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April 30, 2024 17 mins

On this episode of the Giants Huddle podcast, Madelyn Burke and Shaun O’Hara chat with the Giants draft class about their journey to the NFL and what attributes they are bringing to this Giants team.

:00 - Malik Nabers

3:03 - Tyler Nubin

6:24 - Andru Phillips

10:09 - Theo Johnson

14:11 - Darius Muasau

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's time to get inside the Giants.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Hulet's go, Let's go, Let's go. Giants.

Speaker 1 (00:05):
Get on my Giants bubble, give me some job. Part
of the Giants Podcast Network.

Speaker 3 (00:09):
Let's roll.

Speaker 4 (00:10):
Welcome to another edition of The Giants Little Podcast, brought
to you by Citizens, the official bank of the New
York Giants. I have John Schmelk. Every year we do
one on one interviews quick ones right after all of
the Giants players are drafted. So the Giants twenty twenty
four draft is in the book and we have one
on one interviews with all of those players. We're only
missing one, Tyrold Tracy out of Purdue. We had some

issues getting that together right after he was drafted. We'll
talk to him once he's in the building. But we
do have interviews with all the other Giants draft picks
right here on the Giants Little Podcast. We're gonna lead
off with Madeleine Burke talking to Melik Neighbors in Detroit,
shortly after he was drafted.

Speaker 5 (00:48):
With the number six pick in the twenty twenty four
NFL Draft, the Giants select LSU wide receiver Malik Neighbors.
How does that feel?

Speaker 6 (00:55):
It feels great? You know, I'm blessed to be here
in this opportunity.

Speaker 5 (00:59):
You now, a lot of things have gone into getting
you to this point in time and your career, and
I know those are represented in this jacket that you're
wearing right here. Can you show the camera here what
you've got going on, because this is a custom jacket.
But this man has got so many memories on the
inside of talk to me about this.

Speaker 6 (01:17):
It's a lot of great memories from LSU. You know,
my coaches here, you know things that you know are
people that have been in my life that have contributed
to my success going on into LSU history. So you know,
I had to put those guys on a jack because
it's a legendary night, So I had to add those
guys into.

Speaker 5 (01:33):
Legend a legendary night. Of course, it's just the beginning
of your NFL career. When you look at your game
in the college level, your speed really stands out, the
way that you're able to break tackles and break ankles
a little bit. But also just the fact that you've
talked about this, you're a dog and when you've said
it in the past, when the ball's in the air,
it's yours. How confident are you in bringing your game

to the NFL level.

Speaker 6 (01:55):
I'm just confident in my preparation. You know, when I
prepare as good as I prepare in practice, you know,
when you're able to pete at a high level and
practice with your teammates, it caused when you get in
the game. It caused it to be easy. So you know,
when I'm out there practicing and my confidence is high,
you know my comment is gonna be high also in
the game.

Speaker 5 (02:10):
Now, you've talked a lot to these Giants, coaches, to
the organization, You've spent a lot of time with them
throughout this pre draft process. What are you learning about
them and what they're expecting from you?

Speaker 6 (02:22):
Just to expect me to come in, you know, hit
the ground, run and be a great teammate, be that
dog that they know I can be. They told me
they don't want me to lose it, So you know
I'm coming bringing it with me. I'm never going to
lose it. It's always been that chip on my shoulder.

Speaker 5 (02:35):
What was said on the call when they called you
and let you know that you were the pick.

Speaker 6 (02:39):
They told me how excited they was to get me
over there. They're gonna be pushing me to be as
great as they want me to be.

Speaker 5 (02:45):
Lastly, Moleak, what do you want Giants fans to know
about you?

Speaker 6 (02:50):
I'm coming into New York. Great smile, great personality, a
person that's going to care about the city and the team.
Hoping that, you know, help my teammates, you know, hit
the ground when and they went games.

Speaker 5 (03:01):
My Leak neighbors, welcome to the NFL.

Speaker 6 (03:03):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (03:03):
That's what Leak neighbors and Medelin Burke excellent job there
were Heading out to Day two of the draft, Shon
O'Haras stepped in. He had a chance to do a
bunch of interviews with players, and we're gonna lead off
with the giants second round pick, Tyler Nuben.

