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April 27, 2024 74 mins

John Schmeelk & Paul Dottino discuss the Giants draft through three rounds, and break down everything you need to know about the Giants fourth round pick Theo Johnson. Watch the NFL Draft all weekend long on NFL Network.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Good afternoon, everybody.

Speaker 2 (00:01):
We are back with our third and final installment of
the Giants Draft Show, presented by Creshtron. I am John Schmelk,
Sam Antony, leftist Paul Datino. We've been carrying you for
two nights. We got one more day to go. We
are on this Saturday afternoon. The Giants have three selections
today in the NFL Draft. They do not have a
seventh round pick, Joe Shane, let's keep it that way.

The Giants are selecting at pick one oh seven in
round number four. In round number five, remember the Giants
swapped picks with the Carolina Panthers and the Brian Burns trade,
so they have picked number one sixty six in round
number five. That I believe we used to belong to
the San Francisco forty nine ers, which I think came
was that always did, was that the Christian McCaffrey trade.

Speaker 1 (00:43):
Still with that pick still could have been it might
still be right.

Speaker 2 (00:45):
And then the Giants pick in round number six, just
a handful of picks later at pick one p eighty three.
So those are the three spots the Giants are picking
at today. Again, we are taking your call, so get.

Speaker 1 (00:56):
On the line. Get on hold will take a lot
of your calls. We'll get ready for the fourth round.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
Pick the Giant Giants pick in the seventh slot here
in round number four, so we'll talk you through the
first six picks. I imagine we're probably gonna have some
trades going on as teams slept on their boards and
fell in love with players that are left, and they're
going to try.

Speaker 1 (01:13):
To go get them. The same movie saw a million
dreds at the top of round two.

Speaker 2 (01:16):
I think we'll see a lot of those today. Yeah,
so Paul, let's real quickly think give.

Speaker 1 (01:23):
Us our further thoughts on what the Giants have done
already before we talk about the guys they might pick here.
Excuse me in round number four.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
The more I thought about it, you know, I had
nw Been as the second round safety. I had him
as my third safety though, because I thought about it overnight.
The reason I had Hicks and Bollard above him, And
then maybe I did not arrange my board properly for
the Giants needs. Particularly maybe I was doing more of
a generic board instead of a Giants board.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
I thought Hicks and Bullet were better man to man defenders.
If you have to cover guys man to man in the.

Speaker 2 (01:53):
Slot, and I cover I just as a general principle,
that's a skill I covered a lot.

Speaker 3 (01:59):
But given with Shane Bowen wants, given.

Speaker 2 (02:01):
The way Shane Bowen played in Tennessee and his zone
heavy scheme, Nuban is the better zone coverage guy than
the other two as yes, centerfielder read the quarterback make
plays on the football.

Speaker 1 (02:14):
And I think Jamon Buller is not far behind by
the way.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
I think he's an excellent player also, but I think
both of them are better than Hicks in that regard.
So to me, I think that makes even more sense
why Nuben was their top safety on their board, given
his ability to play that zone defense, which.

Speaker 1 (02:31):
We think Shane Bowen's going to try to use in
his system.

Speaker 3 (02:33):
It makes perfect sense if we are to consider what
we think about Bowen and what we also know about
Brian Dable as to why the wide receiver and the
safety that they took in rounds one and two are
matches for the blueprint of what those coaches want. And
let's just go back and emphasize one of the reasons

that Shane and Dabele are here is because they are simpatico.
These guys have a very clear understanding of each other.

Speaker 1 (03:03):
You mean Joe Shane, not Shane Bowen. I'm just making
sure we're in this case Joe Shane got I do
to make sure that I knew what you meant.

Speaker 3 (03:09):
Yes, they are so much tied together at the hip
and on the same page. And we have heard from
Joe Shane. Okay, I'll make that clear now. Yes, we
have heard from Joe Shane that he is very very
much willing to get the coaching staff involved in what

do you guys want to do with him? What is
the plan? How will you use this guy? What is
your scheme going to be? And they communicate that with
the scouts as they're looking through. That has not always
been the case with other administrations, but it is here.
And so those first two picks, if you had to
predict what the Giants were going to do instead of

just picking your own players, you would understand that these
guys fit the blueprint.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
And I was hoping to grab somebody and figure out
if they see Phillips as more as a slaughter or
an outside guy. I did not have a chance to
do that before the draft started. They were kind of
busy and locked in.

Speaker 3 (04:07):
Did you get after we were we were doing a
show last night, folks, so we didn't get to listen
to Joe Shane and Brian Dable. Did you go back
and get it?

Speaker 2 (04:14):
My video kept freezing again? I did, okay, so fill
me in.

Speaker 3 (04:17):
They planned to first try him in the slot first
time and slot fast because because the explanation that Joe
Shane and Brian Dable gave is that they believe that
he is much like Cordell Flott. He's interchangeable. They think
both guys have inside and outside capability, and they're gonna
go with Phillips as the slot guy first and see

how it works out. But it will play itself through.

Speaker 2 (04:42):
I just had a revelations. Well, Jatavian Sanders got one
to one oh one to the Panthers. He did the
top kight end on the board. The Broncos just traded
up to one oh two. Paul, Who did Broncos pick
as they're starting quarterback?

Speaker 1 (04:56):

Speaker 3 (04:56):
You got it?

Speaker 1 (04:57):
Oh my goodness, they just lost Jerry. You did this offseason? Franklin.
You know who's available?

Speaker 2 (05:02):
Franklin number one option Fromkland Troy Franklin ten to one.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
That's the pick here. Oh, that's it. It's done. You
agree with me, Right, it's done. It's done. You know
it's gotta be. It's gotta be. Can you talk it
to the mike police. He's a problem. Like the static
is coming from the phone. I had to put it up.
I got you. You didn't want that, did you? No?

Speaker 3 (05:21):
I wasn't hearing it, Okay, I was, okay, there's no doubt. Look,
we've talked about Franklin so many times since the combine.
Felt he was a solid second round choice. But you
know what, he's still here.

Speaker 2 (05:35):
He was my thirty fourth ranked player, so I was
hiring him than most.

Speaker 1 (05:40):
And yeah, if.

Speaker 3 (05:41):
They don't grab him here, that is a major league up.

Speaker 1 (05:45):
Set he is. They need a receiver too, because yeah,
Jerry Judy.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
And Courtland Sunton now is complaining about contracts and stuff
like that. Tim Patrick is in one hundred percent. They
have more of an mim. So we'll see. That would
be my guess. But let's see what it's not stunned
and a lot of the fans are coming out of
are announcing the picks for these teams today. But I
bet your bonus when he visited Sean Payne is like,

you know, I could really use guys like throwing the
football too.

Speaker 4 (06:14):

Speaker 1 (06:14):
Good out of the University is if you guys go
back and watch the video rewind it when they show
their trade the Broncos in o'clock, you'll see my eyes
kind of wide and you'll see when it actually hits
me when I figure out who they're gonna pick.

Speaker 3 (06:26):
All right, So we were just talking about him as
much as like he's the best guy left on the
board for us at any position.

Speaker 2 (06:34):
The only guy left now on my board pall that
has a straight up second round grade on him is
Jaden Hicks, the safety, and I have no other straight
up second round grades left on my board.

Speaker 1 (06:47):
Makes sense.

Speaker 2 (06:48):
I have a couple of two three guys, Javon Baker,
devontees Walker and Makai Wingo.

Speaker 1 (06:54):
Those are kind of you know so, But otherwise that's it.

Speaker 3 (07:00):
To go back to what we were saying before, just
to reiterate about the giant situation. Yes, they come through
the first two days filling two gaping holes. They got
themselves a talented, skills based cornerback. We know they needed corners.
In fact, we can even arguing you could use two
just for depth and competition. They got themselves an impact

wide receiver who dramatically can affect this offense. And then
they got a highly physical, ball hawking safety who whether
or not you thought it was a hired priority need,
the guy's a good player. So they've come through their
first three picks, in my opinion, doing very well.

Speaker 2 (07:44):
All right, now, let's talk about what the Giants still
need to do here, Poe this Paul, As Joe Shane
said before this draft, they have a lot of holes
to fill. They're not one or two players away, so
still things you need to fit here. Yeah, I think
you could still let another cornerback if you want to
get another young guy in the room.

Speaker 1 (07:57):
I don't think that's a bad thing. If you want
to go there guys on my board.

Speaker 2 (08:00):
At that position, Paul, I got DJ James, TJ Tampa,
Chris Abrams, Draine. You want to go a little further
down the list, Jarvis, bigger guys, Kyrie Jackson, cam Hart,
Demicharion Richardson.

Speaker 1 (08:13):
Then you get to you know, the Smith.

Speaker 3 (08:14):
Chow with Kayln Carson yet Forrest I have.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Him as a fifth, but he has not gone. He
has not gone yet. That's that's another name i'd throw out.

Speaker 2 (08:21):
Josh Newton from TCU, Neamiah Pritchett, So guys like that
running back though, to me, this is this is always
the sweet spot for me. Paul and I think it's
worked out only four running backs winning Round three, So
we're gonna have a run coming up here. I don't
know when it's happening, but it's gonna happen soon. And
there's still some good running backs left on the board.

Ray Davis from Kentucky, Audric Estime from Notre Dame. That's
a guy, according to reports, was in for one of
the Giants.

Speaker 1 (08:48):
Thirty visits.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
Yeah, over the course of this offseason, and I think
again at the point you meet a lot yesterday.

Speaker 1 (08:53):
He's a good ying to the.

Speaker 2 (08:55):
Yang of Devin Singletary and they comment each other very well.
If you want a receiver, Shipley Hat of Clemsons out there.
If you want speed, Jalen Right from Tennessee is out there.
So those are my top four running backs left. Maybe
you're a Bucky Irving fan from Oregon, he's still there.
Tyrone Tracy is kind of an upside guy. If you
like another big guy, breyln Allen's on the board, Isaac
Grendo's on the board. So a lot of good running backs,

Paul that could interest teams here in around number four.

