All Episodes

June 20, 2024 30 mins
Howie is confessing he wants to break up his friend's marriage, so he can get with her. Also what weird texts do your parents send you? Jeremiah celebrates his son's birthday on air. And another round of Daddy's Dialouge for Niall Horan tickets!
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Let's hope he doesn't figure out whatonly fans is. This is for you
the Cheremiah Show, and this ishow you're gonna do it on my six
five chess. All friends, welcomeinto your Friday junior program. It's Sea

Jarrelmiah Show, Glass Animals. Ticketsfor you on the way two thirty and
can get hooked up there. Ifyou've been downtown lately, Superman is taking
over. You know, they're filmingthe Superman moving down here. They've got
things labeled and like facaded, likeDaily Planet and whatnot. We'll try to
get out there and check that out. I lived into what you're up to
today. Spread some good vibes withme. It's hot out there. A

lot of people are miserable. Hydrate. There's a warning for you. You
got something good that happened to youtoday, for even yesterday. Text into
the show two one six, fiveseven eight ninety six five. Oh,
the caller took textas the same number. Ah the free iheartradiof thank you,
it's free. Click the red microphoneand you let a message right here in
the studio. That's where I getit. And I'm just tell me about

good thing's going on with you today. Hulu take it over for you this
hour. That means more music.I'll get ready for our iHeartRadio Music festivals
streaming on Hulu. That's why Hulu'sdoing it, So thank them for that.
You're welcome for a little pretty Rickythrowback on the chair on my show
Friday Junior Edition. It's kiss Welltake over action happening thanks to our friends

and Hulo. Of course, that'swhere you can stream our iHeartRadio Music Festival
in September. Lineup stacked, BigSean, Camila, Cabeo, Doja,
Cat, Gwen Stefani and Moore,pretty much and all the genres out in
Vegas in September. So thank youto Hulo for it that we're spreading good
vibes, good things happening in yourlife. Tell us all about it.
Dave's got some good vibes. Dave, tell me something good that happened to

you today. Today. I gotoff work because it was miserably hot.
I'm at at home having an aircondistinct truck. What kind of work do
you do? Do you work outthere in the elements, Dave, I
do. I'm a carpenter. OhGod, bless you, sir. I
give you. I give all thekudos to you guys out there doing those
hard labor jobs. A because it'sa hard job, very very vital vital.

Yeah see I say words for aliving, very vital to our society
succeeding. But also just out ofgroveling that I could never do that job
in my life. David, Oh, no, I would. I would
kill myself or someone else on accident. It would happen. David. All
right, Well, I appreciate youfor that. That's very nice. Anytime
I grab a hammer out of thetoolbox, my wife hides number one station

NI Kiss FM takeover right in themiddle of the jere On Maia show.
It's ninety six five Kiss FM.I got glass animals sticks by the way,
hoo, can you up here injust about five minutes or so stick
around for them spreading good vibes allover Noise East, Ohio. And is
my goal to get Kiss FM onevery single public pool, even private pools,

all over Northeast Ohio and beyond.If you're listening on the Arhat radio
app outside of the state, letme know. But if you're in a
public pool today, let me knowwhat poll. Let me know your blasting
us, and I will shout youout, play a song for you.
Whatever you want, whatever you wanttwo one six seventy ninety six five.
Oh you want to text into theprogram? You're on that app? Thank
you. There's a red microphone there. You can tell me there on the

talk back. That's what we callit comes to me here in the studio.
Let's talk to Kelsey. Kelsey,tell me something good that happened to
you in your life. Spread thegood vibes. I'm not good that happened
in my life today. I boughta new swimming pool this summer. Let's
get that. Did you get thebig girl one? Or did you get
the fifty dollars one at already?Like my wife got. Well, I've

spent like one hundred and fifty solidright there, that's a solid pool.
It's like four feet. Look atyou. Have you put it together?
Yes? Yes, look at you. That's ready. You're likely. This
weather is wild and it's like hotas hades, and then just random storms
pop up. No, don't letthe rain bring you down. You get

