All Episodes

December 29, 2022 60 mins

Ashley is hanging out with Andrew Spencer from Katie Thurston’s season and going IN DEPTH to learn more about his life on and off The Bachelorette.


Hear about all the behind the scenes drama from his time on the show and why he dreams of living in a rom-com!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Ben and Ashley I Almost Famous in Depth.
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Almost Famous podcast. I
have two men here with me who do fantastic accents,
and they would like to stay in accents the entire time. Um.
I think that would be very admirable for the people

out there for us to hear like these. Um, this
is how I normally talk, and Justin carries an accent
as well. I'm pretty yeah, I'm just a guy from
Baltimore here. I can't even attempt an accent. But Andrew
is so good. Actually, you know, I've actually been talked
by a lot of people from London that it sounds
pretty legit. So I like, it's like one of my

highest honest, it's amazing if you're picked up girls like
that all the time. So when I used to actually
it's the reason why that was the reason I came
out of the limit like this, because this is my
like trick when I went to When I went out,
I was like, all right, well I'm gonna talk to
this girl and then just do this pretty accident. Hopefully
the from London and she wants to talk to me,

say would work. And then actually one time some girl
pulled a shot on my head because I told him
actually wasn't from there, and she was like, Chicago women,
you gotta love him. Was this before or after Bachelorette? Before? Okay, well,
you're allowed to be in either voice. I probably is
a little like, yeah, you should probably regular because then

we're really weirded out? Is that the guy that was
on our screen? Okay? Well, welcome to an in depth
podcast with Andrew Spencer. Today. Ben is out, so I
am co hosted by Justin Glai is one of Andrew's
best friends. So happy to be here. Thanks for having me.
Thank you. So you guys were doing um in depth

with both of these guys. There are some answers that
you may be wondering throughout either of the podcasts that
kind of pertained to both of them, like you know,
why weren't you the lead or what happened in paradise
with this situation or your friend in that In that case,
I'm pretty sure we're answering all the questions between both.

But if there's like a lingering question you're wondering, why
didn't broach it here? Chances are you should probably go
and listen to the other podcast, and you'll probably get
the answer. So I just kind of want to preface that.
And now we're going to dive in with Andrew the
same way that we dived in with Justin in his

in depth. So where were you born and who were
you born to? Oh? Um? I was born in Lake Forest, Illinois, Um,
just outside of Chicago. UM lived there my whole life
pretty much. Um to Phillis. It's my mother's name. Yeah,
she's the best. Um. Yeah, and you know I did. Uh.

I lived in here for a while and moved over
to Europe for four years. So I lived there for
a while. Um, and then I got on the show.
Yeah okay. So he was just telling us in his
British accent that he got on the show because he
was like living in Europe or something, and I'm like, okay,
I don't know whether take you seriously or not. That's
a true story. So um. Well, obviously my cousin's Clay,

who was on The Bachelor, Clay Harbor. You may remember
him from UM, I guess it was like whose season
was he? Becca? Okay, and then um came to I
was actually on that season as well. In his like
pre his intro package, video really chicken. They told me
they wouldn't put the eating scenes in, but I'm just
like grambling down, Well, they'll put the eating scenes in

if you're not a cast member. I'm just freaking my
whole mouth, like this was my big moment and I
just ruined. It's so funny. Okay. But then he became
known with his relationship with Angela in Paradise As was
his big storyline that, yeah, we met her a couple
of times. Okay, so let's go back to Europe. Yeah, so, um,

I played football. You know, I had a chance um
in the NFL with the Cleveland Browns. Got cut and
then you know, I went to another league that was
in the States and that fell through that league and
I was like, all right, well, I don't know what
I really want to do. So then I, um, you know,
I got reached out to and they're playing football in Europe.
I didn't know that. I don't I've never left the country,

so my family just doesn't travel a lot, like besides Clay,
but like you know, my family has always been in
the same spots and I've always wanted to be different.
So I was like, yeah, I hopped on the flight
in like a week after they asked me, and I
was out there in Vienna, Austria. Um. And then I
just loved it so much. I just kept coming back.
And then Clay was like. I was hanging out with
Clay a little bit and they're like, yeah, man, we're

gonna get you on the show. And I was like,
oh whatever. And I had a birthday actually, um, and
I wanted to throw a themed party. I threw up
a Harry Potter party. Well, like the innocence of this
man is so um, and I wanted to, like my
my friends go really hard theme parties. And like we're like,

all right, well for him to do it, we gotta
go hard. I was like, yeah, So I dyed my
hair blonde because I wanted to be Draco Malfoy. Yeah.
I knew his hair was blonde right before the show,
but I never knew until this very moment, because you
want to be Draco. So I'm in a call with

like the Bachelor in producers. I'm like, hey, guys, this
is my natural hair color. Like I'm not blond like
I I you know, I explained to him I had
a birthday party and they loved it. So I think
That's probably what got me on the show. They probably
thought I was like the weird ones. I was kind
of spruce it up. I don't think they had entailed
what was going to actually happen though. So he said,

you were born to Phyllis. Is your dad in the picture?
What's your family? The nuclear family looked like growing up
family is Um, the dad's situation is very different, difficult.
I would say, you know, when I was five, he
got locked up. I haven't seen him. He's been there
since then. It's by like twenty five years. I think
he gets out in a year or so. Um. So

I'm very like big mama's boy. I'm a baby of four,
so my mom has been a single parent, so she's
like my hero. So I'm like a really big mom
was in that aspect. Yeah, she's got a lot. I mean, like,
you know, my my brothers were some some bad eggs
at times, but uh, you know, we all played sports
to put us through sports, and um, you know, I've

always carried that like um pressure or like to just
kind of like get my mom out of the situation
or whatever the case may be. So why football was
such a big thing and when football fell through I
was like crushed. I was like, oh my god. And
then um went on the Bachelor. Just for different experiences
and you know, I'm just at the point I was
living in Europe, was like all right, well things are
just you know, I'm living now. You know, I'm doing

some think she's gonna be proud of me just being
able to kind of live a different life and like
this is you know, for not a lot of people
gets to be able to do what I got to do.
Did I get to go on the show and then
now he got on the show and and things. I
took my mom for Christmas to Disney last week, so
the first time we're all going on a vacation together. Um.
So that was really fun. It was really like something

I've always wanted to do. Um. So yeah, I know,
it's just it's been a bit a lot of blessings.
So that's so awesome. So you you have this mentality
that you want to rom com which is amazing because
that's the mentality that I've always had. Why do you
think that's so instilled in your hearts? Oh my mom? Yeah,

