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January 21, 2024 53 mins
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Episode Transcript

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The following is opaid podcast. iHeartRadio'shosting of this podcast constitutes neither an endorsement
of the products offered or the ideasexpressed. Welcome to a Moment of Zen.
Time to sit back and relax.As model, actress, mentor and
super mom, Zen SAMs takes youon a sexy and wild ride covering the

latest in film, fashion, popculture, cryptocurrency, fintech, cannabis,
and entertainment from the millennial mom's perspective. Here's your host, Zen SAMs.
Hello, my beautiful Tri State area. Welcome to our one hundred and forty
sixth episode. It's always such apleasure to spend my time with you on
the airwaves. Thank you for listeningand interacting with me on social media.

That truly does make it all worthwhile. Please make sure to follow me at
zen Sam's That's Zen with an X, not a Z. Also remember that
we're live on Traverse TV Sundays atone pm Eastern and all episodes of a
Moment of Zen stream twenty four toseven on Kathy Ireland's Home TV. And
of course you can always find uson our YouTube channel at zen Sam's.

We upload every Sunday at two pmEastern. In our Hydration with Hearts segment
brought to you by Once Upon aCoconut, we're featuring Sarah Strimmel Bentley.
She's a public speaker, a breastcancer advocate and survivor, a movement maven
and coach. She joins me todayto chat breast cancer awareness, surrogacy,
motherhood, and her new lis onlife. In our Going Deep segment,

brought to you by co two Lift, We're featuring doctor David Goldberg, medical
director at Skin Laser and Laser Specialists, and he's also Director of Cosmetic Dermatology
and Clinical Research at Schweger Dermatology Group. He joins me today to chat carbon
dioxide therapy for the skin and thelatest advancements for laser treatments in esthetics.

In our Discover Your Potential segment,brought to you by body ALIGNE, we're
featuring our newest segment contributor, AnnaDevier. She's also the writer and co
host of the Celebrate Everyday podcast.She's joined by techn phusiast Steve Lepkowski,
founder and CEO of body Align.He has a career of over twenty years
of experience at Texas Instruments designing computercircuitry for cell phones. Today, we're

chatting EMFs, the daily dangers theymay be posing to your health, and
how to mitigate those risks. EMFsstand for electromagnetic fields and there are general
term for any electromagnetic radiation we maybe exposed to. In our Express America's
Favorite Pharmacist segment brought to by MaryRuth Organics or we're featuring our pharmaceutical expert

Phil Kelly, chatting about who totrust and not in the pharmaceutical industry.
How after a year of The NewYork Times investigating Mexican pharmacies and sales of
fake medications, especially after the USissued a safety warning and raids by Mexican
authorities, why the problem still verymuch persists And how do you know where

your medications and supplements are coming from, especially and ordering them online. Stay
tuned for our Hydration with Heart segmentbrought to you by Once Upon a Coconut,
featuring the awesome Sarah Strimmel Bentley,public speaker, breast cancer advocate and
survivor. You're listening to a momentof zen right here on seven to ten
WR the voice of New york iHeartRadioWe'll be right back after this. A

Moment of Zen is brought to youby Kathy Ireland's Your Home TV and their
channel partners. Head to your HomeTV dot com for free family friendly programming
streaming twenty four to seven. DisconnectedKids Reconnected Families is a documentary style reality
series providing an in home look atfamilies who have children in need of intervention
for conditions ranging from behavioral issues andoppositional defiance to autism and ADHD watches doctor

Robert Milliloe and his wife Carolyn gointo the home and get real with the
families. Using decades of experience,they help families not only face the issues
head on, but also overcome theirchallenges and reconnect as a family. Exclusively
on Your Home TV network. AMoment of Zen is brought to you by
Once Upon a Coconut ONEHD scent purecoconut water. Imagine a drink that's new
train rich, powerfully refreshing, naturallysweet, with no added sugars, not

from concentrate, zero additives, lowin calories, absolutely no artificial flavors,
and is so tasty that it willbecome your new favorite beverage. Enter once
Upon a Coconut the absolute best tastingcoconut water you will ever try. Available
in four refreshing flavors, pure chocolate, pineapple, and sparkling with energy.
Do your taste, what's a favorand pick up some today at once upon

acoconut dot com. Welcome back,beautiful Tri State area. You're listening to
a moment of Zen right here onseven to ten WR, the voice of
New york iHeartRadio. I'm your host, Zen. Sam's up next in our
Hydration with Heart segment, brought toyou by once Upon a Coconut. We're
featuring Sarah Strimo Bentley. She's apublic speaker, a breast cancer advocate,

a movement maven, and coach.Incredibly, she's a recent breast cancer survivor
and mother via surrogacy. Now,Sarah is an advocate for young women facing
the same diagnosis. She chronicled herjourney on her Instagram through the Breast Cancer
Diaries and the Surrogacy Diaries. Shealso co founded A Damn Good Life,
which is a nonprofit that finds surrogacyjourneys for breast cancer survivors that can't afford

them. She's partnered with Bloomingdale's FordMortars, General Electric health Care, Nature's
Bounty, and Hologics on their breastcancer and initiatives. That's just to name
a few. She's been featured onGood Morning America, on ABC News,
and even New York One. That'sour local station right here in the Tri
State area. She's appeared in sevenBroadway shows and launched two successful yoga brands

throughout her career, but her personaljourney is what really got me, and
that is what inspired her to cointhe phrase joy mining, and she lives
each day mining the joy out ofevery moment. Today she joins me to
chat breast cancer awareness, surrogacy,motherhood, and her new lease on life.

