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September 23, 2022 30 mins

Fresh off The Bachelorette finale, Rachel Recchia is sitting down one on one with Ben Higgins to discuss the highs and lows from her time as The Bachelorette.

Rachel holds nothing back in this raw and unfiltered conversation, as she shares her journey towards healing.


Find out what really happened when the cameras weren’t rolling and what the future holds for Rachel Recchia.

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
This is Ben and Ashley. I almost famous. In depth.
What an honor we're here with an in depth episode
in Las Vegas at the I Heart Radio Music Festival with,
I was gonna say, the Bachelorette, one of two, one
of two Bachelorettes, Rachel, Rachel, thanks for sitting down with us.
Thanks for having me finally sitting down in person. I

know I've I've told everybody on our show. I said
we've got to talk online. I've never met you in person. Uh,
and so this was something I was really looking forward
to because I just watched on TV. Like what is today? Uh, today, Thursday.
Today's Thursday, like four days ago. But your life has
been a whirlwind. Yes, quite a bit has changed since then.

Is Are you holding up? Doing the best I can, honestly, Um,
still feels like I haven't had time to process everything,
but just trying to hang in there for now. For
the fans out there listening, Um, because I guess I
don't even know. It's been a few years since I
was on the show. What has your last four days

look like? Like? What's your schedule meaning like? How where
have you been? Who Have you been talking to? What
have you done in the last four days to bring
you out to Las Vegas. Yeah, so obviously started in
l a Um, filmed after the final rose, went straight
to New York with Gabby, got to do a bunch
of interviews with her and went straight to Vegas and

here we are at the I heart Um and yeah,
so it's just been definitely a whirlwind and trying to
soak everything in and, in a way, just excited it's
over and being able to finally talk about it. Are
you excited this is all over? Um, I'm so blessed
and grateful for the opportunity, but I think for so
long I've kind of known the outcome and so the

fact that I'm finally able to just, you know, have
it out in the world the way it is, it
just is kind of a relief in a way. I
I'M gonna try to phrase this question Um prop really.
If it doesn't come offul I might have to try again.
But there's this unique thing in your story where you
have this finale kind of sitting in front of you.

You know what's happened in between the end of filming
and now the finale. You do the finale and it
is just wild. No matter what even if it all
works out perfectly. It's hard on everything. It's hard at
everybody involved. It's it's tiring. UH, there's a lot of
people asking you questions. Then, like you said, you flew

to New York City with Gabby, did press out there.
Now you're sitting here. Yeah, in the meantime you've had
a real life experience that has hurt you, that has
confused you, that you aren't necessary probably having time to
process and sit on where some people after breakup, would
sit in their room, you know, their their house, and

cry and talk to friends and family and work through it.
You haven't had that opportunity and so, as a human,
how are you feeling now? Yeah, it's crazy. Um, obviously
I haven't really had time to process since the world
has known, but I have had about a little over
a month, a month and a half, to really sit
down and and process everything. and Um, obviously going through

the breakup and then having to watch everything back and
then see him again. You know, normally when you do
go through a situation like this, you don't have to
sit down on a couch with them again, especially on
a day that you know you go through this entire process.
Looking forward to the day where you get to tell
the world how I love you are and where you're
ring and to kind of go a month and a
half knowing what the world was going to see it

after the fun arose. It was difficult and definitely on
the road to healing and looking forward to continuing that
after this. It's just a weird thing to say right
that I'm waiting for healing until after all of this. Yeah,
I don't know if that's healthy or not. I can't say,

but are you do you feel like you're sitting in
a place of health right now? Are you still doing
in a place of like survival, like just trying to
be where you're at and do what you need to
do in the moment? Yeah, it's difficult because I definitely
have had truly a month where all I had to
do was sit there and heal and talk about it
with people and and so that was really nice. But
now it is in a situation where the world does

get to weigh in on this and they do get
to have an opinion on who's right and who's wrong
and what's left out and what's his side, and so,
you know, in a normal like situation you would just
you know, be healing with your friends and family, and
and now to have everyone weighing in and telling you
things like you know, you deserve this, or whatever they
might say. It definitely effects healing a little bit. But doing,

