All Episodes

April 7, 2021 112 mins

Season 5, Episode 67.

Is the Biden Administration going to tur back to Trump's border policies? Plus Biden wavers on sports wokeness, DHS may start to prosecute some illegal crossers, Kamala is the person in charge of the border crisis who will not visit the border, Gov. Hutchinson makes a fool of himself, United airlines changes it's hiring practices and Ned Ryun joins the show.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Buck Sexton Show podcast. Join the conversation
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It was inevitable that at some point people would figure
out that the border is a total mess and the
people in the media are lying to you about it.
That was just going to happen. It was a question

of how long it would take. I mean, I know
that there are those Democrats who are actually open borders
ideologically and so they don't really care what a mess
things have turned into down there. But there are some others,
I think, who really believe the propaganda from the Biden administration,
that they really think that they're being told the truth.
And now we're seeing Hold on a second. You mean
they might actually start building wall, They might act this

is the Biden administration. They might start going after sanctuary cities.
They might start prosecuting illegals who cross more than once
or have other additional criminality. This is what's being said. Now.
You're not really hearing a lot about it, though, are you.
It's because the politics of this turning against the Democrats,
and the media, as you know, doesn't want you to

know what's really happening. They're always engaged in propaganda, and
that includes social media companies. As I'm sure you're aware,
there's an effort underway from social media giants to suppress
speech and also to punish people who step out of
line with their political opinions. And that's why I really
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express vpn dot com slash buck. The border is a mess.

You know that, it's very clear based on all the
news stories that you can see on this and if
you just read the basic facts and figures, or if
you really just understand the Democrats view on the border.
I mean, they they tell you things that are not
what they really think and believe for public consumption, so
they can fool enough of the country that they can

get away with this stuff for a little while. But
that's starting to slip. They got problems you have right
now at the US Mexico border. The highest number of
illegal crossings in twenty years. That's right, in twenty years, friends,
And if you go back to the late nineties, and

if you go back to the periods where you had
border crossings along these similar lines, there were just single
males who were crossing the border. Wasn't family units, wasn't
unaccompanied children, and they were doing it in such large
numbers and with such ease that they would go back
and forth illegally across the border. You've talked to border patrol,

you can hear the stories about this. Sometimes they would
just line up a hundred guys right at the Tijuana
San Diego border and they would just all do essentially
a jailbreak run where they just go across and act
like you know, or wait to see if anyone could
actually tackle them from border patrol. That's how easy it

was then. It's easier now in a sense because you
don't even have to run. You just if you want
to cross into the country illegally, wave them down and
say you want asylum. It's all. It's all you have
to do. And this, as I've said all along, is
because of the incentives in place right now. The people
who are at the southern border and trying to control

this border patrol, immigrations and customs enforcement, they don't have
the political backing or the resources necessary to do the
job that they want to do that they're entrusted to
do on behalf of the American people. And they will
tell you, and they have been telling people that I
am in contact with who are down there. And also,
as I said, I'll be going down to the border

myself in a couple of weeks to speak with all
of them. They'll tell you that it's obvious why this
is happening. People understand the Biden administration is not going
to deport them and is welcoming to illegal crossings. That's it.
It's very straightforward. But it's so straightforward at this point
given the numbers and the fact that you have an

increasing public opinion turning on Joe Biden on this issue,
because the more you see this and the more it
keeps happening, you say, hold on a second, how exactly
are they planning on stopping this. I've been telling you
all along, this is just going to get worse. Why
wouldn't it just get worse? What's the downside if you
want to come to America illegally and stay here forever,

because it's a rich country with a big welfare state
and a whole lot of economic opportunity. And as I've
always said, I have no animosity, I have no ill
will toward people who are crossing into the United States illegally.
I understand why they're doing this, but I also understand
why we have to have a border and law and

order and sovereignty, or else the country starts to just evaporate.
Over time. But what is a country without borders? These
are fundamental questions that used to be agreed upon by
the American people, but now it's changed dramatically. As you know,
can't have a welfare state and open borders. You can
go back to Milton Friedman. It's quite obvious why that's

the case. And given the amount of money that we're
spending now, the trillions of dollars were throwing around, you
start to see that the whole system this feeling a
bit wobbly, and certainly our immigration system is coming apart,
so much so that the Biden administration is now and
this is the great part of it, considering what would

you call it a Trumpian border policies, or at least
a move toward them. What do I mean specifically, Well, DHS,
according to a virtual town hall with the chief of
DHS Mayorcus, may start to prosecute some illegal crossers, especially
those who are crossing for a second time. As I've

told you, even if you did get turned back, there's
no downside to trying it again. You might have to
pay off the smugglers a second time, but that's it.
There's no reason not to try again because they're not
punishing people. Turns, that's actually a felony. It's a misdemeaned
across in the United States the first time illegally. Second
time you do it, it's a felony. You think they're
prosecuting people under that. Well, they might have to, because

if you don't guess what people keep coming, you don't
just support them once, you have to support them a
second time, maybe a third time. And they're seeing this
now another one and this is classic. They may fill
in gaps in the border wall. The Biden administration may
fill in some of the gaps in the border wall. Now.

Part of this is because the funding has already been allocated,
and they're saying there are these legal reasons for why
the funding must be used. But they're also admitting, well, yeah,
in some places, it's actually probably a good thing to
have a finished fenci finished wall. I've been to different
sections of border wall, spoken to the Border patrol about
this at length. Walls work. I mean, of all the

stupid things that Democrats said during the Trump administration that
walls don't work, maybe even more blatantly idiotic than Trump
worked with Putin and Russia to steal the election through
collusion that somehow there was no evidence of, and as
we know from the very extensive investigations about it was
all a fabrication. It's even dumber to say that the

walls don't work. That's like saying water is not wet, right,
That's like saying so up up is not up? Down
is up? Up is down. It's meant to exhaust you
intellectually and to confuse you. The way the Biden administration
approaches so many things. You're seeing this now with infrastructure,
you'll you'll see them say that everything is infrastructure now.

I saw Kirsten Gillibrand on Twitter, the Democrats senator from
New York, saying childcare is infrastructure, healthcare is infrastructure. No, actually,
childcare is childcare. It's not infrastructure. But they're gonna say
that everything is infrastructure now because it's propaganda. We're not idiots.
We know that what they're saying isn't true, but they don't,

and they can fool the simple for the benefit of
the powerful. That's the plan. That's exactly what they're doing
right now, which brings me to what's actually happening at
the border. DHS Secretary of ma Orcus is saying that
they will maybe fill in some gaps, you know, just
just fill in some gaps in that wall. Why would

you do that? I mean, walls don't work, they told us.
It turns out that was a big lie and a
really dumb one too. You know, we all understand walls
don't work. The people that tell you masks work so
well also tell you walls don't work. But there are
walls all over the place seem to work pretty well.
Illegal crossings may be prosecuted under certain circumstances. Now, there

was a whole movement and it still is among Democrats,
like AOC to make illegal crossing no longer a crime. Which,
how are you ever going to stop border surges? Then?
And they also we're saying the Biden administration is saying
through this Mayorcas town hall for DHS, they'll take on

sanctuary cities that won't assist federal law enforcement. Wait, hold
on a second, I need to make sure that I'm oh, no,
I'm double checking my work here. Yeah, that is what
they are claiming. That is what they are saying that
they are going to This is the headline from Daily Mail.
No more instant A nice guy Biden's Homeland Security secretary

now says he wants to prosecute more illegal immigrants and
will crack down on Democrats sanctuary cities that refuse to
work with ICE. Cracking down on sanctuary cities. Really, what
are we now? Three four months into the Biden administration
and they're already realizing obvious reality, which is that the

status quo at the border, which is open borders, is
unsustainable even for crazy Democrats. Now they don't mind the
outcome of this in terms of the population in flow
of the United States of illegals. That's not their problem.
The problem is the American people are starting to see this.
As much as the media is trying to cover up

and soft pedal it and make it seem like it's
not that bad and trying to downplay all this, the
American people are saying this and saying, what the heck
is going on down there? And it's being reflected in
the polling numbers, it's being reflected in public perception. So
now they at least have to start to pay lip
service to what would be termed in a normal world

border security, which they do not have right now. Didn't
take very long, did I remember kids in cages, how
awful Trump was, and everything else. Maybe they just were
trying to do the best they could under difficult circumstances
to actually secure the border, not to kick it wide
open and then say, oh, we don't know how this happened. Oh,

it's crazy, it's crazy. Where are we live in gus
can't do anything about it? You know, maybe Biden will
give another speech where he's sort of squintson muttersome stuff
to the American people, where he's you know, you know guys, yeah,
you know, I'm your leader. He got things to say.

It's unbelievable this guy as the president, but he is,
Thanks Democrats, what a joke. Oh, and then there's Kamala
The borders are Kamala Harris put in charge of this.
You know, it's fascinating about Kamala Harris. She has the
fanciest taxpayer funded transportation system possible. Right, Air Force two

or whatnot or whatever. The Vice President's plane, I forget
what is it? Whatever? I mean, there's Marine one, there's
Air Force two. I guess whatever it is. She's on
a fancy plane paid for by the taxpayer. She can
go anywhere she wants pretty much on a moment's notice.
She's been all over the place, been on the West coast,
the East coast, She's she's stopped all over the country

and flowing all across the country. She's in Brentwood, California.
She's flying all over the place and hasn't been to
the border. So she's a border tzar who's in charge
of this but doesn't seem to want to actually go
see the crisis herself. Isn't that just so strange? Well,
because any photo ops might backfire. You can't have her

standing at these grossly overcrowded facilities where there's no social
distancing and people are spreading COVID all over the place,
and kids are in really nasty circumstances there, as well
as other people that are being held in detention of
the border. You can't go to these overflowing facilities and
put on a big smile and say, look at what

a great job we're doing. So she's avoiding it that
Kamala is not going to the border. That she laughs
when she's asked about going to the border, and she's
in charge of this as the vice president for this administration,
is a metaphor for the whole situation. They're just trying
to cover up their eyes and just say, ah, we
don't really know. Maybe there's a problem, maybe there's not,
but let's not focus too much on it. Oh no,

there's a big problem, and they can't solve it unless
they're willing to do the one thing they really don't
want to do, which is approached the border in a
way more similar to the Trump administration. The virus is
sprinting because we have too many people who've seen the
end in sight think we're at the finish line already.

Let me be deadly earnest with you. We aren't the
finish line. We still have a lot of work to do.
We're still in a life and death race against this virus.
Until we get more people vaccinated. We need everyone to
wash their hands, socially distance and mask up and a
recommended mask from the CDC. Think about it this way.

