All Episodes

August 19, 2022 107 mins
Elvis Duran and The Morning Show kick of your weekend! We spend the morning with Brody and talk about whats been going on and what the future holds!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
What the hell? I listen to you every morning. I
think you are great. Oh my guy, love you guys.
I'm such a huge I love you guys. I've been
living you guys for years. Hello lady with the Man
of the hour. I first gotta shay, we love you
here in the big Apple. Want to do is hug him.

He was a very sweating guy's gang. He's just a
sloppy drunk. Give to you the man with the play.
The more they the big broken roll up lists in

the should we get this party? Literard? What Welcome to Alriday.
It is Friday, August something nineteen h My god, it's
August nineteenth. Look at that. Welcome to the day, Welcome
to Friday. Good morning, Froggy, Good morning, morning, Gandhi, I

am the Aetola of rock and Roller. There's Danielle Straight.
Where's Diamond, Diamond Diamond? Hello, you gotta speak him to
the microphone. Good morning, Good morning Dolly, Hi Scary Hello,
and there's Scott to be a master control. Hi, there's
a oh producer Sam, Good morning. I think Garrett's running

around somewhere. Did I say hide everyone? Scary? I did
a Friday song? How about Nightcrawlers. How about it? Well, anyway,
how is your Thursday? It was amazing. How's your Friday
going to be? We have a very important day to
day other than kicking off the weekend. Some things to
talk about? You want to dance with me? Yes, let's go.

That felt nice. Well, welcome to the day. Our first
caller of the day is someone hold on places falling part.
We just got here. The whole show is just down
the toilet already. Hello Nancy, Good morning. By the way,
I've always loved the name Nancy. Really, Yes, which Nancy?

Oh you know sometimes you call I think you call
Nate something Nancy? Right, Yeah, I call him Nancy. I
call him Mary. Yeah, yeah, but Nancy's your new name?
Oh I can't. So Nancy is excited her daughter is
getting married in two weeks. So are you? Are you excited?
Are yellow nuts? Are you being like a bride's mom?

And what's your deal here, Nancy? Um? Lots of last
minute stop to get done in the last couple of weeks. Um,
So it's super busy, but super excited. Um. The wedding
is going to be beautiful. I adore my future son
in law. He's wonderful. Um, so yes, everyone's really excited
Nan Dan, he's wanted Dan yellow pizza from the Bronx. Oh,

see that means he's nice, Danielle. Roll roll time ahead
to when your son comes to you and says, I'm
getting married. Oh I can't. I mean, one day you're
like fifteen years old, the next day you're you're a
mom and your daughter's getting married or your son's getting married,
and life goes fast. It's insane how fast it goes out.
And then the grandkids will come and then you'll be
called grandma soon. It's crazy. It's crazy, it does go

super fast. I remember always saying to both of my girls,
can you please both stay three because you're just so
cute and sweet and and it's just in a second
they're both adults. No one's getting ried. You know. My
mom always tells me the story of how I was one.
It was my first birthday and she was hysterically crying,
and my dad said, what the heck are you crying about.

She's gonna go to college and then she's gonna get married,
and I'm gonna blink, and she said, and that's what happens.
You know what you have made your mom cry extra hard.
What he she know? And you're going into radio that Yeah,
well that's career. And Nancy, I hope you have a wonderful,
wonderful weekend. And what's your daughter's name? What's your daughter's name?
Her name is Nicole and her fiance's name is Mike. Okay,

you tell Nicole and Mike that we love him and
we wish nothing but great things for them. Yeah, I
absolutely will. Thank you both everyone at the show so much.
I love you all. I listen to you every day,
like everybody else in the world says, but it makes
my day. No, here's the last listener. What are we
in for Nancy's wells gift card? I'm Crispy Fries always

ready at Wendy. Why are you talking about that? By
the way, it's my announcer voice. Did you hear what
he said? Oh my god, the horoscopes today, Yes, I will.
You could Oh god, you could have said, you could
have said it's a fifty dollars gift card, but you go,
it's it's a little good. Yeah, I've got warming up
for the horoscopes in twelve minutes. Is gonna be awful.
Nancy have the best weekend. Thank you for listening to us.

Thank you. Hold on, you are hold on, hold on?
How'm nice? One day? I'm going to be a mom, grandmama, grandmama.
One pearl to Nate. Where does it come from? I

don't know, my naturally effervescent person. Now you're doing it. Now,
I'm excited. It's Friday. What are you doing this weekend?
From the depths of hell? I know? Anyway, let's roll
into the three things we need to know from Gandhi, Gandhi,
what's going on? A top Department of Justice official is
warning of what could possibly happen if the affidavit used

to raid former President trump South Florida home is unsealed.
Jay Brott told a judge amateur sleuths on the internet
could discover personal information about witnesses, and argued that the
affidavit has substantial grand jury information as well. The judge
ultimately told the Feds to file a redacted affidavit by
next Thursday, day before the unsealing takes place. A federal

judge is temporarily blocking Florida's stop Woke law. A US
district judge issued that decision yesterday, slamming the new state
law that restricts workplace training about race. He also granted
a temporary injunction on the grounds that these stop woke
law violates the First Amendment. The group of businesses who
sued the state are calling the ruling a major victory
for free speech. Governor DeSantis is expected to appeal. And finally,

if you missed it, American Airlines saw its first all
black female crew take flight in celebration of the one
hundredth anniversary of Bessie Coleman becoming the first black woman
to hold a pilot license. For the first time in
the company's existence, every single person involved in a flight
from the ramp to the gate to the cockpit was
a black woman. If he didn't know. In June of
nineteen twenty one, Coleman became the first black woman and

first Native American to earn a pilot license. She became
well known as a brainstorming exhibition pilot and champion of
racial equality until she died in a plane crash at
the age of thirty four. And those are your three things?
So who was I talking to you? The other day?
They were on a plane flying somewhere, and both the
pilot and the co pilot were women. Oh yeah, you talked,
You told us that, And who was it? They said?

They said, was it you, Scottie? Was it you? No?
But it was a Southwest flight. It was a mom
and daughter crew. No, no, no, a friend of mine
was on a plane and it wasn't. It wasn't that
mother and daughter. And I said, well, okay, great, did
you get there in one piece? Yeah? They were uneasy
that two women were flying a plane. I trust women

to run the world. I mean, I'd rather have a
woman and two women up there than two guys, because
guys are so like. Guys are like Nate, Oh come on,
they bouncer voices. Can you imagine rather than yes, we're
welcome to a flight five. We're gonna take off for
Seattle in a moment. I sit back and enjoy some
good service from them. So Nate would be like, who,

welcome to the people, pull the slide of midair, A
great day. I trust my pilot. If he sounded like that,
would you trust Nate as a pilot. No? You know
what he would do. He would come out and saunter
down the runway because he thinks he's so high to

be like, hey, everybody. I'm your pilots. Ready for your Friday? Yeah?
Are you ready for your Friday? Wow? You go home?
Elvis ran in the Morning Show. It's scary Jones. The
good neighbors at State Farm believe you don't have to
give up what you love for great insurance for surprisingly

great rates, like a good neighbor. State Farm is there,
call or go to state farm dot com to get
a quote. Today brand in the Morning Show, Welcome to
the day, Welcome to Friday, Welcome to the weekend. Just welcome. Yeah,
what did you do last night? Danielle? I want to
see Michael Bubley? How was it? He was amazing? Where
was he? He was a Madison Square garden and he
was just He even did Elvis and he was Jessica.

And then he flew to meet his brand new baby
girl because his daughter was born a couple of hours later. Wow. Yeah,
he's such a great guy. Oh my gosh, Gandhi, what
did you do last night? Nothing? Nothing? Okay? And this
hung around what to say? Doing nothing is doing something?
And then I did something? What that was it? Yeah?
I painted? I feel like that's not nothing. That's not nothing. Okay,

I got some paints done good for you today? Scary? Yeah?
What did you do last night? I packed for the
Jersey Shore? What is it like all sleeveless wife beaters?
I mean, can we retire the name of that shirt? Yes?
I don't like saying wife beaters the actual name of them,
like a tank to shirt shirt. I don't know, I

hate them. I just hate that term wife beater? Who
who started calling them that? Who was that? That's the
only thing I ever grew up knowing them cold. That's
why I'm like, what are they called? I don't I love.
We're in here doing our morning show and Nate, the producer,
walks in and we're talking about something. He looks at
me and says what we were trying to determine in

the other room, whether or not the Positivity Pals should
do the horoscopes today. If you remember, the Positivity Pals
was me and Andrew and it was just non stop entertainment.
You thought we'll decide on that in a moment. What
did you do last night? Frog? Oh? I made another
Hello fresh meal last night that was pretty good. Would
you make Christy Krispy kicking Kayenne chicken Cutlets? Wait? Wait,

Krispy Kicking cayenne chicken cutlets cutlets. That was awesome and
they were good. Scary. What was your night about? I
told you I packed for the Jersey Shore. I did nothing.
I rotted. I was waiting for you with a better story.
So I went out. I went out and had some
sushi with Coaster Boy Josh, went to Sushi of Gary,
which was amazing. Went to Odeon for a drink and

some awful woman was at the bar, so we left there.
She was just a patron. You know, the way the
bar works is you stand at the bar order a drink.
So we walked over toward where her seats were. Her
friends and her purses were all over the seats. She
may I help you? I said, no, I'm just here
to get a drink. What do you want? I mean,

this is our seat area. It's a bar. You can
go to the bar right right? She do you own
this place? Kind of? So the energy was so negative.
I said, go to boy Josh. Let's go somewhere else,
and I'm glad we did. We went to Walkers. We
saw Steve Wallace, my friend Annie aderall Annie, she was there.

