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November 9, 2021 22 mins

Biden administration continues to spiral downward, with awful approval/disapproval numbers for both Biden and Kamala. Also our confused commander-in-chief now yells about how illegal immigrant families separated at the border should get big payouts- he will leave the number to the DOJ to decide. The 5th circuit court has put a stay in place on the mandate, get ready for more legal battles. Plus the next move of COVID tyranny will be vaxx mandate for companies with under 100 employees. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Team Buck. Welcome to the Freedom Hunt. November eighth edition
of the show. Lovely Monday for all of you. Joe Biden,
the infrastructure bill heads to his desk after the House
passes it. He changes his mind, or at least changes
his tune on payments to migrant families separated the border
of the Trump administration will get into that. His numbers
polling numbers look awful right now, but Kamala's look even worse. BLUs.

You have the Surgeon General making it sound like the
COVID mandate might get extended to small business too, which
would make sense because there's never enough tyranny for these people.
And the Fifth Circuit Fifth Circuit Court has put in
place a stay on the federal vaccine mandate. We will

talk about all of that and more when ton of
the Towers sets their mind to helping families of nine
eleven first responders and our soldiers funding the war on terrorism.
They're committed this here alone, They are helping two hundred
families moving to mortgage free homes with the help of
your donations. That's a remarkable effort on its own, But
that's not all the Tunnel the Towers Foundation has done

much more. They've dedicated the summer months of August and
September to honor those first responders of nine to eleven
with a tribute that allows us to never forget their
bravery and sacrifice. Talenta Towers Foundation continues to honor and
remember with a tribute set for Veterans Day coming up soon.
On a day to day basis, Talanta Towers Foundation dedicates
themselves to looking after our first responders and soldiers. You

might not know the names of these firefighters, police officers,
EMT crew members that answered the call on nine to eleven,
but the team of Talanta Towers does donate eleven dollars
a month to Tunnel the Towers at t twot dot org.
That's t the number two t dot org. It's a
great organization. Eleven dollars a month. You're helping our warriors
and their families and our first responders doing really important work.

Talenta Towers Foundation, go check it out. The Biden administration,
the bleak approval numbers were talking about here despite the
fact that what's the lesson that they have taken so
far from the beating they took in Virginia. The Democrats
took in Virginia. The lesson is, oh, as soon as
we just spend more money, as soon as we pass

more of the stuff that we've been saying we're gonna pass,
then all of a sudden, everything will get better. That's
what they've been telling you. That's the promise they've made.
And yet it doesn't look like that's gonna happen, at
least not right now. They have ron Klain, for example,
the chief of staff, some say the most powerful person

in the United States government because he makes more decisions
than anybody else. But here is ron Klain. Is he
We got to come up with a name for clean.
I don't know clean clean brain. No, that's not good.
We gotta come up with something. But here he is.
The voters sending a message. Play ten please if you would,
my good man, because that's the clip that we need

to hear. Well. Look, I do think the voters send
a message. On Tuesday. They wanted to see more action
in Washington. They wanted to see things move more quickly,
and three days later Congress responded, passing the President's infrastructure bill.
But but a lot of work went into getting us
there over the past few months. So I don't think
the election alone put it over the line would put
her over the line was President Biden starting back in April,

putting it before the country, working with Democrats and Republicans
of the Senate to get it through the Senate in August,
working with a broad coalition in the House to finally
pass it. You know, Chuck, this is the oldest show
on television. As you know, as long as this show
has been on the air, people have come on the
show and said, we should make a massive investment in
infrastructure to grow the economy, to strengthen the thing. We

finally did it on Friday. That's the bottom line for us.
I think. Yeah. And yet all that spin, I know
you're dizzy from all the spin, you dessert, all that
spin from Ron Klain cannot change the fact that the
top line numbers in the USA today pull that are
out thirty seven percent approval for Biden, fifty nine percent disapproval,

and Kamala's numbers are even worse twenty seven percent approval
rating fifty one percent disapproval rating. Nobody likes Kammala. I mean,
the only people like Kamala live in DC, New York
and Los Angeles and work in media pretty much. That's it.
The Kamala has no constituency in this country. It's amazing

to watch them try to prop her up a politician
for whom the machine has handed everything, or to whom
the machine has handed everything, and who does not actually
have any particular well any particular leadership skills to speak of.
So they're they're trying to tell you they pass infrastructure.
We're all supposed to be so excited about that. But
that's not enough. That's not sufficient. People still recognize a

lot of problems in the country. And here's just one
of them. And I told you the polling numbers, they're
way down. Joe Biden told us last week when we
talked about the four hundred thirty thousand dollars, four hundred
and fifty thousand dollars, which would assume it'd be a
tax free judgment because it's the federal government paying it
as well. Poor family up to a million dollars a family,
actually four hundred and fifty thousand an individual for family