Times are ahead. Think about it this way. Joe Biden's
a moron, and I doesn't know anything, and she's the
same crap all the time, and it's not actually helping.
He doesn't know why there's been a surge in five
states basically that I've accounted for a whole lot of

the spread, including New York, New Jersey, Michigan. Uh, you know,
the case is recently. They're also not separating out cases
from hospitalizations and fatalities because younger people getting this is
not a problem. Older people getting this is the problem.
So as long as seniors are vaccinated and not part
of the wave that's going on right now, the surge,

we really have anything to be working to be worried about.
But that would be a rational, reasonable way to approach this.
I just had COVID. I remember when I when I
called my doc said I got COVID. He's like, yeah,
you'll be fine. Do this, do that, drink some fluids.
You're you're in the low risk category. A problem comes up,
you call me. Okay. That was it, and then I

stayed home for a while. Right now, I'm lucky because
I'm at a relatively low risk from COVID based on
my age and characteristics, comorbidities, etc. But there are a
lot of other people out there who are in the
same position. I was going into an office every day,
I was going about my life, and sure enough I
got it. I did all the things they told me

I had to do, which, as you know, I'm highly
skeptical of and think are mostly worthless. But I did
those things, still got sick. But you know what, fine,
I wouldn't change a darned thing. I mean, I would
have rather not gotten it if I could have chosen.
But I'm just saying I would have lived my life
differently over the last year. In fact, if anything, I
would have said, well, why am I doing all this crap?
I'm likely to get it over the course of the
year anyway. I'm not going to be first in line

for the vaccine by a long shot, so and maybe
I should just be able to live my life all
But it's always the risk to other people. They say, yeah,
it's pretty pretty amazing. I mean, I was with my
girlfriend the day that I basically came down with symptoms
with it, the whole day in close contact. She's fine,
she never got sick. There's so much about this virus

that we don't understand. Still when it comes to transmission,
they won't tell you that, but it's true. We understand
the basics. Yes, it's aerosolized virus and it gains in
your system, and but human patterns of behavior and how
little anyway, you all know how I feel about this,
but the mashkop We're not the end. We're not the end.

I mean, just wait until they realize that they there
will always be coronavirus out there, and there will be
mutations of coronavirus in the future, and they're gonna want
to have this ability to just sort of shut down
or close down parts of society. Remember, we never went
into a true lockdown, never, not in this country. I
mean maybe for the first two weeks something that was

kind of close to one. But we always had was
this pick and choose arbitrary. Some businesses shut down, others
open some you know, some employers keep people coming in,
others don't. It was all it was all absurd the
whole time, an arbitrary and didn't work. But now Biden's
got the answers, raskers. People shoe the end of No,

that's not he doesn't know that. Are they seeing the
end in Texas and that's why bad things are happening? Oh? No,
Texas is getting better somehow, Fauci noticed. Fauci can't even
give you an answer. At least he's admitst that. You know,
it's like, wow, it could be this, it could be
that a little bit of this, a little bit of that,
you know, mitigation, plateau, mask up the whole thing. And

yet Biden, who I wouldn't trust to teach a fifth
grade social studies class, he's out there. It'll mask up.
Wash your hands, yeah, wash your hands. Just repeat that
a million times a day. I'm sure that's really going
to save a lot of folks. Sure, remember when they
were telling us the beginning it was all about hand washing,
you know, they slowed down on that because no, it's
really about aerosolized virus, which means virus particles that are

free floating in the air. That's how people get this.
But they still do the whole Oh yo, I'm gonna
give out purell bottles to everybody on the airline. Yeah,
that's great, so we all smell like rubbing alcohol. Yet
they know that the politics of this are getting more
complicated for them. They're not going to have vaccine passports,
they say from the federal government in place six, the
White House is ruling out any involvement in vaccine passports.

What does that mean and why so? What the White
House has said in an administration has emphasized is that
the government will not be requiring or issuing vaccine credentials,
and that's important to know. Now. The private sector has
certainly launched a number of initiatives who try to develop
some sort of credential system whereby people can attest and

confirm that they were vaccinated. And what the government and
the administration really believes is that if the private sector
is going to do that, they need to be strict
standards to ensure that people are protected at their privacy
is protected, and also to ensure that these are accessible
to everyone and not only available to those who have
economic needs. What the Biden administration is going to do

is push the private That's what they're already doing. Push
the private sector, encourage the private sector to set up
vaccine passports, and then once that's happening in places, then
there'll be a move for the federal government to just
regulate what the private sector is already doing. Backdoor vaccine
passport tyranny, folks, that's the plan. Wokeness really is a

cancer on the mind of the American people. It's just
a destructive, awful force. And the only way that we
really get passed that, I think, is if we fight
against it. You know, there was this. There was this
mentality before that I think a lot of people had that, oh,

it'll pass. You know, this is a fashion, it's a fad,
and while I hope it's temporary, it's not going to
be temporary in my opinion, unless people start taking action,
unless people start doing things that are meant to show
that there will be consequences for companies that go woke,
go woke, go broke. It's got to be very very

well known that that's the way this happens. And then also,
you know, individuals need to find ways to reach out
to each other, to communicate, and to do so so
that we can organize. Remember the Tea Party movement of
twenty ten, it was people at the local level coming
together to create a national movement that delivered a devastating

loss in the twenty ten mid terms to the Obama
socialist agenda right with the Democrat Party. So that's really important.
But you know, if you've tried to share your political
opinions on social media lately, you know that it's just
fraught with peril. You could get kicked off. You have
these big tech giants that will shut you down, or
even Horse still shadow band you. So you think you're

reaching people, but you're actually not. That happens to me
all the time. That's why I really want you to
check out Caucus Room dot com. Caucusroom dot com. Listen
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Become a part of it today. Join the buck Sexton
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Join It's free. You can interact with other listeners just
like you find other their team buck other conservatives in
your area at caucus room dot com. I think that's
up to the masters. So look, you know, it is
reassuring to see that for profit operations and businesses are

speaking up about how these new Jim Crow laws are
just anathetical to who we are. There's another side to
it too. The other side to it too is one
day in fact, move out of Georgia. The people who
need to help the most. People are making hourly wages

sometimes get hurt the most. I think it's a very
tough decision for a corporation to make or group to make,
but I respect them when they make that judgment, and
I support whatever judgment they make. But it's the best
way to deal with this is for Georgia and other
states to smarten up. Stop it, stop it, stop it,

stop it. You know smart enough, you know, you know,
I'm Joe Joe Biden. I'm just you know, just kind
of whispering. I'm like America's grandpa. Really, I'm just here
to fool you so the socialists can take over and
destroy everything and give your twelve year old puberty blocking
drug because if you won't do that, you're a bad person.

But you know, I'm just good old Joe amtrack Joe. Yeah,
it's unbelievable. Yeah, first of all, to call and I'm
not going to budge on this. I'm not going to
let this go. To call the Georgia Voting Law SP
two O two, the Voter Integrity Act. Jim Crow is

a shameless, reckless, unsupportable, unfair, nasty, divisive, grotesque thing to say.
And the President of the United States is saying it.
This is the unit president, right, so it's gonna be
so much better than we are Trump. Trump was always
dividing as Biden will unite us. Anyone who believed that

was not very smart. It's just true. It's just it's ridiculous.
I mean, they can say that these uniting Democrats. He's
not uniting any Republicans with the other side on anything.
Biden unites us on nothing. And he says things like
it's Jim Crow laws, which if you just do a

quick Google search and familiarize yourself with what Jim Crow
laws really were, Let's say, how could Joe Biden be
so scummy? How could he be so disingenuous? And oh,
that's right, that's who Joe Biden is. That's who he
has been all along, and now he'll just see the foe.

You you got smart enough, you gotta you know, you
don't know. Yeah, I mean the whole thing. It's absurd, Okay,
But so then he did say something here that was
interesting to me because I've been pointing out now for days,
you know, who really gets harmed by this decision by
Major League Baseball to move the game from Atlanta. As

we mentioned to Denver, and we love our Denver audience,
we love our folks into the state of Colorado. Team
Buck and good for them to get the All Star Game.
Although I think an All Star Baseball game sounds like
the most pooring thing I've ever heard, But anyway, people
do go to see it, and there is money that's
generated from this. You're hurting stadium employees, guys selling hot
dogs in the stands, local restaurant and pub and bar owners,

people that have hotels or even airb and b's near
the site of the game. And if that's who you're
hurting me, I can't believe they said one hundred million
dollars or revenue was the estimate. That's astonishing to me,
but that's what I'm told. I mean, I also think
it's unbelievable that baseball players can make millions of dollars
for a sport that seems like very few people watch,
and that's slowly dying. And anyway, people like it, so

good for them. I mean, that's fine. I don't care.
I'm just I'm focused on the politics here, folks. I
stay in my lane. But it is true that you
punish people who don't deserve to be punished at all.
But the problem with the Democrat approach to so many
things is that they are collectivists, and they believe in
the emotions of the mob dictating action, and that's always

going to result in people who are innocent who did
nothing wrong suffering. Right. They want to show everybody how
angry they are about something, show everybody how woke they
are on a certain topic, and they take action, and
those actions than harm people who have nothing to do
with the actual topic at hand, really, but they got
to sacrifice some folks. Where else do you see this

not just with wokeness in Major League Baseball. You see
it with the BLM movement and the destruction of businesses,
and you know, the Antifa lunatics burning down buildings and
trying to burn down police station. So they did burn
down a police station in Minneapolis, as you know, that
was BLM. But this is what ends up happening. And
then they justify this because, well, we're angry, we're upset

about something, so that means someone has to suffer. It's
exactly the same mentality you see at work in Georgia.
Georgia just voted for two as a state, two Democrats senators,
both of whom are preposterous. But they won two Democrats
senators and voted for Joe Biden in the presidential election.