First of all, I've seen just like the women and
just like the relationships in my in my family are
never strong. Like I'm sitting sitting here and hearing about
how your fans went thirty years. I'm like, oh my god,
like that's you don't understand, like how amazing that is,
like because compared to my family, it's it's always like
single parents. There's a lot of single parents. Um, and
you know, I would always watch movies on the couch

with my mom. Was we're living one one television household
and we're always watching Round Count. She I grew up
on Sleepless in Seattle, and um, you've got mail and
you know, like all the old like really goocy stuff
in Hallmark movies. So and like I said, I was
a mom was what. I was the youngest four, So
I was always clung to mom and just kind of
watching them. I was like, okay. And then as I

got older, I'm like I'm starting to get like my
own little round gund Like I just I just felt
like that was like out of a movie. And those
moments kept happening. I'm just like I love it, like
I need more of it. Give us these moments from
there was a moment um in New Year's Uh, there
was a there was a new Year's I met a girl.
She was the host at a bar and I was like,

oh my god, and like I was like stumbled. I
was like, she's so beautiful whatever, and she like I
was like trying to tell us the seed and she
was like the time, just following me, and I was like, oh,
that was weird. And then she she sits down and um,
I knew one of the one of the waitresses there,
one of my friends. I was like, yo, who is
the girl who's the host? Was like, no way. She

was literally just saying that you were in super cute
and that she like stumbled her words. So I was
like oh. I was like, oh my god. I was like, well,
we'll get her my information. I was gonna go down
there and talk to her, but I think she had
just got off work. Um So I hit her up
on Instagram and I was like, oh, I would love
to like get to see you or whatever, like what's
your number? This and that, And we didn't talk for
like a month or two, and it comes back to
another like New Year's thing for me. I was like,

it was like, are you in the robin cop it?
Literally so it's December thirty one and I'm like I
don't have any plans. I'm like, all right, well I'm
gonna hit this girl up. I forgot all about like
you know, you just get busy and I'm like, hey, um,
I don't know what your plans are. What are you doing?
And me and my boy were just like all my
friends are dating someone or well now they're all married

pretty much, and I'm like scavenging for like what friends
I have that aren't who's a single friend that you
can go out with me? Uh? This is before right before. Um,
so I'm like, all right, I find my boy and
my guy. I was like, yo, you wanna do anything.
He's like, let's have a night. And I was like,
oh that's a great phrase. But I was we're gonna
have a night. And he's like, yeah, my friends are

going to this place called Old Crow and she's like okay. Um.
I asked the girl. I was like where are you going?
And she's like, oh, I'm going to Old Crows. Like,
no freaking way, we we we just got recommended together,
Like we're going there, So I buy a ticket. It's
like I hope to see you there. We get there
at Old Crow later tonight and you know, just having
a good time, like cutting loose. I told you, like
losing track of time. And the guy goes thirty minutes.

Everybody thirty minutes to the ball drop and I'm like,
oh my god, I haven't found her. Like the bar
is packed. I'm like, oh my god. I'm like showing
everyone this is the girl. Go finding the girl, and
like we're on search parties, like these guys are like
shooting out like looking forwards, like, oh, man's all right,
did I couldn't see her? I was like I did
see her either, So like freet it, it's like eleven,
like it's five minutes to the ball. So I get

to the I get to the bar, I'm like, I'm
just gonna pound two drinks, like another year without a
New Year's kiss um. And I turned around and I
see her. She's talking to two guys. I'm like, fun,
I'm gonna watch my crush kissed two guys or one
of these guys. Like this is painful. So turned back
around whatever, I choked both my drinks, turned back around.

She like sees me, She like moves these guys out
of the way. I've been looking for you all day.
And I was like, no way, I have it searched
for you. Three to one boomed freaking New Year's kiss
right out, Like we said, two works to each other
and the next year we're kissing for New Year's incredible.
Yeah yeah yeah, So that was like that was like
one of my round cons that have happened. I chaired

that moment because it was just really cool. And when
when was this? This was like right before COVID, So
that's why we broke up or stop talking. So if
actually if I'm if I'm tracking. So we've got about
two years ago now this rom come on New Year's.
Last year shot the shot manifested Teddy on New Years.
We got New Year's coming up. I'm stay tuned for

this New Year's goes. Wow, you're gonna be there for
this one? Is this the Jonas brother? Um football games? Okay?
Four days later? So what's the plan for New Year's
And whose d ms are we sliding into this year?
Give us a name that we know? I don't know.
I just kind of wanna, you know, I think I'm
done putting pressure on anything. I kind of want to
meet someone organically, um as much as possible. Obviously, if

someone meets up like that'd be nice. But um, the
more organic, the better, you know. I feel like I've
had more success with women when it just comes like
happens out of natural. Um, the more time I try to, like,
I feel like I suck. I suck when I try
to plan to meet up or be with someone, you know,
I just like it's awkward and if it feels forced

because we know we have like a like a connection
with each other, you know what I mean. So like
when I meet people and we just we don't know
yet and I'm just like fishing to see how what works,
and it starts to land, I'm like, see, this is
one of my best you know what I mean. Like,
had I not gone out on the beach with a plan,
I feel like I would have done so much better. Um,
and we've been a lot more smooth. But like, you know,
I get nervous when I like people, you know, because

I want them to like me and I want to
get to a point where I know where I'm good,
you know what I mean. It's like the first couple
instances I suck, I'm like so bad. So like I'm
just like trying to get to a part where I'm
just like all right. Well, I'm very comfortable now, Like
you know, I'm just shooting my shot and whatever happens happens.
That's kind of like what I'm going into. Um, that's
New Year's with So you've told us last night that

you've been going on a lot of dates and you
don't believe in dinner dates. Explain why, um, and explain
how you're finding these dates, what you're doing on these dates,
and then speak to you know, everybody out there obviously,
but to this man who will be holding the mike,
who says that he hasn't been on a date in
a long long time. Yeah, no, Um, dates are just

like trial runs. And I hate to put it like that,
but like you never know until you do it, like
try it. So I went and tried it, and you know,
if it doesn't work, he's like, hey, this was a
lovely time. You know, I just don't think it'll work.
It's it's not wrong to communicate with women that way,
you know what I mean, Like, not everyone I go
on a date with it's coming back with me or
like you know, in that case, you know that's not

the goal for me. Like I told you, I'm like
I'm pushing the envelope. I am ready for family. What's
your vetting process, like, you know, for you to decipher
who are you going to go on a date with

or not? You know, how long is that pretty talk
period before you meet up with him in person? Um?
I I don't like to cut. I got cut straight
to the chase. It's like, all right, well, I'm not
gonna sit here in Twitter fingers and wait for you
to respond or play the I'm gonna wait until you know,
five minutes to respond. Like I'm like, hey, let's hang out.
You wanna hang out, Let's go, let's go grab a drink,

