All Episodes

February 20, 2017 77 mins

Thomas Rhett's Baby Reveal; 'I See You' Shout-Out; Ray's Big 3 Stories; Mike D. Reviews 'Lego Batman'; Eddie Jr Grounded; Tell Me Something Good; 30 Second Skinny; What's Happening This Week; Bonehead Story Of The Day; Random Acts Of Kindness; Crushes; Last Ten Seconds Game; Bobby's Weekend; Ray Warns Bones; Monday Morning Confessions; Amy's Adoption Update; In The News; Couples Apps; Lunchbox's Dog Poops In Amy's Yard; Ray Gets A Speeding Ticket; Angel Soft Commercial; Eddie Jr.'s Last Basketball Game; Bobby's Gift For Arkansas Governor; Music Lessons; Presidential Trivia; End Of Show

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
I love my Sleep number bed than sleeps very important
to all of us. Sometimes we don't pay it enough attention.
But if sleep better, your life is just better. Like
sleep is the first step in a healthier life. And
for me, I wake up at three in the morning,
so I may have different users from my bed than
you do. But it's time of year where you may
be tempted to go get a bed and use the
same old match of store and look for the same

old bed. I would say, don't do that. I would
say that. Let me tell you about Sleep number. It
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I have a sleep number just for me. You know
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By setting thirty, my sleep i Q score last night

was in the nineties. There's never been a better time
to visit a Sleep number store. It's say fifty on
a limited edition bed during the Ultimate Sleep Number event.
Plus Queen c two mattresses. Sleep Number stores around the
nation find one near you by calling eight hundred next bed.
Tell him you heard it here Bobby Bones, brothers and
sisters transmitting across America. This is the body bone, the

Bobby bone. All right back here on a Monday, good
mar Thomas Rider bild his baby. I saw the cake announcement.
So basically they're all standing. I'm assuming it's Thomas kitchen, yes,
and they're cutting a cake and they're going to cut
the cake and see if it's a boy or a girl.
And so here you go, We're about to find out

the gender of our child. Go see it. I can't see.
I can't see. Hurry, hurry, it's baby. It's mass confused

having a girl. That's good. That's really cool and good
for them. And I gotta can you say that you
knew the secret? Now that the secrets and you have
to say what it is that we talk about that
at all? Or no? I guess so I don't know, Okay,
here and we won't give away too much. So Thomas

had come in earlier, like maybe a month or so ago,
longer than two months ago, like the room knew he
was adopting a kid before it was out, because Amy
knew on his necklace, that that was his babies kid's
name that they're adopting. And so I'm telling you you
want to show that keeps secrets, that's us. We love
to reveal him though, but that they got two kids coming.

I know that's so exciting you guys. I know it's crazy,
and I let go announcing. Now guys, come on, do
you have two kids? Not too but zeros right now?
Zero yeah, yeah, still zero zero recognizing people doing cool things.
It's Barry White Junior. Now, don't be confused because Barry White, ladies, man,

that different guy, not a son. Yeah, Barry White Junior
teaches fifth grade Ashley Park pre K eight school now
before he starts class, so he connect to everyone of
his kids. He's got forty kids. He has a different
handshake for every one of them. So every every day
their handshake. Every kids got a different handshake because he
wants them all to field special. So he has created

a memorize forty different handshakes for all the kids in
his class. That would make me feel special. And John handshake,
I'm afraid you wouldn't remember that even just one on one.
Yeah you want, but anyway, shout out to this guy.
Barry White Junior from making the kids feel special. I
see you, Bobby Bones show Big story. It's producer Ray
Happy President's Day. Most schools are closed today, as well

as the post office and banks. In Florida, Evolution Speedway
three spectators were hurt and hospitalized when a race car
flipped and went into the stands. People were saying, that's
the second time this week the cars jumped the fence
at that race track. And finally, the NBA All Star
Game was last night. The West beat the East. Anthony

Davis of the New Orleans Colicans was the m v
P show. I hope your weekend was good. Mike d Our,
producer went to see Lego Batman. Yeah, now you're known
as the guy there goes to see other cartoons. Yeah,
but you're known that way because you like to go
see all these cartoons. Okay, here's Mike d Our, producer

and phone screen are going to see Lego Batman. Just
got out of seeing the Batman Lego movie. Yes I'm aware,
I'm a twenty five year old single dude, but I
wait to see it anyway. So it's basically a Batman
parody movie, but also kind of a story about how
Batman so alone, and then they throw some jokes in there.
Of course only adults will get so kids will definitely
love it. Adult, if you grew up playing with legos
or are just a Batman fan, you like it too.

I give it a solid B. Did your kid, Eddie?
You have two kids? They want to see Batman like
they they really do, especially Junior, my nine year old.
He's in trouble right now, and that's kind of his
punishment to kind of prolong his viewing of this movie.
Wait a minute, yeah, I know, we had to find
something that he really do. It's nothing, it's kids stuff.
It's just talking back to us, you know, not really
being respectful. And we had to find something that he

really loved and it's this movie. And you liked it.
He didn't love it, Mike d Yeah, that's good. Yeah.
So now he's gonna hear Mike Dee's review and be like,
how does he get out of trouble? How did your
nine year old get out of being grounded just you know,
not do what he did wrong the first time again.

That sounds like a terrible way to get in trouble.
Why he's in a two weeks suspension for movies. It's bad.
He's ground up for two weeks, yes, and and if
he acts up again then it's gonna be three weeks. Serious. Wow,
I see ground up to us from everything at once.
It wasn't just movie. It's like you're grounded, you're done,
you go to your room and you get nothing. Oh,
it was it was it was. It was like hard labor.

They said that, you know the two people to polling
back in the day, or they're like hard labor. Well,
I hope that he gets better than show a right
time for good news. Our goal is to get you
with as much positivity as possible. Let's go with a second, Amy,

hit me with the good news. So years ago, first
responders arrived on scene to find a woman with life
threatening conditions. She survived because of them. Now you fast
forward a few years later and she got to actually
have a meeting with the group of people that saved
her. Her Her first responders fell in love with one of
the dudes. They're getting married this year. Woooo. There was

a family driving, they got in a car wreck, their
dog ran off. They couldn't find the dog for three weeks.
People had spotted the dog, but couldn't catch the dog,
so finally they put a kennel out there with a
blanket from the house so it had the familiar smell.
Next morning, dogs laying in the kennel with the blanket.
Here's a guy who bought a medical device so a
four year old kid as cerebral palsy could walk. And

the thing is, the teacher of this kid at the
preschool was like, hey, I would like to crowd source this,
and he was gonna used to go fund me. There's
a such a teacher that came in that day and
the substitute was just subbering because they were bored. So
I've had a little money. It was like, I'll go
ahead and get it. So the sub bob then the
advice for the kid, and the kid can now walk

with this motor impairments. Right like he was like, I
got it. And I don't even know at this point
when when he did. They had never met the kid.
Now they've met, but it was just someone going, you
know what that sounds like something like to help out
with and did isn't that crazy? That's good news for
you there. So I got an email from a listener here.

It was actually sent to you, Amy, Hi, Amy, I
enjoy so many of the segments that you in the
Gang Air Tell me something good is my favorite. But Amy,
I noticed one thing that drives me nuts. When you're talking,
you say like way too often in places where it's
not needed. You're always saying he's like, I'm like and
I was like going shopping or like like like all right,
please play back some of your segments and count the

number of times you say like satis part. You're not
even were of the amount. I'm just saying it. What
happened a proper grammar? Get it together? Yea yeah, Jane
Tampa shout out. We used to back in the day
have a segment where every time Amy would say like,
I would ding it because it was just constant. We
worked on it and I guess that listeners right, it's
back in. Yes, I mean she she's right, it has

I need to work on it either. We need to
start counting my lex again. You're thinking about it. You
don't now that I'm aware you'll say it and they go, oh, yeah,
so you got it. Though, Let's do likeways say like, Okay,
here's the latest from Nashville and Tullywood. Amy's thirty second Skinny.

