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April 11, 2024 7 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Oh, I hope you have thetime of your life. Good ridden So
on C one I want it's probablyMarcus's graduation song? Are you are you
there? Did they play that yourgraduation? You know what it actually was,
dude? It was Twain Live.So what are you doing this morning?
Hey? What's going on? Rick? I'm just hanging out playing on

the radio, sitting here in mybathrobe, having my coffee and talking to
Marcus from all the bands there yougo? Because I don't know if you
heard me earlier, but I waslike, you know, they said there
were more jobs this month, butI didn't know Marcus was taking all of
them. Man, I'm actually I'mactually lined up this morning with a bunch

of press to talk about this newsong that I'm I'm on the air with
you today and uh, this thisnew project that I'm that I'm a part
of it, really excited about it. You sent me the video like last
week and the band is called Swimthe Current, And when I first saw
it, I didn't read what youactually text me. I just saw that

you said, hey, check thisout, and I clicked on it and
I went, well, I don'trecognize any of these guys who are maybe
that one guitar player, but whowho the hell are these other guys?
How where did this band come from? So this started about last year because
not only not only do I,you know, play an A Nino and

Shattered Time, but I do alot of writing for a lot of bands.
It's kind of something that I doon the side. And they had
reached out to me and said,hey, you know, we want to
hire you to write vocals for asong. So we did it, and
we put the song out and withinthe first you know, a couple of
weeks, it had you know,charted and got about one hundred and fifty

thousand views and two hundred and fiftythousand streams. So they came back to
me and see they didn't have asinger at the time, and they were
just like, hey, you know, what if what if you joined the
band? And then I said,well, you know, I'm not really
looking for another band to join,but man, the music is so good,
so let's do another song. Anduh, I just kind of threw

it out there. I said,hey, let's cover uh, let's cover
a country song. And these guysare from New York, so they're kind
of like I don't know about that, man, I trust me, trust
me, let's do it. Anduh yeah. So this song has kind
of been in the works for alittle bit and now it's finally coming out,
and like I said, I didnot expect the response that that we've

been getting. It's it's currently thenumber two most added song on radio in
the countries. Well I'm gonna,I'm gonna, I'm gonna play it for
you right now, and you're byto thank you for saving me from playing
stained. It's been a while soor jelly roll, Oh my god,

no, no, jelly no,Mark, I can't Did he get his
favor yet? I hope, Ihope he did. I hope he didn't.
One of the things that I wroteyou when you sent me the song
and then I finally read your textmessage after listening to the song. I
wrote back and I was like,you know, the band is absolutely phenomenal.
They are killing it, and Iwas hoping that you would let them

know how good that they are,because I mean, it really does take
a fan. I mean, youhave the best singer ever, but if
the band is weak sauce, it'sjust not going to happen. But the
band is really strong. I wantto play it for him. Now here's
some forty one in Landmine, justkicking back, having a cup of coffee
with Marcus from Shattered Sun, Ilminoand his newest project, Swim the Current.

The song's called so Low. Justplayed it for you right here on
Sea one on one. All right, what are you? What are you
enjoying this morning? When it comesto your cup of coffee? I am
a iced coffee black rifle guy.Oh yeah, he's like, yeah,
it's like liquid crack. I wasgonna ask you, are you a hot
coffee guy or you a you know, old coffee guy. Ninety percent of
the time, it's it's hot coffee. And that can happen at any time

of the day, like a lastnight at like seven pm. This is
how I know I'm getting old.I'm like, oh, hey, a
nice cup of coffee'd be nice Aboutseven o'clock. I'm feeling sleepy and it's
a it's a little early. Butyeah, cold coffee is awesome, man,
as long as it's strong enough,because once you pour it over you
know, the ice, sometimes itcan be super weak. That's why they

have to make it so damn strongto offset that melting ice. So you're
currently enjoying your now are you?Are you a whip topping and sugar cinnamon
type person, No, I am. I'll put that sugar cinnamon on there
all day long. Man, rainbowand a cup. That's what I'm an

oat milk kind of guy. Butyou know what I was gonna I was
gonna tell you here, here's alittle trick that I do. I freeze
some coffee in ice cube trays.That way, the ice is coffee,
brilliant. Nice little tip there,brilliant. You could look for that.
It's stripeskin in stores in the nearfuture. You freeze some coffee. That's

a great idea, actually, justto freeze the damn stuff. So any
plans to join a fourth band nowthat you've got three, you know,
you know it's funny. It's funny, Rex, because I wasn't I wasn't
looking for another band to join.I was riding the thick of things with
Almina. I don't think they werelooking for a permanent singer. I think

things just kind of struck. Youknow. The first single we did,
came out of the Gates, hadtwo hundred and fifty thousand streams, Wow,
and it just kind of clicked,you know what I mean. I
love the music that they write,and they also work like at a cellular
level to where like I could bebusy in a tour and they're sending me,
you know, here's five songs everyother day, and I get to

pick and choose what I like andit's really tailored to my voice. And
you know, the way I kindof look at it, man, is
with with Shattered Sun, you know, we were really trying to man,
we got to get a record dealso we can make it. With el
Nina, I'm replacing a singer thathas been there forever, so there's a
lot of pressure there. With Swimthe Current, there was none of that,

man. I was just kind ofwriting music and then you know,
we signed a record deal recently,so there was no desperation or pressure.
And there's something beautiful in that.Man, There's something very enlightening in the
fact that you can just kind ofdo whatever you want. And this label
got behind us and we're very verythankful to have them. That is really

really great. Now, where canpeople find the song? Where can they
watch the video? Point us allin the right direction. Yeah, so
the video right now is exclusively onYouTube. You can just start Swim the
Current and the song is available onany and every suite streaming platform that anybody
consumes music with, iTunes, AppleMusic, Spotify, you name it,

We're on it. Man. That'scool. Well, I will play it
again before the show is over.But thanks so much for joining me this
morning talking about it. Swim theCurrent as the artist. The song is
called so Low and you can findit, like you said, right there
on YouTube, and or you cango over to my Steven Rex Gabriel Facebook

page. I'm about to link itup right there. Hey, man,
have a fantastic day. I knowyou got more press. I love you
and I will talk to you soonerthan later. I love you too,
Rex. Hey, I got asmall favorite to ask of you, my
man, squeezing some kiss somewhere ifyou can. You know I'm a big
kiss guy. All right, man, I'll get that on for you.
I had already right right after wesaid bye. I already hit the button.
But I'll get some kiss. Iwill get some kiss. I will

get some kiss on for you.Okay, I got you, bray I
man, I appreciate you giving thetrack a chance. Bro,
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