Speaker 3 (09:21):
Well, you know, I think here's the other problem though.
If you're the Giants, if we are to agree that
they could use a power running back, but then the
other potentially important need is a tight end. Do you
decide to grab the tight end maybe in round four
and wait for the running back in round five? Now,

I don't think estimate gets to the fifth, so I
would want to take him. But could you potentially do that? Yah,
you might get wait because.

Speaker 2 (09:51):
You might get wiped out of tight end, Paul, because
there are not a lot of guys that that.

Speaker 1 (09:54):
That's my problem.

Speaker 3 (09:56):
So if you really want a tight end, if you
want Johnson from penns State, who was another the athletic
tight end, reportedly visited the Giants during one of his trips,
if you want a Johnson, you probably got to get
him here.

Speaker 2 (10:10):
Yes, theo Johnson is specific. Yes, I have four tight
ends that I would pick in the cup. There's Lady Robinson, Paul,
one of your sleeper guys going to the Patriots. That's
high offensive lineman so Kate Stover Jared Wiley. Stover's more
of a two way player, Wiley's more of a receiver type.
You mentioned Theo Johnson more of a receiver Typeman, Tanner
McLachlan more of a receiver type as well, and then

Eric All probably is a later round pick just because
of all the injury issues.

Speaker 3 (10:36):
Is it's Stover's still out there, isn't he?

Speaker 1 (10:37):

Speaker 2 (10:37):
That was the first guy did is the two way guy.
Then Wiley, McLaughlin and Theo Johnson are more of your
receiving tight ends. So those are the guys that I
would consider with fourth round selections at the tight end
spot if you want to go there. But I feel
to your point, I liked the running backs are higher
graded players on my board than these tight ends. But

there are more running backs that can play left than
I think there are tight end So you're right, that
is an interesting debate they're probably having as you plan
the strategy of your draft, more than just evaluating the player.

Speaker 1 (11:12):

Speaker 3 (11:12):
I gave you a comment at lunchtime before we came
in here, and I said, John, I got a real
strong feeling in my stomach the Giants are going to
move up into the bottom of the fourth round to
help alleviate this quandary and either move up into the
bottom of the fourth or move up a lot higher
into the fifth.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
That'll probably cost a pick from next.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
Year's correct do it, because you don't have enough draft
capital this year to make that happen.

Speaker 1 (11:37):
Sixth round picks not going to move the needle. It's not, no,
it's not. Now.

Speaker 3 (11:41):
What you might have to do is to move up
into the bottom of the fourth you might have to
give up your five or six and something from next year.

Speaker 1 (11:48):
It seems to be some debate in the Cardinals war
room right now.

Speaker 3 (11:51):
Yeah. So you know, I strongly believe if you think that, hey,
you really do need to get a running back, and
you really do need to get a tight end, and
you want to fill those two positions with your next
two picks, John, you're gonna have to move up into
the bottom of the fourth round. I think to get both.

Speaker 2 (12:08):
I'm gonna throw one other player out there, or two
other players that I'm not saying they're sticking out like
sewer thumbs, but they're certainly they're both top eighty five
players for me on my board.

Speaker 5 (12:18):

Speaker 1 (12:18):
And there's position in need Makai Wingo the three technique
out of value. Yeah, he's a very good player. I
like him.

Speaker 2 (12:26):
One of our callers yesterday brought this player up. I
have him a little bit further down than Wingo about
fifteen spots, maybe Brandon Dorles, the versus defensive lineman of
Art of Oregon. So those are two guys. It's really
defensive tackle. Really think I have no one else until
the fifth round and that really So if you want
to go defensive tackle, here is a three technique. I

would understand going down that road as well, because I
think both those guys right now would be good value
at that at this particular juncture.

Speaker 3 (12:53):
Yeah, I think you know, we knew going in that
the defensive tackle spot was already fit going into this draft.
There was only a couple of guys, and if you
didn't get him really early, you were going to have
to wait quite a while to get decent value with
the spot. So it doesn't surprise me because it was
not a primary need for me with the Giants that

they didn't go high for one.

Speaker 2 (13:16):
Yeah, all right, let's get to the calls here. Two
oh one nine three nine four five one three. If
I did guess right now. I think if he's there,
I think it'd be estimate. What do you think?

Speaker 3 (13:27):
I'm on my hands and knees for it, man, No.

Speaker 1 (13:29):
I'm ask you to predict, though, and I know that's
what you want.

Speaker 3 (13:32):
I want in the worst way. If they do want him,
they gotta take him here. They can't afford to wait.
I would say, yeah, i'd feel I'd be fine with that.
I would say I could predict that.

Speaker 1 (13:43):
I don't like to think they're doing that though. You
think they're doing a tight end. What do you think.

Speaker 3 (13:47):
I think they'll take him here and trade up into.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
The bottom of the fourth and the tight end.

Speaker 3 (13:53):
Yeah, that's what I think they're gonna do.

Speaker 2 (13:54):
I have Wiley and Stover basically touching with both high
fourth round grades. One is my one thirteenth player. One
is my one four fourteenth player. So I think that
that would fit here of value, So thank you.

Speaker 3 (14:03):
They could probably get McLaughlin in the lower fource.

Speaker 1 (14:08):
Yeah, I think you got it. I think that's the
guy you have the best. Kay.

Speaker 3 (14:11):
I agree with that, So that's why I'm gonna I'm
gonna get I think estimate is more important to them anyway.
I want the big power back. I think they understand that,
So you go grab him now and then go get
one of those tight ends in the lower fourth if
you can move up, and I think they will.

Speaker 1 (14:29):
Try hard to move up. All right.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
Two to one, nine three nine four five one three. Folks,
go subscribe to our Giants Total podcast. It's our interview podcast.
We've had great draft interviews, much of which now are
kind of not timely because the draft has happened. But
we're gonna have a lot more stuff coming this week.
I'll reach out, I'll try to get some of the
college coaches of a lot of these players that the
Giants have drafted. You can find the archive of the

Thursday night and Friday night draft shows on the Giants
Tottle podcast as well, and also Draft Season with Tony Poonli.

Speaker 1 (14:59):
We have a Round one cap up there.

Speaker 2 (15:00):
We're also going to recap the entire draft at the
end of today and that will be posting either tonight
or tomorrow morning, So make sure you go check out
those two podcasts, Giant Huddle and Draft Season. Can find
him on the Giants app, Giants dot com, Slash podcast,
or the Giants YouTube channel as well. Go check it
out subscribe on your favorite podcast platform.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
You could do that too, and if you like.

Speaker 2 (15:19):
What you hear in Apple Podcasts, leave a five star
positive review for all of our podcasts. And by the way,
also Big Blue Kickoff Live, which is our live show
every Monday through Friday at twelve thirty right here on
giants dot com.

Speaker 1 (15:29):
Make sure you go check that out.

Speaker 2 (15:30):
The Cardinals pick safety Daidrian Taylor Demerson, who's a real
big guy, really nice metrics, good player, good value here
for them in round number four?

Speaker 1 (15:42):
Did I have our third round grade on him?

Speaker 2 (15:43):
I gotta take a look where you wound up on
my board. I think maybe I wound up with a
fifth on him. If when all was said and done,
maybe I forgot to put him.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
On my big board. Off the check, off the check. Well.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
I have my rankings here too, so I can just
go to my ranking sheet. I have him with a Yeah,
I have him with a late third round grade.

Speaker 1 (15:58):
So all right, picked that?

Speaker 3 (16:00):
Let me add this John Yes, And then when I
get to the call yeah, Big Book Kickoff Live. Remember
you can always go back to the archive. Mas maybe
if you have a minute, would you kindly check out
if it's If it's easily accessible. What days on BBKL
we talk to the radio voices.

Speaker 1 (16:20):
Of our top three picks. I will go back and
I'll retweet those at some point. Yeah, and tomorrow, you.

Speaker 3 (16:26):
Know, because obviously you know, like I said, when we
do our BBKL previews with these guys, we're trying to
get you the guys who have their boots on the
ground and who have seen these guys each and every
week for years. They're scouting reports on these guys is
much better than anything else that we could tell you
or you're going to read, because they're there and they
know everything about these folks. So yeah, I would definitely

if you have time, even before John tweets it.

Speaker 2 (16:51):
Out, I don't go back and look, I don't think, well,
don't do it now, because should we keep listening to this?

Speaker 1 (16:56):
That's true.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
But book market, I don't believe we did Kentucky. But
but but we did do Minnesota.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
Definitely did Minnesota, and we did LSU for sure.

Speaker 3 (17:04):
Yeah, I don't remember if we did Kentucky. I'm not sure,
to be honest.

Speaker 1 (17:08):
Yeah, I don't recall that anyway.

Speaker 2 (17:10):
But John, we only have so many days, folks, four, five, one, three,
let's go to Sean and Iowa.

Speaker 1 (17:18):
He's gonna lead us off today, Sean, what's going on?

Speaker 4 (17:21):
Hey, guys? Well, first of all, John, I just found
out on the show the other day that you're an
Iowa Hawkeye fan. So let's go Hawk.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
Where in Iowa are you, Sean? That's what I want
to know. Where are you in Des Moines? Are you
in Iowa City? Where you at?

Speaker 4 (17:36):
So we're in the Iowa City area. Actually right now,
I'm driving my daughter all the way to the western
border of the state for a basketball tournament. What better
way to spend the drive than to talk to you guys.

Speaker 1 (17:47):
Absolutely, that's fantastic.

Speaker 2 (17:49):
I will be in the Clive West Des Moines area
the week of the fourth of July.

Speaker 1 (17:55):
So I will be spending a week in Iowa in July.

Speaker 4 (17:58):
Awesome, awesome, Awesome, It'll.

Speaker 1 (18:00):
Be hot, so yeah, I know, especially i've been there
before July. It's not fun.