Speaker 7 (03:17):
Hey, Giants fans, I'm Sean O'Hara, and it is my
honor and pleasure to welcome the newest addition to the
New York Giants with the forty seventh overall pick from
the University of Minnesota.

Speaker 1 (03:27):
We got another Gopher. We got Tyler Nuben.

Speaker 7 (03:30):
Tyler, congratulations, what does it mean to you to be
a New York Giant?

Speaker 8 (03:34):
Man needs everything, man, I'm so there's an opportunity.

Speaker 9 (03:39):
Man, I can't wait to be a Giant.

Speaker 7 (03:40):
Bro Well, listen, two years in a row. Now we've
drafted a Minnesota Gopher with the second round. JMS, John
Michael Schmidt, You've already got a friend in the locker room.
I know you can't wait to get here and be
a part of the team, but I want you to
kind of take us through this whole process for you.
I know you met with the Giants at the combine.
What has that been like for you?

Speaker 8 (04:00):
It's been awesome, man, I've had great conversation with the Giants.
We had great conversation at the combine. They came out
and saw me a couple of weeks ago. Actually, I
did a little workout for him and DV code came
out and we were We had a great.

Speaker 9 (04:13):
Conversation, great getting on the board. It was awesome. I
had a great conversation with him. So I can't wait
to be a Giant.

Speaker 7 (04:19):
All right, Giants fans are probably wondering, all what kind
of safety are we getting?

Speaker 1 (04:23):
How would you describe your play man?

Speaker 8 (04:27):
I was saying, I'm everything safety. I like to say
I'm a swift, army knight man. Can I can do
it all? Whatever you want me to do on the field,
I'm be able to do it, and I'm being able
to do it well. So I feel like I can
move around and do a lot of different things.

Speaker 7 (04:39):
Well, it looks like you like to come downhill, you
like to fund people, but you also like to pick
the ball off. So you set a record at Minnesota
most career interceptions. How do you get so good at
all those interceptions? And what makes you such a great ballhawk?

Speaker 9 (04:55):
Uh, it's my propression.

Speaker 8 (04:57):
Man, It's time I approached the game and get ready
for a game. Throughout the week, studying my opponents, their offense,
their offensive created, how the quarterback releases the ball, is
set points to speak, all those things. So it's all
preparation and getting myself ready for the game. So when
I get out there on Saturday and now Sundays, it's
easy for me.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
Well, the preparation definitely leads to success. Where on the
street is you've.

Speaker 7 (05:20):
Had a little help with learning how to prepare, how
to watch film?

Speaker 1 (05:23):
You played with Antoine Winfield. What did he teach you?

Speaker 9 (05:28):
He taught me a lot, man.

Speaker 8 (05:29):
Honestly, like most of everything I do now is things
I learned from him, because I really didn't do a
lot of that stuff, you know, coming into high school,
especially because I played corner two as well, So it
was a lot different having that's perspective as a safety
and be able to see everything and being able to
anticipate what's coming when you're coming downhill from the safety position.
So I mean, I credit him, you know, for for

being able to, you know, take me under his wing
and teach me, teach me a much as he did.

Speaker 7 (05:55):
That's great stuff. Well, listen, Tyler, Congratulations. I know the
Giants fans can't wait to meet you and see you
on the field. I know the Giants can't wait to
get you here in the building and get to work. Congratulations.
Enjoy celebrating with your family.

Speaker 9 (06:07):
Hey, sir man, thank you so much.

Speaker 10 (06:10):
You love turf, You're good at it, So you start
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Speaker 4 (06:24):
The Giants Total podcast is brought to you by Citizens,
the official Bank of the Giants. From gain data every day,
Citizens is made ready for Giant Fans with insights, guidance
and solutions. Learn more at Citizensbank dot Com. In the
third round, the Giants stuck in the defensive backfield, selecting
Andrew Phillips out of Kentucky. Shoon O'Hara had a chance
to talk to him as well.