Welcoming now to the show is theincredible Sarah Strimmel Bentley. Welcome superstar.
Ah my gosh, you make mesound so much cooler than I actually
am. Zen, but thank youso much for having us. We're on
us now. I see you havejoined us with a bundle of joy.
What is his name, Chance WitchBentley? I love it well. Welcome

to the world, dear boy.You must be on cloud nine. Oh
my gosh, I'm on cloud nine, and you know, with no sleep,
I barely got to brush my teeththis morning, you know, headband
on and we're here. But it'sthe most blissfully messy, incredible thing I've
ever done. After all those thingsyou just said I did. You are

a warrior, a trailblazer. Solet's dive right in. Let's chat breast
cancer advocacy and personal journey. So, according to the American Cancer Society,
about one in eight women will developinvasive breast cancer in their lifetime. Sarah,
can you share more about your personaljourney with breast cancer and how it
led you to become an advocate foryoung women facing a similar diagnosis. Yeah,

I mean everything in my life wasgoing beautifully. I just met the
man I knew I would marry.I was thirty eight years old, no
family history, and out of nowhere, I found a lump the size of
a walnut in my left breast andwas diagnosed with stage two invasive ductyl clarcinoma
and my world stopped. I wentthrough a double mestectomy, eight rounds of
chemotherapy, twenty eight rounds of radiation, two reconstructive surgeries later, and alphaectomy,

having my ovaries out, and itwas unreal. It was absolutely unbelievable.
Your very experience right there is thepowerful motivator for the advocacy work that
you do, and understanding the prevalenceof breast cancer provides a lot of context
to the importance of your mission.So I'm so inspired by your strength.

Now let's chat and shift to theBreast Cancer and Surrogacy Diaries. So social
media platforms have become crucial for raisingawareness, with over three point six billion
people active on various platforms globally,there's a mass amount of people there.
And your journey is chronicled on Instagramthrough the Breast Cancer Diaries and Surrogacy Diaries.

How is sharing your story on socialmedia impacted your advocacy efforts? Oh
well, you know, right whenI had my biopsy and I knew what
the diagnosis I was going to get, I turned to my then boyfriend James,
who's now my husband, and Isaid, I think I need to
tell this story. Is that okaywith you? And He's like, Babe,
you do what you need to do. I just I knew it would

be important because when I was diagnosed, I couldn't find anyone like me online.
I looked a hashtag breast cancer,hashtag no young breast cancer and so
by sharing my story, I knewI would be able to reach the maximum
amount of young women who wanted towhen they were diagnosed unfortunately find someone that
they could relate to, and thatsomeone that was going through hell but thriving.

So I think that being able toshare that story and life wise in
the infertility community and breast cancer communitywith the surrogacy Diaries, it really gave
me such a wide breath of touchingwomen's lives and I got messages every single
day saying thank you. I thoughtmy life was over and seeing your journey
lets me know that it's going tobe hard, but I'm going to be

okay. And that is worth amillion dollars. It's priceless. That's incredible,
and your use, without a doubtof social media as a storytelling platform
really allows you to reach a broaderaudience and engage with these women going through
similar experiences and fostering just an incredible, supportive and incredible community. I love
it and I love what you're doing. Now let's chat a damn good life

nonprofit. So you know better thananyone that the cost of surrogacy can range
from eighty to one hundred and twentythousand dollars plus, making it financially challenging
for many women. And A DamnGood Life addresses a significant financial barrier for
breast cancer survivors by funding surrogacy journeys, high letting the tangible impact of your

advocacy beyond awareness. So co foundingA Damn Good Life is number one remarkable.
But can you tell us more aboutthe nonprofits mission and its impact on
breast cancer survivors keep seeking surrogacy?Oh, certainly, myself and my two
co founders, we knew that bothbreast cancer survivors as well and friends of
mine pre breast cancer, we knewwe wanted to do something in the space.

We wanted to do something that hadn'tbeen done, and one of my
co founders had had a son viasurrogacy, and there was a huge gap
in the nonprofit world to help fundthis. It's actually up to two hundred
thousand dollars surrogacy journeys can cost.So we give full grants for an entire
surrogacy journey to couples in need,couples who financially cannot afford that after breast

cancer, and women that are notable to carry their own child. We
awarded our first full grant last springto a wonderful couple in Brooklyn and they're
currently in their matching journey for theirsurrogate. It's our way to give back
when breast cancer takes so much away, it breaks your heart, and to
take away the ability to have ababy, I think was the most heartbreaking

thing for me. I'm gonna cry, so to give it back to other
women, It's just it was.It was a no brainer for the mission.
So yeah, we're really We're growingand I can't wait to see how
many, how many little babies wemake, how many damn good lives we
make. Well, Matt, youmade me cry, Sarah, congratulations.
Oh cute. So partnerships and initiatives, let's pivot to that. So you've

partnered with major companies like Bloomingdale's andFord Mortars specifically on breast cancer initiatives,
even the bigger ones, Eli,Lilly, how do these partnerships contribute to
your advocacy work. It's similar towhen you asked me about social media,
right, If you know, Ihave my advocacy work, I have my
voice, I have a story totell and a message to spread and aligning

with companies that a I'm aligned withyou know, I believe in their missions.
I believe the things they do inthe world. Having them give me
a greater voice to reach a greatergroup of people is the reason why I
partner with. You know, FordMotors has their own breast cancer nonprofit.
I can't remember off the top ofmy head. It's millions of dollars a

year. They contribute to their breastcancer nonprofit to help women travel to and
from treatment. Eli Liley makes oneof the most cutting edge drugs for young
women to prevent help prevent breast cancerrecurrence. So they just it's a really
great partnership without a doubt. Corporatepartnerships, specifically for breast cancer awareness campaigns,
have been shown to significantly increase fundsand of course, like you said,