separated at the border. Here's here's what we owe people
who came to the country illegally and families were separated
at the border. You know, we owe them bringing unseparating
the family. That's it. That's it. That's where the government
knows them unseparate the family. That's it. So yeah, they
should bring them back together. For sure. It's kind of
remarkable and appalling that that hasn't already happened. But that's

what they should do. That's it. There's nothing else. No money,
not signing, not signing big checks to people. So Joe Biden,
as you know it, said that that was that was
not true. It was a lie. And now here he is,
in classic Biden fashion, telling everybody, oh, actually what I
said wasn't true. Maybe I didn't know, or maybe I

wasn't awake, or who knows. Said last week at the
report of my family the border getting a payments, No
I didn't say that straight said, everybody coming across the
border is five hundred, four hundred and fifty thousand dollars

number rising. Okay, now here's the thing. Sure give in fact,
because of the outrageous behavior of less in the fish,
you coming across order, whether it's legal oral, and you
lost your child, you lost your child's gone, you deserve

some kind of compensation, no matter what the serious what
that would be. I had no idea. I have no idea.
Lost sure child is yelling lost sure child. No joke,
no joke. Friend, he is the worst. He's not actually
some nice guy. He's not some cuddly old grandpa. That

was all just the media trying to prop him up
and make people think that he was a better guy
than he actually is. He's a jerk. I mean, look
at look at Andrew Biden. I hate to be this
guy who points us to about Look at this guy's
Look at this guy's son. What a mess? Not a
mess like he hasn't risen to the occasion of having
his dad as a president. I mean, this guy's a

real a real challenge, basically a criminal, right, I mean,
he's gotten involved in all kinds of shady stuff. That's
that's the president's that's the president's son. You sit here say,
I'm sorry. Why is it that we have to pretend
that Joe Biden is something other than what he is,
which is just a political hack and a buffoon. He's
a president of United States. Sure, but look what they

said about Trump. Oh Trump was a traitor and a
rapist and a racist and all these terrible things, none
of which was true, none of which was true. Things
I'm saying about Joe Biden are manifestly true, They're obvious
in fact. But yeah, he went from oh, no, we're
not going to pay to Oh it was just the
number that I was objected. It was just the number.

And then he is here trying to tell the media, Hey,
you guys haven't done a good enough job explaining to
everybody what the reality of a supply chain crisis that's
happening under my administration is. Don't you realize you're supposed
to be my little propagandists. We've never faced anything like
this before. I mean, I'm not saying this is the
worst of every time in American history, but will we
never faced anything this sort of defiant of understanding and

what's going on. And you can understand why people are upset,
and I whether you have a PhD or or you're
working in a restaurant, it's confusing. And so people are
understandably worried. They're worried, and so all I can say
is what I'm going to try to do is explaining
the American people as best I can. And by the way,

you all right, for a living I haven't seen any
one of you explained supply chain very well. No, no,
I'm not being critical. No, no, no, not being critical.
Does he know what the word critical means, because that's
that's actually being critical. Right if I say you're not
doing your job, well, I'm criticizing you. But this is
a this is a Joe Biden thing. He also likes

to say, you know, no joke when no one thinks
he's joking. He'd be like, Harry, it's fifty five degrees outside,
No joke, no joke. I mean, what is that. This
guy's an idiot. But the supply chain issue, sure, yeah,
there's a lot of factors. That's there's a lot of
factors of the economy, a lot of things. Look at
the decisions that they have made, look at what they've
actually done, and that is making the situation worse than

a bare minimum, making the situation worse. There is no
question about it. So I just I'm telling you it's
getting crazy. Big Bird, How hi, friends, I'm big Bird.
I don't know. I didn't really watch Esimi Street as
a kids from my Big Bird impression is not really
very good. I like the count better one two, three,

That one's fun, that one's easy to do. You know, oh,
here is Almo. We can all do Almo. Right, you
just make your voice basically as high as you possibly
can Almo. But then there's uh, there's damn big Bird.
I'm getting a shot, and I'm gonna have to get
a shot again every six months for the rest of
my big yellow bird life. I'm gonna have to keep

getting shot after shot. Kids. So Big Bird is now
putting it out there that he has been vaccinated against
COVID nineteen. I got the COVID nineteen vaccine today. My
wing is feeling a little sore, but it'll give my
body an extra protective boost that helps keep me and
others healthy. I mean, we actually probably have the sound

about of him somewhere, but that's that's what he actually said.
That's the quote. Believe it. I'm out of Big Bird.
I know my big Bird impression sucks, but that's because
I don't really watch big birds, so I never saw it.
I didn't want Sesame Street. I was too cool. I
was watching ThunderCats, g I Joe. That's right. There used
to be we used to have like military cartoons where
guys waving flags and loved America, and that was what

we grew up on as kids. Now it's all you know,
gender neutral Teletubbies or whatever. It's crazy, what's happened to
kids these days? Get off my lawn. But it's it's
the real thing. So Big Bird is out there pushing
this stuff on too kids, and they're saying, oh, no,
he's not. He's just saying he got to come on.
They're why they're having Sesame Street do this right because
they want kids to get the Oh it just the

