All Episodes

October 31, 2017 69 mins

The show competes in a knock knock joke tournament, Bobby reads mean social comments and Amy visits her Mom's grave for the first time

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transmitting America Show Good Morning, and welcome to Tuesday Show
Good More. Studio police say a man walked out of
a jewelry store with a one point eight to carrot
diamond or dollars. They have the surveillance video. Walked on

the store and he had been there a few days earlier,
asking about this engagement. Ring goes back in, let me
see that ring, So say, he put in my hand,
put my hand almost it looks like on a hand,
and he's bolted out of the store, jumped into a car.
They've got the license plate except their paper license plate.

The store owners like, we're never going to catch them.
Like that's a thing where people are just putting rings
on and then running out of the store. I can't
believe that that works. I can't either, Like, if you
put a ring on, they should lock you in a cage.
Do you put the ring on, but you have to
stand in the cell? Ye, Bobby. Recognizing people doing cool things,

You listen to this one. Amy Williams and cooks and
started painting a house in Salina, Kansas. And so he's
painting the house and before he could finish it, they said, hey,
you have to deploy. So they were sent him to
Kuwait with the Kansas Army National Guard. House halfway painted.
He leaves forties students from the Salonta Technic College went

out and they painted his whole house, and then when
he came back it was done. They did not. Yeah. Wait,
wait he's not back yet. When he gets back, it doesn't. Yeah,
that's awesome. By the way, William Cookson, thank you for
serving second of all to the forty students at Salina
Technical College that went out and painted that house. Yeah. Well,

I see you, I see you, Bobby Bones show, it's
producer Raymond. In the Northeast ground one million people are
still without power due to down power lines from the storm.
There's a lot of flooding as well. Officials are saying
if there's water running on the road, don't drive across it.
In Sports Game six, the World Series is tonight, Astro's

lead the Dodgers three to two in the series. And finally,
Happy Halloween, be safe out there and trick or treating.
I don't think it's a terrible idea. It made the
news because it's novel. But this couple they made each
other sign contracts that they wouldn't watch shows ahead of

the other person, and their show now a Stranger Things.
So they wrote a contract out that said, I will
not go ahead of you, even secretly, and watch the shows,
which I think is a great idea if they'll both
hold to it. Would you soothe though, because I probably
would just prove one. Yeah, but you and your husband,

you guys watch anything and you have to stay together. Yeah,
And I have definitely watched ahead of it. I didn't
have a contract what shows. I'm trying to think back
back when Homeland was we were really into that, and
he would be gone and he would come back and
I would try to be like, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's start,
and then I tried to act like I hadn't watch
any of it, and then I would like he could
see it all over my face. I was like, Okay, fine,

I'm rewatching this with you. He's like, why do you
do that? Why do you do that? I was like,
I couldn't wait. There are any other shows you can watch,
like until death do us Part. I'm telling you that's
back when Homeland was hot. You know what, I haven't
even watch the last season Homeland. I've started it, I
haven't finished, and I really don't have the desire to.
Once Homeland started to be like the Kindergarten or Crayon trade,

like they had run out of every other option, Like
you know, that. I think we're done. Another one I
did that with was Breaking Bad Watch Ahead Ahead. I
say this benefit of being lonely all the time as
you don't have to watch shows all you want, many
as you want. Okay, I just Benjamin like crazy. Yeah,
me and all my friends on my TV shows responsible
for anybody else, just me, I'm just doing me. The

this story about the couple, so the contract mentioned if
either of them saw a spoiler that they have payments
they'd have to give each other, like as in gifts. Yeah,
I like this. Yeah, I guess Eddie, you and your wife.
Do you guys watch shows together? Yeah? Right now we're
watching This is Us and so we can't get ahead
because we DVR everything, we don't watch it live. So yeah,

no getting a hit on that one. Do you let
the two kids watch This is Us? No? I think
one because it's our Our time to watch TV is
once they're in bed, so that's I guess the main reason.
But too, I think there's some heavy stuff and then
that I probably don't want them watching. I feel like
it's a safe show, pretty safe, but they get pretty
serious with life life stuff and they're still my not

little kids. Man, your kids are like fourteen, No, nine
and four. Lunch Bot, you and your wife, we cannot
go ahead and survivor or the challenge if there's two
or three or are you the one there? I mean,
those are ones we cannot. And when we were watching Parenthood,
that was another one we watched together and we had
to wait for each other. The shows that Lunchbox and

his wife watches seemed like YouTube clips to me nut shows,
and they seemed like his shows. And she don't worry,
she's probably not going to watch ahead time for your
positivity around the room, bring me that good news. A

thirteen year old girl from Ohio has raised eighteen thousand
dollars for Susan G. Coleman by selling her custom Stone
coffee cup couzies. Her mom got diagnosed with breast cancer.
She knows how to sew, and she was like, you
know what, I want to do something to give to
breast cancer research. So she started making coffee cuzies. People
started buying them. One I bet they're quality cuzies. But

to a bet, word got out and people just wanted
to help. Not only did we get out, but Walmart
picked up part of her line and they're going to
start selling it, which is going to lead more money
going to research. Was amazing. That's cool. I got one
for you in San Antonio. Her name is Anna. She
was there and she was waiting behind it. Oh man,
if she didn't take the video, she didn't post it,
someone else did. And he's trying to swipe his card

and it's like declined to clins, like I have no
other money. And so this woman goes up Anna, who
they've found her through the news, and swipes this as
I got it and let them go about it. And
he just walked back to her place inline and she didn't. Again,
it's not her putting the story out either. And that's
the kind of little thing. Man. It's awesome. Lunch buck
your up. Harvey is ninety five years old old dude.

For the last sixty five years, he has a mild
route that he walks twice a day to stay in shape. Well,
neighbors have it. N year old Harvey's have a little trouble.
You know, he gets tired on the walk. Now, so
now they put chairs out along the route that Harvey
can take a break when he's out walking. That's awesome.

What happened. You're on hold with somebody. Yeah, I'm the
hold was their company, and you know how there's an
automated recording. Are you calling our company? Because I couldn't
access my work email and nothing was working online. No
support helped desk like I could do there, So I
was trying to speak to a human. I needed a human.
It's all I needed, and I kept getting an annoying operator.
Please listen carefully to our menu has to change. If

you want, iHeart media employee, please press one in your
clear channel. Outdoor employees, please press too that you are
the annoying operator and I can get rid of you.
Oh my goodness, I didn't know I was the voice
of it. I don't remember doing that. How do you
record a phone call? How did you do that? Well?
I has called it from another phone and then news

my phone to record. He s need a human because
I needed change my password broadcast or broadcasts some support?
Please press are you like? I know you? Hey? There's
more I like him like trying to yell at you
any time? Please press the poukey. You're experiencing longer than usual.