Chris Stapleton is set to release a follow up to
his album Traveler. It's still unnamed, but it's coming out
May five, and then along with that, he announced a
thirty two city all American road show tour, also kicking
off May five. I hope they call it still Traveling
Sinko de Mayo. Yeah, yeah, I think that's when it's

That's when it's tour starts in the record, Okay, yeah,
five yeah, Um, and Lucy sel wasn't brother's Osborne or
doing some of the opening for it'd be a good
Marco Price And yeah, it'd be awesome. Tour awesome. The
record is gonna be awesome. He can do whatever. It's
gonna be great. What else, well, I have what grantly
Gilbert defines it's tough. I'm sure it's something we don't
normally think it's tough because me has a tough guy.

They don't say things like punching me in the face.
They always go like a mom that worked hard. Because
you look at Brantley, I feel like you'll you'll like
his definition a tough now like it makes me feel
like if I read this and I think, man Bobby's tough.
There's three words of originals at one in amount. He said,
the typical tough guy, which is what he feels like
he's known for. His view of that has changed quite

a bit. It's not all tattoos and chains and all that.
It's more being emotionally tough, morally tough, keeping his mental
strength in line. Guys been through a lot, and I'm
definitely not arguing with him because he's tough, and I
ain't talking about that way. I talk about punched U
and hey, congrats him too. He's been sober for five years. Yeah,

so that probably plays into a lot of what he
now considers being strong. I like that, dude, like me to.
It took us a second with Brandley when we started,
and we were like probably because it was toughness, like's
too tough for us. But I do like Brandy and
I get along. He's on, man, you you want weird
cat man? I was like, you want weird cat do?

And then we hug it out and he's like, all right, man,
I'll see youson all. That was my Brandy and presents
all right pretty good? Did I say like at all?
I don't know you weren't even counting. Now we don't care. Okay,
I'm Amy. That's your thirty seconds, skinny. Here's what's going
on this week. Six days until the Oscars, which are
Sunday night, eight days left in the month of February,

thirteen days into our I Heart Radio Music Awards, and
twenty five days until St. Patrick's Day, which for me,
that's not a big deal for me. Our Boston listeners
like they go off Patrick's Day like that's the that's
their day today as President's Day, by the way, so
a lot of people may be listening later in the
day and radio, the government buildings, our school edtie, our
schools out, schools out for the kids right now, Wow,

why are we putting any effort in the show? Then? Yeah,
we should probably just go cares uh tonight or tomorrow night.
This is us the last episode before the finale on
March seven. It's only two episodes left on Wednesday's National
Margarite Today, So I'm talking about there you go on Thursday,
a Little Big Town on Jimmy Fallon. On Friday, I'll

be doing a funny and alone stand up comedy show
on Miskegan, Michigan. Skult when to come to that Bobby
Bones comedy dot com. There what's lightening Monday? The oscar
that's what happening this week shown today. This story comes
to us from Ohio. Two women stole a car and
went on a five day joy ride and police were

able to track them down. Why because they posted pictures
of their journey on Facebook. So they just went across
the country all the way to Times Square where they
were posting. Looking at us in Times Square police showed
up and arrested them, Like really that why would you
want to go on joy? Everybody? If you can't post
on where's the joy? And not even doing something and
not posting it? Yes, why do we have joined our life?
We can't post it anymore? I'm lunchboxed at your bone

head story of the day. On Friday, it was Random
acts of Kindness Day and said, hey, go out and
do something. Come back Monday with your random act of kindness.
And so mine wasn't spectacular or no fireworks or anything.
Bounce to the airport. I was in New York I
doing some work stuff and the woman put a bag
up and it was fifty two pounds instead of fifty pounds,

and that stinks because you gotta pay extra for it,
and so it was like another thirty bucks or something.
And here's here's the thing though, here's the hardest part
about this ran mactic kind of thing we did. It's
always awkward because you have to like bust in because
I was like, I get it, and she looked at
it like she's like, like, what's the plan, Like why
you trying to rob me? Like and I was like, no, no,

just random. I didn't record it because it just happened
last minute. We were we supposed to record it. No,
you didn't have to, but I know, like some people did.
They brought it in. But she was like, she's scared
of me. But I was like, no, no, no, I
just read today random actic kind of and so I
want to pay for your bag. And even after I
walked away and left, I felt weird and she felt
everybody kind of felt weird. But you know what, I

was random and it was an active kindness and I tried.
I really tried, and it was successful, but it felt weird. Yeah,
so that's mine and we're gonna share ours, you know,
all throughout the morning. So yeah, it was interesting. So
that's gonna interesting too, because I'm going to dinner with
the governor of Arkansas, I know. And I have a
couple of different ties packed because um, they get a

red one in case I want to go Arkansas red
or a black one in case I decided to go
what's the other one? And then I listen to a
couple get a red one and a black one, And
so they said dressed business casual, Hey, Morgan, business casual
means just to tie in a shirt, right, you don't
have to wear a yeah, but always overdressed, never under dress.

Let me tell you out a story real quick. Okay,
it's the funny, maybe the funniest story of the show's history,
of his stories like this pressure no, no, no, it's
probably a funny story. Ever, we go and there's this
really really nice banquet. We're super dressed up right, and
we won an award, our show one an award, and
we're all there and Ray had just started with the show.

Yeah yeah, Ray are all right. Ray are audio producer
who sits in the glassroom, had just started with the show.
And we're in full suits and Amy's dressed up looking amazing.
I got full time. I probably got a best on.
I'm looking. So I'm like, what, Like, it's one of
those where you look in the mirror and you're like, dang,
like daddy going out tonight on the left right. And

so it was just during the show and I was like, dude,
it's Hawaiian themed. So oh no, so you have to
wear you have to wear Hawaiian shirt, like you have
to show up in your full Hawaiian gear. So we're
all in the lobby and everybody's dressed up like head
to toe and Ray opens the door and he walks

in and he's like, oh my god. I mean he's
in full lou Mickey. I lost it. I lost and
Ray was like crap, he goes, you got me. That's awesome.
I had Hawaiian shirts too, so I thought it was
easy to dress up for it. In the minute I

walked in, I knew I was wrong. We're totally dressed
up and he comes in and it's like he's got
like big beer bottles on his shirt, like Hawaiian beer bottles.
Oh man, that makes me man, tell me about the
good old days. Then that that was a good time
for sure. We all had the assignment of going out

and doing a random act of kindness over the weekend, Ray,
what was yours? Producer? I went out to brunch and
it was just spontaneous. The waiter was awesome, super nice
guy and a great ad to put me in A
great moved and I was like, I've never tipped anybody
more than I was like, screwed. I'm gonna give you
a hundred dollars. Who it hurt? WHOA? I wanted him

to know. Wow, this guy did something really special for me.
I mean it hurt to do it. It was the
biggest tip I've ever left my entire life. Hey, hey,
see honest about didn't hurt? But also did it feel
so good? It felt good? Feel get better? It hurt
really bad. It was like, just do it? Put the
one zero zero. I was like, okay, so do you

have your Donald Trump money yet? Know that you still don't? Okay,
why are you wearing a gold chain nowadays? I mean
I like it all right? Ray are producer? Hey is random?
Actified it there? It is nice. We're gonna hear more
to go. So with the four of us here, Amy, Eddie, Lunchbox, myself.

You three are all married. I am not. I'm single. Well,
you're do you have a girlfriend, but I'm not. I'm
single though single. Yes, yes, so everyone knows that now.
Is it okay to be married and have a crush
on someone else? Okay, a real live human, not Dirk's

or a movie star. Thank you for recognizing that it's
not real. Thank you welcome my Dirks thing, because so
many people get on to me like they think it's
like I'm really like, yeah, I wud to my husband,
but okay, a regular person that you know and can
talk to, like Derks. Okay, tell someone that you'll never

ever meet. So I mean, I never ever thought I
would ever meet Dirk Smitley. You're kidding. I didn't plan
on having his job. Okay, but you're talking yourself right
into what you just said. Back, take a step back.
Is it okay to have a crush on someone else
and tell your other person to tell them? Yeah? I
think if you do tell them, can you figure out
how to not have the crush anymore? I think you

can figure out? You good point. You probably want to
work on that. Having that that's what you have to do.
Is there some exercises like when you went to your
husband and you said, listen, I gotta be honest with
you have no no, keep me out of your mouth
about that. Let's just say, um, Federico from down the hall. Okay,

let's just say you got your husband and said, listen,
I've been hanging out with Frederico. I have a crush
on him. What would he say? Probably? This is probably
probably not going to hang out with Frederico anymore? Right,
I was like, keep me out of your mouth, because
we want to hang Yes, Eddie, if you went to
your wife's been made eleven years and you said you

saw Frederica, yes, and I have a crush. You don't
say it like that, though, because you can't say that
passion about it like it's weird? It you say her,
is it weird that I can have a crush on Frederique? Works?
It's okay? What what's that? What's to come back? My
wife says, no, it is weird. Stop talking to her.
You're never gonna talk to her again. Isn't that unrealistic? Though?