out there, let the rain on, Let the rain, let it rain
on your skin. What's the lyricsthat I can't come to right now.
Let it rain on me. Feelthe rain on your skin, Kelsey,
feel the rain on your skin,getting that full pork cocktails right yeah,
that's what was the Natasha Bettingfield unwrittenI'm a dummy, stick around, let's
look get with those glass animals.Tickets says. We continue to have our

little takeover action thanks to our friendsand Hulu. Of course, our iHeart
Radio Music Festival just around the cornerin September. Get your tickets at you
know what you want to do.You know I'm going to do because I
do what I want, because Iplayed by my own rules, because I'm
a wild card. This one Kelsey, Kelsey, got one for you,
Kelsey, this one's for you.You're welcome. Let's go, let it

rain on your skin, let itdo it. Let's do this thing.
Here we go, let's get sofat. That charmian show Hulu helping us
out a little takeover right now,happening this hour, a little more music
for you all, getting you readyfor our iHeartRadio Music Festival, which tickets
are on Salefe. You should liketo purchase the hat. It's Vegas in
September. Jay Sean can be likea Bao Gwen Stefani, Hosey Air,

Doja Cat and more. It's gonnabe amazing and you could be there.
So thanks Hulu for the little takeoverthis hour. We're trying to hook up
with Glass Animals tickets. They arecoming to blossom in August. Let's see
if colleg twelve can win them.It is Clarissa in Coppley, Clarissa,
Good afternoon, haygar Hey, what'sgoing on? Clarissa? As soon as

you called, I apologize in advance, but just immediately I just went right
to it. You were named afterthe show, right, Yeah? Okay,
what a great what a great themesong? Maybe top five one of
the best show theme songs of alltime? Am I wrong? Clarissa?
You're not wrong. Okay. Ifyou ever turn your phone off, vibrate

that better be your ring tone.All Right, here we go. Let's
play is it hotter in Cleveland?I will give you a city. You
have to tell me if it's hotterin that city or hotter in Cleveland.
Get twit or we're right and youwin. Okay, all right, all
right, I pulled up my weatherapp with the temperature of downtown Cleveland.
Tell me is it hotter in Berlin, Germany than it is in Cleveland.

No, no, it's not,because it's seventy degrees. It's eighty six
in downtown Cleveland. There you go, one right, one more for the
win in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Buttell me is it hotter or colder?
Is it hotter in Pittsburgh than itis in Cleveland? Yes, it is
eighty nine degrees. You win.Suck at Pittsburgh? Am I? Right?

Right? Right? Exactly? Thereyou go. Well, congratulations,
you are going to Glass Animals atBlossom. Thank you, you are so
welcome. Thank you for listening toHorsley Radio program. Here. Well problem,
all right, I'm gonna put youOh well, I appreciate you for
that. Clariss, I'm gonna putyou on hold. Uh and uh we'll

get mom from you. Okay,stand by, all right, thank you?
All right, more hookups on theway. We'll send you to a
blue hair and brewery and medna that'sstill on the way today and Nole Horn
tickets all coming up. Stick aroundand sit chere on Maia's show ninety six
five Kiss FM. Let's get yousome chapel roone for your Friday Junior spessional
coming up for you on the JarremiahShow. It's ninety six five Kiss FM.

How he's got a plan? Iwant to break up my friend's marriage.
Oh boy, how does he why? A lot of questions, a
lot of answers will happen coming upat three thirty on the show. Right
now. Though, it's a veryspecial day in my family because my youngest
Isaiah, celebrates six trips around thesun, and he is he's something.
He wears a fedora to school.He calls his teacher by his last name

without the misses, all of thatstuff. So I figured we'd give him
a call right now and wish hima happy birthday and kind of give give
him the radio waves for just alittle bit. Hello, Isaiah, happy
birthday, buddy. Thank you.Hey, we're on the radio. So
don't say bad words. Okay,okay, don't say bad words at all.
What are you doing today? Weare only don't Oh that's right,