you know, the best I can to get like move
forward with my life and heal from this. Well, I
have to be one of those people and it feels
weird for me to sit with you today and the
first time we've ever met in person and you're this
six months of your life, let up to what happened

on Monday night, and now every press and every interview
you do is going to ask you about a breakup,
and I don't like that. I don't want to do this.
It's kind of what I have to do, but it
feels weird for me and I know that's not fun
for you. I'm assuming is that everybody's like rebringing up
something that probably hurt. Uh, well, definitely. I mean, it's

not just a breakup, it's a breakup that I didn't
want to happen. You know, when someone cheats, you don't
necessarily it's not a decision you're coming to mutually. So
how did it feel when he told you? I mean
the first thing is is just obviously shock. It feels
like almost like the stages of grief, where you go
through just no emotion and then anger and then sadness

and it just keeps repeating itself and kind of now
just at a place of acceptance of it and really
just have to accept the fact that I'll never have
the full story and never really know like truly the
you know, answer to everything. Well, you mentioned Um and
prep for this I was on social media and a
lot of people are saying, Hey, we don't know the
whole story here, right, and and yet people are still

choosing sides. We're gonna talk about that in a bit. UH,
because you don't know the full story. Obviously the public
doesn't feel like they know the whole story. was there
anything that happened on Monday night that you wish was
said or brought to light that you didn't have the
opportunity to bring to light because of the circumstances, because
of the speed at which this interview, you know on television,

existed like seven minutes of you guys sitting on a couch?
Is there anything out there that you would like to
say just to bring clarity to the situation. Yeah, I
was really hoping. I mean obviously we had a superheated
argument Um filmed way before I sat down on the
couch with him and I was really hoping. My hope

was that we could sit on this couch and just,
you know, beasts of light. Do wish the best for him.
I don't want to sit there and make him feel
bad or bullied or whatever. Obviously that transpired was out
of my control for the most part, but yeah, I
just I really was hoping we could sit down and
kind of get to that place where we're, you know,
just wishing each other the best, and unfortunately that just
didn't happen. So it is sad, I think, for both

parts that were just kind of in this place where
it didn't end well in person or in our initial argument.
But there's really nothing, nothing, I can do. No, I
mean it's it's a weird environment to be bringing this
out so on national television. So will you at some
point reach back out for healing, or do you feel

like this is now done and you're going to just
move forward and he can move forward and what happened
on Monday night is enough for you guys just to
put you know, close the book and move forward. Yeah,
I think that is a huge thing about healing, and
especially when you're in a position I'm in of just
wanting all the answers and wanting to know exactly what
happened and what did you say and you know all

those things. But I think I've come to like accept everything,
with having at least a month to kind of heal
and just realizing I'll never get those answers and just
not knowing is what I have to kind of live
with and I do wish him all the best. I
don't think. I really do think this is like the
end of our our chapter what everyone saw on Tuesday.
You know, I had a relationship from the show, uh,

and we've both moved forward now. Uh. She has a
second kid on the way. Very excited for her, uh,
and I'm married, very happy. Thank you, uh. But there
was a season to go back. When we broke up,
we did announce it publicly. This was not on national television. Um,
we broke up because we just weren't fitting. Like our

lives are not aligning. It was very clear that, like
it wasn't a healthy relationship for us any longer. But
what happened then? Is People chose sides, team Ben, team Lauren,
and you still care about that person a right, you
will have a piece and a piece of your heart
that is with them, and it got really hard for me.

That was probably the hardest part because there was two
sides who, at one I was like, how can you
be team Lauren, like, look at me hurting over here,
and then the second was how could you be team Ben?
She's hurting over there. Uh. And so finally in our relationship,
and I've never said this publicly, uh is too a
year and a half, but we did finally talk not

long Uh. But there was like a closure to it,
like hey, I'm just wishing you the best, like I
know this got ugly for circumstances we couldn't control. I
know there was like a protection that we were both
having about ourselves. Uh, and it closed the book for us.
I felt like it really helped me finally move on
and move forward. I don't know, you know on her

side if it did, but I didn't realize I needed
that for a while. And so I'm just telling you
when this storm and this tornado of stuff finally ends,
there might be some healthiness and just saying hey, I'm
sorry for whatever happened during this. Let's move on, but

