All Episodes

November 1, 2024 • 32 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Mike, I never say you're welcome because it implies that
you are welcome to my kindness as if you're entitled,
and you are not entitled to my kindness.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
So appreciate you, f you, But now you're saying you're
welcome to their acknowledgment. Thank you for having done something
like you know, you came into our restaurant and you

bought a meal, and you help pay the overhead and
the salaries and the cost of good sould and all
of that, and so thank you for coming in. You're
welcome my pleasure.

Speaker 3 (00:45):
Now as you said f you to that googer talkbacker,
I was reading this most recent text that we've got
from ninety seven ninety eight. Michael, a coworker of my
husbands had resigned later that day. When they passed in
the building lobby, not the company suite they worked in,
my husband said f you for leaving. They were good friends,

and both laughed. Someone else who observed that conversation reported
him to HR because they thought my husband was being
mean to the person leaving.

Speaker 2 (01:18):

Speaker 3 (01:19):
Ye, please don't be offended for somebody else. Let them
be offended. Yeah, if they are, they will be, and
they'll say something.

Speaker 2 (01:27):
Do you remember on our I started to put an
adgit even there I probably should not put in there.
Do you remember in our in our little HR guidance
and tests that we have to take what every every year?
That's always the same questions and the same answers and right, yeah,
do you remember that thing that we take and it's
about Uh, you saw Susie copying some papers that had

some proprietary information.

Speaker 3 (01:54):
Do you confront her?

Speaker 2 (01:56):
Do you confront her or do you report her even.

Speaker 3 (01:59):
Though you bring a third party?

Speaker 2 (02:01):
I remember that, Yeah, even though you may not know
what Susie's doing with those. So I'm thinking the way
I always read that question is whenever I see anyone
making a copy, I immediately assume it's for a nefarious purpose.

Speaker 3 (02:17):
Mm hmmm. It just reminds me of the conversation I
had downstairs while we were talking about my weight loss
and the weight loss program that I was on at
the time that worked well. While I was on it.
I had called myself fat in that commercial spot. So
somebody called in and complained that I was calling myself fat.

So I had to politely explain to this woman who
called in and said, please don't be offended for me.
I'm a grown up. I can be offended for myself.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
They called into the program to complain about what you
were doing.

Speaker 3 (02:51):
Yeah huh, they said, Hey, you shouldn't call that guy fat.
It's like I'm the one fat.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's see Michael forty four sixty seven.
By the way, I got a text message from I'm
not quite sure who this person is, but I received
on my on my cell phone in all caps of
the words thank you. I think someone's trying to be

a smart ass.

Speaker 3 (03:22):
Thank you yep.

Speaker 2 (03:23):
Sounds about right for pointing out that we get deliveries
all the time.

Speaker 3 (03:27):
Appreciate you, yep, such a smart ass.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
I don't know who that person is, but I need
to block that number. Oh wait a minute, let's see
there's something else. If I read back through all of these. Man,
it's a good thing you don't have access to my phone.

Speaker 3 (03:48):
Yeah, but I have access to hers?

Speaker 2 (03:51):
Do you? Oh my gosh, I think if I ever
pitched you, I.

Speaker 3 (03:54):
Think you're referring to Yeah, I've got yeah, yeah, teth
technology INEPT.

Speaker 2 (04:00):
Oh really oh.

Speaker 3 (04:01):
Yeah, maybe she don't peruse her phone.

Speaker 2 (04:07):
And I'm just thinking maybe I should go through the
text message between me and missus Redbeard, and make certain
there's nothing in here that oh here, yeah, here's oh
my gosh, here's all the stuff about the stupid Christmas presents. Oh.

Speaker 3 (04:27):
She felt so bad, she felt awful.

Speaker 2 (04:32):
You're welcome.

Speaker 3 (04:35):
Oh it's how you worded the letter. Yeah, here's fifty
bucks for your husband. Spend the rest in yourself. So
she did on herself for herself, not including me whatsoever.
But then you explained, you implied you had meant to
imply to spend it like on dinner for the both
of us. Nope, she spent it all on her, all herself,

and she felt bad.

Speaker 2 (04:57):
She was just No, she didn't, she was just following instructions.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
And I completely agree with that as well.

