All Episodes

March 25, 2019 125 mins

Amy is helping plan a birthday party for Bobby and there is some drama around the guest list. Lunchbox guesses listeners’ weights just by talking to them on the phone. Also, Bobby talks about how he’s recently been crying more.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, the Bobby Bones post show, pre show. It's
cold in here. Yeah, well, I'm okay with cold because
I were hoodie all the time of the studio. I'm
looking forward to summer. Summer. It's more hoodie weather for me.
It's the best. Like I like it to be super
hot and like to be hot on top and like, yeah,
shorts are on the bottom. It's kind of like the
maul of the clothes. Okay, all right, yeah, yeah yeah,

like party on top, business down bottom. I figure you
don't want to be hot in the bottom. Well, you know,
we always want to be a little warm down there.
So it's cold here. I'll tell you what what happened?
Is it animated awkward during the show you're here? I did, yeah,
you did about a birthday party. You made it awkward
and it got hot, and I don't I like awkward. Okay, yeah,
you made it awkward, but I don't. It's not awkward

to me. That's normal. Okay, what did your friends text you?
They were saying about that bitin it was really honey,
thank you. All I care about is it the listeners
are having a good time listening. Okay, that's all I
care about. I didn't shirt like that. I think, yeah,
of course mine. It was awkward in here. Yeah, so
it got really hot and we were sweating, so we
didn't turn there. Seventy five looked up, Eddie. That was

part of it. Yes, I looked up. I mean I
was all hot, Yeah, because you're sitting next to me.
I didn't feel the heat until it got awkward, well exactly.
And then now it's cold and I'm freezing you hear
that happening? Go pee, We'll have a talk without you. No,
I don't want to leave. No, you're gonna talk about me.
I'm gonna say this with the MIC's recording while I go. Nope,

we're actually gonna record you while you go. Take the
mic with you. And Amy calls me last night. And
it's not something that I'm super comfortable. Now I'm comfortable
talking about it. I know some people aren't comfortable hearing
me talk about it. Um, but I have a crazy
anxiety issue sometimes, and I stopped taking all anxiety medication.
I stopped taking Zanex period for three months or so,
and I kind of got this allergy thing and I

wasn't sleeping and I was kind of feeling a little
more than it had been lately. Don't know why. So
I started taking Zanex again, not even a full win.
I like, break them in half. You ever takeing x Eddie, No, no, no, never.
It doesn't do it. I wish that it gave me
what some people take it like recreationally and what does
that do? It makes you feel high? I guess, okay,
it doesn't do it for me. You know what that's
for me? Makes me go sleep. There's a brief period

where it's like truth serum to me, where it's like
I take it right before I go to sleep. If
you catch me at the right time, I'll be like,
what do you want to know? I'll tell you everything.
Oh I'm about to fall asleep anymore. And so Amy
and I were talking about it yesterday in the studio
and Amy calls me last night, she goes, hey, when
you talking about your birthday? Are you on X? I
was like, I've want to take it for like three
days again. Well, because I wanted him to be chill

about it. You know, I was hoping I caught him
at pill time. But truth serum, I don't like it
called pill time. I don't like that. I don't like it.
I gotta stop. No, I don't think you're to the
But I like myself better when I take it though
with you, because I'm so tense all the time. It

is just way more chill. It's not even chill. It's
just like I can just like watch and like just
life just happened. Okay, so I would define that it's chill,
but it's more than just chill. Yeah, it's awesome, Like
it's not. It's not. It's not it's not it's not awesome.
The sleep's are great. But I had a Frank call
me at like eleven thirty of the night because I
was up. I was tweeting or something like Friday night,

and she was like, hey, can you talk? And I
it's like I couldn't sleep because I couldn't breath through
my nose. I have a cold or allergy or something.
And I was talking. I was just like, yeah, it's oh,
it's pretty honest, like being super vulnerable, which I never
am like that. She was like, why are you like
so awesome right now? And I was like, I took
his anne because I'm trying to go to sleep. But
I like that. I wish I could be like that

all the time. Yeah, yeah, and you can't see see
that's kind of like the addict's mentality of like I
like myself better when I'm drunk if I'm high. Yeah,
so you gotta you gotta find you gonna I don't
feel better when I take it. There's not a feeling
of me that's like, oh, this feels so good. It
just I think it's like drinking a glass of wine.

That's what people It feels to me, like what people
say when they can drink a glass of wine. Okay,
they're like, oh you know, I just like it's that
if I can make a noise to what it sounded like,
it would be this, I'd be like, and then you
just go about your day. Yeah, it's tricky. It's tricky
because it's not you. It's a chemical doing that, you

know what I mean, And like, you want to find
a way for you to naturally do that. I don't don't.
I've tried every way I know, and I sit there
and I will be in my bed looking at a
calendar the next day. I'm I'm guys, I'm so anal
about this stuff that I'm like, Okay, if I go
this way, this route to get here, that should take

me like twenty four minutes. And if I'm anytime, Mike
D and I said a time to come up here
on Sunday to record spots, because I don't want you
guys have to hang out up here for hours. I'm
just recording commercials. We have to do some stuff after it.
We appreciate that. And so Mike D and I will
come up here on Sunday, and I'm like, well, what
time we get areas today? One? Like okay, if I
get there at one, I'll really have to get there
at twelve forty so, and there's nobody even to be
here except me. It might be yeah and so, and

he even has to like worry about me getting here
early too. I don't even know what's happening in my life.
I just think if I were to do recreational drugs,
I would be living an easier life. Some people do that,
but I can't because I'll do all of it. I
went out, I went on a date with this girl,
and I told you have to fake drink. No, I

mean not for her right, just because you're out, because
I don't want to have to go through fifteen minutes.
This is what happens listen. I've sat on the show before.
I bet I'm dating unapologetically right now, just seeing what's up.
Nothing crazy, it's going out seeing what By the way,
it's exhausting. But I went out with one girl. This

is a bit a bit a go and I didn't um.
I didn't just had to fake drink. I just drink.
She never thought. She never know I's faking it. Oh, okay,
order drink. She didn't know you didn't drink right second? Hey, yes,
I have to get there early, and this is when
I have to count for my travel. Get there early,
have a talk with the bartender. Say hey, make me

something looks fruity and kind of like a drink. Put
a little thing on the edge of it fruity, but
just ask for apple juice and tell them shake it up.
It look like a beer sugar. I get like club
soda with like a little bit of pineapple. That's fine, Yes,
that's fine. And I'm like, hey, just keep them like
if I'm out, just keep them coming and don't say
do you want on the virgin? And I have to

get to have this conversation. They have to ten on
the front side, so I'll pay attention to me. So
your date's like he's drank ten of those now, like
walking straight, like this guy's good tolerances are crazy. You.
That's not a first daid conversation because I feel that
she should know what. No, it's not, especially not to
the beginning, because then they won't drink and you're like, oh,
you don't drink. Well, I'm not gonna drink, right, And

I don't want that. I want anyone change in their
life based on my life decisions. I feel like you're
hiding something from them. You're hiding that they may want
to know that you don't don't know later and I
would tell them immediately. We're gonna be like, so that
first time we went out, that's exactly what happened. Okay,
that's exactly what happened. Oh this happened. Okay, yeah, and
so yeah, univer fishy stories of the second one. The

second one, it was just a different one because this
happened over time. The second one, like it was like
is that a virgin drink? And I was like, dang
it busted, Well yeah I know, and I was like
well yeah, and then like you're like, how do you
define virgin? I was it was like it's like, well,
I'm not gonna drink anymore. I didn't know, and I
was like, I don't want that to happen, Like you
should be able to live your life and enjoy your wine.

That doesn't happen in order. They did have both happened,
just awkworn stuff. So anyway, my whole point is start drinking. No,
I think that drinking that that that ship is sailed? No,
so are we still trying to plan like that? That
that time when we all get into a room and
get drunk. What are you today? Remember you all get

in a room and getting drunk. Didn't sound right? Didn't
sound right? Have one drink? You mean his first? If
he's gonna drink, he needs to go hard. No he
did it? Yes, throws up and he's like, I'm never
doing this. No, no, no, no, no no, Bobby. I
think if you've shown anything is that you have willpower
like you. I really feel like you could have one

and stop. Sometimes I have these conversations one can't remember
him next day pills and I wouldn't remember the whole night.
Could you do that with like like an oreo, You're like,
I don't eat oos. I'm using that we can do
oreos instead of drinking what exactly, But let's say oreo
is in your house. Go ahead, okay, sometimes you have

a hard time with pick. No, I'm scratching my leg. Okay, ahead.
So then let's say there's something yummy. It's an oreo.
You all fought me on it. It's an oreo. But
you have said before, like you tell yourself, Am I
gonna feel it's the five minutes of awesomeness that I
feel from eating all the oreos gonna beat great? Or?

Am I going to feel way better if I resist
the oreole? So I feel like you could do the
same thing with alcohol. Nope, oreos. I'm not addictive. Oh
yeah they are? Not sure? No, not really. I think
it's sugar is fair all addictions in my brain, I think, okay,
be fair. Nobody died of oreos in my family. Fair

enough that you know of it. They could have been
keeping it from you. That's true. Diabetes. I don't know, No,
that's my family. No depends which kind of diabetes. But
I mean, okay, fine, I just think you have I
would love to drink. You to drink means I'm not

I would love to just socially be able to go
have a drink. Let my guard down. You need to
go to Colorado and have a little smoke. I know
that's what people say too, because it's legal. Yeah, but
I California all the time that I don't like smoky.
I don't like even hot stuff. I barely like drinking
like a dirty tie like. I just like, there's no
way Bobby would inhale smoke away if it were an

oreo smoke, I wouldn't they make chocolate. No, but I'm
saying I don't like like a like now, the lollipop,
that's about That's about the only thing that I'm not
even considering that. The only thing that I would even
consider to consider was something to eat. Guys, let's go
hard to night. Give me a lollipop? Oh boy, bones,
come on, what's wrong with that? That thing is just like,

come on, let's do shots or are you like guys,
let's suck on lollipops and then we'll go out tonight. No,
I don't think he would go out. I think he
would go to bed. Oh, it would be like xanex
for him. I feel like it would be a natural
way and not not a pharmaceutical. It would be a
natural way for him. So chilliar to me. And again,

I've never tried weed, but it's so weird to me
that weed has been illegal and alcohol has been legal. Yeah,
when it's been shown over and over by the way,
both aren't you know, as good as exercise. It's not
like both of them are good, right, clarifying, Yeah, I
mean it's not like I'm going weeds good and alcohol isn't. Um.
But but again, you could do sugar, you could do

all these things that we can lump into this. But
that being said, it's crazy to me that weed and
I've read the story as to why weed was deregulated.
It's all about who's running the place when and what
good it can do for them, Um, the business. You mean, sure, okay,
but alcohol is worse than weed is. But it's become
so socially acceptable that it's not it's just one's illegal

ones not period. It's weird yep. And then we're trained
to think that it's like because it's illegal, that it's
like for you and oh my gosh, it's a gate No,
I'm just kidding. And and listen, I say that someone
who's never tried it, so it's not like I'm here
advocating for it. I'm not. You know, Stoner Boys sixty

nine on Instant Messenger, Oh about you, it's not but
it is weird anyway enough. My point is I like
me being to win him on Zanex. You know that
a song? Yeah, a song about Zanex? No, he goes,
I like me Penouin, I'm with you that song that
one We're good over two knows it because she's hip

like me. I do, thank you. It's a good song.
I think it's it's a lauv love. Yeah, you don't know,
that's all. No, No, I don't. I probably don't sing
it every well, but I probably would if my nose
wasn't clocked up. Oh okay, that's the problem. Yeah, yeah,
here you go. I heart radio music. You should know.
Featuring love, I like me better, I like me Penowin,

I'm to be in the New York City. Never heard it?
Wait for no Who I am so No, that's good
to be drunken and love in New York City. Can't
play a lot of it because I get arrested by
that music cops. You can talk over songs, all right.
I heard about that there you go hit it. Okay,

I know it. Yeah, I like me. No, no kids,
kids haven't I I'm with I like me better when
I'm with I like it though, yes cool. I mean

it's not super new, but it's new enough. Huh. Anyway,
enough about me. We didn't talk about Morgan number two
it all today. How is your Did you go on
date this weekend or no? No? No, I went out.
I didn't meet anybody, though, Well, you go out every
weekend hard, she said, Specifically this weekend, she did not

go that hard. I don't know what that means, though,
that hard. I didn't go out twice when I was okay,
I have I had a cold. I was almost gonna
text you and be like hey, but even then I
was Morgan number text me like, hey, let's bok. I'll like, yeah,
let's go, But then I gotta wait till the better.
We'll go box maybe the end of the week. I
gotta go to where I gotta go New York for GMA.

I've go to a funeral and Wednesday morning, well that
kind of sucks, but yeah, we'll do it. Like end
of the week, Eddie wants to go to I do
want to well to day, I probably like I don't
get back from by the way, Cody and Sarah's weddings
on Friday. Oh yes, and I'll be back. Can I

get back in time for it? Like I gotta get back,
get dressed and go. Are you going to my day
or no? Because I gotta know right now? Okay, right now?
As right now, I can't commit. I don't have a
sitter and my kids have soccer and parents have to
be there the entire practice. Really okay? So should I
just move on from it? Like I literally I have
called like five people that I know to babysit. Should
I move on? I don't have but nanny that day?

Should Yeah, you should move on for me because I
can't figure it out. Am with the soccer practice? Like
I don't know. I've got Hillary helping me babysit on
Saturday because I have to host a book event for
the home edit. I don't know Friday. I'm sort of okay,
So you're not going to the wedding because I said
I was gonna take her somebody as a date. Well,
I know you did. It's a partial pre show. I'm yawning.