I still care about you. Yeah, no, absolutely, and that's
another thing too, is I really don't ever want it
to be portrayed as if I'm saying I'm not at
fault because we were having difficulties, and I mean I'm
to blame for a lot of things and I'm not perfect.
I wasn't a perfect partner and I really do wish
him all the best and his own healing and I
do hope, yeah, eventually we can get to that point

where we just are completely on a civil good page.
I guess it feels good when you see the other
person thriving and you know that you're doing really good yourself.
If it does feel good. One of the things that

I wanted to ask you about, because I felt like
it was a little fuzzy during the show, was therapy
was brought up a lot, which is very important, something
that I did from the moment filming stopped. UH, still
to this day it's been one of the best things
in my life to implement and to take seriously. Um,
but there was these hints at the reason why therapy

was necessary, kind of during Monday night show. For people
out there listening who have never been on the show
and have never been a lead, can you give some
clarity into what you were experiencing, starting with night one filming,
because I got to talk to you the day of
night one airing. Your you and Gabby were so excited
and I almost at that moment I went to every

year and I never do is be like hey, this
is awesome, this is gonna say period. This is not
gonna be easy, and if you're with somebody, just know
that it's really hard on them to understand how you
could have feelings for multiple people and be kissing people
up until the two days before your engagement and in

your mind you've made sense of it, but in their
mind they don't get it. And so can you give
a little clarity to the behind the scenes, when we
weren't getting interviews with you and you weren't coming on
the podcast, to what like watching the season back I
felt like for you personally and how easy or heard
it was? Yeah, I think it's hard for everyone. Um,

fortunately for me I did have Gabby with me and
we were able to experience this together and be able
to lean on each other as people who were going
through watching our relationship while we're trying to like nurture
and grow this new, you know, engagement as well. So
it was great to have her, but I think you
really don't understand the scrutiny you're opening yourself up to

when you originally go on the show. And I think
I saw one of the other Bachelors Post about this recently.
I think it was desiree, and she was like, you know,
when you go on the show, you make these decisions
like for yourself and you expect everyone to see what
you're doing and understand it, but that's just not the case.
You really do have to watch yourself make mistakes and,
you know, listen to what everyone to say about that.

And I was not perfect, as making so many mistakes,
and I definitely was able to see that and learn
from it. But it doesn't um necessarily take away from
the fact that you are constantly being bombarded with, you know,
all these D M s and messages and things that
are coming straight to you and and it does affect
you in your relationship and and it's difficult because you're

going through all this while trying to like grow this
new relationship, and I think on both ends. There just
is a level of difficulty and having to get past that.
It's hard. And then, like you kind of mentioned at
end that you're literally coming. You did, you were on
the Bachelorum, but you know, you kind of get hidden

on the bachelor amongst a bunch of people. You have
a couple of big storylines that come out, but you
usually aren't getting a lot of focus. Then you become
the bachelor at and your less than a year from
just for you being a very normal human operating in
this world and trying to figure it out and just
make the right decisions day to day, and then the

scrutiny and the praise comes. So talk to me a
little bit about what that felt like to you, or
what it still feels like to you, to have a
lot of praise and a lot of support but then
an also criticism and scrutiny that you're trying to figure out, Um,
just based on this dating show. Yeah, I mean I
think it just comes with the territory. Like you said,
you are, of course getting praise. Um Me and Gaby

are in this new environment, this new bachelorrette system, and
just kind of Um, everyone's responding to it different and
it was difficult, but for us to have each other
that was honestly like the most helpful thing, because it
wasn't like across the board, Um, like people taking sides.
It was just, you know, like people didn't want us,
I guess, pitted against each other, but they all, you know,

would constantly do that. So to have her, it's difficult,
but it was just the most like incredible blessing I
could have ever asked for. Yeah, I think you know
I've Um, I just over here with Jason Tardikum, who uh,
you know, Caitlin Bristow Uh was was talking to him
and you know they've there's been, especially from pass Bachelorret's

