All Episodes

July 19, 2022 19 mins

Ben is just one of the millions of people who were disappointed to see “The Twins” sent home early on The Bachelorette, but we’re giving them another chance to win our hearts here on Almost Famous!


Get to know Joey and Justin Young, and hear some of the drama that happened on that first night in the mansion! They’re joining Ben and telling all!


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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with our radio. It's a big day for the Almost
for his podcast. We have our very first contestants from
this season of The Bachelor on and they just happened
to be the twins, Joey and Justin. What's going on, guys?
I was happy to be here. It's uh, you know,
there's so much to break down now. Uh, we had

a lot of anticipation. Uh, for I think officially you
probably know better me the first two twins that are
brothers on the franchise. Is this true? Yeah, first friends,
first one's ever. Yeah, it's exciting. It's exciting for us

that you can be a part and be able to
do that. So, you know, they before the season started,
we kind of broke down all the guys, we know
nothing about any of you until the first episode airs. Uh,
we did have a sneak peek into your life because
you do have a pretty large social media presence, so
we thought, hey, we're gonna get to like we thought

you two were gonna be characters who were on the
show for a while. We didn't really get to know
you though. You a home a night one. Why do
you think that happened. Um, I mean there's multiple factors.
I think there's a lot of great guys in the show. Um,
it's the this season two has the most men ever,

so I think just um, you know, as Twins is
a little bit different. It's a little hard to I guess,
connect with Gabby and Rachel with the way while we
approach things, but you know, you're taken instrude and Joey's
want to add to that as well. Yeah, definitely, So
I kind of feel like, I guess our initial approach
going and was kind of to be to approach them separately,

but you know how Night one works then it's really
hectic that time. We just wanted to get our time
with them as soon as we could, So, um, the
double approach is kind of what we wanted to do,
and um it just didn't work for us with Gabby
and Ray too. But um, so there's a lot of
factors that involved it, but which didn't get to build
a strong connection with them and right from the geta. Now,

looking back, if you could redo Night one, would you
have gone with the same approach or not? Looking back
on that one, probably definitely not, probably because we definitely
would have just tried to take them separately, take a
Gabby separately, Rachel separate, and not through the double approach
because we think it to have guess the comma really

wanted to have the kind of personal comments between each other,
So definitely going back probably would have switching things up.
Do you agree with that justin Yeah? I do. Uh,
I think too. In in the real world, in itself,
we don't really approach it that way either. We kind
of if we do see two girls that we do
maybe friends that we do like, we would approach them,

but we like to take them separate to kind of
let them understand who we are as individuals. And I
think that didn't really come across and that way became
more of a friendly vibe and that's not how we are.
So it was for us to a new experience and
going forward, if I could change it, that's kind of
what I would do. Take him to the side, Gavine

and Rachel do it. Yeah, let's talk about that. I'm
really interested how life looks outside the show for you,
because this is no matter what, it's a it's a
weird way to date. Uh, it's a fantastic opportunity when
it goes well, and it also sometimes doesn't go well
in the real world. In a more traditional sense, do

YouTube date together? Do you go out together? When you do,
do you got out of tension between the two of you, Like,
how do you date in the real world when the
two of you are standing side by side? Yeah, so
we're out. We don't. Well, we go out together a
lot obviously where we have the same I'll have similar
friends saying groups, so we always go out together without

both of us. But when in dating perspective, we don't.
We don't look for best friends. It's best friends or
two girls that seem to like us both. We kind
of vibe with them, but we kind of just see
who we're just out in approach that we want and
if I like someone, he'll and he likes someone else
because wingman help him out or help me out. So

it's kind of like a balance between us both or
even if we go out separately with like he just
goes out with my friends, I stay in do the
same thing. So we don't really need our tandem to
really date, but it definitely helps us in the dating
well for sure. That was that was my question my
father up was do you feel like being you know,
two good looking twins? Uh, when you do you feel

like this helps you? And how often when you're out
in public are you discussing the fact that you're twins? Like,
are people just like asking the very obvious question like
what's it like to be twins to the two of you?
All the time? Yeah? That it's got to happen at
least I don't know. Yell, we probably what and and
times to day. I mean we are out together, we