Do whatever you want. Man takes me on, Well, um,
I take somebody or can I just show up? There'll
be an extra seat and eat two meals. Oh that's
a thought. There's text Sarah. I'm just text Sarah. Seats one,
but teak on each seat then laid down. I haven't
flying all that, you guys. I'm gonna tak thinking along that.
But is there like a reception like that's the fun
part of the dancing after Yeah? Yes, is there a reception?

There has to be right, it's a wedding, Eddie. Did
you think that's weird that I have to beat my
kids practice the whole time? Should I knock? I be
a rebel me Normally I would just I would just
cancel the practice. I wouldn't even work well. But if
they just started and it's like a thing, like it's
their second practices to me are like not important, they're good.
They don't even know how to play soccer. I'm for
me practice were like I'm going to practice and a
practice by myself. There are kids, this isn't high chol,

but they're still doesn't friendmize the value of instilling these
values into them when they're very young? You real school,
you got to go to school practice, but they have
a game Saturday. This is their first time ever playing
soccer and they need it and they're like into it,
like Stevenson especially and Stuffiera. Once she gets the hang
and something, she'll get excited. So I really need her

to like see if she can get the hang of it,
because they don't know organized sports is the first thing
they've ever done. So I don't want to just like
we already missed two practices the last two weeks. I
don't want to like throw in the towel. Now that
game season has started and we got a game on Saturday,
which Hillary might needs you to take them to their game.
There we go, well, but I don't have anybody to
take them to practice on Friday. So then they show
up at the game they still don't even know. Like
Eddie Stevenson was trying to kick the ball away from

his teammate. I was like, no, no, no, no. If
they have the same colored jersey as you, you run
with them, don't kick the ball from them. You know
what problem my son had with soccer was we kept
telling him his whole life, share things, share things, and
then so when it came to soccer, he'd be like well, here,
here's the ball, like you can to the other team,
to the other team and like no, dude, you have
to steal the ball, like, don't give them the ball.

And it's just like he just did not get it. Yeah.
Amy's son was up here yesterday. Amy and I were
um oddly work. Everybody was up here randomly yesterday. It
was kind of fun, uh, because if we just all
showed up like Eddie of us here doing some stuff,
Mike d and I here, Amy was here, Morgan U
one was here. We were all just like, you know,
working on different things. And uh, Amy's son was up here. Stevenson,

he has it. It's the worst video game I've ever
seen in my life. What is it? You basically do
maintenance like I did maintenance like my whole life and
it sucked. I don't want to do a video game
of maintenance. He's on it and he's like, first of all,
he's like driving a tractor. Then he's like yeah. Then
he gets out and he's like, you know, fixing an outlet.

It's in some house, he's like. And then he gets
on and he's like digging holes with this other and
he's I'm like, what are you what are you doing?
He's like, yeah, I just clearing some land. I'm like,
this is the worst. This is what you play video
games and not do this, because I would. It was
the worst video game I'd ever seen. I was like,
Steven's this is not fun. Yeah, it's fun. And I

was like, well, because you never had to do maintenance,
you better hope that this is not real life. That's
why he needs to start doing good in school. I'm
trying to explain to him, like he's like, why do
I need to go to school? I don't understand. I'm like,
we got to go to school so you can get
a job. And he's like, why do I need to
get a job? And I'm like, so you can move out.
Kids like playing a video game of fixing toilets? Yeah,
it's like, dude, this is plumbing. You actually can make

a lot as a plumber. Yeah. I know, But I
did enough of that crap. It wasn't for me. I
don't want to play a video game of it. Yeah.
I was bad at it. I learned how to do
it pretty good, but I was not good, not good
at that stuff. I think I'm just bitter that I
wasn't good. They were much more manly or my friends.
My friend Evan who his dad's passed away. He's my

best friend in high school, and I wrote about him.
I was very very close to him growing up, Evan's dad,
and after college it was even closer to Jerry than
I was Evan because Evan moved out my freshman year
in the dorm and just left me. Remember that story.
I know, Yeah, I even I wrote about Jerry Evans
dad in my first book, because you know, there were
about three or four male figures in my life that

were there for me whenever I did not have a
father figure at all, which was a lot up until
like age twelve or so. And he was one of
them who would like came me to ball practice, who
would like practice with me when even without Evan, because
you know, I don't have any to practice with. Um,
he died and so I go on Wednesday morning to
that funeral, which sucks crazy, but yeah, so I don't

know what I gonna either. That said Morgan number two.
Wait you so you didn't go? He didn't you want?
At once? Yeah? Didn't any guys come up to you? Um? Yeah,
I mean I ran into an old fling. I guess
that I flee somebody I used to kind of talk
to a little bit. What does that mean? Used to
kind of talk to like you just didn't like date
it like we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend. We just kind

of casually dated for a little bit, never like we're official. Yeah,
and ran into him. How did that go? I don't know,
Maybe we'll see. It's too early to tell. But why
didn't you date him the first time? And why would
make why would you make date him now? Um? I
don't know. Yeah, I think we had different like expectations
at that point. It's been like two and a half
years now, and now your expectation is what I think.

We've kind of flipped, Like he didn't want anything then
and I did, and now I don't want anything and
he wants something. So I don't know. It's hard to say. Hmm.
I got Morgan number two on this dating app that
I'm on. Do you ever see me on there? Do
you show up? Yeah? On my Nearby People? Yeah, I'll
see Morgan number two on there, and I'll be like,
I see you on the app. It tells you who's

near you. Yeah, Yeah, it's kind of creepy that sounds fun.
Here check it out. Come over here. That sounds fun.
All you have to do is hitting all you have
to hit this button and there she is right there. Wow.
Don't say who you see because they're like a lot
of people. No, you do him? Who's that? I don't know.

I don't know her a good one, but these are
people that are that are nearby. Oh I do another one.
I know. Wait, let me see like artists. Okay, so
I want to see man. Oh hey, Amy, that does
sound fun, doesn't it. Okay, well, yeah, we've been married forever,
but I mean that sounds fun. It's we didn't. Let
me tell you that. We didn't have that weird. It's

dud it's it's really it's not. It's fun for a second,
then it's not really fun. Right. Yeah. No, I'm very
intimidated on there because there's like supermodels and stuff on there,
and I'm like, hey, what's up? But you blend into
everyone like she has. You know how you guys get
irritated at me and they're like, come on, you're not
as stupid and dope as you think you are. Yeah,
but I wish you guys would say that. But do

we say that that's how I feel like. I'm Morgan
number two. Like I tell her, how's your confidence? Yeah,
I am really confident. I'm just not confident on this
dating app because it's like, I don't know it. The
women on there are gorgeous. You know, you can't see them. Yeah,
you can see them nearby, just the nearby ones. Yeah, yeah,
but that's all. That's not really what they look like,

right though. I'm the girl that I met in New York.
That's where I met her on that and she looks
just like she looked on that. I've showed you a
picture of her, No I have not. I refused to look. Remember,
I was like, I don't want to know. Oh I
do that to myself. Why don't you want to know?
Because I want to be like everyone else and wonder
who everyone is and then picture them in my mind,

like the flight attendant. I had this whole thing in
my mind, and then I met her, Like, oh okay, cool,
well you met her and then what happened. It's just
not what I thought? Why what different reality of RSUs expectation?
Just she was a lot prettier than I thought. I
really truly think that everyone on these data napps are
like fake fake, like like the best of the best
picture ever. And then you're just like, oh, you look

just normal. So you thought in real life she was prettier.
I figured no, no, no, no oh when I met her, Yes,
when I met her, I thought she was way prettier
than Like, dude, I'm telling you. If I were you
and I saw a girl like that, first moment, I
was like, all right, you're done. We're getting married UNI
right now, Like you're interested in me, do you marry me? Like?

But you you look at that, You're like, I don't
do I don't do that. No, But but you're when
you date. But it's not always it's not just about looks,
like if it's not, it's like you see someone like that,
you're like, you're on a date with me, like this,
here's she's a long distance And here's the thing too.
Looks fade sometimes they do, they fade, they do. And

and if I've seen some good looking older women, but
if you don't know, I'm not talking about I'm not
talking about fading an age. I'm talking about fading because
you're with them all the time. I got you, like fact,
they might still look good, but what if their personality
that's reb. Look, if I'm not super clickity click, it's
like boom and like, you don't make me happy and
laugh and I don't care how good looking you are.

That's crazy. That's cool, that's awesome. You have that, it's amazing,
that's awesome. I don't know what option you're talking about,
the fact that you could just be like you're an eleven,
but I just don't like your personality. So I'm gonna
go the next one. Thank you. Next that's awesome. Yeah,
that's rude, but you know what I'm saying. Listen, just

be totally totally candid. Here the best one I've ever saying. Well,
you're gorgeous, but I want to go to the next one.
You're not going to pass on this one. I mean,
she does need to be funny. Here's what I sometimes
girls don't. I need a sense of humor, like super funny.
I need quick. I need them to have They got

their thing. They don't need my thing. Oh they've they're established.
I don't can't even about established. But they know what
they're passionate about. Yeah, Like they got their thing and
that's their thing. I like someone so independent that it
makes me at times irritated. They're so independent, like that's
what I need. That makes sense. Yes, absolutely makes perfect sense.

Speak speak speak. She was gonna say, but but you've
had that before. Just you know, you've had girls that
are very Yeah, and that's why they were my girlfriend.
And then what you want to say, I don't know.
I don't know. I mean they've been say where you

want to say. Great personality is funny? Yea. All that smart, excellent,
passionate about their own thing was enough. It was. It
was a mean thing. I was not mature enough in
my spot in that relationship. It wasn't a them thing,
all of them. Yes, but now you're more mature. You
are you are more mature. I don't know if I'm
more mature, but at least I know what I'm looking

for and I know this is my big growth spot.
Ready for it. Whenever I come in one of those
where I got bit this uncomfortable, this is probably not
for me, I go, oh, you know, this is what
you do every time, idiot. Just get through this one,
fight through it, get to the other side of it,
and then address it. Okay. I used to not do that.
I used to go like oh no, uncomfortable. I gotta
go parachute. But I know I've been through enough of those,

and it's a you know ed? Did you want see
the girl went out to New York. I'm gonna see
her again this week. I'm good. Now. See it's pretty.
I'm sure she is. Okay, let me see her? Yeah,
let me see her? Sure? Yeah? Hold on, m what

what picture did you show him? I'm just showing here.
I'm just I'm just clicking through a bunch of them. Again,
she's beautiful. Let me see which one you show? Well,
I just rolled through all of them. Yeah. Again, she's beautiful,
but I'm surprised, surprised at just certain certain. She's different. Yeah, different,

that's what she does. You can see you can read
the top of it. Do you want me to read it? No,
it's like what I can read it. Okay, Wow that's cool.
Oh oh really, wait, I think I knew that. Yeah,
I see what you're saying. I mean, she's she knows
what she wants, she's she's doing what she wants. Dank,

look at her, and was this dude, that's I don't
understand what you're what you're sounding he's saying like why
aren't you dating her? Life is good, life is good
both you should be at night just be like life
is good. Now at night, I'm like this sucks. I'm
there's nobody here. It's the balls in your court man,

Like I just feel and it's not just the girls
and whatever, but like, just your life is good you.
To me, it's like you've got it all. All your
past is like back there and you've got a blank
slate and it's yours to write. And to me, you
gotta make because you have a freaking family you can
go to with kids that are already at that age
where they're like cool to hang out with. And yes,

but I had that years. I had that years ago,
Like my thing's written. Now now I'm living what I've
what I've written. That's awesome, you know now investments finally
paying all. Yes, and now you have the whole future
to write. My point is, wherever you are, the other
side always looks a little bit better. Well, I'm not
saying I would rather have your life. Yeah, I'm not
saying that. No, I don't hear any saying that. I

hear him saying like he stops. Sometimes times you paint
a picture where like your life is sucks and Eddie's
saying it doesn't. I don't. I don't know. I don't
even my life doesn't suck. I gonna say clarify that then,
because it's sort of my favorite thing in this show
when someone lies and they go, whatever, you just winked
at me, because nobody can prove they didn't because it's
just radio. Everyone believes you know, no, not me. Lunchbox
is that crap too, where he's like, you just wink

and it's not true. No, people believe lunchbugs too. He
winks at you. No, I don't win. I winked at
Ednyones today that weirdly about something you do. You do
it a lot. I don't even know. I think Edie
like made a funny joke and I'll like you jumped
on top of it, and I was like, yeah, yeah, man, um,
I actually kind of think I'm cool to myself for
the first time my whole life. That's good. Yeah, for

the first time ever. I'm like, oh, I'm actually kind
of cool. Yeah, it's good. You need to think that. Yeah,
I didn't didn't tell you. Even if you're not cool,
you'd need to think that. I think being around really
positive Tina who was like super like. I have a
friend who's a comedian, um, Nikky Glazer, and she's the
most positive. And we haven't talked in a little bit
because we got a stupid fight because I was an idiot,

but um, you got a fight with her. Yeah, I
mean nothing like romantic but just it's temporary, okay. But
she's like the best at being like so confident and
just like and it makes you go, oh, this is
why you should hanging around people that are awesome because
it makes you go, oh, I should do what they

do because she'll be like, yeah, this is what I'm
good at. I'm gonna go do it. It's it's it's
it's cool that she's a good influence on me. No,
it's like a dumb fight. I've talked to her like
no time. But you know, Bobby, dumb, what did you do?
What happened some time where you've been like, yeah, yeah,
we've we've had I don't even know if you know
that we were having a dumb fight, but we were

and it was dumb. Well, if I wasn't fighting back,
it's even a fight. Yes, one time I was, because
you don't fight that that's true. I just go in.
That's a problem with with her if that's it. And
again she's like the best, like I she's the best. Um,
but yeah, I don't fight back. And she didn't do
anything wrong. Okay, okay, I'm just curious, now what because

y'all's relationship. She didn't do anything wrong, but you guys, yeah,
because I was stupid. I got really embarrassed about something
and I was like, I want to disappear for a
little bit. And then I just stayed disappeared because you
know how I do that makes sense. I can't. I'm
not fully adult yet. I haven't fully grown. Getting there,
but not yet. She has a joke about me and
her upcoming special she does I know, does she name you? No?