FDA just happens to approve the vaccine for kids, and
then Big Bird all of a sudden saying I got
the vaccine. So this is where we're going to have
to really confront the fact that there are a lot
of people for whom the COVID pandemic is more a
mental illness now than anything else. A lot of people
out there who will say things like I'm going to

make sure my child is safe from COVID by getting
them the shot. I'm going to listen to my pediatrician.
I'm going to listen to the CDC. You can do
numbers right, You can actually do the math yourself. One
of them. If you're worried about a one in a
million chance of something happening to you. You should never
go outside your house, and even inside your house. There
are dangers, as you know. But if you're going to

worry about a one in a million shot against your
for your child, and remember there's a one in a
million shot for that. Now people are starting to worry, well,
what's the long term MILECARDIDIS risk for children? Do they know?
They don't know, But it doesn't matter. The government's making
you take a shot that confirmed on the record, has
in fact caused people to have a lethal incident. That's happened.
There are it's very very few, fine, but people have

died from taking the shot, So I think that's noteworth
The government's now forcing you to do something pretending like
there's a zero percent chance. There's not a zero percent chance.
So they're making risk decisions for you about about your body,
your health. That is what the government is in the
process of right now. And that's why when they start
to roll out Big Bird and other tools of propaganda,

a lot of us get upset about this. But you
have bid Mar for example, even willing to say the
following here you go. I know some people seem to
not want to give up on the wonderful pandemic. But
you know what, it's over, there's always going to be
a variant. You shouldn't have to wear masks. It's the

Democrats so seem to be I mean, I travel in
every state now back on the road, and the Red
States are a joy in the Blue States are a
pain in the ass for no reason. He's totally right.
He's totally right. The Blue States. Now this has become
like a cultural political signifier. The Blue States have turned

into a covey covy. It's like all these gonna walk
around surfrid. I got COVID. I had to go through
all their stupid bullcrap. I got COVID, couldn't avoid it.
Hundreds of millions of Americans at this point have gotten COVID,
or at least, you know, one hundred and fifty million
plus have gotten COVID. So they act like, oh, we're
gonna protect it. Really, I mean, half the country's basically

already gotten this thing we're mitigating. So well, no we're not.
We're just not. We've all seen it. They got to
grow up. They gotta get a grip. Libs. I ask
you libs out there, I know you're not listening this
because your libs. But if you were, stop being crazy,
Stop being crazy, stop forcing the vaccine into the arms

of small children. Stop acting like your heroes for doing
this stuff. It's madness. We'll come back. They're not done.
Even with the big mandate, which now the Fifth Circuit
Court down in the Texas South you know Texas Southwestern region,
or well it's it's thus South, the western part of
the South. Anyway, Fifth Circuit Court has put a little

bit of a speed bump into this process. We'll talk
more about the legal side of it in a second.
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Check it out. Friends, you will really be glad you did.
The Surgeon General effect Murthy wants you to know, you know,
it's a possibility that we're just going to extend this
whole government overreach federal mandate thing to small businesses too,
because I've been saying along, is it kind of arbitrary
one hundred or more? Well, this is what they always do.

It's always just a little bit, just a little bit,
just this section, just that section. Incrementalism is how I
always get their way until we say no, they keep going.
Here is Vevec Murthy telling everybody that the mandate may
extend to small businesses soon. I don't know, maybe clip forward. Well, Martha,
certainly nothing is off the table at this moment, but
the focus right now is on implementing the current rule

that OSHA put out. And finally, let me just emphasize
that these rules actually work well. We've seen in a
report issued recently was that on average, businesses that put
these requirements in place see a twenty percent increase in
vaccination rates, often boosting them into the nineties. So if
we realize, as we have over the past year, that
vaccination is our one of our key pathways out of
this pandemic, these requirements will do a lot to get

us to where the finish line? Yeah, what's the finish line?
What is the finished line? Just wondering, just wondering. I'm curious,
how do we get there? What does it look like?
There is no finished line. It's foucisum forever, baby, That's
what they want for you. More shots, more shots. They