awareness for research and support programs.Your partnerships not only elevate your advocacy,
but also demonstrate the corporate world's commitmentto supporting important causes, specifically female
causes. So this is incredible.You are a trailblazer. You have gone
where there is no pas, Sarah, and you left a great, big

trail because, like you said,if you research or google any kind of
charities involved with surrogacy and breast cancer. There simply are none. So you
started something that is incredible and adamn good life is going to surely help
a lot of families. Congratulations onthat. Oh, thank you so much.
I'm really proud. Now. Lastly, joy mining and living in the

present. Your personal journey inspired thephrase joy mining, which I absolutely love.
How do you incorporate this philosophy intoyour daily life and what advice do
you have for others face facing extremechallenges? Yeah, and it doesn't just
have to be breast cancer, right, it's anything. If I say,
if you're put on a road youdid not choose to be on, you
have one of two choices. Youcan sit in the middle of the road

and that's where you live and it'sprobably not a great road. Or you
can get to the end of itand then decide where you're going after that,
and you have a choice of howyou get to the end of the
road. You can get to theend of the road like downtrodden and you
know, only looking at this badroad you're on, or you can look
around you because there is always joyon that journey. You just have to
keep your eyes open and keep going. And that's what I did during cancer,

That's what I've done in any hardtimes in my life, and it's
what I did to my surrogacy journey. It's what I continue to do today.
It's all about mindset, and youhave a positive one and a very
strong one, and studies actually suggestthat adopting a positive mindset can have physical
and mental health benefits, contributing withouta doubt to your overall well being.

Now, your emphasis on quote unquotejoy mining right there reflects a positive approach
to life's challenges. Really serving Sarahas an inspiration to others, especially other
women, to find joy and gratitudein their own journeys. And you have
paved the way for that. Now, finally, let's chat once upon a
coconut so Coconut water is extremely hydrating, and chemotherapy can often lead to dehydration

due to its side effects such asnausea and and diarrhea. But coconut water
is a natural electrolyte rich beverage thathelps in rehydration, providing essential fluids and
minerals. It contains electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium, which are
crucial for maintaining proper cellular function,and of course this aids in replenishing nutrients.

Now we also know that chemotherapy generatesoxidative stress in the body, leading
to the production of free radicals,and coconut water contains antioxidants that help combat
oxidative stress, potentially supporting the body'snatural defense mechanism. But I'm curious to
know why do you love coconut waterand what health benefits do you specifically drink
it for? Well? In mytwenties, after the club, rehydration,

after tequila. In my thirties,I taught multiple hot yoga classes a day,
again rehydration. In my late thirties, chemotherapy. Again it did.
My body was dried out and inmetopause early. That also dries your skin,
and so I love and turned coconutwater for that reason, just to
rehydrate to my you know, mycells are thirty and I continue to use

it in my life, and I'msure there'll be, you know, new
different ways of why I'm drinking it. But look, I think my skin
says it all forty two not nomakeup. Thank you coconut water. You
are glowing and God bless you.You do not look forty two. I
started using coconut water after my radioactiveedine treatment. I was battling thyroid disease
diyroid cancer in my early twenties andI ingested such a huge amount of isotope

on thirty two, which is radiation, and I was told that I was
probably going to be infertile with youknow, not able to have children.
And I started drinking coconut water.Not that coconut water got me pregnant,
although there is a running joke onthat one. But I do have an
eight year old biological daughter and Iabsolutely drink coconut water and love it.
I have it in the fridge rightnow. Yes, there you go.

Well, we are at the endof our segment. I am so excited
to have had you on. Youare so inspirational and I'm so happy that
you brought baby chance on baby cheese. You say bye to everybody. Oh
we have a milk drunk. Ohhe's so sweet. That was our Hydration
with Heart segment, brought to youby Once Upon a Coconut. That was

the incredible Sarah's Drimmell Bentley. Youcan check her out on the gram at
Sarah's Drimmell Bentley or at a dotdamn dot good dot life. You can
head directly to their website as well, a Damn Good, Damn Good and
Coode dot com or a Damn goodlifedot org. You're listening to a moment
of Zen right here on seven tenwo R the voice of nerk iHeartRadio.

We'll be right back after this.A Moment of Zen is brought to you
by Once Upon a Coconut one hundredpercent pure coconut water. Imagine a drink
that's nutrient rich, powerfully refreshing,naturally sweet, with no added sugars,
not from concentrate, zero additives,low in calories, absolutely no artificial flavors,
and it's so tasty that it willbecome your new favorite beverage. Enter
once Upon a Coconut the absolute besttasting coconut water you will ever try.

Available in flour refreshing flavors, purechocolate, pineapple, and sparkling energy.
Do your taste, what's a favorand pick up some today at once Upon
a Coconut dot com. A Momentof Zen is brought to you by Kathy
Ireland's your Home TV and their Channelpartners. Head to your home TV dot
com for free family friendly programming streamingtwenty four to seven. Retchenphilia is a

proponent of American industry. Join heron the ultimate road trip across America where
she highlights the people, places andexperiences that show the American dream and the
spirit of its people. Check outFabric of America on your home TV.
A Moment of Zen is brought toyou by Co two Lift. As we

age, our skin loses moisture andelasticity, causing wrinkled skin. You can
reverse this aging process with CO twoLift. CO two Lift utilizes the powerful
benefits of carbon dioxide to lift titanand regenerate your skin. The simple,
painless at home carboxy therapy treatment isscientifically proven to reverse the aging process.
You will see reduction in wrinkles,increase a luminosity, and improved pigmentation,

sagging skin tone and radiance. Formore information or to order coeo to Lift,
go to coo to lift dot com. Welcome back, beautiful Tri State
area. You're listening to a Momentof Zen right here on seven to ten
WR the voice of New york iHeartRadio. I'm your host, Zen Sam's up
in just a few minutes and ourgoing Deep segment brought to you by Co

two Lift. We're featuring doctor DavidGoldberg, medical director at Skin Laser and
Surgery Specialists and a Yale trained dermatologist. He is a pioneer in a laser
medicine. In twenty twenty, hemerged his practice with Schweger Dermatology Group,
making him Director of Cosmetic Dermatology andClinical Research for over seventy five offices.

