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Thursday afternoon here on sports Radio AMthirteen hundred The Zone. Let's first of
all get you updated on a coupleof things. US women's soccer team playing
live right now, playing Zambia intheir Olympic opener. They are up one
nill early. That's in the they'rejust now in the eighteenth minute of play.
On that the men's soccer team lostto France yesterday three nothing. You
do need to know that's under twentythree. That's a different US national team.
It's not the one that embarrassingly goteliminated so early in the Copo America.
It's an under twenty three team thatlost in that Olympic tournament. On
that Major League Baseball scoreboard, Imentioned that Gene Watson is going to join
us. In the four o'clock hour. Is White Sox are leading the Rangers
one nothing in the bottom of thethird right now, of course they led.
I think they've at some point inall the games of the series,
and they've lost all the games inthe series. The Rangers have a one
point. The Rangers had their streaksnapped of winning consecutive games by one run.
They had won three in a rowby one run and The last time
they had won three in a rowby one run was seven years ago,
twenty seventeen. It happened on theexact same days, July twenty first,
twenty second, and twenty third.But they scored six in the bottom of
the anth and they club the WhiteSox last night at Globe Life and ended
up winning the game ten to two. It was a three to two game
going into the sixth I think itwas a one run game, but they
ended up just you know, bludgetingthem and they ended up getting win.
Now, the Rangers have tied itin the bottom of the third inning,
so we'll keep you updated on.It's one to one. Marcus Simeon with
a home run, so the gameis now tied one bottom of the third
inning, Ranger and the White SoxAstros kind of broke through after having dropped
the first two games to the A's. They won yesterday eight to one.
It was the final ever I guesswe can get used to start saying this
now as teams go through Oakland.The final ever game for the Houston Astros
to play in Oakland in the whatis it O dot Com Coliseum? Last
game ever? Remember the A's willbe in Sacramento probably at least the next
two years while they sort things outover an impending move to Vegas. The
Astros are headed up. They're goingto play the Dodgers this weekend. The
Dodgers had won five in a oneuntil last night. The Giants got Robbie
Ray back from the injured list.He looked really good, and the Dodgers
were held without a hit. Theyhad scored a run when Ray kind of
struggled in the first inning. Hehit two batters, walked, two batters,
scored a run without a hit,and the first they did not have
a hit until the seventh inning andthe and meanwhile, Tyler Glasnell's return from
the injured list was nothing to writehome about. He struggled. And now
they're going to see what happens whenClayton Kershaw makes his first start of the
season today. That's this afternoon forthem. So they played just after three
o'clock. Razor up one nothing onthe Blue Jays. That's in the first
Tiger's lead the Guardians three nothing.They're going to the top of the night.
Padres on top of the Nationals threenothing as they go to the bottom
of the ninth inning. So that'sthat's where that is right now. Now
we've already had cam. You saida couple of folks chime in there on
the talk back feature, Is thatcorrect? Yeah, Okay, we've got
a couple of week in play foryou. All right, let's let's hear
this is what we're talking about whenwe're saying, you know, we're giving
away ten copies of this per day, and and so what what you do
is you do, like what thesefolks did. They obviously had or did
proceed to have the iHeartRadio app downloadedonto their smartphone on your iPhone or you
know, Android, whatever it mightbe, and then you pull up a
thirteen hundred the zone. It's allfree on the iHeartRadio app. Then you
have a little red butt with awhite microphone in and you push that and
then you leave us a message kindof like these messages. Hey, Craig
Kyle from Northwest Austin here with myson playing varsity football in the area.
The first thing we look forward todoing with the magazine is bringing up the
schedule for the upcoming season and goingin and looking at the previews of all
the opponents that are going to beon that schedule. After that will dive
into the cover story with Wegman andyours and then just enjoy the rest of
the magazine, but appreciate what you'redoing. Keep it up. What I
look forward to the most of themagazine is the high school coverage, going
district by district, seeing the projectedfinishes that they feel the district is going
to play out. Also the newcomerswho's coming up for each school. So
that's what I look forward to.All right, So there you go that
there's examples of what we're talking about. I do feel compelled to say to
you that you can only win onecopy, so Vince and but you're not
the only one, a couple others. You don't need to call us every
day or multiple days or whatever.We got it. You will get a
copy of the magazine, so oneone winner per entry if you will,
for folks who send us the talkback on that. So that's it.
That's all you have to do.Just you know, pull up AM thirteen
hundred zone on the iHeartRadio app onyour phone, download the app if you
don't have it already, it's free, and then you just pull it up,
get that talk back feature, leaveus a message, and let me
tell you something. This is agood trial run for you. And here's
what I mean by that. It'sa good trial run for you on getting
used to our talkback feature because theradio station, the company likes it when
we use the talkback feature, andI like it too. I like hearing
from you guys as well as youknow, reading your texts as well.
But this is what I mean aboutit being a good trial run. When
we get to the fall, there'sa really good chance, being the flagship
station to the University of Texas,there's a really good chance we're going to
have long run football tickets to giveaway. Yeah, yeah, so,
And the way that we've been toldthe assuming this goes down, is they
will be done through the talkback feature. Now, because there's a limited amount
of tickets that we'll give away,there'll be some sort of contesting involved where
we may have to select winner.As opposed to this, we're just giving
them to you ten per day.The first ten to to you know,
leave us a message on the talkback, get a copy of the magazine.
