All Episodes

October 8, 2022 27 mins

Ashley sits down with Jill Chin from Bachelor in Paradise! Hear about how contestants change from the main franchise to how you see them in Paradise, who Jill REALLY wanted to see on the Beach, and we get a sneak peek at how her love story might unfold in the next few episodes!


Plus, find out Jill’s biggest fear before going on Paradise and what she did when it became reality!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
This is the Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcast
with IR Radio. Hello everyone, welcome to the Almost same
As podcast. Today's a little special edition, a little quick
catch up with my friend Jill Chin. Hey Joe, I'm
just so happy that you're the star of Paradise. I

don't know about the stall. Oh you are name someone
more star worthy. It's like you lady in Genevieve ruling
the world. I don't know. It's funny. It's so funny.
I could have called that too, And did I call that?
How many times? Did? Jared? And I tell you you're
gonna be ridiculous and the people are going to love it.

I know, it's honestly, I feel like most people love it,
and there's like a small portion that they're like, yeah,
I know, I can get off my screen. And I'm like, no,
those people who say that you're annoying are the same
people that's say that I'm annoying. And I'm just like,
do you just want boring TV? Then? Right? What do
you want? What? Right? I'm being interesting? I know. Now

are you doing it at all on purpose? Or you
just like are you just letting your free flag fly? Like?
Do you forget that the cameras are around. Yeah, I
forget the cameras around and like it's interesting because we're
like when you're an interview, you're just like you say
so many things, and half the things I like see
myself say, I'm like, I really said that, Like in

the heat of the moment, I'm just like going off.
I understand, and I've said some bad things, I know,
And like my friends and family have been like, it's
so good to see you be this person on TV
because it's like, I'm you're telling me a story in
the living room, you know, Like they say that this
is the most authentic version of myself that like I
they've ever seen on TV. So unfortunately it is just

who I am. Well, you're great TV. And I got
to ask about what your family thinks of the previews
for next week as you're seen in um, you know,
just Panals leaves nikey or completely nakey? Oh yeah, yeah,
I like, how old am I nicky? But yeah, you

got totally naked with Jacob on a date. How do
they feel about seeings? So I actually walked in on
them watching the end of last week's episode, So they
were watching the preview and they're like, oh my god,
you caught us. And I kind of like stood there
as they were watching, and my dad was so mortified.

Like obviously I told them before, like you can't not
so I warned them, but I think seeing it, they
were just like any time I come on the screen
or from kissing someone, they're like no. So yeah, they're
pretty mortified. But I'm like, don't worry about it, Like
I'll be black box. It's fine. And I think once
they see it, they'll kind of understand because it's not
like sexy, you raunchy, it's more like empowering and beautiful.

You know. Well the sound fight that goes along with
that clip is you being pretty emotional. So is there
feelings that evolved during this so one on one that
maybe you didn't feel the first couple of days of Paradise?
For sure? Yeah, I'm excited for people to see me
do the love thing because I haven't gotten to do
that yet. You know, I've just been like in the trenches,

crazy emotional, but this time I'm actually like starting to
have feelings. Oh my gosh, Okay, we're excited to see this.
We have got to backtrack a little bit and go
to your Romeo storyline. Now, I know you told me
before Paradise that you never like kissed Romeo or anything
like that, but there's definitely flirtation in the air. Can
you tell people your backstory with him and Kira? Yeah, okay,

So Kira and I went to New York, so we
were really good friends. After the show, we went to
New York and we met up with Romeo. Um. And
so they were definitely like flirtations vibes. But at first,
like I wasn't feeling it. I was like whatever, like
I'm not really into this guy. Um. And then y'all,
like the three of us honestly became friends. Um. And
then there was definitely i'd say, like Romano were flority friends.

Like we both knew there were feelings on both sides,
but we never crossed that line. Like we never kissed,
we never went on a date anything like that. UM.
So then when I heard that Romeo Cure had kissed
in the club, I was hurt by it because kissed
in the club when you were around on a separate time,
it was a separate time. Yeah, and so the way

that they were like both talking about the weekend, I
just kind of like assumed something had happened, and so
I just asked Romeo point blank and he was like, yeah,
like I did kiss Kira um. And so I was
just a little hurt by that because they were trying
to keep it from me intentionally. UM. And then after
that we all just kind of like split ways. UM.
And I hadn't talked to Romeo Qira really since January

or February. UM. So when I saw Romeo on the beach,
that was the first time that I had spoken to
him since. Oh wow, Oh that was a long span
of silence, the long span of silence. Yeah, did they
talk in between in that silence? I think they did. Yeah,
I think they did. I'm not exactly sure on what basis,

but I think they My understanding was that they did.
Did they go to school together. Yeah, they went to
Harvard together, but I don't think they were friends. Um.
And also like, after after all that happened, I like
we squashed it, like three of us, we squashed the beef,
and we were just like, yeah, we just need to
take some time away from each other, like obviously the
trust had been broken, and so we just were taking
space from each other. UM. But I thought we were cool,