We kind of wow, that's awesome. No, I mean, but
she told you is this it has something to do
with that? But um, yeah, it's about that. I can
I gott play music. I tell you off there and
you tell me you think it's fun, Okay, I mean
I know it's funny because she's literally fun. She's literally
the funny. Hasn't never mad in my life. Like she's

we're watching stuff at your house and I l like
she's funny. Not for everybody who's listening to this part,
because I think she's pretty vulgar at times. That's not
what she's about. She's not going out to be vulgar,
but she just speaks like she speaks in her life.
But here, let me do this. Hold on, I'm not leaving.
I'm just gonna turn the mics down. Okay, I don't
want to run her joke either to Joe. But yeah,

that is a bloke. Dang, that's not why y'all are fighting. No, okay, no, no, no, no, yeah,
you wouldn't get mad at all. No, I guess I'm
just confused. As a way, I'll tell you later. Okay,
I got embarrassed about something that I did, and then
I just a good joke. I know, right, But here's
the thing with that too. And then no way would

I ever reach out to her and go and I
shouldn't reach out to her because I'm stupid, But I
would never reach out and you go, hey, don't do
that joke about me, because the same way I won't
reach out to Lindsay, my ex girlfriend, and be like,
don't put that song about me out called get over yourself.
I haven't heard it, but I is it really called
get up over Yourself? I think so, but I won't
listen to it. Like lindsay reach out to me, I

was like, do you want to hear this song? The
songs that I wrote there could be on my next
album about you? And I was like, no, because if
you send it to me, you know what I'm gonna do.
Let's say, don't put it out because I don't want
that out there. So instead, I want to appreciate art
more than I appreciate myself, and I want her to
put out her story. Are you looking at over there? Art?
Are you looking at over there? No? My phone was

on and then it's off. Nothing. It's time to go.
Amy's getting bores. No, I honestly, I do have to
go use the bathroom. Go thirty three minutes ago, but
I'm not. I'm not gonna leave though. I'm not gonna
leave the room to have y'all talk about me when
I go to the bathroom. We wouldn't do that. I
kind of have. Has been a good talk. It has been.

I've rebably enjoyed it. That's why I've stuck herround. Oh
that's fine, Well, hold on, let me. Let me, let
me go back to Morgan number two, focus on our
second and then let's let then we can wrap it. Okay,
um Morgan number two. Whatever she does, her face is like,
oh great, what's what's No? No, no, I'm just curious.
What's going on? Have you been on any more dates? No?
I haven't. Do you want to go on any more dates?

I don't know. I'm kind of indifferent right now? Are
you sad right now? No? I'm not sad. I'm I'm
still dead, still dead inside. But you're gonna be dead
inside until you go out and actively try to not
be dead inside. It's not going to just take off.
I'm he's been dead in every ten years, I know.
But I don't like when I when somebody tries, I

just like, I try for five minutes and then that's
not the right person trying. It's the end. That's not
her fault. She hasn't met the right person, I know.
But she didn't stop saying she's dead inside? But can
I say something? Think about it? Do you want to like,
do you want to find someone while you're dead inside? Like?
Is that fair to that other person that they're finding

a dead person? Like don't you want to be at
your best. Somebody's got to have to shape me because
I'm I don't know, but I'm saying you have to
shape yourself. Yes, you have to know that you want
to work, right like I know that I want to work.
I'm not coming into any relationship having it figured out,
understanding what it's really going on. I've struggled, got a
lot of that baggage of messing up, but I have

I'm going into it going, oh, I want to do
this and I need work, And I'm gonna say I
need work and we're gonna work together, same way that
who am r Date? Was gonna have stuff too. But
you don't just go into it like I'm perfectly ready
to go. Well yeah, yes, but like having stuff is
one thing, but being dead inside and depending on someone
to pick you up, that's not the red. That's not
the case with her. Okay, she is dead. She's quote

unquote dead inside right now because she had she had
a bad relationships. One good run to kind of lift
a up a little bit, and she starts to dating somebody.
They got a couple times, she really likes them. Maybe
she starts to come alive just a little bit, okay,
and you work on it, you work on it. Okay.
It's like she's a plant and needs a little water.
Yeah yeah, see you plan. I just don't think of

a guy is the water, like, but she's not gonna
get it. May not it may not be again, but
it could be a guy that makes her go. Oh.
I kind of like this. I don't feel so dead.
Maybe I was, because again I've met girls and I'm like, whoa.
Amy tried to sit me up with somebody yesterday? Oh yeah,
what kind of who was it? Amy? Was it a songwriter? Friend? Yours?

How many Grammy? Did you have any? Yes? You do?
Yes you do. I mean I'm sure I did, but
I still need using day your eva. She Yeah, I'm
met him. He's awesome. Oh I didn't know that. I
thought she was just okay. I sat with them at
the Catchy Music Hall of Fame because they had reven
I sitting together and he was sitting over there, and

I was like, date, no disrespect, Sorry about that. Yeah,
um you move on, Yeah, move on with that one. Okay.
Remember you were like, hey, I want to talk to
this person. Oh yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah.
I'm still into that I forgot who's that? And Amy
never tries to set me up because she's like, wow,
Amy always takes the girls that I date and then

makes them her friends. You think that she does that
just so she can be friends with him later. No,
he just dates cool girls. Yeah, and then I'd just
say cool girls, yeah, and then I just give them
my heads up. I'm like, this probably isn't gonna work,
so here's my number. Let's hang sometime. Like Kelly Henderson's
a big one. Yes, from Velvet's Edge. That's how Amy

knows Kelly. Yeah, it is. I used to date Kelly.
But this goes way back. I mean I remember Bobby
and I were like in an uber in LA and
they were just talking and she was on FaceTime and
y'all were just kind of getting to know each other whatever.
Dirk's introduced Derek. Yeah, Derek LEAs one who puts together.
So then so y'all are in the uber and I'm like, gosh,
she's so cool, and I just remember being like Kelly, like,

let's just not y'all won't go there just in this now,
like we're friends, let's just make this easy. We still
talk about that that uber ride please please talk about
me all the time on my back. No, it's not
more in your back. But it was just one of
those things were funny, like Kelly and I just clicked
right away. I don't. It doesn't happen every should her?
Maybe I will? Um what that big emojiis? The uh

what what you got? Month? I was trying to think
back Kelly and I met. She was styling Dirk so
doing his you know, his um grooming in New York
and I this wasn't a line. I didn't use a
line on her. I'll tell you exactly what I said.
It was on the line, but I was there because
I really thought it and she was in with dirks

and darkness, like, hey, should meet um Kelly. She's cool
and she's single. And I was like, by the way,
she has a podcast called the Velvet ch Podcast and
she her and I worked together every day. Still she's
my stylist, like you was the one in the backs
of the green room where you're like, hi, I'm Bobby. No,
I didn't do that. What I said was no, it's
even worse. Um. I went up to her and I

was like, are you a model? Oh? Because she she's
tall and I thought she was like a model for
the something happening there, and then I got so much
crowd because they were like what a line? Are you
a model? And I was like no, I literally thought
she might have been a model. And then then we
did it for a bit and now everybody just want

to I get messages every day. You know you should
day Kelly Anderson like and like did Yeah, she's also um.
One of the friends that called me and I was
talking about earlier, zannexed out like cool, like, what's happening
right now? Because he and I talk all the time. Okay,
that's it. We went a long time. I thought this
a pretty good little run though here. I liked it.

I enjoyed it. Um, I'm working on your birthday. Don't
get onto me right now. Okay, you're all good? Amy, Well,
I know, but you gotta go pee. I do, but
I gotta do this first, and I will let's see tomorrow.
It's so weird as you have to pee so bad
and then it just goes away. Do I tell my

kids soon? Like you can hold it? Did you know
that one of them? I don't know why our friend
was looking this up. Oh, I think she was looking
for a video. Our friend Mary was looking for a
video to show Stashira of me doing something on YouTube,
and so she just typed in, like some of the
most popular Bobby Bone showed YouTube things. And one of
those popular ones is you tickling me? That's a weird one.
Why were you tickling me? We stretched you out and

you lost a bed, but well, I don't remember why
you lost it bed? But what was the bet? I
don't know the game? We played Amy down so weird, yes,
And I was like, why is that the most watched?
Like why is that popular? I don't understand, but you
know that video where we looked at my feet really
close on YouTube, but it's getting so many views. Yeah, yeah,
why the tickling? And then then we couldn't remember why

getting tickled? And now because you lost a game, Bobby,
I don't remember the game, and I'm asking the world
if they thank you, but you lost? No, but then
you lost you lost a game? Okay, sorry that I
was curious, So why you were tickling me? Because I
don't know the game? Forgotten about it, but a lot

of people have watched it. It was right there on
that cost we did the But Sunday, once I had
to eat it. So I remember getting into so much trouble,
like our old boss doesn't work anymore. He got so

mad at that bit, and I was like, hey, man,
hang loose, chill out, chill out. Sunday one, Good morning.
All right, here's today's show. Thank you very much. By
the way, let me say, listen to the Sore Loser's podcast.
You can even listen to yesterday's where they had on
the guy that won the y I guess not yesterday,
but Friday's Thursdays whenever it was the guy from the

UFC didn't have winning the fight, who's from Arkansas whom
we played his clip on Today show that you're here.
But uh, this this is Bryce Mitchell, who I bonded
with in my heart because he's from Arkansas, like I am.
I'm the bum from Arkansas straight out the trailers. You
know what I'm saying, I don't care. You know, say
I'm the underdog. I'm gonna go in there and fight
the same either way. I'm giving everything I got. I

don't care if I'm underdog or not, win, lose or draw.
It don't matter, man, It's going out there and fighting
with honor. And so after he won. This is post
fight Pepa. Call my MoMA color I'm fine, and tell
her be hungry when she picks me up. I'm taking
her out for steak. I want that Carkansas help I back,
holl Remember you know my inspiration. I'm supposed to be
here because I'm from Arkansas, Arkansas. He told me I

have to leave Arkansas if he who or something. Every
time you put him back in my fight, I'm gonna
say Arkansas. Rick up. I told y'all want the camelo
short love it to rebock. We play later in the show.
But yeah, listen store Loser's podcasts. They have that guy on.
And then tonight Trevor from Old Dominions come by the house.

We'll do a Boby cast. I sound alright right? Its
sound good enough? You do sound all right? Right? Cool,
all right, here's todays show. Good Wren, Hey, stop crushing
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That's Friends without the R Best Fiends, Friends without the

R Best Fiends. Hope it's your buddy and miss the
Bobby Balls. This is the Bobby Ball Show, right, Hey,
welcome back. I hope you had a good weekend. Everybody's here?
Why studio Why? I'm always happy to come back on

Monday like Mondays are Maybe my favorite days because I
got so much to talk about. I'm always fired up
to get back in the studio. I know you guys
like can days off your weekend? Yeah, I mean three
day week Um. But Amy told me a funny story
about how she was shamed at the storage Tell them this. No, no,
I haven't told anybody yet. What up? Okay, Well, I
got shamed by the cashier for buying everything they had

left of one particular item. I'm obsessed with these vital
proteins shots. Is that it's like a It's a little
shot that has like I don't know, melatonin, lavender, and
you just throw it back. I have no idea if
it's a placebo effect. But I take these and I'm
sleeping better. It's like we sleep juice. And I want
them all and Amazon was sold out, so I couldn't
order any Well, I called the store and they had

they got some in like I called ahead, like I
wasn't gonna drive over there if they didn't have it.
So I get all the way there and they have
like I don't know, nine left, and so I grab
all nine and I go to the counter and I'm
buying and he goes, you know, this is the only
nine we have left. And I was like, yep, take
them all please, that will give me nine knights. And

he's like, well, these are really popular, you know, like
some people are going to come in and be disappointed
that they're all gone now. And I'm like, what is it.
I mean, I'm a paying customer. I'm here to buy these,
Like I felt, he was making me feel like I
should go put them back on the shelf and I
should not be self. There was no limit. Sometimes stores
will be like only two per customer, blah blah blah,
no limit. And by the way, they were on sale bonus.

