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April 27, 2024 83 mins

John Schmeelk, Shaun O'Hara and Paul Dottino react to the Giants drafting Tyler Nubin and Andru Phillips on day two of the 2024 NFL Draft.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Giants Draft shoe presented by Kreshtron. I
am John Schmelt joined by the center in the center
of our setup. Didn't do that on purpose, but it works.
He's Sean O'Hara Paul Deatino playing left guard over there,
and that means I'm your right guard.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
I like it.

Speaker 3 (00:14):
Richie Chris, I got sneaking right here.

Speaker 1 (00:18):
I am probably going to say more words during the
show than I are Christny say to me in the
eight years he was here.

Speaker 3 (00:22):
So smelkin' dots. I like it. I like my guards
right now. I feel very protected.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
Yes, absolutely so.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
The Giants have selected with their second round pick at
number forty seven overall safety Tyler Neuban out of Minnesota,
a lot of college experience. He was at Minnesota for
five years, started over that time. Count them, folks, forty two. Sorry,
I miscounted forty three games for Minnesota over that time.

In his career, there thirteen interceptions, including five last year,
twenty four passes defended.

Speaker 4 (00:58):
A very very smart player.

Speaker 1 (00:59):
Show and most importantly, we'll get Paul's breakdown of the
player as well. But y'all on this fill is in
need with Xavier McKinney leaving in for agency this offseason.
They brought in Jalen Mills, a veteran safety, but they
needed somebody that was smart and trustworthy that could be
that split safety in defensive coordinator Shane Bowen system, and
Tyler Nuban checks all those boxes.

Speaker 3 (01:21):
Yeah, absolutely avoid by Xavier McKinney, you know, not just
the player, but the versatility that he had. I think
that's something that they were really drawn to with Tyler Neuban. Look,
he went to Minnesota as a corner and kind of
morphed into a safety. But you mentioned the ability for
different coverage, dual safety, single high. He did it all.
And how about like the fact that we got another

Gopher so he teams up with John Michael schmitzegain, Right,
you got a teammate, so we got the center of
the defense. The Gophers right now are are strong right
now for the Giants. I think with Nuban, you know,
when you look at obviously Shane Bowen, the new defensive coordinator,
it's gonna be a different it's gonna be I don't
think it's going to be as much safety involved from

a blitzing standpoint like we had last year, the last
couple of years with wing Martindale, So that scheme is
gonna fit Nuban a lot better. But I like a
safety that used to play corner because a lot like
I played center, but I played left tackle. I also
played guard. That helped me be a better center because
I knew what do guard struggle with, what are the

tough blocks, who needs help on what play? So as
a safety, you understand and coverages and based on what
team you're playing, what receivers are going against, who needs
the help, and how do I help My corner is
the best. So I think that's another feather in his cap,
just kind of looking at some of his stats too,
no penalties. Like the one thing that you look at

with guys in college is as a corner, as a safety,
do they struggle when they are in coverage? And a
lot of times guys just you know, it's such a
bad habit to break. It's so tough to break the habit.
But if you're a grabby guy, you're a handsy guy,
and you have a lot of puns in college, that's
probably going to be the case in the NFL as well. So, uh,
there's one little kudos to Numanuh, not a lot of

penalties for him in his college career.

Speaker 5 (03:09):
Paul, What did you see from him when you watched
him on tape?

Speaker 4 (03:11):
A very smart player, really good with his reads, his
ball skills. You mentioned he started out as a corner,
which is where the ball skills come from. Very good
rapper in terms of tackling. You're not going to get
away from him too much.

Speaker 5 (03:22):
Well, I thought you makee Christmas presents, Paul.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
Now, well, he's a president for the Giants.

Speaker 3 (03:26):
I'm not even talking about like a rapper.

Speaker 4 (03:30):
What I hit the I'll take him to the ground.
I wrote that down you know, Agnecticut, Paul. Okay, Actually
I like it.

Speaker 3 (03:38):
He got a hello. I think you should only talk
in rap lyrics.

Speaker 4 (03:43):
Now obviously, uh, you know, not not the fastest of
guys foot, but he makes up for it in intelligence. Now.
I talked to him at the Combine and here's some
of the things I wrote. First of all, he was
rehabbing at the Combine after meniscus surgery, so that may
be one of the reasons why you know, he got
to where he was because there was a rehab involved.

But seemed like he was going to be cleared for camp.
He said that Edgewn Winfield, the former Michigan Gopher, it
was a great stand out there and is the standard
by which all Gopher's defensive backs want to play. It's
all about intensity and passion. He said, you let the
play come to me, and if I do my job,

then I don't have to worry about closing to the
ball because I'm going to be where it's supposed to be.
He talked about his intelligence. He says, I want to
get into the offensive coordinator's mind. He said, you can't
take a playoff, and if you're not playing physical, then
you're not playing at all.

Speaker 1 (04:42):
You're watching the Giants Draft Show presented by Kreshtron. The
Giants select Tyler Nuban with the forty seventh pick in
the seventh round in the second round.

Speaker 4 (04:49):
Part of me the forty.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
Seventh pick, we are going to be live after the Giants'
third round pick as well, though the way it's going
he might just end up staying on.

Speaker 5 (04:56):
We've had a very three picks off the boards since.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
The Giants pick Tyler Newban Mason's to the Jaguars, Chris
Jenkins to the Bengals, and now the Commanders pickers already
in at pick number fifty. Giants next pick comes your
way of pick number seventy Bowl and I watched the
tape of Newman. They played a lot of single high
at Minnesota. Again, I'm not sure you want him to
do that in the pros. He only ran that four
or five nine in this Pro Day. Maybe some of
that to do with the fact that he was coming
off that knee surgery. But Giants, if Shane Bowen does

what he did in Tennessee, is going to play a
lot of split safety where you need guys to be
able to play the run. He can do that, play
the pass, he can do that. And the one thing
that I wrote down is that really great instincts.

Speaker 4 (05:30):
He reads the quarterback.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
He anticipates routes really well, which is what you want
out of that high safety. One of the reasons he's
able to get those thirteen career interceptions, including twelve over
the last three years. So I think he's a really
smart player. You want that quarterback at the secondary. I
think he's going to fit that bill very very very well,
and you want that smart player.

Speaker 4 (05:52):
He's a little older. He's going to be twenty three
years old this year when it starts.

Speaker 1 (05:56):
Just for comparison, Molieu Nighbors, a Giants first round pick,
hasn't even turched twenty one yet, so there's about two
years difference between those two.

Speaker 4 (06:03):
Players, which is fine.

Speaker 1 (06:04):
You want to plug him in, you want to play
him right away, and he's a very very good player.
Two one nine, three nine four five one three two
A one nine three nine four to five one three
Seelan might have to pop out at some point.

Speaker 5 (06:15):
Don't be afraid. Everything's okay. He's going to try to
talk to Tyler Nuban.

Speaker 1 (06:18):
That interview is going to go up on the Giants' website,
Giants app and all that stuff. And by the way,
there is a chance right now that on Giants dot
com the video player is not working, so it is
streaming though on the Giants app, Giants YouTube, and the
Giants TV app, So if you have any issues, make
sure you go tune into one of those other devices
so you could check out the show that way. Any

other points on Nuban, Guys, before we get to the
calls or we're good.

Speaker 3 (06:41):
I'll just piggyback real quick on what Paul was saying
and kind of you touched on it too, like, you know,
we're talking about Xavier McKinney and filling that void. Xavier
McKinney was a very talented and athletic safety, but I
get the feeling that Nuban is much more of a
physical presence. And as we look at this Giants defense,
they are taking on a different identity. Any time you
bring in a new defensive coordinator, the scheme is a

little different, but the mindset is different as well. And
just from talking to Shane Bowen, you know, violence is
kind of his thing, like he wants a very aggressive defense.

Speaker 4 (07:12):
And I think that all feel to be clear. Yes, yeah,
look like he told you that in the Cadillac. Didn't
he did.

Speaker 3 (07:19):
We did a drive along and people kind of got
We were like, whoa violent guys. Football is a violent game.
It's a collision like soccer is a contact sport. Football
is a collision sport, so you need violence. It's controlled violence.
But I think when you have a guy like Nubin
he's he's a physical dude at two hundred five pounds, Like,
I think he's one of those safeties that is going

to want to come downhill. But you mentioned it, like
let the plays come to you. The one thing that
you never want to have as a defensive coordinator is
a safety that's just, you know, that's trigger happy, like, hey, man,
I'm jumping in it. I'm gonna jump on the double move.
And a guy that's just you know, getting his nose
in and peeking into the back of a little too much.
So I think that's a good quality to have as
a safety if you're a little bit more reserved, Hey,

let everything play out in front of you and not
feel like, man, I've got to dash down there and
all of a sudden open up the middle of the field.

Speaker 1 (08:06):
And by the way, Mike Sanser still well, corner that
I really like just went to the commanders.

Speaker 4 (08:10):
So that for me, at least.

Speaker 3 (08:12):
Now was our conversation. We were talking to commanders. Yeah,
we're gonna go corner, We're gonna go safety. I mean,
there's a need there for both spots. But the first safety,
like we were kind of talking about in the Cafteria John,
when you're doing a fantasy draft, a snake draft with
your friends and all of a sudden there's a run
on a position, you kind of turn right or turn
left and go to another position. So the Giants did that.

The first safety in the drafts taken off, Dane Jeremia
actually had a lot of praise for him, said he
was he was his number one safety in this draft.
So kudos to the Giants for that. I'm sure they'll
circle back for their corner soon.

Speaker 1 (08:43):
Eighteen picks, by the way, in the second round so far,
six defensive tackles, six corners, slash safeties, and then throw
on top of that three wide receivers. So after we
saw a very offensive heavy, historically offensive heavy. He want
a lot more defensive players. Fourteen off the board here
and they do only nine defensive players in ran round?

Speaker 3 (09:04):
Was the fourteen straight offensive picks?

Speaker 4 (09:06):
Yes, to start the draft? That is strict.

Speaker 1 (09:08):
Is unbelievable. All right, let's get to the phones. Two, one, nine, nine,
five three. PJ in Virginia. You're gonna leave this off today, PJ.

Speaker 4 (09:14):
What's up?

Speaker 2 (09:15):
Hey, guys? So I get one gripe and one question. Yes,
so real quick, my gripe. I don't understand what is
it with divisional foes trading with their divisional rival? Why
would Washington want to help Philly?

Speaker 4 (09:30):
I don't get SEEPJ.

Speaker 5 (09:31):
Here's the thing.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Washington thinks they're helping themselves. They're not doing the trade
to help Philly. They're doing the trade to help themselves.
The same way Dallas and Philadelphia felt like they were
helping themselves, and they did the Devonte Smith trade a
couple of years ago, which, by the way, I think
Philly's pretty happy with Devonte Smith and the Cowboys are
pretty happy with Michael Parsons in that situation.

Speaker 6 (09:48):

Speaker 1 (09:48):
So to me, if it's a good trade for you,
the way I approach it, I don't care who I'm
trading with because I feel like the trade's going to
help me.

Speaker 5 (09:56):
But that's just me. I know other people disagree with
that philosophy.

Speaker 3 (10:00):
And they got that pick from Chicago in the Montes
sweat trade, so Gerally wasn't theirs to begin with. I
don't know, maybe that helps a little bit. Was that
the griper? Was that the question?

Speaker 1 (10:08):
And by the way, they just used one of those
picks PJA to draft Mike Sanser Still, who was a
really good player.

Speaker 2 (10:12):
So yeah, and that was my other question. Yeah, So
I understand Nuban, Yeah, I understand we needed a safety,
so I get it. But new Ben as far as
I know, is kind of a little bit slower from
what I know, like his forties, like four five nine
something like that.

