. I think Isaid that earlier. I think I said
Odysseus as a guest. Gulliver's Travelsis in that same thing. Never mohawk
Honda is where they always go outof their way to please you. Who
we really need to tease you knowwe're gonna be bad. I don't know

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Now back to Levaking Guys on ninetyfive, nine and nine eighty AM

Fox Sports Radio. It's uh,It's funny how sometimes I see a story
in the in the world of youknow, big time sports, and I'm
like, I relate it to myselfand like instantly, it's like the Dan
Hurley story. Have you heard thelatest? He was on your hero's show,
Steve Gotts with Dan Levatard. UhHey, gout hey U uh so

the Dan Levatard Show with Stuve Gotts. But Stu Gotts is my here,
But I feel like I'm more Levatarythan Stu Gott's. But I feel like
I'm turning into Stucotts. Like Isaid, when you listen to the show,
it's it's Stu Gott's with Dan Levatard. Yeah, let's let's be real,
Yes it is. I love thatdude. My wife thinks that's the
name of the show. Yeah,Dan Hurley was on, and you know,
he said a lot of different thingsabout you know why why he made

it. Says he gave himself adeadline. He was he was very open.
But the the part that is catchinga lot of people is his wife's
reaction to when to when he broughtup that he had been offered the Lakers
job. Quote, she was likecrying in the beginning, I think initially

the first couple of days of it, she got violently angry and emotional.
Not like hitting me and stuff,she got emotional like, I can't believe
you're bringing this. Our life isso great, it's perfect. Our lives
couldn't be better. Now you're bringingthis poop. He said that, Like
when she got out there, theywent to Los Angele and met with Rob
Blank and Jeanie Boss and everything,she kind of warmed up to a little

bit, like the weather. Assoon as they got back to connect they
knew it was Yukon. That's wherethey wanted to be. So you know,
happy wife, happy life. Thatold saying, uh apparently you know,
just under forty million more over overa seven year period, not worth
the wife being angry because let's behonest. You make her too angry,
You're gonna lose half of that anyway. Yes, so like that part of

the story. And then like forme, I always like, what would
I do in that situation? Like, and I think I would go with
with if I was happily married,I would go with I would I want
the wife to stay happy. Yousort of lived this though, and when
you brought the wife story, Ikind of I was like, oh,
man, there's two ways we cango with this. We can have fun
with this, because I've seen thequotes of like I think he opened the

interview saying, hey, Dan,you decided to stay in stores Connecticut instead
of going to Los Angeles and coachingLebron. Huh take us through that decision.
Like I want to say, like, what are you doing? Man?
Right? But uh, it's justremember Lebatard's been in Connecticut when he
used to work for The Mother Show. Yes, at least he was up
there. He's familiar with Connecticut.Yes, I think it's a better way
to phrase because he also did this. So I'm glad he was the one

who interviewed Hurly because he kind ofhad the power of he told then the
boss. Gosh, I cannot believeI'm gonna blank on his name. Not
Jimmy Pataro, who's the boss there? Now? Oh gosh, I'll remember
it in a second because I knowhe does stuff with him now. They
basically told me, He's like,I'm not coming unless you build me a
studio in Miami. I'm never comingto move my family, my people to
Bristol. He said, Okay,we'll build you studio, then you can

do the show from Miami. Andthat's why the Clevelander, I believe,
is what it was called. Theybuilt John Skipper John Skipper. So Lebtart's
thank you. LeBatard sort of didthis. You had this happen in your
life, though I know at thetime you weren't married, but you had
gone through a decision that you hadsomething that I feel like, at least

at one point in your career,felt like it was a really good situation
and you were fit with an impossiblesituation of doing something you felt comfortable and
enjoyed and had to go on tosomething that also would potentially affect your later
career. So like, people havegone through this and I think, are
you way, are you talking?Are you telling football? Are you talking
radio? I would say radio,you don't think so that was similar to