We haven't Please try again later. Did you need to
read your funny? Actually I've never known the voice that's
like speaking the options to me. And I was just
so irritated with you. You weren't even really there. I
don't want to fold about you a lot of times.
Oh yeah, um, how about this? How about this? I

think who's updated their phones? Me? No, I haven't, Like
you think the theory series sexier. Her voice is sexy.
Now I have Australian dude. Whoa Okay, you're already on that.
But they have like serious sounds like hot. Now yeah,
there's a new one, same voice, but they've like made

her more human. Yeah, never mind, forget I said that
down today. This story comes to us from Florida. Hey,
father has been a rushed after he let his thirteen
year old drive and he drove his car right into
a pond. His dad was trying to teach him how
to drive, and he said, yeah, go ahead and take
the wheel. Thirteen year old left the road right into

a pond. Did they get out They got out there, okay,
but they got charged with child and danger Me. Oh no, yeah,
because he loves man. I bet that didn't happen in
like the country. Nope, because the compage has been like
I understand you so you lose a car and you
go to jail. I'm lunch boxed at your bone head

story of the day. Someone was asking me that we
all had something we're known for. What is it? So
if we were gonna start with Amy, this one thing,
what's Amy known for? Lunch Box? Her heart? Wow, that's

what you guys always say, is Amy's heart. She's nice,
she's kind, and she has the I guess the biggest
tart is what you say. So I would say her heart. Yeah,
I would say Amy's known for being friendly. Yeah, that's
just the most most because I mean, there are a

lot of other little things. I would say two positive
answers there, all right, lunchbox Amy, what's lunchbox known for?
Lunch boxes sits to the right? You know, loud? The
obnoxious guy. What's he known for him? He said, he's
known for being loud. That's the verset thing that came
to mind. Crazy guy is loud. But yeah, it's funny

that just one thing. I think lunch boxes known for
being dirty and not dirty isn't like filthy mouth, but
like dirty, isn't He hoards at his house. He is
the one that made the rule of no eating in
the studio because he made the carpet disgusting. His cars
full of garbage. You can barely get in. I mean,

good dude, Yeah yeah, yeah, solid dude, but your word
with loud and mind's dirty. Okay, let's come around to me.
What's the one thing I'm known for? Lunchbox geek? Geek?
Huh yeah, like a nerdy dude, like you know, kind
of like you know, yeah, you nerd out a lot,
and you're just kind of dorky. I wouldn't put you

in the cool category, so I can. No, No, it's
not rude. It's just like you are. You're not You
don't try to be cool, You're just you. But you're
just kind of dorky. You'r quizble captains, So you're just
kind of on the nerdy er side of things. Okay, Amy,
what's the one thing I'm known for? Grinder? Like you know,

like work, like your work at like you grind it
out like say, hard worker. Then is that a grinder?
Why was it? You guy? Sating with the app Okay, fine,
hard work. I appreciate that, thank you very much. Yeah,
it's a weird thing. She's like, what do you know
for tender you mean the app. Yeah, but then you know,

I did not even think of the app until it
came out of my mouth and I was like, oh, yeah,
there's an app called grinder Um, which you would not
be on. Okay, I don't think you don't even you
never know. I've been said, Hey, lonely, so lonely. I
have this big bruise on the inside of my leg.

It's huge. I'm just getting the old. First of all,
I'm sore from doing raging idiots shows. My back hurt. Yeah,
I don't know. How are you hurting all the time? Man?
Every every weekendhen we do this stuff. Man, it's hard
getting out of bed. My back hurt. Used to rock
and roll. I'll still do. But I guess you're just
sore and achy after. And then I was boxing and

now I'm learning because I didn't tell you about me
kind of getting cornered in my jeep and it was
kind of weird for a second, nothing happened, but this
dude was like, hey, it scared me a bit because
I thought I was gonna have to fight, and I
want to fight anybody. I'm only learned to fight in
case I have to fight, and I'm only learned to
fight then in case have to fighting and run. So

I don't think I'm ever gonna go all right, time
to square. I'm getting some action. What I'm really trying
to do why I've been boxing, what've been fighting is
if I've got to defend myself, it's defending and get out.
And so I was somewhere, dude, recognize me, come up
to me. It wasn't a pleasant situation. Ended up being fining.
I gotten the jeep and drop off. But I've been
learning other things, not just the boxing. I've been lots

of knees and kicks and things you do if you're
in close quarters. Anyway, I was getting need of my
leg being taught how to do it. I've got to
this bruises purple. Yeah, it's big and it's purple. And
I had no idea that that's I mean, you said
you got it from boxing, but I didn't know that
you were practicing stuff like that. I had no idea
about this. It wasn't nothing happening bad. Nothing happened bad.

I've had bad things happen, but it just scared me,
and I like, okay, I've learned how because I was
up against my jeep and the duke come out to
me and I was like, oh if, what if I
had to get out of the situation. So anyway, my
leg heart is pretty bad, my back hurts, on neck hurts,
and my elbows everything hurts. But hopefully we'll be able
to defend yourself. Well listen, I'm not. I'm also hurried
from the raging idiot show man. That being said Mick

Jagger that who and he's an old dude, make Jaggers
seventy four. He's now dating a twenty year old WHOA,
that's fifty years. That's a lot. That's a lot too much,
is it. I mean, but here's a guy who's never
had to mature. We talked about justin Bieber. Make Jagger
hasn't had to mature emotionally because he's as soon as

you start to have everything handed to you, that's where
your mature. Your maturation stops stops. You're good. Everything starts
to be handed you have to grow anymore because it's
all there. Yeah, so he's basically like a twenty five
year old who's seventy five. It's still a creepy like
my dad's seventy five. Hey, what if he brought home
a twenty four year old, I'd be like, yeah, make
jaggers a rocket man an't. Yeah, but he doesn't look

I haven't seen him in person, but picture he doesn't look,
so does he didn't care to my dad younger. Your
dad has some meat on the jaggers like tiny, and
he still dresses real HIV. He's like, that's why I
dress haby Halloween everybody. I went into the bathroom and

I'm always amazed by guys to do this, and I
ran into another one. There's a guy who stands as
the urinal and drops his pants all the way down. Yeah.
I mean I don't even witness that, but that that
just doesn't make sense to me. I don't get it,
Like why would you want your pants on the bathroom floor?
And why not you have this such easy access with
the zipper? They wearing pants and no think so it

wasn't like a full body suit for Halloween either was
the thing? It was yesterday even and so yeah, so
I got just everything on the ground, pants on walking
It's just like, yeah, at that, why did you do
so that happened? Here's let me ask you this, who
in this room? No of us four right here, would
you say has the biggest circle of friends, like just

more friends? Who's the number one ranker? Yeah, I got it, Eddie,
Amy for sure. No, I feel like lunch box has
a lot of friends we don't know about, like soccer
and all these people. You think I would say me,
then Amy, then Eddie, and then like everybody else, and

then like my dogs, and then Eddie's dog, Amy's dog,
and then Bobby. Oh your friends, I'm that low. Oh yeah,
you're not friends. Yeah you have friends. Yea, every friend
I have is on my payroll. By the way. That's weird.
You know that's got to figure that out. Well, here's

the story. The smarter you are, the less friends you have. Oh,
I don't have any friends. I don't really have any
good friends. I just kind of like got friends. Yeah,
I really know. Instagram lies. Sometimes it just seems like
you have friends. Researchers found that intelligent people are less
likely to be satisfied socializing and having strong social net works.

