All Episodes

July 18, 2019 105 mins

The President Is Not A Racist. A CNN focus group does not go as planned. Trump's war with 'The Squad' continues. The Border Patrol are heroes. 

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Speaker 1 (00:10):
You are entering the freedom hunt. The war of words
between Trump and the squad continues on CNN. Puts a
white nationalist on TV just so he can attack Donald Trump.
Ilhan Omar doesn't exactly apologize for her anti Semitism, and
a bunch of Republican women explain to a CNN journalist

what Trump means and leaves her speechless. Not a Moore
coming up on the Buck Sexton Show. Bucks SEXTONSI decoding
the news and disseminating information with actionable intelligence. Make no
mistake American Great, You're a great American again. This is
the Bucks Sexton Show. Former CIA analysts, Remember I can

speak for three hours without a phone call. Try doing
that sometimes it is buck Sexton and its states is
running concentration camps on our southern quarder never again mean something.
If this organization is as fascist as you have called it,
you have said it's fascist, then why don't you adopt

the stamps to eliminate it. Your colleague who was at
the border with you, compare the facilities to a concentration camp.
Do you agree with that comparison? Absolutely? No. Will say
the lights and let you go. Wait. Well, playing the
fire a car in the parking lot was torched. An
invest airsay the suspect for flares at appropwate tank client

that they could explode. They took down an American flag
and a Colorado state flag and instead, you see in
some of this video, they raised a Mexican flag. Will
you condemn the antifat tack in Washington over the weekend?
Will you condemn Antifa for the attack in Washington? Welcome

to the Buck Sexton Show. Leftism running amuck. That's what
we got going on across the country. And now you
know it, I know it. That's what we have here
with these various spats between members of Congress and the president,
and the media and the president that the radical left

has got some got some problems here, folks. One of
them is that they can't run against Trump on his record.
They can't do it. There's no record to run against.
What are they gonna say? Stop with the stop with
the low unemployment numbers, stop with all the economic growth,
the GDP numbers, the winning against China so far in

this trade war, the not starting a major war unlike
your two predecessors. Really you're well, actually you're I mean,
I don't know how far back at the go. If
we're really gonna talk about not starting a war as
a president, you gotta go back quite away, folks. Clinton
had his military adventures in Eastern Europe, George hw had

Persian Gulf War one. You know you got you gotta
go back to Reagan. Really, So here we are. Here,
we are now with the Democrats showing us who they are.
And the problem that they're going to face is I
don't think they can walk away from this. I don't

know how they're going to be able to walk this back.
Pelosi has got to be on edge because she's smart
enough to know, she's savvy enough. Dare I say it
to understand that this left wing lunacy that has overtaken
her party is a loser come twenty twenty. That AOC
may play pretty well in a very liberal queen's congressional district,

but that doesn't mean that the rest of the country,
in any way, shape or form, wants to be taken
down the pathway of AOC's policies. So what does Pelosi
do Well, they have this vote, this condemnation vote the House,
but are yesterday two hundred and forty to one hundred
and eighty seven for a non binding resolution that says

the Chamber strongly condemns Trump's racist comments that have legitimized
and increased fear and hatred of New Americans and people
of color. You know what you're going to see in
the next few days that were willing to bet nonsense,
nonsense stories out there about how the president, the president's

rhetoric has incited all kinds of hate crimes, and they'll
say there's been a spike in hate crimes under Trump.
And then if you read the fine print and look
at the FBI data, what you'll find is that there
really isn't a spike at all. That the spike that exists,
most likely, if there is anything, is against Jews in
particularly major cities, and those anti Semitic tacks tend to

come from Oh that's right, not right wing white nationalist,
but from minorities who are anti Semitic. But they'll lie
about it. They'll say there's a spike in hate crimes
and it's terrible things happening all because of Trump, because
they have to run against Trump as a social indicator

of who you are. Oh, if you vote for Trump,
you're a bad person. Oh, if you vote for Trump,
you're a racist because if it's oh, you vote for
Trump because he's not good at the job. A lot
of people who just want a president that is in
a sense transactional, that is the CEO of the United
States government, not that is some make believe superhero that's

going to save us from the rise of the seas
and all the other stuff that Obama said. Running against
Trump on his record won't work. It's not going to work,
and they must know that, so they're stepping this stuff up.
But there's also and that's why with the with that
rnc AD we started the show off with tells you

what the reason it's so effective is you can see
that there's a there's a ferocity, there's a desperation in
what they are, what they're trying to accomplish now, and
what they're willing to say, what they want to do.
And I thought this was really interesting where you had
Rashida to leib and it's not just directed all a

Trump though. I mean, you really can tell that the radicals,
the Democrat Jacobins, they really do think that they also
need to keep the old Lady Pelosi in line a
little bit too. I mean, this was a stunning thing
for a Democrat member, a freshman Democrat member of Congress

to say about the Speaker of the House. But here's
what Rashida to Leib said about Nancy Pelosi play fourteen keef. Sorry,
but shouldn't it be a face to face No, I'm
very protective with all due respect, she doesn't need protection.
I want to know if you are the new member,

not the speaker. No one has every right to sit
down with her in any moment, anytime, with any of us. Yeah,
she is Speaker of the House. She can ask f
am meeting to sit down with us for clarification. The
fact of the knowledge is, and I've done racial justice
work in our country for a long time, acknowledge effect
that we are women of color. So when you do
singles out, be aware of that and what you're doing,

especially because some of us are getting death resk. Wow,
what does it feel like, Pelosi? You got a freshman
Democrat Rashida Talib and the rest of the squad here
saying that when you criticize us, you're effectively putting our
lives in danger because we are women of color. Oh well,

that's how do you get around that standard, then how
do you have a debate with these women or how
do you publicly rebuke them and not get labeled not
just in this case, kind of racist, but also that
you are endangering their lives due to your racism. Is

this is not make believes that this is not faking it.
There is a real animus here toward Pelosi, and you
have to wonder why is that? What is it about Nancy?
What is about Nancy Pelosi that the squad dislikes so much?
She has been a progressive Democrat since before they were born?

Why all of this throwing Pelosi under the bus and say,
here I am it sounds like I'm defending Nancy Pelosi.
But why do they take this tone? Why would they
say about the most powerful woman in the United States government,
which is what Nancy Pelosi is right now, whether you
like it or not, that's the truth. Why would they
take the position then she's a racist who's endangering their lives.

They're not saying it explicitly, but that is the implication
of their words. That is what they're saying. I'll leave
it to you to fill in the blanks here on
what what is it about Nancy Pelosi? That bothers them
so much. There's a lot of answers we could throw out,
but there are some that certainly come to mind. And

that same ploy that will be that is being used
against Trump. Oh it's you know, he's a racist, so
you can vote for him. We're seeing this now with
Democrat on Democrat friendly fire, so to speak. You can't
speak out against the so called squad of congresswomen without
if you, if you happen to be not a person

of color, without subjecting yourself to the allegation that you're
being a racist. And this is this is one of
the what they forget. One of the reasons that Trump
got elected is that we are all sick of people
throwing the term racist around when it's not true. American
society is tired of it. All the people who don't
do that are sick of it. The people do it

like it because they think they sound smart and cool
and they're you know, righteous, But the rest of us
look at this and say, this is just disgusting and
it has to stop. And the Democrats are finally you know,
getting a little bit of their own of their own
medicine on this one isn't going to change their behavior.
But excuse me if I don't allow myself a little schadenfreude,

a little enjoyment at at Pelosi's pain here. But the whole,
the whole opposition of Trump has gone from he's a
trader working for the Russians. Do oh, he's a racist,
just like that, almost like the Democratic Party, the media
working concert and this was this was a plan all along.
What is the dumbest thing that the left has gotten
upset about in recent months. I mean, there's a lot,

there's a lot to choose from. You have the Betsy
Ross flag on sneakers. Colin Kaepernick said, note to that.
You had Donald Trump as president the United States having
a hatriotic rally on the fourth of July on the
mall where there was, oh my gosh, a military flyover
and some tanks in a procession. I think they were

armored personnel carriers too. People completely freaked out about that. Oh,
if you say that men cannot get pregnant, now you're
a bad person. That's another one. I'm not sure you'll
get banned from social media quite yet for that, but
it is definitely a possibility that were you to say
that men cannot get pregnant, you will be in all
kinds of trouble with the left wing mob. But this

may be the dumbest of all. It's tough, it's a
close call. But of the stupidest things that the left
have gotten upset about in recent days, the Chris Pratt
T shirt scandal of twenty nineteen has got to be
high up on the list. We have reached peak left

wing stupidity. I think I don't know if they can
get any dumber or if they can get any crazier.
So if you don't know who Chris Pratt is, he
is the guy from Guardians. He's the lead leading man
from Guardians of the Galaxy. He's also well known for
being on the show Parks and Wreck, which has an
actor that some people say kind of looks like me.

I say, no, if I look like anyone, I look
like Ron Swanson, even though I don't have a mustache.
But the guy's got great hair and he loves America
and freedom. But Chris Pratt's become a pretty well known actor.
He's also in he was in Zero Dark thirty anyway,
so he's kind of become big time. Oh in the

Jurassic Park movies, the recent ones which are garbage, unwatchable garbage.
But don't mean to splow that for you. So what
did he do? What did he wear? Did he wear
a T shirt with profanity on it? Was he seen
in public with a T shirt with oh, I don't know,
some kind of hateful language. Nope, he had a Gadsden

flag T shirt. That's right now. A Gadsden flag will
get you in trouble on social media, and people will
want you to face consequences, and they'll threaten to call
your sponsors and all kinds of bad, bad things will happen.
Don't tread on me. Remember the Gadson flag with the

coil with a coiled rattlesnake on a what looks like
an American flag early version of the American flag. Right.
Christopher Gadsden was a brigadier general in the Continental Army.
Born in Charleston. Lovely city that I think about relocating too. Sometimes.
It'd be on my layby, on my top five off

if I leave New York. Charleston's definitely a place I'd
consider moving to. But the Gadsden flag in recent years
has been used by the US men's soccer team by Metallica.
It was prominently displayed in different ways when I was
at the Blaze. Libertarians are fond of it. The Tea

Party used it a lot. People that defend the Second
Amendment like it. But according to the quote Equal Opportunity,
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of the US, it is also
sometimes interpreted to convey racially tens messages in some contexts
end quote and people went on to say, uh that

that this is that this has been adopted, that the
gazon flag has been adopted by white nationalists. At some point,
we've gotten so stupid that that if someone sees a
white nationalist walking around wearing a white T shirt, we're
going to see someone say, oh, my gosh, did you
see this other guy who you know was a famous
person who was walking around with a white T shirt on,

just like that white nationalist wears. I mean, how much
dumber can this get before the left is embarrassed by
its own stupidity. Maybe they're not, Maybe it is not
possible for them to be embarrassed by their own stupidity.
Maybe they're so in love with themselves and so delusional
about how great they are that they really think that

even when they say things that a first grader knows
make no sense, they shouldn't back down from it. If
the Gadsden flag, which has absolutely no specific connotation of
racism or anything having to you know, has nothing to
do with white nationalists, It is just something from American history.

