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June 9, 2024 33 mins
SoCal SBS Spotlight: Dr. Vanessa Smith / V.I.P. Animal Hospital · What they do: V.I.P. Animal Hospital- Veterinary Services - General Practice, Urgent Care, Emergency, Same day services, Wait time never more than 10 minutes. SoCal Business: · Residents question proposed mega Home Depot in Granada Hills, under city review ·  A Reparations Effort in Palm Springs. Things to do in SoCal: · Fun free things to do in Southern California in June · Kendrick Lamar announces The Pop Out Ken & Friends show at The Kia Forum · Gardena Cinema - Free Movies in Support of Independent Theaters. More Reasons to Stay Out Of The Water In SoCal · Southern California Surfers Better Get Used to Seeing Great White Sharks · Shark Attack Seriously Injures Southern California Swimmer; Some Local Beaches Closed · Why is drowning on the rise in Orange County and nationally? The color of your child’s swimsuit can play a role in their safety at the pool, experts say.
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Los Angeles, Orange County, IEin the Valley. This is Twala Sharp
and you're listening to KFI AM sixforty soul Cal Saturday on demand on the
iHeartRadio app. We lead local livefrom the KMFI twenty four hour newsroom.
I'm Heather Brooker. Saturd dates AFIAM six forty live everywhere on the iHeartRadio
app. In Pair Blossom, PicoRivera, Orange and Placentia. This is

soul Cal Saturday. I'm your host, Twalla Sharp, welcoming you to another
soul Cal Saturday, Small Business SaturdaySpotlight. Today, we introduce you to
VP Animal Hospital. VIP Animal Hospitalis a veterinary service, general practice urgent
care emergency offering same day service withwait times never more than ten minutes.

Right now, they have twenty dollarsitchy exams, meaning any pet that is
itchy for whatever reason you can comein for a twenty dollars exam. And
they also have a ninety five dollarscat neutering program going on right now.
To tell us more and to takeus inside this furry clinic, we have

the owner, doctor Vanessa Smith,joining us. Doctor Smith, how are
you doing today? I'm doing greatThank you so much. Thank you for
having me on the show. Now, thank you for joining us and for
joining us from VIP Animal Hospital.Is it very busy today? It is
a very busy. Saturdays are ourbusiest day because you know, most other

hospitals are closed. We are openand we take walk in so whenever anything
gets sick, any pet gets spitor hit by car, we see it
all and we accommodate anyone that walksin. So we've been swamped all day.
Hmm. You know that actually makesperfect sense because all week long,
pet owners, we are at work. We are busy, busy, busy,

busy, so we're like, okay, you know, hold on,
fin oh, I will take youin first thing so I can see that.
What are you seeing mostly today?You know? So we do a
lot of vaccines for walking clients ifthey just want to come in for a
vaccine as the technician appointment. Butwe're seeing a lot of stickcases too,
and a lot of these dogs gotsick on Wednesday or earlier in the week,

believe it or not. But youknow, the owners were working busy
week, so they waited until Saturday. So here they are. Wow.
Now when it comes to veterinary services, especially at a facility like VIP.
What do you think is the thingthat shocks you most when pet owners come

in? Like what are the thingsthat you see that you say to yourself?
How did you let your dog oryour cat or your bird get into
this? There are many, butyou know, I've been doing this and
I've been doing emergency for over twentyyears, so really nothing shocked me so
much anymore. I've seen it all. I've seen cats and just needles,

sewing, needles being and just rocksmultiple times. You know, we do
surgery, one time, it goeshome. Three months later here he is
back again with another rock. Ohmy goodness. Now I have had over

the years, through my children andeven my mother with her dogs, I
have seen so many times where we'retaking the dog in or taking the cats
in. The biggest concern is alwayscare. It's always care, and it's

always do I trust this extended familymember to a vet who we may or
may not know. What do youdo at VIP Animal Hospital because these are
very important pets here, Like whatdo you do to to make pet owners
feel comfortable bringing their furry family membersin? You know, that's a very