Well that's true, you can happen. You give me that.
You give the sadness, I'll give you that. Smartness and
nice all trade off. I don't know if it's a
nice trade off It Tuesday Top five. Here we go.
These are the top five songs in country music right now.
At number five, hit Me with some Kane Brown, Please

the sun stops burning. We could worry about them still
the world stops Turner and Interact could kiss you? What
do you feel like? We ain't never gonna know? When
they're fix a drink from Chris Jansen, Well, I can't
fix that, but I can fix the drink. Her cry,

Carly Pierce, every little thing. I don't remember that old thing.
At number two, Thomas Rhett, I'm forget about reading you
and drinking in that play song that you singing in
a bit now he's probably thinking. And your number one

song for a second week in row, Luke Holmes, when
it rains a purse song, scratch shop ticket, Twain, pack
and take a dance with she Swow the still time
she was. There's your big five songs right now in
country music. Congrats Luke Holmes again for another number one.

Yeah the show, Happy Halloween, everybody trying not to laugh? Okay,
okay loo assortment of Halloween jokes before we get the
jokes later in the morning. Corning, Are you ready ready?
What do you call spooky burrito? What do you call
spooky burrito rito? Okay, okay, okay, okay. Why does a

dell across the road? Why does a dell cross the road?
I guess she wants to say hello from the other side. Okay,
I delivered that differently. Here we go. She caused the
sheets so she could say hello from the side. That's better.

That's better. You nailed it. Good critique. That's better I
know whenever I've been that's got it. And you actually
nailed that my wheelhouse. Yeah, what's a ghost's biggest fear?
What's the ghost biggest fear? Getting scared? Sheetless? We're talking
like it. I just got to bunch these off a website.

It's Halloween, and oh I write my own. That's weird.
You do not write. I knew a claustrophobic astronaut. He
really needed space. I am done with that. Here we
go the top five grossing horror movies of all time
and number five The Conjuring anyone seeing that? No, h yeah,

Mike d seen every one of these, by the way,
to read the well, Mike d r Bones, who was
a movie guy, and so how good is the conjuring one?
Of my favorites. What's it about? Like a demon possesses
a house, just a house out of Um, I just
moved out. It's at least scary movie ever. Well, we
just called Johnson Moving Company and got out of there.

Is that what happened? They burn the house down? Okay? Okay?
Number four the Blair Witch Project, which was legit. We
thought it was real. We thought was the documentary for
a minute. Yeah, I went to the theater. Should we
not ruin it? For people's note? Number three is get Out,

which was released this year, and so good, Yeah, really good.
What I'm not even a scary movies, but what I
like it? Yeah, because it's more suspense, like psychological, Like
I don't like scary movies, but I like what is
it sewn? Netflix? That like my favorite Black Mirror. Oh
yeah that's scary. That's really scary. Yeah. The exorcistem number

two has made three. Number two still is that good
to hold up? Yeah? And then number one is it
It's made three sixteen million dollars in county. It was
released like two months ago. And you love that one.
This guy loves this scary movie. I guess I've seen
one of those. Yeah, which one. I guess I saw
that one I think about. I said, and see any

must All Blair Witch. But it wasn't a scary movie.
Then again, it was like a net Geo documentary. It's
the theater. When I saw it, we were like, no,
I think it's real because they told us it was
really did that's how they marketed it. Yeah, yeah, well,
scarce move. I've ever seen the the the days later,

I fear of disease. Esn't like that. You know what
saved the world. I don't want to spoil it, but
hand sanitizer. It saved everybody put on hand sanitizer and died. Yeah. Show.
So there was a girl and she had one of
the new iPhone x, the tin that's not out yet.

People just ordered him and she had because her dad's
an engineer and Apple, and so she made a video
and put it online. They fired her dad. Yeah, but
she put it up. Yeah, she put on her blog
and then on YouTube and then Apple was like, um, yeah,
that's not supposed to be released. Your dad's fire. They
fired him. She did, dad has the new iPhone x.

Look at how big the screen is. You just swipe
to go back home. So he's out, I know, and
he admitted to Apple like, yeah, I did all that.
I wonder why you would get one and give it
to your kid. Well, he was just with her at
lunch and he was showing her all the features and
then she was recording it. He even like she was

showing her how they could pay for their meal before
the meal, even like she's all these ships grounded Apple.
Of course, um asked me to take it down, and
I took it down right when they asked me to,
because I respect Apples. I had no idea that this
was a violation. He takes full responsibility for letting me
film his iPhone ten Apple let him go. At the

end of the day, when you work for Apple, it
doesn't matter how good of a person you are. If
you break a rule, they just have no tolerance. Yeah,
she's really stepping up because her dad got fired. Oh God,
do you know the cheating and a marriage can be healthy?
I've heard that go on. Well now I've heard that.

I have, Yeah, Like, what is healthy about it? Like,
explain that to me. I'm curious to know what Amy thinks. Ahead. Well, after,
if you've gone through it, you can come out the
other side. Stronger. Interesting, Okay, I see that there's a relationship.
Expert insists that infidelity doesn't need to mean divorced or
breaking up, and it can make a couple stronger. She's

a relationship therapist. She says it can reinforce a bond,
meaning when someone screws up, they're often reminded, oh, I
don't want to lose what I had, and they're re
reminded of the importance of it. Yes, exactly, So she's
suggesting that you go out and try. No, it does

seem like an investment in a stronger relationship. No, I
don't think it's a suggestion. I think it's an offer
of hope. If you've been through it or going through
it or something, it's the offer of hope. What do
you think it's stronger for me? Now? Yeah, I'm out
because I believe you do it once. It's always it's
like a virus. It's like a work you know, I

had a word on my hand, wants it come back
at any time? It could be is the virus in
my body? And so no, I believe obviously it's the case.
My case, opportunities present themselves and it's how weak are
you at certain points. I would do believe that that
it would be tough, and who knows what. I've never

cheated on anybody, and if people cheated on me, then
they hit it really well because but I just don't
know if I could get back. Yeah, once Amy stole
a dollar from me, it still still can't trust her. No,
it hasn't made relationship, don't. It's a virus that she'll
do it again a thirty seconds Guinny. So many fun