Like I thought everyone was cool. I thought Kire and
I were cool. Um, And so that was kind of
a shock when I went to Paradise and then that
all kind of blew up. But did you because I
remember having a conversation. It was very cold out, we
were having some white wine. We were watching Jared golf,
and you're like, there's something they're gonna use this because

because we're probably all going to be there, So you
knew that there was potential for continue. Okay, for sure,
I knew there was potential, and I didn't know because
I hadn't talked to them, so I didn't know people's
individual feelings, you know, Like I knew my feelings that
I was going to be very non confrontational try not
to deal with that situation, which is what I tried
to do. But then it just like kept creeping in,

like here was interrupting. I didn't know she had romantic
feelings towards Romeo, and so I was just trying to
like run away the entire time. Um, that was like
my biggest fear was that that was going to happen,
and it ended up happening so to me, and honestly,
didn't seem like a girl fight situation was more of
the way Romeo handled it, which at first he seemed
pretty good about it. He said to her, I'm not

going to pursue anything with you. I'm going to go
after Jill. And then things wildly changed after twenty four hours.
Do you think that he used you as a way
to get out of anything with with Kira, because it
seemed like after twenty four hours he was after Brittany
and no longer going after you. I honestly have no idea,

Like I wish I could be in his brain, because
none of his decisions to make any sense to me.
Um he came in saying that he was interested in
pursuing me, and then you know, he told care of that,
and so everything tracked up until that point. And then
you know, when they asked like you've seen in the show,
like when they asked like, oh, how are you guys doing,
I'm like, we're cool, Like we're just gonna chill tonight,

It'll be fine. I had no idea he was Nobody,
nobody there had any idea that he was going he
wanted to talk to Brittany. So that was like a
complete shock to all of us, and I don't know
what was going through his head and why he didn't
like talk to me first. He was like, oh, I
was scared. I'm like, okay, well then that's cowardly and
you knew you were going to hurt me, Like he
knew that was obviously going to hurt me, but he

did it anyways, so I have no idea what he
was thinking. One of my favorite lines this season, it's
Michael saying something along the lines of I'm starting to
doubt that Romeo went to Harvard based on his decision
making here. It's awesome. I well, speaking of good lines,

you have to that really stand out to me. You
stood up to yourself so beautifully to Romeo when you
were like, I think I'm a pretty cool person and
you're missing out and I getting it right something something
along those I was like, I'm a great I was crying.
I was like, I'm a pretty great person and you
know that. I know. But I loved it because I
love it when people kind of like admit that they

feel good about themselves and that they like know that
they deserve something good. I also loved when you said
that Chip has sailed. It's all the way to the
Middle East. Now, I know. That was so good. Definitely,
no one really picked up on that, but yeah, he

he had tried to talk to me a couple of
times that morning, and I was like absolutely not, Like
I really cannot do this with you anymore. I love it.
How was the fan feedback on you standing up up
for yourself this week? Yeah, super good. It was really good.
Everyone was like, you go to a lot of people
are like she that are not accept his rose, and
I'm like, give me a minute, Like give me a minute,
like trust me, Like I'm gonna take the rose and

do what I want with it. Um. He was cool
enough to say, this is a rose to either continue
this if you want, or for you to explore other options,
which was the perfect thing for him to say. Another
time where he didn't really mess up, and yeah, what
are you supposed to do? Deny the rose and then
you not stay? Yeah, exactly, because I feel like I

had spent so much time on that relationship. Not so
much time, but like a week in Paradise time is
like a decent amount of time, especially when you have
a rose ceremony coming up. So it's like I had
wasted all of that week on him and not made
any other connections, And then what was I supposed to do? Like,
there's no other lane than I could tinue in order
to like stay and perhaps like explore something in the future.