Speaker 1 (10:25):
He ran a four or five nine in his pro day,
but again he was a covering off of a knee injury,
so I'm not sure if that's but look, he isn't
a burner, but I think he might be a little
faster than the four or five nine.

Speaker 2 (10:35):
Yeah, I'm just wondering why didn't why not go cornerback?

Speaker 6 (10:37):
Why not?

Speaker 2 (10:37):
Sanscher still like, is he not an outside cornerback?

Speaker 1 (10:40):
No, Yeah, that's the that's the problem. He's swats only.
And you know, so many corners got picked already. Max
Milton got taken. The cornerback out of Rutgers. You had, uh,
let's see, Kamari Lassater got taken. So you're looking at
censor still and it's Rackstraw who has some injury issues,
Ronaldo Green, you know, Andrew Phillips. I didn't have a

standout corner. I had Nuben along with Hickson Bullard as
my second round safety. So I think they just probably
had a higher grade on the board with Nuban than
they did with any of their corners, and that's why
they went safety.

Speaker 3 (11:13):
Yeah, that run on corner is probably what makes them
move them off of that.

Speaker 4 (11:16):
It's entirely possible too, that the new defensive coordinator may
want to go with a lot of three safety looks
and he feels he needs another guy to enhance the
depth charted safety.

Speaker 1 (11:26):
And I think when you play a lot of split
safeties in that kind of zone defense, I think safety
becomes a more important position and corner becomes less important.
Unlike the wing system, Sean, when you're playing so much
man to man outside.

Speaker 3 (11:37):
Yep, yeah, no doubt about it, you know. And to
your point, like, you know, look, we don't know yet
what they're going to do with Nuban and how they're
going to use him, you know. I mean, maybe they
move him around a little bit, maybe in nickel he
plays some other positions. I know he's got some versatility too.

Speaker 1 (11:53):
Steelers select center Zach Fraser out of West Virginia.

Speaker 4 (11:58):
So before like my guy, I'll tell you what.

Speaker 1 (12:01):
The Steelers just walked away from this draft with Troyano
and Zach Fraser.

Speaker 3 (12:06):
Fraser is he's pretty body bag. I mean, he's a
state championship wrestler. We're watching some wrestling video right now.
That dude 'samller and.

Speaker 1 (12:14):
Za's They just got two very good offensive linemen they're
going to try.

Speaker 3 (12:17):
To and they got Roderick Roderick Jones last year. So yeah,
they're loading up. Russell Wilson might not have to throw.

Speaker 5 (12:23):
No, Nanja Harris is going to get a lot of carries.

Speaker 1 (12:27):
And Jaylen Warren as well, So make sure you keep
an eye on that all. Right, back to the phones
two on one nine three nine four five one three.
Let's go to Joe in Pennsylvania next time, line three. Joe,
what's going on?

Speaker 7 (12:37):
Uh? First, I want to say very happy with that
first pick of ours. You know, he just he looks great.
You know, do you know did he ever have any injuries?
I know how Beckham he got me all the time
with the hamstrings and that.

Speaker 5 (12:53):
Do you know he had a shoulder as a freshman
according to some of the notes I've I've read, But
other than that, he's been clean and he made it
very clear that he's a guy that's going to play
through injuries if he has a couple of minor bumps
and bruisons.

Speaker 4 (13:03):
Yeah, this past September he had left shoulder injury. But
he's over that the Giants medical staff went through thoroughly,
uh cleared him, and I know that they were very
okay with it.

Speaker 7 (13:14):
Yeah, and this safety, the safety we got he looks
like what I'm hear. And he's a ball hockey. He
had quite a few interceptions the way I understand. He
just has a nose for the ball too, you know.

Speaker 4 (13:27):
Yeah, thirteen in his career in college.

Speaker 7 (13:30):
Yeah, so's he's around there. And like the previous caller says,
Washington always lets the Eagles come up there. There's a
number of times right before the Giants that they always
let that happen. I can recall going back to Jason
Priere Paul. I think that happened. But we got Jason

Priere Paul and they took Brandon Graham. I believe there,
you know. So, but Washington does it all the time.
So whatever, go Giants. Ay, Indiana just beat me Milwaukee,
So there you go again.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
Indiana goes up to one in the first round of
the US how about that? And I'll remember, no, you're honest,
which makes a difference there. James and Georgia Europe next, Hey.

Speaker 8 (14:16):
James, Hey, what's going on? Happy Draft day?

Speaker 9 (14:20):

Speaker 4 (14:21):
Absolutely, what do you got.

Speaker 8 (14:23):
Nothing much, I said, Sean, I like the pick. There
was a run on cornerback, so I was, you know,
I was texting or telling my brother earlier that we're
going to have our pick of either top running back
or top safety in the draft and or in the round.
And I'm glad we went safety, just saying to absolutely

killing with that thinking, you know what I mean, Rather
than take the fifth or sixth ed rusher or cornerback
or you know what I mean, you take the best, uh,
you know, safety in the draft. It's a position in
the Still.

Speaker 9 (15:01):
I'm not gonna go along.

Speaker 8 (15:02):
I know third is coming up soon. A couple of
guys that were on my list that just kind of
went off.

Speaker 10 (15:08):
Do you think Mark Shawn.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
Neeland will still be there?

Speaker 8 (15:11):
And third he hasn't just went I do not think.

Speaker 9 (15:16):
I got a couple of names, uh if you'll touch
on them, probably when you know, you stop saying calls
or whatever. But I got Kamara, Mohammed Kamara, the Tavian Sanders, uh, Pooney,
Camari Lasster and drains last long gone already Yeah tomorrow, Yeah,

you know of mind and U Canner Malachlin. I think
that's how you pronounce the name.

Speaker 4 (15:44):
The tight end. Tight end, Yeah, the tight end. He'll
be around.

Speaker 5 (15:47):
I think he's more of a Day three guy myself,
but yeah, he'll be around for sure.

Speaker 6 (15:51):

Speaker 4 (15:52):
And to be honest like.

Speaker 8 (15:55):
And that and that I was seeing in that round
in that range on big forward, you know what I mean.

Speaker 6 (16:00):
That's why I act about that.

Speaker 4 (16:01):
You mentioned running back just a moment ago earlier before
you rattled off a bunch of names thanks to it
was our impression from the combine that the running backs
will go in a cluster. There's going to be a
run of those, just like there was just a run
on corners, but they wouldn't probably start until the third round.
So there's really you know, we know that Brooks was
just taking a few picks ago. John Yep, you know.

That's the only running back so far.

Speaker 5 (16:25):
By the Panthers. The Giants will see him this year.

Speaker 4 (16:27):
Yeah, the only one that's gone of all the running backs,
So that cluster, I'm thinking still at some point in
the third they'll start to smoke.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
Colt select eighty Mitchell good value for them middle of
the second round to go as a heck of a
group of weapons there. Man Michael Pittman, Junior, Josh downs, Ada,
Ni Mitchell, Jonathan Taylor for Anthony Richardson, who's basically going
to be a rookie this year.

Speaker 4 (16:48):
That is a nice set of weapons.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
Yeah. Yeah, Jonathan Taylor could stay healthy. I mean that's
a that's a huge, huge guy to carry the way
for him. So you know, everything for uh, for Richardson
looks good health wise, you know, like him coming back
from that shoulder, he should be fine.

Speaker 4 (17:07):
Washington Commander's on the board now.

Speaker 5 (17:08):
By the way, this is the second pick they got
from the Eagles in that swap, so we'll see where
they go.

Speaker 3 (17:12):
And the Colts got a lot to the edge rusher defensively,
so I know what you're talking about the offense.

Speaker 1 (17:16):
But now, I mean, look, the Colts do a good
job adding town. We do a couple open lines. Folks,
your fyis if you want to get in, you can
two on one nine three five one three.

Speaker 5 (17:25):
Wilson and Roxbury's up next night.

Speaker 11 (17:27):
Wilson, Hey, hey, guys, how are hey listen?

Speaker 12 (17:31):

Speaker 11 (17:31):
This was the right pick.

Speaker 12 (17:33):
Now I can look forward to the season. You know
how I felt about us thrust in a quarterback and
you know, all this all this talk that the Giants
tried and moved up for number three. Listen, if they
really wanted this guy, if they really wanted it, one
more first round pack wouldn't have made the difference, you
know what I mean. So I think that's a lot
of smoke and you can take that with a greater
soulp if he if they wanted a quarterback, m have quarterback,

they would have gotten it. So obviously it wasn't worth
it or it wasn't good enough for whatever it was.
But it is what it is, and we got we
got the guy that I think is going to help
the team. And uh, because I think we have a quarterback.
You know how I feel about Daniel. But if Daniel
is listening, I want to tell him something. You know,
I can't give any more of this fans. I want
you one out of town, one on one, two one

you out of town? Any more fuel? So I don't know, man,
if you've got to read film differently, whatever, just you know,
just this is your last mulligan, I think. So you know,
we we have to make it work. So you know,
now it's it's let's look forward to the season and
then that's it, you know, whatever now now I can

look forward to the season because I was a little
you know how Danny, you know how.

Speaker 4 (18:42):
I I know, I know, Wilson. We're so glad for
you. You know, we really are welcome, welcome back.

Speaker 13 (18:48):

Speaker 12 (18:48):
Let me ask you, so, let me ask you something
now that the picture is you know the pic that
was this the right pick? Like if you look now,
is it was this the right.

Speaker 5 (19:00):
I mean neighbors are nuvid? What do you mean specifically,
neighbors are nuvid?

Speaker 4 (19:03):

Speaker 8 (19:04):
No, no, no no.

Speaker 12 (19:05):
In the first round, okay, it was this was this
if you were gonna take a guy with this, your
guy of.

Speaker 1 (19:13):
The guys that were available, and Wilson appreciate the call
make good stuff.

Speaker 4 (19:16):
Yes, yeah he was.

Speaker 5 (19:17):
He was my guys. I mean he he was the
next highest guy on my board. Uh on my board.

Speaker 1 (19:22):
Molik Neighbors was my fourth best player, so got him
at six.

Speaker 4 (19:27):
Job, well done, Sean. What do you think?

Speaker 3 (19:29):
Yeah? I like Neighbors. I think he brings something to
the table. Those three receivers, Marvin Harrison Junior, Neighbors and Odoons,
you know, they were kind of like in it was
like a three headed race. Really, those three guys but
Neighbors does things those other two guys can't. He's got
unbelievable acceleration. His explosive ability is I mean, it's far

superior than those other two guys. Now, Marvin Harrison, I mean,
obviously he's he was the gold standard in this draft
for receivers. But he can't do some of the things
that Neighbors can do. So I Neighbors. I like his
ability to the They used him a ton of like
jet sweeps, like you're gonna see him in all kinds
of different roles, like we can't get him the ball enough.
And he's one of those guys that once he touches

the ball, now that's when all of a sudden the
magic starts to happen. He can make guys miss, he
can run guys over. He's feisty, he's scrappy. The Giants
needed somebody like that. They needed somebody offensively that could
be a spark plug, that could they light the fire,
get everybody fired up, get everybody jazzed up, get the
fans going. So I like Neighbors from that capacity.

Speaker 1 (20:32):
Sean, I believe Pearson's come to retrieve you. To talk
to mister Newman all right, let's go. You want to
leave him waiting, so go enjoy if I find out
about his interceptions, find out about him reading and all that,
and then what kind of defense he's comfortable, and come
back and report to us you're finding.

Speaker 3 (20:44):
So will I'm gonna ask him about Antoine Winfield.

Speaker 5 (20:46):
Perfect, say, we just get shown a lot of material
to talk to. Twern would have back. So, Paul, why
don't show.