tours just got announced, like Blake Shelton sitting the road
with Brett Eldridge, Kelsey Ballerini with Walker Hayes, and then
Thomas Rhett has headed out with Brett Young. It's kind
of like Walker Hayes is my grandkid, even though he's
older than that, because Kelsey Kelsey used to open for
for us and then Walker's opening for Kelsey. Yeah, so
that's like Kelsey's a grandkid Walker anyway. Yeah, weird, but yeah,

check out these dates. These would be good Christmas presents
for people. Yeah, that's why they put them out right now.
That's why they're all coming out now. So Luke Brian,
imagine you're getting married and Luke Bryan crashes your wedding
because that's what he did. He popped a bottle of
champagne and had his guitar and play songs. Pretty awesome.
So he was out with Idol and good for Luke.
I think it's funny. It's in Savannah, Georgia, so obviously

they were a bunch of fans of his, probably for
the TV show that right, Yeah, I mean there was yeh.
I saw a bunch of hashtags hashtag the next Idol,
So it's probably a promotional thing. But either way, how cool.
Who cares promotion or not he shows up at your wedding.
Let me ask you this, If you're the bride, do
you want someone stealing your thunder like that? Though? Yeah,
I'm fine with it. I would want Luke Brian to

come play a song on my wedding. All right, there
you go, yep, I'm amy. That's your thirty seconds. Ginny.
I know you have the Morning Corny coming up in
a second. Yeah, I'll tell you a joke I heard
how did Harry Potter get down the hill? How did
Harry Potter get down the hill? Walking? J K Rowling? Yeah,

I get the corner. Yeah, shoot, that was really good.
That was the Morning Corny. It wasn't really, but I
heard that I was doing taping yesterday of a segment
called Austin After Hours and they were inspired by your
Morning Corny's and they told me that one I wanted

to with you so and then you hit me with
the top three kids Halloween costumes Number one Batman, number
two Princess, and number three animal. Okay, and your kids
are going with what again? The older one is a
ghost and then my little one's a race car driver

from Cars three. Yeah, what do you do as a ghost?
Do you just put a sheet on him and poke
holes in it? Or is it like a real ghost costume? Um? Yeah,
I know, sheet um holes and then maybe just like
a little bit of blood. He's gonna want to be
a little like scarier than that. Yeah, Like he's not
just like, oh I'm gonna scare you boo, it's gonna
be a ghost. What happened to going as a Casper

friendly that he's letting him have blood? Stop? By the way,
there are two podcasts I'd like to recommend to you
since it is Halloween. There's one called Inside Psycho, which
is the story of one of the scariest movies all time,
and it talks about what happened behind the movie, behind
the scenes. And there's one called Inside the Exorcist, which
is like haunted it. So I heart Radio and search

Inside Psycho or Inside the Exorcist. They're two podcasts that
we have up there. Hope you check those out. Everybody
transmitted America. This is Bob Show. So that new Blake
Shelton song called I Lived It brand New. Gonna play

it in a second. But first, the Morning Corny, The
Morning Corny. What plants like Halloween? The most o? What
plants like Halloween? The most bamboo? That's pretty good? All right,

there you go. That was the Morning Corny. Let me
ask you a personal question. Did you go see your
mom's cemetery spot while you were in Austin? I did, Yeah, yeah,
And I haven't ever gone before, So you've never gone? No,

and it's she's it's been three years and I've never gone.
And obviously I'm back in Austin. There's been times for
me to go, but I just couldn't bring myself to go.
So it was just you couldn't get there yet. Yeah,
I wasn't ready and I knew that when I went,
I had to go on my own time when I
was ready, because my sister is already gone and to

meet for me. I just was not ready, but I
knew if the three year anniversary is time frame, like,
I just felt like I was ready to go, and
I went and my dad went with me, and then
one of my good friends, my sister was out of town.
She couldn't go, um, but I had her on FaceTime. Yes,
And luckily I had her on FaceTime because I got

there and I thought I was gonna know where I
where it was, and I didn't, and the office was closed,
so I couldn't ask where like her exact plot number,
And it took me an hour to find her. You've
walked on the cemetery for an hour? Yeah, me, only
you can make something like that. Oh it was awful,
It's me No, I know. I almost feel like it's

perfect that it happened, because it did lighten the mood
a little bit, because it got to the point where
my dad was like then my dad and I were
bickering each other, Like, Dad, you said you knew where
it is. He's like, I told you, I thought I
knew where it was. He goes, there's fifty thou people
buried here, like they were like yelling across the cemetery.
And then my sister on face time and she's like, Okay,

go back to the entrance of the cemetery and we're
gonna walk through this from the entrance. So we go
to the entrance and we finally walked through it. My
sister's like, look for a wind chime in a bench,
and I look around. I'm like, there's wind chimes and
benches everywhere. So finally I just stumble upon it. I mean,
we were and we knew we were in the hot
spot area, and I just I look up and I'm like,

oh my goodness, there it is. There it is. And
her headstone was beautiful. My sister did a great job,
and I had roses and I knelt down and I
just placed the flowers there and sat there for a
little bit. And it was definitely weird um and it
made it very real, but it was good and I'm
glad I went, you know, And I'm glad I had
the comedic relief of not being able to find her

because like that helped me because I was definitely a
little bit of a hot mess. It's weird. So when
my mom died and my mom's like, I don't know
what death anniversary. It's like a week ago around the
same time. Yeah, and so, but we cremated her and
put her ashes out. So do you go. I don't always.
I don't feel like that's a thing. I don't. Yeah,

I don't know, Like, yeah, I don't because I don't know.
I don't know. I don't know why. I don't feel
like that's a thing. I don't feel like that's the thing. Okay,
but no, you could, Oh yeah, I mean I could,
but we used to do what's right for you anyway.
Personal question I figured you can. Well, can I ask
you personal questions as we're own personal questions? Gave you
a personally answer to something else? Okay, did I use

that my personal question card? What's your personal question? Well,
I just didn't know what where we were with Lindsay
or where if y'all are talking or not talking. I
know I got to see her because I did. You're
going there? Well, yes, because I know that it's hard
both of y'all, and we haven't really talked about it
in a lot of times. With you, you open up
more in front of the microphone because that's your safe

but this is your safe space, your safe place, like
this is where you feel more open to talk. So
I'm coming at you with it. So, yeah, Lindsay and
I broke up a few weeks ago. We Yeah, we've
talked and some or texted, texting talking to me and
somewhat we haven't. We've only seen each other a couple

of times. We've talked or FaceTime like every second or
third day, because you talk about best friend too, but yeah,
it's some days we just text. Um. She did hit
me with the hey, is it cool if I go
see Dusty my dog? And I wasn't there, and I
was like, of course you can see my dog. I

mean she loves that dog. And she also knows he's
sick and he has cancer and she mean she loves
that dog. So well that's good. They Yeah, there really
is nothing bad. People think there's some hidden thing. There's
there's nothing. It just became a just a the stress
of her trying to be an artist and people penalizing it.