Speaker 2 (05:02):
Yeah, forty four to sixty seven, Michael. If I go
to the Amazon delivery person, they don't want to hand
me the package. They want to put it by the
door and take a picture. One such person was almost
rude about it. That's happened to me, not with It's
happened to me one time with Amazon, and the guy
simply said, I have to take a picture. Would you
please hold the package? So we were standing in mill

the street and I held the package and he took
a picture of the package, and then I went on
about his way, and he said, you know something about
have a nice day, which is another one of my
pet pieves, have a nice day.

Speaker 3 (05:33):
And then you said, no worries. And I will agree
to this that my son, who works for Amazon and
does a lot of the delivery driving, he does. There
are certain rules about package delivery and there must be
pictures taken, and even some go as far as you
can't have like a hand or a foot or something
strange in the photo because then they can complain it's

not delivered, things of that nature. So, yeah, you probably
don't want to walk up to the Amazon guy and
go give me my package.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Well, I don't walk up and say give me my package.
I walk up, and I you know, I kind of
stand back because I don't want to startle them, like
I don't want to think I'm gonna rob them or anything.
So I kind of stand back a little ways just
so when they get out of the truck they see
that I'm in a reasonable distance away, but I'm not
standing like on the porch like, hey, bring it up here, boy,

bring it up here, Come on, bring it up here.
Come on, come on over here, Come on, come on,
little woman, bring it up to me. Come on, come on,
be a good little person. Come on, crawl up here,
bring it, bring me my package. No, I make sure,
I'm just trying to be helpful. See this, here's the
point about this entire discussion we've had all day to day.
You can't do anything nice to anybody. You can't. You

can't try to help, you can't do anything.

Speaker 1 (06:47):
You just.

Speaker 2 (06:49):
I went into circle K today to get Now, listen
to this. I go into circle K today to get
my diet coke. By the way, I'm not drinking diet coke,
so I I get it. I get a diet coke.
I go over. I put it on the little you know,

because nobody does anything anymore. And I put it on
this on the little machine that reads it. I tap
my credit card. I walk out. As I'm walking out,
I hear a guy say, because I've seen him walk
back into the store, I didn't tell you this part
of the story. Dragon. I see this guy come back
into the store and he's carrying a well, a polar pop.

He's carrying a big one like I've got. And he says,
to the woman behind the counter, who doesn't. I haven't
quite figured out what they're there for anymore because everything's
automated now, and he goes, I'd like to get something else.
This tastes horrible, and I'm thinking, uh oh, because when

I walked up to the machine, the crushed ice has
not been available for the past three days. So I
go over to the you know, because there's coke products,
and then there's.

Speaker 3 (08:07):
Not your normal circle cave. This is a different circle cave.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
Yes, well, it's my formerly normal circle case, which taught
me a lesson. Why did I go back again? So
I'm thinking, uh oh, I better taste this diet coke.
So I took a sip of it and realize, ooh,
it tastes like tap water. There's no flavor, there's no carbonation,

there's nothing. So I spin around and I said, oh,
and this one is completely flat. I want to get
something else. And instead of like apologizing or anything, you
know what, she told me. She said, well, there's a
sink over there where you can dump it out. And

then she goes, it's flat because the ice isn't working. Huh.

Speaker 3 (09:00):
The ice huh as affecting.

Speaker 2 (09:03):
The ice is affecting the carbonation inure, and and ice
is affecting the amount of syrup that's in the in
the no and I and again it's one of those
moments where first of all, you're not doing anything, just
standing there. Uh, you just told me, well, you can
dump it over there, as opposed to like coming out

and offering to do anything about it. So I go
over and I dump it, and I walk out, and
I'm just thinking. And by the way, it's it's diet
pepsi and it tastes like crap. But what is Can you,
as mister subway guy, can you explain to me what
the lack of ice has to do with the lack
of carbonation?

Speaker 3 (09:45):
Absolutely nothing, zero, whatsoever. Because if you had not poured
ice into that cup at all this so it would
still be flat.

Speaker 2 (09:55):
And if there had been ice but no CEO two,
it would still been flat, right, albeit cold? Yes, So
I had cold yet flat diet coke and now I
have lousy tasting diet pepsi. Because why I took out

our word even though I was in my mind I
was like, that has nothing to do with it. I thought, well,
if the diet coca is flat, then the coke zero
next to it is probably flat two.