Thank you? I know lunch Box about to say something,
but I have something for him. If he does, lunch Box,
what would you say to them? It's only human. Everybody doesn't.
You can say you don't, but everybody meets someone's like, oh,
you know, I'm like hanging out with him. They're cool.
Like like, if I see Jennifer from accounting and she's
fun to hang out with, you tell your wife I
kind of a crush on Jennifer. Yes, Okay, what if

your wife comes to you and she's like, hey, I've
really been eyeing John and accounting I think is different.
Is different, but if and he always takes it to
new level? Go ahead? Okay, So, Luecho, your wife comes
to you and John in accounting, she's got a crush
on him. You're okay with that? Okay, it's a work thing.
It's like your work crush, like you're you just it's

natural to be attracted and have crushes on other people
and you trust them not to run on it. Okay.
Can we all agree that maybe you get these crushes
even if you don't, you just do or don't say anything?
Absolutely yes, So what do you say? Do you say
or you keep it a secret? I don't have other crushes.
I'm not married. What about Tina in the grocery store

once I got a girlfriend? I just want to know
how you guys thought about that. Holly the Yoga instructor. Yeah,
I hear the game. I'm gonna play you the last
ten seconds of a song, like when it's fading out
on the radio, like the end. You have to name
the song, Okay. I don't so much care about the artist,
but if you say the wrong artist, you lose the point.

You don't have to say an artist off unless you know,
unless you want to show off. Are you ready? So again,
I'll play the last ten seconds of a song. Ready,
and these are all hits, right, pretty recent hits. Okay, ready,
last ten seconds of the song. Here we go. How

hard is that game? Because again it sounds familiar. Right
for the wind that's easy. You want to hear it again,
the last ten seconds of the song. Write your answers down, please,
it's gonna be weird. I gotta do this music. Sorry, Okay,
al Amy, Star of the show. Record here. That's right.

I know what it is. Eddie, that's crazy. He got
it right, I said, may we all you know what
it is. It's record here. That's it, dude. You know
that because you played the last ten seconds. I was like,
I know that's all. Okay, Okay, there we go, number
one and ready for number two. The last and seconds

of the song. Name the song, I got it, I
give it to you one more time, lunchbox. Ready, it's

got a lunchbox. First, who's in the lead lunch Box?
I was trying to go with. Keith was running out
of time. I just wrote Amy today, Brad Paisley Today. Yeah,
we're all tied up. And then it ends like this, Yeah,

all right for the next one. All right, last ten
seconds of the song again again, let's play one more time? Ready,
got it? You got it? I got it? What all right?

Lunchbox coming over to you? Break up in a small town? Amy,
my kind of party, Eddie seen Red, No, it's moved.
I love it. Yeah, I love it when you get
dead eat And in the end of it goes alright,

we have two more ready, I need the last come seconds.
That was impossible. That was im possible. I must to
kip over that one. That's impossible. That star of the show.
That's what I was putting down. Whatever, Okay, ready, here
we go. Um, I mean, come on, these are crazy.

That was tough, Keith Urban, No, we're gonna have to
go to sudden death because these are too hard. That
was toured. Let's try this one. Hit it again. You
won't get that one? Crazy like right, and give us
a chance of some of these. Go ahead, come on, okay, wow,

if you get okay, go ahead, seeing red lunch box.
That's the new Keith Urban carry underwoods. Al Now, may
we all know one more sudden death? Ready? Last one?
If you know, I just say it, but you only
get one. Guests can say it out loud any better, man, No, right,

this is how you're giving them just one. It sounds
like I'm getting him asage. I'm gonna play some of
the other like earlier, because ready, this is the last
twenty seconds that's what it was set in the World

on Fire anywhere? Oh okay, right, you see in terribly hard?
Why not just play air one song on my thinking?
I mean the fade out was ten seconds? Yeah right,
even look at that. It's very good at eyes like
he's mad. All right, I'll leave you with this like

anybody that's World on fire? Oh yeah, let's go. Your
weekend was a good, though really good. It's awesome. Watch
a bunch of TV I watched on a Lifetime. I
did yoga with my girlfriends. I did not wear makeup
or wash my hair all weekend. Yeah, I did wash
my hair three times. I never washed my hair because

I have such bad dan druff and like dry scalve.
Then are you over washing? No, I won't ever wash
my hair because I hate it. Because I can't. So
I watched it. It put condition right. I'm just trying
to get if I work in black, it looks like
a snowstorm. Yeah, so you might have to get some
special shampoo. I have some special conditioner, I know Wyoming.
Just the guy and women to get the face transplant. Yes, wow, right,

So he tried to shoot himself in the face and
it didn't work. Unsuccessful suicide attempt. He lived, happy to
be alive now, but he's like, my face is messed up,
and that they did a face transplant and it looks
crazy good at the work they were able to do
on him. He's years old. There's a deflate Gate super
Bowl movie in the works now. I do think that

there's not just about the flight gate, which I think
Tom Brady was wrong. This is the whole thing was wrong.
That whole thing was wrong. But and that's a whole
different show. But the super Bowl comeback that he led
was amazing. That's that's a movie, of course, one of
the greatest comebacks we've ever seen in sports history. I'll
watch it. Is he gonna start in it? He probably
won't know, But somebody going to get to play Tom Brady.

You don't think they're good looking actors? I don't know.
That's really hard. Even if you don't like Tom Brady,
that's like, that's all. I love Tom Brady, So whatever them?
Can we get Amy? Yes? You know I like Giselle.
Do Thimble no more? They're voting that out of the
Monopoly board game? Or I never liked to Thimble that
much anyway, though I love it. I like the car.

When I like I like to get in the car
and drive around. But I haven't buy Monopoly in a
long time. I guess this really doesn't like make or
break my day? But still history. What's the store that
if you go to with your partner you fight the most?
They did a whole thing anywhere? Give me a store though,
Target Ikea. Oh I don't really frequent I Kea, but

I could see how that would be frustrating. Psychologists say
you're overwhelmed by choices when you go in because there's
so much, so much, so much, it's yes, so I
keep fun. They also have food and Ikey have childcare,
and they do have childcare. I know couples that have
legit gone there for like a date, but who knows,
they maybe ended up fighting. They have a story out

about more than half a country hasn't seen any of
the Best Picture nominees from I don't know that I've
seen any of them. La La Land has all rich
in figures, and I don't think I've seen any of them.
And I'm the pulse of America. So I its just
are we out of touch with they're out of touch.
I just think normal people don't go out of their
way to find snooty, mooty movies, Like for me, i'd

have to one. I don't get to go to a
lot of movies. I don't think normal people can go
to a lot of movies because kids in life and work,
and so when you do, you don't go to the
Granola Theater and trying to find La La Land. Yeah,
you go try to watch Lego Batman, right, Mike d
And Yeah. So I saw that California bars could be
open later. Currently California the bars close at two am.

They could be able to four am a new bill.
When I grew up in Arkansas, the bars never they
closed it six. We would be out all night. We
drive home in the daylight. We go let your cowboy
and drive home in the daylight. I do not remember.
It's hard core. All my friends to dance. I remember
there was always like a closing time two am whenever

we're in Austin. But when I go up in Arkansas, Hey,
it was trouble. Was more drama that you can go down.
I love the Golden Girls too. I don't know you
love Hulu. I've never been on Hulu. I don't think so.

