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May 16, 2024 25 mins

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
It's time to get inside the Giants huts.

Speaker 2 (00:03):
Giants, my Giants, give me some job.

Speaker 1 (00:07):
Part of the Giants Podcast Network. Let's role. Welcome to
another edition of the Giants Little Podcast, our special schedule
release edition. I am John Schmel joined by Paul Deatino.
The Giants Tottle Podcast is, of course, brought to you
by Citizens, the official bank of the New York Football Giants.
The Giants twenty twenty four schedule is released Paul, and

it's a fun one. We obviously knew all the opponents,
so now it's just a matter of how these get ordered.
And I feel like I am contractually required to start
this by saying, this is gonna be a fun conversation.
It's good to talk about how the placement of the
opponents will determine how the flow of the season will go.

But don't put too much stock into this because we
don't know what players on what teams are even gonna
be on the field and healthy when the Giants play
these opponents when they do them based on the schedule.

Speaker 2 (00:59):
Yeah, I think what I always do, and I always
put it up on Twitter. I do it an analysis
based on the logistics and the presumed competitiveness of the
teams that the Giants are going to play and where
they have been slotted. And you know, it's a fun
exercise to do. I think in most of the last
ten years or so, when I've done it, I've come

up with many more reasons to frown than to necessarily
be smiling. But I think in this particular instance, there's
probably a few more smiles.

Speaker 1 (01:32):
Yeah, So let's go through it here, Paul. Let's do
twenty thousand foot view stuff first here. Okay, I counted,
and I'm going through it again just to make sure
I have ever. I count in nine to one o'clock games,
h six at home, three on the road, one Sunday
at four to twenty five game. Right, we have three
prime time games Thursday night against Dallas on September twenty sixth,

Monday Night against Pittsburgh on October twenty eighth, and then
you have Sunday Night against Cincinnati on October thirteenth. Those
are the three primetime games. Now there are two other
standalone games. Get your turkey legs ready, folks at Dallas
on Thanksgiving. That'll be the four to thirty game on Thanksgiving.

And then also the Giant says was previously announced, will
be in Munich to take on the Panthers on November tenth.
That's the game immediately prior to the bye week, and
that'll be a nine to thirty am standalone game on
Sunday morning November tenth. And then we have two to
be determined games at the end of the year, the
Indianapolis Colts. It'll all have to be Saturday, December twenty

eighth or Sunday, December twenty ninth at MetLife Stadium. And
then they'll close the year against the Eagles the following week,
and that could be a Saturday or Sunday game, sure
how that week's go. So that's how the days and
times are kind of spread out over the course of
the schedule.

Speaker 2 (02:53):
The first thing that surprised me John when I saw
on and let's just go right to the big headline
item Saquon Barkley and the Philadelphia Eagles with a game
against the Giants. Knowing how Mike North, who is the
head of the division that does all the schedules, knowing
how he values storylines and values big name superstar players,

it seemed to me we would probably see Saquon Barkley
come back with Philly and play the Giants here at
Metlive Stadium in an early season game, probably a primetime game.
That's not the way that this shapes up.

Speaker 1 (03:32):
Yeah, and if it wasn't a primetime game, you figured
Fox would have been heavy on it for a four
to twenty five start game. But it's a one o'clock
game on a Sunday afternoon on October twentieth. Yeah, I agree,
that is a surprise. I thought that would be given
some type of national audience. So again, I think games
can get moved a rounds, so we'll see, no doubt.
I wonder obviously, you know, we even't a chance to

break down all the team's schedules yet, but I wonder
what the I wonder what the four to twenty five
national game is on there?

Speaker 2 (03:57):
Yeah, don't know, but from a storyline, I mean, John,
we don't have to be too smart to figure out
the hype Oh yeah of that week's game is going
to be off the charts.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
And especially that's Week seven. You know, Saquon does have
an injury history, like we've talked about, Hoop, he's on
the field still there.

Speaker 2 (04:15):
You just don't know. So, I mean, with all of
those things in the stew I was pretty confident Giants
would be hosting the Eagles probably and one time in
the first three weeks. I really thought so.