So I was really wanting to buy them up and
he just made me feel bad. And then I thought,
in my head, you know what, No, this is America
in my head, in my head, and I was like,
I'm not gonna have you made me feel bad for
wanting to buy these. Their life's not fair and people
should know that. So if they didn't call ahead to

find out y'all had him in stock and come drive
all the way over here to grab them, because let
me tell you, I called and soon as they said
they had him, I got on my car and I
went there and I got them because I know how
quickly they sell out, and so I bought them all.
But he definitely made me feel bad like I was
a bad person, like dad, like not thoughtful, like not
caring about feel like did he someone convince you that

you were a bad person? Yeah? I mean he wasn't
cool about it. If I was, if I knew my
employee was doing that to customers, I'd be like, what, Like,
that's not really how we should make customers feel. So
I don't know. Was I was I wrong for taking
a nine or should I have taken war and left
five for five other? Well, I don't think you're describing
it right. You didn't take them, you bought them, you

paid that's right. Yeah, you're absolutely right, my heart earned money.
You want to go buy nine of them? Are you
gonna go buy ninety of them? This is a store,
this is where they set yeah in America? Yeah? So
if honestly that's what I should have said to him,
I don't care if there's nine or if you had ninety,
I'd be buying them all, especially because they're a dollar off.
Right now, you did nothing wrong and for him to go, oh,

you don't know these people No, I don't know them
at all, and life's not fair. And you know what
the owner of the store, pib say, Hey, cash your
shut up. We're trying to make a buck. In America,
we have capitalism exactly something out. If people want to
buy it, they buy it. So obviously they wanted to
move them and the wouldn't take it. You absolutely right.
Does anyone disagree with me? No, it wasn't like they
were free. She wouldn't took like lunchboxes. If he's ever
walking by a soup kitchen, they're like, oh, free soup,

he'd take it, all right. There's a difference in that
because that's taken free stuff. Right. But Amy could have
gone back in three or four days and got more.
There's no need to buy nine. She's not gonna drink
nine in one night. I don't want to drive back
over there. It's twenty minutes from my house. We used
to work at Sam's Club. I did work, and it
isn't the whole point of Sam's Club to buy bulk
of things, so you don't have to go back. Yes,
so that's the whole purpose of good I am just

saying Amy could have bought three and then order him
on Amazon like she normally does, and had helped her
fellow customer out, but instead she wanted to hog him
for something. Hey, if you want to be selfish, I
like being self This is how the guy made me feel.
He basically made me feel selfish, and I don't want
to think about the people from my heart. You're absolutely right.
He did what you do. You did to you. It's
not charity, it's money. Now I have them in my

fright there. You go there, right, and someone else can't
sleep at night sleep, they're gonna be late for work.
I mean, wow, the Bobby Bones Show. Let's go over
to our producer Raymundo, who is in the glassroom with
the news and its microphone. Raymond, know what you out
over there? Several hundred passengers had to be rescued from
the Viking Sky at twelve day luxury cruise line that

goes along to the Norwegian coast. Several people were injured
as well. Nobody's won the powerball. Still it's now seven
hundred and fifty million dollars. Next Drong Wednesday. In sports
March Madness is now down to the Sweet sixteen Games
get back underway Thursday. Bobby Bone show. A listener message
me and said, hey, what are your current workout songs?

Amy put one on this list. Oh, I've got seven rings?
Are on a Grandet Squat lunch, nice squat lunch. It's down.
It's a good piece. Gee, thanks, just start it. I
like it. I got Morgan number two? What do you have?
Don't call me up? By a pop artist Mabel. I

don't know this song. Don't call me? What are you doing?
What are you working out? What's your workout? I run
like I do ten minutes of interval running and jogging,
and then I do Wait, quicks, don't call me yet.
We'll put all these Bobby bones dot com lunch. Do
you work out? I go run, and I go to
soccer games, and this is the song I listened to before.

I don't listen to music during the game or when
I run, but you pump yourself up. I pumped myself up.
And let me tell you I found this song, and guys,
it is a jam. Remember the name by Fort Minor.
Oh my god, this is bad. I remember this. We
used to play this one like ten years ago, right,
I don't know. I heard it on a like a
playlist like I was playing on my Heart Radio. This

is a Lincoln Park singer. No Mike Shinoda kind of
like the rapper up like two Ye. He doesn't need
his name up in lights. He just wants to be heard.
But the restreet of the mike is that you so good?
I mean, I was like, this is the jamil, I

give me some of mine and listen. I work out
pretty much all the hip hop when I run my bike,
just hip hop. It's all so um this any r
D song, I know this one. It's called Limit. Listen
to hip hop and I work out. I tried other
stuff I did, like a nineties country playlist, and I

just was singing the whole time. I don't even work
out that hard. I just singing it. And also, and
your husband likes Nicki Minaj, right, yes, yeah, this Nicki Minaj,
long Nicki Minaj and Low Wayne. I eat your face off.
You play like this is a break goll. I love
Nicky's turns wing, get the baseball, beat your break salt,

So I eat your face off a rhymon? Right, Yeah yeah, okay,
pretty nice. Good you're working though? Are you hating on
Little Wayne? Are you hating on a Little Wayne's rhymes.
I just thought, I've just never heard of someone, so
I'm gonna eat your face off. I think that Isn't
that like I'm gonna kiss you hard always yea yeah.
And then now finally here's buster rhymes breaking neck. That's

all type of munch stuff on my list though, like
Jackson five, I'm looking at my list here, don't timp
Let's switch it up a little bit. They smile when
you hear. We'll put all those up at Bobby Bones

dot com Bobby Bone Show. Our audio producer Ray Mundo.
He works from a glassroom. I can see him, but
there's a wall between us. But you and your girlfriend
got a couple's massage. Yeah, and it was also a
place that did pedicures and manicures. So I got talked
into the pedicure. So what's a couple's massage? Like, it's
real cool. So we're in there, we're both getting our
feet rubbed and it's just like a massage parlor. And

so that the lady asked me if I wanted my
hands done, and I was like, no, no, no, my
nails are good. But they'll do the clippings and stuff
like that for guys. Amazing she brought out a shredder.
I mean, my foot looked amazing after she was done,
and then they give us both like foot rubs for
twenty minutes, just right next to each other. I love
massage parlors like I don't know why I've waited this
long in my life to go to one. If you're

a guy, don't be shy about it, like, go to them.
They're not just for women. Something sounds weird about the
term massage parlor. That's what it is. It's a massage parlor. Yeah,
but they called a massage parlor it is, But yeah,
parlor sounds like something's when people get in trouble. If
the cops bust in, you better run. It was totally legit, though,
and I was the only guy in there, but I

don't know why. It was very enjoyable and I was
so relaxed. And it was a great massage too. I'll
get massages too. I don't see if I'm hurt, but
I don't part the word parlor sounds sketchy. Yeah I wasn't.
I mean, there was nothing sketchy about it. The only
thing that was a little awkward. She was what kind
of nail polish you wanted. I was trying to think
of the lightest color. I'm not gonna get a black

or red. So I just told her, is there any
way you can put something clear on? So she finally
put on the clear polish, and then I had the
little things in my toes, so it took my feet
like twenty twenty minutes to dry. Probably I never had
a pedicure. What I like that? Yes, you would love it,
but it is a little way. They don't have to
paint your nails. You've got a nail paint. My girl
told me after the fact, I can turn it down,
but I ended up going with clear. You can't even

see it, and it's better for the No no, no, no, no,
that is unexcusable. Dide Listen. It was honestly a little
bit of a language barrier, but she kept pressuring me
for it, and I just told her, put something on
that nobody can see. And she goes and went in
the back and got it and boom out the door.
Looked great. Well, and do you you recommend the couple's
massage that it bring your guess? Yeah, the couple's massage,
it ends up being a little bit more, but you're

both getting the calfs all that and the legs rubbed out,
and it's right next to your girl. You're able to
drink some wine. It's very, very enjoyable. So let me
ask you this. You and your girl been together now
for uh five years, and you're still like doing romantic things.
How we feeling about this proposal? It we're moving along? Yeah, yeah,

trust me, especially with now it's summertime. It's not it's March.
I know, I literally spring just started, all right, warmer weather.
I don't think people proposing the snow, So this it
is the season proposal season there's I don't really see
a lot of people proposing during the winter. So I'm
just saying, hoday time. Anyways, if I'm posing, it's going

to be outdoors because a majority of the time date wise,
is that we experience together is outside, so that I
think that'd be the best time to do it. Okay, guys,
I thought before fall. Oh, easily before fall. You're actually
putting a time. Yeah, yeah, something probably would have went
terribly wrong if it's not been Have you talked to
her dad yet? I have not? That is nerve racking.

Why it's just gonna be I talk to her dad,
but usually it's about simple stuff, not life decisions and
marriage and his daughter. It's a very adult conversation. I'm
ready for it, but man, is that going to kind
of be awkward? What would you say? I want to
marry your daughter? Yeah? And then when I say is
that cool, I'm putting my entire self out there on

a limb, And then he could just totally be like, man,
I don't. I don't know if I really like you
for my daughter, and then that's awkward. That insults my ego.
And then also it's like, where do you go from there? Oh? Okay,
so I can't. I mean, I have no response to it.
So it's it's like we're both going into it thinking
he's gonna say yes, but that walk and wherever we're
gonna take that walk and have that conversation. I mean,

I'm gonna be so nervous and so clustered and just
saying the most awkward stuff ever probably, but that's coming
out in a couple of months. Yeah, let's go. Let's
do it, baby, You're the one. I know. Other stuff
have to ball into place. Yeah. Also, hey, we a
rod search for a ring for years seven months Yeah,
give me some time, all right? You had it all
right there he is Ray Moondoeur, audio producer giving us

an update on Life I Love That, the latest from
Nashville in Tullywood and Morgan Number two thirty second skinny.
On last night's American Idol, Luke Brian gave the boots
off his feet to one of the contestants named Colby
after seeing Colby's boots had holes in the bottom of them.
What's size? She are you? Colby? Wouldn't be a twelve D?

Would it? When I'm a twelve D. I'll solve that
little problem. Those boots are made for walking to the
next round, and your whole line is going to the
next round where you. Brooks and Dunn released another collaboration
from their reboot album. This one is with Brett Young
for the remake of Brooks and Dunn's song Ain't Nothing
About You Here it is She lives, She lives, and

don't do something for me, her kids, her crap, WI
she moves when she loves back, don't do something. Marion
Morris and Ryan Hurd celebrated their first wedding anniversary this
weekend and entered some throwback photos on social media for
the big day, Marion wrote, I wouldn't mind doing this

sixty more times around the sun with you, and Ryan
Hurd wrote, bust thing that's ever happened to me? Best
year of my life. I'm Morgan number two. That's her
skinny Hall. It's time for the good news, Bobby. Firefighters
in Tennessee cut through a wall at a family's home
to rescue a dog. It was chasing a squirrel in

the attic. The dogs up in the taste after the squirrel,
did you fall through? And fire fighters they go in
Chattanooga and they go and have to cut a hole
in the wall and they get Bella out. Here's a
weener dog. Luckily, everybody survived. Everybody's good. Firefighters just used
to saw cut to the wall. They're like Bella. They're
trying to make the dogs knocks move while they're cutting

the wall, so they cut back there. Every the dog
obviously runs to the sound. But everything's good. So good
for the firefighters, good for the dog. Everybody wins in
that one. It's funny. Huh, Yeah, it's funny because everybody
got all right. That's what it's all about. Right there.
That's telling me something good. There you go. That was
tell me something good. Sorry day. This story comes to

us from Royal Palm Beach, Florida. A twenty eight year
old man's working at Arby's. He's supposed to get off
at ten pm when the manager comes up and says, hey,
someone called in. I need you to work over time.
He's like, look, I got plans with my girlfriend. No.
The manager pulls out pepper spray. Pepper sprays him and
chases him around the store with a knife, trying to
make him stay and work over time. But he peppers

right him because he just don't want to work more. Yeah,
he didn't want to work overtime, and the manager's like, no,
that's not acceptable. Pepper sprayed him and chased him with
a knife to make him stay. That would work. He's
not going to be a very effective Employee's saying, like
he spramming and he makes more sandwiches. It's not very smart.
Crazy that that guy is the boss. So I'm lunchbox
at your Bone at Story of the Day at your

Buddy and he missed the bobbing ball trans America. This
is right. We're gonna play lunchbox versus Amy at the
trivia game, which, by the way, I don't even see
these questions till they're handed to me. Mike d we
vouch for this because I don't write the questions. Mike
Dy writes our games. I don't see these questions, right right, Okay,

So Mike Dy's written to questions. And I say that
because the scores nine to eight. Lunchbox, Oh gosh. With
the win, Lunchbox is a champ. With the win, Amy
moves it on to a sudden day. It's amazing. And
I have been a comeback kid for sure, because I was.
I had like four wins the other day. Amy, You're
up first. It's time four Amy versus LaunchBox. Question one,

before the NCUBA reaches the final four, there's a round
with eight teams. Okay, yeah, eight teams? What is that
round called? Because they're a sweet sixteen? What's eight final four?
In the middle, there's eighteen. What's like elite eight? What
is he? What is your answer? Elite eight? Your answer
is elite Yes, thank you, very good, very good. Question

number two, Logger Pilsner ale are types of web here? Okay? Correct?
Question number three at the gym, huh, how much does
the standard bar way. Wow, she went three for three.
I only left the bar. I don't add any ways

to it. And you know that's four five? Yes, all right, lunchbox.
Who Sarah Jessica Parker turns fifty four years old today.
What was her character's name on Sex in the City,
Kary Bradshaw with authority cocky lunchbox ballpoint, Yeah, wing and

twin are types of what here's the questions of shoes?
Yeah in correct, Oh no, it's sewing needles. Well I
could call it doesn't matter questions. I wouldn't have known that.
I was gonna say, well, that's play. Jumped at it
so quick. Well, there we go, Amy, you are a winner.
We go to one round next week to all the marble, Lunchbox,

would you have known the final one? Here? Actor Joe
Alwen is best known as whose boyfriend never heard of
the guy? I'll Taylor Swift. Yeah, they're they're gonna get married,
they've been together forever. Well, you won twice. Hey, there's
just nine on the final round next week and Amy
versus Lunchbox. Wow, Amy, say, don't call it a comeback,
my gosh, don't call it a comeback. Yeah, I'm the

comeback kid, he's making stuff up at this point. Well,
I didn't. I don't even know what the quote is from.
Is that what they say? Yeah, no, they're not. That
not the comeback, but La cold J. Don't call it
a comeback, no, all right, like you were always meant
to be there? Yeah? Oh yeah, yeah, this isn't a comeback.
This is where I belong. I love country music. I

love sharing facts about country music. That's why I've been
nicknamed country music's youngest historian. Yeah, the Bobby Bones Show
on this day and Today. In nineteen eighty nine, which
is thirty years ago, Garth Brooks made his chart debut
with What Song, What Year? Nineteen eighty nine, first ever song,
first I Counting You No. It was the first single

from a self titled debut albums Thunderroll, No If Tomorrow,
Never Time Now h the dance much too young? This
Dan Well, that's the controversy, right, Yes, so it was
co written by Garth. It only got to number eight

because we talked about this on Garth's birthday. What happened
was some radio stations didn't play it because it had
the word yeah in the title. Should have been number
one song, but they were like we can't play. It's
got the D word in it. So that was his
first ever single. It goes to number eight. Now. One
of the line mentions a worn out tape of Christ
right now, only women go ahead and bad news bad younger.