or let's you know, let's go for a walk. The
last day I was on we we made a gingerbread house.
Those are the dates I'm doing. That is the most
wholesome thing I've ever That's That's what I told you.
I'm looking for a wholesome woman like and if she
can't make gingerbread houses with me, I mean, it's it's
it's it's probably not gonna seven invited to go over

to the house. Though, So does that have like any
preconceived notion they know it shouldn't. It shouldn't. But if
it's an easier step if we're gonna get there, like
we don't have to, like so you're going to my house,
are already here, you know, so if it does work
out very well then that it's not I'll give you
Uber back to your play. Yeah. No, I mean I
feel like and that's it's just like a different style

of dating. I guess I'm I'm more so typically the
type where like all my vetting process is a little
bit longer because you know, in a lot can get
lost in like translation with a text or you know,
even calling some times. But I don't like to put
myself in situations where I'm like, I'm in person with
this person and I'm not gonna be like I've done
it before, right, And it's just I want to know
that I'm gonna be able to have a good time

with this person. Um, and I just I don't know,
I don't like to throw myself out there and like
you know, like Andrew go and like you know his dates,
like he'll go walk around Chicago with somebody, right, And
I'm like, I just don't want to like do that
with somebody that I don't know if I'll be comfortable with.
And I kudos to here. I respect you know you
you you know, you never know until you try it.
But I'm more so like I'm such an introverted extrovert,

Like I loving around people. I'm very social, but I
also value my alone time and I'm cool with just
like chilling and painting in my house by myself. And
then I'm like, okay, Like it takes a lot for
me to be like I want to see this person
in person and like and hang out, you know. I
just like to know people not behind like the phone
for sure, you know, And I can't read emotion. I
have a very good judge of character, I feel like,

and like, once I'm with someone, I can like just
kind of read body language along with their vibes, and
I just know right off the job, we'll see if
I like them or for me. And I think for
you to a big thing for me. And we just
talked about this. I need banter and I can tell
that pretty quickly through you know, texting, calling, whatever, if
you've got that, And chances are if I if I'm

not getting that, like I don't need to hang out
in person because I'm gonna be throwing jokes around and
like if it's just like, you know what I mean,
Like I don't need to be in like that's just
all effort. Though at the end of the day, like banti,
I can't pull that out of somebody. Yeah, And it's
that's that's the thing where I don't I don't want
to waste time because like if I'm sitting here trying
to text, I'm just like wasting time and I don't
want to put energy and effort towards something that's gonna

be How often is it, you know, you meet it
Like let's say you're like, hey, let's walk around in Chicago, right,
and within the first five attemptage like this in there?
You know, how do you get yourself out of those situations? Yeah,
I mean obviously, you know you just kind of just
at that point, I'm like, all right, well I just
gained a new friend, you know what I mean, And
you just try to be there and try to be
like a good friend and try to enjoy the moment
when you can. And you know, obviously I'm like, hey,

I got some things that come up I gotta get
to and um, I think if we had a really
good time, Um, I'll see you around blah blah, blah
like that those and if that girl, you know, she's like, hey,
I had a great time. You know, let's sit the
next I had a great time. Would you want to
do this again? Like and like, well, maybe we can
do it again. But like usually I would like put
it into a point where we're like she knows that
it's just like a friend raise and I feel like,

don't do that. I won't do that in front of
her completely. I think you'd be like, yeah, I just
think we're better off as friends, you know what I mean,
rather than like going into him that I I there's
no like letting someone down easy. I think we we
try to cover up so many people's feelings sometimes, Like
it's just like it's okay to be like all right,
well we'll be good friends, you know. I mean, you
don't want to be friends with me, that's fine. I

have my friends. How are you finding most of these
ladies to go on dates? Um so I'm on riya um,
which is a really cool app Um. So it's like sorry,
um no, yeah, sorry, but no, but it's like it's
the easiest way because I don't, like I don't go
out as much as I used to. Um, you know,

it's just a lot different now, like everyone's always watching,
and it's hard with dates as well or getting to
know people because people will like see you and like
take photos from across the bar, like oh, Andrew's talking
to a girl. I'm like, I can't have that. I
hate it. I feel like that also is a factor
into my hesits patian to go out and date people,
because that's why I don't do dinner dates because yeah,

that's so intimate. Like if I do all these other dates,
it's like, all right, well we're doing this, this, we're
having fun, we're doing activities, we're walking around, Like those
are different compared to um sitting down with someone and
it's very intimate and like I think that's a date
three or date four thing I'll do. But also like
I don't want someone seeing me eat, like like we
just met, Like he really doesn't like people seeing me. No,

I don't, like, like I'm gonna, like you want me
to talk about this while I'm eating, Like it's so
hard to talk and eat, like do I cover my mouth?
You know, it's just too much like to worry about,
like come on now. So we went to a nice
restaurant last night, and um Andrew said, I'm not a
restaurant guy. I'm not. I don't know what to order.
That's so much pressure. And then like she's like, oh,

let's get a wine. I'm like wine, yeah, yeah, yeah,
what do you like? He's not the guy that will say, oh,
this appetizer looks nice for the table, let's share. And
then Justin said that I think it was you you
said it was awkward, the awkward silence looking at the
menu and trying to decide what you want while on
a date. Yeah, because like if I'm at dinner, I

want to have conversation, and then the waiter waitress comes
over and I'm like, i haven't look at the menu, bex.
I'm trying to make it not awkward. And then if
it's like a first dame, we're just both stre to
the menu. I know we're both thinking about how silent
and awkward it is, but I'm like, I want to
see what I want to get. Don't do dinner dates,
but on the type or I'm like, I'm always down
to eat, right, So even if I'm like, hey, let's
grab drinks, right, I kind of like hedge my bet
and like I'll have something light before I go on

the diate to eat, you know, and then I'll go
on the date because I don't want if the girl's like,
I'll be like, hey, are you hungry? I always like
are you you want to get something? Because I don't
want it to be this like if she hasn't eaten
yet and she wants to get something, like, let's do it.
I love a girl that can eat, you know, don't
like good you know, you know, so I'll like I'll
eat enough just to like kind of cook the stomach.
But I'm like, I could eat, you know, I'm always down.

That's I can started drinks. But if we're but if
like we can we can turn it into something, you
know what I mean. Like I never want to come
off as like a oh he does, like we're just
like you know, I don't want her to feel awkward
or hungry. It's like or whatever you want, you know
what I mean, Like we're good here. And I also
I'm a huge fan of double dates or like just
friends on dates. He was on my last date. It's
it makes it so much easier because we can kind

of like he knows, like we can bounce off each
other and like I can kind of like pick up anything.
She's like, She's like, I had no idea he was here,
was like, yeah, well he is, we can just was
this a second day like us? She loved it so
much first day, she loved it so much that she
we did a second date the next day. He was
also there, so is Greg. And here's what they did.

