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June 22, 2018 • 112 mins

Democrats have no real interest in fixing the immigration system. Charles Krauthammer 1950-2018.

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
You are entering the freedom hunt. Yesterday President Trump took
actions saw the immigration crisis, and today we realized that
this was really a Democrats hate Trump crisis. That's right,
This was for political gain. They have no real interest
in fixing the overall immigration system. They want open borders,
they want Trump to bend the knee, and they are

looking to use this as a wedge issue to win
the mid terms. We'll talk about that, plus updates on
where we are going with the investigation into the investigators
at the d o J and FBI. Plus liberals love
to track down conservatives and yell at them at restaurants.
This is a troubling trend. We'll get into what we
can do about it and more coming up on The
buck Sexton Show. This is the Buck Sexton Show, where

the mission or mission is to decode what really matters
with actionable intelligence. Make no mistakes, American, You're a great
American Again, The buck Sexton Show begins. Former CIA analysts
remember this would lead to family internment camps. Trump once

again has lied. Course, there was a crisis that he
created and attempted to address today, but he didn't go
anywhere year far enough, just because the arsonist comes back
and throws a bucket of water in the fire, doesn't
mean that they didn't start the fire in the first place.
Do you give the president any credit for stopping a
crisis of his own making their alteration of the policy
in their heartlessness. If they're not going to lift a

finger to reunite these kids with their families, then the
American public needs to stay outraged. This is nothing short
of inhumane, barbaric, and frankly immoral. Moving kids from DHS
cages to d O d KH just doesn't solve the problem.
My administration is also acting swiftly to addres us the
illegal immigration crisis on the southern border. Loopholes and our

immigration laws all supported by extremist open border democrats. And
that's what they are, their extremist open border democrats. If
you look at Nancy Pelosia, you look at Chuck Schumer,
you'll see takes where they wanted to have borders, They
needed borders for security just a short while ago, a
number of years ago. I see Chuck Schumer, we must

have borders, Hillary Clinton, we must have borders. If people
penetrate our borders, we must get them out of our
country now. All of a sudden, the big open border
people to hold big Conjab welcome to the bucks next
and show everybody. Short version here is that Trump is
right and all those haters that played before him are wrong. Man,
it's amazing to see this isn't it here we are.

The president finally says, Okay, well, well I'll listen to
this outcry. I I care about kids too, big X
is the problem, and now all the US Oh he
made the problem. You know, the problem was made by
the Obama administration choosing the path of lawlessness because it
was politically convenient for them. Hundreds of thousands of people

have used the oh I have a child, let me
into America excuse now to get into the country, and
over them have not showed for their hearings. Over so,
this just was another way of getting a wave of
illegals into the country and Trumps in or We're not
going to do this anymore. But there are so many

people that are used to thinking that this is the
the easy way, this is the open door into America.
Show up with a kid that we we weren't prepared
for housing all of these people, because that's not what
we're supposed to be doing is something we're supposed to work.
But Trump said, okay, fine, I get it. Kids will
take care of the kids. And now they're just finding

another way, another way to complain about the president. This
has always been about how much they hate Trump more
than it's about hating kids. I mean, whether it's about
helping kids rather, this has always been about how much
they despise the President of the United States. And I
applaud him for saying that they are extremest open borders democrats,
because that's what they are. No one ever asked the question,

it seems like to me, at least I don't ever
see it asked on TV. Who is not allowed to stay?
Does anyone get deported anymore? Okay, only violent criminals. Violent criminals.
We don't really care that much about them being deported
because they're going to spend the next twenty or thirty
years in American prison. I guess what we're paying for

them anyway, right, So the whole we're gonna deport violent criminals. Yeah,
after they've served their sentence here, so the taxpayers still
on the hook for it. By the time they actually
get deported. We've had we've had to deal with it.
Does anyone else get does anyone else get kicked out
of the country. I do recall, and I want to
do a little more of a deep dive into this
to make sure that I see what end up happening.

But you know, when there was the last time I
can remember, there was a little bit of opposition to
allowing people into this country and claiming asylum. It was
from Democrats and it had to do with Iraqis, but
it was a very particular kind of a rocky Iraqi Christians.
Because Christians fleeing the Muslim world then seeking assign in

the United States doesn't really it doesn't really get the
left excited, and they don't that doesn't make them feel
all warm and fuzzy for a whole bunch of reasons
that we could talk about another time. But here we
are again with the President United States trying to do
the best he can under the circumstances. You know, you
could say he and they keep saying this is a

problem of Trump's creation. The truth is this is a
problem that Donald Trump inherited from Barack Obama, and Barack
Obama created the problem with his lawlessness. The alternative here, folks,
was to continue the Obama catch and release policy at

the southern border, which just allows so many people to
come into the country. It means no consequences for a
legal entry, for failed legal entry. It's not that hard
to come into this country illegally. Look at the guy
who shot Kate Steinley. What have you had? Been deported brucer, Mike,
what was it seven times? I think seven times? Okay,
he's not James Bond. He wasn't wearing disguises or being

para dropped into the United States. He just snuck across
the border seven times. And now someone's dead because we
couldn't keep him out of the country. And now Kate
Steinley's life has been taken from her, her family shattered
as a result of our inability to keep people from
coming into the country illegally. And you know, the basic

economics of this do not work out, folks. You cannot
have a massive welfare state and unrestricted immigration from the
Third World, from the developing world, from impoverished countries that
do not speak our language. It does not benefit us.
He will say, oh, buck, but the history of immigration
this country wrong. The history of immigration in this country

is periods of open door for immigrants from some places
and then stop, let's assimilate, Let's allow things to to
settle a bit. It has been peaks and valleys. It
has not just been you know, people always refer to
the the the mm Lazarus poem and the Statue of

Liberty like that's policy. It's not policy. We did not
say give me your tide, you your hungry. If you
showed up at Ellis Island and you know they thought
that you had you know, tuberculosis or you know, then
they turn you back. Do they ever in the media,
did they ever talk about, how about with with the
great waves of immigration, uh, including Italians and Germans in

the early twentieth century, that a good percentage something in
the neighborhood of them went back. Why would they go back?
Because if it was working here, guess what. There was
no welfare state to tap into. There was no Hey,
the taxpayer is gonna give me healthcare, gonna give me
how is ain't gonna know? It was tough here people

on back home. You don't have that anymore. America is
a great place to show up and expect other people
to take care of things for you. And when you
look at the usage of of welfare that then gets
transferred to illegal immigrants, because all you need is, you know,
if you have a kid and one person in the
household and illegals, and there's so many end runs on

the system. Never mind what happens in and I've seen
this my own eyes, Okay, what happens in emergency rooms,
how they're used as a first line of care by illegals,
which clogs emergency rooms. Which you I'm telling you you
will be very displeased if this has never happened to
you when you show up in an emergency room because
you know, you had a little accident with the electric

saw in your in your garage and you really need help,
and someone's there getting a vision test. You know, someone's
there for an ear an ear ache. Lots of people
there for that, and and by the way, you're paying
for that too. So you know, there's so many lies
about this issue that have been out there. And you'll
just notice the primary effort has been to make this

about Trump and about how terrible he is, how mean
he is, how awful he is. But you know they
also have gone after other administration officials. Now, they went
after Ivanka full disclosure, Ivanka and I were pretty friendly
growing up, So there's that. I think I've said that
to you all before. You know. So she's very busy
these days, so I don't get a chance to catch

up with her. But she's she's a senior visor the president,
also the president's daughter. And they're blaming Ivanka for this stuff,
to blame nine And it's her silence amid the crisis
that is so striking. And it's not the first time
she has done this. I'm going to say something here
that is not out of the realm of possibility, that
the patriarchical pole and this family really is so strong

that she does hell intimidated that she does feel like
she can't do that. She can do this. This This
is a moment Ivanka Trump stepping up and taking charge
of reuniting those two thousand three Hunt It children, those
lost children, those lost toddlers, those lost infants, those lost
young girls. That would be using her position. If she

could show the world that she cares about mothers and children, um,
that would be good, and that if she can't that
no one's going to ever respect her again, because this
whole thing has been a joke. This position that she
holds is a joke. That's pretty harsh, isn't it? For
Mika there? Whenever I want really astute political analysis, I

turned to Mika because you know Brginsky and stuff. Anyway,
it's pretty pretty amazing. But do we do we have
the clip of of Joe and Mika where he tries
to hold her head or something that we gotta get that,
we gotta we gotta get that one oh man, funny
funny stuff. So yeah, this is what's happening, folks. There

they're lying about all this stuff, and and here you know,
you know who really you know who nailed it. I mean,
I like to think I nailed on radio every night,
But you know who really nailed this issue? I got?
I got even credit new Newt Gingrich. This really is
just about using kids as the as the trojan horse
for open borders, and because the Democrats love this. Right,
you're seeing a pattern. You're seeing a pattern. I'll tell

you about the pattern in a second. But here here's
what Newt said about open borders play. He signed an
executive order. Oddly enough, the very Democrats who wanted him
back came back immediately and didn't like the fact that
he acted. But but the President has the right position,
which is, yes, we want to keep children with their families,
but we also want to control the border. The Democrats
want to use the children as an excuse to go

to an open border where tens of millions of people
could flood into the US. Remember, there's been a huge
increase because of the cartels, because of the Mexican government.
The Obama administration had a zero toler his policy. You
can find quote after quote of the Obama administration leadership
saying We're not gonna let people come across the border illegally.

It's true the Obama aministration was saying they weren't gonnallow this,
but they did allow it. Right, they lie. They were
lying in the issue of immigration, which is no surprise,
Democrats lie all the time, but on the use of
children for political ends. Here's the big pattern Democrats. I
feel like they made some headway after years of not
getting anywhere with the gun debate. Just they'd always they try,

and they'd have some some buffoon like Piers Morgan or
something out there. Oh that's great, let's have an overpaid,
pompous British guy explained the Second Amendment to us badly,
and oh, by the way, he's never fired a weapon.
Let's have that guy telling us, you know, what's wrong
with you? Why can't you just get rid of you
all guns? You know? Yeah, well not exactly the prefensive

you seeing that. Yeah, give Piers, we're going a big show.
That's a that's a brilliant idea. Oh. Anyway, but they've
managed to and even Obama was not able to get
any make any headway really on gun control. But they
think that with the Parkland kids and deploying the Parkland
kids not just on gun control, but also in a
few cases as as a as weapons against conservative media targets.

