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July 15, 2024 16 mins
Happy Monday! Christie breaks down some random fun facts that we didn't know we needed. Plus, it's Monday which means it is time for 'The Great Debate' and Theo wants to know if you have to reward someone if they find his wallet. Do you reward good deeds? The listeners had a lot to say about this topic! 
Morning Drive with Christie Live weekday mornings from 6-10 am on 80s+ at 103.7 in San Francisco! 
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Episode Transcript

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Pish Morning Drive with Christie Live onDemand six eighties plus at one three point
seven. Did you know that California'sGreat America was actually built on an old
gold Rush site? I had noidea because I just made that up.
I believe you, I tell youthat would be kind of awesome. It

is a pretty dope place, andthey do have gold Striker, the amazing
wooden roller coaster, But that wasnot true. There are some things though
that I did just find out thatare totally true. And if you're new
here, welcome, I'm Christy.That's producer Karina. Every morning like to
start the day with some news youcan use. But here are some fun

facts that you can actually use orthat are just kind of interesting to know.
Did you know that if you havea gift card, because we all
have gift cards laying around, andit has less than ten dollars on it,
you can take it back to thestore and tade it trade it in
for cash. Really yes, Ohshoot, well I have a bunch of
those. Yeah, So if youhave like six dollars or seven bucks on

it, you can take it backto the place whoever's on the gift card
and buy law especially in California,they have to give you cash for it.
Oh I did not know that.Yeah, home depots in a lot
of trouble because they didn't do it. So just no, that's a rule.
Okay. Did you know that Twisterwas the first movie ever released on
DVD? No? Yes, thatis so random. Twister. Yeah,

here's another one. Did you knowthat when someone gets a kidney transplant,
they don't take the old kidney out? Really, no, they just like
move it to the side. No, they don't. I'm not making this
up. I'm not a doctor.Yeah, but I'm just these are some
interesting things that I found out overthe weekend and wanted to share. That's

so random, so random, Iwould think they would want to take it
out, but they're like, no, just scoot it over, you know,
and then PLoP the new one inand you're good to go. If
you're a doctor or you've had akidney transplant, and you can confirm that,
yeah, go ahead and call oneeight sixty six, nine hundred and
one oh three seven. But I'mpretty sure that's right. And here's here's
another good thing to know. There'sa website unclaimed dot org. Okay,

every state has a site with unclaimedfunds. I've talked about the unclaimed funds
before, where you can you knowthey have money sitting in a pot that
people haven't collected, old tax returns, old bank accounts that have been closed,
money that you have no idea becauseeven sitting there with your name on
it, but it's there. Ifyou go to unclaimed dot org forward slash

search, click on your state becausewe have a lot of people who listen
all over on our app, likeJeff and Florida people all over you know,
you can see if the state Controller'soffice has money with your name on
it and check that site. I'mserious. I think I did it once
and I got like twenty bucks,which something I got like one hundred and
seventy bucks once sometime, you knowwhat I mean. Just some fun facts

this morning. If you have aninteresting random fact that you want to share,
that's just good information one eight sixtysix nine hundred one three seven,
or just drop it off by leavinga talk back tap the red microphone on
our iHeartRadio app. We all knowthose random fun facts are just good pieces
of information. Call share it.Got some music on the way to start

your day From Tom Petty and SisterSledge. Next on Eighties Plus, it's
time for the Crazy Trailer One MorningDrives with Christie Live Gone Pretty Far Today

on the Crazy Trains. The CrazyTrain is headed out to Tasmania, Australia,
where a museum is front and centerof the headlines because of Pablo Picasso,
the famous artiste. There was aPicasso exhibit. It's been an exhibit
that's been up for three years.People have paid to see it and ooh
and ah over the art and nowthey're owing and awing because it was all

fake. What Kursha Kashell, thecurator of the Pablo Picasso exhibit, painted
them herself and hung them on thewalls. She said, it was so
hard to find insurance on actual realPablo Picaso paintings, and I kind of
wanted a green one, so Ijust painted it myself. Well, they

must look pretty good for them tobe, you know, passed off as
Piicasso for three years. That iscrazy. And just because she wanted a
green one, she was like,I just you know what, I'll just
do it myself. Eventually they foundout three years after the fact, because
Pablo Picasso's estate had some questions aboutthe paintings. They were like, wait

a minute, wait, hold up, what is this hand paintings? Okay,
she said she hung one of thepaintings upside down the whole time because
she was like, okay, maybethey'll see, you know, let me
try. And you know, Idon't know why she did it, but
that's crazy. And she got awaywith me for three years. Wow.
That is your daily crazy news story. It doesn't say that she got fired,