If that is racist, the White House is racist. Oh,
that's right. The Washington Post wrote something about that. They
wrote a headline this past week, the White that Donald
Trump said something racist in the White House comma which
was built by slaves? What does what does that have

to do with anything from that news cycle? I mean,
this is you know, I have to wonder, at what point,
if you're walking around with a one dollar bill, are
you carrying an emblem of white supremacy because George Washington enslaves.
Where does this end? What are the I have to
keep asking this question, what are the outer reaches of

left wing stupidity here? At what point have they just
become so obtuse and so worked up over nothing that
they exhaust themselves? I don't know. Maybe we never reach
that point. Maybe there is no stage at which the
left is honest enough and self aware enough that they
stop flipping out over things that no normal person would

ever flip out over don't tread on me as not
a white nationalist symbol. It's just not. We all know this.
Everybody knows this. And just because one group might at
one point decide that they want to use a thing,
it does not mean that they can fully appropriate it
for themselves and no one else ever gets to use
it again. You know, a lot of bad people have

done a lot of things under a lot of flags.
Stretching back for a long time doesn't mean that every person,
for all the rest of eternity, who ever rides under
that flag is a bad person. It's almost hard to
critique the absurdity here because it's so it's so bizarre,
it's so insane that it makes you wonder, are they

just trolling us at this point? Are they doing this?
Because but no, there see they're they're not self conscious enough,
they're not strategic enough in their thinking to push us
on these issues merely to see what the rights reaction
will be. They really do this stuff. They really do
want bands, they do want no Betsy Ross flag, no

Gadsden flag. You know, ultimately, what this gets you to
is that the left has taken a position that American
history is itself racist, That the history of America is
the history of a racist eight, that we are a
racist country and we are a racist people. And the
only way to purge those historical sins is to give

power over to an identity that is soaked in identity
politics and a kind of modern sectarianism courtesy of the left.
That's it. That's the only way we ever get get
rid of the sins of the past. We have to
give them power to make things right today, and to

abuse power, and to treat people on the basis of
skin color today in ways that the left sees fit.
Those are the only answers they give us. Until then,
they'll keep the crazy going. A lot of us are
sick and tired of this country of America coming last
to people who swore an oath of office. Sick and
tired of our military being denigrating, Sick and tired of

the customers import to patrol people that protection people I
was with who are overwhelmingly Hispanic, by the way, McCallen, Texas.
Sick and tired of them being no, you don't understand
because you didn't go being criticized, being docsed by a
bunch of Hollywood d listers who have nothing else to
do but sit on their asses on Twitter all day
and try to docks brave men and women who are

diving into the rio grand to save people who are drowning,
who are taking other people's babies into custody and diapering
them and feeding them and looking the other way while
people are running across with drugs. That's going on. Good
for Kelly and Conway. Here, the people on the front
lines of this border crisis, they're not the problem, folks.

They're the heroes. They're the ones who are doing the
hard work day in and day out. And these preening,
grandstanding journos and Democrats in Congress need to wake up
and stop with all the nonsense and stop with all
the games and trashing the people that are trying to
do everything they can to make the situation as livable

and as safe as they can. For people who are
making the active decision to break our laws and just
skip the immigration line just come into the country. The
people that are trying to deal with that are not
the problem. They're trying to solve the problem. The media,
the Democrats, those who have been lying about this issue
and refuse to do anything construct him on it. They
are the problem. And you know that the media is

not representative at all of where the American people are
on the issue of immigration enforcement. They're not. There's a
political poll which I thought was this is a classic
left wing media moment here, So a political is a
left wing site in case he didn't know, And they
start off this with their own political Morning Consult poll.

It says a slim majority of voters support the mass
deportation raids previewed by President Trump last week. Well, it
turns out that fifty one I mean they say a
slim majority. Yeah, that's a slim overall majority. Fifty one
percent support the raids, but only thirty five percent opposed
the raids. So a way of looking at this is
a lot more people support the raids than oppose the raids.

And this is in keeping with what we see over
and over where the perception that the people that are
bringing you the news have about the popularity of their
immigration positions is far from the reality that generally speaking,
individuals across this country are more likely than not to

want stricter enforcement immigration, to want less illegal immigration, to
want more deportation. All the polls showed that you think
it would be just oh well, that's a winning issue, right,
But the Democrats try to avoid it and slice the
issue down to so many little pieces that they can
manipulate the perception of what's really going on. Oh, by

the way, you want another another interesting poll is that
a majority of Mexicans polled recently think that Central America
who come into their country should also be deported. So
are the is the majority of the Mexican people that
wanted to port Central American migrants when they when they
enter into their country um illegally or when they claim

it they're seeking refuge in the United States? Are they
all racist too? Because it seems to me that every
country in the world, every every citizenry in the world
wants their elected representatives to reflect their will about secure
boarders and about who comes in and who doesn't. I mean,
I feel like I have to fill out so much
paperwork and crap to go to a lot of different

countries all over the world, and you know, to deal
with visa issues and everything else. And that's because that's
what that country makes me do if I want to
go visit. But now, all of a sudden, if a
country wants to have any control over this, it's it's well,
if we want to have any control over this, we're bad.
I don't know. Maybe maybe maybe the Mexican population is

racist against the un American population, but also maybe they
just don't want people illegally entering their country. Isn't that possible?
Isn't that one version of what's going on here that
the Democrats, as much as they would like to say otherwise,
that's one way to go, right, That's one way to
look at this. You know it, folks, some of you

have been asking me why haven't I used this face
app thing? This is a total departure for a second here.
But so you have this face app which makes your
face look old, so you can see what you look
like when you Let me just tell you, no one's
gonna look as good when they're older as they look
in these face apps. For the most part, it just
turns your hair a little gray and puts a couple
wrinkles on your face. But unfortunately, father time can be

a little more a little more cruel than that. But
this is this is amazing. It turns out that the
face app which you're seeing all over social media right now.
I'm sure you're seeing it on Facebook and use this
AI to make you look older or swap your gender.
It is owned by Russia, and in fact, quote, numerous

people have pointed the fact these photos can be used
by face app, and not just to make you look different.
It's from the independent. The terms give the app the
ability to use those photos in just about any way
without giving anything back to the users who created them.
Quote you grant face app a perpetual, irrevocable, non exclusive,
royalty free, worldwide, full paid, fully paid, transferable, sub licensable

license to use, reproduced, modify, adapt, published, blah blah blah,
blah blah. That they can do anything anything they want
with your photos once you use them, once you use
their app. And you know this is a Russian company,
so oh my gosh, Russian interference, Oh my gosh. Who
knows what they're gonna do with all this data. But

I think also people are recognizing that no one have
you prouser, Mike, have you done this one yet? Yeah?
Actually was checking out as you were talking about out it.
Look at that, dude, Everyone's all over this. I'm not
doing it. I'm not I'm not giving the Russians this face. Yeah,
I'm not doing it. I just saw. I was looking
at it. I was on Instagram, and like, you know,
every athlete, everybody's doing it everywhere, and I was just

like thinking about how ridiculous it was. It does seem
to me to be a little bit of like a
vanity vanity play too. It's like, I'm just gonna post
what what old me looks like for everyone. Like the
first one I saw, I was like, oh, that's funny.
I'm like that's sort of cute, you know, And then
like everybody start doing it. I was like, this is stupid. Yeah,
well there's you know what, producer, Mike, I've learned something

in life. Yeah, there are a lot of stupid people
out there. There are. Yeah, something new every day. Yeah,
don't use the face app folks, unless you want some
guy named Saragey to be able to use your photos
to sell well, whatever they're selling in Russia these days.
I think that's probably, you know, to sell the S
four hundred missile system. I have no idea whatever they've

got going on there, but I mean, if you also,
let's all just see how we age. Let's all hope
we get the age. You know, that's what I want
to say. I want to I hope I last as
long as this face app would make me look if
I would use it, which I will not. Well, the
president not a racist. President not a racist, And I
think the tone of all of this is not good

for the country. But it's coming from all different ideological
points of view. That's the point. To single out any
segment of this, I think is a mistake. They've been
just kind of rhetoric from a whole lot of different sources,
all across the ideological spectrum in our country. I think

Mitch's onto the onto something here. I mean, it's very
overheated time right now in our politics. People are saying
all kinds of crazy stuff all over the place. It's
gotten very nasty, it's gotten very personal. But ultimate the
president is not a racist. You know. They really want
to get people to admit that. You know why, because
if you if they can get you to admit that

he said something that was race well then the next
step is, well, only a racist would say something racist.
And the step after that is if you vote for
a racist, then you are a racist. This is all
about power, It's all but winning the election They don't
really think that they're going to change anyone's mind about
anything Trump. As Donner said, beyond beyond you know, with

this racism claim, beyond just maybe making it unpalatable for
some to vote for him. No one's gonna say, oh, well,
because Trump said something racist, I'm no longer a Republican. No,
but if Trump said something racist, then maybe you can't
vote for him in the next election. Ah. Now we
see what the takeaway is supposed to be. And I mean,