Doctor Goldberg shares his expertise through amonthly column, Legal Eagle for Dermatology Times.
Today he joins me to chat carbondioxide therapy for the skin and the
latest advancements for laser treatments and aesthetics. Welcoming now to the show is the
incredible doctor David Goldberg. Welcome,superstar Hanks Satin. Great to be here.
All right, let's dive right in. So over the past year,

the integration of advanced technology into lasertreatments has been a significant game changer,
with a continued emphasis on personalized treatmentsand what we call combo therapies and plans
tailored specifically to individual patient needs,ensuring, of course, optimal outcomes with
this approach. So, in youropinion, what has been the biggest game

changer in laser treatments over the pastyear and what do you anticipate as a
trend in twenty twenty four. Sothe biggest game changer with our question is
that we move from treating i'll saymiddle aged and older people to really a
younger group. Millennials are included inthat group, and often they just don't
want to look like their mother,so they don't look real wrinkled, but
they've got some crows feed, alittle bit of sagging, and we've got

technology now, for example, ourmicro needling technology that allows us to do
that very minimal to comfort and safein all skin colors. Fascinating. Now,
when selecting technologies, Doctor Goldberg foryour fellowship program, certainly you prioritize
those that have demonstrated efficacy, safety, and versatility. It's crucial that technologies

align with a commitment to provide thehighest standard of care, especially when it
comes to surgery and laser treatments.Now, your fellowship program is highly regarded.
Can you share with our audience thecriteria you use when selecting technologies for
training in your program? So,we train on fellows. These are people
that have finished their debatology training andthey want to learn cosmetic training. And

our fellows, Frank, they've goneon to Harvard and pan and Montsinai.
And so when we choose technology,the guiding principle is efficacy, it's going
to work and safety. That makesa lot of sense. Now, it's
important to note that doctor Goldberg wasnamed one of the top ten laser surgeons
in the US by Self magazine,and he was also named best doctor in

America by Best Doctors, Inc.And one more, he was one of
the best dermatologists in New Jersey byNew Jersey Monthly. That's a ton of
accolades. Now, moving on toyour approach with lasers, without a doubt,
pre and postcare are integral components oflaser treatments, and proper preparation and
aftercare contribute, without a doubt significantlyto the success of the procedure, and

of course they minimize potential complications.Always ensuring patients understand and adhere to the
recommended care protocols is key. Buthow crucial in your opinion is pre and
postcare in laser treatments And could youshed some light on potential complications that patients
might encounter. So unlike the typicalmedspot setting where they often have two or

three or four devices, we actuallyhave over our hundred different devices, and
so we're gearing that device toward whatwe're trying to treat. We're gearing it
toward the skin type, we're gearingit toward the age of patient. And
so one thing we want to makesure is we want to make sure that
the skin is well hydrated before wetreat them. You refer to the CO
two mask. We can talk aboutthat, but that really helps to hydrate,

but equally is important after treatment,there can be some redness and swelling,
and we want that to go downquickly. As I said, as
we're getting to treating a younger group, these millennial groups, they're not willing
to stay home like people did twentyyears ago for a week after this.
They want to get right back tolife, society, the families, and
work within a day or so.So appropriate wound care is necessary to decrease

the swelling, the redness, andany other complications that might occur. Thank
you for elaborating on that, butI'm going to piggyback off something that you
just said you touched on carbon dioxidetherapy for the skin, specifically Seal two
lift. They have been proven tobe a valuable addition to most laser protocols
with their products, especially for patientswith acne prone skin or acnaic skin and

targeted skin scare solutions like carboxy therapywithout a doubt enhanced results. The product
has a very proprietary and unique abilityto promote skin redrivenation and address acne concerns.
Now, doctor Goldberg, with therides of acne devices, how does
a product like CEO to lift fitinto your laser protocols and how effective have

you seen it for acneic skin.So let's just start with the fact that
I personally had a COE to Liftprocedure done yesterday. You can see the
glow. But in terms of treatingpatients, we use it from a variety
of different entities you alluded to acne. We now have lasers that have come
on the market. One brand nameis called ab Be Clear. The give

us results as if someone took acutine. Acutane is a highly potent drug for
severe acne. It can produce longterm results, but it has so many
side effects. This laser has noneof those side effects and yet produces very
similar results. Now we need theskin well hydrated before we treat them.
The skin has got to be voiced. We have two choices. We can
slat water all over the skin andit's a very unscientific approach, or we

can use the CO two mass,which as you know, is based on
carboxy therapy, quits carbon dioxide intothe skin, brings out oxygen and make
that skin healthier, make it moremoist, and make it more comfortable for
the procedure. And I love itthat men are using it and being upfront
about it. And of course theygo one step further. They also have

a great vaginal rejuvenation product and penalrejuvenation. I had doctor Leonardo one from
Toronto and he was alluding to thefact that a lot of the men are
now feeling very comfortable using a producteven for the skin down there, which
is trending. Now, let's checkcommon theme between radio frequency micro needling for
acne scars and aging skin exosomes inskin care, and AVI Clear laser for