It was a great night. Anyway, See, this is where
we should implement the one egg a rule day where
you can throw an egg at somebody. It's not really violent,
but she would learn a lesson. Oh this woman was
just a beast. Yeah she was. I hate to say it.
She was a Karen. Now Karen would have had egg
on her purse. I know, yeah, she would have twice
about being a jerk. Again, I'm taking eggs with me,

yeah wherever I go. All right, producer Sam, who are
you doing these with? I really did think that that
sounded great. Let's let the positivity boys do it. Oh,
the positivity pals. Okay, by the way, you're about to
her horoscopes and the worst way delivered ever. You're gonna
love it. Nate's rubbing his little hands together like a fly. Great,

you start, positive positivity pal. Hello everyone? Oh godet stay,
no morils. Well, if you celebrate a birthday today, you
celebrate it with our forty second President, Bill Clinton, John Stamos,
Fat Joe, and Matthew Perry. There's a there's a dinner party.
I want to hang. Capricorn. Be friendly to others. You

never know when you may need to use a connection
from your past. Your day's are super eight. Hey, Aquarius,
keep your opinions to yourself and watch who is listening
to your conversations. Your day's are super sick. Not we're
turning it off. No, no, we will not deliver horoscopes
in this matter. We're gonna do it. Everybody's loving it.
I guarantee you rave reviews. Keep going, Pisces. Find solace

in your home and see that you make peace your
first priority. Your day is a stellar seven Aries. Approach
an authority figure and make it a point to ask
for what you deserve. Your day's a nine. Taurus. You
may not feel your You may not feel yourself. Take
some time to reconnect with something you love. Your day
is a magnificent seven. Oh, Gemini, try and convince others

with resources to do you are bidding. Oh that sounds ominous.
Your days a stupendo six. Cancer. Today is a perfect
day to hash out your differences with a partner or
a close friend. They will be receptive of your honesty.
Your day is a superstar nine Leo Elvis. Be careful
that you are not taking on too much and distracting
yourself from some important projects ahead. Your day a five,

but a fabulous five. Okay, Virgo is over Okay, I'll
go pass Virgo. Prepare yourself for fun, and do not
take everything so seriou. Your day is an eight Labra.
You have a variety of plans. Remember to choose what
will feed your soul. Your days in eight Scorpio, your
enthusiasm will be infectious. Start a project and use others
opinions to make it incredible. Your day a fantabulous ten

and Sagittarius explore a side of you that has long
remained dormant. Who knows what could happen your days? And
nine and those are your Friday morning horoscopes, brought to
you by the Positivity Bell. Oh wow, one person clapping.
That was heinous. By the way, everybody's enjoying it. Look
at these texts heinous rhyming with anus. Sorry, all right,

thank you. Problem done. I've lost total control. I've lost
all control of the show. Someone texted it, I can
see Elvis slowly dying right now. They called it dying
on the vine. Danielle, Yeah, what do you have coming up? Well,
Jeezy's new gap line is interesting, and ya basically and

we'll talk about something really cool. Greece returning to theaters
for charity in honor of Olivia Newton John. I'm in
history in the morning show. Hey, who had a Hello
Fresh experience last night? Scary? What'd you do? Hello Fresh?
What happened? I made the one pan pork for heta
lettuce wraps with lime krema and crumbled blue corn to

a tea chips. It came out perfect, look just like
the picture I've shown. I saw the picture. It does look,
but did it taste good? It tasted even better, dead
better than the picture would have if I licked. Hey,
that's that's a great summer dish. What is it again?
It was? It's called the the one pan pork for
heta lettuce wraps with lime crema. I love a little

lime krema anyway, So I mean that sounds like a
great summer dish. Right. That's a good thing about Hello Fresh.
They're fresh, and they know their recipes are tuned into
you and your summer, your summer tastes. You know what's
gonna be fall before you know it. Then they'll you know,
you'll see butternut squash stuff like that. But until then,
it's about summer. Hello Fresh. They do all the heavy lifting.
They go shopping for you were fifty five items to

choose from every week. There's something for everyone. Cut back
on those trips to the grocery stores. You can just
hang out. It's summertime, you don't want to go shopping.
They're preportioned ingredients, perfect making cooking a snap, no food waste,
lovely and they're recipes. You know. I want to meet
the chefs of Hello Fresh who make these recipes up.
Good God, some of them's better than Martha Stewart's recipes. Anyway,

get started today Hello Fresh dot com slash Elvis. You'll
get sixteen free meals across seven boxes and three gifts.
It's fabulous. Hello Fresh dot Com slash Elvis. They're on
in the morning side. Let's walking through the living room.
Interesting conversation going on between Diamond, our friend Nick, and
of course Sam. The question is how soon is too

soon to say I love you? Oh? Look, you know what.
In my opinion, it's it's it's a game. It's it's
it's a game. You've got to be careful, Like if
you say it too early, then they look at you're like, oh,
you're so clingy. You don't want to look like you
brought the U haul right away. Exactly so so um diamond, yes, Hi,
So the consensus out there with you and Sam and

that Nick guy guy? What? Well, Nick and I don't agree.
We got into a really big argument maybe a week
or two ago about this because he is in love
with his new girlfriend, but he won't tell her because
he's nervous and he thinks that it's too soon. They've
been dating for four months and hold Nick is straight revelation.

All right, Well, okay, good for him, yea, so good
time now. So he's afraid he's afraid to say I
love you too soon? Yes? And my I agree point
of view is whoa really? I just think that like
when you feel like you love someone, you need to
tell them. Life is short. You never know what could
happen to you or another person. And if you feel it,
didn't just jump right on out there. But what if

you feel you quote unquote love them within like hours
of meeting them, would you say it? Then? I've heard
of people doing that. I wouldn't be against it if
you feel it like I feel like at this big age,
we all know what love feels like, right, So like, okay, great,
you felt it before, and it's like strong like that
the thing is also, here's the thing through experience no offense.
You know what, do you hang out with someone and

then things turn south and things aren't good because you
feel like they're clinging too fast. You've been hurt before,
so you want to take your time. Keep in mind
you need to take your time sometimes just to make
sure it's a solid thing. It's as a foundation. If
I just like you're great, I love you, it's kind
of fast, okay. So the thing about that is is like,

whether you say it or not, if you feel that way,
you feel that way, right. So like, if it's that strong,
I'm not talking about like little frivolous like puppy love
thing like oh cute, I love you. No, Like if
he was like really going in he's in love with
this girl, full force foot on the gas listening. Wouldn't
you be afraid to say I love you to someone

until you know that they're ready to hear it. They
need to be ready for that being so quiet. No,
I actually was totally on diamond side with this. When
they asked me, I said, I don't think there's ever
a time that's too soon. If you feel it, you
feel it. Life is short, people, die like things happen,
and what if you love this person they get hit
by a car and you never said it. You want
to carry that with you forever or risk them thinking

you're an idiot, I don't care, like whatever. What you
got to be confident of that I love you return.
You gotta know that they're going to say I love
you back. A friend of mine was in love with
this girl. They were dating for three months. He goes,
I love you. She responds with I want to break
up story She wasn't ready for it, yeah, and then

he screwed up the relationship head he waited a couple
of months. Maybe she would have returned. Ship is a
two way thing. You'd need to be on the same planet.
You need to be in the same name, Okay, but
then if you're not, why not figure that out sooner
than later. If somebody doesn't love you back and they
don't feel the same way, and you're willing to break
up with a person because they said I love you
and you don't love them back, maybe that wasn't the

relationship anyway. Well, it could have been on the way
to that relationship. Yeah, but but then why would the
break up with what? What what Sam what. I just
don't understand why Nate's saying you both have to be
there on the same day for one of you to
express it. I said it to my fiance William when
I felt it, and he didn't say it for another
two months, and we were both totally fine with that.
He was worried about me because he said, I'm just

I'm not ready to say it yet, and he thought
I was going to break up with him because of that.
I'm like, I was just expressing where I was. I
know it. That's okay. If you don't want to break up,
that actually says more to me than if you lied
and said I love you back even though you weren't ready.
But you can handle that. I don't know if everybody
could handle that. I already Nate could handle that. Okay.

How long have you Robin been together? Over ten years?
He has yet to say I love it. That's not true.
It took me a solid two years to actually say it.
I just feel that It's not an exact science. But
if you're under a certain age and maturity level, she's
not going to be able to handle it because she
may just be living her best life. She may not

want to hear that, no matter how much she likes
him best. Yeah, frog, what there's a big difference in
love you and I love you? Yea, completely different things.
And that's the thing is that you can you can
almost test the waters with a little love you and
see what, see what the response is. But yeah, you
dropped the full I love you. You have to follow
with mena. Yeah. My favorite is when you're watching a

movie and you they fall asleep in the bed and
the guy goes in the middle of the night love you,
and then she's like, what do you say? And then
she's like freaking out, either she wants to leave or
she's like, say it again, Say what do you say?
Say it again? Hey Brian, Brian, is that you? Yes?
So you said it? After how long with them? Uh?

It was three weeks? Actually she's three weeks. I mean, look, look,
who are we to judge. We don't know what your
experiences were during those three weeks. I have actually already
been at that point. I have been married twice, and
you can be married fifty times. You can still love someone. Problem.
I don't know, I don't know. I didn't three It

was great. There was three weeks. Everything was just everything fit,
everything was right. And we've been together for seven years.
We have two kids together. It's great. See the difference
between me and Gandhi is I'm sensitive to the other
person's needs. Oh, she's not. It's all about her. It's
all about her expressing her love. Absolutely. I love you.

I don't care if you love me back. I love you.
Say it's pretty cool. What what's that, Brian? I said,
that's the approach you have to take, though, because you
gotta put yourself out there. You don't put yourself out there.
You never know. More risks you take, Yes, the more
you know, the more failures you have, the more risk
you take, the more experiences you know. What she just
said was, I don't care what you think. I'm going

to tell you what I think. I love you. Yeah,
you have to love you back. I'm not saying it
to get the I love you back. I'm saying it
because I love you. But you could say it in
a way where you're kind of like dangling the carrot,
like you go, I don't know about you, but do
you feel this because this is just I've never felt
this before. I feel like that's the way people do
it when they're like really insecure about their relationships because

they're not sure if they're going to get it back. Yeah.
I agree, but it's a way to do it. It's
a way to get in date. I get you in there,
bust through that door like the Bloyd Man. All right,
I love you, Brian, thank you, thank you. I love you.
I love you, Brian. We've we've only known each other
sixty seconds, but I think I love you, love you.

Let me talk to Amanda. Amanda makes he makes some
sense out of this. So how long did it take
for you to say I love you? My boyfriend and
I my ex boyfriend and I we both said it
to one another, and about one day twenty four hours
again that was your ex boyfriend, Yes, twenty four hours.

We were together for a while there. Yeah, how long
were you together? She said, twenty four hours? Eight years.
And after after that, after the I love you, we're
to gather for a while, mostly happily. Mostly happily. I say,
you have to go for it. Jumped in. You're good

for all you guys. I also think it does depend
you have to you. I think you know if that
other persons feeling it, you hope. So yeah, I mean,
you're rolling the dice. You're rolling the dice here. I
still think you should do it. I still think go
for it, I said, I think said you never know,

all right, you never know. Thank you, Amanda. Brandon say
it really early. Thank you, Amanda. Have a great weekend. Okay,
what was your question? Did you and Brandon say it
really early? Um? He said it. I think it was
like three or four months in and he texted it
to me and I wrote back what he said, testing testing?

I love you too. Oh that so sweet. Look I
love love. Don't get me wrong. I'm a love lover.
I will love it. Let's get into the Daniel report,
all right, Daniel, I love you. I love you too.
AMC Theater is doing something pretty cool, bringing back Grease
to the big screen to honor Olivia Newton John. This

musical was from nineteen seventy eight, if you don't remember,
and we'll play in one hundred and thirty five AMC
theaters around the country starting today and tickets priced at
five dollars one dollar. From every ticket sale, we'll go
to AMC's charitable fund that AMC Cares, with the donation
aimed at breast cancer research. And you know that that
is what Olivia had, so that's pretty cool. We got
some new music from Black Pink, the new single Pink Venom.