George is now thought of as a flipped blue state.
But because they're they're passing at the state level an
Election Integrity Act, they're going to treat it like it's
the new home of Jim Crowlos. I mean, that's what
they're saying. That's what Biden, the President of the United States,
is saying. So they punished the whole state. Think of
how stupid this is and how utterly pointless. But that's

why Joe Biden. Remember, it's pointless if you're a rational,
reasonable person. But it's not about justice. It's not about
punishing the guilty or doing something that is truly righteous
and moral. It's about that feeling. It's about the mobilization
of the left and that virtue signaling feeling that people
have of oh, yeah, that's right, we're stopping Jim Crow

laws in Georgia. Yeah. Go major League Baseball. Yeah. That's
that's the power of this left wing movement. That's where
it derives all of its momentum, just that the people
can say, yeah, I feel better about myself. There's an

emotional impulse, there's an emotional need that has met here.
They don't have to do anything, They risk nothing, they
take no action, they go through no struggle. They just
support this, and then they get to post it on
their Facebook page. They could tell their friends, yeah that's right,
and all the journals right about this. We're standing up.
It's a new civil rights movement. No, you're not. Actually,

you're hurting people and it's stupid and you're wrong. But
Governor Abbot of the Stage of Texas has pointed out
that Georgia's election laws not only do we do a
little comparison to the laws in Colorado, but also Georgia's
election laws are in comparison to some other places a

whole lot more accommodating and likely to increase turnout and
make things easy for people. Play clip one. The MLB
was basically boycotting the state of Georgia that has laws
that are more lenient for voters than the state of
New York than the state of Delaware, where President Biden

hails from himself, and not knowing what the laws provide,
not knowing that the laws actually did not crack down
but instead expanded the ability to vote. It is ridiculous
that we have some of these organizations that know nothing
whatsoever about what the law provides, but they're getting and
injecting themselves into politics in ways that are just flat

out wrong. Doesn't matter that they're wrong though, right that's
the way they view it. They got what they wanted,
which was to stick their thumb in the eye of
the other side of those bad Republicans. That it was
all based in a lie, it doesn't matter. This is
another central idea to the modern Democrat Party. If we
get to slap our opponents in the face, it doesn't

matter if it was based on a lie. It's not
a problem for us if we were wrong to do it,
because we want to slap them anyway. Case in point.
After the Boulder, the terrible mass shooting and Boulder happened,
you meet people all over the internet, including Kamala Harris's
niece and you know other other people who were saying
things about how it's always a white male, it's always

a white guy, and turned out it was an Islamist
from Islamist immigrant from Syria named Alisa, as we know.
And they have since stopped talking about this shooting entirely,
kind of like the shooting that just happened in Maryland,
which we'll discuss, because that isn't getting any attention. An
active shooter situation, shot a couple of people on an
army base in Maryland. You'd think that there would be

a little more attention paid to this, but but no, no,
why is that? Oh? I think we all know. But
as I was telling everybody at the time, there was
no shame or shock from the people that were saying
it's always white male Trump supporters who are doing the
mass shootings, which it is. It's not true, so that's
the big that's just not reality. That's not what the

statistics show at all. But they don't care because it
felt good to say it. It felt good to basically
say blank, you Trump supporters, and to use a lie
to do it. They don't care. They want that that
emotional need to be met. They want that. Yeah, we
hate them, anything that gives them an excuse for that,

that's sufficient, that's entirely that's entirely justification, and that that
is their approach. So that's why while we look at
this Georgia thing, we say, so it makes no sense
what Major League Baseball decided here and Rember. Major League
Baseball is just the most visible because it moved the
All Star Game. But there are all these woke companies,

I mean, so many of them have signed the letter
of solidary thing. It's like a one hundred major companies
have signed public letters of solidarity with this. And there
are smart people who work at these companies, but they're
politicized and so they don't care that what they're saying
is bullcrap. But the other part of it is you
think maybe they're trying to focus attention away from the border.

I mean, look look around today, you'll see not that
many news organizations are really spending time on what's happening
at the porter, and certainly not in the change in
policy that I've talked to you about how they're doing
trumpier and trumpier things at the border. You don't You
don't pick up that, do you. What's that all about?
Why is that the situation? Why is that the circumstance
in which we find ourselves? Hmm, Almost like they don't

want people to know what's really happen and Georgia just
is a distraction. It's a mobilization. And like I said
to you, if you are hoping that proving the wrongness,
the intellectual and moral wrongness of their case here against

Georgia is going to stop them or change their minds,
you are mistaken, Which is why I'm telling you what
really motivates them. They want to feel righteous and tall
and strong and good and slap you in the face.
That's it. The truth does not matter to the left
in that regard. I think it's important to remember the

context here. The Georgia legislation is built on a lie.
It's there was no widespread fraud in the twenty twenty election.
Georgia's top Republican election officials IF acknowledged that repeatedly in interviews,
and what there was, however, was record sitting turnout, especially
by voters of color. So instead, what we're seeing here

isn't for politicians who didn't like the outcome. They're not
changing their policies to win more votes. They're changing the
rules to exclude more voters. And we certainly see the
circumstances as different. It's just not true. I mean, she's
lying to you. If we had an honest press, they'd say,
what are you talking about. They're actually adding They're adding

Saturday early voting days. They're codifying things that were changes
in the pandemic year that in some case, like the
drop boxes in some cases, are now going to be
permanent and just make it all easier. They're adding some
security measures. That's it. It's all very standard. There's nothing
about this it's discriminatory or racist. Certainly not Jim Crowe,

but the Democrats have their narrative and they're going to
run with it. Governor Kemp is sticking to his guns
on this one, thankfully. Here's what he says about what's
going on. Play eleven. Do you believe Major League Baseball
will live to regret this decision? Yeah? I think they will.
I Mean, it's almost comical, just all of these hits

that keep falling moving the All Star Game from a
city that's you know, or a metro area that's fifty
one percent African American to a metro area that's ten
percent African American, that has less early voting days than
Georgia has. They have fifteen, we have seventeen. They have
a photo ID requirement for in person voting, as we

do the voter ID here. I mean, it's insane. I mean,
you compare where Major League Baseball is headquartered in New York,
and we've you know, I've talked to that issue to
nauseam really about the discrepancies and how they're boycotting and
pulling games out of a state like ours, yet they're
headquartered in a state that's more restricting than we are.

I mean, it just doesn't add up. And I will
tell you the people here and all over the country
have figured this out. They are outraged, and they are
sick and tired of the cancel culture. The truth does
not matter to the left on this though, the Democrats,
it doesn't matter. Has I been telling you, You've got
to remember You've got to remember that that's central to
all of this. And if you're wondering, you know why

are they doing this? Why pick this issue? What's this
Biden administration? It's so left wing, it's so woke, embraces
so openly the cancel culture though. You know, Biden was
asked about the PGA Professional Golf Association and playing the
Masters in Augusta, Georgia, and Biden said, oh, you know,

we leave it up to them or something like that. Well,
first of all, the Masters, I think it is already happening,
so it's too late for that to be canceled and beat.
But beyond that, you know, you start to say, Okay,
what state Now everyone's figured out this game, what state
are're gonna move it to? That's gonna be so much better.
You want to make sure those voting laws are far

more permissive than what you got in Georgia. Good luck
with that, so that that causes problems for them. But
who's really pulling the st rings, who's really calling the
shots in this Biden administration? You know, Amtrak Joe is
a mediocrity. We're all very aware of that. He's not
very bright, he doesn't really stand for anything. He's just

been around forever and does whatever he needs to do.
He's just the slimy politician. A guy has no particular
moral or ethical backbone. He's a Catholic who's for abortion
all nine months of her pregnancy and then talks about
how his faith guides him and all, I mean, the
guy's a joke, But who's really calling the shots. You
got to ask yourself that, and you got to listen

to this playclip ten. One other question about phone calls.
His President Biden spoken to President Obama about how to
pass the infrastructure bill, and his President Obama given him
any advice on how to pass that bills. They speak regularly.
They of course we're president and vice president, but they
are also friends and they share a bond of serving
through eight years of the Obama Biden administration, but also

a personal friendship and kinship, and he speaks with him regularly.
But we're not going to read out those calls. No
surprise there. Yeah, we're not going to read out those calls.
This is where you have to understand. The media is
never going to tell you this openly or honestly, and
they're going to shout you down for even saying this.

You might as well have Obama as president. Still. Now
I know Biden is actually the president and he's in
the oval office, that he lives in the White House
and all this stuff. But every major decision and every
important call that the presidency is gonna make for the
next four years at least, is really going to be

decided by Barack husaining Obama. That's they see. Now It's
all starting to make sense, is it now? It's all
coming together? Because he wondered, how could the left of
the Democrats Biden such a loser? But he won? But
how did that happen? Well, because the Democrat establishment knew
that he's the perfect guy to be there. Because that

will mean that Obama's effectively the president from a far
I mean, he's actually going to be calling the shots. Oh,
it all makes sense. What Republicans will actually stand up
against this woke left wing Biden administration madness? Who's really
willing and able to have this fight and to stay

in it. Not a lot these days, not a lot
of people that you see who have a real national
profile and it seemed like they're to be trusted on
these policy matters. You know, I'm I'm seeing more and
more of the of the fallout of what was an
interview last night on Tucker Carlson's Show, which as you know,

as the number one cable news show across all all
channels on cable news by Farm and Tucker Show is
completely you know, head and shoulders and audience numbers above
the other shows on Fox and on CNN, m NBC,
and you start to see why. I mean, it's become
the place for cable news commentary, Cable news commentary on

the right, one of the few places where you'll see
interviews of people on our own side, where they'll be
asked the questions that need to be asked without without pandering,
without oh well, you know, you gave us this interview,
so you know, if if we have to go a
little soft on you, go a little easy on you,

you know, we're willing to do that. No, that's not
what they do over there. We saw Governor Nome go
on Tucker Carlson Show and try to defend with just gibberish.
I mean, what she was saying was absurd. It was
you know, no, it's a trial lawyer's dream and we
just want to change to a few things here and
they'll send up. But no, she vetoed it, folks. She

was she was trying to pull a fast one. She
got caught. She's a big phony. Sorry, South Dakota corporate interests.
She wants to be liked by them. She wants those
board seats, you know, when she's no longer governor. Presidencies
four years away, that's a big thing to try to
get involved with, Gonna get a lot of hate. Doesn't
want to deal with it. Sorry, I know we want.

I know, we want a Republican female president. And and
you see somebody who seems well spoken and it's telegenic,
and you figure, okay, well maybe this is this is it.
You know, we had Sarah Palin in that in that position,
generally speaking, didn't work out. Now we Christy Nome. I
think she's at the national level. I think she's done.

