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March 28, 2024 14 mins
STRAIGHT MEMBERS OF THE COLORADO LEGISLATURE WANT TO IGNORE GAY HISTORY In the push to allow felons who declare they are transgender to legally change their names (thus allowing them to deny their criminal past) Gays Against Groomer's Rich Guggenheim went to testify at the Legislature against the bill. Here is his testimony:

My name is Dr. Rich Guggenheim. I am a homosexual resident of Denver. I would like to take a moment of your time to share with you a prominent piece of the gay and lesbian liberation movement from Stonewall.I want to tell you about the history of Malcom Michaels Jr., and Tony Rivera. Both were gay, black men, sex workers, drag queens, and convicted felons. Both were well known in the gay community in the 1960s and 70s. Malcom may be more familiar to you by his drag name, Marsha P. Johnson and is falsely identified today as a transgender woman. Malcom was frequently seen with Tony Rivera, who went by the drag name Sylvia.Both were heavy cocaine users. In fact, the false narrative today is that Marsha threw the first brick, yet Marsha admitted to never even being at Stonewall and instead was with Sylvia, who was passed out from cocaine on a bench in Bryant Park.Marsha and Sylvia are also known for running the STAR house. A home for gay run-away boys as young as 10. STAR house is described as a child prostitution operation and "shelter.” The owner of the building, Michael "Dirty Mike" Umber, a Carlo Gambino soldier, made boy on boy porn. The children were sex trafficked on 42nd Street by Rivera and Michaels for "Matty" Lanniello and his crew. Today we have another former felon, black gay man, sex worker who identifies as transgender, and uses children to perform in sexually provocative shows in adult burlesque clubs in Colorado Springs promoting this bill. The parallels are astonishing! Gay and Lesbian people fought back against allowing people like Malcom and Rivera into the community. They pushed back and worked for decades to destroy the talking points from people like Anita Bryant that homosexuals are child pedophiles. Today, half a century later, we are here in this building, in this room, fighting the exact same fight. HB24-1071, introduced in the legislature, is being presented a group and individual who seek to allow convicted former felons like him to change his name and gender identity.Like Malcom and Rivera, a man who has a criminal record.Like Malcom and Rivera, a man who does drag.Like Malcom and Rivera, a man who works as a sex worker.Like Malcom and Rivera, a man who is purported to be a woman.Like Malcom and Rivera, a man who works with children in “adult art forms”.Like Malcom and Rivers, rightfully shunned by common sense adults; even in the LGB and T populations for their toxicity to our movement and cause for equality and freedom. Gay men and lesbian women fought against allowing these types of people to be associated with the “community” for a reason. The association of pedophiles and groomers with gays and lesbians was damaging and harmful to our fight for liberation, equality, and freedom. The passing of this bill will result in further homophobic attacks, increased accusations of us being pedophiles, and a continuing decline in the support for LGBTQ rights. I ask for a NO vote on HB24-1071.

Apparently his accurate testimony struck a nerve and he was gaveled out, which is the equivalence of being given the hook while testifying. Rich joins me at 1 today to talk about this. Find out more about Gays Against Groomers by clicking here. Follow Rich on Social media by clicking here for Twitter.
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Episode Transcript

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From the Colorado Chapter of Gays againstGroomers. Rich Googleheim, Rich, how
you doing today? Hey? MaybeI am doing great. How are you?
I'm fantastic. First of all,I've got to tell you your dad
has taken emailing me and I loveit. I did he tell you that
he corrected me on the pronunciation ofyour last name. I will just apologize

it for my dad. I lovehim. No, don't apologize. I
wish my dad was here to sendme emails. So I'm happy that your
dad is sending me emails. He'svery proud of you, Rich, He's
very proud of everything that you're doing. Yeah, I appreciate that. Let's
talk about what happened yesterday at theCapitol. What were you there for?
What were you there to testify about? And what happened? Well? I

was there at the capitol. Itwas my third day of this week that
I was at the capitol. Soit's been a busy week for games against
Grummers at the Capitol yesterday. Wasthere to testify on how Bill ten seventy
one, colloquially known as Tierra's Law. This is the bill that allows a
convicted felon and in this case,effect worker who grew children down in Colorado

Springs, to perform relocatively at driveshows in the left houses, to legally
change their name and can seal theircriminal records from the public. And you
and I talked about this bill previouslyabout how dangerous it actually is. And
there's a reason that felons cannot changetheir names, and it's because they should

not be able to dodge their criminalhistory, you know, I mean,
that's the real reason. So now, Rich, I put your testimony that
you sent me. I put iton today's blog. So if people want
to read the testimony that Rich wasgiving, you can go and do that
at the blog. But if youcould summarize that testimony, I would really
appreciate it. Sure, I wasthere. My testimony was basic gay and

lesbian liberation history. It was talkingabout the drag queen that we are very
familiar with in the gay community,being the person that is reported to have
thrown the first brick at the Stonewallriots was named Marsha P. Johnson.
But I actually corrected this false narrativeand this revision of history of ours and