They made and they made me kiss her in front
of them. She's like, she's like like, so, I think
you guys should kiss. Have you guys had a first
kiss you? So first let's let's let's start. So first
day we're literally we're in New York and we're in Soho.
We're just shopping around. He's like, hey, I'm about to
have a date. I was like, what, you leave me.
He's like, no, she's gonna come meet up with us.

And that that's such andrew thing, like when he like
he literally like like activities is like his his thing.
So she was cool enough to like just literally hang
out with us in shop all day because at the
end of the day, like my my my my person
is gonna have to be with my friends. Like if
anyone's gonna know, my friends are gonna know, you know,
soon as she pulls hip across stream, like, so what
are you thinking? Man? I'm like, hey, man, she got potential,

see the personality. And then midway through I'm like, and
then she came out. She had bear s accent. She's
from the UK, and he had to she was he
was how easily he went out the British accents this kids,
I've ever seen him because he had an authentic British woman.
And he was like, I don't know, she might call

me out. And she was talking about when people She's like,
I hate when people try to use the pretty sacs
in me. I was like, oh, he's waiting it for
like two hours. He wouldn't do it, so he wouldn't
got hot chocolate like these little these chocolate chip things
and you know, really cool three persons. And then and
then we got dinner and Greg was there and literally
out of nowhere, Greg's like, so, what are your intentions

with Andrew? So now she's all nervous and he goes
and so I'm like, we're gonna get this started. I'm like,
and no, tell me how do you feel about her friend?
And she's like, okay, we're not doing this. I was like, no,
we are Greg goes, I think you should kiss and
now Andrews like, I hate you guys, Like this is
why I hate. I go, I go, and she's not saying,
she's not like no no, I'm like, well, Andrew seems

like she's pretty into it. And now he's a nervous
one and she was waiting on it. She was like,
I'm like, well she hasn't objected, and she's like, I said, Andrew,
you better go ahead. And so he's like, I'm not
doing this for you guys. He's like, I don't think
guys have ever seen me kiss. I said, well, no time,
like the President. I was like, well, we definitely wrote
a show together. So I kid, I haven't seen your kids.
Like he was like, you guys haven't seen me kiss,
like not on camera. I was like, well, don't telling

the president. And she's you could tell she's weight because
she has a personality where she'd be like no, no, no,
but she was. She was, she very she was she
was like waiting on it. She's that's like a this
European thing. They're they're like very not and so they
don't get nervous about stuff like that. So she was ready.
So I didn't anywhere. He's just like, come here, and
then me and Greg are like and it was a longer.

It was a long kiss. I was like I was
in it, and it wasn't like a pack. It was
like we were explaining like a little peck, like allright,
like oh, we were like oh. We turned away and
I walked her out and then she like text me.
She was like fireworks. I was like, yes, So the
next time we're in New York, are you going to
see her again? Ill? Yeah, we'll see I mean fireworks

and then we'll see Please explain the description younger than me.
I think we're going to be for New Year's as well.
So she works, she works on working New Year's. Yeah,
well we're just like I said, we're just you know,
I haven't been like swept off my feet yet. Um
it was a date. You know, we went on two dates.

And I can't tell one of this situation that you have,
Like bringing her on group first dates is totally disarming
and so fun. And when bring out the best of
my personality or if it brings so much pressure to
impress multiple people, I can figure it out exactly. Takes
the pressure off of me. So then so then like

if she's like nervous, like that's good. Like that's that's
where I get to be like, all right, let me
call in the situation make you feel better, Like I
can like make this like ease you into this, you
know what I mean, rather than like all the pressure
is always on the guy wouldn't go on dates. It's like,
all right, now you gotta hold the conversation. Now I
can like banter with him, and then she can make
comments off of you. And it's and it's also not
like I feel like it depends on the friend dynamic

as well, because if I walked into a situation with
two women, like and it's like one of those one
of the women's like trying to grill me right, and
I'm like, this is a lot of pressure. But he
knows like I'm gonna try to make her feel comfortable
and I'm gonna trying to bring out the best in
him so she can see him at his fullest self.
You know. Like that's like the stand office. You're like,
so like what do you do? Like what Like I'm like, no,

like see us in banter and like fit in. You know.
Greg's up. Greg's a friend that thinks he's Kevin Hart
when remember there's a girl around for me, he's he
has to pull out all the jokes. Okay, dude, he's
this sidekick Frost, Like when when we're with Trey, Oh
my god. So when I brought them to Baltimore, right,

we met, you know, we were down on the field,
we we went in the tunnel, we met. All the
cheerleaders were taking pictures right and you and Greg goes
so um, ladies, Tray has actually performed a rehearse to
dance routine. He's like performed for you all right now,
and trades like what he goes, No, Tray, don't be nervous.
Show him your routine and he will put you on
the spot when in front of girls. He did that

birthday Natalie Andrew has his birthday dance. He wants to
show and like there's like so many people like intuitive
like listening really listening to Greg here, and I'm like
not paying attention, like like what are you talking about?
So I'm starting to understand the couple that is Victoria
and Greg now more hearing more about Gregg's personality because

it seems like Victoria than him have very similar senses.
Of humor. Yeah, they do. They really do. Like one
thing that you people don't understand, Like Victoria is funny,
She's hilarious, Like she's got like this edgy like kind
of dark humor, but like this like sinister like chefs.

I don't know that I know of any bachelor friend
group that like is so close as you guys, like
we have are really close friends, you know, like people
like at our bridal party that will be friends with forever.
But like you guys have a crew and you guys
do everything together everything, Like I always say, like everybody eats,
you know. We we like same pr manager, same deals.

If we get a deal, like hey, can I bring
my friends on on this? Like that's just kind of
how we operates. Like I mean, it's like we're trying
to COMPLI were we trying coup which it's called the
couple's retreat now. So we want to get like the
holy trinity of you know, we want to be able
to get to a nice spot with our people like
you know, and be like with each other. Here's some
more hopeless romantic from Andrew. We're literally I mean we

love traveling together. Um, and I'm so fortunate to come
across some friends that also love trial, like we just
we do so much together, and we were talking about
what our next international trip is going to be, Like, Hey,
how about Greece. Andrew's no, I'm saving that from my
future wife. He's like, I won't go to Greece until
I'm until it's the honeymoon or a couple of strip
or something like that. I'm like, all right, another like
Greg's got one, like the pressures on, because like we're

dying to do like a couple's trip. Yes, yes, like
we are. We are holding the group back right now.
I think it's more so I'm trying. I just can't.
I can't. I can't find I don't know what I'm
looking for, but and I won't force it. So like
that's what I'm going on in these states. I'm like
I need to like I need to be more at
and like I'm getting older. I feel like I don't
want to be like an older dad. I don't want