And I know people have given her a lot of
credit because South Dakotas stayed pretty open. But I mean
it's as I've said, it's South Dakota, and South Dakota
actually has the I think it's the six or seventh
highest mortality per capita in the country. So South Dakota
did not actually do very well. If we're really gonna
if we're really gonna speak truth, which what we do
on this show didn't do very well against COVID comparative
compared to other states. You know, Florida, huge state, very dense,

middle of the per capita mortality nationwide, actually on the
better half of the fifty states. South Dakota is like
number I don't know, I haven't checked the numbers in
a couple of weeks, but it was number five or six,
maybe maybe number seven last time I checked. That's not
good for a state that doesn't even have a single
major city. So yeah, Christine Noam went on air, and

she tried to she tried to get cute, she tried
to pull a fast one. She got a little smarmie
with Tucker, and we saw who she really was and
I'm not going to forget it. So there's that. And
then you had this guy, Asa Hutchinson, the governor, another governor.
I remember, Republicans we like people that are in charge,
make calls as politicians and elevate them. So we want

to have governors, usually as president or even an outsider
JUSI with Trump. Democrats like to have senators. They like
to have people that are you know, consensus institutionalists and
elevate them. To look at Joe Biden elevate them to
the presidential role. I know he was vice president coming
Oh it's Joe Biden. It's really tough. You had Asa

Hutchinson on last night and he went into Tucker's thunderdome
and did not come out well at all. It was
political nuclear meltdown, and you can watch it. It's about
nine minutes long. It's all over the internet now you
watch the clip. And Hutchison really just went in there
with such a weak argument. I don't know. Maybe he

hasn't been subjected because he's in Arkansas and it's a
red state, and maybe he hasn't been subjected to having
to really debate at a high level in that regard.
I don't know. I was shocked and how inept the
guy looked. But this is once again on the issue
of trans the same thing that got Christy Nomall jammed
up transgender rights, the new transgender civil rights movement, and

anybody who's looking at the actual data and numbers would say,
hold on that, we've had a two thousand percent increase
in in teen and adolescent gender dysphoria and child gender
just for it, two thousand percent increase of the last
ten years hmm. I mean, you know, this is what
you start to say, is there's something in in in

our drinking water, or are we in the in the
midst of a moral a moral fashion that has turned
into a moral panic. And that's why there's all this
pressure on kids. Social contagion among kids. They see other
kids get a lot of attention for this, or they
have strange emotions or feelings at that age, I don't

how to process it. No, not only not allowed to
talk about it. Remember there are some things. All you
have to know is when when they won't let you
have a conversation about something that matters, then you really
need to have the conversation. And this is yet another
instance of that. This is another another moment, another period
where you'd say oh okay. And that then brings me

to what happened with Asa Hutchinson, governor of Arkansas. So
he vetoed and was overridden by his own state legislatures.
So they were able to override the veto of the
governor on this one. So Republicans, the state of Arkansas
and the state legislature, they're saying no, no, no, we're
actually supporting this, which means you say, well, hold on

a second, how could Asa Hutchinson get this thing so wrong?
What's really his argument about this? Well, here's just a
piece of what was about a nine minute long interview.
Play three issues that you have to address the legislature,
you make judgment calls on it. But we also try
to restrain ourselves as conservatives, is that we don't have

to be involved in every issue. And if you want
to broaden the party, if you want to get back
to the principles, then let's at least think through in
a reasoned way as to whether this is the right
bill to interfere with parents and doctor's decisions on a
healthcare matter, as you pointed out, as does not have

thorough research in every area, and so I yield to
that whatever you look at this bill, if I yield
to the lack of research, really quick. Ten years ago,
if somebody had said, hey, As Hutchinson, you're gonna be
governor of Arkansas and you're going to veto a bill
that would have protected children from chemical castration, what do
you think you would have said, Well, just like I
said today, if you're talking about a reassignment surgery, I

would have signed that bill in a minute. But whenever
you're talking about maybe less than two hundred kids in
Arkansas that's currently on hormone treatment and they are immediately
cut off without having a grandfather clause in this legislation.
I don't think that's treating those kids, or their parents,
or their healthcare providers fairly or equally. So here's a

Republican governor of a very Republican state who is videoing
legislation from fellow Republican legislature legislators because he wants to
make sure that the small, relatively small number of children
who are on drugs that are given to people, given
to adults to chemically castrate them. These are hormone blocking

drugs with enormous emotional and physical implications. They're giving this
to kids, and he won't say we won't. We can't
do this in our state anymore. As Tucker pointed out
in the interview, you can't give a fifteen year old,
you know, a glass of Johnny Walker, doesn't matter if
you think they're really mature or whatever. Nope, you're not

not allowed to give kids that. You can't let twelve
year olds get married, you know, there are rules out
there for children. Doesn't matter what the parents and the
doctors thing. But no, no, we won't take a stand
on this issue because we want to we want to
make room for them. When I say we, I'm talking
about this is the argument Asa Hutchinson's making. He wants
to make sure there's room for radical transgender ideology to affect,

to really sacrifice our children on the altar of that
radical transgender ideologology. And this is an ideological thing. This
is why when a peer reviewed paper on contagion among
children with transgender contagion, where when one kid comes out
as transgender, all of a sudden, there's all these other
kids in the class that are much much more likely
to come out as transgender. When when that paper came

out of Brown University, they had to shut it down
a race it from the internet right away because normal
people would see that and say, hmm, is this a
meaning transgenderism for children? Is this a social construct being
imposed on children by adults, or is this really a
critical human rights issue of basic identity? You know, I'm

I'm wondering, you know, at what point? I mean, the
medical profession has lost a lot of credibility over the
course of the pandemic from doctors and I'm going to
be specific here from doctors who one minute or telling
you don't leave your house, don't go outside. It's reckless
and you're putting lives at risk. You know, that was
last April as May, a year ago. But then all

of a sudden, you know, Black Lives Matter protesters are
out there in the streets, and the same mds are saying, well,
this is actually saving lives, so sure, go out gather
in big groups. It's fine. Now we've seen that doctors scientists,
just like any other profession are subject to politicization, are

subject to biases and personal prejudices that comes into their work.
But people try to cover over that. They try to
cover it up. They want to elevate this priesthood of
the scientists in order to control all of us. And
I mean, I can tell you that Marxism as an

ideology is built upon pseudo scientific language. They try to
create mechanized structures for language and thinking to make it
seem like this is reasonable, rational, makes sense, be good,
And they use a lot of big serious They use
a lot of fancy, big words for what amounts to

a complete ignorance of actual human nature history and what
will create a good society, but they create a pseudoscientific
jargon around Marxism in order to make it seem more credible.
What does that? Who does that remind you of? As
we sit here talking about intersectionality. Wait, when people who

are woke speak, do they use words that are either
new constructs, things like cis gender and I mentioned intersectionality,
you know, transgender, human rights, human rights causes. You look
at the way they speak about that issue and things
that are said, and there's always this evolution of language

meant to gender dysphory as opposed to gender identity disorder.
They change the language in order to make it seem
like there's a scientific and rational basis behind this, when
really it's just about control and shutting down argument, shutting
down debate, and ignoring what is true, what is reasonable,
and what is right. Asa Hutchinson is either not very

smart or a coward or both. And he was exposed
on Tucker Carlson's show in a way that I think
anybody who's anybody who's thinking about running for president and
the Republican ticket should have to go on TV and
explain important decisions like this and get real questions asked
one of my big concerns, one of my big problems

with what's happened in media in general is we do
not debate anymore. There are people will not risk their brands.
You will not have any nobody these days who has
a lot of followers and is making you a lot
of money in media or making a really good living
in media. No one will put themselves in a position
where they have to, on a level playing field, with

equal time, really throw down with somebody over what they're saying,
what they believe. And it's one of the things when
I first got into this business, I always was saying,
I want to get out there. I want to be
in debates. I don't want to debate you know, emotionally
fragile nineteen year olds from some third tier state university somewhere.

I mean, I know, conservatives all like that stuff. That's no.
I actually want to go up in debate. You know,
I'll debate Joe Scarborough or Rachel Maddower And I know
that's oh, we're too big and important to debate that guy.
Although you know, really, but you know, pick somebody, Pick
somebody who's legitimate, Pick somebody who really represents the left,
who wants to have a debate on these issues. There
is no form, there's no place going on CNN as

a conservative to get shouted over and smeared for three
minutes before they go to commercial breaks. You can see
your new Toyota. I mean, that doesn't count going on
the Bill Bar Show where you have four crazy libs
including the host, all shouting over you and cursing and
everything else. That doesn't count. We do not have debates anymore,
and it is lower it's lowering the level of our

intellectual discourse. And it's also it also means I mean, look,
there there are some Republican voices. I mentioned Asa Hutchinson,
but there are Republican politicians and media stars who are
just not very smart, not very good, don't know the ideology,
don't know what they're saying. They just see whatever the
hashtag is that's trending, and they shot. I mean, that's
a real thing that exists in the party, and yet

we and in our discourse in general. But I don't
know how. I don't know how we change it. You know,
I feel like everyone now is we're all in our
own corners, listening to our own propaganda machines, echo chamber
effect all the time. I wish we could have, you know,
live debates, televised debates, gather in real places, have people

that have followings and people that believe in them. You
know you're gonna win some, you're gonna lose some too,
And I know that no, not every issue. As a conservative,
you're gonna be in a place where you make the
case and you know fifty one percent of that audience
gonna agree with you. That's but otherwise we get Asa
Hutchinson saying well or else not conservative to do the Yeah,
the guy was a joke. If George Floyd's murderer is

not sentenced, just know that all hell is going to
break loose. Don't be surprised when buildings are on fire.
That is a prominent Black Lives Matter activist named Maya
Eccles on TikTok, and I have to wonder I should
check and see if that was allowed to stay on

the TikTok platform. I'm sure if you are a woke
leftist you can basically threaten bloody revolution in America. But
as long as your politics are left wing, social media
platforms will will give you whatever whatever leeway they can.
They they'll let you stay on the platforms. You know,
the same reasons that you have for Trump being banned

from Twitter forever, for example. But the Mullahs of Tehran,
their mouthpieces are still on Twitter. They're still online right there.
There are true dictatorships, authoritarian regimes, they are able to
stay on the Twitter platform and say all kinds of
lies and terrible things. But no, no, they only it's
only Americans silencing Americans on these platforms. Conservatives, of course,

that's what ends up happening. But not if you're left wing.
You say whatever you want. I just I want to know.
I know we did a bit of a deep dive
into where we are with this trial yesterday. But here's
what I'll say in the meantime, based on the transcripts.
I'm not watching it live. I don't have the time
to watch it live. I'm reading transcripts and reading analysis

of reading court transcripts and analysis of what's happened every day.
And there is certainly reasonable doubt about officers chauvin In
murdering somebody. Okay, there's reasonable doubt. That's not the same
thing as me saying I approve of what he did
or I think he handled it the right way, or no,
that's not the same thing. There is definitely reasonable when

when you can't even be one hundred percent certain about
the actual cause of death in a situation like this,
that that alone would rise to reasonable doubt. But but
I want to be very clear. The media is reporting
on this like it's a slam dunk. The corporate media
is acting like this will be the gravest injustice imaginable

based upon what's actually being presented as evidence, and they're avoiding,
they're editing out, they're they're skipping past the places in
all of this where there's a real defense being made
here of Chauvin. I mean, his defense attorney's actually doing
a pretty solid job. And all it takes is one

person on that jury to believe that reasonable doubt is
actually the standard, and you might have at least a
hung jury. And we know if that happened. They're already
telling us, the left is already telling us there will
be massive riots. What a sad and disgraceful thing for
this country where there are threats of riots openly because

of one criminal case that may not go the way
the left wants. The fact that there is increasingly obvious
desire from the Democrat party to control everything about your life.
I mean, this is why the pandemic, I think, has
been such a moment of clarity for those of us
who see what's really going on here. Where Democrats have

no problem telling you how you are able to breathe,
Democrats have no problem telling you where you can go,
who you can see, your own family. There is nothing
that the statest authoritarian mentality thinks is beyond their control,
beyond what should be able to be dictated by them.