We have that, Yeah, hit the button, I'll bring the pain,
like stop c m T stop, tell you come scares
over here and doing the white Man dance. They want
you guys before the lightning. So they're trying to get

fans to learn choreography for their favorite portion of the
song's music video and Sharon online and it's the hashtag
Pink Venom Challenge, So if you want to get involved,
go check out the video. Also, Bryce Hall was revealing
that Addison Ray has blocked him on everything. They were
chatting and Tea He was doing the Tea Talk podcast
and they were chatting about all the drama surrounding Addison's

parents and if you want to know about the drama,
you're gonna have to google that because there's a lot
um and he who was saying that, Yeah, she unfollowed
both of them on social and it's just a whole
big thing. So that's going on there. Yeezy, hold on,
hold on, is that Dave Brody? I see Dave Brodie.
David Brodie's here David. Hey, hey, we ordered you a

roast beef sandwich. Okay, he's all happy, yeah, rody, No
matter what's going on in the world, in the world,
if free food is available, he's in. He's all good.
Yeasy's gap line hitting stores across the country and people
are saying it looks like a bunch of trash bags
with clothing them, because that's exactly what it is. I
don't know if you've seen it, but it is a
big he says. It's not a trash bag, it's a

construction bag. Get out, but you have to go through
the bag to find your size. So now some people
are saying that this is not cool and it's very
insensitive to homeless people. No, no, it's not easy as
saying No, I am a wonderful innovator, give me right.
Both sides of the argument are all exactly. It's ridiculous

taking flight over here, what name? Why? Why I start
to wrap it up there? No twenty twenty two empty.
I'm enjoyed the Danielle report. It's good you sit in
the corner. This is why you never succeeded after Eerie
is selling trash. This needs to be looked at. Go
ahead the twenty twenty two mtvvmas, announced that Elo Cool,

Jane Nicki Minaj and that Jack Harlowe will be m
seeing the show on Sunday, August twenty eighth, So that'll
be fun. And what are we wanting? Do I have
time for? What are we watching? Okay, WWE Friday Night
SmackDown a Big Brother? You got football this weekend. I
think it's the Ravens and the Cardinals if I'm not mistaken,
Tales of the Walking Dead and this season finale of

ninety Day Fiance. So you know, with that being watch out,
it's going down. And there's a lot of new things
on your streaming stuff like Apple TV plus an Amazon
blah blah blah. And that's my Danielle report. Sorry, Nate,
I enjoyed your report. I wanted you to take your
time with it. Yeah. I loved every moment. Oh well,
I appreciate that anyway. Yeah, Dave Rody's here. We have
lost to discuss. That's coming up in a few minutes. Hey,

end is this day happening? Elvis Durrant in the Morning Show.
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Elvis Durrand in the Morning show Here we Go, Welcome
to Friday, hy Danielle, Hello, Hi, Nate, Hey, Scary, Hello, Gandhi,
Good morning, Froggy, Hi Frog, good morning, Hello, Dave Brody,
Good morning, Elvis Story, Welcome to our show. Good to
always be here. You've been here forever. You've been here

of a twenty four year and a half. But who's counts.
So it's been kind of a weird, very weird a
couple of weeks and uh, Brodie's back to talk to
about what's going on. Well, so August eighth was my
last day here on the show, and since then I

found out how many people actually care about me and
how many people come up with crazy ideas as to
why I'm not here. So if I could just to
spell a couple of rumors, Yes, I'm not dying of COVID. Good.
I did not stop coming in because Scary called my
daughter an a hole. Scary called his daughter an a
hole and then she I actually said, well maybe I

am so my youngest daughter listened to the podcast that
that episode, which I think is to twenty seven, and
she said, I listened to the podcast dad, I said, yeah,
she has. Uh, well, at least it wasn't me. I'm
the youngest, so Scary made sure to point out it
was my oldest daughter. So you you're not absent because
Scary called your daughter an asshole. I'm also not absent

because Gandhi picked a fight with me. Gandhi demanded I
be fired. Gandhi hates me. I can't work with her anymore.
So I stormed out, Uh, Gandhi and I are friends.
I love Gandhi. Gandi say something else, I love you,
thank you. Where did that one come from? That was
like the furthest from the truth. I don't know. I
have no clue other than it's other than it's further.

I mean I would have quit because it's scary normally,
absolutely because a possibility, but not Gandhi. So if you
want to hate or hate it for other reasons, but
not that, we have a list of reasons to hate her.
I was like, wait a second, Yeah, the only the
only good thing is my youngest daughter and my and
my middle daughter said to me when the sauk because
they were monitoring the tweets and the chat room pages

and the ongoing conspiracy and you know, love and support,
said Dad, Wow, you really do have fans. So to
be fair, you knew that all along. Well, but they didn't. Okay,
I've been here longer than all three of my kids
are born. So to them, this is their life. And
they're like, oh yeah, dad goes to work. But when
I would say, like, you know people like me, like

oh yeah, okay, they don't live with you, right, you know.
And when I got verified on social media, they're like, oh,
well maybe you're something now. But now now that I
have a according to the listeners, a fan army ready
to strike, they are they actually believe in something. Now
that I actually have some people that like me, a
cool factor? Now almost all right, Well let's let's I mean,

there are so many layers to this story. I don't
where do you want to begin? Have you thought this through?
Like how do we get through this? Oh? Yeah, well,
so August eighth, I said, was my last day. August ninth,
my oldest daughter came back from Europe. She's now back
living with me. She had graduated college, went off to study,
you know, and go for her masters and whatever, you know,
young enough to go around the world. So um, And
I realized after twenty four and a half years that

I have put this job ahead of my family. I
always have. It's that kind of job to me, you know,
it was always important to stay up late and get
up early and go home and not go out and
write all night or look for topics and different things
and podcasting and all that. And I feel like now
is a good time in my life to put my
family ahead of my job. You know. I my wife

got a nice big raise recently. I'm very proud of her.
She's awesome, So that's going to be helpful. I have
the podcast with Scary. But people also thought I was
not I was leaving because I didn't want to move uptown.
That I'm such a chromusgiant. I didn't want to I
didn't want to move. I would have moved, but it
seems like the summer's here, we have vacation, my family's home,

and it is a it's a big move to go
uptown and pack boxes and all that, and I don't
do that. And I just felt like, if I'm going
to make a change, this job has monopolized all the
other things I wanted to do, like to write the
book I keep talking about. And you and I had

lunch lunch where you were a little tipsy. You promised
me some things. I'm gonna hold you to it, but
you're like, whatever you need, I will help you with.
And I thought, well, if he's gonna help me, maybe
I can. Maybe I can do some things. So I
have some ideas to some TV shows, which I'll talk
to you about. Okay, I'm gonna borrow your ghostwriter, hopefully
the one that very lightly helped you write your book,
very lightly, you know, check for typos and uh, you know,

I pursue some things that you know, I didn't accomplish
in my life because I'm at that point where I
want to accomplish some other things. But boy, I feel
like I've accomplished a lot here, so I don't know
what else to accomplish here that I haven't. And I
just thought, oh, yeah, writings on the wall. I think
it's I think it's time you make a decision. And
so you gave me off of a day to go
to the airport and pick my daughter up, and I

just thought, you know, I kind of like this spending
time with my family thing and sleeping late and what's
that like? The thing is is during this process, the
process has been stressful, especially for you. Yeah. Well, so
we were not allowed to say anything. Yeah, you know,

corporate muckety MUCKs. I know, listen, they've been very gracious
in all this, but you know, we have we have
paperwork and contracts and different things, and while that's all
being worked out, you really didn't want you to talk
about it, so we didn't talk about it. But people
thought you weren't talking about it because there was some espionage,
right because Gandhi head you find right, Goddy demanded it

was either horror me that was That was one of
the one of the things I read was I had
no idea how much power, honey, it would be me. Yeah, well,
I'm glad you're here too. Well, I'm glad you're here.
I just wish the Peppie Pals didn't do harscope. So
the that was awful, I know, yeah, what have you know?
It was It's almost like that so I'm thinking the

wrong people are leaving. Yeah. So it was twenty four
and a half years ago. We were doing our morning
show in Sea Caucus, New Jersey. Elliott and I had
a morning show and Danielle and Scary. And then one
day Elliott walks in and says, Hey, there's this guy.
He keeps sending jokes and stuff. Let's talk to him.

We don't have a budget, you'll work for free, and
he did so. Dave Brody joined us in our little
awful studio in Cee Caucus. We were number twenty four
in the ratings, and after Brody he got us all
the way up to number nineteen. And as a matter
of fact, you worked for how long without getting paid
a penny? About a year and a half. He worked

for a year and a half. He had had a
job managing stores and Starbucks and things like that. Yeah,
him in Express. You came up to me in Express
and you were like, Hi, I'm going to work for
your show or something like that. And I was just
like what who were you? Yeah? Yeah, well right, and
why why why did you give up a paying job
to come work with us in a little room in

a failing morning show in Secaucus, New Jersey. Well, many
of you guys know this, but I'm a survivor of
childhood cancer and that kind of shaped my life. I
tried to find humor in everything, because life sucked for
seven years of chemotherapy and radiation and my whole life.
I found the way to get people to stop picking
on me for not having hair or whatever it was

that was they were picking on me for was to
make people laugh. And so I started writing song parodies
in school and getting in trouble somewhere around sixth grade,
and I started to do it part time with some
various companies. And then one day I got a cassette
of a cassette of all of the work I had done,
and I said, gosh, who would want to hear this?

Who would want to buy this? Because somebody was buying it.
They were paying me to write the thirty dollars a script.
That's what I got. And the deal was, I'll take
the thirty this for the song parody or the commercial script,
and but I want a cassette. I want my audio.
I want a copy of it so I can send
it out. I want it, you know. So I said, well, gosh,
who do I like in the morning? And who sounds

like me comedy wise, and who plays parodies at the time,
and it was Elvis Elliot and Ze Morning Zoo. So
I called the Jew, which was Elliott at the time.
I said, I'll call the Jew. He's probably the one
who I'll cross my fingers it was one of the
two of you. I was like, I'll call Elliott. Plus
I can beat a little jewey, Yes you can, Yes,
you can. And he seemed a little more loud and brash,

and I was like, oh, maybe he'll appreciate my loud brashness.
And I called him. I left a voicemail and I said, hey,
I'd love to send this cassette. And he called me
back and he said, hey, man, I appreciate you know
you doing that? And you would just come back from
Puerto Rico or you're going to Puerto Rico. He said,
I'm going to Puerto Rico, but I'm gonna have my
producer Scary call you and let's set something up, because
what do you want to do with your life? You know,
what are you looking to do? And I said, I

want to make people laugh for a living and he
said that's what I wanted. You sound like the kind
of person I want to meet, so you guys went
to Puerto Rico. Scary called me a few days later
and said, hey, man, you got something you want to
send in a demo or anything else other than what
you already sent. I said, yeah, put some stuff together.
And then he gave me a fax number and said,
Elliott wants you to facts. Everybody facts. The telegram had

just been replaced, and do you want to faxend scripts?
We'll produce them. And well, I think I got paid
seventy five dollars at that point, Big Rays from thirty
and then they said, oh, come in and hang out
one day. After like four or five parodies on the
air that were well received. I met you guys in
March of ninety eight at Connolly's where half the show

was there and half the show was back in the
studio because it was Mayhem and things didn't work. And
so I think I met Elliott and whoever was there
that day. And Scary said, oh, they'd love you to
come hang out one day, but don't talk in the studio, okay,
They just stand in the corner. Was a rectangular studio.
They said, just stand in the corner and don't talk.