Speaker 4 (18:06):
So I tell you what, man, lifelong giants, Man, Paul,
I love when you're on. Originally from New York. Both
sides of my family remind me of friends and family
that I missed here in Iowa. But the other day, Uh,
there's been a lot of covers that he so forgive me.
It was probably right after we picked neighbors. You listed

off the receivers that we got. Uh, you know that
that's starting four when we put eleven personnel on the field.
So it's sabers Hyatt Robinson and what sight is that? Right? Right?
And he said, if you're a d C, how do
you defend me? And and I've been to DC's high

school level. It doesn't make me an expert, but it
does give me an answer to that. And if I
was good, if I had an NFL per tonel.

Speaker 1 (19:00):
Oh no, oh, match there you go.

Speaker 4 (19:04):
If if I'm an NFL DC, I got some dudes, right,
I know, we got dudes. But I'm gonna match up
my bets on your bet play safety over the top,
and then I'm gonna send it. I'm sending pressure, pressure, pressure,
because the O long the old line is the week
and I don't want to be a wet blanket.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
I don't blame you. That would be the first thing
I do too. I would blame you.

Speaker 3 (19:31):
This offensive line has improven that they can they can protect.
I get you, I get you, you know.

Speaker 4 (19:37):
So I'm hoping that these guys that have come in
and some of the guys are getting healthy, are gonna
get Daniels sometime, Uh, to get after it, you know.
But I just I was listening to it and I thought,
you know what, all this is exactly what I would do.

Speaker 2 (19:52):
And Sean, by the way, Sean, real quick, the trick
with that is, and I agree, that's the plan.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
The problem is that if you man of Neighbors and
he beats your guy off the line, or you set
a little ticket the line of scrimmage for him and
he gets some space that could be a touchdown. Yeah,
he could go get it.

Speaker 4 (20:09):
I get it. I totally get it.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
And you know, the other reason why Rondel Robinson and
Neighbors on the field at the same time could be
tricky is because they've got a lot of gadget stuff
that they could do with those guys. You could line
them up in a bunch, you could put one in
your double slot, you could do one in each slot.
You could motion them, you could do wildcat, you could
do jet sweep. There's a lot of stuff that I

could do to give you a headache, you know.

Speaker 4 (20:36):
So I think the biggest thing that Neighbors brings in
my opinion, obviously he's got the skill set, but he
he he gives the option with the rest of the
offense that we haven't had, and that's really what I'm
excited about.

Speaker 1 (20:53):
Cool showing, good stuff, my man. Good to hear from you.
Safe travels. Thank you, so shape the goal. Let's go
to Hugo in New Jersey's up next. Here you go.

Speaker 6 (21:04):
Hey, good after you guys. Thanks once again for all
the great work and for keeping up the stamina through
this long weekend. You know, I guess. A few weeks
ago on BBKL, I mentioned that one of the things
the Giants needed was a plot corner that would be
able to support the run game. And one of the

things coach Stables said yesterday is that Phillips really brings
the lumber.

Speaker 3 (21:32):
Oh he's aggressive and he's tough.

Speaker 6 (21:36):
So you know, in some ways, I see that as
a move that may improve us in two positions in
the slot and by giving us the flexibility to move
flat outside really put a three corner package out on
the field that is improved and better against the run.

And I think this safety is going to be better
against the run than Kin, who I never really saw
as a great run support player. And as you recall
for some period last year, the Giants treated a wide
receiver screen defending a wide receiver screen like like it
was some novel thing. They just couldn't do it right.

You would get teams in thirds and long. I was
in a wide receiver screen those for fifteen or something,
So I think this was a very They were necessary moves.
I was a little disappointed in the safety at forty seven,
just because positional value didn't marry up with such a
premium pick. And you know, one of the things I've

been worrying about the whole off season is the defensive
line and lack of a three technique, and I'm not
sure that can get fixed in a significant way at
this stage of the draft.

Speaker 1 (22:54):
So the only problem is that there was a huge
run on those guys before the Giants.

Speaker 6 (22:59):
Were in corners. But you know, I was kind of
hoping for Jenkins at that point, and he went two
picks after the safety was taken.

Speaker 1 (23:11):
Chris Jenkins got you. I got Chris Jenkins.

Speaker 6 (23:13):
Chris Jenkins, Chris Jenkins.

Speaker 5 (23:14):

Speaker 6 (23:15):
Look, but either way with with you know, a second
round pick or a third round pick, I'm not sure
that's going to be enough to address the issue, and
I'm not sure what can be done at this point.
If you recall, going way back to the beginning of
free agency, I was the Christian Wilkins guy, right.

Speaker 3 (23:33):
Yeah, that would have cost you a lot of money.

Speaker 6 (23:36):
Well, well, you could think of that as a true
do you want bet or do you want Bryan burn
giving up the ninth.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
Or well, see, to be honest, you goough.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
I think we both agree with you that a three
technique defensive tackle on this roster would be helpful. But
there also could be some guy who pops free over
the summer too.

Speaker 6 (23:57):
Well, I hope that's the case, because I'm really I'm
really worried about this. I mean, there's hope in some
young guys, but if we really think about it, you know,
Nacho and fill Ups the guy, we just sigh. They're
kind of older. There's been more like rotation players, and
then we're hoping for young guys and so so Dexter's
all we really got, and we got, you know, some

very prominent offensive lines in the NFC East, and Dallas
just keep adding to that decision, which is you know,
makes my head kind of blow up because they're always
successful with all their offensive line picks.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
So wow, they are You're right about that. Somebody said
to me this morning. I appreciate that. Call me in.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
Uh, somebody said to me this morning, and I kind
of said, you know, it's a huge question mark. I
can't go there. Can DJ Davidson do it? I don't know.
That's a huge question mark for me, don't. I don't
know if he can help out there. I think Riley
can help out spelling Dexter. Riley to me's a nose tack.

He's not a three technique, He's a nose tackle. I agree,
So Riley can help spell him, and I feel pretty
good that he can give us a few snaps.

Speaker 1 (25:04):
And Nacho's kind of the tweeterer, right, he could, right.

Speaker 3 (25:07):
But so the question was asked to me is, well,
what do you think do you think that you know
Davidson could be of some help, And that's a big
question for me.

Speaker 1 (25:16):
I just don't know the answer to that.

Speaker 2 (25:17):
So we got Brandon London, a moni tumor in Germany
announcing the Giants pick here and they select THEO Johnson
tight End out of Penn State, one of the guys
you mentioned here, and we tight End just talked about him,
thinking maybe you get the running back first, you get
the tight end later.

Speaker 3 (25:32):
Johnson would have been at the top of our want list.
They decide to go for Johnson. Now, I still think
they're going to trade into the bottom of the fourth
round if possible, and try to get a running ball.

Speaker 2 (25:41):
Well, let's tell fans about THEO Johnson six six, two
hundred and fifty nine pounds from Windsor, Ontario originally. Believe
it or not, I betcha, Paul, you didn't know this.
His dad was drafted in the seventh round, picked one
ninety three, in the nineteen eighty draft by the New
York Football Giants.

Speaker 1 (26:00):
I did not know that. I did not. He's so
he's Canadian and.

Speaker 3 (26:07):
His dad where does dad play? Does it say?

Speaker 2 (26:10):
His dad played receiver at Mott Community College in Hillsdale's
College from seventy eight to seventy nine and was drafted
in the seventh round, one ninety pick one ninety three
of the nineteen eighty NFL Draft by the New York jo.

Speaker 3 (26:20):
I don't remember him. I don't. I seriously, I don't
remember him.

Speaker 1 (26:23):
By life, folks. This is why Dan Brugler is the Beast,
is the best drats right on the planet. You know
what I know?

Speaker 3 (26:29):
Again, Canadian player that much, I knew, but I don't
remember his dad and obviously not coming from a power
program either.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
Right, So you guys gotta understand too when we look
at the stats here for him, Penn State's offensive system
and lack of quarterback players will adversely impact these numbers.
So career at Penn State over four years. He's twenty
three years old, by the way, because you Canada requires
more years of high school US does, correct, He's twenty
three already. Seventy seven catches nine hundred and thirty eight

yards over four years at Penn State.

Speaker 1 (27:00):
Touchdowns just six.

Speaker 2 (27:01):
Drops over four years, which is a very low number,
which is what you like to see. But it's his
traits that I think have people excited about Si Johnson,
as I mentioned, sixty six one two fifty nine, ran
a four to five seven in the forty yard dash
of that size, a one six to one ten yard
split jump, thirty nine and a half inches in the
vertical jump, ten and a half feet in the broad jump,

ran a four to one nine short shuttle, seven to
one to five three cone, and he's got thirty three
inch arms nineteen on the bench at his pro day.
So this is a guy, Paul that checks all the
boxes from a physical standpoint, yep can catch the football.
And again we just haven't seen the production because of
that offensive system they have at Penn State. Watching him
on tape, for me, I didn't quite see the time, speed, athleticism,

and I can get that sometimes when I watch bigger guys,
I sometimes.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
Don't see it on tape. But he look, you're in
round four.

Speaker 2 (27:57):
Tight end is generally a traits as I sh Paul,
you want to pick the big, fast guys and then
develop them, and that's the Giants have done theo Johnson
with a ton of promise.

Speaker 3 (28:06):
My notes on him were like his frame, his hands,
a good speed for his frame. You just talked about
his frame, john This is a big guy now, all right,
He's he's sturdy and that a good block or two
he can block. He's got that ability. He's not lazy
in doing so. Did want to polish his routes up

some and get off at the line of scrimmage in
his pass routes. Got to get a little bit better
at that too. But again we talked about Penn State's offense.
This is not exactly a focus of what they do,
so there's a possibility, you know, you can coach that up.
Truth of the matter is, though, from an athletic perspective,
he is a highly athletic player for his size, and

this is a good value need picker as far as
I'm concerned.

Speaker 1 (28:51):
Yeah, no question.

Speaker 2 (28:52):
Dame Brugle had a third round grade on him in
his Draft guard Greg in his Ry draft guide. I
had a fourth round grade on him myself. Giants are
picking the top of the fourth round, good value pick.
I'm gonna bring up my notes on him too. That
was just be going off of memory what I've written
down here. Fourth round tape, but his fourth round tape,

but his traits will probably push him into the third
round is what I write here. Rotational tight end that
can be taken. That had a really good athletic traits,
but it needs to show up warm production on tape.