And this is what's so troubling for me. They don't
shy away from this at all. In fact, I think
they're drunk with power. I think they really like it.
And now we're seeing that communication corporations, so many different
areas of American life are controlled by people who are
who are absurd. I mean, their arguments are just simply obtuse,

but they really are devoted to this stuff. There's a
mass moral panic going on that the Left is always pushing,
and there's a mob mentality at the heart of all
of this. And it's time that we understand what we
really face. And one of the issues that I keep
coming back to is about big tech and how you

need to protect your privacy from big tech because you
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Republicans shrank Colcola two and we fly and we like baseball.

Taking a position on a highly incendiary issue like that
and punishing a community or a state because you don't
like a particular law that count I just think it's stupid.
I like where Mitch McConnell's trying to go with this,

but so far he's wrong. So far what he's saying
isn't actually the truth, and we need to come to
grips with this. When there's an issue like this that
comes up, there's always this moment where conservatives will say, oh,
you know, we're outraged about it, and we're going to
do something about it. And I'm just gonna tell you,

we really don't do anything about it. Historically, we don't
do very much. We keep flying on these airlines. We
don't cut you know, cut off our subscription to whatever
the company is. We don't take an action here, and
that's why they keep getting away with it. In fact,
I always tell you about looking at the incentives, look
at the incentive structure. And when you understand the incentives

for these corporations, the people at the very top have
a social incentive. Now that's not just the folks at
the country club for the Delta air Lines or Coca
Cola or MLB CEO or commissioner or whatever who are
going to be nice to them. Remember that these the
people who run these companies their subject to what the
board says. They're subject with. The board of directors votes

on it and decides, and that's something that is socially influenced, right,
they can be removed at the people on that board think, oh,
you're not woke enough. And so the elites in our
society now have adopted because they're non As you know,
our elites tend to be non religious. They are a
lot of a lot of atheists, whether they're open about

it or not running major companies. Does anyone really think,
like Jeff Bezos is a religious guy. I mean, you know,
you look at these people. They're non religious, but beyond that,
their religion has actually become this woke, civic minded, left wing,
politically correct garbage. That's what they've replaced it with, end

climate change and these causes. They've replaced the existential or
the existential void that exists in human beings that can
be filled with the relationship with God and the everlasting
They've replaced it with these corporate identity politics shibboleths. And
so it's very important for the CEO's very important for

the chairman of the board and when they're thinking about
these issues to try to make sure that the people
that can make decisions about their future view them favorably
through that lens, and then beyond that. And this is
the part that I think is even harder for people
to understand. Sometimes wokeness has been shown to be beneficial

to the bottom line of these companies because we don't
act on our politics, because that's not how we think
we think of I want to buy the best milk
I can buy when I go to the store. I
don't care about whatever you know, PSA, my Dairy Farmers
Association or something, but I just want the best milk. Okay,

I wanted a good price. I'm with the best milk. Democrats,
they they have tied in their identity to their politics
and expect everyone they're interacting with to do the same
and to share their politics. That's the only acceptable way.
So they do care about whatever you know, soy milk
they're drinking that, the soy farmers are putting out the right,

you know, collective statement on this stuff. It does matter
to them and they will buy from woke companies. Nike.
Remember during the Colin Kaepernick thing, this is a perfect example.
Nike took the position that they were gonna be They're
gonna make Colin Kaepernick a supers that this guy was
like a mediocre quarterback during his time, had a couple

of good years, then he got old, he wasn't as good,
and now he's become this civil rights hero or something
in the sports world. The guy's preposterous, but he's more
wealthy and powerful than he's ever been. Because of this,
Nike actually did better, at least in the early sales.
Nike wasn't boycott because of Kaepernick. That never happened, and
a lot of young leftists figured that this was now.

It was now cool. It wasn't just a question if
you want good Nike sneakers. It was now cool to
support this Colin kaeperna cause. So what I'm telling you
is that we need to face reality here. Woke ink
makes more money sometimes from what they do. We have
to stop that. That shouldn't be the case, but sometimes

it is the case. And you have to understand these
incentive structures. There's the social incentives and then there's the
bottom line financial incentive structures in place. This is why
I keep telling you, and yes it is absolutely in
my immediate interest to tell you this. The sponsors we
advertise on this show are all to every single one

of them are standing with free speech, standing with the
rights of people in America to hold conservative views. If
they didn't, they would not be advertising with me. If
they didn't believe in the First Amendment. I didn't believe
in the free free expression of ideas, and they weren't
believers in what I do here, which is speak the

truth as I can, as I know it and hold
myself to real standards of decency and integrity and what
I do. They're supporting me by sponsoring this show in
different ways. You can support what we do here by
actually buying those products in any area where you actually
have some kind of a need. And I'm not going

to go here and start listing all of our sponsors,
but I'm being serious when I tell you that is
a way you are voting for what you're listening to.
To stay on the here. That is the way you
are voting through the market, through your actions, you know,
and whatever the products may be. Or you can just
keep on buying from Woke Inc. Keep buying from Woking

and see what happens. See see how how many you know,
good media options you'll have out there? Right This This
is the world we're living in. Out we have to
understand we are defending ending on our own ten yard line.
The Left has pushed us way into the corner in
the media and in corporate America. You know, the diversity

stuff is completely The diversity mantra has overtaken all corporate
hiring practice. United Airlines just put out today some statement
about how in the next ten years, fifty percent of
their pilots are going to be either minorities or women.

And I sit here and this is a very it
seems like a relatively oh, you know, just another statement
from some will corporation. But no, think about this for
a moment. What do you care about when it comes
to a pilot? What matters to you when you're on
a plane about that pilot? Do you even see? I mean,

I think ninety percent of the time I'm on an airplane,
I never even see what the pilot looks like. I
have no idea what the pilot looks like, who the
pilot is, or anything else. But what matters do you?
I think we could all agree, all reasonable rational people
can agree. All that matters is that this person, whoever

it is, male or female or whatever, this person is
highly competent and skilled at their job and has a
work history of being responsible, being efficient, being on it.
All I care is that I have the best pilot
I could reasonably have in charge of my life and
the lives of the other you know, one hundred and

fifty people or whatever on that jet, that's all I
care about. I care about their color or gender, zero
percent makes absolutely no difference to me whatsoever. And I
really mean that to the point where if we only had,
you know, female Filipino pilots on the United Airlines who

just happen to be the best at it. For whatever reading,
I'm just making making up a scenario here, I'd say, great,
they're the best pilots. That's what I want. I only
want those people to be the pilots. If they're the best,
I don't care, it doesn't matter to me. And it's
because at the end of the day, we're all look
at this saying, it really matters to you that you

not be involved in a crash and possibly die in
a fiery wreck, And that actually should matter to people
a whole heck of a lot more than that that little,
that little hit of serotonin you get of the self,
that moment of self congratulation. You have to go, yeah,
I'm woke, Yeah, I'm all about diversity. Yeah that's great. Okay,
well do you want the plane to land or not.

But this is a perfect example of the way that
they're they're subverting truth and objective fact in reality here,
because if they're hiring the best based on the objective
metrics and standards they have at United Airlines, they don't
need to put out some statement like this because we
just know they're hiring the best. But what it turns

into is affirmative action, which is when they change standards,
they say, we're not changing standards, and then they say
when people point out that they are lying and they
have changed standards, it's sexist or racist or whatever happens
time and time again. We all see this, we are

aware of this. But remember there is a war on
observation in our society, a war on observing what is
right in front of your face. You are not allowed
to observe, you are told to obey. And so when
United Airlines puts this out and people say, well, hold on,
why are fifty percent. First of all, it's kind of

an arbitrary number, but why are fifty percent going to
be women and minorities over the next ten years. If
you're just training the best people you can possibly get,
you have no idea where those numbers will look like
Demogo graphically over the next day. You have no idea
United airlines. So why make that projection? Well, because they
make that projection, and then to fit their numbers into

that projection, they will change standards. We've gone through this
with the military now so many times too. On the
gender issue. They say, oh no, no, women in frontline
combat roles, they'll meet all the same standards of readiness
as you know marines deployed on the front line, and
the infantry, they'll meet all the same standards. And then

we actually play this experiment out and women are injured
at a huge rate. Women can't meet the standards, so
they change the standards. And then when the people that
said you're going to change the standards are right, they
say why are you so sexist? Not why were you right? Wow,
we should listen to you. But this is yet yet
another example, yet another instance of where the truth does

not matter to the left. It's about the narrative. They
are telling stories in society that make them feel good
and that increase their power, and you either go along
with that or you get attacked. You're either on board
for this or you're the problem. The thing that showed
that their narrative was a piece of horse maneure, and

it shows you how dishonest these are smear merchants. That's
why nobody trusts corporate media. They are a disaster in
what they're doing. They knew what they were doing was
a lie. I knew what they were doing was a lie.
Everybody here knows what they were doing is a lie.
They know that we know they're lying, and yet they

continue to lie, and they lied, and they lied and
they lied. We've offered them the information and they declined
to interview the key people because they didn't want to
let go the narrative. Well guess what, There's gonna be
consequences for that. How we're not I know, corporate media
thinks that they can just run over people. He ain't

running over this governor. I'm punching back. It's great, isn't it.
Desantist knows the game, knows what they're trying to do,
and is going to fight back. Look this, my friends,
this guy, this guy could be president. He's formidable, he's committed,
he gets it, he's good at his job. And it's
so funny. I know, are folks down in w IOD

in w FLA as they hear this, are probably like, no, no,
don't take our governor. And I get it. I understand.
You have as a governor of the state of Florida
the best Republican politician right now in terms of leadership
and results and putting points on the board. The best
Republican governor, the best Republican politician really in the country.

And you know the guy, he's he's young, he's got
some vitality, he knows how to handle the media. He's
in a key state. There's a lot here, folks, there's
a lot here. And it's it's early days, I know,
but here it's perfect, don't you see. You have the
Trump infrastrure. Infrastructure is in Florida now largely Trump's at Marlago.