But we're not together anymore. So plays every radio station
that's been blackballing her, feel free to not blackball her
anymore because we're not together. You have effectively broken us up.
So please, I don't like it when you say it
like that. But that being said, if I like players songs,
I'm not playing my girlfriend's songs anymore. Like this song
is called criminal. It's not even a radio song. Let's

just listen to a little bit because we can. Yeah,
I'm just playing an artist. I like. You know, what's
the difference? Huh? I don't know. Aren't dating? Yeah, John,
It's gonna play a little bit of birst in court.
This is called terminal. I don't want to close my eyes.
Why pretending hones sleep with no damn well, I'm gonna
keep laying you awake, waiting for the breath of take
to come back. Keep I'm a tiger by my keg

coup tack to each feeling like it's crunch. You're the habit.
I can never get enough. Guy, do these credaby well
back the cup side. I gotta get by blast take

one step guy, me screaming there you go, sing in
your well, keep it going. This is the random artist
Lindsay l Alright, time for Knock Knock Tournament. So today's

National Knock Knock Day, Salween to So we're gonna knock
knock joke tournament and winner moves on. First up producer
Raymond versus Me. Winner moves on, producer Raymond? Are you ready?
All right? Hit me with that joke? Alright? Knock knock?
Who's there? The The Who? It's a great band, isn't it? Amy?

Name one the Who song? Yeah? They played the super Bowl?
Okay eight years ago? Stop it? Okay, get my boy dying.
Knock knock? Who's there? No, Raid's gotta do it. Knock, knock, knock?
Who's there? Daisy? Daisy who? Daisy? Me rolled? And they

hat Dien? Oh yeah, music, Ray you should have been
in a cliff of the Who? Um number two? Who's
the winner? I'm gonna have to go with you, Bobby,

Thank you very much, Daisy? Oh all right? Next up,
round number two. Amy versus Lunchbox. You will do each
other's who's there? Lunchbox? Go ahead? Oh you want me
to go first? Go ahead, Lunchbox. Knock knock? Who's there?
Smell mop, smell mop? Close? No thanks? Oh goodness, he

loves that. Amy loved it too. Yeah, okay, Amy, go ahead,
knock knock? Who's there? Joe Joe Who? Joe Mama Okay,
the weakest is the weakest. Joe, Mama, that's awesome. Are
you joking? Wait what Bobby, sorry to have clips? Okay,

Morgan number two picked the winner of those two. Yeah,
Joe mom. Yeah, that's a little hard, but I'm not
have to go with lunch Box. Good good. You must
like that pooh humor. Yeah, that must be her talking. Okay,
so we'll come back for the championship Brown, we'll prolay
the song and it's Lunchbox versus me. Oh boy, okay,

lunch Box. And and by the way, the judges are
now Amy and Raymond. They're in the judging clips right.
National Knock Knock Championships are today. The final two competitors Lunchbox, myself,
lunch Box your up, go ahead, knock knock? Who is there?

Cow's go, cows to go? Who know you? Fool? Cow's go? Mo? Wow? Yeah? Yeah, okay, okay,
whoa was that one over your head? You didn't get
into one. I mean you were like stunned. You're like, wait,

I don't get it, Cow's not Oh got it? Okay,
I'm ready. Do I get to go to? Do you
do two jokes in the final round? No, I just want, oh, okay,
because I have another one was good? Yeah, you didn't
think it was good either, huh? Now begging for not? Not?
Who's there? A door? A door? Who a door is

between us? Open? Hop? What? Oh my good here? All right,
that's all right, Judges Morgan number two. Man, I don't
know what it is. I think lunch boxes making me laugh.
I'm gonna go with lunch what nobody even laughed at

in No one laughed. I liked your delivery. I'm going
with doors between us? Open up one to one? Raymond
final final call in the championship. Here, I gotta go bones.
I've heard lunch boxes like ten times. Let me tell

you you guys are scared to vote against your boss.
I mean that was probably that was probably the worst
joke in the whole competition. And you gave him the
championship on it. Oh my goodness, victory lap Amy, not
not who's there? Does anybody want to open? Let me in?
It's cold out here? Dozen'y okay. See that's what I'm saying.

You guys gave that the championship. No, that was that
was done on that one already one Hubox give us
your extra one? Oh you want my Oh yeah, are
you ready ahead? Knock knock? Who's how? Ah? My goodness,
who's there? I eat mop No, don't say it's funny.

That's the same joke. It's the same joke as the
last one it is. It's a pood joke. It's another joke.
I eat my poo, cross man. That's why. Too much information?
Spell spell? Okay, w h knock knock, Raymond, do you

have one that you didn't use? Oh? Yeah, right here,
you're ready, knock knock? Who's there? Amos amos too? A mosquito? Alright,
we're drunk. This you check all the social media's and

we do a segment called That's rude. This is from
Instagram and Adam said, this Amy's eminem Halloween costume. It's
about as sexy as my grandmother in a one piece
of bathing suit. Well, that's rude. He's all right, Jamie

on Facebook rights, Please Lunchbox do not reproduce. We have
enough idiots in the world. That's rude. By the way,
I will say kind of a big announcement yesterday, the
Lunchbox said they were trying to have kids. Yeah, he
said it like as an adult, as he didn't make

any sports analogy or trying to make a joke. He said, yes,
we're trying to have chicken trying kids. Darryl on Twitter
Rights Eddie won't let his kids have Facebook, but he
reward them with soda hashtag bad dad. Rico on Twitter Rights.

If Bobby can get paid for being a professional broadcaster,
I can get paid for watching it, watching TV. Anything's possible.
Oh you like that one? All right, there you go.
That's something called that's route. Police say a woman robbed
a bank in Long Island. Why her six year old
daughter waited in a taxi? Oh that's sad. Yeah, police say,

the twenty year old enter to chase bank and get
to tell her note to even the money. They said
to tell her handed over the money, and she got
in the taxi and went off and her police stop
the taxi and the six year old was inside. It's
not clear exactly the situation. I would assume it wasn't good.
I'm assumed she wasn't like a bank robber who had
planned a perfect heist or Sitter canceled that what he said,

maybe I just hope she I feel bad that she
had to take her daughter. But no, she just shouldn't rob. Yeah,
but the point is I don't like that she put
her daughter in that situation we have. I think Lunchboxes
is gonna be a good dad. A dirty dad, I mean,
just like not clean his house is disgusting. I wonder

if that will change him. I don't you understand, No,
kids make things dirty, So what's the big deal like that?
They make a mess, So why would you clean up
all the time? And same thing with having dogs. I
have dogs that go in and out, and so they
make a mess. It's hard to keep it clean. Guys,
I don't know why you are so obsessed with keeping
things clean. Why waste my time spending hours a week

cleaning when I can be doing whatever I want, napping,
going on walks, going to the park, you know whatever,
doing something else that is more enjoyable, going on walks,
walks like you're breathing in that stuff. You know. That's
why people dust and clean and vacuum and so in
a year, what it's today October Halloween? I wonder if