We saw that right there. They weren't just limiting themselves
to gun control. After a while, it was, you know,
they would criticize people, and if they got criticized back,
Look what you're saying about the children. Oh my gosh,
they've been traumatized. Why are you so evil? They did
it with Parkland, they did it on guns, and now
they're doing it on immigration the border. They are using children,
they are exploiting the fear, the suffering of kids for

clearly partisan ends. It's a disgrace because ultimately this also
falls into that great separation between conservatives and liberals where
I think considered. I think liberals are wrong. I just
think they're wrong. I think that they don't really understand
human nature and society and his are and I think
that they're just wrong. Liberals don't understand or know any

of those things and think that you and I are evil.
We are evil, And our view of kids at the
border is an extension of that, because they, deep down
really believe that you and I don't care about seeing
you know, a ten month old who's crying because he
missed his mommy. Of course we get sad about that.
Of course we wanted to be able to see mommy.

But we're also dealing with a national policy crisis, and
we're trying to keep a country together here, and there
are limitations on how comfortable and happy we can make
everybody when people are breaking the law on a massive
scale time and time again. As you can tell, we're
just getting started here. Eight four to five, eight four

four nine, Buck. If you would like to chat, Tabe,
what do you think about this? We'll be right back.
So the Democrats want open borders, Let everybody come in,

let everybody pour in. We don't care. Let them come
in from the Middle East, let them come in from
all over the place. We don't care. We're not gonna
let it happen. And by the way, today I signed
an executive order. We're gonna keep families together, but the
border is gonna be just as tough as it's been.

Democrats don't care about the impact of uncontrolled migration on
your communities, your schools, your hospitals, your jobs are your safety.
Democrats put illegal immigrants before they put American citizens. What
the hell is going on? Illegal immigration costs our country

hundreds of billions of dollars. Will imagine if we could
spend that money to help bring opportunity to our inner
cities and our rural communities, and our roads and our
highways and our schools. You know, this is where Trump
is just incredible, folks. There is no other Republican period

who can make as strong and compelling a case about
this as Trump does and really just talking about really
get into it. You know, this is what's going on.
Illegal immigration is a massive transfer of wealth from you,
the taxpayer, you the citizen, to non citizens. It is

a It is a massive campaign of lawlessness by Democrats
who are hoping to import constituencies that will vote for
them and keep them in power. And they are utterly
and completely devoted to this idea. Now, I mean, when
you look at what democrats are, what is the top
of the Democrat agenda? It is abortion, illegal immigration, and

probably higher taxes, socialized medicine. Maybe that's what they want
to do. That is what they are focused on. By
the way, speaking of making the case shameless plug here
the Freedom Huld with Buck Sex and is live. Maybe
it is up the new podcast. Please please go check
it out, subscribe to it. You go do the iTunes store,

type in the Freedom Hunt with Buck Sex and we're
just the Freedom Hunt. It'll pop up, you'll see it.
We did a show yesterday Comrade Commy Bear makes an appearance.
So if you're wondering who the heck is Comrade Comedy Bear,
you gotta download that podcast and please tell some friends
about it. We want to grow that thing out. If
we get to enough downloads on that show, you know
what happens next, folks, We do a streaming video of

the Freedom Hunt podcast. That's right. We're gonna start to
do to live stream and then we're gonna start doing
another and we might even have some folks who can
join us via video chat on the live stream. I've
got all kinds of crazy and fantastic ideas. More time
for all of us to hang out, chat, talk about
what matters, have some fun. That's the idea. So The
Freedom Up with Buck Sexton. It is available on iTunes. Also,
those you listening, please do give it a review hopefully

hopefully five stars, but we'd like to see reviews up there.
It pushes it up in the Apple Store. And uh
and also if you write a nice thing about me
or about the show, that helps because people read that
stuff so and and please do it before the before
the Libs find out that that this is going on,
because then they'll try to do the one star. He's terrible,
he's so mean. He does all these silly voices for Democrats,

but like Republicans, he doesn't do the mean voices. Fact
check true. But still go check out The Freedom Help
with Buck Sexton on iTunes. He's back with you now

because when it comes to the fight for truth, Funk
never stops. Thank the Border Patrol. I think they're doing
the best they can under the circumstances. They have handled
this well. But the facilities just do not meet the
need and we have to be helpful. Well. I hope

that while some may have tried to politicize it, I
hope that that was not the case. And I think
anyone who comes here knows that this is not about
an issue. It's about of value, and it's a value
that we share, all Americans share, is that we uh,
we will show how strong we are to the rest
of the world on how we deal with this humanitarian

opportunity or crisis that we have had some really reasonable
stuff from Nancy Pelosi, you know, I mean she she
Nancy Pelosi had just visited a child detention facility at
the border and she you heard her, right you, saying
they're doing the best they can this difficult situation. We're

working on. This is the the best we can. And you know,
Border patrol they deserve some credit for trying to handle this.
They're not really meant for this, you know. I'm just
like you know, Nancy, that's really Oh it was in
when Obama was president. Oh okay, okay, that was that.

That's the big difference. I see. That's amazing. Producer Mike,
how that happens, same facilities, same problem, same thing happening,
and yet you're not hearing her be like, hey, there
is there concentration camps. No, She's like, yeah, look, it's tough.
You know, they're doing the best they can. They got
a difficult situation here. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna,
you know, we're gonna rise to the challenge. What changed?

Oh that's right, Trump is president, not Obama. Oh, the hypocrisy,
The defining characteristic of liberalism is hypocrisy, as I keep saying,
because it is so very very true. Wasn't that amazing? Guys?
You probably were listening to that if you because you know,
I had a little cheat sheet here, so I knew
what year was. But you must have been thinking for
a second. Pelosi, she's you know, she's not really dumping

on the border patrol. She's saying, it's oh, that's right,
because the border patrol at the time is part of
the executive branch. And who was at the top of
the executive branch in twenty fourteen. Oh that's right, Barack Obama.
It's really hard on the border. I got a lot
of people I went across the border. We got these
tons of facultists and these little kids. We want to
take carolt kids, but we want to secure border. Uh.

And you know they didn't. They wanted to let the
kids come into the country, and you know, tens of
thousands of them. And part of this is I would
just note no one ever discusses how by creating a
huge incentive for children to be used as props to
get entry for adults at the border, all the terrible
stuff that happened as a result of that, really really

bad things. Kids died, kids sexually assaulted, a lot of
that happening. And you're you see little bits of reporting
on this, not all that much, a little little bits
of it here and there. You know, milani A Trump,
the first lady, went down to the border, and the
biggest thing I saw, the biggest report was that she

was wearing And the media went crazy on this one.
She's wearing some kind of fashion fashion jacket that said,
I really don't care, do you? So? Milannia wore a
thirty It's a thirty nine dollar jacket, which I'm sure
is it is. It's sold out, isn't it, Mike. Everybody

bought this. Once somebody sees something like this, it becomes
a news story. Everybody buys it. Uh so, yeah, she
said there's no She says, there's no hidden meaning to it.
I don't think. I don't know. I don't know what
to say about this one. I think that I don't
think it was a hidden meaning thing. But it isn't.

It wouldn't have been my choice. I'd say that it
wouldn't wouldn't have been my choice. Mike, what do you
think that the jacket? Was this just a just a
thing that happened. I can't hear, Mike. Yeah, I don't
think the thing that just happened. I don't believe in
just haphazard accidents or mistakes. I think it was It's
not to send a particular message, but just it poked

the bear, get the media talking about it. I think
that's what Trump's grave is doing. Yeah, because there's kind
of an irony it, right, She where's that as she's
going down to the Yeah there's no way. Yeah, you're right,
there's no way. I just don't really understand what the
messages I think you're at. They're just poking the bear.
That would make sense. The media freaked out about this.
Oh my gosh, Milania's careless coat. They wrote exactly, dude,

they were in I mean, they lost their minds. It
was they wrote said the cat in the hat. Uh yeah,
this is there's the thing that happened. Uh. She was
down there with the detention facility. And I want to
just play some of the audio from what it was
like the first ladies down there. She's taking this, you know,
she's taking this off as a personal matter. Ivanka Trump
tweeted about this today, So she's also taking it up

as a as a personal uh an area of personal interest.
But here's how here's what Malania said, play fourteen. I'm
here to learn about your facility and to which I
know you housed children on a long term basis. And
I also like to ask you how it can help

to these chooses to run out with your families as
quickly as possible. So thank you again for all what
you do. Okay, So you know she's just trying to
figure out it's not a fact finding mission down there,
and you know the first lady. Look, there's gotten a
lot of attention. As I said, if we if this
problem was being approached from the perspective in the press

and and in this discussion of Hey, every everyone wants
to take care of little kids. All right, Everyone wants
little kids to be safe, to be fed, to be okay.
No one wants the little kids through a trauma necessarily,
we get it, okay, So what do we do about this?
How do we fix this? But what the Democrats, dude,
is they said, it's about kids trauma. Now it's about
family trauma. It was you're putting kids in kittie prisons,

and now if you're putting families and family prisons, well
the alternative is just people get to come into the country.
The alternative is that we don't really have an immigration
system worthy of the name, which is what the Democrats want.
By the way, that is what they want. Um. In fact,
Newt laid it down on this one. Before we go

back to Malani. Here's what Gingrich said about that exact
point plate twelve. He signed an executive order to make
sure children are not separated from their parents. They want
now implement that. He has said, correctly, the Congress ought
to change the law. After all, it's a law passed
by Congress which caused this mess, plus two judicial decisions
of the Congress. Ought to pass a law, and you

already have Senator Schumer on the Democratics. So I'm basically
saying he doesn't want to pass a law. Um, yeah,
he really worries about the children unless it means Donald
Trump and whim, at which point he doesn't worry about
the children because he can't let Trump whim. I think
this will in the end remind people how irresponsible and
how intellectually dishonest the Democrats have become. Yep, absolutely true.

Absolutely the case. This will remind people of how irresponsible
the Democrats have become. And and that's one of the
things that I'm trying to do here on the show.
Just no good faith in this discussion at all. Really,
it's very difficult. But hey, so Milannia's back to Milannia.
I'm jumping around a little bit here. Back to Millania.

So she wore this. I don't. I really don't care,
do you code. I agree with Mike that there's no
way you put that on and don't realize that it's
saying something just you know, right, I mean, yeah, to
see Mike keeps Mike keeps me on the straight and narrow,
doesn't doesn't allow the just just because I'm the proprietor
of the freedom hund doesn't mean that I get you,
just like make it up as I go along in here.