But we'll probably have some sort ofcontest of sorts this fall in order to
win Long Worn Football tickets will letyou know when that time arrives. But
this is a good trial run foryou. It's a good way to get
use to the talkback feature because youcan leave us messages and folks have done
it before on the talkback feature,just like the texting, you know,
if you don't want to go intothe thing and text, you know,
text, the word text is followby your question or comment they won five
three zero, you're not near alaptop or whatever, or it's just quicker
for you to especially if you're listeningto us on your smartphone, just go
and leave us a and leave usa message. You can do that and
we'll play it as long as it'sas long as it's you know, not
objectionable, if it's you know,keep your language correct and those kinds of
things. So anyway, that's wherewe're more and more to utilizing our talk
back feature here. It's one ofthe cool little toys we have here in
the iHeart Studios. Okay Cowboys ownerpresident Jerry Jones, as we know,
settled his legal issues with Alexandra Davisand her mom and so he went on
altok start training camp underway for theCowboys. They arrived yesterday. They're going
through it, and Jerry was there. He thought he was gonna have to
push back his press conference, hiscamp opening press conference to Saturday, but
no, he got there last nightand he was there to deliver it.
And here's a couple of samples ofwhat happened in fact, starting out with
the esteemed long time Cowboys beat writerand columnist for the Dallas Morning News,
and he'd also done it with aforest our telegram, David Moore has been
around a long time, and DavidMoore had the lead off two questions here
in the press conference for Jerry Jones. I saw with a couple of day
and get a legal question off thetop, and then moved to fall if
we can. You've been involved inseveral fraternity suits that have gone through the
system over the last couple of years. What led to the resolution to this
latest trial and technical canna after justone really got it UH the end,
We got it resolved luck I wantedand so it was unfortunate, but it
is U resolved. And that wasUH, of course very sensitive with my
UH family, and it was verysensitive with the unique publicity that's involved UH
with Cobleys and UH. But itwas involved satisfactory for all concern I won't
be commenting any more about it,but I certainly or where I want to
be because I'm a football standpoint.I know you've said before that the worst
place that can base can be ifwe it's actuetic for this apathy involved coming
off with all season, there doesn'tseem to be apathy. There seems to
be a lot of frustration. Uhwhere you know how the season ended and
what you haven't haven't done, andthat since then do you sense uh a
stronger sense of frustration uh than youhave in the past, And and if
so, what what do you attributeit to? Uh? The way that
as I sit here today almost thirtyfive years you've got to help me with
my mathematics here, but almost thirtyfive years, I see several faces that
I saw thirty five years ago hereand uh, but uh after thirty five
years. Uh. The one thingthat's for sure is ambiguity. And UH
just the nature of what being apart of sports and part of football is
uh is very ambiguous. Uh.The reality of it is is that you
are continually, continually dealing with muchunfinished business. There's almost no way to
segment parts of the running and theevolving of a team from one year to
the next. You can have specificagreements and those agreements have all the right
terms in them, and yet youstill might have a non execution of the
agreements. We've had people with contractsthat didn't come to camp, So you've
got to make that reality. That'swhat happens, and so that you can't
be and do what I have theprivilege and opportunity to do, and that's
be a part of the Dallas Cowboysand run the NFL, which being here
with you today reminds me just howlucky I am and how wonderful this is.
But it is more ambiguity involve thanI ever could of imagined. And
there's always gonna be many dangling participlesout here of unfinished business, and that's
the reality of it. There willnever be a time with the NFL and
sports. But what we don't havea lot going on that give you reason
to say this is the time ofyear when you're just supposed to do football.
Well, there's a million, noto minion things, But there's so
many things going on at all times, and more so today than when I
first got involved. And so ifI can be specific, I was kind
of ready with my thoughts for you. Uh, I know we've been talking
about what kind of off season wehad, kind of season ending we had.
Uh, well, the facts arethat I'm gonna need a little bit
of help here. But uh,how many Pro Bowls do we have out
here? Fourteen fourteen pro boters onthis field right now, twelve all pros
and twelve all pros. We havegot standing team and so uh that part
is works. We've got a lotof ambiguity in the team. I have
ambiguity everywhere in the things that Ilook at and do, and so uh
uh, I'm maybe the best thingthat I ever that God gave me was
a tolerance for ambiguity. And souh uh, that's what you have.
That's what it frustrates you. Andin frustrating you, obviously it frustrates plans
do not have closure or do nothave bright lines. That's not in my
mind, that's not in my life, and so that I don't ever anticipate
it getting any better with the NFLand the Cowboys. As a matter of
fact, since we last met herelast year, there's have been even more
ambiguity thrown on the table. Hello, NFL would be with you today,
all right, um, good god. One man set a record for use
of the word ambiguity the most timesat the press conference. I wonder if
Jerry even knows what the definition theword ambiguity is. He used it in
like three different contexts. I wonderif you're like a ward of the day
calendar in today's word of the dayis ambiguity. I can tell you this.
The Webster's Dictionary definition of ambiguity isdoubtfulness or uncertainty of meaning or intention,
an unclear, indefinite, or equivocalword expression meaning that pretty much describes
everything Jerry was talking about. Hismessage was one of ambiguity, but he
didn't really get the other thing.So okay, all right, we'll talk
about it some more coming up.But we do have inconceivable up next when
we continue on Sports RADIOA and thirteenunder the zone of the iHeartRadio app.