good point you bring up, becausethere are a lot of veterinarians out there,
you know, and really a layperson who is not familiar with medicine
and doesn't really know much about diseasesor animals in general. You go to
a vet and you think, well, that is a vet, it's all
the same, I'm going to getproper medicine service, and that's often not

the case. I hate to sayit. You know, we see a
lot of cases for second opinions wherethe animal, unfortunately when somewhere else got
misdiagnosed and is on medication that isnot doing anything. The animal is getting
worse. So thankfully these owners findus, you know, and we always
get to the bottom of things.First, we have we do very thorough

diagnostics so we always know exactly whatwe're treating. And then once you know
the diagnosis and the exact thing thatyou have to address their underlying cause of
the problem, because really, youknow, if it doc presents for vomiting,
that's just symptoms. I mean,could be vomiting from eating something,

you know, from a gi obstruction, it could be vomiting from kidneys,
from bladderstones, from anything you know, could be vomiting from infectious disease.
So you can't just treat the vomitingbecause that's a symptom. You have to
treat the cause of it. Soyou fix the underlying cause, the symptoms
are going to go away. Ofcourse, supportive care along the way,

you know, makes the animal feelmore comfortable, but unless you address the
reason the symptoms are there, it'snever going to get better. That's just
a band these So that's the philosophywe have here, you know, and
we really go out of our wayto make sure that all the doctors that
we hire have at least a decadeof experience, so their experienced diagnosticians and

clinicians. So when they see somethingthat may look like, you know,
a simple case, they always havein the back of their mind. Okay,
it could be a course, soto speak, but it could also
be one of these weird zebras.So let's find out exactly what we're dealing
with, you know. So ourdoctors are very experienced, very efficient when

it comes to emergency cases, veryefficient when it comes to thick cases,
and we don't make mistakes. That'swhat makes us different, you know,
when we have so many people whoare just lovely who tell us that we
saved their pets lives because nobody elsecould fix them and we did, which
is such a great thing to hear, you know, warms my heart and

that's what keeps me coming back towork every day, Yes, even on
a Saturday. Now, tell meI know this year Governor Newsome has made
it possible for veterinarians to provide telehealthfor their clients. Is this something that
VIP Animal Hospital does or is lookingto move into. You know, it's

different with animals than with people becauseoften, you know, you get on
the telephone or the safe time orwhatever with a client and they tell you
this is what the dog is doing. This is what they think the dog
is doing, or the cats.But unless I put my hands on the
animal and like examine where exactly thepain is, and the animal can speak,

so what the owner thinks is happeningmay not be the case at all.
You know, I often have dogscome in they're straining to defecate,
you know, and the other oh, it's constipated. No, it has
horrible stomach pain and diarrhea, andit's a completely different problem. But the
owner just jumps to a simple conclusion, you know, not knowing what they're
looking at. So even when Italk to the owner face to face,

when I ask for a history,I always tell them just tell me what
you're seeing. Don't interpret, Justtell me what you're thing so I can
put it together, you know,with with my clinical experience, so telemedicine
and pets. You know, theanimal can talk, so we have to
do blood work because I can't askit. Are you feeling mantious? I

mean I can take a physical examoff of the fine that there's no idea
presence, you know, or dominopain, but where is it coming from?
So without blood work, without Xrays, it's hard to diagnose anything.
And then anyway, with tell amedicine, I mean, what are
you going to do? You stillhave to treat the pets. Often they're

sick, vomiting, having diarrhea,they need to be put on id fluids.
You can't do that over the phone. No, no, And that
absolutely makes total sense. I loveyou say, like the pet can't talk,
Like what am I doing? Thepet can't tell me? What's I
love it? I love it.Now if any of our soul cal Saturday
listeners want to bring their animal infor weather. It's a itchy exam because

