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April 16, 2024 15 mins

Hear from Crestron Electronics executives on the part Crestron played in building the state-of-the-art Draft Room that drives Giants football forward. Crestron is a proud technology partner of the Giants.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Giants Huddle Front Office edition presented by
City College of New York, consistently doing remarkable things. Visit
CCNY dot CUNY dot EEDU from more information. Welcome everybody.
I'm Sean O'Hara, and I'm joined now by Dan Feldstein,
President and CEO of Kreshn Electronics, and Brad Hinsey of

the EVP of Marketing at Kreshtroan Electronics. Welcome to the
Giants facility. All right, we love this building. We love
what you guys have done for us. We've got an
unbelievable partnership, and really, I can't think of a better partnership.
We've got two Jersey based organizations, the Giants and Kreshhran.
You guys are up in Rockley, New Jersey, to family

owned businesses. We've got a lot in common. You guys
just celebrated your fiftieth year of service and the Giants
are entering their one hundredth season. So I'm really curious.
I know a little bit about Kreshtroan. I have some
of your products at my house. I have some of
my basement. But for those people out there that don't
really know a lot about Kreshtroan, just really quickly, what

is Kreshron, what do you do and what do you provide?

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Well, at first, I just have to say this is
a very surreal experience for me personally. Krestron was started
by my father, George Feldstein, the year I was born,
so it's just always been part of my life and
some of my earliest memories are actually sitting with him
on the couch on a Sunday afternoon when you take
a couple hours off from building the company, and we'd

watch the Giants together. So to now have the Giants
using Crestron technology is just an incredible thrill for me.
In fact, some of that technology while I thought he
was paying attention to me and watching the game with me,
he was probably thinking up some of that technology at
the time. So yeah, this is just an unbelievable opportunity

to work with the team that I've been a fan
of for pretty much my whole life. But so Kreshtron,
we do a lot of different things. Obviously, we're technology focused,
so we do workplace technology. So what that means is
we help corporations basically run their businesses better using technology,
and that can mean in a meeting room, for example,

being able to hold a conference where you can better
share content, where you can better collaborate, where you can
hold hybrid meetings in the workspace, where you can schedule
spaces so you can act more efficiently, or moving any
type of content anywhere in a facility or on a campus.
So if you have this podcast, for example, and you

want to broadcast it to ten different buildings over your
corporate campus, we make technology to allow you to do
that with very high resolution, the best quality audio, things
like that. And then of course there's the residential side
where we make full complete home automation solutions where we
can control every aspect of your life from a technology

point of view.

Speaker 1 (02:58):
Gotcha, anything you want to add to that?

Speaker 3 (03:01):
No, I think that Actually the way the team here
is using Crestron is a really good example of all
the things that we can enable for any organization. Uh
from the draft room to the training rooms and to
the auditorium. We help make it easy to get together
have a productive and collaborative meeting and discussion so that

you can set the team up for success. Really and
those ultimately that's what helps drive the innovations that we
create and the products that we go and build.

Speaker 1 (03:32):
All right, So we're talking a lot about this building
and how you guys can help the team out. Let's
let's get right to the point. The draft room. All right,
there's been so much buzz about what you guys did
to the Giants draft room. How you basically you know,
you brought it from you know, prehistoric times if you will,
to now like present day age with technology and with
all the versatility that you can do. What did you

guys do to the near Giants draft room? And what
is the most impressive part about it?

Speaker 2 (03:57):
Well, first of all, the credit goes to you and
the team for having the insight to see how technology
could really change how you operate on draft day and
make it a much better experience for you, and then
giving us the opportunity to show how we can enable that.
So right, I think you could probably talk better about
the specifics of.

Speaker 3 (04:18):
Yeah, sure, I think that it's always spectacular when you
walk into a room like that and you can see
the way the ideas and how you actually collaborate the
questions you want answered and the information you need to
make a decision. How you make sure that everybody can
see it and get it there and immediately immediately so
in the draft room, their screens all over the room,

and as the team was giving us a demo of
exactly what's happening. They can have all kinds of different content.
It can be a web page here, it can be
an internal database with all the players and the stats
and the details they need to make the decisions. But
then you can switch immediately to TV, to social media.
You can make a FaceTime call, you can make a
zoom call. All that kind of stuff is happening right

in the room and you can make those decisions to
flip between all of that right in an instant And
so it's really cool to see how the team built
this concept on the technology, the building blocks that you
know we've been working on.