Speaker 1 (04:26):
And we will go through this sequentially, folks, just a
couple of tames you wanted to hit on first, and
you know you mentioned it. So let's talk about the
NFC East games, because a lot more earlier in the
year than we normally get. The Giants will play four
NFC East games by November three. Yeah, So of their four, five, six, seven,
eight first nine games four or against NFC East opponents.

They have Dallas first time ever on Thursday Night Football
on September twenty sixth. They have filled own. They have
Washington September fifteenth, and week two that's in Washington, so
it's in Washington September fifteenth, week to week four home
versus Dallas on Thursday Night Football, Philly three weeks later

the game we just mentioned October twentieth, Sunday at one o'clock,
and then home versus Washington November three at one pm.
So not only for the first nine games against NFC
East opponents, bawl all three Giants home games against NFC
East opponents earlier in the year as well.

Speaker 2 (05:28):
Yeah, and the flip side of that, as you can imagine,
means in the second half of the schedule there's a
darth of NFC East games. Now, I will tell you, folks,
I always prefer to get more of my inside division
games into a division games if you will, later on
in the season, because it's really painful to scoreboard watch.
If you're trying to catch up and you're trying to

compete and fight within your division for positioning and potentially
a division title or even a wild card. You don't
want to have to be scoreboard watching all the time.
You'd like to be able to play your division opponents
and know if, oh if we win this game, they lose,
you don't have to worry about it. But after Thanksgiving,
when the Giants play the Cowboys, they only have one

more NFC East game, and it's the season finale against.

Speaker 1 (06:17):
Philadelphia, and that game in the last couple of years,
could mean nothing, anything, could mean nothing one out of
the final five games against nfcast teams. It's just rare,
given how they usually put the schedule, again.

Speaker 2 (06:27):
Very rare, and it puts the Giants in a situation
where and I know the coaches and the players will
tell you you have to take care of business on
the field yourself and you just can't worry about what
other people are doing. But if you're a fan out there,
I guarantee you you are going to be stressed out
scoreboard watching every single game with those divisional opponents or

divisional rivals down the final month of the season because
you know you're not playing them and you can't take
care of your own business and try to knock them
all off and make up ground.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
Okay, any other larger themes here, Paul, you want to
hit before we take this thing in sequential order, Well,
I think before.

Speaker 2 (07:08):
We started, John, you mentioned to me the Gauntlet.

Speaker 1 (07:11):
Well, well I would to go in order, all right,
that'll be in the middle of Okay, the other larger
things that you do, yeah, you know what, you know.

Speaker 2 (07:17):
What I think the other one that that kind of
hit me a little bit, And it's a it's it's
there's no more than two consecutive road games at any
time during the schedule.

Speaker 1 (07:28):
That's a good one.

Speaker 2 (07:29):
And folks, I am fact.

Speaker 1 (07:31):
They only play back to back road games once in
weeks two and three, Right, that's it.

Speaker 2 (07:36):
And if you, if you know anything about the way
these guys prepare and their workflow schedule, I will tell
you that is a very welcomed move that the Giants
were able to come up with. Now, it wasn't their move, obviously,
this is what the league gave them. But it's very
advantageous not to have three road games in a row.

Of the league does try to avoid giving you three
road games in a row, they do try, but they're
not always successful in doing so, and I think that's
very good. The other item I would just throw out there, John,
And they do.

Speaker 1 (08:09):
Have back to back home games on two separate occasions.
By the way, they'll pay back to that home games
October thirteenth, October twentieth, and then back to back home
games on December eighth and December fifteenth.

Speaker 2 (08:17):
Yeah. The other thing that I that I would throw
in there is that the Thursday night game against Dallas.
You know it comes early enough from the season and
it's a familiar foe. They're coming off a short road
trip against Cleveland.

Speaker 1 (08:35):
They go back to back road trips, correct, right, correct,
that's advantageous.

Speaker 2 (08:41):
You hate to have a road trip involved with one
of your funky day schedule games.

Speaker 1 (08:46):
Now, Cleveland is a physical, good defensive football it is,
so you're gonna come off like a very physical game
against Dallas.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
But your traveling logistics won't be as bad as they
could be.