I know what it is. Wait, hold on, what does
everybody say? It is? No? What are you saying? It is?
Lonely women and bad boons, bad boons, baboons, babo monkeys.
She says, bad boons. That's the dumbest thing I ever heard.
He sat, lonely women and baboons. Yeah, all right, lunch,
bad news, lonely women and bad news Eddie bad Booze. Okay,

so we have baboons, bad news, bad Booze, bad Booze.
Morgan number two jump in this Mine was bad news.
You're right fine, rude him getting younger. You No, here
it is here we go out, Chris. Lonely women and

bad boons, bad boo bad Booze. Booze seems to be
the only friends I've left it all. Yeah, bad boote.
He's friends with Babbo's bad news. No singing it wrong
for twenty one years. The answer bad Booze, So Chris

Ladu was a country singer who's been performing for years,
but it never had much of a following. However, he
was a huge influence on Garth Brooks, and when the
song became a hit, it kind of resurrected Chris Ladue's career.
They met eight months after it was released on the
radio and played a show together where, even though Garth
was big, he insisted he opened for Chris Ladu. Wow
that's Garth. Isn't that crazy? Awesome? Wow? Come on there

you go. I'll play this right now. It was number
one thirty years ago today and hopefully you like that
fun fact there today and cuntry music history that was
this day. You're Samy's pile of stories. Relying on technology
allows us to forget five things a day. I saw that,

and I agree because I don't know anybody's phone number,
and I don't know how to get anywhere it's on
the list because I always just type it in like
with my phone. I'll just yell at my serie to
take me somewhere. What are the things we forget? So
the five things we forget our passwords, other people's phone numbers,
how to spell certain world oh man, me too? And
I don't even try anymore. I hit it and if
it doesn't autocrack, I just send it anyway. So it's

either spell check or hopefully it's a person's spell recognize
on the other side of it, because I don't even
try how to do basic math, and then how to
write legibly because between our phones and technology or computers, like,
we don't really write that much anymore. And then some
of the things are outside of the top five, like Bobby,
you mentioned directions, birthdays, what time shows are on oh birthdays.

It's actually helped me. I don't know anybody's birthday, but
having calendar helps you big time. And I put in
the people's birthdays that I really like. Basically it's just
Amy and my exes. Yeah wow, I know. So. Oh
you know. Another funny thing people forget this was number
six on the list, so almost top five their own
phone number. Like sometimes if they're asked for it to
fill it out, like sometimes they're like, shoot, what is

my own phone number? Yeah, you don't have to see
yours forever. I've had my phone number twenty three. Yeah,
you've had the same one. Like I switched a few
years ago and it did take me a while to
learn it because I was like, oh, I don't really know.
I'll call yourself right, Yeah I do. Sometimes I'm really lonely.
Oh hey, hey, are you good? Yeah? I'm okay. How

what else? So couples in happier relationships say these things
to each other more often, so you can, you know,
drop these down, not if you're driving, but just make
sure that you're telling your partner this, thank you. If
you're expressing gratitude in your relationship relationship, even for the
small things, not just for the big, it will really
impact things. You make me laugh, make sure you let

them know that they're funny, because couples that can laugh
together it means that they enjoy each other's company and
each other's jokes. You mean a lot to me. So
people want to feel valued and appreciated, so make sure
you remind them. And then lastly, I love you, like
if you're not someone that says it all the time,
but simply put saying I love you is an active
or mind or of your admiration for one another. Poppies

never said it. I know it anybody my dog all time.
But Nick, there's still time. This is the year Ammys
put our fist in the air, like, yeah, twenty nineteen, right, yeah,
of course? What else? Okay, you know the top most
productive time of day? When is it for you? Where

are you the most productive? Two parts? Either like six am,
which amount of morning person, But I've been awake a
few hours to we start doing I'm not an hour
into the show probably then, or like six pm right
before I go I have a few hours before I
go down, Like I'm just hammering away the next day.
Wow for my schedules. Odd, Yeah, you're not really average.
So for those people that are listening right now, it's

the first three hours of your day, that's when you're
most productive. That okay, yeah, but that's when you are
cranking stuff out. So if you have your list of
mt s, do you know in my teeth? My husband
taught me this a military term, it's your most important tasks.
So he tries to help me make lists and prioritize them,

and he's like, what are your in my tees, numbered
them one through ten and knock out one to ten.
I'm kind of hot. It's kind of hot, right. So anyway,
my encouragement to anybody listening is to know that your
first three hours might be your most productive, so you
might as well take care of your mts during that time.
I like these acronyms. I had Emily Wise been on
the Bobycast last week and she was telling me about

the PABs and what is that? No, I know, Oh,
it doesn't matter, I'm like saying here on the radio.
But I was like, oh, that's a term. It's ah
what wait, what it's a about? Somebody? People are a dad?

Her dad her dad on the Bobbycats if you check
it out, her dad was a bill bondsman and you
have to go track people down and if they didn't
show and and pay their bond that he'd get a
note that somebody was a paby. It's on the Bobby Cast.
You should listen to it. Even talking about that, Okay,
that makes it funny. I didn't know if it was
like check out the Bobycast search boby Cast where you
listen to podcasts. By the way, I believe Trevor from

Old Dominions come to the house. Where do I want tonight? Oh? One? Yeah,
my boy? Cool, Yeah, we'll talk about you the whole time. No, no, okay,
that's my pile. That was Amy's pile of stories. It's
time for the good news. Oh man. So there's this
chicken named Colorado, and it got too large for her

own legs to support herself due to factory farm chickens.
They're bread to grow really quickly, like way faster than
they should. But there's this rescue farm that will take
in these chickens. Poor Colorado. They thought they were gonna
have to put her down because she just was so uncomfortable.
She couldn't walk, she couldn't support herself. Well, the husband
at this sanctuary, he read about a chicken wheel tire online,

so yah, then he built one for Colorado. And ever
since Colorado I got her wheelchair, her sparkle is bad.
Is this a real story? Yes, there's there's a rescued
factory farm. They rescued chickens that are, you know, basically
born to fatten up and then give birth or eat

eat eat, Actually, and Colorado that's saved. They built a wheelchair.
You believe that one, No, a wheelchair or chicken named
Colorado in a wheelchair, all of those things that's all
about right there. That was tell me something good. Was
the latest from Nashville in Tullywood Morgan number two thirty
second skinny. On last night's American Idol, Luke Brian gave

the boots off his feet to one of the contestants
named Colby, after seeing Colby's boots had holes in the
bottom of them. What's sys she were you? Colby wouldn't
be a twelve D, would it. Well, I'm a twelve D.
I'll solve that little problem. Those boots are made for
walking to the next round, and your whole line is

going to the next I'm gonna say this about that.
It was really a moment, like a moment that because
I was there and this kid has boots with holes
in the bottom of his feet. He's like a real
life cowboy too, Like there are people that wore cowboy hats,
and there are real life cowboys, and this kid was
a real life cowboy and looks like, let me see
your feet, after he had already seen them and mentioned

the other judges, I think he had holes in his shoes.
And then he's like and he pulls the boots off,
and it was a whole thing. Like I was there
watching and I was like, holy crap, and I got
a little teary eyed, and then I got all misty
last night watching it again. Did you see it? Lot?
Did you see it? Yeah? It wasn't like a moment, Oh,
it was like I had tears in my eyes. I
was like, that was so cool. And I saw it
in person and I still cried again last night. Also,

I'm crying all the time. What's wrong with me? I
don't know, but I'm crying all the time. I saw
Amy this morning, I cried, No, but I wanted to
all Right? What else? Margant number two. Brooks and Done
released another collaboration from their reboot album. This one's with
Brett Young for the remake of Brooks and Done's song
and about You She Live, She loves her and don't

do something for Me? You know what I like about that?
Brett Young singing an upbeat song? Yeah, Like I'm so
used to him singing slow songs. He actually sounds and
I knew he would and I like Brett, but that's
weird to hear him singing like a real upbeat song
with like a big all snare and what does she live?

They bring nothing about her? Yeah that's good. That's a
good song too. What Else. Marion Morris and Ryan Heard
celebrated their first wedding anniversary this weekend and shared some
throwback photos on social media. Marin wrote that she wouldn't
mind doing this sixty more times around the sun with you,
as in to Ryan, and then Ryan wrote, best thing
that's ever happened to me, best year in my life.
To be fair, I throwback photo. It's from one year ago.

I'll throwback it sometimes I throw back a week. Oh okay,
I don't know the rules on the throwback me. I
feel like throwbacks that'll be like at least three years.
But yes, yes, I'm I'm a big fan of both
of them as people. All Right, is that it? Yep?
I'm Morgan number two. That's the skinny, all right? Delightful?
You dude, did your buddy and miss ball twenty minutes

away from lunchbox guessing people's weights just by talking to
them on the phone. If you've never heard this, do
not leave twenty minutes away. It's like a Carnival barker.
But in twenty nineteen, that's on the way now, Ji morning, Corny.
What do you call an alligator on Wall Street? What
do you call alligator on Wall Street? An invest? The

gator invest Wall Street invest, Digator invest yeah, guys. Well,
I'm gonna be honest with you missed one in a
long time. This was a hard swing. Wow, wow, Wow
you got the crickets today. It's been probably a month

since you bombed. I wouldn't get tik that a bob.
Oh yeah you would. Wow, that was the morning corning.
We'll give you a shot to make it out. But
here's the thing right now, if you ever missed two
in a row, it's a good one. Well, if you
ever well, because the listeners want to laugh. On that one,

they probably were mad and got it out of car.
If they just stopped their cars and got out. Here's
the thing, invest investigator, Did I tell it wrong? Was it? What?
Did I not work on the delivery? An alligator on
Wall Street invests, We get it. If you want to
try to make up for that one, we'll do it again.
But if you miss you're suspended a day. Oh yeah what.

The people demand a good laugh. They take it to school,
they take it to work. We have nurses to tell
it to their patients. You tell me, do you want
to leave them sad tomorrow or you want to take
shot at it? No pressure, guess I have to take
a shot at it. All right? Oh, here we go.
Think about that for a second. Are you ready? All right?

Here we go, folks, suspension on the line. Morning corny,
What did the nuts say when it was chasing the
other nut? Oh? No, what did the nuts say when
it was chasing the other nuts? I'm gonna cash you? Okay,
there goes. That was the morning corny. You'd like to

get quarterback? You don't interception? You forget about it? You
moving to the next one. Tell a bad joke? Well
you cry? Are you? Are you? Yeah? Okay? Well here's
the disease that I think i'd like to have, the
sleeping beauty syndrome. You've seen that she sleeps like three
weeks at a time. No, she's so lucky. Yeah. University

student has told how she suffers from a rare syndrome
which she sleeps for weeks at a time. Twenty one
years old, Sleeping beauty syndrome. She can sleep up to
twenty two hours a day. Come on, how amazing does
that sound? Although I feel like my back would hurt
a little bit. You know, sometimes I get like pimple
bedswords in my butt, like if I'm laying in bed

for like, yeah, so I mean, there's that. But yeah,
I stayed up last night. I watched some of the Office.
I know, shocker. These allergies are just killing me right,
and so I have a little trouble here. But Amy
and I were on text last night for probably fifteen minutes,
just talking about scenes in the Office because Amy's now
a watcher and I'm so behind. I'm like, so late
to the party on this, but I'm all in. Yeah.

She's like I was crying when Michael Scott and I
was like, oh, yeah, I'm seen anything yet. I told him,
what's wrong with these people with me? I don't know
these people, but I'm so connected to these people. Yeah,
Jim and Pam. I want to hang out with them.
It's the greatest show. I'm Game of Thrones is the
greatest show of all time. Not my favorite, but the
amount of time, money, effort, all of that makes it,

in my opinion, the greatest show of all time. The Office,
oh close. Did Jim and Pam ever get together? I mean,
I guess I can say, right, yeah, yeah, I always wondered,
Okay they got married? And I told Amy, I said,
there are three times I cried during the Office. Every
time and I've seen it one hundred times. It's when
Jim and Pam's wedding, when everybody dances down the aisle.
That's one. I'm not gonna say. The other ones with

Michael scott Leaves. What's the other one, I'm not talking
about the finalemy. So she's watching the Office. Now you
know what I watched. I watched the Motley Crue document. No,
it's a biopic. It's kind of stupid. It's on Netflix.
It's called The Dirt. Yeah, what what what? It's funny.
It's goofy um shinga Kellys then and he plays Tommy Lee.

Pete Davidson plays a record guy. It's fun interesting. I'm
such a music nerd. I've read some of their biographies.
And you know Tommy Lee, No, you know Nick six
who actually this from is from his book mostly Okay,
it's okay, it's all a dope, but it's fun. It's
all dirty. Um. And then I watched The Green Booking.
It was pretty good. Okay, that's it. Gi didn't need

to win the Oscar, didn't you? Oh? Wow? Right? Yeah,
one thing I know, I'm so good, didn't you. I
haven't seen it yet, but Bobby goes it didn't deserve
to win. Wait, do you really it was a true story.
It's pretty true. Oh, pretty true. I don't know. I
just believe they told me it's true. I mean it's
pretty true. Um. I thought it was good. It was
slow and it was like two and a half hours.

We just got to stop building stuff up. Guys. Oh okay,
that's the problem, because well it also won the Oscar.
I have build up. Yes, I'll watched Green Book. I
cried at the end. Any Way, I'm crying all the time.
You guys come in, come in. It's like, what did
Bobby cry out today? Your hormones are out. I know
he's making up for all those years he never cured.
I've been on my period for like nine months. Wow. Okay.