So I felt like, honestly, I kept calling it like
an apology Rose. I'm like, oh yeah, Roe, me gave
me an apology Rose because he wanted to like smooth
things over, which was nice. I really appreciate it. Um,
But I felt like it was right for me to
do that. You know, I would never think otherwise. Yeah,

So let's talk about a couple of other storylines that
are going on. You were really close with Teddy and
then Teddy decided to leave. She didn't say bye to
anyone where you really upset by the fact that she
didn't say by to anyone or would you have done
the same? Oh? No, I was really upset that she
didn't say bye to anyone. Um. I had talked to
her before, so like, you know, we were just like

sitting down the steps and I was just like kind
of talking to her about what was going to happen
and what she was feeling. And I remember saying, like,
just come see me before you make a decision like
just come see me either before you leave or whatever,
like we'll figure it out. And then and then I
didn't see her ever again. Like it was it was
really crazy, and I know she stands by that decision.
I staid, poured it completely. Like if she had come

to me Ben like do I want to go home,
I'd be like I totally get it. Um. But yeah,
she just I mean, Serene was looking around for her.
We just had no idea what was happening. And yeah,
I mean she's like a dear friend of mine and
I was really upset that I get to say goodbye
to her. But I think she just didn't want us
to try to convince her just okay, because like I
would have. Yeah, how do you feel about her mindset

of leaving just because things didn't work out with the
person she intended to be with their which was Andrew. Yeah,
I mean I think there were a lot of factors
that went into her decision, but she said to herself,
she was like, to me, like paradise like Andrew is
paradise for me. And so I feel like she really
like had her heart set on that and she wasn't

interested in meeting anybody else. Like, I think she was
interested in meeting Rodney, but she really was like laser
focused on, like I want to come here to try
things with Andrew, And since that didn't work out, she
was probably pretty upset about it and didn't want to
her Andrew and didn't want to explore other options in
front of him. Perhaps, so I I get it. Um,
I honestly just don't think that was the right environment

for her at all, and I like support her decision
to leave. Is a totally different character here in Paradise,
and she was on the show. Why do you think
that is? Oh? I think that she probably saw herself
on screen and really didn't like the way that she
was portrayed. Um. I also think she probably just did

a lot of like self reflection. I mean, once she
was essentially like canceled and she was vilified, and she
did make really bad decisions and say horrible things. And
I remember having a conversation with her before Paradise. I'm like,
you did some really awful things and said some really
bad things, like I cannot defend. But I think if
you go to Paradise and you show people like who

you really are, you can kind of rewrite this and
go on another path. So I think that what we've
seen up until this point, and hopefully what we will
continue to see is like kind of a testament to her,
like in the work and putting in some thought into herself.
So I think people should just kind of like, some
people love redemption and some people don't think that people
deserve it, but everybody deserves it. That's ridiculous. But you're right,

a lot of people don't think that. A lot of
people don't. But um, yeah, I mean I think that what, like,
she really surprised me this season. She really did, And
I'm proud of her, honestly. Yeah, she's doing a good
job so far. Well, you gave Na some advice, and
Jared and I gave you some advice going into it.

Is there anything that really stuck with you? I always
say that the advice that Jenny McCarthy gave me before
going on the show was the piece that stayed with me,
and that was basically like, go along with it all, yeah,
but don't do anything that you feel is really wrong. Right,

So what did did we give you any words of
wisdom that stuck with you like that? No? You did?
I remember Jared always says, just enjoy it, just enjoy
it because it goes by so fast, and like I'm
trying to do that now as well. But especially when
I was there, I was trying. I mean, I was
trying to enjoy it. God, it was like we're any
rock there. Um. And then honestly, like when I was,

when I saw you, guys, you saw how like emotional
I was. I saw a tweets Someone's like Joel, actually
is there just to visit. She's not there for free therapy,
but I know her. It's different, like, um, yeah, I
think just like kind of enjoying the process and not
going in like with a plan, like not going in
and thinking one thing is going to happen, like Okay,

I'm going to go after this person, this person, just
like being open the entire time. I think that was
like the best advice. What guy, did you want to
see there? Rodney? Okay, I know, but it doesn't do
you ever have anything with Rodney right at the same Okay?