I think Mitch McConnell gets it. The President is absolutely
not not a racist. But this is coming from all
over the place, and there's just a general climate right
now of political insanity. I mean, you have the most
the most left wing, hardcore progressive idealogues the Democratic Party
getting tons of media attention, running around and setting the

ideological agenda for their party and really being the most
prominent voices in their party right now. And that also
means that on the issue of the border, the far
left of the Democratic Party is open borders. That is
just the truth they can try to say. Otherwise, they
can claim that that's a smear and that's not right

of it, but we all know it is true. The
far left of the Democratic Party is open borders, and
they would admit it if you asked them, which is
quite a shift, quite a shift from where it used
to be, quite a shift from Obama back in What
do we have is back Obama back in twenty fourteen
Play five. Our message absolutely is don't send your children

unaccompanied on trains or through a bunch of smugglers. We
don't even know how many of these kids don't make
it and may have been waylaid into sex trafficking or
killed because they fell off a train. We have no
way of tracking them. So that is our direct message
to the families in Central America, do not send your

children to the borders. If they do make it, they'll
get sent back. More importantly, they may not make it.
That's what Obama used to say as the head of
the Democratic Party, de facto head of the party. And
yet now here we are with AOC and to leave
and all the rest of them, the squad, and all
the rest of the Democrats who don't believe in any

enforcement in our southern barred don't believe it. There should
be anything that has to be that that must result
in deportation unless you're a really violent criminal, and even
then it's probably because we did something wrong. We probably
made you that way, So it's our fault violent criminals.
You have a Democrat party that has completely lost it

on this issue. I mean, it's just way over the line.
And you have a Republican party that I think has
finally woken up to just how completely insane the left
really is, how far this has gone. I mean, Steve
Scalize points out that for all their complaining about ice

and about customs and border patrol, the squad voted against
funding for the people down there. What does that tell you?
Play six Just yesterday here at this very microphone, you
saw some of my colleagues say falseliness leading things from
this microphone. You see Omar continue to use terms like

people drinking out of toilets. It's not happening in any
of those detention facilities. She voted, by the way, against
the very funding to help our government provide humanitarian relief
for those families that are coming across the border illegally.
Our border patrol agents were buying diapers with their own
money because they had run out of money, and she

voted against that very funding. That's right, she goes around
saying that people drink drinking out of toilets. Let's understand
that that was never even the claim. The claim was
and it was a lie. But the untruthful claim that
AOC made was at border patrol told women to drink
out of the toilet. That doesn't mean that they actually
drank out of toilet. But now that's been turned into yeah,

they're drinking out of toilets. See, the truth doesn't matter.
It's just about it's about the outrage machinery on the
left getting something else to rev them up. It's about
the extremists and the Democratic Party being able to seize
in their own minds, the moral high ground for just
a few minutes, just a few days, a few news cycles. Meanwhile,

the situation the border continues to deteriorate, and the squad,
if they really cared about what's going on here, you
would think that the squad would focus much less on
trying to bash Jnald Trump and much more on trying
to solve the crisis at the border. But then you
get into the very difficult issue. They don't want to

solve the crisis at the border. Why would why would
they want to solve the crisis at the border. There's
nothing about the border crisis that really bothers them. They
think that they benefit from it politically. It's a headache
for the Trump administration, and it's an issue that they
can raise money off of and do a lot of
oral grandstanding off of, and they think that's all great

and fine. Speaking of this squad and Omar, by the way,
you know, there's been plenty of talk about whether Trump
should retract what he said about the squad, you know,
go back where you came from in his tweet. And
there's been far less questioning of Ilhan Omar among some

of these other members of Congress about things that they
have said. And I see, I do believe, and this
is this is not just for the versus of throwing
some mud at the other side. I really do believe
that Ilhan Omar has a problem with Israel and a
problem with Jews. I think that's I think that's true
when Somalia is a very anti Semitic place. So start

with that. You would not want to be true story,
if you would not want to be Jewish walking around Mogadishu,
that is for sure, you would not be safe, and
you know. When she was asked by Gail King if
she if she regrets any of the things that she says,
she was totally. I mean she said anti Semitic stuff.
She just has ilhan Omar has made anti Semitic statements.

And when it's time for her to say, oh, I'm
gonna walk that back, do you think she does it?
Does she say, yeah, you know I could have. Does
she even say, I, you know, I could have phrased
things differently and I'm sorry for the offense I cause
it's something like that. Nope, there's what she says. Thirteen.
Oftentimes there are things that you might say might not

hold the weight for you but to someone else. Right,
the way that we hear, um and consume information is
very different than how the next person might. So you
don't regret your words either. I do not, But I
have gotten the I am grateful for the opportunity to
really learn how my words made people feel, and have

taken every single opportunity they have gotten to to make
sure that people are understood that I apologize for it.
And would you like people would never get them there
that you were not anti semitic? Oh, certainly not. Yes,
would you like to make that clear. Yes, I mean
and that nothing I said, at least to me, was

meant for that purpose. Now, nothing that she said was
meant to be anti Semitic. Now does does Donald Trump
get the same leeway? Nothing that he said was meant
to be racist? How about that? Maybe it didn't come
out perfectly, maybe it didn't, But nothing he said was
meant to be racist. Nothing she said was meant to
be anti Semitic. Can we at least have all sides

playing by the same rules, you know? So she's sorry
for the offense cause, but her words weren't anti semity.
I mean they were and she's done a multiple times.
But sure, you know, okay, I didn't mean to be
an anti semit I just said anti Submitic stuff a
bunch of times. And I mean very clearly and very explicitly.
I mean, nothing that Donald Trump said, even about go

back to where they came from. There's an implication that
could be racial, but there's nothing specifically racist in his
in the words that he used, in what he said.
I know people would quibble with this, but that's that's
the truth. And here we are fighting over a fight.
We'll be right back. What do everyday, folks think about

what Donald Trump tweeted over the weekend that got the
media so upset, And what are just the people who
live in America think, What do Republicans think? What do
what do Republican women think about it? I mean, these
are all very very valid and interesting questions, to be sure,
because from what we've heard now with this vote on
the House floor to condemn Trump, and as though that

does anything, it's all for optics, although it really is
a step toward impeachment. As we've been discussing. That's they're
trying to create a feeling of some process that pushed
them toward impeachment. They don't want to impeach him, but
they just have to do impeach them. They don't want to,
but there's no choice but to impeach him. Yeah right.
I mean you have CNN pull together a number of

eight Republican women here, and this is supposed to be
a journalist. You're just asking questions and getting answers, but
you can just tell how upset. I don't even know
who the CNN journalist is, how upset she is, because
here you have eight Republican women who were supposed to
sit there in all nod in agreement, I would assume
that Donald Trump is a racist. And here's how the segment.
Here's how the segment goes play eighteen. How many of

you don't think what the President said was racist? Raise
or him? He was saying that if they hate America
so much, because what we're seeing out of them and
hearing out of them, they hate America. If it's so bad,
there's a lot of places they can go. I'm a
brown skinned woman, I am a legal immigrant. I agree
with him. I don't think that's racist to say that's

not at all real. Actually, I think that's just it's
a demonstration of how their ideology feels over even though
they're American now so to speak, they're not acting American.
They I'm glad that the President said what he said,
because all they're they're doing is they're there. It's they're
inciting hatred and division, and that's not what our country

is about. It's it's not about that at all. And
it isn't this amazing to just hear some some articulate
and thoughtful Republican women, including one who there you heard
is a minority and an immigrant herself, say that they
know that Trump wasn't saying I don't like these people
or they're not American because of their skin color. That

would be racist. What he's saying was based on what
they are saying. I wish they would just get out
of here because they obviously don't like this place that much.
That was the intent of what he said. This is
what they are say. Now these women seem to intuitively
understand is the CNN journalist is completely flummixed by this

and tries to dig in further, essentially like no, no no, no, guys,
you understand what he said is racist, and they'll look
at her like, no, they don't. They don't buy it.
They don't believe it. They do not think that is
an accurate description, no matter how much the CNN journalist
is completely and utterly horrified, shocked at the opinions that

she's getting here played nineteen. He didn't say anything about color.
We know the president is not racist. He loves people
from you know, hispanics of black people all across the
heated a black woman for two years. Two of his
wives are immigrants. He is not a xenophobic racist. But
the first the black billion there is endorsing President Trump.

How can you call him racist? Who do these ladies
sound a little bit like? I know? I like to
do that on the show, I say, who does this
person sound like but kind of like yours? Truly, Donald
Trump is not a racist. They all want to say
he is. They all want to because then they want
to undermine his policies and his message, in his heart,
in his mind. Donald Trump is not a racist. He's

just not. This guy grew up in New York. I
know people that knew the family very well. I knew
the kids a little bit growing up. The Trump's are
not racists. They're just not. It's a complete, an utter
fabrication to say that Donald Trump thinks less of people,

hates people based on their skin color. It's just not true.
It's not It's not part of this guy's ethos. It's
not part of you know, you don't grow up in
Queens and then moved them in Hattan and live in
New York City and do the things this guy has done,
have been around the people he's been around, and work
with the people he's worked with, and do all these
things and harbor true bigotry. You just you just don't.

He's not that guy. And everyone who knows him, knows that,
and these women on this CNN panel, they know it.
And the CNN journalist is just like, whooh, just can't
handle it all. You know, you cannot handle it at all. Uh.
The whole segment was like ten minutes long. I couldn't
play it off for you all the air, but it was.