Speaker 3 (29:25):
Well, there's upside to him because of the system and
what he was playing with with the the Lions.

Speaker 1 (29:32):
No question.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
All right, do you want to take some reaction, Guys,
We're gonna go to a round one o'clock, maybe a
little bit past. If you get enough calls because the
NFL cannel doesn't allow us to stream for more than
an hour on day three of the draft.

Speaker 1 (29:42):
So that's what we're gonna do.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
Give us a call two on one nine three nine
four five one three.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
Let's go to James and Georgia. He's up next day.

Speaker 7 (29:49):
James, Hey, what's going on? That's actually pulling.

Speaker 8 (29:54):
Up to a con here?

Speaker 7 (29:56):
Enjoying short love to pick with the tight end? I said,
Joe Shane's really been killing this year. A couple of
conversations that have been had, I know I called a
couple of days ago when Bob Papa was saying that
pass rush really isn't a thing in need, and Polly
you was saying, how you were kind of echoing what

I've been saying that it is because we can't really
depend on what we've been getting out of a viv
o Glai. Do you think that the that the position
I know y'all have just hit on it is too
depleted to maybe find somebody in the sixth if we
do trade back up into the fourth or whatever.

Speaker 2 (30:39):
He jeez, I think what Papa was saying not that
they couldn't use help there just because of what they
have there.

Speaker 1 (30:44):
It's not as pressing of a need as other spots,
a little bit of a lower priority. I wouldn't mind
seeing somebody else come in higher priority, and that's fine.

Speaker 3 (30:54):
I think there were other higher priorities for me. But
I agree with you that it's something that was still
floating in my mind.

Speaker 2 (31:01):
Like do you think it's a higher priority than running
back for example Jams?

Speaker 1 (31:04):
Yeah, exactly, okay, and that's okay.

Speaker 7 (31:08):
We need we need defensive line help because you just
Jayden Daniels, Jeff came in. We still got to deal
with beck like the quarterbacks, and we got to get
the saquon the quarterbacks are running back haven't slacked off
in our division in my opinion, and we haven't.

Speaker 9 (31:24):
You know, beside Burns.

Speaker 7 (31:26):
Yeah, he's a good addition, but I.

Speaker 9 (31:28):
Still think we need, you know, we need a little
more help, and not not that it's not as pressing,
as as more pressing than maybe, like you say, running
back or uh, I think it's one in one.

Speaker 7 (31:42):
Day, you know what I mean?

Speaker 1 (31:44):

Speaker 7 (31:45):
And my last my last o line also too depleted
for save the six and who y'all targeting next outside
of side running back? Here with the next pick.

Speaker 2 (32:02):
Appreciate the call, James, thank you very much. I think
a three technique defensive tackle, running back, another corner. You
want to pick a pass rusher on, fine, what that do?
At this point, I'm fine with all the all those.

Speaker 3 (32:12):
Things outside of trying to get the big power back.
And again, I hope they can trade up into the
lower fourth to do it. To me, whatever picks they
have left, simply just go best player available.

Speaker 1 (32:26):
I'm willing to throw Knead out the door.

Speaker 2 (32:27):
As I've said, when you get to day three, you
just try to pick players that you think can help you.

Speaker 1 (32:32):
That's it. Force it a certain position. Just take a
guy who, hey, you know what, he's got some skills.

Speaker 4 (32:36):

Speaker 3 (32:37):
I'm taking need out of the equation. If I can
get that running back, my world, I'm taking need out
of the equation.

Speaker 1 (32:43):
All right.

Speaker 2 (32:43):
By the way, Kyrie Jackson to the Vikings at one
oh eight, pick one oh nine. The Falcons selected Brandon Dorles,
a lot of the guys we've mentioned here, and then
the Patriots like Javon Baker wide receiver right of UCF.
I think that's a nice addition for them.

Speaker 1 (32:54):
I actually like Baker more than like Jalen Polk, the
receiver they picked at the top round two.

Speaker 3 (33:00):
So again we're still seeing quality receivers. As we discussed
all along available and going in the fourth round. This
was a very deep receiver draft, and it's proving out
to be that way. What their production is over time,
the truth will be in the pudding. But we knew
you'd be able to draft guys that had something to offer.

Speaker 2 (33:21):
In the fourth round, Packers just traded up for pick
one to eleven with the Jets. Well of that pick
in a minute two nine three nine four five one three.
In the meantime, Walter's in Nebraska. Walter, we have shown
in the car and Iowa heading in your direction.

Speaker 1 (33:36):
My friend, well listen to.

Speaker 8 (33:40):
My daughter called me yesterday about the storms and everything
like that, and I'm just I'm sitting there all into
the draft. I'm like, man, just leave me along, like
the storms aren't gonna be thinking And I felt so bad.

Speaker 5 (33:50):
I watched the news.

Speaker 1 (33:51):
Later on ye tornadoes, right, they were crazy.

Speaker 5 (33:53):
I heard where all of her neighbors she doesn't live
like she lives like maybe hour away from me and
one of the other cities and stuff, old stuff.

Speaker 3 (34:04):
Hope everything is safe for everybody out there, whoever's impacted
or scared or frightened from this stuff.

Speaker 1 (34:10):
Please God bless all of you.

Speaker 8 (34:12):
I appreciate that, Pauly du Listen. I just called in
about a couple of little points. Paul, you were right.
I think I want estimate. He's just like straightforward, all business.
You know, he looks to like maneuver. And the one
other quick thing that I noticed about him is just
that like when he leaves his feet, it's never it doesn't.

It never seems like long. Where's like he's going to
hurt himself, Like you know when when other backs or
other people do that, I'm always like, well you did
that to escape one defender, but the other one is
just like two yards on you. This guy, he's like
a hurdle.

Speaker 5 (34:50):
He's it's just wonderful.

Speaker 8 (34:55):
And I had one quick question, well not really a question,
I guess the and I know it's like all inside business,
but the Bears, I don't understand how we let fields
go to the Steelers without like for a six round pick,
like the Giants could have did something there, knowing that

we have a question mark that quarterback, and I know
that they you know, the I guess the word is
just that they wanted to give him an opportunity to
go where he wanted to write his own ticket to
where we wanted to go.

Speaker 2 (35:26):
Yeah, I think I think the issue with Fields Walter
and I tried to bring this up at the time
to make people understand.

Speaker 1 (35:32):
The reason I think his market wasn't as.

Speaker 2 (35:34):
Robust as some people thought it would be is the
fact that he was on the last year of his
rookie deal and we just heard the Steelers are not
going to pick up his fifth year option, so it
was basically just a one year rental, which is why
I think his market was much more timid than when
a lot of people, including myself, thought it was going
to be.

Speaker 3 (35:52):
You know, I may now disconnect with you after we
just agreed on what we were going to do before.
But if I were the I would have built around Fields.
I would not have taken Williams. I would have traded
out of that pick, got a host of more players,
And I know it's hard to do, especially with the
public outcry, but I would have.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Started public outcry. Paulish think they couldn't get better than
a sixth round pick for Justin Fields. They could have
gotten a bajillion first round pick for Caleb Williams. I
think it tells you what the league thinks of those
two players.

Speaker 3 (36:24):
Understood, But there's also the quarterback inflation with you know,
with these kinds of guys.

Speaker 1 (36:30):
Yeah, but why would it Fields have that inflation too.
He's also, like you just said, the contract issue.

Speaker 2 (36:35):
I understand, but there's such a divergence of the the
what they could have gotten for. That's you have to
look at how the league thinks of it, right, what
you could have gotten for Caleb Williams versus what you
could have gotten for justin Fields.

Speaker 3 (36:47):
They're literally you to miles apart, right, which is why
I would have taken what I could have gotten for Williams.
I would have stuck with Fields. If I was in Chicago,
I would have stuck with Fields, and I would have
continued to build around them. Are getting to be pretty decent.
They got some talent on that team now.

Speaker 1 (37:03):
Saying well, even without making that trade though, they still
put a really nice team around Caleb Williams.

Speaker 3 (37:07):
They have I'm just not a Caleb Williams guy anyway.
I like Fields better, that's all.

Speaker 1 (37:12):
Do you really like Fields?

Speaker 5 (37:14):
I do?

Speaker 1 (37:14):
Even with what he's shown so far in the NFL.

Speaker 3 (37:17):
I would rather I think.

Speaker 1 (37:19):
I think with the additional.

Speaker 3 (37:21):
Collateral that you would have obtained from trading that number
one pick, and with what Fields has to offer, the
net sum would have been better than what Caleb Williams
is going to give you.

Speaker 1 (37:32):
Win a Super Bowl justin Field as a quarterback.

Speaker 3 (37:37):
I don't know, we don't know, we don't know, but
I'm not a Caleb Williams guy. I think it's he.
He's gonna be one of those folks a few years
down the road, we're going to be saying, man, that
was not a good number one pack. But if they
would have taken Drake May, I like Drake May very much.

Speaker 4 (37:51):
You know that.

Speaker 2 (37:52):
So if it was so, if you had to pick,
you would have just not made the trade. You would
have traded Fields and taken taken May.

Speaker 3 (37:59):
If I had no because I still think the colladal
I think they can still win with Fields, okay, and
the collateral they could have gotten for the pick would
have really boosted their chances to do that.

Speaker 1 (38:10):
Who will disagree on that? I don't know. That's okay,
it's okay.

Speaker 3 (38:12):
Hey, I wanted to keep carry Collins and draft Robert
Gallery to help the offensive line and not make the
trade for Eli Manning. Okay, I'm not afraid to tell you.
I'm here and I stand on what I believe.

Speaker 1 (38:25):
Got to be right. So sometimes right, sometimes they're wrong.
Absolutely no doubt, Walter, you got anything else for us?

Speaker 5 (38:31):
I got one last quick one.

Speaker 1 (38:32):
I'm sorry to take your time, Walter. Go ahead, no, no.

