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April 16, 2024 21 mins
 How would you rank earth, wind, and fire? The infamous OJ Simpson Bronco is going to be sold! Rhynes has never had Goldfish! 
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Episode Transcript

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I love them so much. Allright, this is the little speakeasy here
with him. It is three hfive. We're about to head into the
second hour of the presentation today.And usually when we do head into that
second hour, the first thing thatcomes to mind is what do we really

have here? All we have togive is what's in our bucket. It's
all there is. It's in ourbucket. Yep. So today I reach
into my bucket of crap and seewhat's in there. But first I want
to ask you, Mike, ifyou had to power rank earth, wind,
and fire, how would you rankthem? Well? Now, in
terms of what don't you ask followup questions? I give you Earth and

wind and fire, and you haveto power rank them. Okay, I'd
probably rank wind number three. Ithink. I'm with you. Pure wind
is lame, okay. That leavesus fire and earth. The only thing

wind is really good for is ifyou're on a sailboat. Outside of that,
I could really do without wind.Well, or I guess if it's
warm outside, you might want anice breeze. I mean it has its
place. It has its place.Wind has its place. Okay, number
two. I'm going to go withthese in terms of the ones that I

fear the most. Oh, okay, you do. So number two would
be Earth and the one that Ifear the most would be fire. Okay,
all right, you took it froma fear perspective. Yes, okay,
I didn't give you directions. Ican't be mad. Oh you didn't.
You didn't. Earth versus fire isvery much a chicken in the egg
conversation. Yeah, it is becausethe earth we live on and is very

important. But without the fire ofthe sun we don't, and so it's
hard. It's kind of a oneit's kind of a one A one B
situation. Yeah, the fire isrequired for the Earth. Their partners.

Yeah, yeah, they're gay lovers. Yeah. Fire has its place for
sure. Yeah, and Wind isfine as well. Don't think either Earth
or Fire might be a woman.So I think they're both women. Okay,
good cover up? Yeah do youthink they're women? I think that

Earth is a woman. Yeah,you think Earth is a woman. I
do. But fire is not everheard of Mother Nature. Yeah, that
holds us in her room. Yeah, fire is not on. Fire is
an angry man. Fires a man, and wind wins. It is not
a woman. I think when's awoman. Yeah, I think it is
too. Absolutely always just wiped doingsongs like she's like the wind. Yeah,

yes, exactly. Yeah, she'schapping my lips and my ass.
She is got some OJ stuff.Oh yeah, gotta finish, Gotta finish
with OJ. This could be theend of our OJ conversation. You ever,
Yeah, this could be the end. Weird, the end of an
era. I mean, unless somebodyelse goes over two thousand yards in the

first fourteen games of a football season, I don't know why we would have
to talk about OJ's still very impressivethat he did that. Twitter World,
What do you think was more impressivegoing over two thousand yards in fourteen games
or splitting two throats in one night? I think going over from the show

going over fourteen yards or two thousandyards in fourteen games was more impressive than
that. But to me, themost impressive of all was the way he
remained in the public eye and theway that despite all of that, certain
people out there tended to still lookfavorably on him. I mean, I

did really enjoy hearing him go hey, Twitter World, Heyworld. Yeah.
I don't know why he never didanything wrong. Yeah, he killed a
couple people, and then when hegot hey, come in control for that,
he did some arm baby. Yeah, yeah, we're gonna pick on
every little thing here. Huh.He served some time and just popped out,
Hey, Twitter world, it's mejuice, right, what go somewhere?

The owners of the infamous white Broncothat carried OJ during the low speed
pursuit. I love a low speedchase even more than I love a high
speed chase. Like everybody's just tiredand they don't really care that much.
Yeah, Like you're not really tryingto get away, you're just driving.
Yeah, and they're just cruising alongbehind you. Like, I don't know,
I guess we'll just follow them.Figure it out, see who runs

out of gas first. They arenow looking to sell the Bronco and make
themselves a little fortune. It wasJune seventeenth, nineteen ninety four, five
days after the murders, when someonekilled Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman,
and they went on the run OJAl Cowlings and they were cruising in that