I can't see. We can't tellpeople what it is. You're very you're
doing a very special secret project rightwith your brothers, brother and sister.
Yeah, we can't tell the peoplewhat that is. So you're getting ready
to leave for that right now.Awesome. Well, I figured, since
it's your sixth birthday, I don'tthink i've ever Have you ever been on
my radio show before? Yeah?Okay, well this is the first time.
I figured I will give you theopportunity right now to say whatever you

want to the people listening to youon the radio. So whatever you want
to talk about for the next minuteor so, you can just tell do
you want to give people advice?Do you wanna do you want to talk
about yourself? What do you wantto talk about me? Tell me,
tell all the people about Isaiah.I have blue lie uh huh? And

what I asked men? I havethe old hair, a kind of ray
and kind of red. Yeah.What what is your favorite color? Favorite
color is green? That's right.What is your favorite thing to watch on
the iPad right now? YouTube?Like watching YouTube? What do you like
watching on YouTube? The lanky bots? I still don't know what that is.

I just I'm just saying, man, I'm just saying, what are
you Are you kicking me off?Are you saying bye? Now? No?
Oh okay, I thought you werekicking me off. I'm like,
this is my show, dude,what are you doing? Day? All
right? Well, Why do yougive the people listening advice on on how
to stay cool on a hot daylike we've got today on your birthday?

What should they do? You shouldput on short uh huh and short tan
uh huh and like slightly for friend, buy a pool and get in it.
Wait, swimming more pool? Okay, that's right, Mom got mom

got us a pool last week?Did you that right? And we were
swimming in it last night? Howlong were you holding your breath underwater?
Ten seconds? Ten seconds? Andwhat? What? What did I tell
you? What happened if you didn'thold your breath for ten seconds underwater?
I hate It's right, that's right. You would have gotten grounded, but
you did it. Proud of you? All right? Well before I let

you and Mom go for your verysuper special secret project. Anything else you
want to tell the people on theradio, Yeah, okay, what is
it? I stay cool? Wealready did that. Anything else you want
to tell? Do you want tosing a song? Yeah? What do

you want to sing? Happy birthdaysong? Happy birthday song? You go
go ahead sing it. Let's hearit. Happy birthday to me, that
big birthday, dear me, Happybirthday. Cheers you there, you go
all right, I'll see you atdinner tonight. We're gonna get on a

spaghetti right now. We are yougonna eat cheese? We're going to an
Italian restaurant. You're getting the cheeseburger. Yeah, all right, I love
you. Happy birthday, Thank you, Bye bye. You got secrets?

We love secrets. If you she he the better. This is the
Cleveland Confessional. Spill that tea.If you've ever had a secret that you
can't tell to the people in yourlife, you can confess it here on
The Jeremiah Show. Be anonymous ifyou wish it all starts with the dm
Find us on Instagram, TikTok moreat J Show Radio. Maybe we'll call
you back like we're gonna call Howieright now. Hello, I'm looking for

Howie speaking. Here's Howie sit hereon my show ninety six five Kiss FM.
How are you, sir? Doingwell with Do you remember how you
DMD us about having a Cleveland Confessional? Do you remember that? Oh my
god, yes, about that?Yeah, yeah, we're we're here to
collect on it. How if youif you have a moment and are in
a safe place to tell us yoursecret. Are you in a safe place

where like the wrong people won't hearabout it. Yes, okay, Howie,
tell me, tell the rest ofCleveland. What do you want to
confess? I want to break upmy friend's marriage here example. What why
that's not a nice thing to do? Howie? Well, hold on,
let me let me explain. Okay, So, my friend and I have

been friends since kindergarten, and franklyI consider her my best friend in many
ways. And unfortunately, uh,my friend married an absolute Okay, I'm
assuming I swear no worries, buthe's an absolute chirk. Okay, let's

just say, well a little bitthat he is the absolute worst, and
he treats her like trash, andhe dumps down to her, and every
time there's an opportunity to be niceto her, he purposely chooses to belittle
her, you know, and andand just and condescending to her and everything.
And so yeah, so we talkall the time, and after this

last conversation that we had where she'syou know, going on again about like
how he's such a jerk to me, and he's he's you know, just
really rude and what have you.I'm I'm ready to do something about it.
So and so this is not asituation where she's oblivious to it.
She's aware of it. She doesn'tlike it. She is using you as
her her conduit her she's venting toyou about how horrible her marriage is.