It was fascinating. Tierra, go back, But but what about
the fact that you know it's but what he said
is so racist. They're all like, nah, we know what
he meant. Yeah, obviously he shouldn't have. He shouldn't have
mixed up in his mind that they weren't born that
only one of them was born abroad and the rest
were born here. Yeah, that's a that's an error of fact.
But he's not saying that they You know, if he

were a racist, he would also have to think, for example,
doctor Ben Carson is somehow less American. That would be racist. Right, Clearly,
no one thinks he thinks that. It's about the ideas
these women the so called squad have. It is not
about their skin color. And that is as much as

they try to take the words of Donald Trump and say, oh,
but look at what he did, or look at what
he said. They're all saying, no, we understand what he
meant and the intent behind his words. Play twenty. These
congressmen who said they ran for congress ran for office
because they explicitly love this country. You're saying they hate
this country. Yes, do you ever brought these questions up?
It's clearly that they're very manipulous to accuse instead of

extracting the truth. It's a tactic because when you say,
you know, don't you think he's racist, you're accusing us.
You're accusing hill. Do you think it's just a coincidence
that these four congressmen that the president is going after
none of them are white. I don't think it matters.
It's idiotic. But they're saying, so it doesn't matter matter
whether they're white, man, woman, brown, yellow, anything. I wish

that there is a white one. Why are they not racist?
How come here't befriended one of their white female congresswoman
colleagues and her joy as they won't a good point
my white people, Come on, they're racist? How many of
you still plan to vote for President Trump? Absolutely? Absolutely,
I wanta tell you that this this woman who said
you're accusing us, it's a very astute observation, because that

is exactly what this whole panel was about. It was
about a CNN journalist getting toether a bunch of women
to be like, so, ladies, we know you voted for Trump,
but let's just talk about what a racist he is.
How about what do you think about Donald Trump's comments?
Do you think it is fair to characterize them as racist?
Donald Trump's a racist? Right? They understand what's going on here.

There was a lot of a very astute observations from
this panel, these these women, and you know, this is
what the he doesn't understand. Is it just because people
don't sit around all day staring into mirrors and waiting
for their hit on TV or waiting for their their
you know, their crappy column at the at the Post

or something Washington Post or the New York Times or
Slate or Salon or wherever to get published. Just because
people don't do that doesn't mean that they don't understand
this stuff as well. This is and this is the
journalists hate this. Journalists like to believe that they have
some special knowledge. No, that is not true. Most journalists
I know are deeply incurious, don't read many books and

don't know squat about squat. All they do is try
to suit at the cool kid table and get access
to the powerful. That's all they do. And these women
know a lot more than most of the journalists, if
not all of them that I know at CNN. Oh,
but Pelosi doesn't care about any of this. By the way,
Pelosi still clings to this. This is after their their

whole floor vote. Yet no one's even gonna no one's
even gonna remember this, this floor vote in a week,
maybe not even in a few days. How many people
even today cared about the congressional vote of censure against
you know, along party lines and all but four Republicans.
What is wrong with those Republicans? Has guy will heard

weak sauce? Total weak sauce? I don't know what his
problem is. Had him on the show before too a
long time ago. Yeah, yeah, because we had the Langley
Langley family thing in common. But I don't know. He's
outside the Freedom Hunt family right now, My friends, I
don't know what that guy's deal is. Just just just
be a Democrat. You have no problem with the overrunning

of the border, you think that Trump is the worst
thing ever. Just become a Democrat like the rest of them.
But Pelosi's sure that this is racism in place seventeen.
That language that the president used was not posited beneath
the dignity of the president, beneath the dignity of the
people who was criticizing. And by the way, we were

a that he's spoke in such a way about members
of Congress, but we're offended that he says that about
people across the country all the time, go back where
you came from, and that, by its definition, those words
are racism. To go look in the ap and other
places where they define certain words, that's what that is.

But we weren't saying that he was racist. We were
saying that the words that he used were racist. So
that was as gentle as it could be. I was wondering,
when people have told Irish and Italians, you know, go
back where you came from, is that all? Is that racist?
Or is that just xenophobic? Or because nationality and race
are not the same thing, and nation state and race

are not the same thing. But that's way too in
depth analysis for Pelosi. She just wants to smear the president.
So that's what that's about. A group of the President
supporters are cheering on these attacks. A c and Sarah
Sidin reports white supremacists to back President Trump are taking
to social media to celebrate those tweets. Go back where
you came from, of course, is something they've been saying
to other people for decades. Hail Trump, Hail are people,

hail victory. White nationalist Richard Spencer, who hailed Trump when
he was first elected, is among those who are turning
on Trump. Many white nationalists will eat up this red
meat that Donald Trump is throwing out there. I am
not one of them. I recognize the con game that
is going on. They say Trump's is all talk and

no action on maintaining. Folks at CNN who are putting
this guy Richard Spencer on air there are there are
a disgrace. I mean, look, Spencer is scump. Okay, let's
we know this. You know this, I know this. We
don't need to get into that. What the heck is
CNN doing? That's Jake Tapper, mister, oh so serious? My

brand is everything journalism. Man. Guy's a jerk. What is
he doing putting a white nationalist on his show just because? Oh?
Anything to own Trump? Huh? Anyone who goes on air
to smear Trump, gets a platform at CNN. Last week
or the week before, it was e. Gene Carroll, that
looney lady that made the stuff up about Trump in

her book, which you couldn't sell any copies of the
book anyway. This week it's white nationalist Richard Spencer who's
get an airtime on Jake Tappers. I mean, Jake Tapper
should be ashamed, should be ashamed. But this is the
game they play, folks. Whenever they think they can smear
a Republican by association or by insinuation, what do they do. Oh,

they dust off David Duke or they bring out Richard Spencer.
I'll tell you something, I've never even met a white nationalist.
And I've met geehattest terrorists, okay, plenty of them. I've
never met a white nationalist. Well, where where are they all?
There's like two hundred of them in the country. It

feels like, I mean, who are these people the media
is always talking about. It's the most overhyped, exaggerated thing ever.
And it's not like that. You see. Here's a big
difference as well between what you see in the left
one you see in the right. You know, when you
ask ilhan Omar, when you ask the far left about
Hamas or about al Qaeda, there's this, well, they're bad,
but their methods are bad. But I but I understand

some of their rage or you know, there's always this
kind of what they don't really you ask any conservative,
I know, what do you think of true neo Nazis?
What do you think of a white supremacist? What do
you think of some guy who has a swastika tattooed
on his forearm and walks around saying that people of
certain ethnicities and religions are you know, subhuman. Every conservative

I know is like, I want to punch that guy
in the face, and he's a terrible human being that
nobody should listen to. Every single one of them says
that they don't say, oh, well that guy, you know,
I mean some of his idea. No, no, But they
have to create this, you know, this this sense of
equivalency where they're a dicals on our side, just like
there are radicals on their side. In fact, the radicals

on their side don't even really count. So that's why
Tapper just debases his already incredibly boring show. I mean,
he has these political panels on Some of the dumbest
political panels on TV are on Tapper Show and a
regular basis, The people that go on there just it's
that they have nothing insightful to say about anything. It's

just all Trump bashing all the time, you know. And
I guess that's what makes the CNN audience feel like
they're really getting their news dump for the day. But
how is this non platforming instead of deep platforming a
white nationalist? How is this not Jake Tapper and CNN
and CNN corporate deciding to elevate the voice of a

white nationalist as long as it is also damaging to
Donald Trump, which it's not even damaging to Donald Trump really,
because no one cares what these idiots have to say.
As Donald Trump says, they're losers, they aren't. They're losers.
You know, maybe maybe there's still time for some of

them to redeem their souls if they turn away from
their ways. But they're losers. They're bad people. And I
don't know a single conservative. I mean, and I hang
out with a very right wing MAGA crowd a lot
of the time here in DC. I don't know a
single conservative who does not find Spenser and any of

these other actual white nationalists to be completely beneath contempt.
I do not know one, but Jake Tapper puts them
on TV National TV, not in primetime because Tapper's not
interesting enough to be in primetime at CNN, which tells
you a lot, but you know, puts some puts them
on TV to make a make a point about how

they love what Trump had to say. You know, how
often do you hear about how the American Communist Party,
which really exists, endorses the Democrat president every election cycle?
How much do you hear about that from the mainstream media.
It's true, it happens every election cycle. Last election cycle,
it was the American Communist Party endorses Hillary Clinton, or
maybe they endorsed Bernie No, no no, they endorsed Hillary. It

was in the general So no, they endorsed Hillary Clinton.
Is that is Do they make a big deal it? No,
because we all know the American I mean, the real
Commies are the socialists, and the real socialist are the Democrats.
So you know, the the American Communist Party is really
for a bunch of koops. It's a bunch of weirdos.
But we all understand that. We don't take them too seriously.
The real collectivist threat comes from the actual modern Democratic

Party these days, but you don't hear about it because
they don't want to talk about it. How could see
it and justify this? I really, you know, their anchors
never weighed into unfriendly territory. You will never see a
CNN anchor outside of the role of playing anchor anywhere
where they have to defend themselves or their network ever.