sweet, sweet Bronco. The vehicleis now owned by OJ's former agent,
Michael Gilbert and two friends of Alcow Is Cowley calling Cowlings colleings, it's
weird to have a vehicle owned bythree people, but they did. That

is weird. A couple buddies ofOwhy, three of them own vehicle,
OJ's former agent, and a couplefriends of al. I guess because it's
very valuable. So they're planning tosell the Bronco. They said they were
planning to sell it even before hedied. Quote. Before OJ passed,
we'd always thought this was going tobe the year we were going to sell
because it's the thirtieth anniversary, Gilberttold the outlet. Who knows if we're

all going to be around for thethirty fifth or the fortieth. Thirty is
a weird year. I feel likewhen we talk about anniversaries, twenty five
carries more weight. So I don'tbelieve him either. I think they're selling
it because he died and it's inthe headlines. It's a good time.
That was a good time to capitalize. The three sellers reported the last offer

they received for the white Bronco waswinner gets a bag of goldfish, who
gets the closest one million dollars twomillion dollars three hundred k prices? Right?
Rules or no? I don't knowme neither. If it's closest to
the pin, Mike wins, ifit's prices right, rules, groups wins.

So you guys will split. Actuallyhave a bag for each of you.
Hell yeah, I have two bagsof goldfish. Shop here's yours,
sad for me. You get thisone, Julie. These other six bags
that are sitting in here, youcan't have known they didn't win. So
Mike, enjoy those goldfish. Enjoyhim for me. Shoopy, I will
shoopy. I'll give him to youbecause I've never had goldfish. Stop the

show, Open the bag, Openthe bag. Okay, this is my
favorite snack. You've never had goldfish? Are the flavor blasted? No,
not blasting, Thank god, it'sjust standard scheddar. It's the best kind
of standard. Yeah yeah, it'sthe best kind ever. Blasted is better.
But these are good starting point,all right, Mike, go ahead.

Okay, there's a goldfish. Hehas one goldfish in hand. Put
it in. I'm supposed to eatthis. Open the hangar. Doesn't have
a feeling. It's just a fakegoldfish. Open the hangar and let the
airplane in. Should we be tiktokingthis? Hold on? Hold on,
hold on, hit the brakes now, sorry, hold on, hits start

start over here, Start on me, Start on me. It's important.
I'm the announcer. I'm the announcer. Okay, Jeff, you're on.
Hey, TikTok World. Mike Riner'snever had a goldfish, but he just
won a bag in the game wewere playing. Please pan to Mike,
do do do Do Do Do Dodo Hi TikTok World. I'm Mike.

I've never had a goldfish, butI have one. I'm holding one.
I'm looking at it and deciding whetheror not I should do this or not.
You have to and we have limitedtime. Okay, eat it now?
All right? Here we go inthree. Wow, my gosh,
this is huge pepper. Yeah,okay. Oh, he's making faces.

Why don't you make faces here?Oh my gosh, he's acting like he
doesn't like it. Yeah, let'smake sure he a little bit disgusted.
But he's taking his time, stillchewing. We're working through it. One
goldfish, still chewing. You've gotto be down to just about nothing in
there. Okay, what do youthink that old fish are so good?

You can have them? Wow?What the hell? Oh? Wow,
boy, you have stunned me.Michael, you have stunned me with your
actions. Do you think that thisis the most overrated thing I have ever
had? Do you think that wasjust the first one? Does he need

another one? I don't like whatyou're saying. It's just cheese. I
could see where it's shocking if you'venever had one before, and maybe you
need to get adjusted to the tastea little bit. Did you see how
it's one hundred percent real cheese.He's still chewing, He's one Goldfish.
Cheese is overrated too you. Cheeseis like the best thing you ever made?

