Episode Transcript
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He's a Texas legend, the Hallof Fame broadcaster, the voice of the
Texas Longheords, and your host ofthe Craigway Show. Here he is now
Craig Way. We welcome you tothe brand new world of the University of
Texas, of the Texas Ballboards andcollege football in the Southeastern Conference. I'm
Greg Wayne. He's the producer,Cameron D. Parker, the deal.
The birth certificate is Dallas. That'swhere we are right now now. It
was originally intended because of the DallasCowboys, his dad's favorite team, and
it was his at least through twentytwenty three. He is vound not to
watch them, but to keep upwith him. Well, I don't know
how all that's gonna work. We'llfind out, but it does stand for
Dallas back here in the town forwhich you were named. It does,
Craig. And it's funny because ofcourse that the Big twelve Media Days was
always at at and T Stadium,and every time I worked, you were
on your vacation. So I'm justglad we weren't together because you would have
given me so much grief. Butof course I think still I was taking
to a Cowboys fan. I stillam, but I was still had rooting
interest in the last two years.So I'm just glad we're not in Jerry's
role because Jerry made just kicked meout. Honestly, he might have now.
I was there for those. Idid not miss those due to vacation.
I only missed. I only missedone big twelve media days the entire
time, and it was nineteen ninetyseven, the second year I was there.
I was there last year. Butthings were different also, the circumstances
of our work relationships and all thatother kind of stuff and all that.
It was a little bit different,a little bit weird. I was on
your show yet that I was.That's the thing. But we're here now.
Also here you heard him this morninglead with the leadoff coverage. Here
is the one only Mike Hardball harduh with the hard Knox life. So
you got it off, running andgoing and everything. So I know you
were happy about that. I likethe way you put that. As far
as leading things off, you're thelead off too. I was the leadoff
hitter. That's how it was mostof my career. You were a lead
off hitter in your in your heartball dage and We know we got a
chance to talk a little bit aboutthe MLB draft, But the reason why
we are here is because now weare part of the Southeastern Conference and we've
talked about it just means more we'restarting to see what it's all about.
The hooplah, the people coming inand out. We had Lane Kiffin sitting
here right in front of us,and also Nick Saban, who for some
reason needed a credential. Yeah,even Nick Saban needed one. Apparently he
didn't have one. They were gonnaliveit. Greg McElroy, who's right in
front of us and who's going tobe on the program with us later this
week, was stopped by the ladythere and he had to talk fast because
he wasn't wearing her credential to dothat. So, yes, it's it's
a whole new world. The lovelyLaura Rutlets, who does such a fabulous
job on UH, on ESPN andSEC network, is standing nearby. Paul
Finebaum is over there at the atthe desk UH doing his programs. Aren't
you going to spend some time withmister Finebaum on Wednesday? They've asked me
to pop on with with Paul Finebaum, So I'll pop on his his show
on Wednesday. So anyway, Uh, those are kind of the mile markt
I mentioned last week that there arethat there are signposts, mile markers if
you will, that we're drawing closerto football. In the past, it
was big twelve media days now saysSEC Media Days for Texas, then on
to U on to Texas High SchoolCoach Association's coaching school at the end of
this week and through the weekend.Uh, there's that. So there's all
of these signposts. But when yousee these people who are a big part
of the Southeastern Conference and you knowa lot of them, you were you
were talking about, I've already donethree radio shows other shows today people ask
I've been on in Alabama and Oklahoma, and folks have asked me to pop
on other shows as well. Sowe all kind of even though this is
a new experience for Texas and Oklahomabeing in this league, there's a lot
of people we know and have interactedwith over the years. Absolutely, you
get an opportunity kept to rekindle someold relationships that kind of might have fallen
off just a little bit because everybodywent their separate ways. The changes that
you and I have gone through fromone station to the other station. Things
have kind of moved around. Butwhen you get to this point to where
we are right now, we knowthat football is right around the corner,
and that makes all of us prettydog une happy. Yeah. Well,
the leadoff man for the Southeastern Conferenceon these SEC football media days is,
of course the league commissioner, GregSankie, who was the leadoff fan.