Speaker 8 (38:35):
Worries, No worries, guys, we love the show. I got
one last quick thing, and I just was hoping you
guys might be able to shed a little light on it.
Like everyone else is just in all in all of
the draft coverage and this, that and the third Darren Waller,
I heard somewhere that like he's either holding out just
to like he you know, he may still retire, but

he's just holding out to get the bonus that come
from starting in junior practices or what it may be.
I was hoping that you guys might be able to
set a little light on that. I love the show,
and I just wanted to let you know that I
would definitely buy the Smoke book as long as ALLVD
is wrapping it, you know, to go ahead and published.

Speaker 1 (39:17):
Office, so very good. Well, if they're good stuff. Man,
appreciate the call on guys. Figure out. We've got a
lot of new phone calls.

Speaker 2 (39:23):
Over the last few days to the people that usually
I guess when they're you know, like normal people. You're
working during the day and you can't call when the
shows on from from twelve thirty to one thirty. And
it's been great to hear from all you guys over
the past couple of nights, the people that said they've
listened to the show for a long time. Clearly Walter
has he's picking up on our jokes and oh yeah,
oh yeah, really, guys, I can't tell you how much
it means to us. We really appreciate to have such

a loyal group of listeners and viewers out there.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
Thank you for that.

Speaker 2 (39:47):
Seriously, you guys do an unbelievable job and we're humbled
by the viewership that we get on all of our podcasts.
And by the way, I do think the Theo Johnson
thing gives you a hint that they don't know if
to Aaron Waller is going to be here, so this
whole thing that he's just holding out to come in later. No,
I don't think you necessarily would be picking a tight

end in the spot. If that was the case, So
I think the Giants honestly don't know what he's going
to do. They're giving him his room to figure it out.
But THEO Johnson is a receiving tight end.

Speaker 1 (40:16):
He ran.

Speaker 2 (40:16):
He had over two hundred snaps playing either in the
slat or outside last year, and he'd about three hundred
in line correct, so he.

Speaker 1 (40:23):
Could do both. He's an athlete.

Speaker 2 (40:25):
He is a potential replacement for Waller if he does
in fact retire. He's a much He's a better athlete
than Bellinger is.

Speaker 3 (40:32):
Yes, and I would like to believe that where at
Penn State he was not necessarily a big part of
an explosive and exciting passing attack very much. Okay that
was not emphasized. I'd like to believe that he can
get coached up and that can be developmental. Remember, his
traits are really strong, so there is upside there if

that's the way the Giants need to go. Of course,
the Ravens can just sit there at one thirteen. They
get devontees Walker, because that's what the Ravens do. They
sit and pick the best player of alible. When they
get good players, all the time for thrupting. You just
annoyed me. Do they always have nice fall in their
last And we were talking about him all night last
night as again one of those second tier receivers that
was falling like a rock.

Speaker 2 (41:12):
And all three of those guys, Paul that we mentioned
in our little pre show barbecue lunch here are gone, Franklin, Baker,
and Walker. And those are the three guys I had
left with potential second round grades on him.

Speaker 1 (41:24):
Yeah, all gone, the first thirteen picks up.

Speaker 3 (41:26):
And once again quality wide receiver prospect getting all the
way to the fourth round. We told you that that
was going to be the situation because it was such
a deep situation.

Speaker 2 (41:34):
Anyway, I interrupted, if you were still talking about the
Titans Pomps.

Speaker 3 (41:36):
Oh, well, the one other thing in terms of the
tight end situation, the caller was on the road. Waller
was at a local medical center, uh, doing a speech
yesterday on mental health awareness. Apparently he's involved with with
that organization. A couple of the local riders did go

to see him, I guess to him before that they
came to the draft here at the Giants headquarters. The
quotes from their stories not interpretations, but the quotes from
their stories is that Wallace said he is preparing with
all his workouts as if he's going to play, but
he is still not made up his mind because he
doesn't have a clear head.

Speaker 1 (42:19):
Obviously, TMZ had.

Speaker 3 (42:21):
Been one to report that he went through a divorce
or was going through one right now, and so there's
a lot going on, you know, in his life and
he hasn't sorted it out and doesn't know if he
can fully commit mentally to being a player this year
to his teammates.

Speaker 2 (42:35):
Well, even if he comes back this year, there's always
a chance you get decide to retire next offseason.

Speaker 1 (42:39):
He's over thirty.

Speaker 2 (42:40):
You need to replacement for him down the road, Like
you mentioned Theo Johnson because of the Penn State offense.
Bit of a developmental guy. So the pick would still
make sense even if.

Speaker 3 (42:47):
He's absolutely you know, whether or not you took him
early fourth, late fourth, whatever it was. The Giants obviously
saw that there was a lot of upside and they
they made the move.

Speaker 2 (42:58):
Let's go to my current hometown. Let's go to Abby
and Nutley. Abby, what's going on?

Speaker 10 (43:03):
Hey, what's up?

Speaker 4 (43:04):

Speaker 1 (43:05):
Are you doing?

Speaker 5 (43:05):
Paul I?

Speaker 1 (43:06):
You doing that?

Speaker 4 (43:08):
So far?

Speaker 11 (43:09):
You know, I'm excited. You know, the bottom line is
that you know, so Shane is trying to do, you know,
fill up the holes that we have. You know, I
like the Tanov and pick at safety, you know, with
like McKenny, the fact that we got a number one
receiver in neighbors, you know, I like that. Also. I
was happy to hear that they were aggressive trying to
go out to tariff mate Drake May because that was
the quarterback that I really wanted another. We got only

two picks left so far, and you know, still a
way to go to one sixty six and like you, Paul,
want a power running back just in case I missed
Joymon Jacobs a lot means that, you know, having that
power late in games. But so far, you know, I'm
still hoping that Spencer Rattler hits here. I know he's

a quarterback that it seemed like a very I saught
quarterback coming out of college a couple of years ago.
I guess they had that type of hYP I don't
know what really happened. He kind of fell off, but
so far, you know, I like the direction from the
team and going and I like to take Johnson fick
I tie it end like, yeah, we're talking about wall
and everything going exactly what's going to happen with him?

But the bottom line, this kid looks, you know, like
it has a good potential to actually be kind of
like a weapon on then and stuff like that and
com blog so prod we get you know, our own
keelty or great. But other than that, one to say
thank you for your coverages. You know, everything you do
for the last couple of years, it's been awesome, you know,
bringing out the information day by day, year by years.

You know, I know it has to be hardboy, and
I appreciate what you're doing. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (44:39):
No, I appreciate it man. Thank you again. Thank you
all you guys for listening.

Speaker 2 (44:42):
You guys, by the way, for me that's listened to this,
and if you listen to the recording or live or whatever.
If you're friends that are giant fans and maybe don't
know about what we do here, tell them, you know,
yeah for sure, tell a friend to tell a friend
and let him know to go check out our stuff
and subscribe on your favorite podcast platform. We again to
leave those five star positive reviews. If you're on Apple
podcasts that h certainly helps too.

Speaker 1 (45:00):
Good time to remember or remind people.

Speaker 3 (45:02):
The Big Blue Kickoff Live is every Monday to Friday,
twelve thirty pm Eastern Time for one hour. We could
take your phone calls then too, you know, not just
during the draft.

Speaker 2 (45:11):
Five days a week, twenty to twenty five days a week,
twelve months a year. You usually take one week off
around the fourth of July, and that's usually it. Otherwise
we are up and live every day. And you know
why we're able to do that because you guys, because
we get calls and we have people listening, and you're
wonderful and we really appreciate it. Two one nine three
nine four five one three Let's go to Bash in Ohio.

Speaker 1 (45:32):
Bash. What's up, Bud?

Speaker 12 (45:34):
What's going on?

Speaker 10 (45:35):

Speaker 5 (45:35):

Speaker 12 (45:36):

Speaker 1 (45:36):
I ahead?

Speaker 10 (45:37):
Tick it tight? A couple of things I wanted to
bring up as far as the tight end. I love
to pick with a tight end from Penn State, Theo Johnson.
I wanted to get a take on him with just
Avian Sanders going with the first pick to Carolina. How
did y'all head them? Messed up? And how do you
compare them? As far as the Theo Johnson and Sanders

where did y'all have them ranked this far? At the
tight end and as far.

Speaker 2 (46:01):
As those two, I had Sanders a little bit higher
than Johnson, probably by about twenty slots or so. But
it's a tough spot because if you put THEO Johnson
in that Texas offense, I think there's a good chance
he's just as productive as Sanders, right right, Johnson I
think might have Actually I'll look at their RAS scores,
but I think they actually I think he might have

tested a little bit better. But and he's and the
other thing too, at Johnsons a little bit of a
bigger frame, so I think he held question. He has
more blocking upside than Sanders does in my opinion, So
that is kind of what differentiates those two guys for me.

Speaker 3 (46:36):
Yeah, there's no doubt the frame makes Johnson much more attractive.
And john makes the best point of all. You're talking
about two guys in totally different systems, the way that
they run their passing game and the way they utilize
their tight ends. So you have to really project based
what your upside is for Johnson if he was allowed

to use all of his tools and was in a
system that was more conducive to getting some of those
headlined or highlight kind of plays that we're talking about.
It's it's it's hard to do, but you gotta project it.
I'm I'm happy with Johnson, all.

Speaker 10 (47:12):
Right, That's what I was thinking. As far as I
said what he wasn't really utilized in Pennis Tecady was
a run heavy team, absolutely utilized. So I love the
Johnson pick.

Speaker 1 (47:19):
And by the way, and bash real quick. Even when
they threw it. Penn State's quarterback play was not great,
not great, not the best this year.

Speaker 10 (47:28):
One thing only wished as far as that we would
have traded back with that pick. I seen it was
a lot of tight ends available in this area. As
far as the fourth rounds, I wish with a trade
back with just having a late pick in the fifth round.
As far as that, I wanted to ask about the
fifth round pick. What as far I think the coats
are the Bills have fit? How did that happen? As
far as I know, we have to re united were
late in the fifth round, But what happened with our

fifth round pick? I remember as far as how did.