hear it and where used to it now for years?
But um, in general, yeah, I mean you get those
basic questions and it's a conversation starter right away, right,
I mean, you don't really see a lot of twins
out there, and if they're together, a lot of twins
they do separate too, and we are separate at times
as well, but when we're together, it's definitely something people
don't see. And you know, it works out for us

and I enjoy it. But at times, you know, you
want to be an individual too. You don't want to
just be just want people to know your name. So
oh yeah, well, I want to flash back now to
when the opportunity even came about. How did it happen
that the two of you even got asked to be
on the show. But yeah, so, um kind of just

kind of just came about how to know or honestly,
it was just I was always we were just always
I personally. Actually, I think Justin more so than me
watch the show a little bit more from the beginning,
since he was since we were younger, and I kind
of just like obviously just here amount out of nowhere
and kind o like maybe we'll do it. We were
considering maybe we'll just do it separate and one of

us goes and see how that goes instead of really
going together because we just didn't know what to do
in that sense. But and then we're like, hey, maybe
if we both have the opportunity would be good for us,
because um, I saw my dating life before this kind
of a relationship about two years before this and pretty
creates off our break and I was just kind of
like I took to myself for two years to really

figure out what I want to relationship and where to
go with it, and it just came about something it's
perfect time for me, and that's kind of where I
kind of took that approach and Justin might be different. Yeah,
I was kind of new but I was signing up
for it when I took the offer. Um, but I was.
I've been single for one and a half years now,
and um, it's been a little bit different. I'm more

of a relationship type guy for a while. Joey was
a little bit in and out more I was long term.
Uh So it was I knew I was ready to
at the moment um, and it was just something I've
always wanted to be a part of. And I knew
the single life is not for me, going around New York,
Connecticut not for me. And I think this opportunity was
really what I wanted. Did you too sign up or

did somebody kind of reach out to you? Yes, we
got someone re stats to us. Actually, um, I've I
didn't actually didn't even know the process or anything like
sign up. I didn't really know. I didn't really wasn't
too involved in that. It just kind of new. But
I just kind of saw like this show was very
successful and find that connection I was. I thought it

was my time for me to do that coming out
of that heartbreak. So they just started for the perfect
time for me to do it. Yeah. Great, Well, our
listeners are always very interested in uh, it's not often
that we get kind of a fresh perspective, but the
behind the scenes of Night one. I can remember, uh,
during my time what Night one was like, but I
haven't been around for a while. So tell us that

for the two of you, kind of how that how
Night one felt, kind of the process to pulling up
to the mansion, walking into the mansion. Just storytell for
us a bit on what Night one was like for
the two of you. Probably overwhelming in a good way. Um,
you're meeting a lot of new guys, coming into the
limo to go into walking into the man for the

first time, it's a surreal experience. I don't think anyone
can experience that unless you're a part of it. And
I know Joey I assume feels the same way. And
it was just for me, it was just something surreal.
I never thought I'd really would ever be a part
of Yeah. So yeah for me. Um, also coming into
it knowing that this season had the most guys ever

a little bit inimidating, because you gotta have a lot
it's a lot more people to really, I guess even
compete with and kind of to impress. Gabbing Rachel and
so going into it, I was like, I don't know
how I'm gonna stack up against all these guys, because
when we first walked out and solid guys, very good
looking group of guys, very charismatic guys. All of them
are amazing. So um. But yeah, I feel like for

me with out that limo was the most nerracking part
out of it at all. It's just you. You see
it happen on TV and everything else beforehand, and then
you watch and your experience that you really don't think
they're actually there. I think I pretty much blacked down
as I walked out of the limo. No idea what
happened after. So um. But yeah, you definitely have to

experience it and be a part of it to really
know like this is. It's something crazy. It is absolutely ridiculous.
You go from a hotel to a mansion and a
few days before you were sitting at your house, no
clue what life is gonna look like. It is a
wild deal that the two of you, uh you know,
during the hotel stay as you get prepped to go

to the mansion, did they have you together or were
you separated in your own rooms? So when we first
came out, Uh. Yeah, we were separate from each other
the whole time, no communication at all, so we had
obviously no plan going in with each other. We just
kind of knew how we felt, so there's literally no
connection nothing though. We weren't talking to each other at all,