Speaker 7 (06:41):
Hey Giants fans, Sean O'Hare here, and I'm honored to
welcome the newest edition of the New York Giants, the
seventieth overall selection from the University of Kentucky. Andrew Phillips
drew congratulations on being a New York Giant.

Speaker 3 (06:55):
Yeah, man, thank you all for having me. Man, this
is the dream come true.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
Man. I can't, I can't and nothing else. Man.

Speaker 7 (07:01):
Man, the hat looks great on you. You look great in blue.
Already we're trading Kentucky Blue for Giant Blue. Take us
through the whole process. I know you were here in
the building for one of the thirty visits. What was
that like and did you get a chance to spend
the time with Jerome Henderson.

Speaker 3 (07:16):
Yeah, I got to come through on the top thirty,
and I mean it probably was the best top thirty.
I mean, with the people in the facility and like
the history behind it, like it jainly felt like home
off rip. And then when I got to go through that,
I have to meet everybody. You know, relationships I built,
it's everyone's and it's such good people. I would have asked, like,
it's such a great orgiation to come play for it.

I'm so happy to be there.

Speaker 7 (07:40):
When you first heard the Giants were drafting you, it
was the first thing that came to your mind.

Speaker 2 (07:45):
I can't cuss on it here, but I cussed a
little bit. I was like, no way, Like, no way,
this is crazy.

Speaker 1 (07:53):
That's great, all right, keep it classy. I like it.

Speaker 7 (07:56):
Listen, you've played outside corner, You've gone in and played
in the nickel, in the slot.

Speaker 1 (08:02):
What's your pleasure?

Speaker 2 (08:03):

Speaker 1 (08:03):
Where do you like to be?

Speaker 3 (08:06):
Hey, anyway I can go win a football game for
this team. You know, I'm struck play outside, so I
can play nickel as well. But when it comes down to,
like truly your game plan, whatever they fit me best,
I'm gonna try my hearts to be the best I can.

Speaker 2 (08:20):
I really don't mind what I play.

Speaker 1 (08:23):
So it looks like you like press coverage.

Speaker 7 (08:25):
You really like kind of jamming guys at the line
and getting physical.

Speaker 1 (08:28):
How would you describe your play?

Speaker 3 (08:31):
I'm a physical, bad mother trucker, like I wanna say that,
like I'm gonna go out there, I'm competing. I don't
go there to you know, I'm not taking a playoff.
I want to win every last snap them out there,
and I want to be a technician on top of it.
So like it's just I'm trying to effect every last
thing I'm doing.

Speaker 1 (08:50):
I like it.

Speaker 7 (08:51):
You got a little bit of swag to you. You're physical,
but you're also keeping it clean, which I appreciate as well.
So listen, your very first time walking out on this field,
you're going to go in one on ones. You might
line up against one of your former teammates in Wandell Robinson.
Did you did you go up against him in practicing
all and who won those battles?

Speaker 3 (09:09):
Hey, I'm not gonna say who won, but because I
don't want to throw no names out, nothing like that
embarrass nobody. But no, Wandell is a hell of a player.
He's gonna be a great player in this sleep for
so long, and the Giants are blessed to have him.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
But you know, we we battled.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
I was younger when he came in, but I'm excited
to get this next round.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
When I'm up there with the Giants.

Speaker 7 (09:33):
That sounds great, all right, So it sounds like you're
you're with your family right now. Where are you and
how are you celebrating?

Speaker 2 (09:39):
Yeah, I'm in Lexington, Kentucky.

Speaker 3 (09:41):
I'm with my fam, all my friends, got ready to
airbnb out.

Speaker 2 (09:46):
Pray I go today. You know, God works some mysterious ways.

Speaker 6 (09:50):

Speaker 3 (09:50):
You know I'm here in a great organization and I
couldn't be more grateful.

Speaker 7 (09:55):
That's fantastic. Yeah, answer prayers for sure on both ends. Drew,
congratulations becoming a New York Giant. Can't wait to have
you in the building. Can't wait to see you wear
in big blue.