All seven seasons of The Golden Girls are up on Hulu.
I didn't know that. If you want to bend them,
it will take you seventy two hours and twenty one minutes.
Can't wait, sign me up, that's all. I'm right in
the middle of again the Office. I'm almost the end
of season six, and Lindsay has not seen the American
version before. So we're watching all that all the way through. Awesome.

So but forever like, we won't watch anything else. Sorry,
I won't want let us watch anything else until we're done.
You can do Golden Girls next. No, because I don't there.
She needs to be she needs to see the office.
All of us do. That's something that's Americans. That's said
my favorite show. I just wanted to I love it,
but I don't think I've seen every episod So to

the Office. I sure if I should do that. You're good,
all right, skinny time. Here's the latest from Nashville, A
tullywood Amy's thirty second skinny so. Thomas Rhett and his
wife Lauren revealed on social media this weekend the sex
of their baby. And they had one of those cakes
where it's either pink or blue when you cut into it.
And this is the audio gender of our child. Go

see it, may see. I can't see. I can't hurry.
Hurry baby having a girl? So cute. Um. As for

movies this weekend, the Lego Batman movie came in first
place with thirty four millions. Made that much funny? Huh.
Mike de reviewed the Last Hour and he went to
see it this weekend, said it was fantastic. Well he
gave it a B. Yeah, what'd you give that Lego movie? Yeah? Okay,
so it was just good. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe

I read another movie I did read another was the
best Batman ever? Yeah? I did in the really okay Amy,
that's your thirty second Skinny United this weekend. It was
really awkward. I'm doing a Ted talk right Ted X
and it's I go and a bunch of smart people
get up and they let me also be a part
of it and we talk about things so much as

scientists and me. Yeah, and just like what I know right,
fantastic And it's fantastic. So I did, We'll do a
on skype, get on and do my speech for them.
It was really like a like a trial kind of
and then they go, I didn't like that part. I
like that part? I don't, And so I had to

like and I've got some jokes in mind, and I
was like, oh, you ever tried to tell you let
me let me all the time. Make it normal when
you watch a movie by yourself, it's really funny. Do
you laugh out loud a whole lot or do you
laugh out lot more when we with a bunch of people.
I probably laughed more when I'm with other people, but said,
that's the normal group mentality. You need the left. You
never have a comedy for three people. You have to

do it for more Oati. Yes, I'm doing that. I'm
reading this thing and it's a lot of it. SERI
that there are jokes in there, and it was just
like cricket. Sometimes I was like oh. And then when
I was done, they were like, Okay, that was a
good and we'll see how it goes. Like all right,
I did that was it was at least they didn't,
you know, say there was one part there. Now there

was one part. They were like, you know, I thought
this part was boring. Then she goes, maybe because I've
listened to seven two of these in a row, and
I was great, So good luck with that. I know.
That's what I did a weekend that This weekend, it
was actually I stopping my in bed, which is nice
for a weekend. I was in New York. I saw

right from your flight. I guess it was on Friday.
You flew home or whatever and you went straight to
yoga to work out. I did it Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
So I did yoga all three days. Um me too. Yeah,
I try to avoid you though I know I want
to do yoga with Amy and he's too good. It's
like I don't want to go play golf with you know, Rory,
I'm not that good. You're yeah, you know what they

call me now in the studio yoga Bobby, they do, Yeah,
it's coming real good. Okay, well then we should we
all do it together. I'm the worst. I want to
lives you yesterday, and the whole time they're like, you're
doing great. Oh um, sir, Bobby, make your back do this,
and so I have to like correct myself and then
she snickers at me the whole time. That's in your head.
No it's not, it's not in my head. Ray wants

to give me a p s A about my girlfriend.
Apparently it's watching like her instagrams is something. Oh, you
have a clip? What it's okay, I'm I'm playing here.
Well it's just this dude in her band. Okay, looking dude,
and they've been hanging out a lot. I'll play the club.
What's that? What's this club? This is them singing her song.
Me and I gonna hit you with the little stuff.

We can make money. Ever, if we don't drop. I
don't hear her in that clip at all. She's not
in it playing her song, and they're all there's a
lot of camaraderie there, and they're on the road together
all the time. I'm just like, watch out, is it
like one of them specifically? Yeah, dude backwards that it's
all I know. He looks like he's about six five

and pretty good looking. Dude. So you're saying to me
by watching her Instagram and watch her Instagram, she's giggling.
It looks like he has a good personality. Watch out,
that's all. Yes, Okay, thank you. Do you know anything
about him? Um? No, But I've probably been about two
or three Instagram posts that I've seen the last week
when she travels. She's with the band all the time.

Three other guys drummer, bass player, guitar player than her.
It's four people in the band. I mean, that's what happened.
You get you're out there with dudes. I'm just I mean,
you haven't had a girlfriend a little while. I'm just
telling you. I mean when guys are around, they formed
friendships and you just wear is it on that scale
of emergency scale, like one means nothing's happening before right now,

But at the same time you need to be face
but face timing and being like, hey, how's it going?
Sweete how's your show? Let him know she has a
serious boyfriend. I don't need to. If I ever felt
like I needed to let anybody know, then I don't
need to do Sometimes I've swung by my girl's work
before and she's like, hey, I've been getting kind of
friendly with this guy keeps swinging by them, like, well,
let me come in. Let people co workers know you
have a boyfriend. I can't walks in on the boyfriend

here to see my girlfriend. I'm serious. Sometimes you just
gotta go around with your girl at their work environment
so they know they're taken. I don't feel like I
need to do that. If I ever feel like that
I shouldn't be in a relationship, she didn't swing by
the radio station'd be like, hi, AMMI instead of my
lab True, but it's married. Well she shut ups that. Okay, Well, anyways,

I've told Rose before. I'm like, hey, man, you gotta
watch out for this same thing I'm doing. I appreciate
that I didn't know if you saw it, And I'm like,
you know, I've seen her instagrams. I feel I don't
feel defel thread, not at all. But if Ray hasn't
a four, now you need to keep us posted on. Yeah,
if it goes on, if it gets to a six,
I got a big problem. Huh. And they're singing, you
know that was a top ten hit for Lindsay in Canada.

Just no, all, all right, but she's got a record
coming out like a new record. Had they had they
drop it because it's not on the new record. How
weird is that they can just add it to the record. No,
that'sn't really how it works. All right, she's cheating on me,
you're saying, basically, no, it's a four, four out of ten.
It next time. All these tour stops, there's a delay,

there's downtime. Here comes another video up, there's that same
dude again. Alright, cause for concern backwards at al right.
Before we left for the weekend, we assigned everyone the
task of doing a random act of kindness for someone
over to our video producer Eddie. Eddie, what was your
random act of kindness? Well, I didn't waste any time.

Right after the show, I went to Starbucks and I
got myself an order of coffee, and I decided to
pay for the car behind me. Now, it's a little
stressful because you don't know how much they ordered, like,
what have they ordered for the whole office? And I'm
stuck like a forty dollar bill? But it wasn't. She
had just ordered, you know, a couple of cups of
coffee and I paid for it. Hey, good morning. Can

I have a Venti ice coffee with no artificial sweetener?
And can add some almemilk to that and one shot
of espresso? Yeah? Hey? Can I also pay for the
person behind us? Today's National Random Act of Kindness Day?
You know what I'm saying, your person? So the credit
card were thank good, thank you have a good one.

That guy showed no enthusiasm. I don't know why you
put your whole order in that clip. I want to
like basically that was a clip of Eddie showing off
at healthy Starbucks. Is for my wife. That was Random
Act of Kindness Day was on Friday. Do something nice

for somebody that keep you going? Do something today show
Katie and Oklahoma Monday Morning Confessions. Hi Katie, Hi Bobbie.
Now this is the place we come. It's a safe zone,
so nothing can come back to haunt you. I hope
nothing could come back. Oh yeah, Katie, what give us
your Monday morning confession? Okay, So a few years ago,

my husband and I set down and we both have
separate banking accounts. But um, once I get paid, my
page gets auto drafted and goes to his account so
that he deals with all the bills. And he left
me five hundred dollars a month that I can shop
on or do what I want with. Well, about two
years ago, I got a raise, so he only thinks

I'm getting the same amount of money. So he thinks
it's only leaving five dollars a month, But really I'm
getting about that's that's that substantial amount of money. What
are you doing with that? Well? You know, sometimes I'm shopping,
you know, you know when you has he noticed your wardrobe?