All that has to happen is Desantists becomes Trump's guy
in this and we have that merger and Trump becomes
that kingmaker with Desantists going forward, with his record of
the pandemic, his record the state of Florida, I mean
Florida is booming, right, this is a Florida's booming. You know,
Newsome and Cuomo are are fighting, you know, fighting massive

disasters on their watch all the time of their own
making largely, and and yet you know, Florida is absolutely booming.
Everyone's leaving California New York and moving to Florida. And
it's such an important, important situation that's unfolding before the
oasy American people. And yet oh, here's here's uh speaking

of Governor Gavin Newsom. He's opening up in June, they're saying,
And all of a sudden, everyone's going, wait a second,
does that have anything to do with the fact that
you're really having a tough time here keeping your job?
Play seven. California has been slower than other states in
the nation to reopen schools and reopen businesses. What do

you say to parents and business owners who feel like
you'll let them down. Well, nine thousand of eleven thousand
schools have either reopened for in person instruction or a
set of date to reopen for in person instruction. But
they've been out of school for more than a year
now at this point. Other states have been back for months. Yeah,
So We put out a blueprint in December six point

six billion dollars to dress learning loss, and we are
looking to extend the school year. It looks like you're
going to face a recall election in a few months.
I met some business owners who are supporting the recall
effort against you because they feel like the decisions you
made destroyed their livelihoods. Now, we put two point five
billion dollars in small business grants. Californi is the first

state to do a state at home order. We have
him on the lowest death rates of the major states
in the country. We think we're better position than most
other states to come roaring back, and we're providing record
amount of relief and support for small businesses. Has the
recall effort influenced your decisions in pandemic response. Absolutely not.
In fact, quite the contrary. We're just focused on the

data's disease prevalenced. I'm focused on what's actually happening on
the ground. He is such a smooth talker, isn't he
that Gavin Newsom. It's all bullcrap. Of course, this guy
knows he's in trouble. He's going to face a recall
and they should recall him, because it was when it
was what the left wanted, when it was what the

corporate media was pushing. He was all about, all about
telling everybody to mask up and lock down everything else.
And then we saw what a fraud he was. While
he was making restaurants shutdown, he was doing indoor dining
in French laundry. And so I realized, he better get
things open up. He better improved the situation in California quickly,

and sure enough. May not be it may not be enough, actually,
but you've got the different governors because the state's really
mattered during this pandemic. Your state leadership made a whole
heck of a lot of difference to your life, in
your livelihood in the past year. And Governor Newsom and

Governor Cuomo, Governor Murphy, Governor Whitmer absolutely awful. Governor Abbott
maybe b minus. My man Ron de Santis a plus.
Our friend Ned Ryan is in the mix. He is
the founder of American Majority, and he knows the political

seeing backwards and forwards. My man, Ned, great to have
you back. Could be back with you, Buck. Yeah, interesting,
very interesting times. We live in as usual, and I
would hate to be bored but some of this stuff
is getting ridiculous, specially on woke corporation front us. Yeah,
I want to ask you about this because here, here's
here's where I think we are. People now realize that

the biggest wealthiest corporations in America are by a pretty
wide margin left wing controlled, leftist in terms of their
politics and their wokeness. But here's the thing. We talk
about this as conservatives, ned, but I feel like we
don't really do anything. I feel like, you know, people
still they still you know, they still buy the same

products from the same places. They don't actually take collective action,
they don't actually come together, and we don't boycott. Do
you see it that way? And and do you think
regardless of whether we do this or not, there's there's
space for us to actually start to impose costs on
companies that do not share our beliefs. I mean, I

think there's a couple of different angles. But because I've
been thinking about this, you know, as watching the whole
situation in Georgia with the new election laws, which, by
the way, you know, and impress movement, but not exactly
a model that we want to follow across the board.
But hey, okay, step in the right direction, but you
would think it's the apocalypse, the end of the world,
you know. Delta steps into it and Georgia legislators are like, fine,

we're going to remove your tax credits, your tax breaks
here in Georgia. Fantastic. I'm you know, meat buck, I'm like,
if they're gonna if they want to play these political games,
these corporations, they've been given a lot of benefits, tax breaks,
all these things, why don't we start taking them away?
So there's that one thing where Republican legislators need to

really take a hard look at are these actually allies?
Are they are friends anymore? And I think that's something
else I want to explore here in a little bit.
So that's the one thing, go at them where it
really hurts on tax credits. But yeah, I think conservatives
I've come to the point we don't buy Nike products
anymore in this house. And it's one of those things
where obviously, over the last couple years has become very

apparent that this the woke Nike corporation that wants to
lecture us on a whole variety that issues, is actually
having a lot of its products made by weaker slave
labor in China for a lot less than it would
be made here on shore. So please don't try to
election me. You work corporations as though you have some
moral high grounds, and I think that's the thing. I

think that's the approach a lot of us need to
take effects. I've got buddies who have taken the same approach.
We're not going to buy Nike products anymore. In fact,
they've gone and taken it a step further. They're not
going to buy products that are made in China. So
I think we have to start using the power of
the purse and say we're not going to put up
with this anymore. You guys are actually trying to compel
us on a whole host of fronts politically and also

on the speech front and behavioral front. We don't have
to take this from you anymore. And by the way,
I really think a lot of these woke corporations, even
the Chamber of Commerce. I mean, it's come to the
point where they've gotten so many benefits from the Republican Party.
They kind of Benedict Arnold the Republican Party, especially in
the twenty twenty elections. We're speaking of Ned Ryan, founder
of American majority. Ned, how is it that we have

gotten to this point in in what we're talking about here,
where there's so many more corporations that are left wing
and that are running. Mean, whether it's you know, it's Uber,
it's Google, it's Delta, it's American Express, it's Nike, it's
United Airlines, it's it's it's Apple, it's Amazon. I mean
you just go, You're like, oh my gosh. And these
are the these are the companies that in recent years
have really been you know, the big cause a lot

of the the the upswing and the stock market. I mean,
these are really powerful companies, and yet they're so clearly
backing the Democrats. The dollars that are going to candidates
show this. And yet we still have this idea out there.
There's still this narrative that Republicans are the chrony capitalists

controlled by the big corporations. I mean, how do we
turn that around? But also, I mean, is that a
part of it? Just that there are a lot of
Republicans that want the scraps from the Chamber of Commerce
table so speak. No, no, totally, I mean, just so
there's a there's a couple of things on package your buck.
First of all, has been a wrong way of thinking

in Republican and conservative circles for years, and I think
it's really boiled down to this. We've mistaken corporatism for capitalism. Right,
so these chrony capitalists, we've say, oh, no, you know,
they're private corporations, it's an industry, it's free enterprise as
entrepreneurs have. No, they're chrony capitalist monopolies, especially when you
describe the big tech companies, and it's not capitalism. I

make this argument to a lot of libertarians. Know, these
private corporations have become monopolies. You cannot have a free
market dynamic when monopolies are dominating the marketplace. So you know,
specifically with big tech companies. I think Republicans that better
get righteous on this and understand it's a tradition for
Republicans to break monopolies and be antitrust. Dido Roosevelt, Ronald

Reagan take a strong stance on this. But you know
what the problem is, book, A lot of these guys
are taking Google cash and Facebook cash. I mean, if
you start to break it down, how some of these
conservative organizations, but even our elected officials. I wrote a
piece that there's a couple of pieces Ago to American
greatness spelling out I love Jim Jordan to death. I
think Jim Jordan is a rock star in a variety
of France. You can't be taking ten thousand dollars of

Google money in the twenty twenty election expect me to
actually think you're going to be correct on some of
the tech issues. So I think we've got to completely
re examine our approach on as a corporatism or capitalism
and in what world do we decide book that we
were just going to concede to these tech companies or
these corporations, who gets to decide what free speeches, the

flow of information? But also some of this behavioral stuff,
like you're going to try and dictate some of our
behavior and our society and our culture. I mean, even
with this whole situation in Georgia in what the corporations
are trying to step in and do and say, well,
you know, your electoral process when we consider racist and
bigoted and Jim Crowish, I mean, this is this is

a one point where I think Republicans have to step
back and go, hey, who are true friends here? What's
the point of political power? Who are allies and how
can we have the correct way of thinking about what
true free market cap is amid because I think we're
way off track on how we view this issue for decades.
We're speaking of Ned Ryan, founder of American Majority Ned.
I know that it might seem to some like, oh

my gosh, we're talking about the midterms. We just it
feels like we just caught our breath from the last election.
But here we are. It's it's April. We're gonna We're
gonna be in the midst of the summer here, and
people are gonna start gearing up for the fall, and
candidates are going to come forward, and you know, we're
gonna be there before we know it. The narrative that
we have to the counter narrative, if you will, kind
of like the counter revolution of the Soviet era. The

counter narrative that Republicans have to come up with is critical.
And I know you're somebody that's involved in that process
of making sure that we are adhering to conservative populist
values while pushing forward candidates who can actually win on
the national stage, win at the state level. What is it?
What are we offering now? You know, what does the

Republican Party. I mean, I know I'm putting a lot
on you here, but what is the Republican Party in
April of twenty twenty one stand for? What should it
stand for? What it should stand for is America? First
and last? What are we doing to actually advance the
American people's interests protect their interests on a whole variety
of fronts, whether it's trade issues, whether it's immigration issues, which,

by the way, I think probably most people have noticed,
you know, now the Biden administration is saying, yeah, we
might actually have to keep building the border wall for
southern border security. Shocker. I think the message is it's Americanism, right,
What are we actually doing to advance and protect the
interests of the American people, which is the basic premise
of our constitution republic right, all power flows from the
American people. They give all this the power to the

elected officials who are supposed to be stewards of the power,
and money is given to them. It's the whole concept
of self governance. It would be nice if Republicans actually
started talking that way of like, hey, where's you to
actually represent you the American people, not corporations, not big donors.
So I think that's something that has to change. That's
going to be a process of evolution, because quite frankly, Buck,
those are very powerful forces still inside of the Republican Party.

But I've told Trump this, but I keep on reading
this is a chance in the twenty twenty two primaries
to really take a chance, to take that moment to
really imprint America First on the Republican Party. Because again
I say this all the time, people, a party is
what people say it is, and the people who say
what it is are those that run and win primaries,
show up at conventions and run for precinct chair And

so the America First folks have to identify and coalesce
behind the right candidates in the primaries, which is going
to be a bit of a process, get them to win,
and as they win, we start to change the essence
of the Republican Party. The other thing I'll say, though,
is this that people should have some hope going into
the midterms. Book is this, don't forget redistricting is happening

right in the way that it's going to happen. We're
gonna know April thirtieth. I believe how some of the
redistricting is going to work. What states are losing seats,
which states are gaining seats. I think off redistricting alone,
Republicans are going to be in a very very good
position to actually take the majority back in the House.
But we've got to make sure that we focus, as
America First conservatives on the primaries to make sure in

these I think it's three new districts in Texas and
two in Florida, that we take those opportunities to make
sure that we've got the right champions in those ruby
red districts that are going to be created, so that
we have more voices like that in the House. And
then you know, in the Senate, we've got some opportunities.
I think we've got a chance to take back the
Arizona seats from Kelly. I think we've got a chance
to take back the Georgia seat from Warnock. We've got

an opportunity to replace really kind of establishment figures in
Pennsylvania and Ohio with more America First type units in
the Senate races. So I would encourage people start thinking
about it right now, who's saying the right things, who
is actually promoting the right ideas? And the last thing
I'll say is this book. What I would like to
see is every Republican governor and every prominent Senate candidate

go on Tucker Carlson because he would be an amazing
vetting process. Based off as Asa Hudgison interview last night,
I mean, it's amazing, isn't it. I mean you had Gnome,
who is really being talked about run alongside De Santis
as a likely presidential candidate, and you also had Hutchinson,

as as you mentioned. I mean, there was like two
cases of political self immolation on National TV. Do you
think that speaking of corporate interests, do you think that
both of them had bowed to corporate interests and essentially
got called with their hands in the in the corporate
cookie jar yea percent. No, I think there's a I
know with nom there's a massive chamber of commerce influence.
I would suspect the same with Hutchinson. And it was

one of those beautiful things. I even, you know, texted
Tucker afterwards and said, listen, I think the best thing
you could do for the movement is somehow get the
other twenty four Republican governors on over the course of
this year, quite frankly, I would bring on any prominent
Senate candidates. Let's have them go on with Tucker for seven, eight,
nine minutes, and at that point after that, they're either

going to be exposed for frauds as Norman Hutchinson have
been exposed as, or they're going to come through like
de Sciantists and go dang. I gotta tell you, Bluck,
I had my question marks about Ron de Sciantists beginning
of twenty twenty. I'm becoming a big fan of Ron
de Santists. He's making all the right moves on every front,
whether it's tech issue, whether it's coronavirus, whether it's election integrity.

