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Listening Good Morning Drive with Christy liveon demand. My name is Christy,
and it's always cool when you're apart of the show. I mean you
are every single day. But Tonyhad the best topic, and I know
you will be able to relate tothis because we've all been a kid before
thinking oh, man, when Igrow up, I'm never going to be
an adult who does fill in theblank. But inevitably, now as an
adult, you look back and you'relike, yeah, I've turned into that
person. Case in point, somethingI've started doing was I never understood why
people wore glasses over their glasses.You understand clipping glasses. But I went
and I found these pair of cheappromotional sunglasses and I wear it over my
other glasses. They almost sit butstill, you know, you kind of
look a little dorky. But it'slike, hey, function over fashion.
Function over fashion. I think thatis the ultimate thing that you grow into.
Thank you so much, Tony.It's so true though. As a
kid, you know, I neverthought I would turn down an opportunity to
ride a roller coaster. I didn'tcare what it was, you know.
And then sometimes I'll go to sixFlags and I'll be like oh man oo,
man, I don't know a mind. I might be dizzy and then
I'll just I'll just sit here.Most of the time I'll go on.
But now I think twice about it. Yeah. For me, Christy,
it's watching my parents drink and Iwas like, oh God, that's so
gross. Why are they drinking?That's disgusting. And then now look at
me. You'll find me out awinery or brewery, tequila distillery. Yeah,
that's funny. It is so trueif you have something that you thought
you would never do when you werea kid as as an adult, and
now you find yourself as an adultdoing it. Share one eight sixty six
nine hundred one three seven is thenumber where you can always call and join
the fun or tap the red microphoneon our iHeartRadio app. Would love to
hear from you. What's something youswore as a kid you would never do
as an adult, and now thatyou're an adult you're like, yeah,
I'm that guy, I'm that girl. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hit
me up. Let me know,Christie live, I'm Christi And what is
something that as a kid you sworeyou never do as an adult, but
now as an adult you're like,yeah, find myself doing it all the
time. Thanks for calling, Tiffany. What was it for you? I
hated doing chores and the worst onewas doing dishops and if I didn't do
the dishes right, she would makeme do them again. Well, now
I have a dishwasher, so that'sperfect A man girl who I still hate
to edish? You get paper andplastic at my house unless it's a special
occasion. Thank you so much forthe call. What about you, Erica,
What is something you thought as akid, Oh, I'm never gonna
do that when I get older,and now as an adult, you find
yourself doing it all the time.I used to hate eating and eating healthy
any vegetables, like I would cringeif they came hear me, And now
that's like all I eat. Soit's funny how I'm the opposite. It
is so true. Thank you forthe call. Especially with Brussels sprouts.
I think they've come a long waysince the eighties. I remember, specifically
kids used to hate eating Brussels sprouts, and now you go out to eat
and you see Brussels sprouts on themenu and you're like, ooh, are
they caramelized with balsamic? Are theyfried Brussels sprout chips. Give me Brussels
sprouts, Thank you so much.What about you? Is there something that
you swore up and down as akid you would never do when you get
older, and now you find yourselfdoing it all the time. Tony started
this conversation by saying the sunglasses overthe glasses. He never understood why adults
would do that, and now hefinds himself wearing two pairs of glasses at
the same time. One eight sixtysix nine hundred one three seven is the
phone number. You can always jumpin and join the fun by leaving a
talk back to hit the red micHer phone if you happen to be listening
on our free iHeartRadio app. It'sgonna a message time for the Crazy Trainer
on Folding Drives with Chrystie Live andthis is Crazy Today. We are actually
rolling out to Houston where a womanwas just minding her business, scrolling through
Facebook, and all of a suddenshe saw a post about a wedding gift
registry. It was like, oh, that's so sweet, and then she
looked a little closer and she noticedthat the happy couple were some chick she
didn't know and her husband. Noshe didn't, Yes, she didn't know.