Elvis does not like when people come in the studio.
Doesn't like guests. He knows who you are. Is that
where he got the name? Well, yeah, he called Dave
the guy in the corner, Dave Brody the guy in
the corner, because I stood in the corner the first
few weeks. Who's this guy? So Scary had his own
little studio in the back and the first morning I
came in, Elvis popped in and he said, oh, hey, Brodie,

nice to me you. Everybody loves your work. It's so
great you're here. And then he walked out, and Scary went, seriously, though,
don't talk in the studio. Don't just don't talk, don't laugh,
don't say anything. So I stood in the corner and
I and at the time I was faxing again freelance
jokes to Jay Leno and Bill Maher and Conan O'Brien
and whoever was buying my jokes. And so as the
show went on, funny things were being said into news stories.

And we had um crumb cake that day. That was
the free food. It was a big crumb cake somebody
sent up for whatever. So we eating crumb cake into
a napkins, and so I took a sharpie and I
was This was before smartphones, and I took um, took
a sharpie to a napkin, and I was writing jokes
that I was going to fax into Jay Leno later
in the day. He's on the West Coast. It was
like seven in the morning, and Elvis looked over me

and goes, what are you doing over there? I said,
I'm just writing jokes for jay Leno on this napkin,
and he said, let me see that. He looks at
it and he shows it to Elliott. He goes, that's funny.
You're gonna stand in my studio and write jokes and
you write him for me. That's it. You're gonna do it,
and do it for me. He's doing it for me.

He goes, get him some scrap paper and a pen.
I'm not Jay Leno. He's in my studio. So I
stood there and I wrote jokes, and after the show,
Elvis looked him me and he said, you come back
any day you want. I said great, So I came
back every I was working nights and whatever. I came
back in the morning and after a while, my wife said, God,
you really seem to enjoy this. This seems like a
calling for you. You should quit your job. I said, what,

you wouldn't have any kids yet, we don't have a house.
I make enough money, quit your job. So I have
my wife to blame for all of this, as do you.
So thank you? Uh and I so I did. And
I worked here until um Tom Pullman, who's now the
president of the Universe, decided to pay me a small
amount of money every month, very small amount of money.

And then eventually Elliott left and there was all of
a sudden some money. And I worked for you and
him at the same time. I went to DC and
traveled back and forth, and eventually there was enough money
here to come work full time. And I said, you
know by l see you later, Elliott, and I'm here.
So twenty four and a half years later, I come
from writing jokes on napkins to this. So it's been
a good run and I have a really good legacy

that I'm proud of this six people that are part
of this Morning show that I had a hand in
being here. They had a much bigger handed staying here,
but I had a hand in. I've got former interns
that a vice presidents of the company here, like Cinnamon
and Morning show hosts in this building and around the
country who were interns or people I thought highly of.
So I hope there's enough people here that will carry

on and I will find a way to make people
laugh going forward. Well, since it came up in the
circles that you were leaving, a lot of those people
approached me and said, God, this is kind of crazy
because he's the reason I'm here, and there's there's a lot.
There's a lot of that going on, right. I'm one
of those people. You're you are, yeah, and you're the

one that had him fired. According to the rumors, you
had him fired because you're mad at him. Yes, I
got ticked. Like the Black Widow Spider. You have sex
with her and she kills you. Kills you. Wait, you
guys had sex? Yes, also that that would kill me.
I reached out to Brody. I think I was like
twenty five at the time. Um, I don't know what
I was thinking. I applied for a job here and

he actually wrote back, and we started like a friendship
via email. That way a long time ago, and then
you know, all these years later here I am. Yeah, Yeah,
I called her. She doesn't remember her phone call. I
remember the phone call, but it was an email first.
Led First was very talented ten years ago, and I
just kept her in the back of my head and
said someday. And you always had an uncanny, incredible way

of finding talent. So now what, Well, the Brooklyn Boys
will continue for as long as uh Scary wants to
do it, hopefully, and by the way, for nine ninety
nine you can join them, Yes, Saturday, September tenth for
the three course prefix, which includes free dessert at Benjamin
Steakhouse dot com. Make a reservation. Now back to you,

Oh please put all you want? Tell you scares over
here like pushing this on me. You know, he's getting
a very very deep over there. But can you remind
people it's just well, I don't understand why they make
anything ninety nine ninety nine, just making one hundred dollars.
It's a brody thing. Well, research will show you, and
I'm sure this is the kind of thing Nate would know.

Research shows that it sounds like less money. It does.
That's why gas you know, written me off. No, And
then like, also is the dessert free if I paid nine?
Yes it is. It's like there was a commercial last
night for some pots and pans, and was like it,
you're gonna pay four hundred, no, three hundred, no one hundred, no,

just five easy payments of thirty nine ninety nine. Let's
five cents less than two hundred. They catch you on
the pennies. It adds up. It sounds like less. So
so make sure you join them. But we'll get back
to that in a moment. And you can find me
at my new email address, Brooklyn boy Brody at gmail
dot com. Wad Yeah. I tried every other shorter combination

that wasn't available, But apparently there's a Brooklyn Brody. There's
a Brooklyn comedy, a comedy Brody, whatever, Brody Brooklyn. I
couldn't get that, so Brooklyn Boy Brody. So it was
scary to hit me a note tease. The mi cat
is going phone tap next or whatever he wants to play. Wow,
look at that. Look at the power I should have
left years ago. Look look at the airtime I'm getting.

This is amazing, twenty four years I get to speak well,
but we have to talk about something kind of serious business.
One oh yeah, yeah, um, are you taking the atomic
toaster with you? Wow? You know what my wife asked
me that last night, and I thought, well, since you moving,
I'll leave it and then when you guys pack up,
someone will pack it and send it to me. Is

this on loan from the David Brodie? I may have
to you know what. We may bring it to the
Brooklyn Boys dinner at Benjamin Steakhouse Prime, September tenth, ninety
nine dollars for a price. It's meal, and maybe we'll
raffle it off as a prize to someone whoever loses
will get its toes. Dinner is expensive. You get three

courses though. Yeah this if you went for the same food,
there were a lot more money. Listen, you know me,
I hammered them down to dinner for like a lower
price for the kind of quality food and drink that
they get for this. So see, one of the one
of the many negatives about you leaving the show is
no more free food. I mean, how much food have

you had for free at this show? I mean Brodie's
famous for bringing his his type of work containers to
lunches and dinners. Yeah, what are you gonna do? You
to pay for food? Well, so I did pay for food.
The other night my wife and I went to a
Talian restaurant on Canal Street, Emilio's Blatto, which was fantastic,
great place. We had chicken palm and bay clams, terrific,

and then we went to see a Broadway show, Kite Runner,
which was fantastic. Then after the show, which is on
forty fourth Street, my wife says, I want to go
to Carmines, my favorite two Italian meals, and so we
went to Carmines. I still had chicken parm in my pocket. Yes,
I was chicken palm pockets. Again, you can't you can't
walk in with chicken palm to a Broadway show. So
we wrapped it in tinfoil and I put it in

the old pocket and then went and had a second
chicken palm and bay clams to compare. I'm not gonna say,
you know, they were both fantastic, but I did have
to start getting used to paying for food again. It
was my point hurt. It's rough. Well, I'm sorry that's happening.
It's a cruel world. Pay for pizza at artichoke. Now,
thank god you didn't put those baked clams in your
pocket before the Broadway show that no one would want

to sit next. Yeah, they went fast. They got cargo
shorts still available old Navy. I gotta figure out how
to get concert tickets now, I mean, I'm sure we'll
figure that out. Well, in that case, we have to
play a phone tap next. Which one do you want
to play? Well? Nineteen ninety nine, summer of ninety nine,
you guys decided that I should start doing phone taps,
or someone shouldn't. It was me that was nominated. I

did two that were okay. Then I did this one,
and I walked out of the studio and I said, scary, listen,
there's a recording device in there that recorded something. It
was it called a DAT at the time, digital audio tape.
I said, listen, there's a DAT in that studio. It's
the best phone tap I'll ever do. I'm never gonna
do a better one. I don't care how many years
I will do phone taps. I told him. I said,
he's like, come on, I said, trust me, I will

never do a better phone tap than that. Because the
woman is as genuine and unique and funny, and she says,
my cat is going I don't know, like nineteen times
or whatever. We edited out another twenty. I have the
recording of the original call, which someday maybe I'll put
up with somewhere, you know. And I met this woman
at a Mets game years later. She's a little, tiny woman.

She doesn't sound it, and she sounds like a powerhouse
on the phone. She is not Anita the receptionist here.
She's Anita. I think her last name is Townsen. Her
daughter's name is Pamela. Who wanted me to phone tap?
That's it. And people hear this and they go, oh
my god, this is You're the king of phone taps.
And I said, well, I guess you know. I've done
some good work since, but I knew then I couldn't

do a better one. I'm not doing them anymore, so
I can't do a better one. This is the best
one I've ever done. So if you haven't heard it,
I hope you enjoy it. If you have heard it,
I hope you're happy to hear it again. I hope
that maybe on my birthday or different days, Alice will
pull it out in the catalog. I give him permission
if he wants to play it, because I feel like
the world deserves this, the world needs this, or the

world famous. My cat is going phone tap with Dave
Brody and it's worth a thousand dollars just saying coming
up right after this, this Elvis Strand in the Morning Show,
I'm not ready for that. Turn that off. Now, we're
not doing that yet. Stop it. No, no, we'll get
into the Dave Brodie Free montayphone tap in a moment.
So Dave Brody is here. We're having a conversation about

where we've been, where we are, and where we hope
to go. So that's the question, where do you hope
to go? Someplace with free food? As he eats his
free cheeseburger, I don't, I don't know. I made a
list set out. My wife made a list of like
all the things I want to do right and could

do and are feasible and not feasible. And last night
she said, you can do whatever you want. I believe
you will be successful in whatever you end up doing.
And I said, well, you've been drinking, so that see.
I think after you take a break and spend some
time with your family, then get sick of them, I
think you should right for Saturday Night Live, Well tell
them that we'll call them. Yeah. As a kid, my

dream was to say Live from New York at Saturday night.
That was my dream was to be on that stage
and do that. It was pitching. That's my sports dream,
which you let me do. That picture is still on
Elvis Strand Show, Instagram and at David Brodie take a
look at it. Um. Whatever I do, I hope I
will be making people laugh in some way. I can't

tell you what I'm I don't have it in writing
in stone. Just to have ideas you could do. TikTok
d Jimmy Founds listening and he wants to hire me.
That's great. Oh, speaking of TikTok, the Brooklyn Boys now
have a TikTok. We don't have any videos up, and
the Brooklyn Boys podcast is now on Twitch. We don't
have anything on Twitch, but we added those accounts this week,
so more ways to find us. At some point, may

make a suggestion for your first video, the one of
Scary dancing with the musen X Booger. That is a
classic Brodie for your consideration. Don't get me started with Scary.
If the Brooklyn Boys had a TikTok to dance channel,
I believe it would go find I watch it all

day every day, just doing viral in this. It would
make people sick. Yes, well said, Hey, we're actually going
on a cruise together. Yeah, next week, my wife and
I are joining or part of the team that's going
on Norwegian Cruise Line, the only cruise line worth going on.
So we're going. We're going to Iceland, uh, and a

bunch of other places in Europe, and I can't wait.
I am going to see the Eiffel Tower for the
first time, and I'm gonna be there with my wife
and I could not be getting happy. You're gonna get
something that night? Can I address something real quick? I
had I had you guys on on iHeartRadio before I
came in the studio, and you were talking about when
is it too soon to say I love you? Yeah? Yes,