I'm yeah, I'm very much hershoulder to cry on, okay, And
and so it's just yeah, likeI'm I mean, I will always be
there for her. It's not likeI'm saying like, oh my god,
I'm just you know, this isa way for me to stop half her
stuff, you know, being youknow, venting to me. But it's
it's just because I do realize thatI do love her. I mean,
I love her, and then Irealized I have actual feelings for her,

and you know, they like,I'm ready to do something about it.
I just, you know, Iwant to confess that to her and then
hopefully, you know, we canstart a life together. And you know,
they don't have kids or anything.And as a matter of fact,
it was a big point of contentionin their marriage that you know, he
wanted kids, but you know,she doesn't want to have them with him,

so and she said that she's expressedthat to me. So I don't
know, this is a good idea. So is has she expressed wanting to
end the marriage or more just ventingto you about how much it sucks she's
she's she's vented to me, nothow much he sucks, and hasn't really
expressly said she wants to like she'sthinking about a divorce or anything like that.

But I mean, it's it's it'stough. Yeah, Yeah, I
think this is such a sticky situation, like it's gonna put it's it's gonna
put such a damn like it seems. And I'm not saying, I'm not
saying this is what the situation is. It seems convenient for you to be
the one to get her out ofthe marriage and get into a relationship with

it. To the outside eye,do you see what I'm saying. Like
I'm trying to be objective, I'mnot judging. Yeah, and that might
make it more difficult, is mypoint. Sure, I guess I get
it. I mean, you know, I guess on some level, though
I don't know, it's like aneighties comedy, you know what I mean,
It's almost like a John Hughes moviein some way. Well, let's
he is that much of a jerkhow let me do this. Let's pull

Cleveland. Let's see what they think. Maybe people have been through a similar
situation, and they can they cangive a little more insight than I have
because I have not shared your situation, fortunately for me, but unfortunately for
you. So you when you hangup, you keep listening in Cleveland.
They'll chime in on what they thinkyou should do. Sound good. I
appreciate him. Two one five seveneight ninety six five. Oh. Howie

wants to break up her his friend'smarriage because it's the worst and he wants
to be there to save the dayand start a life with her. Should
he do that, you can callher text the same number. Two one
six five seven eight ninety six fiveOho. If you listen to the free
iHeart radio app, hit the redmicrophone, it'll come to me right here
in the studio as you probably you'recleaning confessional with Howie. We're reaching out

to Cleveland for your help. Youcan text in if you'd like. Two
one six five seven eight ninety sixfive Ozho Howie's friend since kindergarten. She
is in a horrible marriage. Hebasically wants to bust her out of it
and confess his love. Should hedo it? As the question. Also,
if you're on the free iHeart radioapp, you can chime in there
as well. Red microphone, youcan get to us there. Let's go
to Amanda in Euclid Amanda, goodafternoon, nigger, Amanda, help help

pour Howie out. I feel likehe's he's trying to do a good deed,
But is this a good deed withhis Cleveland confessional? So the opinion
is that it is a good teabecause I have been in a similar situation.
Huh. Yeah, And I waswith my ex for six and a
half years and he treated me poorlee and now I am with the love

of my life, whome I statedlike ten years before. And I feel
like if she is venting to himand reaching out to him for all of
his health and everything that she mostlikely wanted to Oh, so you think
maybe she's this is her way ofreaching out for help from him by her

venting. Kind of yeah, Ifeel like he should go for it.
I mean, probably not try tobreak it up, but just reiterate the
fact that he has been there forher since kindergarten and you know, he
just wants her to be treated rightand that he can do that for her,
And you know what I was thinking, break up the marriage, then
get with her. I guess hecan just confess his love and just take

her away, right, Yeah,like a fairy tale end right, happily
ever after. That's what I'm saying. You know what, See, I'm
Andy. You shine the light onthe situation that this is why you guys
are so helpful to this program,because I don't know what the hell I'm
talking about. Yeah, we try. Well, you do a great job,