Is like cheese, Like Jesus,I just said it isn't my guy,
I just think it's overrated, toogood Jesus. Well, I don't
know if I want to go throughwith what my plan was. I think
you should go ahead. I wantedto ask if you guys wanted to go
in with me and try to buythe bronco and we could do remote broadcasts

from OJ's Bronco. But now Idon't know if I want to do a
show with you because you don't likeGoldfish, I think you want to do
an OJ on Shoopy. I mightgo to j Oj Okay get a Bronco
first, Well, I just meanarmed robbery, the only one that he
was convicted of in the court oflaw, of course, right, rob
you a little bit. I justwant to armed rob you. They're hoping

to get a million and a halfout of the Bronco. Don't you throw
me your empty your open ven wantto look at them. He's disgusted by
you and your goldfish. Now,let's not get the Chase Bronco confused with
OJ's own Bronco, which he allegedlyused as a getaway vehicle on the night

of the murders. OJ's Bronco waslater used as evidence during the trial after
investigators determined to contain traces of thevictim's blood. So, now I circle
back and say, which one wouldyou rather have? The Chase Bronco or
the one with some Simpson Brown Simpsongoldmen blood want anything that OJ has had

anything to do with, Jeff Mike. I want the Simpson Brown your blood.
I want to hold the blood.Yeah, I want the real one.
I want the real Bronco. Idon't care which twenty ran away in.
There's one that's got murder blood init. I want that one.
Why so I can say I hadit. Yeah, Like I would leave

it in my driveway and I'd nevermove it. People would be like,
man, you have an old Bronco. I'd be like, yeah, there's
blood in it from a double murder. Blood in your car, that's really
cool. There is blood in mycar, in your car. It's absolutely
blood in my car. Going onwith you in your car? And if

you guys have blood in your car, no, not that I know.
You've never bled in your car?No, think I have. And if
I did, car did not letit get all over my car. And
if I did do that on accident, I would wipe it off. Four
seven eight one. Have you everbled in your car? You have blood
in your car? In your car? You've never that's weird. Yeah,

we're the weird ones. I spenta lot of yesterday asking people how many
pillows they have on their bed.And I'm happy to say that I came
out of that field pretty good thatI'm right. That four is the number
the Bronco, the getaway Bronco thatthey're trying to sell. It's hopped around
a little bit since the chase.It went from an LA parking garage to

the Luxore Hotel in Vegas before itlanded at the attorneyman Gilbert's house or the
agent as former agent, and hesaid, my wife didn't like it there.
She wanted her parking spot back.It's currently at the Alcatraz East Crime
Museum in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee.If it does sell for even the lowest

estimate, it's going to be thehighest price paid for a notorious criminal vehicle.
The current top spot for a notoriouscriminal vehicle to have been purchased is
winner gets a bag of goldfish?Does anybody know the most the highest price
that's been paid for a notorious criminalvehicle? Something possibly belonging to or connected

to al Capone. All right,Julie, what's the question? He went
the way I wanted to. Ikind of made it sound like I wanted
a number. I was going togive a number. Yet, can you
think of any notorious criminal vehicle thatsomebody would own? The furs, the
furs, the what hadolf what?I don't know one of the cars he

wrote in uh huh saluted things.Yeah, here he drove a Plymouth fury.
Y'all are bringing up Nazis. Idon't know that was groovy, should
probably go for a lot. Theanswer is Bonnie and Clyde's called I was
way off. What about Thelma andLouise? I don't know what that means?
There drove off a cliff, Okay, who were they? Lily was

a Movieise? Okay? What Susan'srandom? And yeah, Geena Davis,
that sounds right. Maybe, yeah, you never saw them? And Louise,
I sure didn't. I think youneed to watch that. It's good.
Well Monnie, what was the movieyou were going to watch last night?
Oh Heidi? I did? Okay? Yeah? What? Yeah?
I watched it? Yeah? Isthat a like, are you going to

report back sun Drive or something?Or no? Just whoever, whoever predicted
the lowest time that I would watchyou won? Yeah, I said eight
minutes because I hit I said Amazon, or I said uh boop boop on
the button on my remote and Isaid play Heidi, and it pulled up
and I hit play, And thenas soon as it started to roll an

ad, I hit the home buttonand went back to what I was doing.
I didn't even make it to thefirst I didn't make it into the
Whatever is the opening of Heidi?Respect not committed? To the bit.
I didn't say how long i'd watch. I said I would watch. I
didn't watch it. Another O Jnews before we're done with it, OJ
Forever. A lawyer who represents OJhas said, what they're going to do