I thought it was good. I would give it a
B plus Okay, which is good. Um. But I watched
because Amy said to watch it, and I think people
will like it. Is this the Driver? Yeah? The movie? Okay, Yeah,
this guy that's Viggo Mortenson who plays the Driver. What
was he in? Because he was kind of big in
this movie, like had a big old belly and I
thought he played like an action star something before, but
it was good. Yeah, I did that. I watched I

had this stupid allergy. I just didn't watch shows. That's
not like my grandma. I was watching my shows all weekend.
Well you did crag your bike because grandma. I had
a call Bobby yesterday. He answers the phone like totally,
like out of breath. I'm like, are you on your
bike right now? He's like, just got off. Well, it's
rare that I talk on the phone to anyone. It's
not a FaceTime or text. And Amy calls me, what

do you calling me? Oh? My birthday? Yeah, and so
she was like, what do you do for your birthday?
And I was like yeah. So anyway, that's that's what's up.
That's what I did this weekend. I just watched a
bunch of stuff. I started watching extras again with the
rookie your basse you know what that is? No? Yeah,
who needs you? Then? Is that the other one that
made you cry? Oh? So I tried to start After

a Life because Ricky isn't it right? So I'm in
episode one. I don't know if I just wasn't in
the right mood or what, but I wasn't getting into
it and you said that's your favorite showing. Yeah, I know.
Probably in like ten years, I'll be like, there's this
show afterlife, and it's so amazing, I said, best show
I've ever seen in my life in the past three months. Okay, well,

then I need to go revisit. I must not have
been in the right headspace for it. Put the subtitles
on because they speak. Oh, you can't understand what Sometimes
miss it because you're like what yeah, good, all right, okay,
Luchos will be able to guess your way just by

talking to you within five pounds. Crystal in North Carolina?
What up? Hey? Good? Oh, I'm fantastic first time callers,
so this is actually pretty exciting for me. Okay, well,
let me just run through the normal round of questions.
I ask caller, have you ever met any of us
here on the show? No? Okay, so you don't know, Lunchbox,

he's never seen you. There's nothing, there's nothing rigged about this,
like nope, all legit. Yeah, okay, all right, well lunch Box,
whoa hold on, I'm getting ready? Sorry, sorry, what's her name?
Our name is Crystal. What you'll have of is thirty
seconds to ask her questions and you have to guess
her weight within five pounds? Okay? Yeah? And where's she from?

She's from North Carolina? Right, Crystal? Are you ready? Yep?
I'm ready? All right, lunchbox, are you ready? I'm ready?
And rock and roll? Crystal? What college do you cheer for?
Excuse me? What college do you cheer for? Okay? And
what car? Was the first car you ever drove? When's
the last time you went to a buffet? A couple

of months ago? And how old are you? I'll be
thirty in July. How many kids do you have? I'm sorry,
that's there has gathered the information. He's making notes over there.
He's checking this box. He's like the sand the Claus
of weight guessing. He's checking it twice. What was your
first car? I so, can you guess her weight within

five pounds? Yeah? Crystal from Carolina hadn't been to the
buffet in a couple of months, which is a good sign.
I like buffets, the bets, I understand, but if you
go to the buffet every day, it's not a good sign.
I'm gonna say one eighty five. He says, one eighty five. Crystal,
what do you weigh? Holy cow, I'm one. Three. Wow.

Wow is right? Okay, Crystal, thank you for playing as
Lunchbox guests as your weight. Amber in Massachusetts, Good morning, Amber,
good morning. How are you good? What's up with you? Nothing? Well,
you've heard how you've heard? How this goes? Right? Yes? Absolutely?
Have you ever met us? I have you, Bobby, but
not Lunchbox anybody else? How was that was a nice

you were? I thought you actually in North Houston at
the Calvin. Of course, I haven't stopped thinking about you since.
I'll be honest with whoa, whoa whoa? Is that true? Now?
I don't know. I don't know. Amber in Massachusetts and
Lunchbox you have thirty seconds? Are you ready? Ye? And
you're on Amber? How tall are you? I am five? Three.
When's the last time you had a hair cut? What? Uh? Three?

Four months ago? What color is your hair? And brown?
How many kids do you have? I have two? What
do you have for dinner last night? Uh? Pizza? And
when's the last time you went to the gym? Never?
And how old are you? I'm sorry? I think that

what colors your hair? Questions are? I gonna do them good?
It's so important? Okay, So you have her hair lunchbox.
And when she last cut it, Amber and Matt we
were hating, but he gets it. Can you guess her
way within five pounds lunch box? Yeah, she sounds like
a petite lady, like her voice is real petite. She
has two kids. So I'm gonna say she's naturally blissed

where she doesn't have to go to the gym. I'm
gonna say one ten, one ten, everyonein five pounds? What
do you weigh? I am one quarantine? Come on? He
has to, he does. He hears something in their voice
that gives him like a sem the question did you
blink today? Yeah? All right, you want to roll one more?

You just don't retire two and two? Oh you know what?
Three for three he's better than two for two, right,
This says Danielle in Florida. Hi Danielle, Hey Bobby, Now
you're hearing this happen, and you probably think he's probably
lunchboxes cousins. They're not, though, are you lunch boxes cousin?
I'm not, but I think I can do the one
to stop them. Okay, she wants to stop This is Danielle.

Danielle's in Florida. One part of Florida. Danielle, Tampa. We
love it in Tampa. You asked one or three? Five? Represent? Yeah?
All right? Are you ready? Let's buy? What's her name? Danielle? Yeah,
all right, You tell me when you're ready. I'm ready, Danielle.
When's the last time you wore a bikini? Uh? Saturday? Okay?

Did you wear a sunscreen or did you put suntan
lotion on either? Oh? Natural? Okay? When's the last time
you went from the gym yesterday? What's your favorite dessert?
M birthday cake? Are you married? I am engaged. Oh?
When's the wedding? November? How tall are yours? Your trying

to rush him in there? Let's box you have Danielle
and Tampa, Florida. Look if she's going to the beach
already wearing a bikini and she's not worried about the sunburn,
She's ready to flaunt that body. She's got a wedding
coming up. She's watching her, She's watching herself. I gotta
say one thing, Danielle, what do you wait? Well, folks,

just when you think you can't do it, he still
has it. Do you think he'd start getting older like
an athlete and starts selling down. I don't know. I
think he's getting little sharper. Yeah, I'm getting I'm like wine,
I get finer with time. Okay, all right, say well
I don't think so. And then what they say about
those I mean, yeah, you get doctor to bit, but

you know, I don't know that that's the exact same
kind of like whine, get fined with time, you know,
and it's all mine. So and I gotta die. Why
don't I come upon? You know me? Hey, we gotta
give it up for We gotta give it up for
the guy. We gotta give it up for the guy
there there he is our void. Lunchbox it again, three

for three, one more time. Here you go. I can
never look at enough. And every time I tell everybody
has up, and they stay there and they stay there.
Souss down, the borna whoa now wid like fine wine?

Miss where wine? I want to get wine in time?
We gonna all right, thank you, lunch by. They had
these UFC fights Amy this weekend. I don't watch him live,
but I was watching on Twitter. Yeah, this guy comes on.
He's from Arkansas. Reminds me of myself. I always represent
in Arkansas. Okay, what Dinydale. Listen to this guy after

the fight after he wins. Okay, he's in the ring
and they interview them after they win. Pap, call my
MoMA color I'm fine, and tell her be hungry when
she picks me up. I'm taking her out. Statement. I
want that Arkansas back home. Remember Yo's right, and I
supposed to be here because I'm from Arkansas, Arkas. He
told me, I have to leave Arkansas. If you watch

something every time you put them back in my fights,
I'm gonna say, Arkansas rink up. I told y'all want
the cameo shorts and reboked, Get that dude, some camo shorts.
That's what he said. I want some camo shorts. Don't
make fun of my people. Not I didn't know what
he said. I didn't know that y'all growing up in Arkansas,
y'all felt so not like you couldn't make it. We're

always disrespected. I'm gonna tell you why, because nobody considers
us whenever they consider oh, the Great States of America.
So we have to like work doubly to prove ourselves.
So good for this guy, Bryce Mitchell, because I've been
screaming it for a while too, and so I'm proud
of him. Yeah. I didn't even watch it live, but
I tweeted him too. Yeah, that's hard to grow up
in a state that like he was making. It seemed

like your own state doesn't believe in you. Like you know,
it's not the whole state. It's just that people will say,
you gotta get out of Arkansas. I you're gonna make
something of yourself, and you gotta like let your Arkansas
roots go away. My roots are deep in Arkansas, and
so is this guy here. Love it, Bryce Mitchell. I
tweeted him, you know, I did any tweeting back, and
then Justin More we tweeted my tweet and Justin Moore
the Arkansas so alls Arkansas people, we got him bond together,

like where all we have? We're Shane Monia. Did he
retweet not yet? He's like, Pepo, I love this guy.
This is he saying, Hey, Amy, what do you need?
Why didn't detect on the bottom of this Amy? It's
his granddad. Yeah, my kids called my dad Papaul. I
just was making sure and I love that. He's like
mom writing steak, Yeah, screw this, Pepo, call my MoMA.

Collor I'm fine and tell her be hungry. When she
picks me up, I'm taking her out for steak. I
want that Arkansas called remember yo, my insparation. I'm supposed
to be here. He out from Arkansas. Arkansaw. He told
me I have to leave Arkansas peop more or something.
Every time you put him back in my fight, I'm
gonna say Arkansas, rick up. I told y'all, wake the

cameo short my favorite me too. And you know what,
I get a lot of crap because I have a
big old bat Arkansas tattooed on my arm, and I
did it big and bold on purpose, so you had
to go, what's that on your arm? That's the reason
I did it, because I wanted body to be like,
what in the world is a big old thing in
your arm? And I'll be like Arkansas, that's right. So

this dude was actually on um Eddie Lunchbox and Raymon
to have a sports show called The Sore Losers. Yeah.
I saw him in the hall. Not a big guy, huh.
Small yes, in one of those small divisions, right, Yes, Yeah,
I'm the bum from Arkansas straight out the trailers. You
know what I'm saying. I don't care. You know, say
I'm the underdog, I'm gonna go in there and fight
the same either way. I'm giving everything I got. I

don't care if I'm ownerdog or not. When loser draw,
it don't matter. Man, it's going out there and fighting
with honor. That's my dude. Look at that. He is awesome.
Look at that. And you know what, hope mom's hungry
because she's getting some steps right. Yeah, anyway, fix him up.
I saw that. He's like, Hey, tell him, I'm good.
I'm okay. I know you're probably not watching it, but
tell him. So cool. Yeah, so I saw that. I thought.

That's on my Twitter if you want to see that,
so you can also I check out the Sore Losers
podcasts search Sore Losers wherever you listen to your podcasts.
We read the story about how we spend half of
our life. Where are you thinking? In our bed? Yeah?

In our bed. So we sleep about seven hours a night.
And so if you take sleep, and you take watching
TV and reading in bed, and you know, doing adult stuff,
that's about an extra four hours a day. That's eleven
hours total. That's almost half the day, right. Yeah, And
so by the time life expectancy seventy eight years. And
do the math and it's thirty six years of our
life in bed. And so. But I was thinking about me,

and I'm not home a whole lot because I travel
a lot. But when I I don't go anywhere about
my bedroom. I have two rooms in my house, my
bedroom and the rest. I might go to the I
go to the kitchen to get food, but I watch
TV in bed, I work in bed, I eat in bed.
Sometimes I'll eat at the bar if I'm feeling crazy,
if I'm like, I gotta switch this up, but I

take full meals back to your bed. Yeah, you eat
them in a plate and then you take the plate
back to the kitchen. Wow, I think it all if
I'm just like doing therapy work on myself. I think
it all stems back to the fact I never had
a bedroom growing up. Yeah, so you ate wherever or okay, no, no,
like a teenager. Yeah, I think so, right, because growing

up we didn't have enough bedrooms in our house. There's
a nine hundred square foot house, two bedrooms. They were
like six people living there, sometimes seven people living there.
And so I slep on the couch and my closet
was underneath the couch. And with that being said, I
never had a bedroom, so I think now I just
live in my bedroom. I have my exercise bicycle in there,
I know, which makes me think, now you're not leaving
really at all, Like you don't even used to leave

to have to go to the gym, and now that
you're loving that bike so much, I'm getting concerned. Well,
I still go boxing now, but until I get a
bag of my room. I mean, yeah, So I saw
that we spent a lot of time in bed. I
spend a lot of if I'm home, I'm like, I
live in that bed. Sometimes I'm know to have to
go to the kitchen, Like, why can't I just get
a fridge and a still hove in my bedroom? My

hall house should just be a bedroom. You have a house,
let's just knock down all the ammy. I don't need
a house. I know, I don't need a house. You
don't need those other rooms. I don't. I literally don't.
Whenever I was in Los Angeles, I had to live
there for a few months when I was dancing on
that show. The tiniest apartment could not have been happier.
It was basically a bedroom and you walk out and
you see the fridge. That is it. Mike Dear was

living with me too, across the hall, but that could
not have had It's perfect. You know, we're talking about
Viggo Mortenson says, is it Vigo video the guy in
green Book. I watched green Book, thought it's pretty good.
Amy hyped me and was like, you're gonna love it.
She goes, okay, sorry, picture. So I wasn't all just
the hype me. This is what Amy said that. She goes,
that's not what you think. And then I watched it

exactly what I thought that problem. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I
watched like three movies that weekend. I know, I was
like green who also said I didn't like Creed two,
and I did the green Book is good. But Amy's like,
I said, it's just somebody driving somebody around, and she's like, yeah,
she goes, but that's not what you think. And you
know what the movie's about somebody driving somebody around exactly.
It is so much more than that. It's about race

and like the fifties and sixties. Yes, and I cried
at the end. Had Amy not give me the false
built I would have loved it. I'd probably come here
going a minus. Instead I go be plus. Okay, now
you're making me feel bad, but okay, Well, the Viggo
Mortenson kind of got fat for the movie, and I
was like, man, what's up with this guy? And so
when it comes to food and eating for movies, this
dude had to put on forty five pounds for the movie.