Speaker 4 (20:52):
I was gonna step out here, Yeah, taking all this stuff.

Speaker 1 (20:54):
He'll be back as we wrap this show up and
get these picture going fast and furious.

Speaker 4 (20:57):
They kind of see how really are cow? So when
do we close ranks here a little bit? Paul? All right,
we're going to leave this here.

Speaker 1 (21:03):
And we'll start taking calls again at two on one
nine three, nine four five one three. Uh, let's go
Cliff in New York.

Speaker 4 (21:10):
He's up next.

Speaker 13 (21:11):
Hi, Cliff, Hey, guys with the Nuban pick. The first
thing I thought of was, you know, the last couple
of years, I've heard a lot about the versatility of
our existing defensive backs, you know, under coach Henderson and
him being very highly regarded as a coach, and these
guys are like I hear several of our dbs are

mentioned as both corner and safety. So I'm wondering, now
that we have Nuben, does that mean that some of
those guys are now more considered corners and does that
maybe strengthen the corner position as it is? You know
what I mean?

Speaker 5 (21:45):
Which guys are you talking about specifically that you would consider?

Speaker 13 (21:48):
Wow, I don't remember which ones were which tell you
the truth, because it seemed like it happened a lot
that they that they would say that so and so
is also considered a safety, or this guy is our
third safety, but he can also play corner. He's versatile.
So I don't know which ones to tell you, but
I I just know I've heard that a lot. So
I was hoping that the existing group may have some

some corners that can uh you know, they can be
more identified as corners now and help us. I just
thought i'd throw it out there.

Speaker 5 (22:18):
Yeah, I mean, I think the only hybrid guy for me, Paul,
I guess what would would be McLeod right, would he
be the hybrid guy that could play safety and corner.

Speaker 4 (22:26):
I don't know what else I would put. Well, the
Green Goblin too, who they just picked up from Jaylor milk. Yeah.

Speaker 5 (22:31):
I mean I think at his age he's a safety.

Speaker 4 (22:33):
I think he's a safety too base. When I interviewed
him when he got here, he said, I'm the safety. Yeah.
He basically said, I feel I.

Speaker 1 (22:39):
Feel that unless I'm forgetting somebody, I don't know where else.

Speaker 4 (22:42):
I don't know where else. You you're going there.

Speaker 5 (22:44):
With that, and and and and Cliff Newban's a safety,
so he's not going to play corner.

Speaker 13 (22:48):
So oh no, I want to know. I'm just hoping
that that that gave us more uh more of a.

Speaker 4 (22:55):
Well yeah, we're with you.

Speaker 13 (22:58):
Yeah. I just wonder that that's freed up some guys
to focus more on being corner.

Speaker 4 (23:04):
The one thing I will say, I'm not going to
to go to that particular theory, but I will say this,
when you look at the Giant safeties right now, and
even the corners to some degree, very intelligent secondary John,
very intelligent secondary. You know they may not be the

best athletes on the field. Okay, we know Belton is
not going to set any Olympic records or crush it
at the combine, but he makes plays when he's on
the field because he's instinctive, he's aware, he's smart. He
stays away from those mental mistakes that a lot of
guys will make. And that's what we're talking about with
Nuban coming out of Minnesota. He's that kind of player

and so, you know, to be frank with you, I
think intelligence is one of the things that the Giant
secondary is trying to be known for, because you know,
if you know what to do and you're in the
right spot to make plays, chances are you can raise
the bar.

Speaker 5 (24:07):
A little bit, all right, two A one nine, three,
nine four five on three you're watching the Giants Draft
Show presented by Kreshtron.

Speaker 4 (24:13):
I am John Schmelk.

Speaker 5 (24:14):
He is Paul Detino.

Speaker 1 (24:15):
Just to remind theer folks to tune into all of
other podcasts, Big Boo Kick Golf Live as our live
show every day at twelve thirty on Giants dot Com
the Giants Mobile app. We take fan calls just like
we are right now. Then, of course you have draft season.
We have our Round one recap up. Me and Tony
Pauline break that down everything that happened a Round one.
We'll have a full draft recap when the draft is
over as well. Then you have the Giants Subtle podcast,

which you'll find this show on that feed when it
gets posted later on tonight. We're gonna be live after
the Giants' third round pick as well. We'll see if
we're gonna stop or we're gonna just keep going.

Speaker 4 (24:46):
Pits. It going pretty fast, so.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
I'm gonna do some quick timing here to see what
we end up doing. But either way, we'll be on
after the Giants third round pick. We might take a
little pause in the middle due to NFL rules, we're
gonna be on a certain amount of time.

Speaker 4 (24:57):
So we will make that call as we go along
with make.

Speaker 1 (24:59):
Sure you check out all other Giant podcasts and the
Giants Mobile at giants dot Com, Slash Podcast, or just
search for Big Book, Kickoff, Live, Giant, Subtle, or Draft
Season on your favorite podcast platform. If rind Apple Podcast
leave that five star positive review, it will really help
us out. So the Washington Commanders with the fifty third
overall pick, this was the other pick they got from
the Eagles in that trade down, they select my second

favorite tight end in the draft, Ben Sinnott.

Speaker 5 (25:24):
He's kind of an h BAC type move guy. He
reminds me of Kyle yust Check a little bit to
be quite honest with you in terms of the.

Speaker 4 (25:29):
Way you can use him. So he goes to Washington.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
I'm not particularly happy about that because he's a good player.
And then the Browns just took Michael Hall yet another
defensive tackle. This a very athletic three technique out of
Ohio state. He stays home in the state of Ohio
and goes to the Cleveland Browns. All right, let's go
to Taylor and Georgia. He's up next, Ty Taylor.

Speaker 14 (25:53):
A great afternoon to y'all, really quick. I love the
pick obviously, could you do you guys really see him
because of the film breakdown more as a free safety
strong safety personally for me, I love Pinnock on the
field at all times. I honestly like Bellan's coming off
of the off the banks kind of as that third safety.

Speaker 10 (26:14):
And then after that.

Speaker 14 (26:15):
Second quick question, I'll take it off the air. What
do you kind of see us as a need in
positional value at three? Right now? I can I'm kind
of hoping the guard from Yukon is there. I doubt
it from there possibly running back. Other than that, I'll
take it off air. I appreciate it now.

Speaker 4 (26:32):
I appreciate it, Taylor, good call.

Speaker 5 (26:34):
Cornerback, cornerback, cornerback, cornerback, cornerback, cornerback, cornerback, cornerback, cornerback.

Speaker 4 (26:41):
You just passed on on a bunch of corners in
this round.

Speaker 1 (26:44):
Maybe maybe defensive tackle. Then I would get into the
the running back territory for me. Yeah, corner is the
biggest need to be right now, and it's a glaring one,
to be quite honest with you.

Speaker 4 (26:54):
Yeah, they they went with the safety, and again maybe
that's what the scheme is going to call for. They
need some more depth at that spot. They just might
have thought he was that much bad. Maybe they did.
Maybe THEYD Hey, look, we knew what the combine that
there were folks who told us they thought Nuban could
be the best safety bullet got some votes too.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
I mean General Daniel jeremal I had him in number
one honest safe exactly.

Speaker 4 (27:14):
So I mean this is not a reach here, But
in terms of in terms of perceived need, corners seem
to be more thin. Okay, In terms of the running
back situation, John and I have both discussed this. I
think that the Giants need a power back to fill
in that other spot in this running back by committee.

I would want a big guy orderic estimate is my
guy from Notre Dame. Can you get him in the third?
I hope so, I was hoping to get him in
the fourth. But you know, we'll see.

Speaker 1 (27:46):
I would not use a pick on a running back
in round three. I just I think that's bigger needs elsewhere.
You know, you already have his starter in the building,
so I don't. I think that's a Day three pick
in my opinion. That's why I would attack that, you know,
and I like estimate. I think he's my fourth running back.
I think he's a really good player. I really I
think if they draft them, might be very happy with it.
But I just with all the other needs, I would

save that till round four.

Speaker 4 (28:07):
You know, the problem really comes down to here. You know,
the tight end spot is another issue, because again we
still don't know what's going on with Darren Waller. He
says he's working out. He told some reporters today at
a public appearance for a charity that he is indeed
doing all of his workouts as if he's going to
come back, but hasn't made a decision yet. Well, you

guys know how much I love Senate and unfortunately he's
already gone. So that's the end of that. But Stover
is not a bad tight end if you want to
keep looking in that spot.

Speaker 5 (28:38):
In the next round, Patrick Paul goes to the Miami Dolphins.
The offensive tackle out of Houston, very tall, very rangy,
has some cleaning, has some things to clean up a
little bit in terms of fundamentals, but good, good player.

Speaker 1 (28:52):
Cowboys on the clock here will keep an eye on that.
But for now, let's go back to the calls. Jason
and new Haven's up next day.

Speaker 10 (28:57):
Jason, Hey, what's up?

Speaker 4 (28:59):
What's going on?

Speaker 13 (29:00):

Speaker 10 (29:00):
Good things for taking my call? Or I love the
draft so far. I know you guys have talked in
the past, and I've been a big opponent of especially
when it came to the three receivers, the top three
receivers in the draft. Part of it is like what
does day Ball and Kafka want yeh receiver? And I

never really thought Rome was the guy, even though he
was a clean prospect. And I don't think we was
ever going to get Harrison. I think he was if
he was dead, I mean, that would have been a
no brainer. But I think neighbors fits that day ball
Kaska separator. Kind of that Tyreek I call him Tyreek Hill, y'all,
but kind of that explosive athlete once he gets his

ball in his hands that we really haven't had since
you know, Odell, you know, since Odell left us.

Speaker 6 (29:48):

Speaker 4 (29:48):
Absolutely, I love the pick.

Speaker 10 (29:50):
Nuban was a great pick, too, low key. I kind
of like our safety group. We're young. But one thing
I've talked about with Belton, He's always run the ball,
and this kid, Nuban seems to always be around the ball.
I like Pinnock. He's you know, he's not a you know,
he's not a top five safety, but he's an up
and coming safety. And I'll take I'll take you one

more question. I got three players that I wanted you
guys to see, if you could let me know what
I'm looking for. Yeah, and the next Paul, I'm with you.
I would like a kind of a bigger back. My
eyes are on the young man from Wisconsin, Allen. Yeah,
twenty years old, clean, yep, and I like him. Another
guy I want to talk about is the defensive tackle

from Oregon Dorless. To me, he's a prototypical three technique,
which I think with Andre Patterson and Deck's next one
would be great. And then one more thing, John the
game yesterday, please explain to me why embiid was not
thrown out of that game, and I'll take it off
the airflas.

Speaker 4 (30:49):
Thanks, thank you, Jason. I appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (30:51):
And but by the way, I think both those players
are good fits for the type of players you're looking
for if you want a big back. Brian Allen fits
I'm not as high as other people are. I've been
told I need to go back and watch his tape
from two years ago and three years ago before Wisconsin
changed their offensive system.

Speaker 4 (31:07):
I haven't done that.

Speaker 1 (31:08):
I didn't love him in their spread offense this year.
I just didn't think it fit his skill set. So
Paul's higher than on him than I am. But he
likes estimate is a better player. Dorles, You're right, is
that three technique? He can also play a power end
if you need.

Speaker 4 (31:20):
Too on running down. So I have a third round
great on him.

Speaker 5 (31:22):
If he's there in the third round, I don't know
if he's gonna get there given all the defensive tackles
going off the board. He would be a good pick.
And yeah, Joel on Beech should.

Speaker 4 (31:30):
Have been ejected from that game. Paul and I agree
on that.

Speaker 5 (31:31):
Whole Yeah, for sure, and by the way, I should
bring it back.