Speaker 3 (10:26):
Could be, but could not also be.

Speaker 2 (10:28):
But I'm not gonna run that. I was already running
late this morning. I'm not gonna like. Okay, let me
try everyone, let me take us in. But if everyone
and see which one works, see which one doesn't work.
This is why I think this is the This is
the decline of society. Right here. You can't get a
decent diet coke at that circle.

Speaker 3 (10:45):
K I mean to deep dive into it. Yes, they
probably have one of the big gigantic co two tanks
in the back that might not be feeding the entire
fountain itself, or it could be the individual dispenser. The
syrup combination carbonation mix might be off. But if you
tried two different ones, then chances are if both of

them are off, then their CO two itself is either
low or off.

Speaker 2 (11:10):
Well, I don't know what the other guy was drinking,
but I know that instead when he he had already
dumped his out, he must have he and I must
have just passed in the parking lot. He had already
dumped his out somewhere on the parking lot, I guess,
and came and came back in and this time he
got a mountain dew. So I guess with the mountain
to be on the pepsi side or the coke side.

Speaker 3 (11:31):
I don't know, pepsi side, pepsi side.

Speaker 2 (11:33):
Okay, Mike, do you ever know people are just sick
and tired of something? Yeah? That was Gouber number twenty
six sixty five seventy nine forty six writes this, I drag.
Can you tell me if you'd ever do this? Mike?
Rather than ask how are you? Take a cold read

on how you think their day is going or how
they look to be feeling, and then labeled it seems
like you're having a pretty good day or looks like
you've been having a having a pretty rough day. That
shows empathy.

Speaker 3 (12:10):
Again, that would encourage a conversation that I don't want
to have. I barely even want to do the head nod.

Speaker 2 (12:18):
So I did it one time in recent memory, like
in the past. Well, it was probably sometime in October.
I told you about going to the regular circle K
and the big giant black guy hugging this little, tiny
other employee that came in, this little woman and she

was bawling her eyes out, and he and I made
eye contact, and I gave you that man. The man
look like everything okay, like, yeah, you need some help,
what's going on? And he just kind of looked at
me like I don't know, give me that signal like

do something. So I they disengaged from the embrace and
I just said, ma'am, you're okay. And that's when I
found out her her son had been murdered. Oh, so
I gave her a hug. I gave her a hug
and Mike twenty six sixty five circle k here Longman

has a twelve percent This is pretty precise circle k
and Longman has a twelve percent chance of working and
five percent of having cups and straws ten sixty five, Mike.
The COE two that makes the soda physia is also
the refrigerant that is used in the machine to make
the ice. Did you know that, dragon?

Speaker 3 (13:57):
No, there there are two complete separate units. No I.
At least in the French the subway franchises we had,
the machines are completely separate from the CO two.

Speaker 2 (14:08):
So no, are you gonna Are you arguing? Are you
disagreeing with goodmer number one zero sixty five? If you are,
you two take it off and have that argument somewhere else.

Speaker 3 (14:22):
We can not have ice and still have carbonated soda,
so we can still have carbon or we can have
ice and not have carbonated sodas that the two are
not connected units.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
Okay, ten sixty five. He's laid down the challenge, so
the rebuttals now on you. Uh nine, Michael, did you
see that Biden bit nibbed on two infants at the
White House Halloween event? That man needs a leash. No,
he needs a muzzle. Doesn't need a leash, he needs

a muzzle. Good grief eighty eight seventy seven. Well, I
just want to know that you're welcome for my thank you. Yes,
screw you zero two three eight Michael, Guys like him
receiving aggressive and demonstrative You're welcome. Let's see twelve thirty

one Michael. I listen to your podcasts all six days
every week. I want to say thank you, But because
I'm such a smartass, I want to say you pathetic individual.
How pathetic you listen to six days of me?

Speaker 3 (15:42):
Holy cow?

Speaker 2 (15:45):
I really do appreciate it, but I've really got to
question your sanity. I enjoy your political viewpoints in the
condensed format without the extras. I'm listening live today as
I'm taking a road trip. Well, we want to know
where I will listen again on election Day and hopes
it's as fun as today's show is. John from Kentucky, Kentucky.