Hurlies on what Right after my divorce, when my daughter was first born,
I got offered a program directory positionon a rock station in West Virginia,
and I thought about it for aboutfifteen minutes before I realized that, I
mean, I'd probably never see mydaughter, you know what I mean.
So I was like, that's notit, that's not a kids are different
like kids like in my opinion,unless you know, like you like you

didn't bring the kid. Wait,if you're gonna lose, the kid has
no choice. Really, the courtsdecide everything else to the other parents.
So like, but an adult,like your wife or your husband, you
can negotiate, you can talk,you can debate, you can figure out
how it's gonna work, or youjust get rid of them, you know.
I don't think that's how that works. Maybe works for me. I

feel good about my life. Idon't know who the best person is.
We could talk about a decision likethis, Like the person who keeps popping
in my mind and he used towork at the station, actually is Zach
Bye. The Pride of Scotia Glenville, the Tartan himself the Hall of Famer.
Now, like I remember and I'msure you do as well, working
with Zach who's now out in Denver, like he went through something like this.

He was born I think he wasborn in Buffalo, but he was
from this areas, from Scotia.It was offering an opportunity to move his
family. It's just his wife atthat point that had two kids across the
country and say, this is anopportunity I don't want to pass on,
whether that be Seattle or Denver.Like at one point in my life I
was younger, I moved out here, but like you shared the West Region
story, I had a potential togo somewhere else too, but I wasn't

with kids yet. I think Hurley, so you knew your wife was coming
out here, like at some point. Yeah, but at her point in
her life she could move, Likeshe's got a career where she could potentially
shift jobs. But that's the problem. I don't even know if it's a
problem. That's what Hurley was facedwith. I have this opportunity for my
career. Am I picking family orcareer? My family can go with me,

But am I just leaving Yukon forwhat, like what, what's the
end of this? I love thisquote, by the way, and shout
out to one of our former interns, Kevin Sweeney for Sports This History,
who grabbed this quote. I thinkI actually also spoke a lot to what
you're talking about. Quote. Alot of people talk stuff about how bad
college basketball is with nil and thetransfer port, and I think that's a

lot of excuses and it's whiney.It's a privilege to be coaching at this
level. Being a college coach isincredible. There's real emotion and real feelings
for each other here because of howour program functions. That's interesting because it's
like I like it here. We'rewinning, we can do things with this.
I'm carving out my own legacy.Why do I want to leave?

Everyone says like, you got toget out of college because we saw the
recent retirements over the last five yearsof Jay Wright and Jim Beheim and Roy
Williams and Mike Kryshevski where the collegeNick Saban right, everything changed from what
they were used to. Dan Harley, It's like, Okay, well this
is what I'm used to and I'mreally good at this. Why wouldn't I
stop? Why would I stop doingthis? Yeah? No, I And

like I said, the the thewife part of it intrigued me because also
something else has been going on inmy day to day that I think if
I had a significant other, wouldn'tbe happening. I've probably not even told
you that I've kind of fallen inlove with an auction site. Wait,
auction site. Yeah, Oh,I thought you said woman date somebody.

God. No, no, I'msaying I don't have to. I her
name is auction. Yeah, ChristineBoston. Dan showed me an auction site,
and it's stuff that I've wanted fora long time that I just couldn't
like get And I've like been buyingstuff on the auction memorabilia Yeah, yeah,

not brides. No, I'm opento that, I guess if the
contracts sound. But like, allright, So last night, before I
go to bed, I see afull size autograph Raiders helmet Max Crosby.
So I'm like, eh, probablynot gonna get it. Put a number

in and I want it. There'sa little more than I want to spend.
I didn't think. I didn't thinki'd actually I didn't think i'd get
it, so this morning, I'lllisten, I'll say, because it's actually
a I think it's a good price. I've seen a lot of these helmets
go for five six hundred bucks.I got it for three fifty. Whoa
Hey. So I thought to myself, as like, if I was in

any other point in my life,I would have to explain that I just
spent three hundred and fifty dollars ona helmet that I'm not gonna wear.
But luckily I'm in a place inmy life. Yeah, Luckily, I'm
in a place in my life where, yeah, you know, it's gonna
it's gonna democratic card for a minuteor two. But I can do that.