And he would eat fifteen hot dogs every day. Oh,
he would eat three helpings of desserts and three three,
three helpings and then three desserts. He's a chiseled guy. Yeah,
this movie, y see, I could do that. Oh yeah,
oh yeah start. Yeah, it's time for the good news.

Carlos was told if he doesn't make some changes, he
wasn't gonna live to the age of forty. He weighed
six hundred and fifty one pound. Wow. Wow wow. So
he went on a diet. He lost four hundred and
seventy five pounds. Jeez, man, And now his goal is
to run a marathon. He walked his first five k,

started running a little bit, and now his goal is
to run a marathon. He lost four hundred pounds four
seventy five What did he do? Do we know? He
stopped drinking soda because I don't do it. You want
to look for hundred pounds of my kidding, just stop drinking.
Everybody out there, let me give you a piece of advice.
This is truth, and I'm not There's not an inch

of me as fastitious in this. Do you want to
change your life? Do you want to lose? Stop drinking soda?
And for me, I love soda. When it burns and
I go, I'm gonna tell you I get that and
I go, and then it goes down. This is what
it feels like in my body. If I can make
a sound or it feels like in my body, this
would mean it sounds like, oh yeah, it feels like

when it goes down. Here's what I say. I like
a soda too, not even gonna lie to you. Have
one a week, such a time, Have one a week,
because if you make the thing, I'm like, I'm gonna
have one soda weeks. You know what, You're probably gonna
have two. And that's okay too. Anything that you can
do in moderation is okay. That being said, that soda,

that candy, that sugar, that's gonna be cigarettes in five
seven years. It already kind of is and we're learning
that chill on the sodas. I want to add to
that and say that doesn't mean switch to diet soda
and you'll be good. You have to cut out all
of soda because I used to drink tons of diet
coke and when I got off, I lost swede and
felt better again. I love soda. I just want to

be honest with our listeners. I love soda. And when
I like to make another noise that it makes me
feel like sometimes I'll take the soda and take the cup.
I don't like a straw. Who wants a straw? Every
soda be? Could you want to like enjoy it all
in your mouth, not just like a little tube of it?
Do you want to have his goal in your And
sometimes when I swallow it, this is what it sounds
like because it feels so good. I swallow it and
it goes it feels like when it goes down, it's

like a little little cheer uh da. Being said, you
want to lose weight, stop drinking soda. Well, let's box
what you got. You mind me onto something? Because he
cut out fast food, fried foods, bread, soda and alcohol
and started walking, I'll get good for him. The food.
I'm gonna say this too, Believe me. If you may
working out, it's fine, you should do it. It keeps you,
gonna keep you your your body healthy longer. If you

don't eat right, don't even waste your time working out,
because that workouts eighty percent of it. I excuse me.
The eating is eighty percent of it. If you eat
right and don't work out, you'll lose weight and look good.
If you eat right and work out, you'll look a
little better. If you just work out and eat wrong,
nothing's gonna change. Nothing is going to change. So why
haven't watch your time? Go volunteer with puppies or something instead?

I mean, m would you like to hear another sound
that my body makes? Yes? When you drink soda? Whenever
I drink so yeah. So sometimes I get a cup.
I like a plastic cup too. It's soda, inn't it?
Oh yeah? Yeah? And I'll pour it down my throat
and it goes like this happy New Year when it
goes down. Yeah, it's that good. It's that good happy
New Year. But that's what's all about, you know, get

him being minimized, minimize Okay? Is that lunch Bob? Thank
you very much. That's what it's all about. That was
tell me something good, your buddy, and miss the Bobby Ball.
This is a right you said. That boat, that cruise

ship that's called tilting and the helicopter people off, Oh no,
like Titanic, that's here, and like the people's cell phone
footage from inside, they see like chairs and stuff flying across.
It's un And people were like, well, Trump, I'm never
going on the cruise. That's like seeing a car wreck
and going I'm never driving a car like it's rare.

But it's in Norway. I guess they finally got it
back to port. But righting, we were gonna up on
a helicopter with a sling, the two of us together,
and it's quite scary. I felt like, surely they have
everything under control. It's all going to be okay. So
we just chalk this up to an unexpected adventure. The
boat was tilted in the water. She has a good attitude, yeah,

because she lived. They had to get four hundred and
seventy of my pastures out with helicopters, Oh my gosh.
And you could see it like from land out there,
and it looked like trouble listen to this, just inside
all right, Time to abdicate scary like that stuff swinging

back and forth on the ship like chair and just crazy.
That's my luck. I'll go on a I'd be like guys,
based my fears of motion, sickness and cruise, and I
get Titanic two right there. Eddie's birthday was last week
into last week and I posted on my Instagram that

I have happy fifty third birthday. My favorite part about
that is that everybody believed it. Oh yes they did.
Everyone's like wow, you know, like you look good for
fifty three, look good for you. Thank you. Eddie turned forty, Yeah, forty.
First of the show, the Eddie R Video producer, dad
of two turned forty, and you know what, everyone goes hard.

It's forty years old, Like it's a big birthday party.
I did nothing and it was great. Yeah, but you
don't have to do anything. You have a family and kids,
Yeah you do, you do. People making forty like a
big deal. We talked about like we know our parents, like,
oh over the hill, forty like big parties. I was
just like, let's just be chill about it. So it's
just just a number. Well, all of our birthdays are happening.
Amy's just happened. She was at Disney with her kids.

Eddie had pizza with his kids. Right, Mine's like two weeks.
What are you gonna do? You know, it's a week
from week tomorrow. I don't know. I don't want a thing. No, no,
let me rephrase, because Amy, Amy and I sat up
here yesterday and it's rare that we get to have
talks where it's just us, nobody else around, not really working,
just sitting around. Amies, I'm my best friend. And we

sat around. She was like, what are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do if I, you know, talk
about a birthday? And I'm just said, you know, I've
been doing a lot of therapy. I have trouble accepting love,
but I'm just gonna take it right. It would that
be what our competition was. Yes, So for your birthday,
you're gonna take love. He said. He feels different about
his birthday this year. I feel that I should feel
different about my birthday. Mostly I'm like, don't throw a party.

I don't like it. Whenever people are like, oh, let's
celebrate you. I like to talk good about me. I
like to talk bad about me. I don't like anybody
else to talk talk about me. So I'd like people
to be like, oh, we're here for your birthday. That's cheer.
I don't like that. Feel uncomfortable. And then then everybody
have to pay their own they come to celebrate me,
then they have to pay for it. That's the dumbest
thing you ever heard. I was like, Amy, let me

pay for my own party. She was like, don't be stupid.
Oh I like that idea even you were like, first
of all, there's nothing even planned. But he was like,
just take my credit card. Yeah. I didn't tell him.
I'm like, horrible sense of guilt, right, just just it's
not it's not pleasant. But I've got to get over this.
I have to. Except that was remember when you turned
thirty Okay, so you're about to turn thirty nine. So

nine years ago, Um threw a party for him and
knew the people to own Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Austin. Yeah,
and it got so awkward because it was a surprise.
Bobby didn't know about it, and then when he found
out it was Ruts Chris and I had invited some
of his friends from Arkansas and they came in, they
flew into town, some of his buddies that he grew
up with college roommate. I mean, I felt like your

whole demeanor, you were so deflated because you were like
freaking out that people are gonna have to pay for it. Yep,
that just because I know. But like they came, they
wanted to celebrate you, and I get it. It was
it seemed fancier than it was because I knew the owner,
so we got like a special room that probably would
have cost more. Still, when the stay costs like dirty
bib bugs, I'm like, I don't want people don't have
to pay for this. I know, but so I mean

I don't. I learned my lesson then I think the
next year, I just had my mom cook him you
know what, And it was amazing because it was awkward. Okay,
let me let me go deep just for a second. Okay,
go deep. I went and I spent a lot of
time with a therapist, and I was like, Hey, what's
my problem? Why is it hard for me? I can't
take compliments. I don't like people saying nice things about me. Listen,

I don't like people saying bad things about me either,
But I struggle more with people saying nice things about me.
I don't like that the bad things motivated Yeah it
feels you. Yeah, I think they just made me mad.
But yeah, so I said, what's the problem here? And
we did this timeline where you go you draw your
life and at first it feels hokey and you're like,
what am I doing? I'm drawing my timeline of my life.

It's on this wall too. It's like I'm a second
grade and she's like, okay, let's look at some of
the point here. And it was never told. I was
really never told I was loved because it just wasn't
a thing. It was like we gotta eat more than
we gotta love survival. Yes, so I never got good
at it. I never got good at being told that
I was loved or cared for. My grandmother was a

good influence on me, and that she showed it to me.
She was the one she adopted me for a while,
but it was really never spoken. It was kind of
a weird thing. I never said it to anybody. And
so we found the spot when I was like seven
years old, where you market and you go, this is
where it became broken, and this is how old you
are emotionally with this part of your life. So I'm

like a seven year old when it comes to like
accepting love, and I don't accept it well because I'm
a I'm a what's seven year old toddlers? Okay, I'm
like that, but like learning how to be loved. So
that's why my relationships have sunk all because of me,
because I can't accept love. I'm like, oh, why are
you with me? I'm not that good? What's the deal here?

So that being said, I'm gonna try to accept love
at this birthday party. And I told Amy, I want
a super small like just me. Oh, and then from himself,
I'm not even invited him. I do want to super Amy,
who is the greatest. By the way, if there was
an award, if America had an award, if America had

an award for just the most fantastic person, my friend
at ghost Amy would win that award. And I say
it so much in your mind? Okay, she says, why
don't we do this thing where we run out a
rooftop of Dirk's bar. We know Dirk's dip lead the
country singer. And I was like, Amy, I don't want
anything that big, because then I just felt like that
would be in a life he Bobby has a lot

of different circles in his life now. He's very busy,
so there's a lot of people. So I just wanted
to make sure there's enough space and people could come
and go and there's a DJ and it'd be fun.
I don't want to be the belle of the ball, though,
because this is what happened when like anything over, like
thirteen people come, you gotta go up to them and
you get to have a conversation with everybody. I spend
my whole life entertaining and having conversations, and it's like,

let's just keep it super small, like so small that
when we were cutting the list, Morgan number two is
not even on the list. I cut the list like don't, don't.
I decided to cut you. I was clarify what I said.

She said show she said Morgan number two, and we
have to bte everybody else, like and so, man, what's
got I got a question? So Amy cut Morgan? Amy
did it not? I just said, I'm not man, I'm
not playing with you, Bob, You're being dramatic. And I
didn't do this. Umber two. I didn't do this lunchbox,

I didn't do this. I had Bobby clarify. I just
like five people there, I said, the whole show. Amy
said the who show? And I said I don't even
want that many people. I said, Amy can be there,
and he can be there. Yeah, I'm pretty good. And
by the way, I was already had already having my

calendar schedule to talk with you later today about this,
because I I still have the whole show on my list.
You know what if I everybody, what do I care?
We'll see. Here's my list right here, and it does
have the entire that's a lot of people. Just this list. Okay, this,
this and actually what I've been working on, which is

has its own room, has enough chairs for the list
you wanted and the whole show. Seeing Amy's so worried
about being diplomatic. No, not like no, it's a it's
Bobby's party that way, Fine, do it your way. He
can do what he wants to. It's not my party

what he want because if it were me, I would
just be like, I'm gonna watch Netflix. Right well, I
thought about that. I thought about just we all go
and watch Netflix. I'm trying to watch that Morgan time
just making a joke because because we were talking about
it's not happy. She hasn't out of worse. She's just
looking at me. I was like, I was like, I

think Morgan Umbertucchi account and she was like, well, if
it happened, you have to invite everybody then, like lunch
Box and the other girls. I was like, lunch Box
has been in our life for fifteen years and you're
not inviting him, but you're inviting like it's like you're
just causing drama, Like this is going to cause drama,
Like why would you cause drama? Let's just invite everybody.
I cool, he wants you and Eddie. That's that's what

the party is. Lunchbox doesn't come to anything. No, no,
I do when I can. The other girl and I don't.
I don't know. Some of the other people have a
bigger show now everybody as I also don't want to
have to. I also just don't want to be the
veil of the ball. That's what it comes down to.
I was like Morgan number one, I was like, even
known her for a long time and you used to
do things to her and he's You're like, well, I

don't know. It just got awkward, and I trust me.
I took what you said. But I have my master
list here and it has everybody. People can see what's
going on. Everyone look like like I don't even want
to do this. I just all I said was, what

if we just have like four people there? But then
the four I mean Eddie makes sense. Eddie's my music
partner and like and the power ranking of best friends
and that's dumb. I hate when you do that. What
power ranking my Instagram on your birthday? Yes, I was
like power ranking, Yes, thank you, I appreciate it. Thank you, hurt.

It was just like Amy and Eddie, I have to
like entertain people. Oh my gosh, you know, Oh my gosh.
And then let me see if this place even emailed
me back about where I want to have your party.
You know what, I tell you what? Everybody can come
because everybody wants to do now. Oh she back? What

is it? Amy? Oh the pop? Oh no, never mind,
And this is a listener that happens to have the
same name as the person that has the room of
the party and all seriousness. Everybody can come. What do
I care? As long as I don't have to like
just go walk around and I feel like I'm running.
I just don't want It's not that I don't want
to feel like I'm running for office. Did I get that?