So I started thinking, where many years ago, how long
it took me to tell my girlfriend at the time
that I loved her? And I don't I don't think
it was more than maybe a few weeks in length.
Tops you see how that work out? Well, I get
back to you. No, it's uh, thirty three years later.
I still loved my wife, So it worked that well,

I guess. Thirty three years later she said I love
you back once when she was drunk. Yes, it was
more like love you mean it Melissa does. She loves
her martinis just like me. Yeah, and red wine, so um,
feel free to send her prisoner red wine if you want. Okay,
he's a big fan of always want a Muzzie. You

know I can't stay over the musie sticks. My dog's
name is Muzzarella. We call her Mudsie. So do you
want to hear Brodie saying oh no, no, yeah, here's
Dave Brodie. Damn it. I got the Moodsy sticks. I
know that I can dip once, I can dip twice.
One order comes with six. If you love the fry cheese,
that come with me tonight and I'll buy you mortzy

fry fry Moodsy. I got the sticks. You got cheese
in the cor have a stick once you go once
some more you pull them apart, that cheese bound the
curl Muzzarella sticks enjoyed around the world. And there you go.
If they were dancing to that song on TikTok. You

don't want to play the other four and a half
minutes and the extended remix? What about the po snoop
comes in? It is the free money phone tap the
Dave Rody free money phone tap. Thanks to Eminem's Crunchy
Cookie the undeniable classics together you get the delicious crunchy
cookie you love in an eminem fabulous. By the way,
if a whole creative them just came in, take them

home with you. Half of them are packed up already.
So also, thanks to Eminem's Crunchy Cokie, you can win
a trip to the iHeart Radio Music Festival in Vegas.
If you sign up now, you could win Elvis Duran
dot com. All the rules and sign up right there.
So thanks to Eminem's Crunchy Cookie, you're about to hear
which is not even arguably without doubt, the foundation of

all phone taps. You will set it up. Can you
make Scary say it's the best phone tap ever? Please
Scary it is the best phone tap ever, right, it
is the greatest phone tap of all time. And it
was done back in nineteen ninety nine. And then we
could yeah, okay, yes, would do yes, yes, thank you
said yes, I heard it, yes, and there yes, yes,
here it is to day, Brody, my cat is going
phone tap Elvis, Elvis Duran, Elvis. I forgot to say something.

If you're called to one hundred. You win the thousand
dollars one eight hundred two four two zero, one hundred.
Take two Elvis, Elvis, Duran, Elvis Duran phone tap. The
email says, Hi, my name is Pamela. My mom is
leaving for Orlando, Florida, and she's bringing our cat, Twinkie. Twinkie,
the cat is going to taking the trip to Florida

because they have a house down there. The thing is
in order to take a pet on the plane, and
if you want to put them under your seat, you
have to make a reservation. The thing is is the
airline's only let three pets per plane up top. So
she called she made a reservation with US Airways way
in advance because like it, she says, only three pets
all out up in the cabin with her. So wouldn't

it be funny, Dave if you called her up, pretend
to be a rep from the US Airways and let
her know oop at the last minute, there is no
room for Twinkie upstairs. Twinkie will have to ride downstairs.
Please do this, you will definitely enjoy what you hear.
We had Dave Brody call her so at the last minute,
Twinkie was getting getting bumped downstairs. All right, I'm gonna

turn the microphones down a little bit so we can
listen in to Anita and her cat Twinkie being screwed
over by our own Dave in the corner. Here we go. Hello,
can I speak to Anita please? Thinking Hi, my name's
Bill Tanner. I'm calling from Sey nowhere is I'm so
glad we got you at home. Yeah, we thought maybe
you had left already. We have a we have a
slight problem here at the airport. You're still your scheduled

to leave today? Actually, yes, we have a slight problem.
We have a three pet limit on the planes. Ye
did we discuss that with you months ago? We have
five pets on the plane and we're gonna have to
bump two of them unless we can make some other arrangement. Yours,
not mine, was bump was booked way back months ago. Out.

I understand that, And we have you on flight two
fifty nine. I believe there are five pets booked. Three
of them were booked before yours. No. No, no, yes,
no no, no. My cat is going. That's out. I'm
heading me. My cat is going. No, that's out. I
booked this thing way back. Then send word. No, my

cat is going. Man, the three pets work. Man, my
cat is going. No, my cat is going. I am
all set to go. My cat is ready to go.
There's nothing I can do with my cat. My cat
is going. I did this month ago. No, I'm sorry,
my cat is going. No, I will not do that.
My cat is going. You will have to thank the

exception this case. My cat is going. I'm on my
way out. My cat is going. I'm sorry, my cat
is going. We do have some cabinets in the kitchen area.
I don't care what my cat is going. And my
cat is going under the seat I've had. No, my
cat is going. I'm sorry, it will be a false

cat is that escape? My cat is going. I said
this back there in January. No, you said February before
many January fact. Then find out and I called two
or three times a confirm it. My cat is going.
Oh my god, I just called recently last week. Then
reconfirm it. My cat is going. No, I'm sorry, that's out.
There's nothing else like. No, I'm not putting my cant

in the car I made that went through that whole thing.
I'll give you the names of people I spoke to. No,
that is definitely out. I'm sorry. This was the way
way way way way month in advance to avoid any problem. No,
I'm sorry that one. No, my cat is going all right, man,
I'm checking my records here. On December nineteenth, Snuggles was

booked on the point. Yeah, who was That is your problem?
That is your problem in terms of that my cat
is going. So I'm sorry. Down by the fuel tanks.
Would that work for you? Man? Down by the fuel tank.
I'm trying my best to you to work this out.
We have some extra room by the landing gear, by
the storage areas down there in the cabin. It's in

the cabin. I don't know where when you're talking about
the CA cat is going into cabin. We could put
the cat on a separate flight. No, no, I have
come back and gets the cat. No. No, no, as
the athlete. No, I was so so so. No, it's
done a long time ago to avoid all of this problem. No,
absolutely not. Well, we have we have some big refrigerators

we could turn off and put the cat in nose.
Would that work? Put the cat in a refrigerator? How
are you crazy? Are you not just trying to accommodate, ma'am,
Please put the cat in a refrigerator. Oh yeah, how
about that? Would you put your cat in a refrigerator? Oh? Man,
I would have booked it in time. I don't push
this damn time, way in damn time. When I took

this way in damn time, I made this whole point
of saying I noticed this cat and room. He said, oh, yes,
your cat is from five blah blah blay this way back.
Then calls doing three times to confirm it. You gotta
damn nerves. Tell me I should have done something in time.
I just damn months ago. I don't like that. That's
garb it, Miss Townsend. Now you better believe I'm excited

because I budn't confirmed this three and ford five times. Hello, yes,
I'm here. I do not have this. Oh you don't
have to have it. Man. Your husband and daughter asked
me to call you and play a little joke on you.
Are you kidding? No, ma'am, are you kidding? Ask them?
They're right behind you, are you? I don't believe it.

Have a nice flight. I believe this. He's right here.
It didn't do this, I mean jumping up here like
this that's a cat. You're the best. I tell you.
As much as I went through this time, I've been renting.
I went through this months ago. I mean I've been
renting in raven. I don't believe this. You can thank
your daughter and your husband anything you want to say
to them. Yeah, yeah, I'll thank her. I'll thank I'll

tell us you keep pulling a good one off on me. Hey,
there you go, the world famous My cat is going
phone tap amazing. You know what, It's the only one
I like, and you know me, I did test phone taps.
That was the best one ever, no argument. And it's

also the free money phone tap. Thank you David helping
us bringing some revenue today with your phone tap. Hello
another David from Keepsie. Oh my god, Hi David, all right,
good morning, welcome to the show. You just want a
thousand dollars? Oh my god, you gotta be kidding me. No,
you got it. Thanks to Dave Rody, My cat is

going phone tap. You have a thousand dollars? Oh, oh
my goodness. You know I haven't been on the radio
in years. Were you used? Were you on the radio before?
I mean, what did you what did you do? No? No,
I want. I want to contest Top nine to nine.
Last time I was on a radio a cigarette, it
was number one. Oh oh my god, phone tap was made. Yeah, exactly,

welcome back. Yeah. What do you and this phone tap
have in common? Well, you're on the radio at the
same time. Hey, look, David, congratulations, it's good to have
you back. We missed you. A thousand dollars on the way, Hey, Diamond,
send him a thousand dollars, please, thank you. Hold on
one second. Thanks to Eminem's crunchy cookie. You should have
some right now, we have another. No, no, we're done.

It's Friday. We're done with a thousand dollars free money
phone taps. We have someone else next night, somebody else,
somebody else we can ruin anyway, David Brody, thank you
for that great phone tap. Sure more with everything on
the way. Who loves a good jerky Elvis Duran in
the Morning show? In the Morning show, a lot of
people just turning us on. So what's going on with

Dave Brody? I mean, do we do we want to
repeat the whole thing or is it better just to
have them go listen to the on demand channel. I'm
not quite sure. I think we can start over if
you want. It's up to you. Oh gosh, I can't
say that again. Twenty four and a half years ago,
Dave Brody joined us on this show. And because of
Dave Brody and many people, but Dave Brody is definitely

a part of building this show into what it is today.
So here he is to say goodbye. Yeah, well, yeah
the on demand channel. Did I get a whole long
thing at like seven o'clock? Yeah, I just I've had
an unbelievable twenty four and a half years. I've stood
on stage at Madison Square Garden and I've thrown out
a first pitch, and I've met, god, almost every celebrity

I've ever wanted to meet through here, and I I've
made a lot of people laugh. And I can't even
I can't begin the list of things I've accomplished and
had the pleasure of being able to do here and
work with amazingly talented people. I pitched myself every day
still that I come into this show, this nationally syndicated

monster of a morning show, and up until recently, I
you know, I was part of the show. And I'm
thrilled to look back at an amazing twenty four and
a half years. I just I'm at a point in
my life where I have a lot of things I
haven't accomplished. And this isn't the kind of job you
get promoted to senior senior comedy writer guy who stands

there write jokes and don't catch guys, And so I
in it. Other than just doing this over and over again,
which is an amazing thing to do, there's things I
haven't done. There's things I want to do. And my
kids are one of my kids a college graduate, and
one's in college and one's looking at colleges. And I've
I've come to a point where I go, I'm gonna

do anything. I gotta do it, and I my family
believes that I can do it, So now's the time
to do it. So I'm taking the free cruise on
Norwegian Cruise Line with you guys. I'm not leaving before that,
but I think this school year will be a time
of me spending time with my kids and writing and
stretching the part of my brain that I haven't used.