You know you've up your game. Oh no, no, everything's
on seal, everything about self. It's just way more. Wow. Well, Katie,
thank you for calling. You don't feel better? You plan
on telling him though? Hey, yeah, what's the plan here?
What's what's the out plan? I don't think I have
an outplay? You know, judgment he judgment Fred guys like

playing a fitness up in here. Bobby and Louisiana. Hi, Bobby, Hey,
Monday Morning Confessions. Give me a little something yeah, one
of my girls. Now they're eighteen and twenty five. But
when they were little, we would raise farm animals such
as pigs and cattle, and we would butcher them. And
every time that they would come home from school and

the pig was missing or the kyle was missing, I
tell him the kyle got loose and the pig was loose,
and we really had them slowed and then they were
probably eating. That's what happens. Well I know, but I
mean like you're personally eating, like you know, that would
be hard for me. I mean I had family. Now

they know what really happened, and they're all good with it,
you know now now, yeah, I can see how you
protect them from that. They could be damaging as a child. Bobby,
thank you for sharing that with us. Thank you. You'll
have a great one. Do you have a great day
to you know who knows what we're eating? Yeah, that's

your own animals. Thank you for your confession. Albert, thanks
for calling us in Illinois. What's going on? I just
stroll get an updat on me and her children. Haven't
heard anything in a while, Okay, you know, I'm curious too,
So if you're new to the show, Amy Man four

years for sure. I've been saying three and a half
for a while just because it felt better. But we've
hit that four year market. Yeah. So Amy tried to
adopt domestically for a long time, but because she kept
moving around with her husband having moved because his job
in the military and the radio show, um, the domestic
adoption was not able to happen because you have to

have a home for a long time and they have
to go and do a home study. So she went
to Haiti on a mission trip. She went to an orphanage,
fell in love with these two kids, and then she
was like, I'm adopting these kids. And it's been four years.
And so here we're in February now, and you said
March March, they could be moving into the house. Yeah,
I think we're sliding on the calendar to the all
right a little bit. I mean, Mark, it could be

it's April. I don't know. My husband's trying to prepare
my heart for April. Sometimes he's preparing his what's the latest, Like, well,
the latest is I don't know, it's we're waiting now
in the hands of the U. S c I S.
Which is I mean homeland security. So when you're adopting internationally,

you're making other you're making US citizens basically. So there
that is a process, which is a lot of paperwork,
which we're done with, which we completed in December when
we got back from our November trip. And I don't know,
it's just a waiting game. I don't know. I'm I'm
about to be to the point where I may write

some letters to some government like local. Now you're having
to continue that kind of thing. I may just to
see if we can push it along. Like, um, reaching
out to your state representatives can help you because they're
coming to the state of Tennessee. So those are the
people that can go on my behalf to the US
government and be like, hey, where's this paperwork? Is there
a chance it gets delayed? Like I thought we were

done well on the Haitian side. We're done. So I
don't know what would cause the delay here other than
just maybe the order that your paperwork is received and processed.
What's the when's the last time you talk to them?
The kids? Um, I get videos of them every week,
and the last time I spoke with them, like I

FaceTime with them over Christmas? What are they being told about?
Are they do they know they're moving? The my friends
that were there visiting the orphanage that let me face
time with them over Christmas. It was a very difficult FaceTime.
My son's never um cried or been emotional, and he
cried over FaceTime. And they told me that every day

he said when or my mom and dad coming? So
they get it now. But you won't be going back there.
They'll be coming here if it takes me longer. I
I could see myself like my birthdays in March, and
I already told my husband maybe for my birthday, could
I have a weekend trip to go see the kids
and that be my birthday present, because if they're not
going to be here in March, like I just can't
imagine going any longer without seeing them. And I want

to see them so badly, and I want them to
see me and me be able to just look them
in the eyes and tell them like we're doing We've
done everything we can. We were just waiting so it'll
be soon. But I don't even I can get all
fired up, and I don't even I may even like
go to lawmakers with this, like you can't you can't
have a two week bonding trip like they required us

to have with children, which I get that's on the
Haitian side too, but the US needs to understand if
that's a law that's required to go bond with children
for two weeks NonStop and then you take this long
after that, that that's not good for the kids. And
I've seen that firsthand because my son has never cried
before in the whole four years like that. And then
after a two week bonding trip, the next time he

sees me on FaceTime because that two week bonding trip,
they finally get what's happening. And then now he's asking
every day, where's my mom and dad? They can't do
that the law. They need to figure out a way
to expedite the process. It's ridiculous, Albert. So there you go.
There you go, Albert either So I'm glad you have

And sometimes I don't want to ask because he gets
yea emotional and even positive about it because it's a
great thing. I just Albert, thank you, thank you, thank you. Amy.
I hope it comes through sooner if you know any
state reps. Yeah, alright, wow, show the most admired companies

in the World fortune to the whole article. Do you
think the number one is Apple? Yeah, where the number
two is Target now they're making but Amazon was it too,
and Starbucks was at three. Also Disney in their Southwest
Airlines and that which is cool Shout Facebook, Microsoft, So
those are that. I was just all a story this
weekend about a hundred thousand dollars found in an old

TV set. What a guy was working in a recycling
plant and he found a hundred thousand dollars stashed and
they used TV set, Like for sure, that's like drug money.
Oh yeah right? But is it finders keepers? I don't
know if that's the law. I need to check the
Constitution because there is a finder's keepers, But also is
it losers weepers? Because there are many levels to this. Yeah,

I think probably he probably keeps it because who's going
to come forward exactly lest it was like some whole
person who've been saving it to buy a house and
they don't. I don't know how in the world you.
I guess you do your due diligence to try to
find right person, and when you don't, then you get Listen,
he would have told it. If it's cash, you can
just kept it, not saying anything to anybody. Gmails got
a new upgrade. Anybody to use a Gmail. It automatically

inserts enthusiasm and your emails, so you don't have to.
I don't like smiley faces and all this. Man, I
get emails like, I'm not good at emailing. You're not,
like I just enter the point. Maybe I need to.
I don't remember Gmail. Well you should get it. You
should get this automatic enthusiasm. No, I don't get A

Texas family comes home to find their homes. They're completely
gutted after contractors started renovations in the wrong house. Oh no,
the worst. Oh no, it's in Fort Worth. The house
was gutted and they thought it was a burglary when
they came home. Turns out the contractor went in and
just ripped it out because they thought it was the
wrong address. That's just everybody all around, because you know,

there isn't a winner. You know, every they feel bad.
They're probably out a bunch of money, and then the
family all their stuff. Oh my goodness. No, here's the story.
Tom Hanks helped his wife through a cancer by making
her laugh. Yeah, and tell myself to God. It comes
up in a few minutes. But I saw this over
the weekend. Rita Wilson revealed Sunday that he constantly did
all this stuff and I was going through my diagnosis.

The one thing I really wanted was to laugh, and
that's what he did, and that's what he said it was.
It's a good story. Like I see Tom makes sometimes
on Reddit, like sending people autographed pictures. They'll send him
a note and he'll send him like a typewriter letter
and then autograph and send him a picture of him
holding it. Yeah, like Tom Hanks might be the real deal.
Rarely do I think people are as good as our
characters because we don't know, Yes, but he might be.

Earth has a hidden eighth continents all that in the
news weekend. What Yeah, they're calling it Zeelandia. It isn't
a huge land mass, but it's small bit it's like
off in New Zealand over in that area. So we
could have an eighth continent. How many continents can you name? Seven? No,
can you name? Go? Um? North America, South America, Asia, Europe, Antarctica.