criticism on the two bachelor at format. Um. I've always said,
in a place where I just don't know, I said
it would have been awesome to have a friend going
through this with me, right to take some of the
load off, to also be able to confide in UH.
And so I want to know from you. I'm interested
as this, as a two bachelorte thing, ever been a

problem for you? Not that Gabby was your second Bachelorrett,
but just like the idea that you were sharing this
moment with somebody, that this couldn't just be your season
or just gonna be gabby season. Has It ever been
an issue for you? No, I mean honestly, like I
will say this till the day I die, I would
never want to do this without Gabby. I would never
do it without her. Like, looking back, there's nothing I

would have changed. Um, my outcome didn't work out, but
that is really nothing thing to do with the fact
that Gabby was standing next to me. If anything, I'm
just so blessed to have had her going through everything
that happened. And I mean I'm not here with a
man now, but I'll have her for life. So I
mean it was never something that I ever felt like
I resented or that I didn't want. Ever. Well then,

you have a lot to teach me, because there's something
very unique here. You guys are able to stay friends
through this process, with obvious opportunities to compare yourself against her,
for her to compare herself against you, uh to share
these moments with somebody else, um to date, at the beginning,
especially the same people, but yet you stayed friends, you

stayed supportive of each other. And so for everybody out
there who was saying that could never that's never gonna happen.
They'RE gonna end up hating each other, they're gonna end
up being their worst enemies. What did you two do?
Because it might just be your personalities, but I think
there's probably if you could pull some like tangible things

that you had to really learn and do and be
cautious of through the process to make sure that that
friendship stayed alive, and I think it would be helpful
for all of us. How are we going to be
friends with people that were competitors against? I mean, I
think it's so easy for people just to want to
go in there and be competitive and act like, you know,
this person is against me, but when you can go

in with someone that's on your side, it makes it
so much easier. And going in it was just this
unspoken rule with her and I that we would always
put each other first and that, no matter what, we
were making decisions together and we were doing this together.
And I think one of the episodes we watched together
was everything that happened with Logan that day where he

came and visited me and they visited her and we
both spoke and I just think that episode was like
showing the entire world like truly that we always put
each other first. The first thing she asked was like,
have you spoken Rachel? How is she and for us
to have this mature, adult discussion about it and really
just put each other's needs and wants before these men.

I mean, I just I'm so proud of her. I
think like everything works out the way it's supposed to
and I'm just so glad that I've been able to
share this with her. It's it is impressive and it
is something I admire and I and because I've gotten
to be a part of the behind the scenes of
the show. UH, and I don't have a lot to

hide and say there's some tricks to the trade that
happened behind the scenes that people don't know about. I
just find it really impressive that you guys are able
to be there for each other as well and as
often and as consistent as you two have been and
will be, I think, for me, beyond all else, that's
one of my biggest takeaways from this season, was we

got to watch two friends stand beside each other through
a really confusing and weird experience. Yeah, I think it
can be so isolating. Like Osiid, you went through it
on your own and leaving and to have someone who
knew exactly how it felt at the time and how
it feels now, and it's just it really is something

that I will truly, like, like, forever grateful for. I'm
hoping at some point, Rachel, the tides turn for you
and people start celebrating that, that we stopped asking about
the pain and the heartbreak and the chaos and the
drama and we can start at some point celebrating the support. And,

speaking of support, one thing that I didn't know about
until Michelle's seas him, because I think Michelle is the
first to tell me about it. You have this text
thread with all the BACHELORETTES. We don't do that as bachelor's.
I think we all hate each other. I don't think
we're all competitive against each other. We're all trying to
one up each other. I wish we would have started it,
but I'm good friends with Trista, who was the first Bachelorette.