Speaker 1 (08:54):
And I like being familiar with the opponent. You know,
it's the same quarterback, same Dallas code, big deal. Both teams, frankly,
are gonna be familiar with their opponent and that game
with the same coaching staffs and quarterback kind of in
place over the last few years. So that'll make that
preparation for that third I think it's a little bit easier.
I'm with you on that. The final bigger theme I'll
bring up Paul. Paul, and this kind of just bumped
in my head here as I continue to review this.

We haven't had this in our hands for very long
before we started doing this, so we're gonna have I'm
gonna have a little revelations as we go here, which
is fun. But you're the bye on November seventeenth, which
is week five, six eleven, nine, ten eleven. Then they
get the Thanksgiving Day in week twelve, so you get
that mini bye. So you get your bye and then
mini bye after the Thanksgiving game only two weeks apart,

so you should be very well rested heading into that
final five game stretch of the season. And then again
you have that mini by again at the end of September.
So they have their rest breaks split up pretty well here, Paul,
So they get a couple of pauses here and there,
which is nice. You do have the short week on
Monday Night football at the end of October at Pittsburgh
Monday Night. Then they get a far trip, no, correct,

and the Giants don't. They only have one far trip
on their roster and the schedule, and that's the Seattle
Seahawks in right, that's on October sixth, And we will
go through this in order. And then I don't like
this short week. They have two short weeks heading into
division games, actually three short weeks heading into division games.
You have Dallas Thursday, right, and again Dallas is a
short week that week too, so that's okay. Yes, you

have the short week heading into the Washington game on
November third, off of the Pittsburgh game, and then you
have the short week Thanksgiving at Dallas. So again Dallas
has short weeks those two weeks two, so it's not
really an impact but you do have three short weeks
heading into division games. But I do like how you're
having those mini breaks with the buy and the two
Thursday games kind of spread out a little bit, and.

Speaker 2 (10:40):
In the two Dallas cases, your home before each of
those short weeks, which is good. Same thing with Pittsburgh.
You're home for Philly before that short week as well.
That does make a difference when these guys are pulling
into Newark Airport all kinds of crazy hours. It does
kind of throw off the body clock in the way
they're going to do things on Monday morning. I thought

the other item, too, John to go right, kind of
filters into what you just said. Look at this now.
The second half of the season begins with a stretch
from week nine through week fifteen that includes only two
road trips. There is the Germany trip and there's the
Dallas trip, which are unique because you're talking about Germany

and you're talking about Thanksgiving, which includes kind of the
mini by and the bye. So think about that. Okay,
From week nine to week fifteen, the Giants in the
beginning of the second half of their schedule, from a
physicality standpoint, there's a little bit of a chance to
kind of catch your breath.

Speaker 1 (11:42):
A little bit, correct, all right, all right, now let's
go through it here, Paul. I'm gonna kind of break
this schedule up into groups, and I think we can
kind of separate it into groups and you know, and
in how it'll work, and I'll just take the first
two weeks as one individual group here, okay, okay. So
the Giants open up on September eighth to begin their
one hundred season celebration against the Minnesota Vikings. And again,

the Giants will have more details in terms of what
they're going to celebrate each week and everything as we
move into the summer. There will be celebrations. We don't
know what games for what yet, but we'll announce that
as we go. But they'll start the season against Minnesota
on Sunday, September eighth and one o'clock. Then at Washington
September fifteenth, one pm. Two notes on these two games.
One two potential rookie starting quarterbacks and Jim McCarthy and

Jaden Daniels yep. Number two. You want to talk about storylines,
if you don't think week one they're locked and loaded.
The Giants passed on Jj McCarthy in the draft and
they're playing him.

Speaker 2 (12:37):
In Week one potentially, just please win that game, potentially, please,
So two.

Speaker 1 (12:46):
Rookie quarterbacks those first two weeks, two teams that were
not playoff teams last year. So we talk about the
importance of getting off to a fast start. At least
the first two games should be games with the Giants
if they're not favored, it should at least be a
game where you're playing opponent I think in the same
tier as you, where you should have a good chance
of walking away with the victor.

Speaker 2 (13:06):
Well, let me add this to you too, John. We
talked the other day on BBKL about you don't want
to face the ferocious pass rush coming out of the gate.
Minnesota's pass rush is being totally rebuilt this year.