I know you know you can seeanimals scratching and itching and they may just
need to get looked at or orthis is very important. If you have
a cat and you need your catto get neutered, please please do please
help us control the pet population byspaying or neutering your pet. If any
of our Soul Coal Saturday listeners needto get any of that done, or

just need to come in for veterinaryservice, general practice, urgent care,
same day service. Where can wefind more information about VIP Animal Hospital.
So our website is www dot VIPAnimal Hospitals with an FADN dot com and

we have all our specials listed there. As a special thank you for all
the listeners that are listening to ustoday, we'd like to offer free physical
exam on Tuesdays for anyone that hasa pet, even a wellness exam,
sick exam, doesn't matter. Ifyou mentioned this radio show on Tuesday,

you will receive a free physical examof the doctor. And that's the sixty
five dollars value. And of courseyou know the animals think the doctor will
recommend further stuff, but the initialvisit is free. The other specials are
listed on the website. You knowwhat makes us different too, is you
can actually come in with a cator a dog, you know, male
or female and get the spay neutersurgery done the same day. You don't

have to call to schedule it.You can just show up, which is
pretty different than most other bats.Oh, that's very different. That is
very different, and that is whyyou are VIP Animal Hospital because you treat
your animals as very important pets.Thank you doctor Smith for joining us today
and introducing soul Cal Saturday too,the VIP experience at VIP Animal Hospitals.

Thank you so much, and welook forward to seeing the pets of our
listeners in the future. This isKFI AM six Live everywhere on the iHeart
radio app. You're listening to soulCal Saturday with Tawalla Sharp on demand from
KFI AM six forty kf I Amsix forty live everywhere on the iHeart or

radio app in the Lucerne Valley,Marietta, Fullerton, and Verdugo City.
This is soul Cal Saturday. I'myour host, Saula Sharp taking a look
at another small business related I'm gonnasay issue in Granada Hills about a block

or two, maybe even more thana block or two. But look in
my in my children's neighborhood, thereis a shopping center where there is a
Regency theater, there's a rouse,there's a write aid, and there is
a plethora of small businesses in thisshopping center. It is a little hub

for the neighborhoods. What's where themarket is all types of small restaurants.
I believe there's a beauty school that'sthere, and a bunch of little shops
there. Well, there is conversationbeing had right now about opening a mega

home depot right in this shopping center, getting rid of basically everything there.
Now one thing that's already happening,as I'm sure you know, pushback from
the neighborhood individuals saying, one,who the hell needs a home deep ot,

mega center in this community. Whatwe need is places to shop.
You know, this is the movietheater, this local force. You know
what, why are you displacing allof these small businesses? And this is
something that is being reviewed right now. The California Environmental Quality Act is looking

at the design perspective and the impactin the community, and the timeline for
this is still a few years outbefore they begin construction. So right now
is the time for the city toshow up and show out. And if

this is something that you do notwant to happen, then you need to
stand again that you need to showup at the local city hall there in
Granada Hills. You need to bewriting and calling and emailing the Granada Hills
City Council, and you need tolet them know hell, no, we

don't want this. I mean,you know, I'm sure, I'm sure
people can get tools elsewhere, becausenot only that, there are a lot
of small mom and pop quote unquotetool stores and hardware stores located in that
area. They stand to go outof business as well. I mean,
the impact of this home depot centerjust not only that, just the construction

trucks ripping and running in and outof that neighborhood, all the schools in
the neighborhood. It's just way toomuch disruption. So look, I'm speaking
out of gout against this just becauseI know what this is going to do
for the neighborhood and I have seenwhat some of the people in the newighborhood
are saying. So if again,if this is something that you in the

Granada Hills area don't want, oreven in the North Hills area. Look,
if you know, like I know, y'all don't need another home depot
center, stand up, stand upand speak out about it. I mean,
you know, this is an agewhere right now, speaking out against
things and speaking up for yourself isthe way of the world. You know,

that is why. Look even inPalm Springs, believe it or not,
even in Palm Springs they are speakingup and speaking out and pushing for
another reparations movement. Yes, inPalm Springs. The Palm Springs area used
to have a neighborhood called Section fourteen, where many of the deserts, resorts,

gardeners, janitors, construction workers,and housekeepers, most of them black
or Latino, lived with their family, and Section fourteen was a place for
the working poor, middle class atbest, a far cry from the glamorous
Palm Spring that you may be morefamiliar with. But it is said that

this area was hemmed in by discriminatoryhousing policies, where residents of color built
a community of modest houses, trailers, and small businesses on lease land with
few services and mostly unpaved streets,and then it was destroyed. It was
destroyed in the nineteen sixties to makeroom for commercial developments with little to no

recourse for the displaced residents, andnow their descendants are asking for compensation for
their houses as well as damages forracial trauma experienced generations now. So right
now, it is something that iscoming above or coming around. And they

are also present it to the Reparation'sTask Force that was started in twenty twenty
that is also working on the Californiareparations movement. Right now. They're not
looking for monetary compensation, but theyare looking for something. And I just
want to make sure that you knowthat it's not just just San Francisco or