And this is a twenty four hour job. People are like, oh,
you guys work four hours. For me, it was all day,
all night, looking for topics, writing and thinking and writing
and thinking and not doing. And I can't go out
because I gotta work it, you know, so early in
the morning, and I've put off a lot of I'm
not the kind of person that can do this job
and other things I've learned that I can't. I've had
a book publisher wants to write a book with me

for three and a half years. I wrote a synopsis
half a chapter and I was like, ah, I'll do
that tomorrow, and I haven't touched it. I said at
the pet during the pandemic, didn't write the book. The
pandemic changed my perspective on life, like it did a
lot of people. Made me think about a lot of
things and got me used to sitting on my couch.
So I'm prepared, and I just I realized that twenty

five and a half years isn't going to change. And
you know, twenty four and a half years and twenty
five a half years, same experienced, same resume, same life experiences,
and so it's time for me and Elvis. You've always
been someone who said, you know, just do it. You know,
be prepared to fail, but do it. I'll support you.
To everyone who's ever been here, whatever reason people left.

Who was always you saying, go do that, Go be
on a show, start your own thing, go another career.
If that's what you want to do, you talented, go
do it. If I got to take your advice, I
stood next year. For twenty four and a half years,
I've been listening to what you're saying. It sounded good
to me after a while. Like all these people he
tell they call on the phone and they say, I'm
starting to do job tomorrow and You're like, great, it's

the best day of your life. And I go, well,
that was a long time ago for me. I haven't
had I haven't fell out a resume in like thirty years.
So um, I'm just gonna play back that Monzarella stick
song is and my cat is going, I wouldn't do that.
You know. Brodie is famous on the show for sticking
up for people who've been wronged. We needed you last

night at the bar. Oh my god, oh boy. Josh
and I were out last night. How's it going. We
went we went to Odie to get a drink and
this woman just just ripped into us because we were
near her. And I'm like, if Brodie was here, he
would tell her to leak just kiss his ass the
way coast to boy. Josh has been sitting next to
me for twenty minutes. Right, I haven't even noticed, tid.

I just want right there? Are you? Okay? Did you
ever do it last night? It's gonna be a morning.
That's I'm I'm I'm hurting right now, but I got something. Okay,
go take your ad vill Yeah, what did this woman
do to you guys? That? Or she was just hanous? Oh?
Yeah that girl? Oh god? An issue here? Wow? Those

are Manhattans. Yeah, we had a few. Oh. By the way,
Brooklyn Boys podcast is continuing, you're still doing your Brooklyn
Boys meet up? Yeah. Nine steak dinner including dessert, Benjamin
Steakhouse Prime, September tenth, eight o'clock. Scary is an eight
o'clock It's five o'clock, five o'clock until I think something
like that. Yeah, I'll be like. If you want to

join them at Benjamin Steakhouse Prime in Midtown, go to
Benjamin Steakhouse dot com. Let's sell it out. It's a
lot of meat. What scary? Someone just checks it in.
Good for you, scary, Best of luck to you and
whatever you do I'm sure you'll be fantastic. I'll us
forget what I say. If he's leaving oste scary. It's

been it's been a wild ride. It's time for you
to go. Anyway, Nothing but love for you, Brodie, Thank you,
and we'll see you on the cruise. Yes, by the
buffet with his with his pants that he sticks, the
chicken Farman, chickenarm pants, cargo short shirt that dry clean
is as we speak. Hey, was there ever a moment

in these past twenty four and a half years where
you you're like, screw these people. I'm leaving. They don't
deserve me other than this moment right now. No, I listen,
We've all had days. I threw a garbage pail once
at a frustration. I remember that day, which is a
rough day. I threw a garbage pail. I threw the
garbage pail. But other than that, no, I mean God,

there are people that work hard for a living like
I've had. I've had real jobs, right. I worked at
Chucky Cheese. I was I was an area manager for Starbucks.
If they're hiring, hello, call me. I could froth milk
like nobody's business. As I've done. I've done retail. I've
done you know, I've had jobs with like I used
to go home with cuts and burns from cooking on
a grill, and this is better. So anything that happened

that sucked in comparison to what I did that sucked,
it was always like, well that was terrible. Yeah, but
I work here, you know. Uh so, No, there was
never a day where I was like, dah, screw this.
There were days I woke up saying that because the
alarm goes off and you're like, oh, God, so what
time are you sleeping till now? Oh, I'm eleven eleven thirty,
and God, get out of here. But everybody still thinks,

you know, people who didn't know that I was leaving,
and people who do know I'm leaving are still texting
me at six thirty in the morning, like, Hey, I
hope you're enjoying your day off. No, don't text me
at six thirty in the morning. Part of enjoying my
day off is not being up at six thirty. Now.
One of my favorite things about this process, there's so
many layers to it, are the the rumors, the hypotheses,

people like guessing like what's going on? Yeah, and for
all those days, we were not allowed to say one word.
None of us were. I'm like they were saying the
most preposterous things like, Gandhi, had you fired? Oh yeah,
so I'll recap so I'm not dying of COVID. Good.
My family is fine. Skiery called my daughter an a
hole on a podcast and on this show. That is

not why I made this decision. Gandhi didn't. I did
not have a fight. She did not offend me. She
did not run to management and demand I'd be fired
hard or me. We love each other. Gandhi's called me
probably maybe more than anyone here this week, because she
feels guilty. It's obsessive. It's kind of weird. I walked
in the management's office and got you fired. I had
some guilt. Yeah, so no, I appreciate listen. I appreciate

the I was told I have a fan army. I
don't know if what kind of army I would retreat
if I was in that army. But I love you guys.
Thank you for caring enough to have an army to
try to figure out what makes sense of this. He
couldn't possibly be leaving if God it's crazy, Well, I
am um and it is crazy, and uh, it's the
best job I'll ever have, the same way my cat

is gone as the best phone tapp I ever did.
I knew that right away. But I have exciting things
to do and talk about and still on social media
at David Brodie and uh when I when there's something
to say, I'll say it. But you will still hear
this annoyingness and complaining and um a whole behavior on
the Brooklyn Boys podcast on all platforms, but especially iHeartMedia,

don't I heeart radio rather? Uh, and so will continue
that next episode will be in a maybe a week.
We have the cruise coming, but eventually we will get
back on the horse. Need for you to do one
sooner than that, if we'll try. He's going to the
Jersey Show this weekend. Can you say brody and scary?
One time? Scary ran in the Morning Show? Two hundred

years before Game of Thrones, Targarians ruled west Rose with
an army of dragons. The only thing that could tear
down the House of the Dragon was itself. Don't miss
the new HBO original series House of the Dragon, premiering
this Sunday at nine pm on HBO Max What he said,
what the hell? I listened to you every morning. I

think you all a great alright, guy, love you guys,
such a huge fat I love you guys. I've been
looking you guys for years. Hello, lady with the Man
of the Hour you first gonna shay we love it
here in the Big Apple Fall. I want to hug him.
He was a very swaying guys. Gang, he's just a

sloppy drunk give to you. The man was the pla.
The boy was a toy. The big rock and roll ups.
Dave Brody is here hanging out. We're talking about twenty

four and a half years together. What else is there
to say? We won't find something we always do. We
always do. Hey, um and by the way, the rumors
are not true. Gandhi didn't have him fired. No, no,
I'm working on someone else in here, Diamond. I have

a list. Nate is just in a bad mood because
the show's really late, and man, what is he doing?
I have a question? What? Okay? So when the show
is late, is he responsible? Like if a commercial runs
late or whatever it is, he get the call that
he has to put out the flame? Is that why
he gets pissed? Commercials never run late on this show.

We always did him in speaking all right, So, um,
where were we? Where? Where are we? David? You wanted
me to read the phone book? Read the phone book? Yeah?
I need a I need a Brooklyn Boys podcast. When
are we getting one? We're hoping for early next week.

What are you waiting for? Um? Scheduling? Yeah, and um
we had a time some loose ends, so too, we
think what loose ends? I don't know we were Is
there is there someone who's keeping you from doing a podcast?
It's a yes, no question. Yes, we were told to
put it on were told were told to put it
on pause. But on Tuesday afternoon, I think we're gonna

drop or Tuesday night we're gonna drop an episode. Just
do it, Just go do what thing? What you're doing?
That thing where you're like, who, who told you you
can't do it? Who told you? Give me a name?
Who do the podcast? My favorite is you're looking directly
at Brody and asking him questions and Scary's answering all
of them from over your shoulder. Anyway, do the podcast.

We need the podcast. All I'm saying you need to
do the podcast. You do it for you? So saying yep, anyway, Um,
what else scares? Not wearing underwear? Why? Yeah, look at
what he's wearing. What do you wear? Why? I'm wearing
my mac Weldon bathing suit. These are swim shots. How
are you going swimming? Or you're hoping too? Well? The

problem is I'm going directly to the shore from the show,
and um, I'm going right into the pool, into the beach.
My hotel, my room might be ready yet, so I
have to go. I'm gonna go right into the pool.
I mean, I don't want to change in the bathroom.
I'm glad you warned them that you're coming. Well, yeah,
why not? What's wrong with wearing a bathing suit? Nothing? Nothing? Nothing?
I think you should have one of those like, what

the what do you wear at the beach? Like a rap? Wrong? Yeah?
I mean inside? Can you ask that question one more time? Please? Scary?
What's wrong with wearing a bathing suit to work unless
you're a lifeguard? Right? That's hold Nate And Nate tried
to shut it down. He kept going He's like, and
I'm not wearing underwear? And Nate was like, please stop, guts,

you're gonna miss this. Brodie. Well, I'm not going to
miss Scary necessarily at his bathing suit. Do I have time,
Nate to tell the story about what happened to this apartment? No? Absolutely,
go ahead. I was hoping, Nate said no, so I
could tell it anyway. So on Sunday, I was nearby
Scary's house and I had to do something in the area,
and I said, oh, I had asked Scary to bring

a box of stuff home for me that I needed
from the studio when I wasn't here. I said, you
know what, can you bring the stuff down from your
apartment five minutes away? Yeah, no problem. Okay, So a
normal person, knowing I'm five minutes away, would start leaving
his apartment and go downstairs. Yes, I get there like
seven minutes later. I pull into his circular driveway to
fancy schmancy a bomb in building, and I park and

I wait, and he's not there. I wait, like ten
twelve minutes. He's not there, so I text him, doesn't respond.
Eighteen minutes after I called him and said I'll be
right there, he comes down. The box was in the
lobby by his doorman, so it wasn't like he had
to put it together or find it. Where was he? Well?
He comes down. I said, it's no. Keep in mind,
I've had a stressful weak. This is a big decision
in my life to decide to leave the show, and

I've had a lot going on, and I'm very stressed
as it is, and a lot to think about. And
he says, Brody, just take the box. I'm having an
awful day. They're ruining my sunday. I said, oh, okay,
it is work bothering you. What's going on? Like? Why
I would work call you? No, you don't understand. Dave
and Jimmy. They're demanding I come to a rooftop pool
right now. And she had drinks with them and it's

I don't know what to do. It's my sunday. I said,
what Because I'm not wearing a bathing suit. I'm in shorts.
I've to put a bathing suit on. I don't know
what I'm gonna do. My day is ruined. You thought
you were having a bad day. I said, oh god,
I have nothing going on in my life. Scary boy,
you have it rough. Then you went to a rooftop party. Yeah,
And he's sent up stories on Instagram. I'm not a
driftop party while Dave Brody was having a much better day.

