Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Do you remember how Hillary Clinton lied and said Tulsi
Gabbard supposedly was a Russian agent. Do you remember how
they put Tulsa Gabbard on the terror watch lists earlier
this year. Well, now she's the director of National Intelligence.
This should be fun. Wow, both Joy Reed and Don
Lemon have left X cool. We can be unburdened by
what has been.
Speaker 2 (00:31):
Hey, Michael Guber number nine seven for eight here, I
sent you a text message with a meme saying that
Trump should pick Tucker Carlson as press secretary. I hope
you have a good one.
Speaker 3 (00:45):
Peace out, Good morning, Goober's.
Speaker 4 (00:49):
I find it interesting that the bluestate governors heavily invested
in human trafficking to test Donald Trump's picks.
Speaker 5 (01:01):
I wonder why, Hey Dragon, quick question, Can you say fahq.
Speaker 3 (01:08):
On a talkback?
Speaker 4 (01:10):
Because Hey, Chuck Schumer and Jared Polis fahq.
Speaker 6 (01:16):
Those idiots on the left actually think bipartisanship means that
the right comes to the left.
Speaker 7 (01:27):
It just doesn't work that way, Mike.
Speaker 8 (01:32):
If you are a multi billion dollar producer of food
or consumer products, the fear of multimillion dollar lawsuits and
loss of your customer base is a far greater incentive
to make sure what you're selling is safe than any
government regulation or quarterly inspection.
Speaker 7 (01:50):
Hey, Michael, as much as I loathe and detest Chuck Schumer,
you know and I know, and he knows too, that
if Republicans can figure out a way to screw up
the recipe for ice, they will have a nice day.
King of the Goobers.
Speaker 3 (02:10):
I'm sure you recall when Chuck Schumer was exhorting just
to score at a fourth wornth level of say eleven,
and today is exhortation to remain bipartisan seems to have
dropped to a level of about a two. Thank we
appreciate that Chuck turned down the law.
Speaker 8 (02:33):
Mike, and a gesture of bipartisan support to meet Chuck
Schumer halfway. I think the Republicans should resurrect the Democratic
proposals to expand the Supreme Court.
Speaker 9 (02:43):
Hey, Mike, don't you remember when Obama first became in
power and he said, yeah, the Republicans can have a
say in the government, but they'll have to take a
back seat at the bus. Well, that's kind of opposite
of what Chucky Schumer is saying. So why can't we
just turn around and tell Chuckie Schumer, hey, you can
have a voice in what's going on in government. You
just have to take a back seat, Brownie.
Speaker 10 (03:10):
Poorl Chuck says, hey, we don't have.
Speaker 6 (03:13):
The power to do crap anymore, so don't be too
hard on us.
Speaker 11 (03:16):
Okay, Brownie, here's my forty chest move on the extansion
of the Supreme Court. Yes, since the Dems have said
they want to do it, Trump shook it out this
week and say, hey, I'm going to stand the Supreme
Court then for the next seven days. Let the Demes
and all the talking has tell what a horrible.
Speaker 1 (03:39):
Idea that is. Trump comes out a week later, says, oh,
I listened to the Dems. This is a horrible idea.
Speaker 11 (03:45):
No one ever bring it up.
Speaker 12 (03:46):
Again, Michael, just out of curiosity. When was the last
time the Democrats won by a landslide like Trump just did?
Speaker 13 (03:54):
Speaker 4 (03:54):
I noticed all these Democrat groups online. The most famous
words out of their mouth are oh, you're in a cult.
Oh my god.
Speaker 3 (04:02):
It's like they learned a new word and they can't
forget it.
Speaker 4 (04:04):
Michael. The difference between Democrats and Republicans. Me being a goober,
I don't want Congress to put new laws into effect.
I actually want them to take laws out of effect.
We need less laws, less restrictions, less regulation.
Speaker 6 (04:20):
More than Brownie and Dragon. Yeah, we've won a battle,
and that's great and I celebrated, but the war is
far from wolver. This whole slide to the left started
over one hundred years ago Woodborough, Wilson, and it's going
to take at least that long to unwind it. We've
got to be in here for the long game. Okay,
you guys, have a good day.
Speaker 3 (04:44):
Buddy, we already have jickens.
Speaker 4 (04:49):
Hey, Michael and Dragon, I love your show.
Speaker 6 (04:52):
Are you serious that's going to raise the prices for
the restaurants?
Speaker 4 (04:57):
How about doubling the price for breakfast?
Speaker 3 (05:01):
Love the show?
Speaker 14 (05:02):
Dragon, Michael, I don't think you need quail in your backyard, now,
hear me out. We all know that you like to
get out into the backyard, drop your kimono and get
your Vitamin D for the day. What do you think
about having a nice flock of peacocks, you know, with
their feathers fully out, just adoring you, side by side
as you embrace the sun.
Speaker 15 (05:29):
Hey, Mike, curiosity question, do you think that Trump will
have somebody look into the fact of how long did
they know and why did they not do anything about
that elderly abuse to Joe Biden once he takes office.
Interesting question. Have a good morning guys.
Speaker 13 (05:53):
Hey, Michael.
Speaker 10 (05:54):
In a twisted way of looking at this too, when
men decide they're going to be women and participation in
women's sports, they really weren't very good at it participating
as a man. So in a way it's like, Okay,
now I can be superior to women and beat up
on them a little bit. So in a way, it's
a twisted form of misogyny, Michael.
Speaker 5 (06:19):
The facts are that men are from Mars, women are
from Venus, and all the other sexes are from Uranus.
Speaker 12 (06:25):
Michael. On medical ethics, according to my cousin, a chiropractor
for forty years, the medical board no longer requires the
Hipocratic oath. You know, do no harm. That's no longer required.
Speaker 13 (06:40):
Good morning, Michael. I was going to just say that
the fact that Gates is being investigated and has been
investigated for a while doesn't mean a damn thing, as
evidenced by Donald Trump's history with investigations. I love your show.
I try to listen to it. Every day if I can.
Speaker 5 (07:02):
Hey, Michael, here's the thought for you. What if this
is some kind of a deal that Trump made with
House Republicans that Gates would get nominated, resign from Congress,
and then not get confirmed. Now he's gone and he's
not anybody's problem anyway.
Speaker 13 (07:21):
Just a thought. Great show today,