Speaker 1 (31:34):
We forgot to answer Taylor's first question about Newbin strong
safety of free safety.

Speaker 4 (31:39):
Oh, these a strong for me. Well, he's part of
a three safety package though.

Speaker 5 (31:43):
I think he's really good at reading quarterbacks in the
secondary though, and playing the ball.

Speaker 4 (31:48):
I'm a little bit afraid of the speed.

Speaker 1 (31:51):
Well then, but the problems that you're playing in the
line of scrimmag're just gonna have to cover slots.

Speaker 4 (31:55):
Yeah, I know.

Speaker 1 (31:56):
I much prefer him, and that's why I remember it's
a split safety system, so you put him as a
split safety d play in zone defense.

Speaker 5 (32:03):
I think that's the spot for him.

Speaker 1 (32:04):
And in this system you want your safety's a bit interchangeable,
which is why I think it's important that Newban could
do both.

Speaker 4 (32:10):
He can cover and he can play the run. So
I do think that's pretty important. I do want to
go back to what he said about dor List. I
wrote down four to three three four three technique, tremendous
position flexibility for him, Yeah, and I think that's what
makes him very intriguing, you know. Six three two eighty
five athletic motor pursuit, plays a little high, doesn't always

anchor as well as he should. But there's a lot
to like there. And again the position flexibility. We just
have not talked enough to this defensive coordinator to know
exactly what characteristics he's looking for in all of these
different positions.

Speaker 5 (32:45):
Well, I know he wants to get a field and penetrate, so.

Speaker 4 (32:48):
Who doesn't, right, But you know so it does leave
us a little bit hamstrong. But anyway, that yeah, I
do like dor lists and the guests that we have
on Big Blue Kickoff Live. Who did was on the
radio crew I believe of that school had really praised
him quite a bit.

Speaker 1 (33:07):
So this draft is flying until the Cowboys got on
the clock. They've taken every single second of their seven
minutes here and the pick is just then. We'll have
that for you in just a second. In the meantime,
let's go to Brian in North Carolina. Brian, what's up?

Speaker 14 (33:18):

Speaker 6 (33:19):
Gentlemen? How are you to see it?

Speaker 4 (33:20):
Hello? Brian? How are you good?

Speaker 6 (33:22):
A little bit of horse voice? So that's okay, mythologies
all right? So on your board, gentleman, tell me you
got corner. I'm gonna see you you got corner, the
defensive tackle, offensive line, in no particular order. What you see?
I saw some corners come off. If you can both,
you give me what you where you see the next
best pick in your opinion contextual to what offensive corner

defensive coordinat wants to do. Who would you go with
and eat any one of those particular?

Speaker 1 (33:52):
All right, I'll give you mine first, Paul, do you
want to go position by position?

Speaker 5 (33:55):
And then yeah, let's let's want to start with corner.

Speaker 1 (33:57):
My two highest rated corners are Ronardo Green out of
Florida State and Ennis rackstraw at of Missouri. And then
after that I have a little bit of a gap.
Then they have Andrew Phillips, DJ James and TJ.

Speaker 4 (34:07):
Tampa. I like Racistraw and I like TJ. Tampa, and
I do like Phillips. I think all three of those
guys to me, I would be happy to get anyone.

Speaker 5 (34:16):
Then defensive tackle, Oh Jenkins went to I did not
cross him off. Yeah, Chris Jenkins should have. So defensive
tackles got in very shallow, very quickly. Amazing Smith went
as well.

Speaker 1 (34:26):
So the only second round, and this is around two
round three hybrid grade is Makai Wingle out of LSU,
who I really like is a three technique. Yes, I
have Brandon Dorris is a third round there, then Dwayne
Carter out of Duke.

Speaker 4 (34:37):
As a third slash fourth round there. So defensive tackle
has gotten thin very very quickly, Paul, I don't have
any other three techniques that I'm very happy with. H
Tyler Davis is a four to three defensive tackle out
of Clemson who I really liked. His power, he's get
off at the snap and his leverage. But I see
him as a four to three defensive tackle and that's
really not what the Giant's gonna do. They need a

three technique. Gabe Hall is a guy, but to me,
I have a fifth round grade on him. I don't know.
I'll go back to Dorless just a minute ago. I
could absolutely take Dorless if I was forced to be
taking a spot there. And what was the third position
you want that you want to know about?

Speaker 6 (35:13):
Brian offensive line?

Speaker 4 (35:16):
Offensive line?

Speaker 1 (35:16):
And you know we'll also give your running back, dude,
just a heck of an offensive line. Cooper Beebe and
Christian Haynes are two guards that I have second round grades. On,
so I like him, and then you go to the
third round. I got Dominic Pooney, who's kind of a
guard tackle hybrid. Isaiah Adams and Mason McCormick are my
third round guards, and then even I like Mahogany and
Ziner after that as well. I think all those guys

are guys that could develop into starters.

Speaker 4 (35:39):
I'd keep an eye on Rosing Garden Blake Fisher out
of Notre Dame. Those are tackles though. Yeah, well, he
said offensive line. I said, yeah, I'm not exactly enthralled
with the With the guards, there was a you know,
there's a sleeper guard. You want a sleeper guard. Don't
talk about like in the next couple of rounds, Deep

Leydon Robinson, Texas A and m Okay, there's a sleeper
guard for you deep third day, I like it. Sleeper
sleeper guy.

Speaker 6 (36:09):
It's so based on what you're saying when I'm hearing it,
sounds like the most depth is still at the offensive line.
You mentioned line names is overall? Is that what you're saying? Though,
based on which wept what you like, there's more depth.
I want offensive lineman if we can get another one.
So that's where I'm going with that.

Speaker 4 (36:27):
Well, I appreciate the call man.

Speaker 1 (36:29):
Yeah, I would say, look, I think I don't think
you've drafted another tackle in my opinion here, I would
lean more towards the guard spot. And if one of
those guys we talked about, I mean, I do think,
I don't know. I think I have about the same
a number of corners and offensive linemen in my next
two rounds, So I don't have much difference there between
the players.

Speaker 4 (36:48):
So you know what the problem is here. And I'm
not trying to be funny, but you've already overstocked that
room with some medium priced free agent veterans. You have
the two young guys from North Carol line who have
been injured, okay In McKeithen and Joshua Azudu. And and
here's that. You got Stine. Ay, we talked about this.

You got Runyin, you got all these guys, You got Alminorum,
illumin Or. I'm really tired, folks, I don't mind telling
you that you got illumin Or who could play inside
to You're not sure exactly what they're gonna do with Neilolough.
We still think he's a tackle. But here's the thing.
Your drafting, any one of these guys later in this draft.

Are any of these guys for sure any better than
the Vets. You've already spent some money on, all the
two young kids who you've devoted time to, and they're
trying to come off of injury. See one of the
philosophies you have to have. At least it used to be.
Now it's a little bit different because of the salary
cap and stuff. But you were you wered go into
the draft and you'd say, listen, when I'm taking this

guy in the fourth round. In the fifth round is
where it starts to get shady. You would say, hey,
I look at that guy. Am I sure he's got
a legitimate chance to beat out his competition for a
spot on my fifty three? That used to be the
litmus test. I'm not so sure if I put that
litmus test to some of these deeper offensive linemen, John

that I can say that. And because the Giants are
very deep at that spot, they got bodies, They got
functional bodies. So I don't you know what I mind.
I wouldn't mind if they took another offensive lineman somewhere
in this draft, But I just don't know if they're
head and shoulders as a prospect going to make the
fifty three. Of course, the practice squad does change that

a bit now that it's expanded as much as it happens,
it does change it some, but you still got to
get the guy through correct. All right, Two more positions
is actually good.

Speaker 5 (38:45):
There's a perfect show called to close the show beaus
we kind of went through our stack and who's left
a potential a third round pick, So it's actually worked well.

Speaker 4 (38:51):
Only positions I want to hit Paul or tight end
because I do think that is kind of a.

Speaker 5 (38:57):
Dart throw position. So not went Jatavian Sanders from Texas
still on the board.

Speaker 4 (39:02):
More of a receiving tight end.

Speaker 1 (39:04):
I have Johnny Wilson from Florida State on my tight
end stack instead of my wide receiver stack. And if
you're looking for a receiving tight end, I know he's
a fascinating player.

Speaker 4 (39:13):
Round number very intriguing.

Speaker 1 (39:14):
And then I have a bunch of fourth and fifth
round guys Kate Stover, Jared Wiley is more of a
receiving tight end. Tanner mcglock wann to call her mentioned
theo Johnson and then if you want to wait till
like round five or six on draft, an injury guy
that can develop into something.

Speaker 5 (39:26):
Eric All out of Iowa.

Speaker 4 (39:27):
Yeah, I had Johnson, I got Stover, I got Wiley
as old guys. You know, later on if I couldn't
get said that I would, I would. I would like
to look at so you know, look, there's still guys
here that can help the giants at some of these
thin spots. If that's your bottom line question, the answer
is yes.

Speaker 5 (39:46):
And then just real quick running backs. Paul I mentioned,
I don't have all my running backs are in the
third round. I don't have a second round running back.

Speaker 1 (39:53):
So Trey Benson, Ray Davis, Audri, Guestime Marshaun, Lloyd, Blake Korum.
I like will Shipley out of Clemson more than most people.
Jyalen Wright is the speedster out of Tennessee. If you
want a fast guy to be a change of pace guy,
those would be the top running backs on my board.
So that's a good seven guys that I could easily
see be worth third round picks.

Speaker 4 (40:14):
Yeah, est may Lloyd for me, you know, I wrestled.
I wrestled with Carson Steele out of UCLA because he's
a big guy. You didn't like Ray Davis. Huh, he's
like two fifteen. I was looking for a guy who's
going to be more of a big, power, sturdy back. See, well,
you know what it is. I'll be honest with you.

I don't believe it's Singletary. Even though he's the league
guy in the committee, I see him as more of
a smaller guy and not a pounder guy.

Speaker 5 (40:42):
I should be pretty good at short yard I know
he historically.

Speaker 4 (40:44):
I know he is, but I don't trust it. And
I would like to have a big, strong, physical pounder
to help the Giants in a for minuted offense goal
line situation, short yardage. I don't want to put that
all on Singletary.

Speaker 1 (40:56):
I really don't fair enough, all right, folks. So those
are some of the guys left. The guy with the
Cowboys selected Marshawn Neeland, by the way, the edge player
out of West Kentucky. Good plas. Oh yeah, really good player,
big guy. He can even slide into the three technique
on passing downs. He can set the edge, powerful edge rusher,
really tested well. Not a ton of production, but a
guy with a lot of good motor player. He's having

a lot of good traits. So Dallas lost a couple
of edge players in the offseason. He's kind of their
third or fourth guy. So we're gonna take a quick
break here because we're still about twelve picks before the
Giants go at seventy, and that's probably gonna be at
least forty minutes, maybe forty five minutes. And there's no
way we can stay on because I want Dom to
be able to go home tonight and not be here
at two am trying to post a two and a
half hour draft recap video.

Speaker 4 (41:37):
How wasn't want to get in trouble with the NFL.
So we'll put those two things together and we'll take
a quick break.

Speaker 1 (41:42):
We'll be back when the Giants make their third round
pick on The Giants Draft Show presented by Kreshtrohn.

Speaker 4 (41:47):
We'll talk to you then.

Speaker 1 (41:48):
Welcome back to the Giants Draft Show presented by creshtron,
John Schmelt, Sean O'Hara.

Speaker 4 (41:53):
Paul Deatino. Back with you.