Speaker 1 (47:51):
We swapped it Bills?

Speaker 2 (47:53):
The Burns deal, Yeah, the Burns deal. We swapped it
with the Panthers. Okay, so that's why the Panthers are
picking for the Panthers are picking for us at one
forty one, and we are picking for the Panthers at
one sixty six. And the Panthers got one sixty six
from the forty nine ers I think in the Christian
McCaffrey trade.

Speaker 10 (48:12):
Oh okay, that's what. Okay. I didn't know why we
had said. So that's why I thought we would have
traded back in the fourth. I have to get some
extra picks, but it's not picking it so far in
the fifth. So just wish that we would have traded
back and probably got some work picks. And God Johns,
because the's a lot of tight ends. And one more question,
and I take that offline with y'all, as far as
I know in New York, Monk dregyall had a couple
of weeks ago, Paul, you said something about TJ. Thompson's Tampa.

So I went to the y Z falling as far
as the cornerback from, not sure where you're from, the
Tampa cornerback is falling still sitting here in the fourth,
I know, y'all, I had like a second or third, third,
round grade on them. So what the thing with Tampa?

Speaker 1 (48:53):
Yeah, Look, TJ.

Speaker 2 (48:53):
Tampa is a big, physical wide fig quad receiver cornerback,
and he doesn't, at least in my opinion, he's not
a great side to side athlete, and I imagine that's
what probably have teams a little bit worried. He didn't
run as well as you would have liked at the
combine either. He was an over four or five guy
on a very very fast turf in Indianapolis, So that's

probably turned teams off a little bit too.

Speaker 3 (49:16):
I would guess I had three red flags on him
for me. One is that he gambles too much, and
in the NFL that will really get you burned. Doesn't
wrap up very well with his tackling necessarily a little
inconsistent in terms of, you know, bringing guys down. And
I didn't see when John says about the speed. I
also didn't see that he had a second gear. If

he had to slow down or stop, he wasn't able
to pick it up and get that second gear going off.
And this is why for me he was a third round.
He wasn't a first or a second rounder. But I
had to pick him in all mock draft because at
that time all the other corners were going and you know,
so it was like, okay, you know, he's a big corner,
we can play outside. We'll take him in that mark

that we did.

Speaker 1 (50:00):
But he to me was a playable.

Speaker 3 (50:04):
He was one of in those three tiers of corners
who I would have been comfortable with and said, hey,
he's got.

Speaker 1 (50:09):
A chance to do something. Thank you, Bash, I appreciate
the call.

Speaker 2 (50:12):
And just when you asked about the tight ends with
with Sanders and Johnson, and for those of you that
have listened to our show before, you know that we
like something called ris Coorse Kentley plattmath Bomb on Twitter
does a great job of, you know, having a historical
database dating back to the eighties on all every position,
their measurements and testing at the combine in terms of

where they rank and THEO Johnson got a nine point
nine to three, which means he scored outstanding. That's the
ninety ninth percentile, that's outside standing. Jatavian Sanders was in
the fifty seventh percentile, So that gives you an idea.
He was in the green, which is what the you know,
the highest percentile and short shuttle three cone was barely

out of the green. But otherwise THEO Johnson size, wingspan,
all that stuff checked every box again, ninety nine percent
tile in terms of RAS athletic score. Jordan Jefferson goes
to the Jaguars, a really good, solid, powerful interior defensive
lineman like that pick for Jacksonville there. I think he's
more of a nose, smaller nose than he has a
three technique myself. But anyway, Paul, you we have two

more calls, but why don't you give us your point
then we'll get to the calls because we're getting close
to an hour.

Speaker 1 (51:22):
Here, Okay.

Speaker 3 (51:23):
Simply want to say that if you're talking about the
fifth round for the Giants, that's number one sixty six overall,
and right now you know they are.

Speaker 1 (51:31):
Only at pick one point seventeen.

Speaker 3 (51:33):
That is an awful long time to wait, which is
all the more reason why I still think that that
Joe Shane is going to do everything he can to
get back up into the bottom of this fourth round,
because if you've got to wait fifty something picks before
you grab your next need, if you believe it is
the big running back, I John, I don't know that

you're going to be able to do it unless you
move up.

Speaker 2 (51:58):
Well, you got to find somebody willing to do it though, too, right,
that's true that that that's always the trickle.

Speaker 1 (52:03):
And Eric All went to the Bengals.

Speaker 2 (52:04):
I didn't see that he went during one of our conversations.

Speaker 3 (52:08):

Speaker 1 (52:08):
He's the super athletic.

Speaker 2 (52:09):
Tight end that's had a million knee injuries out of Iowa.
Really good athlete, good player, but again he's had a
lot of injury issues. So and then the Jaguars had
that second pick in round number four. They took Javon Foster.
He's a intriguing offensive tackle prospect. Now like him as
a fourth round value. He had a he had a
nice showing it to Senior Bowl. So a couple of
good picks to there, I think for the Jaguars. And

now the Cults are on the clock at pick number
one seventeen. All right, let's go back to the phones
at two oh one nine three, nine, four five one three.
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check that out. All right, Two more calls. I had
a couple of names that aren't super familiar, which I
like to see. Tim and Florida.

Speaker 1 (53:25):
Tim. What's going on? Man?

Speaker 12 (53:27):
Hi, guys, how are you doing today?

Speaker 8 (53:28):
We're great, okay so far.

Speaker 12 (53:31):
I can't say that I dislike anybody they've picked today.
I'm not sure I'm crazy about the.

Speaker 10 (53:35):
Cornerback who's never had an interception.

Speaker 12 (53:36):
But the elephant in the room to me or two
of them are one. We ranked twenty ninth in sacks
last year and I don't see any improvement in there,
and we haven't had the.

Speaker 1 (53:44):
Worst offer well, ten ten, they traded for Brian Barnes.

Speaker 12 (53:49):
I know what you're gonna say, but I think he's
just the healthy Jalai just started to think he's the
same player but healthier. But that being said, we have
just kind of done a bait and switch with backup
caliber O line and free agencies for two years and
not drafted top quality O line man when we had
two great guards left when we took that corner back,
and I don't know how any I mean. I like

Daniel Jones. I think physically as all the tools to
be successful. I just think that management has never given him.

Speaker 10 (54:15):
An O line to be successful.

Speaker 1 (54:17):
Do you think John Ryan is only a backup quality offense?

Speaker 12 (54:20):
No, No, John Runyon. John Runyon was a quality one.
I think you got if they're healthy, If they're healthy.
If Tandrew Thomas, he's played one good year out of three,
Neil's been nothing. Schmidt was hurt and he really wasn't superstar,
and the other guys were all back ups.

Speaker 3 (54:33):
Stinny started for a playoff team in Tampa Bay.

Speaker 1 (54:36):
Yeah, but his his his his only one year. That's
tricks weren't the beat. Yeah, I get that he did start.

Speaker 12 (54:42):
I'm just saying. I'm just saying any health issues with
the Thomas again, or you know, if Neil doesn't get better.
I just don't understand why they're not addressing me. I mean,
finally fixed the darn O line with I mean, look,
could the secondary you know, I mean secondary without a
pass rush is meaningless wide receivers. When we went out
and got Galla Day, what's the difference? They never throw
downfield without an O line, what quarterback, what running back

can be successful? And they keep pushing it and pushing
it off with three agents. Kind, I don't know why
they're never drafting the top O line.

Speaker 10 (55:11):

Speaker 2 (55:11):
Well, they've used a lot of draft capital on offensive lineman. Now,
they use the first round pick on Andrew Thomas, use
a first round pick on Evan Neil, They used the
second round pick on John Michael Schmids, they used a
third round pick on josh A Zudu. They've put a
lot of draft capital into the position.

Speaker 12 (55:25):
Yep, And how many have been successful?

Speaker 1 (55:27):
No? No, but you said they did try.

Speaker 2 (55:29):
Yes, you said they You said they were not investing
hide picked. You said they did not invest high picks
in the offensive line.

Speaker 1 (55:35):
That is not.

Speaker 12 (55:36):
True in the last ten years, they've taken three. Flowers
was one with a bus, Thomas was one who's been
good when it was healthy, last the year before, and
Neil has been a bull.

Speaker 1 (55:46):
No, don't go back. Don't go back ten years, go
back five years, go back six years. You're going back
into a previous regime. You can't hang that on the
current regime. You go back five or six years.

Speaker 2 (55:57):
They've used two first round picks, a second round pick,
and a third round pick on offensive lineman. That's a
lot of capital over a span of five years.

Speaker 12 (56:06):
I understand that. But it's still not fixed, is what
I'm saying. And that's been the biggest crutch on the Giants.
Their offense is suffered running, the running game has suffered,
the downfield passing game is suffered, and Daniel Child has
been running for his life and taking more sacks or
whoever's back there. And I'm just saying, until that fixed,
does any other player make a difference.

Speaker 2 (56:25):
Jim, totally understand what you're saying, and I don't disagree
with your concept. You have to get the offensive line fixed.
I think the front office believes with the addition of
a new offensive line coach, you hope you get Evan
Neil figured out a little bit. They brought in to
John Runyan to be a starting guard. You have John
Michael Schmid's going into his second year. You have Andrew Thomas,
a left tackle, So you theoretically have four your spots

figured out there, right, You have your left tackle figured out,
you have one of your guard spots figured out. You
have your center figured out. So that's three spots, pardon me.
Then you bring in a guy like illumin Or who
has been a starter for two years. You could argue
whether you would rather have him be a top backup
orst starter, but he has started for.

Speaker 1 (57:03):
Two years, and then you hope Evan Neil figures it out.

Speaker 2 (57:05):
So you have put significant resources into three of those
spots and two you don't know for sure, but I
think you feel okay that you.

Speaker 1 (57:15):
Have guys that can do the job.

Speaker 2 (57:16):
So, yes, could they have poured more resources into it, yes,
But I do think you are then taking resources away
from other positions where you can use a whole lot
of help.