I can go, I can goget that. And I'm and I
like, this may sound weird toa lot of people. I would rather
be alone and be able to buya helmet for three hundred and fifty bucks
and have to explain when I spentthree hundred fifty bucks to somebody. A
lot of people have just heard thatquote. They're like, you're absolutely right,
Levac. So I'm never getting married, so I'm good being single.

I'm never having kids. Amen.Then she goes, what you say another
that I said I love you,Sweeteye, so I love you. I
would have paid four hundred VAC.I sat there the one day looking at
the full size Max Crosbies because Ialready have our buddy Chad at the Hideaway.
I think it was my birthday.Gave me an autograph high long jersey.

I have a autograph Bo Jackson showcase. I have an autographed Bo Jackson
mini helmet, an autograph at O'Connellmini helmet, and now I have I
have Max. The only thing Ineed is Tim Brown, and I've got
all my favorite raiders. So buton the INSIGHT's reloading site, now search

Tim Brown. I'm done for awhile. I'm done for a while.
I'm done for because I'm not gonnaanswer to me. But but again,
like, can you like you can'tdo that? You can't go spend three
hundred and fifty bucks. No,No, I wager on the Mavericks last
night. I'm like heartbroken over it. I get anywhere close to three hundred
and get like a tenth of that. I felt like I was crushed by
that. So no, there aresome so wait, wait, way,

I want to make sure I didn'tmisunderstand you. Here are you saying you
think that if Hurley wasn't married,he's taking the Laker gangm because I think
if the wife was into it,he probably takes the Laker gig. Ooh
good, well, because again likelike let's just let's just do math,
right, So it was he justdid a six year, thirty two and

change million dollar deal at Yukon.He was offered a six your seventy million
dollar deal from the Lakers. Taxesare lower in Connecticut than they are in
California. I don't think it'substantially lower, but they're lower. And if she's
really unhappy with it, you're losinghalf of that money anyway. So unless
you really want to coach the Lakers, there's no there's no positive to it

if she's not happy. That's whyalmost ood at that statement by you is
because that doesn't undercut the Lakers asa franchise or a team. Like the
reason they didn't take the Lakers jobwasn't because they didn't think the tradition from
Jersey. Yeah she did. She'salready moved farther away from Jersey and that
she planned on doing a guess,but like that's my you know, listen,
it's not really seventy million dollars ifshe leaves you, because you losing

half of that anyway, This wouldhave to probably be a deeper conversation and
she would maybe never even confess this, but you would think, and I
know the Hurleys are a little bitdifferent because the Hurleys, like the father's
a Hall of Famer, and there'sthe Northeast connections. And I believe he
came from Wagner in Rhode Island,where he's previous two coaching spots before he
took the Connecticut gig that most youknow as a person who would love to

answer this question, I don't hope, I don't mind. I don't think
I'm an embarrassery say non Ey Whare, who is the wife of Damon Ware.
I think wives of coaches know thatwhen the coaching profession begins, the
chances of a nomadic lifestyle I'll usean essayt word a nomadic lifestyle are very
high. Hey, my husband isa coach. I could end up on

the Northeast, I can end upin the South, I can up in
the West. You would just thinkthat if coaching is going to be your
profession for your life, you're gonnalive a nomadic lifestyle unless you've got this
gig that you can sit at foreight, ten, fifteen, twenty years,
and those are rare. Like ifyou're I don't care what level,
D one, D two, Dthree, If you're coaching at the college
level and you've been at that placefor five years, and do you think

you can get to ten, Idon't know if you want to move.
If you're at a gig for tenyears and you think can get to twenty,
I don't think you want to moveif you want to have But some
people say, hey, I'm atthe Division III level, I want to
jump to D two, I'm aD one assistant. I want to be
a D one head coach. Iwould just assume missus Hurley would have known
the nomadic lifestyle would have been anoption now, whether or not she's accepted

it doesn't have to because you're sogood, Like those are some heavy conversations
to have, But I would justassume every wife, and by the way,
can flip. If you're a femaleand your wife is coaching, the
husband would probably think the same thing. Hell, if you're a female coach
and your wife knows you're a coach, you might have a nomadic lifestyle.
I thought that was just a given, you know what I mean? Like,