Speaker 1 (41:55):
With the seventieth overall pick in the third round, the
Giants select cornerback Andrew fill Pillips out of the University
of Kentucky. Phillips in his college career played four years
started for half of one all of his senior year
sixteen total starts. A guy that can play inside and outside.
He played about two thirds of his snaps outside as

a senior, played about a third of them inside, so
you can do a little bit of both. Ran a
four four eight forty yard dash at the combine. Tested
pretty good in terms of his jumps. Explosiveness was good,
his short shuttle and three cone was good on his
pro day. Guys, the Giants needed a cornerback. We talked
about this at the end of our show after round
number two, and they found the guy that is pretty flexible,

could play inside and out and.

Speaker 5 (42:43):
Showed some pretty good cover skills at Kentucky Sean.

Speaker 3 (42:45):
Yeah, you can't have two enough corners, and we were
talking about that exact position before the Giants selected Tyler
Nuban the safety, and you know you could tell that
when the run on the corners went at the top
of that second round, Giants kind of shifted gears. But
now to get a corner and Andrew Phillips, he's a

physical guy. He's one of those guys that really likes
to win at the line of scrimmage. Jam receivers likes
to use his hands and it likes to use his
physical ability. But I think he's also shown that he
has really good recovery speed, really good recovery quickness. So
I've got some asset for him. The Kentucky guy, Wandelle Robinson,

the Kentucky guy. Right, Yep, we got another wildcat here.
But I think for the Giants, no doubt about it.
You've got to, you know, to have some more fresh legs,
have some more competition in a corner. Looking in the
NFL right now, you need three starting corners. And you
mentioned it. He has played in there at the slot,
so he has that experience. He played the nickel position

against Tennessee this year. Uh pretty much played every snap
in that game from the slot from that nickel position.
So he has that ability. And I think it's a
it's a nice pickup for the Giants because you know,
look here this late in the third round. I think
before the draft started, people thought Andrew Phillis might have
been gone by now.

Speaker 1 (44:08):
Yeah, I had him with I had him as a
very top of the third round pick. I had him
as my seventy fourth player. He got picked number seventy,
so about in line, but a lot of people did think,
like Dame Brugel, who does the Author's the Beast, one
of the best draft guys that's out there. He swore
heading into the draft that he was going to be
a second round pick, that he thought teams were pretty

high on him.

Speaker 4 (44:29):
Paul, Well, he did get some rising grades in mock
drafts in recent times. I did, right. I really liked
his quicks at the line, his reeds very physical player.
To your point, Sean, when you talked about one of
his hands, very physical player, does like to hit people.
Can sometimes improve his technique a bit, but that's because
remember red shirt junior and only spent two years as

a starter. Okay, so he does, you know, have to
have some more maturity going on, more experience as he grows,
as he gets coached up. We talk about these guys
all the time. Carl Bank says, you don't just add water. Okay,
there's a reason the guy's coming into the NFL, and
that is because he's got to get coached up. Well,
this is a guy with Jerome Henderson coaching that secondary

is someone who's going to probably really use that polish
to his advantage.

Speaker 1 (45:17):
Yeah, and look, he's five eleven or five ten six
eighths inches one hundred and ninety pounds, So he's not
the biggest guy in the world, which is why you know,
some people do see him as more of a slot,
but he played outside in Kentucky, did a nice job.
He's a physical player, doesn't mind hitting. So he's a
guy that I think can fit a lot of those spots.
And you know, two aspects that Shane Bowen sid he
needs out of his cornerbacks guys is that to be

willing to tackle and they don't let guys get behind them.
And the one thing that he did in that Kentucky's
scheme was played a lot off zone coverage. He did
not generally let guys get behind him, which in this
system that the Giants are employing is very important.

Speaker 3 (45:51):
Yeah, I think the one thing that when you kind
of look at at Drew Phillips not one interception in
his collegiate career, So that's kind of one of those
things that sada you think that at some point someway
tips the ball, you get one of those. But he
did have ten pass breakups, so he's there. He's making plays,
just didn't have a almost kind of an opposite to
Tyler Neuman, who set a record at Minnesota for interceptions

in a career. But I think when you look at
that physical aspect of it, the toughness of it, I
think also he had a great week down at the
Senior Bowl, and the reviews from him coming out of
there were that, man, this guy was physical, he was feisty.
You know, sometimes you see guys go to those those
bowl games and the practices, you know, they can kind

of be overwhelmed. But he had a really good performance
and I think that really helped his draft stock.

Speaker 5 (46:38):
He was a multi sport athlete as a kid.

Speaker 1 (46:40):
His father was the president of the Chamber of Commerce
in Greenville, so it comes from a good family. He
won the triple jump in high school at the twenty
nineteen state championships. He was a track guy, so he
can run. I always like the multiple sport guy Shaw
and that aren't specialist and was Nuben Neighbors. I'll get
it that Neighbors, Dubin Neighbors whatever. Neighbors was one of

those guys too. He played basketball in high school and
he played baseball before he played basketball as well. So
I'm always a big fan of these guys that are
multiple sport athletes.

Speaker 3 (47:11):
Yeah, you love the athleticism and the power too. And
it's funny because as the Giants selected him, they started
showing this video of him jumping over.

Speaker 4 (47:19):
A car and hopefully it wasn't moving. It was not moving.

Speaker 3 (47:23):
He was running on it. But I don't know, maybe
that was a little foreshadowing, like coming to New York.
You may have to jump over some cars if you're
in the city or if you're walking around in traffic.

Speaker 4 (47:32):
But do we avoid that.

Speaker 3 (47:33):
It may, it may come in handy.

Speaker 4 (47:35):
I think the good news for the Giants fellas is
that they got some value and they got some need
in the right round. Because this is just about for
me as we're into the third round, getting to the
middle of the third round where the corners who can
help you wide away with some rotational snaps, starts to
get a little thin. It's pretty pretty, you know, sure

about it? Right now that you know you're not going
to find as you go deeper. If the Giants waited
to the fourth round, they weren't going to get a
guy of this caliber. Let's put it that way. You
had to take the cacause it's drying up. You had
to it's drying up. So so I'm glad that they
did it. And now as we get into the fourth round,
Now now you can be a little bit more scattershoot

if you want. You can go for a tight end,
you can go for a running back, you can go
for a defensive tackle, whatever you really like, because at
least you got a position that you knew was thin
and was going to require fortification.

Speaker 1 (48:30):
So Phillips is originally from South Carolina. By the way,
Newman is from Chicago. Just FYI, I mean know Louisiana
for neighbors. His father actually played linebacker for Kentucky from
nineteen eighty six to nineteen ninety, so some runs in
the family there.

Speaker 4 (48:45):
Yeah, you had to play it against them eighty six
ninety right, No.

Speaker 3 (48:49):
No, no, I just I think I'm still in my
diaper in eighty six.

Speaker 15 (48:54):
Paul had to cover those games though, Yeah, Paul anything, No,
that was eighteen eighty six, Yeah, exactly, all right, you
guys got to take some calls her a right, Why
don't we open up the phones here two one nine,
three nine four five one three.

Speaker 1 (49:05):
Of course you're listening to the Giants Draft Show presented
by Kreshtrown. The Giants have a two picks here on
day two, Tyler Nuban in the second round at number
forty seven, the safety out in Minnesota, and Andrew Phillips,
the cornerback out of Kentucky at pick number seventy. All right,
let's go to the phones and say what's up to
Jim and Connecticut. He's gonna lead us off, Hi, Jim, Hey, John.

Speaker 16 (49:24):
I'm just gonna be like a million persons to say,
amazing job with the draft cover. It's just unbelievable when
I can do a mock draft simulator and know from
a personal interview what a guy from who was like
a cornerback from Tulane is all about. We can't get
drafted in like the seventh round.

Speaker 4 (49:40):
That's pretty great, well, Jim, I gotta be honest with
the iron again. I honestly don't get tired hearing it.
So that's fine. I appreciate that checking the man.

Speaker 16 (49:46):
I mean, that's got a whole thing where you did
those at where you did that thing at the Shrine
Bowl in the Sea Bowl, where you kept asking it
was weird you asked these the same question in these guys,
but you managed to kind of elicit different things.

Speaker 7 (49:56):
It was just just terrific.

Speaker 4 (49:57):
That's been great.

Speaker 16 (49:58):
I love like two quick points about I just want
to get yeah.

Speaker 3 (50:02):
Jim, you know what, Jim we hey, I co signed
with Jim.

Speaker 16 (50:06):
You probably want to get Charlie on here to get
to talk about how Spencer Rattler has to be the
next pick.

Speaker 4 (50:12):
Here's the thing, don't say his name, Jim.

Speaker 16 (50:18):
I'm to blame.

Speaker 11 (50:18):
I'm playing, Okay.

Speaker 16 (50:20):
I went toll to Tino.

Speaker 5 (50:21):
What it was.

Speaker 16 (50:21):
I thinking, here's the thing on the on the pick. Sorry, Paul,
you're you're you're a legend.

Speaker 6 (50:28):
But anyway.

Speaker 16 (50:31):
On NEWBN, terrific for Bowen's schemes, smart in the right place,
low r S scorer, who cares?

Speaker 2 (50:38):
You know that?

Speaker 16 (50:38):
What safety does?

Speaker 6 (50:39):
I mean?

Speaker 16 (50:39):
You know they always rip a safety think of all
the good safetyes recently the guy from the Ravens and stuff.
But anyway, and I think, uh, you know Phillips. Obviously
Tracy is jumped over coats and stuff, you know, for
the best. So I like both picks. What I wanted
to get real quick is this John. I'm kind of
sad to see Benson go. I wonder if he's who
out there in the fourth round for tomorrow, would you

consider for running back? Do you think on the tight
end front, would THEO Johnson possibly still be around? Seems
interesting and whether that's a luxury pick. I was gonna ask, Oh,
so sean of the strange?

Speaker 4 (51:15):

Speaker 16 (51:15):
Sorry, I was also gonna ask about Christian Haynes. Any
chance maybe he survived or is still on the board
in the fourth round from Connecticut. Also seems like a
really interesting player. And last for Paul, is there a
skyscraper up there in the later rounds? It would be
like a sixth round pick that might be a project
of something that you know, you like, that you know
could make the team and be kind of an interesting

tall guy in the receiving court.

Speaker 7 (51:38):
And that's it.

Speaker 1 (51:38):
Wow, a lot of names there, Jim, I'm gonna try
to hit a lot of those. I'll start with the
tight end. Yes, there, I appreciate the call.

Speaker 4 (51:44):
Awesome call. Thank you for the for the praise. We
appreciate it.

Speaker 1 (51:48):
THEO Johnson, Yes, in my opinion, there's a chance he's
there in round four. Uh, why don't we start there?
He was looking for a running back on Day three, Paul,
is that the thing he was looking for that.

Speaker 3 (52:00):
Benson just went he was bummed about that.

Speaker 1 (52:02):
I'll hit those Blake only two only two running backs
that have been taking still estimate, Ray Davis, Marshawn Lloyd,
will Shipley, Blake Korm, Jalen Right. There's a lot of
guys left there that people like, so a lot of
running back Sean.

Speaker 3 (52:14):
He Jalen, Jalen Rights, a burner, the speed guy, want
speedy guy.

Speaker 1 (52:19):
He was asking about Christian Haynes, what do you think
about him as a player. I'm not sure he's gonna
get to in round two three, especially since the Cowboys
just took Cooper BB by the way, which annoys all
of us because I had a second round great on
the guy, and Zach Waran is going to retire after
the end.

Speaker 4 (52:33):
They're just gonna plug him right in and they're gonna
be Yeah.

Speaker 3 (52:35):
Cooper b B looks exactly like Zach Martin as a
left guard, and that's pretty much where he was, and
we were talking about him earlier on in the cafeteria.
I really like Cooper b B. I thought he'd be
a great pick up for the Giants if they could have.