So Milannia then asked the detention center for the detention
center employees about how often kids can speak to families
here here This was a very interesting point. Here play
I heard you have my tift eight children here, and
those children how many times they speak with their relatives
of families per week? For example, the children are allowed

to communicate with their family twice they can attending the
phone call. First, we have to ensure that the persons
that their contact with their families are in before family.
So there is a process they have to follow all
of or our policies and regulations and make sure that
we identify, positively identify that the persons that they're communicating

with are indeed their family, and that could lead to
verification of birth certificate kates photo identification. But they do
communicate with their famis they're gonna make sure they're actually
talking to family. Child trafficking has become a big problem
at the border because of the policies the Obama administration
pursued and the way that they disregarded certain aspects of

the law. Think about that, I mean that that that's
a consequence of this lawlessness, and you know, it never
gets discussed here really, I mean very rarely gets discussed
as part of all of this. You know, people that
are bringing children the border that aren't really their kids,
and then how do you handle that. I would also
note that now you have the uh, the settling of

a lot and not settle, but the temporary housing of
a lot of these family units in the border. They're
gonna go to d O D facilities. I think, although
I might be wrong on this one, this is getting
down the reads. I think that that may mean that
the floor has consent decree from the nineties UH does
not necessarily technically hold, so you might be able to
keep them on a d D facility longer than twenty

I could be wrong on that though, Uh. But they
are moving to d D facilities, so they're gonna be
on some military basis, which that they're gonna be house
I assume, and and barracks a situation. So that's one
consequence also of this of this executive order. But I
would note that you're gonna probably see a lawsuit or

that there's a liability that's going to come from the
government housing these individuals. The moment that you know a
child is attacked or or violated at one of these
in any of these government facilities, because the child was
kept with adults or with an adult that claimed to
be a relative, you're gonna say, I think you're gonna
see lawsuits from that. You're gonna see lawsuits across the

board from people that are just trying to weigh the
administration down and make life difficult for all things Trump.
So that's part of it, right that they're probably, mark
my words, they're probably going to have lawsuits that come
against Trump from organizations like the A C l U
for putting families together when technically lead really speaking, he

doesn't really have the authority to do this. You know,
the moment that you have a kid that's they're twenty
one days instead of twenty, they're not gonna say, well,
I mean, but this is they're keeping the family together
and this is a good faith act by the government. Nope,
they're gonna sue. So you can expect a lot of
lawsuits and this there's no good faith in this discussion whatsoever.
So this is this is it's been an important reminder folks,

Democrats there's no honesty, there's no decency in the way
they're approaching this issue. It's become very emotionalized for them.
They are all about making this a Democrats good kind,
caring Republicans evil conversation. Republicans are evil. I mean, while
we're the ones that understand that if you do not
have borders, you don't really have a country. A country

beyond that is it's just a conception. I mean, if
you don't control geographic territory, you are not a nation state.
If anyone can come and go as they please and
not have to really check in with you, that's an
issue as an issue. But there will be more of
these radical open borders type speaking in the days and
weeks ahead. You'll see it. They're gaining steam right now.

I mean, they they are growing in brazenness, and I
think it's because they they view this as an open
They view this as an opening right now. They really do.
They think that people are coming over their study equation.
Here's what I think. I think Trump knows that the
American people are with him on this. In fact, there's

a new poll from rass Mussin says that quote, when
families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the
United States illegally. Fifty percent of likely U S voters
to the parents are more to blame for breaking the law.
Latest rass Mussin reports national telephone online survey finds that
only thirty five percent believe the federal government is more

to blame for enforcing the law. Here's another part, as folks,
that I think it's lost in this whole conversation on
this whole issue. Ultimately politically, not only is Trump right
because the law is the law, Trump will win politically.
Trump has come out of this once again with all
these people arrayed against him, fighting as dirty as they can,

all the hatred, all the nastiness. A majority of American
people are gonna be with him on this one. And
the majority of American people who go to the polls
in the mid terms, I think are gonna remember this.
They're gonna remember m eight four four buck. If you
want to chat eight four four to five, we will
be right back. The media never talks about the American

victims of illegal immigration. I know them well. I know
so many of them. I campaigned to them. What's happened
to their children? What's happened to their husbands, what's happened
to their wives. The media doesn't talk about the American
families permanently separated for their loved ones because Democrat policies

release violent criminals into our communities. We need safety, we
need safety. They don't bring cameras to interview the angel
moms whose children were killed by criminal aliens who should
have never been here in the first place, not even close.

They don't want to talk to the angel mom. But
as your president, I will always fight to protect American families.
The president knows how to knows how to get his
message across, and certainly knows how to get a crowd
fired up, that's for sure. All right. We got lots
of calls lightening up the lines here. Brian in Jackson, Mississippi. Hey, Brian, Hey,

how you doing. I'm good, Thank you for your call,
Sir Fields High, thank you. I just I just want
to get your response on something as about immigration. The
immigration today, that's the big topic you know, of the week. Now,
if we'll have another whenever we have these situations and

Trump calls the Congress to do something, and let's get
a proposed along the table and let's get something done
about this. Let's make something happen. The time, it's the
Republicans bringing something to the table to be voted a
farm and the Democrats rarely bring anything to the table.
They just bring amnesty. Brian. I mean, you're right, but

all they want is amnesty, right, you know that. I
know that Trump the tell all right, let's see your proposal.
Let's make them say it. Yeah. Well, the well, their
proposal is as DACA is amnesty. I'm telling you. That's Brian,
You're you're your spot on here. But it's just, you know,
I'm as frustrated as you by this. Man. Democrats don't
have any proposals other than yeah, let's legalize everybody and

then let's have more legal immigration. That's what they want. Man,
You're onto it. I'm onto it. Brian Shields, Hi, and
thank you for the call. Tim up in Rhode Island
hate to him, Buck shield Tie. Thanks for taking my call. Shields. So,
I was having a conversation with a guy at work.
Obviously immigration hot topic right now, and um, you know
he brought up the argument, well, you know, immigrant people,

they come up here and they do the jobs that
Americans don't want to do. And you know I got
I got very defensive after you said that, because I said, so,
what kind of jobs would that be? He said, oh,
clean toilets. I said, come on, what people? United States
citizens can't clean a toilet, So they're incapable to clean
a toilet? Is that is that your argument here? I

mean I can take this to extract. I can take
this to a bit of of an extremer, Tim. But
you know, for example, if somebody was gonna pay you
a hundred fifty bucks an hour to you know, to
to clean up, would you would you do it? I
would do it. Heck, I could use the money. It's
a function of economics. So when they say they won't
do the jobs, it's because, yeah, because the labor, their
wages are being undercut by people that are coming who
are being paid off the books were illegal. Yeah, I know.

Um so I think we lost Tim, Tim, I'm sorry
you got me fired up. Uh team our two coming up.
We're gonna talk about a sex in the city star.
Who's got some thoughts on ice? Here's the short version,
shut it down? Who needs borders or border security? Wow?
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You're a great American again. This is the Buck Sexton shown.
No welcome back to the Buck Sexton Show, everybody. I've
got sad news for you. Uh. It just broke in
the last hour. We just found out here that the

the peerless writer thinker um, Charles Croudhammer, has has passed away.
He is an icon to conservatives. And I can say
I'm somebody who always has made it a habit of
knowing who in this this business that I'm in and
have been in now for almost eight years or going

on eight years, who is a really good person and
someone to emulate and someone whose skills you should look
up to as a way to motivate yourself and to
learn from someone else. And crodhammers at the very top
of that list. I never met him, never got a
chance to work with a more medium, which is now
of course, it feels like even you know, an even

greater Shames, I'll never get that opportunity. So I can't
tell you any personal stories about about Charles Kradhemmer. I
can tell you that he's someone who I read voraciously,
stretching back all the way to my time in college.
There are only a few columnists that I I seek
out and would seek out and read their columns. They
didn't have to be put in front of me. It

didn't have to be something that, you know, I happened
to stumble upon the newspaper. I would really make the
effort to find and there's I could count the number
of people that I feel that way about on one hand,
and Crowdhammer was one of them. Uh so, yeah, he
he passed away. You will recall we discussed the letter
that he wrote a couple of weeks ago saying that
his time was was coming to an end, so very

sad and thoughts and prayers to his family. And I
thought that this would be worth sharing as well, because
I don't have any personal story, but I saw this
online from Nash Jenkins, who is a writer for Time magazine.
All of this are very very moving story, and I'll
share it with you now in honor of the passing

of of Dr Charles Crowdhammer. So these are Nash's words.
I'd like to share a story about Charles Crowdhammer. In October,
my dad met Charles and Robert Reich at a thing
in Washington. I'm not sure exactly what the thing was,
but they chatted for a while after my dad's a

geek for this stuff. So he got a photo and
posted it Instagram. Nash Jenkins post this photo here of
his dad with with Charles Crodhammer, and he writes, until
I saw that photo, I had no idea that Krodhammer
was in a wheelchair. I knew him as the pundit
that conservatives of an older generation like my dad revered.

I looked it up and learned that in his first
year of medical school at Harvard, Crodhammer was in a
swimming accident that left him largely paralyzed. Despite this, he
found success as a psychiatrist and then as a political writer. Still,
I remember thinking how sad. On June last year, I

was living in Hong Kong. I got a FaceTime call
shortly after midnight from my mom back home in North Carolina.
I almost didn't answer, Everything is okay, but your dad's
been in an accident, she told me. My dad is
now fifty six, but up until that point he had
been pathologically active. In this case, he was surfing in

Nicaragua away I've had crashed on him and slammed him
to the bottom. He quickly realized he couldn't move to
abbreviate a long story that's still very painful. After a
forty eight hour trip from the jungle to Managua to
the neurological Hospital at U n C, my dad learned

that he had broken his neck and severed his spinal cord.
He was and remains paralyzed from the chest down. Doctors
told him very candidly that he'd never walk again. For
my sisters and me, those first two weeks remained foggy.
Those memories are shrouded in a patina of grief, confusion, fear,
and in my case, jet lag. I'd flown back from

Hong Kong once we realized the severity of the injury.
But what I do remember is the email that Charles
Crothhammer sent my dad. I'd like to I'd like to
share it here. Dear Mr Jenkins, I heard about your accident.
I'm so sorry. I enjoyed meeting you last year and
and and deeply sympathetic to your new and most harrowing situation.