Speaker 1 (13:19):
They just lost to Neil Hunter correct for starters.

Speaker 2 (13:22):
Yeah, and one of them is also gone too, So
they've lost their two top pass rushes from last year.
They're totally rebuilding their pass rush. Washington, we already know
what they did middle of last season when they started
trading guys off. So you're looking at two defenses that
are literally rebuilding their pass rush. Now, look, I'm not

gonna be so ridiculous as to assume that the Giants
offensive line will come out of the gate strong. But
let's just say I feel a little better about their
ability to start the season when they're facing less than
shark teeth coming out of the box. How about that.

Speaker 1 (14:03):
We'll also got to see Dallas Turner week one, their
other rookie first raft A lot of people thought he
was the best pass rusher in the drafts. Will get
to see him. And then we kind of talked to
this on Big Book Kickoff Live as well, Paul. You
know Jayden Daniels in week one, you would have zero
film on them in the regular season. At least he
gonna have one game to look at. Yeah, whoever Washington
plays in week one, again, I haven't looked at it,
but you'll at least get one week versus tape worth

a tape of Jaden Daniels when you watch him take
on whoever they do in week one, so you're a
little bit more prepared for week number two at Washington.

Speaker 2 (14:33):
I would concur with that as well.

Speaker 1 (14:34):
He'll be Washington's home opener too, by the way, which
is an important thing. That's always a tough Yeah, we
don't know.

Speaker 2 (14:39):
That at the moment, while we're doing this. But you know,
to be frank again, we know how important it is
for this Giants team to get off to a good
start in September. Yeah, and I think these first two games,
without being predictive about how those games will go and
what those scores are, I think that there are there

are some pedestrian aspects to these two opponents that are
at least palatable for the Giants will great.

Speaker 1 (15:08):
I will say that it'll be early big time tests
for the Giants secondary, even though they have rookie quarterbacks,
two very good wide.

Speaker 2 (15:16):
Receivers receiving course are really good.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
Jordan Jeffers, really good, Jordan Jefferson, Justin Jefferson, Jordan Addison.
I to mind those two guys, Terry McLaurin and Johan Dotson,
no question, all those guys in Washington. So that'll be
a nice little test for a revamped Giants secondary to
see how they do against two good receivers.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
Yeah, the passing weaponry is there. What we just don't
know is what those quarterbacks are going to be. And
then again, as I say, on the other side of
the ball, I like the fact that those are going
to be reconstituted pass rushes as opposed to coming in
going up against the King Kong pass rush.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
All right, well here comes Godzilla for the next five games. Okay,
this is the gauntlet. And you know the Giants had
some really tough opponents on the schedule. Well here's the gauntlet, folks.
We mentioned September two, second Week three at Cleveland. Cleveland's
a very good football team. Sure if Deshaun Watson can
play a little bit better, they you know, other than

the quarterback, Cleveland is one of the most talented teams
in the league. That's how good they are. They can
rush the passer, they can they have a good offensive line. Uh,
they're good weapons. Amari Cooper go down the list. Nick
Chubb if he's back by then, you know, we got
to see with his injury when that he's healthy by
week three. But really good football team. We talked about
Dallas on that Thursday game. Then at Seattle. Luckily you

have a little bit of extra time before you travel
to Seattle coming off that Thursday game, so maybe that'll
take some of the juice out of the travel. And
then their home versus Cincinnati, home versus Philadelphia at Pittsburgh.
Those are all playoffs. No, Seattle just missed it right
last year, right, so, and the Bengals made it right.
The Bengals made it last year. Yeah, so every single

one of those and Pittsburgh just missed it or they
did making it last year, they made it. They made it.
So all those teams except for one are playoff teams
from last year, and Seattle was a nine win team.
So it's very very tough games.

Speaker 2 (17:05):
Weeks three DA eighty is what you're talking about. That
to me is the toughest part of the schedule, and
it just so happens that that finishes out the first
half of the schedule for the Giants. I will say this,
at least the Seattle game is Week five. Remember Pete
Carroll is no longer coaching that team. They've they've undergone

a coaching change there, and so it will be at
least good for the Giants' coaching staff to have a
month of film to know what the Seahawks are going
to do. I mean, I always talk about this, John,
and we've discussed it on the show so many times.
First week or two of the season, you're going up
against the new coaching staff, you really are in the dark.