Speaker 4 (52:45):
Staggered it might have been the highest guy left.

Speaker 3 (52:47):
Yeah, he's a stunt. I mean he's thick, he's a
he's a maller. To answer a question about Christian Haynes,
I really like Christian hanks technique. I like his ability.
So I absolutely think that the Giants, if they could
find a way to snap him in the fourth round,
if he's still available, that would be a great pickup.
He's actually his arms are two inches longer than Cooper Bebes.
Like the one knock on Cooper BB was that kind

of short arms. Look at my entire career. People will
talk about my short arm. So you can still have
an eleven year career with short arm.

Speaker 1 (53:15):
If you want to pitch your Cooper BB's body type,
imagine a college refrigerator on top of like a pair
of like stilts.

Speaker 4 (53:22):
That's kind of a Cooper be He's like a k Rainer.

Speaker 3 (53:25):
He's like come back, like squished.

Speaker 4 (53:28):
Up, solid as a rock out.

Speaker 5 (53:29):
They'll get me wrong, but he is like a big,
square body.

Speaker 2 (53:32):

Speaker 3 (53:32):
I think Christian Haynes is very he was very balanced.
He's got really good feet, really good hands. I think
he's going to be a really solid player.

Speaker 5 (53:41):
And Paul, he wanted you to find a late round skyscraper.

Speaker 4 (53:44):
Yeah, I'm going to give you a guy because he
was a red shirt last year by injury. Bryce Ford Wheaton,
coming back from the torn acl last year, had a
terrific summer camp at six ' four West Virginia wide
receiver on drafted rookie free agent. Giants gave him a
lot of money as a bonus to bring him in.
Looked really good during summer camp. They worked him in
special teams. Looked like he was going to be promising.

I think he was going to make the final fifty
three opening day, to be quite frank with you, and
then he ripped up his knee and that was it.
H He's been rehabbing like a demon. And you know
what you want it? You want a dark horse skyscraper
six four and he can run. Uh, there's my dark
horse injury. I are red shirt from last year cheated.

Oh hey, I'll put my money on him. But before
I pick anybody in the in the fifth or sixth
round here.

Speaker 5 (54:31):
Okay, how about this, I'm gonna give you guy with
some bloodlines, Paul and then Rice.

Speaker 4 (54:36):
He's not a skyscraper's six skyscraper has got to be
six four. Sorry, Pameters but Johnny Wolveon out of Florida State.
He's six seven. Yes, yes, yes, yes he is. I'll
take tight End. I'll take Bryce Ford Wheaton anyway, Okay,
fair enough? Two o one nine three die four five
one three. Sorry, guys. At ten o'clock, we're gonna have

a little bit of funny. I don't know what to
tell you. Let's go to car Out in Syracuse. Car Mine,
you're up neck, so that's it. Go on, man, hey,
we man.

Speaker 11 (55:04):
How you guys going.

Speaker 4 (55:05):
We're good, car Mine, how are you.

Speaker 5 (55:08):

Speaker 11 (55:08):
And I'm gonna just I'm just gonna tell you, thank
god I had to bring to download the app for Giants,
the giants dot Com app. I'm more, I'm beyond loyal
to the Giants. I'm making my business not to miss
the draft every year because we you know, we need
to we need to change some things. And on top
of that, uh, Paul Detino, Yeah, from Syracuse, New York.

You came to Syracuse to lamoy In College to commentate
on the game. One side I did, he.

Speaker 4 (55:40):
Did, yes, more more than once. I was up there
a couple of times this year.

Speaker 11 (55:46):
Really, you know, you was around the corner from a
pretty good Italian restaurant. And not only that, he was
around the corner from this job I work at. I
work at a high school way around the corner from
there and stuff. And at the end of the day,
I was shocked to see you on TV.

Speaker 4 (56:00):
I was like, wow, okay, well, you know I can't
live on football alone. What happens after the Super bowls over?
I need to do college basketball for a few months.

Speaker 11 (56:09):
Look, you don't You don't strike me as a guy
that want to sit on the couch and flicking.

Speaker 4 (56:14):

Speaker 3 (56:15):
No, I don't think he owns a couch.

Speaker 4 (56:17):
Now, Carlin, here's the thing Paul's going to be back.
You need to do.

Speaker 5 (56:20):
Inform about this Italian restaurant. We need some Italian before
he drives on from these basketball.

Speaker 9 (56:27):

Speaker 11 (56:28):
No, no, no, no, that's not that's not the name
of the restaurant. That's just what my friends called me, Carmine.
But the name of the restaurant that you were near
was called Delmonico's. Okay, I'll tell you what the next
time you come up in basketball season. Because I watched
the Yes Network. I like the next booklyn Nets. If
I know you're coming up here to commentate, I'll introduce it.

I'll introduce myself to you very cool, and and if
you want to eat whatever, I'll me and your people whatever.
I'll direct you to where the restaurant is.

Speaker 4 (57:00):
We can we can uh, we can.

Speaker 11 (57:02):
All sit down and eat and just talk sports. I
don't care.

Speaker 4 (57:06):
Thank you.

Speaker 5 (57:07):
What's your putting on the Giants, Carmine?

Speaker 11 (57:10):
Okay, at the end of the day, the I'm calling
because I'm kind of concerned about the Giants and stuff.
And my thing is this, is it just me or
or are the Giants afraid of actual speed from from
in the draft? What I mean by that is man,

last night, Xavier Worthy got picked. Man, Xavier Worthy should
have been picked by us when we we had plus
when we're at number six. I don't think we should
have gave it to Kansas City because right now Andy
Reid is a madman running to the bank right now?

Speaker 4 (57:46):
Have you seen it, neighbors play, Carmine, He's pretty fast.
I would he's fast.

Speaker 11 (57:53):
So what you know what, I don't hate. I don't
hate the pick. I'm not saying that he is strong.

Speaker 17 (57:58):
He is tall.

Speaker 11 (58:00):
I'ma give him now. I've seen his close. I've seen
I see l s u play and I and I
thought that the down inside we get Jayden uh Daniels
for this ain't the year for that. But the wide
receiver we do need. And I'm not and I'm not
saying I'm I'm uh, I'm unhappy with it, but I
would have loved it even more if we'd have got
Jalen uh Jalen Xavier Worthy because for one reason, one

reason only, we need to We need to get revenge
on the whole NFC each man, like from the years
of the Shawn Jackson and now we got us what's
that bay name from number eighty eight at Dallas.

Speaker 4 (58:34):

Speaker 11 (58:35):
Yeah, and and and it just breaks my heart ball
every time I turn around. We always getting burnt man,
and then and then not only that, to keep the
conversation going, even on the defensive side and stuff. I
like some of the d backs we've had, but we
need faster d backs, man. It's and you know, and
at the end of the day, I love the two

Super Bowl wrings we got with what's name, But somewhere
down the line, man, we just need we need we
need beyond change, man, we need we just need faster people.
That's aw what I'm saying. And I'm not saying, you know,
I'm not just the Giants. I love the Giants. I
loved them since I saw Lawrence Taylor play. But at
the end of the day, I'm at a point in
life now that we just need them. We just need

to be up there on the speeder, the more speedier level,
you know what I mean, Because I want to competition.

Speaker 4 (59:21):
I call my good stuff.

Speaker 3 (59:23):

Speaker 5 (59:24):
I appreciate your fan and and I appreciate the call man,
good thank you. But trust me, my league, neighbors will
be just fine against the Eagles, Cowboys and Commanders.

Speaker 3 (59:30):
Yeah, there's no way. And anybody in the NFL is
taken worthy over neighbors like worthy. Yes, he ran an
unbelievable time at the forty, But the first thing I
heard from multiple sources down to the common they were like,
that's awesome. He can run, but we don't know if
you can catch.

Speaker 4 (59:45):
And that's kind of important to yours, kind.

Speaker 3 (59:46):
Of a big, kind of a big part of the
job description. Neighbors. We know what he could do, we
know the explosive ability has so uh yeah, I'll take
neighbors all day long.

Speaker 1 (59:55):
Yeah, totally agree to them. Nine three, nine four or five.
I'd be careful, Paul. First of all, he said, my
friends call me Carmis. It's not even his wrong name.

Speaker 5 (01:00:03):
So I don't know what's going to happen in that
restaurant with you at him, But i'd be careful, Paul.

Speaker 4 (01:00:07):
Tell somebody where you're gonna be before you go over there.

Speaker 3 (01:00:09):
He's already got he's already got do Moonico's logged into
his phone.

Speaker 4 (01:00:12):
He's ready to go. Let's go to Daniel and Australia. Daniel,
you're up next. How you're doing?

Speaker 5 (01:00:17):

Speaker 11 (01:00:18):
How you doing?

Speaker 5 (01:00:19):

Speaker 16 (01:00:19):

Speaker 18 (01:00:20):
It's first of all aesome to come on here. Huge
fan New York Giants fan, New Yorker living in Australia.

Speaker 4 (01:00:26):
But what time is it right now over there? Dude?
What time is it over there?

Speaker 6 (01:00:30):

Speaker 18 (01:00:31):
It is Friday twelve ten midday currently right now?

Speaker 6 (01:00:36):

Speaker 3 (01:00:37):
Wow, Saturday? Yes, And I see Jordan Myla doing a
pick from Australia.

Speaker 5 (01:00:42):
You guys have like fourteen hours ahead of.

Speaker 4 (01:00:45):
All right, Daniel, what do you got? What do you
got for us?

Speaker 9 (01:00:49):

Speaker 18 (01:00:49):
First of all, I think all the Giants picks have
been phenomenal so far. I just want to get your
thoughts on who potentially could be next. And do we
think a running back should be going to us in
the fourth round, because I would love another running back
on this Rosty. I know we have Devin Singletary, I
know Jalen Wright is available, who I love out of Tennessee.

Maybe Isaac Correndo, who really surprised us at the NFL combines.
Just any your thoughts here at the running back position.
But yes, all the three picks Neighbors, Nu, Ben and
Phillips here have been phenomenal. I think we addressed everything
that we needed. I'm glad we didn't get a quarterback.
And yeah, once again, a huge, huge fan of you guys.

Keep grinding out.

Speaker 1 (01:01:31):
Hey, Daniel, appreciate you joining us all day from this
is that might be our first Australia call.

Speaker 3 (01:01:35):
I think we've we've all see.

Speaker 4 (01:01:38):
We have hit another continent. Potentially, Yeah, potentially.

Speaker 5 (01:01:40):
All right, I already kind of gave my spield a
little bit. Sean, what are your thoughts on the running
backs here, the guys that you might like that are
still off on the board that could be available in around.

Speaker 3 (01:01:48):
Four Yeah, I mean, as you mentioned, there's only two
running backs that have gone in the draft, so far.
So you got Blake Corhum from Michigan. He's a stud.
I mean, that's a guy that I don't think you
can give him enough carries he can as he showed
at Michigan. Jalen Wright, he kind of mentioned him in
passing and we talked about him briefly. He's a burner
four three eight forty guy, caught a ton of balls

out of the backfield. He's an explosive, explosive player. So
I think that could be somebody that they could end
up targeting, because you know, when you look at the
backfield right now with Singletary, and you know it's gonna
be a running back by committee throughout. But to have
a guy like that, and usually young running backs when
they come in, you kind of sprinkle him in and
packages anyways, But I don't know. Jalen Wright, he kind

of reminds me maybe he could be the fit that
the Detroit Lions had with their one two punch last year,
and that right there, you get a weapon like that
out of the backfield that could be huge. So, uh,
those are a couple of running backs that really kind
of jump off of me, and I wouldn't be shocked
if the Giants picked a running back fourth or fifth round.