I mean, I can't even when was the last time
you saw somebody in a position to debate Tapper or
Cuomo or any of these guys, not on their own show,
because that's different. They get to set the tone, they
get to set the timing, they get to ask the
first questions, they get to end the segment when they want.
They have the elements they want. This is like when
people call in they think they're gonna argue with you
on a radio show. It's like a dear caller. The

chances of you winning that fight are with any radio hosts.
I'm not talking about with me. Any radio hosts are slim.
They can drop your mic down, they can talk over you,
they can end the call whenever they want, and you're
in their house. They're not in yours. So when was
the last time, though, you saw any of these CNN
anchors put themselves in a position where they have to

have a real exchange of ideas, where they didn't have
a team around them propping them up and making sure
that no one says anything mean to them. I can't
think of it. They never Oh, they're just journalists. That's
why they don't debate. Yeah, right, they're completely lying about that.
They're activists. We all know their activists. And what Tapper

did is is a disgusting thing, putting this guy on
TV to say that, oh, look at how much this
white nationalist loves Trump. You're still putting a white nationalist
on your channel, on your show. Now, if a conservative,
let's just play out this thought experiment for a second,
if a conservative had Richard Spencer appear on his show,

If anyone in the Fox prime time line up, if
anyone at won America or any of these channels had
Richard Spencer on their show, and let him just have
his say, not even to cross examine him, just have
his say, Let him say whatever he wants. The calls
to boycott that person, to kick kimmer her off the air,
would be deafening, and we all know it. But there's

a huge double standard because the Libs have lost their
minds in the era of Trump, including Tappy Tap Tapper.
Early Saturday morning, the Ice Detention Center in Tacoma, Washington,
came under attack by one man armed with an assault
rifle and throwing incendiary devices at cars and building. By
the time officers arrived, police say Willem van Spronson had

already burned one car to the ground and was trying
to ignite a large propane tank next to the building.
When he refused to drop his assault rifle, he was
shot and killed. The sixty nine year old allegedly sent
out a manifesto hours before his death, calling the detention
center an abomination and the attack his opportunity to make
a difference, saying I am Antifa. One local Antifa group

is now praising their fallen comrade as a martyr and
calling on its members to take action, writing in a
Facebook post, we cannot let his death go unanswered and
may his death serve as a call to protest and
direct action. What do you call an organized group that
has an ideology, a stated ideology that will use violence

to achieve that ideology, I'm pretty sure you'd call a
terrorist group. And I might know something about this because
I worked in the counter Terrorism Center the CIA. I'm
pretty sure you'd call that a terrorist group. So here
we have Antifa with a member of Antifa who I
believe was also highlighted in a CNN documentary about Antifa

who trying to blow up a building and kill a
bunch of people in the federal government. And there are
other people who are praising him for this and saying
there should be more action taken like this or direct action.
They leave it somewhat open to interpretation. And yet we

won't hear them talked about it as a domestic terrorist organization,
won't we even though any terror organization will tell you
that they do stuff that's not terrorism, right, is hesbel
a terrorist organization? They do a lot of you know,
good charity work too. They've got a lot of people
in Hesball is basically a government, but you know, there
are a lot of people in Hesball and Hamas that
you know, hand out food and water and medicine to

their constituents. And but they also stand for something that
is violence, and violence that is supposed to affect politics
and they have people that do act in that name.
So their terrorist organizations, right, so is Antifa terrorist organization.
And we should ask this question, why has this gotten

so little attention in comparison to Oh it is what
Trump said racist? We almost had we could have been
a mass casualty terror tank The guy was trying to
blow up the propane tanks the side of the building.
Who knows what would have happened. I'm not the only
one who thinks this is not getting any attention. I mean,
you know, CNN can't be bothered. CNN can put a

white nationalist on TV, but they can't be bothered to
dig into this. Oh no, not at all. Play clip
nine like what happened alone kind of lone wolf viol extremists.
They're very hard to prevent. And why is this happening?
We know why it's happening. Is that the rhetoric that's
out there from our own elected leaders, the vile rec

they're attacking the minimum of ice, they're tacking the women
of CBP. It's unjust, it's unfair, it's misinformed and outright
sometimes there's lying to the American people, and it's undoubtedly
fueling this well man women of CBP, for example, a
lot of people know this year loan they've rescued almost
four thousand individuals, individuals trying to illegally enter this country.

There's CBP Chief Mark Morgan who's just saying that this
stuff that they're the Democrats have been claiming about ice
and about border patrol is reckless and it's dangerous. You know,
we get into this back and forth whenever someone who
is affiliated with what is considered that nationalism or you know,
ultra right wing white nationalists, whatever it may be, all

of a sudden, everything every Republican has ever said is
directly responsible for that. This is the game of left plays.
AOC says this, all these Democrats will say, oh, well,
this one crazy loon who has no support, who has
no one praising them online or you know, in on Twitter,
who when it did some terrible things shot up a
church or a temple or something, that is on the

heads of all the Republicans, all the Conservatives, anybody who's
opposed to the left wing agenda this country. We're supposed
to sit here and take that, even though it's complete nonsense,
it's utter garbage. But when they're saying that the US
government is operating concentration camps, which and saying that it's
never again it is supposed to mean something explicit comparisons

to the Nazi Nazi concentration camps and the holocaust of
six million Jews eleven million people in those camps. Why
isn't that considered overheated rhetoric that could lead to violence.
I've said this before. There are some things that, if
I believed were true, would bring me to consider taking

up violence. If I really thought the government was operating
concentration camps and murdering children, what would I'd be unwilling
to do to stop that? There's very little I'd be
unwilling to do to stop that. Just like, as I
used to say, in the era of Black Lives Matter,
it was different. It wasn't just a political dispute. The

rhetoric was that cops were murdering young black men for sport,
for fun. That is what Black Lives Matter was saying,
doing it out of sheer malice, just pure racism. That's
why these cops were shooting black black young black men
across the country. If I really thought that were true,

would I take up arms against the police. Certainly think
about it. Of course these things are wildly untrue, right.
They might as well say that space aliens are landing
and we all need to take up arms against them.
But the Democrats treat this as discourse that should be respected. Truth,

even in some of these media outlets. At AOC is
speaking truth. This woman's a moron and a dangerous one
because she's arrogant, she's ignorant, and she is far too powerful.
Let's be honest in a world where appearances in social
media and Instagram or just way too important to everybody,
far too important. Look, it affects conservative media too. I'm

always amazed at some of the people that some of
the folks out there say, oh, hell, you know so
and so is really doing a great job. I was like,
because you know he wears funny t shirts or because
she's pretty, that's why you want to listen to what
they have to say about the Constitution. But yeah, people
are unentitled to whatever they want to watch and here.
But it's gotten a lot of a lot of griffers

out there in conservative conservative media, now, that's for sure.
I think if you're listening to this show, I will
I will say without without any sense of well humility
is the wrong word you use here, but without any
sense of self effacing. If you're listening to this show,

then you know who the grifters probably are, because this
is about as anti grifters you're going to get. Nonetheless,
they won't be honest about this, these Antifa terrorists. They
won't talk about about how the rhetoric that they use
is inflammatory to the point where violence if one believes

what AOC says would be justifiable. If we were operating
concentration camps, violence against our government would be justifiable. But
we aren't. So these lies that they are telling, while
they do it mostly to mobilize their insane left wing base,
the lies that they tell can have very real consequences.

The lies that they tell can really harm people. But
they give this no attention whatsoever. They have no interest
in tracking this down and finding out why Antifa does
what it does and how much support it gets from
these various news networks that, if nothing else, try to downplay.

Just how odious and offensive the rhetoric of some of
these members of Congress are that lead right to this
Antifa guy saying that, yeah, we're operating concentration camps. Well
that's a very bold charge, a lie, but a powerful
enough charge that it's something that can lead to the

situation that we saw unfold. How much have you seen this?
Talk about the news? Folks really think about this attempted
terrorists attack by an Antifa guy, quoting AOC's Concentration Camps line,
Oh yeah, you mean that you haven't You haven't seen
that anywhere? Really? Maybe you've seen it on Fox a
couple of times. That's it. Oh wow, what a shock.
I think no one's surprised even in the least. They

should express remorse for not giving a hearing in a
case in which half the jury cheated and lied to
the judge. So with respectfully, you know, I don't know
what they expected today. They would remorse have change the
statutory minimum of life in prison, of course them, I don't.
I don't know that. Why are the rules different from
watching Busmer? He wanted justice, that's what he was burning today.

His lack of was getting justice. I gotta say this
lawyer for El Chapo, he's got some some utzpah. Yeah,
that's that's the problem. That the judge was too hard
on El Chapo because he didn't show remorse for what
he did. This guy was arguably the most powerful drug
baron in the world, ordering the assassinations of countless rivals,

the murders of people who got in the way, or
they just wanted to make an example of murders of police.
I mean, he's the head of his Sinaloa cartel, as
as bad a dude as Trump would say, as bad
an ombrey as he will find anywhere, and he got
life plus I was life plus forty or something. I mean,
he's gone away forever. But as lawyer wants you to

know that he didn't get a fair shot. Some of
these lawyers, I gotta tell you, I always want to know,
like what they if they ever thought when they're in
law school, I'll be the guy who, after the worst
drug kingpin in the world gets rightly sentenced to life
in prison, it should probably get the electric chair or
something else, but maybe a firing squad. I'm actually I

think if you're going to do, if you're if you're
going to execute people, I think firing squad. I don't
know why we have to overcomplicate this with the I
don't like that we make this a medical procedure where
you do the lethal injection and now what drugs do
we use anything else? I think firing squad. I think
that's where Life plus thirty producer might just told me

Life plus thirty. So I think firing squad's a much
better way for this to to go. And I think
Choppo should have gotten a firing squad, you know, one
more one more cigarette and audios El Chapo. But unless
his lawyers said, oh, they're going to appeal to Yeah,
this guy's gonna in supermax until he you know, in

thirty years, they don't. He doesn't wake up in the morning,
and that's going to be that h Richard Donohue, the
US Attorney for the Eastern Diictions in New York, has
had had a different take on what happened today with
the El Chapo hearing Play eleven. He means that never
again weill Kuzman for poison, overall borders making billions, will

innocent lives are lost, the drug violence in drug addiction,
Never again will Buzmon do those things. That is true.
To keep in mind that this year, I believe or
for twenty eighteen, they have the numbers in from the
CDC and overdose deaths were down five percent. According to

preliminary data, which is the first time in ten years
I think that's happened. So we still have a drug
a drug epidemic, and we've got terrible problems with overdoses,
but for the first time in a long time, it
seems to be at least trending in a better direction,
where it had just been getting more and more every year.