How many of my named you've been counting on your hand?
That kind of like? Um? Did I say Europe? Yes?
Um Antarctica. Yeah, you said it twice. Australia. There you go.
Are you keeping up? I got it? You know the
one she hadn't said because I don't know, she said

some of three times. Yes, I know the one she's missing.
I don't know. I know it, but I don't know.
She said, Asia. Yeah I did, did I said? Asia?
Go ahead? Africa? Africa the only other continent I've been to.
It's been some time in Kenya and now and now
I get to go to Zoolandia hopefully when it becomes

a real thing. It's like a bunch of little island. Anyway,
there's your your news recap for the weekend show. I
guess Ray felt guilty about the segment earlier where he
told me that my girlfriend and the guy in her band,
I like to watch out for him. So you're just
handing me a list of things that can help our
relationships since we are a long distance a lot of times.
Thank you. I appreciate this. There's the couple app. You

touch your phones at the same place and it shares
a buzz at the same time. There's the ice break
app and asked you random questions, so your conversation is
always going and keeps new stuff going. There's a lock
lock app. It allows you to send a doodle right
to someone's lock screen. Like you both have the app
and you can doodle and it puts it on their
lock screen so when they hit it, that's cute. Yeah,

there's the car to Lina app. You send digital postcards
instead of text. That's too much like emojis. And then
there's the Countdown app. It doesn't count down when you'll
see each other again. They felt guilty, so handed me this.
I'm not worried about my girlfriend. Dude, all right, I'm good.
I'm taking her tonight to meet the governor of Arkansas. Like,

we're in a good place. Are you downloading that buzz out?
It's so what are you right now? I'll be a Mosquego,
Michigan on Friday night Funning and alone stand up comedy show.
Do you guys want to come? Bobby Bones Comedy dot com?
Bobby Bones Comedy dot Com? What's up? Lunchboxes? Dog used

the bathroom in Amy's yard and Amy doesn't know do
you know this? Oh? Hey, good morning morning whatever morning. Yeah,
I'd like to apologize to Amy because I was out
walking the dogs with the wife in the neighborhood, and
my dog decided to drop some presents off in your

front yard, and at that time I did not have
any bags to clean it up. But you don't clean
up your dog, correct. Oh, both of you guys are
at Sometimes we'll fake it like if people around like
oh this, act like okay, and then when the people
turn their back, we just go I knew you never
picked it up. I thought that she'd be the type
to pick it up. No, she's like me. She doesn't

see the point and picking it up unless there's people
right there and it's awkward, then you kind of pick
it up. But is picking picking it up is like
out of courtesy? So no one it right? Well it
was in Amy's yard and we're like, oh no, And
so I just wanted to apologize that if you happened
to step in it, that was my dogs, and I
apologize the heads up find it and cleaned it up.

I guess yeah, I mean there was nothing to do.
We had no bags and get it back to pick
it up. I'm not going to go all the way
back home and then drive all the way back over
there and live into things. I am, but it's quicker
to drive if I'm going back over there to pick
it up and I drive, watch your yard. Take it

by the way for speeding in the school zone. Yeah,
it's pretty actually, um, the lights were on apparently with
kids were getting let out. But I was on Broadway
and for those that aren't here, Broadways, yes, there, it's
like Broadways, like the big tourist straight where all the
bars are and there is like a private school right there,
no idea. I was flying and he said there were

lights that were flashing, and I apologize to give me
to take it right away, no questions, asked a double ticket?
How much was the ticket? It? No? I felt bad you.
I was shocked that there were schools. I was saying,
there's bars right here. I don't see any kids. I
did never knew the school was there. You lipped off
to the cop. Don't lie. I really did say, I go.

I didn't even know there was doing your tone that
you really did it in officer. I didn't even know that. Okay,
that's why you're like, so you have a three ticket. Yeah,
well I paid it right away, just to get it
off my conscience. You didn't pay him, did you know,
like here's three hundred. Yeah, schools are bad, dude. Constructions one.
You gotta slow down. They'll find you double on those

construction zones too. Did you get your money back for
your trump ball yet? No? Raiso fifty dollars. He bet
one thousand dollars over a year and a half ago
on Trump to win the presidency fifty one odds you won,
you expect You're down a thousand bucks as a matter
of fact, So you've got no money yet, still no money,
not even I haven't even got a dollar. Do you

expect money? I want the money? Do you expect it?
It's your expectation level. If ten was before the if
ten was election day and when he won, what are
you at now? Oh wow, I'll get the money out

waited all right. That makes me sad for you because
you got you literally lost a thousand dollars. People keep
telling me, they're like, we want to get that money.
I'm like, you're not even getting any of the money.
Why do you care so much about it? No, I
want you to get the money just because about it?
Oh man, Amy, Now we're talking off to the same

commercial made me emotional, dear, Yeah, yeah, of course it's
it's an angel Soft commercial where the dad is teaching
the daughter how to shave her legs. Yes, strokes when
you're raising a child, Be soft when you're doing it alone.
Be strong. Thanks for life takes softness and strength, which

is why we make angel Soft with the balance of both.
I mean, it's for toilet papers, you're taking your butt.
But it's still like the commercial is great. The commercial
they're using it for like nix and cuts, like when
she's shaving and he cuts himself and then she cuts
herself and they put the angel Soft tissue on there,
and then you're just like what, Like you feel for
the dad, but you want to the back story, like

what happened to the mom? Did she just run away
or does she have a car. Yeah, it's like they
left follow up commercial. No, we need a prequel, we
need an angel Yes. But I felt the same way.
I'll watched it and I was like, that's a good
commercial for the things that put in my butt. That's
why I thought show our producer Ready who does our videos,
has a nine year old son, Eddie Junior, and Eddie

Junior his basketball team was and you think that's funny,
It's stinks were they ever close to winning. The closest
they ever got was ten points, and man, we celebrated.
Oh yeah, we were so excited that they lost by
ten and not by thirty. And they've had some bad
they've had some really bad losses. They ever stopped keeping
scoring in a game. No, there's someone that's designated to

just keep the score and they don't give up till
the end. I like that that. I gotta be honest. Yeah,
And they understand the feeling of defeat. So they were
getting that lesson and fifteen times in a row for
your nine year old. Last game this weekend. Last game
was Saturday night, man, and they fought and fought. Were
they pumped? Were they going to like this is the game?
They were so pumped, and they came out really strong too.

When it was neck and neck for a little bit,
about half time, they were down by like five points.
After that, it was all downhill. I mean they just
got scored on, pounded over and over and they lost
by what fifteen twenty points again and that was it.
So they finished their season winless. And I told Junior
two going into it, and he was even pumped. We

hit the gym early in the day to to get
some lay up practices and stuff like that, and I
told him, if you win tonight, we're going to Chili's.
And he was like, okay, okay, we're gonna win. And
when they lost, he was so so heartbroken. He was like,
what about the game? About Chili's? Now, just about the game,
you know. So he already knew in his heart We're
not gonna go to Chili's. I know it. And I
was like, you still want to go to Chili's? Like no,
we lost. I was like, now you know what. You

played your heart out, We're going to Chili's. And he
just smiled real big and we went to Chili's. Was
rough and there's there's like a whatever, a sympathy game
like next at this sometime this week. I don't know. Yeah,
it's like a tournament or something like if you win,
cool if you don't know, a big deal and it
doesn't really matter towards the season, but they're gonna play

it this week. But whatever to him, the season's over.
They lost and because rough Man's rough, and Junior had
like a couple of rebounds and he scored on one.
Still now he shot a couple of times, but he
missed he scored this year at all? Nope, not one. Yeah,
one time he almost scored him the wrong basket, but
he felt really bad about that. Hey, these are nine
year olds, man, and some are really really good, but some,

you know, they're just it's like sometimes you know that
basketball is just not for something. What do you mean? Like,
because like he learned from that. That was really like
it was a big learning moment for it. He's like, Okay,
I'll know now now that I don't have at the
wrong basket. Mean in general, what do you mean. He's dude,
he's gotten much better and so now the off season

is coming and we're just gonna practice basketball. It's like
they didn't like it from it. He loves don't you
have me work out with him? I mean, you're a lefty.
I just feel like you're going to teach them all wrong.
I learned from righty. I'm handed. Yeah, the same thing.
I just remember one time I brought him by the
house and you were teaching how to play baseball and
you were turning him into a left and like, bones
like that's cool and no, but he's a right At
that point, he was like one, I was trying I

was trying to get in my head, live any left
in life any more? You gonna ask? I think I
was just trying to. Eddie said something last week about
his kid being on the team with all the level
of players, like they're all kind of same level bad.
Why don't they mix them in with some good players
like the teams. No, no, I'm not saying like his