As you know, I've been there. I know full well
how difficult things are at the beginning, and often how
hopeless they seem. I also do know what's possible, and
it turns out to be quite a lot. I don't
pretend it's everything, but a good and productive and deeply
enjoyable life is possible. What it required in my case
was the simple determination to keep going in the direction

I was heading. I found that I could do psychiatry
and then a journalism career at a totally even par
with my colleagues. Your accident is occurring much later in
life than mine. I was twenty two, which presents its
own challenges. On the other hand, you have so many
years of experience and so much respect and admiration from friends, colleagues,
and family accumulated over a lifetime. They will serve you

well and help you through what will at first be
significant challenges. I write you because I know the challenges firsthand.
I know how discouraging they can be initially. But I
also know with absolute certainty that they can be accommodated
and even overcome, and that a good life is possible.
I'm fully aware of how terribly discouraging it is to
have put in twice the effort for gains that seems

so meager at the beginning, But I can assure you
that it can be done, and then it is rewarded.
I don't mean to sugarcoat things. Life is more difficult
with a spinal cord injury, but the obstacles are not insurmountable.
I know this is all scant consolation and it is
not really meant uh as such. It is simply meant

to give you a different perspective on your future. Mine
is from the rear view mirror. I know what actually
can be. I also know that for you so soon
after your accident, it is perspective you are looking into
a future that has necessarily unclear to you. I only
wish to assure you, for my own experience of forty
five years post accident, that it can be a very

good life. Indeed, I hope this is helpful. I wish
you all the best in your recovery. Sure All's Crodhammer.
It's quite a letter to receive from somebody that was
a hero for Nash's dad, given the situation that he
had gone through that at that stage in life to

be paralyzed. Nash continues here with the story there is
no playbook for coping with spinal cord injuries. Their statistically
rare support networks are limited at best, But in a
year that has been defied by uncertainty and emotional exhaustion.
That letter has meant the world to my dad and
to us. I always wanted to thank Mr Crodhammer for that,

and I'm ashamed that I never did. It was a
voice of lucid hope at a time when my family
needed it more than anything. I will always be so
grateful for it. Anyway, I'm a wreck now, as I've
been for much of the last twelve months, but who's counting.
Monday marks a year since my dad's injury, and I
love him so much. I guess I don't really care

about his politics right now. There'll be others to eulogize
and critique that writing this because Charles crost Hammer knew
what to say at a time when virtually no one did,
and he took the time to say it, and it
meant so much. I can't think of a better eulogy

to give a person who has just passed away, then
for someone who didn't even know Charles very well to
reach out and say his gifts, his understanding of life,
and his wisdom weren't just things that people read on
a page, that they affected people's lives, that they gave
people like Nash Jenkins's father strength and courage and perspective

at critical times in their lives. And it's a reminder
to me and to all of us who are in
this business who look up at someone like Charles croft
Hammer as one of the true greats, one of the
people that blaze the path for all the rest of
us to follow, that this work that we do, writing,

speaking television, talking about ideas can have a real impact
on people's lives, not just in the general sense of
the national conversation, but in giving people hope, in giving
people comfort, and in sharing the knowledge that can make
even the most difficult situations in life seem like they

are surmountable, seem like it is possible to push through
and carry on. And dare I even say Charles Cronhammer
was someone who gave millions of people across the country
the ability and the strength to hold their shields high
like Charles did throughout his life. We'll be right back,
m The door has been kicked wide open when it

comes to celebrities running for president, because look, the current president,
as great as he is, is also a celebrity. Celebrities
is not a dirty word. There's some Ronald Reagan was
a celebrity, wasn't accurate, So we know, listen, there's some
great Hey, Chris Pratt had a really inspiring speech he
gave early week. Celebrities can be great people to Yeah, Conservatives.
I feel like I have a tendency to we we
like to bash all celebrities and then once through all

celebrities a little bit nice to not even conservatism, just
traditional values, and we go, oh my gosh, there's a
movie star who likes us. But generally speaking, we are
we are pretty cynical about celebrities getting involved in the
political discussion. And because most of them are Look, let's
be honest, most of them are just complete clowns, right,
most of them walk around. You get like the Tim

robbins is of the world. You got the uh Bell
guys and Belzer, these people who are just they've all
got the politics of Michael Moore. And you know, Michael
Moore has got the politics of hating America and being
a disingenuous redistributionist phony. But and and and propaganda us
by the way, complete and utter propagandists. But not Nonetheless,

I'm open minded the idea that you that you can
have some celebrities that are going to run for things.
And look, if if Oprah were to run for office,
she would be formidable. Could she be Trump? I don't know,
but could she? You know, would Oprah have you know,
been able to beat some of the other candidates that
we've seen in the national Oh yeah, she would. Let's

just be honest about it, folks, she would. Cynthia Nixon
is not Oprah, but so that's a statement of fact.
But she for those of you don't know, she is
a an actress who is best known and really I
would say, almost entirely known for her role on the
show Sex and the City, which, because of my because

of of past girlfriends that I've had, I have seen
episodes of Okay I am, I am somewhat familiar with
the you know, the Sex in the City genre and
and the show and all that stuff. I think, by
the way, it's a terrible show for the message that
it gives women. And I've actually convinced some of my

female friend peers about this and they agree with me.
It's really a very selfish and the people in the
show are selfish, immature, superficial. They're not good people. They're
not honorable, people. They're really self indulgent and destructive, and
and this whole thing of like who cares about who
cares about a family or or or decency, Like let's

just drink mimosas and like go shop for shoes. It's
not good. It's you know, and a lot of the
women watched it who are my age. Now, I think
we're lead down the wrong the wrong path with that stuff.
But maybe I'll do a full sex in the city
bash another time bashing throwing a party for sex in
the city. Yeah, you know, no, that's not what I'm doing.

But Cynthia Nixon maybe running, but she said some interesting
things about this whole border. I think what she running against,
uh not Broke Cuomo, the other Cuomo. Right then, the
Nixon does not have a chance to defeat the current
governor of New York. Nobody can defeat a man who
yells in a monotone. What about irony as the governor

of New York named Cuomo who has a brother who
lived weights at CNN. Yeah, that's I don't think she's
gonna be able to be Cuomo, who who does look
a little bit like Vigo from the painting in Ghostbusters
too some of you got that reference. A lot of
you are like, what the heck are you talking about? Buck?

But if you go check look at Cuomo and look
at the Vigo. It is Vigo from Ghostbusters too. You'll
see exactly in that painting. They look alike, guys, I'm
just telling you the truth. But so Nixon is running
and she said some things that I think illustrate a
little bit more of the Democrat position than they usually
like the illustrate. They don't want us to know what
they really think about this stuff. But but here's where

you said about immigrations. Because she's not the only one
to say this, right, we got a congressman is running
an ad on this. Here's what Cynthia Nixon had to
say about immigrations and customs of force in place seventeen.
Parents and children aren't just being separated at the border,
you know, they're being separated throughout this country by ice.
I think we need to abolish ice. That seems really clear.

The aily tsive live we don't need to replace. You know,
ice is relatively new. It came in after September eleven.
We've been handling immigration and customs for a long time.
Here we don't need ice, and and they have strayed
so far from the interests of the American people and
the interests of humanity. We need to we need to
abolish it, abolish immigrations and customs. So so just it's

such a dumb it's such a dumb thing to say that,
you're left being she really just a she just a
dodo I mean, is she just an idiot? I don't understand.
It's kind of mean. By the way, you know, the
whole Dodo thing actually comes from the Dodo bird, which
was a flightless bird that was hunted to extinction because
it really had no natural predators in its habitat. And
they used to club dodo birds and they weren't even

particularly skittish around humans. So no more, no more dodo birds. Anyway,
she here, she wants to abolish immigration and customers. So
that means what the human trafficking, drug trafficking, Just let
everything come in. No more national sovereignty. Whatever wants to
be here can be here. We'll just have the taxpayer
foot the bill for whoever shows up with whatever they
show up. Carrot. This this is, by the way, she

was there with joy bei haa hello, joy BEI haa.
You know, I just don't understand. Why can't we just
you know, I wish you'd abolish it absolutely. Joy By
Hall doesn't like it. I think that's pretty close. But
I gotta work on Beyar. I gotta listen a little more.
Get it really in my ear, you know, it kint
us out. It's like if Gilbert godfreyed have it. It It

had assisted. Uh the fact that she's on TV and paid,
She's paid millions of dollars to give her opinion, folks.
I don't know what that says about this country, but
it doesn't say good things. But Cynthia Nixon after her
incredibly stupid comment about immigrations the cust of the force,
but she she she went even further. She wanted to
go for an even cheaper applause line in some ways
an even number one too. So get rid of immigrations

and customs. Remember we had a Congress. I got running
for Congress with an ad saying that too. This isn't
just Cynthia Nixon. This has now become a talking point
because the left has lost its mind. Let's just not
just abolished immigrations and cunstoms. Huh, how are you gonna
do that? Well, what are you're gonna replace it with
the really nice Immigrations and Customs service or how is

that supposed to work? But then she just went after
Trump because she's on the view and you need a
cheap applause line, play sixteen. It's devastating the images from
the border, and I have to say, the recordings of children,
uh begging for their parents. Uh, I'm I guess I
am glad he has signed this executive order against himself

detecting them from them. I wish he would signed some
more executive orders protecting all of us from him. Ya clapping,
ignorant people clapping. She she just encapsulated, really the the
Democrat position on Trump and the executive order right there,

which is I I applaud Trump protecting us from Trump
and what Trump did, and how we should have more
protection from Trump. This is just it's about Trump hatreots,
straight up, full stop. That's what this is. They don't
really care. They don't really care about these kids. I

keep having to say it. Yeah, sure they'd like to
cry and get all emotional whatever, you know, but they
don't care. I'm not doing anything. No, they're not they're
not working to fix the problem. I'm sorry, I really
don't believe that they care all that much. By the way,
how much do they care about all the Syrian refugee
children that I went and spent time with at the
border of Syria and Jordan's while the Obama administration basically

had its hands tied because it was so worried about
appeasing Iran and not doing anything in Syria to upset Iran? Uh?
Do they are they up late at nights, you know,
losing sleep because of those kids? I'm I'm just wondering, Well,
what you know, those kids who had their whole families,
in some cases machine gun in front of them, disappeared
as Odd's death squads took them out. No, no, no,
it's just these kids now because it's useful against Trump.