And honestly it felt good though, because we're always with
each other all the time, so it felt good to
really be away and not talking and actually think about
myself for once instead of thinking about his thoughts as well. Yeah,
so yeah, it was. It was. It was a good
experience that I'm glad we actually did that and had
something to really be apart from one another. Definitely. Well,
I mean, I know it was early. You know, you

only got a an evening with the two bachelorettes, But
was there either bachelor at that really kind of stood
out to you? Did you feel like this is something
I want to pursue and I would like to be
around to try to pursue it. Yeah, definitely, so I
was going in more so, I was like a wild
card that wasn't really leaning towards rachel or Gabby, but um,

actually I'm spending a little bit of time with him
during that evening. Um, I guess I need a little
bit more towards Rachel uh connecting with our Italian side.
We had a conversation about our families and being Italian stuff,
and I feel like I had a little bit of
great connection with her that I did um with Gabby.
But that's not to say at getting connect with Gabby dogs.

I didn't get enough time with them, so I really
can't choose one side. But um, I can definitely to
pursue something with him if I had the opportunity. Just
a few more questions here for you. We had Rachel

and Gabby on the podcast last week and able to
talk to them about their experience before the episode aired.
You know, uh we we spoke with him about the
I guess the decision to have you and Roby uh
and Justin leave on night one and kind of pulling

you aside. I told them that I felt like, oh,
that had to be brutal. They said, Hey, they respected
you guys, and they liked you guys enough that they
wanted to give you that moment. Are you um happy
with how they said goodbye or would you have rather
have been done in a rose ceremony? Me? Um? For
me personally, Honestly, I respect them completely for doing that

because they knew what they want to write from the front,
right from upfront, instead of having to go through a
rose ceremony and everything. That kind of knew that they
just didn't have a connection right away. So I actually
respect the decision to do that and a pulse the
side instead of having to go through everything and make
it even longer than it actually should be because other
guys are more time with them in that sense, and um,

and you know, I respect the decision for it. I'm
not I'm not at them at all. I'm happy that
they knew right away and that they didn't want to
pursue any candy further. So, yeah, I wondered, it's it's
never easy. There's never a right way to say goodbye
to somebody, uh, and it never feels good. But that
was I respect them for at least thinking it through

and saying, hey, we think we want to give them
this appetituity. Yeah, definitely, it was tough. Definitely, it was tough.
Definitely got going through it and kind of being pulled
outside because I I was actually in the in the
rows room and we heard that they called us down.
I was like, I don't know what's happening right now,
like it might going home or something else happening. I
had no idea what was happening that moment, So um,

it was definitely tough to really be a part of
that and kind of have that little small conversation. But
I mean, I'm happy they took it in that way,
and kind of the only thing I regret is not
being able to say but I to all the guys beforehand.
That's the only thing I wish I was able to do,
because they're all great guys. I met them that first night,
But that's the only thing I regret that the whole time. Yeah,

do you feel like you made, like even on Night one,
some friendships or some guys that you'd like to keep
in touch with. Yeah? No, Yeah, definitely, because even though
it's just night one, still everyone's going through it and
um and we're still all have that experience, and I
connected with a lot of the guys and we had
a lot of conversations for the entire time we were
filming it. So yeah, definitely build some relationships that were

definitely connects outside of the show. That's great, and that's
one of the big you know, one of the biggest
takeaway is always there anybody is just to have friendships
come from this weird experience. If you're there for one night,
if you're there for you know, two months, or however
long it lasts. Nowadays, the feeling though for you and
I mean Justin is his his audio is kind of

clicking in and out here, so he's going to rejoin
us hopefully in a second. But if you could speak
kind of what you guys have talked about, what was
that that feeling like when they called your name out,
Joey and Justin and Roby? Uh did did your heart sink?
Were you excited? Nervous? Um? So, I mean when I
called my name out, at first, I was like, because honestly,