I next Halloween, if I won, if everybody has babies,
been next Halloween, Oh that'd be so great. Ever been
mos everybody? I wonder what the over under is on babies?
Eddie has two kids, I mean five, more more than

five by one year from now over under? Yeah? Five?
Yeah five? You just go with five yeah five? And
somebody else has one lunch. Listen, I'm a man about town.
You never know? Yeah? Which are you lonely? Are you

the man about town? I cannot keep up. He just
says those big words to make himself feel not lonely,
but he's really lonely words. I say town, Which one?
Which one of those words about man? About how many?
Which one has the most letters? That's what I said.
It's a big one. Okay, all right, show, So how

are you taking the kids out trick or trading tonight?
Of course? Yeah? Do you let them watch scary movies
at all? Well, they don't like scary movies, but I
kind of make them on Halloween. It's like my tradition
that I've started. What do you have them watched? Well,
old old Halloween movies, like not even like Freddy Krueger stuff,
like old old stuff like Dracula's Bride, all the black
and white films from like the nineteen thirties, Lame Dad

that I mean, no, that's a black and white movie
to a nine year old right now, I can't even imagine.
I can't show him like the real stuff, like he'd
freaked out. No Keith teeth did teeth Keith this lunchboxes
old man friend. When lunch box is a kid, Lunchbox
had an old man friend who would take him and
do all this private stuff with them. Yeah, and he

would show he would show us scary movies. Turn off
all the lights and make sure all the doors and
windows were a lot, and we'd watch Freddy Krueger all
that when I was eight, nine years old. So if
you want your kid to get into scary movies, now
is the time. Don't tell people that. So No teeth Keith.
He didn't have any kids. He had no kids, and
he was a coach at the ball field and he
hung around and uh for a little while. He lived

in an apartment like right above the bathrooms, like there
was a they made uh it used to be the
umpiring room, but they made it into an apartment, and
he looked over the fields. He lived at the ballpark.
They say this, by the way, Arkansas Keith and no
Teeth Keith not the same person. No, No teeth Keith
was how much older was he than you. Oh, he's

thirty years older than me. I mean he's by my
parents age. I'd say a little couple of years older.
And so he would just hang out with the kids randomly. Yeah,
and he'd takes like he'd offered to take us to
the coast. He'd take us to the slab. I mean
to the coast. Slab is a watering hole. It's like
a natural body slides like the water take you just
lay down, it takes you. It's awesome. He said, this man,

he's thirty years older than you, would just take like
one on one watering. He would take you one on one.
Or if other kids wanted to go, he welcomed all
the kids to go and and so and like he
would always say, at the end of the baseball he said, Hey,
you know, we're gonna go down to the coast and
ask my parents if we can go to the coast
and take some of the kids down there. So would

you like going, like just getting your shorts and just
go and go swimming and everything, and yeah, all that,
and we'd watched the moves are like take you like
in the woods for Chey pih No. One day he
did come over and he goes, kid, what do you
got going on? Nothing? Well, get in the car, let's go.
And he doesn't tell you where you're going. And then
halfway there, it's about forty five minutes later, I'm like, kid,

where are we going? Kid, don't worry about it. We're
gonna go get the best apple pie you've ever had. Keith,
We're not driving an our kid. Just relax and we
get there and we eat the apple pie and we
turn around and come back and he goes, wasn't that
the most wonderful thing you've ever had? And he still
talks about that apple pie to this day. Huh what? No,

I just and nobody thought it was weird. I'm sure
there's probably some people, but I mean, there's nothing weird
about it. Used to work, he used to work at
the Texan market, like he used to work at the
gas station, and I mean on North Lamar. It was great.
I'm telling you, it was amazing. Best baseball coach you
could ever have. He would come sometimes with his face
painted half blue, half white, and he would be fired up,

ready to win. I mean, he was all about it.
It was all about winning and all about the kids.
And he would like take kids out and teach me
how to drive. Oh yeah, that's how I learned how
to drive is on the country roads. When I was
like thirteen or fourteen. He would take us out in
the car. And he never tell your parents that, oh
not tell our parents. No. One time he had a
group of kids he was driving, one with fourteen goes
have you driven? He goes yeah, And he gets in

the car and the kids have been all over the
road and they get pulled over, and the cop comes
up and like takes Keith back to the cop car
and comes back up and goes, you guys know that guy,
And one of the kids goes, no, I don't know him, officer.
Bad joke, bad joke. But it all got straightened out.
Thought that was kind of weird too, huh. Well, he
was just a little suspicious because there was a car

full of kids driving and Keith was sitting and shotgun
makes sense, so that the police officer. I thought it
was a little weird that there was a way adult
man with no teeth with a bunch of kids and
none of those kids were his. They weren't No another
kids were his, and he was letting him drive underage
so that it worked out. Oh, yes it was, it

got it all got worked out, and it was a misunderstanding.
That's what I'd say. I am misunderstanding. Yes, that's wants
would let no teeth he take their kids to the coast.
How long I drive? Is that all? Five hours? And yeah, easily?
And I mean as a kid, I don't remember how
long it was. But then you'd stay for two or
three days and turn around back just you and Keith

And oh goodness, Eddie, would you ever know? No, no, no, no,
this is the story is outrageous. No way, you're he's
a helicopter dad. You have to understand that Eddie is
so he should let his kids go with men who
have no kids. Guys, you act like my parents didn't

know him. My parents, no, I mean they trusted him.
And it's sort of like trusting a school teacher. Now.
I don't let a kid go with the school teacher
by themselves. That My teachers in elementary school used to
have summer parties, but only for the good kids. That like,
I never really got invited. But yeah, well, lunch Fox,
thank you for your story. I had a hold other

segment plan by I just said, gets so down the
no t Keith rabbit Hole. I'm telling you one thing.
Keith loves no Key Kid. I love Halloween and I
love scary movies. He love Yeah, kids of the Kids Halloween. Yeah,
all right, there's that ship. Let's go. All right, here's

the game. I'll give you the generic plot to a
scary movie. You just have to name the movie. Got
it right. Three film students vanish after traveling into a
forest to film a documentary chime in It's just you
yeah Blair Witch project? Which project is? Correct? Nice work
one day, I was just kind of the easy one.