I had to put on my sunblock. I canceled my
uber for you, Bob. All right, well that said, let's
go around, Let's go around the room. See what's on
your mind. We'll start, We'll start with Brody. What's on
your mind today? I love the look on Nate's face.
And I'm gonna miss that. Nate has that look like
we're at twenty minutes late and I'm gonna get yelled
that later. Is that you're around the room? Really no, no,
I boy, I could do around the rooms all day.

I just again one thank you for providing a fun
environment to come in every day and work and be
around talented people and make people laugh and read an
occasional text message that was positive about me or positive
about something I did or that you did that I
helped with. And I don't know how to say thank

you other than thank you. It's been awesome. Well, thank you.
It is us that should be thanking you. And if
you had pizza, I'm coming up. It's always free, Daniel,
what's up? So I want to thank Michael Boublay this
morning because mister Boublay put on an fantastic show last
night at Madison Square Garden and he was insane, and

then at the end of the show he said, I'm
flying home now to meet my daughter for the first time,
and his wife was going to give birth, and he said,
everybody here at the garden is going to be part
of that history. When I explained that to my daughter
when she grows up, telling her I was at the
garden performing right before you came into this world. So
I felt I felt like, really only to be part
of it. So thank you, mister Boubley. Hey, what's up,

producer Sam. I feel like we're not talking about Brodie
enough today, so I just wanted to other than you,
mister Durand the only other reason I've been here having
the most fun for the last ten years and somehow
earning a paycheck is David Brodie. And I keep this
first email you sent me when I applied for an
internship on my bulletin board. Yeah, because it was a

very snarky correction in my grammar. I said in my
email that I could care less, and he corrected me,
and then I asked if I wanted to come in
for an interview. So that was the worst mistake of
your life, Brodie, because here I am next to you,
but I am really only here largely because of you
and Elvis. You two are the ones. So thank you.

I am very sad to see you leave and I
love you. Thank you. There you go. She was the
only person who ever wrote I could care less on
her cover letter that I hired. Wow, I couldn't care less. Hey, Froggy,
what's up? This is not a paid mentioned, but I
just want to thank Hello Fresh for last night. So
I made another dinner last night that I never in

a million years thought that I could cook like this.
I did, and when it was over before we went
to bed last night, things worked out in my favor.
So I just want to say thank you. Oh you
actually got to love him because you made dinner scary.
What's up? You know? I'm doing something I haven't done
in a long time today, and that is I'm spent
spending a family fun day. I'm meeting my parents, my brothers, sister,

everybody in the whole and we're all going to be
hanging out at the Jersey Shore together today. And we
haven't done a family beach pool day and like, oh
my god, like thirty years, So it's kind of cool
that then, that's why I came to work in a
bathing suit. Nate, have fun. Tell your mom and dad
we love him. What's up there, Gandhi. I just want
everyone to know that Scottie B. Scottie B. He is

the biggest drama queen ever. Nate witnessed it for himself
today because he has the this thing where if you
touch his back, he claims that he can't see. No,
you with me what I did not hit you. I'd
not hit you this morning. If I touch your back,
you can't see what what like if I got a
slap on the back end, I feel like with my
eyes going blurry. I didn't even touch him on the back.

Nate walks up to him and like patted him on
the back today and he was like, stop, I told you,
I can't see stop it. He also claims that where
I tapped him on the arm the other day, it
has now gone immobile. He can't move his arm. He
has a patch on his arm. Also, I've been watching
him fling that arm around all morning. He told us
he can't use a turn signal, but there he goes
is a little dramatic. He's we all have a friend

who's dramatic. Hours this Scottie be. Now that you've given him,
let Percy or whatever you've given we move on. Hey, straight, Nate,
what's up? Okay? So yesterday I binged the last four
episodes of Better Call Saul. Fantastic. That's all I'm going
to say, because I'm a no spoiler kind of person.
Because I cleared the way for House of the Dragon
on Sunday. Yeah, I've I've determined I'm a one show

kind of guy. From now on, I'm only following and
watching one show because I can't. I can't cheat on things.
So I'm gonna start my next show. I've finished Better
Called Saul Now it's House of the Dragon. That's it.
I got too many things going on in my life.
Report back having around the room. Yes, thank you, Dave Rody,
Thank you for all the years. Thank you for everything.

It's been a crazy ride. You are missed and you
will be very very missed here. It's weird. It's like
having teeth that fell out of your head. We're pulled
out anyway. Thank you so much. I love you. I
know I love you too. Love you mean it I'll
see you on board Norwegian Prima. You certainly will, and

one of us may go overboard at the buffet at
the bar. Love your day, Love you too. In the
Morning Show, two hundred years before Game of Thrones, Targarians
ruled West Roast with an army of dragons. The only
thing that could tear down the House of the Dragon

was itself. Don't miss the new HBO original series House
of the Dragon, premiering this Sunday at nine pm on
HBO Max Paul, Elvis Duran and the Sea one hundred
Morning Show Now eight hundred two two zero, one hundred d.
This is Elvis Duran in the Morning Show The weekend.

Feel so good? Right, so excited? What are you doing
this weekend? Daniel, Oh my gods, I'm going to Philly
and I'm actually going to a Philly Mets game in
the stadium out there some question, why is it You're
going to a Philly Phillies Mets game and the stadium's
over here, but you're staying by King of Prussia Mall
an hour and a half away. Do I have to
Have you ever been to the Kingfisher? I know it's amazing, Okay,

And then we have some soccer going on as well,
so we're kind of in the middle of it all.
So you're phill is what you're doing? Set up? Okay?
What you're doing? I'm going to the game, Gandhi. What
are you doing this weekend? Anything fun? Oh? I am
trying to pack for this trip that we're all taking.
I'm very excited. I don't know what else I'm gonna do.
Keep Okay, Brodie, what are you doing this weekend? Well,
I'm having dinner with my wife tonight. She assumed I
would need to drink for the first time in a

long time after today. She's right, I might drink tonight, Okay.
And then I'm going bathing suit shopping and guy who
doesn't go out with T shirts? T shirt in the
pool shopping? There you go, pull shirt, big cruise. Yeah,
I gotta have Yeah, I gotta have new shirts. And
what am I doing this week? Cannot Well, I'm a
barbecue at Kimberdy Kim Kim Kim's house. Maybe I'll go

to that. Well, I'm delighted, but I'll be there. Oh,
you know what, she's from the Caribbean. She's gonna make
some oxtails, do it? She's gonna make some mac and cheese.
I mean it's it's gonna be amazing. What chicken and
some jerk chicken. Yeah, to be a good weekend. Hey,
let's get into sound with Garrett. Yes, all right, Garrett,
what do you have going? All right? Let's start with
now new music, that's all we have today for you.
We'll start with Zed and Maramorris. First time they're they're

teaming up since their big song The Middle, and they
have this one called make you say, I used to
make yoursel My God isn't about to kick him? Could
be I need for to kick him? Make you say? Okay,

all right, what else you get? All right? Edge shearing
as teaming up with his friend H. Now, how do
you think you spell H A I T C H.
That is correct, but but the way it's pronounced it
sounds weird. Uh so H and Edge here and this
is called my game. You even though they call you
by another you always you let up the room, sister

to you always my g and the world is cool.
Good song. Yes H is his gene, Yes h J
very nice. All right. Mackelamore has new music. It's called Meniac.
You get on my nerves. I'm a you better reimburs.
How the thing is, Mackelamore was here in the building yesterday.

Yea love him. There you going, all right? We have
panic at the disco. Danielle, You're ready for this. It's
called Don't Let the Light Go Out? Alright? Alright? Lucas

Graham and Khalide. Now this is interesting. Ryan Tedder actually
worked with Lucas Graham on Instagram and TikTok and then
created this song and threw kalid on there, and this
is called Wish You Were Here. Very nice music. And

then my favorite right now, and finally Anita, Missy Elliott
is called lobby Fete. Damn. I love Missy Elliott more
than anyone. Very nice. Yes, I needed with yes. And

I just want to say congratulations on my baby sister,
My middle sister, Brittany, is getting married this weekend up
in Connecticut. Congrats per day. So she's marrying a guy
from Boston, which is you know what I judged at
first when I met the guy, I was like, he's
from Boston. I'm not gonna like him. Very nice guy. Okay,
there's a few nice people, and there are a few
nice people. Gandhi being one of them. But yeah, so

they're getting Marriston. Yeah, they're getting married this weekend and
whole family is going to Connecticut. Have fun. Yes, have
a good wedding weekend. The text message. My husband and
I started the Netflix series They Hidden Lives of Pets
after they heard me talking about it. It's a great show.
It was awesome. We watched three episodes. We're gonna watch
more tonight. Thank you. And also I want to wish
Dave Brody the best of every thing to him and

his family. You and your sense of humor will be
greatly missed. Thank you. There you go. That's the ultimate
for you? Right? Is that the ultimate ultimate compliment? Yeah?
Well they're not gonna tell me I'm hot, so I'll
go it funny, okay? Uman in the morning show, guys
are I don't know about that? If you like all

the others are a huge fan of the Brooklyn Boys podcast.
They're doing their meats up to Dinner with Brody and
Scary tappening at Benjamin Steakhouse Prime in Midtown Manhattan, Saturday,
September ten, for ninety nine ninety nine. It's a three
course prefix which includes free dessert. You gotta make your

reservation though at Benjamin Steakhouse dot com has Scary bought
your steak dinner yet? No, let I just buy a
mistake dinner. Get that. You know what if if it's
gonna be a break, it's time to make it a
clean break. That steak dinner. There's still like some reason
for lawsuit. There is. And if I could just say,

if he wants to buy me a steak dinner as
a going away present, that doesn't count as the steak
dinner he owes me. See what I mean? You give
a guy a finger, he takes the holarm. Oh jeez,
that's what what happens. I'll take the finger medium rare.
Please see what I'm saying. I tried to buy him
a steake dinner that one time, and then they recognized
us and they gave it to us for free. It's
not my fault. I put the time in that you
owe him a steak dinner. I really don't think there's

much more to say, Danielle right now. Yes, No, I
don't know. I think it's scary went there on the
steak dinner with all intent and purposes of paying for it,
and then the guy recognized them and gave it to them.
It's still Brody got the outcome of he was going
to buy him dinner. He did not buy him dinner.
If I tell you I buy you a car and
we go to the car dealership and they say, hey,
you can just have the damn thing. You still got
your car, it's the outcome is the same. No, you

you're gonna buy me a car, right, Gandhi? Yeah, No,
if you're gonna buy a steak dinner, I you're gonna
buy a car, you buy it. You put money down, right.
He didn't say you will have a steak dinner. He
said I'm ann buy you a steak. Brodies, are you
didn't feel the pain on your wallet so therefore you
didn't buy the cash value at the very least? Wait?
Is that what it is? Pain on the wallet? Okay? Yeah,
what's the stake? Dinner in New York about three yea

given the five because of supply chain issues. It's not
just the buying of the dinner. It's the fact that
it's like a friend said he's buying your dinner, and
he should buy it. I'm just saying, be a man
of your word. Exactly what is Diamond up to today.
What are you doing this weekend, Diamond, I'm just chilling, relaxing.