Do you know why we're doing this today? Do you
really wanna know why we're doing it today. I've got
a whole plethora of stories to do today, but I'm
so sick of the news that I can't take it.
I just can't take it now. Tomorrow we'll do a

regular show. Monday will do a regular show, and then
on Tuesday weber we're gonna do We're gonna do this again,
so we might as well just collapse for this last
segment before we get to the taxpayer relief shots. Uh.
The number is three three Wednesday, Roll three. Start the
message with the word Mike or the word Michael one

or the other, not both, or by smart asses and
tell me any thing, ask me anything, and we'll and
then we'll do taxpayer relief shots at nine o'clock before break.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
Quickly, Michael, when was the last time this effort worked?
At a subway? Ten years ago?

Speaker 4 (17:11):
For over twenty years, Marty, Michael and Dragon to get
away from the year welcome stuff and get back to
the nation. Let's talk about the news which I heard
them say that the gangs that are breaking into homes,
especially around dusk and near golf courses so they can

find a quick way out are now called South American
crime groups. Oh that isn't euphanism now, is it.

Speaker 3 (17:41):
You're welcome?

Speaker 2 (17:44):
Well, guess what, Dragon, We know that Goober's not a
six day listener. We've already discussed that. Yeah, this is
not you. But this shows how much credibility the media

has completely lost. The gangs that are doing these break
ins now in Colorado. It started in Austin. It occurred
in Scottsdale. Our daughter's subdivision in Scottsdale was it was

in the area where these gangs were operating. They caught
five or six of them. These gangs are not Venezuelan,
but everybody assumes that because the local story, the local
news is that they are called South American gangs. Is
that we don't want or the cabal does not want

you to know that they're Venezuelan gangs. Well, I hate
to break it to you, but they're not Venezuelan gangs.
They're Chileans. They're from Chile, and they've been operating throughout
the Southwest for months and months now, And in Scottsdale

they were referred to as the dinner time burglaries because
they would break into these big, fancy homes like they
are here. They would break into these homes when they
would assume or observe that people had gone out to dinner,
and then they'd break into the house and they'd rifle
through the house and steal jewelry and cash and anything

else they could find. So it's it's it's a and
so one we've already talked about that, but two, it's
it shows how little credibility that consumers of news have
in the news media itself, because they lied to us
so often that when they just use something. And I

don't know why they referred to them as South American gangs.
Maybe because the local meeting. Maybe the local sheriff doesn't know.
Maybe he hasn't talked to the people in Scottsdale and
San Diego and Austin and Houston where these gangs have
been operating. So maybe maybe the local sheriff's too dumb
to know. Call your neighbors call your neighboring states. This

is nothing new. It just took a while for it
to get to Colorado. Michael sixty sixty ninety. There is
no news today because this show was pre recorded. Thanks,
and have a crappy day, Boomer.

Speaker 3 (20:31):
You're on to us, damn you. We're having a three
day weekend for if you count Monday too, that's on Monday,
that's right.

Speaker 2 (20:38):
Yeah. So, And isn't it interesting how we've anticipated this
text message coming in on Friday at eight at eight
thirty eighteen and we're able to put that into the
pre recorded show yesterday. Isn't it fascinating how we're able
to do that?

Speaker 3 (20:55):
The technology is amazing, isn't it. I do like this
text message A Mike or Michael and Bush forty three said, Brownie,
you're doing a heck of a job. Did you say
you're welcome, gracias or no worries?

Speaker 2 (21:08):
I didn't. If you watch that video, you'll see me
kind of grim like. Did you hear anything I told
you in the green room? Did you hear anything I
told you about what was going on down here and
while we were in the holding area, did you he
obviously wasn't paying any attention. Let's see zero eight two six, Mike,

When I say thank you for someone's help service, it
is to remind me to pause and be thankful, to
not take things for granted. In reality, a true server
helper doesn't need the recognition. It is an honor to
do what they are doing. Well, then why do you
do it? A true server helper doesn't need the recognition,

So then why do you thank you? If they're being
true servants, if they have a if they have a
servant attitude, if they have a servant mentality, then why
say thank you at all? Their their gratitude is that
they were able to serve you. I think you kind
of contradicted yourself on that one zero seven eight eight.