well, back, think about this, you and I work in radio,
and if I said coaching was themost nomadic and for those don't know,
you just don't have a home,you just spread off like you can
live wherever. It would probably becoaching one. Is it media member?
Second? Is there any other professionsthat I'm missing that like, you're more
than likely going to move. Thefact that I've moved once and you've moved

zero times. I don't know ifyou're gonna find any other radio shows in
this that have that. Well,they said when I got a radio,
they said your second vehicles of youhaul? That's that was That was the
joke back in the day, Likethere's two ways to know that you're in
radio. You have unopened CDs allover your back seat and your second vehicles
are you haul? No, yougot to go through I think I think
the reason it's one of the oneof the reasons I don't. I don't.

I'm trying to say, I'm trying. I don't know how I'm trying
to put this because I know thatI know that both damn and no anywhere
don't love the cold here in thewinter, right, But I know they
they love the situation, they lovethe community, So that's why this is,
this was chosen. But like inthe situation of the Hurlies, she
said, our life is perfect.She likes what they have where they have

it. So that's a whole nother. Like if you've you're already making millions
of dollars, you're a two timedefending champion, going going to do something
only Wooden's done before, like orthat was the last one I do.
Why would you ruin that by goingto Lakers? Like that's that's that's a
different thing than all right, well, hey, we knew we were working

towards the NBA. We knew thatthat was the goal all along. Like
like you know, dam of Ware'sgoal is to be a coach, be
a mentor win championships. He's coachedin the NFL already, he doesn't,
you know, I'm sure if theyoffered the right job he would go for
it. But they chose here becausebecause of his time here and how much
he loved it. So that's that'sI just again, I've got I've got

two other questions here though that Ithink actually have a big New York influence
one. I'm assuming Stuve Gotts askedthis question knowing how he is with money.
He asked this question. Was therea certain amount of money that would
have made you change your opinion?Again, the amount of money the Lakers
offer? Could that have changed ifyou've resulted in leaving the Yukon early quote
to say, it's to say thatit's not a motivating factor the finances to

leave a place. It's definitely athing to leave all that behind. There
probably is a number. I don'tknow what that is. Well played,
Well played Dan Hurley, well played, because I think that leads to this
question. I answer you this whenthe Hurley stuff was going down with the
Lakers, and I wonder if thishas changed your opinion at all? Knowing
that Hurley I think honestly said,Yeah, everybody's got a price, like

Ted Dibiassi the old wwfas, Yeah, if you offered you a little bit
more money, maybe we would haveadjusted. Does that leave the door open
for the Knicks in the future.Will there be a time, maybe as
soon as next season. If TomThibodeau is going in the wrong direction,
with the Knicks that people say enough'senough. Hurley just want a third championship
and he's the guy for the Knicksin the future. Did that quote change

the way you think Hurley's desire forthe Knicks might be m No, I
mean I think I think it's justI think it keeps the door open for
potential, right. It's it's youknow, if it's the Knicks, the
Knicks could win out with the samemoney because you're still on the East Coast.
She's closer to her family. It'sthe same life. It really,

I think it's situational. Really,he's definitely off the door open though he
definitely you know, I do liketo be part. I do too.
It's like, hey, I'm notgonna never say never because I don't want
you to offer me less money.Right and if you know, John Cruden
might have been in the spot tooat some point where it's like, I'm
good broadcasting, I'm not going backto coaching. We're gonna offer you one
hundred million dollars guaranteed. Where's myoffice. I'll head right over, like

I can retire quick enough for theright amount of money. I'm you know,
people give a lot of hate tolike Nick Saban when he was coaching
the Dolphins and said, I'm thecoach of the Miami Dolphins. Stop asking
me if I'm the coach. Andthen Alabama came with a boatload of money.
I gotta go bye. Like coachesget a lot of grief for lying
to players and recruits, but sometimesthat money is the motivating factor of Okay,