The woman who was known as Tammy, was shocked to learn that her
husband, Marcus Shorten, was marryinganother woman while he was stillechnically married to
her. Wow Brandon. They hadbeen separated for a couple years, but
their divorce was not finalized. Yeah, and she's just rolling all of a
sudden seas like, oh, here, if you'd like to send a gift
to my husband and his new boo. She actually reached out, and now
Marcus is being charged with bigamy,which is a felony, and he could
actually go to jail for ten years. That's crazy. What are the chances
that you see that on your Facebook? You should have onfriended her, locked
her, or just get a divorcefirst. How about that? Why would
you be trying to get married tosomebody else if you already know you're not
divorced. Bruh dang. That istechnically illegal at least it is in Houston,
not everywhere. But yeah, crazynews story. You can ride the
Crazy Train every weekday at sevent tenand nine forty And remember, producer Crena
works real hard to make sure it'sposted online for your personal enjoyment every week
day, so check it out ateighties plus radio dot com. Good Morning
Drive with Christie Live on eighties plusat one oh three point seven, it's
time for the Great Debab. There'san age limit for drinking, there's an
age limit for driving. There's evenan age limit for renting a car.
But should there be an age limitfor you know, using the computer?
Little social media action every Monday,Wednesday and Friday. Talk about a hot
topic. And this has been inthe news a lot lately. Okay,
even if you don't have any kids, I'm sure you have an opinion about
kids on social media and you alwayshear about the effects of social media on
kids. I mean, I'm anadult and I feel like at times I'm
too sensitive for social media. Youknow, it can hurt my feelings sometimes.
So imagine if you are a teenagerin Flora. Now it's illegal for
kids under fourteen to have social mediaaccounts, and normally if you're thirteen,
you can use it. But nowit's literally against the law for kids under
fourteen to be on social media.So you have to be at least fifteen,
and you have to have parental consent. What do you think though,
should there be an age limit forsocial media? That is this morning's great
debate. Christy, I actually kindof like that law. I don't think
kids of a certain age, thatage, so say fourteen, yeah,
should be on social media at all. I think it affects them too much.
I have a twelve year old nieceand we're not letting her get on
social really. Yeah. I thinkthere's just too much happening and going on
stuff that she'll pick up and learnher friends are on it. But she
asked, can I get an Instagram? We said no, Dang. I
love how you said. We saidno, you're not even her mom.
We are family. Yeah, no, no, my sister Nikki said no,
thirteen fourteen. We'll think about it. We'll have a discussion. But
I like that law. I thinkthere should be a certain age when it
comes to kids on social media.What do you think? One eight sixty
six nine hundred one three seven Tapthe red microphone on our iHeartRadio app.
You can leave a talkback message andthen just you know, let her rip
thirty seconds. You can just saywhatever you want. I mean, don't
cuzz or anything, but definitely shareyour opinion because I'd love to hear it.
Christy, where do you stand?I think I don't think there should
be a blanket rule. I thinkyou know your kids really, yeah,
I think you know your kids.And my godson Bryson, well, he's
eighteen now, but I think atthirteen or twelve, if he was on
social media, he would have beena responsible kid on social media. You
know, I don't have any children, so I don't know. I'm just
talking about my godchildren. Yeah,And I think you know how mature your
kids are. If I was onsocial media when I was like twelve or
thirteen, I don't think it wouldhave bothered me. But then again,
I don't know because I'm super sensitive. So what do you think? One
eight sixty six nine hundred one othree seven Should there be a an age
limit or restriction on social media?Give me a call, Get you on
next for the Great Debate? Backto the Great Debate eighties plus at one
oh three point seven Should there bean age restriction on social media? That
is this morning's question. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we always talk
about something and always appreciate your thoughts. Kendra, good morning, what do
you think? Yes, you saidthat with conviction. Why you know,
it would make it so much easierfor parents, because it's like you have
no tools to be like, oh, all your friends have it but you.
But if there was like a nationalcutof and it just absolutely was stricted,
then that it would just make iteasier on people. We're all flying
blind here. We have no ideawhat we're doing, the damage we're causing.