Number two, children in the small town are mysteriously disappearing
one by one. A group of seven kids are united
by their terrifying and strange encounters with an evil circus
characters it Yeah, I've never seen it, just guessed. Number three,
a journalist must investigate a mysterious video tape which seems

to cause the death of anyone watching it. Candy Man, No,
the ring? What was the candy man? The doctors? Well,
I know is my sister after we watched it, which
clearly that remember what was about? Really she just we
went in the bathroom and said Candyman, Ganny mean Candyman
to the mirror. I was scared. Several people are hunted

by a cruel serial killer who praise on them in
their dreams. Hold on Um, Jason, Nightmare on Ella Street,
Freddy Krueger. Okay, those those are the same to me,
Freddy Krueger and Jason. I know, I know they're not
because Jason wears a mask. A teenage girl who's possessed
by a mysterious entity. Her mother seeks to help with

two priests to save exorcist nice one. Nope, movies. I
hate haunt houses. They played the kind of stuff in
haunted houses people jump out of I don't like haunting houses.
Are you guys to haunt house fans at all? Mind it? Yeah?
You love them lunch. Yeah, they're so fun. It is

so exciting to go in there and just be to
freak out, like we scaring yourself and have someone jump
out because you have no idea what's coming. So enjoyable, enjoyable. Yeah,
I don't like enjoyable. Yeah, I don't like to be scared.
Brothers Osborne, you live next to them or they decorated
their house for Halloween? Yeah, totally. They hooked it up.
You got they interchanged or they put up, you know,

light bulbs on the porch to like orange and red,
and then they carved pumpkins. I mean, I feel like
changing your light bulbs, that's dedication. I don't have anything.
I have a pumpkin my friend dropped off, but that's
more for fall. It's not carved. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
You didn't decorate the garage at all. The garage, No,
that's not decorated. I would say Brothers Osborne. They're tastefully decorated.

My neighbors on the street with the body in the
trash can not so much. They's still out. Yeah, I
feel like they're gonna keep it up. They put so
much work into that, they better keep it up for
a while. Did you hear the conspiracy theory? By the way,
Lunchbox thinking someone's up to get them because he found
a nail next to his tire, so he thinks that
someone's putting in there's construct somewhere. He also brought it

in his proof. He brought a nail in just the
show as it was then nail. Yeah, I know someone
an angry listener trying to get me because it was
in front of my front tire when I would drive
forward because I don't have a garage, so I don't
back up. I pull out, and so they put it
right next to my front driver's side tire, and it
was sticking up. And there's no construction on my streets.

So you're gonna tell me the wind brought the nail
a couple of blocks over, over some fences and trees
and bushes and landed perfectly facing up right in front
of my tire. Doubt it. A lessoner knows where you live.
I mean, someone maybe followed me home. I go inside,
they stick the nail there. I don't know, maybe something
someone's out to give me. I'm not going to tell

you the wind did it, but or just somebody as
being a jerk and they didn't know it was you kids,
or it's like there somehow. Then they all got dropped there,
fell out of the bed of a truck something. Yeah,
he even brought them. Just in case you're wondering that
he brought the nail to prove we should have it. Um,
you should get it fingerprinted. Oh the nail. Thinking about

that much. But I don't know if the police would
waste their time fingerprinting it because nothing happened. If it
would have put gone on the tire and then we
would have had a case. This is yesterday. We're talking
about the story where the guy says he doesn't have
a cat, but he didn't experiment. He just kept saying
the word cat food and talking about cat food, just
cat food, cat food, and all of a sudden Facebook

started showing cat food ads. He's like, there's no way
they're listening to us. So our producer, Morgan number one,
our main producer, what were you doing. I was telling
somebody I like their sunglasses and I asked, I asked
what kind they were, and they told me the brand
name was if I Wear, And I swear like, I
haven't googled it, I haven't looked it up. It's all

over the place in my Facebook, in my Instagram ads today.
Are you now convinced that because they heard that word
it advertised to you, Well, my phone was on me
at the time, so I'm kind of putting that together.
Then happens a lot, like all the time. I always
really just thought it was things I was looking up
like or I was looking at something, and it goes well,

you may also like this. I never thought about it.
I think the government iFly listens to us. I never
thought that Facebook was they are that's things. Do you
want to hear? The launch boxing bears themselfty. Okay, So
where's the v I P area that you guys go
to ray Patron Platinum Club at Bridgestone the hockey arena. Oh,

so they go watch the Nashville Predator hockey team and
they get up into some VP area called the Patron Club. Yeah,
and pretty much anybody has access to know not everybody.
It says Patron Platinum Club on your tickets says you've
got access like your v I P. So we go
rolling in and there's all this food, like a spread

of food, and I'm talking shrimp as big as your face.
And I was like, oh, if there's one thing I like,
it's shrimp. So I went up and I started. It
was obvious that there's people in suits, they're dressed up there,
sitting down at tables, and then there's the buffet area
and Lunch has got like a foam finger and a
Predator shirt on, and he walks through all the people
dressed up in their seats and goes straight to the
shrimp and starts eating one, and the dude yelled the

guys like, sir, sir, please put that shrimp down. Did
you make reservations? And we just booked it. Then when
we saw him eating from the shrimp table, We're like,
oh my gosh. And so we already had one in
his mouth. He's like, no, can I get some more shrimp?
And he's like, sir, sir, this is for people that
only have reservations. What are you doing? And so it
was the most embarrassing thing I've ever experienced. He put

his hand on people's shrimp that were there on like
a five star dinner. I didn't realize it was I
thought it was once you were in the Patron Platinum Club.
I thought you were part of the party. And so
I went for the shrimp it was laying out there.
I thought it was, hey, come and get me. It's
here to eat and it looks really good. And did
you pay for it? No, because they stopped me. I

dry eight one. I was like, oh my bad, and
I've grabbed a couple of cookies, put them in my
pocket and bailed out of there. He took Funny who's
passing out candy tonight by the way, I'll be triggered treating.
I don't know if i'll be passing because kids don't
really come to my house, they don't really make it
that far. And Eddie I'll be taking his kids trigger treating. Yeah,
and we'll leave a bucket, but man, that's I hate

doing it, but we'll probably do it tonight. Now, you
just put a little note that please, they don't listen.
They don't listen, I'll pass out candy. Oh yeah, I know.
I feel like the Grinch. Like I haven't bought any
mainly because I don't want to eat it. If I
do end up buying some, I'm gonna have to buy
something I totally do not like because I don't want
to eat it. So dots basically, But then the kids

are gonna not like me because I'm giving them dots. Disgusting,
like it's the word. I know. Like the worst are dots,
and then those there's candy Grandma so good, honey. No,
the ones are better, just the ones that are wrapped
in the orange orange like what, I don't know what

that is. Well, those are cheap, I mean, so if
you want to pass out candy, that are definitely I
think the more affordable way to do it, because candy
can get so expensive. Bed old honey, what's wrong with people?
Turn your light off? Yeah and steady given out, bed
old honey, Just go to bed. Okay, this has been
a public service announced Theolly Bones show your Amy's pile

of stories. So do you want to sleep in extra
eighty four minutes each night? Oh? Yeah, I mean yeah,
you'll take it. But I mean I guess the study
shows on average the people would get extra eighty four
minutes ahead. I'll take it. We need to just drink
some cherry juice before we go to bed. If you
drink it an hour before bed, it'll help you sleep more.
Who made the study, the cherry juice or farmers of America?