I've never been a part of a roaster, mind something like,
is this something new that they're trying to do or
something like I thought at first he was like, Oh,
maybe it was because we did speak to them together,
like maybe they wanted to talk with us separately about something,
maybe more time with us before making a decision. I
had no idea. I wasn't sure because I was like,
I don't know, because I was like it was different

and then but I was also nervous. I'm like, this
is possible that I'm leaving right now because right now
is the ROS ceremony. And then when they came into
the ROS sermon, was Castole like, that's it's something's definitely up.
I was just I was nervous, my heart kind of
saying while I was staying up there, it didn't really
know how to process it. But I'm like, maybe this
will go good, maybe bad. It wasn't really hoping. I

was hoping pretty good obviously, but um, I wasn't expecting
anything that had no expectation go again. Um, So I
was just just wanted to see what was happening and
really know what was going to happen. But I was
definitely definitely nervous feeling though for sure. Yeah, it's never
it's just anytime your name gets called out, it's never
right deal on the show like that. The Okay, so

you go back home after night one, Uh, I'm sure.
Just I mean just kind of like we had here
at the at the podcast, we had high expectations for
you and Justin's storyline and getting to know you too
better and seeing you know what you're all about. You
go home I'm sure the people at home were like, hey,
this is gonna be a home run, like you're too

good looking twins. Um, then you show up. What was
your reaction like when you got back home? Um, I
mean I didn't Honestly, when I coming home, I didn't
see a lot of people that I was on They
found out probably beforehand. But um, there are some people
weren't shocks. They thought we're gonna do well, um, and
kind of push it because they know I am when
I'm out, I'm a very social person and everything, so

they kind of they feel like, yeah, they're gonna do
very well with with each other. They balanced off each
other well. And there's also when they found there were
two bachelorettes, even greater chance, you know, to to really
make a mark. Um, They're like, yeah, this is gonna
be a good opportunity for them. But they were a
little shocked, but they kind of knew if and if
it didn't work out, just didn't work out, and they
were happy with it that I even have the chance

to even be a part of it. So yeah, yeah,
it's uh, I've always thought, you know, I my storyline
was a little different, but I always even when I
went home. Um, during my time on the Bachelorette, it
was really hard to one explain all that had happened
and too uh have to try to fill the gaps

for the people that weren't there. It's just an uncomfortable,
you know, conversation. And you get asked that all the time,
like everybody wants to know about it. Yeah. I always
get asked it like what happened? What exactly happened? And
I'm obviously I'd to keep things personal to myself in
that way, but um, yeah, I always asked me about
what I what exactly was happening, what went down, and

I'm like, I just didn't work out in my favor,
but um, and there's I'm just happy I would be
able to do it. So yeah, well, as we close
up here for the two of you, what's next? You know,
we have some spinoff shows on this franchise that obviously
YouTube um would be ideal for. But then also at
the same time, UM, you know you're working, You're at

your job right now as you record this. What does
life look like for you, uh in the next few months? Yeah,
definitely so um right now, Yeah, obviously working with back
to work, I've been working for a little bit now.
Um and yes, stuff, I mean, like you were saying
the spinoff shows, I'm for giving the opportunity. I would
I would love to be a part of it, take

run up and see where that takes us. But um, yes,
So for now, I guess just working working out, doing
my thing. Just kind of kind of going back even
though it's been a couple of months since whatever, since
everything happened, but um, kind of just going back to
where I am, um in life. You're just getting back
to this civilization, you can say, because it feels like
a whole new world when you're out there, even for

that short period of time. But no, I'm it's looking
up for us and we have a lot of how
things coming. So and are the two of you looking
to get back out there and date again? Are you
looking now or to find somebody and settle down or
just have a good time for a bit honestly right now?
I mean, hobviously yeah, I'm single, but um, um, I

guess so kind of looking forward to I mean, I'm
not really pushing it now, like obviously after that, I
kind of want to take a look at myself and
kind of break down a little bit and see where
I am at, where my head is at. So take
I'm taking it slow, but hope less you get back
out there and see where where I want to take it.
Definitely great. Well, we look forward to it. We hope
to see you on the beach. We hope to see
around you and Justin. Both the twins joined us today.

Joey and Justin. Yes, they eliminated on Night one, but
they made a big impact in the franchise. I think
they could continue to if they find their right avenue
within this wild world. Hey Joey and then your brother Justin,
who did have some audio issues, had to uh jump
off here. Thanks for joining the Almost Famous podcast today.
It means a lot to us. I appreciate it. Ben,

thanks for having me on and for the opportunity follow
the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast on iHeart
Radio or subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts.
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