to be like thet with a newborn. Probably want to
be five with the newborn. How old are you? Yeah, okay,
I mean you're at a great age right now until
find your person. But I promise you as somebody who
has eleven month old, Like you can enjoy time with
your wife when you find her for a while, because
it will never be the same. I just you know,

you know, obviously obviously, like I said earlier, like not
having a dad usually in my life, That's just what
I'm super excited about. Like, you know, I just wanna,
you know, I want to be able to be in
shape to whoop his ass in like basketball. You know,
there's no way he's gonna beat me in anything. So
do you have a girl her too? You don't matter,

that's not We're gonna be a tough family, Like it
doesn't matter what it is. We're gonna be competitive and repeat,
and uh, you know, I just want to push them
to be their best and I want to be there
for them, um when they do their best. So like
that's kind of what I want to do. Oh Andrew,
you are just like the sweetest, sweetest thing ever you
it is. You're just making everybody so mad. You're not

the bachelor. All right, Well, let's talk about your romance
or lack thereof with Teddy. So you slide because you
thought there was a fairy tale possibly there. You're wrong.
Com was possibly there. It was a New Year's Eve

DM that you center. You said, hey, our crowd, our
paths are probably going to cross at some point, like
you didn't want to get into it because you looking
forward to it. Yeah, and I think like the response
was so like receptive of that, and I loved it,
and I was like like, damn, I just want to
like talk to her now like I wanted to, just

I wouldn't skip Paradise to at least try it outside
before even going down. Um. So yeah, you know, Paradise
didn't go as planned, but you know that's fine. We
just keep moving on. But how much pressure it was

there when you actually met face to face which was
on Paradise. See, it wasn't the pressure that I thought
I put on the pressure, That's what I mean, like
you put pressure on yourself. It wasn't like the fan
they were a little bit, but the fandom got the
fandom was more than the pressure I put on because um,
like the shipping started happening in the podcast started happening.

So actually no, it was producers. Producers put way more
pressure on us than anyone. It was like, um, I
would get into interviews or I would walk around and
get calls like are you ready for Teddy? And I'm like,
like Jesus, guys, like I don't know if it's gonna
work yet, Like yeah, it's like okay, like we know,
but you don't have to say it like that, you know,

And I think it just got to be so much,
you know what I mean, I will I will share
this one thing. This is this. Not a lot of
people know this. So she did text me right before
we went off to the beach and she was just like,
I know there's a lot of pressure surrounding us, and
I just want to let you know, like I know you're,
like you said, you've interested in a lot of other girls,

like I do hope that I just don't want you
to know like that you can go after whoever you want,
like there's no like expectation and just only be for me.
And I was like, oh, I appreciate that, Yeah exactly,
you know, I, like I said, I want to be chosen.
So we had that conversation before we even got on
the beach. Not a lot of people know that, um,
which could have been a flag. I was like, I

could have been like something maybe I knew something like that,
or maybe she was just like feeling overwhelmed with everything,
and I think that's a lot of it, and like,
here's the thing. I I think that's where I messed up.
I think, which was so out of pocket and and
different for me, is I I bought into the hype.
I bought into, you know, the TV aspect of everything,

and I don't think she ever was there for that.
And you know, like that's where I was like I
failed because I feel like she genuinely wanted to find
like a real connection between us two and it didn't happen.
And I think I wasn't myself truthfully because I was
like like, oh, we gotta have this big moment here
or this big moment here, And like honestly, when she left,

I was like I started remembering like the small moments
that were so valuable that I overlooked and like we're
so great that, um, we're so stuck in this like
looking for this like fairy tale, but like looking for
the big like firework moment like we never had that,
we never had that like click, but like just like
thinking about all the small moments and I was like,
oh my god, those are great, Like those are the

ones I actually want really in real life, and I
think I like skipped so many steps and trying to
hit this home run and get like straight to like
Brandon Serene, you know what I mean. And I'm like,
I think that might I think I might have scared
her in a way where I'm just like that's like,
you know, well, we're not Brandon Serene, Like it's not
gonna work, you know what I mean. I think that

was a lot with Jared. Like Jared was coming off
of Caitlin the season where he had so many these big, sweeping,
romantic moments and he's expecting the same thing. So when
he wasn't getting those that with me, he kind of
like wrote it off. And then you slowly discovered that
it's like the little things that doesn't have to be
this this rom com without the small details in between.

Because Teddy is an amazing girl. Um, I don't think
a lot of people know, like she's way funnier than
I gave her credit for it, Like not like I
just didn't notice that from Clayton season, so I didn't know,
like and honestly, she carried a lot of the conversations
like I was drawn up blanks. I was like, oh,
my god, I don't know what to do. Like I
told you, when I like a like person, like I
like fail. So I was like, there's a lot of

situations where I was just like, oh my god, what
am I doing? What am I doing? When I doing it?
And she was like so yeah, this and this and this,
and she would always talk about real stuff like her
life and what family was, like what that was going on.
And I was like, yeah, those are great, And I
was like, oh, so, what do you want to do
with like like you know, love style, like lovely. I
don't know. I was just not like talking about the

real stuff. And you know, I'm just very disappointed and
like how I just operated things that could have done better.
And I think, um, I think I drove her away
or anything. Yeah, but at the same time, I feel
like you guys just weren't it. Like that just wasn't
your girl. You weren't her guy. And I haven't really
said this, but when we sat down there and I
met all the girls and we had like our little
girl pow out, she said that she felt like something

was missing. And then and then last night you told
me separately totally not knowing that that that you said
the same thing about her. You were like, I really
wanted it, but I you said that like it felt wrong,
and then she left and then you were like, oh wait,
I want but I wanted, I wanted, I feel it.
And I think it's just because to possibly was just
like one of those moments where you were just like,
I want one I can't have. Yeah no, I said

that as well. I said, I said it was I
want what I can't have. But it was just more
so this like the the passion and just like how
much she didn't want to hurt me and the fact
that like I was like, Okay, well you care, that's one,
but like why couldn't we just communicate that, Like if
we would have just communicated just more deeper level, like
on that on that level, um, it just felt like

that's that was what I was kind of missing, was
that kind of thing. I think both of you knew
it wasn't it, but I think you were more willing
to see it through and give it more chances. And
I mean I know him, and like even as a bystander,
I kind of like, you know, keep an eye peeled,
like what are they up to? And I I had
a feeling I was like, this isn't it because I
know him and I know when he's in he never

like he did he was he never seemed like himself.
You know, he'd come back and I was, you know
from what I you know, briefly saw her and in
our interaction she was great, and you know he's great,
and I'm just like two people can be great, but
that doesn't mean that they're great for each other. And
I remember going back up to the bunks and I'd
be like, how you feeling right? That was waiting to
see if I'm like right, and he's like something like
that like X factors missing and he's like yeah, I'm