Probably probably cherry producers. This is my issue with all
these stories to come out that tell us how to
better our lives, is that there's a scientific study that
comes out and that's often backed by a group that
needs to sell whatever they're saying, and then in three
months the other group puts out a study and goes, well,
that was wrong. In order to live longer, you need

to smoke cigarettes. And we're like, wait now, I'm so confused.
So I met Son's novel. I like cherries. I like
cherry pie, and I would probably opt for like an
unsweetened cherry juice, so you don't put a bunch of
sugar into your system before bed. I gotta pay attention
to that. By the way, cigarettes are so gross to me,
And I know some of our lists are smoke and
I would just like to say, that's not like they're

so great. My mom smoked, and maybe that's why it's
so gross to me. Hey, I just can't even be
around it. And it hurts your pets. We talked about that,
how so, But anyway, on a like more of an
empathetic level, if you're a smoker out there, would just
like to say, okay, go ahead. Amy. Have you heard
about the big cheeseburger emoji debate. I saw it on

the news, yester, and I was like, first of all,
here's what was happening. All the Russia stuff was happening,
and they were I was resting people, and I was
plumbing through channels, so whenever it was covering, and of
course NBC MSNBC far left was like CNN, not as
far left as NBC, but a little left of the right.
It was like I went to Fox News. They were

like cheeseburger debate, and I was like, like Russia. What
They're like, there's a Russia controversy. That's where I saw it. Yes,
so Google emojis they put the cheese on top of
the burger, and the Apple, you know your iPhone emoji
puts it on the bottom of the burger. So there's
like a big debate. That's the debate. Where do you
put the cheese when you grill a burger? You put
it on top? Uh, that shouldn't be on the news.

Even a Russia was happening. But but why does Apple
have the cheese on the bottom when you're grilling? Where
do you put your cheese? Well? Sometimes I put the
cheese on and then do the upside down burger. Okay, grilling.
I had a grill and I left it on for
like four days accidentally because I had in my back porch,

like what donap I go and that I want my
bedroom and I'm like, man, I'm gonna go outside the
dog out and I was like, it's sure it's warm
out here because it was like a thirty degree day
and likes warm like that. My girls on my back porch,
and I was like, it was like a Thursday. I
was like, I haven't even thought about those girl since Sunday.
It have been on since Sunday. Yeah, Lucky my House

and Blow You're Lucky. Yeah, my cheese goes on the bottom, Okay,
cheese on top. So lunch Box is going to be
so excited about this show that's coming to MVY MTV
on November. It's called Florabama Shore lunch Box. Do you
know about it? No, they have not showed previews. What
is this about? Okay, well, it's a southern accident remap

of the old school reality show Jersey Shore. So Jersey
Shore in Alabama. But it's they've already tried this thing
Laurabama Shore and what network MTV November from years So
I thought, Lunchbox, maybe we want to mark his calendar,
and maybe even Ray because Ray was really into the
old gym Dan laundry thing. But they also were like

in their twenties. This is gonna be awesome. All right,
there's people that might be and Laslie. Since we're talking
about TV, House of Cards is pretty much done zo.
The final episodes are set for early um. Netflix has
confirmed that the sixth season, which is currently in production,
will be its last, and for a couple of reasons. Yeah. One,

life's crazier than the show, and two there's a lot
of bad stuff that happen with Kevin Spacey where it's
just like, yeah, you probably woudn't cut that. Yeah, can
I say something? Do you mind if I take a second? Yeah?
I was listening to her radio back to this segment
on the show. I like this segment. Really yeah, okay, yeah, cool, Yeah,
that's all done. Um, have you figure out a way
we should close the second? We have this button? Okay,

we have this button That was Amy's pile of stories
the Bobby Bones Show. So Eddie, our producer, has two
kids and his youngest, Eddie Junior Junior, just turned four
years old. That's a big birthday. What do you guys
do for the party? Oh? Man, we went to a
bouncy place because that's what he likes to do every

time their birthdays. We asked him, like, what do you
want to do? Is like, I want to go to
the Bounty Place. And then so they got a little
private room in the back and all the kids jumped
while all his parents just hung out and talked, did
you jump at all? No? No, no, no, I don't
do that anymore. Like I realized that I'm a little
tool for that. I don't want to hurt myself. Lunchbox.
His wife went and she jumped and fell and her
ankle it swelled that bigger than I've ever seen a

human ankle before. And she was an adult, Like it
was awful growing up adult. I mean, four bounces in
after paying the money, signing the release form one, two, three,
now she goes and I was just like, seriously, four
months in four you want to like, are you hurt?
You were like, this cost me all that money for
four bouncesund No. I looked at my buddy Garrett. I

was like, are you serious? Four bounces? And I was.
I was frustrated. I was, and I maybe I'm a
terrible human, but I feel like other people react the
same way. But I did help carry her to the car,
put her in the car, I drove her home, put
some ice on it, and she was on crutches for
a little bit and it was disgusting. And I've never
been back. Yeah, it's not really an adult thing, is

it not. I was thinking maybe I should do my
birthday party us. All the muscles. I have a mini trampoline.
I work on a home. All the muscles will be torn.
That's not for adults. They even have those edit they
used to be really all over the place. There's one
that's just amazing. It's so huge. It's probably the size
of like five warehouses. And you can jump NonStop from
one side of the place to the other one. It's awesome.

Oh I'm going Yeah. And they have these phone pits
and you can push on all the kids in the
phone fits and they love it. Amy going to one
of those places a straight up documentary for sure. Straight
up you're gonna get hurt Amy, Yes, like follow along
as Amy or tearing witch muscle. I've never hurt myself
like that. I mean have bruises, but I mean I

have some hamstring issues, but I've never broken a bone
or anything. Not going there is. That's the wrap. Thanks
for hanging out with us here on Tuesday. I'm on Instagram,
Mr Bobby Bones. I wish we all had similar names
at radio. Amy. Yeah, yeah. What if you get out

of radio, what are you gonna do? I have no idea.
I've actually thought about that. Getting out of radio. What
if I thought about the what if I if I
got out radio? If you changed my Instagram name? Yeah, Like,
what if iun non radio anymore? Will I still be radio? Amy?
Maybe you should just get in like CB like that,
you should take up a hobby of tbe radio. I'm
doing a nickel nickel down the highway. Dang. Yeah, that

means where are you? I know, A doing a nickel nio.
I know, all right, we gotta go. We'll see you
guys tomorrow. Appreciate, appreciate everybody being here. Uh, this show
is so stupid. By this show, I mean us, me,
I mean me all. I see you guys on Wednesday.

Good Bye show
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