Speaker 5 (01:02:55):
Paul, you talked about estimate. We mentioned Alan Lloyd Lloyd too.

Speaker 4 (01:03:01):
I'm gonna throw Ray.

Speaker 1 (01:03:02):
Davis out there out of Kentucky. I think he's a
really good all around back that can do a little bit.
Everything's a little bit older. Wasn't an elite tester, but
I think he's a good player. You want a receiver
out of the backfield. Will Shipley at a Clemson I
think is a really good shifty receiver that's a good catcher.
And then we haven't mentioned Blake Kormaton, but if you
you know, if you want someone that's interchangeable with Devin Singletary,

those of us actually profile very similar and they don't
have great top speed. They're both shorter, they're both elusive.
So those are some of the other running backs that
are out there too. Two one, nine, three Steves in Atlanta,
He's up next his Steve.

Speaker 19 (01:03:36):
Hey, John, I'm very pleased with what we're doing. The
only one thing I want to start first of Carmine
needs to understand the Giants. Since since Joe Shane has
been here, speed has been what we have been getting
nothing but speed on here. So he needs to look

at the players a little bit better. Anyhow, I like
where we're where we are, and I really like that
actually our first and second kick. I was not as
thrilled right now. On the cornerback, I was actually thinking TJ.
Caampa might have been a little bit higher than Phillips,
especially because we were looking more for an outside cornerback

as opposed to a slot.

Speaker 4 (01:04:17):

Speaker 5 (01:04:18):
I think Tampa would have fit wink so old scheme
because he's long, much better, big outside cornera. We just
don't have a great feel for what sham Bowen's looking
for at the position yet right based on what he
did in Tennessee, size was never a big priority for
him there, so I think that's probably why he's still
out there on the board.

Speaker 19 (01:04:34):
Yeah, from running backs, I'm agreeing with Wright. I really
would like to see right, but there looks like there
between that and Lloyd Shipley is good, but he's been
Corm and Shipley both have a lot of tread Warren
on the tires.

Speaker 4 (01:04:50):
They do, Yes they do, You're right, but God knows
horriball buried Corm into the ground for sure.

Speaker 19 (01:04:57):
But the one guy I also like is Kate Still.
I really think that he's he's a hi.

Speaker 4 (01:05:04):
Yep. We had their radio analyst on our BBKL program
that day when we were talking about him, and he
was extremely high on him.

Speaker 19 (01:05:16):
Yeah, yeah, no, So that's a And some ways, I
think that actually the running backs are gonna I think
we could still get one in the fifth round. And
I'd actually like to see the tight end in the
fourth round.

Speaker 4 (01:05:28):
Yeah, look, I could see that, you know.

Speaker 5 (01:05:30):
And I still think, by the way, if you want
to double up on corner here at some point, I
have no problem with that.

Speaker 4 (01:05:36):

Speaker 1 (01:05:36):
You want to pick a defensive tackle like Brandon dors
and appreciate the call. I think that's another guy you
can look at.

Speaker 5 (01:05:42):
He's still on the board. Dune Carter from Duke, still
on the board, Makay Wingo, Ella's.

Speaker 4 (01:05:46):
You still on the board.

Speaker 1 (01:05:47):
So there are some spots at positions of need that
I think can still come in and compete for playing
time right away in one way shape or.

Speaker 5 (01:05:54):
Form, Sean, Where do you get a lot of these positions,
Where do you think the biggest need is right now
based on what's left and the where the giants have
it at their positions currently.

Speaker 3 (01:06:03):
Yeah, I mean I think you can't have too many corners,
so I think that's always a good resource to tap into.
You know, running back would make sense. Jalen Wright, we
mentioned him, you know, he went to Tennessee. He was
actually Jalen Hya's roomate in college, so there's some familiarity there.
I know that would be uh that that could be
a nice addition to the offense as far as exposure.

Speaker 5 (01:06:23):
But you're they able to put the fast guys in
the same rooms together.

Speaker 4 (01:06:25):
Is that how that works? Yeah?

Speaker 3 (01:06:26):
Apparently apparently speed travels together. I really feel like the Giants,
you know, could draft a guard. And I think, look,
they brought in John Runyon, you know, I think yet
to be determined where Evan Neil and Jermaine a luminar
how all that fixes itself out and works yourself out.

But I think the Giants, you need healthy guys, you need,
you need another guard. And I think that for them,
if they drafted a guard immediately just makes that room younger,
more competitive, and based off what happened last year, like
we need healthy bodies, we need good young legs. So
I think the need as much as we addressed the

offensive line through free agency, I could see them jumping
on a guard.

Speaker 4 (01:07:16):
Paul, We pretty much, I think have gone over all
the different thin spots that the Giants have to still
look at.

Speaker 5 (01:07:24):
We would you put a number one?

Speaker 4 (01:07:25):
Though, Again, I would like to get a big back.
I'm you know, I mean, that's just where I stand
right now. I really would like to add a big
back to the room. Again, here's the problem for me.
I see it running back by committee, and Singletary to me,
is not a guy who's going to touch the ball
more than fifteen times a game. And so as good

as he has been over the course of his five
NFL seasons and been to the playoffs every year, four
years with Buffalo and once with Houston, he's been on
winning teams and been productive. But again, in a situation
where you really need to pound it out, I'm worried
about trying to put him into that situation while he's
part of the rotation. So I need I need a workhorse,

a big, burly guy who may only touched the ball
eight times a game, but I want him to be
able to pound it.

Speaker 3 (01:08:17):
Singletary was very effective, but you know, correct me if
I'm wrong. He's never had a thousand yard season. No,
so he's not you know, and he's that because he
was up in Buffalo, they did the running back by committee,
and you know, they were more of a pass first offense,
run it a whole, right, It's not really been you know,
it's not because anything Devin Singletary did. But I will

say this, when he went down to Houston, like he
started the season, he was the he was the backup
running back, and then you know he he had one
of his best and most productive years. The thing about Singletary, though,
is every time you turn on the film, like he's
just making guys miss, he's running through tackles like he's
a good player. But I'm with you, Paul, I think
I think that I could see the Giants loading up

that backfield, you know, with another young stud.

Speaker 4 (01:09:02):
Somebody with a hammer.

Speaker 18 (01:09:04):
You know.

Speaker 4 (01:09:04):
That's that's why I keep going back to estimate, because
he's got a hammer.

Speaker 3 (01:09:08):
The one thing the Giants have struggled with is punching
the ball in whether it's sure you areds third and
one down on the goal line, second and one third one.
How many times did we get down to the goal
line over the last couple of years and we just
can't muscle it in to your point, even with Saquan, So,
I mean a lot of that is up front. They've
got to do better, you know, from a performance standpoint
of blocking. But yeah, you need that, you need that

bully bawl.

Speaker 5 (01:09:31):
All right, let's we have threw more calls on the line.
We'll get to all three of you guys, and we're
gonna have to run.

Speaker 4 (01:09:35):
We appreciate you guys.

Speaker 1 (01:09:37):
You've done a fantastic job calling into the show earlier today,
this show, the show yesterday, remember two. We're gonna be
on again tomorrow starting getting Noondatino and I taking your
calls through the Giants pick in the fourth round and
then beyond. So thanks for being with us on the
Draft Show presented by Crushtron. Let's wrap things up. We
got three more calls.

Speaker 5 (01:09:54):
Ed in North Carolina is first of three, and then
Stu then burked ed how's it going.

Speaker 17 (01:10:00):
It's going, good man. It's been a fan of the
show for years and years. It's the first time I've
ever been off work where I could call in. I
usually just listened to replaces. So thank you so much
for doing a lot show.

Speaker 5 (01:10:09):
Thanks for calling in, Ed. We appreciate you listening so
I had two.

Speaker 17 (01:10:13):
Like really quick questions, and then I wanted to ask about.

Speaker 10 (01:10:15):
The old lines, but I went out.

Speaker 17 (01:10:17):
I went into the different room the other day and
I thought I heard Paul Dott say something about Lazizo Jali.

Speaker 11 (01:10:22):
Is he healthy?

Speaker 17 (01:10:23):
Is there something wrong with him right now?

Speaker 4 (01:10:25):
He's healthy. He has not been very healthy the last
two years. But he does not have a freeze. It's
an injury. I believe he actually finished the season he did. Correct. Yeah,
what you probably heard us was talking about the depth
that the edge spot. And the question was with Thibodeau
and Burns, you got your two primary edge guys, and
you'd love to have old Jeli in there, you know,
to help relieve those guys, give them some time off.

But Old July he's got to prove in this. Really
it's a show me season for him because he hasn't
been able to stay in the field and his production
and efficiency this past season actually decreased. You know, he's
got to pick it up, right.

Speaker 18 (01:11:02):
I agree.

Speaker 17 (01:11:04):
My other question was don't we still have three quarterbacks
on the roster because I keep hearing from friends of
mine that the kid from Tulane would be a good
fit for us. But don't we have Daniel Jones de.

Speaker 4 (01:11:14):
Veto and it Drew Lot Now, yes, sir, that's correct.

Speaker 5 (01:11:18):
That's why when Joe Shane was asked last week whether
or not he'd be comfortable going into the year with
these three quarterbacks, he said, yes, correct.

Speaker 17 (01:11:26):
Okay, So finally, uh, I assume we're going to do
something to address a little bit of depth at O line.
I was wondering what you guys, Uh, what you guys
thought we needed?

Speaker 5 (01:11:37):
Good question ed? Great, great call. Appreciate it. You know
it's a good debate.

Speaker 1 (01:11:41):
You have Neil and illuminaries your tackles. You have a
lot of numbers at guard.

Speaker 5 (01:11:46):
I guess if you really wanted part of me to
you probably could use one more guy at tackle more
than you can use one more guy at guard, just
based on pure numbers.

Speaker 4 (01:11:57):
But tackle is generally the more valuable position. What do
you think about that, Sean?

Speaker 3 (01:12:02):
I think if you can get a guy that maybe
played tackle in college and you could have him kind
of morph Look, a lot of teams dressed seven offensive
linement on game days, so basically your sixth and seventh
guy has to be able to play guard and tackle.

Speaker 5 (01:12:16):
Matt Kalvis who just got drafted, was one of those
guys that he was played both at of Pittsburgh.

Speaker 3 (01:12:20):
It was you know Marcus McKeithen. You know he you know,
tore his knee up. I think he was he was
going to be a guy in the mix. So you
know him and josh A Zudu both you know battle
battle injuries last year.

Speaker 4 (01:12:33):
He's played both too.

Speaker 3 (01:12:34):
Yeah, Zudu was kind of that swing guy. He could
swing out the tackle where he played uh at North
Carolina in college and then I think he's more of
a guard. But I think when you kind of look
at you know, you want to create depth at all
those positions, but you also want to create competition. You
want guys that are pushing each other. So that's why
I think Germaine and Luminar was such a big pick
up for the Giants because look, he started for the

Raiders last year. He started every single game. He he
started for the Patriots as well. He is going to
push Evan Neil. And look, if Evan Neils improves and
he can win that starting job, then we're going to
get a better version, the best version of Evan Neil
we've seen. But if not, Jermaine a luminor is he's
going to make a push to be a starter, So
that could either move Evan Neil inside or you know,
he could be the swing tackle. I think from a

guard standpoint, we mentioned Christian Haynes, he's available. He's predominantly
a right guard, that's all he played in college. So
for him, he would have to move over left guard
if Running is going to be a right guard, or
you move Running over the left. But I think the
other guy that's kind of out there that would be
a little bit of a sleeper pick could be Christian
Mahogany from Boston College. He's in Jersey, guys from Elmwood Park.