so we'll see. Huh okay,girl. You can ride the crazy
train every weekday at seven, tenand nine forty and always catch your daily
crazy news online too at eighties plusRadio dot Com. Morning Drive with Christie
Live on eighties plus at one ohthree point seven, It's time for the
great debate. Should you reward goodbehavior? People always say, don't reward

bad behavior? But should you rewardgood behavior? That is the question this
morning, every Monday, Wednesday andFriday. We always talk about something and
love it when you call in withsomething in your life that you want a
debate. So THEO what's up?Well, we were on vacation and lo
and behold, I ended up losingmy wallet and I had right at one

thousand dollars in cash in my wallet. Dang, why are you carrying that
much cash? I guess I onvacation. Go ahead. Someone actually found
it and then brought it back tothe front desk. They contacted me and
I got it back, but Idid not give them any cash out of
the wallet. My wife said thatI should have, and now she thinks
I'm a jerk. So I don'tknow. Am I a jerk or not

a thousand dollars? I hate tocall you a jerk, but I mean,
come on, bruh, you couldhave at least gave them a twenty.
Why didn't you give them anything?I don't know. I just didn't
feel the need to. I mean, if they return it out of the
goodness of their heart, why doI have to pay that? Okay?
So well, definitely put it outthere for you. I don't know.

I think your why your wife mightbe onto something, but you know we'll
throw it out there. So doyou think long story short, if someone
does something nice for you, youowe them something in return. Case in
point, THEO lost is wallet onvacation, had a lot of cash in
it. Someone returned it, hedidn't give them anything. What do you

think that is the question for thismorning's Great Debate one eight sixty six,
nine hundred and one three seven,or tap the red microphone on our iHeartRadio
app if you want to jump inand join Christy. I'm signing with THEO.
I think you don't have to giveanybody a reward, money, anything.

I think a thank you for returningmy wallet is more than enough my
opinion. Why are you looking atme like, because that is so janky.
If someone gives you one thousand dollarsback that you lost and you don't
even want to break them off withlike five or ten, a cup of
coffee, a drink, I thinkthat's that's kind of selfish. I think
just saying thank you is more thanenough and that's it. Like the person

doesn't need a reward. Oh,let me find one thousand dollars. You
don't give me anything. I'm gonnabe like, I hope they lose it
again. No, I'm just ninehundred what three seven? What do you
think? So? What does somethingnice for you? Is it right to
do the nice thing back? Ordo you want to be a hater like,

oh god, THEO and produce agreen over here. I'm just kidding
them. I'm talking about you.Let me know for the Great Debate hear
from you next on eighties plus Backto the Great Debate eighties plus aid one
oh three point seven? Do goodSamaritans deserve a reward? THEO called and

said he lost a wallet with athousand bucks on vacation and someone returned it,
but he didn't give them a tipor a reward, and his wife
said that was the wrong thing todo. What do you think that this
morning's Great Debate? Good morning,Tony. Honestly, you know, I
think what he did was correct becauseyou know, I toad have brought in

Japan for about three years, uhhuh. And in that society, if
you find a wallet, you justreturn it. You don't expect anything.
It's just the right thing to do. You know, there should be no
expectations. If you do something nice, you're not doing it for a reward.
You're just doing it because it's theninth thing. It's a horble thing
to do, all right, Tony? I will note your vote. Appreciate
you joining in the Marigato by Takecare Tony. Good morning, Francisco.

Where do you stand on the GreatDebate? THEO had one thousand dollars return
to him on vacation. Didn't givethe good Samaritan anything. Do good deeds
deserve reward? I believe that,you know, giving a reward is always
kind just because you just never know, you know, it could have been
somebody else, and you know thatperson could have took it one thousand dollars,
you know, So it's kind oflike one of those things where you

know you shall receive what you give. You know, thank you, That's
what I'm saying. It's one thingif someone you drop a ten and you
know, you were like, hey, you dropped your money. They don't
owe you two or one, Butlike a thousand dollars and you're on vacation
and someone had the like kindness toreturn it, that's a lot of money.
Come on, ye thanks for jumpingin and joining the fun. Francisco,

I'll note your vote. Thank you. Do acts of kindness like turning
in a cell phone or returning awallet with a thousand dollars in cash,
deserve some sort of reward. Thatis the question for this morning's great debate,

Brett, what do you think forbeing a good person? You know,
give him a tip for sure?I mean, and in Theo's case,
you got your wallet back with onethousand dollars. Come on, yeah,
absolutely, I mean even if it'stwenty bucks or something, especially one
thousand dollars. You know, hedidn't have to do any of that.
All right, take care, Brent, Thank you so much for weighing in.