never get tired of this, They're never done with this.
Why are they also freaked out at Aaron Rodgers too?
You know, I don't I don't pay much attention to
the sports stuff. I feel like America's sports obsession is
just completely out of out of whack. But that's a
whole other conversation. But like Aaron Rodgers, Okay, the guy
had COVID, he had natural immunity. Well he doesn't want
to get the shot. What's the big deal? Oh he

was lying about it because he said he was immunized.
Well he was immunized. So you know, pay attention to
the words the guy uses. The who caress one guy?
You had one hundred and fifty million people with this thing.
More than that, probably probably more like two hundred million
people now have had COVID. So what are they even
talking about? What's all the whining? There's are a bunch
of babies. But then Terry Bradshaw, who from you know,

the rumor mill i've heard, is a reasonably nice guy,
but very stupid. It's whatever whatever that's worth. Here he
is playclip seven. I'd give Aaron Rodgers some advice. It
would have been nice if he had just come to
the Naval Academy and learn how to be honest. Yeah,
learn learn not to live, because that's what you did. Aaron.

You lie everyone, I understand you mean eyes. What you
were doing was taking stuff that would keep you from
getting COVID nineteen. You got COVID nineteen. I've ever met
him as a cattle d wurmer. Sorry, folks, that's what
it is. We are a divided nation politically, We're a
divided nation on the COVID nineteen whether or not to
take the vaccine. And unfortunately, we've got players that pretty

much think only about themselves. And I'm extremely disappointed in
the actions of Aaron Rodgers, extremely disappointed. Who cares? This
isn't a moral question? What difference in mcgen Saki's vaccine?
She got COVID? Just back off. Everybody not being crazy.
Stop being crazy. They can't they can't do it. They

can't come up with it. And what's their basic justification
of this. I knew this was going to be it. Oh,
if OSHA can make you wear a hard hat. This
is like the people that are talking about seat belts, Oh,
seat belts, it's got to wear your seat belts. The
same thing as all the COVID restrictions. Really, I think
it's the same thing. You're making people live their lives
and constant discomfort and putting them at risk for in

the case of vaccines, a whole range of things. It's
the same as a seatbelt though, oh sure it is.
The seatbelt tyrants are out there so because the government,
by the way, I would argue, the government should not
have been able to make you wear seat belts. It's
all the time. Actually, it's not a commerce issue. I
think they're out of control. But here they are. Here
is ron Klain telling you wea you can make you
do everything. We can make you do whatever we want. Look,

these vaccine requirements have been litigated up and down the
courts all over the country state requirements, for example one
in Maine, and every single court before this one ruled
the they were valid. The Supreme Court has turned back
several times already various efforts to enjoy other vaccine requirements.
I'm quite confident that when this finally gets fully adjudicated,

not just a temporary order, the validity of this requirement
will be upheld. It's common sense check. If OSHA can
tell people to wear a hot hard hat on the job,
to be careful on chemicals, it can be put in
place these simple measures to keep our workers safe. Can
OSHA amendate that you get tested for COVID every single

day for the rest of your life? Are there any limits.
I just want to know there any limits to this whatsoever?
Why do we have Congress? If OSHA can just do
these things, what's the point. Why why have a legislative
body if you can have an unelected bureaucracy just make
you do things because they say, without any without any
legislative underpinning for it, whatsoever? What else can OSHA make

you do? What else in the health realm can they do?
Can they make you wear a mask all the time, indoors, outdoors,
all the I'm sure people would say yes. By the way,
the lunatic libs would say yes. These people are tyrants, folks.
They're idiots too. What they keep telling you we have
to do doesn't work, and they don't care. They want
it their way. They're terrified and they've terrified people, or

they're just exploiting them. That's what we were up against now,
total irrationality, fight this madness, fight this menace. I did
see Eric Adams that a new New York City mayor
starting in January, saying that maybe, just maybe he'll get
rid of the of the mask mandate in schools. I mean,
I want to celebrate that, but it's insane, absolutely insane.

That there is a mask mandate in schools. It does nothing.
It's idiotic. This is from neurotic adults who can't get
a grip and they're making children suffer as a result.
They don't care. Whatever, whatever, whatever gets the libs to
feel like they're the good people. Oh, we take the
virus so seriously, we do so much to take the virus. Seriously.
What is wrong with these people? Well, a lot, unfortunately,

a lot is wrong with them. All right, team, go
check out bucksx and dot com. We'll have an editorial
up there tomorrow for all of you to read. Also,
tonight I should be on Fox News during the seven
o'clock hour, so'd be sure to tune in, and please
become a supporter of my locals account. Go to bucksex
and dot locals dot com. That's bucksx and dot locals
dot com. And we'll be back tomorrow talk to you.

Then she'll tie
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