long term acne improvement. You justmentioned ABVI Clear not long ago. Now,
all three treatments are focused on addressingskin concerns, whether it be acne,
scars, aging skin, or acneitself. They all leveraged advanced technologies
in dermatology, and each of thesetreatments aims to promote skin health and rejuvenation

without the need for invasive surgical procedures. And that's what's trending twenty twenty four
a non invasive procedures. So,in summary, the common theme is the
advancement in dermatological treatments utilizing innovative approachesand technologies to enhance skin appearance and address
specific skin issues. Now, briefly, please break all of this down for

us and talk to me about howCEO to lift is an effective treatment in
pre and post care involving these procedures. All right, so let's address all
three. So I mentioned radio frequencyof micronealing. It's certainly the greatest advands
and skin tightening skin quality that's outthere, and it does it by producing
energy into the skin the CO twolar Carabaxi therapy. What it does is

it brings oxygen and blood supply tothe skin. It makes the skin healthier.
It's an adjole. It improves whatwe do with our micromeuling. Exosomes
are the newest advanced Now these aretopical products that someday actually may replace many
of the things we put on ourskin and the little packets that cause ourselves
to talk to each other. Sothink of the COO two mask as giving

oxygen. We need oxygen our bodies, not giving oxygen to the skin to
make it healthier. And then thesepackets of energy exo zones that and go
from there cause our skin cells tospeak to each other and just make us
healthier. Again, that approach tothe younger group, and I said,
millennials, we're starting in twenty fiveyear olds. Well, I've had such
a great time talking to you,and this was an incredible session I always

learned from my experts. You arefantastic. Thank you so much for joining
us. My pleasure. That wasour Going Deep segment brought to you by
COEO two Lift, featuring the awesomedoctor David Goldberg, medical director at Skin
Laser and Surgery specialist and Director ofCosmetic Dermatology and clinical Research at Schweger Germatology
Group. You could head directly totheir website at Skin and Lasers dot com,

or you could check out schweger Germdot com. Of course, check
out all the amazing products at COEOtwo lift dot com. You're listening to
a moment of Zen right here onseven ten wr the voice of New york
iHeartRadio. We'll be right back afterthis. A Moment of Zen is brought
to you by CO two Lift.As we age, our skin loses moisture
and elasticity, causing wrinkled skin.You can reverse this aging process with CO

two Lift. CO two Lift utilizesthe powerful benefits of carbon dioxide to lift
titan and regenerate your skin. Thissimple, painless at home carboxytherapy treatment is
scientifically proven to reverse the aging process. You will see reduction in wrinkles,
increase aluminosity, and improve pigmentation,sagging skin tone, and radiance. For
more information or to order CO twoLift, go to CO two lift dot

com. A Moment of Zen isbrought to you by Kathy Ireland's Your Home
TV and their channel partners. Headto your Home TV dot com for free
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back, beautiful Tri State Area,and welcome to twenty twenty four. This
is your year. It's time totransform manifest and grow. You're listening to
a moment of zen right here onseven to ten. Woor the voice of
New york iHeartRadio. Up next andI Discover Your Potential segment brought to you
by Body Aligne. We're featuring ournewest segment contributor, Anna Devere. She's

the writer and co host of theCelebrate Everyday podcast, which is a bite
sized history show entertaining a worldwide audience. Her latest venture brings things full circle
with the co host spot on thisDiscover Your Potential segment. Today, we're
joined by tech enthusiast Steve Lobpkowski,founder and CEO of Body Aligne. With
a career of over twenty years atTexas Instruments designing computer circuitry for cell phones,

Steve understood that more than two thirdsof the world's population already ascribes to
the power of energy medicine by wayof acupuncture and chakra balancing. With this
understanding, he became a pioneer inthe field of biosignaling. Bodyligne has now
celebrated its thirteen year milestone with animpressive of satisfied customers and some incredible product

offerings. Today we're chatting EMFs,the daily dangers they may be posing to
your health, and how to mitigatethose risks. EMF stands for electromagnetic field
and is a general term for anyelectromagnetic radiation we may be exposed to.
We hear the term EMF and assumeit's a bad thing, but even the
Earth itself emits EMFs that are eitherharmless or actually supportive to our health.

Electromagnetic radiation also naturally emits from theSun from fire and lightning strikes. As
for man made sources, EMFs canbe found emitting from mobile phones, computers,
Wi Fi networks, Bluetooth devices,microwaves, energy, smart meters,
MRI machines, and power lines.That's just to name a few examples.
The big question is are emf's dangerous, Well, don't take my word for

it. Let's chat with our expertat hand. Welcoming now to the show
is the incredible Steve Lpowski, joinedby Anna de Vere. Welcome to the
show, Superstars, Thank you forhaving me. Thank you, Steve.
Let's start with you, Anna,welcome back. Thank you so Steve.
When you retired, you followed yourinterest in the relationship between holistic health and

the impacts of technology on the body, and this led you to create body
Align, which is based on theprinciples of energy wellness. And it sounds
like you made quite the pivot fromtechnology to holistic health. Tell us something
about your story. What prompted youto take your knowledge of technology and refocus

your life's work into where you aretoday with Body Align. Well, thank
you very much. You know myjourney was started back in the eighties in
college, all the way through leavingTexas Instruments after twenty years. So in
the chip business, in the circuitrybusiness, we worry about ems. In
fact, we need them. Weneed them to create the transmission of data
from the cell phone all the wayto the tower and back. So they're

good. They're good for us.Man made these emf forces. We got
to have them. But as thefarther I got into I started seeing at
higher and higher frequencies the stories andthe feedback and what we're hearing from countries
and universities around the world that theseems were harmful to the human body.
So when I left Texas Instruments,I moved to Virginia Beach, Virginia,