Amanda. Thank you, Thank youso much for listen. Thank you,
thank you for listen. We'll talkto you soon. All right,
all right, bye bye, Hey, all right, let's get you to
Blue Hair and Brewery down to aDNA. We'll get with fifty bucks to them.
Coming up after this, they're like, do you think you should know?
This week on ninety six five KissFM, do you know what we
do? That's what key up onthe Jeremiah Show. It's ninety six five

KISSFM. Wesley in your college twelve, Congrats did you win? Wesley?
Are you more of a blue blue? Are you more of a crab Legs
fan or a brunch fan? Myfaye, more brunch what's my wife brunch?
Better? There you go, happywife, happy life? Am I
right? My friend? Yes,sir, well you can take care of
brunch. You can take care ofcrab legs, everything in between. Blue

Hair and Brewery in Madona. Wegot fifty bucks for you do. Congratulations.
Thank you very much, man.I appreciate it. I appreciate you.
Thank you so much for listen.I'm gonna put you on hold here,
get more infoca. All right,keep in mind brunch Saturday and Sunday
at Blue Ham Brewery in Medina.It's a Jeremia show doing what we do,
hooking you up on ninety six fiveKiss f F Nile Horn. Tickets
up for grabs for you, comingup at four thirty on the Jeremiah Show.

It's ninety six to five Kiss FM. Also the commercial Freedness for you.
So we got that going on thisthat with a program brought to you
by my friends and Ken Ganley ChevroletAurora, your hometown dealer three ten West
Garfield and Aurora. Swing by tellingJeremiah such they're gonna take amazing care of
you. I just one by therethere today. What up? James and
the whole crew love those guys,I love getting text from parents, especially

when they're just ridiculous. Ali O'Brienposted it on TikTok, people getting in
her comments and telling her all aboutthe text that parents and grandparents had sent
and these are amazing. It's good. It's always a good I'm just sit
back and reminisce and recall the amazinglyhorrible texts your parents said. Here's an

example. My dad finishes every singletext with the sunglasses emoji. It's like
a weird signature, even though we'veexplained to him it's not always appropriate,
like when he announced Grandma died sunglassesemoji in the family chat. I'm sorry,
parents, and technology is my favorite. I still every time I think
about parents and grandparents in their horribletext and I want to get yours.

By the way, text me attwo one six five seven eight ninety six
five ozo he copy and paste thelast crazy text that your parents or grandparents
sent you and had you like whatwait what now? Grandma, Joe,
God rest your soul. We hada group chat a couple for I believe
it was for a holiday, andwe were all talking about what we're going

to bring food wise, big importantthing in the Wimer family always make sure
someone brings the traveloning all right,someone's got to bring the scramps somehow.
I don't even know the context,and I couldn't, and I think it's
even better that I don't know it. I think I texted something about a
meth salad jokingly, don't remember whatit was. And Grandma Joe love it,

innestly, innocently, sweetest woman onthe planet. Text back mess salad
that sounds delicious. I love it. I love it so much. Send
me yours. What ridiculous thing didyour parent or grandparent or uncle or anne
text you? Or what? What'sone of their most annoying texting habits they

do. I'd love to hear thosetwo color text It's two one six seventy
ninety six five. Oh I heeardradio app listening there? Thank you?
What's free? Red microphone has calleda talkback comes to me right here in
this sea Cleveland number one Hay ninetysix five Kiss FM commercial free on knee,
Joe, I is show. It'sninety six five kids, This with
the pro Graham brought to you bymy friends over there, ken Ganley,