But there's also so anyway, all Chopo is gone, and
you know, there was that whole Sean Penn thing too.
I really wish I need to look into that a
little bit more. You know, he was gonna go interview him, right,
Wasn't that what happened? And then they ended up finding
him and all kinds of crazy stuff. They followed him
and didn't they followed him, right? Isn't that what happened?
It was crazy. I actually heard a really good story
about that recently from from Nio and Grio, who's been

on our show. I heard a podcast where he specifically
talked about that subject, and uh, he has some insight
on that. Maybe we should get him on sometimes. Yeah, dude,
can we can we reach out to yone? He's on
our show a few times all he's awesome. Yeah, he's
got that super chill British accent where he's like, yeah, buck,
I've been in like ten wool zones, I've seen everything.
It's crazy, man. You know he's really into the chill. Yeah,
he's really interviewed and done some really good deep dives

into the cartels, and its interviewed. A lot of dangerous
people play that. Yeah, man, let's get him on, let's
reach out. Tell me when I ask him about El
Chappo story and what it means, I want to ask
him what it means now that El Chapo's in prison
because he's all over the cartel situation. So and then
he's going away for life. You know who's now rising up?
I think there's the Nuevo Nuevo Alisco generation cartel. Is

this super ultra violet one that's trying to take more territory.
And all this stuff's going on. People don't even pay attention.
Mexico at its highest murder rate ever last year, thirty
three thousand murders. I think it was thirty three thousand murders.
There's only three hundred and sixty five days in a year, folks,
thirty three thousand murders in Mexico, that is a lot,

and those aren't what they do in the US. Those
are They always include they talk about gun violence, and
they include suicides and accidents. No, no, no, that's murders
we're talking about. In Mexico. People actually just killing other
human beings. It's completely out of control down there. But
we don't see much of we don't see much of
it talked about here. Oh, speaking of out of control
and murders, I mentioned to you yesterday this big indictment

of I think over over twenty people and MS thirteen,
and I mentioned to you that, well, the horrific murders,
the other hacking people up cutting out their hearts. They
murdered a homeless guy who was living in a park
because they said the park was their territory. I mean,
they're these MS thirteen gang members do act like savages.

I mean they act like people who have absolutely no humanity,
no decency whatsoever. And you know, there's there's like so
little media coverage of this Trump called I mean, he
calls the monsters. I mean, I think that's absolutely right.
I think that's how we should refer to them. But
here's what he says. Played twelve, the monsters. We've been

removing MS thirteen by the thousands during my administration, and
I tell my people much easier to go the other route.
But I say, focus on the criminals, Focus on the
people that are killing people. You know, the immedia still
thinks that Trump's focus here is always it's it's somehow

rooted in racism. It's wrong, it's bad. You know one
thing that I said to you yesterday when I was
looking over that list of the MS thirteen gang members,
and it was I will tell you I was I
was making something of an assumption, But I said, you know,
I wonder how many of them are illegal? I wonder
how many of them are legal? Who wants of the
twenty two MS thirteen gang members in California who are

just part of this federal gang and racketeering and murder indictment,
how many of them are in the country illegally? Out
of the twenty two, nineteen of them are illegal aliens
in the United States? Nineteen of twenty two, folks. Does
that surprise anybody? Oh? But I thought, all the illegals

who are here make this country better and safer and
smarter and more productive. And they're better than Americans, and
if you don't see that, you're an evil racist and
you're a bad person. Right. I thought that. I thought
that's what we're all supposed to Isn't that what we're
all supposed to believe? Should it matter to us that
nineteen of twenty two MS thirteen gang members clearly broke

US law to get into this country and then murdered
people who would otherwise be alive had these gang members
not been able to violate immigration law to get into
this country. And I just also wonder when are we
allowed to really have a discussion about this where objecting
to gang bangers who cut out people's hearts after hacking

them to death with machetes in public parks. We just
don't want that because that's horrible and it's evil. It's
not actually rooted in racism xenophobia. We don't want anyone
of any race cutting out hearts and hacking people to pieces.
I think that's pretty straightforward. But what do you do
you make it to the general You're on the debate stage.
He's lying, he's saying we're doing great, that's his brand,

We're stronger than ever. He starts making fun of your age,
your mental state starts going after you in ways that
this is. I mean, come on, Donald, come on, Matt,
how many pushups do your pal? You know, you know,
come on, run with me, Matt, Joe Biden, everybody, come on,

come on, man, how many push ups you want to do? Here? Man?
Joe Biden is he's so passed his whatever prime he had,
and so clearly not going to be the Democrat nominee.
I don't know. I don't know who's still giving him
money and thinking that that's a good investment in the
political future of this country. But there are still people
out there. Biden is not going. I've been saying it

all along. He's by the end of the summer, he
will no longer be the front runner. I stand behind that.
I think it's maybe it won't be till October, but
do you give it one more debate and Biden wall
of a sudden and once he once he's not in
the one spot, there's no reason to vote for Biden anymore.
As soon is he isn't the front runner, the rest
of it all collapses because his inevitability and electability is

the only thing he really has going for him. That
and his connections to Barack Obama, whom, as I've noted
many times before on the show, is unwilling to come
out and formally endorse Joe Biden, which I have to
tell you I think says a lot about Joe Biden
might say a lot about Barack Obama too, But Biden
is not someone that can get his former former president

that he served under to support him openly, and he
says he doesn't want him to. I do not believe
Barrock would do it, because Barrock was always always about Barack.
He just does not strike me as as a deeply
loyal fellow to the group around him in the White House,
except for Valerie Jarrett and you know, maybe a couple
of others. But Biden's run around saying all kinds of

crazy stuff, including on on healthcare, and he sticks to
the Obamacare lies as though nothing has happened in the
last ten years or so last eight years, I guess,
but he sticks to this stuff. Play three. How many
of you have when you were working like your and

you may still be working many of you, how many
of you like your employer based healthcare? Did you think
it was adequate? Now? If I come along and say
finish you can't have it anymore. Well, that's what medicare
for all of those You cannot have it, period number one.
There was a hiatus spot in between. By the way,
how long it's going to take. So I leave people
the option. If you like your healthcare plan, your employer

based plan, you can keep it. If in fact you
have you can keep it. That is obviously not true,
and you know we've been through this before. What he's
saying is that even if they you know, even if
they were to try to set up more people with
a public option, I mean, they're they're just going to

keep going with this lie. But the moment that your
employer can expect that you can get on a public option,
you are no longer going to have employer sponsored health insurance.
The moment that your employer is going to say a
hold on a second, you mean that you can just
go to the government and they'll they'll pay for all

your healthcare. Why would they pay Well, you know, private
plans cannot exist in a Medicare for all world. So
you know his healthcare plan he's saying is you know,
you can keep it. But the moment they open a
public option, which they're all talking about, that's it's all over,
because on the public option is going to become the
only option, because who's gonna pay for your private health
insurance when they can just say go on the public option.

I don't want to deal with this. And of course
you won't be able to keep your private insurance, just
like you wouldn't be able to keep your plan. They
keep saying that, you know, they can radically transform the
healthcare industry without making any disruptive changes, but of course
that's not true. And then oh, there's also the issue
of how they're gonna pay for it. We have Bernie
Sanders on yesterday saying forty trillion dollars four zero trillion, Baby,

that's a lot, even even in Bernie dollars. You know
this isn't This isn't you know rubles in nineteen ninety two,
This is US dollars is real money. Well, you gotta
bring up the Honeymoon the Soviet Union book, Well, are
you gonna do it? I think it was actually nineteen
eighty nine he went to Soviet Union. But nonetheless it

was very nice. There, shortest breadlines I've seen in a
long time in a functioning socialist country. But even Kamala
Harris has problems explaining how her healthcare plan would be
paid for. I mean, Bernie's just saying it's gonna be
paid for by you know, magic fairy dust or something.
I mean, essentially printing money. Bernie the only way, and

just give it time. You'll hear them start to talk
about modern monetary theory. The only way that Bernie and
the gang can get their stuff paid is if they
just start printing money, which is going to hurt those
at the bottom end of the spectrum much more than
those at the top, because if you have assets, when
there's money printing, that goes on. Whether it's digital or

actual currency doesn't matter. When you have asset inflation. The
people that are at the top but own assets, they
do okay, right. If you own a lot of real estate,
you own a lot of stock, because your assets, the
numbers go up on those. If you are a wage earner,
no numbers do not go up for you. Your expenses
go up, your housing and medical and healthcare expenses will

all go up, but your wages won't necessarily go up. Nope,
they still get paid what you get paid, and that's
where you get even more revolutionary. Fervor from people to
feel like they're being left behind. That's worth and this
is a lot of the class warfare stuff that works
for Democrats is driven by exactly that process of artificially

low interest rate, inflating asset bubbles, taking on a tremendous
amount of debt, and now the debt is disproportionately among
those least capable of paying it, those in the bottom
a bottom quarter of the income scale in this country,
and students who have no income really, and they come

out of with student loans. And then you also have
a lot of subprime borrowers, particularly in the auto market.
But so, how does Kamala Harris say that she's going
to pay for her government takeover of healthcare? Which she's
not even sure what she's for, but she'll figure it
out when the polls tell her play for You just
said that you were not in favor of a middle
class tax hike, yes, correct, How do you propose to

pay for your version of Medicare for all if it
resembles what Senator standards. Part of it is going to
have to be about Wall Street paying more. It's going
to have to be about looking at how we and
what we tax in terms of financial services. That's part
of it. But the other part of it is to
understand that this is about an investment which will reap
a great return on the investment. If we can't only

look at this issue in terms of cost without thinking
about benefit. Huh So, just give the government more of
your money and the government will somehow transform the healthcare
system to give you better healthcare without doing anything to
make the healthcare system better. This is not an exaggeration.