team there. The league that he's in is like a
lower league. Holy So they played teams that are as bad.
They tried out and showed their skills and they put
all the bathrooms. And I was like, well that doesn't
make sense. No, No, they're all equally bad. Team was
just the worst the worst time of the league, were
the worst. Hey, that just fuels him for next season. Hey, man,

if you're positive about it too, Yes, yes, our kids
love basketball and that's all that matters to me. That's
why I told Junior, doesn't matter if you win, as
long as you love it and and you try hard. And
he still loves it. We're going to chili and he
still try hard and he loves and when you have
a chili, he had chicken fingers. He loves ticking things.
Proud of him, Will we assigned everyone go and do

a good deed. The National Good Deed Day was Friday,
So Amy, would you do well? My random act of
kindness was at the grocery store and I kind of
was like looking around seeing sometimes you can just like
tell theres something going on, and there really wasn't. So
when I got in line, this cute little old lady
came up behind me, she's probably about eight years old,
and she put on put up her whole milk, her

mini blueberry muffins, and her bananas, and she put the
little marker thing that's in between my groceries and hers,
and I just kind of reached over and lifted up
the marker and I was like thanks, because the conveyor
belt is going, you know, and you know how the
checker outer was like ohep beep. And I lifted up

that little separator and in went the bananas. And when
the blueberry didn't notice, she's so Mr McGoo. Honestly, I
don't know what's happen. She really, honestly wasn't like, oh,
that's my stuff, and it was like slow reaction time. Yeah,

but five, I mean I might be giving her little
bit of it in the doubt, but um, then I said,
you know what, it's random act of kindness day. I
was like, I would like to get this stuff for you,
and she goes, really, I mean, she was just so shocked.
She couldn't believe it, and she said, she told me
straight up that she cannot wait to go and turn
around and do something kind for someone else. That's awesome. Yeah,

does anyone anyone else have an act of kindness? Anyone
else in the glassroom? Anybody? Nobody? Anybody? They didn't write
them act kindness? Anybody? Should I have walked her out
to her car? Do you think she? I mean, apparently

she needed it, and he was like, didn't even notice
all of her stuff in one bag, So I didn't
really feel like it was like I could push her
cart out for her. But I started to think later
in the day I should have locked her to her car.
So we all did this stuff. Did anyone find it
was awkward? Because mine was awkward because I was at
the airport I paid for someone's baggage and they thought
I was like trying to scam them or something at

the airport, and so it was awkward. But I was like, no, no, no,
it's random back to kind of state, and they still
thought it was awkward because I was like yelling it
at them to make him feel better. So I did it,
and it felt but it was. It was awkward. Ray,
you tipped really high. It was just awkward at always
it was totally normal. I mean he probably experienced it
back in the back room, which I wouldn't have been
able to experience with him. Yeah, so he tipped him.
He didn't know it totally, okay, Eddie, and you same

with me. I was in the drive through. I was
gone by the time the lady found out, and Amy's
mine couldn't see her here. Really, really, what's wrong with you?
He was obviously at the grocery. Probably I don't know
that she did. I didn't walk her to her car.

I don't know how she got there, That's what I'm saying.
I feel bad. I don't know how she got there.
Maybe I should have checked it out. I tried to
explain you in mine wasn't awkward because she didn't really
get what was going on for a minute. Well, I'm
glad we all tried. Right. She loved it once she understood. Yeah, Yeah,
that's great. Our websites Bobby bones dot com. You can

find our show Facebook page. There you can go comment
with a chat with Chris Lane. Well. Also, Amy has
that blog what's your blog about? Saying? How you said
it a minute agoin it's like these cookie dough balls
and so there they taste just like cookie dough but
they're but they're not. It's all natural like cashews and

dates and stuff so healthy. You can go see Amy's
balls Bobby Bones dot com. That's what you said off
the air. You said, what's on your bag? I said,
I have balls that tastes like right. We assigned every
one go and do a good deed. National Good Deed

Day was Friday, So Amy, would you do well? My
random act of kindness was at the grocery store and
I kind of was like looking around seeing sometimes you
can just like tell there's something going on, and there
really wasn't. So when I got in line, this cute
little old lady came up behind me, She's probably about
eight years old, and she put on put up her
whole milk, her mini blueberry muffins, and her bananas, and

she put the little marker thing that's in between my
groceries and hers, and I just kind of reached over
and lifted up the marker and I was like, thanks, yea,
because the conveyor belt is going, you know, and you
know how the checker outer was like, oh, beep beep beep,
and I lifted up that little separator and in went

the bananas and went the blueberry. Didn't notice. She's so
mr McGoo. Honestly, I don't know what She really honnestly
was like, oh, that's my stuff, and it was like
slow reaction time. Yeah, but five, I mean, I might

be giving her the bit of it in the doubt,
but um then I said, you know what, it's random
act of kindness day. I was like, I would like
to get this stuff for you, and she goes really,
I mean, she was just so shocked. She couldn't believe it.
And she said, she told me straight up that she
cannot wait to go and turn around and do something
kind for someone else. That's awesome. Yea. Does anyone anyone
else have an act of kindness? Anyone else in that glassroom? Anybody? Nobody? Anybody, Mike,

they didn't write them act kindness? Anybody? Should I have
walked her out to her car? Do you think she
I mean apparently she needed it, and he was like,
I didn't even notice all of her stuff in one bag,
so I didn't really feel like it was like I
could push her cart out for her. But I started
to think later in the day I should have locked
her to her car. So we all did this stuff

to anyone find it was awkward because mine was awkward
because I was at the airport. I paid for someone's baggage,
and they thought I was like trying to scam him
or something at the airport, and so it was awkward.
But I was like, no, no, no no, it's right in
back to kind of state. And they still thought it
was awkward because I was like yelling it at them
to make him feel better. So I did it and
it felt but it was It was awkward. Ray, you
tipped really high. It was just awkward at always it

was totally normal. I mean, he probably experienced it back
in the back room, which I wouldn't have been able
to experience with him. Yeah, so he tipped him. He
didn't know it to okay, Eddie, and you same with me.
I was in the drive through. I was gone by
the time the lady found out, and Amy's mine couldn't
see her here? Really, really, what's wrong with you? He

was obviously at the grocery. Probably I don't know that
she did. I didn't walk her to her car. I
don't know how she got there. That's why I was saying,
I feel bad. I don't know how she got there.
Maybe I should have checked it out, but I tried
to explain you. Mine wasn't awkward because she didn't really
get what's going on for a minute. Well, I'm glad
we all tried. Right. She loved it once she understood. Yeah, yeah,

that's great. Our websites Bobby bones dot com. You can
find our show Facebook page. There you can go comment
with a chat with Chris Lane as well. Also, Amy
has that blog up. What's your blog about? Saying? How
you said in a minute ago, it's like these cookie
dough balls and so there they taste just like cookie dough,

but they're but they're not. It's all natural like cashews
and dates and stuff. So you can go see Amy's
balls Bobby bones dot com. That's what you said. One
you said, what's on your bag? I said, I have
balls that tastes like she's eleven. All right, I'm going
to dinner with the governor tonight. So I'm pretty excited

a little anxious about the whole thing. I'm going to
dinner with the governor of arketsas want to ask the questions.
I just kind of feel out in my place, so
you know, it's kind of formal thing. Yeah, Well, you're
supposed to go a business casual, Yeah, which to meet.
I'm gonna wear a tie and nice pants and button
up shirt. So that's that's what I'm wearing. Well, I

have some things I'm curious about. Go ahead, Um, are
you taking a gift? No? But I wondered that, like
what do you take the governor a diamond? Rings? The
governor does he drink? I don't know. I don't drink.
I know you don't, but I mean, I don't know.
Morgan should take a gift? Yes, yes, you're going into
someone's home as their guest. But how I don't candle?