California in general. Hey, notjust the Dodger Stadium displacement pace rangs two.
A lot of reparation action happening inCalifornia, and we will be keeping
you abreast of it. Do not, I repeat, do not send a
single solitary angry talk back to usfor reporting on it. This is KFI

AM six forty Live everywhere on theIhearted Radio Appnue. You're listening to Soul
cal Saturday with Tawla Sharp on demandfrom KFI AM six forty, KFI AM

six forty live everywhere on the iHeartRadioapp in sun Valley, Citrus, Irvine,
and Cyprus. This is soul GirlSaturday. I'm your host Twalla Sharp
taking a look at some fun thingsto do in southern California in June.
Now through June twenty ninth, theCanahoe Valley Pop Up Arts Festival is in

full swing, where you can enjoyten free art and musical events through the
month on Friday and Saturdays at differentlocations. Most started around seven o'clock.
You can find out more information atthat at bap act Thousandoaks dot com,

bap act House and Oaks Oh House, Silly Dummy, b a p AC
thousand Oaks dot com. Yeah thereyou go, all right, all right,
all right, I had the websitethrough okay, uh Discovery Days at

Centennial Farm in Coasta, Mesa.Last day tomorrow, last day tomorrow.
No, the last day isn't tomorrow. It's already passed. There's plenty on
that list that No, no,no, no, but I thought it
was. I thought it was Junethird and ninth. It's June third,

nine to noon. Oh, Iforgot to scratch that one off, but
you're right there. There is,uh, there's plenty of others. There
is the Museum of a Latinum AmericanArt at MOLA in Long Beach. This
is now through the thirtieth. Themuseum is free every Sunday and always has

interesting exhibits of free free docs.There's a free docks and Lead tour,
Heather, Do you know what afree dockson led tour is? Is that
where Wiener dogs walking around town?Yes? I mean, I guess,
look it says. Free docks andLead tours are offered two pm on Sundays

free. Advanced tickets are recommended andcan be booked online. Parking is free
six to eight Alamedos Avenue and LongBeach. Find out more at MOLA dot
org, m l AA dot org. Forge last visit at the Autry Museum
of the American West in Los Angeles, now through the twenty six The AUY

is free every Tuesday and Wednesday fromone to four pm, but reservations are
required and limited parking is free aswell. Learn more about indigenous heritage and
early American ways of life using historicalartifacts such as stage coaches, syrups,
Sure beat It, clothing, firearms, photos and more. Forty seven hundred

Western Heritage Way in Los Angeles.Find I'm more at the autry dot org.
Kid Help Ooh, kid help isactually over. I thought it was
happening until later, but no kidHelp was today. But it yes,
just now coming to an end.So I will reserve and scratch and rewind

my help for kid help. Scratchthat. Oh, but this one you
can go to. And this ishappening until ten pm. The second Saturday
Art Walk in Pomona that is happeningtill ten pm this month. The event
in Pomona Arts Colney brings crowds tothe streets as art studios, gallery shops

and more stay open late again untilten pm one one nine West Second Street
in Pomona. Find out more atDowntown Pomona dot org. Ford's last events.
I'm sure that is a fun timeAt the Los Angeles County Museum of
Art or Alakma. On June eleventh, they are hosting I Guess It's a

collection of art that includes everything fromDavid Hockney paintings to ancient artifacts. Free
art workshops Children under seventeen who livein Los Anges County can sign up for
the next Gen program where they canget in free any day and bring one
person with them. So that's kindof cool. And Bank of America card

holders can get in free the firstfull weekend of every month, I mean,
I guess, you know, Andthe museum is free for all the
second Tuesday of every month. Imean the second Tuesday of the month of
the month. Yes, oh thatpast already. No no, no,
no no, that's just free yeah, of the month. So yeah,
so okay, black mouths like BlackMonth. I love Black Blackman's Beautiful Good