I get That's why I just went ahead pizza with
my family, Like I get it. Yeah, but other people,
You're right, you're trying to you know, you're trying to
start this new thing, and like people want to celebrate
with you, so you got to kind of be open. No,
but I don't want to like fake love. No one's
fake love in you. Yeah, some people will, that's all anyway,
say what you will. This is the honest conversation. Yep,

what's up? So when is this birthday on April second? Tuesday?
That Bobby? Because your birthday April second is on a Tuesday.
Like everything that conspiracy do, they put on purpose on Tuesday.
Let's be honest. Last year it was like on a Monday,
and then year before that was on Sunday. That's how
it works. Well, let's except for leap. Why don't we
just wait until back on a Friday or Saturday because

you're not in town on the weekends. Like quite honestly,
I mean like seven years from now when it's on
a Friday or Saturday. Wait, they push this party. Man,
everybody just take a deep breath. Head cool. I really
feel like a bunch of babies, Bobby, no us being babies.

You're turning thirty nine years old and we just had
this whole birthday conversation like we're in high school and
not me. I was just like, only have four people there,
and Amy lectured me because I was trying to be
considerate of the people whose birthday is it. It's your pa.
That's true, it's birthday. Thank you, everybody can come. Thank
you for listening to me. It could have been handled

not on the air. I mean, what he doesn't know
is I was already gonna listen. Sometimes you just gotta
like have a few conversations with him, and I already
had the list, and my plan this week was just
kind of work it like we had to talk yesterday.
Called him last night, I work it a little more.
Call me last night too. I call it him and

then I waited a day and then I call him
back and I'm like, you want ZNX and then he's
like yes. I'm like, hey, guess what got us a
room for the whole show? And then he says yes,
and then boom, it's all handled and we didn't have
to do this on air, and I wouldn't be sitting
here sweating, and that's just entertainment, you know. I just
turned the air condition around. You're good, good, thank you
very much. Every birthday. Thank you. Yeah, Yeah, birthday's awesome. Hey,

let's go to John in Oklahoma. Hey John, what's up, buddy? Hey,
not that much. Appreciate you calling. What do you want
to say? I was just saying, I completely agree with
you that my birthday should be kept small. I just
had my birthday yesterday, literally only had dinner with one
other person, had lunch with a couple of people. But
decide that I, you know, cater into you know, ten

twenty thirty forty people. Very difficult, you know, John, I'm
glad you said that because it wasn't even about people
on the show so much is that I didn't even
want The amount of people there did an add on,
like we have many people on work on the show.
Now nine old, like four people there and they had
nothing to do with the people on the show. I
just didn't want to be a big party. And then

all of a sudden, I'm the villain because I want
to meet my birthday with my close friends. Go ahead, John,
it's your personal thing. Thank your birthday, right, thank you.
You can decide, I mean literally, like if you want
four people there, if you don't want your closest friends,
and sorry, some people just don't make the cut. I
can't because Amy is guilty. You gotta hurt Amy during

the break, scolded me, but so nice. I'm telling you, Amy,
if there was an MVP for like humans, Okay, stop
stop saying that and listen. It's fine. It's ultimately up
to you. It's not though I've already decided it's up
to you. I put my hands in the air. You
just take it. You tell me what's up. I'm gonna
feel bad because people are paying for it. Well that's

the case. Let's go a whiskey row and dance and
I need a drink lots of on a Tuesday night though,
Oh yeah, yeah, like five to seven. I mean, what's
wrong with that? Nothing. That's what we can do. And
everybody now we're changing it. Whoa. It just went from

you know what? Who cares what I want? It not?
Because all I said I said, like to have a
small dinner with like four or five people, and she
was like, but we have to think about people. I said,
it's not even about people on the show. I just
have like four or five really really close friends and whatever. Whatever. Amy,
it's the same conversation we're gonna have off the air.
We'll tell you right now. You do what you want

to do, Okay, if you want to have the party,
A Whiskey wrote Bridgestone Arena, it doesn't matter. You want
to sell tickets, invite to thirty thousand, you know what,
sell tickets. Let's do it and split all the money.
I mean, because I was gonna pay for it, but
it's fine, and I don't want you paid for it either.

That's two. Like I'm being like, oh no, because Bobby,
you were going to give me your credit card and
I was like, no, I know. And there's another reason
that I was like, we're not inviting all the show
and I want Amy paying for it. I tell you what,
I'll make you a deal. You know there's difference. You
let me pay for it. You can do it. You
can have everybody. No, that's no, you're not paying for it, period.
It's your birthday. That's dumb. Okay. Anyway, John, Emma tell

you what's dumb? You're ready? Yeah, John understands me. I
just want to look. I was just gonna say I
also agree with that that basically, I hate when people
pay for my birthday. Me too, your birthday, Like do
you not like bunnies and puppies? John probably grew up

like Andy, where people paid for us our whole life,
and we feel like charity cases and we don't want
people to pay for us because regardless of what it
really is, it's still trust me, you're not a charity case.
In my mind, I would let you pay, but it's
the it's your birthday, John, go ahead. Amy's interrupting you
rudely because that's what she does, even though she's the
best person everybody. I was gonna say, last last year,
I had my friends. I went I took my friends
out a bunch of a nice fancy place, and I

was fully wanting to pay for the entire meal, you know,
and was pretty expensive. And they guilted me, and they
guilted me into letting them pay pay for me because
they the way they guilted me was they said that
we'll have to go somewhere else, and I was like
I can't keep this so John, I think we're cut
from the same cloth, my friend. We both have a

lot of deep down um psychological issues. Amy, you do
what you want to do. Happy birthday to me. That's
like a birthday to me. Stress everybody out. I mean,
what would you what would you do? Eddie number two
in the ranking? I would do what I did. I
didn't know my inter of you guys to my birthday. Yeah,

I didn't get into Eddie's part. I just went with
my family and ate pizza. Like my butt wasn't hurt,
simple boom anyway. But that's what I would do. But
he isn't you have your family? We are his family.
And Amy was gonna say. This is what she was
about to say, and this is why it cuts me
a little bit. She was gonna say, he doesn't have
a family. That's what you said. Yeah, because that's doesn't try.

I'm gonna say, weird feeling, Yes, we are, you're not.
Who are you? I'm your dad, she's your mom. This
is just got my party not feel weird again. Now
I'm a charity case again because I don't have a

family's happening. We're just back to where we started, I
don't want a birthday party. I hate birthday show, I
hate love. You're the one that just said no, Eddie.
You said no. What I would do? I just had
it with my family and I didn't invite any of y'all.
Well I can't, Yeah, I can't. Bad idea, Eddie. I'm done.

I really need somebody to come through here. What do
you want? I'm done? No Birthday's birthday is canceled. This year,
I don't get older and we don't have a party.
How about that last year we showed up at your
house for like the shortest birthday party ever because it
was awkward and we didn't know what you would want
to do and you had just lost Dusty and knew
you were sad your dog and it was hard. And yeah,

we all showed up to your house like saying happy birthday,
like eight piece of cake and then well it was
like ten minutes tops the good old days. That was
a good party. Moving on, Okay, so this is what happens.
There's a guy in Massachusetts. He was arrested for keeping
an eighty six inch flat screen TV that was mailed

to us home by mistake. This isn't Boston. The news
says this, He said, hey, man, what's up. Police surrounded
his house. They knocked on the door with flashlights like
boom boom boom. They went through the windows. They said, hey,
come outside. Then they handcuffed him. He said he originally
bought and paid for a seventy four inch flat screen,

but when the eighty six inch arrived, delivered by a
third party company, he chose not to return the larger model.
The police found it mounted to his wall. So I
look into all the loss, he said. You know, sometimes
you win, sometimes you lose. Apparently, they called over and
over again to give him to send the TV back.
The shipping company claims he's signed for the incorrect delivery.

He disputes it. He says they never informed him. He's
facing jail time. The end, he was charged with larceny.
Find lots of stuff your thoughts on this lunchbox. I
think that he did the right thing because the TV
was delivered to him. He signed, he ordered a TV,
and when he got inside he realized, oh they messed up.
He put it on his wall. Look good, Hey TV's gone. Sorry,

Oh boy, there he goes again. I mean, no, he
needs to give it back. He's in trouble. He knew
that they sent him something larger than he paid for.
You at least have to I'm in the middle here.
You at least have to answer the phone when they call. Oh,
you have to acknowledge the fact that, hey, you guys

messed up and sent me this TV. If they never call,
I don't have a problem with him keeping the TV,
if they never call, if there's never an issue, because again,
it's not like they sent him a car. You know,
he didn't order a pair of shoes and a Lamborghini
showed up. You take your twelve inches on a TV
or whatever. The difference is there. If they call and go, sir,

it looks like we sent something because who knows. Maybe
he didn't know. Okay, fair, maybe he didn't measure it.
I mean about be honest. All, yeah, that's true, we
all do. So. The point is that jail times alone
much for this, I mean, cops surrounding the house much
much overboard. All I'm gonna say is if they can

show that he deliberately kept it even though they reached
out to him and said hey, and he knew, then
he should be penalized, maybe a little fine, probably a
little community service, no jail time. The cops don't need
to surround the house. But if he completely lied, he
should be in. If he didn't come, so I'm kind
of in the middle of YouTube. Well, my wife. I

got a confession. My wife ordered like a hanging light,
oh boy, about a year ago, and they sent us two. Yeah,
on accident. Like one came one day and the next
day we got another one. I've never returned it a
swat team today and it wasn't cheap. It wasn't cheap.
So I was like, man, they messed up. But later
down the road I kept it. No, they haven't reached

it out at all. I'll figure I'll sell it, put
it on Craig's List or eBay. Someone will buy it.
It's a nice like hanging light. And so when I
saw the tag, to make sure your wife didn't accidentally
order to you, yepka checked the credit card. But even
though you guys have different credit cards, you still I
had her check her credit card and she said no,
only charged once. I said, then hey, we win. Like

what would I do? I would call and say, hey,
I have an extra one. I feel like my conscience
would get the best of me like, sure, it's a
big company, but a big company always starts from one
small person. You have people's jobs on the line. I
think I would call because my conscience would be deeply bothered. However,
if this guy got this TV and it's twelve inches
or whatever the difference, it's eighty six, what was it? Yeah,
something like twelve inches longer seventy four? Yeah, twelve inches,

it's a whole foot it is, thank you. He's right,
he should he should maybe do a little community service.
But it's not that big deal with the cops episode,
but that be it's a lunchbox. You had seven hundred
extra dollars in your account. Yeah, you want to go?
You wanna go check the bank account? Here we go.
All right, let's go over to lunchbox. Now, what happened
is lunchbox put in how much did you put in?
Three hundred and sixty dollars? The bank gave you credit

for how much one thousand and sixty dollars until you
took that extra seven hundred dollars and did bought two
airline tickets of Las Vegas, Nevada. And I'm going for
a Memorial Day weekend. As of today, March twenty fifth
to bank has done blank. The bank has done nothing.
I have not heard a peep from the bank. I

don't know if they took the week off or if
they just don't even notice the whole bank. But guess
what they haven't called. They haven't written. Money's gone sorry? Whoa,
Well there's your man. It's good. Yeah, money gone sorry? Sorry.
You guys want to get rich? Well A lottery officials

say the powerball jackpot is seven hundred and fifty million dollars. Whoa.
The next drawing is Wednesday. No one won, no one?
Yeah crazy? How no one Wednesdays? Things right? Because some
people buy tickets and nobody wins. The next drawing is
Wednesday night. The odds of winning are roughly one and
two hundred and ninety two million. No one has won
the powerball since the day after Christmas. Oh wow, yeah,

that's it. I mean crazy. All these tickets can be
bought and nobody wins. Ay me, what's going on today? Well?
I got some podcast stuff and then I'll work out
what's that mean when you say you have podcast stuff? Oh?
I just have to record things for my episode? Yeah,
well I do intro and outro and they have four
different things, and I am trying to get ahead. Sometimes
I might sassy with me, like I was just asking like,

what would you be talking? I wasn't being sassy a
little bit. Oh no. And I have four different things.
I know the name of the podcast, no, but there's
just different. I do it in stages in different days,
and I sometimes I have an interview and I try
to get ahead. Um, well this week I'm doing that's
a guy you don't know, Okay, but now I'll figure

that Kelly, you do know. We're talking a new fashion
tip right now. We're fashion from when we were kids
is totally coming back right now and I had no idea,
So she'll be talking about that. But we'll just prerecord that.
And then I'm gonna work with my kids on soccer
because they don't know what they're doing. Well, they've only
had one one lesson listen. I never played soccer, but

I feel like I'm just gonna teach them some of
the basics. I have Trevor from Old Domnia to come
and by tonight to do a Bobby cast. I will
act at your Disney World friend. Yeah. Yeah, So search
for Bobby Cast and you can hear a lot of
the artists and songwriter interviews that I do from my house.
But Trevor from Old Dominion, we'll be by tonight and
we'll probably post that tonight. Also, American Idols back tonight.

Towards the end of last night, I started to have
a bigger role. I think I have a bigger role tonight. Yeah,
so well American that alone tonight, I should be pretty good.
I'm just trying to like, I feel great. But eddie
allergy again? No, a little bit. Yeah, my nose itches.
So that's usually the start of something. Yeah, it's like,
I don't know what's happening with me. Spring man, it's

blooming Paullen mold. I don't I'm just throwing all these
words out, but it sounds right. Well, I had to
move my allergiesst appointment last week. Did you gotta get
that done? I know. Well, listen, we'll see tomorrow. Have
a great rest of your Monday. Appreciate you being here.
You could be listening to all this stuff. It's now
you listen to us. We like that. We appreciate that.
On Instagram, mister Bobby Bone, see tomorrow, come on, yeah shoo, yeah,
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