You do as much homework as you can, but there's
going to be a certain amount of mystery. Well, they brought.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
In the Washington Huskies offensive coordinator. Yeah, so that's their
new OC there.

Speaker 2 (17:59):
So we're going to have to see, you know, by
the time the Giants play, then we will have seen
some semblance of what the Seahawks want to be.

Speaker 1 (18:06):
Johns Total Podcast is brought to you by Citizens, the
official bank of the Giants from game data everyday. Citizens
have made ready for Giant fans with insights, guidance, and solutions.
We learn more at citizensbank dot com. All right, so
that's the gauntlet, Paul. We talked about Dallas. We're very
familiar with them. We don't have to do a full
breakdown of every single opponent to move ahead. We don't
need to do that. But Pittsburgh very physical team, offensive

line of Joe Borrow's health. We know how good the
Bengals are. So those are all very very good teams.
Then you hit a little bit of an area, we're like,
all right, we can recruit. You're playing Washington, who with
the second overall pick in last year's draft. You go
that's a home game. You go to Jermany to play Carolina.
They had the top overall pick in the draft last year.
So two teams with records that were poor last season. Again,

we don't know what they're gonna be next year. I
think we do need to be better, but we'll see
bye week. And then Tampa Bay, who didn't make the playoffs,
they're the temp is a solid team like that is
that that is gonna be a very tough game before
that Thanksgiving game at Dallas.

Speaker 2 (19:01):
I think the interesting part at this section of the
schedule for me, John, outside of the Germany game at Munich,
take a look, take a look at this travel. Now
you're home for Cincinnati, home for Philly. At the end
of the Gauntlet, you're going to Pittsburgh, short trip home
for Washington. Now you have the big trip to Germany.
Then you get the buye and you're home against Tampa Bay.

Speaker 1 (19:23):
So during a short week at Dallas.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
Right, So you've got a seven week stretch here from
Cincinnati to Tampa where once again, road trip to Pittsburgh
which is virtually nothing that's easy to to work around,
and you got the Germany trip. But you're getting a
buy after that. So the travel and the logistics we
knew going in because of their road opponents, wasn't going
to be very difficult, But I do like the way

it's been laid out.

Speaker 1 (19:48):
All right, Now, let's go to our final stretching games here, Poe.
We mentioned this previously, after that Thanksgiving game at Dallas,
starting on December eighth, home versus the Saints at one pm,
December fifteenth, home versus the Ravens at one pm. December
twenty second at Atlanta one pm, then Colts at home
and at Philadelphia. So you get the Saints in Atlanta,
who and Tampa frankly two games before that. Get a

lot of NFC South late in the year here, Paul H.
And I feel pretty strongly that that division is going
to be up for grabs in the final month of
the year. I think all those teams could be tightly
wound in that group. You know, maybe Caroline is a
little bit behind, but I could see any one of
those other three teams make it a run for that division.
So those teams are going to be fighting there trying

to win a division title with those three games, and
those are games of Giants need to win if they
want to make the playoffs. So I think those would
be some really fun contests.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
Yeah, I would expect as much too. Now. I think
the other part to this part of the schedule that
you notice right away. Obviously, the season finale is in Philadelphia,
which is for the most part, been a very difficult
place for the Giants to play for the last decade.

Speaker 1 (20:52):
And that's been a pretty consistent final game of the
year the last few years. They've been doing that a lot,
you know.

Speaker 2 (20:57):
So it is what it is. But I noticed, and
it wasn't like the Giants had a bunch of warm
climates on their their road schedule. But when you look
at it, they're in the Dome at Atlanta uh and
the third to last week of the regular season. Uh.
And then their previous road game before that is Dallas

on Thanksgiving, so also a dome. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 1 (21:21):
Is the German Stadium at Dome?

Speaker 2 (21:24):
I believe there's a hole in the roof.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
It's like Dallas.

Speaker 2 (21:27):
Yes, that's what I think, you know. I don't think
they close it.

Speaker 1 (21:31):
I do not have details on the German stadiums.