Speaker 3 (57:26):
You know, Zudo was three, that's not exactly not a resource.

Speaker 1 (57:29):
Oh no, it's a reason. But he just hasn't shown
anything playing time, right, But they did use a three,
which was an effort to try to get somebody can
put you on using the resources.

Speaker 2 (57:38):
We're just kind of talking about kind of where we
are now in terms of how confident you feel with
the guys at each stuff.

Speaker 12 (57:43):
And I'm looking at them, I mean granted, I mean,
Andrew Thomas is going to go into his fourth season.
Neil's going to his third.

Speaker 1 (57:49):
Six, right, I think it's sixtyear for Andrew Thomas. It's
amazing how long he's been around already, is it good?
I think this is a sixty year all right, If
I'm not mistaken, fifth or sixth Andrew Thomas year, I
don't Thomas.

Speaker 12 (58:04):
I think Andrew Thomas is just that three years.

Speaker 2 (58:06):
No, no, no, no, no fifield though he was drafted the
year after Daniel Jones, Right, he was their twenty twenty
first round pick. So he played in the twenty twenty season,
twenty twenty one, twenty twenty two.

Speaker 1 (58:15):
This will be his fifth season. It is his fift Yeah,
it's just fifth. It's amazing. It seems like he just
got here yesterday.

Speaker 12 (58:22):
Well, I guess contracts are going to come up. And
what I'm saying is I've seen the free agent signings.
I see guy, Guys, now they're gonna have to decide
whether to pay him.

Speaker 1 (58:30):
Well, they already paid a day ten. He got a
second deal. He signed through twenty twenty nine. Dude, But I'm.

Speaker 12 (58:36):
Saying he's hurt. He'd lost the full season, and I'm saying,
you don't. We don't know whether what he's going to
come back this year. We still have no idea what
Neil's going to do. I'm just saying there's no younger
ones coming up to Trump to see whether they'll develop
for the future.

Speaker 2 (58:48):
I mean, Andrew Thomas came back and finished the year
last year. He's healthy, he's fine. You think so, Yeah,
he's absolutely fine.

Speaker 1 (58:56):
He had a hamstreak.

Speaker 2 (58:57):
Listening, you're thinking about Yeah, you're thinking about Evan Neil.
Evan Neil finished the year with a knee injury, and
he did not return. I think you confuse Neil's heading
into his third season. You're confusing.

Speaker 12 (59:09):
And I blew it because I thought Andrew Thomas missed
most of the season without being there.

Speaker 2 (59:14):
Because no, no, he missed seven games last year and he
came back with the hamstring injury in the first half
of the year. He played the final seven games of
the year last year.

Speaker 1 (59:21):
Andrew Thomas my bad.

Speaker 12 (59:23):
I thought he missed.

Speaker 1 (59:24):
All right, now you're all good, appreciate the call. It
to him. Good stuff, my man.

Speaker 2 (59:27):
Two to one, And look, guys, no one is more
sympathetic to people that want to just keep throwing resources
at the offensive line until you get it fixed.

Speaker 1 (59:35):
I get that.

Speaker 2 (59:36):
I'm never going to criticize you for that if that's
the way you feel, given what we've seen here over
the last seven or eight years, I totally get it.

Speaker 1 (59:43):
But they did throw a lot of resources at the
offensive line this offseason, so you hope that pays off.

Speaker 2 (59:48):
It was more throw numbers at the problem rather than
you know, one huge contract for one guy. But they
did throw a lot of resources at it. All right,
final call the show is Aaron in Texas. Aaron, what's
going on?

Speaker 13 (01:00:00):
Hey, I'm going guys, I hope you're having a good Saturday.

Speaker 1 (01:00:03):
First and foremost, well tell me to you guys, we're
having a great Saturday.

Speaker 13 (01:00:06):
Come on, Yeah, there you go, great Saturday. So I mean,
this is gonna be a different call than what you
guys normally get. I know, normally it's a lot of
negative nancies per se. But I mean, I want to
give props to Joe Shane. He's having a great draft.
I mean, not reaching for a quarterback. That's awesome. I mean,
you love to see it. He got a great value
with neighbors, and now we got Daniel Jones the number one.

I'm gonna be honest, I'm not one hundred percent sold
on Daniel Jones, but I'm fair to say that he
hasn't really had this. I think this is probably gonna
be his most optimistic going into a season, which is
unfortunately he's coming off to a cl but I think
he'll be okay. I mean, in ACL nowadays isn't what
it used to be.

Speaker 2 (01:00:47):
I think this is definitely, as we stand here today,
the best supporting cast Daniel Jones will have had in
his career with the Giants, and quite frankly, it's not close.

Speaker 13 (01:00:58):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, correct.

Speaker 3 (01:00:59):
I mean I'd like to see a little more production
or explosiveness out of the running back room, because taking
a step back, I will trade that for more explosiveness
out of the wide receiver.

Speaker 1 (01:01:10):
That's fair, that's fair, one hundred percent.

Speaker 13 (01:01:12):
We're on the same point there. And the other thing
I was just going to say, is that, like I
was even having this argument because if you guys heard
on from Texas, so I got nothing but Cowboys fan,
So I was, I was, I was letting them know,
Like I mean, if you really stop and think about it.
I'm not sure if you guys have thought about this,
but Malik Neighbors might be the best player that Daniel
Jones has ever thrown the football to. Like if you

think back all the way to do oh.

Speaker 1 (01:01:35):
No no, no no no no, no time out, time out there.
There ain't no mte about it, dude.

Speaker 2 (01:01:39):
Like there like he is like and it's not Frankly,
I'll use the expression again. It's I know he hasn't
taken a snap in the NFL yet.

Speaker 1 (01:01:46):
Skill set wise, he's the most talented wide receiver Daniel
Jones has been around there. That's not even skill set wise.

Speaker 13 (01:01:53):
Yes, I saw this thing and not to kind of
like just say what we already know about Malik Neighbors, right,
but I saw this video that showed his measurables side
by side with Jamar Chase and they're like almost identical,
right Yeah, And obviously it still was between the Ears
and the kids gotta put it on the field and everything.
But like like like, like we said, it's not even close.

He's the best guy. And even before this, I mean
no disrespect to the guys who's gone out there and
played for us, but I mean Daniel Jones has been
up there in some nice statistics like deep deep pass
completion rate I think is what it was. His deep
ball has always been nice.

Speaker 2 (01:02:31):
It was it was deep ball accuracy two years ago
that was very high. Yes, right again, not enough of them,
you want more of them. But the actors a couple
of years ago was was was excellent exactly.

Speaker 13 (01:02:43):
And one thing that I've always seen with Daniel Jones
is that one thing you always see people say is
like the fumbles, the fumbles, hey, and in crucial situations
he fumbles. But besides that Seahawks game last year where
he threw that pick six, you don't see that a
lot from Danie Jones.

Speaker 3 (01:02:59):
Two years He don't has been dramatic.

Speaker 1 (01:03:02):
Yes, absolutely, you just need more overall production now is
what you need exactly.

Speaker 13 (01:03:06):
It's hard to be consistent when you don't have consistency
around you.

Speaker 10 (01:03:09):
So like if he kind of goes into this year,
has some nice consistency I know it's hard.

Speaker 13 (01:03:14):
Because they got that whole decision of Hey, they got
to make that decision. Now, are they going to cut
him after this year or are they going to stick
with him the four years. I know that's that's a
tough choice that. I mean, Daniel Jones is going to
have to put a lot on the field. I would say,
if he does what he did in twenty twenty two,
that's probably not gonna be enough in my opinion. But
I mean, who am I to say, right, I'm not sure.
I just think generally speaking, but if he shows like

I mean, I say, goes out there, has a nice
season ten plus wins, I think he's got to hit
ten plus wins in my opinion, just because I mean,
I know the number specifically doesn't matter, but I think
it'll just looks nicer next to his name.

Speaker 2 (01:03:45):
Hey, look sounds This is not the most important season
of Daniel Jones' career. That was two years ago, the
year before he got a contract because he.

Speaker 1 (01:03:53):
Was going to be a fat Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:03:55):
But this is the second most important season of Daniel Jones' career, mostly.

Speaker 1 (01:03:59):
Because he is a showed the team that he can
stay healthy for a full years that's a big part
of it too. Oh my gosh, did they really?

Speaker 13 (01:04:06):
I guess we can rephrase it. We can rephrase it
to this is the most important season in Daniel jones
Giants career. Let's let's put it that way.

Speaker 10 (01:04:14):
I would say, because obviously.

Speaker 13 (01:04:16):
For his personal gain, I mean, he got his money,
obviously well deserved. He's still a good quarterback in the NFL.
I feel like Daniel Jones is a guy who can
benefit from a fresh start personally. I mean, don't get
me wrong, I would love for him to succeed with
the Giants, but even if it doesn't work out, I
think a fresh start would be great for him anywhere
else you were to go. I think, honestly, Daniel Jones
would succeed if you were to leave the Giants after

unfortunate circumstances. But I mean, I'm kind of training off.
I'm sorry, guys, but playing the call to give Joe
Shane his props, because, like we said, he got Molak neighbors,
which was a nice trick. Everybody knows about that one.
He got us a starting safety after everyone bagged them
and bagged them and bagged them for Lettin x Xavier
McKinney walk, which I agreed with. You don't pay that
position premium money. We're on the same page there and

the corner, I mean, the corner is solid. I know
everyone's going crazy that he doesn't have any picks, but
I think I heard deonce once that when you don't
have a lot of picks, I means they're not throwing
to you a lot. So I mean I'll take it.
I think I'll take it. Just one on ones look nice,
and today we got the tight end with nice security.
Am I mistaken that he was rated tight end two

after Bowers or is that accurate?

Speaker 1 (01:05:25):
It depends on what board you look at. Most people
had Jatavian Sanders as the second tight end, but he
was definitely in that next pert.

Speaker 3 (01:05:30):
To simplify picks three and four, and I think John
will agree with me on this, Picks three and four
were more trades picks. Both of those guys have good
athletic traits that should show upside once they get here,
and if you believe in your coaching staff to bring
out more in these guys, they should have the tools.