Time at OC Park Sunset Cinema atCraig Recreational Park in Fullington in Fullerton,
June fourteenth, Activities begin at sixpm. The movie starts at sunset.
They say bring your own chair andblanket. The Little Rascals, the nineteen

ninety four version is going to befeatured on June fourteenth, That is at
thirty three hundred North State College Boulevard. Find out more at Fullerton, I'll
find out more. Yeah, Ocparksdot Com. And Movie Night in California
at Citrus State Park in Riverside onJune nineteenth, theyle will be showing Wonka

at eight pm. Bring of course, your own blanket and chairs. Thirty
four hundred dufferin Avenue and Riverside.You can get free tickets at event Pright
on event Bright at Citrus Park WeddingtonGrand Events dot com. Yeah, Citrus
Park Wedding Grand this website Just ParkWeddingandevents dot com slash end of summer movie

end of Summer night and Events dotcom. Let you say it again,
Citrus Park Wedding and Events dot comslash end of Summer movie night. Alright,
thank you for that, super producingI said this reevings website, Say
christ. There is a concert happeningat Craig Recreational Park in Fullerton on June

twentieth and twenty seventh. Live musicunder the Stars on Thursday evenings. All
ages, Bring a blanket and chair. Food trucks are available. It is
sponsored by OC Parks. Sixty eightpm Sweet and Tender Hooligans are playing on
June twentieth, and Mariachi Mariachi Divasare performing on June twenty seventh. Find

out more at Ocparks dot com.And there is another OC Park Sunset Cinema
event happening at Carbon Canyon in Breaon June twenty first. In the twenty
eighth movies start now around sunset,preceded by other activities. They're showing Migration

on June twenty fourth, I meanon June twenty first, and Men in
Black on June twenty eighth. Nicethe Venice Summerfest twenty twenty four. That
is June twenty second, live music, classic cars, food, trucks,
art, boots, yoga and moreon Venice Boulevard in mar Vista. Venice
Boulevard will be closed between Sentinela Avenueand Inglewood Boulevard for this free event one

two, two, five seven VeniceBoulevard in Los Angeles, noon to eight.
Find out more at the Venicefest dotcom. Got that one, Got
that? Okay? That was easy, all right? And last but not
lease, the Long Beach Municipal BandConcert June twenty fifth through the twenty eighth
with a music to My Ears theme. Uh this is happening June twenty fifth

at Whaley Park, June twenty sixthat Los Critos Park, June twenty seventh
at Recreational Park, and June twentyeighth at El Dorado Park. Find out
more information on that at Longbeach Dotgov Ford Slash Park for slash recreation programs.
Alrighty oh, and I know superroducerKayla will be madified to get this

in real quick. Kendrick Lamar andfriend they're having Kendrick Lamar Kendril It,
come on. She said, comeon. No. I said no,
no, no, I know rangeyou guys. I'm down. Yeah,
I'm sorry. I'm a cool oldlady. Look. You was all looking
at the screen like, wait,what did she just say? Who do

you remember that music video he shotand he was standing on a light,
a traffic light in downtown La.Oh. Yeah, my husband worked down
there, and he was like,you're not gonna believe this. Kendrick Lamar
is up on our traffic lights.So he was like sending me all these
pictures and I was like, ohmy god. So I feel like we're
friends. I feel like Kendrick,you guys go way back to the traffic
light. I love it. Heis having a concert, the Pop Out

Ken and Friends Show at the KiaForum. He is set to hit the
stage of the Kia Forum with allof his crew. This is happening on
June teenth, Yes presented by PGlaying and free lunch. The show will
take place on June nineteenth. Ticketsare on Celle now. And if you
don't know who Kendrick Lamar is,then you haven't been listening to the news

because they not like us. Yeah, they not like us at all.
He has been beefing with Drake.But beyond that, Kendrick Lamar is one
of the most prolific, most prominent, and one of the most amazing of
today's generation of r ap, rhythmand poetry artist that is out there.