I'm taking the money and running money. He's a very motivating factor.
I mean, it's they say itcan't buy you happiness, but I just
bought a Max Crosby autographed helmet,so I'm pretty happy about it. How
about my guy Nick, the gameday off guy, He's like, I'm
listening to the radar right now.You wear that helmet, you suit up
on it right off. That's whyI don't listen to Nick. I trust
Like, if he's not on aheadset telling people how to run a game,

I don't trust that kid. Ialso got a message here from Marcut
Andrew Sattillo, who's going to jointhe show tomorrow, by the way back
in the five o'clock hour. Atsome point between now and then, I'll
figure out how awkward that interview mightbe with the team president interview in the
broadcast room. Hey, third corner, I like what you It's like Brian
Cash. But I gotta figure outthe right comparison for what that'd be like.
But Andrew Running, couldn't they finda house in both places? Like,

couldn't you find a house in LosAngeles? Thou and make her happy
and then keep the house on theEast coast and then have the house at
LA because the NBA travels a lot. I think it's a time thing though,
like she right now they have thehouse in Connecticut together, you know,
if he's spending if they want tospend time together. Half the year

you're in LA, the other halfyou're in Connecticut. Nobody's no. I
can't picture somebody going like I knowsnowbirds where it's like, I'll spend the
summer in New York in the winterin Florida. I don't think there's the
Connecticut snowburn. I don't think peopleare like, oh, it's summer,
let me leave LA and go toConnecticut. Like I just think I think
she likes where they They're probably closeto the family or close enough the lifestyle

in Connecticut suits her. There's it'sit's the stress level is very different,
Like he's not bothered by anil andeverything like that, where you go there
and you already know Lebron's gonna bean issue unless he leaves, which makes
him an issue. You're rebuilding,all right? Let me, I think
I sum it up. If hegoes to the Lakers, he's rebuilding.
If he stays with Connecticut, he'sreloading absolutely, And you know what,

I want to add one more.If he goes to the Knicks, I
can't think of a good R wordthough, rebuilding and he's replacing it didn't
work as well. He's going fora championship. Yeah, with R and
we can't. Let's not replace theguy who got us to the postseason two
straight years. Come on now,calm down. Mark this June thirteenth,

twenty twenty four, we're both sayingTom Thibau should be the head co to
the Knicks. That's right. Willwe feel the same way in February of
twenty five or December of twenty Ifeel the same way. Tomorrow. You
may put out like a farting videoon TikTok and I'll be like, I'm
done with this guy. I don'tknow. I don't know. Listen,
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eighty just turn out. I mean, I appreciate the sponsorship and the support

from Squattypotty, but now it feelslike people are doing this on purpose.
On this show is what is goingon is the sales team And on this
I told you I got a weirdemail from our boss Area president Howard that
was odd. And then we hadthe Squatty Potty spot that just ran.
You've got your You've got it's all. You went to social media. I
know what you got done with elevationten thousand. You've got some mail tow

Oh my god. Like before weget to the play of the day,
I walk in here and again thisis like we're usually we utilize that the
GT Toys studio is a multifunctional studio. So I see it like I see
a piece of mail, and it'slike, oh, attention, Jefflevac.
Okay, cool, I wonder whatthis could be. So I open it
and it's from our friends at Elevationten thousand. Happy holidays, with our

appreciation for your continued partnership. Thankyou for making twenty twenty three an amazing
year. I wonder how long?What do you think it's got here?
Early December, late November? Yeah, So what what else is sitting around

here that that that is that's forme? Like my tax returns here?
Should I start looking for those?Are they were? I'd get those of
December of twenty five? What's whatelse is here that's mine? That it's
not being delivered to me in atimely fashion. I don't know. I
checked on the mail today. Iwas waiting for a big letter today because