sheverd Ley, oh Rory hometown dealerthree ten West Garfield. Go see him,
tell him. Jeremiah sention, they'regoing to take great care of you.
Noile Horn tickets. He's coming toblossom less than a week from today.
We're hooking you up here in justover five minutes from right now,
you get hooked up on the JeremiahShow. Talking about the text that your
parents send you, because this oneblown up on TikTok about texts you get

from your grandma's, your grandpa's,these mysterious random ass texts. You know
what I'm talking about. Ali O'Brienwas reading some comments on TikTok. My
dad finishes every single text with thesunglasses emoji. It's like a weird signature,
even though we've explained to him it'snot always appropriate, like when he
announced Grandma died sunglasses emoji in thefamily chat, Katie, you're up now,
Good afternoon, Hagar, Hey Katie, whose text do you love to

get? Is it Grandma? Isit Grandpa? Is it Mom? Is
it Dad? What are they sendingyou? So it's grandpa and he doesn't
send it to me, He sendsit to my husband. It's so bad.
What does he send so on Facebook. The Facebook reels. He sends,
my husband likes, say that againbecause you cut out and I think

I heard what you said. Sayit one more time for the people.
He sends my husband thirst. Ohno, how does daily How does your
husband react to this? He sumsup the most, that's it. And
what does he tell you about this? He acts like he doesn't understand Facebook,

and he like tries to like playit off and he calls it like
Facebook and like things like that.He doesn't understand. I'm thinking to myself,
like, Grandpa, you're not dumb. I know what you're doing.
Oh boy, let's hope he doesn'tfigure out what OnlyFans is. You know.
I don't even want to think aboutit. Yeah, he's going to
spend all the retirement money. That'swhat's going to happen probably. Oh my

god, that's amazing, Katie.Thank you so much for sharing. No
problem. All right, we'll talkto you so bye bye. All right,
let's get you no horn tickets allthe way. I'll give me two
songs from right now hook you upon ninety six five, Kiss have had
my commercial free? Did youre myissue commercial free? On ninety six five,
Kiss Have am trying to hook youup with Nile Horn tickets. Let's

go to College twelve. It's Alexand Garfield. Height's Alex, good afternoon.
How are you? I'm well?How are you, sir? Well
as well? You're ready to playDaddy's Dialogue? Alex? Yep, first,
isn't a creepy game yet? Oris it still fun? No?
It's pretty fun. I love it. Daddy's Dialogue is what we're playing.
So I'm I'm contractually obligated anytime someonesays Daddy's Dialogue to play the thing,

so I apologize for that. Allright. So I've got a song that
I've pitched down to sound like Dadvoice. Tell me title an artist and
you are going to Nile Horn ofBlossom next week. All right? All
right, Alex, good luck Alexfor Nile Horn tickets. Title and artists
of that song is what I honestlyhave no idea, no guess at all.

Man. Well, here's what yougot going for you. You're a
lovely human. Thank you, sir. I appreciate it so welcome. Thank
you so much for listening to Colbert. Talk to you soon, Bye bye
bye. Two one six, five, seven, eight ninety six. Five.
Oh you heard it? Do youknow it? If you do,
you're Nile horns could be lost innext week. Good look two one,
six, five, seventy eight,ninety six five. Oh, we'll keep
it going commercial free beyond saying nowni On Horn tickets could be ours.