So if you have a young personor if you are cool as Heather,
check it out yourself. I knowsuper producer Kayla is already in the building.
I myself, I can't go toconcert more on my ears, just
too many years of producing concerts.If I'm not producing it, I can't
be there. But I absolutely knowhe gives an amazing show, So check

out. Tickets are on sale rightnow at ticket Master. Alrighty and the
Guardina Cinema. You guys the freemovie tomorrow at Guardina Cinema. Yes,
they're showing School of Rock for freeall day tomorrow with Pluto TV and Guardina
Cinema. So that's what is theaddress. The Guardina Cinema is one for

nine for a crunchhable of Artie GuardinaNice. School of Rock one of my
favorite favorite films. I don't knowwhy, just I just love watching.
My kids love watching with me,so I guess it's family time for that
one. But yes, Guardina Cinema, School of Rock coming up on the
other side. More reasons to staythe hell out the water. This says
KFI AM six forty Live everywhere onthe Ihearted Radio app. You're listening to

Soul cal Saturday with Tawala Sharp ondemand from KFI AM six forty KFI AM
six forty Live Everywhere on the IheartedRadio app and Wes Whittier, Garden Grove,

Victorville and Hysperia. And we spentso much time talking about all the
cool things happening in southern California.We've got to hurry and get out of
here. I just quickly wanted totell you reasons to stay out of the
water. Shark sightings, great whiteWe're gonna be seeing more and more.

New report has come out saying getused to seeing great white sharks in the
waters here in southern California. Andif you think that's like, whatever,
it's not, because just what isit? A week ago, two weeks
ago now, a man was seriouslyinjured by what a shark shark attack yep,

happened in the waters roundabouts the SanDiego area, but in del Mar,
really in del Mars where the sharkattack happened. So if you can
be attacked in del Mar, youcan be attacked anywhere right now. Also,
drowning is on the rise in OrangeCounty, and there are bunches and

bunches of reasons why, but it'sprimarily young people, children who are drowning,
and it is because of you know, everything from riptides to parents not
being being aware of or keeping theireyes on the kids and all things like
that. And to that end,real quick, this is a story that

super producer Kayla gave me. Ithink it's very important. Just for this
summer, it's going to be blazing, how we have a heat wave coming.
The color of your child's swimsuit candefinitely play a role of their on
their safety in public pools. Thisnew report comes out that says readily identifiable

swimsuits, swimsuits that are bright incolor that catch the eye, keep lifeguards
and will be able to help youkeep your eye on your child. Swimsuits
that are light blue, gray,or green that blend into the water can
only distort things, and you definitelywant to go with bright colors fluorescence if
possible for your child if they're gettingin the pool this summer. Before we

get out of here, though,we have got to let you know who
will be joining us next week forour Small Business Saturdays. Shout out Raoul
spinning the wheel if you will.We have jen X United. They make
products like puzzle books because you're oldand you need to be exercising your mind.

They also sell shirts and other merchandise. I didn't say that they did,
just so I'm not getting tala andI are about to be No,
no, don't beat me up.Be says we're old, we need to
be exercising our mind. That's whatthey said. Okay, you guys,
oh okay, okay, we definitelyneed to have a talk United because I

may be old, but I don'tforget much. No, you don't.
You actually are very very sharp.I take them like I forget of all
the time. Okay, so maybeI need the puzzles. Well, I'm
looking forward to this conversation next week. Thank you superproducer Kyla for that information,
and thank you for another fun,fun show. Thank you brother Raol
for holding it down on the board, Heather for bringing the smile, bringing

the jokes, bringing the laughter.Love it. I love it, Andrew.
I hope you enjoy the rest ofyour day, and I thank you
for tuning in. We truly appreciateyou spending your time with us because we
know you could have been doing anythingelse with your time, but you chose
to spend it with us, andwe do not take it for granted.
This is soul Cal Saturday on KFIAM six forty live everywhere on the iHeartRadio

app. You've been listening to soulCal Saturday. You can always hear us
live on KFI AM six forty fivepm to seven pm on Saturday, and
anytime on demand on the iHeartRadio app.
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