where I got close to the EdgarCasey Center, which was the home of
the first holistic practice or energy medicinepractice, and I combine that with the
technology and says I want to helpthe body deal with these EMFs that I'm
responsible for. I'm the one thatpushed the technology forward, making these ems
faster and provide more data, moreexperience on every phone. So I was
around from one G all the wayto three G. Ho far I had

retired and started looking at ways tomake the body feel better after it's been
embarded by all these EMFs. It'sinteresting because EMF exposure is a controversial topic.
I mean, on one side,some people would have you believe that
EMFs are the cause of all ofour modern health problems, and on the
other side you have people dismissing therisks altogether, possibly without looking into the

research on the topic. And inreality, the common sense perspective is probably
somewhere in the middle of these twoextremes. And according to a doctor that
I follow on Instagram, doctor Russio, the general consensus is that the National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has acknowledgedsince nineteen ninety nine that although the evidence

might be a little bit weak,there is potential for EMFs to contribute to
health problems and limiting our exposure inpractical ways is definitely worthwhile and beneficial.
So you're onto something now, Anna, you have experience with Steve's products.
What intrigued you about his approach towellness and energy medicine. Well, what
you might not know is that Ihave a background in bodywork and particularly cranial

sacral So when I was coming upthrough school, some of the first photographs
of energy meridians were available. Thisis those little tracks there the basis for
acupuncture and energy medicine. And whenI could see the empirical proof that those
lines existed, I was super intriguedto understand that Steve's product is about biosignaling
and actually tapping those lines and theplacement of his patches follow those grid lines.

Now, that to me was superintriguing about his product. Definitely.
Now let's go back to talking aboutthis. So Steve, let's talk about
emf's in depth here. So you'revery candid about their presence in our environment,
and you are uniquely positioned to talkabout the good, the bad,
and some possible solutions. So whydon't you go ahead and dive right in

into that thirty second quick and dirtythat we all want to hear. There
you go. You know, youcan mitigate the body's impact on ems simply
by walking in God's ocean and you'lldrain those negative energies out of your body.
But unfortunately we don't have that opportunity. So I've created a product that
uses signaling about one hundred and fiftydifferent frequencies into the body that return the

body to homeo spaces that balance wetry to operate on. So the more
impact that we have with the zms, my product and signals to the body
is push the biologic biology back tohomeostasis, so you feel better. Your
brain fag is gone, your chemicalsin your blood are well balanced now,
and your body can start to operateat a more optimum level and not be

dragged down by the day and bythese zms hitting you. So I want
to keep you away from the vendingmachine, and I want to keep your
body pumped up so the fog ofthe afternoon is gone. That's a great
way to put it. And here'sa simple way to think about electromagnetic fields.
I mean electrical fields come from voltageand get stronger as the voltage increases
and magnetic fields are produced when currentflows through wires or electrical devices and get

stronger as the current increases. Now, knowing this, imagine a lamp in
your house. When it's turned offbut still plugged in, an electrical field
is present. So objects such astrees, buildings, and skin easily weaken
electrical fields. Now the magnetic fielddoesn't appear until you turn on the lamp.

So magnetic fields pass through most materialsand are harder to weaken or shield.
Therefore, it's the combination of thesetwo fields that we are studying to
see what health effects they may have. And I think you're at the forefront
of this entire research. So Itake my hat off to you, Anna,
how do you weigh in on theproblem of these EMFs? So again,

I like empirical proof. We cantalk about these invisible rays. But
my kid did a science fair projectand we actually bought one of those devices
where you can measure them. Youcan measure what's coming out of your microwave,
what's coming out of your devices.It was when I saw those readings
that I was convinced this is apervasive problem. So again I look for
empirical proof, but there's no doubtthat there's an effect. I just try
to limit that amount of EMF inmy own system, but they're here,

They're part of our world, andI'm interested in anything that can mitigate that
effect on the body. Yeah,And that said, the main potentials of
EMF exposure it do include, youknow, decreased sperm and fertility issues in
men and women. I mean that'smainly from cell phone use and Wi Fi
routers. And then you have nowthey're researching birth defects, neurological issues,

I mean workers with high levels atwork, right, eight hours a day
of cell phone use or more,I mean headaches. Cell Phone use,
without a doubt causes headaches. Probablynot related to EMFs, but you could.
You could definitely think that if you'regoing to find the correlation, you
probably will relate head expect to them. And what about fatigue. You have
cell towers again cause fatigue people thatwork around cell towers. They've researched this.

So you also have increased cancer risk. So why wouldn't you want to
protect yourself at all costs and placesomething on your phone or on your device
to mitigate it. So Steve howdoes your EMF prevention device work? Yeah,
let me be clear. The deviceoperates on the back of your phone
or close proximity to your body.Okay, this does not stop these EMF

frequencies from hinting your body. Unfortunately, I can't solve that problem. I
could put you in a Faraday cageand ground you, but your phone wouldn't
work. If anybody tells you alwaysblock e MF waves and they put it
on your phone, your phone stillworks and they're not blocking EMF waves.
I simply want to use what Ilearned in acupuncture, chiropractice, naturopathy that
I've studied. I want to getyour body to get back to normal.

So I signaled the body. Italk to the body. I provide it
frequencies through this product that normalize thebody back to where it belongs. I
can't stop the MS. I could, but it would be very expensive and
I'd have to keep you inside andkeep you a metal cage around you.
Not practical. And I want youto enjoy life. I want you to
talk to your kid on the cellphone and say good night. Right.