Speaker 1 (01:05:50):
That will allow you to do it.

Speaker 2 (01:05:52):
I think fil Johnson was probably more of a trades
pick than Phillips. You know Phillips only he ran the
high four fours and he's not super long, he's not
super tall, so he doesn't check every trades box, but
he certainly can.

Speaker 1 (01:06:04):
I think he's a versatile cornerback that can do multiple things.

Speaker 3 (01:06:07):
Only played two years as a starter at Kentucky, so
there should be more ups at him, is what I'm saying.

Speaker 13 (01:06:12):
What you're saying, Yeah, yeah, for sure, one hundred percent.
You're spot on it. And it's like it's like even
the other pick with neighbors, going back to neighbors real quick,
Like it's not even just about what neighbors. We spoke
on what he does for Daniel Jones, but I mean
what he does for Jalen Hyatt and Wanda Robinson underneath,
Like Rondo, Robinson really hasn't been able to, I feel,
thrive as the true slot.

Speaker 10 (01:06:32):
Receiver that he is.

Speaker 13 (01:06:33):
I think if he can have a full season where
he has someone taking that double team outside. I know
obviously Saquan's not there, but I think, like like you said,
we'd rather have that explosive option outside that he can
take the top off. And I mean Wanda can do
what he does underneath, and he's very good sometimes. I
mean that's not even Hyatt hasn't even really become the

player that he can beat. So I mean it's really
I feel like it's a nice move for overall offense.
And then going back to what everyone else wants, because
we all know why everyone was complaining. Everyone wanted Joe
Shane to reach for a quarterback. That's what everyone wanted.
But what's the point of getting a quarterback if you
wouldn't have had a good offense. Let's say, worst case scenario,
Dan Jones doesn't work out. At least Joe Shane is

building a nice landing spot for whoever does end up.

Speaker 2 (01:07:20):
Hey, yeah, Aaron, great stuff. Appreciate the call. You You
can never go wrong with building a good roster with exactly.

Speaker 3 (01:07:27):
Right, exactly true.

Speaker 2 (01:07:29):
And by the way, I'm just gonna throw out two
laurels here to other teams. Yeah, that understand their identity
and are playing into it nicely. The Dolphins just got
jayl And right out of Tennessee the four three eight
running back. So now there you thinking of him or
dem On a chain on the field for every snap? Yes,
I mean, could that fit better with what we're trying
to do really good. Then I also want to fill

some laurels with the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was just gonna say,
who in let make sure I have the players right. Yeah,
In the first round they draft Troy Fatanu at of Washington.
We know what a good player, guard, tackle, take your
pick with trenches. They picked Zach Frazier, center out of
West Front round two, who is going to be a
starting tight end, former starting tenant, starting center, former wrestler,

really good player. And then they picked one of my
personal favorites year in a round four, Mason McCormick, who's
another just trench rating, powerful guard. So they might have
gotten three offensive line starters in the first four might
have draft. And you know the Steelers want to play
into being a physical running team. Well they just played

into that big time with their draft picks over the last.

Speaker 1 (01:08:35):
Couple of days.

Speaker 3 (01:08:36):
But cormick got us South Dakota State. One of those
guys will will get knocked for the competition level that
he played against. But again, if you love the trades,
you believe you're going to be able to coach out
the best in him, even against the higher level cops.
So you know, that. That's a risky pick to some.
But if you like the trades man, you got to

really be happy getting him what you did with your
f you other steel.

Speaker 1 (01:09:00):
The first punter, I missed it.

Speaker 2 (01:09:02):
Just now the Bears at one twenty two, Tory Taylor
out of Iowa.

Speaker 1 (01:09:06):
Wow, look out, first we stayed off for the first specialist, Paul.
We've got one player from every position now off the board.
It's very exciting. No kickers yet, Hunters and kickers into
one category.

Speaker 3 (01:09:19):

Speaker 1 (01:09:19):
No one's got to rain on my parade that weekness,
it's all right killing me.

Speaker 3 (01:09:22):
Interesting number about Taylor right over forty six yard average
at Iowa. Forty three percent of his punts were inside
the twenty.

Speaker 1 (01:09:29):
Gotta be honest with you, I did not scout any
of the punters or kickers.

Speaker 3 (01:09:32):
I simply I didn't look at them video wise. I
did write down certain stats though, for certain of them,
because I thought there was a possibility that they might
go No.

Speaker 1 (01:09:40):
Sure, yeah, I just I did not decide to use
my time that way, which is fine.

Speaker 3 (01:09:46):
Yep, Paula, Can I give you one sleeper? Yes, Giants fans,
my absolute total sleeper sleeper, deep deep sleeper, Isaac Garndo.

Speaker 1 (01:10:01):
Keep the name in mind.

Speaker 3 (01:10:03):
He may wind up being an undrafted rookie free agent.

Speaker 1 (01:10:05):
He get picked with those numbers at the combine four
three three into forty. He's getting picked.

Speaker 3 (01:10:11):
Six feet tall, two hundred and twenty pounds powerback. Did
not play much at Wisconsin, was buried on the depth chart.
Transferred to Illinois, played some last year.

Speaker 1 (01:10:22):
He is green, he is raw, he.

Speaker 3 (01:10:25):
Is inexperienced, hasn't had a lot of work. But the
traits are off the charts. If you want a big
thumper of a running back, Isaac Garndo deep sleeper for me,
We'll see that's it.

Speaker 1 (01:10:42):
Yeah, I mean, I don't know if I have a
deep sleeper for you. You want a receiving running back
and Dylan Loud out of New Hampshire. You want a
receiver that can play the position a little bit. He's
a guy. I want a thumper. So okay, I don't
have a thumper. I have Dylan Lobb. Thank you very much,
you're welcome. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:11:01):
Look, guys, there stole a lot of good players on
the board. Kate Stover tight end from ohiouse they just
went and Paul. The tight ends are almost wiped out.
We talked about, yeah, why you would pick a tight
end in this round instead of a running back. We've
only had one running back taken Jay when Wright and
the tight ends except for Tanner McLachlan.

Speaker 1 (01:11:16):
Did Jared Wiley get picked? I don't think so. No,
not Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:11:19):
So Wiley and McLachlan are getting close though, but we
discussed that.

Speaker 1 (01:11:23):
I'm surprised Eric All went ahead of Wiley.

Speaker 3 (01:11:25):
Yeah, me too with you, but that was a predicament
and enigma that we were trying to solve. Do you
grab the tight end here do they go? Or do
you grab the big power back here do they go?
Giants decided tight end. It looks like they made a
good move. They did, Paul, excellent job. The last couple
of days make a lot of fun. Guys, Thank you again.

Speaker 2 (01:11:43):
I can't tell you the fans how gratefully off of
you for being with us and hanging with us and
calling in and just making these shows awesome. This is
my favorite three days of shows that we have all
year long. H Just remember and we'll talk about it
more this week. These are the three most important days
of any NFL offseason. It's more important than it's sexy,
and it's you know, less flashy than free agency and
less exciting for a lot of people. But it's the

most important thing because if you draft well, you build
a cheap foundation of your team, and then you don't
have to use.

Speaker 1 (01:12:13):
Free agent money on other players.

Speaker 2 (01:12:15):
You use players you draft, you get compicks for those players,
and you just keep rebuilding yourself all all over and
over again. Look at how consistent the Eagles and the
Cowboys have been over the past five or six years
being a good football team. It's because they draft well,
they re sign their own guys, they lose some other
guys in free agency, they get compicks, then they turn

those compics into more players, and the cycle just keeps
repeating itself. So it's so important to build your foundation.

Speaker 1 (01:12:41):
Through the draft.

Speaker 2 (01:12:42):
It really is what makes franchises great. You know, we
talked about the Ravens how they always draft well.

Speaker 1 (01:12:47):
All these good teams draft well.

Speaker 2 (01:12:49):
If you don't draft well, eventually the cycle ends and
you hit down spots.

Speaker 3 (01:12:56):
I'd even go as far as say the Steelers throw
them in there too.

Speaker 1 (01:12:59):
Under stand their identity they do.

Speaker 3 (01:13:01):
They know what they want, and they're consistent, and they
just keep turning the.

Speaker 1 (01:13:05):
Wheel, Paul.

Speaker 2 (01:13:06):
The forty nine ers best skill position players are Deebo,
Samuel Brandon, Aiyuk and Brock Party. They're all drafted. Was
in the first round, another was Day two. Party we
all know was a Day three pick. George Kittle was
a Day three pick.

Speaker 1 (01:13:17):
And tell me about it.

Speaker 2 (01:13:18):
Just go down the list the teams their safety who Hufanga?
He was a Day three pick? Right, I don't think
he was in a Day two pick.

Speaker 1 (01:13:27):
So these are.

Speaker 3 (01:13:28):
Trade for McCaffrey. But you know what I give, you.

Speaker 2 (01:13:32):
Can then supplement right, right. But the basis of what
you do and drafting will allows you to make trades
like that. Do you know why the Niners could trade
for Christian McCaffrey. They had a bunch of awesome players
on rookie contracts they weren't paying. That's how you're able
to trade for a guy like Christian McCaffrey. So, and
that's why the Giants are able to trade for a
guy like Brian Burds. They are starting to have a

really young roster here.

Speaker 1 (01:13:53):
We'll see if these drafts develop into those types of players,
but they have to if the Giants want to become
a premial playoff.

Speaker 2 (01:13:59):
Team like some of these other teams in the NFL.
For Paul Tatino on John Schmelk. We'll be back with
Big Book kick Off Live on Monday as a recap
the draft, and then every day twelve thirty Big Boo
kick Off Live. Make sure you tune in for pol Tatino.
Thank you to Shonahara for joining us last night.

Speaker 1 (01:14:14):
Again. Thank you to the callers out there, We'll see
you next time.

Speaker 2 (01:14:16):
Thanks for joining us for the Giants Draft Show presented
by Kreshtron
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