with the body? What are theygonna do with OJ? Will it be
taxidermy and put in the living room? I think he will go into the
He'll be Taxi Dermi and put inthe Buffalo Bills Hall of Fame. I
think that would be pretty cool if, like just in a glass case somewhere
in the stadium was OJ's taxidermy bodyholding the ball two thousand yards and fourteen

games with I think that'd be incredible. I think he'll be cremated into a
little jar and then buckled into aseat belt in the Bronco. And then
whoever buys the Bronco gets OJ two. How much genius more? How much
more would you pay for the Broncoif you also got OJ? I would

pay less? Well, then whywould they do that? What if was
taxing? If he was and inthe back seat holding a gun to his
own head, I would also pale. I don't want OJ in my Bronco.
Was just an idea of what Ithought they might do with it.
But I don't want his bronco orhis bronco with him in it. So
you come up with all these bigideas and you're not willing to follow through.

That's right. I'm not the targetaudience, but this is my million
dollar idea. Who is the someonelike you that's messed up? It's like
I used to tell them, youhave blood in your car idea, and
they would have big ideas like thisthey wanted me to do. Yeah,
I would go, I fund,I conceptualize, I do not execute.

Who's they You've been propositioned with bigideas? Yeah, Or whenever I would
come up with a big idea thatthey wanted me to do, That's what
I'd tell them. Okay, likebig old big bits or something, you
would fund them? Yeah, okay, well this is I'm glad to know
these rules. We can come upwith some ideas for you to fund.
I'd like to shout out our listenerswho did know that it was Bonnie and

Clud's car. Two on four.I had a placenta laying in my floorboard.
Long story four sixt' nine. Ihad to drive stick shift with a
one inch deep gash in my rightpalm on a twenty minute drive home.
That was a mess. My wifesaid she's going to stuff our Saint Bernard.
When he passes, OJ is goingto be cremated. That's the story.

Never burn him up and then puthim in an urn or something.
Who gets the urn? I don'tknow you want it. I'd take it.
I'd get it for you. Yeah, i'd take it. I don't
like how Julie said that that's somethingI would want. Well, it's only
because you just told us that youhave blood in your car in my car,

that's the only reason. As attorneysaid, on at least one occasion,
someone's called saying they're a CTE guywho studies the brain, and he
said, quote, that's a hardno. His entire body, including his
brain, will be cremated. SoI was wondering, if you guys wanted
to tailgate, if we can figureout where do you guys want to tailgate

it, and we can come upwith a menu of is going to fund
it? You fund it? Sure? I think we can do a menu
of different things involving the word creamor OJ, like we can have orange
juice, and then we can havecream corn, cream of mushroom soup mm
hm, cream gravy, cream gravy, cream of wheat. We have cream

of wheat. We canna have whippedcream cream voyage. It's just a cream
excursion. I'm so confused. What'sthe bit? I don't know? Because
he's being cremated, and so wecould tailgate at the place that it's happening

and do cream stuff. Don't actlike it doesn't make me. I think
I'm busy that day. We couldhave Actually, we could do lots of
different things for our menu. Wecould do different buffalo things for the bills.
We could do buffalo wings. Ohyeah, why don't we just have
a OJ feast? Then what doesthat mean? Well, we don't have
to go anywhere, but we couldhave buffalo wings and cream things about ham.

I want to be there to cheeron the guy that gets to do
the oven stuff. Where is itgoing to happen? I don't know.
Probably California somewhere, That's what I'msaying. Should I figure it out?
Or are you guys not interested?We talked, We've talked about tailgating a
lot of things. We need topick one. Probably I want to tailgate
somebody's Tommy John surgery for sure.The next ranger who blows out his arm.

I want to tailgate at doctor KeithMeister's place or whatever. Yeah,
just set up in the park andmake hot dogs. That'll be good and
we can do that. Maybe interviewthe guys he's walking out whoever that might
be. Yeah, yeah yeah,press conference, yeah yeah, that was
super high. Yeah that would begreat. So anyway, that was a

segment. Okay, God and burnthat one. Move on with our day
coming up. You made it.Hollywood Swinging Julie Biz our beauty pageant to
tell you about
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