I mean this whole sixteen minutes specially he went right
back at him and just I mean literally obliterated sixty minutes.
I'm like, this is fantastic. I really like this guy.
We need more like this. We're speaking of Ned Ryan,
founder of American Majority In Ned, I'm totally with you
on Ron De Santists. I mean, I try not to
be you know, I never want to be a cheerleader
for any political candidates. I always want to be more

like a like a coach, you know, encouraging and getting
the game do the good things, and sometimes gotta tell
him you're not doing the good things. But I gotta
tell you, I see a real future for him. I
know a lot of people do. That's a that's a
statement of the obvious right affortoon following politics, where does
MAGA fit into all of this? I mean, Trump is
putting out these I know you and the Trump family

and drump himself are close. He's putting out these statements
from down in Palm Beach. You know. It gets in
the news cycle for about twelve hours, and then we
kind of move on other things. I keep hearing there's
stuff being planned. Do you have any sense of what's
actually happening? Yeah, yeah, no, I mean Politico broke a story.
I obviously had known him what was going on, but
they broke a story that Susie Wiles, who ran Florida

for Trump in twenty sixteen, in twenty twenty, and I
went to the match to get her back to run
Florida in twenty twenty, she's been asked to come in
and reorganize the same American the Superpack, the Leadership Pack,
the C four, you know, and so she's in there
organizing everything. She's very good at what she does. I
trust her implicitly, as does Trump. So she's reorganizing everything,

and I think one of the things that they're trying
to do is get everything squared away on the superpackfront
packsron C Forefront. And I know there's obviously planned for
him to have some social media platform, so he's obviously
he's putting the pieces in place to have that impact
on the mid terms. And again I talked to him,
you know, into February, and I think he's he's planning
on playing a role at very significant role in a

lot of these primaries. Obviously the House races where they
voted to impeach him, you can be guaranteed he's gonna
target those and some of these Senate races. So no,
Susie's coming in, she's reorganizing, she's getting everything on the
right trajectory, and based off everything I've heard over the
last week or two, I'm pretty encouraged because with Susie
Wiles at the Helm, you know that those outfits will

be run like they're supposed to be run and be effective.
What about ned Ryan for you know, set it in
the state of Virginia, Buddy, Oh gosh, I have to
tell you this book one of the things that you
have to do in Virginia. And I'm gonna beat the
drum on this for however many years and I've ever
decided to run. Hopefully this will have been done. We
need to do voter registration in Virginia and other battleground states.

And I'll just share a quick story with you. In
two thousand and four, George W. Bush won the state
of Virginia with one point seven million votes. One point
seven and change two thousand and four, two thousand and eight,
twenty twelve, twenty twenty, twenty sixteen, twenty twenty. Guess what.
Republicans have basically peaked out at one point seven million
votes in the presidential Democrats were at one point four

million in two thousand and four. They're not about one
point nine million. They've been holding steady at that for
the last couple presidentials. If Republicans don't actually start to
do some of these fundamentals like the Democrats have been doing,
and actually investing the time, money, effort into voter registration
to build out the base, oh, it's going to be
tough to win places like Virginia. So I will say this,

I might explore that in the future book if some
of the fundamentals are much better and the right work
is being done over the next day, two or three
election cycles. How's that all right? We'll take it for now,
Ned Ryan found of American Majority. Ned always great to
have you, buddy. Thanks Buck. We believe that President Biden
is he legally has the authority to cancel up to

fifty thousand in student debt through executive action a flick
of a pen. That means, Sabrina and Darryl and Kendrick Intinnia,
you don't have to go through Congress, you don't have
to worry about all that. He's done. Some good things
the president has, but we'd like him to go further.
And we know, particularly now with COVID nineteen ravaging the economy,

so many people out of war, to so many people
having even more difficulty to pay their debt, that we
ought to go do this right now. It's pretty straightforward.
Why should student loan debt be privileged over other forms
of debt that people have? Why should the government just
pick winners and losers in such a such an overt way,
And what does that actually mean for our higher education system?

You know, you look at this and you say, hold
on a second. Forty five million borrowers collectively oh about
one point seven trillion dollars in student loan debt. But
forty five million is less than twenty percent of the
two hundred and fifty million adults in the US. The
vast majority of the adult population no longer has or

never had student loans. Okay, so if we're really talking
about the COVID nineteen pandemic, I mean, people are behind
on rent, people are behind that they owe credit. I'm
sure people listening to this right now. Your business has
been shut down. You might have maxed out your credit
cards to try to keep things going. You might be
behind on a couple of mortgage payments. But people that's

you know, people that read up fifty thousand dollars a
student loan debt, I mean, are they financially able to
carry that debt and pay it for now? Are we
even looking into that or is it just we're going
to pick a what seems like a for democrats politically
advantageous debt category and just wipe it away. When a

lot of working class folks who you know went to
community college or maybe he went to no college, or
you did a year or two at state school or
went to trade school. They're gonna say, hold on a second.
Other people will get fifty thousand dollars a debt just
wiped away by the government. Why why? You know? And
this is where you start to say, you know, how

far are we from the concept of a jubilee, a
wiping away of all debt? You know, this actually comes
from the Bible. You go back, how far are we
from that? Being the pitch? Maybe I'll dive into this
a little bit more in the future, but you know,
it's it's very important. I think that we understand that
politicians picking winners and losers in this way is just

the beginning. So yeah, he'll wipe away fifty thousand dollars
of student loan debt, perhaps with an executive order. But
do you think this is this is it? Do you
think this is the only they're gonna do like this?
Oh no, friends, Oh no, some radical stuff is going
to be coming down the pike. Rock and roll, fellow patriots,

It's time for roll call. Wow wow wow wow brown
wow wow blown. Who Who am a plow? You know,
I'm pretty smart. We don't even need are cool groovy tunes.

I could just do. Yes, we do. I'm just saying
I could do it myself. I'm very talented that way.
Did you ever watch the Police Academy movies? No? I
don't think so. Wait really well, they were great at
their classics from the eighties, but there was a guy
who could do. His whole thing was he was one
of the Police Academy officers and he would do all

these different like sound effects with his mouth. I guess
you don't know what I'm talking about. Police kind of
movies were big for a little while. I mean, they're
like slapstick comedy stuff. I've definitely heard of them. I
just don't think i've seen them. I mean it might
be might be worth you know, are you checking out?
Which can I ask what you've been watching recently? Because
you know you never take my suggestions, so I don't
even ask anymore. But what have you been watching? I mean,

there have been two things on Disney Plus I've been watching,
and I don't know how I feel about Disney Plus
doing this, but they're doing the weekly rollout of the
series rather than like the old Netflix style where you
put the whole season out and you can binge it. Yeah,
but I've been watching Falcon in the Winter Soldier and
of the Revival of the Mighty Ducks, which is what

Mighty Ducks revival. Yeah, they're doing a new series on
Disney Plus about a new crop of ducks, and Emilio
estevez In is in it. It's basically the only problem
I have with it is that they've made the Ducks
the enemy. Oh yeah, bad ducks. Wow, please never make
that noise again. But you don't have the Mighty Ducks

in the original movies. They were the heroes, obviously nothing
and became this big program. Well now apparently they're like
the enemy. They're the big, you know, bully program of
Minnesota high school or youth hockey. And this one player
gets cut and he makes his own team trying. It's
like Mighty Ducks the series Go Duck Yourself basically. Okay,

it's definitely for kids, but I only like it for
the nostalgia. You're still one day gonna be like stuck,
you know, home with like a stubbed toe or something,
and you're gonna say, oh my gosh, I gotta watch
the Boys on Amazon Prime. Because Buck's been telling me
for like three years now to watch it. I promise
I will, but you know, well, you know I have
a lot of sports to watch, and my wife isn't
gonna watch that. So yeah, I hear you. No, look

you hey, happy happy wife or my case, happy girlfriend,
happy life. I know how it goes. But do you
want to tell everybody you've got it kind of exciting?
It is tomorrow more exciting day than your birthday. Let's
just let's just get right to it. Oh yeah, for sure,
tell everybody what's going on. Well, I don't think a
lot of people in this audience are gonna like this,
but as America, as America was built on your own choice.

So I'm going to the home opener for the New
York Mets. Tomorrow's the first time I've gone as a fan.
I have gone as a media member before, but never
gotten to enjoy it as a fan. So I'm very excited.
Nice what you're gonna be? Obviously it's outdoors. We know
nice weather tomorrow. I haven't checked. It'll be in the sixties.
A city field is always extremely cold. You better get
out the like the layers you need the layer. Yes,

I'll be layering. I've got my big heavy Mets coat
that I'll be bringing. Yeah, I'm prepared, I've done it. Well,
you're the guy. You're the guy who goes to the
sports event with the gear of the team. I mean,
where am I gonna go and Apolo and khakis? Like,
of course I'm gonna wear you know, Met stuff. Normally
i'd wear a jersey, but you know I will wear one,
but it'll be under a bunch of layers. Well, we're all,

we're all excited for you. We know you're a Met
super fan. And uh, just just real quick? Who are they?
Who are they playing? Is it? Is it a game
that's of interest or just because it's opening Day? Oh
it's the Marlins, which any team in their division this
year are actually pretty good, so it'll be a fine game. Yeah.
And because the billionaire owner Steve Cohen out, is it
like do they have people sort of showing up and

spooning little bits of caviar in your mouth? Now? I
mean is that things kind of not that I'm aware of,
but I will proport back running show. Yeah, I will
say that is one thing that is not often talked
about because so I grew up I mean my dad
and and my uncle were both guys who were there
were Wall Street guys, and they liked the Knicks. And

my dad's really good friend who's passed away years ago,
used to be a season ticket holder, and so he
was a season ticket holder. But we would sometimes, you know,
take we'd buy some of the tickets from take him
off his hands. We couldn't go to games, so I
went to. I mean I would. I wouldn't say as many,
like my dad went to more than I probably went
to a dozen Knicks games growing up, which for me
was a lot of professional sports games. Over a course

of i'd say maybe ten, ten or fifteen years, I
probably went to a dozen Knicks games, so at least
a game or two a year, let's say. And I
remember the food even when I was a kid. The
food was awful at Madison Square Garden. No Mark, this
is a long time. It's like before you were born, basically,
but the food it was like they had, you know,
just like hot dogs with all the mustard all over him.