By the way, are they are they losing sleep or
are they doing anything about the kids and foster homes
across the country? The orphans kids were abandoned Americans are
fellow Americans. A lot of them are minority children, Black
and Hispanic kids that don't have parents that are in
the system, in the foster care system. Are they are
they losing sleep over that no, no, no, just just

these kids at this time. They weren't losing sleep when
Obama was in charge and the same practice was happening.
Oh my gosh, hypocrisy. Cynthia Nixon world class and incompoop.
That's right, that's what she is. A lot more teams,
they're right there. Recently, I've been getting all my style
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his back. I love shopping on the internet. I've become
so lazy. I don't want to have to actually go
anywhere interact with any human beings, have to talk to
people about what sizes they have in stock, or what
I need to regrout my kitchen floor. I look it

up online, I buy it online. But guess what, folks
that's got That's gotten more expensive as of today courtesy
of the Supreme Court, which makes me very sad. They
have a ruling on taxing internet based businesses that's gonna
affect every single person listening to the show. It's gonna
make things more expensive and more annoying. But I want

to give the details of just how dare I say
lame this Supreme Court decision actually is for that, we've
brought in a buddy of mine and a tax expert.
Miss Maddie Duppler is with us now. She is a
senior fellow at the National Taxpayers Union, also a visiting
fellow's a double fellow at the Independent Woman's Forum, Miss Doubles.

Good to see you, Hey, my, good to see you.
So Maddie and I also bumped into each other recently
at Fox, and it was like it was like long
lost pals because she used to do our show, Real
News at the Blaze, and we missed Maddie because she
had to She then just focused more on you know,
commerce and business and and and her career. But we
liked hanging out with her during the TV show where
we could So Maddie, tell me about this, uh, this

internet sales tax bonanza that's gonna happen. Now. It's making
me sad. Yeah, but as you said, I have lots
of sads all day because of what the Supreme Court
ruled this morning. And frankly, I was a little surprised.
I thought that we would see a decision from the
Supreme Court that was a lot like the Masterpiece Cake
decision um speak or two weeks ago. Which would be
narrow in scope wide in vote um. Instead, we had

a five four decision where the Supreme Court basically tossed
out thirty years of precedence and said, listen, the way
that we have been contemplating interstate commerce and how we're
taxing interstate transactions all garbage. We need to start over um.
And there's several problems with this, but one is that
what they did is they rejected the notion of physical presence.

So in the Supreme Court considered this question of you know,
what does it take, how why, what does the state
have to prove in order for a business to be
liable to its tax structures, and it decided that the
business has to have a physical presence in the state.
So that makes sense, right. You know, you've got a
business that operates within the bounds, my geography of that

state is under the onus of that taxing authority. So
today the tax the Supreme Court said, no, we don't
believe that standard can be adaptable for modern times. We
think we need to revisit this. And what was that
The heart of the question was a law in South Dakota,
and basically what South Dakota had done was it looked

at this physical president standard and said no, now, we
don't want to do this. We think that there's a
lot of revenue out there that we're missing out on,
and we want to get our hands on it. So
we're going to write a law that slows the President
and the legal standard for interstate commerce and basically challenges
Supreme Court to take it up, knowing full well that
the law that they had written did not um did

not work with the legal standards in place in the
United States and the laws Passenge sixteen, and today we
have the Supreme Court decision on it. So I have
a lot of concerns about how this is going to
move forward. Number one is that we basically have now
eroded what was a barrier to taxation that protected all Americans.
Geography essentially has served as a ceiling that dictates what

constituencies can handle when it comes to levels of taxation,
because essentially, in the United States, if you live in
a high tax state, you don't want to of a
high tech state. Either move out of that state or
you vote the politicians who passed the high taxes onto
you out of LOCKDA. What the Supreme Court side today was,
you know, We're going to give the taxting authorities the
ability to tax people who don't live and don't vote

for them in the state or locality where they reside. Now,
taxing authorities the United States essentially have borderless authority to
tax any American involved in commerce. And I find that
very very worrisome as someone who wants taxing to remain
low and government to remain small. This is a giant
step away from those principles. So if if I, just
if I if I go on Electronic Bay dot Com

and I decide that I'm going to purchase from somebody
a a Winston Churchhill bust from let's say, you know,
from from Wichita, Kansas, now they can can they tax
that transaction to? I mean, who gets to put the
tax on this now? Or a better example be this, Maddie,

When when I go online now and I buy something
from Amazon? Are they forced now to add the tax
to whatever I purchase wherever I live? How does this
actually get implement this what I'm getting out? What will
this mean for folks taking at home? We're like, I
want to go buy a bunch of Faberge eggs online,
Who's going to tax them for it. Yeah, Buck, that's
a great question, and I don't know the answer to it,

and neither does anyone else. And that's the problem here.
We've got twelve thousand different taxing jurisdictions in this country,
and all of a sudden, the Supreme Court has said,
every single one of you, you figure it out. You
figure out how you can tap and align your protocols
with the next state, in the next municipality. And you know,
the people who are shopping online, sir, and it will
be accost to them and they'll see it show up

when they're trying to check out and bring up their
purchases online. But the real difficulty here is for people
who sell online. You know, Amazon does charge sales tax
on its transactions for its products. What it doesn't do
is it doesn't collect the sales tax for transactions for
third party vendors. And this, of course is being a
platform that small businesses across the country have been able
to use, has widened up and expanded their marketplaces. Those

are the guys who are going to suffer at the
hands in this decision. So there's a lot of people
who want to draw a false choice saying that this
is a good decision from main Street and it really
goes after a big business. And I would argue that's
a completely unsophisticated way of understanding the way the twenty
one century market works. I mean, the biggest democratizing thing
that has happened in business is the Internet. We've been

able to distill down what has been an incumbent game
by having the Internet, and small businesses across the country
have been able to increase their influence as a result
of it. Do you have any sense any scary numbers
tell us about how much more money is going to
take out of the American people's pocket and give it
to greedy states? Oh? Man, I you know I I
I don't even want to venture a guest because it

could be huge. I think the biggest difficulty here is
that not only do we now have no lines keeping
taxing authorities raining them in in certain locality is but
we've now opened the door to a question of where
does this end. It's not just tasting authority that's been expanded.
What if? What if the question is regulatory authority? What

if California decides not only do we want to tap
everything every transaction that is adjacent to our states but
what if we want to export all of our regulations
that we have here in the Great People's Republic of California.
This Supreme Court decision seems to raise the question that
there may not be the limits that we that we
suppose as members of this great federalist society UM. And

I think that that is a question moving forward. This
is not the last time that the Court will have
to visit this. UH. Congress can act and Congress should
ask to clarify. I think that I certainly and many
the experts on this issue are still sorting through what
exact day that would look like UM. And of course,
as Congresses want to do, I worry that Congress will
overcorrect UH and try to instill different definitions of what

what constitutes business transactions and nexus UM, and really start
to mess with the geographical boundaries that have kept taxes,
at least since sun State's quite low. But that's the
question that remains for both both for the Supreme courts
when this is challenged again on grounds of different laws
in different ways that states handled this issue, UM, but
also if regulatory questions rise UH, in whether or not

Congress has the political will to do something about it.
We we really do need to guys in the freedom
out there. We need to work on that, least for
buck Topia in the South Pacific. No no taxes there.
For what we're gonna do. Maddie Dumpler, everybody, senior fellow
National Taxpayers, you and your Maddie. Great to have you,
Thanks for hanging out. Great to talk to you about.
See you soon, team quick break, we come back. I'm

gonna tell you about how people are being mean to
conservatives at restaurants right near where I am. Dame, I've
got an update for you on that story about Kirsten Nielsen.
Remember we we just a few blocks from where I

do this broadcast in the swamp in Washington, d C.
There were these uh Democrats Socialists of of the Metro
DC area or something, you know, a group of middling
and unimpressive ne'er do wells live streaming. They're shame, shame, shame.
Chance Well, a DHS UH secretary was just trying to

sit down and have a meal. You know, she's just
trying to just trying to enjoy your tacos, folks. You
know I, you know, I just can't have some reef
fried beans and a and a Margarita or if she's
really smart, just some delicious mesical Uh can't do that
without people yelling at apparently not Apparently that can't happen, right, Well,
it's very frustrating because there's no more decency, isn't There's

no honor in politics anymore for the left, at least
at all none. It's just whatever works, whatever allows you
to shame the conservatives. You know, we joke around here
on my show rising that we we we are different
from so many others because we don't try to own
the Libs and we don't try to shame the Conservatives. Now,

I obviously could own the Libs a lot more than
I do, but I choose not to because I'm being nice,
because that's the man, that's the mission of the show.
But with Libs, they try to just shame conservatives all
the time, and if they really only have two pop
culture references that come up time and time again. By
the way, Harry Potter, there was like that person's like
Baltimore and that one scene from Game of Thrones where

Cercy Lanister walks naked through King's landing and Pete and
that woman stands behind a ring the bell gung shame shame.
I mean it was actually a really it was a
very powerful scene. But the pointy are making is, yeah,
they should maybe maybe try reading reading adult books, you know,
books that make you think a little bit more. I know,
Harry Potter lovers don't get mad at me. I know,

I'm sure it's great. Ms. Molly loves Harry Potter tells
me that it's, you know, very well written on all that.
I get it, I get it. But here's here's what.
Here's what what happened with the Nielsen thing? Uh? It
turns out that there was a Department of Justice employee
among those who are yelling same at Kirsten Nielsen. H

A d o J. Now, not a senior one. I
forget what her what her particular role was is not.
This isn't like the deputy director of something or other.
But there was a d o J employee among them,
which just goes to show you, folks, what I've been
telling you all along. The left wing infiltration of elite
government institutions has mirrored the left wing infiltration of academia

and the arts and Hollywood. These places, they require advanced degrees,
they require people to go usually through certain kinds of
programs in schooling. They have become incubators for pretty radical progressivism.
You know, They've got these people that go to you know, Brown,
which is a university full of people who think they're

much more impressive than they are. I'm just saying you
you cannot mean, you can hate on me for that one.
But it's so left wing and they don't get grades,
and the whole thing is just a scam. And I've
known a lot. I had a lot of friends who
went to Brown, and a lot of people have got
a family member went to Brown. Brown just trains people
to think they're awesome. And I've never met anybody that

I was like, Wow, you must have learned a lot
at Brown. That's all I can say. Okay, it's among
the most liberal schools in the country. But people go
from places like that to the Department of Justice. Right,
maybe they make a little stop over it Yale Law
School or something which is also really progressive and left wing,
and then they find themselves the d o J. And
people think, well, Buck, there must be a lot of
conservatives at these places too, And I say, yeah, but

conservatives show up and they just do their jobs. We
can separate in our mind, you know, the way that
we approach our lives. Conservatives in general approach their working
their lives the way Americans generally do. When it comes
to you other day to day versus you know, say
what you see in a in a theocracy, you know,

say what you see in a country like Saudi Arabia.
You know what I mean. We're like, yeah, we're doing
our thing. We can separate it out. We don't have to.
We don't have to bring our beliefs and everything we do.
You know, Saudi Arabia, they won't sit in a meeting
with a woman, right. That's progressives have that view of
their politics, meaning that they can't they just job right.