Maybe I'll get drunk with my cousin's fiance, but other
than that, I don't know. Wait that sounds a little odd.
Oh no, no, no, So my guy cousin, my boy cousin,
I'm really really close with him. Yea, Diamond literally just
told me she was going to come to Jersey City
and hang out with me, and now now I'm hearing
different plans. So that's god. I never agree to that,

I said, making figure that out. By Danielle, you're ready, Yes,
I can say and talk about the weekend. You're not
going to have all day, but we're gonna get into Daniel's.
Oh Danielle, what's going on? So we all know? Running
Up that Hill is the song that saves Max in
Stranger Things. By now, if you have it, it's a spoiler,
and I apologize, but it's been out anyway. David Harbor

from Stranger Things, Well, you just ruined something, now I didn't.
David Harbor said the song that would save him from
Vecna on Stranger Things would be mister Jones by Counting Crows.
Really why he said it reminds him of his college
days in the early nineties, gem and out in his

dorm room. It's a great song, all right. So yeah,
so there you go. New docuseries is coming and it
has a crazy revelation about Diana the investigations on Discovery Plus.
Actually I think it came out yesterday. Was the eighteenth,
Yes yesterday. So apparently she predicted her fatal car crash
two years before it happened. She was meeting with her

personal legal advisor and he was taking notes, and she said,
reliable sources that could not be named informed her of
a car accident that might be staged, and she was
afraid it would either give her serious harm or kill her.
Isn't that crazy? That is crazy, don't you? Cat has
something coming. She has a website. It's giving website dot com.

It's on social and this is what she wrote. It
was supposed to give, but it did not give what
needed to be gave to the highest of giving. If
that makes sense. It doesn't coming soon, doesn't make sense.
I don't know that's what you wrote coming through the grammar. Yeah, yeah,
well it's don't you catch it can do what you wants.
Richard Glass is the last person to see Anne has alive.

He owns glass Hair in Venice Beach, and he said
that people are actually blaming him and saying you gave
her the cocaine infent at all the air dressed. Yes,
he's like, that is not the case, he said, but
I also believe that maybe somebody from a higher power
sent her to me so I could save her. And
he's feeling a lot of guilt that he didn't do

anything before she walked out of the salon. He said
he thinks he's going to need therapy to get over it.
So that's just sad, just a sad thing. Um. The
twenty twenty two mtvvma's announced that Hello Cool Jane, Nicki
Minaj and Jack Harlow will be m seeing the show Sunday,
August twenty eighth. That'll be a lot of fun. He
wouldn't be great to have Jack Harlow at Jingle Bowl,
Oh my gosh, can it would love him? Let me

back to you, Millie Bobby Brown hanging out with her
man Jake bon Jovi. Yes, it is the son of
John bon Jovi and she had a ring on her
engagement finger. So right away people are like Oh, are
they engaged? It could be a moonstone though some people
think it's a moonstone, but I guess if maybe you've
got a moonstone as an engagement ring doesn't have to
be a diamond. So the word on the street is

that they could be engaged. Were not. This the stuff
that keeps you up at night? It really is, Okay,
WWE Friday Night's SmackDown Big Brother. We've got the Ravens
and the Cardinals going at it for some preseason football,
the season finale of ninety Day Fiancee. So you know
the drama is going to take place, and it is
all about House of the Dragon Sunday on HBO and

HBO Matts. I know a couple of people in here
very excited about that one. So that is where our
money is this weekend, and that is my Danielle reports.
Are we're all excited about it? All right? Brody, make
a requestion. What do you want to hear? Wow, you're
never gonna play what I want to hear? Barbie girl,
that's not on my list. What would you like to hear?
What do you want to hear? A scariest point in

the computer, like, oh, library, what do you want Metallica. Seriously,
what do you want to hear? MASTR Puppets by Metallica? No, okay, no, no, no, no, um,
I'll play it. Cultural significance right, Well, it's big on
strangers en, you know, I think you know what's something by? Um?
You do some forty one or some forty one? Yeah?

That lip or SR seventy one, one of those twos? Now, yeah,
either one of those. Let's let's pick one or either one.
You pick it, surprise me if all right? For Dave Brody,
what year was this? Nineteen ninety nine? There you go,
let me go Brody. So I think the song is

from a different year. Yeah, what you said? What year
is it from? I said nineteen ninety nine. It's from
two thousand and one. Yep. I didn't want to correct
them because the song I did, but you hit the
song first. I didn't have time. Rody doesn't want to
correct someone. I don't think that's true. No text again,
I want bush light coming out of my nipples apply,

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What did you make? I made the bulgogie meat balls?
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Where your bull? I don't even know what bogi is,
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seven boxes. Hello fresh dot com slash elvis. Uh. The
new Sia song I gotta play that. I'm loving it.

There's a great story behind every song we now know
thanks to Patti Rascona, we know the story behind this
Sia song. I want you to hear that in a second. Okay, Uh,
Dave Brody is here and everyone else is here. We're
all here anyway. Today's Brodie's last day. Why don't you
mentioned Sia' is at ten o'clock today. I'm going to say,
Sia happens. Come on, sl you don't want this, Oh man,

I'm late, I'm late pulling the trigger on this one.
We're doing it. I'm trying to be fired. Let's play
animal rhyme time we wrote in the room. Keep in
mind he's a fierce competitor because he's fast. Yeah, he's smart.

So one of my favorite Jeopardy categories, by the way,
was of animal rhymes. Okay. For instance, if I said
a comedian rabbit, you would say bunny, a comedian rabbit.
It's got to be two words that rhyme. Yeah, it
would be a funny bunny bunny. Oh, that's how we
play okay, Yeah, an imitation serpent, thanks snake, Yes, I

must just yell it out. Is that how we're doing it? Yes?
Get no, No, you have to do a buzzer okay,
where you might put a large ocean going mammal if
he breaks the law. No one went Thanksgiving bird being
a dumbassy turkey, jerky turkey. I tried to buzz in,

scream it up. I'm gonna go around the room, okay,
froggy yep, an athletic rooster, jock cock y all right.
I was wondering if I could say that that's what
you just did. Daniel Daniel Danielle a horny doctor that

might ask you to put your legs in some stirrups.
A horny doctor that might ask you to put your
legs in some stirrups. Brody a saintly cat, A saintly cat.

No one's getting it. I'm a jew that would be
that would be a divine feline. Sorry, Brody a wooly cheapskate?
What rhymes of brody? Hold on a cheap cheap? Yes? Right? Uh,

let's see Gandhi. Where an oceanic predator might go camping?
A sark park? Yes? Oh hey, scary a lawyer, bird
of prey, oh legal eagle? Yeah? Does it get better

than this? Yes? I wish it would. I'm gonna play
another game. What do you have? What do you have?
You want to do? A feud? A family feud? Yeah? Yeah,
all right, good answer, good answer. You got the family
few music? Right, we'll wait here it is where? Oh yes,

it's time me an intro. I need to play it here? Okay,
so uh it's signed for a few, Danielle, who's on
your team? I have Gandhi and I have Diamond Diamond?
Are we doing three people of four for you to
come on my team? I've got Brody I've got Scary,

I've got Nate and Scotty be its sign for the
po Here we go. All right, we all know how
this works. We pulled our studio audience and we've asked
them some fabulous questions. They've given us some even more
fabulous answers. Yes, top answers are on the board. Here's
your first question. Ladies will start with you, since we
started with the guys last time. So Daniel, Yeah, if

men had a tail like dogs, do what might they
see that would cause it to start wagging? Boobs? Show
me boobs, show me boobs? One answer, boobs and babes?
Then number one answer. We're playing. We're playing, we're playing

currying me all right, so so yeah, you're up next.
If man had a tail like dogs, do, what might
they see that would cause it to start wagging? Food?
As I know, that's always what's Let's get Scary's tails
to wag? Here? How many more? Got two answers left?
There's top four answers on the board. You've been going
down from top to bottom. Here we go, man had

a tail like dogs? Do, what might the start them
to wag their tails? There? Sam the beer booze good
is I know that gigs Elvis's tail wagon? How's that mean?
Are you supposed to insult me? You are the worst?
There we go? All right? This girl? Okay, one left dime.

This is where you lose. I'm trying. Here's where you
get three buzzes in a road man had a tail
like dogs do? What might they see that would cause
it to start wagging? Sports? Yeah? Sports? Okay, I feel
that's actually a good answer. I feel like that could
be asked answer and it ain't sweat. That was sort

of an easy question. Ohkay, okay, it's the guy's turn.
I'll see how you all right? Is it late enough
for us to do this one? I hope? So? Are
we out of the safe Harvard zone? What is? It?
Will be the judge of that. What? Okay, when you
enter a bathroom, what color do you really hope not

to see in the toilet bowl? The top two answers
on the board, top five answers, So you have we
have to come up with five colors. Well, yeah, number
one is brown. I say number one is correct. Brody,
will you enter a bathroom? What color do you really

hope not to see in the toilet bowl? White? Oh? Well,
he said, we couldn't say until later in the show,
and you all, you guys are all gonna say yellow.
So I had to say something. I know what's white.
I don't want to see that color. Nobody in the
audience set who was Rody, Come on, anyone in this

room or has sons, knows what I'm talking. Brody's doing everything.
You can't make this ship sink. All right, Jones, I'm
gonna go with yellow. Yeah, yeah, the obvious, the obvious
one yellow and yes, that have the two answer. You
have three responses left, Scottie b oh froggy, uh froggy.
When you enter a bathroom, what color do you really
hope not to see in the toilet bowl? Red? Yes,

of course that's a bad color. Number three response, You
have two colors remaining. What the hell could be? Left?
Is it coming out of me? Or is it already there?
But we don't know, we don't know. It's a it's
a So, Scottie B. I'm gonna say green, green, Yeah,
like jaundice, hate coming out of me? And you're right right,

So let's think we have one more one, one more
color left we don't want to see in a toilet.
I don't know what this could be. One st I
think I know what it is. We've gone through brown, red,
green like chartreuse. No it's not. It's not a shade
of anything. It is a definitive color. Uh yes, oh,

Periwinkle's now come on. No, no, no, but by chance,
calm down. All I could think of is shortened curly's
on the seat. That would be black. That could be.

But also do you know that they tell you if
it's very dark, dark black, it means it's something bad's
gone on. Looks like a clean sweet Yeah, but it's
a tie and we'll be happy with that. Okay. I
think body Cheetah dog because we were discussing and he
saw Nope, I said, McCarley's made me think of black.

All right, all right, we gotta move on. Now. I
want to play this Chi Chiah song. I want to
play this csong. Our friend Patty says. This song is
from the same album as Cheap Thrills. It was an
album cut that became a big part of a global
TV campaign for Landcomb. From there, the song showzammed all
over the world. A year later, in twenty twenty, this
song became a TikTok and video anthem for gay rights,

women Right, black Lives Matter all videos featuring this song,
and then it was Vets getting out of wheelchairs and
walking again. Then it was a three legged dog running
with a four legged dog. And then in late twenty
twenty one, this song was featured for the Ukraine for
Ukraine on their Facebook page and the tiktoks became Ukrainian

shooting Russian helicopters out of this guy. What a busy song.
It was then picked up by Samsung used for the
Galaxy own back in January, and then radios in the
UK and US and Canada jumped in and started playing
it as well. The song goes about one hundred million
global streams a week. Video and audio. Wow. It came
out in twenty sixteen and this song still has it

is a life You want to hear it? Yeah, Yeah,
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