Can you can you? Can you reach out and say
do people normally bring gifts? Yes? Because I'm meeting with
just them first and then lots of people are coming later,
so right to the dinner. It's a whole thing. It's
a big la. Some of my other questions I had
for you. I don't think you have that title, but
I think boy thinks they've asked see and they were like,

bring your guitar and play music for the for the
and I'm like, I'm not playing crap, but Lindsey can
bring our guitar and play. Wow, that's cool. So Lindsay
is gonna get up and play some music. But what
am I gonna do? I wrote a song. Bothe this
new song called Mr uber Driver and he goes like this, So, no,
I'm not going to go and do that. So I'm
gonna ask if you how any Icebreakers playing that would
be a good Mr uber Driver. Here's little song, Mr

maduber Driver. I'm just looking for. Do you think you'all
talk politics? I don't know. We're going to a political plate,
I hope. So everybody goes around the room and says
who they voted for. I got lots on my mind. Well, Morgan,
we need to find this out. If I need to
bring a gift because that's gonna be awkward, yes, because

I don't think I do. I really don't think I do,
but I will just go ahead. Yes, I think you
either just take one or if we ask it sounds
do you think it sounds kind of no because we're
we're not talking to the governor straight up, you're talking
to his people, right, Like, Hey, is it customary for
people to bring a gift to this? Yeah? Okay, please
do because I just feel awkwards tonight. And and then

what what do I bring? He's the governor of the
state of Barkansas. Do I go and carve and find
an Arkansas shape rock and sign it? And then like
got taken anything signed? That's awkward. That's not a guest.
I would take some sign from him. We traded out
like soccer jerseys. Yeah, it's end of game. Oh that's true.
That's cool. Yeah, respect okay, like to Arkansas boys. All right.

I don't even know why you have to ask anybody
I think you should take a gift to whether it's
a bottle of wine or a candle or okay I
can't but who. Here's the thing about people bring gifts.
They always suck. Not to be rude, but when people
come over, your girlfriend is queen of good, but no
one ever brings gifts. Like really, Eddie, people come to
your house and they just bring kind of crap that
sits around the house. Bottle of wine. Listen, if someone
shows up at my house with a bottle of wine

or a candle, amazing. I guess I just don't. I
don't drink, so when people bring they bring bottle of
wine all the time. I'm always like, oh, there's something
ever go right? You don't like good smelling candles and
then candles. I'm like, I had that phase for a minute.
It almost burned my house down, so I had to
quit that. So I can't kept me off of that.
I don't know. Maybe you get some essential oils or something.
What else do you wanted anything else? Because I don't.
I don't know. Now I'm all flustered about this thing.

I'm dressing nice. We're gonna little bath taking whatever. Don't
get him a pet though, no, it's never no. Take
him a puppy nog Bobby, just like a razorback. You'll destroy. Then,

Amy said, she stuffs a live pig and the whole
foods that the leash and a pig, and she's complaining
off the air like why wasn't I there? Like how
did you even know about? My friend texted me because
she knows I love pigs, and she's like, there's a
pig Whole Foods right now on a leash, and I
was like, how quickly can I get there? That just
seems insanitary, And plus like what if he walks by

the bacon is he doesn't know? Whole Foods in New
York City has a veggie chopper on hand one dollar
per pound, and everybody's get their veggies chopping. They're making
tons of money. Would you pay one dollar? Brown Man? Oh,
that'd be awesome, but probably not. I taught my own

veggies in like seconds. Reuniting this year in sync yea
at the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Only though they will
reunite and receive their star on the Hollywood Walk Fame
even justin Timberlake. So how about that? That was a tease? Um?
How about this one? Nicole Kidman almost married Lenny Kravitz.
She had revealed she was secretly engaged Lenny Kravitz at

one time, really engaged. She dated Lennia A two thousand
three after divorcing Tom Cruise. She had admitted to being
engaged between Tom and Keith her but never revealed the
I didn't eave a fiance, but I love Lenny Kravitz.
I love Lenny Kravitz from Back the five, I mean,
all of his stuff, even maybe it ain't over till

it's over, crack. Do you like his acting skills? Hunger Games?
She Johnny Comlitely over there and let me have it.
That's where I appreciate him from. I mean, I know
American Woman, but I'm not going to be a poser.
But he didn't. But America one time? Really his song?
Well okay, and then yeah again, I'm not going to
be a poser. But you gonna go way? Huh? Why

are you gonna go my way? Dude? Down? No, no, no,
never never, never no. So what I really want to
know is are you gonna go on my way? How
do you not know that? Amy? I guess I probably
do if I hear perfectly. Yeah, they were nailing it,

y'all are nailing it. Okay, do you know? But you
know I got to get away. I'm going to flower
with It was a jam, Yeah, you're right, it's got
some jams anyway, an American woman. Do you know who
really did American woman? Probably some American woman. It's from
the seventies. Yeah, don't don't don on. Is it a group?

It is a group. American woman, um eddie, guess who
who is that right around? Who? The guess who? It's not?
It's two different will stop? Stop? Another? Guests? Who? The
guests who? Then who's a different band? Oh? It is
the guest who? Yes, the guess who's from Canada? Same guys?
Over drive? And then who? And who's Pete Townsend? Okay?

Music tribuae over show. Today's President's Day. So let's little
president say trivia Amy just me? You're not fine? I
have the answer, So let me see what you can
do here. Who is the oldest elected president? Um? That

would be Ronald Reagan. That is incorrect, doesn't Donald Trump?
It's Donald Trump? But it was Ronald Reagan. Sorry, sorry,
should have talked that one out. Reagan was sixty nine
when I like did Trump was seventy? Oh my goodness?
All right, how many presidents on Mount Rushmore? Can you name?

George Washington, Abraham Lincoln? Who's the other one? I really
need to go there? Thomas Jefferson? One more? One more?
This is the one I always forget man William Taft. No,

he's not good? Good give me that? Yes or no?
Roosevelt's right? All right? Who said we have nothing? To fear,
but fear itself. My president said that Jeff k f
dr close. There are three letters, and those little initials
get me every time. Who was the tallest US president? Oh? Tall? Tall?

You got this one? Come on, you got this one tallest? Amy?
Come on, think about it tall? I know who that,
I know you can was the fat one? Was Tafft
the tallest? Who was the tallest? Taft for I'm not Amy?
Come on, think about this the tallest. Why are you
acting like this is so obvious because it isn't obvious? Lincoln? Yes,

all right, sorry, if the president vice president both go down,
who is the new president? Hold on? I always mix
this up. Mix up the Speaker of the House with
the it's the Speaker of the House, you say, it's
Speaker of the House for the wind, Yes, yes, But

did you mix that up with Secretary of State like that? Yeah,
they're both the high ranking positions there. Yeah. But you know,
did you watch the Trump rally in Florida when he
brought up the guy from the um crowd. Didn't you
see it at all? It's pretty awesome. It's pretty like
I thought. I thought they were kicking him out at first.
They were because they had the Secret Service or somebody

had this dude, and and my TV was on mute.
Can start watching the first part of it. And then
they brought him up and he's like talk and let's
say a guy the supporter get there and talk and
he's like, I bet this four hum waiting. It's a
pretty cool thing that go down this weekend. Yeah, it
was Friday night. Yeah, my TV didn't leave Lifetime. Well
what did you do all weekend? Watch Lifetime movies? I

don't know the names of the movies. They're real obscure.
But like I don't know my babysitter killed my mom
or like, um, angry assistant? Do sound like not good?
They're so good. Yeah, here's the tip to get closer
to your dog once or twice a week, feed them
from your hand or simply sitting next to them as

they eat. It will build trust and make you too
even closer. Interesting. It's also a National Pet Awareness Day
in President's Day to every day is the day, and
National margarite to Day is coming up this week, which
Eddie's excited. Thank you for listening if you're listening in
my heart later in the day, we appreciate that too.

Just we appreciate you being part of the team here.
We can do without you. We're back tomorrow. I'll update
you on how my dinner with the Governor ghost tonight.
Can't wait. Yeah, it'd be. I need to find out
any bring a gift. I never thought that. I thought
it was such a big deal, Like if you were
going to the President's house to the white it would
check a gift. Yes, what there's no gift. It's my point,
there's no gift. I can take the Governor that he'd

be like, this is a good gift. It's just the
thought that counts. We'll see. I need Morgan's gonna let
me know if it's customary or not, and then I'll
let you up tomorrow. How do I goes? Alright, alright,
have a great Monday, see you guys on Tuesday. Thank
you for being a part of the show with Let's
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