She lives there in Colorado with me. She's a part
of the IHEART family with us Um and she was
telling me about it too last time we were together.
Tell us what goes on in that thread? What you've
experienced recently with that thread and just like I just
think it's the coolest thing that you have the support
system where three of those women sat there beside you

on stage and said, no matter what, we're friends of yours. Yeah, no,
it is truly. It is such a sisterhood, I think
the Bachelor family in general, but to be a part
of this amazing legacy of women who truly have just
changed the game in so many ways, each on their
own season. Um, to just welcome us with open arms,
Gabby and I um we are in the group chat

and they all are just so loving and I think
each of them can provide a different outlook and a
different viewpoint no matter what you're going through. So to
have everyone you know in the beginning when you're happy
and and supporting you, and then at the end women
who have been through the same situation or something similar,
it's really nice to have all of them there. And
I had Um, Caitlin, Michelle and Becca there as well

during my ending and to have them behind me and
to be able to see them and look at them
as it's all happening. It was. It was really nice. Yeah,
I think it's I think it's so cool. What is
some what is some of the advice that you've received
personally from them here in the last two weeks? Yeah,
I think everyone has really been through just so much
in their own different ways, and to really be able

to lean on them and rely on them in a
time where I was so confused and just worried about
things that we're going to happen once it was all over,
to just have their advice on how to move forward
and how to continue to grow from this experience. It's
just been really awesome to have them all. That's that's
super incredible. It's something to uh, to also sell. Yeah,

we'll include that. It was supportive, but also talking about
I'm sure I've been able to know most of them
in the last few years. I'm sure there's some weird
stuff being said on Um that should never go public,
but they're all great and very big personalities. You have
a lot of big personalities all together. A couple of

last things about you before we talk about Gabby. Yes, uh,
you know, I I told you when we sat down
and said Hey, I don't want to ask anything that
everybody else has asked about, and you said everybody's asking
about even and I was like, okay, I'm gonna ask
one question about it. What do you want to say
about even what in the world happened, I guess, that
night and what exists today? Yeah, I know, it was

obviously a very big surprise for me, I think for everyone. Um,
not something that I thought was going to happen. Um,
I was able to talk to him after as well. Um,
I think the aiven situation kind of put Tino in
a bit of an awkward position as well. Um, but
I just I do want to reiterate that no one

wanted that to be a bullying situation or a situation
where one person is being put down. Um, and it
was not aven's Um intention for any of that to
happen as well. But he has just been someone that's
always been so supportive of me, even throughout the season.
He's just someone I always looked too in hard times.
So to have him kind of in a really hard time,

it was nice to see him and catch up with
him after. Yeah, you know, I think that's one thing.
I'm not one to blame the show for everything. Uh,
I just don't think it's uh necessarily always appropriate, because
I don't think it's always true, but that was a
situation that put you in a really weird space. You know,

the criticism kind of came when I was looking at
like how could Rachel do this? I was like, well,
I don't think she did. You know she supposed to say,
and I was also trying to get off the stage
as soon as I could. I mean I think everyone
saw that on my face. So, yeah, it was just
very much an awkward situation and looking back, I really
don't want anyone to feel like they were being bullied

or put in a bad place, like you said. That's
like the one thing I really do want to get
across it. That was never my intention or evens yeah, well,
it definitely got the reaction from the public. It was
definitely awkward to watch, which typically is good television. Um,
but it was. It was not your decision, is what
we can say. It is not your decision. All right, okay,

so onto Zach. Zack is the next bachelor. Um, as
soon as you're done with your season. I know how
this goes. They announced the next person and often running
they are. So what can we expect, you think, with
Zack being the next bachelor? Oh, I'm so excited for Zach.
He truly he's such a good guy. I know he's
going to do amazing and I just am looking forward
to finally watching a season and not participating. So, yeah,

good luck to him. It's definitely, as we know, really
hard being in the position of of being a lead
and hopefully he can just follow his heart and continue
to be true to himself throughout it. Yeah, he uh.
The biggest criticism he's getting right now is the same
one I got. Your boring. You don't really know him. Yeah,
it was. It was my biggest criticism. Is He boring? Uh,

and will he have a boring season? I don't think so.
Zach is really a huge goofball. He has the dad
jokes and I think people are going to be able
to see a lot more of his personality. With this season,
of course, having two Bachelorettes, I feel like there is, Um,
you know, less time. There's two stories happening, so people
didn't really get to see a lot of anyone as

much as they normally do. So I'm looking forward to
people being able to see him in his personality. One
of my wife's closest friends is on this season. Okay,
her name is Bailey. She was there on night one. Oh,
I didn't. Yeah, so she came out. She was the
one that said Hi. You know, in the morning daily
think of Bailey and then he messed up and he's