like dude, I was like I can see it, like
it's something that's just not there. I'm like, you're not
being yourself, Like like I don't know, she's not like
this isn't fun, Andrew. This isn't like you know the Andrew.
I'm like, I just couldn't get I couldn't read it.
I couldn't read her. And all I knew was it
wasn't like it wasn't clicking um and like I just
couldn't There's nothing, and I was gonna try, Like I

was like, hey, I but there was so much hype
and pressure built up around Like we would talk every
day before Paradise and he's like he's like, he's like, man,
like I'm going in, I'm proposing. He's like, I ain't
gonna do the He's like, I ain't gonna do the
typical one of the beach proposal. He's like, I'm talking
to the producers. Yeah that's we're gonna go to some

jungle and we're gonna do it. No no, no, no no,
no no, And that's what I'm saying, Like I was,
there was so I was overthinking. I was skipping steps
to where line. That's where I'm like, yeah, I over like.
That was on me because I was looking far past
where we were actually at and it was bad. But yeah,
that is really funny. So I did. I did talk

to her. I was like, Hey, if I'm gonna get engaged,
I'm not gonna get on a knee where other people
have gotten out. I want you guys to fly us
out of similar romantic place. Then I'll get on a knee.
But this's gonna have his rom com ending one way
or another. So how do you see your proposal one day? Um,

honestly now, it's like just tailored to the person that
I meant. I feel like I'll read the room with that,
not a lot of people like all that big flashy stuff. Um,
and like I just didn't want to do the same
thing as everyone else on the beach. I'm like, hey,
you're way more deserving of something else, and I'm not
gonna give you what other people have given. But what
if Serene, here's this, that's fine. I mean like just no, no,

I'm like, hey, go ahead, you don't do your You
guys did your thing like me. I'm like, hey, you're
my person, so I'm gonna go above and beyond. It's
just me showing like every day, like you're going to
be different than every other girl in the world. So
like that's kind of my angles. Like I'm not going
to propose to you in this spot, like we can
go up to the top. Uh yeah, we can go

somewhere else. We're not gonna get proposed. I'm not proposed
to you where everyone else is. Like you know, you're different,
You're different to me, so, um, no one's been my fiance.
So like that's what that was where my head was at.
That's really funny he said that I totally forgot about that. Well,
you continue to blame sort of maybe you're not maybe
the cast is maybe the girls that you're with our
um the teddy thing kind of lingers with you and

you're not over it. So which is why you know
he's cringing right now, which is why like it didn't
work out with Jacenia and then n C. But was
that true? Maybe that was true in the moment, it
was true, Yeah, but then like in hindsight, you're also
made have just probably been like yeah, but it's all
it's like it's I'm thinking of her, but it's also
just not you. Yes, yes, absolutely. Um. And here's the thing,

like if they had brought someone down there, Um, it's
like every other breakup, like your boys are like they're like, hey,
go back out there, you get back in the field
and you know we'll get back in Sometimes you're not ready,
but you still do it anyways. Um, Like it wasn't
that I wasn't ready, It was just there wasn't the
right girl to do it. And like and here's the thing,
like everything sped up there and like they want me

to be to be able to get to propose. I'm like,
there's nobody here that I believe that I would get
to that stage with UM, But like that doesn't mean
I wasn't gonna try, you know what I mean. But
it also like I never had the rose again, so
it's like I wasn't picking people. Only give out one
rose and that was a teddy girl girl girls was

a girl girl girl like yeah, so like exactly, and
then Brittany chose Tyler over me, and then like just
saying you like I never said, just saying you couldn't
go talk to any other boy. She's like, oh, you
let me on or you. I'm like, no, I didn't,
Like I told you, I'm gonna try, but I'm going
at this pace like and there's no telling if like
we ever get to this part, but I'm gonna try,

you know what I mean? And we try hide and
I was gonna go home before NC. You don't know
the timing of what the producers are gonna They just
dropped bombshell. N He gets there and I'm like, oh,
she's really cute. Maybe I'll go on a day with Ancy.
Maybe there's something I felt a little something go on
a day with NC. UM if Ncy came earlier, we

could be still talking, you know what I mean. Um,
but it was just all Timing was crazy. Timing was crazy.
The Hunger Games of love, Yeah it was insane. But yeah,
I think I think the whole teddy thing did have

a lot of I wanted to go home. I was gone.
I was gone with n before all of that. As
soon as I laughed, soon as she laughed, I was like,
all right, well that was the reason I came here, Daddy,
Like you wanted to leave. Did you feel jealous that
she got to leave and you didn't? No, no, no, no.
Michael A stepped in and gave me the speech of

a lifetime. Same way him and Rodney, they just were
every day like no, bro, you gotta stay, you gotta
do this, Like Michael is talking about, like what kind
of father do you want to be? And you're just
gonna give up and quit, And I'm like, tim cool,
And then these guys like, come on, bro, we're gonna
be here man, like you you're gonna find someone. Just
take your time, just get back out there. Like you know,
you weren't really like feeling it. She wasn't feeling It's fine,

like you know it's over, like just you can move
on from this and you can still save something. You know,
you can find something. Every single second I'm getting like
they're hitting me with those and I'm like all right, alright, alright, alright,
And the producers are like, well, you know, if you
turned down a Rose, that person goes home too. I
was like, you mother, because why doesn't work like that.
People were like, we'll give you a friendship ros. I'll

be like, I'll be damned if I get a friendship
Ros in this minute, Like I will flip this place
upside down, don't you dare. I was like, There's no
way I'm doing that, Like I'm going home. Um so yeah, okay.
So Teddy wrote something on Instagram about like it was
like kind of alluding to her making her own choices

or like feeling screwed over from the producers and like
never wanting to be in that situation again. It was
kind of cryptic, what's your take. It's actually the first
time someone's asked me that. Um, you know, I one
of the things that like, you know, I I trust

a lot of people, and I, you know, it's just
how I operate. I don't know anything and what happened, um.
And that was the first thing I texted her when
I got out of the show. I was like, you know,
I heard things when like someone haywire and I just
wanted to check in on her. I was like, oh,
I hope everything's well and she's responded to me, and
she was like, yeah, everything went well. I want to
thank you. You're like you're a paradise to me. But like, UM,

the producers were not treating me kindly, And I was like, okay,
I'm sorry, I wish I hate to try to go
through that alone whatever. UM, But I don't know, you know,
it's off because I keep seeing like people saying that
um the producer for forcing her to be with me.
First of all, no one's gonna force you to be

anyone to be with me, Like that's unacceptable. I would
never accept that, UM. So I don't know how far
oh extent where they're talking about with that UM. And secondly,
you know, had I known, like like I said, communication
was lacking there because had I known she had a
conversation with Rodney like that, like here's the thing, like,
you're not gonna burn, You're not gonna hurt my feelings.
If you're like, hey, I would love to like I

wish we got challenged. I wish someone else was there
to be like hey, what can we talk or you know,
take her and talk to her. Like I feel like
she was kind of thrown like to me, like in
a in a in a way because we had said
we expressed interest in each other, um and I feel
like in that as soon as that happened, and like
we were on the beach and felt like she felt

like it was just like I was she was the
only thing. I was the only thing she was like
allowed to talk to you. Like that's not the case.
It's like I just really you want to talk to
you And if you don't want to like express that
to me, like be like, hey, I want to talk
to other people. I kind of want to do my
own thing. I'm be like, hey, that's okay, Like that's
way better then, like, oh, I don't want to hurt him,