They won't put aside their beliefs. And that's why we
see this. This isn't an ideological infection. I mean it
is a plague at the upper at the upper reaches,
in particular bureaucracy. Look at Mike Hayden. I'm really disappointed
this guy. I worked for Hayden. He's tweeting out photos
of concentration camps. Is he is he a moron? Does

does he not know what really happened at those concentration camps?
I'm sure he does. He thinks that somebody being separated
from mommy for a few days while people are feeding, clothing,
giving medical attention, letting play with to always giving exercise
and going to bring back, you know, the whole family.
And I'm not saying it's a I'm not saying it's
a good thing where I wouldn't be sad, right, But

I'm just to compare that to marching people to their
deaths and in gas chambers. Of me, you how dumb
can you? How crazy can you be? Right? Brennan, same thing.
Brennan's lost it. That guy, the bald guy who kind
of sort of make believe ran for president and the
third party ticket or whatever. He's running around there. He
also worked with the government. He's crazy too. He acts

like Trump is is basically getting wired transfers every week
from Putin and taking orders from the FSB. I mean,
he's just nuts. So that's why when you see the
cursty Nielsen thing and there's a d J employee who
shows up at a restaurant and just causes this commotion
and harasses somebody, it doesn't surprise me at all. Oh

but by the way, not only was there a d
o J employee had tip Daily Caller for that for
breaking that report that story. Also, they've done this again.
This is now a thing that they will do. In fact,
not only did they did protesters find another administration official
to harass while he was trying to eat. Last night,

Stephen Miller was found at a yes, you guessed it,
a Mexican restaurant in DC A different one. Uh this, Oh,
I'm sorry. This was Sunday at Espita Mescalaria, which I
just bring up because you know who ate there two
weeks ago. The guy you're listening to right now on
the microphone I did. It was pretty good, not great,

I give it a beat. But this guy was trying
to have dinner and patrons called out Miller and they said, uh,
they yelled, hey, look, guys, whoever thought we'd be in
a restaurant with a real life fascist begging for money
for new cages. Um, so the you know, this guy's

getting heckled the restaurants now too. Did you ever have
an Obama administration officials getting heckled at restaurants? You know,
did you ever have people that we're just trying to
work for the work for the administration who weren't allowed
to have some peace and quiet. I gotta tell you
some some of the progressives I know, because look, I'm
in a I'm in a mixed environment here at the Hill.
We got we got progressives, we got conservatives. I got

my man Joe Contra with me on the right, but
I got a lot of there a lot of progressives
around me. Some of the progressives here are like, yeah,
that's right, that they shouldn't have any peace. You know,
some of the progressive writers that I've talked to you,
and just in d C in general, you know, they
shouldn't allow these administration officials to be able to have
a meal without getting harassed. Really no decency, no honor,

no manners. That that that's should be the new bumper
sticker for the left, so that they they're doing this now,
they're finding people at restaurants. So basically, guys, I gotta
get famous enough that they started heckling me at restaurants.
But I do one day. I also would say that
at some point the folks need to know that the
little skinny Beta mail protesters, they don't want to get

up in my face. I may look like I am
in my early twenties, but I've got old band string,
but I know how to throw a punch. I'm just
saying so I'm a fair warning for whether it's Antifa
or the Metro DC socialist whatever clowns. See all these
guys at the time. They all weigh about a hundred
and ten pounds, soaking wet and have like whispy facial hair,

And I'm like, we won't stand for Trump, we and
all that stuff. They why they they stay away from
the buck bad alright, alright, we'll be right back. Our
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Analyst No, Welcome to our three team of the Buck
Sexton Show. I really do hope you've already had a
chance to listen to The Freedom Hunt with Buck Sexton.
Is the new podcast just out last night. Hoping everybody
listening to this radio broadcast across the country will check

out the podcast. It's quick, it's fun. I think you
will really enjoy it, and uh, it's gonna be a
weekly thing, more of a laid back chill session. Think
of it like if we were sitting around having a beer.
This is how I would talk about some of the
things that come to mind, so I hope you'll enjoy it.
I'm also gonna be looking at a lot of your
feedback on it, but I need you to hear it
if you're gonna give me feedback. So all you do

is go on the into the Apple Store and then
do a search for the Freedom Hunt and it will
pop up. It should be in the buck Sexton feed already.
You can listen to it there, but I'm hoping you
will subscribe to it, uh, and please do check it out.
So I had a chance to sit down with Mark Meadows.
It's on the House House, Oh does house Oversight and

is somebody who you know is looking very closely at
what's going on here with the FBI and what's happening
with the d o J and the needs for reform.
And you know what, guys, I gotta tell you. You
can see that this whole collusion thing is going nowhere,
and there's gonna be such a such a c y

a effort from the media and from f behind d
o J. It's gonna be amazing to watch, right But
nothing can shock me anymore after we've seen with this
whole immigration situation, where you know, Trump's not doing anything
and then Trump does exactly what they've been telling to
Oh my gosh, Trump didn't do it fast enough, and
he's still a Nazi. I mean, the stuff they're saying
is crazy. They're gonna act like they weren't telling a

year ago today or you know, a year ago this month,
remember whether the stuff came out about the Trump Tower
meeting and they were gearing up for Trump is going
to be impeached for being a trader, as he worked
with Russia too to undermine the election. Right, it was
an illegitimate election because of Trump working with Russia. Just
a crazy conspiracy theory and a lie. And we're gonna

this is all gonna run out of steam pretty soon.
We know it's gonna happen, and some of the folks
who were involved in creating this mythology of Russia collusion
are gonna just hope to evade any and all accountability
for we cannot let that happen. We cannot allow for
a replay, replay of what happened with the I R
S during the Obama administration when you had that targeting.

The only person that caught a little bit of real
heat for that was Lois Learner and she ended up
getting her pension and everything else right. They were targeting
conservatives in an election year, folks, The I R S
was doing that, And and we're what real consequences to
the government face Obama one re election? I mean, no

consequences none. Could you imagine? I mean, if the Democrats
found out that a Republican administration was overseeing an I
R S that was actively and unquestionably targeting them based
on their left wing ideology, they would lose their minds.
And they've already lost their minds. So we can't let

them just get away from us. We need the documents.
We need to know what happened with Struck. We need
to know what happened with the interview of General Flynn.
Uh this is you know, when Mueller doesn't have anywhere
else to go, when the collusion probe finally winds down,
they're gonna try really hard to keep us from finding out. Hey,
hold on a second. Did they just decide to to

jam up General Flynn because they could? What was that?
What happened was that the decision that they made? Uh?
So we you had color has been good Lad speaking
earlier today about Peter Struck. The now well not not
yet fired, but removed from headquarters FBI age. And here's
we had to say a plate tenant. Absolutely, he's got

to appear before the committee. Uh. We believe we have
an agreement for him to appear next week. Uh. It's
important that he appeared for an interview and then we'll
have a public hearing after that. Uh. And we are
prepared to issue a subpoena for anything that's necessary to do.
But if he appears voluntarily, we're good. But if he renigues,

he'll see a subpoena immediately. He's gonna get subpoena. He's
got to show up. I am so curious to hear
what what he has to say. Now. I know not
all of it is going to be I know not
all of it will be stuff that we can probably hear.
But nonetheless, we get the answers, we finally can find

out what's gone on here. Then I think will be
in a place where we can put together the we
can we can put together the real picture. Right if
we we get this information, the three O two is
the FBI version of what went on the General Flynn,
I think, and I'm calling it right now. We can
mark this down as a prediction. We are going to
find out that in initially the FBI did not think

Flynn lied, and then a senior person came along, either
Muller or McKay, but the FBI and said, nope, you
gotta charge Flynn. Because remember you go back to when
they charged Flynn. That made all the rest of this
to the left seemed more legitimate, legitimate. Whenever we would
say hold on this whole Russia thing, we were trying

to slow it down the early stages, this Russia collusion mess. Guys,
is that joke is up? Incoming national security advisor pleaded
guilty to a felony. Oh, he's a he's going to
be a convicted felon. Now, they would just say that
this became the the mantra, the talking point. They would
shout you down, Oh, there's nothing to Russia collusion. It's
just a bunch of Facebook accounts that Muller's in diving.

What about Flynn felon? Oh you mean that they may
have manufactured that prosecution, They may have abused prosecutorial power
and discretion for political purposes. Oh, that's what may have happened,
isn't that intry stick We may find that out from
Struck too. Guess what question they're gonna ask Struck when

he appears before the committee. They're gonna ask him, did
General Flynn, in your opinion, because you interviewed him about
the phone call with Sergei Kiseli act the ambassador to Russia,
did he lie? If he says no, this, we are
gonna have a huge reckoning and we are gonna have

to demand justice. By the way, if they decided after
the fact to bring a a charge of lying against
but this is this is one of those areas where
prosecutor of this question is everything. What's an important lie
and what's not in the eye it's really in the
eyes of the prosecutor. What's perjury and what's misremembering, it's
in the eyes of the prosecutor. This is what they did.