I saw i'be he writes letters anymore. Somebody who's supposed to write us a
letter today about a potential award we'dwon, and that was real sad.
Today. Wait, I'm like,hey, we might be getting an award
soon. I think they mail outthe winners and I went to the mailbox
like, hey, I'm hearing peopleare winning. And then I went through
every mailbox and I didn't see theletter. Who what were we up for?
We were yes for a New YorkDay Broadcasters Award, And now some

winners have been an ounce said like, oh cool, we'll see if we
won. And then I didn't seethe letter. That doesn't mean we didn't
win. And then you found aChristmas card to me from our friends at
elevation ten thousand. No wonder Davemcletch's not talking to me. I've been
thanked him for the Christmas card.I think I'll see on social those guys
are gonna say those guys are onsocial, let's see it. He's so

busy. I don't get I don'tget the top treatment of what Scott.
But yeah, so that was justthat there's a mailbox. Yeah, there's
a mailbox. A lot of peopleget mail here that should looking at it.
Apparently I got I got mail here. I don't have a mailbox per
se out there with my name onit. But I've just been using other
people's mail. So that's not normal, Nor is it weird for you,

But it's not normal in general thatyou just use other people's mail. I
assume it's to me eat other kidslunches. No, no, no,
I just assume that's to me.I'm just going through the w G Y.
I don't want a sticker because ifI get a mailbox and then people
are sending me more stuff, I'mgood where I am right now in the
mail situation. But now saying thisout loud, that could be the reason
why we haven't received that letter.Or people just don't like me like at

that place, like it's it's prettyknown fact I don't I don't do well
in those circles. Not well.I'm not well liked in the war word
circles. It's one of those deals. I almost emailed them today. I
couldn't do this. I couldn't bringmyself to this, but I think GY
should have won some to play aboutthis quader. They still might have,
so I don't want to complain.But I almost set the glory. You'll

get the notification six months from now. It'll be fine. I almost sent
the person an email today, like, hey, just want to make sure
did we win? Or I likeit's too much. I can't be like
it was clearly there was a mistakeright right. That was a little too
desperate, Like, clearly you guysmade mistakes and multiple stationshead have won,
but just checking to make sure youguys obviously didn't make those mistakes. I

didn't send that email. I wantedto thank you. I'd love to look
desperate and as a loser. Timefor the plan to day is brought to
you by Mohawks Chevrolet to get let'sdrive a Mark Chevy where they always go
out of the way to please you. So one of the things I did
is when when they were down,I just I bet the Yankees to win.
It was like ten bucks went fiftybecause it was where they were.

I cashed that out. It's fortythree bucks. I was like, you
know, I heard Mark Cuban inmy head, pigs, you fed,
hogs, get slaughtered. Yankee justlost a walk off to the ks A
Royals four to three, so theywon the series three to one, but
they do not sweep the Royals.But I still I got out of there.
I got out. Something told medanger, Jeff Robinson, Danger,
you got out. Nice loss forthe Yankees. As an Oriol fan,

but well done, well done byyou. A four to one in game
and having the idea to Oriols alsolost to that to the Braves. I
didn't want to so see that there. Enjoy enjoy not making a ground on
one of the rare Yankee losses.You know how many people would not have
done what you did. Their favoriteteam has to come from behind victory and
you got out. Yeah four tosee, that's that's at a four to

one payout. I would not havedone it. I would I would have
rolled. We got like eight bucksmore. Come on, what are we
doing? What do you care?Here's what he out, here's my plate
tonight. Are you going back andgive them for two for two? Are
you already out? You're already done. I got a mesa with the Mats
sparlay. Yeah. Yeah, thisis me believing in the Mets not being
as bad as as who they're playing. I got the Mets money line under

eight and a half and Lindor toget a hit plus two eighty three.
Okay. I liked that a lot, actually, and so much so I
almost want to copy your play,but I'm not going to. I don't
think we've ever copied each other's playingso unless it's football season. So I'm
gonna go with the Red Sox tonightagainst the Phillies. That's a seven to

ten first pitch moments ago, it'sif you're listening to in a live time,
it's about four fifty two, aboutfour point fifty. This line was
at even. It's now moved upto double favorites. So what I mean
by that is like minus one fifteenminus one oh five, no plus underdog
on the board. So it movedup a little bit minus one oh five.