What I also want you to dois have the healthiest life that you can
have. I want you to behappy and feel good, and I have
that brain fog in the afternoon.I'm telling you you, and you put
this kind of product on, yourbody's going to normalize and everything starts to
elevate yourself up. Your immune systemnot suppressed, your cellular level is not
depressed. The ability at oxygen inat it cell is restored, The ability

to get waste products and nutrients intothe cellars restored. It starts at the
fundamental cell level. Okay. Byimproving the bloodback to where it belongs,
we're able to get the body backwhere it needs to be or back to
that homeostatic balance. It's all aboutthe science, and it's all about common
sense and following your gut. Imean, I tell people use caution,
but not extreme measures to reduce EMFexposure. I mean, most of us

are not going to be able tocarry on our day to day lives without
any use of technology or exposure toEMF. It's just not possible. It's
simply no longer the world we livein. But however, you have a
practical measure and a practical way thatwe know measure to take that could reduce
our risk of adverse health effects.So I really I'm very, very excited

to start using your product. Now, Anna, what Body aligned products have
you tried, and what would yourecommend and who you recommend them too.
So right now I'm obsessed with thesleep patch. This is just a patch
that you put again on one ofthe meridian lines. It gives you the
guide of where it goes. AndI was obsessed the minute I tried it

because I fell asleep very quickly.And this is not a drug, this
is not a drug delivery system,and I stayed to sleep all night.
Now I'm obsessed. I have apatch every day that I can apply,
and that foundation of health got meoff the roller coaster of adrenal fatigue,
which is something that I will copto. Too much caffeine use has put
me on that roller coaster, whichaffects your metabolism, how you feel,

and how you deal with brain fog. The other thing I've been using is
this Body Aligned Wellness bracelet. Andwhen I first talked to Steve, I
was gung ho. I wanted togo in and you know, go hardcore
with the workout and the mass patch, but I got a cold and he
said, go ahead and absolutely usethe bracelet because that will cut your cold
time in half. It did justthat, so I bounce back very quickly.

And those two products I can statethe advocacy of. And I'm thrilled
to find something that really helps mewith sleep and general wellness. Well,
I'm glad that you find that youfound this, And again, Steve,
you are at the forefront of thetechnology here, and so I'm urging people
to at least give this a shotin one capacity or not. Put it

on your cell phones, put iton your kids cell phones. At the
very minimum, you have nothing tolose. But you also offer body aligned
solutions for general wellness and detoxing andbuilding muscle mass. Quickly walk me through
those how those products work. Yeah, so the concept is the same,
and we talk about I just wantto add something to what you said.
I'm not on the frontier. I'musing thirteen thousand years of acupuncture and the

way the body is energetically and justmoving my technology to it so I can
make it the way to put iton the body then make it that much
easier than needles and having to visitsomebody. But we have products that and
one of them, our most commonproduct is our pain patch, and you
peel this off, you put iton the pain area of the body,
and in minutes you're going to feelthat stress of the pain, especially if

it's caused by inflammation or an injury. You're going to feel that decrease back
on almos some some eight to atwo kind of range. So it's a
really good product. If that doesn'twork and quite give you all the relief
you want, you can add asecond patch. They typically last for three
or four days, and you canmove on to the next get back to
your life, get back, getoff the couch, and get back to
your workout. The mass patch,this is a patch goes below your navel.

You put it for three days onone day off and it pushes your
body to produce the testosterone that yourDNA is trying to make it produce.
So it gets removes the behavioral andthe environmental reasons why your testosterone is too
low. So lots of signs behindthis. Yes, yes, I studied,
you know, I started out astechnologists, but Zen and Anna,

I'm really a biologist. I careway about more of the chain of how
our bodies work than I care abouthow Tesla and I got together and made
the capability happen. So this isthe one product that I love because this
removes any psychosomatic effect of the product. Put this on your dog. These
are for more energy and less pain. Okay, it provides some EMF protection

for our loved ones. So theygo right on the collar and if they
don't wear a collar, put itunder their pillow where they sleep, and
they're going to get energies from this. They're going to make them feel better,
less stress. They're going to anxietygo down. If you have a
chihuahua and it shakes a lot,has high stress, put one of these
on your trial and you're going tofind that stress level comes down. So

no psychosomatic effect with I love it. I love it even for the pets.
Now we have just about a minuteleft. Anna, what is your
discover your potential takeaway and how arethe products part of your lifestyle goes for
twenty twenty four. So my biggame plan for twenty twenty four is to
have a whole lot more fun.And I know that any kind of lifestyle

change I want to make has tobe fun or I'm not going to do
it. And I'm making incremental changesnow to get back into dancing, and
I look forward to the way bodyALIGNE is non invasive. Nobody has to
see my pain patch right under mycostume. And ballroom dancing and doing bar
work and feeling really good in mybody is a pleasure now because I have
this little innovative and again, noninvasive patch and wellness in general is my

focus for twenty twenty four. I'mjust thrilled to find something like Steve's product.
I love it. I love it. We are out of time,
my dear friends. Thank you bothso much for coming on. It was
a pleasure chatting with you. Steve. You've got some great products. Can't
wait to try them out. Anna, thank you so much for coming on
again, My darling, thank you, thank you. That was our Discover
Your Potential segment brought to you bybody Align, and that was our newest

segment contributor, Anna de Vere.That was tech enthusiast Steve Oubkowski, founder
and CEO of body Align. Youcould head directly to their website to check
out their awesome products at body aligndot com and do check out Discover your
potentialshow dot com. You're listening toa moment of zen right here on seven
ten wr the voice of New yorkiHeartRadio. We'll be right back after this.