referred to Marsha P. Johnson byhis name Marsha p. Johnson was his
drag name. His real name isMalcolm Michael Malcolm, and I referred to
him by his name and his cohort, Sylvia Rivera, whose real name was
Tony, and talked about the historyof these two individuals in the New York

scene. They used to do alot of drugs. They're both black men,
they both had criminal records. Theyboth prostituted children and made boy I'm
boy born. And the LGBTQ communitylgb community back then kept these people outside
the community because they didn't want tobe associated with pet files and they didn't
want to be associated with people whoare doing that stuff to children. And

unfortunately, I was gabbled out becauseI was misgendering and dead naming these two
individuals by Senator Julie Gonzalez. Areyou kidding me? I'm not kidding you
at all. She stopped me,turned my mic off, gallowed me,
and told me that she was notdoctor Gougenheim. I am not going to
tolerate you dead naming and misgendering people. You've already been warned. No.

Wait, wait a minute, richnow, wait, let me back this
up. Let me back this trainup to the station for one second here,
because these two individuals were never transgender. They were drag queens. So
they're not you're not dead naming anyone. They never changed their gender. They
were drag queens who performed as overthe top characters of women. That's right.

And I explained that after she turnedoff my mic and gaveled me,
and she said, well, Iwill allow you to continue. And I
continued in my testimony referring to thesetwo individuals as men and as their name,
and she gave me another about tenseconds before she had gabbled me out
and dismissed me and prevented me fromcontinuing my testimony. It's just the thing,

Mandy, this is homophobic because sheis not allowing me to share the
story of gay history. Layton hoophobia. But Richie, here's the thing.
It's because you're it's because you're tryingto topple a sacred cow right. You're
trying to tell the truth about anarrative that has been glamorized. At this

point, so all of the allof the sordid details of these two individuals,
the fact that they made boy onboy porn at their at their alleged
shelter for for you know, younggay boys, some as young as ten
years old, Like, we're gonnawe're gonna ignore all of that because now
they've been lionized as as these leadersof the gay in gay history. So

you're just trying to topple a sacredcow. And instead of allowing you to
do that as a member of thegay community, she just did not want
to hear the truth. I mean, that's the reality. This is a
thing that maybe you have to understand. If the more people believe a lie
the worst, the more they hatehearing the truth, right, And so

that's the thing that I was doingwith Rep. I was taking a narrative
that they had appropriated, rewritten andfalsified, and trying to correct it and
make it true again. And thenI was trying to take this parallel and
draw between the Marsha P. Johnsonand Sylvia Rivera story and draw it to

Dwayne Powell aka tr Latrees Kelley,who is also a black person, purports
to be trans gay and groom's children. And we're going in there convicted palms
and drug users and so an effectworker, and we're going to draw the
parallels. And then you're going tosay, we're going to create a law
after this person that allows them tohide their path so that they can have

easier access to children. And sothat's what I was there to testify against.
The thing that I find the mostfrustrating about this is we have so
many examples of this. I don'tknow if you've read, and I cannot,
for the life of me remember thename of the book where a reporter
actually went and dug into the MatthewShepherd narrative and found out that it was

far different according to play the reports. Yeah, but you cannot bring that
up because then you're like, oh, you're homophobic, you just hate Matthew
Shepherd and everything. And I'm like, no, we're on the side of
the truth here, and the truthis he was in a drug deal that
went bad and that's why he wasmurdered, not because he was gay.
And now we have another one ofthose stories. Rich this poor young girl

next Benedict who ended up killing herself. I've just read a tragic story today
that went back and uncovered that shewas the victim of horrific abuse at the
hands of her father, and inher suicide note, she indicated that family
issues and her father and all ofthese various things were the reason she killed

herself. But now she's being lionizedas some kind of, you know,
icon of the tree's community because shewas sometimes by non binary, sometimes went
by male pronouns, sometimes went byfemale pronouns. This is incredibly frustrating,
and I know that for someone likeyou who's like, look, let's just
talk about the facts, let's discusswhat's going on. How do we push

back against all this? You justkeeps telling the truth. And that's the
thing that's happening right now in thisin the state capital. We've seen it.
I have now four examples, personalexamples of my testimony, my speech
being either compelled or silenced in thestate capital, in the People's House,

and it is by these socialist democratswho have taken over and have a clear
agenda. And I absolutely am notgoing to allow these people to compel my
speech. I am not going toallow them to infringe upon my First Amendment
rights. They think that they arewinning right now, and if you go
look at the parasol patrol in Pierralaterrece Kelly's Twitter feed right now, and

they are saying, we want,we want we want one. I'm just
going to say, you may have, you may think you one night.
By the end of the day,I am not going to sit by and
allow you to infringe upon my civilrights and my constitutional rights without consequence.
So what are you going to do? What's the consequence? I will not