And like obviously we go back to the point where
like the fans like trying to bash someone for you know,
like oh she left Andrew, how could she do that?
You know what I mean? And like that's the one
thing I hate more than anything, you know, and I
didn't want her, and I feel like she felt like
that was what's gonna happen if she had chose Roddy
or chose someone else. And I'm just like and it's
not only that, but it's also we've talked about it

like the same token, like you don't want the fans
to be like, oh, poor Andrew sympathy card because she don't.
It's like he don't like one of the thing I
hate more anything, just how I've grown up and I've
never had it like easy, Like I don't love. I
hate pity, hate it, sympathy, pity, whatever you call it.
I hate it more than anything, Like I cringe more
than anything. Like when I when you're talking about the

sympathy rose, I would have I would have been I
would have been I rate if I would have been
so pissed so like to me, like it was it
was not her fault, but it was just like, um,
I get that you were upset, but like to me,
I was like, damn, well, like you can just you know,
like no one was forcing like oh I wasn't like

forcing the case, like you could have laughed at any time,
like and that's just kind of how I felt about it,
but you know, she's she's a strong woman and you
know she's gonna say how she feels, and that's good
and I'm glad that she got, like to say her peace. Um,
I mean that's pretty much you know, really I got
from it. Like I just hope that she knows that
there's no way I was gonna let someone forc you

to be with me, like zero percent chance. Yeah, uh,
it was I don't know. It was kind of confusing
to me, um, because talking to some of her friends,
like you know, Serena, I mean, Serene was confused as
all all too. You know that she kinda just up
and left. But you know, I know you wouldn't have cared,
but she you know, aside from you, I heard that

she had expressed interest in Rodney and that's who would
asked her on the day. So it's like, I know,
it's not gonna hurt, but it's not gonna like it's
not gonna be catastrophic if she wants to go with Ronnie, right,
and and so you've got two great guys that are
interested in you, and it's okay if one doesn't work out.
You know that being Andrew, but you had another great
guy there that that you were also you know you
were in there was mutual interest and I would have

left and you could have did something with Rodney, you
know what I mean, Like that could or I would
have stayed, but like there was no one really I
was interested at the time, but like, um, I just
felt really bad that she had to leave in that manner.
Um And obviously I don't know what happened with her
in the producers and you know what she told me,
she was treated on like our respect to believe it,

you know. And from the producer's side, they said they
did nothing, and I'm like, okay, well that's you know,
to each other. How someone feels is how they feel.
You can't tell them how to feel. So um so,
both party. I mean, I have a great relationship with
the producers. And also I think me and Teddy your friends,
I believe that. Um So, you know, my interpretation of

it is that she just must be very skeptical, maybe
a little paranoid at the direction that she thinks that
they're leading her in, just because of that comment on Instagram,
her trying to get out of paradise so quickly, and
then even if you look back on Clayton season. She

was such a favorite at the beginning and everybody was like,
can't wait to watch Teddy like that, she was all
the focus was on her on that first episode, and
then she kind of faded into obscurity on the season
gets limited, like sort of midway through. And I'm wondering
if just because she had a hard time being like
super open and honest in interviews and then that led

to less air time and just like just not an
interesting character because she was so close off. Um. I
have no idea, but I think she's closed off in
some situations. Like I said, communication, if it's just been
you just let it, let me have it. I'm a
big boy and girl, man, UM I can handle. There's

a lot less worse things than just being, you know,
told that you're not the one. UM. So I was
just like, okay, well, you know, if we had those conversations,
I think that would have been easier. She does. It
seems like she has a couple of ayers and needs
to be pulled back. Um. But also like we're on
we're on television. It's not the easiest, you know what
I mean. So it's like I get it, and I'm

like the same way too, Like I want to be
this super confident guy that I am all the time.
Once that camera hits your face and there's everyone sitting
there watching, and we're supposed to have this fireworkup relationship,
like it was, it was tough. It was tough. So
I mean I think the first the first time we
started talking, the first shot we had, I think there

was like maybe nine or ten cameras, like I mean
all the way around, like every angle, and I was
like holy, like and like, and that's when you're like, Okay,
they're really pushing this, you know what I mean. But
and I can see how that scared her. And I
think I didn't help. Yeah, and I didn't help because
I was like I was looking for the big moment. Oh,

here's our big moment. Here it is, here, it is,
here's the big moment. And uh, you know, I just
wish I would have just spend more like reeling down earth.
I understand. Why do you think she didn't show up

to the reunion show? Oh she's over it. She's over
the show, over the men, over the women, anything that
has a Bachelor tie she's over. And that's like I
told you, she's she's a strong independent woman. She's um.
She didn't even take for no one and she's gonna
do what she has set her has set her mind
for um, you know, and that's cooler. And I one

thing I would say, I was kind of disappointed, um
that Bachelor didn't air my part about it, because that
was like my clarity, like I needed to just like
I hope she sees it. And like because we we
didn't really get to talk much about like anything. So
what was the moment. Oh, we just I just sat

down on the on the on the couch and just
kind of really it was just like a message to
her and just be like, hey, you know, I hope
we're good, you know what I mean. I hope that
you know, you know that I wasn't mad at you
or none of the things that are people are saying
or like and you're not alone or you're not like
ostracized in this really in this franchise, Like I think
people still love you, like you know, and I think

you're really a person. And there were moments in our
relationship that I thought were incredible and I wouldn't trade
it for anything, and I wish that we could have
did you know, we could have did some things differently,
and that's just like the clarity that I needed to
kind of say. And I never got to like really
get it to her because but you said it through
a screen, not to her. But that's just that was
the only way you're gonna get it. And I isn't

gonna go freaking reach out again. Like so she didn't
respond when you damned her message? She did? She did, Yeah,
but like we never had a chat chat. Like I'm
not going to send a bunch of paragraph boxes to something.
I'm like, hey, yeah, I would really love to hop
on a call with you one of these days, just
kind of check in with you. And that third message

that I sent when I said that didn't she didn't
respond to that. So I was like, Okay, we just
never had a conversation. Yeah, all right, Well we can't
end the podcast without talking about the moment with n C,
which was the most awkward moment I can remember from
the show. You guys were at the prom was it prom?
What was it? Nineties party? Sady Hawkins and um, she

you had it. You were ready to leave and there
was a just sendia thing or she got annoyed. Oh
my gosh, it was so ridiculous. She got annoyed because
he were talking to Senia. She must have been drunk,
off r asked, because if we were all drunk, all right.
It So then she goes up to you and you're like,
I'm leaving and you're and she's like please Andrew, please,

please please please? Was it just as awkward experiencing in
real life? Um? Justin, I feel like you were there?
Were you watching this? Yeah? I was at home home
at this point. I was booted again. UM so my
first time seen was when it when it aired, I
I I again, I will take responsibility for this again. UM.