Speaker 2 (10:05):
Sir man. Can't wait to meet everybody and compete. Man.
Thank y'all so much, all right, enjoying my man.

Speaker 4 (10:09):
Then we get to Day three of the NFL Draft
and Medela Burke was back up. She had a chance
to talk remotely to the Giants' draft picks again minus
Tyrone Tracy. We're gonna start with Theil Johnson, the Penn
State tight end who's got all the athletic ability in
the world.

Speaker 5 (10:25):
With the one hundred and seventh overall pick in the
fourth round of the twenty twenty four NFL Draft, the
New York Giants select Penn State tight end Theo Johnson.
Theo Congratulations, Welcome to the NFL. Welcome to the New
York Giants.

Speaker 2 (10:37):
How did that feel?

Speaker 1 (10:39):
It was awesome.

Speaker 11 (10:40):
Spent a long time coming, just put in so much
work to get here, so I'm super excited to be
a Giant.

Speaker 1 (10:46):
Where were you when you got the call?

Speaker 11 (10:49):
I was at home surrounded with all my family and
some close friends.

Speaker 5 (10:54):
Now I know you came out here to East Rutherford,
had a thirty visit with the Giants throughout this process.
How much did this seem like a potential destination for you?

Speaker 11 (11:03):
You know, the Giants is a team that they showed
a lot of interests super early on, and you know,
it's not always the team that shows the most interest
and it doesn't always work out like that.

Speaker 9 (11:12):
But for my situation, I guess it did.

Speaker 11 (11:15):
So I knew they're a team that they've told me,
you know, how much they liked me and how much
they think I'd do well in their system. So I
think it's just a perfect match.

Speaker 2 (11:25):

Speaker 5 (11:25):
One of the go to scouting report lines on you
is that you are you have size, athleticism, and are
a willing blocker. For Giants fans out there, how would
you describe your game and what you're bringing to this team.

Speaker 9 (11:37):
Yeah, I'd say I'm a gritty guy.

Speaker 11 (11:40):
I do the non flashy stuff, but I can also
do the flashy stuff too.

Speaker 1 (11:45):
I'm a hard worker.

Speaker 11 (11:46):
I'm someone that can, you know, get down the trenches
and do some of the dirty work but also make
some of the tough catches and be a real factor
in the past game.

Speaker 5 (11:55):
And your hard work was recognized at Penn State. You
were awarded the Iron Lion Award. Can you explain the
Giants fans what that is and what that signifies.

Speaker 11 (12:03):
Yeah, the Iron Line Award is, uh, you know, someone
that kind of exemplifies all of the core values that
we have at our school at Penn State. And it's
it's a true honor. It's something that I actually since
last season, like that's one thing that I really wanted
to get. It's something that you know, the whole team
kind of recognizes and and I think I did that.
I think I, you know, really showed everybody, you know,

the leadership traits and and that I'm a team player
and someone that is working for something that's bigger than myself.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
Now, when you.

Speaker 5 (12:32):
First got to Penn State, Pat Fryarmouth was a big
influence on you and helping you get settled. Now he's
with the Steelers in the NFL. Have you been in
touch with him during this draft process or any other
pros about what this transition is going to be like
for you going from college to the NFL.

Speaker 9 (12:48):

Speaker 11 (12:49):
As soon as I decided to leave Penn State, I
started really kind of leaning on a lot of guys
that you know. I know they're in the league now,
Pat Breton, There's a few guys that you know from
my hometown. Then went through the league and I kind
of have been through this process. So I've been trying
to gain as much information as I can just to
be as prepared as I can. But a lot of

stuff you can't necessarily prepare for. So I've been talking
to a bunch of people and trying to just paint
a picture for what this next year is going to
look like for me.

Speaker 5 (13:19):
Is there one piece of advice that you've gotten so
far that has stood out among the rest?

Speaker 2 (13:24):

Speaker 11 (13:25):
I think the big thing for everyone is just don't
be as stubborn rookie. Everyone just says how much of
people don't like rookies that come in and talk or
don't work hard, And I think, just a person that
I am, that's not going to be an issue at all.
I'm kind of a high production, low maintenance, So I
think that coming in I'm going to be someone that
people are going to have a lot of respect for

right away with just the way I come to work
every single day.