The Scooter Libby too, by the way, couldn't get him
on an actual charge. They said, well, you lied about
a thing that you didn't that wasn't criminal that you did,
But we're gonna get you online about the non criminal thing.
You know, the prosecutor can can decide to let that go,
can give you the benefit of the doubt and say
you misremembered, or they can decide to make you a fellone,
to ruin your life. We all know that Flynn did

not get the benefit of the doubt. We definitely know
that Hillary and her folks got more than the benefit
of the doubts. So this is why it's so important
to stay on this and keep this information. We'll keep
this quest for information in the front of in the
front of our our minds insofar as we actually think
about this, right. I know you're like, bluck, I got
other things to think about. Of course I do too,

but well I do think about this stuff a lot.
And then you got good lot and Jordan talking about
getting documents from Rosenstein, Play eleven. We have now access
to over a million documents in a room at the
Department Justice that we can see unredacted, and then we
can point to individual documents and demand that they be produced.
But there are other things in that subpoena where we

specifically ask for. Some have been complied with, some not uh,
And this speaker made it very clear that if they
didn't produce him this week that they would face the resolution,
which has already been introduced. If they don't give us
the documents we're going to pass a resolution on the
House floor this the speaker has been cleared they will.
We will pass that, and the whole House will go

on record saying Mr Rosenstein, give us what we're entitled
to have to get answers for the American people. And
then if he still doesn't do that, then it's contempt.
I like what Jim Jordan's putting down here. But let
me tell you something. I spoke to Congressman Shabbott today
of Ohio and see the Buck's work in the network

all the time now, folks, and he's on the Judiciary Committee.
I said, what happens if you would get to the
point of a contempt contempt citation for FBI d J.
He goes, well, we can go to a judge, but
ultimately kind of just hope you work it out. And
so what if the President says they have to release

the documents their executive branch as well, he can order that,
but ultimately you have this kind of work it out.
This is this has been the strategy of the hashtag
resistance from the beginning. Folks, just don't do what you're
supposed to do in government because there's no accountability. I
think We're gonna see a situation where the f behind
the d o J. No matter who says it, whether

it's the President or the Congress, they just won't turn
over documents. They're gonna try to hold out until the
mid terms. That's what I think is gonna happen here, which,
by the way, is a real crisis of government, and
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Luck dot com. Hypocrisy, my friends, hypocrisy. It's one of

the great defining characteristics of the Democrat Party and and
its allies in the media, or the extension of the
Democrat Party is the mainstream media. But you know, on
this issue of the parental separations of the border, I mean,
the the sanctimony has been fast and furious. Man, it

has been all over the place. Oh my gosh. It's
just putting them in cages as animals. It's terrible what
they're doing. They're treating them like animals. And people have
been completely losing their minds over this, right. Uh, they're
just completely freaking out. And there's a really important point
to be made here, which is that this tactic, which

is the main objection of separating families when there's a
criminal proceeding and just know those are separating families. You're
arresting somebody. When you arrest somebody, the kids don't get
to go in the cell with them. I mean, this
happens in law enforcement across the country all the time. Okay,
so they're arresting people that somehow is getting lost in
this process because it's illegal to cross the border. But

these things are complicated for liberals. They can't really handle them.
But what about the fact that this was happening under
the Obama administration. Fact not not a dispute, There not
a This was a tactic that was used, that was
in practice during the Obama administration. UM. CNN's Brooke Baldwin,
who I will say full disclosure. I like on a

personal level, and I think among the CNN anchor she
makes the best effort to be fair. So I will
say that, you know, I and I will never trash
somebody who is a personal friend of mine because I
think that that's dishonorable. She does work at CNN, and
I think CNN is the enemy of truth. But I
like Brooke. She's she's been a good person whenever I've

dealt with her. So but but she asked her she's
asking a real question here of this congresswoman. I don't
I don't even know which congresswoman it is. It doesn't
it's a Democrat. That's all you really need to know. Uh.
But she asks her about what's going on at the
border or what is going on at the boarder years
ago with Obama? You know, did anybody did you have

a problem with what was going on then? And here
is what Democrat congresswoman, And here's how the response goes.
Play a job for Democrats because you hear the president
now you know a lot on a lot of topics,
and this one included you know, looking back to previous administrations, well,
they should have done more right and so as so
many people in this country are certainly outraged by the

cages and the thermal blankets and the facilities housing these kids.
You know, they were all there in under President Obama.
And my question to you, Senator Baldwin is did you
speak up against them? Then? You know, on the on
this issue that we get into a moment where we're

making progress and then when it uh, when installs we
turned around, I think we can need to continue to
be focused on it and press it through the American
people made confidence that we can solve problems. Nobody believes
that we have uh an immigration system that works? Okay,

did you I know I was messing with a little
bit underneath there. But guys, that was the biggest non answer.
That's the biggest non answer every seat in my life.
I think the American people confidence immigration? And you know
she said, did you make a big deal of this
when Obama was doing it? That's the question immigration confidence

and the American people. Uh it's Senator Tammy Baldwin, by
the way, uh so, senator, Wow, it's a senator. I
thought it was I thought it was a congresswoman. Pardon me,
Senator Tammy Baldwin. Whoa gosh? What state does she represent?
What the heck is wrong with that? Wisconsin? Wisconsin? What

is going on with you? Guys? You you voted for
this person? Your immigration? All right? And Brooke Baldwin at CNN,
to her credit, hey, I say good things are good.
I say bad things are bad. To her credit, she
pushes back in and basically gives the senator pardon me
for saying she was a congresswoman, before gives the senator

another another at bat here to actually answer the question.
Remember the question is did you care when Obama was
separating families at the border, when parents and children were
separated by Obama during his administration, did you care? And
and here's her second attempt play it, but were you
worried about it? Then? Did you raise your voice under

the Obama administration? You know, in numbers of cases usually
I remember a constituent who was in attention out of
the border, arguably very inappropriately, and we, uh, you know,
we raised our voice in that instance and many others.
But that's uh, We've got to do this now in unison.

It's not enough to do it case by case or
senator or a house member by house member. We've got
to resolve to fix this this year. Did you hear that?
You know, I think there might have been a guy
at some point somewhere that maybe something said, you know, yeah,
there was a guy that that was at the border,
you know, a long time ago. I think he wears

T shirts. Sometimes I helped that guy, that guy, you
know that one. This is kind of like the uh
is it Norm John? You know, you know the show
Cheers where Norm goes on Jeopardy as a long time ago.
Oh Cliff, thank you, Cliff. Not Norm Cliff Cliff goes
on Jeopardy and he and his answer to the to
the to the Jeopardy final Jeopardy question is you know,

you know someone who's never been in my kitchen. It's like, yeah,
that's that's technically true. And Senator Tabby Baldly here's like,
there may have been a guy and a guy at
the border um inappropriate and border and collective action and
raising a where it is just blather. She's just blathering.

This is like what she's saying doesn't even make It's
not even really English. I mean it's words, but they're
they're just strung together. I know. I think it's funny
because how else could you there are so many ways
to answer that question just say oh, yes, you know,
the Democrat Party definitely was concerned about the issue. No
one can disprove that really, right. I mean it's it's
not accurate, but that's that's just like your opinion man, right.

But instead, and there may have been at one person
wha Wisconsin man. I'm telling you, your cheese is amazing
and your people are wonderful. Actually had a room made
from Wisconsin when I lived in d C. Over a
decade ago. At a Wisconsin roommade the night of Family
was the nicest people. They're so nice they could have

been Canadian. But what's up with this senator? All right, guys,
you can do better than this, this Tammy Baldwin, this
is you. You can better. It's all I can tell you.
All Right, it's just craziness. Uh. And here's the real answer.
No one Obama was doing this. Yes, there were a
few left wing groups here and there that are you know,
open borders hard you know, hard line open borders advocates

who may have made some noise about it. But in fact,
the the hypocrisy here is so strong that they will
use photographs from the Obama era around the border and
blame Trump for it. They're like, oh god, these terrible
photos of what was going out of the border from
what Obama was president. Thanks Trump, how does that work?

Of course it doesn't work, but they don't care. They
just want to be upset at Trump. That's I'm gonna
tell you something that's been a bigger part of all
of this. Then. That's been a bigger part of this
than even than than the political win. That there was
just a need for a collective scream. Remember that woman

who did the scream, you know, after Trump one. This
was the political equivalent of that. They wanted to just
scream about our Trump. Trump's a Nazi, I hate Trump,
you know. They just wanted to freak out about him.
This was their opportunity to do it. The fact that
the tactic isn't new, that the rule of law is
it was being shredded by Democrats on the border, everything,
none of that matters. They just want to yell about

how much they hate Trump. All right, I'll be right back.
He's holding the line for America. Buck sex in his back.

Because there are some fantastic things about this president. One
of them is that he's really really entertaining, and he
reminds us of things like the man bun is never
a good idea unless you are, in fact a samurai
warrior in feudal Japan. I'm sorry, I just I can't
get excited about the man Bun, and neither kin President Trump.

He was at a rally in Duluth, Minnesota last night,
and some guys showed up, drove two and a half
hours apparently just so he could go and heckle the president.
And he was a dude with a man bun. And
this is how the president decided to deal with this
particular Heckler play. It was that a man or a

woman because he needs a haircut more than I do,
wouldn't wouldn't tell, Oh, I couldn't tell needs a haircut?
As president? And you you you you come at the
Trump your best, not your best, not miss if you're
gonna try to bring the insult game his way, you know,

if you're gonna try to be that guy man bun,
I gotta tell you it's it's something occasionally was I
was seen in New York for a while. Tough thing
to pull off, tough thing to pull off. If I'm
gonna be totally honest with you, there was a very
brief period in college where my hair was long enough
because I wasn't getting it cut very often. That occasionally

during some sports, I would man bun it and I
that will live in infamy, folks, that will live there.
There are fortunately no photos of this, zero photos exist,
Thank heavens. It was before everyone had photography on their
cell phones, right, I mean, can you imagine Buck with
the man bun circuit two thousand and two that was

that would be uh no, bueno. But it was a
thing that happened. But Trump shut this guy down, and
and he wasn't even done with the He wasn't even
done with his commentary on the man bun. He he
kept it going. He told him where this protester needs
to go play it. So, yeah, a single protest, sir,

He's going home to his mom, say a lot of mommy,
and tomorrow the fake news will say tomorrow, massive protests
at the Trump rally. One person. See, you know, he

makes a really important point there. The fake news always
tries to hide CNN Number one others as well. They're
trying to hide behind us. Oh no, we reported that.
Oh no, that's we're factually accurate. We're factually accurate. But
they're always looking for ways to inflate certain aspects of
the narrative. They're always looking for ways to focus on

certain parts of the coverage to tell a narrative that
is helpful to Democrats, helpful to the left, and hurts
Trump and conservatism. That's what they do. But this this
guy with the man, but I will say this. To
show up at a Trump rally surrounded by a sea
of red Maga hats and rocking your man Bun go

up and start trying to yell about how Trump is.
I don't know what he was saying, you know, a
fascist or it was something like that. There is a
certain degree of hutspa there. I will say, I think
it's it's a dumb idea, but wow, the sky is
uh is deciding to go right right into the lions
den and get himself some attention. But yeah, man Bunn

is just never okay, And so Trump was really giving
us a public service announcement. Just say no to the
man Bun. Now the ponytail, that's a whole other caret
that's a whole other thing. What do we think of
the ponytail? Folks? You know, people get I I've talked
ponytail before on this show. People get for guys, not
for girls. People get very opinionated about this one. I'll

leave that one to all of you. But man Bun,
I give it the thumbs down. Roll Call is up next. Well,
it's been quite a week here in the Hut my

friends and and I just wanted to say, first off,
thank you to all of you who have downloaded the
Freedom Hut with Buck Sexton Podcasts. Even if you're a
radio listener, if you've never listened to podcasts before, I
hope you will check it out. It's only it's like
twenty or thirty minutes. It's quick. It's just kind of
an update, a very a very relaxed chat between us

in the in the Hut. So it really would be uh,
very appreciated if you wouldn't mind downloading that Just all
you have to do if you have the Apple Store,
going into you know, iTunes or Apple click on store,
type into the Freedom Hut, and then when you get
there you'll see there's a subscribe button. Click subscribe and download.