I wasn't very good at like communicating with n C
of the situation with Justina. What's going on? Um, that
was not a pleasant conversation between me and Justin. You.
I don't think really anyone got the full gist of it.
So there's a lot more things that were said that
I wasn't very happy about. Um. And it was like
it was just like a shot at my character and

I was just not happy about it. Um. So then
NC coming up and I was like, hey, it's not
like I really need to just clear this up. I
you know, I mean just an have been friends before this,
like at the end of the day, like I still
want to be like friends, like where we have like
a good you know, and I hope this is we
may have kissed like eight times total, like we weren't

like very you know, in paradise like me and just said,
you know, I was like we weren't. You know, we
tried it. It just wasn't just never clicked for me.
So I was like, okay, So I was like, I
was like, oh no, I hope you know. I completely
adore you. I just don't think we would work. And

you know, obviously like I'm trying, but also knowing that
my heart's in some other place. Um, and I wish
we were just told Ncy was just like yo, my
questions being in character, you know, like just give me
a second. I'll be right with you, I promise you.
And we're drunk. We're drunk drunk, like this is like
four am maybe and I've had like thirteen white wines

not even kidding you, and everyone's like, dude, I applaud
you. You You were I don't know how you were. So
like I get like so overed up really fast, Like
when there's a serious moment, so I gets sorry but um, yeah,
so and he comes back over and then she lays on.
I mean, she's like, if you don't leave her like

this or then I'm like, okay, And how long had
you known her at this point? Seventeen hours? Maybe? Well no,
I'm just saying because you know TV time and lifetime. Yes,
So our date was at night, um, and this was
it was okay and it was like twenty seven hours.

I'm sorry about um. Anyways, Um, great girl, and she's
and he's great, like super fun, great to be around. Um. Um.
But the situation. She was drunk, we were all drunk, intoxicated,
and you know, it was it was awkward, but like
it's just overheightened because of the situation we were in.

Like it was late and like I said, we were
we had a couple of drinks and yeah we were.
We were having the and it's Andrew Spencer. Nobody wants
to see you go, man, shut up. So we were
we were just having a great time, like it was
the best time on the beach. Like I'm dancing, I'm
dancing dancing. I'm like they're they're playing music for us,

Like oh yeah, that was a treaty. I was like,
I am not going I am going all out as
my Super Bowl. Um and where everyone's more rally in
that place was so high, I mean seeing smiley faces.
Everything was great. And then just saying it came out
of here with a dark cloud. I was like, oh
my god, don't do this to me. I was like,

I just wanted one night. Actually I was gonna I
don't think it would have. I think I was gonna
go home regardless. Then the next road ceremony, okay, but
I wanted to see as far as I can go
within see and I wanted to have conversations tomorrow at
the road ceremony like the cocktail party, and just just
really get in serious to see where we can go.

Maybe I'm like, hey, we can leave and maybe we
start dating after this. That was still like a thing possibility,
But obviously I know the back of my head, I'm like,
they're not teddy. So I was like, I think I
was gonna be done the next rostemoney anyways, but like
Sadie Hawking is just going on, I'm like, I'm in
such a good mood, like and he was there and

we were having a great time together. You know she's
really good girl. I just think, you know, the situation
was just not ideal for for her myself. And yeah,
and she's located. She's I met it for the first
time at the at the reunion. She seems awesome. Um
where she living. She's in New York. Okay, So we've

got a couple options for this new year. We're not
we're not circling the block and we're doing it. Okay,
it's gonna be like what's that one with Ryan Reynolds
yet maybe yeah, definitely, maybe, definitely maybe, yeah, And you'll
have to tell your kids the story. Like alright, I'm

gonna let justin wrap this up and ask the last question,
whether it be funny, whether it be heartfelt, just the
a question between best friends. You know, UM, we talk
a lot, obviously, we do everything. Um. You know I'm

the same way as you. Um. You know I'm looking
for something to happen organically. You know I can't force it. Um,
So I guess, is there is there that wow moment
or that one action or character traitor or anything that
when it happen or have you ever felt it? Is
there anything where it's like when this is when I'll no, Um, yeah,

it happens. Here's here's a here's a hot take. I
believe you have multiple soul mates. Um, and I've had multiple,
Like there's there are times where I was like, oh wow,
like I feel something with this person like I've never
felt with anyone. Like you love each person that you've
been with differently, Like it's never the same love. You're
never gonna love someone the same. So every single spark

or everything, every firework that you have with one person
is not the same as it is with you know another,
So like you just kind of like I don't know
whichever one that like really takes you the highest? Uh,
is what like I'm really looking for? And sometimes you
know that goes by going on dates and you know
seeing it. It It doesn't mean you go home and sleep

with someone. It just means that you know you're going
and just try to get to know their personality, who
they are a person and who you know, know their
heart is. Might P always say, um, and That's what
I'm doing, Like I swhy I said I want a
wholesomee wholesome because wholesome is like the general base. You know,
if you're a wholesome person, Um, you know it doesn't
matter at the end of the day, like the but
the decisions that are gonna make between us are gonna

be um what do you call it, cordial is always
going to be respectful, you know, and that's at the
end of the day, like you need respect from all party. So, um,
I think there's not one single thing. I just love
the small things that blow up, you know what I mean,
that that takes me to a place I'm like, oh
my god, I love that, you know what I mean.

So that's I would say, that's kinda the one thing
I'm looking for is just a small gesture that really
takes me over the top. Yeah, I mean, I totally
agree that. I don't think there's you know, just one
person for everybody. So to everyone listening out there every
many trillion people in the world, each of you got
a shot. It's not there's many of you. That's good news.

That's a great way to put it. Man, nice job,
all right. That being say, it's been great catching up
with you. Man. I've been justin, I've been Andrew and
I've been followed the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous
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