Speaker 5 (13:49):
Tight End Theo Johnson. Welcome to the New York Football
Giants and welcome to the NFL. Thank you so much
for taking the time.

Speaker 9 (13:55):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 10 (13:56):
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Speaker 4 (14:11):
Giant Fans Level Winner, It's why they love Citizens named
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The Banker as the official bank of the Giants and
sponsor of the Huddle, Citizens is made ready for fans
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The Giants' final pick in the twenty twenty four NFL
Draft was Darius Muissau out of UCLA, a athletic linebacker

that you contribute right away on special teams and try
to work his way into the defensive rotational linebacker. Madel
Lenburg had a chance to talk to him.

Speaker 5 (14:41):
The Giants have selected linebacker Darius Molasso out of UCLA. Darius, congratulations,
Welcome to the NFL. Welcome to the New York Football Giants.
I see you repping your Hawaiian pride with that lay
out there. Are you out in Oahu right now?

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Yes, I am.

Speaker 12 (14:55):
I'm in Oi right now, celebrating with my family at
this moment.

Speaker 5 (14:59):
Such an incredible accomplishment making it to the National Football League.
You started every game for the last five years. That's
something that head coach Brian Dable and GM Joe Shane
pointed out in terms of evaluating you as a draft selection.
What is the key to the consistency for you?

Speaker 12 (15:16):
Really just beiling resiliency, you know, and also just being
durable at the same time. You know, That's one thing
I I pride myself on is just taking care of
my body, being the best version of myself every day
and just being able to be available.

Speaker 5 (15:30):
For the team and being available too, you know, played
for UCLA the last two seasons.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
Prior to that, you were at Hawaii.

Speaker 5 (15:37):
What was the impetus for the change for you?

Speaker 12 (15:41):
Really just looking for new opportunities at the time at
the University of Hawaii. I was there for twenty years,
and I felt this sense of complacency creeping upon me
at that time. And I'm a competitor at heart, and
so I hated that feeling of not reaching my potent
as a man and as a player on the field,

and so I decided to enter the portal really looking
for new opportunity for me and just really looking to
spread my wings as a person on the field and off.

Speaker 5 (16:13):
You really did make the most of that opportunity as well.
You led the bruins and tackles in each of those
two seasons. You played for a defensive coordinator, Bill McGovern,
who has spent a lot of time in the National
Football League, a lot of time with the New York
Football Giants, of course, the late Bill McGovern, who we
lost recently. But what are some of the things that
you remember about playing under him?

Speaker 12 (16:34):
He was a great defensive minded coach, you know, great
guru of football. His knowledge of the game was just
spectacular and being able to pick his brain and just
really soaking in all that knowledge from him. I was
very grateful for my time there and everything that he's
done for me and all my teammates as well.

Speaker 5 (16:52):
And now as you enter the National Football League, what
is one thing that you want Giants fans to know
that Darius Moasau brings to the New York Football Giants.

Speaker 12 (17:01):
I just want them to know that they got a
some more and competitor, ready to compete every day, you know,
looking to bring some tenacity, some physical back back to
the game. And that's how I play my game, is
just really being physical, coming downhill and everything in every
aspect of the game. And really I'm just looking forward
to playing ball and in New York. Oh, she's I'm

just really excited at this time.

Speaker 5 (17:27):
Are you excited? Are you a little nervous about the cold?

Speaker 2 (17:28):
Are you ready for it?

Speaker 9 (17:30):
I'm ready for it.

Speaker 12 (17:31):
You know, I can't adapt to or anything, and especially
coming from boy it's nice and hot all right now.
But she's in New York. I know it's a little
chilly out there, but I'll learn to adapt. That's what
I do. And I really just want to play ball.

Speaker 9 (17:44):
Love ball.

Speaker 5 (17:45):
Congratulations Jarius we can't wait to see on the football
field soon.

Speaker 9 (17:49):
Thank you, Maddie, appreciate you.
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