What do you think? One eightsixty six, nine hundred and one
thirty seven. You can also tapthe red microphone on our iHeartRadio app if
you want to jump in and jointhis morning's great debate. Get you on
neck Back to the Great debate.Eadies bus at one oh three point seven.

Do good Samaritans deserve a good reward? Okay? THEO was on vacation,
lost his wallet with a thousand bucksin it. Someone actually was kind
enough to return it. And hiswife said, you're a jerk. You
didn't give them anything, nothing,not a not a not a cup of
coffee, not a dollar bill.He said, Am I wrong? What
do you think? Clearly, James, you feel like you don't necessarily deserve

something. What happened to you?I was in a restaurant. He today
is GOI collapse kind of rating eachother, you know, they kind of
I'm panicked, and I went overto say, ladies, canna help you
out, and minister your Karen waitedfor the param Mexicans I'm called paramedics got
them there and and the girls,you know, they're like, hey,
man, here's there's somebody. Let'sstay for your launch. I say no,
no, no, please, andthey literally slapped the money on the
table, took off run out ofthe restaurant. And I was like,

man, I don't do that formoney, though, you know what I
mean, I'd have done it justbecause I care about people. And it
just didn't sit right with me,because I don't feel like I should rewarded
for someth much if you doing anyhowas a human being. And so I
just gave the two ages to herattempting to help me, and I gave
them EA to twenty dollars tip.I passed it on to them. That
is super good looking out. Everybodywon in that situation. The human kindness

was passed along. And that's allI'm saying. And thank goodness you were
there when she collapsed. You areso awesome, James. Thank you for
the call. Love. Listen toyou guys in the morning. Man,
keep it rolling. Oh well,we appreciate you listening. Good morning,
Dana. Where do you stand onthe great debate? Should good Samaritans be
rewarded? No? I don't needa reward to do the right thing.
Oh you said that like you meantit. I have strong convictions and I

know they're doing the right thing.Are just going to create more and more
karma for me. When I punchedthat ticket off the planet securing your VIP
spot in the sky, I heardthat, thanks for jumping in data.
Have a great day. You're thesame, ma'am. Got a couple talkbags
from our iHeart radio app. No, I know I really would chest too.
I agree with the wife. There'sno way someone brings you one thousand

dollars back that you would never havehad again and you don't give them some
of their not even just from anexpectancy point of view, just a common
courtesy and gratitude if someone did thatfor you, common courtesy. Okay,
that's what it comes down to,common courtesy, common curtasy. Okay,
you gotta say it like that.Okay. I got another talkback here for

this morning's great debate. The goodSamaritans deserve rewards, Hi, Christy and
producer Karina. This Istrotie calling fromKentucky. Hey, I kind of lost
his wallet and had one thousand dollarsin it returning it should not have had
any expectation of a reward. Imean, think about it. If every

time you lose something, whether itbe a wallet, a pet, a
child, whatever, are you honestlygoing to say that you think you deserve
a reward for doing the right thing. I don't think so. But ladies,
have a great day. Bye,Thank you, Jody. I want
something. I'm just saying for acouple more talk PAGs here. You can

always jump in join the fun bytapping the red microphone if you happen to
be listening on our free iHeartRadio app. HI. This is Fernando and no
sensor. Just remember one thing,you reap what you saw. If you're
kind to somebody, that kindness goesback to you. So offer to buy
him Baptist lunch or dinner. That'sall you have to do. Have a
good day, something simple. Youknow, it's just the right thing to

do. When I was at theJanet Jackson concert a couple of weeks ago
at the Chase Center, I founda phone and you know, the person
called me on FaceTime. I pickedit up. I'm like, hey,
I'm right here by this bar.I'll wait for you. And when they
came, he brought me a drink. Well that's nice. Yeah, And
if he didn't, I would havebeen like, man, just gave me
your phone back. You couldn't evenbuy me a drink, you know what

I mean? Yeah, not becauseI expect that I always do the right
thing, because it's the right thingto do, right, But Jase con
Er drinks are expensive, so I'mnot turning that down either. Well,
Christy, the majority of people say, yes, you should give a reward
for kindness. If you do somethingnice like return a wallet or return something
that you should give some sort ofreward. And it doesn't have to be

crazy. He didn't. Maybe thethousand dollars was all the money he had,
Okay, the oh, we're justgonna assume that was all your money
for vacation and you couldn't spare adollar or five. You could at least
pay it forward. Bill said,you know, people always help him on
the side of the road, andhe always, always, always helps a
stranded motorist. Now because people alwayshelp him so it could just be like,

you know, James paying the humankindness forward. Okay, that's all
we ask. I like it,thank you, we like it. All
right, guys, this goes along way. Indeed, all right,
Frankie wants us to relax. You'relistening to Morning Drive with Christie Live on demand.
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