A Moment of Zen is sponsored bybody Aligne. Are you ready for
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com and editor dyp at Chekhout becausediscovering your potential starts with a great night's
sleep. That's bodyligne dot com.A Moment of Zen is brought to you
by Kathy Ireland's Your Home TV andtheir channel partners. Head to your Home
TV dot com for free, familyfriendly programming streaming twenty four to seven.
Join news reporter Gina Tomlinson and realestate expert Ralph Nudy as Gina gets Nudy

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world's best beach towns. Tune into Nudy on the Beach streaming on your
home TV at Newdy Onthebeach dot tv. That's Nudi on Thebeach dot TV.
A Moment of Zen is brought toyou by Merruths Organics. Not all supplements

are alike. Marruth believes that makingthe best supplements means creating products that are
only made out of the highest qualityingredients. They are non gmo, plant
based, vegan, and they tastegreat. Merriyruth's Organics assist in maintaining your
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go to Merreuthorganics dot com and usethe promo code Phil twenty MRO for thirty

percent discount off your first order.That's Merriruthorganics dot com. Welcome back to
this week's America's Favorite Pharmacist segment sponsoredby Marryruth Organics on a Moment of Zen
right here on sevent ten WR theVoice of New York iHeartRadio. I'm Phil
Cowley, pharmacist and pharmaceutical expert,and today we'll be chatting all about can
you trust foreign pharmacies for your medications? The State Department recently released another warning

about buying medications from Mexican pharmacies.This comes on the hills of multiple overdoses
from fentanyl laced medications. Many peoplebuy prescriptions at pharmacies outside the United States
thinking that they'll be able to gettheir medications cheaper and come home with fentanyl
instead. These overdoses have become graveconcern to the State Department, releasing yet
another warning to us. Here area few things you can do to make

sure you stay safe when you're buyingmedications. First of all, always buy
your medications from a trusted source.If you can drive over the border and
buy it from a Canadian pharmacy,those are regulated and you know you're going
to be safe. Whereas if youstop in a port city and you go
into a pharmacy and the only peoplein that pharmacy are other taurusts, you
can take a good guess that themedications you're getting are probably not what you're

expecting. Second, keep in mind, just because they look the same doesn't
mean they're the same. Tablet punchesare really inexpensive. It is extremely easy
to make medications look exactly the samewithout having any active pharmaceutical and gredients,
or even worse, having be taintedwith something that can harm you. Just
because the pills look the same doesn'tmean you're getting the same thing. Make

sure you go to a pharmacy inwhich the locals can tell you that you
can trust and that they buy theirown medications from them. Doctors that are
reputable will rarely be found in portcities catering to tourists. Find a real
doctor inside of a real hospital,and you'll do much better finding something that
you can take. Florida became thefirst state to be able to reimport medications

from Canada. This will be aninteresting challenge for the FDA. Up to
this point, the FDA has continuallygiven concern that it'll be hard to make
sure that the drug supply chain willbe safe when reimporting medications. As Florida
goes through the changes, I thinkit will help all Americans in order to
help us afford our medications even more. However, even here in the United

States, we've had many tainted medicationsand medications that are from foreign sources that
don't contain any pharmacceutical ingredients into oursupple. Recently, Ozepic had seven different
batches which were all counterfeited from sourcesforeign. These medications had little to know
medication in them and people were warnednot to take them. Make sure you

go to pharmacies that are complying tothe new Drug Supply Chain Security Act.
This act will make sure that eachpharmaceutical company has to trace from beginning to
end user where that medication's been downto the even lot number, you'll know
the batch you're taking. This DrugSupplying Security Act will be essential in making
sure that our medications stay safe herein the United States. And finally,

as a pharmacist, this is justa little bit of advice for you.
Never pay the first price without checking. Cards like care Card will always make
sure that you have the best price. Double check the price even if your
insurance is involved. Quite often they'recheaper without them. Mary Ruth Organics is
a fantastic supplement that is built insidethe United States. You can trust.

The source from this is Phil Cowley, Pharmaceutical Expert, and that was America's
Favorite Pharmacist Express segment sponsored by MaryruthOrganics. Check them out at Merriyworth Organics.
On the line, you're listening toa moment of en right here on
seven to ten WR the voice ofNew York iHeartRadio. We'll be back right
after this. A Moment of Zenis brought to you by your home TV.

Hi, this is Kathy Ireland herein a Moment of Zen, brought
to you by your home TV.We've developed an all inclusive, subscription free
network that you're going to love.Whether it's financial freedom, fashion, beauty,
health and wellness, wonderful weddings,travel and culture, cooking, entertainment
and short form documentaries, programming foreveryone, classic films and new shows,
including Kathy Ireland Presents American Dreams.We've developed this network just for you.

Please check out your hometv dot com. Tune in to a Moment of Zen
Saturday nights from nine to ten VMon WOOR the Voice of New York iHeartRadio.
Well that's a rap, my dearfriends. Remember to join me right
here on seven to ten WORE theVoice of New York every Saturday night from
nine to ten pm, or youcould head to seven ten wr dot iHeart

dot com forward slash a Moment ofZen. Also remember that we're on Traverse
TV Sundays at one pm Eastern,YouTube Sundays at two pm Eastern, and
all episodes of a Moment of Zenare available on Kathy Island's your Home TV
streaming platform that's free programming to you. You could head directly to mox dot

your home tv dot com. Thankyou for listening to a Moment of Zen.
It's been an absolute pleasure being yourhost. Thanks again to all of
our sponsors that continue to make thisshow possible. And remember that happiness is
the only thing that multiplies when youshare it. A big shout out to
our newest sponsors, America's favorite Pharmacists, brought to you by Phil Kelly and
his various supporters, Maryuth Organix.Of course, a big shout out to

discover your potential show co two liftdot com and once upon a Coconut.
We'll see you next week. Proceedingwas a paid podcast. iHeartRadio's hosting of
this podcast constitutes neither an endorsement ofthe products offered or the ideas expressed.
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