This is the promise that Democrats are making you. Yeah,
it's gonna cost you more. They're gonna take more your
money in taxes. Whether they admit that or not, it is.
They're going to have to raise your taxes. So they're
gonna raise taxes on people. They're gonna raise taxes on
the middle class, there, taxes on everybody. But their promise is, oh,
just give us your money, and then the healthcare you
get from the government when you no longer direct where

those dollars go will be better than what you're getting
right now. No way, no way, not possible. Remember, Obamacare
really largely dealt with the unensured individual market and hasn't
touched employer sponsored plans. If they touch employer sponsored plans,

then the whole system gets dramatically altered, and they're going
to destroy it. They will destroy the Democrats across the board,
will destroy your healthcare. I assure you. The president of
Planned Parenthood, doctor Lena wyn is out. She has been
pushed out of that abortion organization, the biggest abortion organization

in the country. And very interesting reporting coming from inside
of Planned Parenthood or about the inner workings of Planned Parenthood,
that tells us much about the circumstances of that organization.
You know, I interviewed doctor When a while ago, and
I was told that there were concerns about having me

do that interview because I'm an enemy of choice, which
I've always thought was an interesting interesting phrase. Choice. What
kind of choice, folks? Why can't we just have them
say abortion if abortion is not a problem, if abortion
is a medical procedure. You know, I am pro appendectomy
when needed, I don't and I'm not afraid to say it.
You know, if you need to have your appendix out,

I say have your appendix out. I don't say I'm
pro choice, the choice being you can have an appendectomy.
Why why can't they just say they're a pro abortion
if it's just a medical procedure, because we know that
the whole movement is full of lies and misdirection and
all kinds of obscuring of what's really going on. Because

if people knew, they would reject it, if they really
thought about it, they would reject it. But doctor Wynn
wasn't pushing abortion enough. That's why they pushed her out.
Now they it was considered a victory for them from
a pr perspective to have an MD, a medical doctor
at the head. Before that, it had been Cecile Richards,

who was just a stone cold pro abortion political operative
and fundraiser. That's that was all. She was just about
raising all that cash and making sure the politicians were
in her pocket and the media was on her side,
and that was it. And that's that's really what Because
Planned Parenthood is actually a political organization. It's not a
healthcare organization. It's the political advocacy arm of abortion. It

also provides abortion. So you know, people say that, you know,
the NRA is just all these gun sellers that want
to make money. No, the NRA is just in favor
of Second Amendment rights. And then there are gun sellers
that these are not the same things. Planned Parenthood is
both the lobbyist and the salesperson, like Planned Parenthood is
both in favor of politically and the provider of day

to day But doctor Wynn released in email with the following,
remember this is the head of Planned Parenthood. I'm leading
the organization sooner than I'd hoped because of philosophical differences
about the direction and future of Planned Parenthood. I came
to Planned Parenthood to run a national healthcare organization and
to advocate for the broad range of public health policies

that affect our patient's health, ensuring access to quality, affordable healthcare,
the full spectrum of reproductive healthcare before, during, after pregnancy, etc.
The new board leadership determined the priority of Planned Parenthood
moving forward is to double down on abortion rights advocacy.

The landscape changing dramatic in the last several months, and
the right to safe, legal abortion under attack like never before.
I understand the shift in the board's prioritization. I'll do
everything I can to make sure there's a smooth transition. Folks.
This woman who was the head of Planned Parenthood was
pushed out of Planned Parenthood because she was advocating to
use Planned parenthood as actual healthcare centers, meaning that they

would do abortions but also do real health care work.
And that's a problem, you know why, because Plant Paradode
doesn't care about all that other stuff. That's a cover
that's a cover story, all that other Oh, the mammograms
and the STI screen, that's not what they're about. That's
not why they exist. Plenty of other places can do that.

So she wasn't on mission, on task enough for them,
because the mission of planed Pardode is to provide abortions,
to conduct the abortion procedure, and to fight ferociously in
the public realm for the right to an abortion at
all nine months of a pregnancy for any reason and
no reason, to work with the media, leftist media and

the Democratic Party to make this the one unassailable right
that the left holds sacred. And it gets even a
little bit stranger than this. I mean, as if that's
not enough, So yeah, you have you have to be
not very bright. I think the plan Parrodode is not
really first and foremost concerned with abortion. I mean, of

course it is right, that's there'll be no problem with it.
Otherwise there is no constituency the Republican Party is not,
in fact, trying to stop women from getting access to
you know, contraceptives, or stop women from getting mammograms or
you know that that is that is a lie. That
is just a falsehood. It's propaganda that they spread. The

other reasons why they went after I mean, this is
this is fascinating. This is reporting from BuzzFeed when quote
sometimes went through Plant Parenthood's press releases deleting the world
word sexual from the phrase sexual and reproductive health. She
also resisted using abortion as a standalone, preferring abortion care
or other phrases entirely so that she was trying to
soften this and make this all about women's healthcare. And

the problem with Planned Parenthood's eyes is that Planned Parents
not really about women's healthcare. And everybody knows that, right,
It's all a facade, it's all a lie. It's about abortion.
But the other part that I found just fascinating and
was that she was getting in trouble for two sources

told BuzzFeed News Here you Go that when refused to
use trans inclusive language, for example, refusing to say people
instead of women and telling staff that she believed talking
about transgender issues would quote isolate people in the Midwest
for a period of a few months when sometimes went

through planned paranoids press rule. Yeah, and that's where she
removed some of the other words. Folks. That's right, because
she's talking about women's health, on women's reproductive rights. But
they want to make it people's health and people's reproductive
rights because they think that men can be women and
therefore men can have babies. If you think that I'm
making that up, I take you to this morning when

I wake up and I look at look at my Twitter,
I look at what's going on here and Sky News. Okay,
the British broadcaster, big cable broadcaster has a story. This
is the headline. Man who gave birth loses anonymity in
his bid to be registered as father on birth certificate.

All right, this is a woman who has taken hormone therapy.
That that's a woman gave birth to a baby, and
that woman now wants to be called a man through
hormone therapy therapy. But guess what, a man did not
give birth to a baby. That is not a thing
that happened. And I don't know how much crazier the

liberals are going to get that they keep doing this,
they keep burning their hand in the stove in the
same place. We'll say, men cannot get pregnant, and they'll say, yes,
they can, And then we have to say, are you morons?
They're that blinded by the rhineology. Of course, men cannot
get pregnant. This is as basic. This is as basic
a fact as exists in the world. There is no

more clear factual statement. Men cannot get pregnant. Men cannot
have They do not have a womb and cannot have baby.
It does not exist. So here we are. But the
head of Planned Parenthood, who is an MD, refuses to
ignore science, and they push her out because Planned Parenthood

is a rancid, left wing, evil political organization that does
a medical procedure and makes a lot of money off
of it. Right, That's what it is. That's what Planned
Parenthood's all about. They do abortions for profit, and they
want to make sure they can continue to do that. Look,

there are some things that I'm very confident of. One
of them, and I've said it to you before, I'll
say it to you again, is that there will be
future generations will look back on what has been going
on in the era of rovweight in this country, and
they will look in on it. They will look on
it with revulsion. They will not believe how barbaric we
were over this period. And I know life Buck, I wasn't,

but yeah, I mean, it's the law of the Land
of America, folks. It is the law in this country,
in all fifty states, thanks to one of the worst
Supreme Court decisions in all history, if not if not
the worst, the most completely upside down in its legal thinking,
just making up, just making it up, just completely formulating

a law out of tech that does not exist anyway.
Plan doctor Wynn is out. I'm sure they've got some
crazy abortion extremists in there now, so fuck up. Air
Force warns against storming Area fifty one as Facebook event
reaches one point five million attendees. What the heck is

going on here, folks? You got over one point five
million people that's say that they're going to storm Area
fifty one as of septem They're gonna do it on
September twentieth, and people are saying that quote we will
meet up, he's from the Facebook page. We'll meet up
at the Area fifty one Alien centat tourist attraction and

coordinate our entry. If we Naruto run, we can move
faster than their bullets. Let's see them aliens. Naruto refers
to the running style of the Japanese anime character Naruto
Uzooo Zumaki. Air Force spokesperson Laura mc andrews has told

ABC News the United States Air Force is aware of
the Facebook post. The Nevada Test and Training Range is
an area where the Air Force tests and trains combat aircraft.
As a matter of p we do not discuss specific
security measures, but any attempt to illegally access military installations
or military training areas is dangerous. I mean, I don't

think anyone's really that dumb that they're going to try
to do this. But you say this and then some
people do really, really stupid things. I don't know how
many of you know Tank Sinatra on Twitter and Instagram.
He's a social media influencer. He wrote that Area fifty
one is just Coachella for conspiracy theorists. So if Aera
fifty one is supposed to be where there are aliens,

right that they tried to UFOs and stuff like that.
Producer Mark, do you know anything about Area fifty one?
You know things I know it was in a couple
of video games, but what's the best video game that
AERA fifty one is in. I think he was in
a Simpsons game, I want to say. And it was
definitely in Grand Theft Auto. You've got five stars immediately,
huh if you entered it. I mean, other than that,

I don't really know what is What are the conspiracies
about Area fifty one. It's all UFO stuff, right, yeah.
I believe like there's aliens hid in there, spaceships or
stuff like that. At least that's what people say. I mean.
This is the Yeah, this is from from the Wikipedia,
so who knows how accurate it is, but it's the
highly classified US Air Force facility in the Nevada Test

and Training Range. Officially, the facility is called Homey Airport
or Groom Lake. I was unaware of that. Let's see here.
According to Wikipedia, it's um the IRREDU. Let me see
Groom Lake. The history is unclear. Oh the YouTube program

they operated there? Yeah, so they tested some some sensitive
aircraft there, folks. I really don't think that means they've
got little space eliots locked up ed two smoke contators.
Take me to your leader. I don't think that that's
a thing. I don't. I don't believe that that's the case.
But producer Mark, do you believe in do you believe
in actually trustrial life? Yeah? Of course that's where the

Men in Black or hidden right. See now you're just
now you're just being smarmie. You know. I was going
to take you there and and say you should let
me know what you think. I never got his into
the X Files, as I probably should have. I feel
like I wish that show wasn't as dated as it is,
because maybe I'd go back and check it out again.
But I think that because I saw some episodes of

it and it was really good and it's a cool
concept for sure. Men in Black. They made some additional
Men in Black movies and it just it just became
too noisy and too commercial, man too much, too much
away from the original. The recent one that was within
two months was just terrible. Oh, I'm sure, I'm sure
anything with that will Smith just I mean, Hollywood can't
seem to just make cool new concepts. They just love

to churn out, you know, the the fifth iteration of something,
even after the three or four before it were pretty terrible.
But you know, what do I know? But I will
say this for the folks who care, which is probably
very few of you. Bad Blood, which is a great book.
But this is actually the Netflix series about the Risudo
crime family in Montreal actually pretty good. I thought it'd

be a bunch of guys evading the Mounties and being
super polite to each other, like, oh, ay, you know,
but you know, oh don't you know? Oh, I'm sorry, Ay,
But it turns out that the Rasido crime family was
a real serious syndicate up in Montreal. Who knew Montreal.
It's some rough stuff going on. It's a good series
on Netflix. Check it out. Hey, Team Buck, it's time

for roll call. Well, Team tomorrow, I'm out. I'm doing
a little bit of an international travel for a couple

of days. Can't give you much more on it than
that it's it's gonna be very interes interesting though. I
can tell you that it will involve the border, but
being on the other side of the border. And that's
what I've got for you right now. It's gonna be
I'm gonna have some stories for you tomorrow. We will
have my friend Raheem because some in and on Friday