Speaker 1 (05:15):
When it comes to work in a new space like that, like,
what is the first thing that you have to do
in order to have all that technology work?

Speaker 3 (05:22):
So the first thing is you have to have a
clear sense of what you want to accomplish in the room, right,
Joe had a clear sense of on draft day, this
is how I want that to run. And so when
you start from there, then anything is possible with technology.
At that point, it's just time and development resources and
so that's where you begin, and then you just start

layering in the capabilities, right, how do you present it,
what are the different types of content that you want
to bring in so that you have that flexibility, and
then how do you create an interface that's easy to control,
so it's really just one button to switch between all
of these things, having a clear sense from what you
want and then following through it.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
That's really how you get there right exactly. And one
of the things we pride ourselves on at Crest Run
is that we provide those flexible building blocks that allows
you to create a system that works the way you
want it to work. It's not out of the box.
This is what it does. Take it or leave it.
It's what do you want to do and now will
help you enable that, and then it can be a

completely iterative process where as you use the room, as
you see what works, as you see what doesn't work,
we can we can adjust things, we can reprogram things,
and until we get it perfect for what you need
to do right.

Speaker 1 (06:36):
And that flexibility is not just for now and how
you want it. It's also flexibility moving forward because as
we all know, technology changes, you know every couple of
years it' say, hey, we've got new devices, We've got
new touch screens, new touch panels, sofa, how do you
guys incorporate that with the future in mind.

Speaker 3 (06:51):
Well, we build with the idea that these aren't gadgets,
that it's not like your mobile phone that you're going
to replace every two years. We build with the sense
that this is part of the infrastructure for a room.
And then through software and through other development, we can
continue to add new features. And when we look at
it as providing the building blocks and that flexibility, you

can continue to continually make changes. And I think that's
really important for every organization because every organization you go through,
you know, one draft day, you learn what worked great,
what didn't, and then what do we want to change
and how do we tweak and change that? And that
is having the building blocks that give you that ability
is super critical.

Speaker 1 (07:33):
Yeah, and so I know we're calling it the draft room.
I think the giants also use that, you know, as
you're trying to figure out your roster and figure out
you know, they using a free agency as well to
figure out, hey, who's out there. They have their whole boards.
So I've been up in the room and let me
just tell you it's impressive. You walk in and you
kind of feel like a kid in a candy story,
all these different toys, like where do you start. The
one thing I did not see was I did not

see a beer fridge, So I think maybe that's for
the giants. You gonna have to find a way to
get that installed. But I want to ask you both, like,
what is your favorite part of that room?

Speaker 3 (08:08):
For me, it is absolutely the screens and just how
immersive it is. You can't look on any wall or
any direction without seeing some screen. And then the ability
to see both the broadcast and a web page, and
then of course the UI, the database for all the
players all together at the same time. That to me

is really exciting.

Speaker 2 (08:31):
Yeah, And for me, it's the configurability of the room.
The fact that Joe can sit there at his spot
with a restaurant touch panel in front of him and
with one button completely transform what the room looks like,
what it does, what he's seeing, so he can have
all these presets set up exactly the way he's going
to want them. So rather than fumbling through and okay,

let me get that on that screen, let me get
that on that screen. Let me get that on that screen.
It's one button and boom, it's exactly what he wants.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
So he has to go through a little bit of
an education to figure out how to work all that stuff.
I'm sure, but I'm curious. So you know, look, as
we all have electronics, sometimes things don't always work according
to plan or something. There's a glitch. You guys now
have the ability to remotely fix that. Right, you can
go into the system and you can do that from
your computer at your office or maybe even at your home.

Speaker 2 (09:20):
Correct, right, Yeah, So all of our products are built
to work together as a singular ecosystem, managed under a
single platform, and with that platform, you can now bring
up a system look at every piece of our equipment
that's in that room, as well as some of our
third party pieces of equipment, and now you can either

monitor those, you can upgrade them, you can reboot them
if that's what's necessary, and you can control them remotely.
So if you're in a space and somebody, maybe it's
not Joe, maybe it's somebody who doesn't know how to
use the room, is trying to do something, somebody remote,
whether somewhere else in the building or somewhere anywhere in
the world can now take over that room and make

it do what that person needs it to do.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
So Cristroan, Look, you guys are pioneers in the industry.
Like I mentioned before, you know why Cresturan. Why should
somebody if they're a business out there and they're looking
to do something like this, or if somebody in the
residential community is looking to upgrade something in their house,
why should they choose Crostrant.