say on the air what is happeningright now? All right? But yep,
but something's happening there. There isgoing to be something happening. These
people are not going to get awaywith what they're doing. Rich Can I
ask you a personal question? CanI ask you a personal question about this?
Because I want to make this pointand I think I know the answer,
and I'm not really sure. Sowe'll find out together, audience,

what kind of personal what kind ofpersonal toll has your activism in gaye against
groomers taken on you in the gaycommunity? Are you paying a personal price
here? Oh? Yeah? Iactually there's an investigation and potential lawsuit pending
against the Gay Arts Trade and theowner, Chris Newell, because Parafal Patrol

decided to send around a petition onchange dot org to have me banned from
that gay establishment, saying that I'ma friend and I'm a bully, and
I'm a danger to the community.And I just want to make absolutely clear
to the listeners, Gays against groomersdoes not have a problem with transgender people.
Transgender people are the most equipped peopleto speak about the harm of gender

affirming care also what I would callgenderal mutilation of children and the harm that
it causes. Transgender people can speakto those experiences because they have lived those
experiences, and I welcome those peoplein our community. What we have a
problem with is this false narrative inthe lie that's being pushed by the establishment
like One Colorado who does not speakfor all gay and lesbian people, from

people like the Gay and Lesbian AssociationAgainst Defamation GLAD, from HRC and these
other establishment organizations who are funded byStriker and gil who want to drive the
narrative, and they seek to silenceus. And if you don't go along
with this this cult mentality and followthe doctrine of the cult, they will
ostracize you, they will burn youout the state. They have sent meet

that threats, They stalk me,they have talks me, they have tried
to get me fired from my job, and so absolutely I've taken and you
know what, it's all I amnot afraid of them because after a while,
you just realized, like, Okay, my personal information is out there.
You can threaten me, but doyou really want to make me a
martyr? Right, because if youcome after me and you do something to

me, your entire movement is goingto be destroyed. Well rich the thing
that that I, you know,and I would not be so bold,
is to say, if you're gay, you should do this, but I
do have a lot of gay friends, and you know, one of the
things that the gay community overall hasbeen fighting since the beginning of time is
the notion that you're gay, you'rea pedophile. I mean, I remember

hearing that when I was very youngin the seventies, like, oh yeah,
the gay people are going to comeget your kids and you. Your
organization is the organization directly fighting backagainst the narrative that has been so damaging
to the gay community for so long. And I don't understand why every gay
person would not say, you knowwhat, I do believe that we're not

all pedophiles, and I do believethat we should be fighting this because it's
going to come back to bite somebodyin the butt sooner or rather than later.
And I don't think a lot ofgay men, the homosexual community is
specifically the gay men and the Lothianwomen are have woken up to the fact
that this whole gender ideology is gayraser. Yeah, the Marsha P.
Johnson story is a classic example ofgay racer. And he raises the white

men and I'm going to say thatbecause that's exactly what it was, like
Frisk Sargent who organized the gay liberationmovement. He raises people like Vito Russo
in their Sorry and the men whobought and died in the aide Cysis.
And if they don't understand that thislatest meedia edition of The Glad that they
just released a couple of weeks agonow erases that's from the language and makes

gay and homosexual a slur, inreplaces that with the preferred words queer or
same gender attracted. They're literally erasingthe word sex and sex based rights.
And I don't think a lot ofthe homosexuals, the gays, and the
lesbians truly understand that that they,the queers and the trans people are coming

after the rights and the liberties andthe freedoms that we fought for and that's
why you're doing what you're doing.If they're right, they're going to go
away and they're going to have nobodybut themselves to blame because they align themselves
with the radical trans queer ideologist.Rich, I couldn't have said it better
myself. Rich Guggenheim is my guest, and your dad's going to be thrilled
that I said your name right.You should follow him. I put on

the blog today. First of all, I put his entire testimony, and
it's not very long, but Iwould urge you to go and read what
he was trying to share. Whatis microphone was cut off by a straight
woman in the Colorado legislature who obviouslyknows what's best for the gays. Rich,
You're just not gay enough to knowwhat's best for the gays, I
guess. But I appreciate everything.Yeah, I appreciate everything you're doing.
And I agree this bill is atravesty. And as soon as someone hurts

someone else after they've changed their name, and we all stand around and go,
well, how did we not knowthat they were You had this criminal
record, and now they're working ina school and praying on children then you
know, you know what hits thefan, and that's when all gay people
become suspect again, and that's notsomething I want to see happen. Yeah,
I'm in the same boat. I'mjust trying to protect our community from

this type of stuff. Whether you'rea straight, gay, treand or whatever.
We have an obligation to stand upfor our right and to keep our
community safe. And this does notaccomplish that. It does not at all.
I appreciate what you do, andI appreciate you taking the time out
of your day, Rich to havea chat with us and keep us posted
on what's going on, and we'lltalk again soon. You have a great

day you too. Thank you.That's Rich Guggenheim with Gaze against Screamers.

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