Ben Winegardner from New York Winegarden. Did I say Winegardner?
I'm in wine Garden. Ben won't mind. He's a buddy
of mine. So we'll have great guest host for a
couple of days. I will be back on Monday pretty much,
coming right off the plane and heading right into the studio.
That is the plan for right now. So there we
have it. How But yeah, I'm gonna go do some bucks,

gonna go make some stories happen. I'm gonna go do
some things, talk to the folks. Will be It'll be
good times. I wish I could say more, but for
right now, we'll have to leave it right there. Facebook
dot Com, slash buck Sexton, that's how you send me
a message here for roll call Happy. Who's your hellos?
From Richard? I think it was Sun Sue who said

that when two enemies are attacking each other, wait till
they are done, then destroy the weekend winner. I can
see what Trump is doing with the socialist squad. I
just wish he had waited till they were done attacking
each other first. These people are nuts. Shield's eye. Yeah,
I do think that there was a little bit of

an interruption of the intramural fighting among the various Democrats here,
Pelosi and the whole squad around her and all the
rest of it. I do think that that was a
real phenomenon, right, Pelosi and the squad and then everyone
around that. But Trump's gonna Trump. And here we are

a few days into this, and there's been such an outcry,
such an uproar, probably the biggest uproar over anything Trump
has said or tweeted in a very long time, maybe
since Charlottesville. Really, I think you could probably make that case.
And he's not backing down at all. And in fact,
he says that people who want to believe, people who
want to act in good faith know what he meant

and know that he did not mean it as a
racist comment. And that's what the president believes, and that's
what people who believe the president believe. And those who
hate the President and think that everything he says is
racist and everything he does is terrible, guess what, they
don't believe him, and they think that he was a
racist before he said this. So what's amazing here is
that nothing really changes, right, nothing really gets This doesn't

move the needle. It's a big fight, but it's like
the unstoppable force against the immovable object. It's the Hulk
and the Thing. I guess I don't know what the
mark who wins the Hulk or the Thing? Those are
different universes completely, Yeah, but what do you mean? They're
both big, strong superheroes. All right, I guess i'd pick
the Hulk. I picked the Hulk too, right, Yeah. The

Thing versus Colossus, I guess i'd picked the Thing. I
really I feel like Colossus because he's Russian and he's
got the cool accent. All right. John Shields hie a
real news fan for two years. I try to debate
people on Obama's policies. Mostly they answer any question by
changing the subject or calling you racist. Now, if you

ask them to discuss Trump's policies, they change the subject
or call me and Trump racist. It must be really
hard to be a person on the left and live
in that world. From John. Yeah, John, it's I don't know.
Leftist is gonna be leftists. That's the way it is. Erica.

As to which order to have kids or dogs, you
can successfully have dogs with babies and puppies with kids,
but the combination of puppies and babies is too much work.
You don't want too in that depend entirely on you
for their poop and p in the house at the
same time. Erica, I think you are giving me sage advice.

I think that what you're onto here, I dig it.
I think that's probably true. So you'd want to either
wait till the puppy is in the young dog phase
before you have the kid, or you have the baby
and then the baby becomes a toddler and then you
get the puppy, but you don't want to be dealing
with all the cleanup crew situation with both of them.
I think that's true. Matthew Rights. The podcast volume is

fine via iTunes that pulls direct from the RSS. Some
podcast apps cash a version of the podcast and distribute
that copy. Good luck with producer Mike on fixing the
issue well, Producer Mike preuser Mark. We don't have any
way to fix it yet, but we're hopeful that if
there's a problem that we'll get fixed. Adam Buck, I'm

afraid we're heading for a civil war. Both sides are
not listening, and it seems to come to blood. It's
going to come to blood eventually. The tree of liberty
must be refreshed with the blood of tyrants and patriots
shields high Adam, don't. I don't think so, my friend.
I think that we're in a nasty political period, but
there's still enough that binds us all together as Americans

that we would we would rightfully feel a revulsion at
the thought of harming any of our fellow Americans over
political belief So I don't think we're heading there, and
I certainly hope, in the strongest sense of the word,
I certainly hope that that will never be the case.
But it is rough out there right now. It is

not easy. Things politically right now are as tense as
they have been. Rob rights, Amen, mister Sexton, Well amen
to you, Rob. Rob keeps it short and sweet. I
like your style, mister Rob. Kristen hey Buck, I love
your show, but I really do hate it when you
play sound bites of dems instead of just telling us

what was said. I hate hearing these people speak and
avoid it at all costs. When watching a show on
TV they come on, I fast forward, but I can't
do that with your podcast. Just tell us what they
said instead of giving us their horrible speaking voices. Well, Kristina,
it's I can appreciate that you don't like some of
the folks that we play the audio from in the air,
but you have to think of it like that's my
evidence for you know, I'm presenting the evidence for then

what I'm going to analyze and for me. Yeah, sometimes
i'll write it. I'll do what we call the verbate,
and I will read it rather off of a script or.
But generally I think it's it adds more of the
dynamic to hear from a better dynamic, to hear exactly
what they said and how they said it. So yeah,

that's you know. I don't know if we can get
around that, Chris, And I'll try to limit it. I
try never to subject, you know. Sometimes I'll jump in
and say, oh, I'm done, I'm done, you know, and
I'll stop it because I know that it's too brutal
for you to hear these leftists screeching and you know what,
don't you just give all your money to charity? Why
are you so greedy? Why are you so mean? Blarney
doesn't give much money to charity, but he wants to

be a socialist, so it doesn't have to because he's
got your money, and it can only handle so much
of it, though, And I should probably work at a
Mary Ann Williams impersonation just so I could be like, yes,
and then the spirits and the world shall come together
and buy my book. She has this really affected, strange

way of talking sometimes that I'm trying to get better
at it. But oh yes, our spirits as a nation
will come together as a country, and it's all very wow,
all very stage to me, Laurel. Right, Heybox, just want
to let you know I still care about the debt

sadly though our leaders don't, Laurel. I know our leaders
don't really care about the debt. And then the problem
with the debt is that no one wants to care
about it until it's too late. And when it's too late,
guess what, it's too late. So I don't know what
to say about it, other than sometimes I'll bring it
up on the show. Republicans, the Republican Party is supposed

to care. And anyone who gets frustrated at me who
used to be a member of the Tea Party or
was in the Tea Party movement, I'd have to ask
them what has changed other than things have gotten worse
with our debt. The financial situation of the country is
worse now than it was in twenty twelve, twenty eleven.
It's worse, but people don't like to hear that. Ronnie rights.

It was a total pleasure meeting you during our DC vacation.
One of the highlights of the trip. Thank you for
your radio show. We met your friend. She was a
nice lady too. All right, Ronnie, thank you, Thank you
so much, my friend. I oh, that's right, you were
you saw me at the Trump Thanks for coming by
to say hi, Ronnie, you and the missus. It was

it was the highlight of my day getting to meet you.
So thank you, Thank you so much. Um, here we go, well,
here we go. Um. Somebody's writing in about Shields High.
That's kind of a surprise. It's been a while, I know,
I haven't. People are like, when's it coming back? Buck?

Oh gosh, I don't know when. When I can just
focus on these things? Oh oh, I knew this was
gonna happen. Penny writes in Airdale terriers are awesome. Meet
Lincoln and Reagan and she sent me her, yes, her
very cute Airdale terriers. See whenevery whenever you call out
a dog breed that that dog owner is like, well,

my dog is amazing, and you're right, these are cuter
airdales than I've tended to see in the past. I
will say that, but yep, there's that you see. No
matter no matter what kind of dog it is, I
could say that I am not a fan of you know,
the the demon dog spawn from the underworld and people.

Somebody would send me like a a dog with horns
and a forked tail or whatever, and the whole thing
or pitchfork and the spiked tail, not forked tail. Well,
I guess forked tail might be scary too. Let's say,
my hell dog is amazing. Let's see here. Carrelean, writes Buck.
I looked into this. This doctor Goo fellow you mentioned

the other day. His area of interest is an organ transplantation.
The human uterus has been successfully transplanted into a woman,
resulting in a full term, successful pregnancy. In theory, this
could be done to a biological male. Doctor Goo as
an MD, but does not practice medicine because he was
kicked out of his residency program. He is not on
track to try it this time anytime soon. I am

a practicing surgeon, and I think the idea of this
is all totally nuts. But don't be surprised if someone
tries this in our lifetime. I didn't interesting, I didn't know.
I didn't first of all. While it's a lot about
doctor Goo that I did not know, and the guy
seems like a wacko, and yeah, we should not be
implant you Tory into men just to sort of see

what we can make happen. So but the Left is
totally nuts on this stuff these days, and they really
have no interest in dealing with dealing with reality. They'd
much rather create some alternate reality where they get to
call all the shots and tell us what to do
all the time. So that's where it is. Team, that's it.
I'll be traveling internationally, like I said, tomorrow, so my

man Raheem Kassam will be. He is taking over the
Freedom Hut. I mean, we're giving him the keys, We're
letting him rock out here in the hut. So hopefully
I come back and Raheem isn't throwing a giant beach
party in my living room. But we'll see. So the
Freedom Hunt will be will be operational tomorrow and Friday,
we'll have Raheem and Ben Weingarten in, so please do

tune in and I'll have some great stories for you
all on Monday about all the stuff that happened abroad.
Until then, my friends, shields Hot
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