So so downloaded, but but click subscribe because then each
one will pop into your inbox. And guys, I'm I'm
gonna be experimenting with it a lot. I'm gonna be
adding probably some fun guest interviews, people that I just
really like. We're gonna have a long chat over not long,
but you know, in depth chat about whatever we think
is important. There will be Commy Bearer, there will be
Angus McManus, there will be uh Jean Jacques, the French millionaire,

all the characters from the original Buck Sex and Show.
They're gonna live in the Freedom Hut because I think
that's the best place for it. So, like I said,
please do downloaded. And it means a lot. It means
a lot to me to have you all. Look, it's
it's all. It's it's free. So there's that the freedom
Hunt is free. And you can see we've got kind
of a cool logo. It's red, white and blue with
little island. Uh. So go into your iTunes store. We're

gonna get it up on Stitcher. I don't know for
up on Stitcher just yet. We're working on the technology
side for that, as in I'm trying to figure out
simple technological issues. So there you have it all right,
now you know what time it is, team, this party
is about to get it. Feel those beats. It's time

for roll call, all right. If you want to be
a part of roll Call, which is always fun, all
you have to do is go on your Facebook account,
go to Facebook dot com slash buck Sexton send us
a message please, and many of you did. Just that's
we won't get into it now. Karen wait, no, yes, Karen, sorry,

here we go. Now. I know why people got so
excited about Commy Bear. How can you be so funny
on so little sleep, take care of yourself. I wonder
about the way you were burning it at both ends
of the candle. From Karen Well, Karen, thank you. I
was very tired yesterday. Um And although some people say
that when I get tired, this is just a thing
that I've noticed, somebody we will know me very well

said that when I get tired, I'm a little less
patient with things in general, which means I get a
little grumpier and a little more fire in the belly
to go after the bad guys, so to speak, to
really take the fight to the enemy and to talk
to them at some level about you know, basically, I'm
fiery when I'm when I'm angry. When I get angry,

radio gets a little bit better sometimes. All right, first
up are next up here? Sorry I keep messing that up.
Brian writes book I'm in the Battle Space Deployed. Would
like to send you an email. OSS will be in
DC in early July. From Brian uh Well, Brian, send
an email official Team buck at gmail dot com. I'll

get it there and if you're in d C, happy
to give you some rex about good places to go
get a beer and all the rest of it. Uh
Dr Lee rights, good morning Buck, great show. Oh wait
no that's not doctorally. Why is this keeps giving me
the wrong? Something wrong? On my Facebook, Stephen writes, good
morning Buck, great show, great hair. You're smart man, Stephen.

You know how to get into the roll call. I'll
listen to your podcast on my drive into work this morning.
And you said that the Democrat position was that they
only want to push for amnesty in regards to this
border craziness. I have to respectfully disagree with you. Trump
offered them an amnesty deal earlier, but they rejected it,
saying it wasn't good enough. Really, what they want is
the issue as a political tool. They don't actually want amnesty.

They don't actually want to help these people. What they
want is control and power. Keep up the good work.
I'm loving all your new endeavors and most of all
shields high well, Stephen, thank you so much. I'll say this, Uh,
there's a I would agree there's a lot of truth
in what you're saying here, but I also think that
they would take a full scale amnesty with nothing else

attached to it. They were They're not even willing to
trade amnesty for a wall, which is I think where
people really realize that the open for Democrats is that
they can keep this issue going forever. They don't want
one amnesty, they want amnesty in perpetuity. They want amnesties
going forward as far as possible until I don't know,

until we are completely an open borders country. I do
believe that as the end state for the Democrat Party,
that is what they want. Remember, we will say, oh,
it will dissolve the country, it's such a bad thing.
They will say, no, We're just gonna be in charge.
America will be this massive status enterprise that takes from

the productive and gives to the less productive. And there's
no real patriotism. It's just force. It's the force of
the state that will hold it all together. No sense
of unified political culture. The polity in the ancient Greek sense,
in the Platonic or Socratic sense of the term, will
cease to exist, and you will just have a superstate
in its place, and not super like Superman. So now

that we've gone into that, we can hear from Dr
Lee here. She writes, Hey, Buck, I'm loving the new
show Rising. It's great finally seeing you throw down some
good arguments with a progressive and a fair environment. I
would love for you to ask Crystal if someone shows
up at the border illegally, what should be done with them,
because it sure seems like you would rather none of
the laws be enforced, and thus you would rather have

open borders. I have a feeling I know what she
would say. Well, Chris and I I did bring that
up in fact today during the show, and for those
of you who missed it, you can watch it at
hill dot tv slash Rising. I said, I get the
feeling Democrats really just want to tell everyone that they
can stay, and I believe that I think that that
is true. So there you go, Doctor Lee. Always good

to hear from you. Give the hubs a high five
from me, and hopefully see you guys soon. Uh James
next up here? Hey Buck. I'm loving Rising, but of
course I have a couple of critiques your comment that
this show is an opportunity to share thoughts from a
different perspective without the snippiness. But Crystal is often quite snippy.
She has no qualms about tossing a snide remark in

your direction. But I have seen no retorts coming from you.
Either you all keep it nice or not. PS you're
not being Mike correctly. Most often you sound like you're
being picked up by an area Mike, more acoustic noise
and reverb than a close body Mike. Interesting. Interestingly, Crystal
don't seem to have that problem, just saying keep up

the good fight. James on the first comment, I can't
speak to what my co host does because we are
partners in this endeavor and I want her to just
be as successful as possible and everything that we're doing,
I can speak to my side of it and just
say that I, whether it's with my co host or
anyone else on the show, I am. I have a
mandate to be uh a gentleman, and that is not

always easy. It's not easy in this media world. And
sometimes I'll tell you the truth, it puts me at
a disadvantage. Certainly would put me to a disadvantage sometimes
at CNN, because there I would think I was having
a gentlemanly discussion and then all of a sudden, the
ambush would be set. And and then when you realize
what's happening, meaning that all of a sudden, the nastiness,
the snippy comments, the the unfair personal dig once that happens,

then you got like thirty seconds before you're in commercial
and you realize, oh wait, what what? Just what was that?
It's very much like the drive by phenomenon that Rush
talks about. They do drive bys to people when they're
guests on TV. But we will try to work this out.
And look, there will be some fireworks on the show.
They're always there. Always is the possibility of fireworks. And
you have people that disagree as much as I do
with Crystal, but we're gonna try to keep them good

natured always. And and do I have a particularly long
fuse for somebody who does TV immediate? Yes? Is that
always to my advantage? No, but that's how I am,
and my mom and little sister watch what I do,
and I have to be a gentleman. So there you
have it. But thank you, James. And I'll look into
the mic issue too. I think you may be correct
on that one. We've been having some audio issues, all right, Craig.

Craig Rights Test Studio. Buck just heard your latest podcast though,
bro pozzalo va nazad Russian for welcome back Commy Bear. Well,
thank you, Craig, and yeah, Commy Bear. His home is
now The Freedom Hunt Podcast So those of you who
like the Freedom Hunt podcast, you want yourself some Commy
Bear h or if you want Commy Bear, you want
the you know what I'm saying. Thank you Craig for

the message. Great to hear from you, much appreciated. Stephen writes,
loving the Freedom Hunt. On martial arts, I have taken
taekwondo and did note the attempts to be a safe
martial art. I like Kraftmagaw much better because it is
in philosophy straight forward the throat, and it actually trains
unarmed self defense for modern weapons, useful for anyone, but

especially for me being a non sworn volunteer. I do
not get to carry on duty. Uh And yeah, so
there you have it. Thank you Stephen for writing in.
I would say, you know, Kraftmagan is better for self
defense than taekwondo in my experience I did. I did
take some quove maga. I've done taekwondo as well when

I was really little, but I don't can't pretend to
really remember any but I've seen enough of it to
get a feel of it. And the truth is, I mean,
high kicks are just inherently risky uh and low probability
of success in a self defense scenario. That doesn't mean never,
it just means rarely. Uh So yeah, um, I I
will tell you that in my opinion at this point,

without being somebody who is a I know means a
martial artist or a self defense expert, but as an
analyst who pays a lot of attention to things and
learns about them, I would think that if you want
to learn how to defend yourself, uh you want a
basis for striking, which would be um boxing I think
is probably the best one to start with because you're

also it's a basis for striking, but you're learning to
hit and get hit, which is an important part of
self defense. And then some form of grappling, so you know,
you want boxing and wrestling would work. Boxing and jiu
jitsu honestly probably a little bit better. Kickboxing and some
form of grappling, you know, that would be what I

think is is the best. And you know, some fencing
if you want to be really fancy and learn how
to fight with a foil and a pay or a
right pier. Uh No, No, fencing is not good for defense,
although the footwork and fencing is useful for a whole
lot of things, including I mean the footwork and fencing
is not all that dissimilar from the footwork in wing chong,
which is basically kung fu. Uh so, and footwork is

the basis of what were they all martial arts actually,
So fencing does have some utility that way. But if
somebody jumps you in a dark gallery and you said,
but wait, I don't have my foil um, that's not
gonna help you. You're they're probably gonna punch you a
little bit harder with that one. So here we go.
Roger rights Buck, how do I get your podcast? Now?

You've just started your new series. I'm only seeing twenty
eight minute shows, thanks Roger. That twenty eight minute show
is the first of Freedom Hunt podcast. If you want
the Buck Sexton Show, that's the full radio show I do.
It should be in the same feat under iTunes. So
search for the Freedom Hunt see what pops up, download that,
subscribe to that, and also search for the Buck Sexton

Show and you can get them all. Remember the Buck
Sexton Show is five nights a week. It's this radio
show you're listening to right now. There's a podcast of
this five night a week radio show. So people can
listen on demand. There's also a podcast that is a
completely separate product called The Freedom Hunt with Buck Sexton,
which is just me sitting doing a podcast once a week,

which we just started in the last twenty four hours
and I really really really hope as many of you
as possible will uh download it, will listen to it,
and and we'll check it out. So there you go. Um,
that's what we've got Tomorrow. We're gonna have a bit
of a freestyle Friday. You know what that means. We're
gonna have all kinds of fun and uh until then,
my friends Shields High
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