Speaker 2 (21:33):
No, we do not, but but those are those are
your road games. Besides Philly, you've got Dallas, which could
potentially have a closed roof, and you've got Atlanta, which
which will have a closed roof. So you know, weather
should not necessarily be impactful as this team goes on
the road down the stretch, but obviously the home games
here in East Rutherford, you're playing the Saints, the Ravens,

and Indy uh in the final stretch of the season.
If we have nasty weather in New Jersey, well, so
be it. I mean, that's just the way it's gonna
have to be. I don't think New Orleans would like
really nasty weather, and I don't think the Colts would
like to face really nasty weather. If the Giants are
looking for some kind of home field advantage due to
the climate Baltimore, I don't think they care.

Speaker 1 (22:15):
No, I don't think they do. So I'll close with this, Paul,
and then you can give your final comments. I just
think critical if you can figure out a way to
win those first two games, to beat two to zero
before you go yeah, gaultlet that to be is gonna
be very important because you're gonna lose some games in
that week three to week eight range, and you're playing
all those teams that made the playoffs last year. If
you know, all the quarterbacks are healthy. We've talked about

that already, but I think very important to figure out
a way to beat Minnesota week one, beat Washington in
week two, two rookie quarterbacks, and have a little bit
of build a little cushion for yourself heading into that
stretch again where you're playing a lot of playoff teams
and all teams that finished over five hundred last year
at Cleveland, holmvers Dallas at Seattle. Since he Philly at Pittsburgh.

Speaker 2 (22:53):
I wonder how much Shane Bowen is going to be
able to bring with him in his notebook about the
Cleveland Browns in week three. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
I mean AFC South, AFC North.

Speaker 2 (23:04):
I don't know how often they've played in the time
he was in Tennessee. I don't know that.

Speaker 1 (23:08):
And by the way, I'll say, don't sleep on the Colts.
By the way, I think the Colts have a chance
to be a pretty good team this year. Well, if
Anthony Richardson says healthy and he plays.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
Well, they are a Dome team though correct, And again
I've always said if you can get home field weather advantage,
but that's yeah, correct, and that game's here correct, and
so is the Saints game with about a month left
in the season. The Saints have to come up here,
and I'm sure that they don't want to see freezing
rain or nasty wind either. Final thoughts, well, again, I
think for the most part, if you were to weigh

out the logistical and put competitive aspects of this schedule,
I think it weighs a little more positively in the
Giants favor than I thought it was going through.

Speaker 1 (23:45):
This is one of my I like this schedule more
than the last few where you kind of just got
all these really tough games at the beginning of the
year and it was hard to survive them. I feel
like this is that three to eight period is rough,
but at least you're starting the season with two teams
that did not make the playoffs last year.

Speaker 2 (24:00):
Yeah. The one thing that kind of really does stick
as the thorn in my side is the fact that
there's so few NFC East games in the stretch run. Again,
I'm I'm not one who enjoys scoreboard watching and wanting
to find out what's going on in other buildings as
you're in the final playoff push. I kind of like

to take care of business myself within the division. That's
the one thorn that probably bothers me more than anything.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
Yeah, and we already knew this going in. But really
only seven true road games, right, you know Munich is
technically a road game, but there's gonna be more Giant
fans there than Panthers fans.

Speaker 2 (24:32):
Oh yeah, I would think.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
So that's going to be a virtual home games. You're
almost have ten home games and seven road games, which
will which will help as well. And we know, you know,
Giant fans will show up well in places like Atlanta
where Giant fans have generally had a pretty good showing. Paul,
this is on, my friend. Sure was all right, everybody,
don't forget the Giants. Little podcast is brought to you
by Citizens Giants level winner. That's why they love Citizen's Day.

The twenty twenty two best bank in the US by
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That's your twenty twenty four Giant schedule for Paul Latino,
Am Jodge Mounk'll see you next time. Everybody,
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2. In The Village

In The Village will take you into the most exclusive areas of the 2024 Paris Olympic Games to explore the daily life of athletes, complete with all the funny, mundane and unexpected things you learn off the field of play. Join Elizabeth Beisel as she sits down with Olympians each day in Paris.

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

3. iHeartOlympics: The Latest

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