My question for ask me anything is what do you
think about the New York magazine assertion that of Trump
wins that the mainstream media as we know it in
its current form is completely dead and they've lost the
audience completely. Oh, I think that. I think that happened
a week or so ago. I think that happened when
Trump went on the Joe Rogan podcast and the numbers

are now, what did you say?

Speaker 3 (22:49):
Forty two million for the Trump one and seven point
six for Jdvans and Jadvance has only been up for
less than a day.

Speaker 2 (22:56):
I think that's the day the media died. Today's also
the day the media died. By the way, Now, I'm
not gonna say that I'm you know what, Dragon, I'm
going to be nice and not say anything about what
you and I heard about people bitching and moaning about

what you and I are doing today. I will give
you a little bit of a tease because Dragon, I
had been having this ongoing discussion this morning behind the
scenes about something that Donald Trump said that I've been
trying to explain to him that CNN is taking it
completely out of context. CNN just ran a chiron, not

just now, but about two minutes ago. CNN ran a
chiron that says Trump Liz Cheney should be taken out
and in essence guns pointed at her and blow her
face off or something something to that effect. Why are
they doing that? Trump?

Speaker 5 (24:03):

Speaker 2 (24:03):
Where were they doing this?

Speaker 4 (24:05):
Is it?

Speaker 3 (24:06):
Tuckle Carlson?

Speaker 2 (24:07):
Right? Yes? Was he in Arizona? I think he may
have been anyway wherever Trump was. He was talking to
Tucker Carlson. They were talking about Liz Cheney, but.

Speaker 6 (24:17):
His daughter is a very dumb individual, very dumb. She's
a radical warhawk. Let's put her with a rifle, standy
there with nine barrel shooting at her.

Speaker 2 (24:28):
Okay, Let's put her there in a war zone with
a rifle with nine guns pointing back at her. Got it.

Speaker 6 (24:39):
His daughter is a very dumb individual, very dumb.

Speaker 2 (24:44):
She's a radical warhawk.

Speaker 6 (24:46):
Let's put her with a rifle, standy there with nine
barrel shooting at her. Okay, Let's see how she feels
about it.

Speaker 2 (24:52):
You know, when the guns. Let's see how he feels
about going to war if she actually has to go
to war and have nine barrels pointing at her. Got it.

Speaker 6 (25:04):
Let's put her with a rifle, Sandy there with nine
barrel shooting at her. Okay, Let's see how she feels
about it. You know, when the guns are trained on
her face.

Speaker 2 (25:14):
You know there are all walk parks.

Speaker 6 (25:15):
When they're sitting in Washington in a nice building saying, oh, gee,
will let's send let's send ten thousand troops right into
the mouth of the enemy.

Speaker 2 (25:26):
CNN's now using that to say that Trump is out
trying to shoot. I'm curious about that.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
In some kind of fairness, though, When Tucker asked the question,
he did lead on not with violence or things of
that nature, with going out and shooting at Liz Cheney,
but he did say, you know, Dick Cheney's repulsive little daughter,
Liz Cheney. So he did prime the question, making it

more aggressive than it could have been.

Speaker 2 (25:57):
So here are the headlines on Drudge right now in
bright blood red world, in shock ex President increases violent
threats against opponents, Liz Cheney, this is how dictators destroy
free nations. And then the main headline on Judge right
now is dragon if you looked, don't look No, do

you want to take a wild guess?

Speaker 3 (26:21):
Trump wants Liz shot Trump?

Speaker 2 (26:23):
You're so close. Trump calls for Cheney's execution.

Speaker 3 (26:30):
Oh, let's see what the story.

Speaker 2 (26:35):
Let's see what the link goes to, don't want an ad,
goes to Twitter. Oh, it goes to Oh, it goes
to this, And I don't.

Speaker 6 (26:44):
Blame him for sticking with his daughter. But his daughter
is a very dumb individual, very dumb.

Speaker 2 (26:51):
She's a radical warhawk.