like more than Balan when they asked for names and
it's nerve for hacking the first time you're on that stage.
I remember when I first got to a Fr just
shaking in the MS stage. So I night one, as
hard as it is with an audience, you can give
it a little grace. It's not easy, but I'm very
excited to watch Bailey. She's a very sweet girl who
is very excited about the opportunity who we've been able

to talk to and and so I'm going to be
tuning in not only to see Zach, look out for Bailey,
and look out for Bailey. She's uh, I think she
has some potential. Excited to see there a while. Um,
we're all celebrating Bailey. Okay, uh. Now Onto Gabby. Gabby
is with Eric. I'm assuming still four days. Good. That's uh,

that's great. What what do we see in their relationship
behind the scenes that maybe we haven't been able to
see on television with the two of them? Yeah, I
think Gabby along with me. I mean we truly are
just in that space right now where we're still really
getting to know you know well, at the time I
was the UM, the man I picked, and I'm excited
to see, you know, their future moving forward. I think they,

you know, of course, have their struggles and conversations as well, but, um, yeah,
excited to see what's to come for Gabby and Eric.
I'm excited to sit down with them. There's a lot
to talk about. Obviously, Eric's Um, Eric's story through the
into the season wasn't easy either. There was controversy, Um,
with the black face. There's controversy with those texts. What

do you think they did to navigate those together? Those
really tough conversation and we didn't get to see all that.
I wish we would have on the finale. I think
it was important, um, really important, to bring those stuff up.
We didn't see it and I'm not gonna put you
in the places ask why we didn't, because I don't
think you have the answers, um to why that wasn't
shown or talked about. But how do you think they

navigated the difficulties? UH, in a way that brought them
to the finale happy and healthy as a couple. Yeah,
I mean, obviously I can't speak on, you know, the
show or why certain things got cut, but I can
speak on Um, Gabby, and I do know that she
was really walking into a f r wanting to have
that discussion and wanting to bring that to light, because
I think a lot of times things do get pushed

under the rug and she is more than aware of,
you know, the fact that she does want this to
have attention and we do need to talk about it,
because it is something that continues to happen in and
when it continues to happen, you do have to continue
to learn and have those hard conversations and I think
Eric and Gabby put in a lot of work on
their relationship continuing to do so and learn and really

have to talk to each other and teach each other
and keep that open line of communication. Um. As for
the text messages, I do know that he told her
as soon as he could, so it was something that
was brought to light to the public Um, whereas Gabby
kind of has had so much time to process that
and talk with him about it. So, yeah, two very

different situations. Um. Yeah, it's difficult for sure that they
both didn't really get to have as much light as
they should have. Yeah, and it's a relationship. I guess.
If you can make it through these hard conversations, these
weird times, I would have to believe it makes you stronger,

which is good and something we want for them. Definitely
all right. Final question for you here. It's an easy one, Rachel.
You are moving on, moving forward. Hopefully, this weekend you
get some time to sleep, you get some piece and quiet,
you get some love, you get some great conversation, you

have a few drinks, you hang out. Definitely a couple
of drinks. You deserve it. What can we I guess
the best way to phrase this would be what are
you looking forward to now with this next chapter of
your life, no longer being on the show as the Bachelorette,
leaving this behind you, stepping forward? If we could put

our stake in the ground and say tonight is the
night that you move forward in a healthy and happy way,
what does that look like for you? I think again,
I'm so grateful for everything that I have gained through
this franchise, being able to be the bachelor. I've learned
so much about myself and I'm so excited to continue
to take these lessons that I learned watching myself back

and making myself into a better person. Hopefully, you know,
looking forward to dating in the future. Um, I'm very
excited to go back to flying. Took a little bit
of a break from that to go film the show,
but yeah, I'm just really excited to move on and
be able to start doing the things I want to do. Rachel,
thanks for saying with US tonight. Thanks for having me, Ben,

I have a blast this weekend. Enjoy it, Um, and
it means a lot that you came out here. Thank
you for having me. Follow the Ben and Ashley I
almost famous podcast on IHEART radio or subscribe wherever you
listen to podcasts.
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