Let's kiss commercial free on the JeremiahShows What we Are. It's ninety six
to five Kiss FM. Each andevery day during the four o'clock hour,
we go commercial free for you.Nile Horn tickets are up for grabs now.
The game is called Daddy's Dialogue.Let's play next with Sabrina in Rocky
River, Sabrina, Good afternoon,hacar oh oh, Sabrina. If I

want to put you on the radio, I have to turn your button on.
Are you there, hey, girl, Welcome in, Sabrina. You
know, this might be the veryfirst time in my career that I've had
two Melissa jo and Hart references inone program, because I obviously have you,
Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I hada young lady named Clarissa from Coppley
on the show earlier today. Really, the Melissa Joan Hart vibes are alive

and well. Here on the chairon Maia Show today. All right,
Sabrina, let's see if we canreward you with Nile Horrn tickets. No
idea of Melissa joh Hart is aNile Horn fan, but she should be
right, all right, Daddy's Dialogueis the game. I have downpitched a
song to sound like a dad voice. You tell me title and artists of
that song, and you win yourtickets to Nila Blossom. All right,

Okay, good luck, Sabrina inRocky River for Nile Horn tickets. What
is the title and artist of thatsong? Is it? Is it feathered
by Sabrina Carpenter? Is? I'mso sorry, but thank you for playing.

I appreciate you, your lovely human. Let's move on. We're gonna
keep it going. Let's go toMonica in Beechwood, Monica, Good afternoon,
Aggar Monica. I didn't I actuallydidn't hear what Sabrina said for the
title. But it's not a Sabrinacarp for a song. I can tell
you that much. Let's play Daddy'sDialogue, shall we? Okay? Title

and artist of this song which hasbeen pitched down? If you're just joining
us Monica in Beechwood for Nile HornTickets. What song is that? And
who sings it? Steal my girlby one direction? That is right,

Monica, you are going to NileHorne Blossom. Congratulations. I love it.
I have been a fan since sincetoday they got together. Oh and
this is your guy. Yeah.Please when you go to the show,
don't do anything that gets you arrested. Okay, I promise I will.

Okay. I appreciate you for that. Congratulations. You have the best time
in the world. Monica, Thankyou. I love it. Well,
let's play. We got to playit now, right? We should Should
I stop it? Should I stop? At Monica? Should I keep playing
it? I said? Should Istop this song? Or should I keep
playing it? Keep playing it?It's rhetorical. I was doing a bit,

all right, Monica, Sit tight. I'm gonna get worrifo from you
off the air. Congratulations again moreNile Tickets will hook you up tomorrow right
here on the chere on Maya Showsninety six five Kiss FM. Let's be
smart about this. I'm smart,so smart. It's time to smart you
up, Cleveland. We're not gonnabe the stupid people anymore. With Jeremiah's
fun fact of the day, knowleedge nugget for your Friday Junior. This

one's gonna make you scratch you noodlea little bit more because did you know
there are no actual laws preventing theNBA, NFL, or any other sports
league from rigging their games, Notone law on the books. I guess
this goes with the whole script theory. Right time for your Genius of the
Day on the Jamia Show. It'sninety six five Kiss FM. Whom is
your genius of the day. Well, that would be someone doing something so

stupid. Anything you've done pales incomparison. I particularly love myself a genius
of the day who comes to usstraight from the state jan that'd be Florida.
Where if the Florida man has beenarrested for robbing a bank, but
he didn't really rob a bank,all right. A thirty three year old
guy named Jupiter, Florida, wentto a Wells Fargo to take out eighty

bucks on Saturday. The bank wasclosed, but an employee forgot to lock
the doors apparently, and no onewas there, so he figured, ah
might as well rob the place,went to a nearby gas station and bought
a band Danadehyde his identity. Thenhe went back to the bank and walked
in. There was an issue withthe security system, so cops didn't get
a call until an hour later,probably because they didn't activate it, but
they still managed to track him downand harassed him. What did he do?

We rifled through some bank chores andcouldn't find any money, so he
ended up leaving empty handed, butthey booked him anyway. He's facing charges
of burglary and of an unoccupied structure. Ew, guys, you can't even
rob a bank when the door isunlocked. Do we know that? I
know that. Thanks for listening toThe Jeremiah Show on demand. For more,
find us on TikTok, Instagram andmore at Chase Show Radio and its

weekdays two to six on ninety sixfive Kiss FM.
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