We're not going to know for whatlike ten years, fifteen years,
And it would just make it easieras a parent when everybody else is doing
it, you can't just be like, well, you're going to be the
only one not sorry. I wishsomebody would explain that to my mother because
Ms Ruthie didn't care if we werethe only ones not doing something. Thanks
for the call, Kendrag. Goodmorning, Derek. What do you think
should there be an age restriction onsocial media? I would say absolutely yes.
You know, these kids know waytoo much information at a young age
and I'm one hundred percent behind that. What do you think the age limit
should be then? If there isgoing to be a restriction, I would
say probably sixteen. You know,like most kids are driving, you know,
have their license by then, butyou know, not like these kids
are like ten eleven years old,that are They're able to get on there
and just learn all kinds of badstuff, and I think that definitely should
be fixed. You know, theyknow stuff that we didn't know until we
were, you know, in ourtwenties. That's a good point. Well,
thank you so much for the call. What do you think should there
be an age limit on social media? That is this morning's Great Debate one
eight sixty six, nine hundred andone oh three seven, Or tap the
red microphone on our iHeartRadio app ifyou want to jump in and join love
to hear what you have to say. Next back to the Great Debate eighties
plus at one oh three point seven. Should there be an age restriction on
social media? That is the questionfor this morning's Great Debate. Good morning,
Christina, what do you think thirteenand under? No social media?
Get very like looking at YouTube videoswould be okay, but TikTok Facebook?
I think that's your kind of youngYeah, all right, thank you,
thank you so much, Christina.Appreciate you jumping in. Jerry checking in
from NYC. What's up? Shouldthere be an age restriction on social media?
Not an official law, but Ithink that we need to have parents
more involved just throwing the kids tothe whatever so that I can do my
Thanks. No, huh. Ithink that if we had devices that were
more oriented towards kids, whether itbe smartphones or computers, they would be
just for those ages so that theywould not be going to sites that would
be that good. Totally agreed.It's up to the parents and then also
have things specifically for kids, likethey have YouTube kids and it's all kid
friendly stuff. Thank you so muchfor checking in, Jerry. Appreciate your
thoughts. Have a great weekend.I'll get a decent day you too,
appreciate that. I know. Darwincalled in producer Karina. You were talking
to him. What did he sayabout this morning's Great Debate? Darwin said,
at least fifteen is a good age, but that there should also be
classes for kids on how to handlesocial media, like programs that kids can
take. I like that. Ithink the general consensus overall is that it
is up to the parents to,you know, kind of regulate what you're
doing with your kids. But atthe end of the day, what do
you think most people said about theGreat Debate? Most people like the idea
of having an age restriction, andthey sat around thirteen fourteen. That's a
good age for kids to be onsocial all right. Well, always love
to hear your thoughts. You canalways jump in and join the show anytime.
Just give us a call. Alwayslove talking to you, or tap
the red microphone on our iHeartRadio appeighties plus at one oh three point seven.
Time to play. Give me fiveChristie live right, he's in the
house. What's that you are,Ronnie? You are in the hot seat
today trying to take down Cassie,who is our Gimme five champion, And
all you have to do is giveme five things in ten seconds for your
chance to win. Okay, okay, clock starts when I say, go
play along with Ronnie. If youare listening, give me five board games.
Go the Monopoly South Trap, Yatzia. Time is up. Oh no,
you shout it out like the mainone, which was Monopoly. But
there are so many board games,Shoots and Ladders, Candyland, Clue,
Sorry, Scrabble. That fine.Yeah, I got I got Monopoly Life,
and I got I got a fewof them. You didn't get a
few of them, So I appreciateyou. Thank you so much. For
playing Gimme five, Ronnie, youstill get around of applause. Any big
weekend plans, No, we're justgonna just hang out and we just chill.
I guess nothing wrong with chilling onthe weekend. Well, enjoy yourself,
and thanks again for listening and playing. Thank you still listening. Good
Morning Drive with Christy Live on demand,