Speaker 2 (10:26):
So I guess there's two reasons. One is our commitment
to innovation and technology. So what you see of Crestran today,
you may compare it to a competitor and think, oh,
those seem similar, But we are committed to constantly pushing
the envelope, constantly moving forward. We have over eight hundred
design engineers sitting in Rockley, New Jersey, constantly working on

the next generation of technology. And the other thing is
our commitment to our customers. And we've always had a
customer first attitude. Being a family owned company, that makes
it very easy because we don't have to answer sort
of anyone else. And if there ever is a problem,
if there ever is a challenge, customers contact me directly
all the time, and I make sure that they get

the support they need, the help they need, and we
stand by our systems and our products until our customer
is happy.

Speaker 1 (11:15):
You mentioned cutting edge technology and kind of things moving forward.
I'm sure there's some things that you probably can't unless
and you can't unveil because they're still in the works.
But what is like, what's the next coolest feature for Kreshron,
Like what can we anticipate as consumers coming out that
will help us in the future.

Speaker 2 (11:35):
So one of our biggest focuses right now, and obviously
it has a lot to do with where the world is,
is our hybrid meeting technology. So we spend a lot
of focus and effort trying to make the experience in
a conference room working with in hybrid meetings where there's
some remote participants many in person participants, as smooth as possible,

So things like multi camera technology, intelligent video technology so
that the experience for the person in the room is
the same as the experience for the person outside the room,
and to create what we call meeting equity amongst all participants.
So that's been a very big focus for us right now,

and we have a lot of new technology and a
lot of new innovations coming out in that space.

Speaker 1 (12:25):
All right, So we talk a lot about the draft
room itself, but what about the rest of the building.
How is Creshron incorporated throughout the facility.

Speaker 2 (12:32):
Well, I think there's a lot of different ways we
can help you, a lot of ways we currently are
helping you, so we're hoping to even take things to
the next level. But throughout every conference space, many conference
rooms now you're either sharing content with participants in the
room or you're hosting hybrid meetings. So there's no meeting

any more that happens in Corporate America that does and
have technology in the space. So we have that technology
to help those those meetings run more efficiently. Uh. And
just in the draft room itself, having enough flexibility in
that space so that room is not just relevant on
draft day, but that can be used year round for

all different types of usages.

Speaker 3 (13:20):
And then throughout the rest of the facility also in
the team training rooms, in the auditorium, in all of
these other spaces too, where the team is meeting. Custant
technology is already in there today.

Speaker 1 (13:34):
The weight room too, we gotta get in the way.

Speaker 3 (13:37):
We got to get it in the weight room too.
I think that's a great place for listening to a
lot of data.

Speaker 1 (13:42):
In the weight room vertical ability, we just went through
the combine, So yeah, that's definitely has a purpose.

Speaker 2 (13:48):
Although I mean you say joking, I'm sure, but but
in truth, in a lot of those spaces, we do
see a great use of technology, whether it's just music
to get people motivated, whether it's having video and other
things up on the screens, uh to either be a
distraction or to a motivator. So there are a lot
of ways that in pretty much every kind of space,

we're bringing technology. We're bringing audio and video content uh
to that area.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
So I've got to ask, did you guys get the
invite to be in the draft room for this year's draft?
Is that still? Is that still pending?

Speaker 3 (14:22):
We're waiting?

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Yeah, still check my in box. I haven't seen that.

Speaker 1 (14:25):
Yeah. I think the easy way in is just say, hey, look,
we just need to be there just in case, just
in case you need, you know, Chase jo Andy's little help,
mister Marror in case one and somebody actually hits a
wrong button and they've got to get back to it.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
The only problem with that is if they have me
in there thinking I'm the guy to fix it. It's not
gonna be good for so.

Speaker 1 (14:43):
You get a plus one that might be, and be careful.
They might ask you what they're supposed to do with
the six pick in the draft, so you may.

Speaker 2 (14:50):
Have to might I might have a better opinion about that.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
That's interesting. I can't wait to share that. Well. Listen,
Dan and Brad, thank you so much for your time.
We really value your partnership here with the Giants. Thank
you for making the New York Giants a cutting edge
team on the field and off the field. We appreciate
the relationship and can't wait for this season. Looking forward
to seeing you at my life and helping us win

some games.

Speaker 2 (15:15):
All right, well, thank you, it's been a pleasure.

Speaker 1 (15:17):
Thank you, son,
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