And I'm not that that's that bad, but I mean
it was. It would. Now I've got back to Madison
Square Garden mostly for PBR, for professional bull riding. My
whole family likes to go every year. We have a
great We didn't go this year, but usually because of COVID,
but we go. But well, I use sometime if you want.
It's actually a lot of fun because you can get
really close to the actual arena floor. And it's not expensive.

I mean, you know, Nick's tickets are outrageous. It's not
expensive at all to go anyway. The food is amazing
in these stadiums, yeah, because you can get like a
gourmet You can get a gourmet brisket at Mets Stadium. Yeah,
that you can get. My favorite thing is the pat
La Frida filet mignon sandwich. Oh my god, is legitimately delicious.

I think some sort of cheese, I don't remember the
exact side of cheese. Guru grilled du onions and the
filet mignon. Obviously, it's a start. It's amazing, And as
everybody knows, this is the part of the show where
both you and I start to get a little hungry.
So somehow the conversation often transitions to food. I'm like, prucer, Mark,
what are you going to be eating? I really hope
they have all the concessions open tomorrow, so I can
properly do what I want, any thing I want. Oh man,

yeah you should go for We're all very happy for you,
and so don't worry. Everybody's show will beyond tomorrow. As
it is with the game. Producer Mark is we're gonna
get promised the listener will not know the difference. Yeah, yeah,
they it'll It'll all be fine for us. But Producer
Mark going to Open Day, I would love to go
go check out some sports sports events. What what do you?
What is it? What does it cost? Right now? If

I wanted to get if I want to get the
couple of Mets tickets, um, you know which, I can't
even pretend like I care about the Yankees, although by bye,
my my dad is a Yankees fan. He's the only
one who cares a little bit about fresional sports on
the baseball side, and probably not even really anymore. But
what what are we talking for? For? Like mid range
Mets tickets in May or June? See right now, it's

hard to say because they're only twenty percent capacity, so
I don't actually you can't even get them because you
gotta get that, you gotta get the ticket. The only
reason I'm going is is a friend has season tickets
right right, right, Yeah, that's that's the way, because no, dude,
I I do think that we're going to reach this
point because I feel this way, and this is true.
I think for a lot of people across the country
where we just want to experience life, like I want

to get out out there and do if you were
ever thinking about doing something before going somewhere, you know,
enjoying some kind of an event, maybe a little bit
of a splurge. I think this pandemic has made a
lot of us feel like the time is now, like
as soon as we can get what I mean now,
maybe not like today. But you know, don't wait on
these things because who even knows. You know. I went

to PBR with my family before the pandemic. I went
to a Knicks game before the pandemic. I went to
you know, I did a bunch of things, not even thinking.
I took the Snow Princess. Believe I'm not presser. I
took the Snow Princess at her request to New York
City Ballet. It was very civilized. You must have been
bored out of your mind. Well, you know, I am

a classically trained musician, which is something I don't often
talk about on the show, but I was as a
kid and I played in orchestras for years and stuff.
So whole other conversation for another time. But yeah, no,
I've got ballet. Although I will say, and just in
case the snow Princess is listening, you have to put
this very the the the lady dancers are very athletic

at the ballet. So there is that. Um that's about
all I could say about that, though I don't really
understand the dancing part of it very much. I love you.
What was that from Governor? Governor Cuomo andread son of
a gun? Considering the recent allegations, I thought it fit. Well, Yeah,

let's let's get into it here. Let's get into the
roll call. We got producer marketing good moves. He's gonna
have a fun day to Marle. Let's get into roll call.
We got Kenny here, buck Hope all as well. I'm
a lifelong Republican and Oregon done vote by mail my
entire life. I try to find the logic and understand
the arguments of the left, to understand the person and

not wall off my mind. But I'm left scratching my
head Georgia adopts the same system of proof of identity
we have in Oregon. But here locally, even my Democrats
parents are calling George's law Jim Crow. The logic of
it is making my head hurt a little bit. Honestly,
What's worse, they don't see the congruity between the two

sets of laws. My head hurts. I need an aspir
and shield side. Well, Ken, great to have you listening
in Oregon. And if you listen on a station out there,
because I know we've got a great Portland station, please
please do tell us. We always love to hear what
our affiliate stations are that people are reaching out from.
And as for as for your yeah, I mean this
is it's the mob mentality here, and it's propaganda. It's

just propaganda. People say what they think they're supposed to say,
and they benefit from saying it, and that's it. You know,
they don't really think through it beyond that. So yeah,
that's that's kind of where it is. And actually, here
we've got you're not the only one that feels like
their head hurts on this thing. Pretty smart could overthrow

a clip in here into roll call for seconds. I
wanted to get to this one before. On the Georgia
voting law, play play fifteen. Would you know the President
has blatantly lied repeatedly and now his paid mouthpieces are
repeating his lives. Good for Peter Doocey for pressing her
on that point. They should press the President and his
paid mouthpieces on whether he's going to condemn his own

state of Delaware since they had many fewer drop boxes
than does Georgia, that they don't have any early voting
as well. Again, the Georgia law is designed to avoid
the problems they had in their elections last year, not
just on November third, in their primaries last summer when
Donald Trump wasn't even a contested race, people had to
wait hours in line. This bill is designed to give

Georgian's convenient access to vote while also making their elections safe, secure,
and efficient. And it's time that Joe Biden apologized for
slandering Brian Kemp, the Georgia Legislature and the State of Georgia.
Well there you go, all right, that's well said by
Cotton slandering Georgia, slandering the legislature. Ken Centerton agrees. You

got to see your role called got a clip played
there you go, thanks for listening out in Portland. And
I wonder whether that's what it's like out in Portland
these days. Everything I always see, it's always, oh, you're
in Oregon, Oregon. He's not in Portland. Okay, there we
I just insert of that in my own head. Um.
But he could be, because I know the like a
lot of states, there's the coastal side of Oregon where

the Looney left reigned supreme. And then you get more
Inland and it actually gets pretty red. People enjoy gun
rights and you know, like the Constitution, and you get
you get Inland. Although I will say, uh, Canon, Cannon
Beach is beautiful. I really do like it. I know
the Libs, well, guys, why do we let the Libs
take all the coasts? Can we have? I okay, no,

that's not true. That's not true. Western coast of Florida,
we got some stuff there, Gulf Coast, we got some
of that coast. But on the ocean coasts, why do
we seed all the ocean coast to the Libs? I mean,
you go, you go, you start in Washington down to
San Diego, Maine, down to Miami, and it's pretty much

blue the whole way. I mean, you may get a
little bit of red in some of the Carolinas along
the coast, but not really, you know, not really in Delaware,
Jersey Libs LIBS, Long Island on the coast Libs interior Conservative. Anyway,

It's it's really pretty amazing you think about how consistent
that trend is. You get blue coastal Libs all along,
except except the Gulf Coast, which I gotta go down.
I've never been. I want to go to the Gulf
Coast Alabama, Mississippi. I want to check it out, all right.
Mark a producer Mark, great name obviously, and Buck. I

love when you guys put producer Mark first, by the way,
just to like, just so I'd like, you know, they'll
get too big for my bridges over here. We I
know who you guys love producer Mark. I think if
they know who reads the emails, see we have a
very savvy audience, they do. I guess my Georgia got
on the news again. Our governor is not quite run
de Santis, but he's grown quite a bit since getting

into office. Our generation in Georgia was all mostly conservative Democrat.
It's almost a one party state. So it took a
bit for him to realize that today's left will lie,
cheat and steal to get their way. That is not
the classic way. But as Kemp has learned, he stood
firm and spoken back. Even Atlanta's own coke, invented by

a wounded Confederate colonel, is no longer welcome in the
Georgia GOP. This will be a key battleground. Population is shifting,
with a growing African American community drawn here from around
the country and a large Hispanic community since the Olympic
construction boom, and the thriving business community has now gone
full leftist. Georgia's business friendly conservative policies have nurtured a

conservative hating viper in its metro Atlanta boosom. Well Mark,
thank you for the the eloquent roll call and yeah,
Georgia man, great state, Great state. I I hate to
see it go woke, because it's gonna go broke, all right.
Next up in roll Call, we've got our friend Dave.
Remember if you want to be a part of roll Call,

Facebook dot com, slash buck Sexton or Team buck email
us at Team Bucket, iHeartMedia dot com and check out
buck Sexton dot com. You can listen to the podcast
there and I'll have an editorial up tomorrow on this
immigration madness at our southern border. Check it out buck
Sexton dot com. Always always always worth worth your time, Dave, Hey,

Buck Glady here, you had Glenny Junkin on the show today. Unfortunately,
Virginia is lost and we'll be blue for the foreseeable future. Mark,
I think we gotta get a like uh. Then the
price is right, the bump, you know, but the the
unhappy sound when you get it wrong. You know I'm
talking about. Yes, I understand, be the buzzer mom, bromppm. Yeah, exactly, yeah,

exactly when somebody says the wrong anyway, that's what we
need for that. The Republican Party has been running disastrous
candidates the last decade. The local media torpedoed Bob McDonald
and Ken Cuccinelli over a bunch of lies. It's awful, Buck.
We have people fleeing the Northeast Corridor and moving to
Northern Virginia. They get twice the house for half the
price and much lower cost of living. Unfortunately, they bring

their liberal votes with them. We joke now about Nova,
Northern Virginia and Rova rest of Virginia. They're turning the
commonwealth blue, and I don't see it changing. It would
be able to concede everywhere north of Fredericksburg to Maryland.
Is strengthen our votes that are informed and really matter.
Keep up the great work with producer Mark Well. We will,

we will certainly try. Thank you so much. And yeah,
you see, my experience of Virginia is Northern Virginia mostly,
although I have family and show. I've got an uncle
in Charlottesville. I've got an uncle there who is, you know, conservative, patriot,
constitutionalist and so, and my grandmother used to live in Charlotte. Well,
so I have family in Virginia, so it always has

kind of a place, you know, in my heart. But
Northern Virginia is just it's just DC expanded. It's just Washington,
d C now expanded. I mean, it's unrecognizable in culture
and demography to the rest of the state. Very very different.
So there's that there. We gomp wramp all right, everybody,

that's the show for today. Back tomorrow. She'll tie
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