I know? All right, Well next stay tuned for that.
All we know is that you're on a date with
Jacob in the next episode. So yeah, well, yeah, I'm
on a date with Jacob in the next couple episodes. Oh,
couple episodes. A couple episodes, but it's not the next one. Okay, okay, okay, okay,
all right. And then last question about like the cast Kira,

just because I have to bring her up again. She's
a doctor, she's a nut. How do you imagine patients
of Kira responding seeing this? Yeah, I don't know. I
so I I said, like, you're a physician, like what
are you doing? Because I was just like so flabbergasted,
And it honestly had nothing to do with like physicians

can't have fun of course not. Yeah, like I don't
want to come across like that either. It's just kind
of funny to see like your doctor in that light. Yeah,
it definitely is interesting to see lies. Just so many
different occupations though on the show. I'm not gonna lawyer.
There's so many lawyers that have been on the show,

and then they have to deal it with going to
the courtroom. It's a little bit strange. But like Kira
is bringing a vibrator into the booming room by herself,
and it's just like I can't see that. I know,
it's got of like more power to her, like she's
really like doing the work to like make sure that,
like I guess, women in that field are respected regardless.

So yeah, I kind of I kind of support it.
I'm down. I'm down. Speaking of the vibrator, you guys
found it in Sally's suitcase, Please tell me you thought
that that was like a planned moment of course, Okay, okay,
I would never go through someone's real suitka, I would
never go through someone's belongings. Um. I think it was

just supposed to be kind of like a lighthearted praying. Yeah.
I don't know, but it was. It was very obvious
to us what it was, um, and then to the
viewers obviously it wasn't so obvious. But that's what I
kind of want to get across. Like, guys, it is
the realist of the real when it comes to reality TV,
Like all of our feelings so real. Yeah, sometimes we

will throw a little fun moment in there that's supposed
to be tongue in cheek, like that moment that was
when I didn't get the Cinderella date. I went around
with a glass of champagne and the Cinderella costume, pretending
like my friends were like the mice and like the
cat from Cinderella, and I was being so I was

trying to be hilarious, but people thought I was being
dead serious. I'm like, are you guys crazy? Are you
you crazy for thinking that I'm being serious right now.
I'm just having some fun by myself. For like the
tenth day alone at the mansion. Yeah, I know that
was pretty rough. Everyone. Um I got like my cousin
text me, be like, you're going through somewhat suitcase and

I'm like, no, um, they could have gotten away with
us leaving that you guys are truly going through the
suitcase on your own. When they found the vibrator and
like the extensions, that's great, but the Lawful Maker made
it's so obvious. And there was also a veil in
there too, and I'm like, come on, Like I did

feel like ask that. I felt really bad. I did.
I felt really bad about it because like going through
like setting somebody up like that, Like oh god, yeah
that was in that look. Yeah, well, I can't wait
to see Sally apparently actually come down those stairs, because
we do have a little clip of her speaking, and
we clarified on the last episode that well, wells this

sketch may have been a little exaggerating because I don't
think the producers stayed in the trunk for five hours.
There's so much truth through that story, way more truth
than exaggeration. Oh yeah, apparently that story is fully true.
Like I know the producer and apparently even the trunk,
but apparently it's true. No, not five hours and the trunk.

There's no way I think it was an suv. Okay,
that's what I said. I was like, there's no way
that they right, she stayed in an suv trunk for
five hours, four hours apparently, I don't know. I don't know.
She's probably on her phone doing work that long. Anyway, Alright,
we're gonna say a quick break and then we're gonna

play a superlative game with Joe bare Back, and we're
back to do a little rapid fire b I p
adition with Jill. Okay, okay, Well, who would you most

want to be stranded on that strip of beach Applia,
Escondida with alone? First of the same sex, like of
other girls? Who do you want to who do you
want to be stranded with? Um? Oh god, if are
we talking strat You're just like friends, just friends WI
Hunter Hunter all right guy wise. Um, oh god, I

feel like not romantically, but I feel like Michael A
just because I feel like I would need I don't know,
he just seems like a really solid you need the
stability of him. Stability. Yeah, I like you would like
have a plan and it would actually just be fun. Yeah,
Michael A for sure. Okay, Okay, I think that's a
smart decision. What was your favorite Paradise food? Um? I

really like the beans. Honestly, the beans are so good
in Paradise. Everyone would just leave me their little beans
on their plate and be like, all right, Jill, here
you go, so so good. What was your go to drink? Oh?
Might I go to drink? Was just like a vodka soda.
But then I would have a tequila sunrise. But then
it would always be me a headache, but just like

a little treat. Did you ever feel drunk there? Because
I could never feel drunk there. Yes, I remember I
was talking about this and then we're like, okay, we
have to take shots. I guess. Yeah. Yeah, though I
never felt drunk there. It was so annoying. I think
it because we were like sweating so much, like even
just like sweating. That's what it is. You sweat the
alcohol the second it goes down your helping. Yeah, and