In terms of the press conferences.They have already had a couple of the
press conferences. There's one more thingVanderbilt's to come a little bit later.
Is Lane Kiffen still under way here? Cam, let's see a little live
listen there. I don't know ifLane Kiffin, the head coach at Old
Miss, is still going, butwe could check and see if he's going
on in the other room in thepress conference room, to see if he's
going. I don't know if he'sgoing already. Brian Kelly of ls HU,
Shane Beemer of South Carolina, I'vealready spoken. It's four head coaches
per day for four days, addsup to the sixteen big banner UPTS is
now sixteen strong. So Lane Kiffinis visiting right now. I think with
the media and then after that ClarkLee at Vanderbilt. I think we'll be
the deal with that. But whatwe're gonna do, we're gonna hear from
the commissioner, Greg saying he willhear from him today kind of cause Texas
and Oklahom we're going into this thingtogether. We thought we should have a
little Oklahoma flavor on this first dayas well. In the three o'clock hour
long war and football fans will werea recognized the name Kale Gundy. Kale
Gundy was a quarterback. Oh isthis lane Kivin. Let's see if we
can hit pick up a little bitof the coach of the old Miss Rebels.
Now multiple transfers, I think youcan't be stuck and say well,
we're not going to take any orwe're only going to take this many percent
of high school, this much ofportal, like, you'll get stuck because
you gotta do just like you hain the free agency in the NFL,
there's some years you sign more,there's some years you sign less. You
know, you lose some sometimes Nowsome guys come back and don't go to
the NFL and maybe you thought wereso we're always yeah, So there's there's
some Lane Kiff in there for youfrom his press conference that's going on right
now. Steve Sarkisian and the Texasgroup will be here on Wednesday, So
we'll do it in that we're goingto try to sign the best player,
but we're also gonna really look atwho they are because I mean, you
guys, see it just study.The answer isn't just be the best portal
classes, because there's some really goodhigh school signing classes and some really good
portal classes and you know they didn'thave great seasons. There's a lot to
that too in the right makeup ofthe guys that you signed, So especially
in the portal to meet, Ithink you gotta be really careful and really
good job of evaluating who they are, why they left, where they left,
what do they want to do?Yeah, all right, So there's
some some Lane Kiffin from the fromhis press conference there. All right,
We're going to keep you updated onthe Major League draft as well. There
been uh oh lb J just selectedby the Colorado Rockies in the fifth round
of the draft, so he becomesthe second Texas long worn to be drafted.
Yesterday, Jared Thomas went the fortysecond overall pick, Labaron Johnson Junior,
the one hundred and thirty ninth overallpick selected by the Colorado Rockies.
And that's in the fifth round ofthe draft. Now we've also learned,
have we diedharged that Jalen Force hasdecided to return to the university. He
made an announcement earlier today that hedecided that he was going to return to
the University of Texas, which shockedme a little bit, to be perfectly
honest with you, because I thoughthe was one of those guys that has
so much upside that somebody would takea chance on him and try to develop
them at the next level. Butfor him to come out and make that
decision already, that's a big stepfor him and a big step for his
family. But most importantly, that'sa huge situation for coach Slasnegel as he
comes back and brings back one ofthe top players in the well former Big
twelve Conference now heading into the SEC. YEP, no doubt about it.
I'm sure Schloss is happy to havehim there as a part of it,
so will come back. But again, two long horns have been drafted in
addition of future long Horns that havealready been taken, so we'll keep track
of the Major League Draft. Upnext, we will hear from the Commissioner,
Greg Sankee, the commissioner of theSoutheastern Conference, his thoughts on the
Big Twelve, I mean on theformer Big Twelve members Texas and Oklahoma now
being in the SEC, what impactthat has and the question of the possibility
of expansion that has come up aswell. So we'll hear from the Commissioner.
Coming up as we come your waylive here from the Omni Hotel here
in downtown Dallas is the twenty twentyfour football Kickoff Media Days from the SEC,
and you're listening to it live righthere on Sports Radio AM thirteen under
the Zone and the iHeartRadio app.