Speaker 6 (26:54):
Let's put her with a rifle, standing there with nine barrel,
shooting at her. Okay, let's see how she feels about it.
You know, when the guns are trained on her face,
you know, and try. I'll blame him for second.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
Drudge drug drops. Drudge's interpretation of that is Trump calls
for Cheney's execution. Seriously, give me a break.

Speaker 3 (27:20):
It could also interpret it, hey, her position might change
if she were on the front line exactly.

Speaker 2 (27:27):
Good morning, Michael, Good morning Dragon.

Speaker 5 (27:30):
Say Michael, I remember several years ago on your afternoon
show you were complaining about some of these things, and
I just want to say thank you in advance for
taxpayer leaf shots. See you.

Speaker 2 (27:50):
You know, we know we're irritating people, and I suggest
you call somebody that cares. Uh. Let's see, Michael. This
is twelve thirty one. This was the one about when

I say thank you for someone's helper service, it is
remind It is to remind me to pause and be thankful,
to not think things for granted. In reality, a true
server helper doesn't need the recognition. It is in honor
to do what they are doing. I read that text message.
Yet they write back and say, Michael, you read my text,

thank you, but went right over the first part. I
say thank you to remind me. No, I read the
entire text message. You just didn't hear it, then this one,
And this is an example of just how many text
messages we get. You've heard me stumble around trying to
find a text message. Well, two zero ninety one, rights, Michael,

did you not like my motorcap story? In all caps?
The word clearly? You're not a journalist?

Speaker 3 (29:05):
Clearly clearly.

Speaker 2 (29:08):
In fact, I think it was even this week I
emphasized that I am not a journalist. I was hoping
you could point me towards someone who could look into
it further cheers. So then I had to go, Okay, well,
what are you referring to, because I didn't see that.
I didn't see a message about a motorcate. Well, here
I found it, Michael, I have a story that I
would like to have a journalist look into. Well, then

email a journalist.

Speaker 3 (29:32):
Don't email me who sent that on the eighteenth.

Speaker 2 (29:36):
By the way, Oh, I didn't even notice that on
the eighteenth, Michael, I have a story that I would
like to have a journalist look into my nude.

Speaker 3 (29:47):
They sent that text at noon too, by the way,
So outside of show hours, it's a little more difficult
for us to pay attention to what's going on here.

Speaker 2 (29:53):
I mean, I do.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
We can peruse them, and I do peruse.

Speaker 2 (29:56):
Them, but I don't. I can't. I read every text
message that is on my screen and all peruse through,
all go down a few pages, but at some point
they're so deep in I can't find them. Mike'll have
a story that I would like to have a journalist
look into, but then text to journalists. My cousin and
I returned from London Tuesday evening ten to eight. While

leaving the airport, employee parking lots and police vehicles directed
us to go south to fifty sixth Avenue. This was
not typical, according to my cousin. We were stopped on
fifty six by two motorcycle cops, lights on. They They
pulled out of the way and let us continue west.
We came to another motorcycle cop who was stopped and

he waved us onto a side and told us to
stop and wait till he left. As we waited, we
watched what looked like a presidential motorcade rolling by no
less than thirty motorcycles really okay, no less than thirty motorcycles,
all lights on, several unmarked mid sized sedans parentheses. Not

typical police cruises. SUV's Galore. We were out of town
and thought Tamla came by for a visit. I got
my camera out to video the beast roll by. To
our surprise, it was just a couple of unmarked white
vans with windows. Who the hell was in them to
warrant an escort like that at seven point fifteen pm

on a Tuesday. I don't know. I don't have any
freaking idea. Maybe it was the Broncos, Maybe it was
the Aves, maybe it was the Rockies, maybe it was
the Who am I leaving out the Nuggets? I don't
know who. Maybe it was CU football team. I don't
know who it was. Why would I know who it was?

I even did a quick google. I actually googled this
what national politician came to Denver this week? And actually
I was off. You said that was October eighth, I did.
There is a story, by the way, you can find.

Speaker 3 (32:01):
Out the whole worldwide web thing might just catch on.

Speaker 2 (32:06):
Someday it might catch on Democrat. No, no, no, no.
Something I found some story about jd Vance may have
been here on October eighth. I don't remember. I don't know.
I guess now I'm the Goober's research assistance ye
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