I'm like, well, like, are you even putting anything? I know,
sometimes guys you just need a little especially when you
like a guy there. You want to be a little
buzz so that you could be like all flirty. And
it's hard. It's so bad, I know. And I hate

watching myself flirt on TV. It's like so embarrassing. I
hate it. I hate it. Did you have a poop bathroom? Yes?
Oh my god, I have. I don't, Okay, So I
didn't go for the first couple of days. Yeah, everybody
was constipated. When we got there and we talked to
the doctor, He's like, we're having constipated and issues, which

is interesting. I was just like, because in the girls living,
you know, there's no door. There's only yeah, yeah, beat yelling.
You can knock on the door. So what I would
do is I would wake up super early in the morning,
like my body would just naturally wake up and be like,
I gotta go, and then while everyone was sleeping, I
would go so I didn't have to worry about anybody,

you know, like coming in. And then I also had
one in the Rose Pellapa. The Rose is a good
go to. Yeah, you know that there are plenty in
the boom Boom rooms and its air conditioned. I was
never allowed to go. Well, I never went to the
boom Boom room, I know. But if you go into

the boom Boom rooms which are air conditioned, that there's
like secret bathrooms in there. I know, yeah, with doors
and locks and everything that is so annoying. I was
like the beat, like I was in there with all
the critters and the heat, coping in the dreadful heat. No,

it's pretty bad. Um. Who surprised you the most there?
Oh um? Besides because that's an obvious one. Yeah, I
was actually really surprised by Aaron and James m me
to right, Yeah, yeah, like James is actually so I
was like, I literally was like, oh, tweedled the and

tweedled dumb, like they have two brain cells. One's name
is bro and the other one's dude. I was just
like I wrote them off totally. Aaron is like one
of the funniest people ever, so he's actually like really sweet,
and then James is actually like not as like Bro,
like he's not probably at all. And I honestly never
thought he really came across but Broie, he just like

happens to be like Eron's go to bro. So James
has always coming across as pretty like sweet and sensitive
to me. But Aaron surprised me so much. I told
Aaron to his face, I was like, I used to
make fun of you all the time on TV. Like
I I straight up just did not enjoy your presence
because I thought that you were I know, I was

so honest because it was such a one eighty. I
was like, you are so funny and you have so
much self awareness. Yeah, and you're easier to talk to
and all this stuff. I was like, on TV just
seems like all you want to do is fight, Like,
comme atment, bro comme at me, Like I'm angry. I'm angry.

But I really liked him. But I think, yeah, I
think this season it's it's not so much that it's
it's like the sweeter sigh and the funny sigh. Yeah.
So yeah, you really surprised me. Okay, Now, besides Jacob
Romeo and Rodney, who we all know that you were
interested in, was there anyone there that you don't ever

have anything any you don't. Actually you weren't interested in
per se like while they're but in hindsight you're like, oh,
I should have pursued Yes, okay, who Well they haven't
come on yet in the future. There's two guys that

I'm like, Jill, I'm going to kill you. Like thinking
about it makes me want to die because they were
right in front of me, like I am the biggest
idiot of all time. That is such a good tease.
I literally beat myself up every day about not speaking
to these two men. Oh my god. Okay, well, and

they're so good. They're so good. I think we need
to end it there because that tease is so excellent. Jill,
You'll be back on our podcast next week when you
are at the live Almost Famous podcast at Audrey's. To
all of our listeners out there in the New England area.

It'll be me, Jaren, Jill, Cassie and Ben join as
Cassie Randolph joining us for a live podcast. Will be
there from seven to ten pm on Thursday night this
Thursday October and it's free to the public. Everybody can

come in, but listen, be prepared. There will be a line.
You're gonna want to come early. We are going to
have three different mini sessions, three mini meeting grades, and
three mini podcasts, so we'll be able to like meet
and talk with a lot of people cycle in and out. Um,
so hopefully if you show up to Audrey's you will

be able to get eventually, but it will be it
will be Bachelor pandemonium. So excited. Yes, we are so
so excited. And for the first two people that will
cycle through the shop, they'll be getting free Pumpkin Rose latz,

so pump join us for a Pumpkin Rose coffee for
a very warm, cozy live podcast with your bachelor friends.
We love you guys so much, and we'll see you then. Bye.
Oh until then, I've been Ashley Jill Bye. Follow the
Benn and Ashley I Almost Famous podcasts on I Heart

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