Thinking with the primus Catholic, He's one of those guys
that I could see the Giants picking up later on,
kind of like what they did with josh A Zudu
greater type. Yeah, he's very physical, he's got a unique
kind of little stance, little technique.

Speaker 5 (01:13:52):
He's exactly what you think of Boston College guard.

Speaker 3 (01:13:55):
Yeah, yeah, exactly. And he's got he's got really good technique,
got a good anchor, good base. So those are guys
that I think the Giants could kind of, you know,
go after as we get into the fifth and sixth rounds.

Speaker 4 (01:14:07):
How in terms of the offensive guards that you just
talked about, we really haven't talked about how Stinny comes
into this equation. He did start a year in Tampa Bay,
and now he's with the Giants, one of those medium
priced to the lower priced free agents that they signed.
Is he capable of challenging for starting guard job or

do you think he's just depth.

Speaker 3 (01:14:29):
No, I think he's going to make a push. I
mean that's part of the reason why he probably came
here and signed here was there's an opportunity for me
to be a starter.

Speaker 7 (01:14:36):
You know.

Speaker 3 (01:14:36):
Look, that left guard spot is you know, pretty much
up for grabs, so you like a guy that's got
some veteran experience with that. I think Stinny also he
might have played center too, so he can he could
do that in a pinch as well.

Speaker 1 (01:14:49):
All Right, we got Seawn's final thoughts here being summoned.
I believe you're going to have Andrew Phillips here in
a second, Shawn, so we'll be wrapped by the time
you're done.

Speaker 4 (01:14:56):
Excellent job.

Speaker 5 (01:14:56):
This was fun, brother Hardy.

Speaker 3 (01:14:57):
All right, stuff. I'm looking forward to your book next year.
All right, the Schmelky. I think you're puting so much
time and so much work into all this stuff, and
you know what, like it's all here, like, let's get
it out there, let's sell it. The Schmelky. I think
people want it. I would love to hear from the viewers.
We need people to We need to feedback on this.

I like it the Schmelky.

Speaker 5 (01:15:19):
Report instead of the Beast of the Smelky.

Speaker 4 (01:15:22):
Smelky the Beast go for Yeah, thank you, Sean.

Speaker 3 (01:15:25):
We'll work on it.

Speaker 10 (01:15:27):

Speaker 4 (01:15:28):
I have to get the people working on the marketing
campaign upstairs for that good stuff. Sean. Have fun talking
Andrew Phillips. Always a pleasure. Yeah, please, I'm definitely need
some of that. All right, let's go steal it New Jersey.
Steer your final call the show today, Steve, what's going on?

Speaker 10 (01:15:42):
Hey, what's going on?

Speaker 19 (01:15:44):

Speaker 10 (01:15:44):
How you guys doing?

Speaker 4 (01:15:45):
Hello? Man, you are spry for the long day that
we've gone through.

Speaker 6 (01:15:50):
Yeah, yeah, well listen, I you know what, I got
a question.

Speaker 4 (01:15:54):
Christian Haynes just went by the way to Seattle Guard
had picked number.

Speaker 1 (01:15:58):
Eighty one and by the way, I'll throw it Dominic
poony too, by the way, as another kind of car
tackle hybrid that I like anyway, legit, legit prospects still
go ahead.

Speaker 19 (01:16:07):
Listen, I want to know why why is Joe Milton
being drafted so low?

Speaker 7 (01:16:13):
To me?

Speaker 9 (01:16:14):
He seems raw.

Speaker 4 (01:16:18):
Oh, he's as raw as the seller on the supermarket shelf.
He does not He needs a lot of work. But
he's got the best pure arm in the draft. Well,
I would say that he is the most powerful arm.

Speaker 5 (01:16:31):
Yeah, but he doesn't have like that throw a budget,
he doesn't throw a touch like. He doesn't have like
but he doesn't not what versatile arm. He has a
power arm strongest arm strongest, that's a good way to
put it.

Speaker 4 (01:16:42):
Yet that you know. But but experience is lacking. There's
a lot about the game plan that he would use
a system guy, Tennessee, there's a lot he needs work on.
If you want to take Milton, you take him late
in the third day and you plant to sit him
for two years. He is truly a developmental with a

capital D. But I think that his size okay, and
his quality guy all right, from everything I've heard people
in Tennessee, quality guy, good guy in the locker room. Again, size, physicality,
the arm strength, you're gonna have to do a lot
of work on him though, So he sits for he

sits for two years.

Speaker 11 (01:17:25):
Paul, you don't think he deserves to be in their
quarterback room.

Speaker 4 (01:17:29):
I just said he could be a developmental guy for
a lot of teams if they're willing to wait. He's
not ready right now. He's not ready right now.

Speaker 10 (01:17:41):
I just think with day Ball in his track record,
with with with bringing raw talent, I just think day
Ball can really work him out.

Speaker 5 (01:17:50):
Yeah, but it's gonna take a lot of time, a lot, Okay, No,
just however, he couldn't even keep a starting job before
he showed up at Tennessee.

Speaker 4 (01:17:58):
I told you he says raw as a piece of selary.
He's really really wrong.

Speaker 10 (01:18:04):
Yeah, he just really impressed me.

Speaker 4 (01:18:07):
I get it. You love the arm strength, you love
the physique he's got, the frame, the size he's got.
There's there's stuff, there's stuff that makes him attractive.

Speaker 1 (01:18:16):
He checks every box, and you're right and stull in
terms of traits. He checks every box you would want,
And I get where you're coming from. My suggestion would
be find a couple of Tennessee games on YouTube and
watch them. Yeah, and then you'll see and and then
and and and then call us back, and I'm curious
to see if your opinion has changed it all.

Speaker 10 (01:18:33):
Well, I will do that. I will do that.

Speaker 4 (01:18:36):
I'll give you I'll give you a guy if you
want the Florida State kid Leary.

Speaker 5 (01:18:40):
All right, if you really want to dig deep into
the third day with Florida States, Jordan Travis Travis, I'm sorry, yeah, yeah,
Devin Leary. He is the other former NC state in Kentucky, right, Kentucky.
To make sure I had the right guy, absolutely absolutely.

Speaker 4 (01:18:55):
Look, I am so exhausted it's not even funny. And
we got to do another show tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, let's
go back to Travis. Broken leg, okay, injured, you gonna
have to deal with that. He certainly needs some work,
but there's no question that he has more polish, more experience,
more savvy, he's got more touch, had some production at

a very high level. You want to take a flyer
on somebody there, he's more further development. And Spencer Ratlers
throw on the board too. Well, you know I feel
about Rattler. I think he's the best guy of the
second group. Oh wow, how about the rams who had him?

Speaker 1 (01:19:30):
Yeah, and Ratler has some traits and appreciate the call
Bert good great good great stuff too. Sorry, Bert was
the guy that hung up right, If I'm not mistaken,
Rams just took Blake Krum, which I see this thing
because he's kind of a physical clone.

Speaker 4 (01:19:43):
To Kyon Williams. Yeah, who had a really good.

Speaker 1 (01:19:46):
Year for them last year. So I guess that's now
gonna be a timeshare backfields. All the Kyen Williams fantasy
football owners are very very unhappy right now.

Speaker 4 (01:19:55):
Who thought that? Ha's you, Dob, You have Kyen Williams love,
you have a keeper league. You're in a lot of trouble. Sorry,
that is this is not a good moment for you, sir.
I feel for you.

Speaker 1 (01:20:06):
Just real quick, folks, just to update, we went through
all the guys that we might and we'll give a
couple of names before we say goodbye. But since the
Giants picks, just to keep everyone update, then we got
a role here. You had Isaiah Adams to Arizona, Trevin
Wallace the linebackers of the Panthers. The Cowboys took Cooper
beebe Braylin tries to pass rusher to the Falcons. The
Bears took kirn Emmagagee from Yale, the offensive tackle.

Speaker 4 (01:20:28):
I still have that one right.

Speaker 1 (01:20:29):
Jonah Ellis, the defensive end from Utah, went to Denver,
del Mar Glaize, Maryland offensive lineman to the Raiders. Houston
took safety Kaitlin Bullock, the great ballhawk, Macncalvis, the oft
injured offensive lineman from Pittsburgh went to Indy. Jermaine Burton,
the super talented but troubled wide receiver, went to Cincinnati.

Speaker 4 (01:20:45):
Boy him and Joe Burrow. That is that's crazy.

Speaker 1 (01:20:49):
Christian Haynes went to Seattle, and then Tip Ryman went
to Arizona.

Speaker 5 (01:20:54):
And now Blake Korum just went to the Rams.

Speaker 1 (01:20:56):
So Paul I, we already kind of talked a lot
of some of the names here you mentioned estimate Christian
Haynes got picked, So he's off the board. I'll throw
on McKay Wingo and Brandon Dorles's defensive tackles.

Speaker 4 (01:21:07):
Duwing Carter two.

Speaker 5 (01:21:09):
If you want a bigger corners and you just took
a smaller guy in Phillips, TJ Tampa cam Hart, Kyree Jackson.
If you want to go there, guards Dominic Pooney, Mason McCormick,
Christian Mahogany.

Speaker 1 (01:21:22):
Johnny Wilson is a hybrid tight end. Otherwise, Kate Stover,
those are the kind of the.

Speaker 4 (01:21:27):
Name Johnson, mcclatchen, mclaughland, Cloughland. Yeah, three O the three
tight ends out there, well, I think would all be
you know, solid pick so you know in the later
stages here yep, So that's where we are, folks. I
want to thank you again. Don't forget our other podcast.

Speaker 1 (01:21:44):
This episode of the Giants Draft Show, presented by Kreshtown
will be showing up on the Johnstontle podcast feed.

Speaker 4 (01:21:49):
Subscribe to that.

Speaker 1 (01:21:51):
Subscribe to Big Blue Kickoff live of another draft show
live tomorrow at noon when the fourth round and Day
three begins right here on the Giants app, YouTube channel,
Giants dot wherever you stream Giant stuff, Giants TV streaming
up all that good stuff.

Speaker 4 (01:22:04):
Make sure you go check that out.

Speaker 1 (01:22:06):
Tomorrow and noon, Paul and I will be live once
again as we take you from the Giants fourth round pick.

Speaker 5 (01:22:10):
We're gonna try to get to the fifth round pick.
We'll see if we make it that long. We might
be sleeping, but oh it's noon, you have plenty.

Speaker 4 (01:22:16):
Of time to sleep. You'll be fine. I don't want
to hear any complaints out of you.

Speaker 1 (01:22:19):
And again, giant subtle podcast Draft season, go subscribe to those,
Tony Pauline. I will have a full draft review when
the draft is over on Saturday on Draft season.

Speaker 4 (01:22:27):
Make sure you check that out.

Speaker 1 (01:22:28):
And the Steelers just took Roman Wilson, who will fit
very nicely into that wide receiver court.

Speaker 4 (01:22:33):
Troy Franklin still on the board, by the way, Carolina.

Speaker 1 (01:22:36):
Both those guys really big upset, but again, it's such
a deep wide receiver draft. Is only that we knew
one or two guys were going to drop that shouldn't
we know? Then they're still on the board. So anyway,
thanks for being with us on the Draft Show presented
by Creshtron for Paul Theatino and Sean O'Hara. I'm John
Schmulk again, great job, guys. You carry us on the
phones on these shows. It's late you tune in.

Speaker 4 (01:22:55):
All three lines are still buzzing.

Speaker 1 (01:22:56):
I'm sorry I ran out of time, but we really
do appreciate you listen, and I hope you've enjoyed the
draft content the last couple of days. And we'll see
you on Saturday and noon for another episode of the
Giants Draft Show, presented by Crush John Well until then,
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