So I'll take Boston because I'm curiousas to why the late money's coming
on the Red Sox. I thinka home game at Fenway Park. Aaron
Nola is a really good pitcher,But the Red Sox are pacing for potentially
later on coming up, a onegame set against Philly. Does that even
sound right? So excuse a fourgame set? Thank you? Four games
set against Philly, thank you?Who are you talking to you? And

with the series on the way forthe Yankees coming up tomorrow, Red Sox
can take down against Philly. Giveme the Red Sox to win and potentially
be just two games back in theWildcard when they get the Yankees coming up
this weekend. Why was you sayinglike this. I mean, just why
would you say the Red Sox towin. Everyone knows you hate the Red
Sox. You hate the Red Soxfan. You told them, you basically

gave them all the bird. You'relike, hey, you know this station
I run used to be your homefor Red Sox baseball in the Capitol region.
Boo, you threw the digits upin the air, he said,
get on out of here. You'reshout to eat. Is you did that?
You did all of those things Ididn't have. I'm not the I'm
not the brand manager of this station. I'm just the afternoon host. Before

angry red mail, I don't getmailed for six to eight months after it
gets here. I have no powerbefore I get more angry Red soxing mess.
I will give Red Sox fans creditfor this thing about what could happen
over the next three or four days. After watching what Minnesota try to do
against New York. I don't thinkthey're a true threat. I'll give the
Guardians a little bit of love.I think they're pretty good. Probably top

three or top four six teams aregoing to the playoffs in the American League.
Six are going. Whether you likeit or not. Six are going
Kansas City forty wins, walk off? What is you noted? Not impressed
by the Royals, not impressed bythe Twins, barely impressed by the Guardians.
Can't the Red Sox if they beatNew York arguably the best team in

baseball, the hottest team in baseball. Red Sox take two or three,
three or four season rolls on theseason series, and you can talk about
the Red Sox potential playoff team likethat is a potential shift of their middle
of the road and they're kind tofive hundred to wow, Boston might be
a top five team in the AmericanLeague if they play good against and win

games against the Yankees. So ifthey lose, they're out. They're gone.
Yeah, actually I do think.I think if they take two or
three or soup the Yankees, we'retalking about the Red Sox the legitimate threat
in the Wildcard and can probably beatMinnesota, can catch Kansas City. I
saw myself right there. That's theproblem the Red Sox, Like I say
they're gonna catch Kansas City or catchMinnesota. The aleast is better, like

they're gonna play much softer teams.Those teams going forward for the rest of
the season in Boston, but theymight be just flat out better. Well,
listen, I know the Yankees arebetter than Teas. May have lost
today, may have lost today,but so do the Orioles. And that's
what matters, is that you didn'tmake up any ground. That's all I
need to make me happy, allright. So that was play the day.

That was a little little smack talkfor you Baston fans from your number
one hater, Tom Gozlowski the third. And now I will talk to you
about the amazing Integrated Sleep Center inBalls and Spot five eight eight five six.
Doctor Fred Dreer is an amazing guy. He's he's he's a Mets fan.
So a doc did that Mets parlayfor you, buddy, Lorian's amazing

help you through the whole process.They're just great people like h I think
I talked to Quinn into going thereas a dental patient now in the morning
over on Picks and then who knows, maybe maybe, just maybe he's he
talks to me a lot about sleep. Maybe he's maybe he ends up doing
the sleep center too. But whatdoctor drey has done is he's taking his
expertise in in you know dental medicine, and he has learned and studied dental

sleep medicine, so he's able toget these mouthpieces. They're made for you.
They're custom made so that they fitand keep you comfortable and keep your
airway open, get your sleep atme under control, gets your snoring under
control. Doctor is amazing. It'schanged. It's changed everything for me.
I absolutely that was a point whereI didn't even want I didn't even go
to bed like I go sit inmy recliner because there's just more multiple for

me. And now I can't waitto go sleep most nights. It is
an amazing It's a little mouthfeast,no hoses, no wires, no surgery.
Five eight eight five six, winetyfive. Doctor Fred Reer and the
Integrative Sleep Center in Valsaspather help mesleep better. They're gonna help you sleep
better too. Nobody's sleeping after Brady'sspeeches. Man, I'll tell you right
now, Brady is the man forthat. That's it. That's all I'll

say it for. Talk about itcoming up next right here. Fox Sports
Radio ninety five, nine and nine
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